#can’t a bitch get a break
plumberrypudding · 1 year
oooooo practicing being kind and forgiving towards myself when i do things that are actually out of my control is sooooo difficult. having any sort of disorder or condition which effects your behavior is so so so so frustrating. because there’s always that layer of thought going “you should know better. you should just do the things you know you’re supposed to” but i have the not doing things i’m supposed to do disorder!! this is SO fucking frustrating and i feel stupid!!! i KNOW my behavior patterns shouldn’t look like this. i KNOW i shouldn’t be doing what i am. but i can’t help it, i can’t win, and it feels like my fault. i know it’s not, it’s nobody’s fault, but it feels like my fault.
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postmortemespresso · 1 month
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school LIs <3
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thejadecount · 4 days
When I woke up this morning the Max Goof/Bradley Uppercrust III tag on ao3 had 19 pages. Now it has 20
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chrollohearttags · 6 months
everything that could go wrong today has and I’m just ready to call it quits for this year while I’m ahead. Not even going to try anymore.
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galpalkirk · 10 days
okay but ttpd is the perfect loustat album
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captainsjack · 10 months
every time an author mentions ethan’s supposed military background i immediately have to close out of the fic. girl ethan hunt would not touch the us military with a mile long pole. clearly you never sat for hours on you basement floor on cold ass tile straining your neck up to look at the tv & click through all of the characters’ background files on the mi1 dvd special features . u don’t KNOW him
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maxgicalgirl · 10 months
Archive 81 tv show made Melody Pendras straight we cannot trust podcasts in the hands of mainstream media !!!!!!!
#archive 81#I have mixed feelings about it and as soon as they introduced Gal Pal Annabelle to replace Actual Girlfriend Alexa it should have been a#red flag#conceptually I really liked what they did to flesh out the first season#but they took it in a completely different direction by the end and at that point it’s not even the same thing anymore 🙄#like you can’t even pick up anything from the original’s season 2 because they reconstructed the narrative so much#idk man its not like they’re going to make any more of it anyways but I still felt the need to come on here and bitch#honestly main stream adaptations of podcasts scare me like I revel in exposure for things I like but ultimately so much gets lost in#translation#like archive 81 podcast is weird and nonsensical at times and Tape Recorder Man’s adventures in the Upside Down just don’t translate to a#general audience ? so they gotta bring in reasons for it to make sense like satanism and witches and demons#when that was sooooooo not the point of the original#like seeing how much they had to adjust to appeal to an outside audience makes me almost glad the wtnv tv show didn’t get green lit#can you imagine ???? how the fuck would they get five headed dragon Hiram McDaniel on my actual television ????#standing next to a Cecil Palmer with a canon appearance no less#like adaptations are cool and they CAN work sometimes but if you’re going to have to break and bend the world in order to make it to the#point where it’s a new thing entirely#ESPECIALLY since we live in a world where audio drama is not respected as a creative medium#at that point I’m just like leave it alone it’s fine on it’s own#anyways archive 81 is an interesting experiment into what live action podcast adaptations COULD look like but you can pry lesbian Melody#Pendras from my cold dead hands and that makes the adaptation automatically inferior imo#I guess she could be bi but when you remove Canon Girlfriend and instead make her kiss a man ? not likely#I am just talking to hear myself talk now goodbye#max rambles in the tags
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azuree1733 · 9 months
WHY ARE THEY NERFING JASON SO BAD IN THE COMICS RN like his current character design is iconic and I love that he looks like a mortal kombat character but bro please I beg of you one good solo run with jason 😭
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seventh-district · 3 months
i’m not like other girls, my “Rest” stats are a heart rate of 110bpm and a HRV of 14 fucking milliseconds. :)
#Seven’s Public Diary#vent#vent post#cw vent#cw vent post#cw health#cw heart#i’m so stressed :) i am soooo fucking stressed and my body is Suffering because of it#i want to just lay here and stare at the ceiling but. maybe a little venting will help#sighhhh wish [N]MbD Sun were here to obsessively fret over me#he can be mean about it idc. at least i’d have someone acknowledging how bad things are for me#sometimes i wonder when the last time was that my body Wasn’t in fight or flight to some degree#have i Ever actually relaxed#hhhhhhh c-ptsd is a bitch#anyways there’s so much to vent about but i’m. doing my best to be vague. i need to be more vague about things#a lot of stuff i can’t vent about anyways. it’s too personal#so instead i’m gonna complain abt how i haven’t been able to play Genshin or Star Rail for nearly a month now#and about how slowly my back is recovering. it’s like every time i re-injure/have a flare up. it heals.. worse. slower and lesser#i dunno how it’s ever gonna get better. truly better. maybe i’ll live with this