#oh y god it finally appeared to me since i made this blog
crazylittlejester · 2 months
If you’re wanting to tap about it; Linked Through The Centuries, Chapter 1:
He took a deep breath and raised the wood to his skin, and immediately a searing hot pain ignited the right side of his face. He dropped the wood with a scream and it fell to the grass with a soft thunk, but the burning in his body didn’t disappear, it just spread. Link felt his bones struggling to rearrange and rebuild themselves into a bigger body, and his injured eyelid flew open, which was something he wasn’t able to do himself due to the damaged tissue.
The air was completely stolen from his lungs and he crouched down, curling in on himself, and wishing he could scream out for the deity to stop. It felt like the flesh was melting off the right side of his face and his vision in both eyes had gone completely white.
Fierce must’ve noticed this didn’t feel like it usually did for either of them, or maybe the transformation had just failed, because the god backed off and retreated back to where he usually sat in the back of Link’s mind.
At some point Link had fallen onto his back, and he laid in the grass panting, blinking hard and trying to get his sight to return. His ears were buzzing and his heart was pounding, and his body felt like it had been disassembled and not put back together.
‘…nk! L…! Kid! C… y… hear… e?’ The god’s voice shouted in his mind, and Link just groaned and turned his head to the side.
To his absolute shock, blurry shapes were starting to appear in both of his eyes as his vision slowly returned. The right side of his face ached and felt like his skin had been burned raw, and he raised a shaky hand to gently touch his cheek. His fingers came away wet with blood and he whimpered. 
‘Can you hear me??’ Fierce demanded, his voice finally ringing clearly enough in his mind that he could make out the words.
‘Yeah,’ Link mumbled, ‘I hear you.’
All the tension in his body seeped out of him, almost as if it hadn’t been his in the first place. 
‘I thought I killed you,’ the deity groaned. ‘I’ve been calling you for thirty minutes!’
oh FUCK yes *cracks knuckles* anon I am so so fucking happy that not only did you send me a part of a fic for a ‘directors commentary’, not only did you send me something from my own au, you sent me THIS specific scene. Kissing you on the forehead you made my fucking day
For anyone unfamiliar with this it is my own Links meet au (@linked-through-the-centuries), and this character in this snippet is Mask. There is a link to the fic in the pinned post on that blog! :)
He took a deep breath and raised the wood to his skin, and immediately a searing hot pain ignited the right side of his face. He dropped the wood with a scream and it fell to the grass with a soft thunk, but the burning in his body didn’t disappear, it just spread. Link felt his bones struggling to rearrange and rebuild themselves into a bigger body, and his injured eyelid flew open, which was something he wasn’t able to do himself due to the damaged tissue.
Okay so Mask has been struggling a lot since the end of the war. He’s lost an eye, he’s lost Warriors (in his mind at least), and he’s painfully lonely. The Fierce Deity is trapped in Mask’s body, and since the mask broke, he hasn’t really been able to do anything but talk to the god. Because he’s never tried to transform without the mask, he wasn’t really sure how to trigger the transformation, so he went through the motion of it. The wood is just that, wood, it didn’t do anything. Mask no longer needs it at all to transform, the only reason he was struggling is strictly just a mental thing, this is a bit knew for him. The problem with this transformation is that Mask’s body is not strong enough to house such a powerful deity long term. He tried to draw on Fierce, but his physical form literally could not handle it, and the god quite literally burnt through him
The air was completely stolen from his lungs and he crouched down, curling in on himself, and wishing he could scream out for the deity to stop. It felt like the flesh was melting off the right side of his face and his vision in both eyes had gone completely white.
I watched a lot of videos of the majora’s mask transformations, and they do usually seem a bit painful for Link, but this experience is truly something completely different for him. He’s never felt such an all encompassing pain before like he’s feeling in this moment, because he’s never been a vessel for a god before. When I was working on this part of the fic, I was rewatching parts of supernatural with someone I live with, and I imagined this experience to be somewhat similar to how the hosts of angels/demons feel when their body is becoming inhabited by something Other
Fierce must’ve noticed this didn’t feel like it usually did for either of them, or maybe the transformation had just failed, because the god backed off and retreated back to where he usually sat in the back of Link’s mind.
This is really the very first time Fierce becomes aware of how easy it would be for him to hurt, or even KILL, Mask. He wasn’t super aware of how much pain he caused the kid before, but now he was able to feel for just a moment how he was literally burning through Mask and he felt Mask’s spirit in his body weaken, and that scared Fierce so he stopped. It would be totally possible for Fierce to kill Mask and take his body, though if Mask’s body were damaged and killed, then who knows what would happen 🤷‍♂️
At some point Link had fallen onto his back, and he laid in the grass panting, blinking hard and trying to get his sight to return. His ears were buzzing and his heart was pounding, and his body felt like it had been disassembled and not put back together.
Every single transformation has an extreme physical effect on Mask’s body, and changing his physical shape how he did so many times as a growing kid left him with a lot of physical problems. He dislocates things incredibly easily, his joints and bones do NOT want to stay in place, and he deals with a lot of chronic pain because of all this. This wasn’t even a full transformation, but it really took a lot out of him, and he took a lot of damage in a physical AND spiritual sense
‘…nk! L…! Kid! C… y… hear… e?’ The god’s voice shouted in his mind, and Link just groaned and turned his head to the side.
Fierce very genuinely cares for Mask, he’s grown incredibly fond of this doomed mortal child. He truly wants what’s best for him, and he wants to protect him as much as he can. They have a very “grumpy old man who hates kids accidentally acquires a child and his life is changed” dynamic
To his absolute shock, blurry shapes were starting to appear in both of his eyes as his vision slowly returned. The right side of his face ached and felt like his skin had been burned raw, and he raised a shaky hand to gently touch his cheek. His fingers came away wet with blood and he whimpered. 
When I was writing this out and planning out how exactly I wanted this whole Mask and Fierce in one body thing to work, the like, ‘image’ in my mind that I was thinking of was similar to a cracked mirror, and in those cracks, you can see straight through Mask and stare directly at Fierce. The ‘mirror’ has BEEN cracked for quite some time now, but now we see that this huge chunk of glass has fallen out. It’s not a perfect analogy, because Mask’s face there is STILL partly his face, it’s not 100% Fierce’s, but it more the deity’s than his own if that makes any sense at all
Mask WAS blinded in that eye, it was damaged beyond repair, and the nerve damage left him unable to lift his eyelid easily if at all and he struggled to move that side of his face because of how deep the scar tissue went. And the scar isn’t completely gone, however Mask’s face is like, very thinly stretched over Fierce’s beneath it on that part of his face. He can now ‘see’ out of that eye again because it isn’t his at all, the mental connection he has with Fierce just allows him to ‘see’ what Fierce is seeing, he’s basically showing Mask the images he sees at such a fast and immediate rate that Mask’s brain is perceiving it as his own eye. If they were separated, even if Mask’s body stayed how it looks now after this transformation, he would not be able to see out of that eye
‘Can you hear me??’ Fierce demanded, his voice finally ringing clearly enough in his mind that he could make out the words.
‘Yeah,’ Link mumbled, ‘I hear you.’
All the tension in his body seeped out of him, almost as if it hadn’t been his in the first place. 
While the most clear and obvious part of Fierce and Mask becoming a bit more intertwined with each other in both a spiritual and physical sense is Mask’s face, there are some other things that happened because of this transformation that are less visible. Like here, Fierce’s extreme emotion was able to create a very small physical response. Fierce is just contained to this vessel like he is to the wooden mask, he shouldn’t technically have any control over Mask’s body at this point and yet he does. It’s not a whole lot of control, but his worry and fear did cause Mask to express that physically even though those were not Mask’s emotions
‘I thought I killed you,’ the deity groaned. ‘I’ve been calling you for thirty minutes!’
I wrote this, read over it, and then Loki in avengers saying “I’ve been falling for THIRTY. MINUTES!!” came to mind and I laughed SO fucking hard. Like that’s not at all the tone I imagined Fierce saying this in, that’s not how I intended it to come off, but whenever I reread it or go over it, I read it in that same kinda way Loki said it 😭
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feined4 · 2 years
Omg, you are the first one willing to write about Bianca! I obviously need a Bianca fic in my life and I would love a fluff to angst situation or something like that. I'll leave it up to you and your imagination!
Summer night
pairing: Bianca Barclay x gn!reader
summary: Bianca was the woman you loved. But one night you found out something and made you rethink if she was the woman you knew.
warning: angst, ooc Bianca I feel I made her... to harsh, ooc Xavier, italics means flashback.
word count: 3.1k
A/N: btw you didn't specify if it should be fem r or not so I just made it gender neutral. I'm also bad at angst I'm sorry :(((
Bianca had asked you out during the first week of summer. School is just starting and you and Bianca's relationship is better than ever.
You reminisce about the fond memories you both made during the summer. Those late-night talks you both had always made your heart skip a beat. Or those outings you had with other friends. It felt like a blur.
Bianca had been nothing but charming towards you. Somehow always making you swoon at every chance she gets. But as the year started some of your friends became distant. It was mostly Xavier, you weren't sure why. You thought it was the lack of contact or the two of you and just drifted away from each other.
Both you and Bianca we're walking down the hallway with your arm wrapped around hers. You both were having a pleasant conversation until Enid suddenly appeared out of nowhere.
"I've been meaning to catch you two!" Enid squealed.
Bianca raised her eyebrow at the blonde. "What exactly do you want?"
Enid grabbed her phone out of her pocket. "I just need a picture of you two, it's for my blog!" You looked at her with scrunched eyebrows. "Why do you need a picture of us?"
Enid only gave her famous smile. "Well, I just need a picture of the new it couple of Nevemore of course!"
Enid's reply made you smile. You felt the butterflies in your stomach. It made you hold Bianca's arm tighter.
The sound of Bianca's chuckle was like music to your ears. "Mhm sure Enid, let's give her what she wants."
Bianca removed her arm from yours, instead placing it around your neck. She leaned in and gave you a sweet kiss on the cheek. Enid was quick to take a picture of you both. She made sure to capture how you held on to her arm and the content smile you had.
"This is perfect you guys!" Enid grinned while looking down at her phone.
"Good, well me and Y/N have to go we'll see you around Enid." and with that you and Bianca left. Her arm was back around yours.
Luckily, you and Bianca had the same class. So you both always went at the same time.
Both you and Bianca made it on time. You were sitting together and you were absolutely bored out of your mind. Bianca being Bianca, she listened intently to the teacher at the front.
You gazed around the class and your eyes landed on Xavier, you looked at him curiously. You still never knew why he suddenly stopped talking to you.
You leaned closer to your girlfriend. "Hey, do you know whatever happened to Xavier? Like why he suddenly stopped talking to me?"
That made Bianca stop fidgeting with her pencil. The question caught her off guard.
"No, it was probably something stupid. You know how he is."
You only hummed. You should've known you wouldn't get an answer from Bianca. The two of them aren't close as they used to be.
Resting your head on her shoulder you sighed feeling her hand on your thigh, she gave you a gentle squeeze.
You were walking to the table you usually sat with Bianca, Kent, and Divina. You felt relief that it was finally lunch. You were starving during classes since you skipped breakfast.
Finally reaching your spot, you sat down next to your girlfriend.
You were greeted with a peck on the cheek. "Hey babe, I got your favorite food." Looking down at the table was the sight of your beloved lunch.
"Oh my god, thank you." you were quick to dig in your food while Bianca giggled watching you.
"So, I was thinking we could sneak out tonight so we can go to the lake," Kent suggested.
Divina squealed, "Yes we should go! I've been meaning to show Yoko something!"
"I'm in, Y/N?" Bianca asked looking at you. Looking up away from your food, you saw your friends and girlfriend waiting for your answer. "Yeah me too." It's not like you had plans later anyway. Plus, you would never miss an opportunity to see your girlfriend's scales. Especially under the moonlight sky.
Bianca grinned, "Perfect, let's meet up at the same time as always." This wasn't the first time you and your friends snuck out to the lake. Sometimes you'd sit on the ground to watch your girlfriend swim. She'd always try to convince you to swim with her.
Sitting down on the ground you watched as Bianca swam under the water of the lake.
You watched as her head popped up from the water. "Baby, are you gonna watch me forever, or are you gonna join me?" You giggled, "I don't have my swimsuit, plus I'm fine with being just here."
She squinted her eyes, she slowly made her way towards you. You raised your eyebrow, "Bianca, I said I don't have my swimsuit."
That didn't stop her. She was close to you, her hands slowly reaching you. "Babe...." You whispered nervously while slowly backing up.
You were too late.
Her fast hands grabbed your ankles and pulled you into the water. You almost screamed when you were dragged into the water.
The sound of splashing water filled the lake. You reached the surface just to see your laughing girlfriend. "Bianca what the fuck?!"
She only kept laughing and placed her hands on the side of your face. "Okay okay, I'm sorry," she watched as your mouth slowly turn into a pout.
She bit her lip, leaning closer to you and pressed her lips on yours. You sighed into the kiss. Bianca broke the kiss and let her forehead rest on yours.
"You're so cute." her voice came out as a whisper. You smiled, before looking below you for a second. You look back at your girlfriend with a mischievous look.
Your hands quickly splash your girlfriend making her scoff. "Really?" she asked in disbelief. "It's payback!" you were quick to reply and continue your attack.
The night ended with you both laughing out of your minds.
That night was one of your favorite memories of her.
Sneaking out of your dorm can be quite troublesome. But you were always successful anyway.
Suddenly you heard the sound of people bickering around the corner. It sounded like hushed whispers.
You peeked around the corner to see Xavier, Kent, and Divina?
You were confused, what were they doing here?
You watched them, Xavier looked agitated while it seemed Kent and Divina were trying to calm him down. Kent was pushing Xavier away while Divina was texting someone frantically. Their voices were getting louder enough for you to hear.
"I have to tell them, you know it's wrong we keep this from them!" Xavier shoved Kent's hands away from him.
"Dude you know how pissed Bianca would be! We can't tell them." Kent said pushing Xavier again.
This was getting worse. They were getting louder. It would cause attention. You thought it would be best to try and stop them.
So you rounded the corner fully exposing yourself. Once they noticed you were there. Kent and Divina's faces looked like they saw a ghost.
"Y/N!" Xavier called out to you, finally pushing Kent out of the way. He stood before you, the look on his face was mixed with guilt and shame.
"Is something wrong?" You asked in utter confusion.
"Xavier." Divina said in a warning tone. Xavier only shook his head. He didn't want to admit it but the guilt was eating him up. It wasn't right, especially for you. You didn't deserve this whatsoever.
"Y/N I have to tell you something important." In an instant, Xavier was at a loss for words. How could he possibly explain it to you? Especially when you couldn't remember?
Swallowing the lump down his throat, Xavier clenched his jaw.
"I-I know you don't remember much of that night. Remember that night I followed you, Bianca, and the others?" He asked and you try to remember. The memory finally came to mind.
Xavier never followed those swimming trips much. So when he did follow it took you by surprise. You didn't mind it though.
You nodded, "Well that night, you weren't drunk Y/N. Hell, you didn't drink at all!" You blinked in confusion. You didn't remember much. Since you were.. Drunk? You didn't know anymore.
"Xavier stop it!" Divina whisper shouted. They were obviously keeping something from you. "Divina, is it true? I didn't drink that night?"
Divina's mouth hung open. She didn't have the guts to lie to you, nor could she tell the truth. Her silence let you know Xavier was telling the truth.
"I don't understand, why don't I remember?" You asked putting your attention on Xavier again. He sighed, "You don't remember because..." the words die out in his mouth. It was getting harder to tell you the truth.
"Xavier tell me." You were getting pissed. What were they hiding from you? Xavier looked behind him to see Kent shake his head, silently telling him to stop.
Xavier looked back at you. "You don't remember because Bianca used her siren song on you."
It felt like you were crushed. You've been lied to. By your friends and girlfriend. Many things were going through your mind.
"What the fuck? What do you mean?" You asked with a shakey voice. Xavier took a breath in.
"She used her siren song on you because that night, you caught her... With me." Xavier barely whispered the last part. He watched as you took in his words. How your eyebrows twitched, How you looked at him in disgust.
"Look Y/N, it was a mistake. I didn't-"
He was cut off by you giving him a harsh slap. The sound of your hand on his face echoed in the hallway, making Kent and Divina flinch.
Your whole world is falling apart. You couldn't believe it. Everything was just fine earlier. It seemed your girlfriend was the sweetest woman you know. Now... You weren't sure.
"Tell me everything." Was all you could mutter out. Xavier only nodded, he deserved that slap. He deserved your hate.
Summer nights would end with you swimming with your girlfriend and friends.
Well, one night, you found out Xavier was coming. He never came on these trips. Always saying he's either busy or painting.
You were more than pleased he was joining. It was nice for him to join. Although, you weren't sure if Bianca would be okay with it.
You knew they were together before. How their breakup was rough.
But when you told your girlfriend, she didn't have a negative reaction. In fact, she smiled finding out he was coming.
Back then you thought they made up. But it was more than that.
Swimming around with Kent, you two were goofing around until you noticed your girlfriend's presence was gone. You looked around but only the twins were seen.
You excused yourself going to look for her.
You didn't notice Xavier was gone too.
Searching around your girlfriend was nowhere to be seen.
That was until you heard the sound of sticks being broken.
Slowly, you went towards the sound. You thought it was an animal. But instead, you met with a devastating sight.
Bianca was pinned against a tree and Xavier held her waist while they were making out.
You were hit by a mix of emotions. Anger, sadness, and confusion. How could she do this to you? What did you do wrong?
It was hard to even believe she would do this. But here you are watching her kiss her ex.
It seemed they heard you and they whipped their head toward you. Their eyes were wide with shame. Bianca felt her breath catch in her throat. This wasn't supposed to happen. And now she had to face the consequences.
You didn't want to be there. You were rushing away. Ignoring the pleas of your soon-to-be ex-girlfriend. Your vision was getting blurry with tears.
You get it now. Was Bianca only dating you to get back at Xavier? You should've known it was odd she started dating you right after the breakup with Xavier. She was obviously not over him.
Bianca felt the dread. The guilt building in her more while she tries to catch you. The regret was far too overwhelming. She couldn't lose you. She needs you. How was she gonna convince you it was a mistake? She couldn't.
But then the idea popped into her head.
She blinked away her tears. Yes, that could be it. She'll just use her siren song. Bianca knew it was wrong. But she needed you.
She looked down at her necklace. She was only going to do this once. She removed it frantically. She called out for you to stop.
You stopped in your tracks.
She was second-guessing her decision. Was this right? It was only one time. She needed to. But was this right for you? It's not like you'll remember.
Too many questions ran through her mind Xavier was able to catch up with her. It seemed Kent and Divina heard the commotion. They ended up seeing the situation turn out.
"Bianca? What the fuck are you doing?" Xavier asked panicked.
"I have to do this. I-I can't lose them!" Bianca cried. A single tear was able to slip out.
"Y/N, you-you never saw us."
