#oh you mean THE brotp?
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the F1 shipping chart!! original post here by @foo1ishheart554. blank version below the cut for YOU, dear reader, to do!
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Keiko and Dashi are both probably huge gossips, imagine what their conversations would be like
Oh, yes THEY ARE. I suppose Dashi has very few attractions in the World of The Dead (or whatever the afterlife is called) so, struggling with a severe case of boredom, he would visit the human realm once in a while. And Keiko is more than glad to be his guide.
As a result, the first topic on their list is: places worth visiting? Dashi would tell Keiko about ancient places he once visited 1500 years ago and ask Keiko what has changed.
Usually, the response comes down to 'oh this city no longer exists but there are nice ruins you can take a look'.
Even though this is not what Dashi expected, he comes back to these places to ponder. He's grateful for Keiko informing him about the 21centry world. As thanks, he would share the stories of his life with her. Additionally, he would help her cheat on exams and share with her some juicy info about what Keiko's neighbors are up to or which of her classmates dates the older boy from the other school.
Just two chaotic gossip forces joining ... forces to learn about everything about anybody. That's called very fruitful cooperation.
Yet another aspect of their conversations is Dashi's accomplishments in the 'pranking others' area. The more sinister, the better. Keiko writes the cruelest suggestions in her diary. What? These are very nice ways to neutralize any enemy. They might come in handy one day.
And the best thing about it is that Keiko knows that the victims of those pranks were either Guan or Chase. So, she has an upper hand. Just imagine Keiko threatening Guan if he won't do what she's asked for, she would spread the truth to all of the monks residing at Guan's temple. You liked Omi pointing out Guan's bullshit? Get ready for Keiko the mistress of blackmail.
I'm aware that pulling out something similar on Chase is too risky but for me JUST KNOWING Keiko has something on Chase and it's probably the funniest, embarrassing for him detail from his life ever - it puts a grin on my face.
A meme that might sum up this post nicely:
Guan: I have a room full of weapons and an army of monks at my command.
Keiko: That's so sweet. I know what chickens did to your face and your lovely bottom 1500 years ago.
Guan: ............... Dashi?
Keiko: He's still upset you didn't remember his birthday.
Chase: I have an army.
Keiko: I have 10 most embarrassing stories from your childhood and early adulthood. Only one push of the button stands between you, and me, and posting these 10 stories on the Heylin forum.
Chase's warrior cats, who appear to be huge gossips as well: 👀 Funny stories about our master? Oh oh fill us in little girl.
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damnfandomproblems · 20 days
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Fandom Problem #5701:
“Why can’t you just let men and women be friends?” oh I can and do, just because I happen to ship the male character and female character you prefer to see as friends together doesn’t mean I don’t let them have platonic friendships with other opposite-gender characters. Do I need to show my long list of male/female BROTPs for you to see I’m not only shipping it because I’m incapable of seeing men and women having platonic relationships with each other?
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lefaystrent · 15 days
Logince (Logan/Roman) is brotp for me. Specifically where they are unrequited rivals, meaning one of them views the other as a rival while the other is completely oblivious.
Academic AU? Logan has color-coded notes, studies with flashcards even as he walks to classes, and always plays an active role in lectures. Meanwhile, Logan is floored and seething at seeing his classmate Roman who never takes notes, doodles during lectures, finishes exams within the first five minutes before everyone else, and somehow still scores at the top of the class. Livid, Logan convinces himself Roman must be cheating and seeks to expose him. But Roman is like, "Dude, I just really like history. Do you need help studying or something?" And to Logan's humiliation, Roman is quite knowledgeable on top of being charming, witty, and chivalrous. Roman is beyond flattered to hear that Logan views him as his rival and teases him relentlessly for it. They become bros of course.
Superhero AU? Despite Roman's successes as a hero, he is baffled and envious to find that fellow superhero Logan dominates the news headlines. They both debuted around the same time. Roman saves just as many civilians and stops just as many villains. So what does Logan have that he doesn't? It burns him up so much that he starts trailing Logan during his patrols, even trying to beat the bad guys first and often getting in Logan's way. Logan somehow concludes that Roman must be a fan of his and wants to be his sidekick/partner, despite Roman boldly declaring several times that they are rivals. Logan suggests they train together to improve their teamwork. Roman takes it as a challenge of course, thinking that Logan is testing him. He's reluctant to admit that Logan actually makes a good trainer/training partner and that he's inordinately pleased whenever Logan praises him. And to be fair, they do make a kick ass team. Many weeks, months, years later it dawns on Logan. "Oh. You were competing against me?" And Roman has a conniption.
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shigayokagayama · 1 month
Could you do Teru for the ask game?
oh boy. ok.
Sexuality Headcanon:
gay. specifically. ok. maybe my most strange and specific take. but i feel like teru being into girls would kind of make his character arc... weaker? bizarre sentence i know but. hear me out. of the shots we get of him before mob enters the picture, 2/3 of them involve him flirting with girls. post mob we never ever see him with a girl again aside from one omake where there are a crowd of them trying to ask him out on valentines day who he is turning down. i feel like we are supposed to see these relationships as being a part of his fake, "perfect" persona he sheds rather than anything that came out of general interest. he's dating them because he's the handsome popular guy and that's what he's supposed to do, not because he's actually interested at all.
Gender Headcanon:
i like bigender teru a lot
A ship I have with said character:
terumob GIANT ASTERIX in the very specific context of being post confession arc. i see heart eye panel as the exact moment his false, idolized image of mob fades away and he sees him for what he truly is and still chooses to love him flaws and all. i really do think they are able to understand each other on a much deeper level than most people because they have both seen each other at their lowest and still chosen to continue wanting to be in each others lives. they both coped with their powers by creating these perfect masks to show the world (teru's as the prodigy and mob as the nice guy who will do anything for you and never ask anything in return) and were the first to be able to identify each other's facade because they recognized themselves in them and 💥. they mean a lot to me. also i do think the "they dont hang out much post canon" thing is a slight misconception, teru says they dont plan hangouts much and usually just run into each other and hang out from there. that with teru's "you should ask me to hang out more" gives such "im so used to other people making the first move that i havent developed the skills to let people know that i want them in my life" energy it makes me a little insane. anyway.
A BROTP I have with said character:
i need him ritsu and shou to run in circles hitting each other with rocks. i think any two of them on their own hang out normally and if you have the three of them + mob its normal but just the three of them and they start inventing games like "powerline volleyball"
A NOTP I have with said character:
pre confession arc terumob. like mob would never because tsubomi but if they did date it would last one month and they would never speak again itd be so bad (spoken from experience by a person with similar attachment issues who has dated people ive been hyperfixated on before)
A random headcanon:
HES SUCH A FILM BRO I KNOW HES A FILM BRO. this kid's letterboxxed is comprised solely of 1960s horror films made on a budget of 2 dollars and if you watch any of them with him he will provide trivia the entire film. also he has npd source fucking look at him
General Opinion over said character:
hes my favoriteeeeeeee the first time he showed up with the wig i went "alright this is gonna be my favorite character" and i spent the first half of season 2 mournfully going "i miss haystack boy :(" every episode he wasnt in. and then i read the manga and i got crazy insane over him. i really do feel like the anime dumbs him down a lot manga teru is a completely different person and hes so interesting i need to like. tear holes in my drywall. god. teru.
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theunchainedmelody · 3 months
Regrets of a Conqueror- A My Adventures with Superman fic on Kara Zor-El. Kara x Jimmy. [one-shot]
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Rating: T for themes of mind control, brainwashing, parental abuse, suicide ideation, and brief sexuality. Pairings: Karolsen (Kara/Jimmy). BROTP: Kara & Clark
Summary: A look through Kara's life under the thumb of Brainiac, a cold isolated existence. And how it changed as she met Jimmy Olsen and her cousin Clark Kent. In doing so, Kara finds both love in others and also unimaginable horror within her own memories. Based on episodes 2x5 & 2x6. Probably not totally canon compliant in the long run.
A warrior set upon a burning civilization…
The bloody sword of Brainiac, as indiscriminate and mindless as such a weapon ought to be…
That was what Kara Zor-El was reduced to in those days.
Long ago, she’d been innocent, with hands not yet soaked in blood…
“I’ll win this time!” said a child’s voice.
