#ohhhhhhh I have Feelings abt this one
Zuko learning tradional southern eater braids because he wants to show Sokka he loves him AND his culture.
Sokka expects him to blow-dry his hair and that's it but when Zuko starts braiding his hair he's like????? When did you start learning to braid hair
Sokka one day siting beside Zuko while he's meditating and joins him because dometimes he needs to calm down. He finds he really enjoys it. While he can't use the fire to concentrate, he uses Zuko's breaths to ground him.
Idk I just really adore their cultural aspects so alot of my soft headcannkns revolve around that
GENIUS BEHAVIOUR OVER HERE!!! Yessss omfg culture specific domestic zukka is my favourite and you ALWAYS deliver. Esp the braiding one… I’m a personal Zuko Braiding Sokka’s Hair enthusiast so that means so much to me ajsmkskakaass. Also I didn’t even think abt the meditating but,,, that’s so huge brained?? Yes absolutely?? Bc s1 Sokka would have been like: ‘what no meditating is bs like all the other spirit mumbo jumbo.’ But then once him and Zuko are together and Zuko finds out that Sokka is in a permanent Unable To Relax State he’d gently encourage Sokka to try it. Sokka’s a stubborn little shit so he only starts on his own accord and wow what do you know it woRKS. Zuko has to hold back his I told you so bc now they have a little routine where they’ll get up early (“10am is early! You firebenders are just crazy.”) and meditate together :)
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seventh-district · 1 year
man. how did i get here. i just wanted to write a lil fic abt an unkillable idiot of a man being madly in love w/ me and now i’m on wikipedia reading abt the heat death of the universe
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rpfisfine · 5 months
hello!! it's idat twt video anon back from the dead (I'm terrible at maintaining conversation)
I wanna thank you again for being a hub for our collective insanity, I've been scrolling through your blog lookin at what boyboy deep cuts I've missed and oh BOY the oil video is quite something. and I feel like I should share /my/ deepcut that I found even though it's nowhere near the same genre as the other stuff but a fellow man of culture (aleksa enjoyer) will appreciate it I think
so I watch idats one man band video maybe every week because one man band aleksa has such a grip on the creases of my brain folds, and one day I was lightly searching, perusing if you will, to see if he's done more music stuff and I found this gem courtesy of dailymotion user HankSydney. about half an hour of Aleksa singing what I assume is Serbian folk and honestly what a treat. none of us have ever done even close to what would be enough to deserve this. wonderful
(im gonna ask if I can give myself one of those anon ID emojis until I can figure out whether to ~unmask~ (come off anon), I propose 🌵)
HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII HELP ME... you're all completely welcome i myself have been made aware of SO many deep cuts i wouldve legitimately never found out abt on my own thanks to you guys!!!! the oil video is...... lets just say that i saw the greatest minds of my generation destroyed by boy boy oil video.
ohhhhhhh my god im gonna go crazy..... yeah ive known abt his appearance at the serbian festival in sydney for a while now but for some reason ive been putting it off the entire time bc i knew itd obliterate me in a completely different way than any video of him & alex borderline touching penises ever could so thank you for finally forcing me to check it out!!! ive just done the kubrick stare at my monitor for about thirty minutes like im honestly speechless hes SO...... his singing voice is SOOOOOO much deeper than his speaking one and the way he sings is so soulful and emotional you can rly tell how truly passionate he is abt music thats so fucking crazy... plus all of the songs are sooo beautiful im definitely gonna go back with shazam in hand and try to find all of their names like its just that dire for me rn. save me serbian folk music
i need to share this clip at least bc this part fucking gagged me to PIECES... im trying my hardest to be normal but hes sooo charismatic & confident and such a great performer plus he works the crowd rly well...... also every time he looks up after pausing the looper his eyes r so like.. electrifying i need to be sedated i think. tldr hes soooooooo talented & funny & good at what he does twirling my hair hiiiiii aleksa. aleksa heeeyyyy hiii aleksa<33333 if you read this im free on thursday night we could hang out on thursday night when i am free please respond to this im free on thursday night
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bestbuybathroom · 2 months
002, Katrina x Ryder
Conceptually, I'm intrigued.
oh man. ohhhhhhh mannnnn i have SHIT to say about their relationship ougigjgh ive been WAITITNG FOR AN OPPORTUNITY forgive me if this isn't canonical at all i need to rewatch the cutscenes again
when or if I started shipping it:
i feel like saying i ship them means that i think they're good for each other which is Incorrect
my thoughts:
ok hear me out on this one but I think it's a mutually toxic/abusive relationship. like there's the obvious stuff with like katrina literally creating a whole bunch of robots to keep him out but also
it was implied ryder has nightmares abt katrina (like maybe he was joking but Come On)
he was like, really nervous about going to katrina's home??? which always confused me because like, i feel like if he was still actively pursuing her he wouldn't gaf. like it could be argued that he moved on but when you look at the rest of the cutscenes he really didn't lol
im like 80% sure ryder flinches when he hears katrina's voice one time
tldr: katrina heavily dislikes ryder and ryder is both simultaneously afraid and desperate for her??????? what is his DEAL (bpd)
What makes me happy about them:
idk how to answer this one tbh there is nothing happy about them
What makes me sad about them:
ig the fact that their "attraction" to one another was more like, them playing their parts (action hero, attractive villain chick) and at the end of the day they're absolutely awful together and they never liked each other at all (or atleast katrina didn't like ryder). like once the performance stops they realize they liked the character not the actor (??? does this make any sense) like maybe ryder loves what katrina represents and not for who she actually is idk
Things done in fanfic that annoys me:
literally i don't think ive seen a single fic about them but i don't see katrina's abuse acknowledged as much as ryder's lol/lh
Things I look for in fanfic:
My kinks:
????? genuinely what does this one meannnn
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
i do think katrina genuinely loved viktor. ryder is getting put in the Bitchless Cube
My happily ever after for them:
they separate 4ever and ryder stops being obsessive lol (or they never meet in the first place)
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I know I’ve probably done enough yapping about stsg and how much I love them but but but but….. the way u talked about suguru being jealous when reader has a partner?? Simply because he wants to make sure that you’re being loved and cared for enough??? I’ll actually explode right now oh my god I’m so serious he’s so loving?? I’m gonna be perfectly honest if I was his bsf I would be completely insufferable because if you wanted me to spend even a moment apart from that man you would have to drag me away kicking and screaming HES SO WIFE MATERIAL AUGHHHHHHHH. Oh god but imagine him if reader was cheated on by their partner I need to see him feral and ANGRYYY 🙏🙏 -stsg anon :3333
Tumblr media
^ stsg anon this was my live reaction reading this YOU’RE SO……. wow we are just FEEDING each other’s sugu obsession aren’t we 😭😭😭 AS WE SHOULD!!!!!
