#oh you want my credit card info? here you go sweetheart
httpiastri · 4 months
i totally get what you meant by paul having a submissive streak... I get the vibes that he can be very very very clingy and needy and just begging for attention and to be touched with those eyes looking up with the most pure look ever😭😭😭
!!!!! you're so so so right!!!!!!!!!
like... soft paul.... i really see him going the other way too, but he does have a softer, clingy, needy side... he is just so deeply in love with you and he adores you so much that he'll be needing your attention at all times. he loves feeling your touch, your presence, your eyes on him.
your fingers in his hair make him melt, his eyes fluttering closed at the feeling as his whole face just relaxes, a soft smile playing on his lips. when you wake up in bed together, there's just no way you're getting out before the afternoon – his arms will be wrapped around you and they will stay that way, holding you close and brushing his lips against your forehead.
i think he also enjoys being teased, like not overly much but a little bit. when you lean in to kiss him but pause just a millimeter away, he'll go crazy because the reward of then finally getting to kiss you is just too good <3
and when you're not giving him the attention he wants? the submissive look in his eyes, oh my... if he's finally back from a rough race weekend and he just wants cuddles, but you're busy studying, he'll try all of his tricks to lure you away from it so you can focus just on him. and he's def got a few tricks up his sleeve 🤭
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||Temeplate credit to @video-space !! ||
Name: Leilani christan ormsby/thistlewaite
Pronouns: he/him
Weapon/fighting style of choice: Paddles/ Bats
-"Well hello, mind for a talk James?"
-"Hopkins! Greetings, a moment of your time please?"
-"Jimmy, can we speak?"
-"James, How are you?"
Saying Goodbye:
- "I have to go check on my baby Perri, see you later James"
- "Well times ran out, I have to hear another phone call from my mother."
- "I best be going, my designs aren't going to finish themselves!"
-"Fare well Hopkins, I have to catch a gift from my Fathers' in the office about now"
- "Get back here, you, you doormat!!"
- "Once I catch you, you'll be hearing from three lawyers!"
-"Stop running, face me coward!"
Out of breath:
- "I'm wasting time, you're lucky I have plans today.."
- "No..Wait till I catch my breath then you'll be unlucky.."
-"Oh! My side! Heavens I need to run more.."
Walking around talking to themself:
- "My Daddies won't stop sending me hideous sweaters!"
- "Sometimes I wish I did come out a girl just so my mother would leave me alone about the subject"
- "Dresses aren't that bad to wear, mommy used to make me wear them when I was small! Maybe they're just tad itchy is all.."
- "Would life for me be much better if i was born a girl, well maybe for mommy's life.."
- "Having two dads ain't so bad as mommy always told me.."
- "My Daddy isn't as bossy as Mommy, I wish she'd get boys are more better than girls"
- "Only good gift I've gotten from my Daddies is Perri, no boy could replace him when it comes to those nights.."
-"Perri is what's keeping me from giving into my mothers wishes of what she wants"
-"Perri is like a baby to me, speaking of, I should go down to buy him treats"
-"My Mother says kissing boys here is dangerous, I think the only good advice she's given my entire life"
-"Maybe lower class boys can be handsome, well MAYBE can at least.."
- "Did your Mother ever make you say you were a girl?"
- "You know those rubber things in the small packages? I don't think it's gum.."
- "You know James, you are cute but I wish you dressed less poor so if we were seen together my parent's would suspect a thing!"
- "I think I have Scoliosis, I've been forgetting a lot of things"
- "When I was little I found this strange collar in my Daddies' room, I'm still wondering if they were gonna get me a puppy."
- "What do you normally shop for James?"
- "Do you think when you drink blue punch, your pee is blue? I swear some toilets suspiciously have Blue in them"
- "My mommy had a small dog named Lily when I was 7, she liked dirt, reminds me of the jar of dirt I used to make a dirt mountain in the living room when she strangely vanished.."
Conversation Response:
- "Oh my."
- "Indeed."
-"Quite interesting, may you say more."
- "Undertsable, I get that."
- "Couldn't get that, but I will try."
- "Maybe for once boys dressed nice I'd kiss them!"
- "I wish my Mommy would lay off, only if I had the guts!"
- "God dammit, I stepped in gum!I think I'm gonna cry…"
- "Perri accidentally pooped on my arm when I was chatting with a cute boy, I cant believe he'd do me like this!"
- "My last pair of underwear is once again missing! These pants are really not soft, think I'm getting another rash on my- you know where!"
Unknown/Cut Dialogue:
- "It is normal to faint five times after a hot shower?"
- "My Mother is getting on my back after that date with one of the bullies, wish she got that he actual showers?"
- "What the hell is a V card, is there letter cards I never heard about? And why do people always take them?"
- Sometimes I'll be doing something but blink and find myself on the floor, I don't get what the nurse means by neurocardiogenic syncope? Is that like a sleep thing?"
-"I have 10 brothers, no wonder my mom wanted me to be a girl"
Starting fight with Cliques:
- "God, I hope your pimples don't pop during a punch!"
- "Bet you fight like you dress, poorly!"
- "You nothing more than pennies on the ground!"
- "Come at me you heathens!"
- "I'll be washing my hand when I'm done with you!"
- "Under all that leather is nothing more but a walking non-sqeak door canister!"
- "Don't slip on your hair gel when you get a run start!"
-"Fast food places use less grease than you put in your hair!"
- "You may have brains, but i know you dont have brawl!"
- "You're weaker than my baby cousin!"
- "You're gonna wish you keep that nose in a book!"
- "Hope you like not seeing for a week, four eyes!!"
- "Keep those sweaty hands away from me!"
- "Smells like wet jockstrap!"
- "Come at me you Sport freaks!"
-"Football dont teach you punching skills!"
- "Glad bullworth doenst have you in it"
- "Proud Derby dont waste money on you!"
- "Ready to get a taste of Bullworth!"
- "I'd sue you but I dont think you have enough money to even pay for a parking hours at the cournt house!"
Requesting an errand:
- "James, If you do this thing for me maybe you can buy better clothes?"
- "Quite an heavens call, Hopkins I need help!"
- "Speak of the devil, James I need a errand please, help one out"
- "Jimmy dearest, mind getting em a few things? I'll pay extra!"
Friendly Comments:
- "Good evening James, you look stunning for once!"
- "Proper clothes, Hopkins I'm quite shocked"
- "Jimmy, ya know Perri doesnt find you all that bad?"
- "James, you make me question if some boys do have have taste here"
Unfriendly Comments:
- "Whered you find those? Bottom of your moms drawer?"
- "At least I have two daddies"
- "Move aside, I dont need to waste my eyesight on you punk"
- "The only thing thatd describe you is what you find vomited near the dumpster melted in the pavement"
Demanding flowers:
- "Maybe a little something can make me not mind your clothes?"
- "A gift would be nice if you really cared"
- "Honey, if you didnt have the fashion to ask me out, do you have the gift to make up for it?"
After receiving flowers:
- "I hope you checked for spiders, I might cry"
- "Well, i mean, clothes arent all that important right now.."
- "Quite nice of you James, ain't you a sweetheart?"
Before kissing:
- "I quite flattered, come here baby"
- "A kiss?Been awhile since a nice boy asked me this"
- "Let me see what's it like to kiss boys like you"
- "Oh James, I quite enjoyed that"
- "You know, maybe if your open tonight, I can measure some designs on you?"
- "I now get what Gord means"
- "We cant hold hands, I dont want any longer calls with my mother, BUT James I do appreciate this"
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Tags: //Honestly i dont know who to tag 😔// @video-space @gordvendomewhore
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peteywillproceed · 4 years
The Devil In Disguise - Part 1
A/N: Hi guys, wow this has been a long time coming! I’ve been writing this whilst being sick in bed, so I hope it’s not that terrible! As always, I hope you like it, constructive feedback is appreciated, and if you wanna be added to the taglist just send me an ask! x
Summary:  Y/n belongs to The Circle, a criminal gang known for its ruthlessness and brutality. Given a mission to kill Spiderman, Y/n attends Midtown High undercover to seek him out, not intending to feel more for one of her new friends than she should. Meanwhile, Spiderman must deal with the increasingly dangerous Huntress, never suspecting her true identity might hit closer to home than he could ever believe…
Word Count: 4,150 (the very defintion of getting carried away!)
The New York skyline glittered in front of you as you stepped into the street and the sun began to rise. Ribbons of orange and yellow light were scattered through panels of glass lining the roads, buildings stretching so far into the sky you had to squint to see the tops. The acrid smell of smoke from exhaust pipes burnt the insides of your nostrils, but the feeling was so new, so exciting, that you barely thought about it, choosing instead to glide along the pavements as horns honked and the city came alive.
All it had taken was a three-hour flight from Minnesota and awkward introductions to your cover family for you to get here; now it was Monday, the first day back for the kids at Midtown Tech, and your first day period. Your school bag felt foreign on your shoulders, the weight of textbooks and assigned reading an alien feeling. You’d almost ignored the homework, like you’d always done when your dad tried to assign you extra reading for your training.
But you knew if you wanted to fit in, the bad girl image you’d worked so hard to create over the years wasn’t going to work, so instead you’d stuffed the suit Brenton had given you into the dark depths of the bag and buried it with chemistry. Begrudgingly, you’d cast an eye over the pages in an attempt to figure out what you’d be expected to do at this school, and you hadn’t understood a word. How Brenton had wangled your entrance to the best science school in the country was truly a mystery.
You swung through the gates and pushed your sunglasses up on your head, ignoring the surprised looks from students who weren’t used to newbies. You winked at one of the boys staring with his mouth open and spat the gum you’d been chewing into the nearest bin, catching yourself before you let yourself go too much. You were Brooke Loader, chemistry nerd and all around good girl, whose wardrobe consisted solely of grey cardigans and granny skirts. You weren’t Y/n L/n anymore, and you had to be careful.
“Excuse me?” you caught a guy’s shoulder as he rushed past you and looked up at him through your lashes. “Can you tell me where B27 is?”
“You’re new?” the guy ran his eye over you questioningly “I’m Flash.”
“Err, nice to meet you. But I’m really just looking for homeroom.”
Flash nodded, a smirk appearing on his face. “That’s round the corner, good luck with Harrington.”
Without another word he spun on his feet and disappeared into the throng of students that had appeared in the corridor. You glanced down the hallway he’d pointed to and noticed a bunch of kids streaming into a classroom, figuring that was where you needed to be. You glanced at your watch, noting you were perfectly late, and strode towards the door.
“Ahh, Miss Loader, I was wondering when you were going to show up,” a voice dripping with sarcasm drawled as you poked your head through. You glanced up at the male voice and saw the guy you guessed was Mr Harrington, giving him a small wave as you stood awkwardly in the door. You’d never played the quiet, unsure girl, and it was taking all your energy to bite back your retort.
“Well, please take a seat. There’s one next to MJ,” he pointed towards a girl with long, brown hair, whose head was buried in a book. As you swung into the seat, you clocked the title and leaned over to whisper to her.
“To Kill A Mockingbird? That’s my favourite.” Of course it wasn’t, you’d never read the stupid thing. But it was Brooke’s favourite.
MJ raised her eyebrows, squinting as she tried to make you out. Her gaze was so penetrating that for one, awful minute you thought she’d figured you out and your cover was already blown. But a smile soon spread across her face and she closed the book.
“Mine too,” she nodded, reaching her hand out “MJ.”
“Brooke,” you grinned, glad you’d got through to her. You glanced nervously towards the front of the class, but Mr Harrington was busy at his computer and you reckoned it was probably safe to talk.
“So, you’re new then, how’d that happen? It’s senior year.”
“Parents moved,” you shrugged, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear “guess they just couldn’t leave me behind.”
It was a simple cover, but MJ burst into laughter and your joke, earning herself an annoyed look from Harrington. “What’s your specialty?”
“Chemistry. But I gotta be honest, I didn’t really think I’d get in here.”
“Really?” MJ raised an eyebrow “why’s that?”
“I bombed the entrance tests,” you pretended to look ashamed, glancing back down at your desk “I kind of feel like I don’t belong.”
“Don’t be stupid, what have you got next? The bell goes soon and I can walk you there.”
“Wow, thanks. Err, I think I have History,” you pointed at the print out of the timetable you’d grabbed from reception and MJ smiled.
“Me too. You’ve got lunch the same period as me and my friends, I’ll introduce you guys. You’ll meet more friendly faces like that.”
You didn’t know why you felt so relieved, you hadn’t been worried about making friends, but there was something about MJ that made you want to impress her, even if you were lying through your teeth to do it.
The bell rang, a screeching sound you definitely had not been prepared for, and MJ laughed as your hands flew over your ears. “Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it.”
“It’s like a fucking banshee,” you muttered, eyes widening as you realised what you’d just said. Brooke Loader definitely didn’t swear. “I..I mean…”
“Brooke, chill, you can swear, I don’t care!”
“Oh okay,” you took a breath, bracing yourself for anymore slip ups. You’d been here less than half an hour, and already you were royally screwing up the only job Brenton had ever entrusted you with.
As MJ walked with you to your next class, you chatted animatedly about the city and everything there was to do. You kept trying to slip in Spiderman, but she brushed off any mention of the superhero, and changed the conversation back to what you’d been talking about originally. She didn’t seem like the kind of girl who’d be interested in what celebrities got up to anyway, and you made a mental note to try and bring him up in a different way.
At last, the class started and you could lose yourself in rudimentary history you’d never cared about. There was way too much bias in the subject, you remembered one of your tutors telling you, and the only thing you could learn from a class like that was just how dedicated they were to the government. You scribbled notes like your hand was on fire, staying as quiet as you could, but none of what you wrote down was what the teacher was lecturing. Instead, you made a plan of attack for finding more about the webslinger you’d been assigned to take out.
You seriously doubted that any of the students knew his identity, and even if they did they weren’t just going to outright tell you. No, you had to be sneaky here, and you had to bring it up subtly. You decided that, every chance you got, you’d slip in a question relating to Spiderman that would be innocuous enough. After all, why wouldn’t you be curious? You’d just moved to the city that was home to an Avenger!
When the final bell rang, you knew exactly what you had to do. A buzz in your pocket let you know you had a text, the only possible source the burner phone Brenton had given you before you’d left.
‘Status report’
You rolled your eyes. Jesus, you’d been here less than twenty four hours, what did the man expect? Full details of identity and credit card info?
‘Give me a chance. My bed’s barely gone cold.’
Hoping the response was snappy enough to get him off your case, all you had to do now was pray your plan of action worked - if it didn’t, you didn’t want to think about what the consequences might be.
“Guys, this is Brooke,” MJ introduced you to the circle of people crowded round one of the cafeteria tables who stared at you like you were the last sandwich at the picnic.
“Hi,” you smiled, casting your eye over them. They were all the same age, and at least you recognised one. Flash was leaning back in his chair, his feet kicked up on the table with a wicked glint in his eye.
“Hey sweetheart, find homeroom alright then?”
“You’re friends with him?” you raised an eyebrow in MJ’s direction and she stifled a laugh.
“Not really, he just hangs around because he can’t convince anyone else to put up with him.”
“Now that makes sense.” Flash rolled his eyes at your comment, but you simply took a seat in front of a brown, curly haired boy who hadn’t taken his eyes off you. “Brooke,” you introduced yourself “nice to meet you.”
“Pe…Peter,” he stumbled, and you bit back a smile. Somebody wasn’t used to talking to girls, you thought, spying the awkward rub of sweaty palms against jeans. He was kind of cute, in a nerdy, never had sex kind of way – his jumper was ruffled and his hair was a mess, none of that nasty gel stuff you’d seen in the movies. He didn’t seem that sure of himself, too busy clutching a pen between his fingers as he scribbled what looked like equations into a book.
“And I’m Ned,” the other guy interrupted, and you mentally shook yourself. You were here for one thing and one thing only, and it wasn’t to be going after guys.
“Nice to meet you, Ned,” you nodded, scooping up some of the brown sludge you’d had slopped on your plate by a slightly grumpy cafeteria lady. “God, the food really isn’t good anywhere is it?”
“Just wait until you try the lasagne,” Peter laughed, suddenly animated. “I’m pretty sure they use cardboard instead of pasta.”
“Good to know,” you smiled, itching to change this conversation into something more interesting. Luckily, MJ swooped in with the perfect question, and you knew exactly how to work that to your advantage.
“So Brooke, what do you like about New York so far?” she asked, and you pretended to think.
“Well, I’ve not seen that much, but I hear Spiderman lives here,” you shot a conspiring look at MJ who shifted uncomfortably in her suit “he’s pretty cool.”
“Uh, yeah,” Ned coughed, and suddenly the atmosphere grew a lot tenser than it had been twenty seconds ago. That was odd, you thought – for a city so hung up on having its own Avenger, these people seemed…awkward. Why? What did they have to hide?
“Do you see him on the streets?” You asked breezily, happily tucking into your food as you felt eyes burning your skin.
“Err, well, he’s pretty busy I guess,” MJ coughed, and you glanced over at Peter who’d remained suspiciously quiet throughout the whole conversation.
