runa-falls · 1 year
happy 3k BAE BAEEEEE 🫂🤍 so so soooo proud of you 😭😭😭😭😭
thoughts on miguel being blindfolded….?
<3 thank you darling <3
sub-ish!miguel, mention of pain kink, over-the-clothes touching
short spicy blurb (18+):
miguel's eyes have never been the same since the serum spliced his dna with a spider's. while a heightened sense of sight may be helpful in combat, for everyday living it's a burden.
blindfolding gives him a reprieve from the overwhelming stimulus of light. he's found that being blindfolded in a safe place is when he's the most comfortable.
now, he's laid down on the bed in front of you, silently waiting for you to make your move. he trusts you completely, giving you full range of his body.
you love the fact that miguel doesn't have a spider sense because he can never tell what's about to happen. this means that you get to hear every surprised whimper and breathy sigh as you make your way down his body.
when one sense is blocked, the others are heighten, and he can't hide how sensitive he is when he practically vibrates under your touch. he grunts when you start at his chest, delicately running your nails down his firm pecs just to watch as goosebumps bloom at the surface of his skin.
his back arches like he's wordlessly asking you to dig your fingers into him until it hurts -- he likes it when it hurts -- but you refuse him, ignoring his frustrated whine as you take your hands off of him completely.
you pause and just look at him under you, his shirtless figure and fluffed hair. he's thrumming with anticipation, chest panting and cock already eagerly pushing against his sweats. he looks ruined and you've barely even touched him.
his abdomen flinches as your cold hand presses flush against his stomach. you drag it down and trace at his happy trail, drinking in his broken groan as you get closer and closer to where he needs you. he hears your breath hitch when you notice his cock twitching under the fabric, so desperate for your attention.
"you're being so patient for me, baby." you coo, cupping him over his pants.
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angel-of-the-moons · 1 year
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So they're both played by Oscar Isaac, right?
(This time around I tried to draw him closer to how he looks in the movie, I feel I made his face a bit too blocky in the other ones)
Thank you @oharaludes for the suit idea 👀
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thexsanctuaryx · 1 year
Okay, I might not get to too many more fics tonight. Cause of course I'm re-reading them before sharing and commenting. But can y'all just go give Cici @oharaludes a follow and send her some love? Pretty please and thank you? She deserves it. I don't see enough of my usuals posting her on the dash. And I promise I'll stop blowing you up Ci - just very excited to have found you and your work. Gotta hype you up.
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beautysamour · 1 year
HAPPY 1K my loveeee 💋🪽 sending hugsss
thank you ci!!
(\ (\
(„• ֊ •„) ♡
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improbable-outset · 1 year
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𝐈𝐧 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐂𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐬𝐨𝐧-𝐅𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬
𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐈𝐈
(Part 1 here)
Miguel O’Hara x fem!Reader
𝐀𝐎3 ★ | 𝐌𝐲 𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐬 ✎ | 𝐒𝐩𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2.7k
𝐓𝐖 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐖: Food (?), Brief hospital settings, memory loss, medical examining, head trauma, post injury, Wife!Reader. Reader is just so lost in all this :(
𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐬: @thel0velykey190 @oharaludes @deputy-videogamer
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: You’re finally given a diagnosis from the hospital on why you’re experiencing memory loss. After being discharged, Miguel leads you through the city of Nueva York and shows you memories of your shared life. However one question still nags your mind: what was the cause of the accident?
𝐀/𝐍: I’m not the sentimental type but I know Miguel will be, especially with reader’s cooking 🥹🫠
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It’s been several days since you woke up from your comatose state. Everything was far out of your reach, even your memory of your husband. During those days while you were staying in the hospital, the nurse had been taking different tests to identify the cause of your memory loss. You had to move from different departments in the hospital including the Emergency Department and Neurophysiology Department. You were assessed with various aspects of your brain function including your reflexes and brain coordination. Though the most daunting part was imaging studies where they had to scan around the head area to identify anything unusual in your brain functioning or blood flow. You were uncomfortable with the thought of lying down and sliding into the tunnel, which seemed to swallow you whole. It didn’t help that they had to strap you to the bed to ensure you stayed still while the scan was on but Miguel was there with you throughout the procedure, constantly reassuring you and reminding you that it was important to do these tests so you could have a better understanding on what’s going on with your mental state.
