#oh yeah and i’m also on like day four of ‘its been a litte bit since i’ve showered i need to do that tonight’
plumberrypudding · 1 year
oooooo practicing being kind and forgiving towards myself when i do things that are actually out of my control is sooooo difficult. having any sort of disorder or condition which effects your behavior is so so so so frustrating. because there’s always that layer of thought going “you should know better. you should just do the things you know you’re supposed to” but i have the not doing things i’m supposed to do disorder!! this is SO fucking frustrating and i feel stupid!!! i KNOW my behavior patterns shouldn’t look like this. i KNOW i shouldn’t be doing what i am. but i can’t help it, i can’t win, and it feels like my fault. i know it’s not, it’s nobody’s fault, but it feels like my fault.
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vgckwb · 3 years
P5R: Rebel Girl (A FeMC Story/P5R Rework) Chapter 57: Ducks in a Row
That night. Sae stood in front of a doorway. She knocked. Naoko answered. “Ah, Sae. What brings you here?”
“Don’t play dumb with me!” She shouted. She held up the manifesto. “Did you really think I wouldn’t know this was from you? I could turn you in, you know.”
Naoko looked at it. “Ah, I think I heard some of my buddies who are still on the force talking about this.”
“Cut the crap!” Sae said.
Naoko chuckled. “Sorry. But you can’t pin this on me with just this little note. Have you found any hard evidence that points this to me?” Sae glared at him. “Still, even if I was the one behind it, why bother coming to me at all?”
“I’m giving you a chance to stop,” Sae said. “As a courtesy to my father.”
“Heh,” Naoko said. “Classic Sae; always wanting to help others, but doesn’t know how to show it.”
“Forgive me for not be appreciative of premeditated murder” Sae shot back.
Naoko was impressed with Sae’s tenacity. But he was still unshaken from his new found path. “Tell me, is this manifesto the first new thing you’ve heard about Kaneshiro? At least for a while?”
“Why do you ask?” Sae responded.
“I’m just saying,” Naoko said. “Another trademark of Classic Sae is that you’re always so focused on everything else that you don’t know what’s going on in front of your own eyes.”
Sae got angrier. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Naoko chuckled. “How IS Makoto doing these days?”
Sae grabbed Naoko. “You leave her out of this!”
“How can I when she’s already in so deep?!” Naoko retorted. The two stared at each other for a while.
Eventually, Sae let go, and proceeded to leave. “I can’t protect you if you get caught, you know” she threatened before she got out of earshot. Naoko had a blank look on his face as he closed the door.
The next day, Makoto met with the student council. She stood firm. “OK. We’ve been looking into the incidents of students being harassed by gang members, and we’ve gotten rather far. However, I think we’ve reached the end of our capacity to do anything.” There were some murmurs, while Kisa looked disheartened. “However,” Makoto continued, causing Kisa to perk up a little, “I have given the information to people who can help solve the problem. So we can rest assured that this will be resolved. When is a little ambiguous, but it will be before exams. With that, you are dismissed.” Everyone nodded and broke off. Well, almost.
Kisa stood still as everyone left. When the last person left, she told Makoto. “Thank you.” Makoto nodded. Kisa left.
After Kisa left. Makoto loosened up a litte, then got serious. “The real fight starts now.”
After school, Ren messaged Makoto.
Ren: You busy?
Makoto: Not really. Why?
Ren: I was thinking we could head out as a group to get our facts straight.
Ren: And since you’re part of the group now…
Makoto: I see.
Makoto: I’m glad to.
Ren: Great!
Ren: I guess just meet us outside.
They put their phones away and met up; heading toward the access panel hideout. Once they arrived, Ren said “So, here we are. I know it’s not much, but it is what it is.”
“Huh,” Makoto said. “Isn’t this a bit open?”
“Well, that’s sort of the point,” Sumire said, defending the choice. “We’re essentially hiding in plain sight.”
“Right, but if someone is looking for you, they might not have to look all too hard,” Makoto said. “Before all of this, I have followed you here a few times in my investigations of you.”
“Oh” Sumire said, dejected.
“However, I think I may have a solution!” Makoto said. “Oh, but I’m new here. I might be overstepping my bounds a bit.”
Ren smiled. “Not at all. We’re a team here. Everyone’s input is valid.”
“Well, in that case, ” Makoto said, “I have an ice cream shop with our name on it.”
“Ummmm” Sumire said. “It’s not that I don’t like that idea, but we did discuss this before, and we decided that maybe going to a food place for our hideout might be a bit of a distraction.”
“Oh. Yeah, I guess I can see that” Makoto said. “Well, does anyone mind the hideout being in Kichijoji then? I know of a place there that could work.”