They watched as you blinked with scrunched eyebrows. They watched as you looked at them with a confused smile.
"Um, what happened?" You asked very confusedly. They were all looking at you like you've gone mad.
"You're just drunk." Bianca whispered. Xavier looked at Bianca and back at you. He didn't know what to do. So much was happening.
You blinked a few times again. "oh, no wonder."
you laughed, you looked at Kent.
"Where are the drinks? I wouldn't mind for some more." You asked, Kent's mouth hung open. "It's over there." he pointed at the small table. He refused to look at you.
You walked towards the small table leaving them there. Bianca was putting on her necklace, she looked at them. "No one talks about this ever again. And no one tells Y/N."
The twins only agreed. They were far too spooked to disagree. Xavier on the other hand, he was feeling mixed feelings. He was still processing what had just happened.
Bianca took a breath in. Gaining her composure before making her way toward you.
The twins and Xavier were left trying to take in what just happened.
You were in denial. There's no way that happened. But then again, it made sense. Why you couldn't remember taking a single sip of alcohol that night?
Everything was crashing down at you all at once. You felt tears forming.
"Is this true?" you asked the twins, hoping it wasn't. And that it was just some sick fucking joke.
They refused to look at you. "We're sorry Y/N." Divina whispered. The guilt they were bottling up finally took a toll on them.
You let out a shaky sigh. So it was true. Far too overwhelmed you didn't notice Bianca rush in.
Once she was your tear-stained cheeks she knew you knew you already knew.
She got the text from Divina that Xavier was trying to tell you. Once she had read the text her heart dropped.
Bianca practically ran here hoping to stop Xavier. Unfortunately for her, it was too late.
The familiar anxious feeling she felt seeing you look at her like she betrayed you.
And that's exactly what she did.
You wanted to leave. You still struggling to take in this information. So many questions ran through your mind. Why would she do this to you? Why didn't they tell you sooner? Was she still cheating on you?
"Y/N," Bianca called out for you softly. She tried reaching for you, but you quickly smack her hand away.
The mix of anger and sorrow growing in you becomes worse. You breathed heavily, more tears running down your face.
"I don't ever want to see you again." You say through gritted teeth and a weak voice. Glancing between Bianca and the others.
You felt numb walking back to your dorm room. You desperately tried to blink away the tears. Everything went all so wrong with one single conversation. The trust you had for Bianca was gone in a single moment.
Bianca tried to catch you, but Xavier grabbed her wrist. He gave her a pleading look. Silently telling her to let you go.
It was like deja vu. This time Bianca let you go. Bianca sighed, deep down she knew this was going to happen one day. You'd find out the truth.
Bianca lost you. But in reality, she lost you the moment you caught her with Xavier.
Once you reached your bed you tried to muffle your cries. You didn't want to disturb your roommate.
You cried yourself to sleep that night. It felt like your chest was tightening non-stop.
You woke up to your second alarm. Your roommate was long gone. Your head was aching. Your eyes were puffy, a spot on your pillow was wet with tears, and your face was still stained with tears.
You sighed, you didn't have any energy left. But you still had to attend school. Lazily, you got dressed and fixed your hair. You tried washing your face in hopes your puffy eyes would go away.
Walking through the halls people gave you a few stares. It was obvious you were tired. You were hesitant to go to your first class but you still forced yourself. You made sure to sit far from Bianca. You couldn't bare to look at her.
Bianca stared at you, she saw the tiredness in your eyes. She clenched her jaw, in Bianca's mind the memory of her using her siren song on you replayed non-stop. It made her feel guilt and shame every single time.
It wasn't long before people noticed the distance between you and Bianca. Rumors spread like wildfire about how the two of you potentially broke up.
"I heard Y/N was only using Bianca for popularity."
"What? I heard that Bianca cheated."
"I bet they were only a couple for attention."
"Didn't they get together last summer? Something must have gone wrong recently."
"Bianca sure has a thing for weird people..."
This has been going on for days. you hated it, you wished people just minded their own business. It made you hide away in the library more and more.
You scrolled through your following page and came across Enid's latest post.
'The it couple of Nevermore broke up?! What happened?'
You clenched your jaw, turning off your phone and closing your eyes. You thought to yourself,
'This will pass, and people will lose interest soon.'
That's how it always ends anyway, soon you'll just be an old rumor of Nevermore.
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“Metallica , are you fucking kidding me ?!”
Summary: your uncle , Kirk Hammett was apart of the band Metallica. The exact same band your boyfriend Eddie was obsessed with. Sol you had him meet the whole band
Warnings: None just fluff and a very exited Eddie
This is my first fanfic of Eddie Munson so I hope you enjoy it . Re blogs and any suggestions is appreciated. <3
You had just finished your shift at Family Video and drove to Eddie’s trailer . As you opened the door you saw your boyfriend laid across his couch with Enter Sandman : By Metallica on full blast . After a while his eyes met yours and a large smile appeared on his face . “Hello baby , how was your day ?” Eddie said while running towards you .
“ It was tiring , Steve kept on talking out some girl , Linda I think I don’t know he likes to many girls ,it’s confusing .” Eddie chuckled at your comment. He never really liked Steve in school but since you started dating he and Steve became good friends . “ Oh!” Your sudden outburst made Eddie jump for a slit second before he looked at you confused. “So you how my uncle is apart of the band you like …”
“You meen one of the best bands ever ! Do you realise how good their music is ? It’s-“ you cut him of “ yes I know , you love them” you said you with a chuckle . “Anyway I told him about you and he said … he wanted to meet you”
Eddie’s face lit up with excitement. He suddenly stated kissing your face “I _ love _ you _ so _ fucking _ much” he said in between kisses . After about 20 minutes of listening to him fan girl over your uncle’s band he finally stopped and asked “ so when did he want me to meet him ?”
“ he wanted to meet you at their recording studio… in 30 minutes” his expression was completely blank in pure shock from realising that he was going to meat the lead guitar player in a few minutes “but … and please don’t freak out but Kirk mentioned it to the james and Robert and the whole gang said they wanted to meet you since you was a fan “
It was about 20 seconds of silence . Eddie just stared at you in disbelief. There is no way that he was going to meet one of his most favourite bands ever right ? Suddenly excitement overcame him and he started freaking out “Y/n are you for real ?! Oh my god ! Oh my fucking good ! I’m going to meet Metallica! I have only ever seen them in concerts ! You are the BEST GIRLFRIEND EVER ! I love you so fucking much ! Wait im going to meet Metallica! IM GOING TO MEET METALLICA! …. Oh god what do I wear ?!” He yelled running to him room searching through his wardrobe . You laughed following him and then sitting on his bed watching him looking through his wardrobe searching for some clothes “Eddie you don’t have to wear anything special, they are just people”
Despite what you just said he continued to look through his wardrobe “ but most of my clothes are band shirts and I’m pretty sure they would be offended if I walked in there wearing a black sabbath shirt or a DIO hoodie but I can’t wear a Metallica shirt because I don’t won’t to look like a stalker” you couldn’t help but giggle at his frustration. You have met Metallica a lot because you and your uncle was extremely close . They was actually very chill and nicer than you thought they would be .
“why don’t you just wear your hellfire club t-shirt or one of your flannels … or” you stand up and look at him “ you could wear what your wearing right now . I don’t get why you are making a big deal out of this you look amazing whatever you wear “ you say helping him look through his wardrobe .
Eddie picks out his hellfire shirt and a leather jacket and places it on the bed “ I just want them to like me . Especially because Kirk is your uncle … It’s like when you met Wayne , you got all dressed up and nervous”
“Yes but that’s different Wayne is your godfather as well as your uncle and he’s been taking care of you since you was like 10”
After a while Eddie decided to wear his hellfire club shirt and his black leather jacket. After he got changed you both set of in his van. Halfway there he put Metallica on playing on blast to ‘get him more exited’. While all you wanted to do today was go to sleep after your exhausting shift you was still extremely happy you got him to see the band . You knew how much he loved them. The only problem was that you didn’t know how you could get him a better present for his birthday, which was coming around quicker than you thought
You finally arrived at the studio and Eddie jumped out of his van . This was probably the most exited you had ever seen him . When you both got to the studio door you looked at him “okay please don’t freak out when you see them . I know you love the band but Kirk is my uncle and I can garante that he is going to be telling my dad about you”
Eddie pulled himself together and you opened the door and you walked in. “Hey y/n” James said to you while taking a sip of his tea . Kirk looked up at you “I thought you said you was bringing your boyfriend with you”
“Yeah … I did” you turn round to see that Eddie never followed you inside . You sighed and walked out of the studio and saw Eddie leaning against the door “hey Ed’s is everything okay ?”
“Yeah, I’m fine in just a tiny bit nervous” you smiled at him “thats fine I’m going to be there with you . And they’re really nice”
“Okay” Eddie whispered while holding your hands .As you both walked in and he saw the band he looked at you with a exited facial expression “it’s fucking Metallica!” He whispered to you making you giggle “Everyone this is Eddie , my boyfriend”
“Hi Eddie it’s a pleasure to meet you” Kirk said holding out his hand . Eddie gladly shook his hand “ thank you for having me I’m really happy to be here”
“Eddie’s a big fan of you guys”you smiled siting down on the couch next to Robert . Eddie next you and grabs hold of your hand squeezing it slightly.
“ So Eddie Hellfire Club what is that ?” Lars asks looking at Eddie’s shirt confused since he has never heard of it before “Oh um it’s a dnd club at school me and me friends are in”
“Yeah and Eddie’s in a band” you chimed in. “Really what’s the name ?” james said adjusting his seat so he could see Eddie properly. “Corroded Coffin ”
“So what do you play Eddie ?” James continued to ask “I play the guitar” . James looked at Eddie with a grin and then at the rest of the band “so Eddie do you know how to play any of our songs ?”
“Yeah I can play most of them , I just learned how to play master of puppets”
“Do you want to play with us?” James asked standing up “Yeah!” Eddie said quickly “I have my guitar in the van I will be back in a minute” Eddie said then running out to get his guitar from the van . James and Robert started to set things up while Lars brought out the drum set . While they was getting reading Kirk turned to look at you
“So y/n , Eddie seems nice” he said smiling at you “ oh he’s amazing to me Kirk . He’s a really nice guy”. “I’m glad your happy y/n” you moved closer and gave your uncle a hug . You loved your uncle and seeing him approve of Eddie was amazing.
Eddie then came back into the studio holding his guitar . You then pulled out of the hug so Kirk could stand up and play . “If you want we could sign that for you” James said turning on his amp “would you mind ?” Eddie asked holding out his guitar “Yeah sure” James took Eddie’s guitar and then picked up a white permanent marker and signed his name on the guitar . Then Kirk signed it , then Lars and then Robert did then they handed it back to Eddie
“Honestly thank you guys so muchI love your music” James smiled at Eddie’s comment and grabbed his guitar “Are you ready to play master of puppets ?” Eddie nodded and grabbed his guitar pick . You took out your camera to record Gareth and Jeff are gonna freak out when they see this !
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I hope you enjoyed this . There will be a part 2 where Eddie plays the guitar and Eddie bragging about his signed guitar and showing everyone in corroded coffin the video of him playing with Metallica. If you have any feedback I would love to hear it .
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babyjakes · 2 years
must be fate. [part one.]
〈 disclaimer: this blog posts content not suitable for individuals under the age of 18. minors are strictly prohibited from viewing, sharing, or interacting with this blog. for more information on this blog's commitment to protecting minors, read our full statement here. 〉
next part →
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summary | after unexpectedly connecting online with chris evans, you experience an even greater miracle by running into him at your favorite local cafe. though your life has been difficult lately, chris seems to know all the right things to say to get you feeling (at least a little bit) better.
pairing | chris evans x internet friend!reader
warnings | mentions of poor mental health (depression, loneliness), *slight* mentions of suicidal thoughts (passive, no specifics/plans/details), chris being the sweetest human being ever <3
word count | 1,231
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requested by anon | chris evans x (non actress) reader where reader is feeling depressed recently and has no one to talk to and thought of venting out to chris by sending a DM through IG and after a few vents, surprisingly chris replies to her and maybe with a little help from fate chris and reader meet unexpectedly and chris recognizes her, you can add/modify some details, maybe this time some fluff?
an | hi i am SO sorry it took me so wrong to write this one but!!! i finally got around to it! fluffy, comforting chris is exactly what i’ve been needing lately so here we go! i hope you enjoy! thanks so much for your wonderful ideas <3 (i like did not really know how to make chris and reader bump into each other very realistically so i just made the setting boston? since he’s an ma guy? idk)
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Taking a sip of your coffee, you tuck your head down into your book, doing your best to blend in as you sit alone at your table in one of your favorite little cafes. The place is quite busy with people bustling all about, chatting and laughing and enjoying each other’s company. You’re just around because you needed to get out; you’ve been having a terrible past few weeks and couldn’t stand sitting by yourself at home for another minute.
“Y/n! Y/n,” you hear a deep voice calling faintly from across the room, starling you slightly. Glancing up warily, your eyes land on the last person you’d ever expect to meet in person or to be calling your name: Chris Evans.
“Ch-Chris?” you stutter out as he makes his way over to your table-for-two, a cup of coffee in hand. His deep blue eyes connect with yours as a smile graces his face, appearing delighted to see you. “Oh my god, hi. I- wh-what are you doing here?”
“I’ve been in the area for a few days, just hanging out,” he explains casually, pulling out the empty chair across from you. “Oh,” he pauses before planting himself down, “is it alright if I sit?”
“O-of course,” you stumble, still unable to believe that he’s truly in front of you. He’s been one of your favorite people for a long time, but up until now it’s always been from a distance. You started out like any other fan, and then a few months ago you had decided to reach out to him over Instagram when your collapsing world finally became too much for you to bottle up inside. By some miracle, he had read your messages and responded, which led to the two of you slowly becoming friends through the app, leading Chris to eventually give you his number.
While all of that had felt like a dream already, this was something else entirely. Now he was here, right in front of you. He had recognized you from all the way across the crowded café, and took the initiative to come and sit down. You can hardly believe in.
“I can’t believe it, I’m so glad I get to meet you,” Chris says, the words seeming much more like something you should be saying to him.
“Y-yeah, I- me too,” you agree quickly, shutting your book on the table in front of you and tucking your hair behind your ear self-consciously, embarrassed that he’s seeing you in such a state. Things have been getting progressively worse since you met Chris online, and honestly, right now you’re a mess. You didn’t even bother to brush out your hair or put on any makeup before you left home, not thinking anyone would be getting close enough to notice or care. “Wow, I-… this is unreal,” you admit, feeling a slight blush rise up through your cheeks.
“Guess it must be fate,” he says, his smile widening slightly. The warmth and kindness in his expression tugs at your heart; it’s been forever since the last time someone looked at you with such tenderness. “You come here often?” he asks, taking a sip of his coffee.
“Oh, y-yeah. I… this place is my favorite,” you tell him.
“Yeah, it’s pretty great,” he agrees, “I try to stop in whenever I’m in town. It’s too bad we haven’t run into each other before,” he comments, still surprising you with how truly thrilled he is to be meeting you. “How are you doing?” he asks, his voice softening up a bit as a hint of concern flashes in his eyes.
At his gentle words, you suddenly feel tears threatening to spill over as a wave of emotion washes over you. You can’t remember the last time someone spoke those words to you, and now that Chris is asking, you feel like if you open your mouth and begin speaking, you might not be able to stop.
“Hey,” he murmurs, his concern only growing as he sees the tears built up in your eyes. “Y/n… do you wanna talk? I don’t have anything going on right now, and it seems like you could use someone to talk to.” His voice is sweet and soft, his words kind and sincere, only making your urge to spill everything to him grow stronger.
“Sorry,” you shake your head as you wipe at your eyes shamefully, “I-I’m okay, I just-… I’m okay,” you lie, not wanting to burden him with your problems or waste his time. He’s Chris Evans, you think to yourself, surely he has better things to be doing than listening to my sob story. He’s already done so much for me. “I’m sure you’re plenty busy with… I… I’m sorry,” you repeat.
“No, it’s alright,” Chris presses, seeing right through the brave front you’re putting on. “Really, I’m not busy. Don’t be sorry, y/n. I finally get to see you in person, and I can finally be here for you like you’ve needed someone to be for so long. Please, doll. I can tell you’re not okay,” he tells you gently.
Swallowing down a lump that’s formed in your throat, you sigh as tears begin trailing down your cheeks, no longer concealable at this point. Besides, you can tell that Chris senses just how exhausted and miserable you are, and you decide that you truly just don’t have the energy to hold it together any longer.
“I… I’m getting worse,” you admit quietly, your eyes falling to your lap as your fingers fiddle nervously with the spine of your book. “Everything’s just getting worse.”
“Oh, sweetheart,” he breathes, his brow raised in concern as he leans in slightly towards you, wanting to show you that he’s listening.
“I-I’m doing the best that I can, I-I swear… I just… I hate this, this life. I just… I just wish everything would stop,” you sniffle as more tears fall into your lap.
“Y/n,” he says, and suddenly you feel warmth against your fingers. Looking up slightly, you see that he’s placed his much larger hand over your own, and has begun to slowly run his thumb across your skin softly. “Can you look at me?” Timidly, you raise your gaze to meet his, and the look of care and worry in his eyes is indescribable. “Hey. It’s gonna be okay, sweetheart,”he tells you seriously. “I know everything’s a lot right now. And it’s okay to feel overwhelmed; I totally get why you do. But everything’s gonna be alright. You’re not alone anymore, okay? I’m right here with you. See?” he asks, giving your hand a slight squeeze.
“Chris, I-” you stutter, not knowing what to say. “That’s… that’s so kind of you, and it means a lot to me that you’d say that, but… you’re a celebrity,” you remind him. “I’m just- just a nobody. A girl you met online. And you-”
“No,” he cuts you off firmly, “that’s not true. You’re my friend, y/n. Who cares if I’m a celebrity? You’re not nobody, not to me, and I’m here for you. For good,” he asserts. His kind words soften your heart slightly, and as you peer into his crystal-blue eyes, you can’t find a single hint of deception.
“For good?” you ask, needing to hear it again to truly believe it.
“For good,” he says again. “I promise, y/n. I’m here.”
