faejilly · 3 months
10 characters/10 fandoms/10 tags (in no particular order)
Alexander Gideon Lightwood--Shadowhunters (TV)
Joan Watson--Elementary (Honorary mentions to Granada Watson & ACD Watson & the robot & tomato & etc. But Lucy Liu y'all.)
Oz--BTVS (Daniel "Oz" Osbourne. I still know his actual full name! From when it aired! I was the same age as Oz when it came out oh gods I'm old. And yet Seth Green is not. How unfair. 🤣)
Joker--Mass Effect (Jeffrey "Joker" Moreau. Now I'm just making some weird nickname & Seth Green commentary, idek anymore)
Amanda King--Scarecrow and Mrs King (#formative influence)
Murderbot--The Murderbot Diaries (Or as I usually call it when it comes up in conversation: Murderbot!Murderbot!Murderbot!)
Molly Grue--The Last Unicorn (Book & Movie & Graphic Novel)
Alec Hardison/Eliot Spencer/Parker--Leverage (The OG OT3 deserve their own line, I don't make the rules that's just how it is)
Anne Elliot--Persuasion (Favorite Austen. Favorite Everything.)
Sebastian Vael--Dragon Age 2 (He's why I'm on tumblr even!)
tagged by @tamsinwilloughby & no pressure tagging @twistedsinews @wellreadpigfarmer @leahazel @rubyvroom @poemsfromthealley @ohfreckle @msviolacea @genginger @numbuh12 @defira85 & anyone else who'd like to try it
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michellemisfit · 1 year
I was tagged by @creepkinginc and @deedala do this handwriting tag game! Fun!! 🌸
My handwriting is thoroughly average, soz 🤷🏽‍♂️
Tumblr media
1. write “hello”.
2. write numbers one through nine.
3. write the alphabet.
4. write the quote: “Sphinx of a black quartz judge my vow.”
5. pick a quote or a lyric.
(("Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten." -Neil Gaiman, Coraline.))
🖊️ ✏️🖊️✏️🖊️✏️🖊️✏️🖊️✏️🖊️✏️🖊️✏️🖊️✏️
Tagging @faejilly @energievie @rereadanon @poemsfromthealley @ohfreckle @toughpaperround @too-schoolforcool @tsuga-of-mars @thepupperino @mikhailoisbaby @mishervellous @crossmydna @vintagelacerosette @depressedstressedlemonzest @lynne-monstr @juliakayyy @francesrose3 @hellofavillain @heymrspatel or alternatively joining @deedala in just awkwardly waving at you from across the room 👋
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silverdragonreads · 8 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Skyfall (2012) - Fandom, James Bond (Craig Movies) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: James Bond/Q Characters: James Bond, Q Additional Tags: Exhibitionism, Public Sex, Frottage, Lapdance, Mission Fic, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot Summary:
“Focus, Mr. Bond,” Q says, and how the bloody hell is he still in possession of his full faculties. James is slowly losing his mind with the way Q circles his hips, the crease of his arse moving over James’s cock in a filthy slide that makes James sweat and leak into his trousers as if he’s the boy here and not Q.
It dawns on him with sudden clarity that the sole purpose of Q’s existence is to torment him in every way possible.
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lynne-monstr · 1 year
5 drinks to get to know me
tagged by @glorious-spoon and @faejilly ! thanks!!
1. vodka soda, wedge of lime. the classic, dependable, tasty, and the least likely to leave me with a hangover. (fun fact, I started specifying a wedge of lime rather than just "with lime" because when I lived in amsterdam, they would serve it with lime cordial, which I detest. I've mostly kicked the habit of asking for it like that, but every once in a while it comes roaring back)
2. champagne. the best part about being a grownup is realizing that champagne is not just for special occasions. it's for whenever I want it.  (yes prosecco is delicious and an amazing bargain but champagne is my love)
3. coffee (hot) with half & half. my love and beloved, the reason I get out of bed every day. it's not just about the caffeine, it’s about sitting on couch by myself in silence with a delicious hot beverage while I read tumblr like the morning paper
4. dirty martini with blue cheese olives. it's a drink and a meal and a forever friend. I prefer it served on the rocks. keeps it cold and less potential for me to spill it all over myself
5. cosmopolitan - don't let the sugary premade mixes fool you, a real cosmo is tart and strong and delicious and just a tiny bit sweet. pale pink or gtfo. for this drink, I'm willing to risk knocking over a coupe glass like the hot mess I am.
