#ok Tumblr you've won me back over
echantedtoon · 4 months
Oblivious Crushes Ch2 Urogi And Karaku
(Hey everyone. I just wanted to thank everyone who read this far and liked my story enough to read it to it's end. I had a lot of fun writing it and it makes me happy knowing some people loved it enough to read it fully. If you liked this consider checking out my other works. Thanks to everyone for reading this, faving it, or leaving a nice comment. And thank you to Koyoharu Gotouge for creating such wonderful characters and giving me the opportunity to make this wonderful story.
Warnings for alcohol consumption mentioned, Karaku IS his own warning, possibly some innuendos, and some cussing.
Just for context. If you didn't already know this is a modern au fic and obviously I'm NOT doing a Zohakutan x Mitsuri. This is just a funny what if idea based on the art by @hawnkoi / @hawnkoii on Tumblr. Kinda based within Kimetsu Gauken and will probably be ooc with the four main clones and short but screw it! Let's go!
ALSO!! I'm going off the headcannon that Karaku is already very flexible. Have you seen him doing those backflips and cartwheels in the anime? Plus it's kinda cannon Mitsuri knows ballet with all the twirls she does. I had to research a LOT of ballet stuff for this )
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If you had told him a few months ago that he'd fall for the most beautiful, chatty girl on campus.. Honestly he probably would've believed you.
It wasn't really a big secret that he's been around on plenty of dates. Not quite as much as his identical green eyes brother but enough to be known for his own fun loving personality. He liked to say that no one who hung out with him date or otherwise was bored. Quite a few parties he's thrown. Lost count of how many drinking contests he's won in the past two university years, only loosing to Karaku whom he could respected. But it was on only one of these days that he actually caught sight of her. 
He thought that whole infatuation at first sight thing was just in movies. Y'know. Hollywood stuff so people would watch more chick flicks. However it was like time slowed in that particular moment he was leaving the hallway with Karaku and about to enter the campus library, they were supposed to meet two of their brothers after their tutoring session and then the lot of them would leave to visit their gramps and little brother over the weekend. However when Urogi went to grab the doorknob, it flew open and something solid ran  into him. Something hard enough to send him stumbling back and falling onto his back hard with something landing on top of him in a heap. 
"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! Are you ok?!", a voice squealed out above him.
Blinking his vision slowly focused and he found himself frozen. Time seemed to slow down and he looked up in awe at the beautiful face in front of him. The light hit her face just right from the window as cheesy as it sounds, and lit up her worried eyes staring down at him with that worried frown making her bottom lip pout and her cheeks puff out slightly but enough to make her look all the more cuter. One of the two giant braids hanging from her head knocked into his cheek...All he could answer out in that moment was a wide eyed wheeze. 
"HAHAHA! I think you knocked the wind outta him, Mitsuri." And all at once his vision was taken away from him. Two hands grabbing her by the waist and hauling her up off him and to her feet as his brother laughed. Karaku smiled widely at the woman who looked worried at the smiling man. "Wasn't expecting to see you here. Late night studying?"
She shook her pretty head making her braids sway and the green eyed man smile more. "No. I was actually tutoring your brothers!"
His eyes widened slightly in realization. "Ah! So that's how you've been makin' that extra dough. I didn't know you were teachin' Sekido. How many pencils did he break this time?"
"None! He's getting a lot better!," she smiled up at him and giggled making a rare pink come to his face.
"Yeah...So I've meaning to ask you." A hand rubbed almost nervously on the back of his neck. "Since I gotta miss our weekend sessions, do you wanna make up for it next week wh-when you're free?"
She happily nodded again. "I'd be happy to! But I really gotta go now." She cutely hopped from foot to foot. "I promised my friend I'd meet her when I was all done and I forgot the time and Sekido got stuck on that algebra problem- AH!" Karaku chuckled as she cutely grabbed her cheeks with a squeak. "And I'm making myself more late! I gotta go! See you next week! I'm so sorry again!!"
Within a few seconds she waved at Karaku, bowed apologetically, and then raced off down the hallway off to who knows where leaving the two standing there.
"Hey, Banana Eyes." Karaku leaned over his brother still splayed across the floor. "You gonna get up or do you need a forklift?"
Urogi did sit up. Slowly. Wide eyed and in awe glancing at where she disappeared. "..Who was that?"
"Mitsi? She's from my dance class. Y'know? The one I take on weekends. Here." Urogi was hoisted up to his feet by Karaku a moment later. "It helps keep me in shape. You guys keep saying it's really weird remember?"
"Huh? Oh. R-Right."
Karaku rose a brow at his brother's distracted gaze. "Uh. Are you sure you're ok? She did knock you on your ass pretty hard back there."
"Huh? Oh. Y-Yeah. I'm good. Let's just go catch up with the guys."
He wasn't planning on dwelling on the thought any longer. The weekend trip helped somewhat. Getting to see their gramps and grouchy little brother helped take his mind off her for three days max. Tuesday turned out to be the bane of his existence as the moment after class Karaku rejected his offer to join him for a night at the local bar and grill (honestly the placed cooked some really delicious chicken so you didn't just have to go to get hammered for the night) but was surprised when he turned him down.
"Can't. Mitsi's helping me catch up on what I missed last class."
At this his brother gave him a deadpanned look. "Uh. Yeah? I've been taking dance classes since forever remember?" As if to make a point he held up a small backpack slung over his shoulder. "I go every Saturday, Dude! How could you forget?"
"Oh yeah. Right, right. Um. So you're practicing with that Mitsy-"
"Mitsuri girl! How about you let me tag along?"
Color Karaku surprise as his brows rose at Urogi's nervous smile. "You? You want to come? Uh. Y'know it's not gonna be a real class right?" His green eyes narrowed suspiciously eyeing the nervous smile on his brother's face. "It's just a catch up for me. Also why would YOU of all people wanna come, Mr. Dancin'-Is-For-Girls?"
Good question. It was because it would look WAY too obvious to everyone if he just randomly decided to join the tutoring stuff she did. Plus he really didn't want to bother Aizetsu or Sekido about letting him join. Aizetsu would just flat out say 'no' and Sekido would just tell him to quite bothering him in typical yelling fashion. So really the only way to see her without getting too obvious was to tag along with his bro under the guise of being bored. It could work since he's always tagging along with him anyways. But he was sure judging by Karaku's suspicious face that he wasn't buying it this time.
"Aw. C'mon, Bro. I've been stuck up with homework all day." He slung an arm over his brother's shoulders as casually as he could  smiling. "I'm bored! And there's nothing to do around here. It'll be funny seeing you prancing around in a tutu-"
"It's a leotard, Asshole!" His arm was shrugged off as Karaku frowned. "And for your information it's NOT easy to 'prance around'! It actually takes years of practice and it's great exercise. Now if you're done shitting on my hobby, I'm gonna be late!" 
Urogi frowned as his brother just pushed past him and began walking away from him. This wasn't going as planned! So in a panic he ran to catch up with him. "H-Hey! I was just joking! I didn't mean to rile you up! C'mon! I can keep my mouth shut! Just lemme come-"
"Fine!", Karaku barked snapping a look over his shoulder, "But you're gonna stay in the audience and away from us! The last thing I need is you making fun while I'm trying to catch up with something actually important to me!"
"Got it! You won't even know I'm there!"
"Doubt it."
Urogi kept his mouth shut(for now) and just silently followed his brother out of their dorm and across campus. Karaku made one stop which was to randomly stop and rip out a handful of pretty hydrangeas and roses from nearby bushes (Which was probably against University rules) before he continued on and both found themselves at the Uni's theater. Ah. Right. Theater kids and geeks met up here. Honestly probably the perfect place to practice frilly dances besides the gym. He was caught off guard slightly when Karaku made him stop and firmly pointed at the audience seats. Ah. Right. He said he'd be quiet and sit out there. It annoyed him but his other choice was just looking like an ass in front of the cute chick he wanted to meet so he chose the less incriminating route and trudged himself into the rows of seats. It was exactly what you expected. Rows upon rows of seats, big curtains, a giant wooden stage in the center, a really beautiful girl in a pink leotard doing twirls on the stage-
Urogi tripped doing a double take falling between two rows of seats with a loud thud-
...His head popped back up quickly and yellow eyed widened in realization. IT WAS HER!! She was oblivious to him in the audience doing a rapid motion of tiny steps forward before stopping in place and twirling more on one foot with her hands above her head. Ironically her hair wasn't in long braids this time but a giant braid-bun combo on her head but that didn't matter she still looked beautiful. However despite doing ballet (at least he was pretty sure it was ballet) she didn't wear a tutu. Instead it was a full body pink leotard with white leggings. It enhanced her already pretty figure. She did a few more twirls until she stopped and instantly smiled as his brother walked onto the stage wearing a similar green get up. He was too far away to hear what exactly they said but she sure looked happy when Karaku handed her the (stolen) flowers and said something that made her giggle much to his delight. Oh gods- SHE LOOKED SO CUTE WHEN SHE LAUGHED!! SHE WAS LIKE A REAL ANGEL!! He remained mostly silent in hiding watching them (her-) as they interacted for the next hour until he got an idea into his head that he would soon regret later-
"You want to what?"
"I wanna try out your twirly dance class." His brother stared silently. "I saw her- I mean you both doing that dance thingy and it looks like fun! I wanna give it a try too!"
Karaku stared at him like he suddenly grew another head. "Uh-...You are kidding right? The classes I take is for experienced professionals that's done it for years and close to graduating. Not for people who's literally never even tried doing it." Karaku pointed out gesturing to him up and down. "You could get seriously hurt if you try doing it!"
