#pavel girls au
smallestflowtree · 1 month
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Some Proof of Life art
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~ Light Keeper ~
Green Blossom (Hikaru Sulu) & Star Shimmer (Pavel Chekov)
Designs for my Star Trek/Magical Girl AU
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spocks-husband · 11 months
I have this AU that's been bouncing around in my head for weeks and I need opinions on it so. Yeah. Tell me what you think.
Also, for context, they're all about 17-20 in this AU. Details will come later if I decide to do anything with the idea.
Spock is a prince on Vulcan; their society is fairly similar to how it is in canon but certain elements of the pre-reform society remain, so it's more spiritual and there's a monarchy in place. Spock has accepted his role as heir to the throne after his brother's disappearance-- but he's always felt out of place. The monarchy carefully hides his half-human identity from the public, and every aspect of his life is intricately controlled. He's suffering, really, but in his mind it's for the good of his people.
Meanwhile, James Tiberius Kirk is a pirate living on a busted old space craft, having fun, sailing through the galaxy with his stressed best friend Leonard McCoy who regrets receiving military medical training every day of his life, their constantly high engineer buddy Montgomery Scott who keeps the ship from falling apart with duct tape and prayers, Hikaru Sulu who has hit on every person on the ship and slept with every alien they've come across, Pavel Chekov who is Sulu's very tired boyfriend who doesn't really do much but any suggestions that he should leave would be met with someone getting stabbed (they're in an open relationship for context dw Chekov is a manwhore too), and finally Nyota Uhura who was mostly just here to get a ride one time but she realized these stupid fucks needed a Lesbian with some braincells on board so she handles the logistics of their crimes.
The night before Spock is scheduled to marry a barely known noble girl named T'Pring, Kirk and his crew kidnap him for ransom, assuming it will just be another job. But, alas, Jim falls in love and won't let Spock go, not caring in the slightest that he has caused an interplanetary crisis mostly for his own amusement.
Tldr the dumbasses are dumb and I love them
Edit: The fic has been written!! See my pinned for the link :D
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
May I request for a romantic Pav concept, with Kaiser's Daughter!Darling, where Kaiser is also a platonic yandere for his daughter, please? Both of them are from Fear & Hunger 2: Termina. If you're uncomfortable with writing for Kaiser that's alright, feel free to just do Pav. Thank you! And go ahead and dm if you need more details ^^
If I'm correct, Kaiser is just an Ascended Le'garde as The Yellow King. So I am going based on that for this. I'm still VERY new to F&H so I apologize if lore or something is off! I hope you like it-
Yandere! Pavel Yudin with Kaiser's Daughter! Darling
(Including Platonic! Kaiser, AU without three day timer/tweaked for plot purposes)
Pairing: Romantic (Pavel)/Platonic (Kaiser)
Possible Trigger Warnings: Female Darling, Obsession, Stalking, Manipulation, Violence, Overprotective behavior, Murder/Attempted murder, Toxic companionship, Dark themes, Very brief passing mention of intimacy.
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In terms of your backstory you'd probably be one of the contestants in Termina's strange festival.
You most likely are not aware of your bloodline or anything like that.
So you have no idea that you're related to Le'garde/Kaiser or The Girl.
Far as you know your home life has been as normal as it can be.
Yet some sort of fate has brought you here, yeah?
Pavel, or just Pav, is also a contestant whose goal is primarily just to stick a bullet in the Kaiser's skull.
I can't find much on their personalities but from interactions I have an idea.
Pav is cunning and cruel due to his intentions.
For the most part he doesn't want to get involved with anyone, only making it a goal to make it to the Kaiser.
He'd come across you at times but for the most part leave you alone if you don't deserve his wrath.
Like you, he doesn't know anything of your origins.
The Kaiser, on the other hand, knows you.
Some sort of fate has brought you to him.
The daughter who has not surpassed him like The Girl, you are still mortal and unaware of his existence.
The Kaiser still seems to have strong powers due to the fact he can ruin Pav from a distance.
I imagine he still cares for his other daughter greatly and oversees your progress through the festival.
If something appears to threaten you, it strangely dies from seemingly an action too quick for you to process.
Kaiser believes there's a reason you're back here with him around the same time, so he'll make sure you make it to meet him one way or another.
What's troubling is Pav's growing interest in you.
Pav has seen you around and mostly left you alone until you save him somehow.
Kaiser can still strike him down before disappearing, yet maybe after you save him in an AU from canon, Pav takes more interest?
It's that or some sort of alteration from that.
Pav begins to drift around you after you prevent him from dying.
You've given him another chance at slaying Kaiser.
At first he's hostile and upset at you, he never asked to be saved.
Yet you still appear to be patient, asking him of his past and how he is.
At first it all makes him annoyed.
Yet it all begins to grow on him the longer he's around you.
It feels... admittedly... a bit nice that you did such a thing.
Such behavior will quickly be punished in a land such as this.
Such a fact is something Kaiser also knows.
He understands the idea of wanting to change something, even in this current state.
It sort of frustrates Kaiser that you saved Pav.
However he can't blame your empathetic to help humanity.
Kaiser just wishes you chose your allies more... wisely.
Pav admittedly can't stop hovering around your location.
He tells himself he shouldn't, he has better things to do.
But instead he watches you, like he can't get enough of your presence.
He's another one to look out for you.
A bullet is gifted to any creature attacking... forcefully.
So not only is a God watching over you, a soldier of said Kaiser is also around.
You're in better hands than most other contestants.
Pav doesn't talk to you much and Kaiser prefers to silently watch you.
Whenever you encounter Kaiser you feel... wary yet comforted?
You aren't sure why but the aura feels both new and familiar, a sign this person is much more than man.
You don't want to go closer to him yet there's a supernatural calling to it.
You ignore it as best you can.
Pav would give you supplies to survive the festival when he finds you, Internally thankful you're still here.
Conversation is brief and quick, but he always seems to have a soft look in his eyes.
Pav is definitely not a yandere completely out in the open.
He isn't going to be all over you.
He isn't overly affectionate, he's a weathered man.
Even if he somehow showed his obsession, he isn't very skilled with it.
He's lost his whole family and only really knows bloodshed.
The fact he still has such a passionate feeling towards you is surprising.
It's also intense, even if not entirely visible.
He'd mostly be one to watch but offers to stick by you under the excuse of finding Kaiser.
Speaking of which, back to Kaiser.
Kaiser wants to take you in and prevent the area from changing you, even if it isn't possible.
Fate may be dark and twisted but it's brought you to him.
If he has to slay Pav to have such a thing happen he doesn't mind.
The man seems desperate to die anyways.
Here's some things to think about, if Pav ever did try to hold or kiss you to show romantic attraction, the normally at peace Kaiser is furious.
It's worse if anything even remotely Sylvian happened between you, regardless on if you love Pav back truly or wanted a fling.
I have I feeling this sort of situation only has one outcome.
Pav cannot kill Kaiser, the God is quick to overwhelm him no matter the scenario.
A simple gun shot to Kaiser's body will not end him, many have tried.
Although, he is thankful that the man has kept you safe up until this point.
Pav would feel a bit betrayed at the fact Kaiser is your father.
Even if you didn't know it
Despite this, Pav still holds strong feelings towards you due to his obsession.
He wants to kill the Kaiser even more now that he knows he plans to take you away.
Pav keeping you away from your father enrages Kaiser.
Pav has caught himself imagining some sort of life with you at times, even if it is not possible here.
He promises himself to kill the one who wants to take you away... even more so due to their past.
However, no matter how intense Pav is as a yandere, Kaiser will win.
In canon, Pav can never kill Kaiser alone.
Even when he brings you along to encounter Kaiser, or you meet together by chance, Kaiser has already decided the man's fate.
Pav yells at the "man" that he'll kill him.
No matter the weapon, he'll find a way.
You're meant to be with Pav as his wife....
Kaiser's patience wears thin.
This match up feels underwhelming as Kaiser would quickly plunge a blade into Pav's still healing chest.
This mortal does not deserve to have his daughter.
It only angers him that Pav could have done defiled you.
You belong here, with your father.
Pav's fate was going to happen eventually... it's about time you meet yours too. It's funny that he thought he had a chance after meeting you here.
Your father has been waiting for you... why don't you properly greet him?
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foundtherightwords · 8 months
The Firebird - Chapter 2
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Pairing: Prince Paul (Catherine the Great) x OFC, fairytale AU
Summary: When Paul, a spoiled young prince, spots a strange bird in the forest near his palace, he impulsively chases after it, hoping to both escape from and prove himself to his disapproving mother. Thus he is plunged into an exhilarating adventure across a magical realm populated by enchanted princesses, dangerous monsters, and powerful wizards, an adventure that may change him more than he can ever imagine.
Chapter warning: none
Chapter word count: 4.2k
A/N: A note on the Russian names/pronunciation:
Paul's full name in Russian, Pavel Petrovich, is used for formal occasions. Pasha and Pavlik are short forms, while Pashenka and Pavlushka are pet names.
The princess's name, Zhara, is based on the Russian word for fire, Zhar (Жар). "Zh" is pronounced like the "s" in "leisure", or the French "j".
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 - A Princess Named Zhara
Paul had, in fact, seen a number of undressed women before, though perhaps not quite so thoroughly undressed.
But the flush of embarrassment that crept up his face was nothing compared to his utter perplexity upon seeing this strange girl.
"Who are you?" he said, once he found his voice again. "And what have you done to my bird?"
"Your bird?" she scoffed. She was still slumped over in the bush, her head resting on her arm. "What makes her yours? You didn't even manage to catch her."
This is some trick, surely, thought Paul. The bird hadn't really flown into this bush, and this young woman just happened to be lying here. But he hadn't seen the bird come out again... So it must still be around here somewhere...
"I was just trying to find a quiet place to rest," the young woman was saying, "and maybe find some clothes too. Is that too much to ask? I've been flying the whole day with a bust-up wing. But no, oh no. I had to have the misfortune of flying into the biggest cretin in the whole of Lukomorye..."
Ignoring her mumbles, Paul searched the grove and the adjacent meadow for any sign of the red-and-gold plumes, but there was none. The meadow, separated from the forest by a burbling brook, was large and flat. There was no bush, only smooth grass that spread all the way to the horizon where the sky still had a faint, pinkish edge where it met the earth, so he doubted the bird could have hidden there. He turned back to the grove, but here the curtain of darkness had lowered completely, and he could see nothing but the birch trunks shining pale like a brigade of ghost soldiers. It was too late to keep searching. Paul could feel fatigue settling into his bones, and decided to turn back. Perhaps in the morning, he could return with some servants. A wounded bird couldn't have gone far.
He went back to the thicket. The young woman had sat up. In the gloom, her hair had darkened to a mahogany shade, contrasting with the paleness of her skin. Paul was reminded of Eve in the Garden of Eden, and blushed again.
"Where did you come from?" he asked. "What happened to you?"
"Go away," she said, sniffling.
"There's a village nearby. I can raise an alert and get you help, should you need it."
"No one can help me. Just go away and leave me alone." She buried her face in her arms until her hair enveloped her whole body like a mantle.
Paul shrugged and turned away. It was likely that she was a peasant girl from one of the villages around Tsarskoye Selo, abandoned by a lover and too afraid to come home. Well, if she didn't want help, then it certainly wasn't his problem.
As he walked off, he couldn't help noticing how small and lost the girl looked, with her arms wrapped around legs that were drawn up to her chest and her head bent over her knees. Sighing, he unclasped his cloak and tossed it at her feet. She turned quizzical eyes to the cloak, then to him, but made no move to pick up the garment. Paul paid no more attention to her and went in search of his horse.