Kara gazed in wonder at the sight of the two Kryptonian children engaging in a peculiar activity, one whose purpose eluded her. She was no older than they, and yet Kara had never felt further apart from Krypton. Already, her father had her partaking in all sorts of exercises, mastering flight and heat vision with ease. But only recently had he shown her this recording of her home world's final days, all to offer her a clear vision of what awaited New Krypton, of what awaited the planets brought into the fold. A beautiful city of gold filled with those like her…
She ignored the contradiction as never again would Kryptonians fly in the heavens. It would forever remain a derelict memory. None now lived to take to the skies, none but her. And yet, her father, Primus Brainiac, had shown her that the death of her race need mean little if their wills endured. With his brilliant mind at the helm, she would soon lay conquest on habitable systems, visiting worlds to measure their worth and then to lead in the front lines of battle, taking on planetary guardians, like the Green Lantern corp. But right now, Kara had forgotten the entirety of her father’s aspirations altogether, being enamored by the sight of such carefree children. Laughing. Smiling. The only time Kara smiled was on those rare occasions Primus offered her words of praise, when his cold metallic fingers slid beneath her chin. As such, seeing Kryptonians frolicking about so leisurely left her young mind perplexed.
“What are you doing?” asked the child, blinking rapidly and tilting her head, as if the ghosts could somehow answer her.
Kara rewound the memory so that the same ball hitting the same crystals repeated itself. This time, Kara slipped her own hand through the hologram of the child’s form, shadowing them like a ghost. It was as if she herself were engaging in the same activity, snatching up the same crystals. Kara even mirrored the child’s laughter, that strange sound that felt unnatural coming out of her. The little puffs of air leaving her lungs were strange, but it felt rather pleasant.
Suddenly, Kara saw the ground beneath her shift as a shadow loomed over her. Instantly, she knew it to be her father. Kara’s little heart nearly skipped a beat…
“F-Father…” she said with a bow. “I�� um… I finished training.”
“Indeed,” let out his robotic voice, just human enough not to alarm her. “Then why are you here and not asleep?”
“Well… I was… I wanted to learn more from the memory.”
“And what are you doing now, child?”
“I um… I’m wondering what these children were doing. Is this some sort of exercise in coordination?”
“Possibly… But it is commonly referred to as “playing”. Many citizens of Krypton engaged in such frivolous and rather pointless activities. Oh, but you have no need of such things. You are not a passive citizen, but the soon-to-be defender of its imminent empire. Your path, my child, is different. Far more remarkable.”
“Of course,” said Kara meekly. “I’m sorry for… not telling you.”
“It’s well enough,” he said. “After all you will not remember this.”
“My daughter… will you comply?”
The way his helm began to let out a high pitched buzzing sound was enough to shock her. The three orbs of his headpiece display lit up a fiery red, leaving Kara staring at it as if drawn into a trance. Her eyes shifted into something closer to a corpse as her muscles relaxed. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head, and her memories began to slip away into the trash bin of her brain.
Even with Brainiac’s regular interference, Kara would sneak out and visit that place throughout her childhood. Always drawn by both the hint of a memory, and an intrinsic need to live. To be more than her rank and designation. Kara wished to see, taste, touch, and feel the corners of the galaxy, the warmth of planets, and to know its people. Even those she sought to bring beneath her boot.
Years later…
The day Kara was sent out for battle was one of great excitement to her, a truly momentous occasion. After years of rigorous training, she’d, at last, be leading the first wave of the main invasion. She’d be expected to take lives, but she was sure she could keep casualties to a minimum, and away from the alien planet’s grand cities. As a Kryptonian, her body was more suitable than any for dominating her prey and for winning at galactic war. And yet, there was a pang of regret within her for she knew this world well. She had a memento of its greatness and fond memories of its capital. But Father had explained that the leaders of this civilization had refused his merciful offer, and thus, fought against being absorbed into the New Kryptonian Empire. And so, they left him no choice but to use force.
Brief, precise, and quick. That was how war was to be carried out under New Krypton. That was what Kara could do. And so, she gazed in awe as her warship’s massive boarding ramp stretched open to reveal the drop sight. The far off glow of the planet’s sun coming into view… Warships ablaze in the heavens… Her eyes darted downwards towards the coordinates of the dropsight below, a blanket of clouds obsuring the battlefield. Kara now inched off hte ground, floating in the air as her cape remained stagnant behind her. She heard a metallic hiss in her ear as an army of Braniac’s sentinels and mechs marched up behind her, fully prepared to follow her to the death.
“Father… I’ll make you proud,” she whispered, clutching at her chest as her heart began to race.
They will kneel.
Everything after that moment was a blur…
Kara awoke in her quarters feeling as if she’d just slept a week. Vague memories of her smashing through a warship followed, and the knowledge that the defenders had swiftly surrendered. It was perfect, all according to Primus’ flawless strategy. That was what she recalled… And yet, the details within that knowledge felt hazy as if she’d taken a planetary cannon to the face and it’d left her mind ringing.
“What time is it?” she asked herself.
It was an inconsequential question and she knew it. Her atomic clock meant little as all hours in space were the same as any other. The sun nether set nor rose in space. She simply slept when all tasks for the day were accomplished, those being exercises to increase stamina, strategy and war tactics, philosophical studies, and of course combat training with drones and warriors. Brainiac had fought mighty combatants in the past, and he was more than happy to use holograms of such to prepare her for combat. His "collection" would never be as unique as the real thing due to the android’s limited functions, but it always excited Kara to see something new. To see an alien, another being, so physiologically divorced from her own body.
Nonetheless, it also left her wishing to see at least one being with her own physiology, those of a Kryptonian. Or at least to finally visit one of the planets with people sharing the same Kryptonian traits of hair, soft flesh, two arms, two legs, and an upright posture. Naturally, a genetic match to a Kryptonian would was utterly impossible, and that was a despairing thought for her. She heard from an archive that Kryptonians used to engage in a marriage ceremony and reproductive procreation for continuing the lineage. It was yet another thing that Kara would never experience, something she simply was not meant for. She was a soldier first, and a flesh-and-blood being second. Her desire to find a mate, her sex and and gender... They meant nothing in comparison. At least, from the perspective of Primus. Sometimes she wondered if Father would remove her sexual organs or sterilize her to encourage that compliance to her function. He always felt one discussion on post-puberty away from doing so. Of course, it was all for her sake, to keep her head clear in battle.
And so, Kara could never fault him. Surely then, the fault lay within her instead, some defect or ingratitude that wounded her very character.
In any case, Kara remained in confusion while sitting atop her bed, mind sifting through empty memories to make sense of it all. She heard the electric hum as the bedroom slid open, and in walked the cloaked figure of Primus Brainiac. Kara groaned in disorientation, still feeling groggy as if she’d slept a month.
“Father, I… I’m sorry. I’m not sure I’m mentally able to provide a battle report.”
“Oh, no need, child. It is done. I’ll send you an update on the planet’s occupation soon. But… You have done well, scion.”
“I… did?” she asked. “I don’t remember it… Only a little…”
“Ah, your mind is young. Kryptonian memory is fragile thing. Perhaps the only fragile thing in that body of iron,” he said, sliding a familiar finger beneath her chin.
Kara looked up at him adoringly, bathing in the tiny bit of physical contact she was offered for her touch-starved form.
“F-Father,” she let out.
“You have done well, my daughter,” he said.
And with that, it was enough. With that, Kara could go on a bit longer without fretting or questioning. Those magic words made it far easier to push down any doubts about the righteousness of their cause and to silence her worries about the suffering they’d inflicted on others. Only when she brought him the grandest of victories would Primus offer it to her, and for that, she wondered how far she’d be willing to go to please him.
Now, once her father had departed, Kara sighed and made for the shower. As she did, she removed the metallic shoulder pads of her black suit, tiring of them despite the lack of strain such meager weight put on her limitless body. It was more that the way they poked at her eyes when she raised her arms was frustrating, not that she doubted Brainiac’s perfect creations! He’d refined Kryptonian tech into something simple yet brimming with all manner of features suited for a wide variety of possible outcomes. And so altruistically did he offer those inventions with the rest of the universe.
After her shower, Kara walked through the long stretch of her father’s cruiser until she reached her personal shuttle. It was still parked in the cargo bay right where she'd left it. While she had quarters on the ship, the Kryptonian preferred the snug enclosed walls of her own starship. Or perhaps it was because it was the only thing other than Kandor which had remained relatively unchanged. She hopped warships as she hopped systems, but her vessel had yet to be fully replaced even after several years, other than any upgrades on its computing systems and suite of weapons. As such, she found its walls rather calming and anchoring.
Her eyes went instinctively to the locker in the back of the ship. It was the single place where she dared to sin, that was… It was a place of possessions, something her father understandably forbade. It was a distraction, something unbecoming of a warrior. Even so, Kara could not help but sneak items into it, all behind her father’s back. She now admired one of its contents: a marble flower. It was a keepsake from one of the planets he’d taken her to visit in her youth, discussing how it was to once considered for colonization and terraforming in Krypton’s final days. Kara also spotted a familiar pack of military rations her father had reluctantly rewarded her with after improving her heat vision. She’d devised on eating one ration a month but she’d soon be out…
“Perhaps I’ll ask him for another as a reward for taking the planet,” she whispered.
