#oh to be in america with 24/7 diners
ao3screenshotss · 5 months
why do all pizza places open so late it’s always from 5pm-11pm i’m craving pizza at 3am
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ajoytobeheld · 11 months
North America Tour Dates Jan/Feb 2012
December 5th, 2011
It is our great pleasure to announce our return to the wider-North America in the New Year. Dates are as follows, with just a few more to be added in due course.
* with support from PARENTHETICAL GIRLS
TIX available from THIS LINK from 10am (America Time) on December the 6th.
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winterfluffs · 4 years
A Chance Meeting
Pairing: Bucky Barnes X Reader
Summary: All he wanted was a night alone but fate had other plans
Warnings: Fluff. Major fluff.
Word count: 1.9k
Author's notes: I have finally finished something! This has been a very long time coming, so I am super nervous and excited, even a little afraid as no one else has read a thing I've written in 7 years. Maybe longer. Hopefully this isn't too bad! Also, apologies for any improper punctuation. And also for not knowing how to do an undercut as this is kind of long. I'm still new with posting/using the app on my phone.
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Bucky Barnes slid on his coat, placed a hat on his head and as quietly as possible, slipped out the front door into the frigid December night air.
It wasn’t that he wasn’t happy: he had his best friend, close friends who saw him for who he was and not what he was or what he had done, a nice warm place to stay, food in his stomach. Hell, he was an Avenger for Pete's sake. He had come so far from his time in the war, the time where he was brainwashed to be an evil assassin – he knew he should be grateful, and he was – there was just still something missing. How can one man have so much and it be like nothing at all?
The thoughts ran through his mind as he walked through the dark streets; the snow that had started light only minutes ago was now coming down heavier and faster. He had no idea of what time it was, nor did he care. He just had to get out. Clear his head. Maybe force his body to get some sleep after some much-needed fresh air.
Even though he hadn’t been a Russian assassin since Steve Rogers had found him and helped him get back his memory, he still had awful nightmares. Terrors that lasted long through the night and well into the next day. Some so bad they shook him for days on end resulting in him not being able to sleep.
Which was why it was in the middle of the night on December 24th and he was in the middle of the town square staring at the giant Christmas tree in an effort to shake the bad thoughts that crept through his mind.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” a quiet voice came from beside him. Bucky had no will or want to talk to anyone. Especially at whatever ridiculous hour it had been.
Bucky gave the person a slight nod wanting nothing more to be left alone.
That was a downfall of being an Avenger. People always knew who you were, wherever you went, always knew where you’d be, and had always wanted something of you. He loved attention back when he was a kid, even thrived off it, but now that he was older, colder he loved to be left alone.
“I’m so sorry, but – “
“Here it comes.” Bucky thought and turned to the person, ready to put on his act.
“– do you know where this is?” the woman pointed to a map she had out in front of her. “This street, that is.” She shook her head while looking at the map, heavy snowflakes resting in her hair.
“Oh.” He blinked and gave her a curious look. He waited a few more seconds for her to ask him if he was the Winter Soldier, if she could get a date with the Captain America, or have drinks with the Iron Man.  When none of those questions came, he was stunned.
The woman was so focused on her map that she had temporarily forgotten about the man standing next to her. Bucky coughed to get her attention. “I am really sorry. I know it is late, it is super cold, and you’re a stranger who probably doesn’t want to be bothered. It’s just I was supposed to be at my parents’ house hours ago. My cab left me stranded on the side of the road when he couldn’t find my house, it started to snow, the streets have been completely empty, and you are the first person I found to ask for directions.”
God she was beautiful Bucky thought to himself while trying to concentrate on her words. His eyes wandered over the women. Long dark hair framed her face perfectly, her cheeks and nose rosy from the cold, her eyes warm and inviting. His stomach tied in knots as she looked at him helplessly.
“This is turning into a really awful Christmas.” She sighed heavily packing the map back into her bag. “I am so, so sorry to have bothered you, sir. Merry Christmas.” She smiled at him within a troubled glance then began to walk away.
“Do, uh, d-do you like hot chocolate?” Bucky stammered calling out to her back. He kicked himself for being so awkward, so troubled that he doubted himself in his ability to communicate with people.
“Sorry?” the woman turned around unsure if she heard him correctly.
“Hot chocolate. It is freezing out here and from the sound of it, you’ve been walking around out here for a pretty long time. Would you…want to go get a hot chocolate? Warm up a little?”
“It’s 12:45 in the morning.”
“I know a great little diner that’s open 24 hours. Best hot cocoa in the surrounding area.”
She smiled thankfully unsure as to why she couldn’t get enough of the quiet dark-haired man. “I would absolutely love a hot chocolate. Possibly some pancakes, too.”
“I don’t know about pancakes, but they have the best French toast I have ever had.” Bucky smiled as he made his way over to her, needing more time with her.
“Even better.”
“Oh my God you weren’t kidding!” she moaned as she let the melted cinnamony, buttery, eggy goodness slide down her throat. Bucky laughed as she took another bit, moaning louder as she chewed. “These are to DIE for.”
Bucky smiled as he watched her eat, a calmness coming over him that he hadn’t felt in an exceedingly long time. Like he was supposed to be here. With her. Like tonight wasn’t just a chance meeting between two strangers. He thanked his lucky stars that she didn’t take him for a dangerous person, even though deep down he knew differently.
“Thank you.” She looked at him her eyes locking onto his. “For all of this. My parents and siblings only just moved here a few months ago and this is my first time to visit. Mom thought she gave good directions but….” She pointed around in reference to her being lost in a diner with a random stranger at some crazy time in the morning. “Anyway, I really appreciate it.”
“Glad to be of service.” He laughed, his eyes crinkling on the sides. Bucky couldn’t remember a time when he felt this relaxed, this calm, this happy. He and mystery woman spent over two hours in the diner talking; about anything, everything, and nothing at all. He was happy to be in her presence, to make her laugh, to make her forget her worries for a little. It was only then that Bucky realized she did the same for him, too.
Since he laid eyes on this woman, he felt lighter; forgetting his troubles, forgetting the reason why he was awake at 2:45 A.M. on Christmas morning instead of asleep in his bed. She made him laugh. Laugh like he hadn’t laughed since the 40's, before the war, before the training, before the brainwashing, before the fighting, before the blood.
And he felt free.
He didn’t have to be Steve Rogers’s best friend, he didn’t have to be the Winter Soldier, he didn’t have to be an Avenger, he didn’t have to put up a wall he did when people got too close.
He was just James Barnes. It was a feeling he never wanted to forget.
“Do you want me to call a taxi for you?” Bucky looked around. The snow was coming even faster now, a good four or five inches already on the ground with no looks of stopping any time soon.
“No…I’ll have to think of something.” She shrugged. “Can’t be too far off, right?”
“I know this is going to sound really crazy but hear me out: I live right around the corner. You could stay a little, warm up and dry off in front of the fire, maybe have some more hot cocoa, hot tea if you’d prefer. And if you’d like, once you’re ready, I can drive you to your parents’ house. Or call you a cab.”
“I don’t even know your name.” she laughed blushing slightly. Or maybe it was the cold. What Bucky knew was that it made her even more adorable than she already was.
“I go by Bucky…. but my first name is James.”
“James…” she smiled taking his hand in hers. “[name].”
“Now that we officially know each other, what do ya say?” God he would do anything to spend more time with her, to know her inside and out. To spend the rest of his life making her happy, knowing he was the reason behind her bright smile.
“Fine. But only because I am still frozen solid and would love another cup of something hot.” She smiled that bright smile again. The smile that Bucky couldn’t get enough of. The bright smile that was now aimed at him. He was the reason for that smile. The thought made Bucky’s stomach turn and his chest tighten; the need of wanting and not knowing of what could be lingered in the air.
“Bucky, I want to thank you.” He froze at the mention of his name, the sound going straight to his heart.
“If you hadn’t stop to help….” She trailed off with a distant look in her eye. Bucky pulled her in for a hug feeling her sigh into his embrace. He moved the hair from her face, him finding himself lost yet again in her eyes.
Without thinking, Bucky gently placed his lips on hers smiling into the kiss when she instantly kissed him back.
“Don’t think either of us thought this is how our Christmas would start.” She laughed making Bucky laugh as well.
“No. But I know I am definitely not complaining.” His eyes crinkled when he laughed, something [name] found adorable and charming; she knew she was teetering on dangerous territory, yet she couldn’t get enough. Didn’t ever want to get enough.
He pulled her in closer, his lips hovering above hers. “This might be way too soon, but I think I’m falling really hard for you.”
“Funny you should say that – I was just thinking the same thing.”
Bucky’s heart nearly jumped out of his chest.
Having gone from being utterly miserable to meeting the woman of his dreams in one night was a story that no one would believe. He wouldn’t even believe it if someone had said it to him. Yet, as he and [name] stood together in the falling snow, [name] happily in his arms, kissing him like he had never been kissed before, Bucky couldn’t get enough. For the first time in his life, he didn’t want to fight off the pure happiness he felt.
“Let’s get out of here before we freeze to death.” He gave her a crooked smile and held her tightly as they walked the short distance to his house.
“Still cold?”
[Name] nodded her head, scooting over into Bucky’s embrace when he motioned for her to come closer. She sighed at the warmth of his body really relaxing for the first time since her trip began. She knew she was crazy being in a stranger’s home, cuddled up in front of a fire with a man she barely knew. Her mom would surely go crazy if she ever found out. Yet, she didn’t care.
All that mattered was her and him.
And that’s the way she hoped it would be.
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imjustthemechanic · 3 years
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The Price of a Soul
Part 1/? - Agent Russel Part 2/? - The Letter Part 3/? - Miss Lake Part 4/? - The Stewardess Part 5/? - An Assassination Part 6/? - Fallout Part 7/? - Face to Face Part 8/? - Deals, Details, and Other Devils Part 9/? - Baggage Part 10/? - Private Funding Part 11/? - Just Passing Through Part 12/? - Party of Four Part 13/? - Resolute Part 14/? - The Wreck Part 15/? - Body Snatchers Part 16/? - Out of the Frying Pan Part 17/? - A Miracle Part 18/? - A Matter of Circumstance Part 19/? - Nome Part 20/? - The Future Part 21/? - A Hero’s Welcome Part 22/? - Up to Speed Part 23/? - Expect Further Delays Part 24/? - The Welcome Wagon Part 25/? - Fugitives
Alone and on the run from the law, Peggy and Kay have to decide what to do next.
ince Kay’s bunker was a no-go, they ended up spending the night in an abandoned farmhouse on the edge of the Pine Barrens.  This was exactly as creepy as it sounded, with no electricity, and rats and raccoons nesting in it.  It started to rain around midnight, drumming on the roof and coming in through the long-broken windows.  Peggy and Kay broke up some pieces of the stair bannister and used them to light a fire in the fireplace, and by that flickering light, they tried to figure out what to do next.
“I don’t suppose you can go back in time again and start over,” Peggy said.
Kay shook her head.  “This was a one-shot thing.”
“I see.”  Peggy thought for a moment.  “When we’re caught, I’m going to tell them you kidnapped me.”
“Cool,” said Kay.  She sighed heavily, hugging her knees to her chest she stared into the flames.  Peggy noticed that her root were growing out, coming in darker than the blonde, although by the firelight it was impossible to say quite what colour they were.
“Everything was supposed to be better,” Kay said.  “Steve was supposed to get the happy ending he wanted, with you and James.  HYDRA would be rooted out once and for all before they could really get their claws into the government.”  She reached up to scrub at her eyes with her fingers.  “The Red Room would be destroyed.  I don’t know if I’d be able to force Howard to hug his son once in a while but I was going to try.  I don’t know if I’d be able to do anything for Clint or for Bruce… I’m not going to live that long.”  She shrugged.  “And after that… I don’t know if we can destroy the Infinity Stones with the technology of this decade, but if anybody could figure it out, it’s Howard Stark.”
She hadn’t been joking when she said she had an extensive to-do list, Peggy thought.  Most of the items on it meant absolutely nothing to Peggy, but she could tell they were things Kay cared about very much.
Which made for one odd omission.  “What about you?”
“The Red Room,” said Kay.  “That’s the code name for the place where they raise girls into spies.  If that doesn’t exist, then I won’t be drafted into it when my parents abandon me.  I don’t know what will happen to me, but even starving on the streets of Volgograd would be better than that.”
Peggy thought of some of the things she’d seen at that facility in Siberia, and shuddered.
“The thing is,” Kay added, “I know I can’t do it alone.  I need you guys.  If you’re in prison and Ste… and Captain America’s off shaking hands with his fans, then I can’t do it.  I might be able to do it myself in the twenty-first century, but not now, I don’t know enough.  Even if I did, it would be so much easier with help.  I had one shot, and I ruined it.”