“Wha- oh, uh, Spiderman? Yeah, uh, he’s cool, he’s a cool dude,” Peter stuttered, turning bright red. You were feeling the second hand embarrassment here, and you wanted to scream.
“Do you guys just not like him or something?” you tried to play your comment off, laughing and flipping your hair, but the tension was still thick in the air and you cursed yourself for alienating them already. It was pretty clear they knew more than they let on.
“No, no, nothing like that,” Flash grinned “it’s just he’s only usually about at night so none of us really know that much about him. People make out that he’s Queens’ little superhero but he’s an Avenger, he’s not really hanging about on the streets.”
You nodded, stuffing your face with the disgusting mash before you could say anything else. Another beep in your pocket and you turned away from the group, letting them dive back into their own conversations whilst you slid the burner phone out of your pocket.
Need you to go to Warehouse tonight. Pick up a package and keep it safe. Address to follow.
You let the words wash over you, processing what they meant, and bit back the squeal that threatened to erupt. Finally, you got to go and do something – these people might not be giving you anything, but at least the mission wasn’t completely boring.
“What ya doing?” a voice interrupted your thoughts, and on instinct you slammed the phone into your pocket. Peter cocked at eyebrow in surprise and you let out a little gasp.
“Err, nothing, just, uh, texting my mum.”
“Oh yeah? About what? Plans for world domination?” He smiled at you, and it was so endearing that you couldn’t stop yourself from smiling back. Brown hair curled around his ears and he pushed his glasses further up his nose as he stared at you, making you laugh as he crossed his eyes and pulled a stupid face.
“Something like that,” you finally replied as the bell signalling the end of lunch rang through the cafeteria.
“Hey, what have you got next? Let me walk you to class.”
You were taken aback by Peter’s offer, and were half tempted to refuse him before you remembered how flustered he’d become over the mere mention of Spiderman. Maybe there was something there…
“Sure,” you said, dumping the remainder of your food in the bin. “Spanish, but I can’t speak a single word of it.”
“Ahh, it’s not that hard, sneak Google Translate in if you have to.”
“Didn’t peg you for a cheater, Parker.”
“Didn’t peg you for a Chemistry specialty, but here we are.”
You placed a hand over your heart, mock offended, and rolled your eyes. “You wound me. Only Spiderman can save me now.”
“I’m sure Spiderman would love to,” Peter replied, exaggerating the ‘love’ a little more than you liked.
“I hear he’s rumoured to be a high school student,” you wiggled your eyebrows, spotting your opportunity. Your little risk had been worth it though, because suddenly Peter looked like he’d been caught in headlights, and his entire body went rigid in shock.
“What?” he asked, panic lacing his voice.
“Oh you haven’t heard?” the faux innocence in your voice was annoying even you, but you bit your lip and got on with it, knowing this was the only way to get the information you needed. Stumbling upon these guys was a stroke of luck in your eyes, they seemed to know a hell of a lot about the webslinger. “Yeah, he’s rumoured to be a student here.”
“Yeah, no no, I heard that,” Peter shook himself a little, but started chewing on his lip. Your eyes were drawn to the way his teeth nibbled the skin, but you snapped out of your reverie as he waved a hand in your face. “Y/n?”
“I’m sorry, what did you say?” you smiled, hoping that would make you look less like an idiot. Jesus, you just needed to get on with the job.
“I just said, do you think you’ll be able to find your way to your class? I’ve just remembered I’ve gotta go…sort something out.”
“Oh, yeah, sure, of course,” you nodded, confused as to why Peter was suddenly running off. You hadn’t said anything that crazy, and you hoped you hadn’t offended him. But then again, so what if you had? It wasn’t like you were going to be here much longer anyway.
“Awesome, thanks!” Peter called over his shoulder, but it was pointless because he was already tearing off down the hallway.
You were smart enough to figure out wherever he was going was probably related to the person you were trying to kill, but following him felt…creepy. You’d just met this guy, and even though he may very well have been your best lead, it still felt wrong to tail him round the whole of New York. Instead, you made a mental note to run a background check as soon as you got in that evening, and tried to pretend yourself that you weren’t in the least bit interested in the results for anything other than work reasons.
It was late when you finally got to the warehouse Brenton had sent you to that night. You’d been meaning to leave well before eight, but your host family had insisted upon dinner, and it wasn’t like you could tell them you had to run an errand. You ended up getting there just past midnight, and you cursed yourself for not texting Brenton – what if the person delivering the package had gone home? What if they just hadn’t bothered?
You were dressed head to toe in the stealth suit that had been specially made for you, and you had to admit you absolutely loved it. You’d been expecting it to fit baggy in all the places it should’ve been tight, but whoever had made it clearly knew what they were doing – the carbon fibre fit snuggly and the vibranium swords strapped to your back were as light as they were deadly.
Sneaking into the warehouse, you shone your torch around the building, quickly realising it was abandoned. Whatever company used to operate here had long since packed up and left, but small traces of the operation still lingered with pieces of alien tech scattered around the floor.
“You’re late,” a gravelly voice said, and you spun to find the source. The beam from your torch landed on a figure hovering in the shadows, and you rolled your eyes at the theatre.
“Oh cut the dramatics. Code word.”
“Heretic,” the gravelly voice replied, confirming the code name you’d been told to expect “And you?”
The figure moved out of the shadows and clicked his fingers. Immediately, white light filled the echoing warehouse, lights flicking on everywhere, so bright you could see every cobweb. You covered your eyes on reflex, forgetting how vulnerable it made you, and blinked hard at the sudden change.
“I have some information for you,” Heretic said, and you crossed your arms in annoyance.
“I thought it was a package.”
“That too. But first: Spiderman knows you’re after him. Our sources say he found a hitman had been dispatched once he took down the Manhattan Chapter.”
“He’s probably expecting an old, white man. Doesn’t put me in any danger, he can’t see my face in this,” you shrugged, grateful for the inclusion of a mask in your suit.
“Do they train all the young recruits to be this cocky?” The man sighed, and you let out a hollow laughed.
“Only the bosses’ daughters.” You had plenty of this, the assumption that because you were a young lady you paled in comparison to what older men could accomplish. It was just the way The Circle was, but you were sick of constantly being underestimated. “Just give me the package.”
The man started digging around in his pockets and produced a small, crumpled packet of wrinkled brown paper. An ethereal, purple glow seeped out from the corners he’d failed to wrap, and you knew instantly what it was. You reached out to take it, but before you could, a line of sticky rope shot down from above you and snatched it from the man’s palm.
“That doesn’t belong to you,” a voice said.
Your head snapped upward, your hand flying to your sword as recognition switched on in your mind. Didn’t you know that voice from somewhere? Red and blue spandex swung from one of the lights, and the masked man was waving cheerily from his perch. Heretic started to run, not getting far before he was pinned against a wall in a fresh web, and you rolled your eyes – and he thought you’d been cocky.
“Actually, it does belong to me, and I’d like it back.” You turned your attention back to Spiderman, who let go of the light he swung from and dropped down to the floor, landing almost silently. He tossed the package lazily in his hand, his head cocked as though he had no idea of the power that tiny object held.
“I think you’ll find it belongs to the United States Government, but I’m sure they’d be willing to lend it to you if you ask nicely,” he shrugged, and you bared your teeth, thankful that you’d switched your voice modifier on well before you’d arrived. He, however, hadn’t, if he even had one, and the familiarity of the voice was starting to get on your nerves.
“I really don’t give a shit about semantics, give me back my package.”
“Why don’t you come and get it?” He dangled the challenge in front of you, waiting for you to take the bait, and even though every fibre in your body told you not to, pure instinct won over.
You started running towards him, leaping into the air and flipping yourself high over his head. As you arced over his body, your hand shot out to grab his mask, but he ducked at the last second and your fingers just grazed with the material. You hit the ground and slid along the concrete, looking up just in time to roll away from a web grenade.
“Come on, Spidey, you can do better than that,” you panted, wanting to hear him talk more. If he did, maybe you’d have a better chance at placing him.
He seemed frustrated by your comment, suddenly becoming a lot more energetic, and threw himself towards you. It was a mistake you’d been expecting, and within half a second you’d brought your knife out and thrown it towards his lunging body. The aim was crap, but it caught his side, and he hit the ground with a thud.
You started toward him, sword in hand to finish the job, a smirk on your face as you ran through everybody you’d met so far and their voices, desperate to figure out which one matched, when all of a sudden Spidey’s hand shot out from underneath him, and you were caught by a flying web that threw you back against the wall. Your head cracked against the concrete, and stars swam before your eyes, threatening to make you pass out as black tinged the edges of your vision.
“Is that good enough for you?” he asked, walking slowly towards you. He was clutching his side and you could just make out a river of blood dribbling from a wound you’d caused. “What’s your name?”
“Huntress,” you bit out, regaining your senses and starting to kick against the web fluid.
“I wouldn’t bother, that stuff won’t dissolve for another two hours,” he shrugged, collapsing to the floor. “Plenty of time to chit chat.”
“I don’t really want to engage in conversation thanks,” you hoped the acid was enough to throw him off guard, and he threw his hands up in defence.
“Hey, lady, you’re the one that tried to kill me, not the other way around.” When you didn’t respond, he continued. “I’d really like to know who’s under that mask.”
“Never gonna happen, this suit’s coded to only come apart when I voice activate it to.”
“Oh, I know, I figured that out as soon as I saw it. I was just musing.”
You stopped, mouth falling open in shock. This guy had just…seen your suit, and figured out how a multi million dollar piece of tech worked? Just like that? So he was smart. No wonder he went to Mid Town Tech.
“Look, I don’t have much longer, if I don’t get home I’ll get in soooooooo much trouble. But have a nice evening!” Spiderman started to get to his feet, the whole conversation feeling surreal to you, and you called out to him.
“Wait! Don’t think this will be the last you’ve heard of me!”
He shrugged in response, pulling the package out of a hidden pocket and turning it over in his hand. “Now that I believe.”
All at once, he was gone, swinging out of the warehouse and leaving you trapped in his web. You tried to wrestle one of your swords from your back, but it was impossible to even move your wrist. Grumbling in defeat, you let your head fall back against the wall and grimaced at the pain. This was all so ridiculous, he shouldn’t have even been able to touch you, let alone pin you up against a bloody wall. You’d let your guard slip because you thought his voice had sounded familiar, and you’d got excited that maybe you’d already run into him.
Next time, you wouldn’t be so stupid.
@jinxfanfics @zabdisamor @jillanaholland @ihopethatwemeetinanotherlife
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darktammy · 5 years
New Rose in my Womb (Part 6)
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Tag: @beenlovingromansincedayoneish @balorbarnes @bluepunkrock @instantbouquetdestinysblog @imaginexwwe @wwesarahjaneroszko @dutchywutchywutchy @drxcleaner @thelonelunatic @thatwrestlingfan91 @theneverendingthirst @ambrollinsbabe @ambrollinsbabe @ambrosiac1993 @sassybrose @sausagefest1996 @purpleskiesandcherrypies @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk @missdonna18
You had a smile on your face as you walk into your new home, not gonna lie seeing your daughter Jane in your arms put a smile on your face. You look over to see Dean setting up Jane’s bedroom. You see that smile on his face as he made sure the color was right and her name was on the wall just right. You walk into the kitchen still holding Jane in your arms you had a bottle already made. You pick it up ready to feed her until you felt the bottle snatch out of your hand you look back to see Dean. “I got her babe just go relax you been up since 4 in the morning.” Dean took her out of your arms as he kiss you on the lips you smiled as you walk back into the living room and sat down on the couch.
Dean sat down next to you holding while feeding Jane, that smile had not went away ever since he found out he was the father. You remember that night when you woke up you look over to see Dean setting in the chair holding her close to his heart. “Now Jane I want you to know once when you get back home I’ll have a room set up for ya. With some toys clothes all the things your going to need. As for your mommy she’s been through alot right now so were just going to give her some time right now. I know for a fact that when she was sad I know you could feel it, but don’t you worry Jane you and mommy are now safe because I’m here now.” Dean had a smile on his face while holding her close. “I’m sorry sir but visiting hours are over it’s time to go.” One of the nurses told Dean. He smiled as he gave Jane a kiss on her little forehead handing putting Jane back in her little crib like bed they had for her. “I’ll see you in the morning Jane, me you and mommy get to go home tomorrow.” He smiled as kisses Jane one last time  then he walk over to your bed you close your eyes as you felt him kiss you on the top of your head, then Dean and the nurse walk out of the room.
Once the door was close you sat up in your bed, you look over to see your baby girl Jane in her little crib sleeping. You got out of bed looking out the window to see Dean getting to Romans car as it drove off. You look around seeing a closet in the room, opening it to see extra clothes from Roman and Glina, as you look down you saw a car seat and some baby clothes for your daughter. “Thank you Glina for the stuff.” You said as you got dress after a few minutes you got Jane dress in her little cute pink onesies with jeans and hat outfit. You laid her down in her car seat then you took the big duffel bag and start to pack it up with the rest of the baby stuff that the hospital gave you. Once you open the door to your room you walk out with the bag over your body and your daughter in her car seat. You made it to the front desk as you look around asking for someone to let you leave. “Excuse young lady you can’t leave now.” You look at the nurse. “No I’m fine please I just need to go home now my mother she’s sick.” The nurse nodded her head as she gave you a clipboard to sigh then she look down at Jane as she remove a little alarm off her little arm. “If you walk out then the alarm would have gone off.” The nurse said. You laugh as you thank her. You turn and speed walk out of the hospital.
You made it to a hotel for the rest of the night. You had Jane in her car seat for now since they didn’t have a crib for her. “Oh baby once were out of the wind off to California we go. We can start a new life out there just you and me. Away from your father Kenny because his’ crazy.” Jane start to coo as you took out one of those little bottles of formula for her. “Yeah I know he is, but why was Dean in here talking to you? I mean I know he's not your daddy so why?” You start to feed her the bottle. You look at her with smile as you look at the time it said 2:30am you nodded as you waited until she finish then you pat her back softly until she made a burp noise. You laid her back down in her car seat then you laid down on the bed as you close your eyes to get some sleep. 
The next day you was out with your daughter looking around just to find some clothes for you and her. You remember someone else living out here in as well so you gave them call and thank god they were home. “Hey Steph it’s me Y/N?” Steph who was worried. “Oh my god where are you?” You shook your head. “I’m staying at a hotel with my daughter why?” Steph shook her head, “Ok tell me where and I’ll come and pick you up.” You told her where and waiting until you saw her in the car. She hugged you as she look at your daughter with a smile. All three of you made back to her vacation home where Hunter and there three daughters where waiting for you.
Hunter had a smile on his face one he saw you and you daughter. “Ahh so this is Jane.” He said. You nodded even though you knew she was not Deans baby. They welcome you in as they let you stay in the guest room. The rest of the day you showered as Steph took your daughter and clean her as she knew what to do. You laid in bed trying to stay awake, but you was knock out. Later on that night you hear everyone talking laughing having a good old time so you got up and headed down stairs. You made down in the living space, then everyone in the room stop talking as they saw you standing here rubbing your eyes. “Hey Steph wheres my daughter?” You look look around. “She right here in her daddy’s arms.” You froze so fast as your eyes widen to the voice of an angry man. “De...Dean?” He walk out from behind Hunter along with Seth and Roman. “How could you Y/N? How could?” You shook your head. “Dean she not your daughter, She’s Kenny’s.” Everyone in the room look at Dean. “No she not I did DNA test Y/N, Jane is mine.” Roman open the paper as he read. “In the case with Dean Ambrose with his newborn Jane sweetheart Ambrose 99.9% show he is the father.” Roman said as they all look back up at you.
You shook your head as you sat down on the stairs. “How in the world?” Seth walk up to you as he sat down next to you. “Look Y/N Kenny can’t have any kids we know because I knew a guy who pulled up some info about him and believe me it was not good.” You look at Seth confuse. “Lets just say it’s not worth your time on baby making.” You giggle a little as you look at the rest of them. “But how did you guys know I was still here?” Roman pulled out his credit card. “Hey I’m not even mad that spend that much on this things because I would have for my kids too. As long as I know you got Jane baby formula and clothes i’m cool.” Your eyes widen even more knowing that the card you use was his and not yours. Seth pat your shoulder and told you. “You know my bro Dean is still mad at you.” You look at Seth then back at Dean. “For what? For what? I thought she was Kenny’s I was going to run off with her because…” “Because you thought Jane was not my?” Dean said looking at you. Steph took Jane from Dean as he walk up to you grabbing you by the arm pulling you up. Seth stood here just in case. “Y/N I love you I want you to understand that, but you running off with Jane really?” He said looking at you.
“Do you have any idea how scared I was when I came back this morning just to found out you and her left. Uh? Do you have any idea what went threw my mind when I the doctor told me that you and Jane were gone?” You shook your head as tears start to sting your eyes. “I thought Kenny did come after you both and I thought I lost the both of you again this time forever. I know this time it would have been hard for me to found you both.” Dean said as tears started to roll down his face. You shook your head as you thought about what he said. “I wasn’t thinking about that Dean I was going to leave to California because I know my mother was going to keep me safe.” Dean shook his head, “Your a lot safer with me Y/N now please just stop and let's go home.” You shook your head. “NO! I know he's going to be here.” Dean calm you down with a kiss on your head. “Shh...baby girl listen where moving to Vegas ok I know he won’t find us there.” You hug him as you start to cry. “I’m sorry Dean I’m so sorry.” You held on together as everyone in the house start to clap.
