#ohhh ruby im so so sorry :(
longelk · 1 year
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infizero · 1 month
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i am going to tear norman apart with my bare hands
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min3nc · 11 months
Do you have more about either autistic head cannons for the whole team or more about Weiss or whatever. Cause I really enjoyed the last one
OHHH BOY YES I DO. putting them under a cut because i’m rambling and i don’t like long posts augh. also sorry this took so long to be answered—
They all think they are so good at masking. a game of “they dont know im autistic” but they all are dhsjfnsnf. And in a way- they are! They perform well, until it’s all too much, and they need to take a step back and wonder, why am i feeling so bad?
Blake's the kind of girl who you just think she's mean doesn't want to talk to you- but truth is she's absolutely nervous when she talks to people. Unless it's the Right People, the kind of people that you just sort of Connect to just by looking at them and hearing them say a word that just flips a switch in your brain. she gets overstimulated so easily thanks to her ears. For her, so many noises are the kind of noises that make you grit your teeth and are physically painful.
yang’s the definition of “but you don’t look autistic!” because she figured it out. it’s all about performing. they think you look like a bimbo? they’ll get a bimbo. it’s easier that way. socialization is all about having templates of situations. She’s a pro at that. Situation A asks for Response C, that way we’ll move towards Continuation B and it all goes as expected. Performing, performing… until one day she gets overwhelmed and she doesn’t understand why everything is too much and that’s where they get her. woe, ‘tism be upon ye.
ruby has a strong sense of justice, “these rules are DUMB why are we enforcing them if they aren’t fair? that makes no sense” “because that’s the way things are.” “that’s dumb. we’re doing things my way.” <- ruby the whole atlas arc btw. she learned a lot about socialization through yang but her personality makes it difficult for her to perform. she takes her role as leader very literally, and it took an obvious toll out of her. also, her whole thing with her cape. there are some capes that are very heavy, and I know that ruby’s cape is like that. pressure helps some calm overstimulation. she’s also hyper emphatic, to the point it gets too much. nora is sad, weiss is sad, ren is upset, blake is upset— i’m too, but let’s get to them first, okay? WRONG. meltdown be upon ye.
weiss schnee my beloved. this girl. she masks so much, but she doesn’t realize because it’s chalked up as etiquette training, and on a sadder note, given that she was an heiress and was trained for years to be the perfect heiress, i’d say behavioral training. we all blame jackass schnee for that one. i also think she once saw one of those Violence stimboards (im not really into them. but jesus i spent like an hour looking at them) related to fire and she Cannot Understand Why She Cant Look Away And Why She Feels So Comfy. I also imagine her as those kind of girls who know Way Too Much but don’t know how to explain it in an easy way, so she gets frustrated because she WANTS to talk about the intricacies of Dust Usage but does Blake know how Kinetic Energy Redistribution through Dust works? will she be able to explain it? because she wants to converse about this! not just have someone hear her, she wants opinions goddamnit!!!! (yes she probably does)
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packedice · 5 days
what genres of music does each aqours member like to listen to? i think all of guilty kiss are metal fans
This needs to be under a readmore. i... genuienly thought i coudl get through this without needing it but im pausing like halfway in because.... yeah she needs it
Something tells me you listens to like the most radio pop ever. just anything about YEAAAHH LIFE IS AWESOME LETS PARTY ABOUT ITTTT!!!!!!! and also mildly angsty poppunk stuff (and thinks about the Great Chikariko'ing of her life from s1)
and chika is of course a theater kid... im influenced by anju (her seiyuu) being a MASSIVE THEATER KID but also every one of her solos is theatrical soooo. Who's overthinking it its not me!!!!
Ruby of course listens to jpop the most. i think she tried to get into kpop (time period accurate ofc so 3rd gen ish iirc) but i think some of the industry differences + the general Sound Differences make her not very interested. I think also ruby would like izone (i never was into them so idk about canon time accuracy but imagine.)
and then dia loves jpop too obvs but i think she genuinely listens to a litlte bit of everything. i think mari's metal interest (youre so right btw about gk) bleeds into kanadia because once that throuple stops being toxic they are INNNNSEPARABLEEEEEEE..... but dia genuinely likes anything. shes into idol music, shes into more heavy stuff, shes into radio pop, shes into retro, while she doesnt love ANY SONG OF ANY GENRE, she can definitely get into SOME SONGS of any genre! i think dia really really enoys music as a hobby in general so she enjoys trying and finding new things. growing up being fixated on idol culture and music will to taht to you.....
