#ok but he looks personally offended by that star lmao
tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 7 months
Baji's new game animation!!! He's so happy with the cat one ♡
His little face 🥺
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Ok so I did a rewatch thread for ATLA a few years ago, and I’m doing it again for the LCU: Loki Cinematic Universe
Forgot Thor dropped out of the Sky in New Mexico of all places lmao. Darcy my beloved.
This movie is making me emotional like a minute in. They haven’t even introduced Lokes yet don’t cry don’t cry don’t cry
really gives Star Wars x Lord of the rings energy huh
YEA THOR AND LOKI. Loki’s child casting is ridiculously impeccable though…same nose, facial expressions, we sure this kid ain’t Tom’s?
When I saw Sif I made this face. 😏 Wow the way they delayed Adult! Loki reveal for dramatic effect. And when I saw him I made this face 😩 and giggled like a schoolgirl. Hnnng I can’t handle Sifki in the same frame they’re too fine. Ok shut up simp.
ZOOM IN ON FRIGGA AT “FIRSTBORN” Obviously they just wanted to show his mom, and they may not have known Hela would be Odin’s daughter when making Thor, but fuck it is funny in hindsight.
ZOOM IN ON LOKI AT SELFISH AMBITION been there Lokes I get ya. They look….so damn good in silver, can we have Loki in Silver again?
Young Thor has anger issues, I forgot how hotheaded he was. wow he’s come a long way…or is that the inconsistent writing…
Loki: judges you in bisexual. Also Loki: don’t be suspicious don’t be suspicious
I forgot about Hogun I feel bad
Don’t go to Jotunheim that will start Loki’s villain arc and spiral into the entire infinity saga
Heimdall told Loki he wasn’t dressed warm enough the foreshadowing. WHEN BIFROST ACTIVATED TO GO TO JOTUNHEIM LOKI GOT ZAPPED FIRST. Where are the frost giants? *camera pans to Loki* there is SO much foreshadowing in this scene, also to Loki being a backstabbing little bitchsicle
Loki’s personality and character voice has been the same for 12 years stop complaining antis. Also thank Tom for that!
Loki should have played off “run back home, little princess” as Laufey referring to them, not Thor. Maybe chaos wouldn’t ensue. Thor you are a rambunctious irresponsible nightmare. You make Loki look cool and calculated, which they are, unless they’re having a psychotic break. Loki really would be and was a better ruler.
While that scene is heartbreaking, Loki and the frost giant looking at each other in confusion will never not be funny
Loki saved Fandral awwww I ship it
I like this Thor better. He got too goofy and himbo later. He’s a golden retriever, but a jumpy, bitey golden retriever that tries to pick up sticks that are too big and get it into danger.
Loki was so scared this whole movie. His face is just…filled with dread half the time poor kitten
The love of Thor’s life during Thor: doing fancy science experiments, hanging with her friends, living her best nerd life. The love of Loki’s life during Thor: watches people die gruesome deaths, chokes on ash from supervolcano, narrowly avoids getting sucked into black hole, nearly drowns in mega tsunami, almost gets incinerated by nuke.
Until Sylvie, only Darcy could match Loki’s sheer level of chaos gremlin
Stop punching for 3 seconds Thor or I swear to god I’m gonna punch my television
“Thor is reckless and dangerous” you’re one to talk, Loki
The way Sif says Loki’s name, the way she reaches out to him first, as if she knows her sway on him…hmmm. Fandral jumping to defend Loki as if he himself has been offended….hmmmm.
“Am I cursed” thank you I will be crying though the whole scene. The way he tries to stay collected and just loses his shit…(I actually did cry and had to cut myself a slice of cake)
“Why do you twist my words” he has BPD Odin, that’s your fault
Thor: ANOTHER. Jane: no smashing, unless you’re smashing me
There is such a marked difference in how Loki acts after finding out he’s Jotun, down to the shaky way Tom delivers his lines. Loki is trying to put on this mask of grandeur and poise, when he’s so clearly…broken. How do I reach through the screen and tell him I love him? Loki is king, what he’s wanted forever, and he can’t even enjoy it. He is absolutely devastated. FuCK. But also, he’s having cynical fun with it. He’s had a terrible day, he’s done with everyone’s bullshit, and he’s decided to do whatever he fucking wants
He’s decided to become what everyone wanted from him…He found out he’s Jotun, and he wants to purge that from history and become someone he could never be…
He and Sif soooooo obviously have history, like how did I miss this? There also may be a bit of subtext with Fandral… Loki my Bi king
Also they are so androgynously beautiful this movie, Loki my genderfluid queen
Loki on earth: I will intentionally attract attention by being sexy. Thor on earth: I will unintentionally attract attention by acting like an alien, which I am
Loki’s only real friend is his mother. Unfortunately, I relate.
Jane and Thor are a better fit than I remember. They’re both impulsive, adventurous, but she mellows him out and is his voice of reason. He brings her out of her shell, keeps her life exciting.
Sup Clint
Thor is kinda cute, but too manly for me. My type is tomboys and femboys and everything in between.
I feel like Loki, yelling at Thor through the tv to calm the fuck down and stop hitting people and just sit his ass down and make a fucking plan. Thor and his hammer I swear to god. Maybe if you calmed tf down, you’d be worthy again, you hotheaded arrogant fool
Cinematography popping offfff
Loki: Father is dead. Me: YOU LYING SACK OF ✨beauty✨ *tries to be angry at Loki, literally drools instead* Loki: you are still banished. Me: you little shit! (affectionate). I hate you so much (sexually frustrated)
Loki and Mjolnir. The way he was frustrated, then angry, then heartbroken, but never hopeful. He knew he was never gonna pick that hammer up, but he still tried and failed. He looked like he was gonna yell, then looked like he was gonna cry…baby baby nooo
I’m really just Loki lite. Or Loki is me on a really bad day. Like when it’s 4:am and I’m considering murdering my grandmother. I’ll be like…jeez, am I really that much like Loki? He does some really fucked up stuff. Then I realize that if I was in the same situation, I would do the exact same thing. Psychologically, we are nearly identical. I also have the same gender, sexuality, skin, hair and eye color. I may be a variant, send help.
Marry me Lady Sif
Not Loki showing empathy…no one tell that corner of the fandom that idolizes his worst self and thinks he’s nothing but a cold hearted self obsessed psychopath. Did anyone really think that Robot punch was gonna kill Thor? The hulk hits harder than that. Loki was going easy on him. He does care, somewhere deep in his whole…mess. He never truly wanted to kill Thor, he just thought he did. I don’t think he could have gone through with it either. If he did, killing Thor might have killed him too. Look up splitting in bpd, and you’ll get it.
The plot of this movie is just: Loki has a breakdown
Ok I’m tearing up again at 4:40 am in the morning because sad popsicle just wants to feel loved…but he’s already loved…they just can’t believe anyone would love them for who they are… so he self sabotages bc deep down…they don’t feel worthy of the love they desperately crave *has a breakdown myself*
Loki is just me when I have a borderline personality disorder rage episode, provoke people by saying hurtful shit, and wanna jump off a bridge afterwards ngl
If you destroy the bridge you’ll never see her again…Loki trying to manipulate Thor, or Loki being a hopeless romantic and caring…a bit of both.