"Aw! C'mon. It can't be that hard! I just tiptoe around and spin right?"
His brother frowned harder. "Uh. No. There's literally so many things that you gotta get good at first. Balance, muscle build up, flexibility- The closest to that you've ever done was the time you got wasted on the merry-go-round last spring festival. You don't even have the proper shit to wear!"
"DUDE PLEASE!!," Urogi begged which again caught Karaku off guard. Urogi rarely was serious let alone begged. "Just this once! I promise I'll stop bugging you! Just give me a break-"
"Alright fine! Geez. Now I know how 'Kido and Aizetsu feels."
He lit up smiling. "Dude!" And happily grabbed his shoulders. "You're the best! Love ya!"
"Uh huh. *sigh* We're holding a class for beginners next week, you can join that since it's less likely you'll break anything. I'll let ya borrow a spare outfit but YOU'RE-" Karaku tapped his finger into his chest a few times. "-paying for the class yourself. Got it?"
"Got it! I mean it, Dude! I owe ya big time!"
"You got that right."
Yes! This was perfect! This was his chance! All it would take was one car ride over there and one class to get a chance to chat with the beautiful angel! Nothing can go wrong now!
"Hi, Everyone! Welcome to the beginners class!"
Urogi stood there giving a nervous shiver every so while. A green leotard and tights identical to the one Karaku wore clinging to his body way too tightly as he stood there embarrassed amongst the other students who were all girls giving him an amused look. He felt embarrassment like none before meanwhile the beautiful angel smiled widely in front of them all along with his brother trying his hardest not to laugh at him but failed as his shoulders shook slightly with laughter. How more humiliating can you get?
"My name is Mitsuri and this is Karaku!," she brightly introduced herself before motioning to his brother whom only gave a friendly nod. "Unfortunately the instructor is busy rehearsing a very important play so we're here to run you through the simple basics! But don't worry, we're not going to be doing any actual dances today! Today is all about just getting the basics down and working on your flexibility!"
Gods he wanted to disappear. It's ok! He just had to power through it is all!
She held up a whole hands. "Now you might already know this but for those who dunno there's five basic positions in ballet. They're all really easy to remember since they're literally just called first position, second position, and so on! We're going to go over them real quick. First the first position!" Her body shifted into a stance. "First you point your toes outward and squeeze your heels together like so!"
Ok. The positions were awkward and tense to do but they weren't too hard to get through. It'd be easier if Karaku wasn't trying to die from laughter the entire time enbarrassing him more and making his face red in embarrassment. He was just jealous that Urogi was getting the basics down probably better than he did! There's nothing to it! Watch him sweep the angel off her feet with his flawless exercises! They were in the middle of something called a first arabesque which was just a sorta flamingo pose where he stood on one leg while splaying his arms and other leg out-
His leg shook badly. The strain all those poses giving out. His face panicked. And then he fell face first into the polished wooden floors with a loud thud that had everyone looking at Urogi. Karaku snorted loudly but quickly stiffled it as Mitsuri shot him a look.
"Don't make fun of him! It's his first time! Everyone makes mistakes!," she scolded him before looking back to Urogi in pity. "Hm.. He's probably not used to such stretches yet." It was that moment that she smiled with an idea. "I know! Now would be a great time for flexibility exercises!"
It was then Karaku's face immediately dropped his smile. He looked almost horrified looking at Mitsuri, then at Urogi picking himself up annoyed, and then back to Mitsuri. "Um. Maybe it's a little too early for that, Mitsi. Let's just stick to posing today-"
"Nonsense! Flexing out the muscles will totally help!" She waved him off. "Ok everyone. Find a partner! We're going to be doing a flexibility exercise practice!"
Suddenly Karaku didn't look so amused anymore. Apparently these flexing exercises meant that they were just gonna sit themselves on the floor and hold hands while you stretched out your legs?? Ok! Yeah! He could totally do that! Easy least! Mitsuri had Karaku help demonstrate by sitting across from her and helping by pushing her legs back until she was in a splits position. She smiled at everyone gazing their own attempts. The girls were actually a lot better at doing this than he was. Instinctively he kept pulling his legs back into himself which she frowned at. 
"No, no. Urogi, you're doing it all wrong."
"I'm trying! I'm pretty sure men aren't supposed to bend this way!"
"Karaku does!"
"Yeah? Well my brother is a freak of nature."
Karaku frowned at him from where he was sitting but Mitsuri only smiled. "How about I give you a hand?"
Karaku looked horrified as the color drained from his face and Urogi's eyes widened. "UH! It's alright, Mitsi. I know Urogi better so I should probably help him-"
"Oh no!," Urogi cut him off with a large happy grin. "I think I'd be more comfortable with a real professional!"
Karaku's face couldn't have gotten more pale as he watched Mitsuri stand up and walk over to Urogi as if Karaku was watching someone walking into their own demise. Urogi however was in absolute awe happily watching as his old partner switched places and allowed the beautiful angel to sit down and smile at him fully. He felt his heart pick up and his burn a hot red as she took his hands tightly all with that cute smile directed at him-
"Good luck. You're not gonna be able to walk the rest of the week."
"Huh? What di-"
Urogi barely turned to look at his brother over his shoulder and his speech was cut off when without warning her hands clamped down tightly on him and her legs snapped his back. His vision exploded white and an unbearable pain shot through his body- 
"Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow."
"I tried to warn ya. I told you it's not easy and you could get hurt but did you listen to me? Of course not."
"Just shut up!"
Karaku wasn't wrong. Sadly. He felt like he sat on a chair made of nails for an entire day! His legs shook and wobbled with each step he tenderly and slowly took as his body shook and wobbled like a newborn deer walking for the first time. Karaku for once didn't laugh and looked mixture of irritated and pitiful. Thank God they didn't have to walk the entire way back to the dorms. 
"B-Be honest," Urogi winced and whimpered as he still slowly walked. He might actually cry from this. "H-How bad does it look?"
"It looks like you froze your entire legs in Antarctica for a hundred years, got drunk, and then tried walking when you got no dam feeling in them," Karaku bluntly replied making his brother wince more in embarrassment. "*sigh* I can't believe you did all that just to try and hit on her!"
"I wasn't!"
"Oh please! It was obvious! The only one who didn't notice was Mitsi and honestly she's pretty dense when it comes to flirting with her. Believe me I tried." Another whimper out made the green eyed man sigh. "Look. Instead of putting yourself through hell like an idiot, why don't you just sign up for her tutoring on a different day than Sekido and Aizetsu's? I'll even ask her to fit you in somewhere."
His watery yellow eyes went wide. He could hug Karaku right now If his entire lower half didn't feel like he got hit by a train. "Yo-You'd do that for me?"
"*sigh* Yeah. I don't think I can stomach you putting yourself through another circus act. Sides you can use the extra help. Have you seen your science score?"
"GREAT!..Uh..By the way, how far did you park?"
"Not too far. Why?"
"Can we just pretend I'm drunk and have you carry me the rest of the way back to the car? I literally can't feel my ass."
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hibuscuzshorz · 2 months
𝖌𝖔𝖑𝖉 𝖈𝖔𝖆𝖘𝖙
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MDNI: 18+ ~ Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Francisco Morales x F!reader
Word count:
Warnings/Tags: smut, dom/sub,choking,vaginal fingering, aftercare, unprotected p in v,pretty big age gap,head,loss of virginity, fingering, oral, creampie,degradation, spanking, daddy kink, not proofread, strangers to lovers.
Creds: starry night headers: (above and below) @thecutestgrotto , pictures from pinterest, top graphics made by me.
Chapters: 1/?
Vibes: Ivy by Frank Ocean,Tejano Blue by Cigarettes After Sex, Champagne Coast by Blood Orange
(notes from me, please read) ok so this is my first fic posted on tumblr, still getting the hang of the outline and other stuff, but I really hope you enjoy this fic, and hopefully my writing isn't too bad! Thanks and have an awesome summer!
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Chapter 1:
You were absolutely stunned when you first laid eyes on your new neighbour next door. He was tall, muscular, and he looked like a greek god. He was the prettiest man you had ever seen.
Your apartment itself wasn't very spacious, but the best part about it was that it had a ginormous balcony, which now you realised that it would be useful in spying on your hot new neighbour. (not that you'd ever do that-right?) And in your favor, he spent the first few days sunbathing out on his balcony, with nothing but swim shorts on; awesome.
As time passed, your obsession with him only grew, sometimes to the point where you'd wait hours on your balcony just to see if he would come out and the two of you would finally have an interaction. Then again, you really wanted to just knock on his door and introduce yourself, which you were scared to do. What if he hates me? What if he's actually really mean? What if he- your thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a knock at your door.
Oh, its probably just Kaia, here for her lipstick. You thought, sighing to yourself as you walked towards the door. It definitely was not Kaia, but your neighbour that stood in front, towering over you. Your face turned red in an instance, mouth almost agape. "Oh! Hey, you must be the new neighbour? You live right next door right?" You said, voice trembling. "Yeah, hey. I'm Francisco!" He held out his hand, and you grasped it in a handshake; and boy were his hands nice. "Well, I'm y/n, its great to meet you!" You said, definitely still blushing. "Cool, nice to meet you, y/n. I'm here for a power adapter, just wondering if you had one?" He said, his voice was so gentle, yet rough in way which mesmerized you.
"Huh? Oh um, let me just check really quick, I'm sure I have one somewhere..care to come in?" You asked nervously, as you fidgeted with your hands. "Oh no I'm okay, I need to meet up with a few of my friends in like 5 minutes." he said with a chuckle. "Oh no worries, let me just go get the adapter then!" You said, smiling. Ohmygodwhattheheckhowisthismansohandsome you thought, trying to not giggle and act like you've just won the jackpot of all neighbours ever. You ransacked your drawer in your bedroom, and finally found the adapter, rushing back to the door to hand it to him.