(honorable mention for green tea lattes and chai lattes, which i go feral for but i cannot bring myself to down a huge cup of whole milk on the reg. and they just aren't the same with any other milk option)
tagging: @junemermaid @la-muerta @michellemisfit @ohfreckle @greentealycheejelly
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itsmajel · 2 years
Majel Reads - January 2022
Vikings - Athelstan/Ragnar Lothbrok
[What is this?]
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a place for you to love me by dykeannebonny
(@ithappensoffstage​ )
“Do you recall, in my first nights as your slave, when you asked me to share Lagertha’s and your bed?”
Ragnar, his lips stretched in a rueful grin, clasped Athelstan’s hands in his own. He slid his hands down until they reached Athelstan’s elbows. To Athelstan, Ragnar’s fingers felt like the flames from the fire he had sat by the night before.
Ragnar blinked. “I do.” He continued stroking Athelstan’s forearms.
“If you asked now—”
[Mature] [2,807] [Read on AO3 here]
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Homecoming by zelda_zee
It is not until years of knowing each other have passed and they are no longer young men that Ragnar first takes him to bed.
[Mature] [787] [Read on AO3 here]
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October prompts: Massage by theonetruenorth
“Your shoulder is bothering you,” Ragnar said as he moved around his tent, stripping off his armor and washing his face and hands in a basin. He looked at Athelstan after, seeing the monk finish his cup of ale and set it down.
“It’s nothing,” Athelstan reassured him, “I must have just pulled a muscle.”
“Let me be the judge of that.”
[Explicit] [1,028] [Read on AO3 here]
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If I had a voice I would sing by suyari
“You left me,” he accuses.
“I went ahead.”
Ragnar’s hands find their way into dark, riotous curls and it feels as if his hands have never left them. “I have followed you, John.”
[Teen And Up Audiences] [2,050] [Read on AO3 here]
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Dimitte nobis debita nostra by ohfreckle
( @ohfreckle)
Ragnar takes great pleasure in making Athelstan break his vows with the help of a little mead.
 Ragnar growls and presses deeper, swiping a rough thumb over the head of Athelstan’s cock. He does not care to what kind of wretched god the monk prays, but here in his house, with his cock up his arse, Ragnar’s name will be the only prayer he knows.
[Explicit] [2,217] [Read on AO3 here]
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As a seal upon thine heart by Farasha
Ragnar's halls are safe, and Athelstan is home.
[Explicit] [3,279] [Read on AO3 here]
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Wed, Bed, Behead by Ulfrsmal
( @ulfrsmal )
“It is called “Wed, Bed, Behead”. One person says three names, and the other says who they would wed, who they would bed, and who they would behead.” Ragnar explained. His eyes never left Athelstan, drinking in his very reaction, no matter how small.
Athelstan swallowed. He felt like this was a mistake, but…
…he had never been able to say no to that man.
[General Audiences] [1,243] [Read on AO3 here]
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Favourites by EVBriar
[Ragnar/Athelstan M/M Romance] The heat that radiated from them would easily dampen the furs they laid atop. They were together now, skin against skin, so warm and overwhelming that both of them were breathing loudly. [Rated M for erotica.]
[Explicit] [2,170] [Read on AO3 here]
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( All summaries are the official summaries of the author. Stats and infos as according to hosting site or information given by the author. If any of the authors that have been tagged don’t want to be tagged, or if any of you know the tumblr names of the ones I haven’t tagged please let me know!)
Looking for more reading inspiration? Check out my fic rec tag here on tumblr, this month reading list masterpost for what I’ve read in other fandoms this month, my all-time reading list masterpost for more of this fandom or just check out my AO3 bookmarks.
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malecsecretsanta · 4 years
Merry Christmas, @Ohfreckle!