BUT NO OKOKOK I . this makes me a little insane. FIRST OFFFF i’m so glad u agree??? i just think it’s so vital that he isn’t some possessive douchebag who thinks you belong to him or whatever, he just has a very firm belief that you deserve the best and that happens to be Him LMAO. he knows you better than he knows himself, knows what makes you happy and what buttons not to push — so he really just wouldn’t be able to stand seeing you with someone who’s making you uncomfortable, who can’t give you what you need… :<
tbh that might also be what pushes him into confessing because he’s like im RIGHT here. i can show you what you deserve. i would fold
oh he would be fucking FERAL alright like genuinely i think that’s the only time you really see him Angry. i’ve talked abt this before but !! to me sugu really is the kinda guy who seems very chill and composed but the MOMENT his loved ones are involved he’s just Fuming. like. he’s soooo scary.
first off. i think he would just be in disbelief??? like he’d believe you INSTANTLY don’t get me wrong but his brain just physically can’t wrap itself around the fact that someone would cheat on you. ESPECIALLY someone who is just so undeserving of you????? he thinks you’re soooo out of their league so just . the idea of it …… he doesn’t get it. he doesn’t want to understand.
but okok so his mother instincts would definitely tell him to focus on comforting you first and foremost. he just has this really insatiable need to soothe you. so if you come to his house and you’re just sobbing then his immediate instinct isn’t ”im gonna kill whoever did this” (thats later lol), but ”i need to make sure they’re okay.”
ohhh and if you call him … he is RUNNING to your house asap. no matter how far away it is. if it’s close enough to walk i think you’d open the door to see him just sweating, panting etc etc bc he literally ran as fast as he could to get to you. sprinting down the street like his life depends on it ohhhh he’s so…
AND THEN he’s just. so soothing. soso gentle. makes you tea and lets you cling to him and urges you to get all the tears out. just rubbing your back and whispering little soothing murmurs into your ear :((( until you calm down. and THAT’S when he makes you tell him what’s wrong.
and ohhhhhhh boy….,,,,, stsg anon………… the way he would just silently go feral. like. you barely notice it. you’re probably too upset to. but something in his jaw tightens and his eyes go dark and his hold on you grows just a smidge tighter, like that protective instinct inside him is crawling out of his skin…
it’s a little tough but i think he keeps it all under wraps as long as you’re there. so he can focus on making you feel better. just reassuring you, letting you know how much you deserve, how you shouldn’t waste your breath on someone so useless. like it’s OBVIOUS that he’s angry yk but he tries to maintain his composure. for you.
but ………….. after that. like. i’m thinking maybe you stay the night and he lets you sleep in his bed (maybe crawls in beside you if you ask for it bc you’re just really in need of stability and he’s far too eager to give it to you), and then you wake up and he’s making you breakfast and just kinda. casually lets you know that he’s gonna Talk to your partner. your ex partner. because if there’s one thing he refuses to budge on, it’s the fact that you’re breaking up with this idiot whether you like it or not. that’s the One thing where he doesn’t even hear you out, he’s not having it, you deserve to be happy and no one is allowed to hinder that.
and so he Talks to them <3333 and by talk i mean he very calmly but firmly tells them never to contact you again, and that if he sees them try they’re dead. (is he just trying to scare them? does he mean it? who knows who knows but what matters is that it works and you dont hear from them again <33)
i just really think this whole scenario makes something inside of him snap. i think that silent fury bubbles up every time he sees you question your worth, every tear you shed because of it. suguru is just so empathetic yknow? it tears him apart inside. makes him want to throw up.
and ohh god forbid you got trust issues after the whole cheating thing… i think that’s probably when he’d confess because he’d quite literally rather die than have to watch you go through the same thing with some other idiot. he really, genuinely, sincerely doesn’t trust anyone but himself to love you enough.
anyway im done in conclusion i love Suguru Geto <3333
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cleverpaws · 23 days
Hi internet person cleverpaws
I need insight on.
A situation.
(my most recent post)
Not forcing you or anything I'm just freaking out beacuase I'm pretty sure there's like.
A guy in my brain.
And he really likes his wife (glanboo)
ohhhhhhh shit???? errm what specifically do u need insight on cause. unfortunately our system like doesnt have any full amnesia so i dont really have much to offer in terms of advice in that department but??
(i will say i at least know the feeling tho one of our guys is like vaguely gay for our glranboo and theyre both insufferable abt it 💔💔)
but anyways uhhhhh ask away!!!!!! if thats what u need. i cant promise i have tons of answers for everything cause our systems kinda atypical in some ways but
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bylertruther · 1 year
The end of the year is near! Give a shoutout to your favorite blogs and tag them to spread positivity before the year ends! (from: a secret anon)
an opportunity to gush over people? why, don't mind if i do :^)
this is in no particular order at all & i'm especially thankful for everyone that's been kind to me this year! <3 i DO see you all and i DO appreciate you sm!!!! thank you, thank you, thank you to you all! 🫂
(btw, you may have to ctrl + f to find your url unless you don't mind scrolling for five years lmao.)
@heroesbyler, my dearest most beloved wife 🤎 not to be a homosexual on main, but you constantly grab my face in your hands and submit me to the mortifying ordeal of being known and while that does make me feel stripped down to nothing but my gory insides before u there is a level of um. real safety and security in that and in you because i know that i'll always be safe there. you're such a genuine, sweet, funny, intelligent, and kind person. beautiful inside AND out!!! you ALWAYS make me laugh and you ALWAYS make me smile and i just . if i could, i would squeeze you n lift you off your feet rn 🫂 you're simply the Best, hogging all of the brain cells and talents and good traits (and good looks, hehe). i adore you and i am so thankful to have met you and you have a very berry special place in my heart. you deserve every compliment that you've ever received and more!!! literally where would we be as a byler nation without you and your inimitable genius tbh? i don't even want to think abt it. </3 ily!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 💞🥰🫶 and i am so, so, soooooo happy to have met you. @ everyone else, you will NEVER be stav!!!!!!!!! 😤💘😘🫂
@mlchaelwheeler SARAHHHHHH! my sweet & the robin to my steve. 🥺 resting my head on ur shoulder rn. <3 you were one of my very first friends in this space and one of my absolute favorites. platonic soulmates fr!!!!!! you're so intelligent, so sweet, so talented, and so funny. your love and appreciation for this story and these characters is so contagious and i love to read all of the connections you make. your brain is a goldmine and we're all so lucky to have u here. in all ways except physical, i am hugging u and squishing n pinching ur cheeks hehe<333
@wiseatom thea thea THEAAAAAAAAA! biting you and whipping my head from side to side like a dog with its chew toy (affectionate). <3 did you know... that i am obsessed with u? completely and totally. waving my pom-poms and doing a little cheer routine for u always. you are SO unbelievably kind and merciful and sweet tht it blows me away. not to be um. Peculiar^tm on main but every time u grant me ur usual thea on-brand kindness it makes my brain short circuit and i um. don't know what to do with myself or what i could say to show my appreciation which leads to me not saying anything bc every time i go back to reread and reply it just happens all over again and idk what i could say to "top" that and it makes me emotional and and and—[sniper finally takes the shot n puts us out of our misery, etc]. ur just........ !!!!!!!!!!!!! 🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤍🤎💕💞💓💗💖!!!!!!!!!!!! u know what i mean? like. i just. Do Not Have The Words to describe how happy u make me. you're SO kind and SO funny and SOOOOOOO talented it's actually insane. i read your writing and i FEEL the immense love that you put into it, that you have for the source material, and that the characters, no matter the nature of their relationship, feel for each other. no offense sorry to be #real but i feel like you have THEEEEEEE best grip on will and mike's voices, and this includes the duffers btw. i read your work and i'm like "oh my god.... that's will and mike, my best friends and best sons william and michael of stranger things fame oh my god...." i read your work and it's like ohhhhhhh so This is what love is, This is what it means to be understood and seen by another soul, This is what true human connection is okay #understood i See i Feel i Understand!!! i just. puts head in hands. i adore u and i am so thankful to have met you and existed at the same time as u. ur a fucking superstar idc sorry to sound like an elementary school teacher but i just Do Not Understand how someone can be so many wonderful things like HELLOOOOOO WHERE ARE YOUR FLAWS THEA.... WHERE ARE THEY!!!!!!!!!!!! smh. hugging u n biting u n also following u around like a puppy bc duality of man n such. nods at u and superglues us together while ur not looking bc i would follow you anywhere so long as u let me so plsdonteverleavemebutalsoifyoudowanttoleavethatsokayily <3
@miwism MAL MIWISM THE THIRD!!!! oh my god... what could i say that i haven't already... funniest byIer of all time award goes to you every year every time first second AND third place all urs and only urs or i blow this entire website up idc. you're so creative and talented (funny, a writer, AND an artist? mal for the love of god can you please leave SOMETHING to us plebeians... smh. AND UR A JOCK TOO?! SOMEONE PUT THE MANAGER ON THE PHONE BC HELLOOOOOO) and kind. how do u do it? pls, tell us where you're getting ur juice bc this is jus too much!!!!!!! you make my dash such a lovely n lively place to be and i am so thankful for u n ur contributions to this fandom<3