“Well, it IS a fair distance away,” Yusuke noted. “And I only have so much money…”
“Um, we can just use the Metaverse funds,” Ryuji said.
“Wait, that place gives out real money?” Makoto said. “Isn’t that dangerous?”
“Well, if it is, it’s too late now,” Ren said. “But I haven’t had any problems. It’s almost as if the economy is taking this all into consideration.”
“Well, I haven’t heard about any big economic problems…” Makoto thought. “So, I guess it’ll be alright.”
“Hold on,” Ann said. “While money might not be an issue, we’d have to go from Shibuya to Kichijoji, then back to Shibuya for any missions..”
“Oh. Right” Makoto said.
“Well, maybe we can go to this place just to hang out sometime” Ryuji offered.
Makoto smiled. “I’d like that.”
“So, I guess we’re staying here then,” Jose said. “Unless we have any other ideas.”
“I think here is fine for now,” Yusuke said. “But this Kaneshiro person IS a rather big fish. Once we change his heart, it might be a good idea to find someplace else to meet up.”
“That’s a good point,” Makoto said. “And if and when Naoko’s note goes public, that’ll only further fan the flames.”
“Speaking of Kaneshiro though,” Morgana interjected, “that’s something else we need to discuss. Our previous two big targets are ones at least some of us were familiar with. This will be the first time we’re going in mostly blind.”
“Yeah,” Ren said. “On the one hand, that’s a sort of comfort. We’re not learning anything deep and disgusting about someone we know already.”
“But on the other hand, that doesn’t prepare us well for what’s to come,” Sumire countered. “Which is a difficulty of its own.”
“True” Yusuke agreed. “Sometimes when you roll the iron dice, you come up snake eyes. So maybe some knowledge would be beneficial in tipping that scale.”
“Well, from what Kisa has told me from her interaction, he’s really aggressive and belligerent,” Makoto explained. “He’s really more invested in his bottom line than anything, and he’ll do anything to get it.”
“You said you’ve done some research as well…” Ann added.
“Yes,” Makoto replied. “He’s a really big name in the criminal underworld. Although, from what I could tell, he’s a bit different from people you’d usually find down there.”
“How so?” Morgana asked.
“I’m not sure entirely, but from the looks of things, even some in the criminal underworld are afraid of him,” Makoto explained. “And those who aren’t seem almost disgusted with him.”
“Huh. Maybe this uniqueness might explain why HE’S the gangster with a palace” Jose rationalized.
“That’s not a bad assumption,” Ren said.
“Hm,” Ryuji grunted. “Sounds like this guy is gonna be coming at anyone who doesn’t like him with full force.”
“But at the same time, he sounds like he might have a few tricks up his sleeve,” Jose added.
“Yeah. Dude definitely fights dirty” Ryuji said.
“So we need a strong approach, but the ability to think on the fly,” Yusuke said. “Well, if that’s not Ren, I don’t know what is.”
“Aw, you’re making me blush” Ren said, grinning ear to ear. “But don’t just sing my praises.” She looked at Makoto. “Our newest recruit has that moxie in her too.”
Makoto was stunned. “Oh, well…”
“Don’t worry, it's a compliment” Ren said. “You’re one of us now.”
“Oh. Well then thank you” Makoto said, embarrassed about this for reasons she couldn’t explain.
“I think that’s everything we can surmise about Kaneshiro” Ann said. “So, what about Naoko?”
Makoto was surprised. “Oh, well, there’s a lot I know about him. In a lot of ways, he’s like a second father to me. He’s usually an affable person; that’s part of the reason he and my father worked so well together. My father was a little more reserved, but was always open to almost anything. They both knew when to take things seriously, but they also both knew when to crack jokes, or just have fun. Naoko was a bit more louder on that front though.
He’d come over sometimes, and we grew close. Eventually, we met his sister, and that’s when Kisa and I became friends. My father and Naoko would take us to the ice cream shop I mentioned earlier whenever they solved a big case. It was a nice little way of getting everyone in on the celebration.”
Makoto took a brief pause. “But when my father died in the line of duty, Naoko grew frustrated. He was upset not only by the loss of his partner and friend, but also that the police, the very institution he served, didn’t seem to take the investigation into it all that seriously. So, in a fury, he quit, and became a private investigator.”
“Woah,” Jose said.
“That’s quite a story…” Ann said.
After a moment of silence, Ryuji bursted out with “I’m sorry.” Everyone looked at him. “It’s just,” he sighed, “I told him about you, and Kisa, and then he figured it out, and it set him off on this crusade. If I hadn’t said anything…”
“Don’t beat yourself up, Sakamoto,” Makoto said. “Naoko is a brilliant detective. I’m sure he would have figured it out, especially if Kisa was involved.” Makoto grew serious again. “Naoko’s wife died of cancer four years into their marriage. So Kisa’s the closest thing he has to a child, so he’s very protective. My sister and I are the second closest, and he can be a bit protective with us too.”