Happy holidays, ohfreckle! I hope you enjoy! <3 
Read on AO3
In hindsight, Alec should probably have known better than to bother trying to patrol on the Solstice. It's a holdover from his parents' era, when relations with the Downworld were much more tense, as well as a mark of a generally suspicious mindset that he's trying very hard to move the Institute away from. Yes, the Seelies get up to all kinds of nonsense on the Solstice; yes, there will probably be a few confused Mundanes talking about the odd goings-on in Central Park the next day, and all of Manhattan will smell like juniper and sage for the next week if it's anything like it has been the past few years, but there never actually seem to be any serious problems that the Seelies aren't perfectly capable of dealing with amongst themselves. It's a night of revelry, of spectacle, but it's not usually a night of mischief. Hell, the wolves usually get up to way more trouble on New Year's Eve, and he doesn't bother trying to keep an eye on them. The whole thing with the Seelies and the Solstice, the level of inherent suspicion that he still finds himself unlearning — it's ridiculous. It's archaic. It's pointless.
It's never bitten him in the ass this badly before, though.
"You're going to be fine," Magnus reassures him, his hands glowing as he runs them over Alec's neck and shoulders, trying to diagnose whatever the hell it is the Seelie knight Alec had stopped from drunkenly trying to bring the Balto statue to life had then hit him with. He's kneeling on the floor, between Alec's legs; Alec is perched on the edge of the couch, still in his patrol gear, mostly, and trying very hard not to get city grime and miscellaneous splashes of Seelie-related mess all over the furniture. "I can already tell that much. This doesn't feel malicious at all."
Ostensibly, he's conducting a thorough and careful inspection, to make sure Alec isn't about to start growing extra limbs, walking through walls, glowing in the dark, or Raziel only knows what else. He mostly seems amused, though, at the fact that whatever the spell had been, it had also involved getting Alec absolutely covered in glitter — though that may actually have just been a side effect of trying to physically restrain the Seelie in question.
"I know," Alec grumbles, fighting the urge to pout. Really, he's not sure what he's got to complain about; "I need to go find Magnus and make sure whatever this was isn't going to kill me, since the guy who did it isn't coherent enough to reliably tell me himself" had proven to be an absolutely flawless excuse to call off his patrol early, and it's not like he's upset about getting home sooner than he'd thought he would and therefore getting to spend that much extra time with Magnus. It just feels slightly less than dignified to have to be inspected for the side effects of drunken Seelie magic like he’s fresh out of the Shadowhunter Academy, that's all. Plus, the glitter is itchy, and he can feel it all over him, a fine, gritty, uncomfortable layer. It's making him feel hot, and he shifts slightly, trying to get comfortable.
"I'm beginning to doubt that he really did anything to you at all, actually," Magnus muses, running his hands over Alec's abdomen now. "That is, he certainly blasted you with magic, but I'm not sure it actually had any effect. He may have thought you were also a Seelie, and tried to do something that doesn't actually work on mortals, or..." He trails off, a little crease appearing in his brow, and Alec looks down to see that while his hands have stilled, the magic around them seems to be pulsing. "No, all right, there's definitely something."
Alec shoves his sleeves up to his elbows, idly scratching at his forearms. The longer he sits here, the hotter and itchier and less comfortable he seems to feel, which is a little strange; one of the wonderful things about living with the High Warlock of Brooklyn is that the climate control is always perfect. The loft keeps itself perfectly adjusted to the preferences of its inhabitants, except right now, Alec can feel sweat starting to gather at the small of his back. He frowns.
"There's something, all right," he says. "I feel..."
Magnus glances up at him and must find something alarming in his face, because he immediately lowers his hands, the glow of his magic fading away. "What's wrong?"
"I don't know," Alec says at first, then changes his mind. "It's hot. I feel —"
But he finds that he can’t get out the rest of the sentence. It's as if he can't quite focus, his thoughts wanting to do anything possible except go in a straight line. He grimaces slightly, and then frowns more deeply when Magnus' hands come up to cup his face, one thumb brushing over his cheekbones. Magnus' touch is cooling, but almost uncomfortably so, the feeling like a shock to his system.
"You don't feel hot to me," Magnus says, half to himself, "so the effect isn't physical, whatever it is — though of course that doesn't mean it can't be physically damaging... Do you feel anything else? Dizzy? Numb?"
"Not numb," Alec says. On the contrary, there's a bit of a tingling sensation in his extremities, now that he stops to think about it. "Itchy, though — can you get right of the damn glitter?"
Magnus nods, then snaps. There's a beat, and then he frowns and snaps again. He doesn't bother doing it a third time, though he does reach out to try and physically brush the glitter away, which isn't any more effective than trying to remove it with magic had been.