But something was different about the grove. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, only that it gave him the same otherworldly feeling he'd had when he'd first seen the bird. And then, as he walked deeper and deeper into the grove, he realized what it was—the grove was much larger than he remembered. After leaving the horse, he'd only had to run a few dozen steps to reach the thicket, yet now, despite having walked far enough that the girl was only a speck of white in the distance, he couldn't see the arch of the two crooked birches or his horse anywhere.
He kept walking and walking, but it was like walking in place, for the birches remained unchanged, and he couldn't tell if he had passed this tree or that already. The white trees almost glimmered in the dark, and he felt he was going blind after looking at them for too long. Eventually, he had to stop, too tired to go on, afraid that he would push himself to exhaustion walking in circles.
Was he lost? Was the grove really that vast and he had gone further than he thought? Perhaps the girl would know. He turned around, intending to go back to ask, and almost walked straight into the girl. Somehow, she had followed him without him knowing. She had donned his cloak, and her hair was pulled back into a loose braid, which fell to her knees. It was tied at the end with a string of dry grass.
"You're not from here," she said, before Paul could speak.
"You're from Rus'."
"Do you know the way back to Tsarskoye Selo?" Paul asked. He began to wonder if the girl was at all sane. Though the royal household and the courtiers rarely ventured outside the confines of the Summer Palace, every peasant in the area knew of the court. Yet this girl didn't seem to recognize him at all. Her eyes shone with a strange light, and she was looking at him with a mixture of wonder and curiosity.
"There is no Tsarskoye Selo here," she said slowly, pronouncing the words as though unfamiliar with them. "See, this is not Rus'. This is Lukomorye."
"What?" Paul repeated. He was quite certain now that the girl was mad.
The girl sighed. She put one hand out of the cloak and snapped her fingers.
Paul jumped back, crying out in alarm.
The tips of her fingers had caught fire.
"I bet you don't have anything like this in your land, do you?" the girl said.
"What sort of trickery is this?" Paul whispered. He had seen fire eaters at feast days in court, but none of them had ever made fire come out of their fingers.
"It's not a trick."
The girl closed her palm, and the fire went out without even a puff of smoke. She snapped her fingers again, and again fire burst from their tips. Her fingers burned steadily like candles in the dark, illuminating her face so Paul could see the myriad of freckles scattering across her skin like stars on the night sky. The fire gleamed on her coppery hair and reflected in her eyes, which he saw were of the same golden amber color as the bird's. It was those eyes, rather than the unnatural flames on her fingertips, that finally convinced Paul.
"You're the bird," he said, comprehension dawning.
 "Oh, he's sharp," she said, mockery dripping from every word. "Here I was thinking you're just another nincompoop."
Paul was so shocked he even forgot to take offense at her impudent tone. "But—how—"
"I told you, this is Lukomorye. The land of magic. The Otherworld. Surely you know of us, as we know of you?"
Paul recalled the dreamlike feeling he'd been having, the childhood memories. "The land of magic. Like... in the fairy tales?"
"If that's what you call them."
He took a breath and tried to think rationally. "Prove it then," he said. "If you're really the bird, turn back. Transform."
"I'm not a shape-shifter," the girl said, closing her palm to put out the fire again. She clutched the cloak closer to her body as a shadow passed over her features. "I'm cursed, if you must know. I only turn into a bird during the day."
"That's convenient," Paul retorted. He was beginning to see how absurd the situation was and refused to let himself be swayed. "All right, if this isn't my world, can you take me back?"
The girl shook her head sadly. "I'm afraid I can't. Opening doors between the worlds is a very imprecise sort of magic. Most of the time it just happens. I was injured, and frightened, and must have opened one by mistake..."
Her words made no sense to Paul. He took a step back, as though by putting some distance between them, he could avoid being infected by her otherworldly air and keep his mind clear. He remembered how he had ended up here in the first place, his quarrel with his mother, and his usual anger and suspicion came surging back. "This must be some trick, some mischief meant to harm or confuse me, to make me seem unfit for the throne—"
Her eyebrows went up. "The throne? Are you some sort of prince?"
Paul drew himself to his full height. "I am. I'm Tsarevich Paul, Pavel Petrovich Romanov, son of Peter the Third, heir to the Russian throne."
The girl shrugged, unimpressed. "Well, none of that would help you here. Here, you're just another mortal." She ignored Paul's indignant spluttering. "I'm sorry, but there is nothing to be done now. It's late. Tomorrow, we can look for someone who can help you return to your world."  
Without waiting for his answer, she went over to a birch tree, tapped its trunk experimentally, and, leaning her forehead against the tree, whispered, "O les chestnoi (1), I thank you for this gift I'm about to receive." Then, with a bit of bark held in one hand like a bowl, she snapped a branch and put her bark bowl underneath to collect the clear sap that dripped from the broken bit.
"What are you doing?" Paul asked, astonished.
"It's too dark to go searching for food. This birch sap will have to do."
Her words reminded Paul of how hungry he was himself. He turned and walked away.
"Where are you going?" the girl said.
"Back to the palace."
"Haven't you got it through your thick head yet? Your palace isn't here! Nothing from your world is here!" He took no heed of her and kept walking, but not before he heard her mumble, "All right, get yourself killed then, see if I care." Then she added, with feeling, "Cretin."
Paul stormed through the grove, trying to ignore the sense of foreboding that grew and grew the longer he went. This was clearly all a mistake. He hadn't been paying close attention while chasing after the bird and had gotten himself lost; that was all. The horse must have bolted. And as for the fire on the girl's hand... it was a trick. It had to be. As long as he found his way out of this confounded forest, everything would be right again.
He was now far enough that he could no longer see the girl. The ranks of birches were giving way to oaks and lindens and other trees, meaning he was going in the right direction. His disappearance may have been noticed at the palace already, and at this very moment, perhaps a battalion was being deployed in search of him. Taking heart in this thought, he pressed on, crashing through the dense trees, trying to ignore the soreness of his limbs, unused to strenuous exercises, and the gnawing hunger in his belly. He tried, too, not to notice that the oaks seemed much bigger and older than he'd remembered and that sometimes he couldn't recognize the leaves on a branch that hung over the path or the flowers of a bush that he had to sidestep.
There was something else he tried to ignore as well, without much success. The forest wasn't as quiet as it had been when he was chasing after the bird. Now there were all sorts of creaking and rustling around him as though a tempest was brewing overhead, yet there was nary a breath of wind, and the crescent moon shone clearly, valiantly through the thick foliage. Strangest of all, the creaking and rustling seemed to stop when he stopped and pick up when he resumed walking.
"Who's there?"
Only the hoot of an owl answered him.
He started walking. The rustling started. He stopped. It stopped as well. Could it be the girl, toying with him? "If you're trying to frighten me, think again!" Paul shouted. He thought he heard a high-pitched noise that may have been the chirping of a cricket or the eerie, distant echo of some giggles. He picked up a rock by his feet and flung it, with all his might, toward the noise. It ceased instantly.
Satisfied, he continued on his way. The creaking and rustling erupted again, to a deafening degree, right by his ears. Paul stared back in horror. The trees seemed to be enlarging, blocking out the moon. No, it wasn't the trees... or was it? He couldn't say what he was looking at. A human form was rising out of the forest, but it still looked like a tree, with bark for skin, branches for limbs, leaves for hair, and moss for whiskers.
"Who dares to disturb the peace of my forest?" the creature bellowed in a voice that sounded like a storm blowing through the trees, showing a mouth full of thorns.
Paul staggered backwards, stumbled over his ceremonial sword, which he'd forgotten to take off after the drilling exercise, and went sprawling on the ground. This movement alerted the creature to his presence, and it whirled around to face him. Two spots of yellow light, like a pair of fireflies, blinked under the leaves, showing where its eyes were. It raised an arm as thick as an oak branch over its head, apparently with the intention of bringing it crashing down on Paul. Its movements were so lumbering that Paul would've had plenty of time to move out of the way, had he not been rooted to the spot by shock and fear.
"No, les chestnoi, wait!" The girl appeared by his side, her knees bent, arms outstretched in a pleading gesture. "He's with me! He's with me!"
The creature's arm paused in midair. Its phosphoric eyes dimmed slightly as it inclined its head, its tree-trunk neck creaking in a way that caused Paul to cower, thinking that branch was coming for his head.
"Tsarevna Zhara," the creature said in a softer tone. "Forgive me. I didn't know this—mortal was under your protection."
"He's not," the girl said, glancing at Paul with irritation. "But he is from Rus' and doesn't know his way around Lukomorye. Please, spare him."
The creature's firefly eyes blinked slowly, its moss-covered mouth working, grinding its thorn teeth, while it appeared to be mulling over the matter. Finally, it dropped its arm. "Very well, my lady," it said. "Out of respect for your late father, I shall spare the moral."
"Thank you, les pravedniy (2)," the girl said with a deep bow.
The creature returned her bow with more ponderous creaking, then turned and walked into the forest. It soon became one with the trees, with only the creaking and rustling fading into the distance as evidence of its presence.
The girl walked away as well. Paul found that he could breathe and move again, and he hurried after her.
"What in saints' names was that thing?!" he exclaimed.
"That thing is a leshy," the girl said, long legs moving in and out of his cloak as she strode down the path, "and you had better show him some respect, if you don't want him coming back for your head."
The word sounded familiar, though it took Paul a moment to remember where he'd heard it and what it meant. "A forest spirit?" he bleated.
"Yes. You're lucky he was in a good mood."
It was too much for Paul. Only a few hours ago, he had been arguing with his mother about the throne. Now he was walking through a forest that was both familiar and not, with girls that turned into birds and walking trees. It did not seem possible. He sat down on the path and gripped his head in his hands, as though by doing so, he could prevent his brain from melting and leaking out through his ears, which he felt it was very much in danger of doing.
The bird-girl, noticing his absence, turned back and stood watching him for a moment. Glancing up at her, he noticed there was still something birdlike in her posture, in the way she tilted her head at him, in the way she shifted her weight, never staying quite still. Eventually, she seemed to take pity on him and put a hesitant hand on his shoulder.
"I suppose this is quite difficult for you to accept," she said gently. "Let us find a place to rest for the night. Morning shall bring more wisdom."
Those words, so often encountered in fairy tales, calmed Paul, and that hand, so warm that he could feel it through his coat, revived him. He followed the girl back to the thicket, now bathed in the silvery light of the crescent moon. The girl handed him her birch-bark cup with some sap in it. Being too hungry and thirsty to ask further questions, Paul drank it straight down. It was only slightly sweet, with a mossy aftertaste, but refreshing. He could feel strength and clarity slowly returning to his body and mind.
"So if you can't return me to my world, then who can?" he asked.
"Probably the same person who could free me from this curse—Baba Yaga."
Paul dropped the cup. "Baba Yaga," he said. "Baba Yaga the witch, flies around in a mortar, lives in a hut with chicken legs, that Baba Yaga?"
The girl nodded.
"She's real," he said. It wasn't exactly a question.
"Of course she's real!" the girl said. "Only," she added, "no one has seen her in ages, and even if we do find her, she may not agree to help. But she's my only hope."
"And I suppose it was Koschei the Deathless who cursed you?" Paul said, intending it as a quip to show the girl that he wasn't completely ignorant when it came to Fairyland, but at the mention of Koschei, the shadow that had passed across her face when she mentioned her curse came back, and lingered.