“He’s lost his wife and his partner,” Yusuke remarked. “That’s...a lot to deal with…”
“But I get it,” Sumire said. “I’d hate to lose anyone else right now too…” Ren looked over, glanced around, and gave Sumire a gentle side-hug. Sumire smiled. “Thanks.”
“Right…” Makoto said, acknowledging she knows, but not actually saying anything.
After another silence, Jose summarized “So, Naoko is also bringing his full force to bear.”
“Yeah,” Makoto said. “Which means we need to swing for the fences ourselves. If we’re going to save Naoko and Kisa, and make Kaneshiro confess to his crimes, we CAN’T afford to slip up.”
Ren started up a slow clap. Pretty soon, the rest of the Phantom Thieves joined in, aside from Morgana because paws can’t clap, but he wanted to. “Spoken like a true leader,” Ren said.
“Oh” Makoto said, surprised and embarrassed. “But aren’t you the leader?”
“Of the Phantom Thieves, sure” Ren said. “But you’re the head of the student council, and I can see why now.”
“Speaking of, I should also apologize,” Ann said. “I was really frustrated with the whole Kamoshida thing, and I thought you were among the people who wouldn’t hear me when I was screaming, and I took out some of my frustration on you. But I realize now that you would. So, I’m sorry.”
Makoto walked up and gave Ann a hug. “It’s OK. I’m sure it wasn’t easy what you were going through. And I get it. You thought those things of me because someone wanted you to. But now I’m working on trying to find myself and stand up for who I am. If anything, I’m the one who’s sorry.”
Ann broke out in tears and hugged Makoto back. After she finished crying, Ann grew determined. “I forgive you. You had a lot of pressure on you too. I can’t be mad at that. I know what that's like.”
Makoto smiled. “I forgive you too, Takamaki.”
Ann giggled. “Thanks. But, um, could you just call me Ann? And could I just call you Makoto?”
Makoto giggled in response. “I don’t see why not.” She looked over the group. “I think the offer extends to everyone as well. We’re all friends, right?”
“Of course,” Yusuke said.
“Uh-huh,” Jose said.
“Yeah!” Ryuji exclaimed.
“I’d like that,” Sumire said.
“I’ve been kind of doing it anyway,” Ren admitted.
“Heh heh” Morgana chuckled. “Makoto’s good for this world… But what do we call you, shall we say, professionally?”
“What?” Ryuji said.
“Her thief name…” Morgana said. “I was trying to be discreet.”
“You could just say it outright,” Ryuji fired back. “Only we can hear you, ya know.”
“Well, it’s still cool…” Morgana retorted.
“Hm, that is a good question, regardless” Ren said. She turned to Makoto. “Well what do you want to be?”
“Oh, what about ‘Biker’?” Ryuji suggested.
“Pass!” Makoto said. “It’s too obvious.”
“I agree,” Yusuke said.
“Your name is FOX’ Ryuji said. “If that’s not obvious…”
“It is,” Yusuke agreed. “But my name is reflective of a bold stroke, and as an artist, I prefer that boldness. But Makoto is more elegant and tactical. She should have a name that reflects as such.”
“Thank you, Yusuke,” Makoto said, smiling.
Ryuji hung his head. “One of these days, I really need to learn to shut my mouth.”
“Why not ‘Prez’?” Ann suggested. “Since she’s the student council president.”
“Well, that’s also a bit obvious,” Makoto informed her. “Just in a different direction.”
“Oh” Ann said.
“Heh heh” Ren chuckled. “Elegant? Tactical? I have a name that’s all that AND more.”
“Oh? By all means” Makoto invited.
“‘Queen’” Ren suggested.
Makoto thought about it. She smiled. “Queen it is.”
“Heh heh” Morgana chuckled. “I was just about to suggest that as well.” Ren raised her first up. Morgana bumped it with his paw.
“So, now that that’s all settled” Sumire said, “all that’s left is to finalize the end date.”
“Right,” Makoto said. “The note Naoko left was fairly clear. He’s going to find and kill Kaneshiro by the 11th of July. So, we have until then.”
“Well then, I suggest we get prepared,” Ren said. Everyone nodded. “Dismissed.” Everyone smiled and headed off in their own direction.
That night, at the Niijima household, Makoto and Sae were eating dinner. Sae was glancing at Makoto. Makoto took notice of this. “Is something on your mind?” Makoto asked.