Now here you both are in your new home in Vegas Jane in here little room as you and Dean sat on the couch watching a movie. “You know what’s funny babe?” Dean look over at you. “How in the world did they get caught in room like that?” He laugh as he put his arm around you making you lean in to him. “It’s just a movie babe plus who cares there going to found a way out i’m sure of it.” He said. Blue saw laying next to you guys until he got up then he ran up the stairs to were Jane room is. “Do you think we should follow him?” Dean shook his head, “Nah his doing what every other dog dose guard Jane.” You both laugh as the both of you watch TV once again.
On the other side
Kenny keep on walking back and forth wondering where you saw this time he really did lose his mind. “She got out of my parents house to see her mother, but how her mother they haven’t even spoke in years.” Kenny look around the apartment you both once shard. “She was mine all mine then this asshole Dean he took her from me.” Kenny sat on the floor looking around the place. Tv broken glass broken curtains rip water spilled all over the floor. “That baby she had it’s not mine I heard from Karl, it’s Dean’s baby they fucked each other just to have her.” Kenny look at the floor seeing all the pictures with you and him, all the memories you both made. “I’m going to get her back one way or another, she’s mine I need you Y/N i’m going to get you back. As for Jane I have something else in store for her.” Kenny look over at the picture.
Then next morning you was up making breakfast for Dean while he was feeding Jane with the bottle. “All ready babe.” You said handing him the plate full of pancakes with bacon and sunny side up eggs and mini fruit bowl on the side. “Thanks babe.” He said with a smile. You took Jane as you let Dean eat his breakfast. You started to pat her back softly until she burp making the both of you laugh. Dean’s phone rang you look over to see Renee you smiled as Dean answered. “Hey Renee what’s up.” You smiled as you look at Jane who eyes are open now looking around because she can hear her daddy. “What is it Jane you hear daddy?” as you giggle. Dean ended the call as he look at you. “I think we have a big problem Y/N.” You look up at Dean as your smiled drop. “What is it babe?” He look at you with a smile, looks like I’m doing the live tour so I’m going to be gone for about two weeks.” You smiled at him, “Don’t worry two weeks will be here then gone right before you know it.” You said with a smile. “Yeah you're right babe.” He said as he ate his food.
You gave Dean a kiss on his lips then he kiss Jane on the head as she start to wine because she knew her daddy was leaving. “Aww don’t worry Jane daddy will be back soon ok?” You started to rock her as you both smiled at each other. “Be safe babe please.” He laugh as he got into the taxi driving off he waved at you both. You and Jane walk back into the house and off to do mommy things with Jane.
On the road the boys Roman, Dean and Seth were putting on a show. Seth stood here with Dean as he look at him. “Hey man listen your my bro right?” Dean nodded his head. “Yeah man always.” Seth nodded as he took a deep breath. “Me and Renee are dating and I just want you to know that.’ Dean keep on jumping as he nodded his head. “Yeah ok cool.” Seth was in shock as he watch Dean. “Really man are you sure?” Dean stop jumping as he look at him. “Dude it’s alright understand something what evea the hell you do that’s you. I already got what I want and that’s Y/N and Jane. I’m complete man so do what you both want to do.” Seth smiled as he pat Dean on his back.
Kenny was walking around in the back when he saw Roman talking on his phone. “Hey Ro how’s everything?” Roman look up then he ended his called as he stood his ground. “What’s up Kenny?” Roman face never change, more like ready to murder him for what he did to you. “Oh nothing I heard Dean had a kid any idea who the women is, be you know I know it’s not Renee because she dating Seth how sad is that.” Roman just rolled his eyes as he turn away from Kenny. “I know the about Y/N, she had Dean’s baby, I know for a fact Dean ruined my life, that was should post be my child with her not him Roman, but you knew that. I know you help your brother Dean get her.” Roman stop as he look back. “What the hell are you talking about?” Kenny laugh as he start to walk up to him. “I know you, Seth, and Dean all found some way to get me to sleep with Cara.” Roman laugh as he shook his head. “Please we didn’t even know who she was until Karl said her name in the bar that night.”
Kenny start to lose his patience with Roman then he laugh. “How would your wife feel if she found out that you was sleeping around?” Roman was ready to superman punch him in the face. “What the fuck did you say about my wife?” Kenny laugh as he walk over the empty chair and sat in it. “You see Roman what if I tell your wife that you and Dean set the whole thing up for me to lose Y/N, and to lose every fucking thing I work hard for?!”  Roman keep his head up high with a grin. “You got no prof, all you did was slept with Cara that night and ended your relationship with Y/N, that all. Now if you don’t mind we have a match up next right?” Kenny laugh as he pulled out a letter handwriting by Cara herself. “I already mailed it out to Y/N she’s going to found out about everything.” Kenny said drooping the letter on metal crate. “Good luck all three of shield.” Kenny said walking away laughing. Roman pick up the letter as he read it. “Damn it.” He said. Seth, Dean and Roman all sat in the locker room as they read what it said.
Dear Y/N,
‘You may think what Kenny did was wrong, which it was but he was set up by the boys Roman Seth, Dean, Finn, Aj styles, and Luke. Finn and Luke knew about me and Kenny so it was easy for them Finn found me and told me that Kenny was looking for me so I thought maybe we can work out again. I only found out about the both you after when I meet up with him. Luke set me up to meet with Kenny in the arena that night. I want you to know Kenny was set up and so was I. Please you have to forgive Kenny take him back leave Dean he's nothing but trouble this guys set him up. Oh yeah and that night when Kenny did what he did with me Aj never stop him because he was helping Dean out. He made sure I got drunk enough to know that Kenny is a sweetheart and he would never leave me. Please look this over and take your baby Jane and get out.’
Dean’s face turn red, as he read the letter over and over again. “Hey Dean how in the hell did Cara know about your daughters name?” Roman look at Seth then back at Dean. “Yeah how the hell did she know?” Dean started to relax as he laugh. “I think I know who’s the rat in this place. We better get the boys. Looks like they need to explain what happened.” They all got up and started to look for Finn, Luke and AJ.
You woke up once again due to Jane crying again. You look over to see it was 4 in the morning you laugh as you got up heading to the kitchen just to make her bottle. Not long after you was in bed with Jane feeding her. You look at your phone to see a text.
Galina: Hey how's mommy life going?
Me: It’s fun all I need is my coffee in the morning and I’m great.
You put the phone down knowing she was still sleeping, then your phone rang as you answered it. “Hello?” Nothing so you ended the call as you look down at Jane still drinking from her bottle with her little cute self. Then your phone rang again you look at it then read unknown so you just turn off the noise from it. “I don’t answer calls unknown.” You had a smile on your face once you saw Jane was done. You pick her up as you pat her back softly once she heard her burp which made you giggle because it did kinda sound like Dean’s you walk back into her room laying her down in her crib as she want back to sleep. “Well thank you very much for waking me up now it’s coffee time.” You enter the kitchen as turn on the light just so you can make some coffee. Look up at the window you sower you saw something past your window. You shook your head because you thought it was your mind playing with you.
Once your coffee you walk back up the stairs walking past Janes bedroom with the door open. You stood there with a smile on your face watching her sleep in peace. Once you turn around and entered your bedroom you turn on the light you walk to your bed until you felt someone hit you in the back of your head making you fall to ground. You rolled over to look up to see a woman standing here in your bedroom. “Who...are you.” As you held your head from so much pain. “You left Kenny because he slept with me right? Well it’s time for you and your daughter Jane go.” You look up again this time your vision was not so blurry. “Cara!” You grab her leg right before she could walk out of your room. Then you bite her leg making her scream as she kick you. You let go as you grab the coffee mug then thrown it at her head making her fall to the ground as he held her head. “Oh you bitch am I bleeding?” You laugh as you got up. “Yeah Dean taught me a few things.” You ran as you jump on Cara making her slam her body on to the wall just so she can get you off of her.
“I don’t who taught you what, I’m here for Jane.” As she flip you over her shoulder making you land on your side screaming in pain. That’s when you heard Jane crying in her bedroom. Cara look over then back at you. “I’m taking her with me and there’s nothing you can do about it.” Those words made you angry that you got up then grab Cara by her by her leg pulling her to ground. Not to sure where the murders rage came from but you just crawl on her and start to punch her face over and over and over again until you saw her face all beat up and swollen. You look at her as you start to yell at her. “You will never take Jane from me do you understand bitch!” You said getting off of her, you got up as you walk right into Jane's room. You stop as you look at your hands covered in blood. “I will never touch you Jana not with this bloody hands.” You said to her.
It didn’t take that long for Dean to make it home to found you and Jane safe with the police in the house. “Babe, baby, baby are both ok?” Dean ran in as he drop his bag then held on to you. “Yeah I’m fine baby were fine.” You look over a Jane who was awake now that she heard her father come home. Dean pick her up from her baby swing as he held Jane and you close to him. “What happened babe tell me what happened from the beginning ok.” You nodded your head as you both sat down on couch explaining to Dean what happened.
Dean already got the idea it was Kenny and that was enough for him to lose it. “If Kenny want to fight me that’s fine, he wants to beat me to an inch of my life fine that’s all fine, but when it comes to my two girls that one who makes my world peaceful that when you cross the fucking line Kenny! Now this time this means war.”
Dean made sure you and Jane were safe before he left. You went over to Renee and Seth’s home. Once you made it Renee gave you a big hug as you handed Jane over to her. Renee smiled as she held on to Jane. “Look at you already a month old and look so cute like you father.” You laugh as you look back at Dean with a smile. “Are you sure you and boys are going to be ok?” You said, Dean hugged you as you both kisses each other. “Yeah babe we're going to be alright me and guys got some hunting to do.” You giggle as Dean slap your ass walking away from you. “Perv.” you said, “Yeah but i’m your perv dollface.” Dean gave you wink as he headed to the car with the boys. You and Renee wave the guys goodbye as they drove off. You and Renee walk back inside her home.
Little did they all know Kenny was already making plans, “Cara failed miserably and now she’s in jail for it. All she had to so was one thing just little fucking thing and that’s it. It don’t matter now I know where they both at and guess Renee can go alone with the ride. After all she is friends with them right?” Kenny had an evil smile as he laugh.
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bloojayoolie · 5 years
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Apparently, Children, and Click: gloria ID# 67948 @ Manhattan ACC Glorla is a cute Ittle grey mouse who loves to be in company. She is al wiggly at her door, leashed in no time and ready for treats and fun. A little sweetheart in need of TLC as her past might not have been a "piece of cake" 5 yrs old 45 lbs TO BE KILLED 8/22/19 ~ Gray beauty Gloria is still here! How could you resist those ears! ~ A $500 stipend will be offered to the New Hope partner that pulls Gloria. Meet Gloria! This fun loving, social gal is looking for her forever family! A volunteer writes: Gloria is a cute little grey mouse who loves to be in company. She is all wiggly at her door, leashed in no time and ready for treats and fun. She can jump really high for liver bits, and sit, too. This will make training quite easy. Gloria is an enthusiastic walker, but being quite small and light, a gentle lead will just do the trick for a pleasant stroll. I was told that she was a sweetheart, and a stop by a bench showed me that she was a perfect girlfriend! Gloria needs TLC as her past might not have been a "piece of cake". Your caring and loving hands are what Gloria has been waiting all her life for. Come and meet her soon at the Manhattan Care Center! MY MOVIE: Gloria wants to be your friend https://youtu.be/H_QK2n7K0M0 GLORIA, ID# 67948, 5 yrs old, 45 lbs (34.4 lbs at Intake), Manhattan Animal Care Center, Medium Mixed Breed Cross, Gray Female, Found Stray Shelter Assessment Rating: LEVEL 3 No children (under 13) Medical Behavior Rating: BEHAVIOR NOTES Means of surrender (length of time in previous home): Stray Behavior toward strangers: finders report her as friendly Bite history: Yes - due to Mouthiness/poor bite inhibition. During an adoption interaction Gloria became excited and began mouthing the adopter. She jumped up and bit the adopter's hand, resulting in broken skin. SAFER ASSESSMENT: Date of assessment: 6-Jul-2019 Summary: Leash Walking Strength and pulling: Moderate Reactivity to humans: None Reactivity to dogs: None Leash walking comments: None Sociability Loose in room (15-20 seconds): Highly social Call over: Approaches readily Sociability comments: Body soft, jumps up gently Handling Soft handling: Seeks contact Exuberant handling: Seeks contact Handling comments: Body soft, jumps up, leans in Arousal Jog: Follows (loose) Arousal comments: None Knock: Approaches (loose) Knock Comments: None Toy: No response Toy comments: None PLAYGROUP NOTES - DOG TO DOG SUMMARIES: Due to arrival as a stray, Gloria's history around dogs is unknown. At the care center, Gloria was polite and calm when introduced to the helper dog. Most recently, she has appeared more tense and uncomfortable around other dogs. Future introductions and follow up around dogs may be best conducted outside of a shelter environment. 7/3: When introduced off leash to the male helper dog, Gloria greets politely. 7/7-10: Today, Gloria is tense and corners the other dogs. ENERGY LEVEL: We have no history on Gloria so we cannot be certain of her behavior in a home environment. However, she is a young, enthusiastic, social dog who will need daily mental and physical activity to keep her engaged and exercised. We recommend long-lasting chews, food puzzles, and hide-and-seek games, in additional to physical exercise, to positively direct her energy and enthusiasm. IN SHELTER OBSERVATIONS: 8/12: Charges the kennel growling, baring teeth, and snaps repeatedly when approach in kennel. Once out of kennel, grabs leash in mouth. 8/4 Gloria was observed to growl, lunge, and snap towards a handler when he was attempting to remove her from her kennel. BEHAVIOR DETERMINATION: Level 3 Behavior Asilomar TM - Treatable-Manageable Recommendations: No children (under 13) Recommendations comments: No children: Gloria takes treats extremely hard and bites down on fingers by accident. She also becomes overly mouthy when excited to the point that she broke a skin on a person's hand. For these reasons, we recommend an adult only home. Potential challenges: Social hyperarousal Mouthiness/poor bite inhibition Bite history (human) Potential challenges comments: Mouthiness/poor bite inhibition: Gloria takes treats extremely enthusiastically and bites down very hard on fingers by accident when getting fed by hand. Treats should be tossed on the ground instead. She has also become mouthy when excited and bitten down with hard pressure, breaking skin on one occasion. Please see handout on Mouthiness/poor bite inhibition. Social hyperarousal: Gloria becomes very excited around people, jumping up and mouthing them. She has at times used hard pressure when mouthing. Please see handout on Arousal. Bite history (human): Gloria becomes excited and mouthy during an adoption interaction, biting the adopter's hand and breaking skin. Please see handout on Bite History. MEDICAL EXAM NOTES 12-Aug-2019 Tech Exam As per Dr 1657, removed e-collar 12-Aug-2019 Progress Exam Hx: has had r fl lameness msi- nsf P) remove e collar 10-Aug-2019 Progress Exam SO P is R TL lame, licking at palmar surface between digits. MSKI -- R TL lame with toe touching; moderate erythema between the central paw pad and digits # #3&4 with a focal 1cm blanched region along the palmar surface. Small abrasion seen with mild discharge A lame -- R TL r/o trauma P sedated with butorphanol 0.8ml, dexdomitor 0.6ml IV. 2 view radiographs of the R TL cleaned, flushed wound with saline and dilute chlorhexidine. e collar placed to prevent further self-trauma Limited Walks sign placed Trazodone 200mg PO q12h x 3 days convenia 2.1ml SQ one t ime reversed with 0.4ml antisedan IM 10-Aug-2019 Tech Exam Per Dr. 1516: Sedated with Dexmedetomidine 0.5 mg/ml 0.6 mls IV and Butorphanol 10 mg/ml 0.8 mls IV Shot 2 view RF paw rads Placed e-collar 20 cm Placed "5 minute only walks" sign Administered Convenia 80 mg/ml 2.1 mls SQ Reversed with Antisedan 5 mg/ml 0.4 mls IM 9-Aug-2019 Progress Exam SO MSK -- R TL lame. erythematous paw pads, abrasion along the central paw pad . A paw pad abrasion P carprofen 75mg tablet -- 1 tablet PO q24h x 4 days 29-Jul-2019 Progress Exam SO Recheck CIRDC day 14. BAR in kennel. P is hard barking at kennel front EN -- eyes and nose are clear. no discharge. no sneezing. Appears eupneic. A CIRDC -- apparently resolved P ok to move out of ISO continue to monitor in shelter 23-Jul-2019 Progress Exam SO: CIRDC recheck BAR at front of kennel, barking mucoid nasal d/c present occasional cough during observation period A: CIRDC P: extend ab course additional 5 days then recheck Enrofloxacin 204mg 0.75 tablet sid x5d Doxycycline 100mg tab 1.75 tablets sid x5d 20-Jul-2019 Progress Exam Hx: has had CIRDC eent- mucoid nasal dc; eyes clear A) CIRDC P) URI signs continue 16-Jul-2019 Progress Exam SO Recheck CIRDC day 10 EN -- eyes are clear. serous nasal discharge A CIRDC P continue on current tx plan 10-Jul-2019 Progress Exam SO BAR in kennel. EN -- sneezing, sniffling and serous nasal discharge during rounds A CIRDC P doxycycline 100mg tablet -- give 1.75tablet PO q24h x 14 days enrofloxacin 204mg tablet -- give 0.75 tablet PO q24h x 14 days cerenia 16mg tablet -- give 1 tablet PO q24h x 4 days 7-Jul-2019 DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: 5 years Microchip noted on Intake?No History : Stray Subjective: BAR H pink 1 sec Observed Behavior - seeks attention; engaging Evidence of Cruelty seen - no Evidence of Trauma seen - no Objective P =120hr R =40rr BCS 4/9 EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, no nasal or ocular discharge noted Oral Exam:mild tartar; stage 1 PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: FI based on apparent absence of OHE scar MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, multifocal area of alopecia CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Assessment underweight areas of alopecia secondary to healing wounds (scars) and pressure points Prognosis: good Plan: intake procedures SURGERY: Okay for surgery *** TO FOSTER OR ADOPT *** HOW TO RESERVE A “TO BE KILLED” DOG ONLINE (only for those who can get to the shelter IN PERSON to complete the adoption process, and only for the dogs on the list NOT marked New Hope Rescue Only). Follow our Step by Step directions below! *PLEASE NOTE – YOU MUST USE A PC OR TABLET – PHONE RESERVES WILL NOT WORK! ** STEP 1: CLICK ON THIS RESERVE LINK: https://newhope.shelterbuddy.com/Animal/List Step 2: Go to the red menu button on the top right corner, click register and fill in your info. Step 3: Go to your email and verify account \ Step 4: Go back to the website, click the menu button and view available dogs Step 5: Scroll to the animal you are interested and click reserve STEP 6 ( MOST IMPORTANT STEP ): GO TO THE MENU AGAIN AND VIEW YOUR CART. THE ANIMAL SHOULD NOW BE IN YOUR CART! Step 7: Fill in your credit card info and complete transaction HOW TO FOSTER OR ADOPT IF YOU *CANNOT* GET TO THE SHELTER IN PERSON, OR IF THE DOG IS NEW HOPE RESCUE ONLY! You must live within 3 – 4 hours of NY, NJ, PA, CT, RI, DE, MD, MA, NH, VT, ME or Norther VA. Please PM our page for assistance. You will need to fill out applications with a New Hope Rescue Partner to foster or adopt a dog on the To Be Killed list, including those labelled Rescue Only. Hurry please, time is short, and the Rescues need time to process the applications.