Loki’s su!c!de attempt genuinely made me cry, especially because I know he survives actual physical and psychological torture afterwards, and does things that likely haunt him forever. I wish I could tell him that a few years down the line, he will know his family and everyone in Asgard pitied him, loved him, mourned him, and in another timeline he will meet someone who will make him feel understood and validated and seen the way he thought impossible. It’s also making me worry about Sylvie attempting the same next season because…Loki and Sylvie are cut from the same cloth and as they said, they truly have been where she is now and felt what she feels.
End credit scene…I see you Lokes
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444tsumu · 3 years
HAPPY 100 MARS!!!/&/&: AHHH! okay so i’d love a tier three if you didn’t mind! i wanted to know which 3 characters would smoke ouid and what you think smoking with them would be like? ily tysm!
includes matsukawa, hanamaki, suna
warnings drug use, explicit content, doing things under the influence, implied sexual content, slight nsfw.
authors note lol ik some people don’t like the whole “w*ed” and dr*g use hc but it’s all fiction and based on my own personal opinion (: i don’t mean to offend anyone lol i smoke too <3
This is a long one, beware <3 also it’s also my dream blunt rotation LMAO
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                          𖥻 MATSUKAWA, ISSEI !
definitely the philosophical stoner
always has a question or an answer
depends on how much he’s smoked though
eyes get really red and he looks really hot
prefers backwoods over regular papers
always smoked regular papers though bc woods are bad for you (:
does that thing where they lick the paper and look at you at the same time
the hottest man smoking ever god please
always makes sure to have you sitting on his left so that he passes it to you first
loves smoking people out
doesn’t really care if you put in money or not
if issei is around, everyone is getting high
smokes makki’s unemployed ass out like everyday lmao
loves to hotbox
lights you up for the first time and tries to get you into another galaxy
“if you’re gonna get high, at least do it right”
definitely funny as fuck when he’s high
always definitely ready to fuck
very touchy when he’s high
will hold on to you for a long time and forget he’s doing it
but if you make him let go he genuinely feels the skin contact nearly rip off
calm down mattsun your possessiveness is showing
tries to explain all the different types to you but forgets mid sentence
literally cannot formulate a single structured thought
definitely leans in to make out with you more than once
loves shotgunning with you
already lazy but when he’s zooted he’s UNBEARABLE
he really does wanna fuck but ends up smoking too much with you because you played chicago and forgot
doesn’t really get hungry for food but munchies?
ate all of the snacks
has no remorse for his actions either
stares into the deep nothing for like 10 minutes
just to snap out of it and look around suspiciously
“do you guys hear that….?”
“………..the paint is screaming at me?”
ok buddy don’t ruin this for everyone else
knows how to french & ghost inhale
has argued with makki many times over the earth being flat
doesn’t really think it’s flat
ends up believing it is after makki told him the world was actually dome shaped
has a grinder shaped like a dragon ball
not a peer pressuring kinda guy but thinks everyone should get high at least once
definitely gets iwa and oikawa to try
loves getting oikawa high cause he thinks the guy is fucking hilarious
laughs at everything
just a great guy, especially when he starts smoking
falls into a weed coma and doesn’t wake up for like 3 days though
treats it like it’s a regular hangover
definitely falls asleep with his entire body on top of you and no remorse for the weight
says “i’m fried” and isn’t embarrassed about it for whatever reason
he’s hot so no one judges him
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                      𖥻 HANAMAKI, TAKAHIRO !
definitely a comedian when he’s high
always the funniest guy in the room
when him and mattsun are together though?
him and issei both smoked for the first time together
after that though?
they became unstoppable
don’t get me started with after volleyball season ended
prefers bongs because he thinks he looks cooler lmao
everyone assumes makki is high but they don’t know he actually gets high
offers to smoke you out cause you’re hot lmao
makes fun of you when you cough
even though he still coughs
hates hotboxing because he can’t handle it
but refuses to pussy out so he’s always the first one to agree
in his own words
“my mother didn’t raise no bitch”
makki please
ideal smoking partner
is one of those people that fuck the passing rotation up because he refuses to pass it to anyone but you
secretly does it because he doesn’t want anyone else’s lips touching yours
prefers to smoke with just his close friends but doesn’t mind a session
doesn’t like shotgunning cause he starts thinking his breath smells bad
gives in anyways because he doesn’t want you doing it with anyone else
loves when you put your legs on him
the pressure gives him chills
makes jokes 24/7 because he likes hearing you laugh
can’t french inhale but mattsun taught him how to ghost inhale and he hasn’t stopped since
takes videos of himself cause he thinks he looks cool
realizes he looks like a fucking idiot but fuck it we ball
falls into a weed coma with his head on your lap and his phone unlocked and still on
does that thing where he lights it up with it in his mouth and looks really fucking hot while doing so
has a breaking bad rick & morty rolling tray and is really proud of it
gets really into music when he’s high
will sing along to all the songs while he’s packing the bong
as i repeat
looks hot while doing so
definitely a hungry high
orders food before you even get to ask
“makki, want some snacks?”
“oh nah it’s cool, i already ordered mcdonald’s”
“????? we just finished smoking????”
prefers smoking over drinking but will do both when he wants to go big or go home
eyes get really low
talks kinda slow but really deep and it’s fucking hot
laughs by throwing his head back and it’s really cute
gets cold when he’s high
it doesn’t matter the season
he gets fucking cold and it makes no sense
so he’ll need your body heat to warm himself up (;
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                            𖥻 SUNA, RINTAROU !
a confused high
no doubt about it
this man never knows what the fuck is going on
ik everyone complains about the stoner!suna hc
but i think it’s fucking hot lmao
always has like 2 blunts rolled and on him at all times
is one of those people that will use any excuse to do it
“……(sighs) i’m gonna go take a smoke break.”
“suna we just got here??”
likes joints and edibles the best
not much of a hungry high or munchie high
but he hyperfixates on a certain food and will eat it until there is nothing left
ate an entire pack of gum in one sitting before
definitely watches cartoons the minute he starts to feel the buzz
rarely talks unless to pass it to you or make a single joke that has you about to pee yourself
he doesn’t say much but when he does?
the man leaves an impact
hates smoking with other people
doesn’t like when they fuck his blunt/joint up
hates smoking joints rolled by other people unless he watches them do it
always complains when you ask to smoke with him but secretly loves it
shotguns with you and acts like nothing just happened
hello sir how dare you make me fall inlove like that
forgets everything so don’t try to say anything important to him
zones out because he’s too busy imagining fucking
but then forgets about fucking and starts thinking about what’s on the tv
can’t hold a conversation but will go in-depth as to why spongebob squarepants was more than just a sponge
“no you need to listen to me, patrick star is much more than just his best friend—”
“….rin what the fuck are you talking about?”