"I guess you can say so, in a way," she said in a small voice. Her answer puzzled Paul, but she looked so miserable that he decided to hold his tongue.
"How are we going to find Baba Yaga?" he asked instead.
"Some say she likes the taste of Russians and can smell them from hundreds of versts away," the girl replied. "So perhaps she'll find us." She glanced at Paul's blanched face, a corner of her mouth lifted into a crooked, impish smile, and some of the shadow lifted from her face. "I'm joking. Some say she has gone to Vyriy."
"Where is that?"
"Nobody knows," the girl said. "It could be a mere thought away, or a year's trek on foot and horseback, or so far that one may travel for his entire life and still can't reach it."
"Of course," Paul said bleakly.
"Lucky for us, we shall not have to go so far. I know how to find Baba Yaga. Or rather, how to find a creature that can find her."
If she continues to talk in fairy-speak, I shall have to throttle her, Paul thought grimly. The girl seemed to notice his dark look as well, for she quickly continued, "Apparently Tsar Afron of Smorodina is in possession of a horse with a golden mane, foaled by Baba Yaga's own mare. His fortress is a few days' trek from here. If we can borrow the horse from him, it shall lead us back to its mother."
Paul nodded, relieved that there was now a solid plan. A few days he could deal with.
The mention of a tsar reminded him of something else...
"That thing—the leshy," he said slowly. "He addressed you as tsarevna."
The girl lifted her chin, her amber eyes glinting in the moonlight. "I am. Zhara Artyomovna, daughter of Tsar Artyom, heir to the throne of Arthania."
So they let women rule in this land too, a bitter thought came into Paul's mind, but he immediately felt guilty about it. After all, this girl—Zhara—had saved him from the leshy and even offered to help him, when she could have left him to rot. Almost as though she could read his mind, she smiled her crooked smile again. "I suppose that makes us equals, does it not? And it would not be beneath you to travel with me, would it, Tsarevich Paul?"
Her knowing, teasing smile only deepened his shame. "Are we to sleep here then, out in the open?" he said, scowling to mask his discomfort.
The girl was already gathering dried leaves and grass into a little bed for herself. "What do you require? Silk sheets? Feather mattresses?" she snapped. "I'm sorry Lukomorye cannot provide you with the comforts you're used to. This is all we have."
Paul wondered what sort of tsars they had in this land, when a tsarevna was no better than a peasant girl and thought nothing of sleeping on the ground. He was aware that this was unkind and scowled again, though this time more at himself.
"What about wild animals?"
"The leshy shall protect us."
"What about the cold?" Though it was summer, it was cool under the trees, and already he could feel the chilliness coming through his shirt. "Can we at least have a fire?"
The girl looked down at the cloak she was clutching about herself, then looked at Paul, who was rubbing his hands together to chase away the chill. "Oh, of course. But you'll have to gather the firewood. I can't do much with this." She lifted her injured arm out of the cloak with a wince. The wound was still weeping a little.
With a sigh, Paul got up and went around the clearing, picking up all the twigs and branches he could find. Zhara raised an eyebrow at the meager pile he brought back, but said nothing. She waved her hand over it, and soon, a cheery fire was crackling amidst the grove. "There. Good enough for you now, Tsarevich Paul?" she said, before returning to her bed of dry leaves.
"It's fine," Paul grumbled. Seeing that she still held her injured arm awkwardly by her side, he unwound the silk cravat from around his neck and wrapped it around her wound. Her skin was pleasantly warm under his fingertips. No wonder she didn't need a fire. She watched him with twinkling eyes but made no remark on his handiwork, and only said a quiet "Thank you" once he finished.
He went back to the fire and tried his best to make himself comfortable. He wondered if his absence had been noticed at the palace, or they'd simply shrugged it off and made a point to lock the doors from now on, as they had after he'd snuck out of the nursery when he was a child. He wondered if his mother would care.
Then he became aware of whispery voices and giggles all around him, soft, tinkling sounds that nevertheless hid a menacing note, like the wind blowing through broken glass. He opened his eyes and saw little flickers of light among the tall grass, surrounding them, moving closer and closer.
"What—what are those?" he asked, hugging his sword closer to himself.
The girl lifted her head and glanced at the lights. "Oh, those are the leshy's little children. Harmless creatures. They're just curious." She lay back down and promptly went to sleep.
But Paul couldn't sleep. The lights were now just on the very edge of the fire's halo, and he could see that they were indeed the same phosphoric eyes as the leshy's, only these were set on bodies that resembled toadstools or broken twigs and rotten leaves. He shivered, thinking how close he'd come to picking up one of them for the fire by mistake. Compared to the leshy, they were much lighter on their feet—if they even had feet—flitting from bush to bush, branch to branch, crowding, jostling, pushing each other forward, daring each other to get closer to Paul.
Then they began to sing:
Pavel, Paul, little Pashenka Scolded by his mama He runs away from home, he falls down a lane And no one hears from Pashenka ever again.
At this, Paul's fear was replaced by anger, and he picked up his plumed hat by the fire and threw it as hard as he could at those glow-worm eyes. "Shut up!" he shouted.
"Stop tossing things about, you ninny," came the girl's irritated voice from under the folds of the cloak, "and go to sleep."
The lights scattered, leaving behind a peal of burbling laughs that soon faded into the murmur of the stream. Paul lay still, listening to the sounds of the forest for a long, long time, until eventually, exhaustion overcame him, and he slept.
Chapter 3
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1. Les chestnoi: honorable one of the forest. 2. Les pravedniy: righteous one of the forest.
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v-o-i-d-e-d · 1 year
Request rules and Character list
Hi! Welcome to my blog!
~here are a few rules~
I don't write:
anything to do with piss
large age gaps/ageplay
smut for characters under 18
crossover au
Fanfiction of real people
mlm relationships (it's not my place to write what I haven't experienced)
Incest (this includes anything to do with stepsiblings and stepparents)
Please don't:
harass me about my writing/schedule
critique my writing without permission
repost my writing (reblogging is okay and encouraged)
Characters/fandoms I write for:
Titanic (1997)~
Jack Dawson
Rose DeWitt Bukater
Emma Swan
Regina Mills
Killian Jones
Peter Pan
Henry Mills
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Doctor Strange
Tony Stark
Bucky Barnes
Steve Rogers
Natasha Romanoff
Yelena Belova
Kate Bishop
Peter Parker (All three of them)
Wade Wilson
Peter Maximoff (Pietro only by request if I feel like it. I don't like him that much)
Star Wars~
Han Solo
Luke Skywalker
Leia Organa
Rey Skywalker (Argue with the wall)
Kylo Ren/Ben Solo
Poe Dameron
Anakin Skywalker
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Ashoka Tano
Din Djarin
Cassian Andor
Jyn Erso
Star Trek (The JJ Abrams version)~
James Kirk
Pavel Chekov
Dr. Leonard McCoy
House M.D.~
Gregory House
Allison Cameron
Robert Chase
Doctor Who~
10th Doctor
11th Doctor
Amy Pond
Clara Oswald
River Song
The Hunger Games~
Katniss Everdeen
Peeta Mellark
Finnick Odair
Haymitch Abernathy
Young Coriolanus Snow (don't start with me)
Johanna Mason
Harry Potter~
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Hermione Granger
Remus Lupin (Mauraders and Golden Era)
Luna Lovegood
Neville Longbottom
My Babysitter's a Vampire~
Benny Weir
Ethan Morgan
Rory Keaner
Erica Jones
Sarah Fox
Top Gun/Maverick~
Pete Mitchell
Bradley Bradshaw
Jake Seresin
Gilmore Girls~
Lorelai Gilmore
Rory Gilmore
Jess Mariano
Indiana Jones
Wilford Warfstache
Marty McFly
Ferris Bueller
Cameron Frye
Malcolm Bright/Whitly
~this is just a preliminary line up and more characters will be added~
All my works will use feminine descriptors and pronouns unless specified in the request. Feel free to send in a request and I'll be sure to get to it as quick as I can!
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ao3feed-spirk · 10 months
Space age country girl stone cold miracle
read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/51953923 by thembonesthembones “Call me Jim. I’ve heard a lot about you in the last hour. Is it true that you’ve suggested looking into the Terran botanical process for oxygen production as a model for mechanical air recycling?” Spock lifts one perfect brow. “That is not generally the first question I am asked by people aware of my work.” “Jim and air have a history,” Uhura says, and Jim could strangle her until he sees something change in Spock’s gorgeous, gorgeous eyes about it. “Air and I are on perfectly fine terms.” He self-consciously touches the mouthpiece of his breather, which is in its magnet holster at his hip just like it always has been, to really punctuate what a massive liar he is. Words: 26289, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Star Trek, Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: James T. Kirk, Spock (Star Trek), Nyota Uhura, Leonard "Bones" McCoy, Montgomery "Scotty" Scott, Hikaru Sulu, Pavel Chekov Relationships: James T. Kirk/Spock, James T. Kirk & Leonard "Bones" McCoy, Pavel Chekov & James T. Kirk & Leonard "Bones" McCoy & Spock & Hikaru Sulu & Nyota Uhura Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Space Pirates, an AU both future and historical, Schroedinger's era, Crimes & Criminals, Anti-Capitalist Word Slime, Non-Linear Narrative, First Meetings, Crew as Family, Military Science Fiction, Clubbing, Alcohol, get ready for the pointy ear tags, Vulcan Mind Melds (Star Trek), Vulcan Kisses (Star Trek), Vulcan Biology (Star Trek), Vulcan Nerve Pinch (Star Trek), Vulcans Are Cats (Star Trek), bam - Freeform, Trans Male Character, Bottom James T. Kirk, Trans James T. Kirk, James T. Kirk Has Issues, Psychological Trauma, Light Dom/sub, Vaginal Fingering, Vaginal Sex, Asphyxiation, Choking, per the Has Issues, Sleeping Together, Morning After, Chases, Running from the law, and from his feelings, T'hy'la (Star Trek), Getting Together, Top Spock (Star Trek), highly illogical Spock for a bit there, Adorable Spock (Star Trek), Good Parent Amanda Grayson, for my health I have ignored Sarek, Breathplay read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/51953923
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the-leech-lord · 11 months
Freddy Krueger
The Fifth Floor
Transfem Leatherface
Chop Top
Camp Counselor Jason Voorhees
Harry Warden
Buck from Eaten Alive
Dr Andover from Fear Clinic
Erik Destler (1989)
Catboy! Freddy Krueger
Kamen Rider Den-O
Kamen Rider Build
Kamen Rider Build
Kamen Rider Build Hazard Form
Kamen Rider Grease
Evolt Black Hole Form
Kamen Rider Revice
Kamen Rider Revi
Kamen Rider Vice
Kamen Rider Evil / Kagero
Star Trek The Original Series
Jim Kirk
S’Chn T’Gai Spock
Leonard McCoy
Montgomery Scott
Nyota Uhura
Hikaru Sulu
Pavel Chekov
Genderbend Spock
Star Trek The Next Generation
Jean-Luc Picard
William Riker
Data Soong
Geordi La Forge
Deanna Troi
Beverly Crusher
Wesley Crusher
Q (Anti Stims)
Robert Englund characters
Freddy Krueger from A Nightmare on Elm Street
Willie from V
Blackie from Nightmare Cafe
Buck from Eaten Alive
Dr Andover from Fear Clinic
Smiley from The Adventures of Ford Fairlane
Erik Destler from Phantom of the Opera (1989)
Catboy! Freddy Krueger
Aiko Yumi
Audrey Belrose
Beli Lapran
Jessie Maye
Kyanna Delrio
Lola Rembrite
Nikki Ann-Marie
Tiffany Maye
Kyu Sugardust
Genderbend - Spock
Fursona - Vance
Goth - Tarn
Self Insert - Questionnaire
OC x Canon - Kaon X Cable
Yandere - Erik Destler
Neko - Freddy Krueger
Tumblr Sexyman - The Warden
Crossover Ship - Elsa X Thrax
Niche Interest - Comic Collecting
Hananaki Disease - Flowerfell Frisk
Maid dress - Tohru
Sailor Uniform - Konata Izumi
Scene - TFA Random Blitzwing
Crossover - Star Trek TOS x Green Lantern
Rainbow - Rainbow Dash
Emo - Mafuyu Asahina
Evil Version of a Good Character - Cupcakes Pinkamena
Edgelord - Underfell Papyrus
Gijinka - Parasect
Hetalia - America
Creepypasta - Laughing Jack
My Little Pony - Princess Cadence
Undertale - Sans & Papyrus
Undertale AU - Errortale Sans
Five Nights At Freddy’s - Withered Bonnie
Vocaloid - Big Al
Invader Zim - Gir
South Park - Tweek Tweak
Soul Eater - Death the Kid
Death Note - L
Masterlist Part 2
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mystery-star · 3 years
(K)night in Black Armor (Part 20) – Spock (Mobster!AU)
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Pairing: Spock x reader
Warnings: mentions of: death, murder, violence and sex
Words: 3447
All parts: Series Masterlist
Let me know if you want to be added to the Series taglist!