But even with his constant presence, you still couldn’t shake off the drowning feeling of being lost. It was suffocating at times and you knew Miguel was trying his best to make you feel comfortable and safe as a husband should but no matter how hard you tried, Miguel just couldn’t feel like home to you; even if you didn’t really know what home was.
After the CT scan, you were given a diagnosis and the doctors had told you that you have a Traumatic Brain Injury and the memory loss was caused by Post-Traumatic Anemia. Your initial reaction was pure confusion - it all sounded like mere words to you until they explained that some regions in your brain were damaged after the accident. The thought made you feel uneasy. You realised that these damaged regions held the key to your core memories that you’ll never recover from. You couldn’t even remember what led up to the accident but whatever it was must’ve been something disastrous. After finalising everything, you were prescribed pain killers for the headaches and were discharged from the hospital, now sitting on the passenger side of Miguel’s car and on your way home. The car ride was quiet but comfortable. However, there was the queasy feeling of anticipation that settled at the pit of your gut not only because of the diagnosis but also with whatever lies ahead in the future, making you fidget in your seat; your clothes brushing against the leather seat was the only noise in the car that filled the silence. Miguel seemed to notice and tried to distract you from your thoughts.
“Mi amor, do you recognise these streets? Are you familiar with where we are?” Miguel looked at you briefly as he spoke before his eyes were on the road again. Every street looked the same to you especially now when it was dark out and all you could catch were streetlights and headlights.
“Barely…” You replied dryly. You scanned your surroundings and tried to jog your memory again. The bustling metropolis with its constant car honking, swarming pedestrians and the distant whine of sirens was a significant contrast to the still hospital room being engulfed by pale walls and the sickly sweet smell of disinfectant. Sure, the hospital was chaotic sometimes but it was still organised and everyone had their own roles and knew what to do. Here in the streets, everyone was unpredictable with where they were going to go. Some formed crowds like a moth surrounding a light bulb and some were walking alone. Even though it was well past rush hour and it was late, the streets were still packed.
“Barely? So you do recognise it a little?” Miguel said, his voice had some optimism to it. He glanced back at you again and tried to read your expression.
“Yeah…. I remember being surrounded by buildings and lights like this before but I don’t know exactly where we are.” You knew that you lived in Nueva York which was a busy city and was always surrounded by tall buildings but you couldn’t distinguish any of them or any of the landmarks.
“That’s alright mi amor… it’ll take some time getting used to. We’re almost home now.” Miguel was now driving to a quieter neighbourhood with less people and more residential areas. The streets were now filled with houses and garages. Miguel parked up the car in front of one of the houses and killed the engine.
“We’re here…home sweet home.” He announced. He got out of the car first before going to the passenger side and opening the door for you. You stepped out of the car and observed the exterior of the house. Miguel opened the front door and gestured for you to follow him. You were first introduced to the hallway that led you to the living room.
“This is our place?” You asked, taking in the interior. The living room was pretty spacious only because there wasn’t too much furniture around. The decor was pretty simple with a few paintings on the wall which made the room feel more cozy. The room was illuminated with a warm gentle glow of the wall sconces that were strategically lined on the walls and casted comforting shadows around the room.
“Sí mi amor. We’ve made this a home together.” He then took you to the kitchen which was half the size of the living room but it was still just as welcoming, with a small dining table and two chairs. You imagined how unbearable it must’ve been for Miguel to sit there alone for so long with an empty chair in front of him, the chair where you were supposed to be. “How about I make you some dinner…I’m sure you’re bored of eating the hospital's bland food.” He chuckled before gathering the ingredients in the pantry.
“You don’t have to go through extra trouble for me.”
“Trouble? Cooking for my beautiful wife is never trouble, mi vida.” He smirked almost as if what you said was plain nonsense. Your heart soared regardless. A change of food choices was needed. Even though you couldn’t remember what Miguel’s food was like, you still looked forward to whatever he had planned and food made by his own hands made it even more special. The kitchen was now full of the aroma of spices and oil with the sound of sizzling from the pan. A few moments later, Miguel returned to you with two plates full of food and put one in front of you with the steam hitting your nostrils.