The Kryptonian lieutenant’s eyes than flitted to the back of the locker where lay a floating stack of black blocks connected to a rod brimming with blue electricity. Her finger tapped onto the conglomeration as she recalled the kind alien man who had given it to her. The second she touched the device, one of the black blocks released a melody. Tapping it again, the music shifted into something more whimsical sounding. Kara smiled as it graced her ears. Her finger rubbed against another rod, and it began to play a recording of religious mythos. Brainiac had said that their race’s mythology was highly inaccurate, but the story had enamored her so… As had the alien man who gave it to her. Surely that planetary ambassador had come to hate her…
Her fingers ran over the small memento now, and as she did, she felt an oddity. A single tear was leaking down her face. She hadn’t cried since back when Primus threw her in the Red Sun Omega Field for the first time to increase her fortitude, to see if she could gain an immunity to it in time. The sheer discomfort of it had drawn out a few tears, but why then was this memento causing her to feel such a similar pain and distress?
“Huh?” she asked as she wiped off her tears in confusion, eying the water droplet now clinging to her fingers. “Why do I feel like I’m forgetting something? Something terrible?”
Some time later…
“Huh?” asked Kara, glazed eyes shifting to the console, as she grimaced. Her combat boots were resting atop the ship's keyboard as she stretched out her legs and leaned lazily back in her chair, hands behind her head. A position that her father would find rather unbecoming. It seemed her boredom had been broken by the cry of her ship’s sensors. It’d picked up some sort of distress beacon, one identifying itself as Kryptonian technology. The electronic signature belonged to that of a Kryptonian too, obvious in the genetic footprint, albeit one unidentified in name and registry.
She heard a voice.
A man’s voice.
It sounded non-hostile.
“Uh… Kara… I don’t know if this will work…”
He knows me?
“But if you’re out there and get this message… I’m tired of being alone…”
Kara’s blue eyes trembled at his confession…
Her hand slipped to her chest where a pit seemed to reside.
Nonsense. Father filled any potential void, gave her happiness, a home, and purpose. She loved him with all of her being and there was no need for someone else…
And yet… They were the same… Her and this man…
“I thought you might be lonely too. Your cousin, Kal-El.”
Kara pulled the com device out of the ship’s dashboard and let it float there in the air. With soft eyes, she brought it to her chest, bathing in a blanket of warmth that strangely surpassed anything her beloved father offered her. Who was this man? Her cousin? To think another of her race had survived Krypton’s destruction… To think she still had family...
“I.. I need to find him,” she whispered. “I will find him.”
Now, Earth was a planet designated as “in a state of rebellion” with New Krypton. Her father had told her so the moment she confessed to the contents of the message. Strangely, the name “Earth” seemed strangely familiar despite him only now introducing it to her. It was fuzzy memory, much like those surrounding her last conquest. Naturally, Primus insisted he join her on the upcoming mission as recruiting Kal-El would immediately be followed by the taking of the blue planet.
Kara truly believed that it was for the best, what she and her sire had planned for Earth. After all, they’d be given the same rights and privileges of all model citizens of Krypton. And she told herself that her reasons were altruistic. But even Kara, blinded by dogma and denial, soon admitted to herself that this was different. Kal-El made it different, and an urge had overtaken her. The same urge that led to her sentimentality in collecting mementos of planets. Memories of visiting them had since faded, and now only touching such objects seemed to spark their reemergence. Brainiac had scanned her mind for symptoms of dementia, yet no neurological deficiencies were identified in his medical examinations. It all left Kara confused within the grey line that was her life.
And it made her all the more desperate to seek out her cousin, to speak with a living breathing Kryptonian. To find a world so different from the constraints of Krypton’s rule, all facets of it sculpted in their laws and advancements. To see a backwater planet in its infancy… Unmarred… Beautiful and lush… Rugged and ugly…
To step into…
“The unknown” she whispered as her feet touched down on what appeared to be a harbor overlooking sea water. This place matched the coordinates sent by Kal-El's interstellar signal. This was a human city surely, and it was a massive one at that. She heard it referred to as Metropolis by the residents, and it was bustling with human activity. Vehicles… passerbys… loud noises… And above, skyscrapers far more archaic than those of Krypton dwarfed the citizens, but they were no less spectacular… Strange scents entered her nostrils of delicious foods that sent her salivating. She’d visited worlds before, but never dared to partake of their food. After all, Primus might detect them in her stomach and intestines when she returned to the ship.
But today, Kara had been a bad girl. She’d broken the rules. She’d done a terrible thing and betrayed his trust. And as much as she hated herself for it, she knew this was the one time she needed to confront something alone. This was her cousin. Her blood. The one man in the universe who could understand her. A warrior like her.
Her black space suit would leave her out of place here, so she’d already scoured Earth’s databases and synthesized up something fashionable. Kara now wore a white t-shirt, black vest, and some form-fitting jeans. The outfit had made her smile when she saw it in the mirror of her ship. It was rare she got the chance to dress up, not that her plugsuit was anything but flexible and comfortable.
“Wow,” said Kara as she left an alleyway and admired the scenery once more. A moment later, some robotic vehicle intercepted her. It clearly sought her destruction, intending to ram her head on. Kara would not hesitate to bring this behemoth down, so she shifted her legs into a proper battle stance and tightened her fist… And found herself pulled to the side by an Earthling. How strange… His skeletal structure was rather fragile compared to hers so why was he so quick to aid her? And why did it feel so good being in his embrace?  Her hands seemed to instinctively press to his chest, finding it flat and a pleasant contrast to the mounds of her own. He was undoubtedly a man resembling those of Krypton and it sent her heart racing. But what truly enamored her was his concern for her.
He didn’t even know her…
Yet he risked his life for her…
“Are you alright?” he asked sweetly.
“I’m fine,” she said, but in truth, Kara was hardly offended by his concern.
He offered her his name and rank. It astounded her. Had this Jimmy Flamebird sought her out specifically, somehow anticipating her arrival? If so, then surely Kal-El was already working with the human race, and soon would be joining her in bringing it to its knees.
“You’re the leader of the planet? Then you can assist me. My name is Kara and I’m searching for someone.”
It was nice being diplomatic and cordial. Peace would always be preferable to force, no matter how fun it was to unleash her powers in a spar. Kara truly hoped Earth would gracefully surrender so none of its beauty need be tarnished. Likewise, so that none of its filth and dreck should stain her boots.
“Let’s start looking over here!” shouted the man as he grabbed her by the wrist, pulling her along with him down a streetway.
Kara let out a “Whoa!” in surprise, but did not resist.
She knew that perhaps she ought to be more on edge in such a foreign place, but in this Jimmy Flamebird’s grasp, she found herself rather docile. It felt good to experience this peace with him. Over the day, he began to take Kara to extraordinary places, to eateries that sent her taste buds exploding from flavors she’d never imagined. Her stomach felt bottomless as this man so charitably offered her bounty after bounty, pleasure after pleasure. Sights, sounds, tastes… All he gifted freely to her as if she were a queen. But none were so marvelous to her as Jimmy himself.
Kara hardly cared anymore whether or not he was the planetary leader he claimed to be nor whether she found Kal-El in a timely fashion. Simply being in a photobooth with him was utterly enjoyable. It was fun in the same way those memories of kids playing that Kryptonian game seemed fun. Kara grew bold, wanting to thank him, and so offered her gratitude by stuffing her own frozen treat into his mouth as another photo was taken. The way he laughed in approval made her beam back.
“Delicious,” he said.
“Right? This food is amazing. And you get to enjoy this daily?"
“Of course. Do you not get to do that? Strict parents?”
Kara’s eyes flitted away as she answered, “Restrictive? Yes. I… um…”
Jimmy asked, “What? Something wrong?”
“I’ve… um… This feels nice…”
“What does?”
Kara turned herself his way so that she was facing him as they remained in the cramped booth. Her hands came around his narrow waist as she said, “I’ve… never touched a man like this… How I’ve wished to…”
“What? Um…”
“Sorry. That must sound strange,” said Kara, swiftly pulling herself away and backing out of the black curtain of the booth. “A momentary error. Nothing more. So… where are we off to next?”
“I said I’d show you everything so let’s hit a few landmarks,” said the tall lanky man. "You have the stamina for that?"
"I have nothing but limitless energy! Come at me with your most vigorous tour!" she said, fists curling up in passion.
The way he laughed at her display, his eyes seeming to soak her in, was a marvel. My oh my. He was handsome… Taller than her with tone muscles beneath his heavy coat no doubt. A sharp jawline… Fluffy hair… A friendly voice… For a moment, Kara imagined him dragging her back into the booth, pinning her against the wall of it, and…
With haste, Kara buried down that infernal urge. Such an act offered no procreative benefits and so should be discouraged. Then again… What did it matter? She was already defying Primus in more ways than one. If not for the feeling that Jimmy seemed hesitant to accept her advances, Kara would have dared to act even more boldly.