SO OF COURSE MARI LISTENS TO METAL. i think though new winding road is a really interesting tell into her other interests. (...ignoring that her seiyuu is an insanely talented traditional singer (is that the right word. im sorry im high and blanking. please correct me ifthis is like... weird white person vague and i will fix im just soo high and cant think)
hanamaru listened to music but i think was not much of a "Music Consumer" until she was a little older so i think as a result she mostly listens to songs her friends listen to too... her and kanan both i think listen a lot to the actual style Of azalea songs. like edm or whatever. kanan is also a pop radio kinda girly. just whatever plays in her parents shop while shes working etc
yohane liste4ns to ANYYYTHINGGG metal and ANYYYTHINGGG thats like Ohhhh i hate m,yselffff Ohhh im so evillllll... any genre if the lyrics speak to her not being the biggest fan of herself side OR her "little devil" hehe Im evil for fun side.... Ya. its on the playlist. Forrrr sure. To me also the most yohane gk song is kowareyasuki and because of t hat i think songs that sound similar to that are also super up her alley
I will admit i have not been a friend of riko until recently starting to like her a little more.... so my answer is very basic with metal and like piano instrumental/ballads/cute poppy love songs
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ink-long-dry · 2 years
I don't have the list right now because I'm on my phone but how about 16, 32 and 48 for dealer's choice
OHHH IM SO SORRY I DIDNT SEE THIS BEFORE BUT I WILL ANSWER NOW... this time for my beloved Sobe, one of Tohnii's retainers
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16. How would others describe them?
If Tohnii is the muscle, Sobe is the hustle. He's the one that networks with the seedier contacts in the Ruby Sea/Kugane/naval freight (coughs piracy) and as such he can be very curt. Despite this, he has a peculiarly dry yet quirky sense of humor that makes others fond of him. He is definitely the "weirdest one" of the light party that makes up Tohnii and his retainers.
32. What were they like in high school?
He was utterly indifferent in his studies completely unless it was a subject that he was particularly fascinated about; namely, studies of biology, the body, and medicine. Otherwise caustic and sharp-tongued towards his instructors, his skill and application of that knowledge demonstrated at least some care. Really though, he was the one that the other delinquents often copied off of.
He also didn't get extremely far; eventually it came to be that working was of more immediate importance than learning. So it goes, he dropped his studies and applied what he learned to become a 'barber' of sorts to criminals that needed medical attention.
48. Are they a good kisser?
He would say "Don't ask unless you're going to do something about it" but the truth is, he probably isn't. He's never really been in a 'sober' romantic relationship, and if he is doing ANY kissing, it's messy, hasty, and desperate.
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tavvattales · 2 years
hi!! you seems so sweet ahdbdjejdn— could i please get a romantic genshin matchup? i’m bisexual & use she/her pronouns :)
for my personality, im an enfp & my zodiac is cancer! id say i’m fairly optimistic and bubbly, at least i try to be! im also fairly energetic, kind of like im always on a massive sugar high, but i think it’s fun! with the people i care about im really clingy and affectionate, like i tend to hang off their arms or hold their hands— it’s just how i love!! i love anything soft or cute, like fuzzy blankets or animals! going for walks and petting dogs is lowkey one of the best underrated things ever. i also really like dressing up & doing makeup, both on myself and anyone who will let me op. for my hobbies, there’s reading, baking, skating, walking, yoga, makeup, and singing. i also really like to compliment people!! seeing others smile is the wonderful because i think everyone’s more beautiful when they’re happy :) i don’t think there’s much i dislike, probably hypocrites or overly cruel people, like, ones that think being mean is fun :/. like being nice is so easy?? why?? oh!! i also don’t like tomatoes, they’re just gross in my opinion.
please & thank you!!
Hello sweetie pie~ Thank you for choosing Rebby's Matchmaking Services!
Let's see here. . .
I match you with~
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Arataki Itto
Oh gosh, this man finds you to be the cutest one there is! He's constantly hyping you up and putting a smile on your face. He just adores you and loves you unconditionally. While he may be gruff and not at all cute, some even find him intimidating; you don't, rather, you find him absolutely charming.
"Wow! Look at you, babe. You look beautiful; I must be the luckiest Oni there is!" Itto exclaims excitedly as you come out of the room, giving him an adorably tiny twirl of your dress.
You blush furiously and fidget with your hands, "Am I really that beautiful to you?" You ask shyly
"Only the most beautiful! The cutest, prettiest, most gorgeous girl there is. Not even Ms. Hina compares to your beauty," he says, a matter of fact, nodding his head as he agrees with himself.
You can't help but giggle and run up to him in a comforting embrace.