@willblogger IMA WHEN I TELL YOU I LOVE EACH AND EVERY ONE OF UR POSTS AND ALWAYS MAKE SURE TO READ UR TAGS NO MATTER WHAT BC I LOVE UR BRAIN SO MUCH...... I'M BEING 💯‼️ u just Get it!!! u Know, u Understand, and i am so thankful to be able to witness it hehe. ur another person whose contributions to this fandom are priceless & i selfishly hope that u have the byIer brainrot forever bc i can't imagine being here without you #rip </3 you're so, so, so effortlessly funny and real and i just. i'm obsessed with u and i am so so happy to have found you!! 🥺
@s2willbyers OMG ANOTHER BLOGGER WHOSE CONTRIBUTIONS ARE SO UNIQUE AND PRICELESS...... HI ADRIAN HIIIII OMG HEY HI HELLO 🥺🤲💙 you are sooooo so so full of Knowledge and Understanding and talent and humor and kindness and and and. i jsut. how do u do it. how are you so nice and so funny and so talented at drawing and so talented at writing and so able to share your thoughts in such an eloquent and moving way i just . your passion is contagious and so is your enthusiasm and i love it sm!!! i want to read every single idea you have and i want to hear about every single connection you draw between these characters we love and the other works of art that you appreciate and what you think about these characters and how you see them through your eyes and your worldview. ur!!! so!! talented!!! and not enough people!!! say that!!!! even if someone told u this everyday it would not be enough, i think. i Love your blog and i Love your content and ur presence in this space makes me so so happy, adrian, rly and truly 🫶
@willandmichael IZA!!! you make such beautiful gifs and i love how you've always been so honest and unafraid to say what you mean. you're a true ByIer Warrior fr hehe n i just find tht so refreshing. happy new year!! it's been so fun going through this with you hehe :)
@notebooknonbinary VEE! tbh you're so sweet and kind tht i picture u in my head as like. a gumdrop. but also human. don't ask me how it works rly jus kno tht it does <3 bhdjfbdhj. BUT !!!! i just. 🥺 you are so so sweet and so talented and i am so happy to have followed you. you always put that Scrumptious content on my dash and every fic snippet and idea that you share with us always has me on the edge of my seat wanting more!!! you're so creative and i just love hearing everything that you have to say and want to share with us. <3
@lilacline001 LILAC QUEEN OF MY HEART AND CREATOR OF WORLD RENOWN CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED WORKS OF ART NOCTURNE AND RIPPLE EFFECT... I WOULD DIE FOR U (said while getting down on one knee like a knight before the throne ofc). seriously, i start thinking about your fics and immediately i feel like i have to stand up and take my hat off out of respect. i have goosebumps right now as i write this actually. i just. Your Mind. YOUR MIND!!!!!! it's insane and i stand by everything i've ever said about it tbh. my chest clenches just thinking abt nocturne, your mike (which is the most mike to ever be mike btw, including canon mike), and all of the lines that have pierced me and sunk all the way down into the meat of my heart. you're such a wordsmith... i just have no words to describe how your writing makes me feel. no words for you and your sweetness and your grace and your unique and oh so special creative genius. you're just!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! beyond words. i am so thankful to have existed at the same time as you and so thankful that you were generous enough to share your talents with us all. and actually i may have lied because now that i'm at the end of this blurb my mind just keeps repeating "you have bewitched me body and soul" so maybe there Are words to describe how i feel hehe. i am forever and always waving my pom-poms, doing cartwheels, holding up my handmade sign in the stands, and cheering you on in all of your creative endeavors!!!!!!!!! thank you so much for Changing Me with your works!!!! thank you so much for sharing your beautiful brain with us all!!! just thank you!!! for everything!!! AHHH!!!!! ❤️🖤🦇🩸
@ki-flor pLEASEEEEE you are carrying the byIer nation on your back tbh and i think i speak for all of us when i say we could not be more grateful hehe <3 your posts are ALWAYS so unbelievably funny and i LOVE your reaction gifs so much lmaoooo you never fail to get a giggle out of me. :') i love your enthusiasm and how Cool you are and how levelheaded you are even when the fandom is blowing up over smth. never change & thank u for making me laugh so much even through all the craziness!!
@mikeandwillel SANDYYYYYYYY EVERYBODY MOOOOOVE AND MAKE WAY FOR BIG BRAIN THINKER SANDY MIKEANDWILLEL THE THIRD 📣 i love, love, loooooove reading all of your analyses. you've made me rethink what i thought i knew about so many things in this story sooooo many times and i'm so thankful for that. you have a very keen eye and i love how you stick to your guns and what you believe in, not letting other people sway you. you're a very strong figure and that's such a breath of fresh air here. :) you're very logical, very fair, and i'm always just so happy to read all that you have to share with us. thank you for making this a better place & i can't wait to see what this next year in wait will bring us!!!
@repression jamieeeeee omg i hope this is not weird and i'm sorry if it is, but i'd be lying if i didn't include u in my favorites!!! i seriously love all of your posts and reading your thoughts on fandom, the characters, and the stories. i especially love when you post your own art and make connections between these characters and other artworks. i just... your mind!!! your mind. i'm very happy to have followed you and i feel Compelled to say thank u for blessing my dash as often as u do!!! so, thank u !!! <3 :D
@padme-amidala OMGGGGGGG EVERYBODY MOOOOOOOOVE AND MAKE WAY FOR THE BYLER EDIT GOD!!! jeeeeeeeesus ur gif edits for them hit like no other. you're SO talented and creative and have such a deep and genuine understanding of these characters, their individual stories, and all that they represent. i am so thankful for all that you've shared with us and i can't wait to see what else you have in store!! following u is such a treat!! :)
@givehimthemedicine NATALIE OMGGGG ur such a big brained individual. i LOOOOOOVE your blog because you provide such an invaluable perspective that i feel is so needed. you're so observant and the fact that you can catch such tiny but Big details always blows me away and makes me feel like i need new glasses or smth dfbjhd. just so happy that you're here and that you're generous enough to share ur big brain with us all. i need to get better at replying to your reblogs to my posts but also i shan't because i can never think of anything funnier than ur addition so #rip me bhfbkdjb hehehe. <3
@blackdeathmamba MS MAMBA <3 you were my very first friend in the byIer fandom and for that you will forever hold a special place in my heart. this year was hard for us both, but i hope (and knock on wood) that this next one will be brighter and better. you're an insanely talented wordsmith and a true trailblazer in this community. your name and your works are popular on every site that this ship has a presence and it's so deserved! i've meant every single compliment i've given you and i'd repeat them to you every day if that's what it took to rid you of any doubt you may have about your abilities. i'm... admittedly extremely embarrassed and was too ashamed to pop in weeks later to reply to you, but... i just want you to know that i still thought of you and missed your presence here and hope that you're doing at least a little better. if you aren't, that's okay, too, because there's always tomorrow, you know? sending you all my love and light and warmth forever and always! you're irreplaceable & such a true gem. thank you for making this space so much better for us all. 💗🫂🫶
@estelinhabb hiii, friend!! thank you so much for always cheering me and my rambling tags on hehe. i associate you with light and love tbh with the way that you always amplify the words of others and call attention to their additions! you're always very sweet and very kind and very inclusive and that's just so lovely to see. you spread your positivity always and help to really make this space feel like a community. thank you for all that you do and all of the kindness that you've spread!! it's always a pleasure to see you on my dash. <3
@thranduel THEEEEEEEE BYLER WARRIOR OF ALL BYLER WARRIORS EVERYONE STEP ASIDE AND MAKE WAY FOR TUMBLR USER JASMINE THRANDUEL PLEASEEEE 📣📣📣 omg. seriously, your takes are smoking hot and 100% factual every time. i've never read any of your thoughts on this show and its characters and found myself disagreeing. you're never afraid to speak your mind and say what needs to be said and that's something that's so needed in this fandom. thank you for being so true to yourself and loving our boys as enthusiastically and passionately as you do!!! <3
@surferboypizzashirts CHRISTINA! omg. you've been here since before i even made a blog specifically for byIer!! if anyone deserves a veterans discount, it's you. <3 thank you so much for sticking with me through the hype, the wariness, the despair, the delusion, and the hopeless hopefulness lol. you've made me giggle countless times and offer a breath of fresh air to your followers whenever you're around. i hope that you're doing well & have a happy new year bc you certainly deserve it! :)
@stbyers SUZZIE!!! :D you're always soooooo sweet and make the cutest picrews and THE CUTEST ART EVER HELLO!! a true Artiste^tm. i love, love, loooooove your style and simply can't get enough of it. <3 thank you so much for sharing your talents with us & making my dash that much brighter with your presence here. <3
@finalgirlbyers sierra! we have been following each other for so long and i would have it no other way. <3 i love your jokes, i love hearing about your life, and i love whenever you share your thoughts with us. i think you're lovely just the way you are and i would change absolutely nothing about you or your content. we all follow you because of you, not solely because of whatever you may provide us, and what you do provide to your followers isn't lesser or "low-brow". you're really cool and really funny with good taste and i hope that you have a lovely new year!!