"Here! Hopefully this one will work." You said, dusting it off as you gave it over. "Thanks a lot!" He smiled. It was silent for the next few seconds."Standard Heating Oil, I like it." you pointed out what his hat read, only because you felt like it was getting awkward. "Oh, what-my hat? Ha, thanks!" He replied with a chuckle. You smiled back, once again admiring his physique. "Well, I should go, I'm probably already late. It was nice meeting you, y/n. I guess i'll see you around?" He asked. "Oh yeah! For sure." You smiled shyly as you watched him disappear into his own place, with a wink.
That was so hot, what he just did.
Days passed, and the two of you bumped into each other often, most times passing bye with a smile, or a hello, other times you'd stop and chat about the weather, news, and even your personal lives. Francisco was a gentleman as well (like who would have guessed right.), he would hold elevator doors for you, help you carry your groceries, and do whatever men like him do. You were head over heels for him.
The more you two got to know each other, the more you thought that you'd have a chance with him.
July 29th. After many friendly interactions among the both of you, you finally decided to make a move, which was baking...and it didn't turn out great. Usually you were quite good at making food, but today just wasn't it. The blueberry muffins that you had made didn't rise properly, but the taste on the other hand was delicious, which is why you decided to give a few to Francisco; not to get rid of them, well, yes to get rid of them, but also to be nice! You carefully wrapped them up and made your way to his place. As soon as you knocked, he answered. It was like he had been waiting for you.
"Hey y/n, what's up?" He asked, his lips curving into a smile as he made eye contact with you, making your stomach flutter. "Okay, so I made some muffins. They didn't turn out the best, but trust me, they taste really good. I promise-" "They look amazing, okay?" Francisco gazed down at you, his big brown doe eyes seeming to glitter. You swore you could have passed out just by staring at him. "Uh, okay um, do you want to try one now or-" You fumbled with your words, trying to stay calm. "It would be my absolute pleasure." You handed him one nervously. Your hand grazed his and you froze, not knowing what to do. But Francisco on the other hand just smirked. What a guy.
"Oh holy smokes these are amazing. You did not tell me you baked." Francisco said, his face lighting up as he bit into a muffin. "Ughhh oh my gosh.." He moaned, devouring the entire thing in 3 bites. "Sooo, Im guessing you liked it? It isn't my best work." You said quietly. "Y/n, are you kidding me? I swear this stuff is better than drugs, or whatever the kids smoke these days." He said, reaching for another. "Aw thanks!" You grinned from ear to ear, blushing again. "Ohmygawsh this is amazing." He chuckled, finishing his 2nd muffin. "You know...their not that hard to make right? I can show you sometime if you want." You finally said, hoping that your comment won't go two ways. "Are you asking me to a date, y/n?" He asked sternly, his face expressionless. "Oh shoot maybe it's too early-I didn't mean, I-it's-i'm sorry-" You stuttered, feeling absolutely horrible. Holy crap, I messed up big, oh no.
"Y/n, you okay? I didn't say no. What day are you free?" Francisco replied, laughing. "I'm sorry if i came out harsh I didn't mean too." He sighed. "Oh! It's no problem! I'm free any day. Will next monday work?" You asked hesitantly. "Sure i'll check. You need my contact?" "Oh uh, sure thanks." You tried to stay calm, but getting Francisco's number was the biggest move ever.
Holy crap.
Upon arriving home, you crashed onto the couch, trying to gather your thoughts and comprehend what had just happened. Could this be the beginning of a new chapter of your life? Okay maybe don't get too carried away.
Ping! Your phone went off. 'Is this y/n?' read a text. ohmygoshitsfranciscohetextedme. You hurriedly picked up your phone. to respond. 'Yeah it is, is this Francisco?' you typed back anxiously, noticing his profile picture set as him holding a machine gun, posed with what seemed to be his friends. God, how does this man look even hotter in a low-resolution picture. Three bubbles appeared on the screen, making your heartbeat 10x faster. Then, 'Monday works for me! Do you want to do 5pm? BTW, I already finished the muffins. 😉' You could feel your core tighten just at the sight of the text. It took you at least a minute to gather yourself before responding: '5 works for me! See you then?' 'Yep, see you Monday :)' He typed back.
The next two days that passed seemed like millennia. Each hour felt like a day, especially when Francisco was nowhere to be seen. You'd fight the urge to knock on his door every, what, 5 seconds?
Finally, the day arrived: Monday. Yet you'd still have to wait 14 hours until you could see him. (It's 3am and you've been up all night thinking about him. (Crazy right.) After the sun came up, you spent all day picking out a casual yet breathtaking outfit, (finally deciding on shorts and a graphic tee) cleaning the whole house, and buying groceries.
A light knock was heard from the door. Thinking that it may have been a delivery for the new table you had gotten, you messily put your hair in a bun and made your way to the front door. Upon opening it, you soon realised that it indeed was not the delivery guy.
"Oh my-I'm so sorry I look horrible right now, I genuinely thought you were the delivery driver!" You squeaked nervously. "No it's not your fault, and you look great. I was just wondering if this table was yours? It was placed at my door a few hours ago." You noticed his big strong arms curled around a big cardboard box and couldn't help but stare. "I'm sorry about that, maybe I put in the wrong house number. Thanks so much for bringing it over here!" You smiled as you tried to take it from him but failed miserably as of how heavy it was. "You need some help?" He asked, raising an eyebrow, which made you blush. "Oh sure thing, thanks so much." You replied, helping him carry it inside.
After setting it down, you offered he'd stay and just make muffins now, in which he agreed to.
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End: Chapter 1.
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bluemusickid · 3 years
A Love So True: Part 3
Pairing: Chris Evans x Fem!Reader
Warnings: none, language, angst, tears, talk of past memories, minors DNI
A/N: Wow, this was long overdue. Please don't kill me for the late update lol, the writer's block was quite long this time. This may feel like a slow paced-fic, but trust me, I'll make it worth your time. Thank you so so much for all the love and support you've shown my work, and for patiently waiting for this part. It warms my heart that people are actually reading and enjoying what I am putting out. As always, likes are welcome but reblogs are appreciated. Let me know what you feel about this new chapter and what you think is coming next! Kthanxbaiiii💓
I no longer do taglists, if you wish to be notified of my newest updates, pleeeease follow @lexiscyberlibrary ​, and switch on the notifications! Check out my masterlist for more stories!
My blog is 18+, MINORS DNI. You are responsible for your own media consumption. Please read the warnings before you start reading. I publish my work only on AO3 and Tumblr, nowhere else. I do not give permission to translate or reproduce my work anywhere else. Not beta'ed, any mistakes, grammatical or otherwise are entirely my own.
Gif by @a7estrellas . Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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Part 1 || Part 2
Sinking to the cold, hard ground, your mind raced. He was a part of your past. That's why he felt familiar. That's why your mind was acting up. All the little signs, all the warning bells, they finally made sense. He knew, and yet, he'd stayed silent. Like everyone else.
You heard the door open behind you, as you stiffened, not wanting to face him right now. He didn’t say a word as he sat next to you, keeping a gap in between. You were thankful for that. It was really tough to be next to him, let alone face him or meet his eyes.
“I’m sorry.” he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. Your tears started again, as you relived all the moments of the past few months, a bitter undertone staining them. He knew, and yet he strung you along. It made you feel like such a dunce.
It was just one word. A word he should have anticipated, and he should have had an answer for. But he didn’t. He was too caught up in making you fall for him again. 
“The doctors said-”
“I don’t give a SHIT about what the doctors said! I don’t care about what my psychiatrist, my family or my friends said! Why did YOU do it?”
“Sweetheart, if you could just come inside and talk, you’re shivering.” he implored, his gaze fixed on your shivering form.
“I’m not coming in. I can’t. Tell me now, or drop me home. I won’t go back into a house where I apparently had a lot of history.”
Chris sighed. He could tell you were angry, upset and hurt, and rightfully so. He should've been upfront from the start.
"Ok. How about I take you home so that we can talk? I promise, I'll tell you whatever you want to know. Just...please don't shut me out, honey."
His term of endearment brought on fresh tears in your eyes. There was something so genuine about him, something that pulled you to him. But your rationality won over. He had betrayed your trust.
Silently, you walked back inside, collecting your things, petting Dodger and kissing him goodbye before you left. Your heart hurt as you exited. Why had you been given such a beautiful evening for it to be tainted this way?
You sat in the car, gazing out at the scenery passing by, darkness engulfing the streets. You didn't realise how late it had gotten. Absentmindedly, you realised it being the direct result of hanging out with Chris. Time stood still when you were with him.
He pulled into your driveway, warily looking at you. This was the moment of truth. Sighing, you signalled him to come inside with you, your need for answers winning over your initial rage.
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Dropping your purse unceremoniously on the table, you took off your coat, suddenly feeling really tired. Turning to Chris, you see him staring at you, trying to gauge your reaction.
"Take a seat."
He sat down cautiously, watching you sit opposite him. Normally, you would sit beside him, but you needed to keep a clear mind around him.
"Start from the beginning. Don't leave out anything, Chris. Please."
He hesitated, before speaking up. "We met four years ago, at the coffee shop. You were waiting for your coffee order. I remember being as awestruck back then, as I am now. You were standing there, reading a book, not caring about the world around you. I couldn't take my eyes off you." He chuckled. "You asked me to pass you the sugar and I just.." he trailed off.