“you’re asking me like i know? pass the blunt.”
definitely got into smoking in high school but didn’t actually do it like that until college
lies on his drug tests lmao
smokes after every win as a celebration and smokes after ever loss as a reliever
lmao seek help sir
definitely tries to get you to take your shirt off when he’s in the moment
swears it’s because he’s doing you a favor but really just loves how you look in his clothes when he’s high
doesn’t really know when to stop because he’s never greened out before
all his supplies is a simple shade of black
he’s a simple man
can do all the smoke tricks
but won’t do it in front of anyone cause he hates when people point it out
likes hotboxing because it gets him higher faster
is actually friends with the guy he gets weed from lmao
his perfect date with you was that one time you guys stood home and did nothing but smoke and watch family guy
tears up every time he thinks about it
has a picture of himself with two blunts in his mouth and his eyes really red and it’s really fucking hot
giggles even though he tries not to
uses pens when he can’t physically have weed on him
doesn’t really like it because the pen high makes him knock out after a few pulls
once rin falls into a weed coma???
don’t even think about trying to contact him cause that man might as well be dead
doesn’t wake up to save his own damn life
you can smack him and the most he’d do is probably groan and turn his head lmao
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realcube · 4 years
What BNHA Heroes have their s/o saved as in their phone
Class 1A x Reader
+ Aizawa and Shinsou
tw// cussing, cringe smh, lots of love <3 
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Class 1A
Yuga Aoyama 
he has you saved as ‘my ✨star✨’
and honestly you love it because he calls you that in real life too 
Mina Ashido 
she has you saved as ‘bubs 💞💓💖💝💘💕’
 the only reason there isn’t more hearts was because of the limit smh
she changes it every few weeks to a new pet name though
also she calls you that irl sometimes
Tsuyu Asui
she has you saved as ‘my flower 🌺’
honestly, the only reason she put you as that rather than your name because of your intense love for flora
every date you take Tsuyu on is always to somewhere with beautiful scenery and an abundance of flowers
Tenya Iida 
he has you saved as ‘beef stew’
he originally had you saved as ‘(Y/N) (L/N)’ 
but you showed him that you had him saved as ‘Honey’ so he wanted to save you under a pet name too
however, he couldn’t really think of one so he asked for you assistance and you told him that most cute pet names come from food
“So, what food do I remind you of, Iida?” 
“Beef stew.” 
Needless to say you both were laughing your asses off for a while after that 
but it’s still cute because beef stew is his favourite food just like you are his favourite person
Ochako Uraraka
she has you saved as ‘(L/N) <3 ’
she wanted to use a heart emoticon but her flip-phone doesn’t let her smh
Also she doesn’t have a pet name for you yet but she is working on it 
like she tried calling you ‘baby girl’ but then you explained to her the sexual undertones to that name so she stopped and she’s been too embarrassed since then to try again 
Mashirao Ojiro
he has you saved as ‘tail boy’s s/o 🤪’
y’all had a whole-ass discussion about this one time lmao
y’all were brainstorming ideas for what you should save each other as in your phones
you didn’t want to have something basic like ‘babe’ or ‘my heart🥰’ but rather something funny and you suggested (jokingly) to save his contact as ‘tail boy’
and rather than being offended like you thought he’d be, you both ended up laughing your asses of together for a solid 5 minutes (at least)
so you saved his contact as that and since he couldn’t come up with a funny nickname in relation to your quirk, he just saved you as ‘tail boy’s s/o🤪’
 Denki Kaminari 
he has you saved as ‘ASH CECHUM 😩😳💦🌚💓🧀'
plz don’t ask about the emojis idek
anyway, he saw that you saved him as ‘Pikachu <3′ which makes sense considering his quirk..
so he took it upon himself to save your contact as - in his own words - “That guy who owns the Pikachu from Pokémon’ 
however, despite the fact he has watched Pokémon before, he had no idea how to spell Ash’s second name and apparently the thought never came him that; ‘hey, maybe I should google it.’
so he just sounded it out 
as for the all caps, contrary to popular belief , he does know how to turn it off
he just chooses not to for the aesthetic and also it takes a lot of effort 
that is why he doesn’t use proper punctuation either 
Eijiro Kirishima
he has you saved as ‘love bug’
honestly, you’re not too sure of when or why he changed your contact name after y’all started dating but..
you thought it was cute but..a bit cringe
obviously you didn’t say anything about it though, you weren’t trying to be mean to your boyfriend for no reason
it’s not like he called you that irl
however, he’d be out of his mind if he thought you were gonna save him as something like that 
the best he’ll get from you is ‘Kiri babe 🤘' (get it? bc...rock!)
Kouji Koda 
he has you saved as ‘love bug’
like it makes sense because he like talks to insects and stuff and you’re his lil love bug cause you are his lover and stuff hhhhh
also because of the size difference between you and him, i mean, you are basically the size of an insect compared to him 
in short, Koda supremacy  🙇‍♀️🙇‍♂️
Rikidou Satou
he has you saved as ‘sugar pie’ 
honestly, poor man
he was completely clueless when you asked him to save you as something cute 
like, he know what you meant...but he had no idea what to go for 
so you chose for him 👍
and you made a pretty good decision tbh I mean, it’s cute! it relates to his quirk and all
and he has started to call you that irl sometimes and it always makes your heart go brrrrrrr
Mezou Shouji 
he has you saved as ‘hunk’ 
ok, i know i said Satou was a poor man but let me just say
you told him it’d be cute if you both saved each other as cute pet names in your phones and dead ass him response ‘you’re not my pet though..’
so after a lot of explaining, as an example you whipped out your own phone and showed him how you had saved him as ‘hunk’ 
...he really went and just copied you
you thought that was so funny and precious though so you didn’t ask him to change it
Kyouka Jirou 
she has you saved as ‘my melody 🎶’
ok, so it started when she noticed that you use the same pen everyday - a My Melody one
she thought that was so fucking adorable and she kinda started teasing you for it; not that you minded though
she also thought it was so cute when you’d get all flustered 
so one day she just decided to change your contact name to that 
it also kinda tied in with her love for music (but mostly her love for you uwu)
Hanta Sero
he has you saved as ‘my honey nutter butter biscuit’
after Kirishima called his s/o ‘love bug’ infront of y’all that one time, you both spent the next hour taking the piss and laughing at how over-the-top couple nicknames are sometimes 
so just #for the meme he saved your contact as a hyperbole of what those cringe couple pet names are like
oh and you have him saved as ‘My beloved sweet peach taco’
Fumikage Tokoyami
he has you saved as ‘Helena’
yeah, he wanted to be edgy and save your contact after a MCR song
(no, he does not know that Helena is about Gerard’s grandmother but don’t you dare tell him)
Shoto Todoroki
he has you saved as ‘(Y/N) (L/N) 💖’
you texted him something during lunch one time to see his reaction while you were sitting next to him but then you noticed that your name in his phone was simply ‘(Y/N) (L/N)’
you mentioned it briefly but you didn’t make a fuss out of it because it really wasn’t a big deal
however, he asked to see what his name in your phone was and you showed him
you had saved him as ‘Babey ( •̀ ω •́ )✧’
he went home and did some research on some good pet names to save you as in his phone
after that, his search history kinda looked like;
‘pet names’
‘pet names for humans’
‘pet names for lovers’
‘cute nicknames for my girlfriend’
‘cute emoticons’
he deadass came in the next day and the first thing he did was pull out his phone and show you the emoji he put next to your name
“Look, (L/N). I found this emoticon and put it next to your contact name in my phone.”
yes, he sound like boomer..obvs
he spends 90% of his free time training rather than on his phone 
and the time that he is on his phone, he isn’t using emojis, he is searching shit like 
‘how to hack into a credit card without the PIN’
Tooru Hagakure
she saves you as ‘❤😘’
no, she doesn’t need to save you as your name to remember who you are 
she’s not a peasant
Katsuki Bakugo
he has you saved as ‘pretty stupid face’
originally it was just ‘stupid face’
but you noticed it and just dropped a subtle comment like “hey, that’s mean.”
so he came in the next day with ‘pretty’ added to the start
“i am genuinely too nice to you sometimes.” he’d say
“Wow, tch, such I gentleman-”
Izuku Midoriya 
he has you saved as ‘sweetest love muffin’
you that one couple i mentioned in Sero’s headcanons?
yeah, that’s y’all
you are both literally that couple
“No, you hang up.”