“Thank you. It looks lovely.” You took a bite with your fork and were blown away with new flavours and spices. The texture was just right, now that it was easier to swallow solid food.
“How does it taste, hermosa?” Miguel asked, a hint of apprehension reflected in his eyes.
“It’s delicious! Definitely better than the hospital food.” You beamed, taking another mouth full. Miguel watched you in amusement.
“Thank you, but it will never be as good as your cooking.”
“I could cook better than this?” The statement sounded hard to believe.
“Sí…you know the night before the incident you made an amazing dinner and there were a lot of leftovers.” He paused, a smile tugged on his lips as he recalled the memory of that night - it must’ve been really special to him. “I decided to freeze it so I could preserve it as long as I could. I was hoping I could have a piece of you with me whenever I was having dinner while you were still in a coma. It was like you were there with me.”
“Really? Miguel, I’m flattered.” Everything Miguel had told you so far would always bring a shock to you but this carried a lot more weight to it. You tried to imagine yourself in this kitchen, cooking a meal for the two of you. You were probably very passionate about everything you made and Miguel would come home to you with a freshly cooked meal. Or maybe you only cooked just to survive and made whatever was available and Miguel would appreciate it anyways. Regardless, the fact that Miguel preserved your cooking must’ve meant that your food was decent enough at least. It clearly held a special place in his heart. After dinner, Miguel led you out of the kitchen.
“Come on, mi vida. Let me show you our bedroom.” He held your hands as he spoke and took you up the stairs.
The bedroom was just as simple yet cozy as the rest of the house. The first thing you noticed was the bed that was placed in the middle against the far wall. A testament of your shared space. The bed itself looked inviting with its crisp white linen and plumped pillows layer out nicely. On each side were two nightstands with a collection of objects on each. One side had a collection of old books and the opposite had a vase with a bouquet of dried roses.
“I want to show you something.” Miguel said as he opened a drawer from one of the cabinets and took out a thick book.
“What is it?” You asked. He took a seat on the bed and gestured for you to sit with him, patting the empty space besides him. You followed suit and sat on the bed, your arm pressed against his strong ones making your cheeks heat up a little. You were still not used to being in close proximity to his muscles yet.
“Our wedding photo album.” He said as he opened the book to show you the first few pictures. There were some photos of you taken separately and some standing together. You ran your fingers over the pages, studying each picture, more specifically the dress you were wearing. You had to admit to yourself that you looked magical in your wedding dress. It was flattering on your body type and your hair was styled beautifully with some floral decorations etched in your locks.
“This is ... incredible. Is that the wedding dress I chose? It’s beautiful.” You said in awe, still marveling at the pictures.
“Yes, you chose this dress, mi amor. It took you almost a week to finally pick the perfect one. You were radiant that day. Though, I think you would’ve looked good in anything.” Miguel commented. You turned the page to a picture of you and Miguel at the altar. You were hand in hand and facing each other, the picture captured the both of you laughing at something. This must’ve been when you were exchanging your vows.
“Tell me about this moment.” You pointed at the photo.
“That was when you tried to steal a kiss before I could say ‘I do.’” He chuckled at the memory. It was frustrating that you couldn't recall any of this, especially the fact that your relationship with Miguel must’ve been full of banter like this. But flipping through the album gave you a glimpse of your marriage dynamics. You hoped that things will be carefree between the two of you like that again.
“Thank you for showing me this, Miguel…” you smiled, your heart felt a little fuller now after seeing those pictures but you noticed Miguel’s expression dropped as he closed the book and placed it on one of the nightstands. He turned to face you again, his eyes flicking with something you couldn’t read.
“Mi amor,” he held onto your fingers again and caressed the knuckles with his thumbs, just like how he did in the hospital, the moment you woke up from your comatose state for the first time. “I know this will sound sudden but I have to know…do you love me?” His voice trembled. The question took you by surprise, you didn’t expect to be asked about this. You thought for a moment and tried to come up with an answer without sounding dismissive. Miguel looked deep into your eyes, desperately trying to read your expression.