forever#if being fat is the problem which is definitely partly is. then yeah i’m fucked#all of my problems just make each other worse and i don’t know where the way out of it all is#every time i think i’ve found it i’m wrong and i just make it all worse#anyways as soon as i figure out how to strengthen my core without breaking my back. it’s over for u bitches#‘u bitches’ being uh. all of the shit that needs doing that i cannot physically fucking do right now#i miss being able to sit down. and i’m Regretting de-converting my standing desk back to sitting bc now. i cannot use my PC#which means i can’t fucking do a some of my work or play my silly little gacha games and i’m mad abt it#i’m mad abt a lot more serious things too but again. can’t talk abt it so i’m gonna focus on trivial shit instead#anyways. sorry as always to everyone i haven’t spoken with lately. and in general. i’m so drained from the Everything that i just. can’t.#it shouldn’t be this hard for me to stay in touch w ppl but. it is. guess i’ll add that onto my list of things to be stressed about#i’m so tired of everything man. and i hate being so negative and mean when im stressed & in pain. makes me feel like im becoming my father
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petrovna-zamo · 2 years
started thinking about trixie following katya out on each of her several smoke breaks at her bar after the milwaukee show even though she absolutely hates cigarette smoke 🥺
I’m assuming you sent this because of these tweets:
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Which is funny because she said this:
And did this:
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Plus who could forget this:
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thiefnessman · 9 months
so my neighbor and i are going to the same school rn, and we carpool bc neither of us can drive. and i’ve known her for a while and i do like her but. oh my god she is so annoying sometimes and i can’t get a break which is making it worse.
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astral-catastrophe · 7 months
I’m normal and mentally stable
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skhardwarevers1 · 7 months
I think my main issue is I wanna be in love but I’m too scared of getting into a relationship that hurts me again
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emeraldcreeper · 10 months
It’s soooo fun to be butch and go ya I am pissing off my extended family, this button down is formal enough to pass as hey I just wanted to look festive for the dead guys birthday! I’m not pissing anyone off they can’t ever tell my button downs are mens, far as I know, but I can pretend my butch demeanor weirds them out to cope! Also I can read a goofy romcom where a college student fucks a milf with a shockingly good sex scene dead silently as everyone goes awwww grandpa died going on 2 years ago and loook the baby who looks exactly like her dad, how tragic genetics are- I mean cuuuuteeeeee baaaabyyyyyy who looks totally normal! he’s gonna never dump her for a hot girl half his age in 10 years, presuming he will someday not look like a man sized rat! noooooooo, no one in this room needs therapy noooooooooooo I’m soooooo normal and functional as a person right now and I can refuse to say what I think!
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ziracona · 2 years
TLDR at the bottom, as I know this became very long. My apologies.
I would really like to clarify first that I am not arguing with you or attempting to make you like her and am just attempting to explain my stance since you seemed confused about specifically this: as someone who is very solidly for mage rights in the Dragon Age games and also really likes Vivienne, I do think you overestimate how many fans she has? Which is completely understandable as fandom has cooled a little bit in the last few years, which means there’s less discourse posts floating around, but it used to be that if I found Vivienne content it was vitriolic towards her—she has a canonical Ao3 tag labeled “Vivienne (Dragon Age) Is A Bitch” for example.
We’re not prone to criticizing her character on the regular because she already gets a lot of it, on about the same level as Anders (whom I also am very fond of) and most of it has already been said before.
For examples though, her arguments about mages are genuinely infuriating and make little sense.
She is fantastically racist in the game, which is also very frustrating, though to be fair to her, I’m having trouble thinking of a companion who isn’t at some point or another without ability to correct them (Dorian supporting slavery and his “elven harpy” comment towards, Cole’s “Never trust half an elf” comment which is bad regardless of if they were intending it to be about Michel, Solas and Sera’s everything unfortunately, etc. all come to mind.) Maybe Bull, Leliana, or Josie? I can’t remember them being so off the top of my head.
These things do suck and most Vivienne fans (except for a few, but typically fans who support the fantasy Catholic Church aren’t going to be the type of fans who will bother caring about a Black woman—they’ll usually go for Cullen, the white straight man who is anti-mage and who the narrative actually cares about) are very aware of her flaws, but generally we think it was a very stupid idea to have the first Black companion (that they will actually admit to being Black anyway, unlike Isabela who got whitewashed and Morrigan and Cole, who never really have the fact that they are mixed Black acknowledged or shown in the games) support the oppressive system and use her as a mouthpiece for a conservative agenda.