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next part →
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okaymybeloved · 3 years
can you do a txt as your best friend to lover trope? i love ur blog
txt best friend to lovers (´∀`)♡
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best friend to lovers!txt x reader
aaaa first txt req!! super excited about that, also thank you so much anon!! i’m glad my blog can give you joy :))) i hope you enjoy this!!
a/n: also sorry i was gone for so long,, i went on vacation hehe
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you two were the quiet kids in the back of the classroom
unexpectedly, you guys started becoming good friends when your moms met each other at the farmers market
maybe they did that “go hangout with the other kid while we go and gossip”
kinda forced to be together for hours which in return, turned you two into best friends
+ more under the cut!
he brought you to the tree you guys usually hung out at after school
soobin kinda looked nervous and suddenly just bursted out
“y/n, i usually don’t do this but i really like you and i really hope i didn’t ruin the friendship oh god oh god bye”
literally sprinted away
it took you a minute to process what just happened but you chased after him
catching him, you gave him the biggest hug
“why’d you run away before i told you that i liked you too”
okay, not to be stereotypical but yeonjun was literally the it boy
you’ve always wondered why he’s stuck with you for this long, ever since elementary school
what’s funny is that everyone knew that yeonjun had some sort of feelings for you, everyone except you
he turns down every person who asks him out and always reports back everyone who asked him out
tbh you wondered why he would tell you all of this but didn’t think much of it
until you accidentally heard him turning down one of the most popular girls in school
“sorry, __ i actually like someone right now”
honestly it made you kinda sad hearing that since you didn’t think it would be you
quickly turning around, yeonjun grabs you by the wrist
“y/n. i know you heard what i said. come on, i’m taking you out on a date today”
you were shocked but accepted excitedly
choi beomgyu. your best friend from middle school. or as everyone else knows him as, the class flirt.
there has not been one person that he hasn’t flirted with
since you were his best friend, you got the worse end of the stick
it didn’t bother you much at first but admittedly, it has been bothering you recently
why did butterflies appear every time he called you cute? he’s been calling you that since middle school, why is it happening now?
you really couldn’t handle it anymore so one day you just blurted it out while he was actively flirting with you
“choi beomgyu, i can’t tell if you’re actually flirting with me or not. i like you and i really can’t handle this”
he looked so shocked but it was replaced with a bright smile
“oh my god finally y/n. i’ve literally been trying to flirt with you since middle school but you didn’t get the hint”
you blushed hard
“i really do hate you, beomgyu. now take me out before i kiss your stupid smile away”
he winked, “i wouldn’t mind that”
you guys have been best friends for about a year
would tell each other everything, including things that were super personal
none of you guys have ever kept a secret from each other… well, until now
taehyun was generally very gentle with everyone, treating everyone with the same respect even if they were younger
however, you started noticing that he’s been completely going out of his way to be super gentle and respectful to you
since you were his best friend, it was a weird change to the usual chaotic taehyun
nonetheless, you ignored the butterflies you would get when he would help you with things
he asked you to go bike riding with him and you agreed
the bike ride ended up taking you to a small park where you both sat on the swings
both of you were sitting in a comfortable silence until he spoke
“y/n, i really like you. i’ve been thinking about it a lot recently and you are the best person i know. i cherish our times together and i hope we can spend even more”
call you a crybaby but just that alone made you cry
not even giving him an answer, you attacked him with a giant hug and small pecks all around his face
“hehe, you’re my boyfriend now”
y’all know the typical “childhood best friend” type thing? yeah, you guys were the living embodiment of that
you guys would spend so much time together, people automatically assumed that you guys were dating
both you and kai would insist that it wouldn’t work out and that you guys would be better off as friends but everyone knew that wasn’t true
the way he would always become super soft with you, the way your eyes always found him in a crowded room, the way your guy’s eyes sparkled when the latter’s name is mentioned
yeah, no way people didn’t think you guys were dating
honestly, you really wanted a relationship with kai
he was handsome, sweet, funny, smart, the whole package
kai thought the same thing, you were beautiful, hardworking, determined, and knew what you wanted
you were both pining at this point and your friends couldn’t handle it anymore
one day, they just locked you two into a room and threatened to not let you out until you talked to him
it was super awkward at first, no one wanting to make the first move
kai had enough and just straight up said
“i like you a lot , y/n. can we just get this confession over with and just date now. my heart can’t take this anymore”
you laughed bc that was the most hilarious way to confess
“fine then. we’re dating now, love”
hearing the pet name made his heart skip a beat
seeing you both walking out hand in hand, your friends silently high fived each other
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miss-smutty · 4 years
hii i just discovered ur blog and whew wow- tumblr is severely lacking some daddy hemsworth fics so tyyy
idk if your taking requests rn but could i please request something with thor or chris where he’s had a rough day at work or something and is very angry so he’s really rough in bed with you that evening and you love it! also could it include lots of dom!thor/chris and dirty talk bc that’s my weakness
tyyy if u do this sorry if it was too detailed idk ive never sent a request lol but ty hunny <3
So first of all thank you @mysticbonkoperavoid , I'm so glad you like my fics ❤️
And secondly thank you so much for your amazing request, I literally got lost in this filth 🥵🥵 I hope you like it 😘
A/N- This is just pure filth, so consider yourself warned 😂🥵🥵 strictly 18+ only. Dom!Thor literally had me ✨ clenching ✨
Summary- Thor's had a tough day and nothing you do is helping until you let him take out his frustration on you and become his little slut.
Word count- 3,243 of pure filth
Pairing- Thor x reader
Warnings- Smut, filth, dirty talk, rough sex, swearing
18+ only!!!
Taglist-: @innerpaperexpertcloud
Posted: 22nd Feb 2021
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⚡A Push Too Far ⚡
Thor had come home from a mission in a foul mood, you'd tried everything to cheer him up. You'd made him his favourite snack, put on his favourite show and even massaged his big, worn out feet. Nothing was working and you were exhausted with the effort. You selfishly couldn't stand the negative atmosphere and just wanted to know how to make him feel better. If he wouldn't tell you what was wrong how could you help? You were so used to him being overly enthusiastic about everything and hated when he was in one of these moods. Something pretty bad must've happened to dampen his mood this much.
"Just tell me what's wrong and I can help" You huff.
"Will you please just forget it? I don't want to talk about it" Thor said, pushing you off gently when you try to touch him. 
"I want to know what's happened to put you in such a sulky mood." You said teasing him, trying to get his attention. If you couldn't get him to talk to you then you would just have to help him take his frustration out in the best way he knows how.
"Please Y/N, stop talking about it" He says exasperated, you're pushing the last of his nerves and you know it. It's exactly what you want, you know what he's capable of when he's angry.
"Make me." You say, seeing the switch in his eyes as his jaw clenched tightly, the muscles in his neck straining against the skin. You backed away from him slowly, knowing all too well what was coming.
The ground shook around you as bolts of lightning flew from Thor and his eyes glowed brightly making you shield your own eyes from the sudden glare. Immediately knowing you'd pushed him too far. You were frightened but more than that you were massively turned on, your pussy clenching with ferocity. You knew he'd never hurt you, well never more than you could handle but still, angry Thor was a feast for the eyes. Delicious.
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"You better shut that pretty little mouth of yours before I put it to work" He bellowed, his eyes still glowing and his jaw clenched together tightly.
"Is that a promise?" You say under your breath, watching Thor through your eyelashes as he towered over you.
"On your knees" He commanded, with the power of a God, making you weak as his voice rebounded from the walls of the large, almost empty room with a dramatically high ceiling. 
"But..." You start before he cuts you off.
"Did I stutter? do as you're told" He urged, looking down at your petite frame before him. His powerful demeanor making you do exactly as you were told. Looking up at him with innocent eyes as you knelt on the hard, wooden floor.
He circled around you, like a wolf and his prey, taking in the sight of you kneeling like a victim. Purposefully not touching you, the anticipation of when he would strike making you hold your breath. Your panties are already soaking wet and the buldge in his pants is straining against his trousers.
Thor moves to stand in front of you, his legs planted a foot width apart while he gazes down at you, a slow, wicked smile appearing on his lips. Tortuously, slowly unzipping his trousers and pulling out his lofty length, gripping it firmly with his two hands.
"I think that pretty little face deserves to be fucked" oh fuck, Thor, now you're talking. Now was your turn to smile devishly at Thor, ready and waiting for him to feed your slutty little mouth with his fat cock.
He disappears behind you, you try to turn around to follow him with your eyes but he grabs your hair, pulling you back. It made you ache but not your head, it made your pussy ache. 
"Don't move" He whispers into your ear, still pulling your hair back so you're looking up at him. Pulling a hair tie from his wrist and wrapping it around your hair at the nape of your neck. Wait a minute, where did he get that from? It dawns on you that he's had this planned since the minute he'd got home, the only way he knows how to take his frustration out. Probably knowing you wouldn't be able to take his silent treatment and push him too far in the end anyway. Oh you sneaky man, Thor. 
It feels like a painstakingly long time before he's finally back in front of you, his trousers and boxers now discarded on the floor behind you. Taking in the sight of his thick, muscly thighs and his long, thick cock have you licking your pouty lips. You want to reach up and pull his t-shirt off too but he grabs hold of your wrists as they snake their way up his torso. 
"Ah ah ah, are you going to be good? or am I going to have to tie you up?” He asks in a gruff tone making you put out your bottom lip as you sit back on to your ankles. Your knees beginning to ache from the hard floorboards.
"Does it hurt?" He asks, watching you whince with a satisfied look on his face "Do you want a cushion?" He says in a teasing voice while you nod your head with pleading eyes.
"What do you say?" Bending to pick up the cushion from the couch and holding it out of arms reach, smiling sinfully.
"Please" You say sweetly, more than happy to play his game. Your whole body aching with need. At last he pulls his t-shirt over his head, his biceps flexing as he does, your heart racing at the sight of his ravishing nakedness. That perfect body is all yours.
"Strip" he says seductively looking you up and down, throwing the cushion on the floor by your knees and pulling you up and against his rock hard cock. A squeel emits from your mouth, his hands gripping your cheeks firmly.
You look at him for a second, dumbfounded. You're used to him taking the lead and ripping your clothes off in a heated frenzy, this is new.
Elated with the fact he's allowing you to give him a show for once, you drape the straps of your dress over your shoulder, pushing him down on the couch with a hard shove to the chest. Watching that slow smile spread on his lips and his cock bounce, satisfyingly, with the impact.
Pulling the dress down to your feet and stepping out of it, standing proudly in your lacey underwear. Cocking your eyebrow at him as you hook your thumbs into the side of your panties, pulling them down a fraction. You stop to move closer to him, reaching your hands out to touch his bare skin.
"No touching or I swear I'll tie your hands" He says nonchalantly, his eyes hungry with lust, you pout at him, disappointed you can't touch him.
He watches you intensely as you finish taking off your panties and bra, holding in a giggle when you throw them at him and they hit him square in the face.
"You smell, delicious" He surprises you when he licks his lips, no hint of a smile on his face just that deep intense glare of a predator. The word 'delicious' rolls of his tongue, delectably. The way he stares into your soul, taking in every inch of your nude body, makes your stomach clench, your pussy dripping with arousal.
"Now back on your knees" He says, standing back Infront of you, his cock eye level.
Grabbing your ponytail with one hand and guiding his cock to your mouth with his other. You open your mouth instinctively, widely, like the good little slut you are.
Thor takes no prisoners and rams his cock deep into your mouth, making you gag instantly. Your lips wrap around his cock, the length and thickness filling you up. He yanks your hair backwards so your looking into his eyes while he slams his cock in and out of your mouth.
"Look me in the eyes while you take my cock" oh for the love of God... and Thunder. your pussy is dripping, aching for it. "Good girl" 
He pushes your head down on his cock, as far as you can go. You can feel the tip hitting your tonsils and the shaft throbbing in your mouth. You're gagging, spit dribbling down your chin in a disgusting manner. Your eyes brimming with tears as he rams his cock to the back of your throat. 
"Choke on it" he groans, his head hanging back. You feel the confidence to reach out and cup his balls, knowing he wouldn't chastise you when he's too consumed in the ecstasy of your lips and tongue wrapping around his cock.
"Is that better? Are you satisfied now you've got my full attention?" He looks down at you, a deep hunger in his eyes. You were nowhere near satisfied yet, not until you felt his cock stretching your walls but you couldn't tell him that, he'd just tease you for even longer.
"Mmm" you mumble around the length of his dick.
"Don't talk with your mouth full" he scolds huskily, his voice filled with lust.
You hold onto his firm cheeks while you suck his dick, letting your tongue do the work, running over the full length and teasing the tip. Sucking on the tip, hard, while you grip the base with your hand. You can feel his cock throbbing in your mouth, amazed with how hard he is. You know he's struggling with restraining himself, just as much as you, he'll just never admit it. 
Thor lets out a deep growl, thrusting his dick into your mouth one last time before sharply pulling out with a pop. You were actually upset he'd stopped you, you were enjoying sucking his fat dick. He pulls you up to stand before grabbing your cheeks in his hands and lifting you up, wrapping your legs around him.
You want to kiss him so bad. You hang on to him as he pushes you back against the wall, hard enough to leave a bruise. The feel of his cock thrusting against you has you mewling as he bites hard on your neck. Shivers travel through your entire body, finally feeling his lips against your skin and the thrill of his teeth biting against your neck. The fine line between pain and pleasure being well and truly explored.
You're lost in the feel of his teeth against your skin and muscle, moaning loudly, you barely notice when he sets your feet back onto the ground. Sucking loudly on your neck, your head hanging to the side giving yourself to him freely.
"Im gunna leave marks all over your skin so everybody knows you're mine." He says breathlessly against your skin, his breathe tickling your neck making your hair stand on end, your pussy clenching, agonisingly.
Thor pushes his forearm against your throat so you're locked in between him and the wall, no where to go. Staring into your eyes, making you blush as he pushes two fingers into your mouth without warning.
"Suck" he commands, his voice gruff and deep, oozing authority. You know his fingers are going to delve into you and you can't wait, sucking eagerly on his legthy, stocky fingers.
Before you have time to draw breath, he thrusts his fingers into your opening. Immediately curling them around to find your G-spot. Satisfaction plastered on his face when he hears your moaning, knowing he's got you right where he wants you. 
"You love this, don’t you? Let me hear how much you love it.” He whispers into your ear, his arm still pushing against your throat. You can barely take anymore, his sultry words and his thick fingers making your head spin. Nothing else in the world matters right at this moment, he fills you with narcotic desire. Like a drug to you, you can't get enough, always wondering when you'll get your next fix. If you could get away with making him lose his temper on a daily basis, just so could feel this amount of pleasure, you would.
You moan for him obscenely, you're eyes pooling with desire and hunger. His fingers repeatedly hitting your spot, harshly, bringing you over the edge. Your mouth hangs open, your eyes rolling to the back of your head as your pussy clenches around his fingers.
"Does that feel good" he asks captivatingly, holding is arm against your throat and fucking you with his fingers.
"Amazing" You say breathless, the huskiness of your voice surprising you. His face is so close to yours and your senses so hightened that his masculine scent hits your nostrils. His otherworldly fragrance. The smell you long for on those long nights he's away. It hits you and you're consumed by it, your legs starting to shake as your mind loses control. The orgasm rushing from your core.
Then it's gone, just like that. You open your eyes, noticing they're about to burst with tears. You were so close!
"I don't care how good it feels, don't you dare come yet" he says venomously, you honestly feel like your about to start crying. The build up was so intense and then it was just gone and you still feel that deep need. Thor is looking pleased with himself and if you weren't so turned on by the look on his face, you would've slapped him straight across it. Cocky shit! 
You were about to protest, but he saved you from the punishment when he stuck his fingers into your mouth again. Your slickness coated all over them.
"Now see how good you taste, how wet I make you" you looked him in the eyes resentfully and for just a moment you saw his eyes soften. Only a moment before they're filled with fire once more and he's pulling you to the bedroom across the room. Still fighting the urge to finally have his way with you, taking his precious time to tease you beyond your limits. To show you who's the boss around here. As if you ever had any doubts.
Throwing you onto the bed and pushing your knees open with force. You can feel your pussy throbbing with anticipation knowing it's not long until he finally gives you what you've been craving from the start.
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Thor effortlessly clamps both of your wrists above your head in a vice like grip with his big, manly hands, leaving you writhing, like his prey, on the bed below him. You breathe a sigh of relief when he finally reaches down to kiss your lips, biting on your bottom lip hard enough to draw blood.
"Keep your hands here" Emphasising 'here' with a squeeze of your wrists. You try to stay perfectly still while he moves down your body, straining your neck to watch what he does next.
“What a perfect sight, you, all spread out for me to do whatever I want to” he says, positioning himself in-between your legs. Seeing you in all your glory, your pussy dripping wet making him lick his lips.
You gasp when his lips latch on to your inner thigh, so sensitive to his touch. Biting and sucking all the way down each thigh, your going to be covered in hickies come tomorrow morning. You know that's his plan, he loves to see the remnants of the night befores dirty sessions. Even if no one else can see them, he knows they're there, a reminder that you're his.
"Just marking my territory" he reminds you, confirming your suspicions.
"I know exactly what you're doing" you say through gritted teeth, the pain and pleasure unbearable.
"Let’s find out how much you can take before you're begging me for my cock.”
All you can do is nod your head while you bite down on your bottom lip, afraid how shaky your voice will be if you try to speak. 
The sudden slap to your pussy makes you shout out, completely unexpected but hot as fuck all the same, sending shockwaves throughout your whole body.
"You like that?" He slaps you again, hitting your clit with his fingertips and making you convulse uncontrollably. You can see the restraint on Thor's face, the vein protruding from his neck and the tightness in his jaw are the tell tale signs. You know he's about to burst.
"I love to see you squirm now I want to hear you moan" he grabs onto your hips and turns you over, pulling you on to your knees. His movements getting sloppy and desperate now, the lust taking over him.
You inhale as Thor presses the tip of his cock to your opening, brushing it up and down and gathering your wetness. Your legs threaten to give way as he teases you with his cock, you can't stop yourself from pushing yourself back onto him.
"Do you think you deserve my cock?" his voice was heavy with desire. 
"Yes, Thor... Please" you plead, more than worthy after the torture he's put you through.
Thor eases himself in gradually, while you push yourself backwards, no more patience left in you. Holding on to your hips and exhaling, the satisfaction of finally feeling your walls clamping around him. You whince as he slams himself into you with full force, his balls slapping against you. The sounds of sex filling your ears in a glorious way.
"You won't... be able... to walk... after I'm done... with you" he says between every thrust, knocking you forward with every slam. Your orgasm is building already, you can feel your walls tightening, trying to push him out as he holds on to your hips relentlessly.
He grips hold of your ponytail, yanking it backwards, so your head is as far back as it can go, your neck straining. He squats above you, dipping his dick into you, so deep you can feel it in your stomach. This position is fucking everything, he knows you're about to come and sends a slight electrical charge straight through your core just as you release around him. It feels fucking amazing! 
Thor reaches forward and hooks his finger into your mouth, pulling your cheek back as he continually pounds into you. Orgasm after orgasm gushing all over his cock, dribbling out of your aching pussy until you're kneeling in a puddle of your arousal. Your screaming his name, your pussy throbbing, squeezing against his cock. You know he's struggling to restrain when he inhales sharply.
"Dirty fucking slut" he says venomously.
"You fucking love it don't you?" His voice is breathless and deep, you can't take much more. The power of your come is pushing him out, making you ridiculously tight. You can feel his cock twinging as his powerful come shoots into you, he roars so loudly the bed shakes around you. You finally collapse into the bed head first, your knees giving way as he rests against you with his cock still inside of you, twitching and convulsing.