@crazycoven HAYDEN YOU HAVE ALWAYS BEEN SO NICE TO ME AND I HAVE NEVER ONCE KNOWN HOW TO ACCEPT THAT BUT I WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT I HAVE BEEN SO MOVED AND SO TOUCHED BY YOU AND YOUR KINDNESS EVEN AND PERHAPS ESPECIALLY WHEN I HAVE NOT BEEN ABLE TO SHOW THAT! sorry for the caps lock i jus had to get that off my chest <3 you're a miwi trailblazer and tbh where would we be without your countless contributions, hm? i shan't even think of such a scary au. you helped make this year in byIer history (lol) so much fun and i can't think of byIer tumblr without thinking of you, too. thank you for all the laughs, all the kindness, and for all that you've been generous enough to share with us all! <3
@aemiron-main em, em, em, where do i even begin....!!! i am genuinely forever and always blown away by you and your vast intelligence. seriously, i don't know how you do it. i think you have more thoughts in an hour than i've had in my entire life LMAOOO. i feel like you're a modern day sherlock holmes tbh. i bet my life savings even that you could probably crack every cold case out there if we just gave you an hour and some red bull. and this gift of yours is made even mooooooooore astonishing when you consider that not only are you so insanely sharp, but you're overall just a great fucking person!! like!!! HELLO!!!! how is that allowed. HOW is that allowed?! you're a damn genius, you're an insanely talented artist with a super unique and inimitable style, you're so funny, you're so SOOOOOO kind that it makes my brain short circuit and i have to immediately close the tab bc i get so flustered (i have issues<3), you're so unapologetically yourself, you're so HONEST, you're so... you're just. ahhhhhh!!!!!!!! (<- me screamin bc the Fan Behavior overcame me) i am sooooo happy that i came across you and followed you way back when. you've opened my eyes to so much and helped me reconsider certain things that i thought i knew and helped me to uncover things that i didn't even know i didn't know lol. i hope you have a happy new year because you very much deserve it, friend!! <3
@magentamee BREANNE! omg hewo 🥺 we have been mutuals for i don't even know how long at this point and you've always, always, aaaaaalways been so nice to me. thank you so much for being such a bright and bubbly person in this fandom. i always see you cheering others on and cracking jokes and in general just being so lovely. it's a treat to see you on the dash and i thank you very much for all the smiles you've gotten out of me and others i'm sure!! your halloween costume was BALLER and so are you and so will be your 2023 hehe <3
@howtobecomeadragon DRAGON!!!!!!! 🐉💚 before i say anything, i want you to know that i am hugging you and squeezing you and twirling you around in spirit hehe. you are so SWEET and so FUNNY and SO TALENTED?! HELLO?! leave some crumbs for the rest of us like... 🙄 dfbdjhbfjdh. i'm kidding. if you hogging every good trait ever means that you'll continue to bless us with your presence and contributions to this fandom then tbh i think that's a more than fair trade!! but seriously, i consider you to be such an important part of this fandom. your memes, your analyses, the questions you pose, your writing, your headcanons, just everything that you post!!! it's all so good and so unique and soooooo scrumptious. truly you are an Understander and Knower hehe <3 i'm so happy that i found you and i can't wait to weather this pre-s5 wait with you!! i'm sure that you'll continue to spoil us as you always have. happy new year, friend!!! :) <3
@laozuspo IF NOBODY GOT ME WHEN IT COMES TO UNDERSTANDING WILLIAM BYERS, I KNOW JAMES LAOZUSPO GOT ME 😤🤝🫡💪‼️ NOW CAN I GET AN AMEN LADIESSSSS 📣📣📣 BFJHDKJHFDB. but fr fr... james... my dear tumblr mutual... you Get it. you just Get it. i would die for you i would fight for you i am getting on one knee rn to swear an oath to you like a knight rnnnnnn it's Real u are my brother in byler (real) (not clickbait). you're so funny, so witty, so sharp, so Cool, so talented, just . i enjoy your blog and your brain so much. thank you so so so much for sharing it with us and for always speaking your truth, even when people really do Not want to hear it. thank you for not apologizing for being who you are and thank you for just. well. being you, i guess. this fandom would not be the same without you and i for one feel super lucky to have you here (so pls never leave me xoxo dbfhjdbjhf). thank you for everything and happy new year, james!! <3
@ice-sculptures RAE! where to even begin omg... you give so much to this fandom and i am so thankful. your beautiful gifs, your Real and True and Factual posts, your glorious au concepts, your thoughts, your endless kindness, and your pleasant presence—thank you so much for all of it!!! i'm Shocked that you don't write fic (yet...? 👀 hehe) because omg. HELLO... you're such a good writer?! even when you're standing up to the masses and clearing the byers brothers name or waxing showstopping poetic about byIer, your words and your message is always so moving. i'm so happy that you're here and that you're generous enough to share with us all that you do. thank you, thank you, thank you!! wishing you the happiest of happy new years to you, too, of course! :D
@willelfanpage sara!! :D oh my god. actually idek why i started this out all cheery like you haven't kicked me in the face and ripped my beating heart straight out of my chest 83409830 times with your Real and Factual and Very Canon angst 😭💔 EVILLLLLL. but so good! which leads us to our next point: just how do you manage to be so kind and oh so talented, hm? what's your secret? how do you manage to Understand and Know sooooooo many characters and speak nothing but the cold hard facts time n time again? truly a marvel!!!! you share so much with this fandom and i hope you know that we appreciate everything that your beautiful brain comes up with even if it leaves us in shambles. crossing my fingers that this upcoming year serves you back as much happiness as you've so generously given us!!! <3
@strangersynth time, dear tumblr user time strangersynth omg hey hi hello 🥺🤲💙 you've always been so unbelievably kind to me in the tags and i just want you to know that i See you and appreciate you sm. it makes me smile every time! you have such an eye for design and it really shows in everything that you do. your video edits are GORGEOUS! seriously, they're soooo good. i love how you're able to find all of these parallels and similarities between characters and their journeys and present it in such an awesome fashion. your dedication and passion for your craft really shines through in everything that you do, from your edits to your words to your layout and all!! you're very cool and very kind and very talented and i am so happy to have crossed paths with you on these e-streets. happy new year, time!! :) <3
@elmaxed lumi! yet another person with an eye for all things beautiful. you're such a sweet, funny, talented, and cheery individual. you share so much with this fandom—your ideas, your fics, your art, your edits, your jokes, and your thoughts—and i love and am so thankful for each and every gift that you give us!! i used to see your posts all the time even before i started a byIer blog and tbh i feel like your popularity is soooo deserved. you're always such a sweetheart and it's always a pleasure to see you on my dash. :) <3
@themacklemorebrothers hello, friend! :D i hope you're well!! you're a familiar n welcome face around these parts and i always treasure every comment and addition you leave to my posts or my reblogs. i especially love your dedication to making this a more accessible place for us all. you've made me laugh and smile countless times and i can't thank you enough for that. i hope this new year grants you the same smiles n laughter that you've given me and more!! :D <3
@toystoryfan hi, toy!! :) i always love reading your comments on the posts you reblog from me. you've made me smile n laugh so many times and blown me away with your insights, too. i always make sure to read anything you write when i see you in my activity tab & i especially love when you add on to headcanons or ideas. i hope you have a lovely new year and continue to share your thoughts while we wait for s5! :D
@chaserofstarsandtheabyss hello, hello!! i see you in my activity tab often and it's always such a treat! i love reading your thoughts on things and when you add on to any ideas or offer a different perspective. it's always so fun and refreshing and you never have to apologize for rambling! if anything, i encourage it hehe. :) i'm happy that we crossed paths this year and i wish you a happy new year, friend!