She fell silent then, and Peggy wondered what it was she wanted.  Reassurance that everything would be okay?  Peggy couldn’t give her that.  “Well, you certainly didn’t improve things by taking us both on the run,” she said.
“Probably not,” Kay agreed.
Peggy wrapped her coat around herself to use as a blanket, and lay down with her own elbow for a pillow.  “In the morning,” she said, “we should head to the nearest town and turn ourselves in.”
“Then what happens to Steve?” asked Kay.  “And to James?”
“At the moment I’m primarily worried about what happens to me,” said Peggy.  Steve was doubtless worried about her, and about Sergeant Barnes, and if Kay said was true, Barnes did need help, but Peggy was not in a position to do anything about that right now.  Her focus had to be on her own survival, both physical and political.  “If I wasn’t going to end up in prison before I certainly am now.”
“I know,” said Kay.  “I’m sorry.”
“Apologies don’t do a lot of good at this point,” Peggy told her.
“Apologies never do a lot of good for me,” said Kay.  “I’ve always been the one who throws the other guy over a cliff.  Looks like nothing’s changed.”
Peggy woke up early, stiff and cold from sleeping on the floor.  The fire had burned itself down to a smolder, and Kay was gone.  For a moment Peggy was furious, thinking the other woman had abandoned her, but then she rolled over and discovered Kay’s red purse, still sitting there on the floor.  Had she simply left that behind, or was it intended to tell Peggy she was coming back?
She got up, stretched the kinks out of her neck as best she could, and went to look out front.  The car was still there, and Kay was sitting in the driver’s seat.  When Peggy came closer, picking her way between the puddles and the rotten boards of the front steps, she found that the radio was on.
“They haven’t said anything about us yet,” said Kay, “but I’ve only been here about ten minutes.  Weather’s supposed to be nice today.”
Peggy climbed in the passenger seat to listen for herself.  There was a weather report, and then it began talking about Captain America.
New York Senator Elect Vernon Masters brought the Captain home to Brooklyn last night to tremendous fanfare, the announcer said.  Captain America will be embarking on a tour of the state capitals, along with the Senator Elect and industrialist Howard Stark, who was instrumental in locating the wreck of the German bomber.
“Of course they don’t mention Jason,” grumbled Peggy.  If anything, he had more trouble getting recognition for his achievements than she did.
“They don’t mention us, either,” Kay mused.  “That means they don’t want people knowing we’ve escaped.”
“Specifically, Thompson doesn’t want people knowing,” said Peggy.  “He must be dreadfully tired of people escaping from him.”
“He ought to take better care of them, then,” snorted Kay.  “You still want to turn yourself in?”
Peggy had to think about it.  “I think we’d better,” she said.  “But not to Thompson.  We need to find a pay telephone, and I’ll speak to Daniel.”
They drove into the nearest town, where they found a little diner to order breakfast.  Kay clearly had no appetite, nibbling at her toast and forcing herself to eat her scrambled eggs.  Peggy didn’t feel very hungry, either, despite some grumbling from her stomach.  She got through about half of it, and then pushed her plate away and checked her watch, which was still on Los Angeles time.
The moment it reached eight-thirty AM, she went outside and picked up the pay telephone.  “Hello,” she said, “I’d like to make a long-distance call.”
She gave the number for the storefront in Los Angeles, and waited while switchboard operators across the country made connections.  Finally, the line picked up, and Rose’s somewhat staticky but familiar voice said, “good morning, Auerbach Theatrical Agency.”
“Good morning,” said Peggy.  “May I speak to Mr. Auerbach, please?”
“Peggy?” Rose asked.  “Where are you?”
“I can’t say,” Peggy replied.  “I just need to speak with Daniel right away.”
Rose lowered her voice.  “You can’t,” she said.  “He was arrested yesterday, just after you left!  What’s going on?��
Peggy’s insides turned to ice.  Daniel had been arrested… because of course, Dottie had told Thompson that Daniel had colluded with Peggy in letting her out of jail.  She’d probably implicated Mr. Jarvis, too.  This wasn’t just about what would happen to Peggy anymore, not at all.  This was about what was going to happen to all of them.
“I… can’t say,” Peggy repeated.  “Listen, please don’t tell anybody I spoke to you.  We’re all in a lot of trouble.”
“All right,” said Rose.  “What are you going to do?”
“I’m not sure yet,” said Peggy.  She hung up the phone and stood there a moment, digesting what she’d just heard.  ‘Borrowing’ Dottie to get the sample of Zero Matter had been Peggy’s idea.  Daniel and Mr. Jarvis had helped, but none of it would have happened without Peggy, and now they were possibly all going to hang for it.  Would pleading that they’d done it to save the world do any good?  Not likely.  Masters’ lawyers would argue that there must have been other options.  It was just that in the hurry of the moment, Peggy hadn’t been able to think of any.
Kay was waiting for her outside the phone booth.  When Peggy opened the door, her eyes went wide.
“Sit down,” she ordered.  “Put your head between your knees.”
“I am not going to faint!” Peggy snapped.  “Daniel has been arrested as well, and Mr. Jarvis.  I don’t know if she’s implicated Howard and Jason or not.”
“Oh.”  Kay covered her mouth.  “This is… this is all my fault…”
“No, it isn’t,” Peggy said.  “It’s mine.”
“If I hadn’t been here…”
“Even with you here, we wouldn’t be in trouble if I hadn’t had the blindingly stupid idea to break Dottie out of jail to begin with!” Peggy informed her.  This sensation of crushing weight on her chest, as her bad decisions rained down like bricks to bruise and bury her… this must be what Kay had felt last night when Thompson had tried to arrest them for treason.  If so, Peggy found herself reacting to it in what had to be a very similar way.
“Bugger it,” she said.  “You are a bad influence.”
“I know,” said Kay.
“Do you have any more change?”
Kay dug into her purse for some coins, and Peggy lifted the receiver again.  “Hello, operator.  I would like to make a long-distance call.  Can you get me the California FBI office in Sacramento?”
She didn’t actually know if the FBI opened as early as the SSR, though it seemed likely, so it was a relief when she heard a receptionist pick up and greet her.  “FBI, can I help you?”
“Good morning,” said Peggy, affecting an American accent.  “May I please speak to Agent Ned Russel?  This is his wife, Alice.”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” the woman replied.  “He’s still in New York, working on a case.”
“I thought he’d been taken off that case,” Peggy said.
“I don’t know the details,” said the receptionist.  “I think he was reinstated as a favour for somebody from another agency.  Would you like to speak to the chief?”
“No, no thank you,” Peggy said.  “I’ll see if I can call him there.  Goodbye.”
She hung up, and turned to Kay again.  “I have an idea.”
The black SSR vehicle they’d been driving so far was far too recognizable to take back into the city, so the women left it behind and stole a green Ford coupe they found parked beside the diner.  Peggy drove this time, as they headed north back towards the city.
“What’s your plan?” asked Kay.
Peggy took a deep breath.  “The easiest, although perhaps not the most legal, way to get everybody I know and love out of trouble is to make sure Dottie cannot testify,” she said.  “Masters and Thompson didn’t make their move until they had her, so she must be the cornerstone of their case.  We remove Dottie again, and they have nothing.”
“Makes sense,” said Kay in a deadpan.  It was impossible to tell what she thought.
“Unfortunately, we cannot get in to see her,” Peggy went on.  “Last time I got her out by wearing a disguise, but that’s not going to work again.  The police guarding her know me now, because I was in there to see you, and there’s the possibility that Dottie herself will raise the alarm.  And you certainly can’t go in because they know you as well.  However, we know somebody who probably has every right to be there, we know that he is slightly terrified of both of us, and we possibly know where he eats lunch.”
It was with that in mind that they parked their stolen car behind the Automat up the street from the telephone company building.  The lunch rush had just ended, and Peggy could see Pearl standing by the back door on a cigarette break.  She approached.
“Hi, Peggy,” said Pearl.  “What are you doing back here?”
“I need to see Angie right away, privately,” said Peggy.  “It’s very important.  Don’t tell anybody else I’m here… and tell her it’s Phone Company Business.”
“Ah… all right,” said Pearl.  She dropped the remains of her cigarette on the pavement and went inside to get her co-worker.  Angie appeared a few minutes later, looking concerned – she knew very well what Peggy meant by Phone Company Business.
“What’s wrong, English?” she asked.
“Angela Martinelli!” Kay exclaimed.
Angie blinked.  “Do we know each other?”
“You’re going to be in Stark Pictures’ Captain America movies,” said Kay, “opposite Burt Lancaster!”
“Ignore her, she thinks she can see the future,” said Peggy.  “Listen to me, Angie… did we frighten Agent Russel away permanently?”
“No, he had his lunch here today,” Angie said.  “He didn’t sit in my section.”
Peggy smiled.  “Excellent,” she said.  “Here’s what we need you to do.”
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ironicsopsychotic · 4 years
would you rather: hoa edition
creds to @eggosandbluefood (omg is this stranger things & pjo bc yEs)
1) Have a feud with Victor or Patricia patricia. social suicide maybe, but less chance of getting stuck w chores or any actual reprimanding 2) Spend a night in the tunnels or spend half a day in the crypt tunnels 100% i love that place 3) Investigate with KT & Eddie, or with Fabian & Nina FABINA 4) Only be able to watch season 3, or never watch season 3 again this is so easy it's hilarious lmao NEVER WANNA SEE THAT jeroy will live on in my mind no worries 5) Only watch season 1, or only watch season 2 season 2, i practically do that anyway. 6) Catch a wild goose with Mr. Sweet or hide Letdown from Victor Letdown bc it's be heeelllla uncomfortable in such awkward positions w mr. sweet 7) Be put on a trial for writing an article that was true (and have everyone in the house know you were right, except you) or be wrongly told you were the chosen one and leave school for a few months joy. obviously. 8) Ghost hunt with Mara/Eddie or break into the gatehouse with KT/Eddie eddara, pls and ty 9) Participate in donkey diner with Jerome or get locked in the mummy in the hallway overnight tbh i'd probably go to sleep in the sarcophagus soooo 10) Get locked in the barn by Rufus or get trapped under the senate game barn. senate's too dangerous tbh 11) Play ping pong with Amber & Jerome, or play dodgeball with KT & Eddie jamber 12) Go shopping with Amber or watch a rom-com marathon with Patricia & Joy sHOPPING bc you KNOW if something was perfect for me and i didn't have the money she'd splurge 13) Web walk in Amber’s web wedges, or cross the crocodile bridge without vision (like Patricia) web walk. i'd actually die if i had to cross the chasm 14) Do an eclipse project with Mara or Willow mara? she'd know what's up 15) Be a journalist on the Jackal website or bake cakes with Trudy cakes! we love trudy in this house (i say, as if anyone in the entire world hates her) 16) Be partnered with Amber or partnered with Eddie for wonky donkey eddie. that man. *heart eyes* 17) Have Rufus be your enemy or Senkhara hAAAAAA rufus bc he can actually die and can't physically bind me to anything? 18) Go on a blind date in the reflector chamber (with the whole of Sibuna listening to you without you realizing) or have embarrassing pictures of you posted around the whole school blind date i guess oof poor eddie 19) Be Alfie’s magic assistant or have Alfie use your item in his magic act assistant. i trust him...but do i? *cut to fabian's watch* 20) Work on the school play with Mara/Joy or with Nina/Amber mara/joy i think 21) Be a part of season 2 Sibuna or season 3 Sibuna SEASON 2 DUH what's wrong w s1 sibuna lmao 22) Have Joy not leave Sibuna/become a permanent member or have Mara to join sooner joy joy joy jOY 23) Make food with Eddie or go gem stealing with Jerome lmao gem stealing bc ik i'd hate eddie's food/the mess he leaves. i clean up WHILE i cook, tyvm 24) Have Fabian as your study buddy or organize prom with Joy fabian. knows what's up. 25) Steal a key from Victor’s office or steal a file from Mr. Sweet’s office oh deadass mr. sweet i don't have a death wish 26) Drink something from the cellar and go to hospital or see visions of the future you can’t control ahhhHH future? kinda already have prophetic thoughts here and there anyways so 27) Have detention by cleaning the prop room with Willow/Jerome or put manure on flowers with Eddie/Patricia willome :) 28) Go to a dance in the same dress/outfit as two others or try and explain Sibuna & the mystery to Mick/Mara (after s3) LMAO MICKRA I WOULD L O V E TO DO THAT 29) Lose a piece of the cup of ankh (like Alfie) or have all your friends think you’ve betrayed them when you actually haven’t (like KT) alfie. you can fix that shit pretty quickly 30) Leave your friends behind to protect them or be responsible for cursing your friends i guess responsible *le shrug* 31) Have a fun games night with the Anubis residents or experience peril but be a member of Sibuna omg game night i just wanna know what that would be like 32) Get cursed by aging incredibly fast or get cursed by de-aging i don't like this. i guess de-aging 33) Learn more about Victor/Sarah/Rufus’ past or discover more secret panels in the house oh fuck. uh. vsr? 34) Train with Mick for a month or have Alfie be your coach for a month ALFIE THATD BE SO FUNNY 35) Have a picnic with Amber/Alfie or go to the movies with Mara/Mick movies bc i'm sure they actually have a good time y i k e s 36) Investigate aliens with Alfie or investigate Vera with Mara vera w mara 37) Learn more about Fabian’s life or learn more about Patricia’s life i was gonna say patricia bc piper but actually fabian. we forget about--was it his uncle in s1? but then we got jasper in s2, so yes. fabian 38) See when the characters first met each other (age 11-12ish) or see Patricia/Eddie’s America trip PEDDIE BC WTF WENT WRONG 39) Try Trudy’s cookies or Vera’s chocolate nightmare cake (aka the store bought one) T R U D Y 40) Find out where Trudy actually slept or find out where Victor slept pffft victor hands down.