"Are you ok, baby?" Thor asks sweetly, his frustration finally dissipated, rubbing your ass cheeks tenderly.
"More than ok" you say breathless and tired, rolling over onto your back underneath him and pulling him down on to you.
Finally his lips are on yours, passionately, forcing your mouth open and stroking your tongue with his. Kissing you like his life depended on it, making up for the hours spent without the feel of your lips on his. A deep feeling of satisfaction washed over you, he's yours and you're his and you can fuck like animals but still collapse into each other arms lovingly afterwards.
"Are you going to tell me what's wrong now?" You tease, making him laugh a great big belly laugh as he pulls you over on top of him.
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The Perfect White Flower--and Other Nonexistent Things
disclaimer--wont follow the show exactly 
Pairing: Harry Styles x latina! reader (a key factor of the show revolves around the lead being latina, and im latina and honestly love writing for us but anyone can still read and understand/hopefully enjoy and the fic doesn’t involve any physical descriptions:)) 
Series Summary: Y/n l/n has had the world figured out since she was a child. She won’t be a writer because it’s risky, she’ll just focus on school and becoming a teacher. She’s never been a child, because her mother had her at sixteen and hasn’t aged a single year since. That’s part of the reason the promise she made to her grandmother means so much to her--if she doesn’t have sex before marriage, her child will never have to grow up as quickly as she did. And Harry Styles is at the top of the world--his music has never been more successful, he has a lovely girlfriend, and he’s never been more in demand. He has everything in the world...except a child, and through a series of unbelievable events--y/n might be his only chance to have one. Ever. 
Chapter One Summary: Who knew getting a pap smear on two hours of sleep and three cups of coffee was as bad as having unprotected sex? 
There’s something dangerous about taking public transportation in LA. And no, I don’t mean it in the ‘there are bad people in the world’ type of way. I mean it in the ‘I live in one of the casual influencer, celebrity, tourist hubs of the world and each time I step onto the bus I find myself mesmerized by all the stories I see in them’ way. Kind of pathetic, I know, but sometimes a child with blonde pig tails or a woman streaming on instagram live will catch my eye and the urge to pull out my lap top and start something I’ll never finish. 
I know that writing isn’t some kind of disease. But I can’t let myself fall in love with it the way I want to. There’s nothing wrong with writing a short story or two, but trying to write a novel? That’s impractical. It will distract me from school, from the four year plan I’m almost done with.
Sighing, I brave taking at my surroundings. I deserve this today, after the anonymous, rude costumer at the hotel today, I need positivity. No one is particularly inspiring. The bus stops and I watch out the window. At first the crowd is ordinary, and then i see them...paparazzi. Flashing cameras from all angles, grown men violating all rules of personal space. It never sits right with me, but I guess it’s just part of living in LA. The bus starts moving again. When it stops again, I see even more paparazzis, but their cameras aren’t flashing. Good for whoever escaped that. 
The bus door opens and I snap my attention back to my computer screen. I rub my eyes as I stare at my word document. How is there more that needs to be edited? This professor is the harshest grader I’ve ever had, and my friend, Gisa, is kind for giving me even more notes. But I’m exhausted. Two tests and an essay due before 12:00. And it’s...11:38. Great--I have to upload it the second I’m at my doctor’s office and have WiFi again. 
I spend some time highlighting and rewording sentences, and once I’m done I reward myself with more people watching because I deserve it and I can’t fall asleep here. I’m kind of invested in the girl live streaming her bus ride...maybe she’ll say her instagram handle. 
But when I look up, she’s not on the bus anymore. Almost no one is. An elderly couple is sitting towards the back. A woman with a toddler sit two rows in front of me...and there’s now a man directly across from me. I blink for a moment, imagining a story for someone who’s face I can’t quite see beneath such dark sun glasses. His dark waves and strong jaw do most of the imagining for me--he deserves a mystery, a dramatic one with a happy ending and just enough romance to keep the people interested. A good romance, too--not too sappy. Enemies to lovers, maybe. A mysterious stranger that’s not really a stranger because something about him is just...familiar. 
He turns his head and I drop my gaze immediately. There’s no doubt he caught that, but I still pretend to edit the title of my essay. “You’ve been typing stubbornly since I first got on the bus.” There’s an accent--of course he’s english. But it’s more than that, I’ve heard that voice before. I’ve been...soothed by it. And--oh my god, I’m sitting across from Harry Styles.
Okay, don’t freak out. Don’t freak him out. He’s probably on here to escape the the whole ‘oh my god, you’re Harry Styles!’ thing.  
“What are you writing?” Harry Styles just spoke to me. I greeted my one direction poster every single day in middle school, and Harry Styles just spoke to me. Okay--relax, breathe--it’s only weird if you make it weird. 
There’s a kind of curt curiosity to his question. He could have been ruder, considering how blatantly I was staring at him. “I um...an essay.” I’m temped to turn the screen so that he can see I’m telling the truth. Though he wasn’t hostile, a part of me is paranoid that he thinks I am writing about him. It’s a fair assumption, for all he knows I’m drafting a tweet about who I saw on the bus this morning or preparing to send something in to some gossip girl-esque blog. “It’s due today at noon and normally I’m way more on top of things, but I had this last minute doctor’s appointment rescheduling because my usual doctor is out of town and--” I cut myself off before I can tell Harry Styles that I’m ovulating and that if I don’t go to my OBGYN now, I have to wait an entire month and I’ve already been off birth control longer than I’d like. I might not have actual sex in my near future, but my cramps have been extra terrible. “An essay, I just finished an essay.”
He nods once. Maybe he feels bad for so thoroughly startling me into such a rambling, because the corner of his mouth tilts upwards. A soft smile adds even more grace to his features, I focus on the dimple that appears in his cheek. “An aggravating essay, I take it, considering the death glares you’ve been giving your laptop screen.”
I smile at his polite humor. “It’s for the harshest grader on campus. She took three points off of my first essay freshman year because I spaced my bibliography wrong.” 
He cringes in sympathy. “Good luck.” 
“Thanks,” I hum, proud of myself for not letting him know that I know who he is. The bus stops, I can see my doctor’s office behind a few paparazzi. “This is my stop.” 
Harry nods once, ducking his head slightly. A tiny part of me feels sympathy for him; from what I’ve gathered, he genuinely loves his fans and the relationship they have, but it must be draining to never have a moment of privacy. Especially when it’s people who care more about selling your picture than your mental health. 
I linger on the bus’s step, watching the men with large cameras look around. “Excuse me, are you guys looking for Harry Styles?” Most of the men disregard me, but one looks at me. “I know he’s near here because I’m a really big fan and my friend just texted that she saw him.” This gets me the attention I wanted. “He’s at Northfield--a cafe like three blocks down. I just know that if she got a picture with Harry in like a magazine or something she’d totally lose it--in a good way, and she’s been having a bad time so if you see her can you try to make it happen? Knowing her she’ll be at his side, she’s blonde, shortish hair.” 
The men seem skeptical, but I guess they realize that this is the best lead they have. I think the fact that I gave a reason to justify selling Harry out for no reason helped. They disperse together, heading at least three blocks away from Harry. I don’t know if I’ve actually helped him, but I hope I have. 
“Essay girl.” I freeze, half cringing. Did he hear that? That’s embarrassing. I consider darting away, but decide that would just make me cringe more. So I turn on my heels. “You...you forgot your phone.” 
He just saved my life. “Thank you.” I take my phone from his outstretched hand, ignoring the slight thrill that runs through me when our fingers brush. “You’re my hero--the last thing I needed today was to run all over the city searching for my phone.” I finish the awkward admission with a partial laugh. 
“Least I could do,” he mumbles, “especially considering what you just did.” 
...He did see that. “Oh um--it was nothing, I just kind of made a connection and assumed the only reason you’d be on a public bus is because you were trying to avoid some things, and you make really great music and a lot of people happy, so you deserve that break.” Why does it feel like I’ve been talking forever? “Anyways, thanks for the whole phone thing, and I hope I got them off your tail.” 
My joke seems to somewhat land. His lips part, like he’s planning on saying something else. A timer on my phone interrupts him. I instinctually look down--great, the alarm on my phone warning me that I’m only ten minutes away from being late. “I’m late.” I turn towards the bus’s exit. “I gotta go, but thanks again, and I hope you have a good day.” 
I disappear after that, still not sure that that whole thing wasn’t some kind of hallucination. Did I just meet Harry Styles? He...he gave me my phone. Harry Styles has touched my phone. I can’t wait to tell Gisa, she’ll lose it.
I’m still thinking about Harry Styles when I finally reach my OBGYN’s office. When I get there, things are a lot more hectic than I thought they’d be. Many people crowd the waiting area and the receptionist’s desk is clearly understaffed. Two young girls are trying to address multiple upset pregnant women and take phone calls at the same time, all while practically buried in a sea pf paperwork. Wow, I didn’t realize that transferring was such chaos. One of the girls waves me over and barely checks my name before shoving a form towards me. I fill out as quickly as possible. 
 I upload my essay quickly after checking in. Who knows, maybe Harry Styles’s blessing will get me an A? A third person in scrubs emerges from the back after a moment and ushers me into a room. I tell myself to focus on going over the facts I need for the test I have to take in a little over an hour. Or to focus on the fact that I just met Harry Styles. But instead, I feel my heavy eyelids fall shut. 
I don’t know how long I sleep, but I know that I wake up during the middle of a doctor’s sentence, “...I know I’m not your usual, so I just want to make sure you’re comfortable.” 
“Hm...Yeah, yeah I’m comfortable.” She nods once, her wide eyes slightly red. “But I do have a class today in like an hour, so I was wondering if this was going to take longer because of the office’s move?” 
“Oh, no,” she shakes her head. “Just because Dr. Rodriguez gave us no notice before deciding that she no longer wanted to work here...or in the country. Or even live in the US, despite the fact that we just signed a lease on a place together...” Tears well in the stranger’s eyes, pity settles in my stomach. 
“That sounds incredibly complicated, I didn’t mean to rush you.” 
She blinks twice, her expression blanking as she fights against the pain of what’s clearly a terrible break up. “No, no--you have every right. Today is your day and if..honestly, if you’re strong enough to go to a class after this, and do what you’re about to do by yourself, then I’m strong enough to get through today.” 
Um...didn’t realize a pap smear counted as something that needs moral support, but I’ll chalk it up to her heightened emotions. “Thanks.” 
She snaps on her medical gloves. “No, thank you for your patience. Now lay down.” 
I do as told, preparing for a sensation I haven’t often experienced. A moment passes and I know she’s started. She’s moving away from me much faster than expected. Oh--I guess pap smears are a lot shorter than I expected. 
“That’s it?” 
“Yep,” she hums, pulling her gloves off. “Now just take it easy, and hydrate.”
Weird...but that’s like general doctor advice. “Thanks!” 
I’ve never wanted to keep a secret from Gisa, but sometimes I really regret telling her I met Harry Styles. It’s been almost a month and I find my mind wandering back to the moment in which our fingers brushed more than I should. Sometimes I let myself wonder what he might have said if my phone hadn’t rang. I was probably just imagining the way his lips parted, but my ind refuses to let it go. 
“...You know it’s kind of sad, I read an interview in which he spoke about the fact that he has some genetic condition that makes it hard to have kids. He has so many godchildren, and I feel like he’d make such a great father.” 
I try to keep up with Gisa’s words, but the dull ache in my head makes it feel so far away. “Yeah...he seemed really patient.” 
Gisa nods, turning to face me. “You alright, you’re looking kinda green?” 
“Yeah...” I reach for my canvas bag. “I think I just...I probably just need some water.” 
My hand grazes the metal of my water bottle and then the corners of my vision blur into blackness. I sway, Gisa’s hand is on my shoulder...and then it all goes black. 
I sit uncomfortably on the hospital’s cot. Gisa is a traitor for telling my mom that I fainted. I knew she’d just drag me here--hispanic mothers, they either believe they can cure you with vic’s vapor rub or they want you in the ER. No in between. 
“I know you didn’t want another test, but you’ve been throwing up in the morning for days and now you’re fainting.” 
“Fainted,” I correct, “it happened once.” 
“C’mon, mija, it’s just one doctor’s appointment.” 
Speaking of, an ER nurse returns. “Fainting and nausea spells explained,” he says, glancing at his clipboard, “you’re pregnant.” 
My mom and I can’t help but exchange a look before bursting into laughter. Pregnant. If I’m pregnant then the second coming is here. “That’s impossible, I’m a virgin.” 
He glances at my mom, “maybe we should have this conversation in private.” 
“No, what you say in front of me you can say in front of my mom.” 
My mom raises an eyebrow. “Y/n, did you and that guy from your english class--” 
“No! No, we did not. I am a virgin and there’s no way I’m pregnant.” I glare at the nurse. 
He then ushers me to a bathroom so that I can provide a urine sample. After I’m finished, he shows me a pregnancy test strip. “Pink means pregnant.” I bite my tongue as he tests the strip in my sample. He pulls it out and it’s...it’s bright pink.
“I’m calling my doctor, because this has to be a mistake. It has to be like a hormonal thing.” 
“Exactly, pregnancy hormones.” 
I glare even harder, calling the doctor that I saw last week. “Hello, Dr. Ash? I was wondering if I could get a consultation because I’m in the ER and some crazy doctor is trying to tell me I’m pregnant.” 
Silence on the line for a long second. “...I actually cleared my calendar for you.” 
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hufflepuffhollander · 3 years
drive-in: tom holland one-shot
a/n | in honor of hitting 700 followers and also getting my real life heart broken and needing my unproblematic fictional boyfriend back, here’s an oldie from the drafts.✌🏻 enjoy kiddos
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cw | language, angst, a lil smut, teasing banter, fluff! 1.5k words.
“Mmm, darling, let me at you,” Tom mumbled against your lips as you lightly squeezed his shoulders, his hands fidgeting with the hem of your shorts, trying to wriggle them down. Just as he’d made some progress, you heard a loud snicker on the other side of your door.
You pulled your face away from Tom’s and averted your gaze to the front of the room, where you could see two pairs of socks in the crevice between the floor and the door, standing on the other side. Without letting you dismantle from him, he grabbed the nearest pillow and flung it at the wall. “Fuck off, you pervs!” The kid-like chuckles coming from the socks continued.
The sudden interruption had killed the mood, so you just sat in Tom’s lap on his bed and laid your head against his chest, sighing. “Can’t they get a job?”
Tom combed a hand of fingers through your hair. “They do have jobs; they’re professional cockblocks.”
“And they need to work from home?”
“Everybody does, baby. We’re all stuck inside.”
You had to keep shifting around on Tom’s lap, uncomfortable from the sudden lack of pressure of his hands wandering over you. He had just gotten back from a press tour, you’d barely had any alone time with him since—and you were both getting pretty tired of not being able to rip each other’s clothes off like you’d wanted to since the moment he walked through the front door. Finally, you have a couple minutes to sneak away from the roommates you’re stuck quarantining with, and what do they do but follow you to Tom’s bedroom like absolute creeps. Creeps that seem to have a vendetta against you getting off. You’d spent too much time hanging out with them while Tom was gone, and now they were far too comfortable meddling in your personal life.
“How long do you think it’ll be til we’re actually alone again?” you asked, tracing over the freckles on his shoulders.
“I have no idea,” he sighed, falling back onto the pillows. “Who knows how long this will all last.”
“We might have to get pretty creative then, because I’m getting a little-”
You smacked Tom’s arm as he giggled at you.
“I was going to say impatient.”
You pouted at him. “Can you blame me for missing you?”
He kissed your cheek and then your nose. “No, love, I missed you too. And if those idiots weren’t within earshot, I would’ve already had you screaming my name three times over by now.”
You kissed him back. “I’m gonna hold you to that.”
Long, countless days went by, the two of you stuck inside with Harrison, Tuwaine and Harry, trying to find a balance between friend time and couple time but failing miserably. The boys had made a bet behind your back on how long they could go before hearing you and Tom having sex through the walls, and they took their gambling way too seriously. It had been too long.
Seeing an ad for a distanced drive-in movie night being hosted at a nearby park, you jumped on the opportunity, convincing Tom to come with just so you could get out of the house. The night finally came, and you flicked off the group of boys as they shouted after you for leaving the bubble, more than ready for a good old fashioned date night.
“They really do hate us,” you chuckled as you zoomed away.
“Nah, babe, they love us—they’re just jealous we didn’t invite them.” He placed his hand on your own and squeezed it, playing with your fingers for the extent of the drive to the park, just as excited as you to get some one-on-one time.
You cozied up in the backseat of the car with Tom, wrapped in fuzzy blankets you’d brought with and watching Titanic on the large screen set up in the grass in front of where you parked. You were intently focused on the movie, as it was one of your favorites, but Tom spent half the time looking at you, feeling you breathe, smiling at the top of your head nestled into his arms.
Up on the screen, Jack and Rose were in that carriage car on the boat, finally getting their big sex scene, starting to steam up the windows. You turned to Tom as you felt him laughing and shaking his head at the movie.
“What’s so funny?”
He pointed at the screen like the characters would be able to hear him. “So unrealistic, isn’t it?”
“Not really, people have sex in cars all the time.”
“No, no, I mean the windows. How did they get so foggy so fast? There’s no way that happens in real life.”
You were suddenly very interested in what Tom had to say and raised an eyebrow as you spoke. “Tom, have you never gotten laid in a car?”
You could see him turn pink with embarrassment through the light emanating off of the movie screen. “I have no comment.”
You nudged him and started to giggle. “Oh my god, you totally haven’t.”
He made an overly dramatic defensive expression at you. “And you have?”
“Actually, yes.”
Tom’s eyes widened a little as he saw where the conversation was headed. Maybe he’d brought it all up intentionally because he felt so deprived of your body, maybe not—but if he had, he was a damn genius, because it was working.
“And it does get that steamy, if you’re doing it right.”
“I guess I’d just have to see for myself.”
He’d barely finished his sentence before you climbed onto him and firmly planted your lips on his. It usually didn’t take much for him to get you excited, just his husky voice and the right lighting; you hadn’t realized until now how pent up you were.
“God, take your clothes off,” he huffed out, wasting no time in getting to work nipping over your skin as it was revealed.
“Charming,” you laughed, working your hands up his torso to get his shirt off too, Tom wincing as you did.
“Oooh, y/n, your hands are so cold!”
“Deal with it, Holland, I’ve waited too long to be stopped by cold hands.”
Tom was getting more riled up by the second, pushing you into the back of the driver’s seat behind you and speaking impossibly low in your ear. “I need you bad.”
“Take me then.”
You’d managed to get practically naked after doing some pretzeling in the backseat, Tom pulling you on top of him again. You tried to get into it but it didn’t last long—the seat was too close to your knees for you to get at a good angle, and you had to duck so your head didn’t hit the roof of the car.
“Okay, maybe lying down-?” Tom pushed your back into the seats, hovering on top and immediately sinking himself into you the moment he got the chance. You took a sharp inhale and already felt a dizzying high.
