#oh ya and off topic but in response to that sibling reblog thing
adriancatrin · 1 year
👻 and ❤️ and 🌻 foe the ask game!
ayyyy thank u sorry it's been ages pfdfjskl
👻 What is your wildest headcanon? idk, the ~wildest~ i can think of is that sokka and a healthy azula would really get along well. the sarcasm and snappy remarks would never end and they'd both have a blast with it. i know that's not too crazy lol but hey
❤️ Favorite line you've written in a fic? already answered!
🌻 How often do you read your own fics? immediately after posting them i'll reread them like 20 times, partially to double-check my editing but also because i'm excited about other people reading them. after that i tend to leave them alone for several months before checkin em out again
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canumoveurseatup-no · 5 years
The Gift of Life
late father’s day special to the honeybee series-
summary: father’s day is coming up and bucky tells you want he wants for his gift.
wc: not sure but don’t whine about there not being a keep reading tab, i did this on mobile.
pairing: bucky x black!stark!reader
warnings: talks of pregnancy, postpartum depression, mentions of sex, angst.
a/n: lowkey wanna start blocking y’all if you just like it and don’t reblog and/or comment. it’s 2019, leave feedback, support your authors.😂
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“What are we getting papa for his day?,” Annalise helped you fold towels and set them in the guest bathrooms at the compound as you all were staying because she begged so much. Something about feeling stuck in the same four walls of her own home.
“Ya know I haven’t thought about that,” you ‘hmph’ to yourself begin to try to recall any conversations with him saying anything he wanted but nothing came to mind.
Bucky didn’t really do gifts so pretty much present shopping was hard, but he was always grateful and appreciative when someone got him one.
“Gift shopping for your father is hard”
Annalise nodded in agreement, knowing the hours of complaining and her feet hurting from all the walking and running from store to store that comes with the territory of gift shopping for her papa.
“Well we still have like two weeks to figure something out” she looked at you through her curls and you pinched at her chubby cheeks, making her swat your hands away.
Maybe you’d just have to ask him when he comes home from a guy’s luncheon with the others. It’s gotten to the point where you have to be straight up rather than trying to surprise him.
You’d figure it out. You were determined.
“Papaaaaaaa!!,” you heard Annalise squeal once Bucky came home.
“Oh how I missed my honeybee. How was your day with mama?”
You heard his voice from the living room and how it traveled down the walls as he came closer.
“Fun! We did some spring cleaning. We had a dance and lip sync battle,”
“Sounds like much fun,”
You heard the stopping of his boots at the threshold of your door and you looked up from your book to find him smiling at you, eyes still full of life and love for you. Always.
He put Anna down and kicked his boots off before running and jumping in the bed, head landed on your lap and hand squeezed your thigh.
“How was the Father’s Day luncheon?,”
“The bottomless mimosas were to diiie for”
You felt the bed dip at your feet as Annalise climbed into the bed with you two and just sat there on her heels, smiling at you two, not even engaging in the conversation or trying to insert herself, she genuinely just liked to be around you guys and hear you converse.
“Speaking of things to die for,” you place the bookmark in your book and set it on the bed side table, “What’s something you’ve been wanting? I don’t know what the hell to get you for Father’s Day this year,”
Bucky looked at you and opened his mouth the speak only to shut it before opting to just come out and say it
“I want another baby”
You two stare at each other and Anna stares awkwardly between you two, waiting for one of you to say something, anything...
“You what?,” you blink a few times and frown in confusion.
Bucky sits up and takes your hands in his grasp, “I want another baby. I know babies aren’t just presents you hand out and I know there’s so much work that goes into the pregnancy itself but... but I want another baby. The gift of life,”
It makes you feel bad to see how hopeful he is knowing there’s a lack of reaction out of you, “Anna go to your pop pop while the grown folks talk, okay?,”
She yips and runs away, shutting the door behind her, leaving just you and Bucky, “I think Anna is enough,”
“I’m not saying she isn’t. I’m just saying I want to add to our family. I think she’d love being a big sister,”
He could sense your apprehension on the topic and he didn’t want to push it, he just wanted to say his piece.
