#ohm im disappointed in you
firstkanaphans · 19 days
hi! im kind of new to the gmmtv world and how they operate and have a question. i've seen some people talk about a 2025 line up announcement soon-ish since the last one had its part 1 in october. but they still seem to have so many shows to finish and air from both parts now so would ANOTHER announcement even make sense atp? thank you, loving your blog <3
Hiiii! Funny you should ask that because I’ve been wondering the same thing myself…
Up until last year, GMMTV would have one big event per year, usually around October or November, where they would announce the next year’s line-up. Last year, for some unknown reason, they decided to split it into two parts. Part 1 was in October 2023 and Part 2 was in April 2024. I hope and pray they don’t split it again because that format inevitably leads to disappointment. Speaking as a FK stan, I was stressed for a solid six months because the boys didn’t get anything in Part 1, and even fandoms who did get something in Part 1 were disappointed when their faves didn’t get anything else in Part 2.
There are always a few leftover shows that carry forward from year-to-year, so a GMMTV 2025 event will happen regardless. We just don’t know when it’ll happen or how many parts it’ll be split into. My hope is that they’ll go back to the old schedule and do a singular event in November, but my guess is that they’re going to split it again.
There have already been some rumblings about GMMTV 2025, which seems to indicate a new event is on the horizon. Mark said that he and Ohm were offered another BL, but decided to turn it down so they could focus on Sweet Tooth, Good Dentist—which hasn’t even started filming yet. So it seems like assignments are already being handed out. Usually, you can tell when they start filming pilot trailers because pictures will pop up of cast members hanging out with people they don’t usually hang out with.
Speaking of…did we ever figure out why First was on the set of The Trainee pilot last year? I’m half convinced they filmed two versions of that trailer—one with Sea and one with First—because what other explanation is there? Wasn’t First literally wearing Tae’s clothes? That’s another one of those mysteries that haunts me.
I’ve gotten a bit off-topic, but I hope that answers your question, Anon. And if anyone else has heard any GMMTV 2025 rumors, please let me know. I have FK blinders on most of the time and any news not related to them is liable to miss me.
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silly scarian au time!
life series BUT it's an actor au, where all the events of third/last/double life are part of some tv/movie series and it's all just sets and acts
grian and scar start out as disgruntled coworkers bc both of them have separate ideas for how they want to take the characters they play that directly counters what the other wants, leaving them to clash constantly and having bickering contests off-set. This leads to the two having to be sat down with a producer and writer to work out the issue, where both of them discover they actually want a very similar outcome of both characters, just achieved in drastically different ways. The writer and producer come up with a compromise that trips both ideas to combine into one idea, which ends up shifting the whole relationship between the characters in a more romantic lighting (which was. not what grian and scar had in mind)
so now you have two disgruntled coworkers trying to make amends while playing characters that have a building romantic and/or sexual tension between them. yeah. it's awkward at first, but as they get more comfortable with the set and acting with each other they also get more comfortable with each other off-set, and before they know it they're friends (and are close to becoming best friends by the time filming third life ends, with scar trying to make grian laugh on set during the cactus ring finale by making funny faces while the cameras aren't on him)
that means when last life is green lit they're ecstatic to work together again but ultimately are a little disappointed when they learn they're not going to be as much as a duo as last time. They still enjoy the entire process tho, and since neither of them have such a large focus like last time they have more time to goof around off-set, growing closer together (and eventually developing crushes on each other, to the surprise of nobody)
double life is announced and grian and scar are reasonably nervous to learn that their characters are soulmates. It's honestly hard to watch the two stumble around as acting and real feelings get blended together as the two act like a pair of soulmates while actively fancying each other, but it also unintentionally makes their scenes even better
mutual pining is strong as filming for double life progresses and draws to a close, and as they're unsure there'll be another continuation of the life series they both plan, individually, to make a move at the cast party thrown after filming finishes
jimmy is the unfortunate soul that finds the two making out in a private corner of the building, but in all honestly he wasn't that surprised and now has blackmail towards his cousin (I couldn't resist making him and grian related)
absolutely none of the cast is surprised to learn about the two of them getting together but don't tell the fans of the life series, they'll go berserk!