"Ah," he says. Then, suddenly, his eyes narrow. "You said you felt hot? Itchy? Are you confused — are you having trouble focusing?"
"Yes," Alec says. "I’m — do you know what it is, then?"
"I might," Magnus mutters, his hands glowing blue with magic again. "I think I was looking in the wrong — ah."
Alec shifts, squints, shivers a little. "Ah?"
Not meeting his eyes, Magnus curses, his hands flaring even more brightly blue as he sweeps them in broad strokes all around Alec's body. "It may not have been malicious, but it is dangerous," he says. "I was right, too, when I said he must have mistaken you for another Seelie — but I was wrong in saying that that must have made the magic less effective. It did the opposite."
"It's worse?" Alec says. "It — made it worse?"
"Yes," Magnus says tightly, and then all at once the magic seems to burst outward from his hands and sweep through Alec's entire body, every cell lighting up with the bite of cold, where normally Magnus' magic feels quite warm to him. "Oh, damn it, sometimes I hate being right."
"Magnus, please just tell me what's wrong," Alec begs, squeezing his eyes shut tight for a moment. "I need to — should I go back to the Institute? Should I go try to track down the Seelie? What's wrong?"
"Nothing will be wrong if we handle this quickly," Magnus says. "Luckily, I think we've caught it in plenty of time — it's a good thing you came straight here. But it is a bit of a nasty piece of work, so we have to take it seriously. I hate messing with Seelie magic," he mutters as an aside, wrinkly his nose. "So messy."
"Sorry," Magnus says, exhaling sharply through his nose. "It's just a little — well. To put it bluntly, Alexander, it's a sex spell."
"Oh," Alec says, a little blankly. Then, slowly, the thought filters through his mind properly, and he starts to get mad. "It — so he roofied me?"
"That's one way to look at it, yes," Magnus says, squeezing his eyes shut tight for a moment and pinching the bridge of his nose. He's clearly frustrated, but strangely, Alec feels remarkably calmer now that he knows that — however unintentionally — a Seelie sprayed him with sex glitter. It makes everything make just a little bit more sense, from the way his skin still feels hot and stretched thin over his frame to the way he feels his eyes going a little heavy-lidded. And it definitely explains the way his throat goes dry when he looks at Magnus, though that one's not exactly out of the ordinary.
"Is it going to wear off?" Alec asks, his voice slurring slightly. The longer he sits here, the more intense everything seems to feel, and either he's crazy, or it's accelerating, each passing moment speeding faster and faster towards — something. He doesn’t quite know what, but given the nature of the spell, he can obviously guess.
Magnus frowns again, but opens his eyes, his hands dropping to move in slow, sweeping arcs around Alec's body once again. "It should," he says a little dubiously, and then immediately swears again. "Unless all the ways you're different from a Seelie mean that the effects won't fade like they should."
Alec frowns. That, obviously, does not sound good. "What do you mean?"
"Well, I can’t really be certain," Magnus says, but his tone is grim enough that Alec knows the caveat probably isn't worth much. "But if I'm understanding the impact this is having on you correctly, it's not going to just — go away the way it should. For a Seelie, this is just a harmless little party drug. But Seelie drugs are complicated; angel blood and demon blood combined allows for some complex physiological effects. But you, Alexander—" He laughs, short and sharp. "You only have half the puzzle pieces. You don't have demon blood, so instead of fading in a couple of hours, we can either give the magic what it wants, or..."
He doesn't say exactly what, but the way he trails off is more than enough. Alec doesn't exactly like to talk about the possibility of Magnus being hurt or dying, either; he more than understands not actually wanting to say the words.
"Well—" he says, trying to keep his own voice relatively even. "Well, then what does it — what does it want? What do we need to give it?"
Magnus grimaces a little. "It's a sex spell, remember?"
"Oh!" Alec replies, taken aback. The relief is so immediate and overwhelming that he doesn't even stop to think, at first, about why Magnus would still sound so upset if the solution is that simple. "Oh, well then that's — that's easy, isn't it?"
"Easy," Magnus says. He sounds bitter, Alec realizes with shock, and unhappy, and clearly Alec is missing something very key, here, because he can't fathom what it is that would suddenly make the idea of having sex with him make Magnus sound like that. His immediate thought is that he must have done something wrong, and anxiety snakes through him in an instant, but — Magnus hasn't moved away from him, hasn't tried to put any distance between them. He has to try and keep himself from jumping to conclusions, has to —
"Do you not want to?" he blurts, and then immediately winces, even before he has a chance to take in Magnus' look of blank shock.