“I think the size of our family is fine the way it is,”
The grip of your hands in his loosens and his smile drops slightly. He tried not to be upset, it was your body and decision after all, just still, it’s something he’s wanted and even if it doesn’t happen, at least he’s gotten off his chest.
“I know that before I said that I wanted at least three kids but I think Anna is enough for us,” you curl up under the covers for a nap and you can hear Bucky sigh.
“No you’re right, you’re right,” he laughs himself off and undressed to take a well deserved nap along with you.
When you knew he was asleep you watched him sleep peacefully and breathe at a calm rhythm. You stared at him as the topic of another child swirled around your mind. The idea of another isn’t what’s keeping you from following through but what will happen after.
For the next couple of days, Bucky spent his days avoiding the topic of Father’s Day. He’s talked to the guys and told them he’d propose the idea and he has yet to tell them another Stark-Barnes will not be added to the family.
Your reasoning was your own and while you were his wife, he understood some things just needed to be kept to one’s self until they were ready to open up about it, so he wouldn’t press the idea anymore.
While he was making lunch, you were in Anna’s room looking at her old baby clothes, remembering the specifics behind item.
The purple bib was the first the bin she’s ever worn, got green bean baby food all over it. Her hard sole shoes, these were the shoes she used to learn to walk. Her floral pants and yellow shirt, you put these on her for her six month photos. You smiled at the items and put them in the box, getting ready to pack it up.
You were ready to donate them when a thought of “what if I save them for when I have another one?” crossed your mind. Having another would be perfect, it could teach Annalise responsibility when it comes to being an older sibling, you would have someone else to love just as much. Being a parent is hard but knowing you have a small human love you and need you is what you lived for. Teaching them their first words, holding their hand while they learn to walk, helping read, holding them in your arms when they have bad nightmares, setting up blankets and pillows in the bathroom when they’re sick all night.
Maybe you did want another? Maybe you just had to push through your fear and anxieties about it but it wasn’t that easy.
Your thoughts are interrupted when you heard a knock on the door and Bucky’s head came into view through the cracked door
“Lunch is ready, babe” he’s wiping his hands on a towel and you can tell how he’s trying not to look at the baby clothes, “I tried a new recipe for raviolis and they turned out pretty good actually,”
He smirked, proud of his improving cooking skills.
“I’ll be right out, thank you,”
He nodded and left to go back out to the kitchen to make Anna’s plate, she was excited, she loved homemade raviolis.
You set the clothes in the box and close the flaps but don’t tape them. You had a lot to think about.
Leaving the room, you see Anna patiently waiting for you so she can say her grace and begin digging in. Bucky has just finished making your plate when you sat down, coming to you with yours and his in hand.
“Bon appetit,”
You mutter a thank you with a small smile on your face before saying grace, which Annalise flew through so she can eat.
“Chef Papa-ardee,” she smiled, corners of her lips red with the sauce.
The house phone rings before Bucky can reply and Bucky rushes to get it, putting it on speaker as it was just Steve.
“Hey man, what’s up?,” Bucky asks, cutting his raviolis
“With the guys right now and we realized it’s been a few days since the luncheon... what did she say?,”
You notice how Bucky immediately stops his motion and pauses, tongue in cheek with deep thought written all over his face. You knew what Steve was referring to.
“Uh...” Bucky’s mouth opened and closed multiple times, you silently ate your food, “Yeah uhm, we decided that one is good for us,”
He didn’t really decide anything and you know that. You know Bucky really wanted another child but you weren’t sure if you were ready to give him that. But Bucky was not the type to force that on you, sure he’s a little disappointed but he told himself he’d get over it soon.
“Dude what?!” You all hear Sam in the background, “You were practically shitting yourself with excitement at the idea of having another baby!!,”
“And I wanted to be a grandfather times two!!,”
“And I make a pretty great uncle too,” Rhodes adds.