Please do not repost my work on other sites or platforms.
Despite the fact that Spock had told you, you didn’t need to get him a Christmas present, you still went looking for something you could give him, after all his birthday was only about two weeks after Christmas and he had never said you couldn’t give him anything for then. A part of you also couldn’t believe that then you’d have known him for a year already because so much had happened in that one year. While you were looking forward to spending time with the people of the Azienda (at least some of them), you somehow were even happier to visit the girls at the Stella later on. Somehow you also weren’t sure about the celebration with the Azienda and you had considered going to the Stella earlier but they would still be working until midnight so you really could first go to Jim’s feast.
To your surprise the Christmas party with the Azienda was more fun that you had believed. Pavel was first ‘complaining’ about how celebrating Christmas on the 6th of January was so much better but after a bit of alcohol he suddenly was more in a christmassy mood and started singing all kind of Christmas songs with his cute accent or in Russian. Hikaru had brought both his husband and daughter, so you spent a lot of time with the girl. Jim was behaving like a kid and after drinking a bit, he had started taking the mistletoe and holding it over people to prompt them to kiss. At least he did until Uhura snatched it out of his hand and tossed in the fire because he had tried to make her kiss Bones. But what you liked most was that you got to learn some things about the people you spent time with. Things that often had to do with their work for the Azienda (of course without details) or how or why they joined.
“But I do have a question” you said to Jim
“Usually a Mafia boss is quite old, right? And you’re probably not much older than 30”
“No indeed” he chuckled “I’ll be 26 on the third”
“Oh okay. That’s younger than I thought. I thought you were older than Spock”
“Oh come on, what made you think that? He’s the perfect adult, you should have seen that he’s older”
“I doubt he’s even had a childhood” Bones interrupted “He’s probably been like that since he was twelve. Didn’t you graduate from High school then?”
“With fifteen” Spock corrected
“Still” Bones muttered and you turned back to Jim
“But how come that you’re the boss then?” you asked again
“Good question. Chris asked me to join them when I had reached rock’s bottom almost seven years ago. He took me in and became my mentor, showing me everything he knew. So, when he got killed it was not really a big wonder he named me his successor. Although, most people, even I had thought Spock would take over, seeing he had already been Underboss back then. But apparently your dear husband loved his computers more than the big chair, so he only took over in the first few months until I could take over officially”
“Oh. And when did he die?”
“Two years ago”
“Somehow I’m surprised you haven’t been the boss for longer but if you consider you’ve only been in the Azienda for seven years… well that makes sense. But why would Chris just teach you everything? Is that normal for the Mafia that you just teach the new one everything?”
“No it’s not. But the Azienda is special. Besides, he only did this after about a year. And probably only because of my Dad”
“Is your Dad in the Azienda too?”
“Has been. He got killed on the day of my birth”
“Oh I’m sorry”
“No worries, they got what they deserved” you gave a nod “Although I’d have liked to kill him myself”
“Did the Azienda kill them?”
“Nah…” he looked to Spock “Actually, my father’s been killed by Nero and his gang. They were just a bunch of teenagers back then, seeking revenge because some Vulcanos had taken one of their fathers for questioning but he just killed himself… so that made them mad and my Dad just was unhappy enough to be the first member of a Mafia to pass by them. Mum said he died to protect her and myself so she left San Francisco and raised my in Iowa so that I was protected”
“What made you come back?”
“Hearing that we found out who killed Dad since he had done something like it again. Though this time it was worse…”
“You mean killing Spock’s family”
“Yeah. So I just had to go and see the idiot himself. Nero, not Spock. We’ve even briefly met on the hunt for Nero and God, did I hate him, even more when I heard that he had found Nero himself and finished him without me… I tried to drown my sorrows in alcohol and girls, I’ve been at the Stella at that time sometimes by the way. Then there was the evening of the bar fight with some members of the Azienda. Apparently they didn’t like it if you flirt with or even touch one of their women” he winked at Uhura before telling you how Chris then had ended the fight and asked respectively offered Jim to join the family. “And guess who’s been the first guy I had to meet upon joining?” you shrugged and Jim wrapped an arm around Spock “This idiot, who’s now one of my best friends”
“It’s crazy how all of this was kinda connected. I mean you probably would have joined the Azienda anyway if your Dad had lived”
“But I probably wouldn’t have risen to the top like this. At least not that quickly” you gave a nod
“I’m really glad you dragged Spock to the Stella though”
“Damn right that’s almost been a year ago”
“It’s been a really wild year for me”
“I can believe that. But as long as you’re happy now” he patted your arm.
“I am. More than I have ever thought I would be” you said, snuggling closer to Spock.
Although you were quite tired by the time you said goodbye at around 1 AM, you still insisted to go to the Stella to celebrate with your friends. After all, you had promised Theresa you would come and she had informed the girls that she had a present for them. When Spock stopped the car in front of the Stella, he looked at you
“Are you still certain you want to stay?”
“Yeah. I can just go to bed if I’m tired”
“Good. Please call me when you want me to come and bring you home”
“I can also take the bus”
“I would rather not” you let out a sigh
“Fine” you leant closer to peck his cheek “Good night”
“(Y/N)?” he said before you opened the door
“Have a happy feast”
“Thanks” you blew a kiss in his direction before you left the car and entered the Stella after you had a short talk with the security man. The club already was empty and it felt weird to see it like this because you had only seen it empty during the day. Okay, it hadn’t really been empty because people had always been inside somewhere. With a smile, you went upstairs and stopped in front of the door to the suite where you usually celebrated. Your smile got bigger when you heard the usual Christmas sounds from inside and you knocked against the door three times before someone heard you. Instantly it got quiet and then you heard Theresa
“Alright girls, I think I promised you a present, right?” the little ones cheered and you opened the door. First your friends stared at you, then they came towards you, asking what you were doing here and why you weren’t celebrating with your husband and so on. “Come on, leave her alone” she handed you a glass and after smelling it you identified it as egg liqueur. After you took a sip, you started answering the questions. Helen grinned and pulled down your collar
“Judging by this” she more or less poked one of your hickeys “he still gave you a present” you shrugged and smiled
“How was it?”
“Amazing. As always” you replied “Though I did miss the Christmas accessories”
“Speaking of it” Isabelle pulled out a pair of reindeer antlers “put them on so you’ll fit in better” after all, the girls were still wearing their Santa or elf hats they wore during the shift.
“Did I miss much?”
“You mean since you’ve last been here or since we started Christmas?”
“Both” you said
“Well” Aliza said, tapping her nose “Some girls are missing, as you can see”
“Right, where are they?”
“With boyfriends”
“You guys found someone too?”
“Not many. Oh and guess who’s finally had the guts to ask Petra out” you looked to Jackie
“No really? I’m so happy for you two”
“And Mary’s got Will”
“Really? I knew it!” you shouted “That’s so cute”
“But you know the best part? Once Jackie and I joined them and then Jackie said directed at me ‘Hey what if Will, you Mary an’ me went on a double date?” Petra said
“She really said Will, you Mary and me?” you screamed “What did they say?”
“I don’t think Will noticed but Mary shot me a glare” Jackie said with a smirk “I do hope he will propose to her today or on New Year’s Eve.
“Oh yes” you said, taking another sip of your liqueur. You felt one of the little girls pulling on your dress
“(Y/N)” it was Luna
“Yes sweetheart?”
“Can you sleep with me this night?”
“No” Chloë screamed, hugging your leg “She stays with me”
“How about I sleep in the same room as all of you? We could put mattresses on the floor and sleep there”
“Yes” the little ones agreed happily
“But I’ll sleep next to you” Luna decided.
As it seemed most girls had just slept in the same room as you, some of them even without a mattress and others were more or less lying on top of each other. But you knew why they had slept here, to talk to you longer. One thing that did surprise you was that the girls actually were asleep after al they were used to being awake in the night. Although, you too only had fallen asleep at around six in the morning. You carefully left the room, trying not to wake or step on anybody and then went to the room you usually ate together. Theresa was already there, taking care of Anne.
“She grew a lot” you remarked
“Yeah, she did” she nuzzled the baby’s cheek, making her giggle. “You haven’t thought about having kids?”
“No not really. I don’t even know if I want some and I doubt Spock would” you made yourself a cup of tea and sat down. Not much later Twinkle, the cat hopped into your lap.
“What makes you think this? I’m sure he would be a great father. And you have proven to be a great sister so you truly can be a brilliant mother” now that she mentioned it you just had to imagine what Spock would be like with a baby. Maybe it couldn’t hurt him to ask if he had any plans for a family one day.
“Sometimes I’m just scared of being pregnant and all”
“You could always adopt kids” she looked at you “Don’t tell the others yet but Will has told me that he was looking for a new job and is planning to take Mary with him if he gets one, so that she is free. And maybe they’ll adopt one of the younger girls so that all of them can live away from this”
“That sounds great, actually. I’d be happy for them. Also that they found together”
“There’s been something between them for a long time but with Ollie’s rule… well. For that reason I kind of am glad that he is not in charge anymore. I have the feeling that most girls are happier with the new freedoms they have”
“I can imagine that really well” you talked to Theresa for a while until some of the younger girls came and all tried to sit in your lap as well but then took their own chair on Theresa’s order.
“(Y/N)” Delphi said “can I meet Spock?”
“Well he’ll come here to pick me up so I guess yes”
“I want to see him too” the others demanded and ordered you to call him now. So you went back to the room to get your phone. As it seemed Spock had already written you. With a smile you read his message when you suddenly heard Zora gasp and starting to cry
“Hey, what’s wrong?” you asked and she jumped up, ran over to you and hugged your leg
“I don’t want you to go. Stay” also the other girls joined her, making you sigh
“I’d love to stay and I will really, really miss all of you but I now live with Spock”
“He can live here”
“I doubt he’d like that”
“You can have my room!”
