#ohhh the shame
I’m just. Gonna go watch my movie now!
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spn2006 · 3 months
theres people out there that dont think sam winchester is gay and thats really the problem with our society today. people look at the guy who feels ostracised for his psychic powers and struggles to connect with his family members and dont immediately think oh its a gay metaphor. now thats just not right
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virgincels · 3 months
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he fell in love that day
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polarpanda73 · 2 months
hiii guys. im so ill...
(bonus HH sketch under cut)
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futurewife · 8 months
As someone who has my emotions locked in a box under 7 layers of chains, something I like to fantasise about is getting to have a really ugly hold-nothing-back hysterical cry in the arms of an f/o and they don't get sick of me or judge me or tell me to pull it together! They are totally fine with comforting me for as long as I need it and they don't minimise my pain, in fact they kind of feel a purpose and honour in holding and protecting me.
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lxvergirl-exe · 1 month
sounds like i need to come over and celebrate my lil sis finally moving :3
MATTI! Yes big bro needs to come over! PLEASE! It's urgent too. I'm stuck in my washing machine in tiny booty shorts and I can't get out.
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ageless-aislynn · 8 days
Friends, my time has come.
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I mean, it's a shame there's no option for "you sold me a computer infested with demons and basically your idea of tech support is 'Wow, sucks to be you'" but I made do with what I had. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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joelletwo · 1 month
dub kitamoto saying he found natsume's Closeted Secret and tanuma sending natsume incredibly subtle psychic messages about it. and sasada ^_^
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coridallasmultipass · 5 months
Ok, guys, hear me out. Please. Just this one little thing. A small ship I present to you, and humbly ask for your consideration. If you will, please.
So, you know how people like DirkJohn (I'm people). Hear me out tho. This doesn't end here, because I also like DirkJake. (And DaveKat - DaveJohn, too, but not if Dave's with Karkat).
Well, as I'm writing a story idea just now, I thought, "Oh, wouldn't it be funny if I made this random story into Homestuck fanfiction?" And because I'm a little... you know... I rolled with it.
And now I'm faced with that dilemma. If Dirk has Jake, and Dave has Kat, who has John?
But here's a little secret. I needed a smart guy to talk numbers earlier in my notes, so I already have Lil Hal written down as a main character in this dumb idea I'm pulling out my ass heart right now.
And who do I have a Strider need for? John.
I present to you:
Lil Hal/John.
27 works on Ao3. That is not nearly enough.
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sage-nebula · 2 months
💫✨ people I’d like to get to know better ✨💫
thanks for the tag @caffernnn !!
last song i listened to: So I'm actually going to plug three songs that I've been absolutely obsessed with over the past weekend and have been listening on repeat as a result, all by the same artist -- Lydia the Bard, over on YouTube.
Lydia makes villain songs for the Disney princesses (among other Disney female characters). Her first handful were just lower pitched versions of their songs (or songs from their movies), but as she progressed she started changing lyrics, and now she's really grown and is making the songs more and more unique, culminating in finally creating a wholly unique villain song for Tinkerbell, which just came out and is my favorite.
"Fall Little Wendy Bird Fall" recontextualizes Tinkerbell's animosity toward Wendy. In this version, Tinkerbell and the other fairies of Pixie Hollow brought Peter Pan and the other Lost Boys there because, due to the nature of fairies' existence depending on humans believing in them, fairies were dying all around them as humans grew up and stopped believing. So the only way to secure their own lives was to make sure their humans never grew up. But Wendy threatens that by making Peter and the others long for human lives. Therefore, Tinkerbell sees her as a threat who must be taken out to save her own and her friends' lives. Not only does this song make Tinkerbell a far more compelling character, but the vocal performance is stunning, and the animatic that goes with it is amazing as well. Literally obsessed.