(Using characters as a mouthpiece for whatever agenda the devs are trying to push with little regard to their actual characters is a very common thing in Inqusition—ex. at one point they have Cole say Cullen was a “good Templar who remembered the mages are people” when Cullen literally has a line in 2 saying “Mages aren’t people like you and me.” which is a direct quote from him, and even though Cole should by all rights be terrified by Cullen. Also, all of Varric’s Inquisition characterization.)
I mean, her companion quest is just there to have you distrust her briefly (the quest is named after a classic villain line and the youth potion paper) before “surprising” the player with the the fact that she… has layers? Cares about someone? Which is so… incredibly stupid on the Dev’s parts for a variety of reasons that if I talk about now I will start getting genuinely angry over.
I also think she has some very redeeming qualities. I personally found that she was very compassionate towards an Inquisitor she was friends with. It doesn’t stop her from being opportunistic, but I don’t think that’s a bad thing necessarily. I think this bit specifically is probably something we won’t agree on however, since we have very different readings on these moments, so I’m going keep it at that.
None of this is meant to convince you to like her at all, but I wanted to explain my perspective in doing so since you seemed confused about it.
TLDR: I, and many other pro-mage Vivienne fans, are aware of her flaws, but we think that was a terrible writing decision and do see several redeemable qualities in her character. None of this is meant to sway you in your dislike of her, but I wanted to explain my perspective since you said you didn’t understand how someone could like Vivienne and be pro-mage.
(P.S. I am very sorry if any of this comes off as condescending or if this was completely unwelcome. I’m autistic and have a hard time with tone, both reading it and delivering it. I’m working on it, but I’m still not good at tone over text.)
I. I understand all of this. I’ve criticized the fact they made the first black companion a huge bitch and a bigot against her own kind from the second it became clear that was her personality? But her being the first black companion also doesn’t innately make her a good character. Being a minority doesn’t make what a character does automatically ok or less bad, and idealization is dehumanization as much as villainizing is. It makes BioWare’s writers and their decisions gross, and their agenda gross, any anyone who uses her sucking as an excuse to be racist or disproportionately hateful to only the black companion horrible, but it at the same time doesn’t just…make her good, or ok.
She’s written stupidly, but the character they made is a bigot given no real character growth who tries to ruin the advances for mage rights even if you put forth the best possible outcomes (Lelianna Divine, allied Mages) and befriended Vivienne. She straight sucks. She does. She is a bad, selfish, emotionally manipulative person with no empathy for those of her kind less privileged than her, and a species traitor. (Or whatever? Can’t think of a better thing to categorize Mages as. Class??) It’s not like I only complain about her. I’ve been just as liberal complaining about Doriana and Sera and every other fucked up choice the Devs made. If you’ve seen anything I posted the past week, you’ve probably seen me having a meltdown over how utterly unsalvagable Inquisition is as a game. As for Viv herself, she’s not devoid of good qualities. She’ll be nice if she’s your friend, you’re right, but you have to be kind of terrible to befriend her at all, and so? So is everyone on the planet. That’s what fair weather friends /are/. But beyond that, yeah. She’s not all evil. She cared about the guy she was mistress to. She’s not a monster. But she high key is a terrible person and sucks. You’re right, the devs making her quest a quote from the Queen from Snow White of all things, to encourage a player to lie to her, is fucked up. So is literally everything they did to her. So is how they treated Bull, and Dorian, and Sera, and all kinds of things. But that doesn’t make the character good.
From your own description, you don’t actually like canon Vivienne. You like the HC version you rewrote in your head. And that’s fair, and it’s a fair way to say fuck you to the devs—I do the same with Solas. But you’ll never see me not absolutely accusing the shit out of canon end game Trespasser Solas—he’s a racial supremacist genocide intellectual dude bro, which is a horrific choice for the devs to make esp considering his preTrespasser characterization, but that’s still what he was. I can ignore that and make my HCs, but I’m not going to pretend canon wasn’t what it is. It was. And I wasn’t complaining I see alternate takes on Vivienne, but that I see people talk about Canon Viv like she’s a girlboss while claiming to be pro mage, and those things just concretely do not and cannot go together. And that complaint absolutely stands. It’s cool and even good to hc and rewrite her as a different person. But that’s not canon Viv anymore then, it’s an OC that should have been in the game.