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Crash Course in Dialogue, Part I
Writers tend to stress a character’s actions as the most important way to show who they are, but creating effective, interesting dialogue is just as important to a great story. Good dialogue can illustrate interpersonal relationships, reveal fears characters don’t even know they have, show development, and so much more. At the same time—and maybe more importantly—bad dialogue sticks out like a sore thumb, making readers uncomfortable and unwilling to get invested in your narrative. Your prose might be amazing, but if your characters can’t communicate, it’s going to put people off.
But never fear! Here are a few handy tricks to writing amazing dialogue that will get your characters saying what they mean or misdirecting like a pro, all while drawing your reader successfully into the story.
Creating Unique Voices
When you start writing dialogue, one of the most important things to keep in mind is that your characters should all sound different from one another. Just based on their words alone, a reader should be able to tell whether your character’s personality is bubbly or gloomy, if they feel comfortable with the people around them, if they’re in pain, what kind of education they have, and so much more. You want these factors to be unique for each character, even if they were raised together or come from a similar background.
A great test is to write down only the spoken part of your dialogue, without any speech tags (he said/she said, etc.). Does each character sound distinct? Can you tell whose lines are whose just based on what they say, without the surrounding context clues?
If not, try some of the techniques below. There are so many ways to say the same thing differently—and reveal your characters’ history, personality, and quirks at the same time!
Using lots of big words like abysmal, paramount, satiate, ubiquitous, etc.
This can make a character sound more educated, imply a wealthier upbringing, or show the care he puts into communicating. Or, it can make him sound pretentious, and become a trait that annoys your other characters. Just be careful your character doesn’t come off like a weirdo carrying around a thesaurus in their pocket (unless that’s what you’re going for, of course!)
Character 1: His rant was just the shameful rambling of a crazy old man. Character 2: The display was simply the ignominious drivel of a deranged geriatric man.
Using clipped speech—only a few words at a time, monosyllabic answers
Quiet characters, characters who don’t like their companions, characters who are in pain, and characters with something to hide might not want to have long conversations where they bare their soul to others.
Character 1: I really don’t think so. I’m sure I’d remember an intense reaction like that. Character 2: No.
Using terms of endearment or pet names—babe, sweetheart, bro, dude, pal
Depending on how these are used, your character can come across as warm and fuzzy, sarcastic, flirty, or evil and taunting.
Bonus: if your character is angry or distracted, they can leave off the pet names they usually call their friends. This is a good way to reveal to a reader—and other characters—that something fishy is up.
Character 1: Can you toss me that pencil? Character 2: Hey babe, be a sweetie and toss me that pencil? Character 3: Uh, that’s my pencil, pal. Character 4: Toss me that pencil, bro!
Speaking formally versus informally with contractions
Is your character uncomfortable around present company? Are they trying to act extremely professional to prove they’re qualified for their job, or still recovering from a strict, affectionless upbringing? If so, making their speech more formal can help convey what’s going on.
Character 1: Admittedly, I have been wondering much the same thing. I will look into it. Character 2: Yeah, I’ve been wondering that too. I’m gonna check it out.
Depending on context, characters who curse can sound meaner, rougher, cooler, more laid-back, and even funnier than the people around them who don’t.
When using curse words, be aware of your audience. If you’re writing for kids or younger teens, you may get some pushback.
Remember that these words are sometimes at their most powerful when they’re not overused. When your sweet character finally snaps and mutters something really strong under her breath, you’ll know she’s at the end of her rope.
Think of Simon finally confronting Martin in the movie Love, Simon—if Leah (who swears all the time in the book’s sequel) told Martin to f*ck off, it wouldn’t have anywhere near the same impact.
And yet, in The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater, Ronan’s glee at swearing is one of the things that sets him apart from the more polite Gansey and Adam.
Try this:
Sit in a public place where people talk—a coffee shop, a food court at the mall, a break at school—and listen to a conversation. Write down what you hear—every little um or ah, pronunciations, pauses, stutters, repetitions. How do words, fillers, and phrases shape the distinct voices of the people you’re listening to?
Using Accents and Dialects
Another great way to make characters sound different is to give them accents or let them speak in dialects. If your character is from the South, he’d have a Southern drawl; if she’s from the India, she’s not going to sound like your classmates from Connecticut. But how can you capture a voice like that without making your writing sloppy or distracting (or exaggerating it into an offensive caricature)? Passages like the following, from Huckleberry Finn, certainly take a lot of concentration to read:
“Oh, Huck, I bust out a-cryin’ en grab her up in my arms, en say, ‘Oh, de po’ little thing! De Lord God Amighty fogive po’ ole Jim, kaze he never gwyne to fogive hisself as long’s he live!’ Oh, she was plumb deef en dumb, Huck, plumb deef en dumb—en I’d ben atreat’n her so!”
A general rule, using features other than phonetic spelling to show how characters speak differently can communicate the same information in a less distracting way:
Diction/word choice: Taylor from New York eats fries for lunch and chips as a snack, but Henry from London eats chips for lunch and crisps from the vending machine during his break at work.
Syntax/word order: Someone whose native language is English will likely say “the brown shoes” or “the white fence,” but if your heroine was born in France and learned English not long ago, she might say “I was wearing my shoes which are brown” or “the fence that is white stands behind the house”
Idioms: Different places have different expressions that mean more than what they look like. While you’d say you’re “buttering someone up,” someone who speaks Spanish might say they’re “stroking his beard.” Research idioms that would be a natural part of your character’s speech—or, make up your own!
Some phonetic spellings and slang, every once in a while, do a great job of signaling a continuing accent: s’pose, ain’t, ya, dahlin’. But if what you’ve written takes any amount of real concentration to decode, it’s going to be annoying, not helpful or cool. In other words, if your main character has a lisp, tharting every thentence like thith ith going to get really fruthtrating, really fatht. An’ writin’ an o’er-exaggera’ed Cockney accen’, owr a loooong Suthen draaaawl, is sure to get on your reader’s nerves as well.
If your protagonist’s baby sister with three lines has a lisp and says, “Thamantha, read me a thtory” or her great-auntie from Georgia bemoans, “Lawdy-me, it shaw is hawt in hea today” once in 300 pages, though, you’re probably good.
If you want an example of dialects and pronunciation done really well, check out the Chaos Walking series by Patrick Ness. Protagonist Todd Hewitt grew up in a primitive settlement and can’t read—while always completely understandable, he does say “ain’t” all the time, and occasionally throws in misspellings like “creacher” and “recognishun.” The sections narrated by his friend Viola are more grammatically correct, because while Todd was doing farm work, she was attending school. And people Todd meets with even less schooling than him talk like this: “Ah kin give y’all a ride thrus. If ya want.” (But these characters don’t pop up very often, so the style doesn’t become distracting—instead, it highlights the differences between outsiders and the protagonists.)
A note of caution:
Remember that African American Vernacular English, American Sign Language, and other variations/translations of English have their own complex rules. If you aren’t familiar with a dialect you’re writing, don’t just simplify standard English, throw in an extra “be,” or take out some helping verbs. If your character uses one of these, do some extra research to make sure your dialogue is accurate.
Include the Right Kind of Content
So now you’ve decided how your character talks—but what should they say? Here are a few things to avoid: small talk, excessive info dumps, drawn-out background information, and background conversations. (Like most rules of writing, these can and should be broken if you have a good reason, but in general, they can be helpful in moving a story along and keeping it interesting.)
Instead of the characters taking up valuable space and audience attention on pleasantries, focus on the real meat of the conversation. Alfred Hitchcock once said something to the effect of, “Drama is real life with all the boring parts cut out.” Which would you want to read about? A character describing her brunch of thick, fluffy pancakes to her mother in mouth-watering detail?* Or the moment she asks her mother for $500—the third time this month—to cover her outrageous credit card debts? As the writer, you have the privilege and responsibility to pick the important moments to pass on to the reader—the ones that are important to the plot later, that develop the characters, that are memorable and exciting. Be kind to them—and yourself—by carefully judging what’s worth everyone’s time.
This then gives you an opportunity to work something else essential into your conversation—conflict. It’s very hard to make a compelling conversation where each character agrees with everything said before them. Just because “yes, and” works for improv, doesn’t mean it’s the best strategy for dialogue in fiction—instead, put your characters against each other. If they have opposing goals, or even slightly different takes on a situation, you’ll be able to flush out both viewpoints and push them to an interesting breaking point much easier than if they simply build on whatever the other says.
It can also be tempting to save long, detailed explanations for dialogue—especially when it comes to worldbuilding in sci-fi or fantasy. If you have a physics professor who’s perfected time travel or an old witch who’s worked out everything about magic, it would be easy to give them a few pages to give the specifics to your clueless protagonist. But unless you can’t get your story to work any other way, try not to do this—long descriptions tend to end up pretty boring, and hard to follow and remember. Instead, let your reader pick up fewer details at a time from different people, or see how things work for themselves. In the first Harry Potter, Hagrid doesn’t explain everything about being a wizard to Harry—readers get to experience the many magical details firsthand through Harry’s eyes in Diagon Alley, and then later at Hogwarts.
*Note: If your character is a cook and criticizes the pancakes because he could obviously do better, or if she grew up in poverty and is promising her mother she’ll move back home and take her to brunch every morning once she gets one more paycheck, this is obviously fine. So is her describing how great she thought the pancakes were if it turns out they were actually poisoned, and next thing she knows she’s waking up from a 10-year coma. And so on... Find exciting exceptions!
Try this:
Listen to a scene from your favorite movie and think about what’s included and what’s not. Do both characters greet each other and ask how the other has been, or do they jump right into the deal they need to make? Does one character agree with everything the other says, or do they disagree frequently?
Have more questions about writing dialogue? Leave us comments for Part II, coming soon!
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choco-chip-cookie · 7 years
SugarDaddy!Cal Pt. 6
A/N: Once again thank you guys for all of the wonderful feedback, and I’m so glad that you all like it. This was kind of just a quick lil filler until the next chapter which I’mma probably start working on tomorrow. I’m taking Saturday off to binge watch the whole 13 Reasons Why series so if it’s not up in time you know why. Hope you all enjoy! 💕                                          
**Warning** Nothing at all, just cute fluffiness kind of?
One/ Two/ Three/ Four/Five/Six/Seven/Eight/ Nine/Ten/Eleven/Twelve/Thirteen/Fourteen/Fifteen Sixteen/ Seventeen/ Eighteen/ Nineteen/Twenty{END}
"Y/N! I lost Connor." Felix groaned as he made his way over to you.
"How long ago?"
"I dunno, like five to ten." He sighed, knowing that the fashion guru could practically be anywhere in the mall at this point. You'd be surprised at how fast the sun kissed boy could move." He said something about a fifty percent off sale."
"No telling where that boy ran off to. Here, help me with this." You then held up a dress and a skirt."Which one?"
"Uh...I wanna say the skirt because this is a pretty peach color, but the dress is gorgeous."
"Cute gorgeous or thotish gorgeous?"
"Thotish, definitely."
"Exactly what I'm looking for." You smiled and Felix let out a laugh, shaking his head at you.
"Trying to purposely look like a hoe?"
"Nah, but Connor told me to buy something slutty for tonight."
"Ah, I see." He began to scan through the clothing rack, a smile on his face as he thought about what a mess his lover was. "Connor is insane."
"Yeah, but that's why we love him." You giggled out, checking the price tag on the dress and sighing.
After spending the past month with Calum, you've grown to stop checking price tags at this point. No matter what the price was he always told you the same phrase: "Don't worry about the price, I'm gonna get it anyway." . Usually he was there to pay what you thought was an insane amount of money, but this time you were all on your own. Now you regretting coming into this expensive store thinking that your pockets were flooded.
"How much?"
"Three hundred and fifty."
"Whoa, okay."  Felix was quick to take the dress out of your hand, but as he went to put it back on the rack, he was startled by a loud voice.
"That's cute? Why are you putting it back?" Connor snatched the dress out of Felix's hand and placed it back into yours.
"It's damn near four hundred for something so not worth it." Felix answered for you and Connor smacked his lips.
"So? Mr. Rockstar will take care of it."
"Yeah, but he's not here." You sighed.
"Well give him a call, get his credit card number."
"Connor, he's not my husband. " you laughed lightly."I have no right in knowing his card information."
"I'll be damned if we leave this store without you asking him first. The boy likes you and he's your sugar daddy, hun. I'm positive he'll give you his information."
Connor pulled your iPhone out of your pocket and unlocked it with his fingerprint. He then went to your messages to find Calum's contact, laughing when he saw his contact name was "Zaddy🍆💸". (A/N:It’s a eggplant and money emoji for people that’s not on mobile lmao)
"You're somethin' else,girl. Here."
You quickly retrieved the phone, biting on your bottom lip nervously. You shifted your weight between each leg as the phone rung, waiting for the voice you loved to hear so much come through.
"Hey, Cal." You smiled and you instantly heard his voice perk up. You could just tell he was smiling through the phone.
"Hey, princess. How are you?"
"Good, how's your day been?"
"It's been slow, but great. Wassup?"
"Oh, nothing. I'm just out shopping with Connor and Felix and I came at across this dress..." you trailed.
Connor and Felix had began to giggle as they noticed that you were grinning and twirling like a kid. They came to the conclusion that you had it bad for him.
"Mmhmm?" Calum hummed for you to continue, already knowing where this was going.
"And I kind of need this dress for tonight, but it's three fifty..."
"And you really like this dress, don't you?"
"It's really cute." You said in a promising tone, letting him know that you really wanted it.
"You called for my credit card information didn't you?"
"I did. I hope it's not a problem! I'm sorry if I overstepped-"
"Calm down, Y/N." he laughed at your panicked state."I can't be there every time you want something, it was bound to happen anyway. Just don't go over board, alright? Let me know when you're gonna buy something, yeah?"
"Yes, daddy." You smirked, knowing that name got to him.
"Oooh, girl." Connor laughed quietly, lightly fan girling over the two. Felix simply shook his head and shushed the shorter boy, wrapping a muscular arm around his waist.
"Fuck, don't tease me." Calum groaned through the speaker.
"I'm not teasing."
"I'll text you the info, sweetheart."
"Okay, thanks, Cal."
"You're welcome, babygirl."
Not even a couple of minutes later did his information come through and you were on your way to the register to checkout, your favorite two boys right behind you.
"Another round of shots!" Connor shouted to the small group of people and they all cheered, dashing to the kitchen like mad men.