Sae looked deep into her eyes. “Is there anything going on I should know about?” she asked.
“What do you mean?” Makoto responded.
“Are you doing alright?” Sae continued. “Outside of school stuff?”
It took Makoto a second to realize. She read the manifesto too. Of course she would know Naoko wrote it. Does that mean she met with him? Makoto answered “Oh. Well, the truth is, there have been some incidents of gangsters harassing some of the students.”
Sae slammed the table. “What?”
“Ah,” Makoto yelped.
Sae glared at her, but slid her fist back down to her side. “Sorry. But why didn’t you say anything?”
“Well, I wanted to gather as much information as I could before I told you…” Makoto said. “But things got out of hand, and in a desperate move…”
Sae was concerned. “What?”
“...I posted a message asking the Phantom Thieves for help,” Makoto finished.
“WHAT?!” Sae said, surprised.
“I know,” Makoto said. “It was dumb, but I didn’t know what else to do. But I realized I shouldn’t, and deleted the post like 15 minutes after I made it. But the Phantom Thieves took notice of it anyway, and started messaging me.”
“They MESSAGED you?” Sae said, still in disbelief.
Makoto nodded. “And they’re using some sort of advanced programming, so the messages were deleted. They really don’t want to leave a trace. So, they agreed to help me, and I helped them out too by giving them the information I collected.”
Sae looked at Makoto, and then the table. This SOUNDS a bit suspicious,  she looked back up, but I don’t think Makoto would lie about this kind of thing. Perhaps Naoko stumbled across the investigation the Phantom Thieves were making with Makoto’s information. If that’s the case, he might know who they are, or at least one of them. Still, I don’t think he’s in the mood to tell me right now. Sae sighed. “Well, I’m glad you told me the truth.”
Makoto sighed. “Thanks sis.”
“Just try to be more careful in the future,” Sae reminded her. “You might be safe now, but if things even remotely look like they might get out of hand, you come tell me right away. Or at least someone who can handle it.”
“Right…” Makoto said, feeling a sting that was unintended and unnoticed by Sae, but it hurt all the same.
Later, when Makoto was in her room, pondering her sister’s behavior and attitude, she thought aloud “Sis… You’ve changed too… I know the you I once knew is in there somewhere…” She glanced at her phone. Curious, she picked it up, loaded the Metaverse app, and gently whispered “Sae Niijima.”
“Match found” the phone responded. Makoto looked at it. Her sister’s name was in black, but unlike Kaneshiro’s the two following lines were also in black. Makoto was a little relieved, since no one was trying to actively kill her sister, but at the same time, she grew worried, since her sister had a palace of her own.
“Well… if no one’s trying to kill her…” Makoto said. “It might be better to hold onto this for now…” She set her phone down, changed into her pajamas, and got under her covers to go to sleep.
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pru-sama · 5 years
The Stars Between Us [ATEEZ Neighbors AU; Chapter 5]
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Pairing: Ateez x Reader [you’ll see in the future ;)]
Words count: 2386
Warnings: no one!
A/n: sorry for the delay :( As I said before this new year wasn’t the best for me, and I have a really, really bad two months. but I’m better now and being sick this week give me a lot of ideas for nest chapters and this one special. I hope you love it!
The night was clear, no clouds around, the dark blue of the sky in perfect contrast with the lights of the stars. It was a night without moon, perfect too see the galaxy were you lived. When you thought about it you felt so little in that comparation, looking the dark sky across your window from your spot on the bed. It was four a.m. and you were suffering insomnia. You hated it, you wanted too sleep even if it was Saturday. And the worst part you didn’t know why you had insomnia, sometimes it was because of stress or anxiety, but in that moment you were perfectly fine. You passed the exams with good grades, so why? You didn’t know.
You were sitting on the bed with the blanket wrapped around your body looking at the window. You could only see a few stars, but you knew the rest of constellations that were there, and you imagination did the best so you could see the galaxy that was invisible in front of your eyes. It was perfect, but time was passing so slowly.
After maybe half an hour you decide to go to the balcony, oh that “famous” balcony. You were in your pijamas and with a blanket around your body, maybe it wasn’t enough to fight the cold night of Seoul, but you were fine. You thought that fresh air would help you. You looked again at the sky, que you did it you could see how immense it was. If you didn’t give the attention it need you wouldn’t notice, but looking at its you feel so small, like an ant in the middle of nowhere. And you were always fascinated by that mystical feeling.
With that little scape to your balcony in the middle of the night, you felt in peace again.