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heigoeswrong · 5 years
goes wrong show air schedule
alright, finally got clarification from BBC about the order of the episodes and summaries for all but the last one!
EP1: The Spirit of Christmas - 23 Dec 2019 7:30PM UTC (AIRED)
Our players present the story of Santa and his elves attempting to bring happiness to a sad little girl and her constantly fighting parents. Can the magical toy machine restore her Christmas cheer? Or perhaps Mr Snowman and his enchanting dance? We’ll never know, as a surly Santa indulges in too much Christmas sherry and contrives to ruin everything. Crackers explode, an elf is trapped in a confined space, and the toy machine attempts to eat the snowman alive. Also, there are songs, and these don’t go well.
EP2: The Pilot (Not the Pilot) - 3 Jan 2020 8:30PM UTC (AIRED)
This week Cornley have chosen to put on a Second World War drama, rarely performed because of its historical inaccuracy and poor research. Director Chris plays Rufus Heal, a dashing pilot reduced to a desk job cracking German codes in a top secret Allied facility after losing his leg. He is assisted by uptight Englishwoman Valerie Sky and French codebreaker Camille, under the watchful eye of Wing Commander Wickham. They also find a part suitable for Dennis's dubious skills - a telegraph machine. Will they crack the code and unmask the spy in their midst in time to win the Vietnam war? Sadly for our gang, many disasters await - Rufus's ‘lost’ leg won’t behave itself, Camille’s grasp of French is sub-par, Hitler spends more time on set than planned, and Annie is forced to play the dastardly Wing Commander after Chris's father fails to show up. And the telegraph machine takes on a life of its own.
EP3: A Trial to Watch - 10 Jan 2020 8:30PM UTC (AIRED)
A legal drama this week for our intrepid performers, with Dennis taking on a lead role due to a conversation with his grandmother that turned out to be legally binding. He plays unscrupulous defence lawyer Karl McKennon, taking on his ex-wife Becky as he defends an ex-cop accused of murdering his brother. Cornley Dramatic Society’s designers have excelled themselves, constructing a number of split sets that are wheeled in and out to create the locations described in the brutal cross examinations that take place in their meticulously recreated courtroom. Sadly, this turns out to be a terrible idea: sets are mismatched, wheeled off and on at life-threatening speeds, and the courtroom itself is a quarter the size it should have been.
EP4: The Lodge - 17 Jan 2020 8:30PM UTC
Our gang present a 1960s-set horror this week, as the mysterious Albert Fortenoy welcomes a young family to his crumbling old house. What is the secret behind the death of Albert's late wife Vera? Who is the creepy vicar's daughter playing outside? A number of clever theatrical horror devices are used to create a creepy atmosphere and plenty of jump scares, and every single one manages to go horribly wrong. Worse, the designers have taken 'crumbling' to heart and the cast contrive to fall off, out of and through everything. A stairlift develops a life-threatening mind of its own, a talking deer head fails to understand its cues, and entire rooms seem to go missing. To cap it all, the play has been running short in rehearsals, and the only solution they can find involves adjectives.
EP 5: Harper’s Locket - 24 Jan 2020 8:30
This week the gang turn their attentions to a period romance, a classic tale of family, duty and love across the class divide. A beautiful set has been built to replicate a grand country home, soon to be rocked by a literal and metaphorical storm. Sadly, the literal storm involves a water effect that threatens to flood the set, though that’s the least of their worries, as a horse turns out to be more of a danger to body parts than expected, gunshot effects occur seemingly at random and a ceiling fan threatens to decapitate a table of diners. Oh, and a cat gets stuck in a piano.
EP 6: UNKNOWN - 31 Jan 2020 8:30PM UTC
NO INFO YET - It’s set in the ‘deep south’ of America though so that’s going to be fun.
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csassociation-blog · 5 years
Upcoming Music Concerts in Columbus, OH
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Columbus City is a city with a lot of great landmarks in the state of Ohio. It is the city where the first ever Junior High School in USA was built, and also the city which is among the top five craft beer production cities in USA. They are a 24/7 licensed locksmith in the city, offering reliable services to all residents of Columbus, and residents of surrounding cities. They are even ranked the best locksmith in Dublin OH near you in the city of Columbus.
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It holds other remarkable history and records, however one record that the residents of the city love dearly, is the fact that Columbus is one of the country’s top entertainment city. It is a top music city in America, and this can be seen in the upcoming music concerts in the city.
Tuesday 04 June 2019
Weathers, The Orphan The Poet, Rumba Café, Columbus, OH, US
Friday Pilot's Club and Cousin Simple, The Basement, Columbus, OH, US
Floral Print, Truth Club, and Son of Dribble, First Responder, The Fairy    Garden, Columbus, OH, US
 Crossing the Rubicon (US), Cafe Bourbon Street, Columbus, OH, US
Wednesday 05 June 2019
A Day to Remember, Knocked Loose and Boston Manor, Columbus, OH,  US
 Ryan Smith, The Goat (at LC RiverSouth), Columbus, OH, US
 Prophocey, Hayes Hall, Columbus, OH, US
Thursday 06 June 2019
  Chelsea Grin, Slaughter To Prevail, Enterprise Earth, Traitors, and             Bodysnatcher, Skully's Music Diner , Columbus, OH, US
  LalaLala, DIDI and Molly Sullivan, Big Room Bar , Columbus, OH, US
    Pacific Dub, The Woodlands Tavern, Columbus, OH, US
  Booty&theKidd, Sylmar, and Mister Moon, Ace of Cups, Columbus,            OH, US
  Jasons, Methmatics, Mummula, and The Howling Commandos, Rumba    Café, Columbus, OH, US
  Sam Corlett and Heaven Honey, The Spacebar, Columbus, OH, US
 The Elovaters, The Woodlands Tavern, Columbus, OH, US
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Sports is a means used to connect the people of Columbus together, and the Columbus Sports Association have put measures in place to ensure that residents of the city stay fit and engage in different sporting activities. They also have programs for the children in the city, as they hope on using sports to help develop these children mentally and physically, with the hope that one day, they’ll go from school sports, to the international level. Discount Locksmith Of Columbus is a business venture in the city that supports this groups visions.
Contact Us:
Discount Locksmith Of Columbus Address: 655 Metro Pl S # 600,Dublin,OH,43017,USA Phone: 614-907-7332
                                           Get Map Directions:-
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tumblunni · 6 years
Holy shit man i went in this "american restaurant" and had the WILDEST time! Britain is so fuckin weeaboo for america and ive seen how you guys treat "british" characters in sitcoms so i know youre just the same with us lol. Fake american accents vs fake british accents, who's the biggest cringe? XD
But this restaurant was ABSOLUTELY THE CRINGE WINNER
Like it was trying to be an 'american diner' but it seemed to only know what one looked like from friggin Grease 2 or something. (I wouldnt even give it the honor of the first one...) It was just old 50s stuff, as if thats what america is still like?? And playing elvis 24/7 and had a giant wax statue of elvis at the door. And also a giant fake 50s car crashed thru the wall decoration. Like man thats THE MOST cliche "american" thing, you see it goddamn everywhere and its the most ridiculous thing to become a cliche. That and the fake buffalo skull of texasness. Oh and a fake jukebox but An American One aka A 50s One seriously why not just call it the 50s shop?? Half of this stufd was the same in 50s britain and half of it you never even really had in 50s america outside of the movies.
And then HOLY SHIT the cheesy fries
What i expected: fries. Most likely with that stringy cheese sauce stuff from movie america diners. (Since over here "cheesy" usually just means literal grated cheese on top)
What did i get?
Well first the literal grated cheese on top and then THE BRITISHEST CHIPS EVER
Not fries by any stretch of the imagination! Whopping chunky thumb sized potato chunks straight out of a corner shop takeaway in any damn city across this island.
So i just bought.. A chippy meal. They literally just gave american names to all the same shit you get in a regular restaurant for cheaper.
Wow dude...
Man at least the other terrible 50s themed "american" diner down the bay with THE CRASHED CAR DECORATION AGAIN sold actual american food, lol
Only thing american was the portions being huge! Like i guess i can understand it being dpuble the price when its literally two regular takeaways shoved together in a bucket. But i could only eat like 1/3rd of it so it was a huge waste of money.
Fun for the experience though! And havibg a laugh at how naff it was! Also like just the fun of eating stuff out of cliche old diner cups and plates, even if i coulda just bought those online or somethin. I mean they were plastic replicas!
...i kinda wanna go back just to try wtf a "coke float" is like tho. I would never actually know if they did it right or not cos i have no frame of reference XD
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brief-creation · 7 years
Rules: answer 30 28 questions then tag 20 people you'd like to know better
tagged by the brilliant @sure-as-eggs (thanks btw, I was giddy to see my name after I finished reading your thing, surprised me and prbly made my morning)
<p>1. Nicknames: honestly I don’t have any friends to give me nicknames. However, my childhood nickname was Roo (like from Winnie the Pooh, because I was bouncy we loved tigger). My actual name is Marley though! (I think) /yes like the dog<br>
2. Gender: female? <br>
3. Star sign: Taurus ♉<br>
4. Height: 5'0"<br>
5. 6:44 PM <br>
6. Birthday: April, 30th (allegedly) /fun fact, this is also the day Hitler died<br>
7. Favorite bands: I usually have favorite songs rather than favorite bands,,,, Imagine Dragons, Fall Out Boy, Arctic Monkeys, Flat Sound, Queenand probably many others <br>
8. Favorite Solo Artists: I listen to a lot of P!nk (recently), Frank Sinatra, Ed Sheeran, Bon Jovi, uhhh,,, Sam Smith, Taylor Swift (recently) Marina and the Diamonds,,,idk,, yeah OH RICHARD WALTERS DEF<br>
9. Song stuck in my head: I’m listening to music rn so this is sorta hard, but I hard Secrets by Pink stuck in my head earlier. Now I’m all about Toms Diner tho.<br>
10: Last movie I watched: fuck uhh,,,, I think Princess in the Frog but I watch a lot of tv so that might not be accurate. (random movie related, I’m playing to do a batman / marvel movie marathon in a couple days when I’m on break, I’m super excited). <br>
11: Last show I watched: lmao no idea I jump around too much. Probably Gotham, Girl Boss, or something else honestly who knows (hey recommend me some shows to watch I need something). <br>
12. When did I create my blog: who,,, who knows man, , not me. Probably sophomore year. But I had another tumblr before this <br>
13. What do I post: on this blog? Although it’s my main blog, it’s my junk blog. All my other blogs are themed and have certain things that are reblogged to them (I have a compulsive need to be so organized, everything needs to have a place), this blog is for the leftover things the don’t fit in my blogs; mainly memes, animals, and neat stuff. But whatever really. <br>
14. The last thing I googled: good question, one sec; lyrics to Tom’s Diner (an aforementioned song, I heard Robin Lord Taylor singing it and I wanted to know what song it was so I looked up the lyrics he is singing). However have 38+ other tabs open bcs I am an animal. </p><p>
15. Any other blogs: lol, yeppp. A lot. Too many really. I don’t necessarily use them all either. My Gotham one is my most actively, constantly using that one. Then this on I’d second most used, then the positivity one, then so forth. I honestly basically have a blog for most everything. (my personal-personal blog is beforethelion, I haven’t updated for a terribly long while but I plan to start using it again verrrry soon for photography, poems, videos, art, like basically whatever Im doing that day;; so like self promo I guess lmao)</p><p>
16. Do I get asks: nope, neverr. however I leave them to others all the time. I genuinely enjoy complimenting people and spreading a good vibe. </p><p>
17. Why I chose my URL: for this blog, I just liked these two words so I put them together, then voila. But for my beforethelion one I actually have a significant reason, but if I were to talk about it I would ramble and make this thing 10x longer than it needs to be (like it already is) so I won’t explain. But if anyone does wanna know my ask box is open 😉as for my others, about half have reasons and half are aesthetic </p><p>
18. Following: 1880
19. Followers: 241 for this one, 33 for my Gotham one (I weep because I want to be more part of and involved with the fandom but;; I don't know how to like do that''' I can't engage, ,,, then beforethelion has 54 (simultaneously surprised and disappointed)</p>
20. Average hours of sleep: depends if I'm having "issues". Lately I have been so not very much, but majority of the time I have my full 8 hours
21. Lucky number ugh
22. Instruments: trying to grasp the piano, played saxophone in middle school, own 3 guitars but just don't
23. What am i wearing: black pajama bottoms and a marble tee ;))
24. Dream job: fuck.. Actor tbh but like yeah. Currently attending a career center because I wanted to be an animator/film developer buttt the entertainment industry is a mess. Love love to be a surgeon not school is expensivvvee and what if I suck. So I've lowered my goals to history professor (college grade is the dream but I might end up settling for high school).