Connor had invited you out to some crazy college party in a sorority house on campus and to say you were drunk and enjoying yourself was an understatement. You could hardly stand up straight and had a smile on your face from the moment you walked into the place. You danced on and with multiple people and took more shots than you could count. You knew you were going to be so hung over tomorrow that you couldn't stand it, but hey? You're supposed to live in the moment, right?
"Y/N, looks like you need another drink." Connor nearly tripped walking over to you with the shot glass in his hand, giggling at himself for being clumsy." Drink up!"
You downed the shot quickly, loving the burn it left down your throat. The two of you had began dancing together, Connor laughing loudly as you bent over forwards and placed your hands on your knees to twerk on him. He smacked your butt a couple of times and the two of you laughed even harder. A guy soon took Connors place and now you were twerking and grinding against a complete stranger, biting your lip as he kissed your neck. You brought your arm around the back of your head to wrap around his neck as he trailed kisses up and down your jaw, biting your lip as he did so. You then turned around after deciding to kiss him, but you were suddenly yanked backwards, nearly falling on your ass.
"What the hell is this?!"
"Calum?" You furrowed your eyebrows, but a grin soon made its way onto your face."What are you doing here, babe?"
"Hey,man, I had her first." The stranger reached over and grabbed at your waist ,but Calum pushed him with all his strength and knocked the guy flat on his ass.
"Don't touch her!"
"Dude, what the hell?!"
"She's mine, back the fuck off." Calum practically growled and the guy finally stood down, walking towards the bar to get another drink.
"Cal, baby. You don't look like you're having too much fun." You pouted, poking his cheek and he smacked your hand away.
"Let's go, Y/N."
"Ai ai, Captain Hood." You giggled as you saluted and he led you out of the bar. You winked at Connor when you passed by him and the blonde boy laughed.
"That's my girl! Get some, Y/N, whooo!"
Calum simply shook his head as he heard his loud voice over the music and put you into the passengers seat of his car. The drive was silent besides Calum frustratingly telling you not to do something every few minutes.You were so drunk, that on the ride to his place, you opened the car door while he was driving and nearly fell out. You also began grabbing at his pants and Calum was beyond annoyed with you. It was mainly due to being extremely jealous, his blood practically boiling from the sight of that guy touching you. What also had the boy heated was the fact that you seemed be enjoying his touch. He was glad he had seen you drunkenly dancing with guys on Snapchat and even more glad that Felix knew where you were. Who knows what would've happened if he hadn't showed up.
"Come on,Y/N." he sighed once he arrived to his shared home. He held your hand as you stepped out of the car and his head fell back onto his neck as you collapsed, loud laughter emanating from your mouth.
"My legs don't work." You laughed as you sat on the cool concrete."Calum, my-my legs don't work." You repeated yourself, tugging on the leg of his basketball shorts.
He let out a puff of air and bent down to throw you over his shoulder and he couldn't help but to let a small smile make it's way onto his face when you let out a squeal.
"I'm flying!"
"Y/N, shhh." He begged, hoping that you didn't wake the neighbors."You have to be quiet, okay?" "Okay."
He quietly thanked God that you finally stopped talking and struggled to get the correct key to unlock the house.
"Calum, is that you?" Michael came around the corner, stopping in his tracks as he saw the girl wiggling over his shoulder."I was going to ask where you ran off to but uhh...?"
"Hi, I'm Y/N!" You giggled, not even being able to see who this person was, but still introduced yourself.
"I'm gonna put her to bed and we can finish the game, okay?"
"Yeah, I guess..."
As Calum passed his confused friend, you waved at him and Michael laughed and returned the wave. Once you got into Calum's room he placed you on the bed and began to remove your shoes. He listened to you attempt to tell him a story from when you took a road trip and got lost, occasionally replying to you since this was the calmest he’d gotten you all night.
"Arms up."
"No, you're gonna tickle me!"  You exclaimed and Calum snorted.
"No I'm not."
"Yes you are!"
"I promise I'm not."
You looked hesitant at first but cautiously held you arms in the air, flinching when he reached to grab the end of your dress. When you were left only in your panties, since you decided earlier a bra would ruin the outfit, you gave Calum your "sexy" face and he laughed loudly.
"What is that?"
"Are we gonna fuck?"
"No, Y/N. You're drunk out of your mind."
"But I think I want to anyway."
"Maybe tomorrow." He pulled off his shirt and held it to you, motioning for you to put it on.
"Nuh uh."
"Please."Calum begged, just wanting to hurry and get you tucked into bed so he could continue playing Fifa with Michael.
"Are you gonna fuck me?"
"Then no." You crossed your arms and turned your nose up into the air childishly.
Calum was so over it at this point. Who knew that you were a child when you were wasted, yet he couldn't help but to find the situation funny as well. When you grabbed his hand and placed it on your breast he held back a smile as you both locked eyes. You were impossible to deal with.
"I'm not." He denied, removing his hand. Calum swiftly pulled the shirt over your head and then tucked you into bed, making sure you were comfortable." I'm going downstairs, okay? Get some sleep."
"No, stay." You gripped his hand, tugging him towards you."
"But Michael's waiting on me, princess."
Calum groaned and climbed in beside you, allowing you to place your head onto his chest. He pushed your massive bush of coily strands away from his face and rest his hand on your butt, kneading it softly. Calum began to hum an unknown tune lowly since he knew this was one of the quickest ways to get you to sleep. He placed a kiss to your forehead and smiled to himself, knowing that there was no other place he'd rather be than in this moment with you.
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hongbab · 7 years
The Songbird - Wonshik snorts, half a smile quirking the left corner of his mouth upwards, but a beat later it dies down and he looks up with sadness in his eyes. “Please, don’t hurt Jaehwan,” he says quietly. “He’s not the one at fault.” (Leo/Ken, pg-13, 5622)
a/n: written for this prompt. this is probably not what you had in mind, anon, but i hope you’ll still like it;;
It’s 2.36am and Taekwoon is still sitting in front of his computer with his elbows on his desk, his fingers buried under his hair as he holds his forehead in his palms.
Everyone else from the department has already gone home and he should have done so as well, but instead, he keeps staring at the blaring monitor with the browser open at the intranet home page. He doesn’t know how to start this. Or, more like, he can’t start it without having to crawl out of his skin.
When Hakyeon called him into his office, Taekwoon thought he might want to praise him for single-handedly catching the head of that lowly gang of drug smugglers, maybe even tell him to take a few days off as a reward. And Hakyeon praised him, told him he was his best man, and his eyes were sparkling, a happy but nervous smile plastered on his face. However, he didn’t give Taekwoon any rewards, but—and he looked troubled when he did this—gave him a new case that most detectives had failed to solve thus far.
“You are our only hope,” Hakyeon said, sliding a file towards Taekwoon on the desk. “He’s a fucking phantom and everyone’s so lost.”
So, for the last three hours, Taekwoon has been sitting behind his computer with the file open in front of him, pictures and screenshots and handwritten notes and printed pages all scattered around, the name ‘Songbird’ repeated on every single piece of paper. This is torture and he’s already cringing so hard.
He has solved so many cases during his career: from criminal possession of weapons through mysterious deaths to some mafia-level shit, and now he’s been assigned this. He hates it more than anything before.
Maybe he’ll just start tonight, proceed until the point his colleagues have been unable to move on from, and say he can’t do it.
The Songbird’s website is entitled—surprise, surprise—‘Songbird’ and it’s pretty much just a blank index page with a high-resolution picture of some kind of bird* with the weirdest reddish-yellowish-orange feathers—the ends of which look like locks of red hair—and yellow and green head that Taekwoon has ever seen (he hasn’t seen a great many kinds of birds in his life). He clicks the image and a welcoming page pops up, asking him to either sign up or sign in.
This is it. This is where he should stop.
Taekwoon lets out a sigh and clicks the sign up button which directs him to a page that asks for his e-mail address, name, gender, the date of his birth, and the details of his credit card.  How can this person be so fucking obvious.
He digs out the expired credit card Hakyeon handed him with the documents from under the pile of papers and types up the numbers, filling in the form entirely with fake personal data. He clicks the confirmation link in the e-mail he receives in his—again—fake inbox, and on the new page that pops up the title reads, ‘Welcome to Paradise’, a text box appearing underneath and asking him to write a letter to the owner of the site about how he found them, what he wants from them, and what he wishes to do to them.
Taekwoon lets his head fall on the desk and the pain in his forehead grounds him enough not to start screaming in frustration.
When the mobile phone next to his hand pings with a new text, Taekwoon almost falls off his chair in surprise.
It’s been four days since he signed up to the Songbird’s website and two days since the Songbird sent him a message in which he thanked Taekwoon for signing up and asked for his Kakao ID so they could chat there. The message was full of unnecessary emojis and tildes, and ended with an “xoxo, your Songbird”, forcing Taekwoon to stifle a hysterical laugh.
He gulps down some of his now cold latte to calm himself and takes the cheap, bad quality smartphone—a tool he was given to execute the investigation—into his hand, swiping up with a clammy finger to unlock the screen.
~Songbird~ hi Leo~~
He squints at the cheesy alias he’s chosen to use (if this person is a Songbird, Taekwoon might as well be something big and scary that would eat a fucking bird for dessert), and looks around in the office to see if someone is looking. Sanghyuk, on his right, is immersed in a video of weird game characters instead of actually working, so he takes a deep breath and replies.
Leo hi
~Songbird~ is something wrong? :^(
Leo no, why do you think something’s wrong?
~Songbird~ just the simple hi :/ i hope my message didn’t upset you, i was actually so surprised by your emotional letter~ hehe
Leo oh I was just… ugh I might have got a little carried away with that letter
~Songbird~ it’s okay it was really cute :3 i really liked the part where you wrote you’d like to take me out for a nice dinner and kiss me goodnight afterwards^^ you seem so sweet ♥
Leo thank you
~Songbird~ are you by any chance replying to me in such short sentences bc you’re shy? haha
Taekwoon puts the phone on the desk and drags his hands over his face, hating how his stomach is in knots from this whole thing. He’s never been a good communicator, neither has he been good at texting people in a smooth way, especially not if he was supposed to sound flirty. Maybe this is the point where he should hand the phone over to Sanghyuk to dig into the Songbird's ID specifications, or maybe he should just drop the phone into the toilet, possibly attempt to drown himself in the sink afterwards, but he sniffles instead and drinks the rest of his awful latte before taking the phone into his hands again.
Leo I’m not very good at texting people talking to you like this makes me a little flustered
~Songbird~ OMG so cute!! u don’t need to be flustered sweetheart you’re doing great! :) would it be better if i sent u a kiss?
Taekwoon all but chokes on his own saliva and Sanghyuk glances at him from the corner of his eye, ignoring him anew and going back to his video when Taekwoon stops coughing. His fingers are trembling on the screen when he types up his answer.
Leo I giess *guess
More than a minute passes without a new text and Taekwoon feels all the blood leaving his body to creep up into his cheeks, making him blush furiously. He shakes his legs nervously under the desk and his heart is going crazy and he’s just so fucking angry with himself for being such an anxious piece of shit—he might even be a little excited and it just makes him all the more annoyed.
~Songbird~ sent a video
The small clip shows a pair of pretty, plush and very pink lips that are pursed and they get as close to the camera as possible, a very loud smacking sound coming from the speakers of the phone. Taekwoon mutes the damn thing as fast as his jittery fingers let him, and when he looks back down at the screen, he sees the lips parting, revealing snow white teeth as the Songbird smiles sweetly.
And Taekwoon is mesmerized.
He replays the video three times, trying to imagine how the Songbird looks like, but he’s lost and all he can think of is that genuine smile and the little air kiss.
His legs stop shaking.
~Songbird~ better now?^^
Leo it was cute
~Songbird~ honestly you’re so adorable~~ I hope you’d still wanna kiss me after that dinner date
Leo yeah, I would your lips are pretty
~Songbird~ aww thanks i gtg now but i’ll get back to you soon sweet dreams honey ♥
Leo good night
Another night ends with Taekwoon headbutting his desk.
Taekwoon turns away from the document he’s typing up and glances at the mobile device on his desk, Sanghyuk letting go of it as he plops down in his chair. There’s a devilish smirk on his face that Taekwoon knows means something awful, his eyes already narrowing before Sanghyuk would say anything more.
“Have you found him?”
“I found an IP address, but that doesn’t mean much,” Sanghyuk says, leaning back in his chair. “But first—”
“I said no questions,” Taekwoon grumbles. “You’ve read the whole thing, haven’t you?”
“Read it, watched the video and all,” Sanghyuk replies and his smirk turns into a full grin. “You have such a way with words.”
“Shut up,” Taekwoon scoffs. “I need to get him to trust me. And I told you not to read it.”
“Yeah, well, that’s why I read it. He must have some very low standards if he thinks you’re cute, but anyways, what we now know is that the device he uses belongs to a certain Mr Kim Wonshik.”
“Which means that his real name is Kim Wonshik, right?”
“Maybe,” Sanghyuk shrugs. “He might have stolen it or something. But if I were you—and thankfully, I’m not—” Taekwoon sends him a death glare here, “I’d start off by digging up some info about this Wonshik guy and ask him if he knows anything about your little birdie. Or, if he is your little birdie.”
“He’s not my— oh, fuck off.”
Sanghyuk sniggers and turns back to his computer.
~Songbird~ sent a photo
Taekwoon snatches the phone away from the edge of his desk before Sanghyuk could touch it first, standing up to walk away so he wouldn’t have to deal with the nerdy brat’s examining stare as he opens the photo.
His breath catches in his throat when the picture finally loads and Taekwoon's back hits the wall of the empty corridor as he sways a little. It’s an almost full-body photograph and the person in it is wearing a black, silk-like bathrobe, the thin, shiny material sticking to a frail-looking body, the light enhancing every curve and edge underneath. The hem of the robe bunches just under the boy’s hip bones, leaving a pair of smooth, pale thighs visible, a large part of the Songbird’s chest also uncovered. He’s apparently lying on a bed, and Taekwoon notices a never before seen part of his face: a prominent nose above the plump lips which he has already seen at least twenty times in the video.
The Songbird is pouting.
~Songbird~ it’s such a lazy morning what are you doing sweetie?
Leo working
~Songbird~ oh you poor thing :( and what do you do?
Taekwoon takes a deep breath and writes down what comes to his mind first.
Leo I’m a lawyer
~Songbird~ !!! sounds exciting tbh i wish you were here now
Taekwoon slides down against the wall and crouches, his knees too weak to keep him upright any longer. He swallows around a lump in his throat.
Leo why?
~Songbird~ i’m bored and lonely :(
Leo do you think I’d be entertaining enough to make you feel less bored?
After some thinking, he adds a spiritless
~Songbird~ well i have a few ideas about how we could pass time~~ not sure if i should tell you abt them at this point you still seem a little nervous :D
Leo I’m a little nervous but I mean you can tell me if you want
~Songbird~ first you could play with my hair bc i really like that^^ and then maybe we could kiss some hehe and if u feel up to it we could get rid of my bathrobe andddd i’ll let u know abt the rest if we can meet up sometime ♥
Taekwoon feels his limbs going numb, but despite the feeling, he springs up from the floor and locks the phone, putting it into his pocket as he starts striding towards the bathroom. He opens the tap and tries to stand as far away from the counter as possible so his crotch won’t brush against it, making everything happening down there a lot worse, and splashes icy water into his face, tapping it into his cheeks to calm himself. When he looks up into the mirror with some water drops running down his skin, he sees dark shadows under his eyes, his skin looks almost grey and there’s a flush across his cheeks, and he has a few more crow’s feet now than the last time he looked at himself for real.
He really needs to take a few days off and preferably get laid on those days, too, because withdrawing from any kind of intimacy with others has been taking a toll on him and now he’s hard just thinking about a naked stranger whose face he hasn’t even seen yet. How sick is he…
He also needs to see the Songbird behind bars as soon as possible.
When he storms back to his desk, Sanghyuk blinks up at him curiously, leaning into his personal space to peer at his monitor screen.
“What are you doing?” he asks.
“I’m going to find Kim Wonshik.”
“And why are you so upset about this plan of yours?” Sanghyuk arches an eyebrow. “Did something happen?”
“Don’t talk to me now,” Taekwoon snarls.
Taekwoon can’t exactly say he’s prepared for meeting the Songbird just now, but he stands in front of a door with a hand raised to it and ready to knock. He doesn’t really know what he’s going to do if the Songbird is the one who opens the door for him, and he doesn’t know what he’s going to do if it’s someone else.
So many years of being a detective and now he’s nervous about meeting a civilian.
He knocks on the door and waits, the knob turning after a few moments.
“Um, hi,” the guy standing in the doorway says, looking confused.
He is not the Songbird and Taekwoon is a hundred percent sure about it; he’s looked at the Songbird’s almost full-body selfie enough times to memorise his apparent proportions, his skin tone, the fragility etched into all of his visible body parts. The person in front of him is tall and lean-bodied and has a tattoo peeking from the collar of his tank top and Taekwoon almost heaves a sigh when he notices it.
“Detective Jung Taekwoon,” he announces, holding up his badge. “I’d like to have a few words with you.”
The guy goes pale, but steps aside and lets Taekwoon into his small studio flat, shuffling to the couch to fetch his slippers.