"Anyway, I asked for your number and you miraculously agreed to go on a date with me."
You frowned. This sounded exactly like how he'd met you now.
"So you tried to recreate our meeting? You planned it?"
"No. It was a stroke of luck. I happened to take a walk that day and I saw you walking in. I was about to turn around but I couldn't help myself. I couldn't stop myself from looking at you, talking to you, being in your company. How could I? You're the love of my life, my better half." He said, as tears shone in his eyes.
You turned away, blinking away the tears that had formed. You could tell that every single word he said was true; and wasn't to woo you.
"Carry on."
"The day you regained consciousness, I was in the room. You looked at me like I was a stranger. I tried to hold your hand but you shrank back, scared. They then deciphered that there was some trauma, owing to which you had lost most of your memories, mostly of your adult life. I'd then been asked by your parents to stay away for a bit, atleast till you were out of the hospital and had recovered a little at home. I would still come to check up on you." His voice cracked, heavy with unshed tears.
Your heart broke, for him and for you. You'd lost your memories, but he'd lost his wife, his better half, in a way. You desperately wanted to hug him, to kiss him, to comfort him; but you stopped yourself. You needed the whole truth before you could go forward in your lives...and whatever this relationship was.
"We'd planned a life together...kids, a puppy or two, the whole nine yards. And all of it just...withered away, in the blink of an eye."
Moving to face you, he continued. "The plan was to make you fall for me again, probably the same way as before, as a way to jog your memory. The doctor's thought it would help you to regain some memories, without startling you or causing any mental agony. It didn't work the way I thought it would, but there were a few things that felt off to you, didn't they?"
You gulped. There were. Those moments of déja vù? Those were your past memories, your past life trying to pry their way back. But there was a mental block of sorts. You couldn't get them out.
You nodded, hesitantly. "That day in the park.."
"Yes, when you correctly bought me my favourite coffee. That wasn't guess work. You knew it. You've always known it; heck, you're the one who got me hooked onto it. The park date was another past memory, we'd had our third date there. You looked as beautiful as you did back then."
You felt his fingers trail softly along your cheek, tucking a loose tendril of hair behind your ear. Your tears started afresh. This man, this beautiful man was very much in love with you. He didn't need to say it, it was obvious to even a silent bystander.
But were you in love with him?
"Chris...I...". You took a deep breath. "Thank you, for telling me. I know it must've been really tough to see me like that. And I know that your feelings are genuine. I...I wish I could say the same."
You turned to the window, unable to meet his eyes. He deserved to know how you felt, but you weren't sure if he was strong enough to hear it.
"Think of it from my perspective. You've known me for a long time, but I've only known you for a few months. I may look like your wife, but mentally, I'm not even 25. There are so many things i've forgotten, and so much I need to catch up on."
"Sweetheart, there is absolutely no pressure-"
"There absolutely is, Chris. If I agree to stay with you, as a way to jog my memory, there will be pressure. Silent, but still, loads of pressure. I'll be unwittingly yet constantly asked if I remember certain things. I'll have moments when I suddenly remember something, followed by moments of complete impassivity. And it's not something that's in my hands."
You walked to him, taking his hand in yours. It felt warm and strong, two things you were craving from him since a long time.
"I know that you'll not push me. And I know that there will be no pressure, neither from your family, nor mine. But there will be a certain level of self induced pressure. And try as I might, I don't think I'm strong enough at the moment, to handle that."
Tears flowed down Chris' face. He had hoped it wouldn't come to this. He had prayed and prayed that you would come back to him. He had hoped that his love would be enough. Swiping your thumbs over his cheeks, you hold his face in your hands.
"This isn't goodbye. I don't think I could ever stay away from you, no matter how much I tried. At first, I chalked it up to our chemistry but it's so much more than that. I don't know what to name us or what we share, but it's not something to take lightly."
Standing on your tiptoes, you gazed into his eyes, brimming with sadness. You closed your eyes as you left a kiss on his cheek, as a promise of more.
"I just need time, to sort out my life. I need time to find myself. But I need you, too."
Chris touched his forehead to yours, eyes wrenched shut. His emotions were warring within him. You were right, as you always were. He knew it wasn't fair to just dump all this information on you and not expect this outcome.
"It's really tough, sweetheart. I love you so much."
Softly grazing your knuckles, he said,"Take all the time you need. I'll be waiting, no matter how much time it takes."
He kissed your knuckles ever so softly, his lips sending small shocks through your body. Had it always been like this? Raw magnetism just everytime you met?
Chris saw the look in your eyes and smirked. "I know what you're thinking. Yes, it was always this electric. But I won't talk about it till you are ready to, honey. Baby steps."
Your heart raced as you took in his words, looking down shyly. You really wanted him, how could you not? But it wasn't the time. You needed to approach this with a clear mind, not with lust hazing your reasoning.
You watched him walk away, stopping him with a question, "Will you bring Dodger around sometime?"
He gave a small smile. "Of course I will. He misses his mom."
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Chris sank back into his couch, weary and tired. This isn't how he expected the night to go. Why didn't he hide that picture? What a dumb mistake. You wouldn't have seen it, and you would've had a lovely dinner. He might've been able to hold her as well.
But in his heart of hearts he knew, that it was only a matter of time before you would find out. And keeping it from you would've been a terrible mistake. Dodger leaped onto the couch, laying his head on his lap. He chuckled, petting the pooch softly.
"Isn't she as beautiful as the day she left, bubba? I knew you missed her. I know you love her as much as I do."
Stroking absentmindedly, he allowed himself a moment to be happy. You wanted to be with him. He would give you all the time you needed. He would wait till the ends of time, even if it meant spending only a second with you.
He would bring you back home, where you belonged.
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Six months had passed by, and true to his word, Chris was giving you space. The talk with your parents had been tough; at times prompting you to take a long drink of water to stop your tears from spilling, but you knew it would be worth it.
This was the only way forward and you had to stick to it. Your parents told you how he would always be there, albeit in the shadows, helping you in one way or another. He paid for a nurse to be there for you 24/7, he paid for all the doctor's visits, and even sent a driver for you. All from a distance, till your health improved, and you were ready to get back to work.
Even now, as you were trying to remember your past, he didn't barge into your space. He was very respectful of your boundaries, and was very careful of not overstepping. He'd texted you almost everyday, asking about your daily activities. You'd even met for coffee once or twice. He'd send over flowers almost every week: specifically daisies. He knew they were your favourite, with a small note. How could you not swoon at that? You had to admit, it wasn't a surprise you hadn't fallen for him in the first place.
You looked through your wedding album, which your parents finally relented and gave to you. Your eyes welled up at the mere sight of him; he was perfect. His tear filled eyes as he watched you walked down the aisle was nothing short of heartwrenching and romantic at the same time.
Your first kiss as man and wife. It prompted you to relive your kiss with Chris, and how full of emotions it had been. Your lips tingled as you remembered the feel of his soft lips against yours, your whole body left tingling. There was such insane chemistry, and it was explosive to say the least. You hadn't wanted to think about it , but idly you wondered how amazing he would be in bed.
Shaking yourself you closed the album in a jiffy. There would be time for that. For now, you had to focus on remembering something, ANYTHING, from your past. And for that, you would have to take a step forward.
Picking up your phone, you checked your contacts, your thumb hovering over his number. If you did this, there would be no turning back. Taking a deep breath, you clicked on his number, holding it your ear, your hand trembling slightly.
He picked up a few seconds later.
"Chris, it's me. I need to talk to you about something."
He was silent for a moment. "..Sure, honey. What is it about?"
You could hear the tension in his voice. Oh, boy. Here goes nothing.
"Chris..I...I think we should move back in together."
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Tagging: @donutloverxo @gotnofucks @chrissquares @denisemarieangelina @patzammit @savior-adriana @imdarkinme @readermia
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harperwasstaken1 · 2 years
𝐼𝑠 𝐼𝑡?
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Decelis High Gossip?
Yang Jungwon x Fem!Reader
𝑾𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔➪ Possibly gore, Mentions of Death, Possible Spelling errors Tell me if there is more
This is my first Tumblr story:)
Words: I honestly dont know
𝑺𝒚𝒑𝒏𝒐𝒔𝒊𝒔➪ Yang Jungwon was a living myth, along with his friends, Vampires. Y/n was the nerd, the type to read books in libraries and other stuff, but most likely reads Mythological Books. Not believing in any of those stupid Werewolves and Vampires though. What happens if so suddenly, Y/n runs into those bloodsucking creatures on act during the middle of the night??
Enhypen Masterlist
Is It? Masterlist
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ˢᵗᵒʳʸ✍︎ ᶜᵒⁿᵗⁱⁿᵘᵉˢ☕︎ ʰᵉʳᵉ☟︎︎︎
It's no joke, Decelis has a fucking Gossip Account. And Jungwon and I are the number 1 gossip.
"How the fuck did I not know about this." I groaned, as I looked through all their tweets.
"Ok, 'Ha-nee seen crying after conversation with Jungwon, Niki and Y/n?' What the fuck?" I grumbled. As Jungwon and the boys walked in with food.
Jungwon places mine down with my drink, "You're really stressing over it huh." Sunghoon said as he sat down on my left, since Jungwon already took the one to my right.
"Ofcourse she is, this could lead to like. A fucking ruckus in school." Sunoo said. Jake agreed as he shoved another piece of fries in his mouth.
Jungwon just watched me, as he opened up my drink and gave it to me.
"You've been in here since like 5 am, and it's 7am now. Please eat," Jungwon whispered.
I sighed and took my numb fingers off of my keyboard. Finally taking the chopsticks and eating.
Jungwon smiled, and went back to his food.