-unstoppable object anon (who's also considering coming off anon bc their anon name is unreasonably long and has almost forgotten to hit the anon button multiple times)
KING THIS FUCKS SO HARD OHM Y GODS..... thats adorable i love the low stakes enemies to friends to lovers going on here. Can u fucking imagine. Pov you have to start fake flirting with your coworker who has annoyed you this entire time and oh gods now there are feelings. Im absolutely enamoured this is art
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frannypanpan · 3 years
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wxsuthorn · 4 years
a sort of organised analysis of The Gifted characters:
pt 2: Wave
(this analysis includes episodes 1-13 of season one and 1-7 of season two, so it probably isn’t completely accurate, but i tried my best. also please excuse my shitty grammar and spelling if I noticed it i would’ve fixed it lmao)
Characteristics and qualities in the beginning of season 1
I’m writing this while listening to love score on loop lmao so if smth I write makes no sense I blame it on nanon’s high note. RAK TER DAI REBLAOW. okay so in episode one Wave just seems like that classic draco malfoy mean dude with his whole wIpE mY fReAkInG fOoT bullshit. But wait... what’s this??? an egotistical personality that comes from past trauma??? yep, lmao. But we’ll talk more about that in the next section.
Throughout the show, Wave displays his ego very clearly, but he also show’s his intelligence. I don’t think i need to explain but in case you need examples: first discovered his potential and revealed it, solved the problem from the academic competition punn was in, almost beat all of the gifted squad when he had the plan to “leak” the gifted program info (he could’ve done it if pang didn’t use his potential, which wave didn’t know the details of, unlike the rest of his classmates), did a research project in eighth grade that was plagiarized to be used as a MASTERS(?) DEGREE THESIS. Bitch is smart as fuck, on contrary to Pang, who also has an inflated ego. (I will discuss how their egos are different in the next part). His intelligence isn’t only academic, but he’s also street smart, and he knows how to provoke people (like when he came back at ohm’s joke + when he provokes punn)
Wave doesn’t really show a lot of depth in the beginning, but to sum it up: ego, smart, kinda cocky and wants to be the best, doesn’t seem to trust anyone, very straight forward/has a level of confidence, cool/mysterious so I don’t really mind him being mean cuz im interested in his back story.
okay lets move one to where wave has a backstory and development.
Characteristics and qualities from episode 9 - 12 of season 1
Wave... was mentally/emotionally groomed when he was in eighth grade and had his work plagiarized. Yeah. On top of that, he’s an orphan with grandparents/guardians who don’t provide him enough emotional support for him to develop properly as an adolescent. These traumatic experiences affected him in so many ways.
In the flashbacks, we see Wave being shy, introverted, and he lacks the confidence he has in the present. His eighth grade self lacks self confidence, since a majority of the adults in his life have told him that he was dumb/he wasn’t good enough. On top of that, he has no emotional support (adults or peers) to seek help from and was probably very lonely for a long time. Well, if Wave is in M4 (aged 15-16) in season 1, and he was in lower secondary school in the flashbacks (probably M3, aged 14-15), which means that his personality changed/developed pretty quickly. What triggered this change you ask? MS. NARA. THE BITCH AND ONLY. FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT WHO I HATE AND WANT TO DROP KICK.