“No, you hang up!”
“Nooo, cause I’ll miss you”
“I’ll miss you moreeee”
he literally threw a bunch of his favourite adjectives into a pet name lol
also your contact name for him is something on a similar wavelength
Minoru Mineta
I know most y’all would’ve even give him your number lol
but for those who would 🤮
he has you saved as ‘sweet cheeks’ or sumn 
Momo Yaoyorozu
she has you saved as ‘My McMuffin’
ok so she let you take her to McDonald’s cause you wanted to see her reaction since she is used to gourmet cuisine or whatever
so it was sure to be entertaining 
and it was 
but not in a good way
she was almost sick after she had a bite of a big mac and then she tried to wash it down with the Sprite but then she fainted for like a solid 10 seconds
once she came back, she obviously wanted to leave..so you did 
A year later, y’all are in the town and both of you are starving 
But Momo realised that she didn’t have her card on her or any money but that was fine because at least you had your debit card on you 
You had enough money on it for a taxi back to Momos place and a McMuffin each
Obviously she didn’t want one but when you started eating in front of her, of course she wanted a taste
and so it was love at first bite
she loved it so much so of course you bought another one for her and she consumed it in a millisecond (not literally)
so now she has your contact saved as the one thing competing against you for her love - a McMuffin
Shota Aizawa
unfortunately he does not have your contact saved as ‘kitten’
instead, in his phone you are saved as ‘The One  💙’
simple, yet it effectively shows his admiration - just the way he likes it
 and he only added the emoji to make your name stand out more so he could easily tell whether he was gonna ignore the following message or not
because if Mike is texting him telling his that he needs the extremely important documents that Aizawa keeps in his coded filing cabinet, Shota will be like -.-
but if you text him asking for him to pick up chocolate on his way home, he’ll be like 🏃‍♂️
Hitoshi Shinso 
he has you saved as ‘big daddy’
plz don’t ask 
it’s an inside joke between you and him
okay well, if you must know 
y’all were trying to come up with the most absurd nicknames for each other that kinda sound legit 
some other gems 
‘Big scary snookums’
‘sexy giant’
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blackberry-gingham · 4 years
Hewo :3
Saw you write headcanons ❤. Could ya do one of dati g the guys while being yourself a guitarist in another band ??
Yus I can UwU
I honestly feel like guitar reader with George would be soooo cool and laid back!
Like, honestly any relationship with George I feel would be like a "we're friends first and foremost, and significant others second" deal
So even tho you guys are in seperate bands, there's never like any "ok, but ONE OF US has to be the better one" type of tension/joking lmao
It really is just a lot of you two practicing together, trading tips, and just all around honing your skills together
That said, I could see the two of you needing time away from your band mates a lot and so the brainstorming with each other is a bit of a cover up
It's not that you don't like your band, or him his, it's just that you need your space to recharge and the others can be a bit.... much, being rock stars and all
Anyway, the two of you are very skilled guitarists so there would definitely be plenty ideas worth picking each other's brains for!
I think you and George would've met during the Beatles hamburg days in a little dive type of place
Your careers took off in seperate ways later on, but you both just clicked at the time and so you kept in contact ever since!
Despite how close you are with George, you don't really come in to feature on a song or just hangout in studio with all the boys
Or vice versa for George and your band tbh
Everyone jokes about needing to keep an eye on you both before you run off together and make your own band lol
Secretly, you both have considered it, but you're happy with your current bands and besides you two have your thing going, and that suits you just fine
Ok, so not to step on anyone's toes but ???
I personally headcannon reader to be like a slightly, but noticably, better guitarist then John ????
Like things definitely get competitive between you two
At first, John's kinda jelous tbh
I'd just imagine any brainstorming or private practice sessions being a lot of you bouncing ideas off of him and him just being his brutally honest self and not really doing much bonding with you
At first, that is
Bc as we all know, the root of jealously is insecurity! So I think having reader around to encourage the real John out as well as your genuine admiration of his playing skills, would turn his attitude around!!
When it clicks for him, it's like an "um duh" moment where he realizes that you're not out trying to claim the title of "better then John Lennon" or something
Not everything is a competition, and besides, you love him! It doesn't matter who's "more talented"
I feel like you and John met backstage after a show, like maybe you and your band opened for the Beatles or even vice versa!!
He's a little begrudging of it, but from musician to musician, he just had to tell you how great you were that night
After that came a few chance run ins between your bands and before long, you and John figured why not?
I mean, you both at least respect each other's musical talent, why not get to know each other!
You come sometimes to listen in on the Beatles recording sessions, and it's not uncommon for the rest of the boys to kick John off lead guitar and have you "show him how it's done"
It's just a little inside joke at this point lmao
He likes to act all offended and huffy of course, but when you're not around he loves to brag to the lads about how amazing you are, both as a musician and a person!!
The boys can get a little annoyed on occasion when you do come over tho, seeing as recording time sometimes turns into a bit of pissing competition between you and John
But it's all in good fun and also sooo obvious you two love each other and enjoy having a little go at one another from time to time, so they're happy for you both
Finally, someone who isn't also a guitarist lmao
Of all the other boys, you and Paul compliment each other, musically and instrumentally that is, the MOST
Like John and Paul are the lyrical masterminds always and forever obviously, but if Paul is looking to get a certain tune out? He tries to get in contact with you whenever he can!
It's just that you get him, like John does, but in a different way, if that makes sense. You know?
He'll oftentimes bring his and John's lyrics and a bass sample he's got for it and ask your opinion on the bass playing and even what kind of guitar chords you think would work with it!
Your private practice sessions aren't all work tho, sometimes Paul just serenades you with his bass and his voice and the two of you chill together
You and Paul are DEFINITELY old friends, like from childhood days!!
You've known each other basically since forever, which is how you're able to craft sheet music so well together, but life simply took you in different directions to different bands
Once you two seperated for that while that he was in Hamburg, he realised just how much he missed you and didn't want to be without you or your expertise!
He was 100% going to ask you to join his band, but you had already found your own :/
That didn't matter too much tho, Paul figured the least he could do was finally ask you out so he wouldn't have to be without you!
You've been together ever since
Typically you don't really come to the Beatles studio sessions, but Paul has been known to come over to you and your bands sessions for sure!