25. Dream trip: god,,, I never travel oh,, honestly actually probably New York. I'd love to leave America and indulge km another culture and land of course but god, new york. I gotta go.
26. Favorite food: im hungry right now so, everything.
27. Nationality: American
28. Favorite song right now: no, no, no-nonon, we are not doing this, no. I,, have a lot of music. Whenever I see a song title/lyrics/artirst/whatever or hear something that's interesting I just gotta screen shot it/ write it down. I do this a lot (I screenshot other people's answer to this if that says anything). So I have a good amount of music I need to listen to. So t the end of the day I try to listen to a good chunk of it. Whenever I like one of the new songs, I save it. On average I approximately add 10ish songs every day. It's a lot of music,,,,, I refuse
Okayokayokay,, finally, here we are: the end. I was soso happy to be nominated for one of these things. I never pay attention to my existence/acknowledge myself/ever talk about myself/ever talk to anyone/ever talk/ever have done one of these before :) So really it was a lot of fun. I'd like to nominate people but, all my mutuals are on my Gotham blog and god, can you imagine that : engaging.
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backpackfullofplums · 7 years
Seeking Roommate for Apartment in Brooklyn
Kind of loosely based on this anon request, but I tweaked it a bit (sorry anon!):
Can you write one where Bucky and Steve place an ad for a third housemate and they choose a 19 yr old girl that was kicked out by her family for being a witch? They make her feel accepted and invite her to work with the avengers. She's a bit of a tomboy and I'd love it if either Bucky or Wanda fall for her.
Reader’s age is not specified and she has powers but isn’t specifically referred to as a witch. Otherwise, it’s the same general concept.
Bucky x reader. FLUFF. Word count: 2,439.
A/N: I’m sorry this took so long, but I hope you enjoy it!
“’Two cool guys seeking roommate for apartment in Brooklyn. No pets, no smoking. Just need a third to help with rent.’ Not bad, Bucky. That was smart that you put my number as the contact, since you’re kinda bad at answering your phone,” said Steve as he closed his laptop.
“Steve, I’m lucky if I can even get the thing to turn on. I thought I did okay with the ad. Hopefully someone will answer it. Tell me again why we got a three bedroom apartment when there are only two of us?”
Steve stood and walked over to the fridge. “I thought we could have an office, but it turns out avenging doesn’t pay well and rent is really expensive,” he said as he grabbed a beer.
“Well, just make sure you keep your phone handy or else we’re gonna have to move back into the tower and deal with Tony Snark all the time,” joked Bucky. Oddly enough, Steve’s phone began ringing.
“Hello? Yeah, you’ve got the right number. You have a pet cockatoo? And you’re a drummer? I don’t think that’ll work out. Sorry, bro.” Steve hung up the phone and pinched the bridge of his nose. “This is gonna be a process, isn’t it?”
“Yeah, but good call on bird guy. Sam is more than enough bird for me, and I already have a hard enough time sleeping without Ringo making noise 24/7. Hopefully we find a new roomie soon, though.” As if on cue, Steve’s phone rang again.
“Hello? Yeah, this is Steve, you have the right number. You can afford your chunk of the rent, right? Oh, no job. Huh. Well, as long as you can get something lined up by the time rent is due, I guess that’s okay. You don’t play any loud instruments, right? Okay, and you’re okay with the fact that you’ll be living with guys? No, I promise we aren’t creeps. I think once you meet us you’ll be confident in that. We’ll be around if you wanna come take a look at the place later. Half an hour? Okay, see you then, Y/N.”
“Well that sounded promising,” said Bucky.
“Her name is Y/N and she’s trying to get back on her feet after some sort of falling out with her family. She’s pretty sure she can get a job lined up by the next time rent is due, and she seems nice, so I think we should give her a chance. She’ll be here in half an hour to look around, so maybe tidy up a bit? I’m gonna run to the store and grab some flowers or something to brighten up the place. And maybe crack a window, too? This place smells like pizza, and not in a good way,” said Steve. He grabbed his keys and headed out, leaving Bucky alone to clean. He threw out the soda cans and candy wrappers, tossed some scattered clothes in the hamper, and vacuumed. He opened every window and before Steve came back, there was a soft knock on the door. Bucky answered it.
“You must be Y/N. I’m Bucky. Steve is on his way back from running an errand. Come on in, take a look around.”
“Wow, this place is pretty clean for a couple of guys living here. I’m impressed,” you joked as you walked through the apartment. “Pretty nice kitchen, too. I like baking, so if this works out you can expect a steady stream of cookies.”
“Deal! Well, I mean, I should probably check with Steve, but if you like the place it’s cool with me. That room over there would be yours. There’s a futon in it, but you can swap it for a real bed if you want,” said Bucky.
“Futon is fine for now. I like it here, so if Steve’s okay with it I’d like to move in. I have a few interviews lined up, so even though I don’t have a job at the moment I’m fairly certain I’ll have something by the time rent is due, and I have a little cash saved up in the meantime. Hey, umm, this might sound kinda weird, but you look really familiar. Have I seen you somewhere before? Your friend Steve sounded really familiar too, but I couldn’t connect the voice to a face,” you explained, hoping it wouldn’t come across as weird. Before Bucky could answer you, Steve walked through the door, flowers in hand.
“Oh, Y/N, you’re here early,” he said as he set the flowers on the kitchen counter. “I just grabbed these to kind of, uh, brighten the place up. Anyway, what do you think? You like it?”
“Shit! You’re Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes! What are two Avengers doing in an apartment in Brooklyn?” you asked, shocked that you stumbled into the apartment of Captain America and the Winter Soldier.
“Eh, we grew up in Brooklyn, and we don’t really like being on Stark’s payroll, so we could use a third to help with the rent. I told ya we weren’t creeps,” said Steve with a chuckle. “So, you wanna move in?”
“Yeah! Would it be okay if I moved in, maybe, umm, now? All my stuff is in my car already since I’ve kinda, umm, been living in it,” you sheepishly explained.
“Sounds fine with me. We’ll help you with your stuff,” said Bucky.
The two men helped you carry your things in and you settled into your room. There wasn’t much to unpack, which was good because you didn’t have a dresser. You didn’t have any job interviews until the following day and it was starting to get a little late, so you went out into the living room to hang out with Steve and Bucky for a little while.
“I think maybe it would be good for the three of us to set a few ground rules? You know, like a sort of roommate agreement. What do you think?” asked Steve. You and Bucky agreed that it would probably be a good idea.
“Okay, first rule—when Steve and I come back from a mission Y/N has to make us welcome home cookies,” suggested Bucky. You nodded affirmatively and gave a thumbs-up.
“No bringing anyone home to geek out over the whole superhero thing, please. We really aren’t too fond of the spotlight and like to keep a low profile when we can,” added Steve.
“If any of my relatives come around, please tell them I’m not home and I’ll call them. Don’t let them in,” you requested.
“Deal, but do we get to hear your tragic backstory or what?” asked Bucky.
“Buck! It’s not our place. Sorry, Y/N. Bucky’s social skills are still a little lacking from time to time. You don’t have to tell us anything you don’t want to,” explained Steve.
“No, it’s fine. I mean, I wasn’t gonna say anything about it but I think if anyone will be understanding it would be you guys. The thing is, I was in a car accident a few years ago, and since then things have been a little…strange. I was living back home while I was between jobs, but my family kinda kicked me out when they realized I was different.” You stopped, not realizing a little more explanation would be necessary.
“Different, how?” asked Bucky.
“Well, umm, I can kinda, umm, move things…with my mind. I can also generate these sort of energy fields—it’s all really similar to Wanda Maximoff based on what I’ve seen of her on TV. I don’t really like using my powers though. I’m no Avenger. I just like to keep a quiet, calm life. My family thinks I’m some sort of monster though, which is why I split. I hope this isn’t gonna be an issue.”
“Y/N. We’re both like a hundred years old. I’m wearing long sleeves and a glove but I literally have a cybernetic arm. We’re all a little weird here, so it’s no biggie. We’ll keep our mouths shut about it, but if you ever decide you want to get into the superhero business, I’m pretty sure we can hook you up with a gig fighting bad guys,” said Bucky. You smiled and reached out to hug him, which brought a strange look to his face.
“Sorry. I’m a bit of a hugger. If I’m overstepping just tell me to back off. Promise I won’t be offended,” you said apologetically.
“No, it’s fine,” Bucky paused and embraced you. “It’s just that people don’t usually hug me. It’s like they think I’m gonna crush them with my arm or something. Your hair smells wonderful by the way.”
“Way to make it weird, Buck. Anyway, I’ve gotta head out—I’m meeting Nat for some sparring practice. If you come up with anything else for the roommate agreement just add it in. See you later!” said Steve as he grabbed his jacket and keys.
“Have fun getting your ass kicked by Natasha,” teased Bucky. Steve tossed you a key from the dish so you could come and go as you pleased, and you and Bucky spent the rest of the evening watching TV together and talking.
Before you knew it, you had a waitressing job at a diner just a few blocks away from the apartment and life was good. Steve and Bucky had quickly become your best friends—especially Bucky. Steve was not a homebody and was rarely in the apartment, but you and Bucky spent tons of time playing board games together, watching movies, and you even got Bucky into baking and it turns out he’s pretty good at decorating cakes. You could feel yourself falling for him but didn’t think he felt the same way.
“Hey, Y/N, I wanna talk to you about something that’s been bothering me for awhile now,” said Bucky as you hung up your coat, having just gotten home from a shift at the diner.
“And what would that be?”
“Well, it’s probably gonna sound rude and I’m sorry if it does, but I think you’re wasting a lot of potential not joining the team. I just think that maybe you were given your gifts for a reason and that reason is almost definitely not so you can wait tables.”
“Actually, I’ve been kinda thinking that too, but it all seems so scary. All of the shooting and the bad guys—I don’t know if I could handle it,” you explained.
 “Well yeah, but I’d be right by your side to help back you up and to protect you if things went sour. I’d never let anything happen to you, Y/N. I—“ Bucky stopped and there was an awkward moment of silence as Bucky looked longingly into your eyes before turning his head down and staring at his boots. “Maybe just give it a try?”
You agreed to give it a try. In your spare time, you went to the tower with Bucky to train. At first you were self conscious using your powers in front of him because they always made you feel so vulnerable, but soon enough Bucky’s encouragement made you become not only comfortable using them, but also very skilled. After a few weeks of training, you quit your job at the diner and became a full-time Avenger. Tony offered you a room in the tower, but you preferred your apartment with the guys.
For your first several missions, Bucky stayed right by your side for every minute, per Cap’s orders, but once you had been given free reign of the battlefield, you noticed Bucky was still your shadow. After a few missions like this, you decided to have a talk with Bucky about it.
“Hey, Buck. Can we talk about something?” you asked as you walked into the apartment with dinner.
“If that pizza you’re holding is from Gino’s, yes.”
“There’s something that’s been bothering me,” you said, setting down the pizza box on the coffee table and then sitting on the couch next to Bucky. “It’s just that Steve said I don’t need babysitting on missions anymore but you’re always right on my tail. Do you not trust me to hold my own?” At your words, Bucky’s eyes grew wide with disbelief.
“Is that what you think? Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry! It’s not that, it’s just…” he trailed off, but you poked him and he got back in the zone. “It’s just that I know it was me who asked you to join the team but it is really dangerous and I just couldn’t live with myself if something happened to you. I know you’re capable of holding your own but I love you and I don’t want to see anything bad happen to you.”
“Now when you say you love me, do you mean like ‘you’re my friend’ kind of love or like ‘I’m in love with you’ kind of love?” you asked, silently praying it was the latter option.
“The second kind. I have been for awhile, but I figured that since we live together and work together that if you didn’t feel the same way things would get really awkward, and I didn’t want to risk screwing up our friendship, but now that I’ve gone and run my mouth I guess there’s really no going back from that, so what do you say?”