“I make a perfect big cousin” you hear Peter mutter in the background.
Bucky clears his throat and takes the phone off speaker, “Yeah we just decided that the size of our family is perfect the way it it”
You can’t exactly hear what they’re saying but it sounds like a bunch of groaning and shouting.
“Guys I’ll have to talk to you later, I’m eating with my family right now,”
More groaning and a faint, drawn out “okay” can be heard this time. They’re like gossiping teenage boys.
Bucky is quick to hang up and go back to eating his food peacefully like he had been before. Anna was too busy moaning at the tasty food to have even tried engaging in the food. Plus she also knew not to interrupt people while they were talking.
“Well they seemed pretty ecstatic about the idea too,” you wanted to relieve the tension, avoiding the topic wouldn’t help and it would put a strain on you two that you didn’t need.
“Oh it’s nothing. We just got talking about it the other day because we saw these twins walking with their parents in matching clothes and we kind of just talked for hours about the idea of having one or another, it’s really nothing, just empty talk,” he shrugs off the topic but you could tell it wasn’t just empty talk when you saw the way he froze at Steve’s first words through the phone, you knew it wasn’t small talk when he wouldn’t look at you when talking about it.
“I love you, Bucky,” you reached over to grab his hand and he dropped his fork to squeeze yours and kiss it
“I know. I love you more,” you felt better at the smile on his face even if it was small.
“Well I love y’all too,” Anna finally pipes up as she finishes her food. She was so quiet you forgot she was there.
“We love you more”
“Bucky, don’t stop”
Tony finally had Anna for the weekend, meaning you two had time to yourselves.
He insisted on wearing a condom and while you told him it was okay, he was adamant.
“I love you so much,” he whispers, kissing the shell of your ear, and thrusting long and slow until his hips falter and he pulls out, resting his head on your shoulder, swearing to himself, “Doll, I- I can’t right now,”
You weren’t the slightest bit mad, you were more concerned than anything, “Baby, what happened?”
“Nothing I- I’m fine, I just can’t finish right now, I’m sorry,” his hair curtained his face and you pushed it out the way for him to quickly avert his eyes.
“Bucky, talk to me,” your voice was tender and was like a blanket that he needed.
“I can’t,”
Even after years of being married, Bucky still had problems with opening up sometimes, thinking his opinion doesn’t hold weight.
“Yes, you can,” you move from under him so you both can sit up and talk about whatever is bothering him but you feel like you have an inkling or knowing, “It’s still about wanting another baby, isn’t it?,”
His shoulders tremble with a cold chill and he begins playing with his hands and the sheets.
“I don’t even have a right to be upset, Y/N that’s the thing. My wants come waaaaay after yours and I don’t wanna be like one of those manipulative guys that forces their ladies to have kids, I guess I just want closure so I can get over it and stop thinking about it,”
You pull the blankets over your body and nod, knowing closure would be best for the health of your relationship.
“It’s not that I don’t want another baby, Bucky,” you rest your head back on headboard, “I’ve actually been thinking about it on my own and I love, absolutely love the thought of growing our family but I... I can’t go through that again- not even the pregnancy itself but what happens afterward,”
Bucky nods for you to keep going and you decide to just spill everything, it was now or never.
“I felt so ugly after I had Annalise. I felt like I had to hurry up and have a snap back so you would still want me. The postpartum depression was terrifying, I almost hurt Anna and myself,”
Bucky made sure to make you feel beautiful and loved before and after Anna but it didn’t help your own thoughts sometimes.
“I’m sorry I didn’t see it that way,” Bucky grabs your hands.
“You wouldn’t have known because I kept it from you because I didn’t want you to feel bad. I felt like I was living in someone else’s body,” It was like you were borrowing someone’s body without their permission when you were suffering from PPD, it was terrifying and you wouldn’t wish that on anyone,
“I love Anna to the ends of the universe and back but it was hell for the first few months after I had her and you did everything you could to be there for me and her, letting us know we were loved and everything and I don’t want it to get to that point where I fear for our lives because of me,”
Bucky turns to you completely and holds your face, “As your husband and the father of our children, I will go through anything for you. I will be by your side no matter what you feel, no matter what you decide. It’s my job as your husband to be your support and I’m going to do that no matter what,”
Bucky always ignited a fire deep within you and his passion when it came your family made things so much easier. He never left you looking stupid, he never left you high and dry.