“It’s not that I don’t want to, Miguel.” You began, your voice was laced with uncertainty. The room became hushed, recognising the gravity of the situation. “…but everything is so distant and out of my reach. It’s hard to love someone that you barely remember.” Miguel’s expression revealed his pain as he listened intently to your answer. The air seemed to be amplified by the fragility of the situation as he continued.
“What about attraction? Are you drawn to me, even a little?” There was pain evident in his voice now as he spoke. You hesitated as you tried to find the words and navigated through your complex thoughts.
“I feel something…but it’s like trying to catch smoke with my bare hands.”
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have asked. But the thought of losing that connection we had, the thought of losing us…it’s tearing me apart.” He released his grip from your fingers and fell limply on his lap. You desperately wanted to comfort him but you couldn’t find the words to and you couldn’t lie about your feelings either. All you could do was watch and you felt a little useless not knowing what to do.
“Miguel, can I get a little closer to you? Can we lay down and cuddle on the bed…on our bed?” You asked, hoping you could lift his somber mood. He looked back up at you and smiled after hearing you ask that.
“Sí. There’s nothing I would want more than to be close to you right now.” You both settled into the bed, facing each other with one of Miguel’s big arms wrapped around your waist and you nuzzled into the crook of his neck. “I missed having you in my arms like this, mi esposa.” He whispered, his breath fanning against your ear. You were engulfed by the soft comforter, almost like the bed recognised your presence and missed you laying on it. You imagined Miguel felt the same just like the two-seated dining table in the kitchen.
“It must've been torture having to sleep here alone for that long.” You commented.
“You have no idea…” He held you closer, afraid to let you slip away with his touch leaving an essence trail of musk and cinnamon. The two of you stayed in this position for a while in silence, until you remembered about Miguel’s work, breaking the stillness of the moment.
“Miguel, will you have to go back to work tomorrow?” You asked reluctantly.
“I’m afraid so, mi esposa.”
“But I don’t want you to leave me alone. Please…” your voice trembled.
“I know I know. I promise I’ll be back as soon as I can. But duty calls and I have to go.” His voice softened, trying to get you to understand. He hated leaving you alone especially in the current circumstances you were in but there are some things he just can’t ignore.
“You sound like a superhero saying that.” You joked, attempting to bring some light into the situation. But you didn’t expect to feel Miguel’s muscles clench around you, almost like what you said triggered something in his mind. The air thickened with a palpable tension that was almost suffocating. The change in mood made you retreat from his neck to see his face. His eyes looked like they were lost in thought while his body had stiffened, the sight made you slightly uncomfortable.
“Miguel… did I say something wrong?” You watched him blink rapidly out of his trance and relax his muscles. He looked back at you and his gaze softened again.
“You said nothing wrong mi amor…I promise I’ll explain everything about my job in due time okay? Do you think you could use tomorrow to familiarise yourself around the house while I’m gone? There’s more photo albums you could look at.” You were still hesitant about all of this but you didn’t want to get in the way of whatever was important to Miguel and his job so you nodded slowly, unable to voice your agreement. Miguel reached for your face, caressing your cheek and brushing his thumb lightly over your lower lip. He leaned in and planted a kiss on your forehead.
“Thank you for understanding,” He murmured, voice filled with relief. As the night progressed, you couldn’t help but wonder what was so important about Miguel’s job that you had to wait to find out and why nobody had told you about what caused the accident.
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No because now I’m getting more ideas on how to expand this. I was thinking of posting another chapter, explain the cause of the accident (yes it does involve Miguel being Spider-Man). Should I do it or just leave it to your interpretation??🤔
Maybe have Miguel’s POV this time?? I didn’t think I’d get this far?? Also first post-coma kiss??? I was gonna add that in this chapter but I think readers already been though so much and I want to wait for that perfect pivotal moment.
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raypook · 1 year
ANYONE ELSE CANT FIND THE USER @oharaludes???? IM TRYING TO FIND THEIR FANFICTION OF MIGUEL OHARA CALLED “deja vu” AND I THINK THEY GOT BANNED😭😭😭 I WANTED TO READ THE STORIES THEY JUST POSTED😞😞😞 please let me know if they create a new acc!!😫 im desperate i really liked their stories
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romiantic · 1 year
⋆˙⟡🩷 — wanna be invited to the barbie party? click for an invite !