"I swear to god, whoever that is. I have a problem with it. I mean, the only advantage I have of it is I can get updated on school ruckus." I snickered.
"I mean, if there is an ongoing fight. You can call them over to the Principal's Office." Jaks laughed. I pointed at him in agreement.
"It's just. I don't like how Won and I are the top 1 gossip." I frowned as I looked through each of the fangirl's comment.
"Ew what the fuck, Who said 'I wish he could tie me down and punish me.' What the hell." I grimaced. As Jay choked on his food.
"Ok, who the fuck is Haemin." Heeseung said as he looked over my shoulder. I took a glance at the quiet Riki, who fell asleep while eating.
I frowned at the sight. I nudged Sunoo(technically kick) under the table and gestured to Riki.
"Cover his food, I'll keep it in my mini fridge. So he can reheat it later in here." I told him, he nodded. As he passed me the covered food as I stood up and took the pillow in my office.
Lifting Riki's head and putting the pillow under him.
I sat back down inbetween Sunghoon and Jungwon, as Jungwon immediately took my hand on my lap.
I looked at the time saw it was almost time for the other stuco members to get here. I sighed, atleast there are enough chairs.
I asked them to move closer to me, as they did the stuco members + Ha-nee came inside. Technically Ha-nee slamming the door open like it's her office and sitting down on the table.
Riki woke up with a jolt as I grumbled. Jungwon and Riki's eye changed as they saw Ha-nee.
"Ha-nee stop acting like you're the president. Get off the damn table." I raised my brow at her.
"Why not? I told people that we have a welcome to Stuco party for me." She grinned. I saw Yeonjun clench his jaw, Sunoo rolling his eyes, Jake frowning, Ryujin mocking her, and the rest just straight up done.
"Oh is that so?" I grinned and went to my office and left the door open. "I mean since most of the students are at school and waiting for daily announcements. Might aswell do it."
I picked up the announcement intercom and spoke; "Hello and Goodmorning Decelis High Students! Stuco Pres Y/n L/n here for the daily announcements." I grinned as I kept eyecontact with the fuming Ha-nee.
Seeing as Riki was filming and gonna probably send it to Jimin.
"First of all let's congratulate our dance team for winning first place in the semi-finals!" I paused, "Now for today there will be no 'Welcome to Stuco Ha-nee' because I never really planned that. She just wants attention and to replace our beloved VP Choi Lia. Round of applause for the fake announcement from our temporary VP." I grinned.
"That's it for today! Please go to your respective classes, as I will now send out Rep. Yeonjun and Ryujin to scout the halls for anyone skipping or being late. Thank you and have a nice Monday."
I put down the intercom with a sly grin. I walked out of my office, closing my door behind me. As Sunghoon and Jungwin(for some reason) kept whispering to eachother.
"Hyung, send it to me." He said, gesturing to the picture. The others looked at the picture and immediately asked for the picture.
"You can have it after I post it." Sunghoon grinned and went on Twitter.
Posting the picture.
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Taglist➪ @hiqhkey @nowrosesaredead @certainyouthpeanut @rrvvby
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Hey, I was swiping away at tumblr and found your blog, it looked really interesting so I decided to make a match-up request. If its not too much trouble of course.
I was thinking, for Supernatural(if you are still doing them, I saw some past works with it but I didn't see it on your list) and Narnia.
I would like a one-shot, dialoge and scenario, and theme song.
Now without further ado
Ok so physically I am a 6' guy, i have really light almost golden brown eyes, orange hair, I'm decently built, want to work on myself a little more, this is irrelevant, I'm straight.
Personality wise, well I've been described to be kind of the scary friend. I've been know for not talking to anyone until I gain trust so usually i act like an angry introvert until I get adopted by a cheery extrovert, and then i show my true colors.
With my close friends i really talkitive, i love debating and making jokes, but not normal jokes i have a very Deadpool like humor, it's definitely an acquired taste for some people
I'm very loyal, i will fight till the end for anyone who matters to me but I'm difficult to open even to some friends ive had from 5 years ago i still am really closed off i don't like bothering other people with my problems.
Im also the advise giving friend i help my friends get over breakups, realize their feeling give them support everything, but i still won't talk about myself 🤣 i know it's not healthy but hey what can you do.
My love language is physical touch, nothing sexual, a hug, hand holding, grabbing the waist while walking, thingsike that.
I also think that the small things in relationships are whats really important, and that a relationship isn't 50/50, some days one person in the partnership has to give a little more when the other is t feeling well, it's about being there for the other person no matter what.
I ignore my emotions when it comes to liking someone, ignore it souch i even deny it to myself until it's to obvious or strong for me to ignore it.
I love teasing my friends, it's one of my favorite past times
And yeah, i don't think i have any more to say🤣
Anyway thank you in advance, and you've already got my follow!
Hello dear💖, unfortunately I'm not into supernatural I only remembered Sam and dean.
However I did Narnia so I hope your happy with that sorry if the oneshot is short.
For Narnia I ship you with:
Susan Pevensie✨
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She is a strong character to say the least and takes everything seriously but wants peace. She does have sympathy.
She would be strong and yet she would need someone like you to protect her.
You come into the world by mistake since you were friends with Edmund and had to fight along with the other siblings.
The two of you have growing attraction once the adventures become more longer.
Susan had to protect her family and yet it would take her some time to start a relationship.
You: so, Susie what’s your next plan huh? We saved Narnia.
Susan: perhaps we shall see *holds onto you while walking through the passage way back to earth*
Susan was described as the best-looking queen in all of Narnia.
You were a knight and one of the best fighters there was, you protected the siblings even Caspian is jealous.
The two of you married outside of Narnia and had a normal life with your child being the next heir to the throne. They join in the adventures in the next generation with your hair and her eyes.
You had finally won the battle; Narnia was finally at peace, and everyone was ready to head back home. You couldn’t help but feel rather glad it was over, you saw Susan looking over toward the land. “We did it Susie, aren’t you glad” Despite the battle being over, Susan felt at home in Narnia, but she would need to go back home.
“Yes, I suppose so” you gripped her soft hand with a smile “come on I’ll be here right with you”. The two of you held hands as you walked home back to earth. You had hard feelings for the girl after all, you couldn’t wait to tell her how you felt.
Your theme song:
Anyways that's all I have for now:
Ta Ta✨
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cliodevotus · 5 years
hello! so, this is my first time writing some content for Tumblr and my first time writing imagine content for the rami malek tag, and i'm kinda nervous hehehe, since i'm a non-english speaker (i'm from Brazil) and i'm not that fluent in english. also, i've never watched The Pacific (guess who can't find it online for free? hehe), so all the character and the trait of Merriel here were based on other imagines i've read about him
so, i think... good lecture, i guess. aaa somebody help my i'm so nervous
word count: almost 2400 words ;
nothing here belongs to me, except the writing and the story, also the video credits goes to l0user (YouTube) ;
Mr. Shelter
《 Snafu Imagine 》
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Nobody was waiting for him at the train station. Even thought it hurted to think about, he knew it would be like this since he entered that goddamn ship that sealed to the Second Great War.
It was past 6PM in the afternoon when the train stopped at New Orleans and let some soldiers get down of it and go back to their family. But Merriel didn't have a family waiting for him, not even Jade was there for him, but he couldn't judge her, he knew it was his fault that she was given to a foster home and didn't even knew he went to war. He didn't even said goodbye to Eugene, because he didn't want to wake the poor boy up. So he get off the train like he appeared, quickly and in complete silence.
He couldn't stop thinking about that situation while he started to walk through the station, passing throught the bunch of couples and families receiving their boys and mans alive from that monstrous war. They at least had someone or a home of their own. But Merriel had nothing and nobody.
Well, he had actually one person, a girl to be more specific, but he was trying hard to not think about that girl. It was just a moony teenage romance, nothing that passed from it. She was probably married to some asshole right now and having to take care of at least 5 naughty children. He didn't liked to think that she was married to another guy, but he knew she wouldn't have waited for him for like... 5 years? God, that's a long time. She didn't even send him a letter. During those 5 years, he haven't received anything, not even a letter. It was hard to see the other boys cheering to some picture or letter that they've receive from their girlfriends and he had to pretend he didn't care.
The day was being consumed slowly by one of those starry nights in New Orleans. The train station looked so dark that Merriel had one hundred percent sure that it was dawn or even dusk, or maybe it was just his mind trying to convince him that being in the battleground was better than coming back "home".
He bumped into something; he was distracted, thinking about the whole thing about coming back home and walking at the same that he didn't even noticed that little kid crying in the middle of the street. With the shock, he let his bag fall and hit the ground, almost making him and the kid fall together. His fast movement allowed him to equilibrate and hold the kid at the same time, before both hit the ground.
"Ay kiddo! Careful. Whatcha doin' in the middle of the street like this? You're goin' to get hurt." Scolded the boy, but as soon as he heard the silent cry and sobs, he regreted being so hard with the kid. "Ay boy, are you okay?" The boy just sobbed louder. "Can you tell me what happened?"
The boy turned and looked at him; his appearance was something else. The curly hair, that blue greenish eyes and thin reddish lips. Merriel felt like he was looking at some kind of mirror or something. Even the olive skin was similar to his. Even shocked with his vision, he felt the necessity of making sure the boy was okay. "What happened, kiddo?"
The kid sniffed and showed what he was holding in both of his hands, a teddy bear without an arm in the left hand and an arm without a teddy bear in the right one. The boy sobbed again. "I, I ripped off it's arm accidentally. Mo-momma is going to be angry at me, i-it's her teddy bear a-and I took him out without permission!" The boy started crying and sobbing hard again. Merriel was shocked due the boy's confession.