There's a moment of silence before either of them manages to say anything after that, and then when Magnus does manage to say something, his voice actually cracks on his surprise.
"What — Alec, it's not about whether I want to," he says, very much with the air of someone who has been shocked into blunt honesty. "I'm not the one who's being held at metaphorical gunpoint. The problem is whether or not you want to — or not even that, it's whether or not you have the option of saying no, even if you do want to."
Another pause, as Alec's mouth drops open and he tries for several long seconds to formulate an answer that's even slightly intelligible. "But it's you," he says eventually. He feels a little stupid saying it, and his voice is bewildered even to his own ears. "I mean — how long have we been having sex? Why is this different?"
"Because you don't have the ability to say no!" Magnus says, his voice close to boiling over with a potent mixture of worry and frustration. "Whether or not you would doesn't matter in this case as much as the fact that you can't. I know that you wouldn't. I believe you. But I don't like that you couldn't. I don’t like that some — some Seelie whose name I’ll never know took that away from you, however unintentionally."
Alec frowns a little, squints at the intense, unreadable look on Magnus' face, and reaches over a little hesitantly to clasp his hand. "Look," he says, keeping his voice as level and clear as possible, though his mind feels anything but. "I'm not sure I can really have this conversation right now. I mean, I'm — it's all a little—" He gestures wildly with the hand that's not holding Magnus', trying his best to convey the way it feels like he's trying to think through syrup, slow and sticky and sweet. "But I — I understand that you're not huge on the circumstances. I'm pretty sure I understand why? But maybe we can... you know, when I'm less..."
He gestures again, and Magnus reaches up to snatch his hand out of the air before he can get very animated.
"'I'm too impaired to even have this conversation, so we should just go ahead and have sex and talk about it later' is not the watertight argument you probably think it is," he says dryly. Then he sighs, slow and audibly frustrated, and squeezes both of Alec's hands where he's brought them to settle in his lap. "But, unfortunately, in this situation, I think you might be right. It's not like I can just sit around a few hours and wait for you to sober up..."
Magnus still doesn't sound entirely comfortable, so Alec tries his best to be cautious and respectful when he leans in to kiss him, just a gentle brush of lips. "I'm sorry," he says, the thought clearer and more sobering than any he's had in a while. "I don't want to put you in a position like this."
"It's all right, Alexander," Magnus says softly, squeezing his hands again. "It's not as though it’s your fault, and... well, to your own point, it's not as though this isn't how the night would have ended anyway, more likely than not. We just have a few additional wrinkles to work through with the situation that we weren't expecting."
"Right," Alec breathes. "Wrinkles."
When he leans in to kiss Magnus again, it's significantly less cautious, though he does still pull away after just a few seconds, not really giving Magnus an opportunity to respond in kind. He leans back just enough to tempt Magnus forward, and the gambit works: Magnus shifts from being on his knees on the floor to crawling up into Alec's lap with sinuous grace, his eyes glittering. By the time he's got one knee on either side of Alec's hips, Alec is breathing hard, his chest heaving at nothing more than the teasing press of Magnus' legs through the double layer of their pants and the slight, reluctant quirk of his mouth.
"Magnus," he says, or rather, croaks; his chest feels tight, his heart pounding in his throat. Magnus smiles at him with only a hint of reluctance remaining, arms wrapping around him, hands scratching and catching in the hair at the nape of his neck.
"I'm sure it's starting to get a little uncomfortable for you," he murmurs, his eyes flickering down from Alec's eyes to his lips to the hollow of his throat. "Seelie drugs are just as dangerous for me as they are for you — you don't have demon blood, I don't have angel blood... So I don't have any personal experience, but I've certainly known those who were more than willing to take the risk. I've heard stories."
For all that he's on edge and humming with arousal, Alec hasn't actually taken much time, to this point, to realize the impact of the drug on him physically, other than how hot and sensitive he still feels. It takes only one brief, gentle roll of Magnus' hips, though, for him to realize that those lesser sensations have just been there to distract him. Magnus presses their cocks together, even through multiple layers of fabric, and Alec gasps out loud, the sound shockingly sudden and inescapable in the otherwise-quiet loft.