“Oh what a beautiful night, of course it’s a good idea to go outside in that low temperature” you said ironically while walking to university. You were sick, pace wasn’t the only thing you got last night but a Flue. And you were angry with yourself. “Stupid middle of the night me” you said again before sneeze. You felt so sick but you had to go to class. Because saying to the guys to rest and and don’t force themselves doesn’t apply to you. And there you were, dying in the way to your first class of the day. It was going to be a fucking long day.
During the different classes you felt more and more sick, and everyone notice, maybe not your professors. But your classmates and friends did, telling you to comeback home and rest, that they would pass you their notes so you didn’t have to worry about the lost classes. At first you didn’t want, but finally they convinced you and take your way comeback home.
Oh godness you did it, because when you arrived to your building you were so weak. And of course the elevator had to be out of service. Great.
You started to go upstairs, slowly, you were so tired. You just wanted to arrive your home, fall on the bed and sleep until the next morning. Or month. Or next chapter. That was a lot of time. When you were almost in your floor you sat on the stairs, breathing deep to get more oxygen in your lungs.
“Only to more steps…” You said slowly trying to give strength to yourself. The whole place were silent, so you could hear perfectly how someone said your name, and you look up to see San at the door of their apartment. His voice sounded confused when he called you, but when he saw you like that he run to you.
“Oh my- are you ok?” He bended by your said, with worry in his eyes. He put his hand in your forehead, and his eyes open so big that it would scare someone. “You are burning” he exclaimed.
“I’m ok…" You lied, and he denied.
"No, you are not. Oh my god, here, let me help you”
You weren’t sure how he helped you to stay on your feet again, and you didn’t mind. He passed your arm by his shoulders and his by your waist. His touch was so gentle, like he wasn’t you to broke into pieces in his arms. “Come on, let’s go slowly to your bed, hm?” His voice was also soft. He was like a prince, and he was treating you like a princess as well. Even if you were sick as fuck with only a few details you felt well.
You open the door with your keys, and you did no more then. San took them from you and put them away, closed the door and slowly he helped you to arrive your bedroom. Taking care of you he helped you to sat on the bed.
“Thanks” you said, and a little smile appeared on the boy’s lips.
“It’s nothing… Ah, you should change to your pajamas….” He said slowly, a little afraid of his own words. But you didn’t notice, only nodded at his words. “Then I leave you to change them, I will be at the other side of the door if you need me, call me when you finish.” He said, caring you hair with his hand before leave.
You looked at him in his way out. Oh, to be cared by Choi San. He was so good man, like, oh my god, his future girlfriend or boyfriend would by so lucky. You smiled at that and then started to put out your clothes.
San was nervous, he cared a lot for his friends, but you were a bit special. You were… You. Yeah, that maybe didn’t say anything but for him that was a lot. He wanted to see you smile brightly, not sick in the bed. And he would help you to be fine again. He didn’t have to work that day, it was a relax day and was alone at the boy’s apartment, so he could be with you without problem.
He snapped from his thoughts when he heard you calling his name, opening de door and peaking to see if it was fine to enter before doing it. He crossed the room to be at your side again and help you to lay in your bed. He covered you with your blankets and make sure you weren’t cold.
“Are you ok? Do you need anything?”
Why was he so gentle? You may fell in love with him if he continued like that. He was the perfect description for ‘Boyfriend material’.
“Yes… I’m fine… Thank you, Sannie” since a pair of months you started to call him in that cute way, you decided that the day that you said it without notice it until you saw how brightly his smile was. Like it was at that moment despite being worried.
“It’s nothing… Ah, you should eat a warm soup… But now rest, ok? Sannie will do it?” San’s smile got bigger with his own words, but yo open your eyes in surprise.
“You don’t have to… I’m-”
“Shhhh” he interrupted you, putting his finger in your lips. You were tense and nervous because of that contact.“ I don’t have but I want to. Now just rest, hm?” You couldn’t say no, with that smile, that look in his eyes and that he kept his finger in your lips until you nodded it was impossible.
You felt your soul leave your body when you were alone again in your room after he left. Omg, San was so much powerful while being so cute and gentle, couldn’t all people being like that? You almost had a heart attack because he poser only one finger in your lips. His power.
You were having a discussion with yourself about what just happened, but at the other side of the wall San was nervous, shocked with himself and was giggling. He had to take a deep breath to calm himself, it was difficult and take a few minutes. He should center, you were sick and you needed his help, and he was going to make sure you had everything you needed to have a perfect recovery.
San went to your kitchen to see the food you had, you had almost everything except a few things. So he took your keys and went out to the nearest seven eleven to take the rest of the food. He also buy a few more things that could be good to eat in your state and that you would love it. With that he started to make the best lunch you woul ever had in your life.