Your bassist is just fine of course! But I mean... Who could say no to some tips and input from good ol macca?
The boys poke at Paul a lot for "cheating on them" with you when it comes to writing sheet music, but they can't deny that you come up with really good stuff together!!
I think of all the boys, you and Ringo have like the least amount of tension between yourselves lol
Like there's a tiny bit of competition with any other string musician I'd think, but Ringo and his drums are in a whole other field!
Honestly, Ringo is just in awe of you and your skills
Granted, he doesn't really know enough about guitars to dissect the fine details of what makes you so great or compare you to John and George, but I mean... he thinks you sound absolutely incredible!!
Now, he's not the best drummer in the world, but he keeps great time and you love him for it! Especially when you two have practice time together
And he's so pleased to hear that
A lot of the time, Ringo likes to think he plays for you, rather then just with you and that internal motivation honestly helps push his skills to new heights!!
I feel like you two met totally by accident lol
Like he wandered into your recording studio by mistake one day
"Oh sorry, I heard the guitar and I thought you were George!"
You two share a laugh after he explains himself just a bit more, but you got on so quickly, that the rest is history!
Honestly, the other boys love having you there for their recording sessions
Like seriously, they appreciate you lol
They always tell you Ringo is at his absolute best when you're in the studio, and it's true!
It's to such a point that you've featured as a guest guitarist when the boys play live more then once, just to give Ringo that extra little push
Your favorite spot on stage is right beside him and his drums :)
In the post Beatles era, your Beatle either joins your band, or if that's lost as well, you two form a new group or just a plain duo together!
The transition is a bit of an adjustment period for your Beatle still, but having you there to support them after things fall apart is a HUGE relief
That, and having a familiar face who's also a talented musician to enter a new era of music making with is kind of exciting!
All in all, having you there eases your Beatles post breakup pain and you guys go on to make a couple iconic, landmark albums together ❤️
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neo-shitty · 3 years
ah yeah, i think quarentine has given people some opportunity to actually just sit with the person they are, rather than be rushing around for the person they want to become. its good you got smth good out of isolation! ah thats great! hope you had fun and ur partner in crime speeds back home so you can get out more hehe.
ah yeah ty, good suggestions.
hmm good point, i was sort of putting it separate to the whole not-sexualising thing, but yeah. mmm yeah i totally agree, some of the enhypen fics/imagines *shudder* and even reading innie stuff is just a bit *icky* cos everyone still thinks of him as our agi ppang. yeah def would be good but sadly this just seems to be the world we live in. :(
ah yes the holy masterlist (not sarc) i have actually read in the rain and gladius maximus before, but ill go look for in class! oooh thats good! character development lol. hmmmm yes champagne problems was the angst to end all angst, that shit hurt. it was actually one of the first of your fics i read and i recall almost crying over the whole thing, it was so heartbreaking, i can see how it almost made you want to drop angst. good that youve allowed yourself some lee-way tho :)
hehe thats so cool. okay here we go, ill try not to be mortally offended (/hj)
cheese - yes same, i liked it but that was all there was, it wasnt a super standout track. it was rlly underwhelming for me but some of the hook is super catchy so there is Redemption (tm) in store for cheese maybe
thunderous - mmm, yeah at first i totally agreed, i think they suffer from too much good music syndrome, that all their other tracks are such fucking bops its hard to stay at that level of perfection. the choreo was beautiful tho and tbh, the track has grown on me since ive been watching all the vids abt it. its my brothers favourite track
domino - YES GODAMMIT IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN THE TITLE TRACK. the raps, the vocals, the vibes, the fucking domino sound in the back? i would have streamed that shit on repeat. but tbh, as good as it is, it doesnt have that sort of grandness/oomph that skz seems to like in their title tracks so i can see why they chose thunderous (tho domino would have been so good) *sigh*
ssick - yeah same, not my fave track by a long mile, the crowd cheering was a ?strange? choice and the chorus was a bit bare/empty, plus like i mentioned earlier, it was kinda funny to me for some reason but ill still play it if im playing thru the whole album
the view - ahh one of those not like other girls (/j) i honestly think its just a good party song, just a bop to play in the background when nobodys rlly paying much attention. its pretty generic pop music but catchy
sorry, i love you - hehe yeah i thought it was going to be sadder as well, but i rlly loved the fact that they all just got to sing, which almost never happens, i dont think ive heard felix sing for a long time, so i enjoyed it. wasnt rlly a standout track but i just casually like it. looking forward to the fic haha
silent cry - this song i swear, some bits are rlly good and then others are just? why?? it does sound like a dance song tho idk. definitely not one of my faves either
secret secret - YES its so good! its such a chill song and i love their vocals in it. the combination of lo-fi/fake strings backup stuff and their heavenly vocals just makes it *chefs kiss* im listening to it rn and just... its so beautiful. it gives me pumped up another day vibes ya know? like my pace is edgy get cool, this one is energetic another day i feel like. overall i love it
STAR LOST - ah thats so cool! i didnt know that! on first listen this song had a similar vibe to secret secret but then the beat came in and ahh its such a good song. i can totally imagine them putting this song to a concert footage vid, this song is so sweet.
red lights - LMAO YES ITS SO AWKWARD WHY DOES IT GO ON FOR SO LONG ah thats good! yeah good point, its quite intense hehe. but that is my fave trope and this is lowkey my favourite track on the album so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ just the combination of hyunjins and chans voices, the backing music, the lyrics ahh red lights my beloved
surfin’ - yes lmao its always a shock, i feel like they should have put gone away in between them, but its such a fun cute song, i cant get rlly mad. yeah, as an aussie i think im contractually obligated to like beaches lol. sand im not such a fan of, but my familys rlly into fishing and my brother loves bodyboarding so we stay at a beach house at least twice a year and we live like 5 mins from 3 different beaches (hehe all aussie cities are on the coast lol) so thats cool. do you like beaches?
gone away - ah gone away my beloved, i love this song sm, its just so pure and showcases their vocals and lyrics so well. yes the pitch change is very out of the blue, i feel liek they went directly from seungmins soft vocals to hans powerful ones which was an interesting choice, but hey, im not complaining
wolfgang - YES IKR ah im so happy he got to be included in that era and song. yeah its such a full on song i cant rlly listen to it if im in a quiet mood but its very motivating :)
hehe mood, i hope they do! ahhh no rest, but at least you wont have to pull a blink and wait a year for any word from the group lol. im not rlly into nct but im excited for them! ah hopefully youll be able to sneak some rest into that chaotic schedule, with enhypen (idk if u stan but yeah) squeezed into it haha
<3 w.a. 🐺
i wheezed at partner in crime, it reminded me of smth. i have a lee know fic in the drafts that i wrote 'in honor' of him (and his departure-ish). i'll tag you when i finish it, if you want. it's a rather hilarious one.
oh my god. based on my experience on the collabs i've joined before, writing explicit shit for '01 & '02 is not accepted (nct's maknaes) but with enha's hyung line '01 & '02 somehow it's okay? i do a double take every time i see fics like those i mean, technically, it's legal but still what the fuck. maybe it's just not for me at the moment. not at us venting our frustration about this. it's just something that's so accepted here that i am (in all honesty) slightly uncomfortable about. but oh well. that's kpop writerblr for you.