"Ay, ay, ay. Kiddo, calm down, okay? Lemme see the teddy bear." He asked, while cowering in front of the boy.
The boy gave him the teddy bear, and sobbing, murmured. "Shelter, sir."
"His name is Shelter, momma calls him like this."
"Oh." Agreed, looking again to the teddy bear, with a sad mien. "There's anythin' I can do for the poor Mr. Shelter, the teddy bear, maybe a needlewoman can fix, but I'm just a soldier, I can't do anythin' kiddo. Sorry." The boy started sobbing again. "Ay, calm down. The best you can do now is tell your mother what you've done and hope that she forgives you. Ok pal?" The kid calmed down and nodded, while rubbing his eyes full with tears with his hands. "So, here's Shelter." Gave to the kid the stuffed animal back and stand up, ready to start walking to nowhere when little hands grabbed his own big hands.
Merriel was a little surprised with the boy's propose on taking him back home to tell his mother about what he have done to the poor bear Shelter, and even more surprise when, without hesitation, he accepted the propose. The whole way back wasn't made in complete silence, because after Merriel said yes to that crazy propose, the little boy didn't stopped talking and making the 23 years old man speak and answear his questions; he talked a lot, and Merriel realized that their appearance wasn't the only similar thing between them both.
"You know, momma had Shelter even before I was born! It was a gift from her boyfriend, I think."
"A gift?"
"Yeah, she gained it from her boyfriend one week before he was gone. I think he won Shelter for her on some kind of game, she said it was on a 'county fair', and that it was one of the best gifts of her life!" The boy chuckled and keep telling the strange man about his life with his momma, but Merriel stopped listening. It couldn't be. He couldn't help thinking about the girl again; he remembered when he shot those stupid cans and won the skinny brown teddy bear that looked like the poor boy Shelter just to impress her. She was so happy and excited, looking like a child, when Merriel gave her the teddy bear that she even kissed his nose accidentally. He smiled with the memory of her soft lips at the same time the little boy stopped abruptly.
Merriel looked up and saw the house. It was really pretty, actually; two floors, pastel yellow with some white details on some parts of the roof and the delicatef fences of the porch, where some plants and a wooden bench were part of the decoration, and in front of the pretty house, there was the prettiest garden Merriel has ever seen in his entire life.
"Sir?" The boy called Merriel, who immediately stopped admiring the house. "Come with me and tell my momma what happened to Mr. Shelter? Please?"
Merriel sighed. "I can go with ya, but ya have to tell ya ma what you've done."
The boy agreed and they started walking in direction of the pastel yellow house. When the little boy opened the door, a feminine voice echoed from the kitchen. "Alle, is that you?"
Allesandro looked to Merriel, who signed to him to go talk to his momma. Allesandro agreed and entered the kitchen, letting the marine admiring the inside of the pastel yellow house; so clean and organised, full of books and delicate porcelain objects.
"Allesandro!" The feminine voice screaming from the kitchen got Merriel attention back. "What have I told you about taking my things without permission?"
Allesandro sobbed in the distance. "I-I'm sorry momma!"
"And how am I going to fix it now?" Merriel started walkung slowly in direction of the kitchen. The smell of meat and potato patties was the most attractive smell he have smelled in those five years.
Allesandro noticed when he entered the kitchen. "Bu-but he said he knows someone who can h-help!" And one hiccup escaped his mouth. Merriel was shocked when the mother turned to him. It was her, the girl he had been dreaming all over those five years.
He murmured with a whisper. "Y-Y/N?"
"Merriel?" You murmured the same tone as him. Oh God, you've been waiting for that moment for the past 5 years and now he was there, in front of you. You didn't even knew if he was alive, your father didn't let you have any contact with him after he was gone; and now he was there.
"W-why didn't you...?" He whispered, so low that nobody though himself could hear, but you heard. And it hurted. That sad look in his eyes broke your heart, you wanted so much to hug him and said that you were sorry for not writing him any letter even though you didn't have any idea where he was. "You...?"
"Merriel, I-..." You walked 'til him, putting Shelter, the bear, and his ripped arm over the table and totally forgetting about the meat and the potato patties in the oven. You stopped in front of him, wanting so bad to touch him, to kiss that thin lips that are so delicious and vicious again. "... you're back...!" And then you hugged him, feeling the yerning tears coming out of your eyes in abundance. You could feel that he wasn't expecting you to hug him, shocked by the fact that you still remembered him and even though you didn't send him any letter. "I'm so, so sorry! I-I thought of you every night ans wrote you a lot of letters, but my father, h-he..." Merriel hugged you tight, he kinda understood for a moment. Your father was always a little piece of shit with him, but he couldn't judge the old man; if Merriel's daughter started going out and spending time with some guy that was knew for being a troublemaker and a big trashmouth like him he would be pissed too.
"Momma." Allesandro said suddenly, interrupting the moment between you two. "Do you know him?"
You noticed when Merriel became tense looking at your son. He finally realised and you needed to act fast. "Allesandro, sweetheart, could you go to the living room watch some TV? Momma needs to talk with this man in particular."
Even though Allesandro wanted so bad to hear the conversation, he obeyed your order and went to the living room, turning on the TV on some random show. You supposed it was The World in Your Home.
It was weird to look at Merriel after all those years and having to have that conversation in the most inappropriated way. The smell of meat and potatoes patties suddenly remebered you from the dinner you were preparing before he came. When you approximated from the oven, you finally decided to speak. "I'm sorry, I didn't... I didn't knew you were coming back today, so the meal I prepared for dinner isn't the beast one for your homecoming." You joked, and he kinda gave you a quiet laugh.
He grabbed the chair from the dinner table. "So, Allesandro?" He looked in direction of the living room, where your son was watching TV. "You're now a mother, Y/N."
You could feel the pain in his voice. "I'm a mother." You could only say this.
"And his name is Allesandro. How old is he? Five?"
"Four, he'll be five next weekend." You sighted. It was now or never. "He was named like his father."
"Really?" You turned off the oven, finishing the dinner, and turned to him. He looked like he was about to cry, you didn't want this.
"Yes, Merriel Allesandro Shelton." Merriel looked at you surprised; you smiled, holding back your tears. "You're his father, Merriel."
Merriel chin trembled, and some tears were forming in his eyes. The prettiest and happiest smallest smile formed in his lips.
[ • ]
Allesandro was grounded in his bedroom. After the dinner (the meat and the potato patties were delicious), while you were washing the dishes you suddenly realized how weird that situation was. He brought Merriel to your house, even though Allesandro didn't even know him! Merriel, who was listening to his childish stories and trying to find the most passive way of telling Allesandro that he was the father of your son the same time he was trying to fix Mr. Shelter, realized that after you told Allesandro to go to his bedroom.
Allesandro, grounded in his bedroom, was quietly playing with a wooden car toy he has won from his grandpa in his birthday last year, when he heard in the distance the radio from the living room playing a song.
He was curious about what that radio was doing playing songs so late at the night, so, quietly like a robber, he went out of his room, walked through the corridor and went downstairs silently, like he didn't even existed. Allesandro walked tiptoe in direction to the living room, finally spying inside.
He saw you and Merriel dancing to the melodic voice of Kitty Kallen.
❝Never thought that you would be
standing here so close to me
There's so much I feel that I should say,
but words can wait until some other day❞
Allesandro admired you, his mother, dancing to that strange man so serenely, and smiled.
❝Kiss me once, then kiss me twice
Then kiss me once again
It's been a long, long time
Haven't felt like this, my dear
Since I can't remember when
It's been a long, long time❞
He hated when he was playing in his room and heard you crying above Mr. Shelter teddy bear calling Merriel's name; he planned it for weeks, making sure to find that man you loved so much just to see you happy. And now he realised: he did a good job bringing his daddy back home, even though he got grounded in the end and costed to the poor Mr. Shelter an arm. But making you happy while you're dancing with Merriel made those things look meaningless.
❝You'll never know how many dreams
I've dreamed about you
Or just how empty they all seemed without you
So kiss me once, then kiss me twice
Then kiss me once again
It's been a long... long time...❞
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elvendara · 7 years
Stay safe Elvy! It says you're offline, so I'm not sure you'll get this until after you get power back. I also don't know if you've done this one yet or not, but what about a family game night with the Pack? Board games or video games, or maybe they start with one and move to other.
Hi hi! Thank you for the kind words. Still holding strong here, the winds are definitely getting stronger, but, the news is getting better, the winds are not going to be as strong as they had been predicting. We might not even lose our electricity! Fingers crossed! Oh, I took of that feature, it isn’t accurate anyway, since I usually have Tumblr on in the back ground whether I am using it or not. Anyway, I hope you like the pack playing Pictionary! It’s one of my favorite board games!
“Comeon, let’s go! Everything is set up. Saeran! I got ice cream!” Saeyoung bangedon the bedroom door.
“Youreally know how to bribe him don’t you?” Yoosung laughed behind Saeyoung.
“Ifit’s what I have to do, I’ll buy all the ice cream in town.” Saeran opened thedoor.
“Whatkind?” he asked, holding the door, ready to close it again.
“Strawberry,Mint Chocolate Chip, Butter Pecan, and Mocha.” Saeyoung said and waitedexpectantly.
Saeranmulled it over. “Fine, but, I swear to God Saeyoung, if you try to cheat, I’mwalking away!”
Saeyoungappeared offended, his hand flying to his chest. “I don’t cheat!”
Yoosungand Saeran stared at him hard. He closed his mouth and looked away.
“Okok, I promise, no cheating!”
ThePictionary Board was on the round kitchen table, two easels set up for eachcouple.