@gmaybe666 omgggggggg ngl i do be giggling n twirling my hair n kicking my feet whenever you prev me hehe. your art style scratches an itch in my brain that i didn't even know i had! it's just so.... [clenches fist] GOOD, you know? like, it just feel so Real, so Genuine, so True. i can feel your love pouring through with every artwork that you share. i look at those two boys and i SEE mike and will as they really are! and that's so special! your art, your vision, and your talent is so special. your comic series is so powerfully evocative especially. gets me right in my achy breaky heart with how tender and true it is. </3 thank you so much for sharing your skills with us! i wish you a very happy new year! :)
@emblazons TUMBLR USER EMBLAZONS!!! did you know that you're so very smart and observant and also witty and that i cherish you and everything that you so graciously share with us very, very much? well, now you do! i love your gifs, i love your careful and powerful analyses, i love the way that you speak about these characters and their journeys both individually and together, i just... i love your passion for this art form! i love hearing your thoughts and i'm soooo happy that i came across your blog. i love seeing you on my dash and gobble up everything that you share with us. you've made me reconsider so many things and really expanded my understanding in ways that i appreciate so much. thank you for all that you do for this fandom and happy new year!! 🥳🍾
@light-lanterne hi, angel! :) this isn't the first time you've heard this and it certainly won't be the last, but it bears repeating anyway!! thank you sooooo so so much for what you've done for the byIer fandom!! seriously, no one is doing it like you!! you're a true artist with such a lovely heart. your fic rec blog is such an unbelievably kind and generous thing to do. i can't even begin to imagine the amount of happiness you've likely brought writers by not only giving their works attention but also so much love!! your edits are fantastic!! and the fact that you actually take the time to read them to get an idea before putting something together? you have such a good, good heart. please, never change! again, thank you so much. not even just for that, but even your own works!! which are so unique!! i've seriously never read anything like them. your love for your fellow fandom friends, for your fellow creatives, for this show, and for art and community themselves shows in everything that you do. i hope and pray that this new year brings you just as much happiness as you've so freely given to others and more!! thank you, thank you, thank you! for everything! <3
@chirpsythismorning we've never spoken before, but i just wanted to say thank you for my life lmao. when volume two dropped, the byIer nation was in SHAMBLES until you came along. seriously, you dragged us just like this out of the deepest darkest pits of hell kicking and screaming and sobbing and wailing on the brink of death and for that i am so thankful lol. when i was ready to give up the crumb of hope that i still had left you were there to refill my plate and get me back on my byIer feet hehe. every time i see one of your posts on my dash i always take the time to read because i know it'll be good. again, thank you so much for everything that you've done for this fandom!! i hope that this new year treats you well!! :)
@frodohaven HADLEY!! i have never spoken to you because i am so Shy but just know that i admire u from afar. in a non-creepy way ofc. your posts are always so #real and true and factual and your st x lotr posts are especially chef's kiss. i've never seen a post of yours cross my dash that DIDN'T slap and tbh i don't think such a post exists? it's just impossible. you're so funny, so smart, and i LOVE seeing you in these byIer streets. i hope you have a lovely new year!!
@wibble-wobbegong hi! :) i've already said what i'm about to say to you before hehe, but it bears repeating anyway!! thank you so much for all of your contributions to this fandom, really and truly. your analyses are top tier and i'm always so fascinated by your perspective on things. i always make sure to read your posts when they come across my dash and i've seriously never come away from one not learning something new. i love that you hold these takes and beliefs so close to your heart and how willing you are to engage in conversation. you're funny, you're intelligent, and you've always been so kind to me when we have interacted which i cherish very much. i hope you have a lovely new year and i can't wait to learn so much more from you! thank u sm for sharing your thoughts with us as much as you have! :)
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reverie-starlight · 1 year
osamu with a s/o who is a picky eater
did you mean me?
(small warnings/disclaimer: mentions of emetophobia (like sososo brief it's said once then gone)/general aversion to food, I promise it's all fluffy tho <3)
osamu with a s/o who's a picky eater
ohhhhhhh he would be the best at trying to get you to add new foods to your palette I feel it in my bones. like he'd never force you if you really can't, but he'd definitely try to make it as pleasant of an experience as possible. he can make anything he cooks look like the most delicious thing on the planet and it'll taste 10 times better still.
AND he will keep in mind your "absolutely the fuck not" foods and work around them with ease.
he's skilled with cooking and recipes, but maybe at the start of the relationship it would be a bit frustrating for him. after a couple conversations and lists, and making little notes in his recipe books on how to modify certain recipes to your liking, though? he does it happily.
by time you guys are like, two years into your relationship? forget little modification notes on what to change off to the side, this man decides to keep a whole notebook of the recipes he has changed up for you (how full it is depends on how picky of an eater you are, but the thought that went into it and the intentions behind it were full of love either way, that's for sure).
I actually have trouble trying new foods bc of my emetophobia, so all of what I said would be mega appreciated by me, but let's also talk about just helping you out with like, food on it's own, not a whole meal. like fruit! maybe it's one you've never tried and you're kinda iffy on it for whatever reason. He's trying it first, no hesitation, he will just put it into his mouth to show you it's fine and gently coaxes you into taking a small bite at the very least.