He loves how clingy you are, proudly showing you off to his other gang members, purposefully making them jealous. He loves being close to you, whether it's cuddling, hand-holding, or even being in proximity of each other.
"Boss, no fair you got a girlfriend before us! I'm totally a better catch!" Genta says loud enough for you to hear and with a mighty smack, Itto slaps the back of his head.
"No way, she chose me and I couldn't be more grateful, isn't that right, Y/N?" Itto says defensively.
Huffing at Genta you turn your face away from him, "That's right! Besides I think Itto is great, handsome, and strong!" With each compliment Itto smiles wider and wider, with pride, as you cling to his arm.
"Y-yeah, YEAH! See?! She agrees, now stop trying to hit on her, or else!" Itto says gruffly, glaring daggers onto Genta, who takes a step back.
"Yes boss, sorry boss!"
Itto would worship the ground you walk on if you let him, but you don't because his happiness is equally important to you. You make sure to bring everything to the table when it comes to your relationship with him because he does so much for other people that seeing his smile means more to you than anything else.
"Hey, Itto. . .you've been overworking yourself lately. Don't you think it's time to take a breather?" You say with a worried expression, uncertainty lingering in your voice.
"I'm fine; I'm fine, buuuuttt if you wanna help me, there's one thing you can do," he flashes a flirty grin, a mischievous glint in his ruby eyes.
"Ohhh hoho~? Is there now? And what might that be, pray tell?" You say just as flirtatiously.
"How about a kiss?"
"Oh, I think I can manage that much~," you say, beaming him a smile. Standing up on your tip toes, he leans down, and the two of you meld your lips together with a soft warm passion as he snakes his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him.
Pulling away first, Itto smiles, "I love you."
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wrestlezon · 2 years
liveblog containment zone for aew rampage 7/29/22
im here for the best friends trios and-- oh! its up first!!! lucky me!!!!
jane theme... :)c a child offered his fries to oc... cute. almost makes me forget we live in pandemic world best friends!!!!!!!!!!!!! in da ring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! handshake tap-in for orange :)c its like he said on twitter. he wants the big man. give him the SMALL MAN? rudeness. dude is in full suit too lmfao i love the lopsided glasses look AND HE JUST WALKS AWAY AND BAILS??? PICKING HIM UP LIKE A BABY YOU CHOPPED HIM!!!!! just slappin satnam's tits nbd sanjay dutt wrestled with chuck at least once in like... czw or something right? orange cassidy's saunter into just ragdolling for his tag out to chuck :)c yay! hug! nooo... lethal... yay! oc ddt! rick knox you are letting him KEEP the pencil??? oh thats why... oc snapped it in half the best friends + oc win! as they should
Very Cool Neck Grab By Satnam Singh who is this mus-- WARDLOW???????? wardlow :)c ohhh wardlow standing in the ring with them for the victory hand raise :)c hee hee
oh! its ethan page vs leon ruffin yay ethan page! was this leon ruffin guy in a trios with the bear brother on aew at some point? stokely on the watch? hmm...
backstage promo with... who is this... oh its cole karter oh qt marshall is here to recruit him? aggressively??
oh!!! lee moriarty vs matt sydal! i forgot about this match probably because my brain got liquified last wednesday... what happened before that match... no. i have to focus im torn on who to root for because i think lee moriarty is very cool (artist guy) but matt sydal is my og wrestlefriend's favorite (blorbo in law) "WAR, HATE, AND SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT" - chris jericho matt sydal's standing backflip twist move is like-- how are you rotating on all these axises at the same time??? crazyyyy kicked right in the face!!!!!!! dang!! "claudio addresses his fans" lmao is that a riff on eddie kingston addresses his enemies ....surprised by the mid-rampage full commercial break what a lariat lmao the kick direction fakeout by matt sydal... cool oh! stokely is here. is he going to help lee moriarty cheat and win his trust? is that the direction... the assist! and matt tapped out!
will moriarty take the card... ohhhh he does interesting how stokely is aggressively recruiting. maybe hes looking for an exit strat for when jade throws him out
britt baker backstage promo
claudio addresses his fans! in ring promo i still havent watched the roh ppv... claudiofans in da house oh!! yuta is here too!!! hi yuta whoa if yuta is here i wonder if daniel garcia is going to come out barking as well oh....... jericho is the one coming out to bark... u_u now hes beefing with the bcc?? just parkour'd off of eddie???? eddie.... u_u EDDIE... whoa yuta throwing DOWN against jericho! spicy!! lmao yuta is too cute. im sorry. youre too cute to be intimidating yuta. your voice cracked when you asked claudio if you could beat jericho LMFAO BRUSHED OFF JERICHO JUST LIKE THAT nice title shot play yuta. still very cute
acclaimed music video rap time DUMPSTER MATCH REAL...???