It didn’t even catch your attention that he so casually said “children”- it sounded so beautiful compared to just one singular child.
A second baby would be perfect. You could get in touch with Val, have her move in again and go from there so she can monitor everything. You wouldn’t hesitate to get help if any of that happened again. You knew what to do now that you’ve been through it once.
“Happy early Father’s Day then,”
The decision was completely yours alone. You were sure this was what you wanted. You sat and talked with Anna to prepare her for what’s to come and while she was a little apprehensive at first, she came to like the idea of being a big sister.
You’ve gotten in touch with Val and you kept all the baby clothes in case you have another girl. The planning for another baby was exciting. Everything was the same from before. Bucky being there 1000 percent. Val helping you change your diet and do yoga for relaxation methods.
The cravings kicked in much sooner and the morning sickness kicked in a lot later.
“The french fries aren’t cold enough!!,” you slammed your hands on the blanket, crying, as you and Bucky were in bed late at night. He went to the grocery store and got a bag of fries, barely baking them in the oven so they were still cold because your weird cravings started happening.
“Babe what do you want me to do? Give you the bag straight of the freezer?,” his back was turned to you as he tried to get some sleep.
You gasped and turned to him, “Please!,”
“Y/N, I’m not getting you frozen fries, that’s disgusting,”
You took a deep breath, ready to let out a scream of distress until his hand covered your mouth
“Fine! Fine! I’ll get you your frozen fries,”
He felt the way you smiled under his hand and shook his head before getting up and heading to the kitchen, “So spoiled,”
“I heard that!!,”
You heard the rustling of the bag and begin bouncing in your spot on the bed, softly clapping your hands. Bucky was walking as slow as a snail and you were beginning to lose patience, he knew how bad you were wanting those fries, but no, he wanted to be an ass real quick.
He ran and jumped on the bed, handing you the bag of shoe string fries, frowning at the way you just tore it open and began popping them in your mouth like they were fully cooked fries.
“Well... I guess it’s a healthier alternative in a way... rather than them being fried and salted,”
“Okay but can you get me some pepper please?,”
“No, I will not,”
You were blown up like a blimp, ready to pop at any second. You couldn’t wait for your little dragonfly to get here.
Althea was her name. Alli for short. Annalise couldn’t wait for her to arrive. A room was designated for another at home, natural water birth and Val was always at the compound with you on stand by.
“Can grandbaby number 2 come out already?,” Tony questioned as he walked around the kitchen, getting things ready for tonight’s family dinner.
“I’m saying!,” you whimper, “She’s got my feet so swollen I can’t fit them in my crocs!,”
“It’s a sign from life letting you know how hideous those things actually are,” Natasha spokenover her magazine.
“Haters are gonna hate regardless,” you didn’t miss the way her torso shook in light laughter.
Everyone was just walking around, by passing time until dinner was ready and when it was, Steve said grace for everyone and you all sat down and began eating talking about nothing.
“Mama, can you cut my fish please?,” Anna’s head peaked over the edge of the table.
You lean over to help her cut it but sit back down when you feel that release of pressure.
“Okay so,” you breathe in and out, “I don’t think saying ‘uh oh’ isn’t the proper thing to say when your baby is on their way but uhm- uh oh!,”
“What?,” Bucky looks dumbfounded, knowing what you meant but he wanted confirmation just to be sure.
“Our little dragonfly is ready to come out and spread her wings!,”
“You couldn’t wait until dinner finished?,” Sam sighs.
“I don’t get the decide when she comes, she does! So take it up with her because she’s coming quick,” you can feel sweat beading on your forehead already, “Val!!,”
Bucky helps you up and takes you to the sterilized room where you’d be having the Althea.