“God, finally...”
Tom took a few slow, heavy thrusts into you. “Missed you so much baby,” he leaned down to kiss you, your bodies already sticky with sweat from the heat in the car.
Tom suddenly stopped his rhythm and made a face, trying to shift himself around. “What’s wrong?” you asked, whining at the loss of him.
“I barely have room to move my legs,” he groaned, your fingernails still claws on his biceps, begging him to come back.
“Make it work? Just don’t stop fucking me, please,” you pulled his neck back down to bite his bottom lip, knowing that always drives him crazy.
“Fuck, I know, let me try something...” he found another sweet spot and was suddenly filling you up again, his flushed breaths and small mews making you smile underneath him. It wasn’t graceful, but you made it happen.
You came together as Jack and Rose professed their love for each other, making the romantic scene all too fitting. Tom moved to give you space to sit up, putting his face in his hands and sounding defeated. “Car sex looks a lot easier in the movies.”
You giggled at him and put your clothes back on before someone peeped into the now-clouded window. “Told you it gets steamy.”
Arriving back home later, Harrison and Harry sat at the kitchen table looking like two angry parents about to lecture their teenager on keeping curfew. They stared as you and Tom came in together with arms wrapped around each other, skin looking happily flushed, faces practically glowing.
“What’s got you two lovebirds so happy?” Harrison asked.
“Oh, it was just a really good movie,” Tom smiled, taking your hand and leading you back to his bedroom. “We’re wiped. Goodnight!” he promptly shut the door and laughed with you at Harrison’s puzzled face.
Harry walked over and peered down the hallway. “Goodnight? But it’s barely past sundown-”
Harrison patted him on the shoulder. “I’m afraid you might owe me a few quid, bud.”
Harry stayed confused. “Why?”
Tuwaine appeared from his room, pulling his gaming headphones aside to yell his reply down the hallway. “They fucked, you div!”
Harry connected the dots and looked like he was going to be sick. “Ugh, gross! That’s my brother!”
moots & taglist if y’all still exist:
@peterspideysstuff @duskholland @sinisterspidey @ladykxxx08 @bothlovinglyandhatingly @tinyyoungblood @harrisonsoceaneyes @in-a-lot-of-fandoms-tbh @we--are---not--afraid @danicarosaline @bunbun9396 @sad-thinker-over  @spideymoe @words-to-accomplish-something @thenoddingbunny-blog @iriaaarb @hellsdragon @cap-marvxl @tomshufflepuff @itstaskeen @writertoo18 @ethereal-beauty-p​ @sufwubi​ @quaksonhehe @biebsmylife95 @fermuda2 @dorbiksbitch @jejegu @holyfrickfracks @iconic-hes @parker-hollandx @keithseabrook27 @sovereignparker @mlmarint @bangtanfancamp @quacksonholland @cosagach @hedwigprewett12
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thefallennightmare · 4 years
Hard to Love [21/21]
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Pairings: Chris Evans x Reader
Words: 1621
Warnings: this story will have mentions of abuse, mental and physical so please read at your own risk. Some swearing, angst, and a good amount of fluff. Maybe some smut if I'm feeling frisky.
Summary: After moving to a new town all on her own, Reader would do anything for a stable job and income. Even if that means housekeeping for one of Boston's eligible bachelors. What she didn't expect was finding herself falling in love with him and finding him out about the past that she was running from.
A/N: I cannot believe the ending is here. I also cannot thank you enough for all the love that you guys have gave this series. I really do appreciate it and love seeing all the comments! Your words of encouragement are what kept me going for this story. I’m so so sad it’s done. 
Lets finish this story with a happy ending! 
Tags: @kelbabyblue @patzammit @thesecretlifeofdaydreamss @jennmurawski13 @divadinag @cosmicbreathe @thevelvetseries @capstopavenger @chris-butt @denisemarieangelina @im-a-stranger-thing @jennamarieee623 @introvertedmouse @lharrietg @thejemersoninferno  @breezykpop @instantbasementtimetravel @rodgersteves @michaelscotfield-blog1 @40srogcrs @wonderingshawn @bellaireland1981 @katelyneannxo @lady-x-red @sare-bare93-blog @annmariek8​ @raabrakha​ @stxvercgersslut​
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“Where’s my cutie pie?!” I shouted, entering the home. 
Four feet trotted down the long hallway from the kitchen to the living room where I stood, hanging up my jacket and bag. Bending at the knees, I allowed all of the kisses and whines of happiness, scratching the furry ears. 
“How’s Dodger doing today?” I cooed. 
He followed me into the kitchen as I searched the fridge for something to ease my stomach. Munching on a piece of cheese, I checked my phone and saw a new message from Chris. 
I’ll be home in a few hours. I’m sorry baby, I didn’t think these interviews would take so long. 
Don’t be sorry! I’ll wait up for you xx. 
The last year, I had grown incredibly; putting everything that happened to me in the past, locking it away. The scars still remained on my body but I never let it affect me. Chris would always make sure he showed extra love to them, telling me that he loved the way I look. 
The first time Chris had to leave for work was a couple of months after everything and it was hard to get adjusted to sleeping in the bed alone but Dodger was the best replacement, keeping me safe every night. Chris tried to turn down movie roles but I quickly shot that down. I wouldn’t let him lose out on a possible great job because I missed him. 
I ended up seeing the live video he posted when I was missing and the amount of outpouring coming from his friends and fans also helped me heal. There were a good amount of people who at first weren’t happy that Chris was in a loving relationship but eventually, when he kept posting pictures of us on Instagram, they got used to it. 
My phone buzzed in my pocket and I saw a new message appear from Chris. 
Our weekend starts in less that two hours. I can’t wait to be alone with you. 
I smiled fondly at the message. 
The past couple weeks were filled with either him working almost every day or me continuing my schooling. We had his family and friends over a few times last week as well so we were practically begging the Gods above for some alone time. 
Which is why this weekend we had zero plans, just the two of us in our home. 
And Dodger. 
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“OH COME ON!” Chris yelled at the T.V. 
A giggle erupted from my throat from my spot on the couch, my feet placed in his lap, as we watched the football game. 
Our weekend together was coming to an end, school for me and another press conference for Chris’ upcoming movie tomorrow, meant that reality was about twelve hours away. We spent the weekend in multiple different rooms of the house, our moans vibrating off the walls. 
I’ve had sex more in this weekend than I had in my entire adult life. 
Now, we were exhausted, so we decided to spend the rest of our Sunday in our lazy clothes on the couch; Chris wearing nothing but a pair of grey sweats and I ended up stealing his shirt and a pair of his boxers. 
Even though his eyes were transfixed on the game, he still made an effort to show me attention by rubbing the soles of my feet. I couldn’t stop myself from staring at this man in front of me. He let his beard grow this weekend, too lazy to shave it, which I didn’t complain one bit. The red marks on my thighs from earlier were an indication of that. His hair was short because he decided that he needed to buzz it last night; he was sick of it getting in his face. 
I marveled at the way the muscle in his jaw tightened when I rubbed my feet into his lap, purposely pressing into his soft cock. 
“If you keep that up, I’ll miss the last half of the game,” he threatened in a low voice. 
“But I’m horny!” I whined, lifting my shirt up and over my head. “Please?” 
I pinched my hard nipple between my fingers, hoping that would be enough to get him on top of me. 
It was. 
I yelped when Chris pulled my ankle towards him, his body on top of mine in seconds. His gold chain was dangling in front of my face as I looked up to him, our chest rising with heavy breaths. 
“So naughty,” he muttered against the crook of my neck. 
“Enough small talk and fuck me already, Evans,” I purred into his ear, fingernails digging into his bare back.
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I couldn’t help but gnaw nervously on my bottom lip, tasting a bit of blood, while I paced the floor of our bedroom. Chris was out running errands but with the text I sent him, I knew that he would be on his way home asap. 
Can you come home please? I have to talk to you. 
My hands shook with nerves, feeling my cardigan being weighed down with the pressure that was in the pocket. I couldn’t help but worry about what Chris’ reaction would be. We never talked about this and I didn’t know if this would be what broke our relationship. 
Hearing his voice, I made my way down the stairs and into the living room where he sat with Dodger on the couch. 
“Hey, everything alright?” He asked. 
I nodded and sat across from him. “Yeah, I think so.” 
He knew in the way my knee bounced and sucked in my bottom lip that whatever I had to talk to him about made me nervous as hell. Placing a hand on my knee, he gave me a warm smile. 
“Tell me,” he begged gently. 
Words were so foreign to me, not knowing exactly how to say it, so instead I handed him what was in my pocket. 
“I know we haven’t talked about it much but I couldn't not tell you. I mean you deserve to know. If you’re angry I understand. I’m confused too on how this happened,” I rambled. 
Chris didn’t hear a word I had spouted, his eyes trained hard on the stick in his hand with the two solid pink lines. 
“You’re pregnant?” His mouth twitched. 
I nodded and handed him my phone that held an email from the doctors office, confirming the pregnancy. Yesterday morning while Chris was out with his mom, I secretly had an appointment. 
“The doctor says I’m about six weeks,” I spoke softly. 
I was unsure of what his reaction would be, his gaze still stuck on the pregnancy test in his hand. 
Dodger knew something was different, sniffing the test in Chris’ hand. 
Finally after what felt like forever, Chris looked into my eyes and his mouth curved into a smile. 
“We’re having a baby?” 
The smile he had was a giant one, where you could almost count all of his teeth as he smiled down towards Dodger, showing him the sonogram on my phone as if Dodger could tell what he was looking at. 
The joy in his voice brought tears to my eyes. 
“You’re happy?” I asked. 
His hands snaked around my waist, pulling me into his lap. “I’m fucking ecstatic.” 
Our lips met in a rushed kiss, his hand finding its place on my stomach. His forehead rested against mine and his eyes shone with so much love that my heart leaped into my throat, knowing that his reaction was the complete opposite of what I was prepared for. 
“Stay here,” He mumbled against my lips in another kiss. 
I waited patiently as he rummaged for something in the desk of his office and he returned, hand behind his back. 
“I was saving this for when we went away next month but I don’t think I can wait.” He spoke before handing me a small box. 
A small velvet box. 
I gasped, watching him get down on one knee, and pried open the box. Inside was a gorgeous oval cut diamond on a plain gold band. The sunlight from outside had caught the ring in a warm glow of light. 
“This isn’t the most romantic idea of a proposal but I don’t want to wait any longer to ask you this. I first met you in this room when you came to work for me and in that moment I knew I wanted you; I needed you in my life. Y/N, you know I love you so fucking much. You have changed my life in so many ways and now we’re having a baby. You’re having my baby and somehow I love you even more. Y/N, will you marry me?” The tears welled in his eyes and he blew out a shaky breath. 
“Fuck yes!” I cried, hormones causing my eyes to pour tears down my cheeks. 
After he slid the ring on my finger, he picked me up with ease as he walked us towards our bedroom so we could celebrate the rest of our lives. 
I couldn’t believe how much my life had changed in two years since I first drove up to this house, nervous about what the job was that I had an interview for. I never imagined that I would face my past again, not letting it define who I was anymore. And I definitely never thought I would find someone who would love me with his whole entire heart and soul, knowing how hard to love I was. But he did; Chris vowed to me that night in hushed moans that he loved me then and forever. 
Along with the baby I was growing in my stomach; our baby. 
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mxxnlitwonders · 4 years
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someone to care for — kuroo tetsurou
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✎ gender. female ✎ contains. edging (giving), dom!reader, mutual masturbation, overstimulation (giving), no plot lol, reader is a power bottom tho owo, praising (giving) ✎ wc. 1.1k
✎ summary. when he was captain, he was always taking care of his team. now that he’s with you, he’s finally being taken care of 
✎ ameris’ notes. repost from my other blog! hnnnnnnnnnng yeah at some point i was proud of this lol. anyway, everyone’s 18+ here. 
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A growing smirk makes its way onto your face, your nails scratching down Kuroo’s back that’s sure to leave marks for his team to see. Small moans leave your mouth as you listen to Kuroo’s grunts each time he snaps his hips into yours, hitting deep inside you and leaving you in bliss. He hides his face in the crook of your neck, leaving small kisses.The tight grip he had on your hip makes you almost want to give him control. Almost. 
You let out a particularly loud moan as his hand moves to your clit, rubbing small circles with his thumb. The warmth in your core slowly builds as he continues thrusting into you. Kuroo’s breathing is ragged, desperate for his climax. 
“What a good boy,” you murmur into his ear, his rhythm slightly wavering the moment the words enter his ear. “God, you’re too good for me, fucking me so well, aren’t you a-” Kuroo thrusts particularly hard into you “-good boy, Tetsu?” 
“Y-yes, I’m your good boy,” Kuroo breathes out.  “Please, can I-can I cum?”  
Kuroo cries out once more when you yank his hair back, making him look at you. The desperate and pained look in his eyes makes you want to let him cum. But you won’t let him. 
“No. Now stop.” 
Kuroo whimpers as he stops thrusting into you, his cock filling you up so deeply and as much as you want him to keep fucking you, he doesn’t deserve it. Your hand caresses his face as you place a chaste kiss on his lips. He kisses you back and opens his mouth slightly to let your tongue in but with it, his hips slightly thrust into you and you immediately pull back. A string of saliva glimmers in your line of sight, connecting your lips to his.
A dark gaze fills your eyes as you stare into his brown eyes. You can tell he’s trying hard to hold back his sharp tongue because that’s the entire reason why the two of you are here right now. 
All because some kid (read as: Lev) made an offhand comment when Kuroo was changing his shirt before a practice match in front of you and the team and saw scratch marks from the other night. 
Then Lev mentioned something along the lines of, “Oh wow, Kuroo takes good care of our manager, huh.” And of course as Nekoma’s manager, and with your luck, you happened to be in ear range along with Kuroo. 
A ghost of a smirk was left on your face as you made eye contact with Kuroo as he played it off with a smug remark and he knew he was in for it for the long haul later that night. 
“Come on baby, I thought you were going to be a good boy for me?” You scold, kissing the corner of his lips, not even paying any mind to how he tries to chase after your own lips. “Don’t you want to take care of me?” Ever so delicately, your fingers dance to his throat, wrapping your hand around his throat as much as possible and giving him a light squeeze. 
“Please,” Kuroo chokes out, moving his head to kiss the tips of your fingers that make its way to his cheek after releasing his neck. You tap his hips with your other hand, slowly he moves out of you. Your core feels empty but watching how Kuroo so desperately wants to cum inside you only to be disappointed overpowered your need to be filled with his cock. He lets out a low groan, satisfied with moving but unsatisfied that he couldn’t climax within you.
Slowly, you push him away from you for him to lay down instead. Kuroo’s athletic body was definitely a sight for sore eyes, especially with how his neck, shoulders, chest, hips, and inner thighs were littered with bruises. All because of you.
You move to straddle his waist, Kuroo lets out a moan as he feels the warmth of your core and fluids rub against his stomach. Kuroo grips your thighs as you grind down on him. His breathing grows heavier as you kiss his neck, leaving more bruises. His jaw slightly drops as he gasps, the feeling of your teeth biting where his neck and shoulder met. Your tongue darts out over the newly made mark then kissing it. 
His brown eyes meet yours as you move off of him, sitting on the bed.
“Sit up, baby.” You smile at him, but Kuroo knew the smile meant you had something up your sleeve. He could only hope you’d finally let him orgasm. After all, you’ve edged him countless times within the past hour and his dick was aching for a release. 
The bed dips with each of your movements as you crawl over to him. Kuroo’s breath hitches as you lean down to his cock but groan as you only placea small kiss on his tip. 
A smirk appears on your face as you then move to kiss the side of his neck then to his ear. 
“I want you to touch yourself but you’re not allowed to cum until I say so. Okay?” 
Kuroo shivers under your intense stare when you pull away but nods nonetheless, his hand traveling to grip his length. A sharp sting appears on his hand the moment you slap it.
“Use your words baby, then you can touch yourself.” 
He growls and glares at you but the smug look on your face did not falter. 
“Come on baby boy, what are you going to do?” Your thumb grazes his bottom lip. Kuroo doesn’t even realize he was biting his lip until you pull it out, sliding your thumb into his mouth making him suck. You feel his tongue graze the tip of your thumb and then slowly pull it out with a ‘pop.’ His glare’s intense, but that your resolve is strong.
“Touch myself,” he murmurs, “but I can’t cum without your permission.” 
“Good boy.” You stroke your fingers through his hair then watch as his hands grips his length giving himself two fast pumps, being sure to brush over his tip with his thumb. 
“Slower, and grip yourself harder,” you say. He whines as he slows down his motions. His piercing eyes watch you. You’re so invested in watching him stroke himself. But what can you say, there’s something so powerful in watching your lover under your control. 
Kuroo can’t help but thrust up into his hand as he feels his climax approaching. But you knew him well. The desperate look in his eyes, the groans that leave his mouth. Even the fact that he was slightly picking up the pace. But you let him do that. All so that when he got closer and closer…
A low pitched groan of frustration found its way to your ears as you made sure to kiss his lips as his hand came to a stop over his cock. A sense of pride flows through you, feeling extra proud at how well he obeyed and surprised at his reaction time to stopping.The veins in his other arm that grips the bedsheets popout, showcasing just how toned he was. 
“Good boy,” you murmur against his lips then lean away. “Such a good fucking boy. You can move your hand again, now, however you like.” 
Slowly, Kuroo begins to move his hand over his cock, his mouth parts in desperation. He pumps his length faster. His thumb brushing over his tip. It was music to your ears, hearing his deep moans get louder. You can’t help but move your own hand down, your own fingers brushing over your entrance to gather your own slick before moving up to your clit, rubbing small circles to pleasure yourself beside him. 
Kuroo’s eyes watch you insert a finger into your pussy, groaning with you. He couldn’t help but imagine fucking you and cumming. 
“Please, I-”
“No sweetheart, not yet,” you order, shifting your hips as you grind into your own hand. But before any of you two knew it, spurts of his cum fall on his stomach, thighs, and bedsheets along with long deep moans leaving Kuroo. His face scrunches up in pleasure and though it was a pretty sight for you, disappointment settles within your stomach.
You frown, clicking your tongue. Kuroo knows that you’re not only mad at him for cumming but that it also made you stop yourself from cumming with him. But you’re also mad at yourself for not realizing he was close to cumming with how he suddenly grew quiet.
“Oh baby,” you shake your head, watching as he realizes he fucked up, “you haven’t been good for me at all, have you? Okay, give me a number between 2-5.” You reach your hand out to his now softened dick and despite the fact that he just came you immediately begin to pump his length. Pain shoots through Kuroo as he feels himself get overstimulated. 
“Thr-three,” Kuroo cries. 
“Alright, that’s how many more times you have to cum, okay? Since you were so desperate to cum. Does that sound good baby?” 
Kuroo lets out a pitiful whimper but he nods, knowing that with the way your eyes glinted, you were not letting him off for this.