Let’s talk about Ms. Nara, shall we? To say the least, she mentally/emotionally groomed Wave into trusting her, and even having a crush on her. She encouraged him to do work that she would eventually plagiarize for her masters degree thesis. That’s the shit she did. Fucking bitch I hate her. And Wave trusted her really easily because again, he significantly lacked emotional support, so once he received it, he was very welcoming of it. This allowed for ms. bitchass to groom him more easily. She praised his talent, spent a lot of time with him, encouraged him to do more, and brought his ego up. Her effect on Wave stuck with him, since it wasn’t really that long ago, and he could even remember little words/phrases she would say. “You talk big game, huh?” is one of the things she said to Wave, and when Namtaan said the same thing to him, you could see him thinking back to those times with ms. bitchass. lmao almost everyone in this show has trauma. Now, when Wave decided to expose ms. bitchass for buying her bachelors degree and get her fired, that shows basically where he became like the wave from season 1. He wanted to win against her. He couldn’t let her get away with what she did to him. After all, isn’t he extremely talented? Despite him disposing of ms. bitchass, he still took in her words of encouragement and praise. He still believed it all. But after she “betrayed” him, he must’ve felt that perhaps she was lying... so in turn, he had to prove that he indeed was talented by getting back at ms. bitchass.
Ah yes, Wave is indeed a cocky motherfucker. But his ego can be easily tarnished by adults. The reason why I say adults, is because I don’t think he has ever felt threatened by a gifted student, other than Pang. When Punn tried to provoke him by saying he didn’t get head student, Wave didn’t give a shit cuz he knew (thought) he was better. But when Director Supot says “Wasuthorn im disappointed in you” and shit like that, Wave listens to it and gets pissed as hell. A lot of these behaviors come from his trauma with Ms. Nara. If you look at almost any internal conflict he has, it can be traced back to his self-worth and/or trust issues that stemmed from Ms. Nara. 
I don’t think I’ll need to explain this much but Wave’s need to win at everything is basically to prove to everyone (but actually just to himself) that he’s better/more talented than everyone else again because of his past trauma and how he had almost no emotional support.
Okay now I’m gonna talk about his relationship with Pang and their trust. This is the part where I’ll get the most wrong cuz episode 9 of tgg just fucking came out and im rushing cuz i wanna watch it. Again, unlike other peers, Pang reaches out to Wave as an equal, and they have an agreed ideal. Fuck the school system, it just makes kids feel bad about themselves and give them trauma. At first, I think Wave trusted Pang because of his idealistic and almost naive outlook on the world; he just seemed good, and like he genuinely wanted to do something to better people. However, in the end his ideals and beliefs to align with Pang’s exactly. No one wanted to give up their potentials for their own reasons, Wave’s being to protect his breakable ego. lmao this is getting messy im so sorry welp lets move on.
Characteristics and qualities from season 2, until episode 7
Wave trusts Pang. He says it to Time. It’s made clear in the beginning. But when Pang decides on things on his own and tries to find Korn on his own, Wave starts to see a pattern. Pang (unknowingly) only comes to Wave when he needs help with something regarding doing the right thing blah blah blah hero complex shit. and like Wave said, once he doesn’t agree with Pang, he just does everything on his own, like his view is the only correct one.
Lets take Korn for example. Or the whole “there’s an imposter among us” drama. Wave was the one with the braincell in the moment. He was the one to conclude that they could be someone within the group who betrayed them. He looked at the situation logically, while Pang was looking at it idealistically. This is what separates them and causes friction between them. Wave can separate and balance his ideals/logic/emotions, while Pang’s ideals/logic/emotion are all smushed together and combined.
Last point: his last fight with pang (episode 7) was a valid one. Wave was hurt af. and i think he started to see Pang as another Ms. Nara. The difference here is that Pang is a kid, and he’s also unstable, so they’re both affected by what he’s doing. It is possible that Punn used Pang’s potential on Wave, but it wouldn’t be out of character if the fight came up naturally.