It was the same. Tony called mom and she was there until you asked for Tony to scrub down and get in with you. This time you gave birth on your hands and knees. Anna was easy, allowing you to squat likenyou wanted but Althea gave you a run for your money. You were ready to call it quits and ask for some type of pain medicine.
“You got this baby, I’m here,” Bucky kisses the side of your head, you crushing has hand while Val was behind you, ready for get Althea when you push her out.
“C’mon dragonfly, take it easy on your mama and come out and meet her,”
It’s like Val always had a way with words when it came to your stubborn girls. Just simply talking to them was a trigger and everything happened. Being in labor for 13 hours had you exhausted.
The others heard your whimpers and yelps of pain when she started to come.
“Keep breathing Y/N. You’re okay, you’re almost there,” Tony whispers in your ear, “You got this sweet pea,”
“I feel like my body is about to give out,” you sob, trying to breathe normally like you’re not pushing a 7 pound baby out of you.
“Keep pushing, honey!,” Val encouraged. Bucky sat in front of you and held your face speaking words of encouragement.
“She’s almost here. You got this. I love you so much. You’re so strong,”
You gave one last roar and pushed, wanting Alli out of you already. You felt the pressure release as she was finally out.
“My baby sister is here!!,” you could hear Anna from the other side of the door.
Anna heard Alli’s cries and she jumped for joy in Pepper’s arms.
You almost face planted in the pool of your fluids but Bucky kept you up right.
“7:04 pm on March 24th, your babygirl was born,”
Bucky turns you around and props you up against his chest.
“She’s here,” just like he did with Anna, he cried.
You cried. Tony cried. Your mom cried. She was beautiful. Val cleaned her up as best as she could while Alli was still connected to you and she looked so much like Bucky, more than Anna.
So much for you spending 9 long months carrying your children for them to come out looking like Bucky.
“Hi, Alli,” You mutter tiredly, “I’m your mama,”
“And I’m your papa,”
Her eyes moved back and forth between you and Bucky, she knew who you two were.
“Are you in any pain, are you okay,” Val began checking your vitals to make sure everything was in order
“Besides feeling sore from getting a human out of me, I’m fine, thank you,”
You held Althea securely, so she got used to skin to skin contact with you.
“Welcome to the family, Alli,” Tony smiled, rubbing her chubby cheek.
“Okay but can I meet my little sister now?! You’re all hogging her- I wanna know if I’m gonna like her or not!,”
i know father’s day was like two weeks ago? but i still wanted to do something for it, even if it was a little honeybee special. welcome dragonfly to the world!
please comment and reblog!!
tags: @yournonlocalpoc @retroxvailles @blackreaders-assemble @mbaku-babygirl @babybubastis @here-for-your-bullshit @marvclheaux @mokacoconut @dumbchick @warmchick @spideys-wife @xye-weirdo @micki-smiles @veryhellshdia @never-enough-time-for-sleep @valkyriesnymph @valynsia @chonisberonica @valentinevirgo @crawlingnightmares @hisxblackxqueen
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angstybadboytrash · 6 years
|| Voice of Treason|| Chapter 6
Summary: Hanako Yamada is tired of living in her brother’s shadow, so when an old friend comes back into her life, she can’t help but take a chance and make a new name for herself alongside the League of Villains.
Chapter: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
A/N: Hey Guys! Writing for this has been awesome. I don’t have an entirely specific plot for this piece but as I go along pieces go together. I have an idea on how I want this to end but I’m struggling getting there. I also realize these first few chapters are more centered around my OC and her development than her relationship with Dabi. But please don’t fret! Big things are coming!! Also I wanted to put my own twist on this and have some Villain!Bakugou so this is a chapter leading up to that. But here’s some more Hana development and soft Bakugou. Enjoy! Please give me some feedback!