MCwas behind the counter, scooping ice cream into four bowls.
“Saeran!Here you go!” she handed him one of the bowls, there was a scoop of all the icecreams in it, along with some nuts, coated chocolate candy, and whipped cream,a cherry on top. MC giggled as Saeran’s eyes lit up. Yoosung sighed, envying,not for the first time, the twin’s metabolism. Saeran could eat whatever hewanted and not gain an ounce. He didn’t even have to work out to maintain hiskiller abs.
Yoosungeyed the bowls, he really shouldn’t indulge. He’d gained about ten pounds sincehe’d moved in with the pack. He placed his hand on his growing paunch and wasabout to decline the bowl MC was handing him. Saeran wrapped his arms aroundYoosung, squeezing his belly fat.
“You’reperfect babe! Eat the damned ice cream.” He kissed his neck, nibbling on itlightly. Yoosung giggled and grabbed the bowl.
Saeyoungwas super excited as he stood at his easel. He already had the first card inhis hand.
“Ok,we ready?”
Theyall nodded.
“Who’sfirst for your team?” he asked.
“Uh,I guess I’ll go.” Yoosung walked to their easel and picked up the dry erasemarker. Saeyoung handed him the card and Yoosung looked at it. He wrinkled hisnose, he should have let Saeran go first, he was a much better artist. Yoosungwas always so slow. He preferred when it was not an ‘all play’. He sighed andset the card down.
“Ready?”he asked. Yoosung nodded.
“Go!”MC said, turning the hourglass timer. They both began to draw straight lines.Four vertical lines then several horizontal lines connected above them.
“Wagon!Oars! Wheelbarrow??” MC shouted. Saeyoung shook his head, darkening his lines.
Saeranlooked from one to the other, they were both very similar. Then Yoosung beganto draw a stick figure, it’s ‘hands’ on one of the lines, seeming to danglefrom it.
“Monkeybars.” He said.
“Yes!”Yoosung yelled. He gave Saeran a high five and a kiss.
Saeyoungpouted as he sat back down.
“I’msorry babe.” MC wrapped her arms around him and kissed his cheek.
Yoosungrolled the die and they moved ahead.
“Myturn.” Saeran scooped up another spoonful of ice cream as he grabbed a new cardand stood by the easel. He read it and nodded.
“Notan ‘all play’. Ready Yoosung?”
“Ready!”Yoosung took a spoonful of his own ice cream then settled in to guess. At leastthere wasn’t any pressure.
Saeranbegan to draw a figure. He drew pants, then a belt.
“Man!Pants! Belt!” Saeran was nodding at Yoosung, encouraging him in that direction.He then drew a square in the middle of the belt circling it with an arrow toit.
“Buckle?”Yoosung guessed.
“Oh mygod! That was so easy! It isn’t fair!” Saeyoung complained. Saeran stuck histongue out at him as he hugged Yoosung.
Lessthan an hour later, Yoosung and Saeran were so far ahead, one more win on theirturn would end the game.
Saeyoungwas pouting, MC having to calm him down when he began to growl, his fursprouting. Saeran didn’t help either by rubbing it in.
Yoosungwas beginning to worry that the twins would come to blows. They were both verycompetitive. He and MC exchanged a look and she shrugged, sighing as shemassaged Saeyoung’s shoulders.
“Allplay.” Saeran said with a frown. Saeyoung jumped up and snagged the card fromSaeran’s hand. He looked at the word, then back at Saeran.
“Don’tlook at me, it’s not like I chose the word.”
Saeyoungset the card on the table and turned towards the easel. It was going to comedown to who could draw the fastest.
“Ready.Set. Go!” MC called, turning the timer once more.
The twinsflew through the white board. It was difficult to tell what they were drawingat first, but it was clearly an animal.
“Cat!”MC yelled, they kept drawing.
“Pig?”Yoosung called.
Therewere long ears and a long snout, Yoosung felt silly, obviously it wasn’t a pig.
MCturned her head and squinted her eyes.
“Dog!”Yoosung screamed.
“Wolf!”MC stood. Saeran threw the marker down and Saeyoung jumped up and down invictory.
“It’snot as if you just won Saeyoung.” Saeran growled.
“Ha!In your face!” he teased Saeran.
Saeransat heavily.
“Ah,I should have guessed that! We could have won.” Yoosung patted Saeran’s hand.Saeran turned his attention to Yoosung.
He graspedhis hand and smiled at him.
“Youdid good, MC was just a little faster.” He kissed his cheek. Yoosung smiledtoo. It was supposed to be fun, not stressful. He forced himself to relax and enjoythe game. It didn’t matter who won or lost, the important thing was they weretogether.
“Comeon MC. Let’s catch up!” Saeyoung bounced on his seat and Yoosung giggled.Saeran shook his head and pulled Yoosung against him.
MCgroaned when she saw her card.
“Youcan do this babe! Take your time, it’s not an ‘all play’ is it?”
MCshook her head, setting her card down and turning back to the board.
“Go!”Yoosung stated, turning the timer.
MCbegan to methodically draw lines radiating outwards from a circle in thecenter. Then she connected the lines with curved ones.
“Labyrinth!Maze! Sun!” Saeyoung pelted out words. “Oh, oh, web! Spider web!” he screamedwhen she added what was clearly a spider on the lines. She nodded aggressively.She wrote out web with a line in front of it indicating there was a wordSaeyoung had not guessed yet.
“Notspider web? Uh…”
MCdrew more lines on the web that were not perfect, making it look like a mess.
Saeyoungkept spitting out words, but none were correct. MC circled and circled the webunsure what else to do.
“Time!”Saeran yelled with a laugh.
“Tangled!Tangled web! Ugh!” MC said with a defeated air.
“Oh.Of course!” Saeyoung sighed.
“You’reup babe! Let’s win this thing!” Saeran pushed Yoosung up. He grabbed a new cardand took a deep breath.
“Ok,not an ‘all play’. We can do this!” Yoosung said confidently. He set the carddown and turned to the board once more.
MCbegan the timer and Yoosung drew a circle, and then a very accurate depiction ofthe continents.
“Circle!World! Earth! Planet!” Saeran shouted.
“Yes…”Yoosung wrote the word ‘earth’ with a line behind it to indicate one more word.He then drew squiggly lines to either side of the earth.
“Globalwarming?” asked Saeran. Yoosung shook his head vigorously.
He drewa street and rectangles to show buildings. He then drew jagged lines on thestreet and the buildings. Then he drew a building fallen onto the street. He tappedon the jagged lines and the buildings, willing Saeran to get the answer.
“Cracks?Ruins? Quake?” Yoosung screamed and wrote quake on the line behind ‘earth’ andmotioned for Saeran to say the whole thing.
“Earthquake!”Saeran stood, knocking his chair over.
“YES!”Yoosung squealed and jumped on Saeran, who held him up easily. Yoosung’s legswrapped around Saeran’s waist and he hooked his ankles together.
“Whoop!We win!” Saeran hollered, twirling Yoosung around the kitchen.
Saeyoungthrew the die at Saeran’s head.
“Hey!”he stopped and glared at his brother.
“Okok, you guys! Come on, they won fair and square Saeyoung. Apologize.”
“No!I don’t have to.” Saeyoung pouted.
MCleaned over his shoulder and nuzzled his neck. She began to purr softly as shenosed his ear.
“Prettyplease, for me.” She whispered seductively.
“That’snot fair!” he groaned, turning towards her and capturing her lips.
Saeyoungsighed heavily and focused on his brother.
“Ok,fine, I’m sorry, and, congratulations for winning. Now, let’s play Monopoly!”he jumped up and ran to the hall closet. The other three groaned, Yoosungfalling from Saeran’s arms.
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veratheangel · 6 years
Loki & The Sandcastle
A/N: This is my first fanfic and I'm a noob at tumblr so sorry if this or how it's posted sucks
Word count: 2520
Rating: Flirts, Fluff, and implied stuff
Loki Odinson was the one person in the compound I would have rather not have to talk to on a daily basis. Especially now that the Avengers were on a mission on the coast. We had a beach house, and everyone always hung out by the shore. But whenever anyone asked him to go outside, he'd shrug them off. All the others tried to persuade him, but he just wouldn't budge. They all bet whether or not I could do it, and I decided to accept that challenge.