“First, I’d say that that’s the longest run-on sentence I think I’ve ever heard. Second, I’d say that I love you, too.” You smiled, and Bucky leaned in and planted a long, soft kiss on your lips, followed by another quick peck. “So, what does this mean?” you asked, unsure of what the future would look like for you and Bucky.
“Well, despite my 1940s sense of romance, I think it might be kinda silly to ask you out on a bunch of dates when we already spend like 90% of our time together, so maybe I’ll jump a little bit ahead and ask if you will be my girlfriend? You know, make it official?”
“I’d love nothing more.”
The pizza grew cold as you spent the next 20 minutes making out with Bucky on the couch, only stopping when Steve walked in on you.
“Are you two finally an item? I hope so, because this whole awkward tension thing was getting really old. So, am I officially the third wheel or what?” asked Steve through a cheesy grin.
“Sorry Steve, looks like you’re a third wheel,” said Bucky as he reached out and grabbed your hand.
“Well, if that pizza over there is from Gino’s, then I guess I don’t mind.”
If you’d like to read more of my fics, you can find my masterlist here
To make a request, check out request rules
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buttressflybarnes · 7 years
i was tagged by 
​ thanks bb
rules: you must answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people
tagging: i don’t know 20 people oh my god @uncannyoddities​ @nephilidae​ @therealhieronymous​ @notesoutofkey​ @bellameblake​ @happilymistaken​ @drowningbydegrees​ @pessimisticspacejunkie​ @sgtbuckyy​ @spacefairydelux @lament-for-nimrodel
the last:
1. drink: water
2. phone call: my senator’s DC office
3. text message: it was from miss @happilymistaken​
4. song you listened to: Ruby by 21 Pilots
5. time you cried: uh... i don’t remember
have you ever:
6. dated someone twice: yes
7. kissed someone and regretted it: yes, with all of them, haha
8. been cheated on: yes
9. lost someone special: yes
10. been depressed: yeeeeee
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: no bc I can hold my liquor
3 favorite colors:
12. green
13. purple
14. pink
in the last year have you:
15. made new friends: yes, by some miracle
16. fallen out of love: yes
17. laughed until you cried: yes!
18. found out someone was talking about you: yes
19. met someone who changed you: yes.
20. found out who your friends are: yes
21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: yes
22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: most of them
23. do you have any pets: two doggos!
24. do you want to change your name: no, I couldn’t be anything but a Becca
25. what did you do for your last birthday: my mum visited me at my internship and I got my favorite food at the diner and i saw Guardians 2!
26. what time did you wake up: around 10 am
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: getting ready for sleep bc i am a granny
28. name something you can’t wait for: SCHOOL TO START SO I CAN SEE MY FRIENDS and also i can’t wait for the 2020 election
31. what are you listening to right now: my laptop wheezing
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: yes! several toms!
33. something that is getting on your nerves: i’m currently dealing with a cold sore so does that count
34. most visited website: Instagram
35. hair colour: dark brown
36. long or short hair: short
39. piercings: ears!
40. blood type: magic
41. nicknames: Bee
42. relationship status: single
43. zodiac: gemini
44. pronouns: she/her/hers
45. favourite tv show: I don’t think I have one
46. tattoos: five and that’s not nearly enough
47. right or left handed: right
48. surgery: none
49. piercing: ears
50. sport: um
51. vacation: FRANCE AND ENGLAND
52. pair of trainers:vans
more general:
53. eating: generally, good
54. drinking: generally, also good
55. i’m about to: read
56. waiting for: a DC trip with my aunt!
57. want: more time to read books
58. get married: maybe but most people scare me and i like grocery shopping for one
59. career: museum curator/ exhibit designer/ public relations in museums and writing
which is better:
60. hugs or kisses: hugs
61. lips or eyes: eyes
62. shorter or taller: both!
63. older or younger: both!
64. nice arms or nice stomach: all arms and tummies are nice
65. hook up or relationship: i don’t have time or energy for either
66. troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant af
have you ever:
67. kissed a stranger: no
68. drank hard liquor: yeee
69. lost glasses/contact lenses: no, but probably soon bc i can’t see shit
70. turned someone down: yes
71. sex on the first date: yes
72. broken someone’s heart: unfortunately, yes.
73. had your heart broken: yes
74. been arrested: nope
75. cried when someone died: yes
76. fallen for a friend: yes
do you believe in:
77. yourself: most days
78. miracles: yes
79. love at first sight: yes
80. santa claus: um???????? this is a dumb question who do u think puts presents under the tree every year???????
81. kiss on the first date: yes
82. angels: does Castiel count?
83. current best friend’s name: Amy and Addy and Jay and Laurel and Ed
84. eye colour: green!
85. favourite movie: Captain America: The Winter Soldier and (now) Dunkirk
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sdhs-enjolras · 7 years
About Me
The last 1. drink: Coffee 2. phone call: Jehan. They’re one of the only people I know who still prefers calling over texting. Not that I’m complaining, of course. 3. text message: I can’t keep track of who sent the last text, because my group chat with Courfeyrac and Combeferre is currently blowing up. Every time I type an answer, another responds, so I guess both of them?? 4. song you listened to: “C’est La Mort” by The Civil Wars 5. time you cried: It definitely wasn’t the other day, when I decided to rewatch Up. Definitely not then. Okay, I lied; yes, it was. 6. dated someone twice: I haven’t dated anyone once, so… 7. kissed someone and regretted it: Haven’t actually done that, either. 8. been cheated on: Not in a romantic way, but I don’t want to give three “no”s in a row, so here’s a story: my dog, who I’d had since I was little, met Combeferre when I was in 7th grade and immediately decided that she liked him better than me. Never have I felt so betrayed. 9. lost someone special: The aforementioned dog, but luckily, that is the only real loss I’ve had to deal with so far. 10. been depressed: Nope! Yes 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: Not technically… When I was six or seven, I went to a family Christmas party and took a sip of what I thought was apple juice. If you think alcohol tastes bad when you’re planning on it, imagine how revolting it is when you’re a kid who is expecting apple juice. It was so bad that it set off my gag reflex, and ruined the party for anyone who happened to be in the room. Not a pleasant memory. 3 favourite colours 12. Red 13. Crimson 14. Scarlet in the last year have you 15. made new friends: I like to think I have. 16. fallen out of love: Nope. 17. laughed until you cried: Plenty of times. 18. found out someone was talking about you: Yeah, a couple of people. You know how high schoolers are. 19. met someone who changed you: To an extent, I think everyone I meet has an impact on me in some way. 20. found out who your friends are: I don’t think I ever didn’t know. There’s only one person who I’m unsure about. 21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: Nope. general 22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: All of them??? Do people do that? Do they have Facebook friends who they haven’t met? Of course, I try to reach out to people on other forms of social media, but nobody even uses Facebook these days. 23. do you have any pets: Not anymore, unfortunately. I would love to get one, but nobody in my family is home often enough to justify a dog. Maybe a cat, someday. 24. do you want to change your name: I was about to say no, but that was because for a second, I literally forgot that Enjolras is...not technically my name. It’s my last name. But, it’s the only one I’ve ever really used, so, in a way, I kind of already did change it. I mean, seriously, when’s the last time anyone has ever called me Alex? 25. what did you do for your last birthday: there was a Bernie Sanders rally just a half hour from my house, so a few of my friends and I made a day out of it. We went out to eat at this amazing local diner and then went to the rally, and it was awesome! 26. what time did you wake up: 5:30. 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: Planning the protest at the barber shop. You would not believe how difficult it is to get a big group of people to the same place at the same time.   28. name something you can’t wait for: Okay, if we’re being real and stepping away from the obvious, political stuff? I’m already really pumped for the next Avengers movie. What can I say? I’m a fan. 29. when was the last time you saw your mom: Just now, actually. 31. what are you listening to right now: My dad is watching the news down in the living room, and my mom is baking cookies. Dad usually does most of the baking, but her cookies are legendary. 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: I’m sure I have, at some point 33. something that is getting on your nerves: Grantaire 34. most visited website: Tumblr 35. hair colour: Blonde 36. long or short hair: Medium, I guess? If I ever straightened it, it would probably be pretty long. 37. do you have a crush on someone: No. Grantaire 38. what do you like about yourself: My determination. I think that being driven and focused is incredibly important, and while I encounter many a few instances where I want to give up, I always feel good about myself when I push through and get it done 39. piercings: None 40. blood type: O- 41. nickname: Well, my last name, I guess. Oh, and some people call me Enj. R calls me Apollo, but he’s the only one. 42. relationship status: Single 43. zodiac: Leo, but I don’t believe in all that stuff 44. pronouns: He/him 45. favourite tv show: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver 46. tattoos: None yet. Maybe someday. 47. right or left handed: Right. 48. surgery: Not yet, unless we’re counting stitches. 50. sport: Yeah, not my thing 51. vacation: France would be incredible, but I’d need to get better at the language, first. I only know the absolute basics. 52. pair of trainers: Depends on the time of year, and what I’m wearing GENERAL 53. eating: My dad made burgers tonight, and they were so unbelievably good. Sometimes, you just need a little junk food. 54. drinking: Coffee. I’m drinking it right now. Yes, it’s almost nighttime, and no, it’s not decaf. 55. I’m about to: sneak and eat some of Mom’s cookie dough while she’s not looking 56. waiting for: Mom to walk away from the bowl of cookie dough 57. want: to eat cookie dough. But, all half-joking aside, I want to make real, positive change in the world. After eating this cookie dough. 58. get married: Maybe someday, yeah, I guess. 59. career: If I live that long Politician or teacher. I’m kind of undecided WHICH IS BETTER 60. hugs or kisses: Hugs 61. lips or eyes: Eyes 62. shorter or taller: Shorter would be nice, because then I would get to be the tall one, for once. That never happens. Ever. 63. older or younger: I just realized this is in regards to dating and whatnot. I was sitting here stumped by what this question could mean for almost an entire minute before noticing the context. To answer, age doesn't matter as much as maturity. 64. nice arms or nice stomach: I don’t really notice either way. 65. hookup or relationship: Relationship, hands down. I’m way too ace for a hookup to be even slightly desirable. 66. troublemaker or hesitant: Depends on the type of trouble we’re talking about. HAVE YOU EVER: 67. kissed a stranger: Nope. 68. drank hard liquor: Outside of that Christmas party, no. 69. lost glasses/contact lenses: All. The. Time. 70. turned someone down: Maybe? Unintentionally? There have been points where the guys insist that someone was flirting/asking me out, but I never noticed. 71. sex on the first date: See my answer to #65. 73. had your heart broken: No. Yes 74. been arrested: Several times. 75. cried when someone died: Absolutely. My dog, tons of celebrities, Ellie in Up the other day... 76. fallen for a friend: Absolutely not. Grantaire DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 77. yourself: Most of the time. 78. miracles: Not really. 79. love at first sight: No. Not at all. And people who think otherwise are kidding themselves and can quickly become a troublesome distraction (fucking Marius…) 80. santa claus: Not literally, of course, but as corny as it is, I think that the joy the mere idea of him brings to kids makes him real, in a way. There’s a magic surrounding Christmas that even I can’t resist. If something so rooted in Christianity and capitalism can still somehow be my favorite day of the year, that’s something pretty special. 81. kiss on the first date: I am not experienced enough in that regard to really know how I’d feel about it. 82. angels: Nope. OTHER: 84. eye colour: Some say they’re blue, others say they’re gray. I think it depends on the light. 85. favourite movie: Oh, man, movies are such a guilty pleasure for me and I like so many that are so different from each other that I don’t think I could pick. To Kill a Mockingbird is a classic, but my dorkier side loves Captain America: the First Avenger, but on the other hand, I really enjoy Disney movies, and I don’t want to leave those out, but then there are the Harry Potter movies, and that doesn’t even cover Christmas movies, and do you see my dilemma here?
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Worlds Best Restaurants
Restaurants have always played an essential role in the business, social, intellectual and artistic life of a thriving society. The major events of life, personal and professional, are celebrated in restaurants. Acquaintances become friends around a table in the safe and controlled environment of a restaurant. Individuals become lovers across a restaurant table, sometimes restaurants are more important than ever.
    A meal served in the restaurant is not only about the food. It is also the extension of an ambiance where business-office meeting conveyed , a way to charm or even seduce a client. And a client’s tastes and preferences can be helpful in selecting the right restaurant.
Cooking at home has become less of a choice and more of a chore. With the large amount of ready meals available, the option of spending time in the kitchen becomes less and less appealing. People are spending more of their time and money in the world of fast foods and restaurants.
For those of you who are considering to start a restaurant business, this article is for you. Here are the list of top restaurants in the world; be inspired, get some insights and learn from this legends.