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⊹ ₊˚꒰💌꒱ ┊: invitation from @mypimpademia
⊹ ₊˚꒰💌꒱ ┊: 18+ invitation from @oharaludes
⊹ ₊˚꒰💌꒱ ┊: invitation from @romiantic
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⊹ ₊˚꒰💌꒱ ┊: 18+ invitation from @blkcupid
⊹ ₊˚꒰💌꒱ ┊: invitation from @cosmiles
⊹ ₊˚꒰💌꒱ ┊: 18+ invitation from @jupipedia
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⊹ ₊˚꒰💌꒱ ┊: invitation from @blackweebtrash
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© 𝟤𝟢𝟤𝟥 𝗋𝗈𝗆𝗂𝖺𝗇𝗍𝗂𝖼. 𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝗋𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍𝗌 𝗋𝖾𝗌𝖾𝗋𝗏𝖾𝖽
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minispidey · 1 year
Writing Game
AAAAAAAA tysm for the tag @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction !!
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote and tag as many people as there are words.
This one is for the WIP Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy mini series 💅
But it all changed when you met Steven Grant.
(No pressure!) (if you've been tag before its ok ❤️) tags: @minigirl87 @oharaludes @red-hydra @wyldebloom @ominoose @boredzillenial @arachnoia
I dont have a lot of writer moots so shoutout ti my writer moots
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ninebluehearts · 1 year
9 People You'd Like To Get To Know Better
Thank you so much for the tags @m00nsbaby and @hon3yboy !! 💗💗
Last song: The Moon Will Sing by The Crane Wives- I've listened to it 6000x and it will never fail to make me sob-
Favorite color: Green is my top favorite, but purple is my second
Last movie: Jesus Christ 💀 I'm not even gonna lie, it was Human Centipede 😭💀 I'm obsessing over Red Flags by Tom Cardy and I decided to watch it. Also, if you wanna watch it, don't 😀
Currently reading: I started rereading Twilight, but that was over a month ago 🫣
Spicy/sweet/savory: 100% savory omg
Relationship status: ...I start therapy in December 🥰👍
Current obsessions: Oscar Isaac is a constant obsession, but I'm also experimenting with Ghost and König from COD 🫣
Currently working on: Myself ig 😶
Also tagging: @axshadows @campingwiththecharmings @oharaludes @ladyantiheroine @myradiaz @vanillasweetness @venus-haze @wheresarizona @whatthefishh
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💗Am doing GREAT
But also sad apparently oharaludes acc got deactivated :((
good, im glad!!
omg I know!!! I was gutted :(( the deactivated part at the end of the user crumbled my heart a bit
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zayai · 1 year
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runa-falls · 1 year
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it looks like she deactivated??! i'm not sure i haven't interacted with her lately 😥
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angel-of-the-moons · 1 year
Miguel O'Hara x Fem!Reader
TW/CW: NSFW, Smut, Sex, Sex toys, Top(?) Reader, Bottom(?) Miguel, Reader being Nasty, Size Kink, Height Difference, Overstimulation (almost), Edging(?), Canon event: Miguel likes it up the ass from time to time
A/N: Blame thank @oharaludes for this (Also I lied I should be asleep but I stayed up to write this now instead of tomorrow because akhdlhslhflhohofnsondlndlnc I couldn't afford to lose the spark™)
(Any Spanish spoken is in italics and is largely translated by Google. Header does not indicate reader's race. I really need to get more creative at making these asdfghjkl)
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Miguel O'Hara was a man who had to be in control at all times. He had to oversee who went on what mission, who to let into the Society, who to hunt down, what universes to monitor, which anomalies threatened the safety of the multiverse...
He was not known for willingly relinquishing his control.
But, being in control all the time, bearing all that weight had limitations. Sometimes, it just became too much and you would need to let it go for a bit, get the weight off your back and relax.
But then... Miguel had you.
You were probably the only respite Miguel had in the multiverse. And you were right under his nose the entire time. He convinced himself to go back to his universe, to visit his brother. He missed him.
But... he went back...
Just to find you. You were spunky, playful, and annoyingly gorgeous. And you happened to be one of Gabriel's newest best friends.