“That’s sweet of you but I also want to spend some time with him alone”
“You can have the guest rooms. That’s what you want to do with ‘time with him’?” you chuckled
“Well good, it has a point” they giggled and you wrote Spock that you had woken up and didn’t know yet when you would leave. Part of you wanted to wait until the evening so that you could say goodbye to your friends too. “How about a deal? I stay with you one day and you get me all to yourself and then I’ll go home with Spock” the little ones exchanged a glance
“Can Spock come and play too?”
What surprised you most was that Spock actually agreed to play with the kids for a while, much to their joy. Finally, they pulled him downstairs to the entertainment floor and tried to show him their cute version of a pole dance.
“They’ll be great charmers one day” 14-year old Scarlett said
“Yeah” you agreed “Do you already have dance lessons?”
“They’ll start next year”
“Looking forward to it?”
“(Y/N)!” Zora screamed “You have to watch!” she tried to climb up the pole but kept sliding down because of her socks. It worked better after you told her to take them off but you still went towards them to help her climb up “I’m bigger than you” she said, looking down at you “Hi” she tried to wave at the other kids on the ground
“No, don’t let go”
“You hold me”
“But we still don’t want to risk anything.  Down?” you asked
“I don’t wanna climb”
“You can just slide down” after that, the other girls wanted to slide down as well so you had to help them climb up first too. Then Eve asked you to show them a real pole dance. You threw a glance to Spock and grinned “Sure” you walked over to him and led him to one of the couches, pressing him down in one of them from which he had a perfect sight to the pole you’d be performing around. Instantly, the girls were there too, snuggling all around your husband. The image made you chuckle and you trailed your fingers over his chest “You always said you wanted to see what I can do right? This time, you get a private show” you nudged his lips with your finger and then ran your hand through his hair. “But I think I need some fitting music” you held out your palm “Can I have your phone?” he raised an eyebrow and handed it to you. You took it and tried to connect it to the Stella’s internet so that you could call up some music
“What are you doing?” he asked when he threw a glance onto the display
“Connecting you to the Wi-Fi”
“No” he said firmly and more or less just snatched the phone from your hands “You will not just connect my phone to any random network you find. Do you have any idea what damage it could cause?” he started listing up some of the dangers of public networks in a rather upset tone until Zora and Delphi were hugging your leg, and burying their faces against your skirt. With a sigh you picked the younger one up
“Now you scared them with your fuss. Well done” you spat and glared at him “Besides, you could just say that in a normal tone. Plus, I’d have connected you to the employee Wi-Fi, which is password protected and secured. Come girls, let’s go back upstairs” there you met Theresa in the corridor.
“I thought you were with your husband?”
“That was before he decided he had to snap at me and scare the little ones” you defended yourself.
“Oh dear, what did he do?” you told her about how he had over reacted because of the fact that you tried to connect his phone to the internet “I’m sure he didn’t mean it. I can imagine that his phone is really important and he can’t have any sort of virus on it”
“I know but he could have said it nicer” you huffed and led the girls to their playroom. But while they were still setting up the play farm, you decided to go to the toilet. That was when you heard that Theresa was downstairs and seemed to be talking to someone. Curiously, you sneaked down the stairs to listen to the conversation. It only took you a short while to find out that she was talking to Spock, about you. Apparently she tried to explain him that you hadn’t made good experience with guys who raised their voice at you. Spock replied that he knew that and sometimes feared he’d do something you didn’t like or scare you in a way. Somehow you started to feel bad because of this after all you could understand that having you in his life changed a lot and that he sometimes needed to get his will but he also didn’t want to hurt you. So you walked down the rest of the steps and went over to Spock who sat at the bar and wrapped your arms around him. “I’m sorry” you said “you really don’t have to feel bad” you pressed a kiss to his cheek “I still love you more than ever”
“Thank you” he said squeezing your arm. “Perhaps I should have reacted calmer”
“Well that’s true” you said with a giggle, pressing another kiss to his cheek. From the corner of your eyes you saw that Theresa poured you a drink as well and put it in front of you.
“You can have mine as well” Spock said and gently moved his glass in your direction
“Are you trying to get me drunk?” you joked. He turned to you and nuzzled your neck, making you squeal. Before your husband could say something, you heard Chloë calling you from upstairs because they wanted to play with you. “Uh I guess I should go and make them happy” you said, chugging your drink.
“(Y/N), when did you intend to leave?”
“Why does that sound like you wanna be gone as soon as possible?”
“No I would not mind staying here for longer, as long as I can talk to your foster mother. However, I was thinking we could go out and eat something together this evening”
“’Course. I always love that. I’ll tell the girls I still have stuff to do”
“If you prefer to eat with them I respect that”
“No, it’s fine. It really is. I want to go eating with you”
“I am glad to hear that” you gave a nod and looked at Theresa
“Will you stay here to entertain him a bit?”
“Of course. It’s great to get to know him better. He’s my son-in-law and I never really got the chance to talk to him.”
“Yeah I’m sure you’ll both enjoy that. Besides you watch the little ones all day so you deserve to have some time off”
“That’s nice of you, (Y/N). I’m sure you’ll be a great mother one day” when you glanced at your husband you saw his shocked look and let out a giggle.
@love-wanderlust15, @chenellearose​,  @softsapphic-softdom, @softsapphicideals, @poemfreak306​, @sukeraa​
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princesssarcastia · 4 years
more aos!trek sense8 au
hi! I’ve decided to commit to the crazy and continue writing this au.  i have no fucking clue what I’m doing, but I am a sucker for outsider POV, so uh.  have some outsider POV.
Little Nyota has a voracious appetite for languages and alien cultures and the stars; smart as a whip, too.  None of them laugh when her five-year old brow furrows and she declares she’s going to learn all of the languages, because—
Well.  If Lela would believe it of anyone, it would be her niece.
But this is...unexpected.
After that Starfleet recruiter turned up at their class, she begs and begs and begs, twirling around the yard to find one old-enough relative to take her on a tour of the outpost in their city.
Lela knows what it feels like to be so excited about the future you can’t breathe, so she smiles and agrees.
The tour guide for the Starfleet outpost is Vulcan, of all things; a rarity, though more common here than other parts of the world.  The dry heat of their city is apparently similar to that of Vulcan. 
And when the Lieutenant greets their group, Nyota straightens her spine and offers the ta’al right back, with a carefully articulated Vulcan phrase.  A greeting.
Lela stares at her niece in shock.  No Uhura had taught her that, and it wasn’t offered in school yet.  How...
The Lieutenant raises an eyebrow, more expression than Lela’s ever seen on a Vulcan, and says something else to Nyota, who nearly vibrates with excitement before screwing up her face and replying again.  She didn’t just pick up stock phrases, she’s actually speaking Vulcan.
They head out for the tour soon after; Nyota whispering to one of her invisible friends the entire time.
No one seems to know how Nyota learned to speak Vulcan, when Lela asks, and eventually they write it off as part and parcel of raising a linguistic genius.
Alexei watches on, curious, as his nephew goes through what looks like basic fencing sets: lunge, parry, riposte, repeat.
Every so often he will adjust his stance, as though he’s being corrected.
Another one of his mind-friends, no doubt.  After everything he’s seen in his life, Alexei saw no reason to doubt Pavel’s claim that he shared a telepathic bond with six other people.
It didn’t hurt that verifying their existence was relatively easy, once Alexei had their names.
“Watch your footwork on your retreat, Pashenka,” he calls firmly, observing how Pavel reacts to the interruption and the criticism.  Smiles, when his nephew corrects himself again and throws him a grin without pausing.
These mind-friends of his are good for Pavel. 
Amanda retreats to the balcony in the early morning, as she always does.  The cool night air hasn’t entirely dissipated yet, allowing her to enjoy the fresh air until the heat of the Vulcan day chases her back inside. 
Today, Spock follows her.  He’s spent less and less time sitting with her as his schooling progresses.  It hurts her heart, a little, to watch him draw away, and she suspects the attitudes of his classmates may have something to do with it, but she also knows her son’s devotion to be just like his father would have pulled him in that direction anyway.
So she gives him as big a smile as he can be comfortable with when he settles across the table from her. 
“Mother, I have a query,” he says solemnly.  Her mouth twitches at the expression on his face, just a little, but she knows better than to laugh at her serious boy.
“Go ahead, Spock.”
“Do humans ever exhibit signs of telepathy or empathetic abilities?”
She blinks.  “Certainly.  Humans of non-human descent often take on such abilities.”
He frowns, just a little, and she sees she must have misunderstood him.  “But do humans ever spontaneously develop telepathic bonds with one another as children?”
Something in her stills.  She recalls her studies of the Eugenics Wars on Earth and takes a deep breath.  “Not in recent memory, but there are unconfirmed reports of such bonds developing before the Eugenics Wars.  It’s believed if the ability ever did exist naturally in humanity, it died out then.”  Amanda hesitates, then says, “There are some family records of that period to indicate that my ancestors may have possessed something like this ability.”
Spock’s face clears, and Amanda knows she guessed correctly.  “Spock,” she says gently, “have you experienced one of these bonds?”
“Yes, mother.  Six of them.  Nyota and Jim were unable to determine the origins of the bonds through their research, but I predicted you would have some knowledge of it.”  Something she wouldn’t hesitate to call satisfaction or pride on a human brushes across his face. 
“Six,” she breathes.  There is no reason to lie, and Spock’s preternatural telepathic abilities are well documented.  This is not beyond the realm of possibility. 
Sarek, she knows, will ask how long this has been happening, want to calculate the distance between Spock and these other people, measure the strength of the bonds.  But those are questions for Sarek to ask.
Instead, Amanda asks, “What are their names?” and sees her son’s face brighten for the first time in ages
Sharon monitors the signals from USS Shenzhou, USS Farragut, and USS Prometheus, all schedule to check in with Command today, when she notices a sonic anomaly in one of the transmissions.  Only, they don’t look like subspace, more—
“..hear me?  —lo, can you hear me? —fleet command, —me?”
Her eyes narrow.  That voice doesn’t sound right, and they’re not hailing from any assigned frequencies.  How the hell...
She boosts the transmission.  “This is Starfleet command; state your name and location.”
“Oh, thank god!  Uh, my name is Nyota Uhura and you have to send a ship to Tarsus IV, now!  Governor Kodos, he’s—”
The voice cuts out again.  Sharon frowns and responds.  “Kid, I have no idea how you got on this frequency, but this is reserved for Starfleet communications only.”  She makes a note in the log and then scrambles the line.
Only, five minutes later it happens again.
“Starfleet command, can you hear me?  This is Nyota Uhura again, you have to listen, please he’s ki—”
Who the hell is this girl?  “Listen, Uhura, this frequency is reserved for Starfleet Command.  You need to clear it for official business.”  She reaches out to scramble the line again when her voice comes through, much clearer this time.
“Please, he’s killing them, he’s shooting them!  You have to listen, please!”
Killing?  “Who’s killing who?” She says sharply, hands hovering over the controls.  God, what the hell, the girl sounds genuinely distressed.  Val’tk turns to look at her questioningly and she waves her hand at him.
“Governor Kodos, on Tarsus IV.  He’s—he shooting them.  He told them he had to kill them, the crops are failing, they don’t have enough food, please you have to send someone right now!”
“Tarsus IV?” Sharon replies.  “The new colony near uncharted space?”  She hesitates.  This would be a hell of a prank to play, but...
Muting her transmitter, she turns to Val’tk.  “When was the last transmission from Tarsus IV?”
He eyes her, but pulls up the logs anyway.  His eyes race over the data.  “A few days ago; nothing out of the ordinary.”