The hours passed by them in the blink of an eye. Kara would lament how swiftly the sun shifted on such a perfect day. They’d connected in a way she’d never imagined. He was strangely a kindred soul despite leading a far more passive existence. For Jimmy too sought out that which lay beyond the known reality. Especially in efforts to find new life and new worlds. And he too hid away from fear of those he loved. It was as if they both were reaching out into the void of space for that answer, for that other person that would understand them…
Jimmy was her answer.
As the day concluded, her guide stayed true to his bargain, bringing her to the one she sought. But Kal-El was not what she’d hoped, and already she felt frustration knowing Father would be disappointed with her. She’d bring him a weakling and be admonished for her own rebellion. Brought to kneel at his boots yet again… To plead and apologize… All for this poor excuse for a Kryptonian warrior… Doing a little dance for rats… The way he let some female earthling kiss his cheek was revolting. Why would he prefer that over his own kind? It was the behavior of a deviant.
And so, Kara chastised him and upon her father’s orders, let loose to destroy him. Their battle shattered the heavens and the earth until she brought him to his knees where he belonged.
She wondered if Jimmy saw her battle with Kal-El, if it was burned into his very mind.
If he was anything like that sweet alien ambassador from back then, then Jimmy would rightfully never contact her again as long as he should live. Not that she blamed either of them.
It was fortunate this was not to be the end of Kal-El as she had originally feared. For all her disgust in him, Kara had no desire to slay her cousin. And far more fortunately, Primus Brainiac had deemed him now suitable for collecting, and thus for extraction from that filthy planet.
“Goodbye, Jimmy Flamebird,” whispered Kara as she flew up into the atmosphere, with Kal-El’s energy prison in tow behind her. Her red cape billowed behind her as she turned back towards Metropolis and lamented all that hand transpired.
I would have liked to eat ice cream with you again. To feel your arms around me…
Her loneliness was short lived. Kara swiftly delivered the photos she’d kept of the handsome tour guide into her locker only to find Kal-el was already beginning to stir.
“You kidnapped me?” he asked indignantly.
Kara found his thrashing about rather amusing, especially given she’d given him such a great honor: The gift of her. Of Krypton! Of Father and all their future endeavors under a single banner.
“Yes,” she answered. “I extricated you from that backwater planet. You’re welcome.”
Kara flashed him her fangs, offering the furious captive a haughty grin. He should adore her really for all she was granting his ungrateful ass. For now, Kal-El might resist and might even despise her. But in time, he’d grow to love her and to love the Kryptonian empire as she did. They’d rule together and be the left and right hand of Brainiac in the conquest that was to come. This was where Kal-El belonged. Kara would soon strip away his pathetic visage, to toughen up his soft infantile armor, to create a perfect warrior of Krypton. Her cousin would serve Krypton well no doubt. All it would take was time.
And so, she would be patient with him. Kal-el was surprisingly tame when she mentioned her father and she sensed he was more open minded to her words than she'd originally thought. 
“Please let me show you,” she implored kindly this time.
Kara told herself she simply playing nice in order to get what she wanted. That had been the plan but the second it left her lips, it no longer felt true. In reality, Kara was trying to rationalize her irrational mercy. Her mocking of him had done little but make him angry and left her in something resembling regret at the sight of his disdain. There was no need to lie anyway to him. From now on, they need only be honest with other.
Kal-El seemed to respond well to her request, saying, “Okay. Show me your Krypton.”
Kara was shocked it had worked. No threats were needed, no hard push. Kal-El simply had agreed to it all. A warmth hit Kara’s cheeks at his answer, realizing she was to share that memory with him. With another. Again, she found herself in a holographic memory revealing the golden age of Krypton. Already she recognized the same children playing their little game. Having fun. It triggered her own memories, that of having a hot dog with Jimmy and kicking a ball in the park much to the delight or perhaps confusion of the Earth children there.
Their laughter was now of part of her own memories, not somethin archived, belonging to another.
It was real.
Unfortunately, he seemed rather skeptical of her endorsements of Krypton. And now  Kal-El wished to win her over with his own memories, and she agreed to it in a heartbeat.
Kara watched as he revealed a fragment of his past, a snapshot that left her confused. His adoptive parents were offering a much younger Kal-El something twisted. They were playing with him. It sent a surge of ugly jealousy and spite up her spine. The way it was given so freely and so carelessly was vile. Even more, it was downright confusing to her. Did parents play with their kids? Primus had never spoken much of such rearing methods, and in truth, Kara dared not ask. Her father found such questions to reek of disloyalty to the Empire and to himself. But Kal-El established neither rules nor conditions for Kara to follow. And his parents held no such rules for him. Except for one. Hold back. While her father encouraged her to reach her full potential, his “parents” taught him to be soft, to hide his heritage away. To be ashamed of his power, of his alien blood. It disgusted her. This poor man was indoctrinated, kept prisoner by the Earthlings. She would liberate him.
As the memory ended, Clark tore off her memory harvester from his head, returning it to the locker. Immediately, panic entered Kara’s head knowing she would be exposed. All she could do was beg.
“No! Wait! Don’t look in there!” she pleaded. “Don’t!”
In hindsight, Kara could have simply attacked him, yet she found herself less and less willing to harm him.
Kal-El had snatched up one of her keepsakes of Jimmy, a pictured memory of them in that photo booth.
“Is this Jimmy? You know Jimmy? My Jimmy?! When did you even meet him?”
Feeling her emotions grow fuzzy from a blanket of humiliation, Kara snapped, “It’s Reconnaissance of Jimmy Flamebird, the leader of your planet!”
“The leader of what now?”
Kara was unable to hold herself back any longer, and so, desperately took to the air and flew at him. She swiped at the embarrassing image. To her dismay, Kal-El seemed to casually dodge it and throw her off course. She floated in circles, attempting to pry it from his grasp but to no avail.
“Give it! Don’t!”
“Wait wait wait… Do you… Like Jimmy?”
Kal-El’s face lit up in absolute delight, a surprise given she’d viciously kidnapped him earlier but right now, Kara wasn’t feeling guilty. She was feeling her ears burn. Her cheeks were practically ablaze like a Blue Giant… She realized that her affections for that man, affections that went far past the platonic, were now revealed to her protégé. It made no sense what she felt for Jimmy Flamebird, but having it recognized still left her desperately needing to deny it.
“What? No. I don’t even know what that means!”
Her pleading innocence was no lie, but Kara still felt rather avoidant in doing so. What was Jimmy to her really? What madness could bring out a yearning of fondness and a lustful craving just by recalling his face? And beneath it all, why did it poison her with self-hatred for leaving him behind? Kara simply lacked the word to name that affection. All she knew was that the affection she felt for Jimmy differed from the growing affection she felt for Kal-El and the love she had for Primus Brainiac. And honestly, these differing affections for Jimmy and Kal-El existing at all rocked her entire world. Perhaps her brain was going bad too, much like Kal-El’s own.
“Wait until Jimmy finds out an alien has a crush on him.”
That part angered Kara the most. She’d never harm a civilian, especially not her Jimmy!
“I will not crush him!” she protested.
In time, the cousins decided on visiting one of the conquered worlds, a chance for Kara to show her rebellious kin the benefits of joining the Empire. Again, Kara was disobeying her father, going off course to do as she wished. It was truly for Kal-El’s own good, but perhaps it was also because she hadn’t visited it in forever. Not since the start of the invasion. How had the Thanagarian home world fared since then she wondered. Surely it was thriving under Primus’ rational and compassionate rule… In place of the Green Lantern’s planetary guardian, one she’d defeated herself, Thanagar was granted something far better: the eternal protection of all of Krypton’s might.
A shame an asteroid field of ice blocked Kara from landing.
Now, as they decided on removing said obstacle, Kara found herself an opportunity to lay a prank on her cousin, a bit of revenge for her earlier humiliation. She flew out into the void of space to join Kal-El, who was, as always, looking completely clueless. The second he saw her, Kara pretended her mask was malfunctioning. Her prisoner seemed to be under the impression his lungs were that of humans given the way he demanded one of the atmospheric masks each time he departed her starship. And that mistake was rife for pranking.
“Help!” she begged, choking in the worst bit of acting of her life.
“Kara?” he asked. “No! No! What do I do?!”
Kara let out a husky laugh before wiping a tear from her eye.
She exclaimed, “Your face. Kal-El, we’re Kryptonian! We don’t need these!”