"That's what I thought," Magnus hums, his eyes crinkling slightly at the corners. Then, without any sort of warning, he ducks down to nip at Alec's jaw, his earlobe, his throat, trailing little kisses and bites inexorably downward until he finally reaches the point where Alec's neck connects with his shoulder. There, he bites down with significantly more force, licks over the bite with warm, wet flashes of tongue, and then sucks, just hard enough to really entice but not quite hard enough to satisfy the pulsing need that's settling low in Alec's abdomen.
"Raziel," he hisses under his breath, his hands fluttering uselessly up and down Magnus' sides. Magnus bites him again, and he curses even louder, his voice breaking in the middle of the word: "Fuck. Magnus, I don't know if I can—"
"No teasing tonight?" Magnus says, pulling back just far enough to look Alec in the eyes again. He takes the opportunity offered by this slightly greater distance to start working at Alec's clothes, pushing his jacket down off his shoulders and slipping his arms from the sleeves, and then working his hands up under the t-shirt underneath until he can strip it quickly off over Alec's head. "Now that's a crying shame."
"Tease me on nights when it doesn't have life-or-death consequences," Alec breathes, just before pulling Magnus toward him by looping his arms around his neck and kissing him soundly, nipping at his lower lip in retaliation for the bruise that will no doubt bloom under his collar by the morning.
"Oh, you're not that close to the edge, I think," Magnus says as they pull apart. His voice is still even, but his breathing is certainly not, Alec notes with satisfaction; he starts working on his own shirt as he talks, though his eyes never leave Alec. "You've got several hours yet before you'd really start to feel the ill effects, and even then you'd have a few hours more before it got truly dangerous."
"I’m not so sure about taking that chance," Alec replies, reaching out to help him with the buttons down the front of his silky blue top. “Better safe than sorry.”
Magnus hums dismissively, but he flings his shirt aside to join Alec’s and then places his hands just over Alec’s ribs, starting a steady trail downwards that’s totally counter to the aloofness he’s trying to portray. He fingers the button on Alec’s jeans, gaze flicking up so that their eyes lock, and then he pauses a moment, his hands stiling again.
“You’re sure?” he says, quietly. His eyes flicker over Alec’s face.
“Of course I’m sure,” Alec replies, feeling almost unbearably fond. He feels like the sentiment might need a little proof, though — just in case — so he leans down, catching Magnus’ face between his hands and kissing him and kissing him until absolutely every thought has gone out of his own head. When he surfaces again, his pants are gone, or at least shoved far enough down his thighs that they’re out of the way, and Magnus has one hand curled loosely around the base of his cock.
Alec makes an almost wounded little noise when Magnus’ hand flexes, his grip tightening almost imperceptibly and then loosening again. Magnus responds with his own wordless noise: a considering hum accompanied by another little squeeze.
“You really are feeling it, though, aren’t you?” he asks, his tone wondering. Alec doesn’t bother answering, or even nodding; he just keens a little, presses his hips up into Magnus’ touch, and throws his head back, his eyes fluttering shut.
It’s over remarkably quickly after that — perhaps unsurprising, given how worked up Alec is, how hot and close and sensitive everything feels. Magnus barely gets a few good strokes in before Alec is choking on his own breath, his whole body gone taut with need; if not for the chemical influence, the amount of time it takes for him to double over, pressing his face into the crook of Magnus’ neck, and come all over his hands would be positively embarrassing.
There’s a long pause in the aftermath, the silence broken only by their heavy breathing. Alec’s eyes are almost entirely shut, so he feels more than sees the familiar little flicking motion that Magnus uses to get rid of the come, but his eyes struggle open when Magnus says “Oh!”, a soft sound of surprise. When Alec looks down, he sees the Seelie glitter fading off of his skin, disappearing in patches until, in mere moments, it’s as though it was never even there at all.
“Well,” he says after a moment, turning his arm this way and that to make sure that all of the glitter is truly gone. “That was easy, after all that.”
Magnus hums an assent, grabbing Alec’s other hand to flip it around and run his fingers over it himself, likewise checking for any remaining traces of glitter and, based on the way he nods and then squeezes Alec’s hand in his own, finding none. “I’m still not exactly thrilled that you got blasted by Seelie sex magic without your consent, but… yes. It certainly seems to be gone now.”