backstage promo! anna jay vs ruby soho why did you betray her anna jay... also eddie :)c hi eddieeeee hmm... is the thing about santana and ortiz shoot breaking up true... thats sad...
oh!! powerhouse hobbs explains why he betrayed ricky starks on wednesday??? YOU OWE US AN EXPLANATION!!! IT WAS SO RUDE... orange cassidy match!!! oh... its against jay lethal... u_u ok...............
anna jay vs ruby soho anna jay i dont like how you joined the jericho squad. my friend asked whats more likely: yuta winning against jericho and then fighting moxley for the title or jericho winning and fighting moxley. i would say yuta but im so soured over jericho winning the barbed wire deathmatch against eddie (DID HE REALLY EVEN NEED TO????) that i can see jericho taking the win to then fight against moxley ~_~ ugh speaking of victories i have no idea who is going to win this match. i hope its ruby just because i dont want anna jay to be rewarded for her evil heel actions removing an arm brace! diabolical OHHHH i thought ruby wouldve won out of that queenslayer break into no future finisher move arm brace choke cheat... ruby loses... rip
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coweggomelet · 3 years
volume 5
im so sad please do funny things
i know what’s coming though so
i’ll be crying while i laugh
- i love how qrow walks he looks like he has back problems
- oooo pretty waterfall
- ruby gushing over weapons is my favorite thing
- ahahaaaa frozen background gays that’s representation babey
- oh shit he just wanted to finish the job and go home 😢
- wait are all the academy headmasters characters from the wizard of oz? like ironwood is the tin man, lionheart is the cowardly lion, oz is...oz. who’s the headmaster of shade? the scarecrow? dorothy? i am 100% sure that people have already connected these dots but that just occurred to me
- oh ilia you poor little lesbian
- ahahahaaaa qrow “i did it!”
-uggghh the new intro i need my babies to be back together
- ew watts don’t smile with your teeth like that it’s creepy
- oh yeah cinder can talk now! gimme that fun ominous banter-y dialogue pleeeaase
- floating islands babeeeyyy
- ooooh i love this pilot! he’s so nice and funny and he works well with weiss. so sad he dies in a couple minutes
- adam you are such an asshole siena was SO COOL
- AAAHHHHH he’s got dad reading glasses!! i love ghira
- i would DIE i would lay down my little life for oscar and ruby the BABIES
- fuck yeah yang!! you stand up to her!!
- awww hugs
- of course you’re more scared than you've ever been, oscar, you are a CHILD who worked on a farm!! it’s okay to be scared!! it’s okay to have to adjust!!
- uh oh ilia doesn’t wanna kill blake i smell a gay
- hehehe awkward backpedal
- ooohhh man the kid... fuck, all those people are just... gone. and we can guess what happened to them, it’s pretty obvious but we’re never told exactly what happened and it’s so sad and scary
- awkward tea time with mom
- ugh raven shut up you SUUUCK
- they all love each other SO MUCH this is ILLEGAL
- yesssss arm wrestleeee
- ooooo the ticking clock is so ominous
- she’s gonna come back, yang, don't worry
- weiss i love youuuu you’ve grown so much i’m so proud!!
- oh ilia you poor thing
- oh boyyyy here we gooooo!! the fake out of the century!!
- mercury. shut up. you’re a good fighter and people underestimate you. but. you’re a kid. and there’s some real big players now. no one’s afraid of you. you’re not that scary.
- god this plan is so goddamn smart. raven wears her helmet. vernal keeps her eyes closed the whole time. so fucking clever. jesus. also?? vernal’s subtle showmanship?? amazing. great detail
- aang??!!?