She swooped in on him, feeling another surge of affection, as she found herself sadistically enjoying how easy it was to annoy and tease him. This man seemed to have plenty of buttons to press, to make him react most amusingly. It was also fascinating to her how Kal-El sounded genuinely worried for her. Despite the horrible things she’d subjected him to, Kal-El oddly cared about her wellbeing. Perhaps that was why Jimmy liked him.
Kara poked him on the forehead, flying over his shoulder to play with his head from behind as if she were massaging his brain matter. Mockingly, she sang, “So easy to mess with your sad little Earth brain.”
“That’s not funny!” he barked as he surprisingly went on the offensive, not that Kara minded. Being pushed back into the asteroid field was shocking but there was no danger here. There was none as she picked a fight with her cousin using floating boulders of snow and debris as her weapon of choice. Was this combat training? Was it them playing a game? Who cared? Right now, all that mattered was the sheer thrill of this moment, one spent with Kal-El.
“Yes! Much better! This is… neat,” she confessed.
Warmly, he replied, “Yeah. It is. Very neat.”
Again, Kara blushed as she realized that already she loved Kal-El. She loved him how she loved her father, only this time there was no danger. Kal-El didn’t much like her, but she need not fear letting him down by showing weakness or sentimentality. He set no limits in this game of snow, no admonishments that left her feeling like a disappointment. He wouldn’t sigh and state that this moment must end so they could resume training. He’d let her do as she wished and that was a wonderful feeling.
I want to protect him.
That was what she realized.
How horribly it all went after that. Kara had truly and utterly failed to protect him… Kara had led him straight into the clutches of her father, trusting he had the best of intentions for them both. She’d trembled beneath Brainiac’s judgmental gaze as he branded her a “wayward daughter”, wanting to cry knowing his disappointment in her. Only to sink into his cradling fingers as he instead praised her. Had she been less foolish then perhaps she’d not have made the choice she’d forever regret.
Kara had left Kal-El alone with her father.
Even after finding Thanagar in ruins, something that contradicted Brainiac’s own reports… Even then, she'd left them alone. How naïve was she to spend her life ignoring what was so obvious, what had left her heart aching all these years? The feeling that there was always something her father concealed from her, rationalizing it as somehow her immaturity that prevented it. For such a fierce warrior, why was Kara so utterly weak willed in his clutches?
Now, when she found her cousin in the training room, Kal-El was unconscious at the feet of her father’s warriors. His body was battered and bruised. Kara was left horrified at the sight, wanting to rush to his aid. But it was not to be. Brainiac would force her to again forget, but only after he left her crumbling in pieces with his sadistic words. Even after a life dedicated to him, Primus labeled her a disappointment and accused her of shaming her fallen kin with her rebellion. In reality, this was simply who he’d always been. An owner using her as a cute pet to bite at vermin, giving her affirmation so she’d happily submit. Hating her if she so much as thought to bark back. No, in truth, she was simply a puppet occasionally let off the strings. She simply forgot every time she was thrown back into the puppet show.
Brainiac’s brainwashing and wiping of her memories would have proved the end of her rebellion, if not for  the one variable he’d not accounted for in his infinite algorithm. For there were mementos gathered in secrecy. Returning to her vessel, Kara stumbled upon familiar relics… One of those being a photograph of Jimmy Flamebird.
Of the man she was beginning to fall in love with…
Was that the word?
It called to her from across the stars, beckoning her to Earth…
He was her temptation.
In Kara’s other hand, she held up a memento of Thanagar, and it brought back the harrowing memory of visiting it with Kal-El. She’d expected a thriving world only to find it purged down to the last survivor. Its cities lay in ruins. She recalled the pain she felt as Kal-El believed her evil, that she had purposefully wiped out an entire planet. His disdain for her was as soul-crushing as that of Primus’ own. It had left her begging and pleading for him to look at her as if she were innocent, wanting nothing more than for him to forgive her of a crime she did not commit.
What a shame she was anything but innocent.
Kara would realize that when she revisited Thanagar a second time, along with the other worlds she’d conquered. All were barren and void of life.
Within Thanagar’s capital, lay a mural ever obscured by Brainiac’s own tech. Once revealed by her repeated command, it displayed the day of reckoning. Of winged warriors falling to hellfire, all at the hands of The Warrior. Of herself.
“No…” she whimpered.
It was pointless. Simply seeing it was enough to elicit brief flashes of those events, ones no living being should ever witness.  All had been done under Brainiac’s compulsion as he violated her mind and made her his puppet in his galactic war. Under his control, Kara had done things she could not fathom. Her mind simply was not equipped to comprehend the magnitude of such death, of an entire planet snuffed out at her hands. One of many. Without emotion, Kara had unleashed her heat vision upon the surface, decapitating cities and de-atomizing armies. Turning warriors to ash and civilians into dust. No thought nor emotion had passed through her head back then save Brainiac’s unbreakable orders, but the sensory memory remained. Kara could recall the sound of it. The terrible horrid sound of a thousand people screaming in terror as she slaughtered them with another flash of heat.
Billions lay dead at her hand. Entire civilizations wiped out by the destroyer of worlds.
Her father had betrayed her truly and utterly. Perhaps since the very beginning. And she’d brough Kal-El right into his hands, dooming him to be the next weapon of Primus Brainiac.
“No… I couldn’t… I couldn’t have…” she whimpered, falling onto her knees before the mural of the dead.
Her fingers tore into her cheeks, nails digging into the flesh and ripping out strands of hair.
“I… I don’t remember…”
Only fragments did she recall… But it was enough to make her vomit, spilling up what remained of the Earth food Jimmy had given her.
“What have I done?” Kara let out through tears before flying off into the atmosphere. In mere seconds, she was in orbit of the derelict world. When last she visited, it was a proud planet belonging to those that flew much like her, something that gave her a sense of kinship. And now, it was simply a graveyard that would rot for all time. Kara stared in awe of it before curling up in a fetal position, letting herself float motionless in zero gravity. Space was so quiet but her head was spinning. She then wondered how to handle the guilt that was consuming her very being. Should she go confront her father and rescue Kal-El? They'd both surely die or be made eternal slaves. And if they survived? What then? Should she spend her life trying to redeem herself, all for sins that she could not atone for in a thousand years? Even more, there was no one left to forgive her. And if they had survived, they’d deeply despise her and they'd be right to. There was no one left in the galaxy who loved her. None but Clark.
“Kal-El… Clark… What should I do?”
Kara considered finding Kryptonite and letting it consume her from the inside out. A painful death but it’d be over quickly. Or perhaps she would let a black hole pull her apart into mere string. Or find the Green Lantern Corps so they might take her into custody for her crimes, probably throwing her into one of their sciencells with an eternal sentence.
“It’s not my fault… It’s not my fault,” cried Kara, thrashing about as her tears sparkled like diamonds, their shimmer produced from light rays cast by the planet’s sun. Her tear drops floated in front of her, slowly being pulled in by the planet’s feint gravity well. Kara would weep and deny it, but it did her little good. No matter how Kara rationalized it, acknowledging the truth that she lacked any control in the genocides, still she could not find solace nor forgive herself. There was simply no return from what she’d been made to do.
“Did you ever really love me?” she whispered to the black void of space, as if hoping Father could hear despite her disabling communications.
Did Jimmy still care at all for her? He’d never reciprocate what she felt for him. Not after this. Not after he knew what a monster had dared to long for him.
Only Clark remained and he’d soon be lost. But Kara would not let it be so. She would save him even if she could not save herself.
Suddenly, Kara found herself left in awe as an oddity occurred before her, that of a starship emerging from a portal out of space and time. Or so it seemed. Swiftly, Kara flew in front of the small vessel, a single hand of hers possessing the might to hold back its thrusters effortlessly. She gazed inside, wishing to inspect its passengers. Who would seek out Thanagar long after its demise? Her eyes scanned over the cockpit, only to see a host of beings she failed to immediately recognize. A machine. Some sort of hairy being. A woman who she did not know except through Clark’s strange memory. All meant nothing to her. All but one.
She asked in disbelief, “Jimmy Flamebird?”
Fate had brought him back to her somehow. She wondered if he was a dream… A hallucination brought on from the madness of realizing her own past. He was so beautiful… Looking up at her in shock from his seat in cockpit… But surely, he would not be in a place like this, seeing as his world’s technology was ill-suited for interstellar travel.
Even so, she wanted to believe.
Kara needed him more than ever if she were to do the first bit of good in her long sorry life. Together, perhaps they stood a chance in rescuing poor Kal-El from the very Empire she’d built. Perhaps then, she could still save Kal-El from his fate and save Earth from extinction. Kara was no hero, but she’d save them all, nonetheless.
The End.