You woke up because of that delicious smell that reached your nose. You didn’t know when you fell asleep, but you felt a but better. You brushed your eyes sitting in your bed just to see how San peaked his head buy the door. He smiled when he saw you awake, but his voice still soft to don’t disturb your rest.
“How do you feel?” He ask coming next to you, caring your head.
“A bit better…” You said with your sleeping voice, making him giggle a bit.
“Are you hungry?”
“A little”
“Ok, then let’s put in a better position so you can eat the most delicious soup in the world. Don’t tell Seonghwa-hyung” he joked with a wink, making you laught.
You sat better with your back on the wall with the pillow, and San got out of the room for a moment before coming back with a tray in his hands. He sat by your side and left de tray on the bedside table, takin the plate with his hand.
“I-I can eat by myself” you said when you saw how he was gonna feed you, like a litte kid. He didn’t answer but pouted, you felt so weak against that.“ok…” He celebrated when you accepted.
He helped you eat the soup, taking the spoon and blowing it so it wasn’t so hot. Time passed since last time someone cared you like that, but you felt so nice, so especial. You liked it, maybe not everyday, but been like that sometimes  would be so nice. Even if you weren’t sick, just… Having someone that cared you.
Everything was fine, but you frown your eyebrows, with a hand in your head. In one second San leave the plate, almost finished, on the tray a posed a hand on your arm. “Are you ok?” He asked, you could see the worry in his face, in his eyes, in his voice.
“Y-yes… It’s… Just my head hurts” you answered, you didn’t want to worry him more, but you couldn’t lie to him.
Slowly he nodded, caring your arm while thinking for a few seconds. “I’ll bring you medicine for your headache and then tray to rest again…” His voice was lower than before, maybe he did to not make your pain worst.
“Fine”… Just a second later san was running out of the room, he didn’t know where you have medicine, so he came back to their home to get it.yo take that moment to lay on the bed again with your head on the pillow. The light was bothering you, but you didn’t feel good enough to stand up and close the curtains. So you closed the eyes and wait.
A few minutes later San entered the room, the medicine in one hand and a glass of water in the other. He sat with you, helping you to get up a but so you coul take the medicine. You made a bad face at the taste of the medicine that made him laugh a bit. “It tastes bad, but will make you feel better” he exit de room to left the rest of the food in the kitchen before returning, leaving the glass on the bedside table “Do you need anything?”
You thought for a bit and denied “no…
”…Do you want me to stay?“
At that question you delay more seconds to answer. You didn’t want to bothering him, but the guys said before that you could tell anything to them, that you never bothered. And, to be honest, you didn’t want to be alone again. "Please”.
Without waiting for more he surrounded the bed and lay next to you. You were so shocked when you felt him hugging you, looking at him in surprise. Yes, he loved hugs and was so affectionate, but you weren’t prepared. You were going to say something, but he hugged you tightly and cared your hair.
“Don’t say anything, just rest and try to sleep” he whispered, and a chill crossed your body. But… It was nice. A little smile appeared in your lips, and you closed your eyes. “Thanks, Sannie” you whispered back, and because you closed your eyes you didn’t see the blush on his checks.
“It’s nothing when it comes to you”
Meanwhile, at the other side of the wall…
“Where’s San-hyung? We don’t wait for him for the dinner?”
The guys where together, in the living room having the dinner, but San wasn’t there.
“I thought he was with you…” Mingi said to Jongho, the first who talked.
“No… I thought he was with Wooyoung-hyung”
“I think he was with Yeosang here”
“Oh, no, I was outside flying my drones…”
“Wait, then… Where’s Sannie?”
The room fell in silence at HongJoong’s question, before the storm started. Everyone was panicking, there where screams -mostly from Wooyoung- everywhere from everyone, except one person.
“Shut up guys! You are going to disturb our neighbors!”
“How cAN yOu BE FinE In This SITUaTiON?” Wooyoung asked Seonghwa in his way.
The older sighed before dropping the bom.
“He’s fine, he was taking care of our lovely lady that is sick and fall sleep together”
Silence. Again. He said so quietly, and like it was nothing. He knew because the to times San came he left two notes; 'Hwa-hyung, she’s sick, I’m going to cock a soup for her so I took a Few things from the fridge’ and 'I took the last medicine too’.
But that silence couldn’t last for ever with Wooyoung there.
A/N: did you like it? I wish I had Choi Satan or Angel san caring me this last week -cries- I’ll try to bring next soon. see ya!
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hollywoodx4 · 8 years
Sticking with the Schuylers (6)
In this part, drunken games, threats from sisters, and lots of little flirting happen.
1  2  3  4  5
“…It’s a pleasure to meet you, Alexander.”