- i really wanna know how oz hid the vault at beacon. there’s gotta be something about it other than he’s just old and powerful, there’s gotta be some shenanigans there
- god i love this theme it’s so good. casey really just gives it her all every time and i’m so grateful to her
- oh boy the fuckin lobby here we go
- siblings amirite
- boys and girls? really cinder? let’s be more inclusive please
- surprise y’all they’re murder teens sorry you had to find out this way
- fuck i forgot how much jaune’s lil speech hurts. he’s still just so sad and he’s breaking down a little cause he’s so good and can’t understand why or how someone could be so bad. god i love my lil sweet boy he’s breaking my heart
- qrow i think the time has passed for everybody to be cool. cinder’s already talking smack. there’s no going back buddy
- “who are you again?” CINDER ILL STAB YOU. but also… good— good line. absolutely devastating
- emerald’s like “gotta protect my mommy girlfriend”
- shut UP mercury
- siblings amirite part 2
- ooooohhhhh this muuuussiiiicccc
- ope there’s an aura break oh FUCK weiss gets stabbed in this episode doesn’t she and JAUNEY BOY DISCOVERS HIS SEMBLANCE i love him
- AHAHAHAAAA fuck her uuuuppp ruby
- ohhhhh shit here it comes oh god oh no
- god with pyrrha’s spear too. cinder’s really got a taste for dramatics doesn’t she
- oh god and the spear dissolving like pyrrha did i CANT
- when i say i LOST MY SHIT i said no fuckin way they kill weiss right now NO FUCKIN WAY and my friend had the AUDACITY to say “just watch”???? RUDE
- oooohh GET HIM oscar
- ohhh the tree of knowledge! i just got that
- there’s the grimm elastigirl arm
- again i lost my shit
- the amount of times i lost my shit and my friend had to tell me to be quiet was… a Lot
- oh hazel. can’t wait for your Growth
- uh oh hazel is disheveled that means he’s unhinged
- oh FUCK yeah blake you’ve LEARNED i’m so proud of all my babieeesss
- WEISS what a power stance!
- THE LOOK they’re so GAY
- ooooo i love this fight it’s maiden vs maiden babey
- poor vernal. she spent the last moment of her life helping a woman who probably manipulated her and used her, and she helped her try to kill someone who didn’t even end up dying. vernal deserved better
- oooo get him blake
- ooof the shoulder check. raven she fuckin nailed you on the head and did not hold back and knew EXACTLY what to say and you did EXACTLY what she said you were gonna do— run away. she is SO MUCH better than you and you will never recognize that and that is so heartbreaking
- uh oh the clicky orb thing. you’re gonna die lionheart
- oh emerald my baby. she relied on cinder so much, was so dependent on her, that she was powerful enough to make that in like 8 brains at once. that’s grief babey
- it took them. TWO WHOLE VOLUMES. to all get back together. this is illegal. and also i’m crying
- this is not ALLOWED they can’t look at each other like that my heart can’t take it
- awww qrow’s default really is just taking care of kids. good guy
- i’m always so exhausted at the end of a volume
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SU Finale watch
Everything’s Fine
Sneaking back into his room?????
Uh oh the Connie call
Steven Universe: Master deflector
Diamond eyes.... :(
Oh man Garnet taking off her visor :((((
Aw he still stops to fix the donut
WOW His hair gets fixed but the rest of his body doesn’t
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OHHHH A Sapphire and Aquamarine!!!
“A strict no-plant-friends policy!” omg
I love that they aren’t showing us what Pink Pearl’s eye looks like
Ohhh I love the building designs here
lmao “Lookin’ good Steven” Bismuth please
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need me someone who will give me full armor for a wedding gift
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“I didn’t mess anything up” aw poor Steven 
“help Steven” oh boy Steven
“I can keep messing up and fixing things forever, and you’ll never have to know or think about it or any of it!” yikes
“You have no idea how bad I am” YIKES....
I Am My Monster
And here comes monster Steven
GREG, I’m saying this as nicely as I can but PLEASE SHUT UP
whoops so much for that
“Sorry Steven!” Aw Peridot
Aw how’s it feel to use those chains on Steven Lapis :(
“AW you know who would be great at that? Steven” AMETHYST YOU”RE HURTING ME
“You forgot your foot thong thingy” SPINEL.......
They need all of them!!!
I’m shocked White is still willing to connect with him after that last incident
uh oh what’s that??? 
“If Pink hurt you, it was because I hurt her” OUCH
“This isn’t the time to make this all about YOU!” NICE CONNIE
Aw that was unexpectedly sweet 
I’m glad Garnet was first one to grab him in a hug
The Future
Wow way to break his stereo
Boogle maps doc....
Aw even Pearl tried some
39 states????
Oh good I’m so glad he finally got a therapist
Are they all going to different corners to flip out in private
Or maybe they’re gonna plan a sendoff for him
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Now Lapis needs a therapist
“I like this one so much!” PERIDOT
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Steven’s expression here....he finally looks like he knows he’s loved and appreciated
JASPER JASPER!!!! I’m so glad
“I’m coming with you!” JASPER PLEASE
I can’t believe she’s living in Little Homeworld now
“Maybe I need a round two” STEVEN PLEASE
HE GAVE HER HIS N64.............
HIS UKULELE.....she immediately subspaces it lmao
STEVEN..........that’s killing me
“Well bust my britches it’s Steven Universe” GARNET....