“Are you Kim Wonshik?” Taekwoon asks, looking around the place so he doesn’t have to look the guy in the eye, still feeling wrong-footed from the whole thing just because the Songbird is involved.
“Yeah,” the man says and Taekwoon closes his eyes for a moment in relief. “What’s going on?”
“Do you know the Songbird?” Taekwoon inquires then, pocketing his hands so he won’t fidget so obviously.
“Song— what,” Wonshik looks even more confused, standing in the middle of his flat in a pair of basketball shorts and a white tank top. He scratches the back of his head awkwardly. “Do you mean Jaehwan?”
“Jaehwan?” Taekwoon arches an eyebrow, his head snapping to Wonshik curiously.
“Ah, you don’t— oh,” Wonshik deflates and if possible, even more blood leaves his cheeks. “I— you might not be talking about him.”
“Has a website through which he recruits people he can trick for money by selling his body?” Taekwoon asks with a little bit of acid to it, and the blood returns to Wonshik's cheeks at that, turning it red.
“Listen, he’s not—”
“Do you know anything about his current whereabouts?”
“I don’t,” Wonshik says firmly and it’s true; Taekwoon sees the sincerity in his eyes and maybe some… sadness, too. “And even if I did, I wouldn’t tell anybody.”
“Yes, well,” Taekwoon snorts, “that would earn you a few years in jail and not in the same cell with him. Just saying. Anyways, he’s got a phone number that is supposed to be yours. Did you possibly give him a device to use?”
Wonshik opens his mouth and then promptly closes it. He makes a face as he asks, “Okay, can I get a lawyer at this point?”
“You could,” Taekwoon replies a little impatiently. “But I don’t think you want to go into the process just yet; you’ll have enough time for that later. So?”
“Do you want me to tell you how I’m connected to him?” Wonshik squints. “Like, everything?”
“By all means, yes.”
“Alright, well—” Wonshik's bottom hovers above a chair and he motions towards the one closer to Taekwoon, although a little hesitatingly. “Sit down, if you want.”
“Thank you.”
Taekwoon pulls out the chair and sits, lacing his fingers on the table top.
“So,” Wonshik clears his throat, “I’d actually heard about Jaehwan's site from a friend and—”
“Who is that friend?”
Wonshik furrows his brow in judgement, his facial expression turning dark. Taekwoon doesn’t budge, but he can feel how much he’s annoying Wonshik.
“His name is Hongbin, Lee Hongbin,” Wonshik replies with a small sigh. “I’m not sure how he knows Jaehwan but I think he said something about some high school they attended together? So, I was, like, really under the weather and I’d been like that for a while at that point and Hongbin suggested I try meeting with Jaehwan.” He pauses, shutting his eyes for a second. “Jaehwan and I, we talked a lot through e-mails, it was a bit like online friendship at first, but then I… I don’t know, I kind of started to feel something for him. We met up after a while and talked a lot and started meeting each other from time to time.” He glances up at Taekwoon, his face flushed again. “I just really liked Jaehwan and um, well, he said he didn’t like me like that, but he still wanted to be friends with me, though it was difficult because of his… circumstances. I gave him my old phone because he once mentioned how much more comfortable it would be to talk to people by using a smartphone instead of e-mailing each other.”
“Are you saying he’s been operating a website which actually brings him a lot of money, but there was a time when he didn’t have a phone?” Taekwoon asks, disbelieving.
“The website is not his and he said he can’t have a phone because it’s dangerous,” Wonshik says, now obviously concerned that he’s saying too much. He averts his eyes. “The whole thing is totally different from how you see it.”
“Care to share how it’s different?”
Wonshik leans back in his chair, his face haggard like he has aged 20 years during their conversation. He looks broken and now it’s Taekwoon who feels confused.
“I don’t want to talk about that,” Wonshik mumbles. “It’s— it’s just not my business to talk about, you know? I’ve never really been involved in the story apart from being Jaehwan's… friend, or whatever.”
“Are you currently in contact with Jaehwan?”
“No,” Wonshik shakes his head. “He’s not allowed to contact me.”
“What do you mean ‘not allowed’?”
Wonshik makes a wailing noise.
“Can we please stop now?”
“Alright,” Taekwoon takes a deep breath and stands up. “Thank you for your contribution, though; you’ve been a great help. Here’s my contact if you happen to remember something you wouldn’t like to keep to yourself.”
Wonshik slowly reaches out for the business card Taekwoon is offering him, turning it around between his fingers, looking at it, but probably not actually seeing it.
“Are you a real cop?” he asks, blinking up at Taekwoon.
“I am,” Taekwoon nods. “I have a gun and all.”
Wonshik snorts, half a smile quirking the left corner of his mouth upwards, but a beat later it dies down and he looks up with sadness in his eyes.
“Please, don’t hurt Jaehwan,” he says quietly. “He’s not the one at fault.”
Leo hey
~Songbird~ oh hello~ what’s up?
Leo I’ve been thinking and I wanted to ask you if we could meet
~Songbird~ finally haha ofc we can sweetie when would u like to meet?
Leo maybe tonight? if possible?
~Songbird~ sure^^ can u come to the hotel i’m staying at?
No one can really accuse Taekwoon of not trying his best as he parks his car in front of the four-star hotel and turns the rear-view mirror towards himself, examining his own face. He looks like he normally does, really; poker face and a cutting glance, his mouth a tight line. He did spend a little more time combing his hair than he usually does and he also took a shower because he felt like he needed it, and it’s not like he’s dressed fancy in just a T-shirt and a pair of jeans with his favourite sneakers, though the extra sprinkle of cologne might have been too much. He runs a hand over his face, trying to make his stupid heart understand that this is work, this is not a date and if everything goes well, he’ll leave this place with Jaehwan sitting in the back with a pair of handcuffs around his wrists, and then he’ll have some paperwork to do at the station. He’ll be in bed by midnight, content and happy and tomorrow Hakyeon will tell him he’s getting a bonus for doing an excellent job on this case.
It’s going to be okay. This is going to work out.
Taekwoon tries very hard to keep his composure as he tells the receptionist he’s there to visit the guest in room 524 and gets the assent, his legs feeling heavy as they carry him into the lift.
Jaehwan sent him a picture earlier, of himself, clad in only an oversized white T-shirt and what must have been the hem of his briefs peeking, pale thighs and pink knees and muscular calves all on display. He asked Taekwoon if he thought that shirt was okay for tonight and Taekwoon remembers the mirror selfie now as he throws his head back against the unforgiving metal wall, closing his eyes.
It’s going to have to be okay.
The door to room 524 opens after his second knock and Taekwoon freezes up immediately.
It’s Jaehwan standing in the doorway; he can tell not only from the T-shirt he’s already seen in the selfie but also from the broad shoulders and small waist, from the shapely legs covered by the black fabric of a pair of trousers. And Jaehwan's face is beautiful; his eyes two sparkling, almond shaped gemstones above the perfect curve of his nose, his lips plump and red even like this, when he’s not pouting. His hair is a honey brown colour and looks silky with his fringe pushed back from his forehead but a tiny lock is hanging there still, like it didn’t want to be restrained by hair spray. Taekwoon feels his jaw drop slightly.
"Hi," Jaehwan says in the most pleasant voice Taekwoon has ever heard, a wide, somewhat crooked smile spreading on his lips and the slightest of dimples appearing on the two sides of his cheeks. "Come in."
Taekwoon blinks a few to clear his head, though he doesn't succeed. He steps into the hotel room that looks quite cool considering it's only a four-star hotel, the furniture simple and the bedsheets crisp and white. He doesn't know how to proceed.
Jaehwan closes the door and pads to him with his naked feet, standing in front of him with a gentle smile on his face. Taekwoon feels a blush spreading over the bridge of his nose.
"I—" he starts without a clear plan about what he really wants to say. "I— I'm—"
"Ssh," Jaehwan whispers and then laughs, cupping Taekwoon's cheeks in his hands. "It's going to be alright. You're here now."
Taekwoon's heart skips a beat and returns to its job at full speed as Jaehwan pulls him in and presses his lips against his own, kissing him slowly, sweetly. It only registers in the back of Taekwoon's mind that he shouldn't go into it, the end of his train of thought just slipping out of his grasp, leaving him helpless and defenceless in the face of Jaehwan's citrusy perfume and the softness of his lips, the warmth of his mouth, and his bony fingers in Taekwoon's hair.
Jaehwan's waist is small but just the right size in Taekwoon's hold and he feels himself melt against the boy, Jaehwan swallowing a quiet mewl when it escapes his throat.
He doesn't want to stop this.
Jaehwan pulls away after too little time, a hand resting on the side of Taekwoon's neck, his thumb touching his pulse point. He looks like a peach blossom, Taekwoon thinks, his lips even redder and his cheeks tinted with a somewhat dark shade of pink, eyes fluttering as he looks at Taekwoon.
"You're different from how I imagined," Jaehwan says, tilting his head to the side. "A lot more handsome."
Taekwoon blinks a few in embarrassment, suddenly too aware of the hands on him, of his hands on Jaehwan. He pulls back entirely.
"Uh, can we talk?" he asks.
You know, I'm actually here to arrest you—honestly, what the fuck is he doing.
"Talk?" Jaehwan asks and glances away into a corner. "What do you want to talk about?"
"Jaehwan, I—"
Jaehwan stills entirely, pricking up his pointy ears, the dismay clearly visible on his face as he starts breathing faster, his lips parting.
“Let’s go to the bar,” he says urgently, and a moment later he’s grabbing Taekwoon's wrist, tugging him out of the room and almost running through the corridor.
They stop in a corner just by the fire exit and Jaehwan—as small as he looks—pushes at Taekwoon's shoulders, making him fall against the wall with a yelp.
“I thought we were going to the bar?” Taekwoon mumbles.
“No,” Jaehwan replies, furrowing his brow. “We just had to get out of there. Who are you? How do you know my name?”
“Wonshik,” Taekwoon says. Jaehwan's pretty eyes narrow and he seems to puff up a little. “And I’ll tell you who I am if you tell me why we had to get out of the room.”
“It’s bugged so he’ll know if you want to hurt me,” Jaehwan jabbers and that doesn’t serve with too much information. “You’re a cop, aren’t you?”
It feels like someone has just poured a bucket of ice water over his head and Taekwoon feels himself tense up. Jaehwan doesn’t seem to be particularly surprised anymore, nor does he look scared with his hands keeping Taekwoon's shoulders pinned to the wall; all he looks is angry and disappointed and hurt. And for some reason, Taekwoon feels ashamed.
“Listen,” Taekwoon starts, “what you’re doing is illegal and—”
“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” Jaehwan rolls his eyes. “You were playing so well, I wouldn’t have thought— fucking Wonshik.”
“Okay, so, um,” Taekwoon straightens and forces Jaehwan's hands off his shoulders and instead, takes his wrists in his grasp. “I think it’ll be best if I take you to the station now.”
“No!” Jaehwan cries out, apparently shocked by his own volume. He shakes Taekwoon's hands off his wrists. “Don’t you understand? I’m not the one you should be after.”
“Yeah, well, you’ve tricked twenty-three people for money in the last few months; I’m pretty sure you’re the one I should be after,” Taekwoon replies, now getting angry.
“Has Wonshik told you about Hongbin?” Jaehwan asks, his eyes strangely wide like he’s afraid of the name.
“He said he’d heard of you from him.” Taekwoon knits his eyebrows. “Does he have anything to do with this whole thing?”
“Does he— oh my God,” Jaehwan goes pale and as he falls silent, Taekwoon can hear the vibration of his phone in the pocket of his trousers. Jaehwan fishes it out, closing his eyes for a second and taking a deep breath as he looks at the screen, swiping to take the call. “Hey. No, it’s nothing. We just needed something to make the atmosphere less tense,” Jaehwan chuckles and he’s putting up a perfect act until his eyes wander up to Taekwoon's face and he bites his lower lip. “You want to come here? Ah, but we haven’t— I’m not… I’m not in danger, Hongbin,” his voice goes low and he almost whispers, “I don’t think you should come here.”
Taekwoon feels his hands ball up into fists, the confusion irking him more than anything. He wants Jaehwan to stop talking on the phone and explain everything, to untangle this mess in his head, and also—he slaps himself mentally at this—maybe to kiss some more. Fuck everything.
“Okay,” Jaehwan says dejectedly. “I love you, too.”
That’s a nice little figurative kick in the gut.
Jaehwan ends the call and lowers his head, and he looks so tiny as he keeps staring at the floor.
“He’s coming here,” Jaehwan sighs and looks up at Taekwoon with tears shining in his eyes. “This is all your fault and I… I don’t want to betray him, but I’m so tired.”
“Do you… that is… do you want to tell me what’s going on?”
“I don’t really have a choice, now do I?” Jaehwan laughs hollowly and then he plops down on the floor. Taekwoon follows him down there and sits, watching as Jaehwan plays with a loose thread of his sock. “You’ll probably think I’m crazy and that this is unreal, but… so, the thing is that Hongbin had come up with this idea about half a year ago, I think? That we could make money with… well, me, because he said that a lot of men think I’m pretty?” He pauses.
“You’re really pretty,” Taekwoon says before he could think twice and then averts his eyes, a blush creeping up on his neck. Jaehwan snorts.
“I hate that you’re still so sweet when I’m making a confession that’s probably going to get me in jail,” he says. “But anyways, the point is that we’d set up that site and he’s not doing it… in such an immoral way? He only takes the money of those I agree to meet up with and as soon as he gets the confirmation from me that the guy has shown up, we charge their card. Your money has probably already been taken, actually.”
“I used an expired card,” Taekwoon mumbles.
Jaehwan laughs and this time it’s a happy one. He glances up at Taekwoon and says, “You’re not playing fair either.”
“Yeah, but I have legal permission for that,” Taekwoon replies and that makes Jaehwan chuckle again, the sound of it making a bunch of crazy butterflies swarm in Taekwoon’s stomach. “Are you, by any chance, you know… together? You said you loved him, too.”
That apparently saddens Jaehwan and his shoulders sag, his fingers trembling in the air and he stops playing with the thread.
“He really watches out for me and keeps me safe. It did start out like… dating, but I’ve been…” a deep breath, “I’ve got so tired of being used, because… I actually needed to… sometimes do service so those people I met up with could spread the word about this whole thing and we could get more guests and more money, but I didn’t have to do it every time. I’m just… I’m scared of getting out.”
“Scared?” Taekwoon asks. “Is he… threatening you or something?”
“No, of course not,” Jaehwan shakes his head. “I just… I knew there’d be trouble and I’m scared of… the consequences. For both of us.”
“I’m sorry,” Taekwoon says and he knows how empty it sounds even if he feels close to angry tears from the whole situation. He has never before felt this strongly that he wanted to just disappear, he’s never wanted to jump into a different universe and start a new life from scratch as much as he does now. He doesn’t want to be Jung Taekwoon; he wants to be that funny-looking bellboy down the hall.
“There’s really nothing to do, right?”
Jaehwan exhales shakily and his eyes are huge and full of worry, sorrow, and regret. Taekwoon takes his fingers from his crossed ankles and holds his cold hands in his palms, lets Jaehwan bury his face into the crook of his neck, his lips quivering against Taekwoon's skin.
Jaehwan wilts in Taekwoon's hold like a small flower that suddenly got picked out of the soil and left under the piercing sun to die.
The last time detective Jung Taekwoon sees his Songbird it’s in his cage.
Jaehwan has dark shadows contouring his glassy eyes and his skin is almost grey, his shoulder blades visible even under his shirt as if his wings have got torn out, leaving only the stubs there.
Taekwoon touches two fingers to the metal bars, tries to get closer to Jaehwan who is sitting in the corner, only half facing him, hugging his knobby knees to his chest.
Taekwoon wants to tell him he’ll get him out of there as soon as he can, he wants to tell him how he has already given his badge back, how he has already quit just so he can help, but Jaehwan doesn’t seem like he wants to hear any of those.
Taekwoon let him out of his prison only to lock him up in an entirely different way.
The Songbird can’t be free.
*it’s a raggiana bird-of-paradise
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samanthasroberts · 6 years
I’m Here To Collect The Debt You Owe. Please Don’t Kill Me
People don’t like to talk to creditors. People screen their phone calls, and toss out the bills. But it’s harder to ignore someone standing on your doorstep, especially when you don’t know why they’re there until they tell you. That’s me: I’m a debt collector. I’m not authorized to hold you upside down and shake the coins out of your pockets, but I do carry some scary-looking paperwork. And in my travels, I’ve found that …
America Is Full Of Weird, Isolated, Occasionally Creepy Communities
A few years ago, I did a two-day stint in West Virginia. The hills play havoc with GPS signals out there. Plus the maps aren’t all that accurate, and the roads are not maintained. Some aren’t even drivable. They don’t always bother putting up a sign to say so.
traveler1116 /iStock Google sent a Street View car there. It never came back.
Driving down a road that had degenerated into a dirt track, my Jeep sank right up to its undercarriage in a mud pond, and when I trekked up to a farmhouse, the folks there said, “Why, everyone knows that road’s been out for years!” The farmer got one of his tractors and hauled my Jeep out. Months later, my water pump died. When the mechanics called me, they said, “We’ve never seen anything like it! It’s like your water pump was full of swamp water!”