Alec smiles at him, leaning down for a light peck on the lips. “It wasn’t exactly how I was expecting my night to go, but it also didn’t turn out to be the end of the world,” he says, squeezing Magnus’ hand right back. “I love you. I knew you’d figure out what it was, and figure out how to fix it. I trusted you. And, hey — it worked out pretty well, as far as I’m concerned.”
“I guess you did get your happy ending.”
“Mmm,” Alec agrees, then narrows his eyes a little, his voice dropping into a slightly lower register. “And the night’s not exactly over yet.”
“Alexander,” Magnus replies, dropping Alec’s hand so that he can link his arms behind Alec’s neck instead, his eyes glittering. “Whatever could you mean?”
“Let’s go to bed,” Alec murmurs. “No offense to the Seelies, but I don’t really need anything extra for a night with you.”
“I couldn’t have said it better myself,” Magnus replies, and as Magnus draws him up and towards the bedroom, Alec finds it’s easy enough to forget the hot, itchy feeling of glitter on his skin and replace it with the feeling of Magnus’ touch instead.
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astudyinfic · 5 years
ohfreckle replied to your post “Apparently, I am the 21st most problematic person in the SH fandom.  ...”
I'm #9, still feel like I should have scored higher.
I know.  I am a little disappointed in my ranking.  It’s probably because while I speak out against censorship, everything I write is pretty tame.  
Maybe after I post my Claia fic and Octo-Alec, I’ll move up in the rankings. 
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shhiatusbang-blog · 6 years
Tumblr media
Ninth Dimension, Seventh Lane
by @ohfreckle
Rating: Teen and Up
Pairings: Magnus/Alec
Side Pairings: Simon/Izzy, Alec/Underhill
Summary: After the Lightwood siblings found out that they weren’t working for the good guys, they broke with the Clave. They’re on the run now in a stolen Firefly transporter, trying to make it to Earth, which has been deserted for centuries, to to hide the Mortal Cup so it can’t be used against Downworlders. Between working jobs as smugglers and his relationship with his security officer, Alec isn’t exactly happy, but content. Until Magnus Bane, warlock and companion, joins them as a passenger.
Beta: @the-burning-tiger
Banner Artist: @janoda
More ShHiatusBang Fics
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mirrorofliterature · 6 years
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It feels right, like Magnus belongs to that place deep inside of him, the last piece of a puzzle he didn’t even know was missing clicking into place.
An absolutely wonderful line from @ohfreckle ’ story Ninth Dimension, Seventh Lane. Action packed, intense and sweet.
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stupidnephilimlove · 6 years
Last Sentence Game
Post the last sentence you wrote and tag as many people as there are words in that sentence.
I was tagged by @ohfreckle and @wordsablaze . Thank you so much!
Magnus keeps his hand on the back of Alec’s neck, fingers playing with the short hair at the base of it, and how is Alec supposed to function when Magnus is doing that?
So... that’s definitely too many people to tag. So no tags instead, ha!
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faejilly · 4 years
Maryse looked at Alec, at how still he held himself, at how carefully smooth he kept his expression.
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michellemisfit · 1 year
Thank you @suzy-queued for tagging me, as I was procrastinating, and this came at the perfect time!! Haha
1. Are you named after anyone?
I’m named after my mum’s favourite song by The Beatles (Michelle), which ironically is my least favourite song by The Beatles lol
2. When was the last time you cried?
I was PMSing hard last month, I basically cried for two days straight. It was crazy! And dehydrating.
Before that, the last time I cried was probably when we watched and discussed the Vincent VanGogh Doctor Who episode for @f-f-podcast - buckets of tears every single time!!
3. Do you have kids?
Nope. Just fur babies.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I stopped to really think about that and came to the unfortunate conclusion that sometimes I use sarcasm humorously, but mostly I use it when I’m being a bitch. Oops.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
They’re demeanour. Happy. Shy. Kind. Helpful. Competent. Confident. Loud and rowdy. Just their overall vibe. I generally have no memory of what people look like until after I’ve met them several times and spent time with them.
6. What’s your eye color?
7. Scary movie or happy ending?
Happy ending. I hate jump scares.
8. Any special talents?
I can wiggle my ears.
9. Where were you born?
Zürich, Switzerland
10. What are your hobbies?
Podcasting, watching TV, drawing, craft, sewing, cooking, baking, reading, fandom.
