#i am youngest child not only child
adriancatrin · 1 year
👻 and ❤️ and 🌻 foe the ask game!
ayyyy thank u sorry it's been ages pfdfjskl
👻 What is your wildest headcanon? idk, the ~wildest~ i can think of is that sokka and a healthy azula would really get along well. the sarcasm and snappy remarks would never end and they'd both have a blast with it. i know that's not too crazy lol but hey
❤️ Favorite line you've written in a fic? already answered!
🌻 How often do you read your own fics? immediately after posting them i'll reread them like 20 times, partially to double-check my editing but also because i'm excited about other people reading them. after that i tend to leave them alone for several months before checkin em out again
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grimmweepers · 2 days
life comes at you so fast
#tw personal#tw death#tw cancer#not my usual silly goofy post but it’s hard to remain that way when there’s a lot weighing on your mind#cancer sucks#and it’s unfair how quickly it can take people from us#one moment they seem fine and the next they’re in the icu with a week left to live#he passed two nights ago#i wasn’t planning to post about it but i have the tendency to disassociate from my grief#so here i am instead of wherever the hell!#it’s heartbreaking because he and his wife weren’t just my mum’s bosses - they were long-time friends#i have clear childhood memories of playing at their house with their son#his youngest child is only 3 years old#as soon as he found out he started giving his final messages to his staff#obviously nobody wants to die in that situation#but you could feel how much he *wanted to live*#when i was told about his death it was in the morning and it didn’t feel real#every time i had seen him in the last year he always had a smile on his face#it’s always been hard for me to deal with the prospect of death#and understand how fragile life is#how REAL mortality is#it hits even harder when it happens to someone who was so FULL of life#sighs#life comes at you fast#sometimes in all directions and in every possible and testing way imaginable#i’ve been trying to write and feel any sense of normalcy this evening but for a multitude of reasons i have a sinking feeling in my stomach#sometimes when i’m upset i try recycle the feeling into excitement or happiness over something else#yeah … i can’t really do that tonight#apologies if my energy is bleh. hold your loved ones close. now i return you to my regular scheduled programming
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jimmyspades · 6 months
Do we think Alan really has a sister or was that story he told in court about reading her diary just a convenient invention for an effective closing
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jhscdood · 6 months
Jabs and @faeleverte are the only ones who understand my vision
(of spam booping)
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ohitslen · 1 year
Back to my Wolfwood being the oldest sibling bs, I’m thinking about how he has definitely done a joke or a prank that he didn’t know it would make the one at the end of it cry or something, so he would low key panic while instinctively trying to make them calm down and also bribe them into not telling about it to anyone else
This brings me to thinking he would do something like that to Vash, and paired with the fact that he tends to overreact as a comic relief (we know why we dont talk about thisrn) to whatever is going on, Vash would probably cry over it or act deeply offended
Now, while I think WW would know it was an overreaction just for comedy’s sake, I also think his older sibling instinct would kick in and would be like “hey hey calm down- it was a joke I promise I’m sorry- don’t tell anyone about this- no don’t cry- stop that- hey it’s okay shit sorry no- do you want a lollipop- I have one of those- don’t cry-”
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When my brother brough his new GF and turned out she's 1 year younger than me. And I need to fight with her for his affection
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tangleweave · 4 months
Which Of the TOS Crew Are You?
Beta Ray Bill's Incredibly Wrong Result:
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I won't lie - you're kind of a bastard, but you're also a genius (no wonder you're the youngest member of the bridge crew!). Even if you mess up sometimes, you remain confident and daring. You're probably a master at trolling. Some may find you annoying, but they're probably just jealous of your stunning hair and nationality.
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"... When this device asked my name, I said Beta Ray Bill, not Peter Parker."
Tagged Demanded by: @mutiineer
Tagging: Nope, not gonna tag anyone for this one, I'm lying on the ground from the sheer wrongness.
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radagasttt · 2 months
random maybe kindof cornplate but i always loved that mike is the middle child lucas is the oldest will is the youngest and dustins an only child they really covered all the bases in their friend group
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Trying to find a good parent in descendants is so hard bc you only have like 2 obvious ones (Anastasia and Mr Smee) and then you have to start judging by how they treat their favorite child. Like, yeah, has this guy almost fatally poisoned his oldest and watched his middle die probably without lifting a finger? Yeah. But does he also look after his youngest every weekend and spoil the fuck out of her? Yes. 6/10 parent.
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mmmatchasims · 5 months
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Hibiscus: ... Yeah, well maybe if you two hadn't locked me in my room after telling me there was a monster under my bed I would have been more willing to watch scary movies as a child.
Seashell: Oh my god, you're still hung up on that?
Hibiscus: It was incredibly scarring!
Peach: To be fair, we did tell him it was gonna eat him.
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clockwork-soul-heart · 6 months
You are a cutie, you know
yeah?? Didn't everyone know this already??
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No one ever talks about how much it sucks having siblings way older than you.