man i could've linked all the fics in the ask instead so you wouldn't have to go looking for them! i think i saw you like in class the other day (the fic i renamed into sharp-tongued, god it took me a while to remember the new title). describing champagne problems as an angst to end all angst is one way to put what i was feeling back in december. it just hurt to write and admit?? if that ever happened to me i would prolly cry :d
okay back to the album talk! i love how you answered with more thoughts. i love exchanges like these! i am a victim of the cheese hook and it's now one of my favorite tracks in the album. PLS, TOO MUCH GOOD MUSIC SYNDROME. that's on our self-producing kings 😌💅 also, your brother has taste! as i am typing this, domino's currently playing in my head and i realized that too, that it doesn't have that 'vibe' of a skz title track. honestly, this could be a title track of another group. ssick is starting to grown on me because i found the beats cool kdjsk not the not like other girls 😭 the view is the generic pop that i don't like but i get why a lot of people enjoy it. sorry i love you scratches a certain itch that i find myself singing the first few lines every time i remember it. i too would want to hear felix sing more!
> a mini junction on the album talk bc i got side tracked. on that topic, i want skz to switch positions at some point like i know those allrounders are capable of doing so. specifically, i want to hear seungmin rap!!!! (yk in the recent weekly idol he talked faster than changbin in a challenge and changbin is like the fastest rapper in kpop that's active atm if im not mistaken. my dandy boy has some potential and i want it UNLEASHED.)
back to album talk. silent cry is basically sad music to twerk to. secret secret is definitely one of my favorite tracks :( i loved how you compared the tracks HAJSAH i burst out laughing bc yk what, you're right! i want to make a star lost edit of skz but i simply do not have the time i want to cry. i love the song so much. ok, my dreaded track, red lights. idt i have played the track since we last talked. my friend sent me the lyrics tho and i'm itching to write a twisted au out of it. idk if you're comfortable with yandere but somewhere along those themes. the obsessive type of love that's sweet at first but turns rotten. IMAGINE IF THEY PUT GONE AWAY BETWEEN ASHJA it's like going from 50 shades to the notebook.
i was about to ask if you lived near the coast and you literally mentions it here god im so stupid. yes i LOOOOOOOOOVE beaches so much. living in an archipelago is fun :( i live in a part of the country that's more island than city so every time i want some vitamin sea it's accessible. i heard the waves in australia are great :( anYWHOOO gone away :(( every time it plays im compelled to skip it because it makes me sAD AND NOWADAYS I DONT HAVE THE TIME TO BE SAD. contrary to you, i dislike my quiet moods because i tend to overthink a lot.
i have this little analogy about how there are stays that enjoy songs the generic pop + mellow songs and then there are other stays that enjoy the noisy tracks. in my mind, it's like a perfect balance that makes me feel like all the tracks are loved in the end. just by different people.
PULL A BLINK. bro i fucking hate yg entertainment. they have the biggest kpop girl group LOCKED in their basement when they could be (and i mean this in the most business-like way not morally) milking money of the quad. they're yg's biggest hope at not being bankrupt atm so it's a damn fucking mystery to me as to how they aren't doing anything. (jk i just realized lisa solo album soon, but i still need a ot4 cb hELLO)
i stopped looking forward to the teasers. rest > kpop boys. i don't want to sound like a cult member but have you tried checking out nct? are they just not your thing? (i get it tho, that's one hard group to get into). and yes i do stan enhypen!
wow i love how long these asks are! they're like online penpals. but i also want to ask about you! how have you been lately? are you feeling okay both mentally and physically? how's the weather there? do you have anything that you want to talk about? maybe an interesting book you read? feel free to bring up anything you want to share! i'm getting conscious about talking about myself HAJHSJ
and yet another long answer B) i am sooo sorry T___T should these ask exchanges feel draining to you, feel free to stop sending them in AAAA
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jiminrings · 4 years
cabin pressure
pairing: taehyung x y/n
glimpse: pilot!y/n who accidentally became famous bc of a viral post about her, best friend!jimin!, taehyung having a shy lil crush on you aND ot7 being meanies for a tad bit :((
wordcount: 17k
notes: this is my first bts fic im gonna post and for sentimentality’s sake, im paying homage to the bullet-point format™️ because this is the same thing i use for my reviewers and it’s v effective in making me focus and not lose interest!!! 
jimin really misses you :((
you’re his longtime friend!! someone who’s stuck with him even before he was famous!!
unlike tHose who suddenly appeared claiming that “aHHHHH jimin from bts aha actually we were friends even tho i have never spoke to him once hE’s actually asking me out and-“
and he loves u to death even the both of you fond each other annoying at times
like that one time he pretended he was sick with a bug just to get u out of your very important meeting just bECAUSE he wanted u to cook up a meal he missed
“hey why are u crying and also can you pls still cook why you’re crying”
“jimin i fucking hate you”
and needless to say he really made up for it because he may have screwed up your job bc he wanted you to drop EVERYTHING to cook cheesy tonkatsu for him
so yes he really went up and above just to get you to forgive him
and u know what
jimin misses his best friend so much that he’s thinking of you in the middle of a meeting
and literally at the mention of bon voyage, the gears in his head start spinning!!!!
basically his thought process was:
bon voyage = abroad = y/n = oH DAMN OH RIGHT Y/N’S A PILOT = airplane whoosh = abroad = BON VOYAGE!!!!
and he’s really gonna make a leap for this because it’s given that him and the boys ride in private jets and first-class and all
literally everyone is looking at him now because his previous outburst of a call was surely attention-grabbing and it makes him shrink a bit because aha :D oops lol okay so what i was saying
“i-i was thinking uhm like since, abroad, right?? my friend y/n y/l/n is a pilot!! and the airline she-...”
“you know y/n y/l/n??” bang si-hyuk literally asks with his eyes wide and everyone could tell that it was the positive type of shock
everyone in the room is like divided with some nodding and some clapping excitedly and some just with their mouths agape
and that confuses jimin because
“you know y/n??”
bang si-hyuk, ceo of big hit entertainment, his boss,,,, knows you, his childhood best friend-
and it’s not like jimin is territorial when it comes to his best friends and most esp you!!!! but yeah he realizes that he is now, especially because everyone in the room apparently knows you??? and he’s only ever introduced you to the boys???? briefly?? hope and jin have yet to meet you in person???