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#1 Eleven Madison Park
#2 Massimo Bottura
#3 Joan Roca
#4 Mauro Colagreco
#5 Virgilio Martínez
#6 Victor Arguinzoniz
#7 Gaggan Anand
#8 Mitsuharu ‘Micha’ Tsumura
#9 Andoni Luis Aduriz
#10 Heinz Reitbauer
Eleven Madison Park – 11 Madison Avenue, New York 10010 Contact: +1 212 889 0905 www.elevenmadisonpark.com
Daniel Humm with chef de cuisine Dmitri Magi.
The iconic restaurant where hospitality and cuisine are elevated to art forms It’s the perfect partnership of outstanding hospitality and exquisite food in an iconic setting in New York City that makes Eleven Madison Park the No.1 in The World’s 50 Best Restaurants. Co-owners Will Guidara and Daniel Humm have put their lives into breaking down the walls between dining room and kitchen, making sure the customer experience is harmonious from start to finish.
Swiss-born cook Daniel Humm started working in kitchens at the age of 14 and won his first Michelin star at 24. He became executive chef at Eleven Madison Park in 2006 when the restaurant was still owned by Danny Meyer’s Union Square Hospitality Group and in 2011 he and Guidara took over ownership. The pair now also oversee the food and beverage spaces at the NoMad hotels and have written several cookbooks together.
Massimo Bottura – Via Stella 22, 41121 Modena Contact: +39 059 223912 www.osteriafrancescana.it
A reinvention of Italian cuisine by a famously passionate chef.
Nestled down a cobbled street in peaceful Modena, Osteria Francescana is the gem of Italian gastronomy that rose to the top of The World’s 50 Best Restaurants last year in the hands of talented chef Massimo Bottura. But it could have been very different – in its early days, the restaurant almost closed after conservative locals were resistant to Bottura’s daring approach to cooking.
A poet, storyteller and artist as much as a cook, Bottura weaves narratives through his dishes, playing with traditions and experimenting with ingredients from the Emilia-Romagna region from whence he hails. Courses include the famous Five Ages of Parmigiano Reggiano, which takes the diner through the region’s esteemed cheese in different temperatures, textures and tastes, and The Crunchy Part of the Lasagna, Bottura’s reinvention of a corner of the classic Italian dish. Bottura’s creations are heavily influenced by art and music (in particular, jazz), and the dining space is made up of three elegant rooms that are adorned with high-quality contemporary artwork.
Joan Roca – Calle Can Sunyer 48, 17007 Girona Contact: +34 972 222 157 www.cellercanroca.com
Where the Roca brothers combine technique with taste, experimentation with tranquility
Twice ranked No.1 in the world, El Celler de Can Roca is located in the medieval city of Girona in Catalunya, northern Spain. A decade ago, the Roca family moved the restaurant just up the road from its original location to its current site – an airy, purpose-built contemporary space complete with a huge kitchen.
The three brothers who own and run the restaurant are each global leaders in their respective fields – Joan as a chef, Josep as a sommelier and Jordi as a pâtissier – so their combined creativity is a force to behold. Their food is complex, incorporating cutting-edge techniques and multiple ingredients to create highly stylised plates, but dishes are also designed to evoke memories, emotions and the landscape of the region.
Fortunate diners will be invited to visit Josep Roca’s magical walk-in cellar, where his passion for various grapes and regions becomes evident. The wine list, and the fabled wine pairing, more than lives up to its reputation for variety, originality and, most of all, quality.
There are two: the shorter Classics menu of around seven courses (plus snacks) features established favourites such as ‘prawn with vinegar (head juice, crispy prawn legs, prawn velouté)’ and Jordi’s edible perfume desserts; the longer and ever-changing Feast offering comprises 14-plus courses. Highlights might include an opener of onion flower with comté cheese, cuttlefish with sake lees and black rice sauce, and charcoal-grilled lamb consommé.
Mauro Colagreco – 30 Avenue Aristide Briand, 06500 Menton Contact: +33 4 92 41 86 86 www.mirazur.fr
Super-talented Argentine serves the freshest produce in his adopted French paradise In a stunning location on the French side of the Riviera, just moments from the Italian border, Mirazur is an idyllic spot to enjoy the food of the skilled chef Mauro Colagreco, which takes inspiration from his Argentine-Italian heritage as well as the local French region.
Colagreco headed to France in 2001 as a newly qualified chef, working with Bernard Loiseau until his death in 2003. He then worked with 50 Best regulars Alain Passard at Arpège and Alain Ducasse at Hotel Plaza Athénée before spending a year at Le Grand Véfour. In 2006, he established Mirazur, earning his first Michelin star within a year and a second in 2012.
With ingredients coming from Colagreco’s own backyard farm and the market of Ventimiglia, diners can expect a feast of flavour some products from just-picked heirloom vegetables to sparklingly fresh seafood. Courses might include monk fish with topinambur puree and Piedmont hazelnuts, or anchovy fillets on fried anchovy skeletons with juice from Menton’s famous lemons. Colagreco’s signature of oyster with tapioca, shallot cream and pear is a modern classic in the making.
Virgilio Martínez and Pia León – Calle Santa Isabel 376, Miraflores, Lima Contact: +51 1 242 8515 www.centralrestaurante.com.pe
Latin America’s No.1 restaurant is a tour of Peru’s biodiversity.
In its three years as The Best Restaurant in Latin America, Central has been, well, central to Lima’s transformation into one of the globe’s must-visit dining destinations, while chef Virgilio Martínez has led a new generation of Peruvian cooks.
Still in his 30s, Martínez has achieved much for his country’s gastronomy in recent years, helping to promote Peruvian cuisine around the world and working with his sister Malena’s research project, Mater Iniciativa, to help discover and educate on local agriculture and ingredients. This year, as recognition for his tireless work, he was voted by his peers to win the Chefs’ Choice Award, sponsored by Estrella Damm.
An exploration of its country’s biodiversity, Central takes diners on a journey through every altitude, from 20 metres below sea level to 4,100 metres above it, in 17+ courses. The tasting menu is a reflection of Martínez and his sister’s research into ingredients in the Andes, the Amazon and the sea.
Diners can expect a colourful journey through Peruvian cuisine, taking in some better known dishes like ceviche while presenting many exotic fruits, vegetables and herbs that most customers won’t have heard of – let alone be able to pronounce. Courses on the Mater Elevations tasting menu include Spiders on a Rock with mussel, crab and abalone; Marine Soil with razor clams, sweet lemon, pepino and starflower; and Close Fishing, an octopus dish with yuyo, barquillo and squid.
Victor Arguinzoniz – Plaza de San Juan 1, 48291 Atxondo, Bizkaia Contact: +34 946 58 30 42 www.asadoretxebarri.com
A unique rural restaurant where everything on the menu is grilled to perfection.
A combination of skilful barbecuing techniques, the chef himself, the exquisite rural setting, the deeply unpretentious atmosphere of the restaurant and, of course, the food. Oh, the food.
Flavourful in the extreme. Dishes are relatively simple, relying on the quality of the super-fresh ingredients and the masterful grill cooking of chef-owner Victor Arguinzoniz. Some are merely licked by flames, others grilled over fierce heat, but all have a distinctive smokiness imbued by the carefully selected woods over which everything is cooked. The simplest plates – home-made chorizo, salted anchovy on toast, giant Palamos prawns, the legendary beef chop – are also the most outstanding.
Victor Arguinzoniz was born and raised in the farming community of Axpe, a tiny village nestled beneath mountains an hour’s drive southeast of Bilbao. When he bought the restaurant building in the centre of the village, he and his family rebuilt it entirely themselves. He is self-taught and has only ever worked in one kitchen – his own – where he designed and built his famous adjustable-height grills. He rarely leaves the restaurant except to tend to his farm animals, which supply many of the raw ingredients for his tasting menu.
It may be a globally acclaimed destination, but there are no airs and graces here. Downstairs is a simple bar, which effectively doubles as the village pub; upstairs there are two spacious beamed dining areas, the décor reflecting the rustic nature of the surrounds but mixed with elements of contemporary art. The room is overseen by the eccentric but wonderful maître d’ and sommelier Agusti Peris, who brings a natural charm and super-relaxed service style to proceedings. Moreover, aside from Saturday evenings, it is only open for lunch.
Gaggan Anand and Rydo Anton – 68/1 Soi Langsuan, Ploenchit Road, Lumpini, Bangkok 10330 Contact: +66 2 652 1700 www.eatatgaggan.com
A journey through modern Indian cuisine in 25 emojis.
There’s a reason why Gaggan has been named No.1 in Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants for three consecutive years and it’s all about reinvention and creativity. Chef Gaggan Anand has consistently transformed his tasting menu, developing conversation-starting dishes like the spherified Yoghurt Explosion and creating a dining experience that reflects the warmth of Thai hospitality in Bangkok.
Guests at Gaggan are initially given a list of 25 emojis so that each dish comes as a surprise. After a journey through ‘magic’ mushrooms, Indian sushi and sea urchin ice cream, they are finally presented with a written list of all the items they’ve consumed – a colourful collection of bites in quick succession over the course of two to three hours.
Last year saw a large extension of the restaurant with a state-of-the-art R&D kitchen and chef’s table, which is used primarily for pop-ups and collaborations. The glass-walled area overlooks another row of buildings, where Anand is building a series of new restaurants with some of his longstanding chefs from Gaggan.
Mitsuharu ‘Micha’ Tsumura – 399 San Martin Street, Miraflores, Lima Contact: +51 1 447 7554 www.maido.pe
Peru’s No.1 Nikkei destination in a stylish setting.
Maido, meaning ‘welcome’ in Japanese, is the flagship restaurant of chef Mitsuharu ‘Micha’ Tsumura, serving an inventive tasting menu of Peruvian-Japanese bites alongside à la carte options and a classic sushi counter. In a stylish room decorated with coloured ropes in the formation of the Japanese flag, it’s a popular setting for business dinners and special occasions, as well as for destination diners looking to sample Lima’s best offerings.
A Lima-born Peruvian Nikkei, Tsumura was encouraged by his father to turn his passion for cooking into a profession and, after studying culinary arts in the US, he went to Japan to learn about his cultural and culinary heritage. Though he spent many months washing dishes, he learned vital knife skills and eventually how to cook rice and make sushi. He took a job at the Sheraton on returning to Lima and, some years later, opened Maido, which was rose to No.2 in Latin America’s 50 Best Restaurants 2016.
Maido’s tasting menus are a colourful journey through Nikkei cuisine, with highlights including a fish hotdog, nigari from the catch of the day, dim sum with squid and sea snail cau-cau, and sea urchin rice.
Andoni Luis Aduriz – Aldura Aldea, 20, 20100 Errenteria, Gipuzkoa Contact: +34 943 522 455 www.mugaritz.com
A powerhouse of creativity hidden in the green hinterlands of the Basque country.
Behind Mugaritz’s magic is Andoni Luis Aduriz, simply known as Andoni, is considered by many observers to be the natural heir to the title of Spain’s most pioneering chef after Ferran Adrià.
A meal takes place over 20 courses – several of them, if the weather is clement, served in the gorgeously appointed gardens around the restaurant. Basque cuisine often combines elements of the mountains and the sea, and so it is at Mugaritz where the menu might roam from oyster and young garlic omelette and pig tails and squid, via a crunchy “sandwich” of local cheese presented in a book, to a loin of lamb smoked over eucalyptus and served with “its cultivated wool”.
Heinz Reitbauer – Am Heuemarkt 2A/im Stadtpark, A-1030 Vienna Contact: +43 713 31 68 www.steirereck.at
Contemporary Austrian cooking in an equally ultra-modern setting.
It may, on paper, sound fairly traditional – family owned for generations, with a bias towards Austria’s rural Styrian region – but under the guidance of chef Heinz Reitbauer, Steirereck has become a byword for cutting-edge cooking rooted in the Austrian landscape.
Housed in a monolithic glass cube in Vienna’s Stadtpark, Steirereck’s design may be super-modern but the interior speaks a recognisable language of international fine dining. It’s a bright, tranquil vision of wood, concrete and starched white table linen.
Reitbauer’s signature says everything you need to know about his outlook, being equal parts culinary theater, precise technique and obvious reverence of local ingredients. The freshwater mountain fish, char, is cooked at the table in hot beeswax before being returned on a plate with yellow carrot, pollen and sour cream.
Beyond the basic purpose of restaurants to provide food and drink, restaurants have, historically, fulfilled a human need for connection and shaped social relations. In today’s busy world where leisure time has become more and more important, the less time spent working and preparing to eat allows us more available time for our pursuit of our leisure activities. 