Hypes you up when you end up really liking it and will gladly buy more of it if you want to add it to your regular day-to-day meals/snacks.
would never get annoyed when you really insist on not trying it or end up getting worried/anxious after trying it. bro will get you some water to cleanse the palette and eat the rest happily.
at family functions or when you're just out and about, he would definitely take the parts of your meal that you don't like from your plate (like mushrooms or tomatoes or whatever) and trade for the things on his plate that he knows you like. defends you from anyone who tries to make a joke abt your eating habits.
can you tell I have a complicated relationship with food hmmm i wonder where it stemmed from :D
I HC that he and atsumu will both eat any and everything, they are not picky at all. so to conclude: it balances out with you being picky, he doesn't mind at all!!! it's easy to work around and he'll always hype you up and help you with trying new things.
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1eos · 1 year
hello ms kendra! first off just wanted to say i hope you're doing well and i love your blog theme. also that i hope only good things come to you and those you love 💗
i don't know if you feel comfortable sharing, so please don't worry if you don't want to answer, but how did you know you were a lesbian? sorry if this seems out of the blue ahfjfkal but i've been kind of questioning myself lately and i trust your thoughts and opinions and i was just... looking for some thoughts/feelings i guess? once again please don't feel pressured to answer. thank you for reading 💗 have a sexy day ms leos!
omg its not too much at all 😭😭😭 how i realized i was a lesbian was obvious in retrospect but i was surrounded by so much comphet i didnt realize it was an option until one day i was like ohhhhhhh i can just like women lol
anyways when i was a kid i felt a bit left out bc ive always been a girls girl and only rarely found boys worth hanging out with but when all my girl friends were starting to be boy crazy i just had. no interest. none at all. when i was in elementary school the one boy everyone liked he did nothing for me but i started to fantasize abt him liking me so all the GIRLS would like me 😭😭😭 like i said obvious
but it didnt click bc i had crushes on 2 guys. one was gay so 😶😂 LOL and for a while i was like so im not gay bc i liked 2 guys but then i realized those 'crushes' were just how i am with ppl i like and want to be friends with. this all encompassing desire to be with them 24/7. i didnt want to do anything w my friends i just wanted to but stuck on them and im the same way to this day just toned down (scorpio vedic moon)
and then i started having intense and tumultuous friendships with other girls who similarly didn't like boys at all. and i would be consumed in wanting to be with her all the time and got jealous. it was how i was w close friends but even more intense bc it tended to be mutual. YOU KNOW HOW IT GOES. like i was in a toxic lesbian not relationship in middle school looking back
and then in high school when my mom left me alone at home i would runnnnn to the dvd player and rewatch the sex scene in monster's ball bc halle berry was topless 😭😭😭 i was kinda obsessed w sex but again had NO interest in the men? and if boys approached me irl i would just be like 🧍🏾‍♀️ what the hell did u want. and i was learning that u can be other things than just straight so even tho i was fucking sneaking away at my grandma house (we didnt have internet at our house) to scroll thru playboy and look at pics of half-naked WOMEN bc i didn't want to be desired by men i was like 'ohhhh ok so im asexual'
I WAS SO CLOSE TO THE TRUTH but comphet was fucking beating my ass bruh. andddd in college i branched out started meeting more girls like me (black and gay) and i was like oh ok. so im NOT abnormal there are ppl like me. met more men still didnt want to do anything w them. met more girls i wanted to fucking build a house with after geeking out after dragon age once. anyways i got a girlfriend...sophomore year and magically turned from sexless nun to disgusting horny beast and also i met this very sexy butch girl who i wanted to [redacted] so bad and wouldve if not for girl code. and it finally clicked that girls just do it for me 😭😭😭😭severely. all the romance and sex things i was all ick abt fell into place bc i finally beat the comphet. ofc i found sex disgusting bc i didnt like men and it put alllllllllllllll previous relationships into perspective
so for me what helped was to just not try to force myself into any label or worry oh what if im actually this or that? i just lived my life liked who i liked and slowly the reality that i want girls to [redacted entry] me very nastily fell into place!
and thank you so muchhhhh wishing good things on you too. good things and clarity 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
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digital-roots · 2 years
Doing the tdi simulator and i want to share some highlights rn (which are mostly abt Cody)
- Owen was the first to get eliminated
- Leshawna has gotten close to getting eliminated FOUR TIMES already
- Cody is the best player in Screaming Gophers and is in two alliances: One just with Izzy and one with literally everyone else EXCEPT Noah (whos the only person that disliked him so far)
- Noah and Trent are close but Cody gets Noah eliminated, making Trent dislike Cody and leaving the alliance
- so Cody (who everyone else in the Screaming Gophers like) gets Trent eliminated right after Noah (Its shown that Cody voted both Noah and Trent out too)
- Im actually really impressed at how Cody is doing what the fuck why is he being so smart
- also i want to point out that he still has his two man alliance with Izzy. (Anyone here watched the Izzy isnt crazy conspiracy video. What if he knows)
- oh god Cody dislikes Beth shes gonna be next
I've been trying to put a readmore here but tumblr wont help im sorry yall
- Geoff and Bridgette hate each other :(
- Cody and Justin just had a MAJOR fight
- this has quickly spiraled into me liveblogging abt Cody boybossing his way into victory
- the entire time most of the Killer Bass fucking despise each other
- Gwen, Izzy and HEATHER all feel an unbreakable bond towards Cody. He gets bitches!!!!!!!!!
- im going insane HOW does he do it. Cody literally Screaming Gophers' saving grace
- whats gonna happen to his reputation??????
- Sadies impressing her team :)
- Tyler just got eliminated and i forgot to mention how he had two alliances in the beginning. And he left both of them
- Cody and co havent seem to change anything (oh and btw heather and beth have an unbreakable bond now)
- Sadie has also been close to elimination three times now bruh
- Cody and Izzy still have their alliance. Maybe he's trying to focus more.
- the screaming gophers have been winning back to back so much damn
- Cody and Beth fought but then they made up after
- Sadie literally competing with Leshawna on who can get the most amount of almost elimimations
- Courtney and Ezekiel of all people have an unbreakable bond
- can the killer bass win one time guys. Can the screaming gophers stop being infinitely better than them
- Beths impressing the rest of the team....
- oh and the alliance is falling apart....ever since cody left gwen and heather left too
- despite being a boyboss cody still sucks at sports
- holy shit katie voted for her what a twist
- its literally so pathetic that the Screaming Gophers has 7 members while the Killer Bass has. 3
- ohhhhhhh shit yeah this is the part where it gets grouped to guys and girls now. Uh oh Cody only has Ezekiel and Justin now
- ok merge time
- Harold and Tyler return!
- wish it was either Trent or Noah tho
- Cody has so many unbreakable relationships its unreal
- of course Heather gets a torture where its literally just listening to her own voice
- izzys final torture is literally just getting pelted by water balloons and She LOSES how embarassing
- Everyone else thinks Izzy was cringe and all vote her off
- and ofc Justin wins cologne
-if cody actually wins i might get mad everything thats happened so far HAS to be because he'll lose
- harold elimimated Cringe
- Cody at the very least is still pretty weak theres been numerous times where hes almost cost his team (and despite it still winning)
- oh and ofc he wins invincibility again. Cody you goddamn rascal
- Literally only Heather and Gwen didnt win the challenge (Gwen got voted off)
- oh cody and justin have an alliance now
- leshawna :(
- oh shit cody only has heather now
- huh ezekiel has actually won a lot of challenges i just realized
- codys noticed ezekiels winnings. He does not like that
- Heather chose a chipmunk for the challenge and she LOST that mustve been a hilariously long time wrangling that chipmunk
- OH. MY. GOD.
- Ezekiel was the enemy he found out about too late
- Im so mad this simulator game has made me feel so much for Cody that i'll miss him so much im never seeing boybossing Cody ever again
- Im actually rooting for Ezekiel now what
- Ezekiel got eliminated.