“how could we not?” jungkook interjects with a bunny smile on his face and everything is seriously confusing jimin rn because honestly
“do you like live under a rock” yoongi has the most confused face ever to jimin’s cluelessness, the situation being ironic because normally the hyung is slower when it comes to these type of things
“y/n went viral all over the news like last week!! up to now even” it’s no joke that namjoon knows everyone that his members know but for jimin to hear joon speak about you in THIS degree offends him
because wait he’s your closest friend he should know these things
he’d like u to know that he isn’t bitter :)
and his eyes go wide at that because oH GOD WHAT DID YOU DO
everyone agrees to what namjoon said, still a bit dumb-founded as taehyung practically yanks jimin’s chair to sit closer near his and almost shoves his phone to his face
it’s you
in your pilot uniform with your luggage at tow
sunglasses at the top of your head and phone on-hand
your id still worn around your neck and
jimin basically deduced all of these things with a couple swipes:
a) ok you look ethereal in those pics
b) it was supposed to be a stolen picture of this dude but you were in the background and you cOMPLETELY stole the show
c) someone zoomed in on you and edited so now basically your ethereal being got even more magnified
d) someone zoomed in on your id (he got a lil bit mad at that)
e) aha the internet loves you
f) edits and i have thirty minutes i am free this saturday retweets and digging into your images in social media EVERYTHING!!! the whole nine yards!!!!
when you woke up to that frenzy though
you literally couldn’t function for five minutes and then you started catching up and digging in on what was happening
“but i don’t look ethereal!! my skin is dry n oily at the SAME time because of cabin air and my eyes are stinging!!! i look ghastly and only a little bit fresh because of the air u get when you’re 50,000 feet up in the air!! but im-...”
oh that’s it you went viral completely on accident
you were just waiting for the free service back home your airline offers it pilots, because you brought your car to work but you were too tired to drive back home
but now you are viral in the worldwide interwebs with articles and twitter threads about you and multiple multiple DMs that make your phone freeze and
wait did your airline just email you about that :D
oh lol did beyoncé just follow you :D
basically jimin got his brothers giving him a three-minute crash course each about what happened with their managers even stepping in to gush
he basically can’t believe that he didn’t know that!! even if you didn’t mention it to him, he should’ve known because it was practically everywhere!!!!
bang si-hyuk is well-pleased and even got jimin to tell how he knew you and what you were like and he was very much :O when he got into the word that aish!!! his employee has really been living under a rock lmao
by then, the conversation about bon voyage has been slightly derailed to talk about you
who knew that jimin simply mentioning your name (lol he didn’t need to because the conversation about you was nearing anyway) would land the meeting to
“oh! actually! the airline y/n works at reached a couple of weeks ago about a proposal to get bts to star in a commercial for them!!”
and now they’re hyped because yes they endorsed clothes and food and malls and establishments but never did they endorse an AIRLINE!!! a damn airline!!!!
okay so now not only did they tackle that you would pilot for them in bon voyage
“ah! you could like also play games on the way there with y/n!!”
“wHO WILL PILOT THE PLANE THEN??? we’re gonna crash!!!”
“you’re thick, jungkook, and not in the way you think so lmao”
“maybe we could extend their vacation! shoot a skit or two with them being flight attendants for run!! one week for shooting, two weeks for resting!! two birds with one stone, really”
an airline commercial
a couple run bts! episodes
a whole season of bon voyage (with a longer production because they have longer vacation days)
more traction for them
more time than he ever wished for to be with you!! :D
soon enough the meeting is finished and it went so good that the boys were gonna be treated to a beef dinner so
everyone’s scattered and dispersed, some making small talk w him about you that makes him smile
taehyung’s lingering behind him with his hands on his back
“what is it, tae?”
the younger boy is just giggling and fiddling with his hands, a careless shrug to his shoulders
“can i have y/n’s number :D”
“aish!! if jungkook were to ask for her number, you would’ve given it to him in a heartbeat because he’s the youngest!! and-...”
“ya!! thanks for reminding hyung! jimin-hyung may i also pls have y/n’s number :D”
jin had to drag jimin with him bc he wasn’t done shooting the both of them glares and his cheeks were practically pink with how annoyed he was at the younger two
needless to say taehyung and jungkook didn’t have any extra portions of beef from him
he is very protective of you and even if he’s become closer with his brothers more than he’s been close with you he jUST can’t help it!!
not that he doesn’t trust them or anything
not that he doesn’t trust you either
but he doesn’t want figurative blood on his figurative ledger because he feels that it would be his responsibility if ever yOu and someone became a thing and HE was the one who inteoduced you both :(
it’s not just a him thing :( he can’t put it into words but he’s just looking out for both parties!!!
kinda figured out that taehyung may or may not have a shy little crush on you
spoiler alert: it was HUGE
for their entire dinner, every single time your name was brought up, tae instinctively has his ears perk up at the mention
simultaneously he shrinks to his seat and purses his lips and looks around to what’s being said
why are u mentioning y/n’s name?? what is happening??
and taehyung having a serious case of sweater paws doesn’t help him from jimin’s observing gaze
and yes he feels a bit sorry because taehyung kinda looks a bit upset; that little “oh :((“ on his face when jimin snapped at him so quick
he’s not gonna force him to tho,, out of respect since someone else is involved (and in this case it’s you and your number)
jimin nudges him by the shoulder to get his attention
everyone’s passed out at this point because the beef was so damn good
tae kinda looks spaced out so he turns his head immediately and he forgot for a second that he was supposed to be cold with jimin
“..... do you still want y/n’s number?”
taehyung almost fALLS out of his chair as he nods eagerly, making jimin shake his head to himself as he hesistantly takes out his phone from his pocket
oh god jimin’s phone is on his hand now oh god that’s your picture oh god that’s your number oH-
“i’m not gonna text her tonight if that’s you’re worried about?? i mean we barely know each other!! consider me asking for her number to be used for future references only :D”
“what does future references even mean?”
“... luggage. i want y/n’s luggage bag.”
“i also want y/n’s-...”
when you open up your company’s email to you, you really can’t help but to feel nervous
today was your off-day and they specifically requested that you come to the main office at 10 AM sharp
and in your off-day, you aren’t even awake at that time of the morning!!
it wss both a blessing and a curse that you slept early the night before so your body clock just went “lol u wake up early today get up at 6”
and not to mention the fact that it was the same day you learned that you went viral last night when you were peacefully asleep
so the last few hours have been WILD and it kinda put you into shock
the closest you’ve ever been to fame was having your pictures leaked with jimin when you were still kids!!
if you were lucky enough, your face would be covered by every possible animal emoji that was ever released
apart from that, it was the occassional mention of your name in stan twitter and that was it
but THIS type of fame is on a whole another level!! higher than being tagged as jimin’s best friend outside of bts!! higher than having your face covered with animal emojis
when you thought that you were gonna be fired over being viral for some reason unbeknownst —
even if you know that you haven’t violated anything and if anything, you were the one who got violated because someone uploaded a picture of you without your consent!!!
so when you learn that they aren’t mad at all and ecstatic in fact
because your airline basically got free publicity and promotion just because you looked so good in pictures that weren’t even intentional
and that there is a more than noticeable spike in the bookings of flights
and that people were cALLING to ask if you would be the one to pilot that flight
and that said rival airlines were pitching in salaries that competed with your paycheck now aND THAT THEY WERE EVEN higher
needless to say that your day was more than eventful
you don’t know how to cope up with it either so while the meeting drags on to talk about your newfound fame you’re just :O the entire time
“i believe that park jimin from bts is a close friend of yours, correct?”
wAIT what
you shouldn’t be shocked by now because practically everyone’s familiar with him and the rest of the boys
but it still takes you off-guard because as much as he is your friend
and as much you admit that you miss jimin :(
or that you haven’t talked to him as much these past few days
you genuinely don’t see the connection of why jimin would be brought up into this conversation that doesn’t involve him in the first place
there’s a self-pitying realization in between that it seems like your only determining factor these days was to be known as a best friend of a kpop idol and nothing else
that’s a sad topic you’d rather not delve in at the moment
“prior to you being catapulted into fame suddenly — we reached out to their company for them to become our endorsers. a commercial and a billboard and some other things.”