"Em," Natasha crowed. She leaned against the door frame to the living room with a towel in hand. Natasha wore a white, floral bikini and her red hair had natural waves from swimming in the ocean. "Come on," she barked. "The guys are already outside hanging out." "Hold on a sec," I countered. "I need to get something," I added. I walked past Loki and into my room. "I'll be outside," she chanted from the hall. I went to my books and picked the one about the beach town. Satisfied with my decision, I went back out and found Loki still sitting in his armchair reading a book. "Hey," I greeted him. I stood behind his chair, looking over his shoulder. "What is it do you want?" He asked without looking up. The trickster god licked his finger and turned the page. I rolled my eyes at the fact that I could hear his bored facial expression in his voice. "You to come outside," I answered. I kneeled down next to the raven-haired prince and thumbed through my own book. "No, no. I don't see that happening," Loki replied. He looked down at me, and the twinge of annoyance disappeared. He almost had a smile and then checked me out. He shamelessly checked me out. "Why?" I asked. "It's not like you can't read outside, and you'd probably have fun." I stopped on page forty-four. "I just don't see the point of getting wet and getting sand all over me." He answered, ending each word with a disgusted hiss. He put his novel down on the table in front of him. "Well, read through page forty-six, and if it miraculously takes the stick out of your ass, come see me," I replied. I stood back up and placed the open book on his lap, making sure to match his stare, shooting daggers at him with my sharp eyes. I left as calmly as possible with what just happened, but when I got outside, I ran as fast as I could throwing my towel in the sand. Nat swam up to the surface of the ocean as I dove in. The water was warm and tickled the edges of the metal swatches on my legs and stomach that replaced skin and tissue. "Look at the boys," she laughed. I swam up and brushed my light brown hair out of my face. Steve and Thor were playing beach volleyball in swimsuits. "Oh no," I replied. I wanted to look away, but I just couldn't. Thor set the ball, and Steve jumped about forty feet into the air to smack it back down. "I feel like this isn't all that safe to them and us and the house," I added. I turned to Natasha, who was nodding with a look of pure fear on her face. I laughed, but Natasha interrupted me. "Loki isn't out here," she observed. "We should tell the boys, that I won." She continued, getting out onto the sand. I sighed and chased her down. "Emaline couldn't get Loki to come out," she told them. "No," I argued. "It isn't like that. I gave Loki something to read, and if he prefers it, he'll come out." I explained, hoping they believed me. "Actually, he should be coming out any moment now," I boasted. Oh please Loki, please come through. As if on cue, the trickster god came through the back door of the bungalow. Not only that, but he was just wearing green swim trunks. Nothing else. And he had abs. I mean he had abs. Everyone looked at me. "What did you give him? A brochure for a cult?" Nat asked, looking extremely concerned. I laughed as the raven-haired prince joined our circle. He towered over me, easily ten inches taller. Loki turned to me. "May I speak with you in private?" He asked, cheeks getting flushed. I nodded as he grabbed my wrists and pulled me to the side. "I'm a god. A mature god, an Asgardian prince for God's sake." He started. "I am strong. I am the trickster, Emaline!" He said, leaning in to whisper in my ear. "But, still somehow your Midgardian literature drew me out here." "Wait, who's swim trunks are those?" I asked, sounding just as confused as him. "Umm... Nevermind that, dear. I just want to build a sandcastle," he whispered. He straightened his posture as his cheeks grew even pinker. I made Loki blush? I smirked and turned to the rest of the group. I threw my right hand in the air. "Ok everyone, we are having a sandcastle competition!" I screamed, walking back to the group. Steve and Nat started laughing - hysterically. I looked back at the trickster god, who now had his arms crossed and his head hung low. A sick feeling suddenly hit me. I didn't mean to embarrass him. I pulled his tense arms apart and wrapped mine around his left one. "We're a team!" I announced, looking up at the raven-haired prince. He relaxed a bit. "What is this 'sandcastle' you speak of, brother?" Thor asked, more confused than Loki when he came outside. "They sound truly amazing," the trickster god replied. "I'll be with Thor and Steve will be the judge," Nat said. She moved in between them so she could be closer to Thor, who was even more confused by how fast this was going. I turned to Steve. "Can Loki and Thor use magic?" I asked, still holding onto the raven-haired prince. After a moment of deliberation, Steve nodded. "One," Nat started. "Two, go!" She screamed. Loki found a patch of sand close enough to the ocean that the castle wouldn't be washed away, but still close enough to quickly get water. I ran to the buckets and picked a few that appealed to me. I brought them back to the raven-haired prince, who was staring at the ground which now had a few squares marked on it. "Thoughts?" I asked, setting down the molds. "I know you've never been there before, but I want to recreate the Asgardian castle." He answered. "Okay," I said. The trickster god then gave a brief plan on how to build it. We both picked up a bucket and ran down to the water. He actually got in it and got wet. I showed him the perfect ratio of water to wet sand before going back up to the dry area. I taught him how much dry sand to mix in, and then we put the molds down. This was the moment of truth. Loki and I both carefully lifted the buckets to reveal two perfect towers. We looked up at each other. I raised my eyebrows and smirked while he gave me a flirtatious smile. I whipped my head around. "You guys have nothing on us!" I screamed to Thor and Nat, who were just now planning their structure. "Oh, I assure you that our's will be the better out of our two castles!" Thor yelled back, earning a chuckle from me at his ridiculous trash talking. I turned around to find that the raven-haired prince in the water already, getting more sand. I ran towards him and scooped out sand and water. I stood back up but felt a hand push my head back under. I raised my head to the surface and looked around. The trickster god stood with a mischevious look on his face. "Did you just dunk me?" I gasped, walking towards him. He nodded before realizing what he did. He started walking backward. "Um... You don't want to walk backward in the ocean," I advised. "Why?" He asked before dropping a good two feet. His smirk turned into a surprised look of concern. "That's why," I laughed, continuing to walk towards him. Fortunately for me, he was too shocked to move. I gave him a smirk before dunking him. He looked back at me or at least tried to through his hair. "How dare you dunk a god!" He yelled, brushing his hair out of his face. I laughed, kneeling down a foot away from his face. "Well, I did. You said you didn't see the point in getting wet, but you dunked me nevertheless." I replied calmly. He leaned in closer to me, so only a few inches were separating us. "Well, maybe I see your point about it being fun." He confessed, looking into my eyes. His cold, minty breath mingled with the warm ocean breeze in my lungs, causing me to catch my breath. Neither of us said anything for a moment, but he splashed me. I stood up straight and gasped, splashing him back. "No one likes a tease," I whined. A genuine smile spread across both of our faces, and Loki let out a low chuckle. He climbed out of the crevasse he was in. "Only in bed, my dear." He replied before chasing my back to the bucket I'd dropped. My dear? I'm his dear? He calls people dear. Not my dear. I picked up my bucket and turned around. Loki was an inch away from me. "Forget the sandcastle," he whispered. The raven-haired prince placed his hands on my waist as I dropped the bucket. The trickster god effortlessly picked me up, so our eyes were level. For a moment, just a moment, we were the only people on the beach, in the world, but only for a moment. "Hey lovebirds!" Nat called, and I realized that my best friends and Loki's brother and friends were watching the whole thing. The raven-haired prince's face turned the same deep pink color that it was a few minutes ago, but his eyes shot daggers in their direction. He put me down, and I turned around. The trickster god protectively wrapped his arms around my waist. "I think we won!" Thor screamed, and Steve nodded in agreement with them. We all looked at their finished replica of S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters and our two towers that weren't even connected. I sighed in unison with Loki. "Worth it!" I yelled back, as Wanda and Bruce came outside. To my surprise, Loki still didn't let go of me. "The mission went just as planned," Wanda announced. "Thanks for the prep help Emali-" she paused. Her gaze went from Loki to my waist and back up again. "Anytime," I replied. Loki let go of me, and I made my way back up to the beach. There stood Bruce with the most hilarious look on his face. "What?" I asked, crossing my arms. "Okay," Bruce replied after a moment of silence. He looked at the other boys who nodded. Bruce looked back at Loki, and Hulk came out. "Don't hurt her!" He screamed before Bruce came back and apologized. This caused the rest of the boys to come out and investigate the threat. The threat that made Loki fall back into the water. "Hulk made an unexpected appearance," Bruce explained. "Why?" Clint asked, looking at the giant footprints in the sand. "False alarm," Bruce answered. He gave Loki, who was now standing up, a skeptical look. "Okay," Vision shrugged. We all went inside, but Thor pulled me aside for a minute before I could get in. "Listen, Loki hasn't liked anyone in a long time. You're both equally hurt, but I know you're strong enough to make him a better person and be his anchor. Thank you," he said. The god of thunder pulled me in for a sibling-like hug. I sighed. "Don't thank me yet, or ever. If I make Loki a better person, it won't be because I tried." I replied looking directly into Thor's earnest eyes. We went in to find everyone setting up a movie night. I went into my room to change out of my black bikini and discovered my book on my bed along with a note. My dear, I knew you’d be the one to pursuade me. Or at least I hoped. I smiled before getting into my grey and black pajamas. After tucking the note into page forty-four, I went back out to find Bucky about to sit down next to Loki. "Can you sit next to me, Buck?" Steve asked, looking at me. "Sure," Bucky laughed. I neared the raven-haired prince, and he lifted the blanket he and Thor shared. "Thank you," I said. I sat down, and the trickster god covered me up. "Anything for you my dear," he whispered. The lights dimmed, and Loki's fingers intertwined with mine. His now dry hand was warmer than I expected. More than that, his hand on mine made me feel safer than I had in a while. We sat like that for the whole movie, until everyone retired to their bedrooms. I went into mine, which happened to be across the hall from Loki's, and got into bed. I laid, avoiding the thought of sleep. Every night I had a nightmare about my life before the Avengers, and it got so severe that I would think of reasons to stay up. Loki popped into my head. Maybe I could sleep with him, but I don’t want to come off as desperate and needy. But this was my only hope. I got out of bed after a few minutes of wrestling with the idea. I grabbed my blanket and headed to his room, but I couldn't knock or open the door. I couldn't make myself do anything, but before I could make a decision, Loki opened the door. "Hi," I greeted him. Hi? Seriously? He chuckled. "I was just about to go to your room," he explained. He took my blanket in his hands, stroking it. "Come in," he suggested. I nodded, too tired to say anything else. I came in and sat on the bed. He sat down next to me. "Why are you here, my dear?" He asked, sensing my anxiety. He wrapped his arm around me as I looked down at the blanket in my lap. "I, I just don't want to have to wake up from another nightmare alone," I admitted. My cheeks became flushed, and Loki sighed. He turned towards me. "Neither do I," he replied. He got up and pulled the covers on his bed back. "Come," he said quietly. I followed his voice in the dark room, and a pair of hands landed on my exposed waist. He guided me into bed before covering me up. The raven-haired prince walked around the bed as I put the balled up blanket against my chest.
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