Has an inflated, yet breakable ego
does what he can to prove that he’s talented/good enough to protect his ego from shattering
trust issues (stemming from Ms. Nara)
a smart boi
he can balance his ideals/logic/emotions most of the time
Sees Ms. Nara in everyone, compares all of his relationships to the one between him and Ms. Nara
Genuinely cares for people and is afraid to lose the emotional support he has (since he lacked so much of it in his childhood)
A smol bean that must be protected
could probably be the villain to a superhero movie if he wanted to
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earthfluuke · 4 years
1/2 korn anon! omg i have so many thoughts about this ep! first of all, they gave me all the pangwave content on my bday so for that im very thankful! lol but then punn and claire broke up:( i honestly don't understand why they broke up? everything was fine before korn, i just don't buy the "claire changed" angle when we saw no sign of that until korn happened. and i feel like we've missed a lot of stuff. i would've loved to see time and grace reunite, and is third cured as well? we dont know
2/2 i am infinitely confused by mr pom. like who's side is he on? it seems like he cares about his students but he is the director's little lapdog (also im v disappointed that pom and chanon were in the same vicinity and didnt meet). loved seeing the pangwave team up but sad the whole team isnt together. i didnt like how ohm was like "helping people isnt fun anymore so im just not gonna do it" like?? also gun once again killed this ep! this was a rocky one for me but def left me shook. thoughts?
first things first, happy birthday!! i hope you had a lovely day ^^
i think that anything can ignite change in a person, and i think for claire, that was the korn situation. more than anything, i think that it just proved how different she and punn are on certain issues. while i believe they could’ve worked through things, i think they’re both still so young, so they’re trying to figure out who they are and what they want (especially since they’re still developing their potentials and punn has a lot of personal, mental health related issues he needs to work on). i totally agree though, i hate that they’re broken up. i hope in the end, when they discover themselves more, they’ll get back together, because i love them so much.
in terms of the babies (aka what i’m calling the younger gifted kids), i’m just glad they’re getting more screen time! i love how they agreed to help pang. i suppose they still have some fight in them that the older gifted class just doesn’t anymore.
OKAY. i totally think supot used his potential on pom, and that’s why he erased the kids’ memories. that’s not the kind of person pom is! he cares about his kids and only ever wants to see them succeed. for supot to gain control, he needs a puppet to do his dirty work, and that has ALWAYS been pom (and it’s so sad). also i stg, chanonpom are going to walk right by each other for the whole season and never realize how close they are.
while the wording is weird, i think ohm just wants to be a high school kid. he just wants to have fun with his friends, not save the world. so more than anything, i just think he’s tired. he cares about pang so much, but he doesn’t want to keep running around trying to break down an oppressive system, which i can understand. not everyone is like pang, and i think that’s something he has to learn. he still has wave though, which of course made my pangwave heart so happy. the earphone scene? AHH. it was precious and wonderful. 
the next episode is going to be interesting, seeing as supot is in control. and we all know pang isn’t going to like that. i don’t know how he’s going to manage taking him down as well as the ministry, but it will be interesting! 
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smilky-clouds · 4 years
hi I know I’m not really active as much on this blog, but seeing all the mess on twitter regarding miniladd, ohm, etc is once again really disappointing. im not supporting mini anymore, i know there was an apology but I can’t find it in me to continue watching his content (as well as ohm’s, fitz’s etc) anymore.
tbh the only ones I really support rn are smii7y and bigjiggly. if you guys are not informed of what’s gg on you can just search up mini’s twt or his name and you’ll know soon enough :/ rmb what we see on screen is never the full story; us as fans will not know their true character. dont support them blindly, and also don’t be too quick to ‘cancel’ them till u see both sides of the story.
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bucksbisexual · 4 years
yess omg i love everything you said. the new three characters have such different personalities it's so cool to see!! grace gives off big leader vibes to me. time is such a sweetheart, i love him so much. as for third, i think he's a little too cocky and confident skshjssjsks the acting is on point.
and for our lovely gifted family, they are all so cute :') they've definitely gotten much closer over time. the korn thing was so skhdskhsjdjd loved it and hated it all at the same time.