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
Hi ! I really like your blog <3 can I have 65 for Kurapiki please
It's been quite some time since I wrote anything for him and there was a time where I wrote nearly all of the time for him. DON’T READ IF YOU'RE UNCOMFORTABLE SINCE THIS INCLUDES SENSIBLE STUFF!!!
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, suicidal behavior, depression, self-harm, cutting, blood
Prompt 65: “What are you doing?! Why would you do this to yourself?! Do you seriously think death will help you escaping from me?!”
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"What are you doing?!" You hadn't expected him to be home so soon, mormally he was always a bit longer gone, but maybe he had just sensed that something was wrong. He had a sixth sense for such things. And before you even knew it he was already standing right in front of you, slamming the broken piece of the mirror you had smashed not too long ago out of your hand.
You flinched slightly when seeing the furious look in his blazing eyes, red just as much as the blood you had managed to cut out of the very few scratches you had made so far. It wasn't much, but just seeing the blood trickle down your skin had been enough to suddenly fill you with...silence. Not the empty one...the peaceful and quiet one.
You hadn't gone too deep you supposed, it had hurt a bit slicing the glass through your skin, but seeing and feeling the red liquid on your skin had encouraged you to do a bit more. And by now the stinging pain felt actually good, your brain making you aware of the pain in there and giving you something to focus on.
"Why would you do this to yourself?! Do you think death will help you escaping from me?" He was screaming at this point at you, having dashed to one of the shelves and nearly ripping the drawer out before pulling the first-aid kit out. You didn't do anything, just watching him instantly taking huge steps back to you and starting to attend to the damage you had inflicted to yourself.
"Why is he making such a fuss? It's not like I'm going to die from blood loss or anything like this. These wounds are far to minor for that.", you wondered silently, watching him quickly and with shaking hands bandaging all the wounds. His palms were sweaty and his breath appeared to be erratic, causing you to feel a bit guilty for what you've done. Seeing him being so scared seemed to tug on the strings of your heart.
"Kurapika?", you asked with a very quiet voice, nearly whispering his name and if he wouldn't have been only inches away from you, he wouldn't have heard you. He froze abruptly when hearing you, hands stopping midair, head hanging low which made it hard to see his face. The only thing you could clearly see was that he was trembling terribly. He looked extremely pitiful in this moment which gave you the sudden desire to comfort him a bit. You didn't know why you felt that need, you only knew that the thought of it made you...less lost.
"Kurapika, it's fine.", you muttered out softly, grabbing both of his hands softly. They were warm, giving you some of it which sank into your own skin, causing you to not want to let go. The silence afterwads where only his heavy breathing was being heard made you slightly awkward, though you still didn't want to let go of his hands. It was nice, feeling someone's warmth against your own.
Upon asking you with a weak voice this question, his grip on you suddenly tightened and he leaned a bit closer, hair still covering his face.
Your eyes slowly went to the many broken pieces of the mirror on the ground, staying there and thinking about what you could answer him. Why had you done this? Because you had been in too much pain? Did you want a distraction? Or did you just want to end all of this?
"I...don't know this myself. I only know that I wondered if it would hurt very much and how long it would take to cut with a sharp piece through my skin. I wanted...to feel it I guess. In the end it wasn't even all that bad.”
You started zooning out a bit whilst focusing on the glass pieces, imagining the experience of the slightly stinging pain and the weird fascination of seeing your own blood flowing out of the wound. You knew that this wasn't a healthy way of thinking and you had heard so many stories before about this. But if you were careful and wouldn't overdo it, nothing bad would happen, right?
"Stop this." A sudden grip on your cheek caught your attention, realizing that it was Kurapika's hand before the boy suddenly pressed his forehead against yours, causing you to look at him instead of the broken pieces. And for some reason your heart fluttered in your chest from this sudden contact, something inside of you stirring up when seeing him in such a condition from this close. You just didn’t know whether it was good or not.
"Don't look at it. Instead focus on me for now." That was when you realized that he was crying, tears trailing down his cheeks and dropping down his chin. The look in his eyes had suddenly changed, the previous fire in them having been extinct. Now tears were decorating the suddenly dim shining eyes of his, giving you a lost and broken look that made you suddenly feel ashamed of what you had done. The bathroom suddenly made you feel…overwhelmed. The broken mirror, the blood drops on the ground, all of it. Oh god. What had you done? You should hav been more careful.
Kurapika seemed to notice how you felt, how you had suddenly started becoming more squirmy, eyes shooting with rising panic left and right. So he allowed you to stand up and leave his grip for a moment, but that as all he was able to let you do before his hand grabbed yours once again and led you quickly out of this place. From the way he nearly ran you guessed the atmosphere of it was just as suffocating for you as it was for him.
Even so, how could you have been so stupid? Why hadn’t you seen this coming? You stared with huge eyes at the bandages on your arms and you felt like you…had just woken up from a very weird and blurry dream. Realization hit you like a train, causing a storm of so far brewed up emotions explode inside of you and the earlier emptiness inside of you was replaced by chaos. Had you really just…?
You were too much in a numb shock to protest much when Kurapika placed you on the bed, eyes glued to the white fabric on your arms, trying to make sense of it all. You couldn’t even clearly understand your way of thinking when you had done it, it had almost felt like you had known what you had done and at the same time you hadn’t.
When suddenly the mattress dipped not too far away from you, you lifted your head a bit, the sudden neutral expression from your face gone. Instead you looked utterly shocked and confused, as if you yourself hadn’t done this. But you had, you could recall all of the emotions and thoughts you had had.
You wished that you might just be able to start feeling the same numbness and silence you had felt before because seeing Kurapika like this made this all only worse. What should you even say to him?
He had left a bit space between you two, maybe because he knew that you felt by now ashamed of what you had done. Doing as much as looking at him was hard. He seemed so betrayed and confused, but most of all heartbroken. It triggered tears in your eyes as well.
But the following silence was the worst, even breathing appeared to be hard. You focused on something else desperately, having turned your head around to hide your face from him. You felt pathetic and didn’t want him to see you like this.
“(y/n). Do you hate me and the life I’ve given you so much that you would rather die?”
You clenched your jaw when hearing his so quiet voice, feeling like you wanted to turn into a ghost and disappear then and there. But his question caused your thoughts to sprint back and forth that you felt like you would get dizzy. Why had you done this? Did you really…think your life was so terrible that you had thought cutting yourself would help?
No, you hadn’t hated your life in that moment. You had just wanted to…replace that emptiness inside of you. The exhaustion.
“It’s not because of you Kurapika.”, you told him, your voice slightly shaking as well and your blurry vision told you that you were about to cry as well.
“What is it then? Please tell me so I can fix it for you. I’ll do everything. Just please…stop this! It’s torture. It hurts me.”
That was the final straw for you, wetness dropping down your cheeks as well whilst you thought desperately for a way to stop this. You didn’t know how to quite explain it, but in this one moment…you had been indifferent for any regards of your life. It didn’t matter whether you died or not, all you had wanted was the sensation of blood and pain, something to make you feel. But that wasn’t you! You didn’t want to die! You still had so much you wanted to do!
You hadn’t seen it in that moment though. All you had thought was that with no one knowing where you were and only Kurapika being your company, no one would miss you if you should die. For you it would be all over then anyways. Life had suddenly seemed so…grey and depressing. But you wanted to live! Didn’t you?
You couldn’t remember a time where you had that willingly latched into him like in that moment, wanting to have human contact with him. It scared you, that sudden phrase of yours where you had played a bit with your life without care for consequences. In that moment life hadn’t mattered. The sensation had mattered.
“Please. If you want to help, then help me seeing a worth. I don’t want to die…but I don’t want to live sometimes either. I just feel so empty. To the point where my life doesn’t matter to me anymore. But-but I don’t want that.”
You had started sobbing into the fabric of his shirt softly, sudden terror filling all your senses. The thought of nothingness frightened you, that there would only be eternal darkness. Why would you want that?”
Kurapika had gone blank for a short while, your sudden plead leaving him with a growing feeling of dread. He didn’t know. He didn’t know how exactly he could help. He had continued living to avenge his clan and now that he had found you, he had also made you his reason to live. Imagining you lose you…No, he couldn’t. It would kill him.
“It’s…it’s going to be fine, I promise it’ll be. I’ll help you with this. I’ll show you that life is worth everything. Your life…means everything to me. And since you made my life so much better, it’s my turn to do the same for you. I can’t lose you. The thought of being all on my own terrified me more than anything. Living without you…terrifies me.
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shesawriter39049 · 4 years
|Breakdown’s & Bugatti’s| M|
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PAIRING: Namjoon x Reader (Ft a hint of Tae & Jin)
About- Namjoon just does what he has to do to keep you ....calm while at a charity gala!  
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**WARNINGS: **Semi public sex, Fingering (F receiving), Minimal prep, Light dirty talk, Light spit play, Choking, Spanking, Gags (Makeshift), Non protective sex (Creampie), light overstimulation
WC: 7K (This is a sneak peak so it’s 1.2k)
NON SEXUAL WARNINGS: (Fictional political background)  Hints at recreational drug use (Molly) Brief mentions of death, father issues, and panic attacks/anxiety (All of these topics are super minor but again, out of respect I’m mentioning them) 
The remaining “characters” will be introduced at a later date
This chapter hints at various future plots 
This is almost 2 years old, I reworked it recently 
If you’ve been following me for a while this is the original draft for “Club First Royale” 
FINAL NOTE: I haven’t been active in damn hear a year ( 8 months) So I am posting sneak peeks intentionally! No, not to torture you guys lol but to get my blog flowing again because I’m sure people aren’t really checking in anymore
FINALLY, fuck 36737 years later you spot your Kim!
Standing there in all his glory, in a Valentino slim fit navy blue suit, the jacket appearing to have some sort of paisley print, opting against a tie. Leaving his crisp white dress shirt slightly unbuttoned, teasing at his broad carnalized chest as he makes his way from the bar. Heading over to the table, which has an empty seat waiting right beside him with your name written all over it...literally!
Purposely dodging the old lady to your left in a coat that would have PETA ready to throw hands! Gaudy diamonds, terrible Botox, and smelled as if she showered in an entire bottle Chanel No. 5! 
Yeah, no, sorry, not in the mood for another meet and greet right now!
“Joonie” Squeals from your lips once you’re in close enough proximity, his dark piercing eyes cut over to meet yours. A playful smirk tugging on those sinfully thick lips of his, accompanied by those disrespectful ass dimples!
“There she is!” Eyes dripping with warmth, as he ushered you in with open arms ,and in these types of situations, Namjoon felt like home, he was your safe space. “You look fuckin good” The words hushed into your hair in a tenor meant for your ears and your ears only! A hint of something a little more than just friendly playing on his tongue. 
A small little “Thank you” leaves your lips, and if I didn't know any better I’d think the compliment made you a little flustered.
Namjoon was the definition of Ocean arm’s and goddamn if you didn't just love how big this man was! It literally felt like he was hiding you from the entire universe when he has you nuzzled into his frame! The whole interaction couldn't have lasted longer than 20 seconds in all actuality but god you needed it! 
Face flush to his chest, wrapping your arms firm around his waist, letting your eyes flutter shut briefly, a deep slow exhale flooded through your body. Inhaling the musky yet sweet scent of his cologne mixed with his natural aroma, which has grown to become a calming mechanism over the years. 
“You had me worried for a minute…” Placing a quick kiss in your hair, that you would have missed if you blinked but again, your in public soo...
Palms soothing up and down your back gently, as he breathed into your hair , pulling back a little so there was some form of personal space between the two of you.  
“Your late, even for you princess...I know you started early, I got your live(Instagram) notification, so what happened?” Head clocked to the side as he appraises you and fuck, the bass in his voice still has you all types of fucked up! Glancing over your shoulder briefly before leaning up to place a kiss on the hinge of his jaw, that tittered the line of passing as an “innocent” greeting. 
“I’m fine Jonnie it’s nothing, we just got held up in glam.., Ariel was flying in from Miami...we got a late start” Gaze intentionally diverted as you welcomed yourself to his glass of Scotch instead. Damn near inhaling the entire drink as we speak and you hated dark liquor so that alone let him know something was up!  
Merely resisting the urge to smooth out the crease he felt forming between his brows, a dry snort left his lips, rolling his eyes in response to your blatant stubbornness. Nevertheless, always the gentleman, reaching down to pull out your chair so you could take a seat next to him. Mirroring your actions just moments prior, quickly scoping out his surroundings before he brought those plush pillows he calls lips a centimeter away from your ear.
  “Right, so I'm just going to assume you don’t wanna talk about it right now! Or wait I’m sorry, have you just upgraded to insulting my intelligence straight to my damn face?” 
Brow quirked inquisitively, and you could literally feel every word, tone taking on a hint of seriousness the more he talked. Namjoon licked his lips and the tip skimmed the edge of your ear and I - . 
“For one you smell like an entire bottle of Heidsieck, I can almost taste the nicotine on your tongue and you've been crying I know you. ”  
Pulling back just enough to glare down at you above the brim of his glasses, which he always wore low along his bridge. Eyes daring you to look him in the face a lie again, teasing his fingers through his chocolate locks. Styled in the perfect semi grown out undercut, the top a little on the long side, while the sides tapered into a crisp fade. Sideburns outlining that extremely understated jawline of his! Though you had to admit the yellow gold diamonds dawning his ears were kinda stealing the show right now! 
“So again, do you just not wanna talk about it right now? Or have you forgotten that I have an IQ of 137, and can smell bullshit from here all the way to Gangnam!?” 
You're having very vivid day daydreams of your hand wrapped around this man's windpipe and for once it’s not even remotely sexual! 
Blatantly ignoring the strong twitch within Namjoon’s jaw and simply saying “I’m here, aren’t I!?” Face stoic, tone flat as all hell, in case it wasn’t clear that this conversation was more than over, you opted to eye his bourbon glazed salmon until he got the hint.
 “Oh, for fucks sake! ” Hissed from his lips without a lick of heat behind them, because as quiet as it’s kept ,your lowkey Joon’s baby, which is why he cares to begin with! Picking up a piece on his fork before essentially shoving it into your hand ”Your lucky I can’t have your ass getting sick on me tonight, we still have like, 3 hours left of this bullshit.”
More like he just can’t tell you no, but hey, whatever helps him sleep at night! Sliding his plate in your direction, completely giving up on eating at this point, he knew you needed it more anyway! Finally, starting to feel your mix of poisons hit your system so you knew you needed  to even it out with a little substance. I mean yeah, you could have just ordered your own plate but meh, this was easier! 
Namjoon started busying himself on his phone while you ate, scrolling through a couple contacts until he landed on a contact labeled under “Kookie”.
“Even though you were only late because “Your glam team ran late” There were air bunnies involved, and again you just really wanna choke his ass!  “What are you thinking tonight? He’s actually on his way here right now, but he already has a couple options on him...” 
The question was vague and for damn good reason...considering…
However you knew exactly what he was referring too.., and thank god!
Speaking over a mouth full of salmon, sounding utterly exasperated!  “Honestly, any fucking thing at this point…” 
Namjoon hums thoughtfully, sucking on a Bourbon soaked Ice cube “He’ll be here in 20, I just went with Smartees…always a safe bet...” 
Smartees, candy, Vitamin -E, Molly... Estcasy...it’s all one and the same, just depends on who you ask!
He leans back in, apparently keen on whispering tonight. “Maybe, if your a good girl and eat enough we can split one before we leave...chill you out a little bit. '' Voice thick and heady, lips curling into a grin with a hint of something wicked playing on the ends, as his fingers idly ghost over your forearm. Giving it a light squeeze and regardless of how innocent the skin-ship may seem to the naked eye, you’re well aware of all the underlying innuendos behind it! 
You make a noise of agreement, trying your damnedest to ignore the slight chill coursing up your spine at the pet name. Though before you could even dwell, Namjoon was sliding back in with another update, this one however wasn't as...arousing…to say the least!
“Fox 2’s been waiting for you to get here by the way...since the event was put together by council and all. They've been wanting to talk to us together about the fundraiser, just the same shit as last year.” 
Waving his hand dismissively idly twirling the various pieces of Bvlgari around his fingers, seemingly un-phased while you on the other hand...release the most exasperated huff! Reclining against your seat, eyes rolling to the back of your head in 30 different directions! Yeah, It comes with the territory, you know this, hints Namjoons reaction, or lack thereof!  But fuck you just really weren’t in the mood to do press tonight, It’s literally physically exhausting to pretend that you weren’t just PISSED! 
“Of -fuckin- course they do!” Stabbing your mashed potatoes in a way that's... somewhat concerning… 
“Baby.” It was a warning, though his voice sat barley above a whisper, his tone was crystal! Eyes cutting in your direction briefly before dropping back down to his phone….
You didn't have it in you to argue, there’s no way around this anyway, fuck it!  “What -the-fuck-ever!” Sliding the half empty plate aside “Well, you wanna just get it out of the way now? Because I’m really not in the mood for-”
“Y/n..oh my god! Hi, honey how are you!? You look beautiful as always…” Suddenly there was a human, a human wearing the wrong shade of foundation kissing your cheek. A human by the name of Caroline, one of the local news anchors...clearly her damn ears were ringing.
Hi guys, that’s all she wrote, well kinda, actually she finished it like 16 months ago lol but that’s all she wrote for now I guess....
_****Love you...see ya soon!!**
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jae-daddy · 4 years
Duff (6)
jaebum au series
one / two / three / four / five / six / seven / eight masterlist
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pairing: im jaebum x reader  genre: angst, smut, cheating, CEO! i guess too now “ plot: you are the duff and guys use you to get close to your best friend, Heather, and turns out Jaebum is no exception. but as time goes on the tension between you and your best friend’s unofficial boyfriend grows a/n: im sorry for posting after so long. i got busy with new year celebrations and then started struggling with a creative blog. not edited. hope y’all enjoy it! <3
“So, how is it working for the hot new Director?” Naina asked, watching you take a bite of the fries on your plate. You narrowed your eyes at her anticipating face, waiting for any drop of new information.
You frowned at her instead, “Naina, you ask me this every time we meet.”
Naina only pouted in reply, before picking up a fry from your plate and popping it into her mouth. Before you could complain, she lifted up a quarter of her wrap and dropped it on your plate, “I only ask because you never know when situations can change. One day your secretary and boss, and the next day, you both are hooking up on his sexy desk.”
“Did you just call his desk sexy?”
“Come on,” Naina blew gaping at you as if you were the one insane. “Have you seen that majestic dark wood slick piece of beauty?”
“Oh my god, the Director’s desk right?” Pam settled next to Naina. Naina gave you a told you so look, and you just rolled your eyes at their antics. You didn’t say anything as the other two ladies drifted into a conversation about how sexy furniture could be.
You would have normally joined them, and told them about the three thousand dollar coffee table at Heather’s apartment. But you couldn’t participate in their conversation. Not when your mind was elsewhere; somewhere so much more interesting and sexier than furniture.
What Naina had said had planted another seed in your garden of fantasies about Jaebum and you.