I look at my friends and their siblings with melancholy because by the time I even started to make memories, both of my siblings were out of the house. I get teary eyed when I see posts online about "sibling things" because I know I will never have that relationship with them.
My brother made a post online celebrating "National Sibling's Day" but he didn't mention me.
At my sister's wedding, I didn't even sit with the rest of the family in the front row. She didn't want me in her wedding while my brother had a speech.
I wonder how our relationship would be different if I was closer to their age or if they were closer to mine. Would he have included me in that post? Would I have been included at my sister's wedding?Would we argue like my friend's and their siblings do? Would those "sibling posts" finally relate to me?
It's a strange sensation having siblings but not being able to relate to common sibling experiences, or really, any.
It's an even stranger sensation growing up as a kid who used to call herself an 'only child' while her mom went "No, no, she's not an only child" and assured her she had siblings, however, that's what I was.
I didn't argue with my siblings like regular siblings do or play with them a lot or whine to mom when they left me out because I was the youngest and annoying (or so I hear that's what's siblings do)
They were rarely even in the house.
Whenever my mother tells me stories of their childhood, I sit on the edge of my seat, begging for any sliver of information, just so I can know what it was like, what they were like, because I wasn't a part of their childhood but they were a part of mine.
My sister still braided my hair because I couldn't and neither could my mom. She still let me play with her nail polish. And, apparently, my first sentence as a toddler was "Sissy's mean!" when she didn't let me have something of hers I wanted or whatever else I was angry at her for.
My brother was less there but he still read me a bed time story once or twice (though I don't remember which one) and chased me around the house while I screeched in fear because he had gotten a nerf gun for Christmas (even though he was in his 20s ((thanks, mom. He quite enjoyed terrorizing me with it.))
But I wasn't in their childhood.
I wasn't there when he hit my sister upside the head with his metal harmonica or when he cut her hair with a pair of scissors. I wasn't there when he shot at the house with a paint ball gun (or a bbgun, I don't remember what my mom said) with his friends. I wasn't there when my siblings went into elementary school or middle school. I wasn't there for my sibling's first crush or bully or when they had a bad teacher. I wasn't there for all those childhood Christmas's and Thanksgivings and all those other holidays.
I will never know them as well as they know eachother. Never know all those inside jokes or the secrets they kept from mom together.
Sometimes, I feel like they're my family but I'm not theirs.
It's little things like that but sometimes, I wonder when they see me if they see their little sister or the little girl they were forced to call family.
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gaydexvocaloid · 9 months
i see you ship aurum and wil and i raise you: the zolas are a polycule and they decide to integrate aurum. they have 3 weed smoking boyfriends now
ooooh :0 i see zola project as like brothers tho so AHGDBGDJ.. they’re just very family vibes 2 me personally 🙏 /lh
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mirananananan · 1 year
what is it called when your mother still tries to guilt you into feeling like shit about not wanting to spend hours and hours at random family events when you are a fully grown adult with other obligations and priorities
asking for a friend
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official-nina-hopkins · 9 months
No thoughts only the storyline I made up for my estate (Rattle estate), it's way too complicated but shout out to all the heroes I ever had and made lore for. Mainly my starter pd and vestal Tranchant and Meulan (who died and came back just. Too many weeks later), my first grave robber Montgomery who is still kicking. My first and favorite jester Poer, Beringar and Neville my favorite bounty hunters... and many others. :]
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rimouskis · 1 year
got dinner with the sisters tonight and I had the oh fuck, you're an adult realization about the youngest one.
#it's so wild how being around them brings up so many of my old wounds from childhood (self-inflicted)#that are so clearly just baked into my being at this point#—how I feel really lame in comparison to them#how I find them so keenly social and blossoming in ways I never really felt I could achieve—#but the middle one is adjusting so so well to living alone and coming into her own as an adult in a huge city. it's really awesome to see.#she suffered from middle child syndrome a bit but it made her strong in ways me and the youngest aren't#I think my very desperate need for my sisters to find me cool is SO transparent and close to the surface when I'm with them#and that I fundamentally think they are much cooler and more worldly and experienced than me also feels very close to the surface lol#(those are The Old Wounds ahahaa)#idk I'm not sure I'll ever NOT feel this way. even if I'm the only child who moved out of our state;#even if I've been living alone for many years and they're just freshly out of home#I think it's one of those things that will always be with me because of [mumbles] several influential factors in growing up#and the sort of ... awe and jealousy I've always felt towards them because of how the birth order worked out#with the gap between me and them larger than the gap between the two of them and how our schooling choices broke down#anyways this is maybe the primal wound that has made me so fucking weird/intense about every friendship I've ever had since#I love them more than anyone in the world; I want them to be as impressed by me as I am impressed by them;#I find myself ultimately unimpressive in comparison and that childhood thought will stay with me for -- perhaps -- life#anyways I love them so much and it was awesome spending most of the day with the middle one and getting to make conversation with her.#she is so cool
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