Poor Gabriel had a heart attack when he swung by your apartment to drop off the computer he was fixing for you, just to walk in and see you and Miguel on the couch in a rather compromising position.
You told Miguel you swore that his brother's brain exploded when he almost fainted.
But hey! Your computer worked again!
Not too long after, you decided to make it official. Official as in "he told you everything" official.
Gabriel just made you two swear you'd lock your front door next time.
Right now however, the nostalgia of that day lost its novelty as exhaustion and frustration crept into his body as he dragged his feet into your apartment, unlocking the door with your security code and letting himself in.
There you were. Gorgeous as the day he first saw you
One of his shirts hung off your shoulder, and down past your thighs. He couldn't resist the smile that snaked its way onto his face when he smelled you.
"Ah, Miguel! How is your universe saving thingy going, amor?" You said, flinging your arms around him as he gripped you tight, burying his nose in your hair to inhale the soft scent of you.
Coffee, chocolate, and strawberries. That's what you always smelled like.
"Exhausting." He sighed loosing his grip on you just enough to look down at you. You were so goddamn short.
It was cute, honestly.
You frowned up at him, those gorgeous lips of yours quirking down. "Ven y siéntate?"
Miguel let you pull him by the hand to the couch, where you sat down first and patted your lap.
Miguel smiled again as he accepted your silent request, lying on your couch (though mostly curled up due to his sheer size alone) and laid his head in your lap.
Your fingers dove into the soft chocolate locks on his head, massaging his scalp with your nails and he made a soft groan of contentment at the sensation.
"Now, tell me about it?" You hummed.
"Later... right now I want to relax. Olvida todas esas cosas." He mumbled softly, closing his eyes, his thumb caressing your knee softly.
"Just want to relax." He repeated, turning his face into the plus of your thighs.
He could smell you. And he knew that you knew it.
And you were never one for subtlety.
But you were one for playing coy when it suited you.
"Aw... Miggy." You purr, combing through his hair softly. "You really do need to relax, honey."
"I can think of a way." He growled, turning his head again, so he can place a kiss to the top of your thigh, making you giggle.
"Nuh-uh. How about we switch things up today, hm?" You grin.
He looked up at you.
"¿Qué quieres decir?"
He should have known.
Of course.
Of course you were waiting for the right moment to breach this subject.
And of course you knew he'd say yes, he almost always said yes to you.
It was... odd. Not unpleasant. But odd. Normally he tops in bed, pinning you down, biting marks into your skin, sucking hickeys here and there as he pounded you into the mattress until your eyes crossed and you were a babbling incoherent mess.
And of course, you also had everything planned out.
Because when you had a plan, you had all your bases covered.
Like right now.
Somehow, you talked him into letting you top him for the night. Taking control from him and just helping him enjoy it. And you assured him he would.
You anticipated the holes he'd tear into your bed with his talons, the curses he'd spit...
What you weren't expecting though, was the soft whimpers and deep groans coming from him. How absolutely pliant he became while you fucked him with the strap-on you had secured to your waist.
You would continue to apply more lube as you fucked him here and there, stopping to grip his hips for stability, the pillow under him helping keep him angled for you.
You half wanted to have him get on all fours so you could fuck him that way, but it would ruin the other part of your plan.
"So good for me." You purr, running your fingers up his abs, tracing the small scars he's picked up over the years.
You jerked your hips upwards, not hitting his prostate but enough to make his eyes roll and him snarl through hissed teeth.
When he cursed, he wanted it to come out harsher. He meant for it to sound more... authoritative.
But all that came out was a whiny, breathy gasp.
You giggled, and stilled your hips just a moment to grab the bottle of lube, squirting some onto your hand as you wrapped around his throbbing length.
Not that you ever needed to use lube when you jerked him off, the man leaked so much precum that he could just use it on its own.
But, you liked the lewd sounds it helped make when you drag your fist up and down his cock.
He was so big you could barely wrap your hand around him.
You dragged your hand up his shaft slowly, leisurely tracing each vein as you rolled your hips in a consistent pace, not quite giving him the relief he wanted, but edging him just enough that he slowly just became undone under you, like you had so many times under him.