Reblog to be put on tag list
Tags: @fridgesbestfriend @princedabi @nightkidd-hd @gaylemonsmutfluff @dark-eyed-dream @sweetycue @aarinisreading
It was complete and utter chaos when the leauge finally made their messy getaway. With Bakugo in tow they had accomplished their goal but now came the hard part. Getting him to join.
They locked him in the cellar downstairs and were going to deal with him tomorrow. Hana couldn’t seem to shake the feeling that if they waited he wouldn’t join. Right now he was alone and vulnerable and she was going to take advantage of that.
After the team had gone to sleep, Hana snuck downstairs to talk to the hotheaded teenager. She still wore her uniform and the clicking of her boots against the cement floor caught Bakugo‘s attention.
Hana didn’t know this boy well at all, but she had seen him during the sports festival so she knew what he could do.
“What the fuck do you want.”
“Look I just want to talk. I’m not gonna hurt you or anything. I come in peace kiddo.” Hana had brought a chair down with her and sat straddling the seat while leaning on the back of the chair with her arms crossed.
“So... what’s your story?” Hana’s tone was kind and curious. She wanted to get to know Bakugo before trying to get him to join.
“I don’t have to tell you shit. Let me go you sick bitch.” Bakugo was angry but he was too tired to put much effort into his insults. His hands were handcuffed behind him so he couldn’t really fight.
“Okay I get it. The Leauge kidnapped you. But there’s no need to call me a bitch. I didn’t kidnap you, they did.” Hana pretended to look hurt.
“Listen. I just wanna get to know you. I wanna know your story. How about we make a deal. I’ll tell you who I am and what my story is first, and then you tell me yours. Deal?”
Katsuki thought it over for a moment. He could tell Hana wasn’t a threat but he could also tell she was stubborn. She wasn’t gonna budge and she was gonna keep asking no matter how many times he cursed at her or spit in her face. After a long day of training and over exerting his powers, for the first time in a while, Bakugo wasn’t in the mood to argue.
“Whatever. Deal.” He rolled his eyes as the raven haired girl infront of him smiled enthusiastically.
“Awesome! Let’s get started, oh um, where should I start? Um, hi, my name is Hanako Yamada. My friends call me Hana, um-“
“Wait, you’re- you’re the missing girl. You’re Present Mic’s little sister aren’t you?” Bakugo couldn’t help but interrupt.
“Yeah. Sadly that’s me. Um anyway-” Hana nervously fiddled with her fingers, spinning the promise ring that Touya gave her senior year around in circles.
“Why sadly? Your brother is a hero? Aren’t you proud?” Bakugo was confused at why Hana didn’t enjoy having a pro hero older brother.
“I was proud when he was still my brother. Before he went pro. Before he went pro he was actually there for me. Hizashi is almost 8 years older than me but he always took care of me. When he graduated and went pro, he -he wasn’t my brother anymore. He was Present Mic, the magnificent Pro-Hero. He would call every once in a while but he was never there for me.”
Bakugo understood completely. He knew what it was like to have someone who didn’t act like the person they needed them to be. His mother never really acted like a mother. She wasn’t caring or nurturing like everyone else’s mom. She yelled a lot and was never really there for him when he needed his mom.
“Um.. Anyway.. I didnt go to UA for school but growing up everyone knew me as Hizashi’s little sister. He was loud and outgoing and I was the opposite. I kept to myself and didn’t have very many friends which was fine with me. I would have gone to college but I lost someone really close to me when I turned 20. My best friend disappeared. Me and Touya had big plans for life but after he disappeared I didn’t know what to do with myself. I moved out and got a job at the coffee bar down the street and that was my new life. I lived alone and sad. Hizashi would text me occasionally but he wasn’t there for me like I needed him to be.” Hana ran her fingers through her long black locks and played with the dead ends.
“I know the feeling.. I don’t have any siblings but I can relate because of my mom.. My mom doesn’t really act like my mom. She’s got a firecracker personality and it’s where I get mine from but she’s cold, and harsh, and she blows up at me more than she says she loves me. She doesn’t care for me like other kids moms. That’s one reason why I hate Deku... his home life is so much better than mine and he takes it for granted. You have no idea how much I would give to be able to hear my mom say she was proud of me for once...” Bakugo’s voice wavered as he talked and Hana knew this must be a hard topic for him.
