#ok I need to go to bed
hoodie-buck · 3 months
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me ever since those stills were released
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capn-twitchery · 1 month
writing so much twitch dialogue has made me realise that my god grace must have the patience of a fucking SAINT
he is around that weirdo all the time and they must be talking at him for 98% of it. and most of it is Nothing. all of the weird meetings or constant letters anyone gets from twitch would be a Fraction of the bullshit grace has heard
mindless rambling is just the background noise to his existence and i guess grace is just down for that, somehow. world's most patient guy for real
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thecranekick · 6 months
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just another pathetic post begging my karate dads to come back
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monards · 2 months
she symb my osis till im mutually beneficial
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helllh0und · 6 months
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i’ve got a bone to pick with fate ‘cause fortune's failed me as of late ❤️‍🩹
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silenthill2ps2 · 6 months
god the xenomorph is so hot i would fuck the shit out of that alien
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nerves-nebula · 2 months
Hey guys I’m trying to develop an overinflated ego to cope with my low self esteem and I’ve noticed no one’s been writing weird sexual rpf about me in which they project themselves and their ideas of what my kinks should be based on my internet persona onto me.
Kind of disappointing… I should’ve become a Minecraft YouTuber instead of running a niche tumblr blog 😔
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smallestflowtree · 3 months
SO more detail on the AU I mentioned yesterday which I am calling the Pavel girls AU for now, maybe a better name later if I think of one but knowing me I probably won't
Disclaimer: I LOVE HODARI I am just putting him back in the toy box for a bit so I can play with Leta instead for a while. Ok? Ok
Further disclaimer: I know we don't know much in canon about Leta so I'm veering probably quite far into OC territory here but it's okay I've given myself permission, this is my version of her and everyone else is obviously free to do as they wish, plenty of AU/OC space for everyone
Hodari finds Najuma first. He throws her clear of the cave-in; Leta finds her, frees her, takes her back to Kilima to get help, but by the time she returns with the other villagers it's too late.
Leaving Leta and Najuma.
Leta never considers going home. She's the inventor, so she makes Najuma her prosthetic leg fairly early on.
I like babies/children and I think there should be more of them so I wanted to add another Pavel child to this AU; my first thought was that Leta could be pregnant (early-on and maybe not know herself yet) when Hodari dies but the more I thought about it the more outright cruel it seemed, like that would be A LOT and I felt like I was being unnecessarily horrible to her. Also I liked the idea of the second child being a bit younger than that. So INSTEAD maybe about three years after the accident some kind of travelling merchant is visiting Kilima and runs into Leta in town, and invites himself round to see her later that evening; and she's lonely, and what's the harm? Najuma's asleep. And Leta works hard and she deserves a bit of fun and attention. Then a couple of weeks later once he's long gone she realises, oops. I like accidental pregnancy stories. Sorry Leta.
Anyway this is Saleni Pavel, she's five! She likes swimming and butterflies and telling long meandering stories that go on about five minutes too long. She definitely owns shoes and, if pressed, could tell you where at least one of them is. Her favourite person in the whole world is her big sister and she can very nearly do a handstand and wait, she'll show you. Wait. One more minute. She's going to do it this time. Okay let her try again
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(sidenote: I do think of the Majiri as being overall quite sex-positive and we know they are polyamorous but it is interesting that all the children we see, and all the adults as far as we know, were born in (monogamous) wedlock. So I wonder who would be judgemental and who wouldn't)
Leta is a miner, but she's also an inventor and I think especially with two children it would make more sense for her to do more inventing, which would keep her closer to home more of the time. She's friends with Zeki so he could help her with licencing and selling her inventions. I think she'd go into the mines enough to get the materials she needs, and maybe enough to sell locally, but not as her primary means of supporting her family, and larger parts of the mines would be abandoned.
So bringing us to Najuma. Who would similarly not be allowed in the mines - it's not safe, especially when parts of it aren't checked/maintained. And there's no need - she's better off in every way as her mother's apprentice. But I think she'd feel just as drawn to them because of her father's death and wanting to continue his legacy.
And I like to think about Najuma as a big sister. How she'd feel about the fact that at least she knew her father, but that means she knows how it felt to lose him, which Saleni can't, and is that better or worse? And being fiercely protective of her but also having to look after her and getting frustrated and fed up, and also maybe frustrated because Saleni can run and swim and do things she can't with a prosthetic, but it isn't her fault, and teenage angst, and so forth, while also loving her to pieces and if you look at her wrong she will FIGHT YOU. You know, sibling stuff.
Leta in general I see as outgoing, friendly, and generally well-liked; not always as cautious as she should be with a tendency to rush in; rather hot-headed. Loses track of time when she's working on something. Very loyal and loves her daughters to distraction but they are also the people who drive her craziest.
That all I’m going to say today but I have MANY MORE THOUGHTS for other posts, including how I would add all this into the game and what I would change to make it all work and quests and schedules and all kinds of things, and if anyone cares at all then PLEASE reply or message me or something because I need. To get all the thoughts out. I can’t stop thinking about this AU help
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dogesterone · 2 years
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thought i had. what else would those little holes on the sides of their faces even be for? /lh /s
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nasa-parker · 3 months
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the-cheshire-cat-grin · 6 months
Oh i am sick to my stomach can you imagine during the big fight harrys all like "oh my boy you of all people know that appearances can be deceiving" just to transform into THIS
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Ankle biter ass motherfucker
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capn-twitchery · 20 days
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making grace's back worse with a corset that forces your shoulders back. double pigeon stance. outfit of "fuck your whole spine"
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remuspenus · 2 months
swear I heard someone breathing
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andithewaterbottle · 4 months
Huebert III
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I already named two other (non crochet) things Huebert, that’s why he’s III
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c-kiddo · 1 year
may i just say: ur beau is literally one of my favorites!! i’m always so in awe every time i see her in ur style, i love her so so much 🥺
aw casu :''''') this means a lot from th number 1 beauyasha aficianado aknfkjak i will def try post arts of her again soon. i kinda forgot what th last drawings of her i did were and they werent too bad at all so yay good, i will try post things :-3 !
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baby-tart · 5 months
If sex is so casual, why does the thought of it burn a gaping sizzling hole in the middle of my stomach and heart?? Checkmate, liberals
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