She frowns, and unmutes.  “Look, nice try, kid, but seeing as you’re on Earth and Tarsus hasn’t reported crop failures of any kind, there’s no way what you’re saying is true.”  A few more seconds and she initiates traceback on the signal, putting her somewhere in eastern African Confederation.  
“Now, I’m ordering you to surrender this line, as it’s reserved for Starfleet Command only.”  And she scrambles it again, kicking Uhura, whoever she is, off the frequency.
But then the kid comes back again.
“Starfleet Command, this is Nyota Uhura, again.  I’m not going to stop until you listen to me!  Please, just—please.  Jim needs your help!  They’re running away from the guards now but I think—I think everyone’s dead,” her voice breaks, and Sharon hesitates again.
Jesus, this is crazy, there’s no way.  But...oh, fuck it. 
“Look, Uhura, there’s no proof what you’re saying is true.  Where are you even getting this information?”  She asks.
The line falls silent, for long enough that she considers switching it off again, but then Uhura comes back. 
“You can...you can contact the Vulcan embassy. What’s your name?”
And now they’re back to crazy, but there’s still something about this...”Lieutenant Sharon Cartwright.”
“Lieutenant, contact the Vulcan embassy and tell them your name.  They’ll put you through to...to someone who can confirm what’s happening.”
“Look, kid, I don’t have time for—”
“Please, I’m begging you, please.  The longer you wait the more people are going to die, just contact the embassy!”
Fuck.  Is she really doing this?
“Hey, there’s...” Val’tk interrupts.  “Someone from United Earth just requested access to the Tarsus IV data transmissions.  It’s here in the logs.”  Sharon turns to him and feels something uneasy work through her stomach.
She stares at Val’tk for a long moment.  “Alright, kid.  Please hold.”
What even is the line for the Vulcan Embassy in San Francisco?  Her fingers fly through the contact list, and she pulls up their number.
Man, she’s going to get in so much trouble for this if they’re wrong.  “Vulcan embassy, this is,” she blows out, “Lieutenant Sharon Cartwright from Starfleet Command.  I’m told you can put me through to someone to confirm what’s happening on Tarsus IV?”
A pause, a long pause, where Sharon goes back to thinking, this is nuts, I just got pnked by some asshole with a ham radio, when the Vulcan says, “One moment.  Connecting you to Ambassador Sarek now.”
“Ambassador Sarek?” she blurts, but they’re already putting her through.
The ambassador doesn’t waste any time. “Lieutenant Cartwright, I can indeed confirm what Ms. Uhura has told you about Tarsus IV.  Governor Kodos’s guards have opened fired on the colonists, for reasons unknown at this time.  We do not yet know how many are dead.”
Sharon just...stops.  Checks that she’s really taking to the Ambassador from Vulcan again.  Stares back at Val’tk, who hasn’t stopped looking at her.
“I’m going to...put you through to Commander Aldrin, Ambassador.”  She mechanically transfer’s the Ambassador’s line, sends a notification that her CO needs to pick up the comm right the fuck now what the fuck is happening.
Then she takes Uhura off hold.  “Uhura, the Ambassador confirmed your story.  I don’t,” Sharon laughs shortly, hysteria bubbling up her chest, “I have no clue what’s going on, kid, but I’m pretty sure you do.  Where are you getting your information?”
Crackling silence, then, “I share a telepathic bond with one of the colonists.”
“And what’s his name, kid?”
“Jim Kirk.”
Telepathic bond, fuck.  How clear is it?  “What’s Jim Kirk,” she looks at Val’tk pointedly, “doing right now?” Val’tk moves hurriedly to pull the information up.  Fuck if this isn’t either of their jobs, but also fuck if Sharon’s going to foist this off on someone else.
“Running.  He’s—they’re running.  When he figured it out he grabbed people and they starting running and the guards started shooting and now they’re outside and it’s loud and—”
I put this kid on hold, Sharon thinks.  I kicked her off the line, twice.  “Okay, Uhura.  It’ll be—” alright? no it won’t, fuck, “the Ambassador is talking to Starfleet right now, we’re aware of the situation.  Just keep talking to me, okay?  Can you do that, Uhura?”
“...yes.  Yes, I can do that, Lieutenant.”
Chris blinks at the sight of that crazy Russian genius kid everyone keeps going on about waving his hands in Spock’s face yelling about math.
And then raises his eyebrows when Spock starts clearly arguing back, with more agitation in his movements than Chris has ever seen before, even that one time they got into it with the Tellarite delegation on that one planet.
Huh.  Now that he thinks about it, they’re about the same age, even though Spock seems so much older in Chris’s head.
“Lieutenant Commander Spock,” he calls out, stepping forward to insert himself into the conversation, just because he’s curious.
Spock immediately straightens and pulls out of whatever staring contest he’d been in.  “Yes, Captain.”  He salutes, picture perfect, while the Russian kid is still pulling himself out of whatever fugue math-rage he’s in.
“At ease.”  Chris nods to the kid.  “And who’s this?”
“Oh!”  He gets off a salute and immediately starts babbling.  “Chekov, sir, Pavel Andreievich.  Sorry, sir.  We were just arguing about the mass gap and Yang-Mills existence.”
“Of course you were.”
Hendorff spend the entire shuttle ride trying not to send angry, confused glances at Uhura.  His abdomen is still bruised like a peach from where she planted her foot in his stomach out of nowhere, just because he hit the townie hitting on her.
Yeah, he was buzzed, but she was clearly miles ahead of this asshole.  She should be thanking him.
But instead, she and the asshole spend the entire ride sitting next to each other, leaning into the space between them.  He’s had classes with Uhura before, last year, and they see each other in passing around campus; not once did she seem like she was...basking in anyone’s presence like she is right now.  Even helped him with his fucking seatbelt!
At least the asshole seems just as awed to be sitting next to her, but come on.  He calls bullshit.
And then the shuttle lands.
They dock right on campus and the other cadets start unlatching and pouring out the hatch, bleeding off in twos and threes while Captain Pike does final checks before shutdown.  Uhura and the asshole practically leap out the door, and Hendorff catches up just in time to see them crash into a group of cadets waiting just outside.
He recognizes them, mostly; the same guys Uhura spends all her time with.  Not that Hendorff is keeping tabs, its just that everyone knows who they are.  Academy rumor has it they’re either going to run the ‘fleet someday, or burn it to the ground.
All four of them, Uhura, Scotty, Sulu, and Chekov, have the asshole in a death grip, seeming to clutch at whatever part of him and each other they can reach.  He feels something like unease run down his spine.  Maybe...maybe they know each other?
Fuck, of course they knew each other, you don’t hug a stranger like that.  Now the question is how the hell do they know each other.
As he sidesteps them (still basically right in front of the shuttle hatch, like they hadn’t noticed they were in the way and about fifteen different people stopped to gawk) he hears the asshole say, “When does Bones get in?  And where the hell is Spock, huh?”
At that point, he mentally throws up his hands and surrenders to the confusion.  No fucking way he’ll figure out how a dumb hick from Iowa knows Starfleet’s brightest cadets and Lieutenant Commander Spock before even setting foot on campus.
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smallestflowtree · 23 days
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Proof of Life
After Leta Pavel's husband dies in a tragic accident she is determined to keep everyone else she loves safe, but problems arise in a way she didn't expect. AU, story is complete.
Chapters: One - Two - Three - Four - Five - Six
Spin-Off Fics:
Sofita and the Hunter (PWP, rated E): Sofe is glad to help her sister out but a month doing someone else's housework - and missing your own active social life - can take its toll. Fortunately, she's found someone to play with.
Welcome Home (rated G): Saleni Pavel is a month old so it's time to officially welcome her to Kilima.
Other Posts/Headcanons:
Original Pavel Girls AU post (with 5yo Saleni)
Further headcanons
Proof of Life sketch dump
Najuma and Saleni in the workshop
Also odd bits in my Proof of Life and Pavel Girls AU tags
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t-purstine-love · 4 years
T'Purstine AU where Nyota and T'Pring are in a biker gang (with like Spock, Scotty, Bones, and such) and Christine is a sweet town girl (friends with Jim, Pavel, Hikaru and such) and she's very attracted to Nyota and T'Pring. Then there's a quarantine thing and they're all stuck in Nyota's apartment.......
Spirk sideplot
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sparrowjaywrites · 4 years
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                                              My Little Blue Star
Jim Kirk x Kat Sparrow (Original Female Character): Soulmate AU - Identical tattoos or birthmarks
           Kat sighs staring down at the blue star on her wrist. She was almost thirty years old and hadn’t met her soulmate yet… which normally would mean she never would. Hell for all she knew they could be dead or already happily married with kids. The soulmate tattoos caused a lot of controversy. Many people used to have their kids soulmate tattoos removed when they were babies or children. That was until it was forbidden for a soulmate tattoo to be removed until a person was twenty-one years old. This was to prevent parents from forcing their children’s removed and to keep teens who thought they were in love from having it done.
           Many people would fall in love and get married only to later end up in a horrible situation when they met their soulmate. They would have to choose between their spouse and the person they were destined for. Most couples who weren’t soulmates got their tattoos removed at their ten year anniversary, others when they first got married, or when their kids were born. If one soulmate removed their tattoo the others would disappear, the same would happen if someone altered their tattoo; their soulmates would change as well; whether this was by adding to the tattoo, removing part of it, or having a scar change it.
           Some people had multiple tattoos, meaning either they were destined for a polyamorous relationship or they simply had multiple chances at finding a soulmate, or one of their soulmates was destined to die… something no one ever wanted to think about. But Kat simply had one. Her blue star had never changed… at least not as long as she could remember. It sat right over her pulse point on her left wrist. A simple light blue star with a black border… it looked almost like a sketch, with the multiple lines making up each edge. The star was faded, like someone had tried to wash it away… Pictures of her when she was born show the star being much more vibrant.
           “Kat, are you coming to dinner?” Kat looks up as her best friend pulls her from her thoughts.
           “Yeah, I’m coming, Nyota.” She closes down her station following her friend to the mess hall. Kat was head of computer sciences aboard the USS Enterprise. She had worked on the ship since the Nero incident a little over five years before. Nyota had already found her soulmate in her boyfriend Spock. At first the only friend Kat had on the Enterprise was Nyota. Then she’d introduced her to the rest of the head crew. Kat had instantly clicked with Hikaru and Pavel, the two instantly earning themselves a place as her best friends. Hikaru had also found his soulmate in his husband Ben. The two had a daughter now.
           “Hey, Kat” She smiles as Pavel waves her and Nyota over to them. Nyota sits down next to Spock, who is talking with Bones, another of Kat’s best friends. The doctor was yelling at him as usual while Spock simply raised an eyebrow in concern? At least that’s what she thought that face meant; the half-vulcan was very hard to read at times. Hikaru and Pavel seemed to be in the middle of some type of challenge, they each had houses built of forks in front of them and were adding more. Scotty and Keenzer were cheering them on. Jim, the captain of the ship was watching all this in amusement. That was their little family.
           “What exactly are you doing?” Kat asks as she sets her tray down.
           “I bet Pasha here that I could build a taller tower then him.” Hikaru says smirking. Kat shakes her head sitting down and eating her food. She pulls her blue sleeve back from her wrist to look at her tattoo again, letting her mind wander as she eats, absentmindedly listening to her friends argue and talk excitedly.