“I hope that one day you can help me plan my own” IM SOBBING
“Is that petty?” “You’re allowed to have feelings. Even petty ones” Aw I love Greg
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AW...........Makes me wonder if Greg was the first person to suggest the trip to Steven
“Don’t you think it’s a little Ritzy for me” LMAO
“Steven I don’t think I can get up” SAME
THEY SMOOCHED....I’m glad they didn’t make a huge deal out of it
“I’ve already planned over 363 versions of it” GARNET........
“We are a part of all of them” AW.....I’m so glad
OH........THAT’S WHY THE END CREDIT SCENE LOOKS LIKE THAT.......OH.........................................................
GOSH.........I don’t know what else to say except I’m so proud of Steven
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voidszoro · 5 years
In Denial // A Theo Raeken story
Chapter 6
Theo's pov:  (warning, a bit of violence in Theo's pov but none in Ruby's so if you want you can skip theos pov) (also update, Ruby's pov contains some hints of depression, anxiety, and mentions self harm. If you can't read, trust me, i completely understand. It was hard writing. All i want to say is that if you need help, if you are thinking of harming yourself in anyway, please ask for help. My messages are always open if you don't feel comfortable talking to anyone. I Promise i dont judge. Take care. Here is the chapter xoxo)
The dream always starts off the same way.
I wake up in the morgue. The box in which I lay is tight and dark, but beyond my feet, an infinite abyss streches out. I raise my arms over my head and push open the door to the box. It slams into the other boxes on the side and I take my arms out so I can push myself out. The cold metal trey that holds me slides out of the box and two legs, almost like a table, swing out from underneath the trey keeping me from falling on the hard tile floor. I sit up on my trey, finally out of the box and take a breath of fresh air.
The dream Isn't over yet.
I place my bare feet on the tiles and lift myself to a stand. The cool air in the morgue sends chills through my half naked body. I only wear a thin pair of basketball shorts. A woman's voice echos my name throughout the room. It repeats over and over and I get the feeling of it drawing me into it. I start to walk out of the room, pushing open the two swinging doors, but I hesitate. I know what's coming, but everytime I try to fight back, I fail. The voice rings louder as I push the doors open anyway, knowing there's no way out but through her. My sister. 
I walk down to the end of the hallway, each step I take feeding me more fear than the last.
"Theo," the voice gets louder and louder as I get closer to the end. I take a stop once coming to the end of the hallway and in front of the check in desk of the hospital.
"Theo!" The voice growls from behind me. I snap around and see what I dreaded. A teenage girl, about my age,  crawls towards me on her hands and knees. Her gaze pierces through my horrified eyes as I look down at her chest. Her rib cages poke out of her and there is an empty spot in the middle. That is where her heart would be.
This is my punishment. I deserve this for doing it to her.
She finally reaches me and I can't move a single muscle in my body like I've been poisoned by canima venom. My sister drags me down by the heel and crawls on top of me, her gaze not once faltering. The horror on my face spreads to my whole body as I scream at the top of my lungs. She takes her hand and plunges into my center which makes me squirm and scream louder. She digs around in my chest for a second until she pulls out my heart. The blood from the organ drips everywhere as she puts it inside of her own chest. She shouts at me with almost the same power as Lydia, a banshee.
"Helloooo" I hear another voice in my head. I shake my head, finding myself standing in front of Scott's front door, a hand wavig in front of my face.
"Theoooo, you still alive over there?" I nod my head.
"Yeah, sorry I was just thinking." I rub the wrinkles on my forehead caused by my furrowed brows.
"Pretty vivid thought huh? You were blank for a good minute there." She reaches out for my hand. Why is she being so nice to me?
I take her hand in mine and then squeeze it in three short intervals. She smiles at me and we stand there for a good thirty seconds until she finally lets go of my sweaty hand and opens the door.
Everyone is here. Well, everyone that is left. The wild hunt has taken almost everyone in Beacon Hills. Ruby finishes explaining my reason for being here and I step further into the small, tidey home. There are photos lining the walls right when you walk in, like a story. They hang neatly and precise. Some pictures have multiple people in them, some are just some yearbook photos of Scott. Unfortunately, I don't spend long admiring the delicate memories of Scott's family when Ruby pulls my hand and drags me fully into the living room. A tall man stands in the room, and I immediately recognize him, but Ruby takes a minute.
"Who's he?" She asks.
Scott replies, "It's Peter. As in Peter Hale." Ruby's eyes go wide for a second.
"Ohhh. How could I forget? You. Evil bitch."
"Hey, hey, hey. No need for any language Ruby. I'm actually here to help. I know where Stiles is."