That’s generally how it goes: Rural areas are the worst to get around in, but anytime I’ve needed help, someone always chipped in — whether it was from me knocking on a farmhouse door, or someone just happening to drive past at the right time.
werner22brigitte/Pixabay And not always in a car …
One time I was called to a nudist colony. The office building had a board in place of a door. On the other side of a hill were a couple dozen campers and mobile homes. No people. Several more trailers had their doors kicked in. One was on its side, and another had been on fire at some point. It looked like the apocalypse hit this place. If anyone was left, I didn’t want to meet him or her. “Hey, could you tell me which trailer belongs to this almost certainly dead person? Oh, no, I can’t tell you why I’m looking for them. Hey, could you put down that chainsaw?”
When I checked the web later, Yelp was inconclusive about whether the place was open or closed, but it did specify that it was a “boys’ nudist camp,” which just added to the creep factor.
Vintervit/iStock That’s why they call it “Yelp!”
People Want To Kill You
It was late autumn, and the sun was going down when I arrived at a single-family home in a working-class neighborhood. I heard shouting. A man and a woman. I knocked anyways, and the shouting stopped. An athletic man in his late 20s opened the door, and I could see a woman just leaving the room. Another man around the same age sat on the couch behind a coffee table covered in empty beer bottles.
“Oh, you’re sorting through your recycling? I can come back later.”
I was already apprehensive, but I was new and didn’t really know what to do. So I went into my standard script. I introduced myself and explained that I was there about a late car payment. He nodded and invited me in, usually a good sign. Some clients require that we never enter a debtor’s house for liability reasons, but that wasn’t the case on this job. When someone invites you in, that’s usually an extension of trust. If you refuse, that could be taken as a rejection of their trust.
Once I was inside, he sat down and said: “You know I’m an Army Ranger. I’ve been to Afghanistan. It wouldn’t be anything to me to kill you right now.” Turns out that his friend was an Army Ranger too. After only a few moments, the friend left, which at first I took to be a good thing. Then I realized he was moving his car to block me into the driveway.
One more reason we need flying cars.
Fortunately, I’d spent eight years managing a customer service call center, dealing with the angriest of callers. Those same skills applied here. I emphasized that I was a private contractor and didn’t actually care if he ever made another car payment again. I also pointed out that I wasn’t the repo guy, and me being there was actually a good thing, because the bank was still trying to work with him. And for the only time ever, I pointed out that even if he killed me, his debt wasn’t going anywhere. A risky move, but it seemed to deflate him.
“Plus, how are you going to buy the tools to bury me without credit? Well? Yeah, that’s what I thought.”
That was the first time a customer threatened to kill me. It wasn’t the last. But while I can reason with angry customers, well …
You Can’t Reason With Dogs
I get attacked by dogs a lot. It’s a professional problem, not a personal one. Luckily, I have a defense method that, so far, has had a 100 percent success rating: my clipboard. As the dog rushes toward me, I grab my clipboard with both hands and put it between us, metal clip towards the dog. The dog doesn’t want to bite the metal, so it starts trying to dodge past it. I just keep moving the clipboard around until the dog gets frustrated and retreats a few steps.
All the while battling flashbacks from the vet’s.
Then I back off of the property and get in my car. If I can, I photograph the dog. Most of the clients that hire me to collect on the debt end up paying me anyways, and then blacklisting the property from future field-service reps.
About halfway to one house, I heard barking and saw a pit bull tear out of the woods. Now, I know it can be an unfairly maligned breed, and I’ve known some real sweetheart pit bulls. This was not one of them. Still, I had my clipboard and I thought to myself, “another day in paradise.” Then I saw the second one. And the third, and the fourth.
“Your dick. This could be your dick.”
They surrounded me, and started lunging. I kept spinning, trying to keep them from a clear shot, clipboarding whichever was closest. Somehow I got out and got home. I kissed my wife, and then immediately got blackout drunk.
No One Likes A Debt Collector
Sometimes, the bank sends out paperwork, and all the homeowner has to do is fill it out, then the bank lowers their monthly payment instead of foreclosing. But most people still won’t do it. Filling out the paperwork means acknowledging the problem, and people would rather just not deal with it.
The bank mails “deal with it” memes but to no avail.
So the bank sends me. I spoke with one woman who said that she hadn’t made a house payment in seven years. She was retired, unexpected expenses had depleted her savings, and she couldn’t afford her home on her Social Security. I was gathering info to lower her payments, but she was so ashamed of her situation that I had to drag everything out of her.
Now, I know predatory loans exist. I know some banks are eager to foreclose, to the point that they’ll do it prematurely, or even go after the wrong property. But those ones rarely hire me — my clients would rather have the payment than the collateral. You don’t hire someone like me if you just want to foreclose.
When they roll out the milking machine, they’re not interested in making hamburger meat of you.
I talk to middle-class people who have never had serious financial trouble before. The emotions involved are so strong, that even when the bank wants to work with them, they’ll dodge phone calls and ignore letters. One guy took one look at the paperwork and said: “You can get the fuck out of my house.”
“You know I’m here to help, right?”
“I know. Now get the fuck out.”
About this time, you’re probably wondering, “What do you carry for protection?”
Man evolved past its primal fear of clipboards years ago.
The answer is: Nothing.
When I first started this job, I thought about getting a concealed carry permit. But most clients specifically forbid me from carrying a weapon of any kind, even mace. The reason: I’m there to collect a debt. If the debtor sees any weapon, that can be an attempt at coercion, an implied threat. You can’t threaten or coerce with physical violence as part of debt collection.
As scary as that sounds …
Every Weird Encounter Just Increases My Sympathy For People
Every once in a while, I’ll be talking to someone and see the newest Call Of Duty game paused on their new PS4 on their new giant-ass TV. I don’t say it, but I can’t help but think I know where at least some of that car payment went. “Comfort” purchases go up during recessions. And honestly, I don’t blame them.
Besides, nothing I say can be more hurtful than what some 13-year-old is yelling at them during multiplayer.
I used to work for little more than minimum wage, so I’ve had to play the “which bill can I let slide this month” game. When you’ve been chronically behind on bills for a while, you can’t just cut out all recreation. You’d kill yourself or go mad. Anyone who hears about debtors going out on a Friday and thinks, “they shouldn’t be spending money if they’re behind on the house” — well, they should be spending less money, perhaps, but they also need to keep themselves sane. I’d like to say I’ve learned a lot about people from looking into their homes. But the real thing I’ve learned is that you can’t truly know what’s going on in other people’s lives just from appearances, so it’s best not to judge.
And that good running shoes are always a sound investment.
Please help JSH Placie get attacked by fewer dogs. Check out his short fiction here and here. Fair warning, it’s not comedy, but it is good. Ryan Menezes is on Twitter for stuff cut from this article and other things no one should see.
Also check out 5 Disturbing New Ways Debt Collectors Are Getting Your Money and 6 Creepy Schemes Companies Use To Bury You In Debt.
Hey Cracked Podcast fans: Join Alex Schmidt, Daniel O’Brien, Katie Goldin, and our favorite LA comedians for a deep dive into which animals could conquer the world if they tried. Get your tickets here.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel, and check out Why Credit Cards Are A Scam, and other videos you won’t see on the site!
Follow us on Facebook, and we’ll follow you everywhere.
If we’ve ever made you laugh or think, we now have a way where you can thank and support us!
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Source: http://allofbeer.com/im-here-to-collect-the-debt-you-owe-please-dont-kill-me/
from All of Beer https://allofbeer.wordpress.com/2018/02/23/im-here-to-collect-the-debt-you-owe-please-dont-kill-me/
0 notes
adambstingus · 6 years
I’m Here To Collect The Debt You Owe. Please Don’t Kill Me
People don’t like to talk to creditors. People screen their phone calls, and toss out the bills. But it’s harder to ignore someone standing on your doorstep, especially when you don’t know why they’re there until they tell you. That’s me: I’m a debt collector. I’m not authorized to hold you upside down and shake the coins out of your pockets, but I do carry some scary-looking paperwork. And in my travels, I’ve found that …
America Is Full Of Weird, Isolated, Occasionally Creepy Communities
A few years ago, I did a two-day stint in West Virginia. The hills play havoc with GPS signals out there. Plus the maps aren’t all that accurate, and the roads are not maintained. Some aren’t even drivable. They don’t always bother putting up a sign to say so.
traveler1116 /iStock Google sent a Street View car there. It never came back.
Driving down a road that had degenerated into a dirt track, my Jeep sank right up to its undercarriage in a mud pond, and when I trekked up to a farmhouse, the folks there said, “Why, everyone knows that road’s been out for years!” The farmer got one of his tractors and hauled my Jeep out. Months later, my water pump died. When the mechanics called me, they said, “We’ve never seen anything like it! It’s like your water pump was full of swamp water!”
That’s generally how it goes: Rural areas are the worst to get around in, but anytime I’ve needed help, someone always chipped in — whether it was from me knocking on a farmhouse door, or someone just happening to drive past at the right time.
werner22brigitte/Pixabay And not always in a car …
One time I was called to a nudist colony. The office building had a board in place of a door. On the other side of a hill were a couple dozen campers and mobile homes. No people. Several more trailers had their doors kicked in. One was on its side, and another had been on fire at some point. It looked like the apocalypse hit this place. If anyone was left, I didn’t want to meet him or her. “Hey, could you tell me which trailer belongs to this almost certainly dead person? Oh, no, I can’t tell you why I’m looking for them. Hey, could you put down that chainsaw?”
When I checked the web later, Yelp was inconclusive about whether the place was open or closed, but it did specify that it was a “boys’ nudist camp,” which just added to the creep factor.
Vintervit/iStock That’s why they call it “Yelp!”
People Want To Kill You
It was late autumn, and the sun was going down when I arrived at a single-family home in a working-class neighborhood. I heard shouting. A man and a woman. I knocked anyways, and the shouting stopped. An athletic man in his late 20s opened the door, and I could see a woman just leaving the room. Another man around the same age sat on the couch behind a coffee table covered in empty beer bottles.
“Oh, you’re sorting through your recycling? I can come back later.”
I was already apprehensive, but I was new and didn’t really know what to do. So I went into my standard script. I introduced myself and explained that I was there about a late car payment. He nodded and invited me in, usually a good sign. Some clients require that we never enter a debtor’s house for liability reasons, but that wasn’t the case on this job. When someone invites you in, that’s usually an extension of trust. If you refuse, that could be taken as a rejection of their trust.
Once I was inside, he sat down and said: “You know I’m an Army Ranger. I’ve been to Afghanistan. It wouldn’t be anything to me to kill you right now.” Turns out that his friend was an Army Ranger too. After only a few moments, the friend left, which at first I took to be a good thing. Then I realized he was moving his car to block me into the driveway.
One more reason we need flying cars.
Fortunately, I’d spent eight years managing a customer service call center, dealing with the angriest of callers. Those same skills applied here. I emphasized that I was a private contractor and didn’t actually care if he ever made another car payment again. I also pointed out that I wasn’t the repo guy, and me being there was actually a good thing, because the bank was still trying to work with him. And for the only time ever, I pointed out that even if he killed me, his debt wasn’t going anywhere. A risky move, but it seemed to deflate him.
“Plus, how are you going to buy the tools to bury me without credit? Well? Yeah, that’s what I thought.”
That was the first time a customer threatened to kill me. It wasn’t the last. But while I can reason with angry customers, well …
You Can’t Reason With Dogs
I get attacked by dogs a lot. It’s a professional problem, not a personal one. Luckily, I have a defense method that, so far, has had a 100 percent success rating: my clipboard. As the dog rushes toward me, I grab my clipboard with both hands and put it between us, metal clip towards the dog. The dog doesn’t want to bite the metal, so it starts trying to dodge past it. I just keep moving the clipboard around until the dog gets frustrated and retreats a few steps.
All the while battling flashbacks from the vet’s.
Then I back off of the property and get in my car. If I can, I photograph the dog. Most of the clients that hire me to collect on the debt end up paying me anyways, and then blacklisting the property from future field-service reps.
About halfway to one house, I heard barking and saw a pit bull tear out of the woods. Now, I know it can be an unfairly maligned breed, and I’ve known some real sweetheart pit bulls. This was not one of them. Still, I had my clipboard and I thought to myself, “another day in paradise.” Then I saw the second one. And the third, and the fourth.
“Your dick. This could be your dick.”
They surrounded me, and started lunging. I kept spinning, trying to keep them from a clear shot, clipboarding whichever was closest. Somehow I got out and got home. I kissed my wife, and then immediately got blackout drunk.
No One Likes A Debt Collector
Sometimes, the bank sends out paperwork, and all the homeowner has to do is fill it out, then the bank lowers their monthly payment instead of foreclosing. But most people still won’t do it. Filling out the paperwork means acknowledging the problem, and people would rather just not deal with it.
The bank mails “deal with it” memes but to no avail.
So the bank sends me. I spoke with one woman who said that she hadn’t made a house payment in seven years. She was retired, unexpected expenses had depleted her savings, and she couldn’t afford her home on her Social Security. I was gathering info to lower her payments, but she was so ashamed of her situation that I had to drag everything out of her.
Now, I know predatory loans exist. I know some banks are eager to foreclose, to the point that they’ll do it prematurely, or even go after the wrong property. But those ones rarely hire me — my clients would rather have the payment than the collateral. You don’t hire someone like me if you just want to foreclose.
When they roll out the milking machine, they’re not interested in making hamburger meat of you.
I talk to middle-class people who have never had serious financial trouble before. The emotions involved are so strong, that even when the bank wants to work with them, they’ll dodge phone calls and ignore letters. One guy took one look at the paperwork and said: “You can get the fuck out of my house.”
“You know I’m here to help, right?”
“I know. Now get the fuck out.”
About this time, you’re probably wondering, “What do you carry for protection?”
Man evolved past its primal fear of clipboards years ago.
The answer is: Nothing.
When I first started this job, I thought about getting a concealed carry permit. But most clients specifically forbid me from carrying a weapon of any kind, even mace. The reason: I’m there to collect a debt. If the debtor sees any weapon, that can be an attempt at coercion, an implied threat. You can’t threaten or coerce with physical violence as part of debt collection.
As scary as that sounds …
Every Weird Encounter Just Increases My Sympathy For People
Every once in a while, I’ll be talking to someone and see the newest Call Of Duty game paused on their new PS4 on their new giant-ass TV. I don’t say it, but I can’t help but think I know where at least some of that car payment went. “Comfort” purchases go up during recessions. And honestly, I don’t blame them.
Besides, nothing I say can be more hurtful than what some 13-year-old is yelling at them during multiplayer.
I used to work for little more than minimum wage, so I’ve had to play the “which bill can I let slide this month” game. When you’ve been chronically behind on bills for a while, you can’t just cut out all recreation. You’d kill yourself or go mad. Anyone who hears about debtors going out on a Friday and thinks, “they shouldn’t be spending money if they’re behind on the house” — well, they should be spending less money, perhaps, but they also need to keep themselves sane. I’d like to say I’ve learned a lot about people from looking into their homes. But the real thing I’ve learned is that you can’t truly know what’s going on in other people’s lives just from appearances, so it’s best not to judge.
And that good running shoes are always a sound investment.
Please help JSH Placie get attacked by fewer dogs. Check out his short fiction here and here. Fair warning, it’s not comedy, but it is good. Ryan Menezes is on Twitter for stuff cut from this article and other things no one should see.
Also check out 5 Disturbing New Ways Debt Collectors Are Getting Your Money and 6 Creepy Schemes Companies Use To Bury You In Debt.
Hey Cracked Podcast fans: Join Alex Schmidt, Daniel O’Brien, Katie Goldin, and our favorite LA comedians for a deep dive into which animals could conquer the world if they tried. Get your tickets here.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel, and check out Why Credit Cards Are A Scam, and other videos you won’t see on the site!
Follow us on Facebook, and we’ll follow you everywhere.
If we’ve ever made you laugh or think, we now have a way where you can thank and support us!
Make a contribution
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/im-here-to-collect-the-debt-you-owe-please-dont-kill-me/ from All of Beer https://allofbeercom.tumblr.com/post/171213009947
0 notes
allofbeercom · 6 years
I’m Here To Collect The Debt You Owe. Please Don’t Kill Me
People don’t like to talk to creditors. People screen their phone calls, and toss out the bills. But it’s harder to ignore someone standing on your doorstep, especially when you don’t know why they’re there until they tell you. That’s me: I’m a debt collector. I’m not authorized to hold you upside down and shake the coins out of your pockets, but I do carry some scary-looking paperwork. And in my travels, I’ve found that …
America Is Full Of Weird, Isolated, Occasionally Creepy Communities
A few years ago, I did a two-day stint in West Virginia. The hills play havoc with GPS signals out there. Plus the maps aren’t all that accurate, and the roads are not maintained. Some aren’t even drivable. They don’t always bother putting up a sign to say so.
traveler1116 /iStock Google sent a Street View car there. It never came back.