For more Information about the Worlds Best Continental Restaurant Awards, The World’s 50 Best Restaurants and Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants – click link www.theworlds50best.com
People who do not have the ability, time or will to cook at home now only have to pick up the phone book or click on the Internet in order to find their local restaurant or fast food retailer that will be more than happy to deliver the freshly prepared hot food ready to eat straight to their door with minimum fuss.
If you want to discover restaurants by location, cuisine and to find deals with huge savings and every establishment’s rate or grading. Try these list of apps from google play store and apple app store:
Yelp iPhone/Android
Foursquare iPhone/Android
EAT24 – iPhone/Android
Urbanspoon – iPhone/Android
Zagat – iPhone/Android
OpenTable – iPhone/Android
LocalEats – iPhone/Android
DiningGrades – iPhone
Find. Eat. Drink. – iPhone
Restaurant Finder – Android
Definition of restaurant:
A business establishment where meals or refreshments may be purchased –merriam-webster dictionary
A place where people pay to sit and eat meals that are cooked and served on the premises – oxford dictionaries
Importance of Restaurant Hygiene
Hygiene is probably the second most important aspect of running a restaurant, coming second to food quality. … It could bring about disease or food poisoning to valued customers. Proper hygiene in the restaurant would help you gain trust from customers, boosting your chances for success.
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    Worlds Best Restaurants Worlds Best Restaurants Restaurants have always played an essential role in the business, social, intellectual and artistic life of a thriving society.
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ledenews · 4 years
6@6 - May 18, 2020
BOE Candidate on Air.
Charlie Hercules, a candidate for the Ohio County Board of Education, will be interviewed on The Watchdog (98.1 FM WKKX and 97.7 FM WVLY) this afternoon beginning at 4 p.m. Hercules is one of six candidates running for two seats representing two districts in the county.
Teleconference Council.
Due to the COVID-19 outbreak and the changes that have been made to Ohio’s Open Meetings Act (which temporarily allows public bodies to conduct meetings and hearings electronically during this state of emergency), the regular scheduled St. Clairsville City Council Meeting for this evening will be conducted via TELECONFERENCE, beginning at 7:30 P.M. The Council members, Mayor Thalman, and the City’s Administrative staff will be TELECONFERENCE participants. Public bodies must provide public access to any meeting or hearing that the public would otherwise be entitled to attend.  Therefore, any resident who is interested in dialing in to the TELECONFERENCE is encouraged to do so.  Residents will be in a LISTEN ONLY MODE. Please dial in to the number listed below at 7:30 P.M.  The dial-in number and access code are: Dial-In Number: 800-338-7154; Access Code: 7613 Mayor Thalman and Council President Velas urge residents to listen in and become informed on these timely topics.
Final Concert.
Wheeling Symphony Orchestra (WSO) announces the final concert of the season, A Night in with the WSO – a 90th Anniversary Virtual Concert and Fundraiser, featuring Music Director John Devlin, Musicians of the WSO, and pianist Maxim Lando. The free concert will take place on the WSO’s Facebook and YouTube pages on Thursday, May 28 at 8:00 pm. Donations will be accepted during the performance to continue support the WSO. Seventeen-year-old American pianist Maxim Lando was awarded the prestigious 2020 Gilmore Young Artist Award, and was also recently named Musical America’s New Artist of the Month. He first received international attention in 2017, appearing on the piano bench alongside Lang Lang to perform the parts intended for Mr. Lang’s injured left hand at Carnegie Hall’s Gala Opening Night. Chick Corea joined them for an unprecedented three-pianist version of Gershwin’s “Rhapsody in Blue” with the Philadelphia Orchestra led by Yannick Nézet-Séguin. The WSO is proud to partner with Good Mansion Wines for an exclusive “Wine Tasting to Go” to enjoy during the virtual concert & fundraiser.  Pricing is $25 for a single serving (2 wine varieties along with cheese selections) or $40 for two servings (3 wine varieties along with cheese selections). Bottles will be either 750ml or 375ml. Each kit comes with a sweet thank you from the WSO. Quantities are limited, so order promptly by contacting GMW at 304-233-2632. A healthy portion of the proceeds from every sale will be donated to the WSO.
AEP Schedules Sprays.
Beginning on or about June 1, American Electric Power (NYSE: AEP) will maintain the rights of way for some power lines in West Virginia by applying herbicides by helicopter. The company generally makes aerial maintenance applications only in less populated areas where terrain and accessibility make it difficult for ground-based crews to safely clear rights of way. Rights of way in populated areas, as well as near parks, ponds and other sensitive areas are maintained by other means. Customers with questions about the company’s aerial maintenance program may call 260-897-8090 or 1-800-642-3622 for information. Customers may also write for information at AEP, 120 John Scott Highway, Steubenville, OH 43952. Herbicides used by AEP have been registered for use on rights of way by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the West Virginia Department of Agriculture (WVDoA). Herbicides to be used are glyphosate, imazapyr, metsulfuron methyl, fosamine, triclopyr, aminocyclopyrachlor and aminopyralid.
Lunch with Books.
On Tuesday at Noon, Kennywood: Behind the Screams takes long-time fans and new visitors on a walking tour through Kennywood by exploring the history at each ride and attraction. Founded in 1898, the park has layers of history that tell of changing architecture, entertainment, and regional history, all brought to life by more than 300 vintage photos. The Klondike bar is America's favorite ice cream novelty. Brian traces its history and the rise and fall of its creator company, Isaly's Dairy, which evolved from one milk wagon to a dozen plants that supplied its 400 delis and dairies by the 1950s. The Lincoln Highway was the first continuous road to connect the coasts, allowing newly motorized Americans to cross the country by car. This book allows readers to travel across 100 years of the highway, from New York City to San Francisco, with stops at historic landmarks, bridges, taverns, movie palaces, diners, gas stations, ice cream stands, tourist cabins, and roadside attractions. Brian Butko lives in Pittsburgh and is the nation’s leading authority on the Lincoln Highway. Brian creates boo
Parking Enforcement.
In addition to the re-opening of City offices, parking enforcement throughout the city will be reinstated on June 1. This includes street sweeper violations. Enforcement was suspended on March 24 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Read the full article
0 notes
biofunmy · 5 years
36 Hours in Whistler – The New York Times
Consistently ranked among the top ski resorts on the North American continent, Whistler Blackcomb is the opposite of a well-kept secret. Seventy-five miles north of Vancouver, in Canada’s Coast Mountains, the resort — technically two mountains, tethered by a two-mile-long, peak-to-peak gondola — was the host of the 2010 Winter Olympics and hasn’t looked back. Diverse terrain with a mile-long vertical drop, a ritzy alpine village and epic mountain scenery have proven irresistible to travelers, around three million of whom visit each year. Acquisition by the international behemoth Vail Resorts has only accelerated, for better or worse, resortification of the one-time backcountry playground.
With beefed-up infrastructure like a new gondola and lifts have come high ticket prices (around 180 Canadian dollars, or about $138, for a one-day ticket, or around 150 dollars if bought in advance online) and grumbles from locals that the mountain is increasingly catering to a globe-trotting elite. The question for travelers: Is there still a ski-bum soul to be found beneath that glitzy surface? Or has Whistler become — like Las Vegas or Ibiza — one of those unreal places on the planet where soul-searching is beside the point? Well, a little of both. A weekend in Whistler uncovers plenty of one-percenter indulgences, from fine dining to retail therapy, some positively out-of-this-world skiing, and hints of the quaint mountain town that up until the 1960s had no road access, electricity or running water. (Oh, and a favorable exchange rate for American visitors makes those lift prices a little easier to bear.)
1) 1 p.m. Ski culture
Whistler’s slopes close at dusk (with the last run as early as 3 p.m. in winter), so take advantage of Friday afternoon to explore the master-planned village — a maze of pedestrian paths weaving between hotels and restaurants. Housed in a sleek, glass-panelled building, the Audain Art Museum (admission 18 dollars) is a high-culture highlight in the hard-partying ski town. In one gallery: haunting First Nations masks dating back to the 1700s, bedecked with abalone, sea lion whiskers and human hair. Next door: hallucinatory forest scenes in greens and browns from British Columbia’s first daughter of painting, Emily Carr.
2) 3 p.m. Retail orientation
Whistler shopping can have a premium-outlets feel (minus the deals), with the usual suspects well represented, from Lululemon to North Face. But exceptions exist. For ski accessories, McCoo’s is owned and staffed by friendly bearded locals who know from experience which toques, gloves and goggles work best for Whistler terrain. Across the village, 3 Singing Birds brings together all things exquisite and scented, from ginger-infused honey (12.50 dollars) to aromatic, artisanal candles (40 dollars).
3) 6 p.m. Paleo dining
A rare find in Whistler, where restaurants tend to be either white-tablecloth affairs or variations on pub fare, Hunter Gather is unpretentious (you order at the counter) and fastidiously local (even the ketchup is artisanal). From the carnivore-friendly menu, the 18-hour-smoked, grass-fed brisket stands out (24 dollars), especially matched with local Pemberton potatoes, roughly mashed and deep-fried.
4) 9 p.m. Pints and kilts
Whistler’s night life is lively for a ski village, with the kind of pumping bass, surly bouncers and long lines of a city club scene. For a more down-home experience, the Dubh Linn Gate Irish Pub — dark wood, beer-stained floors, waitresses in kilts — is neither new nor necessarily trendy, but always lively. On a recent night, the house band played Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody” on fiddle and guitar, while an enthusiastic crowd sang and danced along.
5) 7 a.m. Breakfast at 6,000 feet
Whistler and Blackcomb Mountains don’t open for skiing until around 8:30 a.m. But early risers can take the gondola up beforehand for the Fresh Tracks breakfast at Whistler’s Roundhouse Lodge, a mountaintop gondola hub with cafeteria-style seating inside. The all-you-can-eat buffet (26 dollars) offers the standard eggs, bacon and pastries. But the food isn’t the draw as much as the chance to be among the very first skiers to hit the newly groomed (or powdered) slopes when the first tracks bell rings.
6) 8:30 a.m. Mountain time
The largest ski resort by area in North America, Whistler Blackcomb covers a combined 8,000 acres of skiable terrain with more than a dozen bowls and hundreds of runs. For newbies, the mountain map, a dense web of colored lines, is about as readable as a big city subway plan — though a few hacks can help. Whistler is regarded as the more family-friendly, or “beginner” mountain, though its upper reaches are anything but. For casual skiers, Blackcomb’s Catskinner zone (served by a newly upgraded chairlift) affords a nice combination of leisurely green runs and slightly more challenging blues. The T-bar-accessed glaciers high on Blackcomb Mountain, with their yawning bowls and access to double black diamonds, are a magnet for ski pros the world over.
7) Noon. Repast and defrost
For those planning to squeeze every run out of their pricey lift tickets, Rendezvous Lodge on Blackcomb Mountain offers a prime spot for quick lunchtime refuge and refueling, though seats can be hard to find on busy days. Inside, skiers still in boots and bulky gear vie for space at long shared tables adjacent to the food court, which offers standard burgers-and-fries fare, plus a taco bar, Thai station and great soups. But if your toes are already frozen and legs turning to jelly, descend to the village for better dining options. Tiny Bar Oso, little more than a bar and a few tables, brings tapas back to their Spanish roots, with excellent salted cod croquettes (9.50 dollars), tortilla española (10.50 dollars), and lamb albondigas (17.50 dollars).
8) 1:30 p.m. History lesson
The land Whistler Blackcomb resort sits upon was first inhabited by the Squamish and Lil’wat First Nations. Today, they offer one-hour guided tours inside the Squamish Lil’wat Cultural Centre, an airy, wood-and-glass building big enough to accommodate towering totem poles (admission 18 dollars). Artifacts inside range from canoes carved from red cedar to blankets made from the “wool” of the Salish dog, a now extinct, Pomeranian-size canine from the area.
9) 4 p.m. Après alternatives
With Whistler’s lifts closing early, there’s plenty of time for après-ski diversions. Garibaldi Lift Co. Bar & Grill, right at the base of the mountain, is a venerable, if well-worn, Whistler institution. The open interior, dominated by a large fireplace, feels equal parts dive bar, ski lodge and dance club. It’s packed most afternoons with skiers fresh off the slopes, downing beers, shots and enormous plates of poutine (16.50 dollars, with locally sourced cheese curds). An upscale alternative a short walk away, the ritzy Bearfoot Bistro features a baby grand, inventive cocktails and exhaustive wine list, and a dedicated oyster sommelier with an encyclopedic knowledge of mollusks far and near (plate of six East and West coast oysters, 30 dollars).
10) 7 p.m. High-end Italian
Decades of serving international high-rollers have left Whistler with no shortage of high-end steakhouses, bistros and wine bars — not to mention a surfeit of culinary talent. Among the latest standouts on the scene: Il Caminetto — white-tablecloth Italian served family-style (that is, if your family dines on Wagyu beef rigatoni Bolognese, 32.50 dollars, and buffalo mozzarella with tomato chutney, 14.50 dollars) and run by the award-winning chef James Walt. Inside, diners trade ski boots and snow pants for stilettos and stretchy black pants and enjoy West Coast takes on Italian standbys, like chicken saltimbocca (36.50 dollars) and steak Florentine (market price).