- everyone hates Katie wow
- the final four are Courtney, Heather, Justin, and Tyler
- Tyler naurrrrr he was so close :(
- fuck this Cody aint in total drama action
- oh my god. This was a lot.
Here all the placements btw
Tumblr media
- Katie and Sadie have the most votes wow
- Screaming Gophers literally won 7 times in a row. Unreal
- I think i need to lie down that took so much out of me
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m34gs · 11 months
Hey meags! It’s that one person who keeps commenting on ur idikali fic yup the one with rook pfp but I wanted to ask some idikali questions cause you’re like the ceo of it and you seem to really enjoy talking abt them so how do u think Kalim would treat Ortho once he starts developing feelings for Idia? Would he treat Ortho like a sibling, try to get close to him? How would Idia handle dating a boy with thirty siblings? That’s gotta be a nightmare for an introvert like him, lord… 😭 but yeah just wanted to stop by cause ur fic rotted my brain with them they’re so cute
Hello! It's so nice to talk to you 🥰💜 I want you to know that I just woke up, and your ask made me so happy I decided I wanted to answer it while eating my breakfast and having some tea, before I go to work. I'm also very flattered and honoured that you would think of me as the CEO of Kalim x Idia; that's so very sweet of you! I really do love talking about them, and I am glad it shows.
For how Kalim would treat Ortho:
Kalim's an older brother, with a lot of younger siblings. He also is really cheerful in his disposition and is kind to everyone. He's very sentimental and loves to help others. I think Kalim would easily treat Ortho kindly.
While initially, he treats Ortho with the same kindness and enthusiasm that he treats everyone, I think that will change a bit as he realizes his feelings for Idia. Kalim may be very emotional and openly sentimental, but even he is not immune to the "oh I have a crush oh no what if my crush finds out I'm crushing on them" phenomenon so many people end up going through. He'd be a little bit nervous, and much as he asks Jamil for help, he isn't really reassured. He knows Ortho is very close to Idia, and he knows the brothers are very smart. If anything, I think for a short period of time he would start trying to (politely) avoid interactions with Ortho.
Of course, Ortho would definitely pick up on this. I think he would feel more than a little saddened, and I definitely think he would corner Kalim one day and ask him why. That would break the silence, and Kalim would spill the beans. In my mind, Ortho would end up delighted, and Kalim would feel so relieved because he really enjoys Ortho's presence. I think from that point forward, Kalim and Ortho would start to bond a lot more. Ortho starts helping Kalim woo Idia, because let's be honest, he knows Idia best. I think Kalim would take to treating Ortho much like a younger brother at that point, and Ortho would be thrilled to have someone like Kalim in his life.
For how Idia handles Kalim's siblings:
Oh boy. Ohhhhhhh boy. Have you ever seen a bunch of excited and eager kiddos find a shy cat at a birthday party?
At first, Idia is definitely overwhelmed by the sheer amount of siblings Kalim has. And they're all younger. They're eager to meet him and probably shouting and calling for his attention, maybe even physically coming up and tugging on his arms or clinging to him.
I think it would take several visits before he even comes close to being able to talk with any of them.
But here's the thing: as shy as he is, we also know Idia tries his best to be a good big brother to Ortho, and he has a bit of an ego. All it takes is for one of the kids to proudly show him their video games and beg him to play. Immediately, among the kiddos, he is Kalim's Super Cool Boyfriend who really rocks at video games. And, while I think that would really make Idia feel proud of himself, I think it would also trigger his older brother instincts and make him want to be around the kiddos more.
We know from his interactions with Muscle Red online that he can be a mentor figure in video games when he wants to. I think suddenly Idia is the go-to for the kids when they have a new game, beat their own high scores, or are stuck on a really hard level and need pointers. And Idia is all-too-happy to be involved like this. He's praising them and giving them pointers, and I think he'd be gentler with them than he is with his own peers, because I think he would feel toward them as if they are Ortho.
He becomes more and more confident around the siblings, and they really idolize him. At times, it seems they want him around more than they want Kalim. Kalim definitely pouts over this, especially because he just wants time with his boyfriend but his younger siblings stole Idia the moment he walked through the door. Worry not, Kalim, Idia is still an introvert. He will need time to recharge...and you know what that means! Cuddles with the boyfriend!!!!
Thank you again for this lovely ask! Your comments always make my day, and often I find myself rereading them when I need a serotonin boost. Finding this ask in my inbox this morning made me feel so happy💜💜💜 Have a wonderful day!
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angstics · 1 year
I WAS THINKING ABT THE BLACK PARADE. so the thing act welcome to the black parade is. its so so so good. but its so overplayed and memed people just forget how good it is. and you think you remember how the black parade goes. but you DONT. when you sit down and listen to it its INSANE CRAZY GOOD. and try to remember what it was like the first time you listened to welcome to the black parade. it was a religious experience. when I listen to that song I feel like angels are talking to me. anyways im high sorry if this is completely incoherent I was literally just thinking about welcome to the black parade when I saw your post and it made me so excited
no this is exactly it 😭 welcome was one of the few mcr songs i kinda knew before last year and i thought it was GOOFY AS FUCK i didnt care for it at all. but i listened to it in full, in context of the album and i discovered it had 3 acts, and this complex interplay of voices, and the same self-awareness present in the whole album and i went. oh. ohhhhhhh O_O NOT TO MENTION THE OBVIOUSSSS QUEEN INFLUENCE which makes it sound so huge. also the music video is like . genuinely amazing. it severely scratched the cinema lover part of my mind. have fun with the drugs 🤓
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etchedstars · 2 years
st 1x01 rewatch
rewatching stranger things from the. from the beginning here goes nothing
omg the nancy slander
flickergate !! gay ppl!!
MF LITTLE CHEATER will byers you will always be famous
did literally everything right this poor guy im so sorry
i forgot this is an actual horror show tffffffff
,,,, oh my god hopper has a drawing his daughter did up oml
i also forgot hopper is an actual mess in the first season why did he manage to be police chief
,, joyce blaming it on jonathan ,, ,,,,,,, joyce.
[to dustin] "its like you have superpowers or something :)" i jus. mike ily
god she ,,, joyce thinks hes a victim of a hate crime ,,,,,,,, hopper thinks he got kidnapped by his dad im,,,,,,,,, ok.
mini el is so so expressive shes such a good actor i love her
mikes little hand motions ohhhhhhh
el's smile dhmu shes so cute i love her
she has done nothing wrong Ever in her Life
why is africa playing while they make out im
dhmu pt 2 electric boogaloo but this time its bc im feeling so deeply touched by joyce apologizing to jonathan for not being there :||
having o many jonathan thoughts rn joyce wasnt there for him and he had to be a parent to will and lonnie was a piece of shit and then his brother went missing and his mom who wasnt even there just. blamed him for it and then he had to comfort her oh my god the survivors guilt i . idk man i. ,, im thinking abt him
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thoughts about the prince gojo au I've had... The first time knight reader has to kill. The first life they take for him.... That surely must change a person for its weight and traumatic experience. Prince Gojo getting to know this, getting to see knight reader's blood stained hands. Feelings,,,,,
OHHHHHHH ANON YOUR BRAIN YOUR BRAIN…… this is such a tasty scenario and i HAVE thought abt it in bits and pieces (this answer will probably get long so im putting it under the cut im sorry anon but these two legitimately make me insane </3)
OK SO FIRST OFF i see ur vision so clearly……. one trope that will ALWAYS fucking gut me is the image of clean hands reaching out for bloodied ones and that is literally my prince!gojo & knight!reader in a nutshell i think. the devoted bloodied knight x the prince who dirties his own hands to clean them up.. yeah. u Get it.
and and and!! this is so important to me actually bc im genuinely sick in the head when it comes to knights. i love knights so much. and i think the most interesting thing abt them is the fact that being a perfect knight is impossible FOR MANY REASONS but among others its just the idea that a knight should be kind and good and humane juxtaposed with the reality that a knight has to kill whatever — or whoever — they’re told to kill. and for that reason all knights are a little (a Lot) unhinged to me and very much traumatized.