               Angelica stares between the two as Alex holds her sister’s hand in his and his lips are upturned, so slightly to resemble the bit of nerves she can feel radiating from his tensed posture. But in his eyes she can see a bit of a glimmer; hope? Excitement? Either way she lets her gaze then wander to her sister.
               Elizabeth’s grin lifts her cheeks and reaches her eyes in a more obvious manner; it paints her face a flushed dusty rose and her eyes two shades brighter. Angelica finds it infectious, a small smile reaching her own features as she looks over the scene in front of her. Although the contact-the way her talkative, over-caffeinated, brilliant friend looks on at her middle sister-also starts her heartbeat a bit quicker than usual.
               She’s not jealous-god no, although she has found his turn of phrase and their conversation the most refreshing she’s had in a while. Her feelings still run deep for her own boyfriend, whom she’s been seeing for two years now. And although John Church could never quite seem to match Alexander’s quick wit, he could never match the love John’s given her. Besides, her sister is completely enamored. That much can be said by the lack of conversation and the stumbling she does over her own words. Trusting. So trusting. And although Angelica knows Alex-has an idea of his heart and his goodness-of-character-she still feels her own body tensing involuntarily.
               She’s not jealous, she’s defensive-and immediately so. It’s like the touch of Alexander’s hand on Eliza’s burns through her mind, sending her back into the childhood days of cleaning her scrapes on the playground; of defending her against the bullies that’d told her, time and time again, that being adopted meant something other than being loved. It brought her back to wide, wet eyes brimming with tears that stabbed Angelica’s own heart as Elizabeth cried over her first heartbreak. It brought her back to the people that had used her little sister; who’d claimed her as their own and made her believe it. To those who’d brought her out, in very public places, and stopped to tell the paparazzi about their latest business venture.
               There were memories very clear and real to Angelica that she didn’t want her sister to relive. And so, when Hercules had stolen her away to compliment her baking Angelica grabbed hold of Alexander’s arm and pulled-quite forcibly-until they were in the privacy of John’s bedroom doorway.
               “What are you,”
               “-I swear to you, Alexander Hamilton,” her voice is low both in volume and tone, eyes narrowed and hand still gripping his arm. He stands shock still, mouth drawn to a serious line as his other hand reaches for the cube in his pocket, flipping the silent switch back and forth. “I swear to you if you so much as breathe the wrong way I will end you.”
               He swallows back the lump in his throat before bringing a hand to the back of his neck, shaking his head.
               “Angelica, I just met her. I don’t know how you could get so much out of one interaction. I mean she’s beautiful, and smart, and kind, but I-I don’t know her yet.”
               “You’re right, you don’t.” She spits back at him, crossing her arms. He begins to look a bit taken aback, eyes wandering as his mouth opens, then closes again, unsure of what to say in response. Angelica sighs, putting a hand on his shoulder. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have overreacted. I just…there’s a lot that has happened to Eliza that can’t just be erased from my memory.”
               “I get that. You’re her older sister, you’re protecting her. I respect that.”
               “Just…don’t fuck everything up, okay?”
               Alexander lets out a nervous chuckle, restrained as he nods his head slightly. Angelica pats his shoulder, giving him the slightest turn of her lips before heading back to the living room. He doesn’t follow her at first, remaining in the doorway as he lets her words wash over him completely. Had he been that obvious? Just from an introduction? He closes his eyes and lets his body lean against the wall for a minute. One…two…three...four…five…six…seven…eight…nine…Until his breathing has returned to normal once more.
               The party is in full swing when Alexander comes back; Angelica and Lafayette have taken to the kitchen with a drink recipe John had sent them from Pinterest with a very convincing request to try it. He’s settled on the larger couch next to Eliza while Hercules and Peggy sit on the floor in front of them. Herc’s face is contorted in frustration as the youngest Schuyler whoops in victory, mashing the buttons on her controller faster than he’d seen. He laughs to himself as Herc throws down his controller in defeat, finally glancing up to note Alexander’s return to the room.
               “Hey, do me a favor and break her winning streak? I can’t take it anymore. I’m not sure if it’s because she’s sober or I’m just really this bad, so I need a control.”
               “A control? Am I really that bad at Smash that you’d use me in your experiment?”
               “Yes, yes you are.” The girls laugh as John gestures for him to come over, taking the controller from Herc’s hand and holding it out for him. The only open seat in good range of the TV is next to Eliza so he takes it, careful not to invade her space, and grabs the controller from John’s hand. He nods at her, tilting his head.
               “I promise you, I am that bad at Smash. Just wait, I’m just here for comedic relief.” The slight laughter she lets out in response is light and airy, just enough to make him stop in his tracks once more. But John is there to deflect him, starting another conversation so that Alex can focus on the task at hand.