oh and pangwave. how could we forget these two oblivious boyfriends. please, the was they look at each other gives it all away i- pangwave better happen this season :')
and mrs darin, at the beginning i quite liked her but yeah, not so much anymore :/
im really excited for the next episodes, of course, the cast never disappoints :') - 💌
hihihi sorry i’m answering so late i needed a break from my laptop because my eyes wouldn’t stop crying lololol but yes to everything u said!!
i kinda see grace as someone who works on her own but if asked to join a group she’ll be like “hm fine” and ace whatever she does. she is very observant but i feel that’s because she doesn’t have any specific interest in mind... but if she ends us being the class president then i’ll be happy for her!!! i fully agree with time, and third is a weird case.. i saw this one post that talked about how third was like this because of how he grew up or something like that and it changed my perception of him a bit (i’ll try to link it if i can find it again). the acting is on point though!!
the gifted family is just.. so cute and soft and the bickering and the loving glances at each other whenever they tease ohm is just... [chef’s kiss]. truly a found family :’))) korn is.. something else. he’s.. a little bitch.
pangwave in this episode made it hella obvious that they like each other but gmmtv hates to see healthy teen bl couples i mean what-
and same here!! i’m so excited for this whole drama in general, the next episode seems like it’s kind of the real start of the downhill (not of the drama itself, just the drama inside the drama- does that make sense? i hope it does) so i will (not) patiently wait for next sunday to see more of them <3
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morksuns-archive · 4 years
tagged by my love @bl-archer 
rules : pick any 5 shows (without looking at the questions) , then answer the following questions. don’t cheat! tag some people
until we meet again
history3: trapped
theory of love
dark blue kiss
who is your favorite couple in 3? tang yi x shao fei! but jack x zhao zi is super close
who is your favorite couple in 2? teamwin even tho they not no screen time so here’s to hoping for the hemp rope series
what is your favorite episode of 1? 6 i think for now
what is your favorite episode of 5?  ep. 12
what is your favorite season of 2? there’s only 1 season (until hemp rope happens)
how long have you watched 1? - i starting watching 2gether the night it came out so 2 months
how did you become interested in 3 ? i saw faiza’s beautiful gifs of jack x zhao zi and i had to lmao @sarawatine
who is your favorite actor in 4? i think gun is the best actor on the show but i also really like off and earth
which do you prefer - 1, 2 or 5? 2gether! but its still airing so lets hope it doesn’t disappoint
which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3? trapped ofc because it has more eps
if you could be anyone from 4 , who would you be? i don’t really wanna be any of them bc all of them go through so much pain but maybe khai? or two? they literally have the best boyfriends and they didn’t have to spend years pining after them
would a crossover between 3 and 4 work ? - i mean idk how they would communicate bc different languages and the setting and plots of the shows are very different but like why not? the savage gang take a trip to taiwan, get absolutely smashed and in trouble with police where they meet shao fei and zhao zi?? i’d watch that
pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple? archer said phukong and ohm and i actually think that’d be very interesting so i’ll go with them (im not including earn x pear bc they’re cannon to me)
overall , which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5 ? -trapped for sure! but i do love morksun’s development
which has better theme music, 2 or 4 ? theory of love for sure but i like uwma’s too
tagging @yihwas @doctorbeam @seren-ii @0ffgun and anyone who sees this!
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david-gonzo · 4 years
2020: Favorite Albums Thereof...
For big chunks of the hellscape that was 2020 I struggled to have much interest in new music.  Much of my listening time was spend in the comfort of old favorites of all sorts.  But there were still several albums that were great and managed to grab my attention. This is my top ten favorite albums of 2020.
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  Venom Prison – Primeval
Technically all but 2 of these songs are rerecorded versions of tunes off their first two Eps, but it delivers the definitive versions of these hearty slabs of riffs.  The two new songs giving an exciting glimpse into where they’re heading in the future.  The quality within elevates it from, what on paper would seem a pandemic year stop gap album to something that stands well aside their other two full length albums. In my book one of the leaders in modern death metal.