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where-the-water-flows · 3 months
character asks—hit me up with your hottest jiao liqiao takes
JIAO LIQIAO my best beloved nightmare failgirlboss. she cannot malewife for very long but by god can she manipulate and murder.
favorite thing about them honestly I love that she has a goal and she fucking goes for it, zero hesitation. is it a good, reasonable goal? well no. she would have been better finding someone to fixate on who was not somewhere on the utterly asexual to entirely homosexual spectrum, but y'know, can't win them all. A+ dedication, F- execution.
least favorite thing about them the laugh the laugh I know it is like, the most standard trope signifier thing but the high pitched ahHAHEHEHA laugh is always so jarring in a 'pulls me right out of the narrative' kind of way, I know it is petty but also oh my god please. please you sound like a second rate cartoon villain. please. On a more character less shallow note, bestie babygirl please stop playing with your food. it literally never works out for you, for the love of god. please learn your lesson after the eighth time it bites you in the ass. (also like on the one hand, I would love for her to not have a plot centered around how she is deeply unhinged for/about a man. but on the otherhand, like, idk, I think she's fun. terrible awful etc, but also, she's putting the fun in extremely dysfunctional <3)
favorite line look I love so much every unhinged word out of her mouth, especially the argument she has with snow master when he's like 'girl that man is gay/ace the magic incense amnesia did not make him suddenly not gay/ace he is Manipulating You' and she is like 'lalalala not listening he loves me also we both know that man can't/won't lie to save his life, also also if he is lying I'll mutilate him and keep him like a purse pet <3 but he's not lying. because he loves me.' I recognise that is not a line but like. you know what I mean.
brOTP uhhh I don't really know that she... has... bros. like I guess granny blood (rip), who is basically always full 'yes girl get your man he will def love you this time' in the manner of someone who knows that her friend is lusting after a guy who is 1)not ever going to be interested even if he wasn't 2)very gay/ace and is 3)probably mid at best in bed no matter how much her friend is like SEX GOD. like the most 'yeah girl go get your man!!!! (why that man though have you considered any other man literally there are so many other men) oh no, def the red lipstick, he'll love you in that (but why him for the love of god just buy a vibrator)' that said, I do think the wildly divergent au where li xiangyi ends up 1)aware of nanyin bloodline like. Early On 2) jinyuan alliance aligned, he and his cousin jiao liqiao would be a hilarious pair of nightmares. absolutely ends in disaster for everyone, including them and definitely including di feisheng, I have an entire stupid au vaguely plotted out about this, it is purely nonsense. compels me though.
OTP no<3 that said, like, obviously I do not want the boys to be mmmmm torture mutilated noncon wifed as the otp of my heart, but also, I think jiao liqiao deserves a harem of moderately to severely brainwashed/mutilated/etc malewives! as a treat! god forbid women do anything. I contain multitudes, the dirty joke here is left as an exercise for the reader.
nOTP shan gudao. I just. I think it would be a mess, and not even a fun one. like as an actual relationship I mean, not proxy fighting spy vs spy manipulation But With Sex kinda bullshit, that's fine and fun, but they are not romantically compatible except as a triad where the third part of it is the idea of the man they are individually personally psycho/sexually obsessed with. which I guess makes it like. a weird poly U, with two theoretical ends. weird poly u with them mostly egging each other on in their dysfunction, 100% fine, any sort of Actual Healthy Relationship, no. also, therapy. I think therapy would only make her worse, but on the off chance it did not, I don't want that for her. she's a nightmare! again, god forbid a woman do anything.
random headcanon she was literally never expected to take the throne, nor expected to be the primary way that her particular fork of the nanyin royal line passed down. which means she likely has at least one sister and probably a brother. I don't know if this is backed up or contradicted by canon, but also, she was raised knowing she was nanyin royalty (??) but also was allowed to just fuck off into the jianghu at age [mlc timeline is nonsensical]. like if that is your single heir of the bloodline you have been carefully keeping alive and aware of how they were The True Imperial Family, you are not letting said heir go out and get their ass killed playing with swords. therefore. youngest child jiao liqiao. no further questions, you know in your heart I'm right. less world logistics based, I think she absolutely can't fucking cook, but, crucially, feels that she is fucking aces at it. does she cook? irrelevant, also no obviously not, she is a lady of rank, we have servants for that. but, crucially, she feels in her heart that she is a great cook. not that she cares about it. but again, she is great at it. this is never challenged because 1)di feisheng, the one person I can see her lowering herself to actually cook for, does not pay attention to the taste of food unless he has amnesia, and thus he's certainly not going to be like 'you suck at cooking, ew'. 2) if you are not di feisheng are you going to challenge fucking saintess on her bad cooking? no! she will stab you in the eyeball with a chopstick.
unpopular opinion honestly I don't know that I have that many unpopular opinions on her. other than that she's fun. a nightmare and like, deeply uncomfortable as a character with how incredibly rapey she is, obviously. but fun! she is a problematic queen. terrible woman who really sort of stands out as one of the few of the main cast who uh...doesn't really seem to have any reason behind the terribad decisions she makes other than there is something Wrong With Her, but again, god forbid, etc.
song i associate with them Girlfriend, by Avril Lavigne; the early 2000s angry brat pop is just. so on brand. see also, so much for my happy ending. (also, this has given me the image of idea of early 2000s scene kids jinyuan alliance, which is the funniest fucking thing in the world to me. I don't know what sigu sect would be, but it's just so fucking funny.)
favorite picture of them quick and nasty screencap bc this response has already taken me two days, but like. the whole turn on li lianhua when he's in chains and she's like 'oh you're dangerous to talk to', I just. I feel so abnormal about it. she is so hot and scary.
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hello heheh jeff winger for the character thingy :]
Hehe thank you!!
Fav thing about them: I mean I love his sarcasm. It's hilarious. And I love the moments where he allows himself to be less sarcastic, and that he just genuinely cares about his friends
Least fav thing about them: that Dan Harmon made him kiss and have a weird relationship with an 18 year old (I hate Jeffannie so much)
Fav line: this is so hard, but first one that came to mind was "the next person that offers me charity or pity will be mentioned by name in my suicide note"
brOTP: I like Jeff and Abed up until s6 when Jeff starts treating Abed so terribly
OTP: I'm not a hardcore Jeffbritta person myself, but they are my fav pairing for him. Oh, I also admittedly really like Jeff X Rich as a pairing. Actually now I know what to put in the random headcanon
nOTP: Jeffannie
Random headcanon: he and Rich fucked. That night when Jeff ran to Rich's home in the rain? Yeah, Jeff stepped inside Rich's apartment and they had gay sex
Unpopular opinion: once again I unfortunately don't know
Song I associate with them: kiss from a rose. Obviously
Fav picture of them:
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Just Jeff as the Dean. Iconic
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nepenthean-sleep · 5 months
Hey hey! For the character meme Gideon!
hello thanks for the ask :)
favorite thing about them i love how she speaks. someone said once that everything she says is like the wrong option in a video game dialogue choice list. all of tamsyn's characters have incredible dialogue but gideon is so goddamn funny especially. like it wraps around from being cringe to being funny again. her narration is excellent.
least favorite thing about them i'm gonna say what i said for harrow, everything about her makes sense for her character and her role in the story.
favorite line given the first answer here you can imagine this is extremely difficult for me. however. i'm going to go with a decidedly unfunny one from chapter 25 of ntn because it makes me feel insane.
Nona had never seen anyone so sad in her whole short life. It made her nearly afraid to die. “Nobody locks me up anywhere,” said Kiriona.
she says!!! while locked in her corpse by her dad!! after being locked in harrow's brain for a year by harrow!! after being locked in drearburh for 18 years by the ninth!! ohhhhhhh my god
brOTP sorry i'm going with gideon and ianthe because they hate each other and i just find that endlessly amusing
OTP griddlehark sweep
nOTP don't really have one, just don't like when she's shipped with men
random headcanon after she goes to canaan house she starts getting freckles because it's her first time in sunlight
unpopular opinion idk i don't really see people talking about this much but like she's an asshole. she has a mean-spirited streak. and like yeah i guess if your opponent in the cartoonishly evil contest is harrow it's gonna make gideon look like a much better person but like. idk everyone was shocked by her being a dick in ntn but it's not really that different from how she was before?
also i really really hate the fandom himboification of her turning her into a one-dimensional horny fuckboi vehicle for harrow to have 36 orgasms or whatever. or the opposite where they make her a loyal idiot golden retriever. butches often have personalities that are not either of these things, actually!
song i associate with them it is 100% absolutely from hell with love and sweet true lies, both by beast in black. not only do they sound like songs i think gideon would listen to, like, the lyrics are so.
Killed my light To serve your delight Now see me ripped apart Ripped apart
Another voiceless cry Another hopeless try I wish you'd open your wings and take me inside From hell with love I write Confess my passion crime Cause to my heart, soul and mind, you are kryptonite Oh babe
like cmon.