This time you imagined yourself spread on his dark wood desk. Your bodies holding on to each other, desperately trying to get closer as he fucked into you.
You swallowed, as you popped a fry into your mouth, making you choke. You coughed a few times to avail before your hands reached out to your friends who turned towards you with wide eyes.
God, this was so embarrassing. You were going to die from choking on a piece of fry at the company cafeteria.
“Y/n!” Naina and Pam panicked, jumping in their seats. They held your hand staring at you horrified and lost. You had such idiot friends, you were truly about to meet the devil any second now.
Suddenly, you were pulled up from your seat and arms wrapped around your waist. You felt the person behind you press into your stomach from behind, making you heave. The smell of rose and vanilla enveloped you as you felt softness behind you.
“One more time,” a smooth voice grunted into your ear. You nodded, frantically, before the person pressed once more. The piece stuck in your throat flew out. You fell forward, your arms catching the table in front of you. Arms covered in a grey jacket held you steady as you caught your breath.
You heard claps, and you were so embarrassed.
“Are you okay?” You turned around and your breath got caught in your throat from the beauty in front of you. Her almond-shaped eyes crinkled as she gazed at you with concern.
Her pouty pink lips drew into a straight line before her fingers gently brushed the hair from your face. Your heart skipped a beat at the touch, before you nodded, holding in your breath, “I’m okay. Thank you.”
The goddess in front of you smiled, her short hair brushing her shoulders slightly, “Chew your food properly, doll.”
She shot you a wink and walked away with ease and confidence. You remained standing there, your hand over your pounding heart.
“Wow,” Naina gasped from behind you. You slipped into your seat, seeing their face mirror your awe, “I think I'm in love.”
“Me too,” Pam and you replied.
You walked into the office after two quick knocks for the sake of formality, and to piss of Jaebum.
Jaebum hated it whenever you did something that an employee was supposed to do, especially when no one else was around.
Jaebum’s office was supposed to be empty with just him sitting on the couch, he worked from.
So imagine your surprise when you walked into his office to find Jaebum and the gorgeous woman from the cafeteria tangled into one another.
You noticed how she was slightly perched on the dark wood of the sexy desk your friends had gushed about. You noticed how Jaebum’s hands spread on her back, and how her head dipped into his neck.
“Oh,” was all that left you. You didn’t know if you should walk back out or stand there until they noticed your presence.
Jaebum noticed you immediately and untangled himself from the woman instantly. You bit your cheek to hold in the urge to roll your eyes. He was going to pretend that you didn’t just walk into a moment in case you went back and reported to Heather.
All men are trash.
And you knew Jaebum was just like everyone else already. You knew that the moment he decided to jump the boat from you and Heather literally five minutes after meeting you. He was no different to every other sleazy shit head to walk this earth.
The caught look on Jaebum’s face told you couldn’t hide the distaste from your face as your eyes settled on him.
“Hey, it’s you!” Her smooth voice chuckled, “You work for JB?”
“Everyone here does,” you gave her a curt smile back.
She could have saved you from hell but that didn’t excuse whatever her and Jaebum were up to before you walked in.
Your eyes drew back to Jaebum. The top button of his shirt open, his hair a mess and cheeks flushed. Biting your tongue, you tore your gaze away from him and the mess he echoed.
“She’s my assistant, y/n,” Jaebum finally croaked out. His eyes watching you.
You looked at the iPad in your hand instead of the pair in front of you, “You have a meeting with Mr Mark Tuan in twenty minutes, and dinner with Jackson Wang at eight.”
“No mister for Jackson?” the lady rose an eyebrow at you.
You gave her a polite smile, “No.”
She held your gaze for a moment longer, before turning to Jaebum. She let out a sigh as she hugged him once more. Jaebum hugged her back hesitantly this time, aware of your dark eyes watching them.
He patted her back twice and she moved away.
“It was nice seeing you after so long, JB,” she smiled at him. Jaebum smiled back at her this time, nodding in agreement. She patted his shoulder before picking up her bag from the chair next to the desk. “Oh, before I forget, guess who is back in town and wants to get into business with you?”
Jaebum frowned, and you watched the pair, almost sulking from your corner.
Her smile brightened with secrecy that made you listen intently, “Park Jinyoung.”
Your heart stopped.
“Hey y/n!” You blinked back to reality to find Jaebum in front of you. His eyes staring into yours as he rose his brows in question, “You alright?”
The grimace formed on your lips before you could hold it back. You didn’t even know what you were feeling but it wasn’t pleasant.
You felt it towards Jaebum and how he was hugging that girl. Not because of your feelings, but because he was with Heather.
Not that you had feelings for him or anything.
God, this was so confusing. On top of that, he was back in town.
You felt your frown deepen into a scowl as you glared at Jaebum.
You hissed at him, making him jump back slightly, “Get ready for the meeting. I’ve sent you the report for the meeting already.”
He opened his mouth to something, but you cut him off, “With notes, sir.”
You turned and began walking out of his office.
“Y/n,” Jaebum called out, but you ignored him.
Your foot kept tapping against the carpeted floor as you watched the numbers increase on the screen. You hadn't been able to keep still since the moment you heard the news.
Im Jaebum was no help either. All you wanted was to be left alone but he kept on trying to talk to you or kept on sending you to get coffee.
He didn’t take a single sip of those five iced americanos he ordered. All the cups piled on the floor next to the couch he sat on watching you with those dark eyes.
As soon as the clock hit seven-thirty, you called for Jaebum’s driver and rushed out of the office. You didn’t head home, you didn’t even consider going home for a second. Your feet without hesitation led you to Heather’s apartment.
You entered the code, your birthday, and entered the chilly room blasting with the AC high.
“Heather, I need wine and a good movie for crying. You won’t believe what I just- oh MY GOD- AHHHHHHH!” A bloodcurdling scream escaped you, as you fell onto the wall behind you.
When your scream settled as you took in the figure standing in the pink robe belonging to your best friend, you straightened, confused.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” You sneered.
“Wow, such a kind greeting for me,” Bambam rolled his eyes, before continuing to sip the glass of orange juice in his hand. You stared at him, your mind puzzled and trying to figure out what the fuck was going on.
“So what’s the tea?” Bambam smacked his lips before licking the droplets of juice remaining on them. He slammed the glass on the white marble, grinning at you. “Why do you need wine and a sad movie? Time of the month?”
“Why- What- How- Pink robe?” You stammered over your words pointing at him. Bambam stood there as if there was nothing weird about this situation. As if standing in nothing but another girl’s pink robe in a stranger’s kitchen was a normal occurrence for him. Your eyes narrowed at him, “Where’s Heather?”
“Y/n!” Heather appeared through her bedroom door. You took in her wet hair and silk robe, your eyes going to Bambam’s also wet hair. You frowned in confusion, and a fire blazed inside of you as an evil thought sprouted somewhere in the back of your mind.
Did they... Are they cheating on Jaebum?
Jaebum’s face from that night at the club invaded your mind. The smile on his face, the look in his eyes as he watched Heather with such softness, “It’s good she gets to live her life how she wants to.”
God. God.
What do you do?
You glared at Heather. Your eyes burned with betrayal from your friend and the anger that spread through your veins as you thought of Jaebum. You couldn’t bear to even imagine the sight of him heartbroken, defeated and cheated. You would rather the world end than see him like that.
“No, y/n!” Heather huffed taking a step towards you. The droplets from her long ember hair darkening the pink silk wrapped around her body. She took a step towards you and you almost took one back. But your feet remained still, as you saw the panic in her eyes, the desperation, “Let me explain.”
“So, what you’re telling me is that he is homeless?” You grunted at a dressed Heather sitting in front of you.
Bambam sat somewhere behind you, snorting, “I’m not homeless. Just low on cash and have no place to go.”
“That is literally homeless,” you turned towards him, giving him a smile.
“Basically,” Heather nodded, ignoring Bambam’s protest in the background. “I’m letting him stay here for a few weeks until his apartment problem is sorted out. I’m living at home anyways, but I came here today because I spilt coffee all over myself.”
“Oh,” you nodded. You weren’t completely convinced. She could’ve gone home, it was just ten minutes away. And why was both of their hair wet from the shower, when there is only one shower in the apartment. Maybe she might have kicked him out of the shower pulling ownership rank.
You had to believe her. There was no other explanation. The alternative was too cruel, and you would rather believe this than consider the dangerous alternative.
And how could you possibly not believe her? You knew Heather would do this in a heartbeat for anyone, she would do so much more then let others stay in her house. She had done the same for you once upon a time, she had done so much more.
She was even willing to buy you a house and you had to talk her out of it.
Yeah, there was no way anything was going on between Heather and Bambam. Whatever she said was the complete and absolute truth, there was no other alternative explanation needed or present.
Heather would never hurt someone else purposefully, she was pure and kind. She was not you.
“How come you’re here?” Heather asked, changing the subject.
“It’s nothing,” you shook your head.
“She's lying,” Bambam butted in. “She came in asking for wine and a movie that will make her cry. Something happened, or she’s on her period.”
Heather turned to you with a grave look, “What’s wrong, babe?”
You glared at Bambam, before turning to Heather. You let out a sigh as you picked your fingernails nervously. Heather instantly took your hands in hers making you meet her concerned green eyes, “What’s wrong?”
You frowned. Your lower lip trembling, “It’s -”
Ding Dong.
You and Heather turned towards the door, and then at Bambam. He let out an exhausted sigh, before he getting up, groaning.
“What am I meant to do? Send them away or- Oh, it's JB,” and without hesitation, he let the dark-haired male in.
Your frown deepened as you glared at the doorway he appeared through. His eyes landed on you right away and stayed on you. You held his gaze, your face darkening into a glare.
His rosy lips parted, his dark eyes filled with desperateness and despair as he held your gaze. It was as if all he saw in the room was you; as if the rest of the people, all disappeared.
It terrified you. It terrified you how this single moment made your heart flip and race. He terrified you.
“Oh good, you’re here Jaebum,” Heather spoke from behind you, and finally, Jaebum looked away from you. But it didn’t stay there, his dark eyes fell back on you, watching you intently.
Was he scared you would tell Heather what you saw in the office?
You scoffed at him, shaking your head as you looked away from him.
“Take Bambam out for a bit,” you heard your best friend’s sweet voice tell her boyfriend.
“I’m not a dog!” Bambam protested. Heather laughed behind you, but Jaebum and you didn’t as much as attempt to smile. Your eyes glittering with fire remained on him before you smirked at him.
You noticed his jaw tightened.
He was so pathetic.
You couldn’t believe you were worried about Heather cheating on him when he was almost dry humping another girl in his office. Well, you didn't see the humping, all you saw was the embrace, but you never know.
You can never know with guys like Im Jaebum, with their bad-news piercing and bad fuck-boy ways.
“Come on, let’s go,” Bambam began dragging Jaebum away, making him look away from you. “Clearly the ladies want us out.”
The door clicked behind them, and you felt your throat dry up.
Heather felt the tension too. She gently placed her fingers under your chin making you meet her gaze, “Now tell me, why do you need a sob night?”
“Heather,” you breathed. Your heart felt as if it would escape out of your chest. Your palms clasped sweatily, as you fisted them in your lap.
Two thoughts bounced around in your head, debating which one do you tell her.
Do you tell her about Im Jaebum who might have cheated on her if she hadn't walked in? Without any proof, without any certainty?
Or do you tell her what you wanted to, what had been bothering you since the afternoon?
“Heather,” her name left you shaky and weak, you gulped, your throat dry, “he’s back, and I might be seeing him around.”
Heather looked at you confused, and you continued, “He wants to get into business with Jaebum, and I'll have to be there.”
“Who, y/n?”
“Park Jinyoung,” you held in your breath.
Rage blazed through her emerald eyes matching the fire of her ember curls. She shot up from her seat, her fists clenched on her sides, “Fuck off if that asshole thinks he can come anywhere near you.”
You snorted, “He isn’t trying to come near me, Heather. He’s trying to do business with Jaebum.”
“I’ll talk to Jaebum to-”
You shook your head, “No, I can do this.”
Heather looked at you for a long moment.
You leaned into her, letting her engulf you into her arms, “Just let me be sad tonight and get ready for tomorrow.”
“My baby is all grown up,” She kissed your forehead, pulling you closer to her, “I’m so proud of you, but I’m always here for you.”
You nodded, you knew that.
The door of the apartment opened and you slightly turned to find Bambam walk in with four bottles of wine, “Are you guys ready to cry?”
You rolled your eyes, but couldn't help but giggle as he popped one open and offered it to you.
“Fuck yeah!” Heather cheered. You all turned to her, surprised. Heather didn’t talk crude, but tonight she didn't care to act proper. She just rolled her eyes, “Tonight, we are improper human beings.”
Bambam turned to Jaebum who stood a few feet away, “You in?”
His dark eyes travelled to you once again. After a long moment, he nodded, finally, tearing his gaze away from you and to Bambam.
“Good, go get the glasses,” Bambam ordered him laughing. He turned to the front and pulled out the remote, “Notebook, Titanic --”
“One Day,” you say.
They all gasp and stare at you. You just shrug and take a sip of the wine.
“You really chose heartbreak today, huh?” Bambam snickered, pulling up Netflix. “One Day it is. Jaebum get the tissues ready.”
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
"Weird Secret Friends" *Chapter 11*
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Chapter 10
Chapter 12
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Alright this one is kinda short but I needed a cliffhanger, and I need to get to fifteen now. Also, I had to write the ending of this in the car and it's difficult so I ended it where I did. Plus I love watching y'all squirm. SUFFER.
Rafael hadn’t texted you back since you told him you didn’t care whether he believed you or not, maybe he had gotten the hint and decided to leave you alone. Why didn’t that make you feel any better? You knew what you had told Sonny was true; you couldn’t be in any kind of relationship with anyone but alcohol. 
You’d never admit it to Sonny since he was so proud of you lately, but the monster inside you may be present more than you let on. It wasn’t big things that set you off sometimes, sometimes it was just one bad grade on a test, or being lonely. 
You knew you needed to reach out to someone, anyone other than Sonny. Get some friends of your own, people you could talk to. But you were too ashamed of your problems and your life to ever approach anyone. Even when students in your class would ask you to go out with them after school, you’d always decline in fear of what you might do while you were out. You could keep yourself from having more than one drink on your own, but the social pressure of being around other people drinking made you just want to keep going. And you knew where that led. Where it always led. 
You had kept the monster at bay for so long, it was exhausting most days. And now that you had fed it and let it loose, you were too tired to even try and reign it back in. So here you were, practically unable to move from being so sick from drinking fucking mouthwash rather than ride out your cravings. 
You looked up at the sky and began to pray for God to just take you right there and then, just so you would have to stop feeling like this. Not just physically ill, but completely devastated and heartbroken that the one time you had ever opened yourself to someone, opened yourself to love, the monster inside you killed it. Just like it killed everything. Now you just wanted it to kill you. You were just about to grab some pure rubbing alcohol from under your bathroom sink to drink, you knew it was lethal if you drank about a capful. You had it up to your lips when you heard a banging on your front door.
“Y/N! Y/N open this door!” 
Were you still that fucked up or was that actually Rafael banging on your door? No, it couldn’t be. Could it? You decided it was worth at least checking, if you had hallucinated it you could always come back to the bathroom. You forced yourself to stand up and hobbled towards your front door, still afraid to open it. If it really was him, you didn’t want him to see you like this. Your t-shirt was covered in bright green vomit stains, your hair was messy from puking, your hadn’t checked but you figured your face was probably disgusting. 
“...I’m not home!” The words came out before your sense kicked in to tell you that was literally the most idiotic thing you could say. Clearly he’d know you were fucked up now.
“I’m not kidding! I’ll break down this door, I swear to God,” His voice was angrier than you’d ever heard him. Well, that wasn’t saying much considering you hadn’t known him that long but still. 
“Uh...okay, just a second!” You called nervously, doing your best to quickly change your shirt and fix your hair. 
You grabbed a semi clean t-shirt laying on your couch and threw your hair up in a messy ponytail, wiping the dried vomit and drool from your face. You glanced in the mirror, you looked messy but just messy enough you were pretty sure you could pull off “I’m emotionally destroyed because of you” not “I’m totally trashed and fucked in the head because of you,” You tried walking as straight as you could to the door and softly opened it a bit, not letting him inside.
“Hey…” You gave him a sheepish smile. Wait, weren’t you supposed to be mad at him? Don’t act nice now just because you’re trying to act sober. 
“I mean...that’s a pretty lively looking corpse there, counselor,” You smirked. 
“...What?” He raised an eyebrow.
“Weren’t you the one who said you’d never be caught dead in Jersey?” You smirked harder. Damn, even when you were on the verge of dying you were smooth.
“Let me in,” Rafael said flatly. 
“Uh, no,” You said mockingly. 
“Let me in,” He repeated more sternly. 
“Do you have a warrant?” You asked with an amused smile. 
“Dammit Y/N don’t make me shove this door open,” 
“Oh okay so now you’re threatening to break into my apartment? Why don’t you yell that a little louder, maybe my neighbor will call the cops,” You yelled at him while gesturing down the hall. 
“...Please let me in?” His voice lowered, his eyes softened. You were a sucker for those eyes, no matter how mad or worried about appearances you were.
“...Fine,” You sighed and released your hold on the door and walked away quickly to sit on the couch. You didn’t want him to realize you couldn’t stand without holding onto something. 
“Fuck, I knew it…” He muttered as he glanced around your apartment, then focused on you.
“Knew what?” You crossed your arms, playing it cool. 
“You’re drunk right now, aren’t you?” He looked at you pitifully, not livid like he was a minute ago. 
“What?” You kept your composure. “Uh, I’m sorry Rafael, do you see any empty bottles here? Any FULL bottles for that matter?” You gestured around your apartment while acting offended he would even think that.
“My dad was an alcoholic, Y/N,” He said softly which made you angrier, why was he doing this? 
“Um okay, so that has to do with me why--?”
“Tell me right now if I smelled your breath that it wouldn’t be overwhelmingly ‘clean’,” He talked over you.
“....What?” You blinked, trying desperately to act oblivious. 
Fuck, why did he know that was a thing? Well, obviously he just said it. If you weren’t so angry or out of your mind right now, you’d feel absolutely terrible for being like this around him now that you knew he’d been through this before.
“So it’s a crime to have dental hygiene now?” You smarmed.
“Dammit Y/N I know what you’re doing!” Now he was getting angry again, he couldn’t stand that you weren’t taking this seriously. He couldn’t stand watching another person he cared about completely shit faced in front of him, acting as if he was the one in the wrong. 
“And what am I doing, Rafael?”
“Sonny might be naïve, but I know what it looks like when an alcoholic is hiding their drinking!” He accused you.
“God dammit…” you muttered. 
So many things were buzzing in your head at that moment. One you now felt ashamed that he was seeing you like this, two you were upset that he knew all your tricks, and finally you were somewhat happy and hopeful that he cared enough to come for you. 