“Hey kiddo it’s gonna be okay. I’m sorry your mom isn’t much of a mom..” Hana didn’t really know what to say to the blonde but she she couldn’t help but feel resentful towards his mother. Hana couldn’t understand why someone wouldn’t care for their child like a proper human being. Hana didn’t care for kids that much but she knew they needed love and positive encouragement.
“I’m sorry your brother isn’t much of a brother.” Bakugo couldn’t help but mimic the woman infront of him. He wished that his mother had conversations like this with him. Bakugo didn’t have an outlet to let talk to anyone or let out his emotions and this time with Hana was something he was really enjoying. But he would never admit that to her. Without realizing it, Bakugo had let his walls down and it felt good.
That night Hana and Bakugo spilled secrets, told jokes, shared stories and they both let their walls down and just.. talked. Which was something new for the both of them. They both had more fun than they would like to admit and enjoyed each others company. Hana had started to care for the boy and if he needed a mother figure, she was gonna do her best to be that for him.
— The Next Morning —
Bakugo woke to the loud slam of the wooden door against the concrete wall.
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU LET HIM GO-Oh he’s right here. Oh you meant. Oh.” Dabi rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment. He didn’t realize when you told him that you let him go, you meant you untied his restraints.
“Sorry to wake you hun. I’m about to make breakfast. I’ll bring you some in a bit.” Hana rubbed her fingers through Bakugo’s messy blonde hair. He nodded to Hana and rubbed the sleep from his eyes.
“What just happened? Why are you making him breakfast and not me??” Dabi was baffled by the interaction he just watched. He couldn’t believe that his girlfriend was making a prisoner breakfast instead of her boyfriend.
“I stayed up last night and talked to the boy. Got to know him and we talked about stuff. He’s got some issues with a parental figure that’s lacking and I figured that if I give him what he needs he can help us get what we want. Plus he’s a really good kid Dabi, he trusts me.” Hana worked her way around the kitchen as she spoke. Making bacon and eggs for the firecracker in the basement.
“Update Shigaraki on the situation so he doesn’t go prodding in places he isn’t needed. I’m so close to getting a forward answer from him on joining.” Hana couldn’t help but smile at the thought of Bakago joining their little ring of misfits. So far he hadnt tried to escape and he seemed to trust her and if he didn’t then he was a hell of a good actor.
Hana entered the basement with the hot breakfast and a glass of orange juice. Bakugo’s mouth pratically watered at the sight. “Here you go hun, if you need anything else let me know.” Bakugo hummed in response as he dug into food and started shoveling. 
“Katsuki i need to talk to you. I know you are probably hesitant about all of this but i wanted to know if you’ll join us..” Hana couldn’t help but fiddle with her fingers in anticipation for the boys answer. she was very anxious about asking him but thats what Shigaraki wanted.
Bakugo was silent. He knew this was coming but he didn’t realize it would be so soon.
“You won’t have to stay with us if you don’t want to. You can stay at UA and be our informant. You won’t be technically a part of the league of villains but you will assist us. I can train you. You’re already amazing and at the top of your class but you could be so much more Katsuki..” Hana started rambling to fill the awkward silence..
“Shut up fuckstick. Stop rambling. I- I’ll-“
Before he could answer the bulding shook as a huge explosion went off. The building shook so hard that it knocked Hana off her feet. She fell forward into the teen and he caught her effortlessly.
Hana mumbled several curses under her breath as she pulled herself together. She knew exactly who was here and she was pissed. Dabi lit ablaze in self defense and Hana was so ready to scream.
“Watch the kid. I have someone to deal with.” Hana rushes out of the room before either of the boys could protest.
Hana silently prayed that her least favorite person wasn’t here but then she heard it.
Present Mic’s booming voice could be heard from miles away.
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