The other two I'm obsessed with are Meg's (where Hercules betrayed her as well & she kills Hades & takes his power) and Isabela's (where Mirabel doesn't get to her in time, and her resentment over the arranged marriage drives her to snap). Meg's is a bop and has a killer line in "In time they'll say I was cruel 'cause I cared", and I'm sorely tempted to use her final look at the end of the animatic as my Halloween costume this year. Meanwhile, Isabela's is also killer musically of course, and has equally fire lines like, "What could you possibly expect was gonna happen when you made me? / Tend to a plant with poison and expect a flower, are you crazy?" They're both just so good.
favorite color: Purple! Specifically cool shades, and especially cool shades that are more pastel, mixed with grey. I also like blues and greens that are faded like that, too.
currently watching: A little while ago I had started rewatching Sabrina the Teenage Witch since I hadn't watched it since middle school, but once I got to season four it got . . . bad . . . and it has continued to be bad . . . so I've kind of stopped watching lmao. I've lately been rewatching Jenny Nicholson's videos, but I finished that, so now I've gone back to rewatching Jenna Marbles videos. Oh, and I really love this series on YouTube called Bistro Huddy! It's hilarious, and Drew (the guy who portrays all the characters) is fantastic, he really melts into the roles so you almost forget it's one guy doing all of them. Highly recommend checking it out.
spicy/savory/sweet: Honestly depends on my mood, but I do have a strong sweet tooth, so honestly it's hard to go wrong by offering me ice cream or a cookie or something similar.
relationship status: Currently dating the lovely @skimmingthesurfaces 💜 She's actually going to be here this weekend for my birthday! (My birthday is on Tuesday, so I'm very blessed to have her with me for the whole weekend.)
current obsession(s): Aside from the songs mentioned above, I've been really thinking about one OC in particular of mine, and her story / novel . . . she's a character that I first created when I was about 13 or so, and has gone through a lot of development since then, but I've been fleshing out a lot more of her story and how she fits into this new original world I've created (since she was originally created for a Legend of Zelda role play, albeit even back then she came from a country outside of Hyrule). I really love and cherish her a lot, even though most other characters think she fulfills the "girl who is stupid" role in the adventuring party, and on some level she also believes this about herself, and to be fair she's not academically gifted at all, but to be even more fair the school and in fact overall society she was raised in was extraordinarily fucked up and no one actually tried to teach her in a way that would help her learn and in fact learning disabilities were seen as personal failings and --
Ahem. Anyway. I have long since described her as "pure of heart, dumb of ass," and in many ways she is, but for the second half, she's not in the way most everyone around her growing up assumed she was (including herself), or like, even if she is it wasn't 100% her fault (like yeah she slept in class and that was on her, but also she wasn't going to learn whether she was awake or not because her teachers were not going to be able to teach her the material because it was a One Size Fits All approach to teaching even when it really wasn't -- and that's only scratching the surface of the problems in her school / culture, it's a huge systemic thing). But yeah I've just been thinking about her a lot. Karin's my girl and I love her lots.
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kayvsworld · 1 year
why is anthony mackie the most beautiful man on earth. who can tell me this
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ackee · 8 months
im going to relax today. [you look at me and notice im shaking so fast it looks like im standing still] yup! just going to relax today
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user1286 · 1 year
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J just two teens being emo in a modern era dancing their hearts out what they dancing to🤔🤔❓❓
Also im putting this here bc idk where else uh gender-fluid Atreus supremacy just saying
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ultipoter · 1 year
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Had a wonderful photoshoot with @hydrachea and then I just apparently did not save like 99% of the photos I took. Oops.
Doing domains with our respective Travelers and exploring cool places together is just Such A Vibe
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jammyshouse · 15 days
finally accepting i am a gay man rather than whatever i thought i was is explaining a lot about everything to the point it’s actually making me angry. like man. man i guess it was very fucking obvious to everyone except me huh
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toytulini · 21 days
everyone always talks about how fucked up it is that they dont put clocks in casinos so u lose your sense of time and like, true
but no one ever talks about how if you cant read an analog clock due to something like dyscalculia, and you add time blindness on top of that, thats really not that different from your average experience at most locations
Analog clock readers can reblog
if they behave 🔪
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