“Did you have an actual reason for coming over here, or did Sonny just send you to lecture me because he’s tired of doing it?”
“...Can you drink some coffee or something?” 
“What?” You furrowed your eyebrows. “Why?” 
“I can’t talk to you when you’re like this,” 
“What? Oh suddenly I must be out of my mind trashed because I’m mad at you? Guess what Barba, this is 100% snarky sober me,” You lied. 
“Mad at me?” He laughed. “Why in God’s name are you mad at me?!” 
“After the way you treated me--”
“The way I treated you?!” He cut you off angrily. “I treated you with nothing but caring and respect, Y/N. Even after you sat there in my apartment throwing a temper tantrum like a petulant drunken toddler!” 
“You--” You were livid at him calling you a toddler.
“Just because Sonny told you what I usually act like towards-- lovers, doesn’t make it true with you. Did I ever, ever act like you were some ‘conquest’?” He asked you.
“...No,” You bit your lip nervously.
“Did I ever make you feel cheap, or unwanted?”
“No…” You looked at the floor.
“Didn’t I tell you that you were different, that you meant something to me?”  He gave you a sad look, as if he was crushed that you didn't believe in him.
“But how do I know that wasn’t just a line?!” You protested.
“Because I’m here!” He gestured around your apartment. 
“And why are you here?” You pressed him.
“I don’t know!” He put his hands over his head.
“...That’s not an answer,”  You crossed your arms.
“It’s the only answer I can give you, Y/N,” He finally sat down next to you on the couch. 
You curled up your knees to your chest instinctively, still trying to hide your inebriation and the smell of your breath; even though you knew it was futile at this point.
“So, you come all the way here to bang on my door and yell at me, but you have no idea why?” You continued to be defensive, trying to keep him off your scent.
“What do you want me to say, Y/N? Huh?” He threw up his hands. 
“Do you want me to say it’s because I’m in love with you? Because for the first time in my life I found someone that I want to be with all the time, because you make me the happiest I’ve been in a long time, maybe ever?” 
“Uh no,” You rolled your eyes. “I didn’t ask you to lie,” 
“...I’m not lying,”  He looked at you very seriously, trying to take your hand.
“Yes, you are,” You shook your head and pulled away from him. “In fact I know exactly why you’re here,”
“....What is happening right now?” Rafael asked himself softly. He had just sat there and poured out his heart to you, and you were dismissing him completely. This is exactly why he should have just let you be.
“What’s happening, is that you-- you feel bad that you couldn’t... I don’t know, ‘deal’ with your Daddy issues," You air quoted Daddy, making him shift uncomfortably.
"That is so--" He tried denying it.
"True?" You gave him a look. "Let me guess, you couldn't 'save' him as a kid, right?"
"...That wasn't on me," He muttered, looking at the floor.
"You don't believe that," you scoffed. "I know you don't."
"And how do you know that?" He looked at you skeptically.
"Because I feel like I failed my parents, and they were the shittiest people on earth!" You exclaimed.
"How did you fail them? You weren't even--"
"By being born, Raff," You clarified.
"Carino, don't--"
"Look, my point is you've got this 'white knight syndrome', but you know what I learned? You can't save everyone, so you shouldn't even try,"
"That's a great philosophy," he scoffed. "So you don't even try?'
"Oh fuck off," You rolled your eyes. "I can't even save myself, let alone anyone else,"
"That's not true," he protested. "You saved me,"
"Oh my god," you made a fake gagging noise. "You're just saying that so it'll appease some kind of guilt,"
"I have zero to feel guilty about," he shook his head. For some reason that made you even angrier. 
"Alright well good! So you can leave,"  You pointed towards the door.
"No I'm not leaving, not until you acknowledge what I said," He crossed his arms.
"What? About you being in love with me?" You scoffed. "I told you that's a load of shit."
"And why do you say that?" He asked.
"For one, because you don't fall in love with someone just because they're good in bed," you gave him a look.
"That's not why--"
"And for two, nobody can be in love with a monster," You finished over him.
"You're not a monster--" he tried pulling you towards him but you stood up.
"Yes I am!" You screamed.
Well that was a bad idea. All of a sudden it was as if the chemicals from the mouthwash were sizzling around your insides. You doubled over in pain, the room was going dark. 
"Y/N? Oh my god, baby hold on--" he grabbed you and pulled you into his lap while he dialed 911.
"It's okay, you're okay...just...just hold on, please…" he pleaded with you while stoking your hair and kissing the top of your head, gripping you as if you were going to disappear if he let up.
That was the last thing you heard before everything went black.
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author-chan!! can i have angst of annie leonhardt' s/o leaving her after she confesses that she's the female titan:(((
also i wish you luck with your blog ٩( ᐛ )و
On another note though, thank you! I’m having fun so far ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Oh, and to preface, this turned out a lot more angsty and violent than I had sort of planned in my head, so if you want something changed, I can easily go back and edit it.
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(Annie Leonhart x Reader)
AU: Canon
Warnings: Slight violence, season 3 spoilers
Category: Angst
Summary: After finding out she is the Female Titan, Annie’s s/o leaves her, leaving her heartbroken and angry.
Words: 2.0K
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The most recent scouting expedition was an absolute disaster.
You thought things were going well. One of your first scouting missions, and you had made it far into titan territory without much trouble.
But then, she appeared.
An abnormal for sure. Shown to be fast and agile, plus very intelligent, the Scouts stood no chance. She mindlessly ripped through your comrades in search of Eren, pushing all the way up to the forest, and wiping out almost all of the Levi squad.
Luckily, you were able to make it out of the mission relatively unscathed, physically anyway. Mentally, you were a mess. The experience messed you up for sure, you had never been more terrified of a titan before then. The fear of death that she instilled in you had shaken you to your core, and as soon as you were allowed to leave, you ran to the interior to find solace in your girlfriend, Annie.
Sneaking into the military police dormitories, as you had done many times before, you quietly pushed to the door open, poking your head in in search of the blonde.
You found her alone in bed, staring at the ceiling wordlessly. Her roommate, Hitch, was strangely absent. You wondered if she was getting ready for bed. It was a bit early, as the sun had just began to set, but you figured she may have just been tired.
She didn’t seem to notice you at first, which was unnatural of the usually extremely observant soldier. Still you paid no mind to it, calling out her name.
She turned to face you, and a small smile graced her lips. But something was very off about it. The smile looked so... pained. Not fake, but pained. Like it hurt her just to smile.
“Can I come in?” You asked, just out of courtesy, since she looked like she had something on her mind.
She nodded, sitting up in her bed and patting the space next to her.
You climbed onto her bed, and the two of your shared a chaste kiss before you hugged her, burying your head in her shoulder. You inhaled slowly, taking in her calming, slightly sweet scent.
“I missed you...” You muttered.
She chuckled just a little, before wrapping her arms around you and falling backwards, pulling you with her so you were tucked into her side. “I missed you too...”
You snuggled closer into her chest, taking deep, relaxed breaths for the first time in days.
You laid in comfortable silence for a few minutes, before you finally started to talk about what had really been bugging you.
“The scouting mission was a disaster.” You said, slightly muffled into her chest. You could’ve swore you felt her breathing hitch and her muscles tense up at the mention of it.
You pulled your head out of her chest, not even waiting for her to beckon you to continue, deciding to keep talking anyway.
“There was this huge abnormal, and she was faster and smarter than any one I’ve ever seen before!” You cried out, not even bothering you control your voice. You needed this experience off of your chest as soon as possible. “She killed so many Scouts! I saw it all with my own two eyes, I thought for sure I was gonna die!” Tears formed in your eyes as you recounted the experience, images flashing through your head and screams ringing in your ears.
Your hands covered your eyes, eyes squeezing shut so tightly that bright colors seemed to flash over your vision as your eyebrows furrowed. Quiet sobs and sniffles escaped your lips.
After a moment, you realized Annie still hadn’t moved an inch. The Annie you know would’ve been shushing your cries and petting your hair, as she’s done so many times before, but right now, she didn’t move a muscle.
Your eyes fluttered wide open, and you bit your bottom lip to suppress your sobs. You shakily moved your head up to look at her. She was completely frozen, even her breathing had stopped momentarily, as she stared at the wall with wide, unmoving eyes. Her expression looked so mortified.
You gasped out loud as it finally clicked, your hands moving from your ears to cover your mouth, and your pure shock immediately stopped the flowing tears. All the pieces fell into place in your mind at once.
The expression on her face was recognizable anywhere. God, how did you not notice it before?!
Confused and panicked, you sat up and scampered to the opposite side of the bed, still in disbelief.
“A... Annie?” Your whisper was barely audible, but compared to the tense stillness of the room, she heard you perfectly. “Tell me it isn’t true...”
You had ignored it. You didn’t want to think about any of it. You didn’t want to think about how similar the female titan looked to her, or how the female titan had the same martial arts technique as her, or how strange she had been acting lately, especially now after the attack. You still clung to hope that, maybe, just maybe, you were wrong.
She finally sucked in a breath harshly through her clenched teeth, lowering her head in shame and hiding her eyes from yours.
“I...” She whispered. The tone in her voice almost made you pity her. She sounded so sad, like a kicked puppy. The furrow in your brow softened, but you remained on guard until she finished her sentence.
“I’m so sorry... Y/n...”
At that moment, you felt a switch flip in your mind. This was no longer the Annie you knew. She wasn’t the Annie that would lean on you silently during mealtimes, or the Annie that would kiss you on the forehead when you woke up together, or the Annie that smiled lovingly whenever you told her that you loved her.
No, not anymore. This was a monster. She was a monster.
Burning rage and heartbreak coursed through your veins, taking over your body as you lost any control you may have had. She didn’t need to try to apologize. She didn’t deserve forgiveness.
You grabbed her by the shoulders, and before she even had the chance to react, you tackled her off of the bed and onto the creaky wooden floors of the dorm, landing on top of her with a loud thud.
She shut her eyes and winced in pain for a moment, but she opened them to look at you. As soon as her eyes met yours, you saw them widen with fear. Not fear for her safety, she could easily beat you in a fight if she wanted to. No, this fear was different, it was something she had feared since she first started to fall for you. And right now, it seems that fear was becoming reality.
“WHY?!” You screamed, still hovering over her. Despite your anger, your face appeared distraught, tears falling from your eyes and onto her cheeks. The tears she usually wiped away endearingly were now flowing from your eyes, and it was all because of her.
“This whole time, you pretended to love me, while you were really just our enemy? Do you have any idea how many died because of you?! What are you doing this for?! WHY, ANNIE, WHY?!”
Tears fell from Annie’s eyes as she struggled to form a coherent sentence.
You remained on top of her, waiting impatiently for an answer. “Well?!”
“I... Y/N please... I’m sorr-” Her sentence was cut off as you raised your fist and struck her in the nose with all your might. Her head flung to the side, blood already spurting from her face.
“Don’t give me that sorry bullshit! You aren’t sorry at all! You just want to save your hide!”
You sat up from your previous position, but your knees stayed grounded on the floor to either side of her. You stared at her, your expression broken and unremorseful.
“You’re a traitor...” Your voice dropped to a solemnly low pitch, and a pained, almost hysterical laugh ripped through your throat. You calmed down within moments, however, and stared into her eyes. If looks could kill right now, she would be dead on the floor in an instant.
“You stood there with us and swore to fight against the titans... and then you went on to kill your own comrades... do you feel no remorse?” You shook your head, looking away as if she didn’t even deserve your acknowledgement. “You never deserved to wear the uniform. You should never have joined the ranks.”
You stood up, heading for the door. You turned to look at her once again, only to see that she hadn’t moved an inch, her head still facing to the side, looking away from you.
“Tch.” You turned around, twisting the doorknob and pushing the door open slowly.
“I can’t believe I thought I loved you,” You took a step out of the door. “You monster.”
Annie panted in front of the mirror, gripping the sides of the porcelain for support. The blood still leaked from her nose, the metallic taste making its way into her mouth and coating her tongue.
She looked at the mirror, and a stranger stared back. A stranger whose faced was still stained with tears. A stranger who was afraid. A stranger who, deep down, ached for her lover to return.
She should’ve known. Hell, Reiner warned her several times.
“I know you care about her, Annie, but you can’t get attached to, let alone involved with Y/N. It sacrifices the integrity of our mission as warriors.”
She winced at the memory, closing her eyes and trying to block it out. Still, his words wrapped itself around her brain.
“Besides, you know it well. We’re sinners, Annie. Monsters. We have a duty to serve, but that’s it. People will hate us simply for being born into this program, for inheriting our titans. Y/N is no different.”
She stared back into the mirror. The stranger who looked back had really believed that she could do it. That Y/N wouldn’t hate her when she inevitably found out her secret. How foolish, believing that she could be forgiven.
A sudden rush of anger and frustration washed over her, and her hand left the sink and struck the mirror in front of her. The reflection shattered, and the glass fell to the ground.
She didn’t bother to wash the blood off of her hand, or even pick the tiny shards of glass out of her hand before she punched the empty wall where the mirror used to be.
She knew it, she always knew it, years before even being given her orders.
Of course she knew it, how could she not?
But she didn’t want to be reminded of it.
She didn’t even want to think about it.
She didn’t want it to be told to her face like that.
And especially not by her.
No matter how she faced it, she was just...
A monster.
She huffed in the midnight air as she ran, holding her limp right hand. It wouldn’t take a genius to look at it and tell immediately that she had shattered many of the bones in her fingers, but that didn’t matter right now. You knew her secret, and it wouldn’t be much time before you told the others.
She ran as fast as she could, skidding to a halt in front of the cabin that she unfortunately knew all too well.
Reiner awoke with a start, a painful sensation covering his chest. As he opened his eyes slowly, the blurry silhouette in front of him delivered another swift kick to his ribs. He groaned painfully as the silhouette began to clear.
“Annie?” Confusion and fatigue laced his speech heavily. Across the room, Bertholdt began to stir awake.
“Reiner,” She spoke. His eyes widened as he gazed into her eyes. The icy blue orbs appeared as though no one was behind them. She looked broken, as if a painful realization had shattered her entire world. “Get up. Now.”
“Huh?” He sat up, noticing her battered and bruised hand, only heightening his confusion.
“We’re going to go get Eren.” She spoke, an eerie monotony to her voice.
“Whether you like it or not,” She continued. “This mission ends today.”
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also, i put so much effort into this, but it feels really bad for some reason :|
Also I couldn’t write Annie punching the wall without comparing her to a Kyle™ lol.
Well, still, I hope you enjoyed it! Let me know if I should change anything.
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“The Watchover”|Part II
Summary: You struggle with being trapped in The Watchover as your best friends seemingly refuse to find closure due to your loss.
Pairing: Avengers x Reader (Platonic)
Requested: Yes/No
Part I can be found on my blog under my Avengers X Reader Masterlist.
Canon? Yes/No
Previous Part(s):
Author Note: This part will probably be shorter since Part I is pretty long. Hope you guys still enjoy!
You couldn’t tell how much time it had been; in fact, you didn’t even care to know. All you knew was that you had been stuck in The Watchover for over a month.
You’d told yourself, “Surely they’ll find closure within a week.” However, that was not the case.
While almost all the other Avengers in the compound had indeed found closure within two weeks or so, two people stubbornly refused to let go: Yelena and Kate.
The two girls had found comfort in each other a few days after your death, but they still weren’t willing to let go. They still moped around, unwilling to train or chat with the others.
Yelena had definitely lost some skills. Whenever she did go to training (which was about one every month), she was sloppy and uncoordinated which only made her more frustrated.
Kate had lost accuracy. She trained even less often than Yelena and had lost a lot of skill with her bow. She was lucky to even get in the eight ring at this point.
You wished the two would stop and let go, but at the same time you understood. When the team lost Natasha, you had a gnawing pit of despair in your stomach that never seemed to go away.
The day you were finally freed was a rainy day. Thunderstorms were in the forecast and the beating of the rain on the compound roof didn’t add to Yelena or Kate’s moods.
The two were sitting in silence in their rooms when Tony knocked lightly on the door.
“Kiddos?” He asked, seeing the two. They were definitely beaten down and hollow shells of people. Their eyes were red and their shoulders sagged with the weight of their mood.
“Tony…?” Yelena mumbled, unmoving.
“It’s me. I have something you two might wanna see,” Tony said, trying to make it sound exciting. “You up for it?”
Kate shot a glance at Yelena and the two simultaneously got up and shuffled after Tony, each girl occasionally yawning.
You followed them all the way to the meeting room. Tony had a small invention hooked up to the large holographic monitors. It was projecting… you.
“Sit, please,” Tony said as he grabbed a remote. As soon as both girls were seated Tony spoke again, “So, we found the body camera that was on Y/N the day they were killed.”
Kate looked at Yelena, and she spoke up in a practically inaudible voice. “They had a body cam on?”
Yelena nodded. “Yes.”
Tony plugged in an HDMI cord and hit the play button on the remote, stepping out of the room and shutting the doors.
The body cam showed a dark hallway and heavy breathing was heard. It was clearly you.
“Dang it, Yelena, god dang it…” you huffed as you speed-walked through the hallway. “God dang it, can’t you just agree?!”
You were nearing the corner at the end of the hallway, and Yelena bit her lip. She knew what was coming.
As you turned the corner, you could tell Yelena wanted to get up and run, but she was frozen to her seat. Kate just stared, unknowing of what was about to happen to you.
Then the HYDRA agent appeared, and your blood-curdling scream sounded.
“OH MY GOD!” Kate jumped up from her seat, eyes frozen to the screen as the camera went crazy, falling with your body.
Red splattered across the camera and Kate half-gagged at the sight. Your breathing got heavier as you struggled to fight with life and death.
“Oh my god, oh my god…” your voice sounded, “I’m gonna die.”
At those words tears began to fall down both of their faces. However, their eyes never left the monitor.
“Well, I guess…” your breathing became more labored, “I guess this is the end…”
The two blinked, unmoving.
“You know, I’ve really enjoyed being a part of this… this team,” you grunted, shifting a bit. “It’s been fun…” A moment of silence passed before you spoke again. “Well, it’d be too graphic to die on camera, right…?” Your speech started to slur.
Even with the blood, you could still see your fist about the destroy the camera, but then Yelena’s figure came into view.
“Y/N? Y/N!” Yelena shook you, but you were gone. She was too late.
The body cam then cut out. Yelena let out a sob, covering her face with her hands. Kate simply looked at the floor.
It was then that you felt your (what was technically non-existent) body being sucked up, and before you knew it you were staring through the glass overtop of the compound again.
Death then appeared. “Looks like they did it, finally.”
“I guess so,” you replied, watching as the others rushed and to comfort the two girls in the meeting room.
“You’re now free, Y/N Y/L/N. Enjoy your time in The Afterlife,” Death said as he waved his scythe again.
Your surroundings faded and you were transported away, into The Afterlife.
“Y/N?” Came a voice. You turned.
So, how’d we like it?! Please hit the heart or two arrows if you enjoyed, it helps me to know you like my stories! Also, requests are open and anons are welcome! Talk to me!
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