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  Blake Mills – Mutable Set
The singer/songwriter/guitarist/producer’s latest solo record deftly straddles two aspects of his multi-faceted musical personality…that of singer/songwriter and of ambientish experimenter.  Mostly understated tunes covering many genres in the pursuit of honesty and chill.  He’s probably considered a near virtuoso at least on the guitar, but he rarely shows off with flashy licks.  Everything is to support the song.  Sometimes that creates subtly complex lines, sometimes ambient soundscapes.  Always enjoyable.
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  Run the Jewels - RTJ4
The beats are all next level bangers.  The rhymes balancing the line between juvenile humor and sharp political statements. This album grabbed me from the first listen and immediately imprinted itself on my brain.  RTJ Forever.
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Boris – NO
This has been the first Boris record that I’ve really connected to in quite a while.  I’d have to go back to 2008’s Smile to find a Boris album that I enjoyed more than this one.  Just ripping rage and roars from start to finish on this punk/thrash leaning effort.  
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Budos Band – Long in the Tooth
Just funky afro jazz funk tunes like we’ve come to expect from the Budos Band for decades now. This album sticks to that already ripe territory like glue, but in doing so does what it does best.  Firing on all cylinders funk that always elevates the mood and moves my ass to a more joyful state than I started in.
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Aesop Rock – Spirit World Field Guide
This album just clicked into my brain like a Tetris piece and has been there ever since.  Several tunes on here feel like I’ve known them for years…something that also happened with his last LP Impossible Kid.  1 hour and 3 minutes of beats and rhymes that just get me. Or rather I just get Aesop Rock.  In my old age it seems like most of the hip hop that speaks to me is by dudes approaching or over 40.  Oh well. I got heavy into hip hop again the latter part of this year and I’d say the big push for that came from this album.
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Freddie Gibbs & The Alchemist – Alfredo
It’s a Freddie Gibbs and The Alchemist joint.  How is not making the top ten?  Freddie is the other MC out there that pretty much pushes all the buttons for me (at least the one’s Aesop doesn’t always).  Soulful beats, classic hooks and technical without even trying street story raps from the best in the game.  
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Esoctrilihum - Eternity of Shaog
A late intro in the year to this guy, probably the most psychedelic black metal I’ve ever heard. The production on this album is next level shit, with the aural spacing really jumping out at you.  Such a feeling of depth makes listening to this feel like a VR experience with just the audio (good headphones the best way to go…but it slams in the car as well).  A feeling of moving through different spaces, like a Doom in hell sort of first person shooter vibe.  The music itself is amazing, very progressive passages throughout, and featuring perfect usage of violins and orchestral sounds that blends perfectly with the drum blasts, beautiful and riff-tastic guitar work along with keys and everything else.  Just seamless.  Definitely the best metal album of the year for me.
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Moses Sumney – grae
Considering Part 1 and 2 as one album (as intended) this is yet another monumental step in the hopefully long on epic career of young Moses Sumney.  He’s stepped into the realm of being his own genre like Bjork, Fiona Apple, and Primus.  The description of soul music always works, in the wide stance of Moses covering jazz, R&B, funk and more with an experimental but comforting spirit.  Not a casual listening album, it demands attention…so despite the fact that I don’t listen to it as much as others, it lives in my subconscious the other times.  
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Fiona Apple – Fetch the Bolt Cutters
A narrow line if I was picking the best album of the year between this and Moses Sumney.  Fiona is an all time favorite artist for me and this ranks up there with her best albums.  Such a warm intimate sound and feeling she captured in her home recording studio.  The arrangements are simple but so expansive and complete.  Heavy Balloon and Cosmonauts are two of the best songs of the year, but this one is packed with instant classics.  Classic Fiona, she never disappoints.