11. Do you have any pets?
Two cats at home (Howard & Wiggins), and a whole lot of livestock at work. They count. I love them.
12. What sports do you play / have you played?
Volleyball and basketball in school. Tennis for 8 years, 2 years at club level. Roller Hockey for 10+ years, 3 years for the Swiss National Team.
Last time I went home to visit the family I brought back my custom painted hockey helmet. Look at that impact damage! s’probably fine… right? lol
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13. How tall are you?
172cm (5’7’’ I think?)
14. Favorite subject in school?
German. Creative writing was my jam! Also I loved to read, and they encouraged that! lol
15. Dream job?
I like helping people. Doing something of value. And being creative. I currently have four jobs, each has one or two of these aspects. If you can think of a job that combines all four then please let me know! Haha
Tagging @accal1a @katherynefromphilly @ohfreckle and @creepkinginc if you fancy playing
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erricdraven · 6 years
softjimon replied to your post “missed the episode and all due to a trip...”
hope ur okay :((( <3
msalexiscriss replied to your post “missed the episode and all due to a trip...”
I hope you're okay...sending you a virtual hug ❤️❤️
movealecsgay replied to you post “missed the episode and all due to a trip...”
I hope you’re okay!!!!!! Sleep, rest, heal. Sending 🤗
luminousalexander replied to your post “missed the episode and all due to a trip...”
?!?!?! um wow, i hope you're okay!!! go get some rest, love. 💕💕
ohfreckle replied to your post “missed the episode and all due to a trip...”
All the best, I hope you’re ok!
thank you guys so much for the love and kindness! i’m doing a lot better now; i was having some chest pain and shortness of breath but i had a ct scan, a cat scan, and blood tests and everything came back great! i have a follow up with my gp but i think it’s all okay now!
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singingwordwright · 6 years
Ever since @noksindra did that amazing art of the guys, I’ve been craving a fic based on it and this week my brain started coughing up ideas but I really have other things I should be working on.
But...but...ROCK STAR AU!!!!
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fth2018offerings · 6 years
ohfreckle - FTH Contributor Page
See ohfreckle’s works here!
To contact the seller before bidding, please email [email protected]
If you have a very specific prompt and are not flexible, it’s best to contact the seller before bidding, even if it fits within their listed parameters. If you are asking for a specific kink, always ask first.
Charities these auctions benefit: Bidder's choice of any of the listed groups
(See full list)
ohfreckle’s offerings:
ohfreckle Auction #1
Type of fanwork: fanfiction Subtype(s): N/A Fandom(s): Thor (all media types), Shadowhunters (TV) Highest rating creator will work with: E (explicit) Length: 5 -10k words Especially interested in: Thorki and Malec Unwilling to address: Any other pairings in those fandoms; no death fic Notes:
Minimum Bid: $5
Auctions run from 8 January 2018 (Midnight, EST) to 14 January 2018 (Midnight, EST). Bids before or after this period are invalid and will not be counted.If you would like to bid on this auction:
Step 1: Check the bidding spreadsheet to find out what the current high bid is. (Note: It may take up to five minutes for a bid to appear.)
Step 2: Fill out the seller’s bidding form with a bid that is higher than the current high bid. If you want to make it harder for someone to outbid you, bid higher! You will NOT be notified if someone outbids you, so please bookmark this page and check frequently. You will only be notified if you are the high bidder after the auctions end.
Thanks for participating in Fandom Trumps Hate!
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thorvaenn · 7 years
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take what's yours but give me mine (5339 words) by thorduna
Relationships: Loki/Thor (Marvel)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Human, Alternate Universe - BDSM, BDSM Scene, Sex Club, Developing Relationship, Switching, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Dirty Talk, Biting, Scratching, Rough Sex, Comeplay, Cuddling & Snuggling, Fluff and Smut
Series: Part 3 of Club Asgard
He grins. Thor is still sleeping, bare chest slowly rising, the covers pooled appealingly low on his hips. It's delectable, but Loki does have some manners, so instead of going straight for Thor's dick, he cuddles up close, running a hand over Thor's chest.
A continuation of my Club Asgard series, in which Thor and Loki discover more and more just how much they have in common.
This is written for @ohfreckle who requested this as a part of @fandomtrumpshate!
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