Driving down a road that had degenerated into a dirt track, my Jeep sank right up to its undercarriage in a mud pond, and when I trekked up to a farmhouse, the folks there said, “Why, everyone knows that road’s been out for years!” The farmer got one of his tractors and hauled my Jeep out. Months later, my water pump died. When the mechanics called me, they said, “We’ve never seen anything like it! It’s like your water pump was full of swamp water!”
That’s generally how it goes: Rural areas are the worst to get around in, but anytime I’ve needed help, someone always chipped in — whether it was from me knocking on a farmhouse door, or someone just happening to drive past at the right time.
werner22brigitte/Pixabay And not always in a car …
One time I was called to a nudist colony. The office building had a board in place of a door. On the other side of a hill were a couple dozen campers and mobile homes. No people. Several more trailers had their doors kicked in. One was on its side, and another had been on fire at some point. It looked like the apocalypse hit this place. If anyone was left, I didn’t want to meet him or her. “Hey, could you tell me which trailer belongs to this almost certainly dead person? Oh, no, I can’t tell you why I’m looking for them. Hey, could you put down that chainsaw?”
When I checked the web later, Yelp was inconclusive about whether the place was open or closed, but it did specify that it was a “boys’ nudist camp,” which just added to the creep factor.
Vintervit/iStock That’s why they call it “Yelp!”
People Want To Kill You
It was late autumn, and the sun was going down when I arrived at a single-family home in a working-class neighborhood. I heard shouting. A man and a woman. I knocked anyways, and the shouting stopped. An athletic man in his late 20s opened the door, and I could see a woman just leaving the room. Another man around the same age sat on the couch behind a coffee table covered in empty beer bottles.
“Oh, you’re sorting through your recycling? I can come back later.”
I was already apprehensive, but I was new and didn’t really know what to do. So I went into my standard script. I introduced myself and explained that I was there about a late car payment. He nodded and invited me in, usually a good sign. Some clients require that we never enter a debtor’s house for liability reasons, but that wasn’t the case on this job. When someone invites you in, that’s usually an extension of trust. If you refuse, that could be taken as a rejection of their trust.
Once I was inside, he sat down and said: “You know I’m an Army Ranger. I’ve been to Afghanistan. It wouldn’t be anything to me to kill you right now.” Turns out that his friend was an Army Ranger too. After only a few moments, the friend left, which at first I took to be a good thing. Then I realized he was moving his car to block me into the driveway.
One more reason we need flying cars.
Fortunately, I’d spent eight years managing a customer service call center, dealing with the angriest of callers. Those same skills applied here. I emphasized that I was a private contractor and didn’t actually care if he ever made another car payment again. I also pointed out that I wasn’t the repo guy, and me being there was actually a good thing, because the bank was still trying to work with him. And for the only time ever, I pointed out that even if he killed me, his debt wasn’t going anywhere. A risky move, but it seemed to deflate him.
“Plus, how are you going to buy the tools to bury me without credit? Well? Yeah, that’s what I thought.”
That was the first time a customer threatened to kill me. It wasn’t the last. But while I can reason with angry customers, well …
You Can’t Reason With Dogs
I get attacked by dogs a lot. It’s a professional problem, not a personal one. Luckily, I have a defense method that, so far, has had a 100 percent success rating: my clipboard. As the dog rushes toward me, I grab my clipboard with both hands and put it between us, metal clip towards the dog. The dog doesn’t want to bite the metal, so it starts trying to dodge past it. I just keep moving the clipboard around until the dog gets frustrated and retreats a few steps.
All the while battling flashbacks from the vet’s.
Then I back off of the property and get in my car. If I can, I photograph the dog. Most of the clients that hire me to collect on the debt end up paying me anyways, and then blacklisting the property from future field-service reps.
About halfway to one house, I heard barking and saw a pit bull tear out of the woods. Now, I know it can be an unfairly maligned breed, and I’ve known some real sweetheart pit bulls. This was not one of them. Still, I had my clipboard and I thought to myself, “another day in paradise.” Then I saw the second one. And the third, and the fourth.
“Your dick. This could be your dick.”
They surrounded me, and started lunging. I kept spinning, trying to keep them from a clear shot, clipboarding whichever was closest. Somehow I got out and got home. I kissed my wife, and then immediately got blackout drunk.
No One Likes A Debt Collector
Sometimes, the bank sends out paperwork, and all the homeowner has to do is fill it out, then the bank lowers their monthly payment instead of foreclosing. But most people still won’t do it. Filling out the paperwork means acknowledging the problem, and people would rather just not deal with it.
The bank mails “deal with it” memes but to no avail.
So the bank sends me. I spoke with one woman who said that she hadn’t made a house payment in seven years. She was retired, unexpected expenses had depleted her savings, and she couldn’t afford her home on her Social Security. I was gathering info to lower her payments, but she was so ashamed of her situation that I had to drag everything out of her.
Now, I know predatory loans exist. I know some banks are eager to foreclose, to the point that they’ll do it prematurely, or even go after the wrong property. But those ones rarely hire me — my clients would rather have the payment than the collateral. You don’t hire someone like me if you just want to foreclose.
When they roll out the milking machine, they’re not interested in making hamburger meat of you.
I talk to middle-class people who have never had serious financial trouble before. The emotions involved are so strong, that even when the bank wants to work with them, they’ll dodge phone calls and ignore letters. One guy took one look at the paperwork and said: “You can get the fuck out of my house.”
“You know I’m here to help, right?”
“I know. Now get the fuck out.”
About this time, you’re probably wondering, “What do you carry for protection?”
Man evolved past its primal fear of clipboards years ago.
The answer is: Nothing.
When I first started this job, I thought about getting a concealed carry permit. But most clients specifically forbid me from carrying a weapon of any kind, even mace. The reason: I’m there to collect a debt. If the debtor sees any weapon, that can be an attempt at coercion, an implied threat. You can’t threaten or coerce with physical violence as part of debt collection.
As scary as that sounds …
Every Weird Encounter Just Increases My Sympathy For People
Every once in a while, I’ll be talking to someone and see the newest Call Of Duty game paused on their new PS4 on their new giant-ass TV. I don’t say it, but I can’t help but think I know where at least some of that car payment went. “Comfort” purchases go up during recessions. And honestly, I don’t blame them.
Besides, nothing I say can be more hurtful than what some 13-year-old is yelling at them during multiplayer.
I used to work for little more than minimum wage, so I’ve had to play the “which bill can I let slide this month” game. When you’ve been chronically behind on bills for a while, you can’t just cut out all recreation. You’d kill yourself or go mad. Anyone who hears about debtors going out on a Friday and thinks, “they shouldn’t be spending money if they’re behind on the house” — well, they should be spending less money, perhaps, but they also need to keep themselves sane. I’d like to say I’ve learned a lot about people from looking into their homes. But the real thing I’ve learned is that you can’t truly know what’s going on in other people’s lives just from appearances, so it’s best not to judge.
And that good running shoes are always a sound investment.
Please help JSH Placie get attacked by fewer dogs. Check out his short fiction here and here. Fair warning, it’s not comedy, but it is good. Ryan Menezes is on Twitter for stuff cut from this article and other things no one should see.
Also check out 5 Disturbing New Ways Debt Collectors Are Getting Your Money and 6 Creepy Schemes Companies Use To Bury You In Debt.
Hey Cracked Podcast fans: Join Alex Schmidt, Daniel O’Brien, Katie Goldin, and our favorite LA comedians for a deep dive into which animals could conquer the world if they tried. Get your tickets here.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel, and check out Why Credit Cards Are A Scam, and other videos you won’t see on the site!
Follow us on Facebook, and we’ll follow you everywhere.
If we’ve ever made you laugh or think, we now have a way where you can thank and support us!
Make a contribution
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/im-here-to-collect-the-debt-you-owe-please-dont-kill-me/
0 notes
bloojayoolie · 5 years
Tumblr media
Apparently, Children, and Click: gloria ID# 67948 @ Manhattan ACC Glorla is a cute Ittle grey mouse who loves to be in company. She is al wiggly at her door, leashed in no time and ready for treats and fun. A little sweetheart in need of TLC as her past might not have been a "piece of cake" 5 yrs old 45 lbs TO BE KILLED 8/22/19 ~ Gray beauty Gloria is still here! How could you resist those ears! ~ A $500 stipend will be offered to the New Hope partner that pulls Gloria. Meet Gloria! This fun loving, social gal is looking for her forever family! A volunteer writes: Gloria is a cute little grey mouse who loves to be in company. She is all wiggly at her door, leashed in no time and ready for treats and fun. She can jump really high for liver bits, and sit, too. This will make training quite easy. Gloria is an enthusiastic walker, but being quite small and light, a gentle lead will just do the trick for a pleasant stroll. I was told that she was a sweetheart, and a stop by a bench showed me that she was a perfect girlfriend! Gloria needs TLC as her past might not have been a "piece of cake". Your caring and loving hands are what Gloria has been waiting all her life for. Come and meet her soon at the Manhattan Care Center! MY MOVIE: Gloria wants to be your friend https://youtu.be/H_QK2n7K0M0 GLORIA, ID# 67948, 5 yrs old, 45 lbs (34.4 lbs at Intake), Manhattan Animal Care Center, Medium Mixed Breed Cross, Gray Female, Found Stray Shelter Assessment Rating: LEVEL 3 No children (under 13) Medical Behavior Rating: BEHAVIOR NOTES Means of surrender (length of time in previous home): Stray Behavior toward strangers: finders report her as friendly Bite history: Yes - due to Mouthiness/poor bite inhibition. During an adoption interaction Gloria became excited and began mouthing the adopter. She jumped up and bit the adopter's hand, resulting in broken skin. SAFER ASSESSMENT: Date of assessment: 6-Jul-2019 Summary: Leash Walking Strength and pulling: Moderate Reactivity to humans: None Reactivity to dogs: None Leash walking comments: None Sociability Loose in room (15-20 seconds): Highly social Call over: Approaches readily Sociability comments: Body soft, jumps up gently Handling Soft handling: Seeks contact Exuberant handling: Seeks contact Handling comments: Body soft, jumps up, leans in Arousal Jog: Follows (loose) Arousal comments: None Knock: Approaches (loose) Knock Comments: None Toy: No response Toy comments: None PLAYGROUP NOTES - DOG TO DOG SUMMARIES: Due to arrival as a stray, Gloria's history around dogs is unknown. At the care center, Gloria was polite and calm when introduced to the helper dog. Most recently, she has appeared more tense and uncomfortable around other dogs. Future introductions and follow up around dogs may be best conducted outside of a shelter environment. 7/3: When introduced off leash to the male helper dog, Gloria greets politely. 7/7-10: Today, Gloria is tense and corners the other dogs. ENERGY LEVEL: We have no history on Gloria so we cannot be certain of her behavior in a home environment. However, she is a young, enthusiastic, social dog who will need daily mental and physical activity to keep her engaged and exercised. We recommend long-lasting chews, food puzzles, and hide-and-seek games, in additional to physical exercise, to positively direct her energy and enthusiasm. IN SHELTER OBSERVATIONS: 8/12: Charges the kennel growling, baring teeth, and snaps repeatedly when approach in kennel. Once out of kennel, grabs leash in mouth. 8/4 Gloria was observed to growl, lunge, and snap towards a handler when he was attempting to remove her from her kennel. BEHAVIOR DETERMINATION: Level 3 Behavior Asilomar TM - Treatable-Manageable Recommendations: No children (under 13) Recommendations comments: No children: Gloria takes treats extremely hard and bites down on fingers by accident. She also becomes overly mouthy when excited to the point that she broke a skin on a person's hand. For these reasons, we recommend an adult only home. Potential challenges: Social hyperarousal Mouthiness/poor bite inhibition Bite history (human) Potential challenges comments: Mouthiness/poor bite inhibition: Gloria takes treats extremely enthusiastically and bites down very hard on fingers by accident when getting fed by hand. Treats should be tossed on the ground instead. She has also become mouthy when excited and bitten down with hard pressure, breaking skin on one occasion. Please see handout on Mouthiness/poor bite inhibition. Social hyperarousal: Gloria becomes very excited around people, jumping up and mouthing them. She has at times used hard pressure when mouthing. Please see handout on Arousal. Bite history (human): Gloria becomes excited and mouthy during an adoption interaction, biting the adopter's hand and breaking skin. Please see handout on Bite History. MEDICAL EXAM NOTES 12-Aug-2019 Tech Exam As per Dr 1657, removed e-collar 12-Aug-2019 Progress Exam Hx: has had r fl lameness msi- nsf P) remove e collar 10-Aug-2019 Progress Exam SO P is R TL lame, licking at palmar surface between digits. MSKI -- R TL lame with toe touching; moderate erythema between the central paw pad and digits # #3&4 with a focal 1cm blanched region along the palmar surface. Small abrasion seen with mild discharge A lame -- R TL r/o trauma P sedated with butorphanol 0.8ml, dexdomitor 0.6ml IV. 2 view radiographs of the R TL cleaned, flushed wound with saline and dilute chlorhexidine. e collar placed to prevent further self-trauma Limited Walks sign placed Trazodone 200mg PO q12h x 3 days convenia 2.1ml SQ one t ime reversed with 0.4ml antisedan IM 10-Aug-2019 Tech Exam Per Dr. 1516: Sedated with Dexmedetomidine 0.5 mg/ml 0.6 mls IV and Butorphanol 10 mg/ml 0.8 mls IV Shot 2 view RF paw rads Placed e-collar 20 cm Placed "5 minute only walks" sign Administered Convenia 80 mg/ml 2.1 mls SQ Reversed with Antisedan 5 mg/ml 0.4 mls IM 9-Aug-2019 Progress Exam SO MSK -- R TL lame. erythematous paw pads, abrasion along the central paw pad . A paw pad abrasion P carprofen 75mg tablet -- 1 tablet PO q24h x 4 days 29-Jul-2019 Progress Exam SO Recheck CIRDC day 14. BAR in kennel. P is hard barking at kennel front EN -- eyes and nose are clear. no discharge. no sneezing. Appears eupneic. A CIRDC -- apparently resolved P ok to move out of ISO continue to monitor in shelter 23-Jul-2019 Progress Exam SO: CIRDC recheck BAR at front of kennel, barking mucoid nasal d/c present occasional cough during observation period A: CIRDC P: extend ab course additional 5 days then recheck Enrofloxacin 204mg 0.75 tablet sid x5d Doxycycline 100mg tab 1.75 tablets sid x5d 20-Jul-2019 Progress Exam Hx: has had CIRDC eent- mucoid nasal dc; eyes clear A) CIRDC P) URI signs continue 16-Jul-2019 Progress Exam SO Recheck CIRDC day 10 EN -- eyes are clear. serous nasal discharge A CIRDC P continue on current tx plan 10-Jul-2019 Progress Exam SO BAR in kennel. EN -- sneezing, sniffling and serous nasal discharge during rounds A CIRDC P doxycycline 100mg tablet -- give 1.75tablet PO q24h x 14 days enrofloxacin 204mg tablet -- give 0.75 tablet PO q24h x 14 days cerenia 16mg tablet -- give 1 tablet PO q24h x 4 days 7-Jul-2019 DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: 5 years Microchip noted on Intake?No History : Stray Subjective: BAR H pink 1 sec Observed Behavior - seeks attention; engaging Evidence of Cruelty seen - no Evidence of Trauma seen - no Objective P =120hr R =40rr BCS 4/9 EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, no nasal or ocular discharge noted Oral Exam:mild tartar; stage 1 PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: FI based on apparent absence of OHE scar MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, multifocal area of alopecia CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Assessment underweight areas of alopecia secondary to healing wounds (scars) and pressure points Prognosis: good Plan: intake procedures SURGERY: Okay for surgery *** TO FOSTER OR ADOPT *** HOW TO RESERVE A “TO BE KILLED” DOG ONLINE (only for those who can get to the shelter IN PERSON to complete the adoption process, and only for the dogs on the list NOT marked New Hope Rescue Only). Follow our Step by Step directions below! *PLEASE NOTE – YOU MUST USE A PC OR TABLET – PHONE RESERVES WILL NOT WORK! ** STEP 1: CLICK ON THIS RESERVE LINK: https://newhope.shelterbuddy.com/Animal/List Step 2: Go to the red menu button on the top right corner, click register and fill in your info. Step 3: Go to your email and verify account \ Step 4: Go back to the website, click the menu button and view available dogs Step 5: Scroll to the animal you are interested and click reserve STEP 6 ( MOST IMPORTANT STEP ): GO TO THE MENU AGAIN AND VIEW YOUR CART. THE ANIMAL SHOULD NOW BE IN YOUR CART! Step 7: Fill in your credit card info and complete transaction HOW TO FOSTER OR ADOPT IF YOU *CANNOT* GET TO THE SHELTER IN PERSON, OR IF THE DOG IS NEW HOPE RESCUE ONLY! You must live within 3 – 4 hours of NY, NJ, PA, CT, RI, DE, MD, MA, NH, VT, ME or Norther VA. Please PM our page for assistance. You will need to fill out applications with a New Hope Rescue Partner to foster or adopt a dog on the To Be Killed list, including those labelled Rescue Only. Hurry please, time is short, and the Rescues need time to process the applications.
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