11) 9 a.m. Chateau buffet
Though it dates back only to 1989, the Euro-inspired Fairmont Chateau Whistler easily qualifies as the most venerable old hotel in town, with a buffet (38 dollars) to match. Guests are ceremoniously called by surname into the dining room of The Wildflower restaurant — high ceilings, dark wood, wall of windows looking out at the base of the mountain — and given a guided tour of the spread, from apple-spinach smoothies all the way to hand-carved pork belly and brioche French toast.
12) 11 a.m. A real train wreck
Whistler’s crowds and high-end trappings can get a little exhausting after a while. Fortunately, there’s plenty to explore outside the village. Just south of town, a new, half-mile-long section of the Sea to Sky Trail (a 112-mile stretch of pathways, some still in progress, running north and south of Whistler) leads to a swaying wooden footbridge suspended over the Cheakamus River. On the other side, hikers are greeted by smashed steel boxcars scattered in the wilderness — the remnants of a 1956 train wreck, now covered with Basquiat-worthy graffiti and appropriated as ramps by local mountain bikers.
13) 1 p.m. Beer and axes
Nearby, the Function Junction neighborhood offers a more rustic alternative to the alpine glam of Whistler Village and a hint of what the area may have once felt like. Inside Coast Mountain Brewing — really just a skinny communal table and a couple of taps at the bar — locals in ski boots and flannels sip their way through tasting flights (four tasters for 10 dollars) of locally brewed sours, I.P.A.s and session ales. Situated (dangerously) right next door, Forged taps into the current vogue for recreational ax throwing. One-hour sessions (38 dollars per person) include instruction in everything from the basics of sticking your target to double-ax trick throws.
Higher-end hotel options abound in Whistler, though for a combination of location and atmosphere the Fairmont Chateau Whistler is hard to top. The 12-story resort, loosely modeled after a French manor house, offers ski-in, ski-out access at the foot of Blackcomb Mountain and an extensive pool and hot tub area for soaking away the burn from the day’s runs (rooms in-season starting around 500 dollars).
For a quieter alternative outside Whistler Village, try Nita Lake Lodge, which sits on the shore of a glacier-fed lake, a short drive from the slopes. Studio suites with fireplaces and soaker tubs start at around 300 dollars in season.
Nearly one in five residential properties in Whistler is listed on Airbnb, though options in-season can still be tough to find owing to zoning restrictions. One-bedroom condos on or near the slopes are around 500 dollars a night.
52 PLACES AND MUCH, MUCH MORE Discover the best places to go in 2020, and find more Travel coverage by following us on Twitter and Facebook. And sign up for our Travel Dispatch newsletter: Each week you’ll receive tips on traveling smarter, stories on hot destinations and access to photos from all over the world.
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mastcomm · 5 years
36 Hours in Whistler – The New York Times
Consistently ranked among the top ski resorts on the North American continent, Whistler Blackcomb is the opposite of a well-kept secret. Seventy-five miles north of Vancouver, in Canada’s Coast Mountains, the resort — technically two mountains, tethered by a two-mile-long, peak-to-peak gondola — was the host of the 2010 Winter Olympics and hasn’t looked back. Diverse terrain with a mile-long vertical drop, a ritzy alpine village and epic mountain scenery have proven irresistible to travelers, around three million of whom visit each year. Acquisition by the international behemoth Vail Resorts has only accelerated, for better or worse, resortification of the one-time backcountry playground.
With beefed-up infrastructure like a new gondola and lifts have come high ticket prices (around 180 Canadian dollars, or about $138, for a one-day ticket, or around 150 dollars if bought in advance online) and grumbles from locals that the mountain is increasingly catering to a globe-trotting elite. The question for travelers: Is there still a ski-bum soul to be found beneath that glitzy surface? Or has Whistler become — like Las Vegas or Ibiza — one of those unreal places on the planet where soul-searching is beside the point? Well, a little of both. A weekend in Whistler uncovers plenty of one-percenter indulgences, from fine dining to retail therapy, some positively out-of-this-world skiing, and hints of the quaint mountain town that up until the 1960s had no road access, electricity or running water. (Oh, and a favorable exchange rate for American visitors makes those lift prices a little easier to bear.)
1) 1 p.m. Ski culture
Whistler’s slopes close at dusk (with the last run as early as 3 p.m. in winter), so take advantage of Friday afternoon to explore the master-planned village — a maze of pedestrian paths weaving between hotels and restaurants. Housed in a sleek, glass-panelled building, the Audain Art Museum (admission 18 dollars) is a high-culture highlight in the hard-partying ski town. In one gallery: haunting First Nations masks dating back to the 1700s, bedecked with abalone, sea lion whiskers and human hair. Next door: hallucinatory forest scenes in greens and browns from British Columbia’s first daughter of painting, Emily Carr.
2) 3 p.m. Retail orientation
Whistler shopping can have a premium-outlets feel (minus the deals), with the usual suspects well represented, from Lululemon to North Face. But exceptions exist. For ski accessories, McCoo’s is owned and staffed by friendly bearded locals who know from experience which toques, gloves and goggles work best for Whistler terrain. Across the village, 3 Singing Birds brings together all things exquisite and scented, from ginger-infused honey (12.50 dollars) to aromatic, artisanal candles (40 dollars).
3) 6 p.m. Paleo dining
A rare find in Whistler, where restaurants tend to be either white-tablecloth affairs or variations on pub fare, Hunter Gather is unpretentious (you order at the counter) and fastidiously local (even the ketchup is artisanal). From the carnivore-friendly menu, the 18-hour-smoked, grass-fed brisket stands out (24 dollars), especially matched with local Pemberton potatoes, roughly mashed and deep-fried.
4) 9 p.m. Pints and kilts
Whistler’s night life is lively for a ski village, with the kind of pumping bass, surly bouncers and long lines of a city club scene. For a more down-home experience, the Dubh Linn Gate Irish Pub — dark wood, beer-stained floors, waitresses in kilts — is neither new nor necessarily trendy, but always lively. On a recent night, the house band played Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody” on fiddle and guitar, while an enthusiastic crowd sang and danced along.
5) 7 a.m. Breakfast at 6,000 feet
Whistler and Blackcomb Mountains don’t open for skiing until around 8:30 a.m. But early risers can take the gondola up beforehand for the Fresh Tracks breakfast at Whistler’s Roundhouse Lodge, a mountaintop gondola hub with cafeteria-style seating inside. The all-you-can-eat buffet (26 dollars) offers the standard eggs, bacon and pastries. But the food isn’t the draw as much as the chance to be among the very first skiers to hit the newly groomed (or powdered) slopes when the first tracks bell rings.
6) 8:30 a.m. Mountain time
The largest ski resort by area in North America, Whistler Blackcomb covers a combined 8,000 acres of skiable terrain with more than a dozen bowls and hundreds of runs. For newbies, the mountain map, a dense web of colored lines, is about as readable as a big city subway plan — though a few hacks can help. Whistler is regarded as the more family-friendly, or “beginner” mountain, though its upper reaches are anything but. For casual skiers, Blackcomb’s Catskinner zone (served by a newly upgraded chairlift) affords a nice combination of leisurely green runs and slightly more challenging blues. The T-bar-accessed glaciers high on Blackcomb Mountain, with their yawning bowls and access to double black diamonds, are a magnet for ski pros the world over.
7) Noon. Repast and defrost
For those planning to squeeze every run out of their pricey lift tickets, Rendezvous Lodge on Blackcomb Mountain offers a prime spot for quick lunchtime refuge and refueling, though seats can be hard to find on busy days. Inside, skiers still in boots and bulky gear vie for space at long shared tables adjacent to the food court, which offers standard burgers-and-fries fare, plus a taco bar, Thai station and great soups. But if your toes are already frozen and legs turning to jelly, descend to the village for better dining options. Tiny Bar Oso, little more than a bar and a few tables, brings tapas back to their Spanish roots, with excellent salted cod croquettes (9.50 dollars), tortilla española (10.50 dollars), and lamb albondigas (17.50 dollars).
8) 1:30 p.m. History lesson
The land Whistler Blackcomb resort sits upon was first inhabited by the Squamish and Lil’wat First Nations. Today, they offer one-hour guided tours inside the Squamish Lil’wat Cultural Centre, an airy, wood-and-glass building big enough to accommodate towering totem poles (admission 18 dollars). Artifacts inside range from canoes carved from red cedar to blankets made from the “wool” of the Salish dog, a now extinct, Pomeranian-size canine from the area.
9) 4 p.m. Après alternatives
With Whistler’s lifts closing early, there’s plenty of time for après-ski diversions. Garibaldi Lift Co. Bar & Grill, right at the base of the mountain, is a venerable, if well-worn, Whistler institution. The open interior, dominated by a large fireplace, feels equal parts dive bar, ski lodge and dance club. It’s packed most afternoons with skiers fresh off the slopes, downing beers, shots and enormous plates of poutine (16.50 dollars, with locally sourced cheese curds). An upscale alternative a short walk away, the ritzy Bearfoot Bistro features a baby grand, inventive cocktails and exhaustive wine list, and a dedicated oyster sommelier with an encyclopedic knowledge of mollusks far and near (plate of six East and West coast oysters, 30 dollars).
10) 7 p.m. High-end Italian
Decades of serving international high-rollers have left Whistler with no shortage of high-end steakhouses, bistros and wine bars — not to mention a surfeit of culinary talent. Among the latest standouts on the scene: Il Caminetto — white-tablecloth Italian served family-style (that is, if your family dines on Wagyu beef rigatoni Bolognese, 32.50 dollars, and buffalo mozzarella with tomato chutney, 14.50 dollars) and run by the award-winning chef James Walt. Inside, diners trade ski boots and snow pants for stilettos and stretchy black pants and enjoy West Coast takes on Italian standbys, like chicken saltimbocca (36.50 dollars) and steak Florentine (market price).
11) 9 a.m. Chateau buffet
Though it dates back only to 1989, the Euro-inspired Fairmont Chateau Whistler easily qualifies as the most venerable old hotel in town, with a buffet (38 dollars) to match. Guests are ceremoniously called by surname into the dining room of The Wildflower restaurant — high ceilings, dark wood, wall of windows looking out at the base of the mountain — and given a guided tour of the spread, from apple-spinach smoothies all the way to hand-carved pork belly and brioche French toast.
12) 11 a.m. A real train wreck
Whistler’s crowds and high-end trappings can get a little exhausting after a while. Fortunately, there’s plenty to explore outside the village. Just south of town, a new, half-mile-long section of the Sea to Sky Trail (a 112-mile stretch of pathways, some still in progress, running north and south of Whistler) leads to a swaying wooden footbridge suspended over the Cheakamus River. On the other side, hikers are greeted by smashed steel boxcars scattered in the wilderness — the remnants of a 1956 train wreck, now covered with Basquiat-worthy graffiti and appropriated as ramps by local mountain bikers.
13) 1 p.m. Beer and axes
Nearby, the Function Junction neighborhood offers a more rustic alternative to the alpine glam of Whistler Village and a hint of what the area may have once felt like. Inside Coast Mountain Brewing — really just a skinny communal table and a couple of taps at the bar — locals in ski boots and flannels sip their way through tasting flights (four tasters for 10 dollars) of locally brewed sours, I.P.A.s and session ales. Situated (dangerously) right next door, Forged taps into the current vogue for recreational ax throwing. One-hour sessions (38 dollars per person) include instruction in everything from the basics of sticking your target to double-ax trick throws.
Higher-end hotel options abound in Whistler, though for a combination of location and atmosphere the Fairmont Chateau Whistler is hard to top. The 12-story resort, loosely modeled after a French manor house, offers ski-in, ski-out access at the foot of Blackcomb Mountain and an extensive pool and hot tub area for soaking away the burn from the day’s runs (rooms in-season starting around 500 dollars).
For a quieter alternative outside Whistler Village, try Nita Lake Lodge, which sits on the shore of a glacier-fed lake, a short drive from the slopes. Studio suites with fireplaces and soaker tubs start at around 300 dollars in season.
Nearly one in five residential properties in Whistler is listed on Airbnb, though options in-season can still be tough to find owing to zoning restrictions. One-bedroom condos on or near the slopes are around 500 dollars a night.
52 PLACES AND MUCH, MUCH MORE Discover the best places to go in 2020, and find more Travel coverage by following us on Twitter and Facebook. And sign up for our Travel Dispatch newsletter: Each week you’ll receive tips on traveling smarter, stories on hot destinations and access to photos from all over the world.
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