WHICH BRINGS ME TO KNIGHT!READER……. i think they get desensitized to it pretty quickly. their main focus is helping the prince / easing his burden / etc etc, so i think theyre willing to place their duty above their own morals, at least to a certain extent. (they still very much have a hero complex LOL) but but but… it still obviously affects them. and you’re absolutely right — the very first person that they kill will obviously have a huge impact on them.
because knight!reader had such an awful upbringing (before meeting satoru!!) i see them being very empathetic!! w a general desire to do Good. so the idea of them having to kill someone, maybe even someone who’s pleading for their life…. yeah. ough. but i do think theyd try to convince themselves that theyre fine, that satoru comes first, etc etc….. that they’re doing it for Him. so its fine. (but its not.)
and as for satoru’s reaction ohhhh anon u little genius…. i hadnt thought abt it before but!! i do think he’d be worried. my prince!gojo is a bit twisted in certain ways and i doubt he’d care that reader killed someone, or about their victim, but he would care abt the possibility of it affecting them. i think he’s mildly opposed to reader being a knight because of this!! because he knows that knighthood in itself is a daydream that’ll only cause them harm. but he respects their wishes and stays out of it… mostly….. definitely gets upset at whoever ordered them to kill for the first time, but after its happened again and again there isnt much he can do.
he’s very attentive, though!! keeps an eye out. or asks suguru to keep an eye out. just in case. i also firmly believe that he’d insist on cleaning knight!reader up himself <33 i think he enjoys gently wiping the blood off your skin. it’s domestic to him. (he is Not normal)
can u tell im normal abt them TYSM FOR INDULGING ME ANON….. ohh this was so fun to think abt. if u ever have any other prince!gojo/knight!reader thoughts then i’d love to hear them <333
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bingobongobonko · 1 year
im so fucking sleepy but also. OHHHH. OHHHHHH. YESTERDAT OHHHHHHH. guy who made a looney tunes entrance into the wall and immediately started arguing with kass because her clone fucking tried to kill me. and then she doxxed my mech and was like. can you even fucking USE that thing you senile old man. and then i one-shot crit a guy before looking her right in her direction. we stay sssoooo sillay we stay sooo sillay. rp wise, oh myyyyvgod they were arguing for half the fucking fight. mostly yves feedin it and getting on kass's case, accusing her of knowing she had a shitton of clones running around even though she had NO idea. but yves i mean. reasonably mad cuz she shot him + kidnapped elias + saw The Nothing. and yves finally met Treasure, freaked yhe fuck out, before realizing that the Treasure understood their reality and had witnessed all of this before. and honestly yves is desperate to not feel absolutely fucking unhinged about this so he breaks into private comms and begs him to help them figure out how the fuck to leave the timeloop. but.... very cryptic response, maybe hopeful. they just gotta bury the clown. before yves can get further word in, his comms suddenly jam and he's forced into battle. battle continues 2 go on, until rest of the team makes it to the control point, but TWO[2] issues, yves is kinda still trudging thru water to get to the point, and the point is being contested by a big guy. so i enter sillaaaay juggernaut mode and slam right into this guy with my mech, pushin him way back from us. HOWEVER. it doesnt go prone and retaliates next turn 2 contest the point. HOWEEEEEVER... telly fucking dives in, pins, and drills the fucking big guy. A crit. no less. guy is still standing... then fucking TREASURE.... COMES IN AND JUST STABS IT 2 DEATH... OVERKILLL... ANOTHER CRIT. so its a flawless fucking win, we have the point. at that rate we're like. aaaalright we gotta get the hell out of here actually, telly's all suspicious abt yves having been gone for so long but yves just kinda says. lol we were kidnapped yeah. for the most part everyone believes that - except jeurgen who just finds it suspicious that yves isnt elaborating. while thats happenin, skink's out and about lookin around these rooms she found. one's just a rreally shitty dormroom filled with bunk beds. the other? well........... after yves explains the situation - or at least what he wants them to believe - he turns back to elias, who i forgot 2 mention has been in the mech with yves the whole time. expanded compartment, he's just hangin out and tryna not to die. but yea yves just rambles to elias about the whole ordeal. about skink. about the fact that he overheard from tellius that elias had seen the same woman before. he knows who skink is. and he knows there's seemingly more than one. and one in helios, ironically enough. and its rlly funny cuz this is happening at the same time that skink's opening this upper room and realizing whats in there. so like as soon as yves assures himself, yeah skink is one of many clones, and one of her clones IS the Fool. flash to the actual room where skink is, its fucking filled with like. chambers.... of HER.... a bunch of clones........... and shes like. Oh. and telly, jeurgen see it too. and theyre like. Oh. theres also a terminal that we uncover, all of which details messages between a skink and someone else. and all of it is eerily descriptive of everything that happened now. everything thats gone wrong, the Fool's had her hand in it. her clone is the reason why any of this is being initiated...... funny thing. i cant even say clone. bc the fool IS the original skink. our skink's a clone of her. so...... head in hands... i know widow was brought up, was a program on yorrik 5 if i remember correctly. elias knew about it, cuz he was tasked to keep an eye on the woman that made it off. The fool!!!!!!!! it's all fucking falling on our head i think. we're sooo fucked we're so fucked
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This is kindof random but this is a thought ive had for a long time and I wanna share it
Why the fuck are there four hogwarts houses when two of them are blatantly irrelevant and the third one only exists to provide generic ass bully characters
When I was like 11 or 10 I watched the second or third harry potter movie with my class at school and it inspired to come up with a fantasy school story of my own. (Now the actual worldbuilding was more based on Winx Club and The School of Good and Evil which were basically the only other fantasy school stories i knew and liked at the time but whatever)
So i dreamt up my cool magic school and i did a house system just like in Harry Potter except there were only two: The Good One for all my typical goody two shoes protags and The Evim One for all my way more interesting edgy side characters that would inevitably join the main cast
Thats literally all you need. She shouldve made a fucking House of Light Magic and then a House of Dark Magic, thats way less nonsensical and pointless and I feel like its the way more obvious for a kids book (and dont give me that "oh shes british thats what the schools there are like" shit, only weird private british bording schools are like that and Im pretty sure those are expensive as hell and if I remember correctly JKRs family was never really well off so)
I was gonna end the post there but I gotta ramble abt something more personal as well
The reason i know abt JKs family being poor probably is that I was in a writing club/workshop type thing last in 2021 and during one of our biweekly meetings we just watched a documentary about her and all i took away from it was that JKR is so unimaginative of a writer that she could only come up with the concept of evil creatures that suck all the happiness out of you until you want to kill yourself after she experienced depression herself and like, not to brag but I actually came up with that exact same concept when I was like 8 and barely aware of both Harry Potter and what it meant to be unhappy
Am I saying that Im a better writer than Joanne K Rowling? Not when I was 8, but for sure now. Like, ive watched and read a shitton of Harry Potter reviews that include passages of her writing and its all just bad or mediocre and theres so much of it to the point where im like, ohhhhhhh i see why she got rejected from publishers 12 times. Do i realize that bad writing tends to get included in reviews more often because its fun to mock, thereby skewing my perception of her writing? Yes. Im still very confident Im better though. If you put me up against JK and went "both of you have a week to write a short story from scratch, any topic, any length" I would eviscerate that old woman until she starts crying and calling me transphobic slurs for sure
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