           “Are you worrying about that again?” She looks up as Bones addresses her. Kat quickly covers her tattoo with her sleeve. She wasn’t one to display her soulmate tattoo; many people didn’t, wearing black bands on their wrists to cover it. Normally Kat wore one as well, but hers had broken that morning. This made it a lot harder to find your soulmate, but kept you from finding them while in the middle of situation that was inappropriate, such as at work, or during a negotiation of some sort. The only other person in their friend group who had ever worn one was Jim. But Kat had noticed he’d stopped wearing his when it became legal for Captains to date their crew; so long as they disclosed the relationship to the admiralty, their first officer, and their head of medical.
           “Worrying about what?” Kat asks playing dumb, as she pushes her glasses up her face, a nervous habit she’d picked up as a kid. She was allergic to the medicine that fixed eyesight and so was one of the few people in the federation who needed them, something she had once been very subconscious about.
           “Your soulmate, you normally move your band to look at it or fiddle with the band when you’re thinking about it.” Nyota says. Kat scowls.
           “You people are too damn observant.”
           “You shouldn’t vorry; you’ll find zhem when iz’s time.” Pavel says placing another fork on his tower.
           “Not everyone does, Pavel. With my luck they’re either dead or already married.” Kat shakes her head.
           “Well you’ll never find them if you keep the tattoo covered like you do? I don’t think I’ve ever seen it?” Bones points out.
           “I thought you didn’t believe in the soulmate tattoos?” Kat counters crossing her arms. Bones had been married when his wife had found her soulmate and divorced him. He’d been very cynical about it since. It didn’t help his soulmate had removed their tattoo when he was around sixteen.
           “I believe in them, just don’t like em.” Bones counters.
           “I don’t think I’ve ever seen it either?” Hikaru points out.
           “I normally wear my band; it broke this morning though…” Kat shrugs.
           “But why hide it if you want to find yours, Lass?” Scotty asks. Kat looks away.
           “We weren’t allowed to show them in the orphanage or during the war…” She explains. “If we did we’d be beaten, arrested, or killed… It’s become a habit I guess…” Kat had grown up on the none federation planet of Arulan in an orphanage. A war had raged on the planet for most of her life. She had left the planet at nineteen to join the federation and a year later once she was a citizen of earth, to join Starfleet.
           “Oh…” The table falls silent. Kat stands up.
           “I’ll see you guys tomorrow.”
                                            ---Line Break---
           A week had passed since the day in the mess hall. Nyota had been pushing her to show her tattoo off ever since. She wasn’t being overly pushy about it, more reassuring than anything. Kat hadn’t bothered getting a new band. She figured her sleeve would be enough for most situations and figured Nyota and the others were right, if she wanted any chance of finding her soulmate she had to show it. They were on Shore leave on Yorktown that day as the ship needed repairs from a fight with a few Klingon war birds earlier that month.
“Okay, so the purpose of this trip is to show your tattoo to as many people as possible.” Nyota says as she drags Kat into a club where they would be meeting the rest of the head crew for drinks.
           “I know; you’ve gone over this ten times, Ny.” Kat shakes her head rolling her eyes. She was wearing a blue sundress, her tattoo completely uncovered for anyone to see for the first time in her life. Her long wavy brown hair was pulled back in a braid, courtesy of Nyota’s hair styling skills. Nyota drags her over to the others. Hikaru was dancing with Ben not far from the table, Pavel flirting with a girl nearby. Spock, Bones, and Jim sit sipping drinks. Scotty was playing pool with some guys from engineering.
           “Hello, Nyota, Kat.” Spock greets them as the two slide into the booth. Nyota next to Spock, Kat across from her beside Jim.
           “So I see you’re not wearing a bracelet. Decided to show off your tattoo?” Bones asks clearly a bit drunk already.
           “Yes, she has. Our goal tonight is to show it to as many people as possible, see if anyone recognizes it as their own or someone they knows.” Nyota says.
           “Well then, let’s see it.” Bones says leaning around Jim to see. Kat laughs shaking her head.
           “You’re nosy when your drunk, Bones.” She holds out her wrist hesitantly. Before Bones can get a good look, a waitress comes over to them asking for their drink order, Kat turns back ordering herself a scotch. Bones now distracted by his drink doesn’t ask again and the group falls into their usual conversations. After a while Nyota drags Spock onto the dance floor, Bones heading to the bar to get another drink.
           “So, your actively looking for your soulmate now?” Jim asks sipping his own scotch.
           “More or less… Nyota’s idea…” She shrugs.
           “You don’t seem too happy about it?”
           “It’s not that… I’m just not very comfortable showing it… I feel like I’m going to be arrested or attacked for it any minute… I know I won’t be but…” She looks down at her wrist running a finger over her star.
           “But fear isn’t logical.” Jim finishes. “I had to keep mine covered before… I didn’t want to find my soulmate on the ship, knowing I couldn’t be with them…” He says pulling the sleeve on his right arm up.
           “Makes sense” Kat nods. She runs her finger over her star once more before turning to look at him fully.
           “Have you ever imagined what your soulmate will be like?” Jim asks.
           “Yeah… I hope their nice, a good person ya know? But I don’t know what to think… my tattoo is still here but it’s faded… I would have thought it was supposed to be, but pictures of me as a baby show it being a lot more vibrant… I can’t help but wonder if my soulmate attempted to remove the tattoo and failed…” She explains a worried look clear on her face.
           “It could have been an accident or their parents? My mom tried to remove mine with a home remedy when I was a toddler, I only know because my older brother told me… She didn’t want me having one after my father died… something about not wanting me to go through that pain… she tried the same on my brothers… it didn’t work. Now mine’s all faded.”
           “That’s horrible…” Kat shakes her head.
           “Yeah… But I still like mine… my little star.” He smiles looking down at his wrist, Kat tries to make out his tattoo but is just at the wrong angle to see it.
           “A star?” She asks, glancing down at her own little blue star.
           “Yeah, it fits, with me loving the stars as much as I do… I hope she likes them as much as I do…”
           “Yeah, I mean, I’d be fine if it were a he or whatever they are… but I feel like they’re a she…”
           “What else do you feel they’re like?” Kat asks with a small smile.
           “Their favorite color is blue, and they love the stars and the ocean… They’re a cat person, but like dogs too.” He says with a thoughtful look. “They are a huge nerd.”
           “All that from one little tattoo?” She laughs.
           “Well, yes and no… I’ve daydreamed about them, whoever they are my entire life… got me through some of my worst moments.” He downs his drink.
           “I guess that makes sense… I was too busy trying to survive to get a chance to dream of stuff like that… I love my little blue star though… It fits me perfectly.” Kat says laying her left wrist on the table to show him her tattoo. Jim leans over to look at it, his eyes slowly widening.
           “Holy crap.” He mutters as he slowly looks up at her. Kat raises an eyebrow.
           “What?” Jim lays his right wrist beside hers. Right on his pulse point is a little blue sketch like star… her little blue star. Kat stares openly at the tattoos for a minute before she slowly looks up at him.
           “You’re my soulmate?” Jim asks, looking completely shocked. “All these years… we were right there… and we never knew?”
           Kat stares at him, her heart racing in her ears. She slowly and almost fearfully brings her right hand to trace the star on his wrist. As soon as she touches it a small shock shoots through her, not a bad shock like static electricity but an amazing one. The shock is like a bucket of cold water being poured over your head on a warm day, the satisfaction when you put the final piece of a puzzle together, like the first bite of your favorite desert, or hearing the chorus to your absolute favorite song. It’s like the first snow of winter, or first bud of spring. Absolute belonging, like the world finally making sense. Something Kat had never known. Like for the first time in her life, she was truly home.
           Kat looks up at him her brown eyes wide, made even wider by her glasses, locking with his bright shocked blue. Blue… just like her… no their little blue stars.
           “Oh my god…” She mutters out, she covers her mouth with her right hand her eyes flickering from his eyes back to their wrists then back to his eyes again.
           “Is… is that a good ‘oh my god’… or a bad one?” He asks slowly, looking at her nervously now. Kat blinks at him not getting his meaning for a moment. She moves her hand pushing her glasses up her nose.
           “A shocked one… I… oh wow… I never thought… that my soulmate could be… someone like you.” Kat says her eyes locking with his again.
           “I know… you probably expected someone better… Someone who deserves someone as amazing as you…” Jim says looking away, clearly misunderstanding her. “We don’t have to be together… I understand if you don’t want to be.” Jim says his voice breaking.
           “What? NO!” Kat shakes her head quickly, grabbing his right hand in her left frantically. “That is not what I meant!” Jim looks down at their hand then up at her confused.
           “Then what did you mean?”
           “I meant I never expected my soulmate could be someone as absolutely amazing and wonderful as you!” Kat says looking up at him desperately, worry clear on her face.
           “You… you think I’m wonderful?” Jim asks, a large grin slowly stretching across his face, happiness, wonder, and love replacing the hurt and pain. Kat nods slowly, her face turning red.
           “Well… yeah.” She looks down at their hands. Jim uses his free hand to lift her chin softly so their eyes a locked again.
           “I think you’re an amazing, wonderful, beautiful, strong, and sometimes a bit scary, woman. I couldn’t have been given a better soulmate.” He says sincerely. Kat stares at him tears starting to form in her eyes.
           “You… really think that?” Jim nods a large grin splitting his face tears sparkling in his own eyes.
           “That and so much more… I’ve liked you for a long time… hell much more than liked, but I didn’t want to make a move knowing you still had your tattoo meaning you were probably waiting for your soulmate…”
           “I was doing the same thing… we really are idiots.” Kat laughs a large grin splitting her face as a few tears leave a trail down it. Jim brushes the tears away.
           “May I… kiss you?” He asks after a moment. Kat nods her smile turning nervous again. Jim slowly leans in, kissing her softly. Kat kisses him back, her heart leaping with joy. After twenty-nine years, she was finally home. ---Line Break--- This is a repost of a story from 2016 originally posted on my main account that I have cleaned up and updated. I really like the little AU and figured it was time to clean it up a bit and move it here, I hope you all enjoy!