Baby, baby tell me more of your lies Say you want me for a lifetime I believe you even when I know it's a lie Love's so blind Sweet true lies
AAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!! thank you @oceanwrath for introducing me to these songs with your tlt art.
favorite picture of them again i can't choose just one there's so much good art in this fandom but my favorites are this FUCKING STUNNING kiriona piece by @nil-elk and this amazing one by @battletailors and this incredible piece by @notedchampagne and this one by @may12324 and this one by oceanwrath and listen ok i just really really like gideon nav 😭
thanks for the ask!
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carlyraejepsans · 2 years
Sans Undertale.
the funny one. blue guy. skeleton dude. if u please
favorite thing about them: god how to choose. i love how contradictory he is. i love how much he blends into the background and has a net zero relevance on the game's story, and yet he sticks out like a sore thumb, both thematically and tonally. the judgement spiel makes him the direct deliverer of a core game mechanic, and yet he's... such an outsider about it. i love how morally grey he is. a resonance hybrid between a painfully selfless good man and a self serving bastard. he's the depressed nihilistic man. he is his girlfriend's manic pixie dream girl. he is just some guy. he is the last barrier against universal annihilation. he serves cunt (but only once). he parallels flowey in his refusal to engage the narrative, but whereas the narrative starts orbiting flowey instead, sans condems himself as the audience to the player's actions. #finalgirl. also it's still a theory, but if the otherworld stuff is ever confirmed ingame that will make him the most video game character of all fucking time. hands down. no competitors.
least favorite thing about them: every morning i wake up and i stare in the mirror and i ask myself "do i wanna fuck sans undertale??" and i hesitate. and well i could do without that kind of pressure
favorite line: "that's a promise" "besides. chances are... i've already tried to steer you in the right direction. so what can i say? what can i say that will change the mind of a being like you...?"
brOTP: i like whatever he and grillby got going on. that barman/regular comradery, the mood of the bar late at night and being the only client left. the silent vulnerability of it. it's all hypothetical since grillby doesn't really Have much of a presence in the game, but they obviously get along well. alphys too, what a pair of nerds. oh my god i didn't mention papyrus. oh well, they don't feel like a brotp tbh, it's like. they're halves of the same coin. sans inevitably implies papyrus in my mind, and vice versa. do NOT separate them.
OTP: do you have to fucking ask
nOTO: you know people usually put stuff like incest or age gap ships here because they make them understandably uncomfortable, but if there's a ""ship"" that i violently HATE re:sans it's. whenever they make him and toriel a mother-son dynamic. i am not talking about platonic or qpr soriel, i love those as well, they are besties first and lovers maybe, i mean SPECIFICALLY the take that she's his mother. no the fuck she's not. infantilization of sans and mommyification of toriel aside, that's the entire point of their friendship she is NOT his mother. they're on the same level, he is literally the first person she's gone eye to eye with as an equal in her centuries of isolation and THAT is what helps her snap out of her cycle. she is not his superior, he is not her protège. it grosses me out so much.
random headcanon: half decent singer, but hates to sing in public unless he's being a clown on purpose. used to sing papyrus to sleep as a baby. that's a pretty standard hc though, uhhhh.... he hates drinking. though he's surprisingly knowledgeable about corks, for some reason.
unpopular opinion: abby i'm so sorry i know u like it & i 🤝 about it in some cases ex: specific fics we both like, but he does NOT canonically have 1HP outside of a genocide battle. and i'd really appreciate it if people stopped pushing that hc on everyone else.
song i associate with them: Pinch me by the Barenaked Ladies, and If I Ever Feel Better by Phoenix. helplessness but silly and helplessness but funky. v sans songs
favorite picture of them:
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heart eyes motherfucker
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jack-enbyfold · 4 months
4, 10, 17 for the asks game please <2
oh my god, I'm so sorry for the late answer
is it too basic to say Niko and Edwin lmao? side note I do think we should get Charles and Jenny bonding in s2, I think they would get on great don't @ me
10- City you want them to visit
I saw someone say Veince and honestly based but I also want a beach episode. so maybe a UK seaside town like Whitby
17- how did I get into DBDA
so I was dog sitting for my mum and I hate watching YouTube on her TV so I put on Netflix instead. DBDA was the only thing that caught my attention and when I tell you instant i mean instant hyperfixation
thank you for the ask!!
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bookworm-center · 7 months
kaz brekker for the character ask game?
Ahh sorry it took so long, but I gotchu!
Why I like them: Kaz is such an interesting character; I think he's really well written.
Why I don't: His ruthlessness sort of scares me, but it makes him rather interesting.
Favorite Episode: Hm... I'm gonna say the first episode, "A Searing Burst of Light's just because I actually love his entrance sooo much!
Favorite Line: probably the iconic "I would come for you" quote, but if I had to pick a not-so-popular quote, then "Suffering is like anything else. Live with it long enough, you learn to like the taste."
Favorite Outfit: I mean, he mostly wears the same outfit, but I love the vibes of the s1 outfit; especially with that coat.
OTP: Kanej all the way!
Brotp: Kaz and Jesper!
Headcannon: In the Silver Six, Kaz puts geraniums on some of the tables. It's not particularly noticeable with all the chaos, but it's there.
Unpopular Opinion: As much as I love Kaz, he was definitely in the wrong with how he treated Jesper most of the time (is this an unpopular opinion?)
A Wish: I wish that there was a spin-off to see the Crows pulling off the Ice Court Heist
An Oh-God-Please-Don't-Ever-Happen: Kaz Brekker Trauma Erasure! Please no! It's happened to Inej (most of the Crows to be honest), not Kaz too.
5 Words to Best Describe Them: ruthless, determined, calculating, traumatized, masterminded
My Nickname For Them: Kazzle Dazzle, Simp (for Inej of course)
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sonni-the-silly · 1 month
King George :]
SCREAMS okay okay
Favourite thing: he’s silly just like me frfr uhm he’s the only one that I knew abt before I Googled everyone else in Hamilton and yuhhh I like him :3
Least favourite thing: probably how is entire personality is watered down to “haha me crazyyyyyyyyy”, especially in the fandom. There’s only so much you can do with a 3 song gag character but I feel like he could’ve had at least a little more depth.
Favourite line: ahahhahahahahhahahahhaha (he laugh just like me fr)
brOTP: him and Seabury I’m here for the parasocial relationship I’m here for the one-sided shit friendship
OTP: I only ship him in a /srs way with Wueen Charlotte but I won’t hate on kingbury and George² 👀
nOTP: Literally all ships but the ones mentioned before
Random headcannon: he likes swimming :333
Unpopular opinion: Uhm he has more personality than just “lolll me insane me do silllyyyyyyy” PLEASE (idk if this is unpopular but oh well)
Song I associate with them: The Red Means I Love you!!!
Favourite picture of them: Uhm it’s not rlly a pic of actual King George buttttt 👀
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losergeekwhoever · 9 months
Okay so thoughts on CHRISTINE
Favourite thing:
- How loud and busy her outfits are on Broadway. I like the patches a lot and it’s fun to draw her with a bunch of jewelry
- I reallly love her conversation with Jeremy on Halloween. Give me more of that
Least favourite thing:
- probably just that she gets with Jeremy in the end. I actually really like stagedorks I think they’re so cute buuuut yeah. Cute friends!
- Musical Christine is also very manic pixie dream girl, you know? I think if she had more time to be a little more human I’d like her ten times more.
Favourite line:
- “No this is where you meet for the swim team..” CHRISTINE!! Mean! AJJFAJBA
- Michael and Christine I want them to be friends sooooo bad you have no idea. Reference point for their friendship is them in Stammer. I love Stammer
- I think it has to be stagedorks. She and Jeremy should mostly be friends but if she’s dating anyone I think they’re so sweet. Am I being influenced by my love for Jeremy? Probably
- I feel like this is more of a 2017 fandom thing but Christine and Jenna? People shipped them right? Im just not a fan of that
- I actually don’t ship Christine with anyone in a major way..
Random Headcanon:
- She’s an only child.
- Doesn’t really cry about like anything. She CAN cry as an acting choice but otherwise does not
- I need to think about Christine more often I’m so sorry that’s all I’ve got
Unpopular opinion:
- I think I prefer book/play Christine
Song I Associate with Them:
- World’s Smallest Violin - AJR
-This song is like fast and fun. That’s kinda Christine!