"Awww, cariño..." You tut, jerking him slowly, twisting your hand as you went to the angry and weeping head of his cock, rubbing your thumb over the slit and applying a bit of pressure there.
"Tell me what you want, baby." You grin, giving another sharp thrust, sending a sharp bolt of pleasure up his spine that hit him so hard he audibly gasped and you could hear it as his talons shredded your bedsheets.
"¡Mierda!" He groaned, the noise deep and rumbling and oh so needy that the very sound sent a fresh wave of heat straight to your cunt.
"Use your words, honey." You hum, arching your hips again as his thighs flexed, the muscles taut as he let out a shaky exhale, one arm going to drape over his face.
You clicked your tongue and reached up, swatting his arm aside so you could see that gorgeous face of his.
"Let me see you, mi amor." You say to him, making one long stroke, followed by a few short, hard ones, making him cry out again.
"Again, use your words, baby. What d'you want?"
"Fucking--" He growled. "I want to cum! Mierda I want to--"
You frowned again and let his cock go, slowing your pace to an agonizing crawl.
"Miguel..." You scold.
"P-Por favor." He whined, tipping his head back so you could see his Adams apple bob as he swallowed.
"Thaaaaat's it. I have something for you..." You say, reaching for the small velvet bag that rolled to your knee thanks to the weight dipping the bed.
He looked up at you, his pupils blown wide and his irises glowing a gorgeous crimson as you pulled out a small vibrator.
You smirked with satisfaction when you saw his cock jump, a new bead of precum dripping down onto his abs, adding to the rivulets that flowed down his sides already.
You turned it on and it buzzed to life in your hand, surprisingly loud for such a tiny thing. But damn, did you get your money's worth. You turned it off again and pressed it at the base of his cock, where the shaft met his taut and heavy balls.
"All right, since you asked nicely, I'll allow it."
The moment you turned it back on he dropped his head back with a sound that you swore would shred any other man's vocal chords, especially when you started thrusting where you knew he so desperately wanted it.
You grinned and bit your lip, thrusting up and hard, guiding the toy up and down his bobbing length, not giving him any relief.
You could tell by how tense his abs were and how desperately his hands pawed at your bedsheets that he was close.
"Go on and cum for me, cariño." You purr seductively; you punctuated every word with a thrust.
"Just." Smack!
"Like." Smack!
"This." Smack!
You dragged the small vibrator up to the tip of his cock, and thrust hard one last time, as he practically bellowed out your name as he came, hot ropes shooting out of his dick and coating his abs, parts of his chest, and completely coating the head of the vibrator.
You giggle and switch it off, and pull the strap out of him slowly, amused at how badly he was twitching for you.
"My idea was a good one, huh?" You say smugly.
Without looking at you, he sticks up his index finger.
"This time." He said, his eyes still closed as he came down from his high, his belly painted white.
"Pff. Hey, hey Miguel. Miguel. Hey. Heyyy!" You giggle, looking down at him, tapping his thigh to get him to answer you.
When Miguel finally looked at you, he had a soft scowl on his face, which immediately melted away when he watched you wrap your lips around the head of that damned toy, and lick every bit of his cum off the tip, making direct eye contact the whole time, humming like you were simply sucking on a piece of candy.
You shrieked and giggled when he pinned you down, spreading your legs with his thighs as he bit down on your shoulder, growling.
"My turn now, chica."
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thexsanctuaryx · 1 year
Okay ya know what -- I'm gonna be awake for a while yet. I'm gonna just start going through all the fics I have saved that I've already read and start sharing and Commentating...let's see how many I can get through.
{ EDIT: } A LOT of these are from my girl Cici @oharaludes who writes the spiciest Miguel drabbles. Not for the faint of heart. Ver Mature Content. You have been warned.
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runa-falls · 1 year
first amourmiguel now oharaludes 😭 why are the miguel simps leavinggggg
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improbable-outset · 1 year
hey do u know what happened to @oharaludes-deactivated20230925 ??
Hey anon,
No I don’t know what happened :( one minute I was scrolling through my blog and saw that her blog has deactivated. Kinda upset about it because Cici was one of my faves Miguel blogs but it is what it is ig.
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