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can-scream · 4 years
1990′s: Howard North (1993), Drift (1994), Ire (1994), Jonah (1995), One Eyed God Prophecy (1995), Lae-Tseu (1996), Lost Kidz (1999), The Sainte Catherines (1999), Selfmademan (1999), Suck la Marde (c. 1999)
2000′s: But A Statue (2000), In Dying Days (2000), Collapse/Pechblende (2001/2005), The Discord of a Forgotten Sketch (2001), Kiss Me Deadly (2001), Cobra Noir (2002), The Expectorated Sequence (2002), Fall of Empire (c. 2003), Unblind Eyesight (c. 2003), A Quiet Night... For a Kidnapping (c. 2005), Black Ships (2005), Barrier (c. 2006), Milanku (2006), Le kraken (2007), Please don't put Charles on the Money (2007), T(h)undra (c. 2007), Hawkes (2008), HEY PREDATOR! (2008), Kale (c. 2008), Albatros (2009), Cardinals Pride (2009), The Catlin Elm (2009), Solids (2009)
2010′s: Nous Étions (2010), Black Love (2011), Copperfield (2011), Gulfer (2011), In Beliefs (2011), Marécage (2012), Politess (2012), Lonely Animals (2013), NoDirectionHome (2013), Saul Hittner (2013), Watch For Wolves (2013), Ya’aburnee (2013), Big Knife Little Knife (2014), Entheos (2014), Place d’Armes (2014), Carcajou (2015), Clayborne (2015), Commuovere (2015), Ekadashi (2015), Hérésie (2015), mayfields (2015), Pluum (2015), The Ultimate Screamo Band (2015), Bhatt (2016), J Ü N O (2016), PATENT (2016), sleeping field (2016), Banal (2017), Caton & Ophélie (2017), dianacrawls (2017), Hypoxie (2017), False Lives (2015), Marée Noire (2017), Au bout de mes lèvres (2018), Conatus (2018), Faults (2018), Bleak Rugiada (2019), Cerbèra (2019), Rockers (2019), MADARA (2019), Pnoom (2019)
2020′s: Bouvreuils (2020), Cell Press (2020), Lifespan (2020), Tumeurs (2020), Yearning (2021), Jetsam (2022), The Worst White Guys (2022), Glint (2023), Human Breed (2023), Cüm Cåuldrøn/tachyon (2023), Typeface (2023), blossom_ (2024), Lesser (2024)
New Brunswick: Remise (2011), Detweiler (2014), Oracle Sleep (2020), Rad Paisley (2022)
Nova Scotia: North of America (1997), Equation of State (c. 1998), Led By Regret (1998), The Plan (1999), Shrine Of American Martyr (c. 2000), Three Fine Days (2000), The Holy Shroud (2003), The Saros Cycle (2005), Castle Wolfenstein (2010), Crude Drawings of Dicks (2011), Oceans Apart (2011), bluebird (2013), Botfly (2013), johnny abatti (2013), King’s Girls (2013), Malibu Stacy (2013), Small Talk (2014), weak./Heiße (2014), Touch Fuzzy (2015), Bury Me at Sea (2016), Frail Hands (2016), Tandem War Elephant (2016), NEW RUINS (2017), Totems (2017), missive (2018), Pavel Stroke (2023)
P.E.I.: Tastes Like Burning (c. 1999), Pilot Episode (2011), 6:45 is Tea Time. (2012), UNCLE (2012), Antibodies (2017), DEADNAME (2019), Warsh (2019), Abraxas (2020)
Newfoundland and Labrador: Beaumont Hamel (2002), The Five Year Plan! (2003), SWORDS (2006), Map to Temenos (c. 2009), Polina (2010), TIED DOWN (2010), Kick Gut (2011), Veneers (2011), New Flesh (2013), Intern (2015), Kuronuma (2015), Gossamer (2018), Monroe (2019), Withered Crops (2019)
Last updated Aug 25, 2024
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xcziel · 5 years
Multi-Fandom Slash Fic Recs: Long reads for your quarantine needs
Was gonna add my own 2 cents for each rec, but it got long and I'll never post if I have to think about it anymore - may edit to add more commentary. Suffice it to say, these are all great long reads, not much angst, some smutty some not, highly improbable levels of things-working-out because it's fanfic and that's what it's for. Feel free to troll through my AO3 Bookmarks as well.
The One Where They're Stars on HGTV Series
Inception: Arthur/Eames
AU, 466,359 words 9 works Complete
"Have you ever seen "Love It or List It"? In which Arthur is the real estate agent and Eames is the designer.
Eames is certain that they will excel at being celebrity judges.
Arthur is not so sure.
But then, that's usually how their relationship goes."
My 2 cents: Just what it says on the tin: Arthur and Eames are HGTV stars of a show which pits straightlaced realtor Arthur against flamboyant designer Eames, but the new show they're embarking on will give them a chance to work together. Arthur has his reservations - not least among them the surprise arrival of Eames' superficially charming ex. Eames, of course, has all the confidence in the world. Featuring fun design challenges, mildly insecure Athur, fluffy confidant Ariadne, reality show 'backstage' melodrama, Arthur becomes a meme, Eames fantastical decorating schemes, a Matt Bomer lookalike complete with fedora (trilby), and acres of gauzy romantic fluff.
We Begin Again Series
Merlin: Merlin/Arthur
316,197 words 4 works
"For many long years Merlin waited.
For the other part of his soul, for the other half of his life. He was born to serve Arthur. So that meant he was also born to wait. Even if it took a thousand years. Even if the wait seemed never to end.
Until one day, suddenly, it did.
When Arthur stumbles from the Lake of Avalon 1,500 years after his death, he finds a world unlike the one he knew. Faced with the loss of everyone he loved, and the threat of impending prophecy, Arthur must learn what it means to be not just a king, but the Once and Future King. Merlin does all he can to guide him, even as he struggles to hide his love for his king, and his fear of losing him again.
Story includes sass, banter, horseplay, & True Love."
Infinite Coffee and Protection Detail Series
MCU: Steve/Bucky
264,438 words 8 works
"The mission resets abruptly, from objective: kill to objective: protect
Integration into adult human social dynamics requires attention and effort. Especially with this bunch of damaged bozos.
(A series of interconnected one-shots.)"
2 cents: Post-Winter Soldier Bucky works his own way through. Recovery fic from Bucky's POV, not shippy in the beginning (unless you consider MCU-canon-level co-dependency shippy I guess) and with added 'Avengers living in the Tower' flavor
The Sonnet Series
nekosmuse, afrocurl
X-Men: Charles/Erik
AU, 196,721 words 3 works
"Erik Lehnsherr is a visiting professor at Columbia University, as well as an acclaimed and award winning poet. Charles Xavier is a lead researcher with the Genetics Department who is well on his way to tenure. But what happens when Charles has to cancel a class because half his students abandon him in favour of a mysterious new English Lit professor? Naturally he ends up sitting in in the class, where Professor Lehnsherr mistakes him for a student. It's really too bad Erik has such a strict policy against dating students. It's also too bad Erik doesn't seem to know how to use Google."
Hollywood 'verse Series
Star Trek AOS: Kirk/McCoy
80,063 words 7 works
"From Variety, June 2008:
Pavel Chekov ("Charlie X") and Gaila ("Bread and Circuses") have joined the cast of small budget drama "That Which Survives," funded by Fleet's indie arm Academy and supervised by Nyota Uhura.
The debut feature from longtime script doctor Leonard McCoy, former show runner on sitcom "Three to Tango," centers on a college student coping with his father's terminal cancer. Chekov plays the son, Gaila the nurse. The father is yet to be cast.
Also attached are director James T. Kirk and producer Spock, the team behind the blockbuster spy-girl franchise starring Carol Marcus, the latest of which, "A Taste of Armageddon," opened last month.
(A modern-day Hollywood AU.)"
A Curious Carriage of Crystal and Cold
X-Men: Charles/Erik
AU, 114,261 words
"Charles, a miner from a poor village in the countryside, saves the life of Erik Lehnsherr, scion of a successful business family and the richest man on the planet Eisen. Charles is a telepath and somewhat anxious about it, while Erik abstains from relationships because the lights flicker and doors open and electronics vibrate when he gets too excited.
Also featuring a long-suffering sister, a foul-mouthed bodyguard, and a best friend with a heart that is definitely not gold.
In which there are princes, spaceships, long journeys, and old secrets uncovered. (An AU sci-fi fairytale)"
Shadowlord and Pirate King Series
Footloose, mushroomtale
Merlin: Merlin/Arthur
AU, 216,060 words 3 works
"A fast ship, a good crew, a treasure, a Clan to lead -- that's all Arthur Pendragon has ever wanted. He sits on the Council, he supports his father's kingship, and he keeps an eye on the Imperial Conglomerate when they come too close to Pirate space.
One day the Conglomerate infiltrates the Clans and poisons the King. Arthur must search for a cure to keep his father alive and the Clans from civil war.
An escape route, a sharp knife, a target, the shadows at his command -- that's all Merlin has ever needed. He fulfills his assignments, he uses the Sterling to sustain his once-royal House in their exile, and wages a private war against the Imperial Conglomerate.
When he learns of an elaborate plot to assassinate him, Merlin does the opposite of what's expected. He flees onto a Pirate ship.
There's a saying among the Pirates: that one's fate is written in the stars. Destiny will always set to rights what has been made wrong.
Arthur and Merlin know that they were meant for the other from the moment they meet. They can feel it from across the galaxies separating them. Nothing can stop them from being together or from fulfilling an ancient prophecy."
Children, Wake Up Series
Star Wars sequels: Kylo Ren/Armitage Hux
non-canon after Force Awakens, 608,083 words 3 works
Warning for torture and past sexual assault (offscreen)
"Hux follows orders and loses his way.
Barricaded in the darkness of Snoke's citadel as part of his final training, Kylo Ren senses a disturbance in the Force: General Hux in great pain, captured and tortured by a faction of radical traitors within the First Order. Ren seeks Snoke's counsel and finds him gone. He knows this is a test, and that he must resist the urge to assist the General. And yet."
2 cents: I don't even know. I started just to look at it and then somehow I couldn't stop. Two characters I find wholly irredeemable given back story enough to make me suspend disbelief just enough to enjoy the fic - now that's talent. Features background Finn/Rey and Luke/Wedge if you care about that, and generally has everyone written in a positive light except Snoke, including a surprising handful of of First Order refugees. It's weirdly not at all a dark fic, despite the premise and extreme levels of Force Ex Machina.
snipers solve 99% of all problems
Fullmetal Alchemist: post-canon gen
HP crossover, 170,861 words, 59 chapters so far, WIP
"Ed had thought, after the whole Promised Day, homunculus, entire country harvested for alchemical batteries thing, the batshit quotient of his life would have settled down some. He really ought to have topped out the meter with that one. But no. The bullshit is just getting started.
“Are you fucking kidding me,” Ed demands. “The wizards?”"
2 cents: Neither of these are my fandom, but I have read all the HP books, so I could get the gist. While jonesing for an update, I ended up bingeing FMA: Brotherhood and I have no regrets. Ed working alchemy-as-science and trying to translate wizardry into scientific alchemical workarounds is all I never knew I wanted. Team Amestris takes JKR's creation to school, with all the swearing you'd expect sprinkled throughout for ambiénce.
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ao3feed-spirk · 11 months
nothing according to plan (all according to fate).
read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/51059242 by ur_local_aang_kinnie AU; Pirates & Royalty. Prince S'chn T'gai Spock, Heir to the throne of Vulcan, Beholder of the Stones of Logic, Divinely Appointed Child of Surak, Paragon of The Desert, Caesar of Piety, is scheduled to be wed in one week's time to a girl he barely knows and loves even less. After the disappearance of his elder brother, Spock was now the heir to his father's crown. He was-- is-- dismayed at the idea of such power, of such responsibility, but he had long since accepted the course his life would take... Or, so he thought. Meanwhile, James T. Kirk, a wanted criminal by the Federation, noted smuggler and occasional gun for hire-- along with his band of misfit outlaws in their tin can of a spacecraft-- are on the run from a Starfleet vessel currently tailing them with intents to put them on trial for the recent theft of some rather important Bajoran artifacts to be sold on the Black Market. After they've presumed the cops to be gone, they take a quick stop on Vulcan to kidnap their crown prince in hopes of a ransom payment, a payment they desperately need to get the parts necessary to fix their damaged ship-- but soon it's quite evident that they got more than they bargained for. Words: 2355, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Star Trek, Star Trek: The Original Series Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen, M/M Characters: James T. Kirk, Spock (Star Trek), Sarek (Star Trek), Montgomery "Scotty" Scott, Nyota Uhura, Pavel Chekov, Hikaru Sulu, Original Male Character(s), Original Female Character(s), T'Pring (Star Trek) Relationships: James T. Kirk/Spock Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Pirate, Alternate Universe - Royalty, Kidnapping, Illegal Activities, United Federation of Planets (Star Trek), Starfleet (Star Trek), Chronic Pain, Vulcan, Vulcan Culture read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/51059242
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