A lot of honorable mentions and runner ups, a lot of which I didn’t even find until late in the year.  Number one and almost made the top ten was Oranssi Pazuzu - Mestarin Kynsi...Awesome krautrock psychedelic metal.  Others include Skeleton - Skeleton, Wormhole - The Weakest Among Us, Raspberry Bulbs - Before the Ago of Mirrors, Feminazgul - No Dawn for Man, Fluisteraars - Bloem, Pallbearer - Forgotten Days, Perfume Genius - Set My Heart on Fire Immediately, Paysage d'Hiver - Im Wald, Yves Tumor  Heaven to a Tortured Mind, REZN - Chaotic Divine, The Deftones - Ohms and Sturgill Simpson’s two bluegrass albums as well.  Got to mention Inter Arma’s great covers album Garbers Days Revisited with their version of Southern Man probably being my #1 favorite song of the year.  There was a few dark months there where I would listen to this song on repeat daily just to get a feeling of happiness.
Fuck off 2020.
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bucksbisexual · 4 years
okay so i really love you and your blog but im shy so im gonna talk to you over anon :') what did you think of the new episode of tgg? - 💌
omg hi love!! i understand being shy to talk to accs u like so it’s okay!! we can talk like this at the moment heh.
i saw this while i was giffing a scene of this episode so i wanted to finish that before answering this because i feel like it will be a bit lengthy?? idk,,
[spoiler: it got lengthy jkfksjf]
okay so, overall, i really liked the episode. we get a taste of the dark twist this season is going to have and i’m Really excited to see how it unfolds!! we also get to know more of the three new characters and the gifted xvi class which is appreciated since they’re for sure gonna be a huge part of this season! the new gifted kids look like they’re all nice (other than third and maybe that kid who talked after him in the classroom scene) so i have no doubts they won’t disappoint us and ruin the season (i mean, they’re literally all poisoned, not like they can do much rn lmao). time is such a sweetheart and he just helps everyone with his potential ;-; third is kind of a really big piece of shit rn but we can’t really blame him for what happened to time since it most definitely was the needle...... also Loving and Living for grace like that girl is unstoppable and the cutest girl ever even if she has the power to make Big Piece Of Shit third a trembling mess. i’m really curious to see what her potential will be since she slapped away the needle!!!! she seemed to sense something wrong so i’m sure that has something to do with her potential hehe
about the gifted family aka the gifted class we all love this episode, that’s a whole another thing. the korn being evil didn’t take me as much as a surprise since the gifted gays gc have been saying he was sus ever since i got invited so i was more like “oh shit they were right” rather than “oh fuck it’s him?!?!?!?!” but i was and still am very disappointed in him... he is the one who put the bomb last year and is responsible for being the one who hurt namtaan to the point of having to get surgery overseas so i’m not forgiving him any time soon. now, the other gifted kids? i would all give them my kidneys if they asked for them. they work so well together and i love how we see glimpses and little scenes of different combos between them, it truly makes you think they’re as close as a (healthy) family would be and it makes me so so so happy to see them being like that.
i can’t talk about this episode without talking about pangwave because How Can They Make Them Act Like That If They’re Supposedly Just Friends And Straight????????? the scene where pang enters the gifted classroom once again and wave smiles as he walks????? and then pang smiles even wider while looking at him?????? and wave is the only one with a brighter lightning than any of them???????? HOW IS THAT BROS BEING BROS????????????? sigh. also, pang smiling every time wave talks and when he bickers with ohm (his best friend, may i remind u) and when he does something he asked him to do even though he complained about it and when he somehow got darin’s laptop to work and when he finds out about important stuff and so many more times like Ugh how is that a bro thing no that’s a boyfriend thing.
and last but not least: mrs darin is a loser LMAO. she really tried to make a teenager do her dirty work but it didn’t work out........... loser behaviour right there lmaOOOOOOO. also how could the ministry (was it that??? idk i don’t remember these things) create something like that and give it to someone who would leave it in a highschool...... have they never been to highschool LMAO everything everywhere gets stolen. reason number 1 why i never brought money or anything of value (other than my phone and laptop) to my highschool, teenagers are the Worst
okay i think that’s it for now about the episode, sorry it got so long anon sjfhksfjhs
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