Of course I don't completely trust Peter. I never will. Even though, technically, he's my alpha. He's the one who bit me. The morning after Scott got bit. When I started taking morning jogs.
"What makes you think I belive you? What do you want in return?" My voice echos through the silent room.
"In return, I would like you to trust me. You know, I bit you for a reason. I needed a pack. I needed more power. But- but that doesn't matter anymore. All I ask is that you help me help you save Stiles so we can get Malia out too." His eyes are full of sincerity. I feel bad for him. He loves Malia. I know it.
I remember as soon as he found out that she was his daughter, he had some sort of scent to him. I've never smelt it before and it reminded me of pride and happiness mixed together.
"We'll get her out I promise," Scott is the one to speak this time. Peter might be my only chance to see Stiles again. To get him back. I know Lydia feels the same. She probably misses him more than I. I've seen the way the two look at eachother. It's mesmerizing to watch. It's love.
We go through our idea of finding another rip in the two dimensions, the wild hunt and earth. Part of me thinks we have no hope. I feel like I'm the only one who thinks that. Everyone just seems so confident in everything. Especially Scott. That's why after the pack meeting. I go home and take a long, hot shower.
The water burns my skin to the touch when I step into the wet oasis. I left Theo in my room. Unoccupied, which is probably not a good idea, but I don't  acknowledge it at the moment. I'm only focused on the burning feeling. The feeling not only on the surface of my skin, but on the inside. I feel the left over bits of passion from today start to melt away at the heat. My body tenses up, but only for a second. I close my eyes and drift off into bliss. The water running all the way down my bare body. I run my fingers through my hair and breath in the steam that accumulates in the shower with me. My mind starts racing as my body finally gets used to the warmth of the water. I think, what would my life be like if I was only human. What would my life be like without Stiles.
And then the memories flood my head, making me slightly dizzy.
(Once again, warning)
I'm sitting on my bed, a knife in my hand. I remember this day. I was exausted. I had had an anxiety attack in class that day. Everyone looked at me weird when the teacher asked if I was alright. My breaths were shallow but quick. Stiles saw me immediately and dragged me out of class. I remember his voice apologizeing to the teacher. He carries me into the girls locker room, I'm still taking quick breaths. My heartbeat increased by a million from the time I was in the class to the time I was proped up against the shower walls. Stiles had delt with my attacks before but not at school. He gets them too sometimes. He was trying everything to get me to clam down. He squeezed my nose and coverd my mouth, trying to get me to hold my breath. It obviously didn't work. I was squirming everywhere. Until I wasn't moving. The only movement was my chest moving up and down and the water that now coverd my entire body. The water even got on Stiles' clothes. He turned the shower on. The warm water engulfed me like a volcano of relief.
When Stiles walked me down the hallways to the outside of school where the Sheriff's car sat, the bell rang. Everyone in their classes came flooding outside. I was drenched in school locker room shower water and I look like I almost drowned. Everyone stared. Everyone's eyes stayed glued to me as Stiles had to forcefully drag me outside to the ride he called.
Dad dropped us home and Stiles stayed with me until seven. I remember, because immediately after he left my room, I looked at the clock as I pulled the knife out of my drawer.  Every part of me begging to take some of the pain away. I wasn't a wolf yet, didn't even know about that stuff. I didn't want to just get high, partially because I didn't know how to, it was 8th grade. I had made the decision earlier that day. I had had too many embarrassing moments during the three years of my middle school carrier. I couldn't get away from myself.
I lifted my shirt to reveal the scars on my stomach. They were almost gone. I was going to be one month clean tomorrow. Not anymore.
(Okay we good now)
I jolt back to reality in the shower. The water is turning colder the longer I stay inside. I finish my normal shower routine and switch the water off. I grab a towel from its hanger in the bathroom, dry off a bit, and wrap it around my cold body. I look up at the fogged mirror and see a smiley face drawn in the steam and "-T". I let out a giggle.
A giggle, seriously? My inner voice complains. I remember what I'm doing, which is putting clothes on, and do that.
Once im fully dressed im my comfy black leggings, blue tee shirt, and some white ankle socks with a check on the side, I step out of the steamy room. A chill sweeps through me. I quickly race to the thermostat and turn the temperature up a hell of a lot. Theo must've turned it down.
I walk into my room, seeing Theo sitting on my bed. His legs hang off as he faces me. This reminds me of the last time he was sitting like this, a few weeks ago when I let him stay in the spare room.
It's only four o'clock.
"I'm starving," I realize out loud. Theo keeps his gaze on me. For some reason, he seems to be analyzing me. I grab his hand and pull him up so he's standing. "My dad's gonna be home at five, let's get you something to eat."