               It turns out that nobody can beat Peggy at this game. Not Alexander, whose controller is laughed straight out of his hand. Not Angelica, who chooses her character strategically and fights sitting cross-legged on the floor, shooting her sister dirty looks whenever Peggy chooses to trash talk her. Not even Lafayette, who is the room’s reigning champion. It takes a while for her to beat him but when she does she throws her hands in the air in victory, looking around the room with glimmering, teasing eyes.
               “Oh, looks like I already beat everyone in this room. Too bad, that was fun.”
               “But the fun is far from over, Margarita. I’m choosing our next game, which means”
               “-Shots!” The guys chorus along with Lafayette, who’s already begun passing the red cups around. When he passes Peggy over she pouts, and Elizabeth chooses to ignore the wink he throws to her little sister before finishing his task. He then settles down next to her, tipping the cup to his lips to drink before gazing around the room. And when he thinks she’s not looking he passes his cup to her little sister, who then takes a gulp before handing it back to him.
               They share a smile and Eliza looks away, staring down into her own cup when a hand finds its way to her shoulder.
               “Hey,” Alexander’s voice is soft from his place next to her, and when she looks up his eyes-look at those eyes-are laced with concern. “I can talk to him, I-I told him she was eighteen, Angelica warned me, and,”
               “It’s alright,” Her smile is slight and a bit restrained as her eyes wander back to her little sister. Just for a moment-she fears she’ll be watching her-before turning back to him. There’s a pause; she knows what she wants to say but it won’t quite reach the tip of her tongue. But here-in this living room full of people, even-she feels like she can share everything. She wants to share everything. But she’s soon pulled out of that trance by Angelica’s voice, laughing as she pulls another shot, and so she just nods. “Lafayette seems like a good guy-you all do, really. It’s alright. As long as Angelica doesn’t find out, she can keep that shot.”
               “Okay, good. He’s good, I mean. He is. He comes off differently than he is, a litte…”
               “Full of it?”
               “You could say that.” They share a laugh, another look, and this time it’s Alexander who’s resorted to keeping his eyes on his drink. Then he’s handed a controller, and she is too, and they’re instructed on the rules of the game.
               “Alright, it’s our favorite time of the night. Our roster has me in first place right now,” John smirks as his roommates boo, tossing chips in his direction. He swats them away before continuing, gesturing to the waiting audience that has now sprawled themselves over the two couches and floor. “So as the rules go I’ve chosen our first race. So Herc, Angelica, Eliza, and Ham….have fun, and don’t lose.”
               “Oh, so this is,”
               “Drunken Mario Kart? Oh yeah. Hope you’re ready to lose.”
               Alex smirks at Eliza and she returns the face, narrowing playful eyes as she turns back to the TV, preparing to start the game.
               “You can start trash talking me when your name isn’t on the bottom of your little scoreboard, Alexander. Have fun eating my dust.”
               By the end of the tournament the scoreboard has been revamped to add the Schuyler Sister’s names. Angelica is  the one to win it all, and when her little blue kart pulls through the finish line she and her sisters whoop in victory, getting up to dance as Angelica waves her controller in the air. The boys pout; namely Lafayette, who had been in a very close second. But the oldest Schuyler had been playing a dirty game the entire time, throwing shells with a sniper’s accuracy and showing no mercy to anyone who dared come near her path.
               So she celebrates by writing her name on their scoreboard-curly writing and a bold pink now the first thing the eye is drawn to. Then her phone is ringing, their driver on the other line, and she’s throwing apologies out as she attempts to corral her sisters.
               Peggy’s easier-all it takes is a glance and the youngest is hugging everyone goodbye, raving about the good time as they make their way from person to person, crossing over to the kitchen. There, Eliza has taken most of the dishes to the sink and started the tap, washing plates and cups and whatever else had come across her path. Alex leans against the sink beside her, towel in hand and in the middle of a story he’s practically whispering. But his eyes are widened in excitement, Eliza’s mirroring his, and it’s tasking to watch the way that the middle Schuyler sister flips her attention from the sink quickly back to him.
               Angelica pauses at the entry of the little kitchenette, watching. Rather, wanting to watch, because as soon as Peggy strides in behind her she’s at the sink as well, wrapping one arm around Eliza and the other Alex.
               “Come on, CinderLiza. Our car awaits.” And although Eliza knows her little sister is feeling a little buzzed from Lafayette’s generosity, she knows that she’d probably be teased for this either way. So when Alex follows them to the door, and gives her a parting hug that warms her entire body...when she looks back to catch him watching them walk away, and waves at him over her shoulder with a cheeky smile…she lets the teasing happen. Because she can’t feel anything else when she can still imagine Alexander’s eyes are on her.
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