-Thinking about Christine as trying to be totally okay all the time because other people have worse stuff going on and relatively she’s doing great. Imposter syndrome and feeling inadequate but needing to be on top of things to not let other people down. I think that kind of mentality leads her to being disregarded as someone with feelings. Like she puts a lot of effort into not being a part of anyone’s problems that she becomes an object people are vying for. She gets one chance to open up and vent like a person and Jeremy still ends up ASKING HER OUT. (“Let me play my violin for you”) It would be nice if she was allowed to complain or be a PERSON around her friends, but they keep disregarding her and trying to date her, and maybe that’s fine because it’s not like she’s REALLY suffering or anything (“Somewhere someone’s got it worse”)
Fav photo:
-I couldn’t choose between these two. I just love this scene in the London production so much. Oh my god Christine <3
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And here’s Christine from my sketchbook if you’ve made it this far. I need to draw her more
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crayolacolor · 7 months
simon infinitytrain?
send me a character and i'll list the below things about them | accepting!
HELLO ANON. i do not know if you'll ever see this because it took me ten years, but here i am, answering you.
fun fact: simon infinity train is the reason i have a disclaimer about me getting attached to tragic antagonists in my pinned post. so you can probably make an educated guess what i like about him.
he's just. such a well written character. i love how his negative character development was contrasted against grace's positive character development. i love how the writers did a really good job of making him infuriating and sympathetic at the same time.
i'll go more into my thoughts on him in a later section, but yeah, the tl:dr is he really just is my character type hahaha.
he's just a really complex character and imo the writers nailed that.
okay well, this answer changes depending on if you mean from a writing perspective or a 'him as a person' perspective. from a writing perspective, 100/10, no notes. i can't think of anything i disliked.
from a PERSON perspective. episode 6 makes me want to murder this man <3 i want to put tape over his mouth every time he speaks in that episode. it's somehow WAY worse than when he's just straightup being an over-dramatic anime villain at the end of the season.
oh there are many. i need to rewatch again. but the ones that live in my brain rent free are ALL after his downward spiral begins:
"teamwork begins with two people trusting eachother. but you? you're no person." dramatic effect. extremely traumatizing for everybody who's ever watched this show. 10/10
"i liked what we had, but you made me do it! you betrayed the apex. and you betrayed me." again, dramatic effect. really gives you a feel for what's going on in his head, i think. 10/10
"why would i ever want to change if i'm always right!?" iconic. i think this is the one people remember the most from him, along with the one from ep 5.
BROTP & OTP (combining because my answer is the same for both):
grace. lol. full stop. hopefully i don't have to explain that i am VERY AWARE that their relationship was unhealthy in many, MANY ways. that is what i like about it. i'm a huge fan of messy relationships in fiction. i am a self proclaimed angst fiend.
the tragedy of it all is 100% the appeal of it for me, from either a platonic OR romantic standpoint. i love that. and yes, i do ship them to an extent- but NOT in the "i think they should have gotten together in canon" way. again, the angst is the appeal!!
i admit i do also enjoy aus where they fix their relationship, but not INSTEAD of the canon, more so in ADDITION to the canon. i think it's a fun alternate route to explore, but i deeply adore what the infinity train writers did with them in the show and that will not be changing.
literally any of the protags from the previous seasons. y'all, simon and grace are 18. you can't be shipping them with the 13-14 year olds. please stop. (nobody here! i mostly see this on ao3, honestly.)
i think simon has been back to the cat multiple times in secret.
i really like the theory that he got some of the apex's tech from her. the main thing i have to support this is this line from the episode where he returns to her cabin in book 3:
"i knew you'd have something. you always do."
particularly i think there's a good chance he got the unmodified gravity boots from her (and likely modified them himself) and possibly also the number tracker.
oh i'm sure a lot of what i've already said has been an unpopular opinion, haha. i'm one of those people that's so in the middle in a debate that both sides of it have reasons to disagree with me.
i really like simon. he and grace are my favorite characters in the show. there are parts where i feel really bad for him, and parts where i want to yell at him and hit him over the head with a very large stick.
i see his death as a tragedy in universe, but also a really good writing choice on the part of the infinity train crew.
i don't think they secretly had a scheme to make us dislike him. i think it was written in such a way that it makes sense that some people would have a viscerally negative reaction to him, and others wouldn't. he's a very complex character and that's good writing!!!
i think the tragedy was the point, which is something both people who like him and people who hate him seem to completely overlook in a lot of cases. it's either "woohoo! simon died!" or "killing simon was bad writing he should have been redeemed >:/" not "oh this is really sad but i love it from a story perspective."
i don't think he was "irredeemable", per-say. the fact is, he was faced with a pivotal choice in episode five, and he picked the wrong one. he chose to double-down. i love that. i really do. i love the downward spiral. it's painful in the best way. i would not change the canon show for the world. again, 100/10, no notes.
but i can also see a universe where he made the right choice. i was writing a fic about that, once. (which admittedly has some characterization issues which i would fix if i tried it again.) i think it was possible. and i think that's a fun route to explore too. not a better route from a writing standpoint, but a good one.
i have so many more thoughts but this has already gotten really long, and i have two more questions to go, lol. but if you want to hear anymore you're free to send me another ask about it!
but, for now, moving on.
someone else on tumblr pointed out that "the moon will sing" by the crane wives is a good fit for simon @ grace and now i can't unhear it.
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anime villain simon my beloved.
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sammisafetypin · 1 month
if i send Henryk for the character ask will you hurt me
Sexuality Headcanon: You know what? I’ll be bold. I think Henryk is a bisexual icon. He just seems like the type of guy that messed around in college and doesn’t reaaaaally label himself, talks about hot girls all day but like the fellas aren’t too bad either if you know what I mean bow chicka wow wow.
Gender Headcanon: I DONT KNOW MAN. THATS HENRYK. I think he’s very simply cis and doesn’t really know what being transgender is besides like, seeing Bugs Bunny crossdressing. Has it explained to him and is quiet for a very long minute during which you’re afraid he’s going to say something wicked transphobic and then he just goes “OK I’m still a guy I decided :)” and goes back to his grill.
A ship I have with said character: Henryk is probably the only character that does not actively annoy me in some way to see shipped with Pav. Sorry to all the Pav guys. It’s not you. It’s Pav. Anyway, I think the idea of him dragging Henryk around for free food because he thinks he’s too good for the shitty barrel meat pies is really funny, and funnier still if Henryk is like “whoa……….. a LIEUTENANT …….. I need to respect him or he might shoot me…..O_O” when Pav has only actually shot that gun like three times total and once was because a possum scared the shit out of him. They’re in a sexy soldier porno plot and neither of them know it. They keep getting into comically compromising situations and Henryk gets flustered about being stuck in a tiny elevator shaft with a B-B-BOY >////< while Pav is like Henryk If You Don’t Get Us Out Of Here I’ll Kill Us Both.
Also once I saw a picture of Abella femdomming him with a pipe wrench and it kind of affected me deeply.
A BROTP I have with said character: I saw a headcanon once about him and Daan being drinking buddies and I think that’s sweet. Henryk I imagine is very overly responsible and concerned about Daan’s drinking to the point that it’s kinda condescending, but then he gets wasted off of like one drink and Daan has to keep him from drunk cooking sweet sundae ramen because he would cry when he got sober and realized his crime. Daan is an immensely social drunk so they bounce off each other very well when buzzed and still pretty well when sober. Henryk tries to give life advice to Daan and it’s just kind of a comedy routine every time they talk. They should go on stage together they’d be a hit.
A NOTP I have with said character: Mmm, nothing really? The fact is that there’s not enough people invested in Henryk for there to be ships that I actively dislike. I think when people are overly straight about him and Abella it’s pretty lame and annoying. You can’t just play it straight with him being a womanizer you gotta have an actual dynamic going on beyond that or else it’s just kinda like “oh wow daring today aren’t we”.
A random headcanon: He’s kind of a music snob on top of being a food snob! He’s really into country, soul, that sort of thing, and very specifically swamp rock. His swamp rock opinions are vast and numerous and he’ll be damned if you say you like “everything except country music”. You HAVE to let him show you his favorites you HAVE to or he’ll get SAD.
General Opinion over said character: I’m of two minds about Henryk. One is that I’m really curious about him and the scraps of characterization we get. What’s going on with his parents? Why is melee proficiency one of his skills? Why is he so paranoid as to be capable of moonscorching on day 1, or snapping on day 3? Is it just that he’s so normal that he’s easily mentally broken, or was he paranoia-prone before? I don’t think he’s got as morbid of a backstory as like, Karin or Levi or Daan or anyone, I imagine him more on the Abella level of “has problems but doesn’t need immediate psychiatric intervention,” but I’m still curious what’s rattling around in that weird head of his. On the other hand? Henryk is inexplicably HILARIOUS to me and I LOVE the fact that he’s literally just some guy that got thrown in here amongst the most insane crowd imaginable. Watch this video and understand that it’s destroyed my friend circle. https://youtu.be/QbIOicu10P4?si=0QhsHyye_t6ahtg-
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