#ask#anonymous#I’m sick of people wanting to argue with me about dragon age so I’m not tagging this sorry people who filter my blog I usually put you first#but I can’t take it anymore#I am also sick of people arbitrarily liking charcaters who suck because they’re hot or because they’re X and then ignoring or excusing every#terrible thing they do or ignoring it compeltely and it happens all the time in everything and I’m allowed to be annoyed by things that#annoy me. it annoys me I don’t see people complain about Dorian being pro slavery or even hesitate to romance him over it. it annoys me Sera#is a bigot to elves and will try to forcibly convert a lover to Fantasy Catholicism or break up. it annoys me Varric is a massive bitch in#Inquisition in many ways but everyone loves him. it annoys me he refused to speak to my husband ONCE even in the event of my death to tell#him I died. it annoys me he will Stan Iza after the end of Act2 but flips on Anders like a griddle cake. it annoys me he’s a centrist and no#one criticizes that. it annoys me Aveline is a bastard cop in DA2 and I don’t see people criticize that. it annoys me Cassandra won’t tell#Mages how to reverse tranquility and no one I see talks about it. it annoys me they Tommy Gun’d Solas’ charcater from the entire game in#Trespasser and I see people stan him or hate him but no one talk about how fucked up the message the devs flipped on a dime to push with#Trespasser was. and it annoys me Vivienne is a huge bitch and a bigot but i either see people complain only that she’s mean or Stan her as a#girlboss and ignore the fact she’s specist and horribly anti mage and a class/species traitor who doesn’t get better#and it annoys me MUCH MORE than ALL of these things that the fault Leo’s with BioWare eroding it’s ethics to a point of toxicity utterly#*Lies With#unlivable and as little as I see complaints about any of the above I still see them more than people calling to break down doors if that#dumbass white Canadians’ game company and wring their necks for every horrific racist anti-minority-action centrist#fascist religious oligarchy supremacist bullshit take they shoved down every player’s throat in Inquisitiom
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wren-kitchens · 9 months
my school: we want to make school a place where you feel safe :)
also my school: you are not allowed to get a drink during class during the hottest week of the year. you are also not allowed to get a drink as you are going to your next lesson. you are not allowed to use the toilet during lesson because it is too disruptive, but you are allowed to access the one (1) toilet that is unlocked at your 15 minute break and 45 minute lunch. this is a school of 2200+ students. if you have a medical issue, you are given a pass that lets you go to the toilet during lesson, but only one of 3 toilets is unlocked. we will not tell you which one this is, and also it changes every period, because it is less disruptive to have to climb two flights of stairs and back down again than it is to just let you pee. also we changed the rules so now school starts 10 minutes earlier than you have experienced these past 4 years, and you will get lunch detention if you are seconds late. if your phone is in your pocket it will be confiscated because according to the UN, they are evil. also this is the most important year of your life and if you fail any of these tests you will be doomed to live on the streets forever.
#I went back to school two weeks ago and I am not fucking enjoying myself#until recently I assumed I was feeling so shit at school because it was very emotionally stressful to me which is accurate#but also it’s because i don’t drink anything for 6 hours straight because I prefer the negative effects of dehydration more than having to#pee for like 3 hours#also my arm is weird and if I stay in the same position for an extended period of time I get muscle spasms that hurt like a bitch#I had forgotten about this until school started again because guess what i’ve been doing all week#this isn’t even mentioning the bullying or how awful the corridors and the dinner queues are#jesus christ#on thursdays I just don’t eat because I can’t leave early from pe (I have a specific pass so I can avoid the corridors because. 2200+ s#tudents) and so I don’t make it to where we get dinner from in time to beat the queue#which is. so fun /sar#the phone rules are so weird#they used to be if you were on your phone during lesson then it’d be confiscated which. fair enough#but now it’s if your phone is visible at all if you’re inside the school building#even when school is over or if it’s break/lunch#not to mention that the second time your phone gets confiscated (in the whole year) it gets locked in a safe and your parents have to come#into school to get it#also if it makes any noise at all it gets confiscated#I will add that the majority of the school walks home on their own or gets the bus on their own#so having no way to contact anyone is#really fucking bad#there’s no exceptions to this rule and no ‘excuses’#there’s a few teachers who are nice and will just give you a warning or give your phone back at the end of class#but those are scarce#yeah I feel like shit because i’ve been dehydrated for the past two weeks#I talked to my doctor last year and she said dehydration among students was a huge problem because ofc they can’t go to the toilet so#like me they just don’t drink anything#isn’t that a fun fact#anyway#vent
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