Once in the kitchen, we rummage through the kitchen for any signs of food. Apparently, nobody in Beacon Hills, no pay check for the Sheriff. That also means no groceries.
I hear the front door creak open and then slam shut.
"Hey, anybody home?" My dad shouts from the living room. I go wide eyed at Theo. Dad's not the biggest fan of this boy who went to hell.
"Yeah, um- wait. I'm not wearing pants!" I shout and Theo shoots me a devious glare. Yep. There's the boy who went to hell.
"Why- Ruby." He takes a deep breath. I'm never gonna live this down.
"Just stay there, dad. Let me go upstairs." Unfortunately for me, the stairs were in the living room. "Can you cover your eyes?" He grunts a response which I take as a yes. I put a finger to my mouth and direct it at Theo. Then I signal him to follow me. He does.
I give it a few minutes upstairs before I come back down. My dad stands awkwardly in the kitchen.
"There's no food." I say. "Wanna order a pizza? It has to be that place outside of Beacon Hills."
Hii again. It's em. How was this chapter?? Also hello new readers ily sm. Ooh i have a questionnn what's your favorite pizza topping? Mine's cheese and extra cheese. Xoxo -em
Wc: wow 2171♡
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knitspecibus · 7 years
Room for Ruby Liveblog! :D
-First of all, Garnet and Steven being illegally adorable, holy shit. God. This boy. He has just, such an unending wonder for the world around him and it’s beautiful. -*navy comes screaming into the atmosphere* NAVY I LOVE YOU, IM SORRY, BUT GOD BLESS -*suspicious squinting and chin rubbing* (god she’s so soft spoken where’s the goddamn closed captioning options on this TV) -We cut to Peridot and Lapis. Hmm. Steven are you sure about trying to impose a new roommate on them? -*Navy introduces herself* I honestly. Cannot tell if she’s just naturally….you know, like this? Or she’s actually got an agenda -Yeah Peri and Lap don't look into this. -Oh! Peri’s into it! -And Lapis is not. I don’t blame her. -I appreciate Lapis’ skepticism. Steven shouldn’t be so quick to trust her. Also “She must hate us” is a very lapis thing to think. -I LOVE THAT THEY'RE TRYING TO TEACH HER AND INTRODUCE HER TO LIKE. being on Earth and stuff aww. P’s right, they’ve been through this and now maybe they can help someone new ohhh this could be a great new beginning for Crystal gems. I hope Navy doesn't betray them… -Gosh she’s so cute and excited….Ugh, what’s the conflict going to be?? Like, she’s totally into this….Also I love that she and Steven are almost bonding, something something about similar mindsets because of shared gem placement -Hmm. I wonder what’s bugging Lapis -“That’s a hammock. It’s a bed you fall out of” -1)Aw Lapis sleeps. Cute and sad at the same time 2) AW LAPIS SNORES. PERI DON'T MAKE FUN -*Navy falls asleep after listening to lapis explain sleeping* ahhh. Maybe Lap is feeling resentful that Earth stuff that was hard for her seems to come easy for Navy. Lap does look surprised and confused to see her sleeping so quickly. Hmm. -“Looks like you’ve got it😡” yeah she mad about SOMETHING -“You don’t have to love everything right away” “I love plants!!😄” I wonder if it’s because she’s a natural earthling or her ceaseless enthusiasm that’s bugging lap -Love that Peridot and Steven join her in rolling around in the dirt -Thinkin it’s the enthusiasm. Poor Lapis probably thought she might be getting someone like her, someone who was once the enemy and treated like a criminal, angry and bitter. None of this has been easy for her to get used to and while it would be kind of cruel if it had been a real, honest conscientious desire, she subcontiously wanted someone who was having as hard a time as her, someone she could relate to. This whole day might have reaffirmed that she’s still the odd one out. -Yeah, more or less what I said. -....Steve buddy. Stevie hon. Why would you point out....I mean, I guess she would have noticed it eventually but........Why do I feel like she's about to grab the ship and leave -....Yyyyeeaaah I. Guess. She could be a pilot....But.... -STEVEN HON DON'T. DON'T PRESS THE GOD DAMN BUTTON -HOLY SHIT SHE'S ACTUALLY LIKE. SACCHARINE DEMONIC -EXCUSE YOU? YOU THINK YOU'RE THE FAVORITE RUBY?? UH, GUESS AGAIN OUR ETERNAL FLAME BABY IS STILL #1 THANK U -Damn it, she took the one working space ship :/ -Pfft lapis is too triumphant about being right to try to go after her
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