“and this is just the pERFECT timing because you’re famous now and people love you!!!”
this was it
the stars were aligning for you
not only do you get to hang out with jimin, but now you’re launched into much more job opportunities!!
when the meeting concluded, you narrow it down to the conclusions that:
a) you’re most likely to film a commercial and some adverts and perhaps be included in a billboard with them (their company has yet to confirm within the week but your ceo ji-eun is damn sure at this point or else she will flip
b) you’re now getting an agent :D because apparently offers have been waiting for you left and right and they already got you one before you even said “yeah sure i guess???”
c) you’re getting a RAISE
d) sooner or later you’re gonna do this photoshoot so your own company could post about you this time
e) interviews. you’re gonna be asked to chat your heart out intentionally. i n t e r v i e w s
and it’s a humbling moment for sure because it’s like 
oh. you didn’t mean for this to happen but it’s here now and you can make the most of this while it’s still here!! you get to do what you love and be with the people you love and basically get paid for it!!
oh is this what jimin feels like all the time then??
maybe you should apply as the 8th member of bts
it’s during an intentionally cold night in your apartment that your phone basically vibrates itself off the table
right when you were still in the bathroom taking your time because you were getting PR!! and the mask you just put on happens to be something you’ve been curious about but it was too expensive for you to be curious about lol
also: curiosity that leads you to buy either new skincare products or makeup are either a godsend or a godforsaken situation because 6 out of 10 times you do that, you breakout!!! 
the sound of something clattering to the ground immediately makes you scramble towards your living room, phone flipped over to see jimin up close, eyes even in a picture enough to intimidate you for not answering immediately
the both of you put each other on speaker mode because while you didn’t want to risk ruining your mask, the rest of the boys wanna listen in
the entire phone call was so intense because even in speaker mode you were still yelling at each other
and it was spent with so much enthusiasm on trying to catch up with the past days and jimin apologizing profusely because he’s been living under a rock
“... jimin what do you mean”
because as far as you knew, the airline commercial would be done with a green screen to ensure that it’s of the best quality
not a gopro type of thing because ur flight attendants would yell real-time to the camera crew and the boys when they try to do something and the seatbelt sign is still on!!!
“wait jimin i think y/n wasn’t supposed to know that yet”
you hear a voice in the background and it’s very much familiar and it’s now hitting you that there’s an audience for your entire call
“namjoon, is that you???”
and then you hear this scuffle over the line and a very slight commotion
it’s jimin holding his phone away with his arm and the other fending off namjoon while hobi scrambles to steal it back
jin is helplessly saying hello to you in the background while jungkook is hopping around going all “miss y/n i am a fan of you!!!”
taehyung is going all sweater paws again while yoongi is desperately trying to shut them up because he’s still listening into yours and jimin’s conversation and he’s genuinely engrossed ok
and now everyone’s calm and collected especially since jimin gives them a death glare each and nobody admits but angry jimin scares the shit out of them
he’s back to being soft-spoken now because he realizes that he may have slipped in saying information he probably shouldn’t have yet, a sheepish scratch at the back of his head
“uhm well you see you’re gonna fly us over for bon voyage and uhm kinda stick around for some pieces here and there?? uhm that’s from what i know hehe”
right now you’re just blanking out and staring into the distance and you’ve suddenly gone awfully quiet
yoongi’s on the background like “yo i think you just broke her”
“is y/n’s cell broken? i’m gonna get her a new one”
“jimin-hyung you said y/n sometimes forgets to lock her door right??”
it’s once again another frenzy and once you realize that you’ve blanked out, you immediately shush them and they miraculously do
it’s a feeling of being overwhelmed and disbelief because this is more than you’ve ever asked for
to think that just last week you were tired and was about to pull off an AWOL because your off-day couldn’t have come nearer
“i certainly didn’t know that”
and there’s a nervous chuckle and a nervous silence that encompasses and for a moment, jimin frowns because he thinks that this is all too much for you and you’re gonna turn down the offer even before it’s gonna be officially pitched to you at a meeting tomorrow (you have yet to know that there’s gonna be another meeting tomorrow)
“oh my god i get to be with the lot of you!!!”
one excited shriek from you and that’s all it takes for hell to break loose
“i can fINALLY meet jin and hope!!”
“where’s namjoon?? this old lady from one of my flights own a stall at the airport and she’s afraid of riding in airplanes! and i was apparently so good and she wasn’t scared and that she waited for me outside the cockpit! she gave me a written note saying that i could come to her stall anytime and the bOOKS I’M GONNA CHOOSE WILL BE FREE OF CHARGE EVERY SINGLE TIME”
“yoongi if you’re hearing this; i heard kyle kuzma’s gonna fly first class next week and i fly that same aircraft do u want me to ask for an autograph”
“we have a boatload of dog treats we give for lil ones we have onboard so they stay behaved!! taehyung can have them for yeontan”
“tell jungkook that he can finally have my walkie-talkie he’s been bugging me about!! i have a new one anyway”
it’s official
they love you
they are practically swooning right now and are mad at jimin because wHY DIDN’T YOU LET US KNOW Y/N SOONER 
they only met you a couple times in the past and hobi and jin are jealous because atleast they got to meet you :((
and all of them are willing to take a splinter for you no doubt 
everyone goes to sleep that night all warm and fuzzy and content
not to mention taehyung being so giddy about what you said
not only did you think of him you also thought about yeontan aNd you haven’t even met the little devil yet!!
and he isn’t the only one who thinks of this but
there’s just something about you that is so warm and so genuine
like you could be as introverted as yoongi and be as much of a team player and and extrovert as taehyung is when needed be
but the point is that there’s always something about you for everyone that makes them gravitated towards you
of course jimin explains this to you and you basically shut him off
“aish don’t put me in a pedestal because i swear that i’m not that special”
“why won’t you believe me??”
“because it isn’t true now eat your cereal jimin i will pinch you thru the screen”
the meeting comes soon enough and you have to pretend that this was your first time hearing this bit of information
the pilot you were helping learn the ropes, hyunjin, will take over your normal workload for the meantime!!
in less than one week’s time, you have to pack your bags for three-ish weeks!! because as from what you can tell, things are gonna be a bit more hectic for you because you’re not only gonna fly planes
for a run episode, the boys are gonna be your flight attendants in a mock flight with the passengers as staff members
but the plane being in the air and them wearing flight attendant uniforms will be very much real
and then another episode to be squeezed in with them trying out flight simulators and quizzed with aviation facts 
and whether u did the best or the worst with the two-part episode
they’re still gonna go skydiving :)
they’re really milking out the sky motif but ok it wasn’t your show anyway and you were just gonna guest so they can go off by all means
after all that work, you’re gonna fly them off again but it’s for bon voyage this time!!
they basically res for two-ish weeks and you can tag along behind the scenes because i mean like you’re flying them home too so might as well
get some clips in between to be used for the commercial
and said commercial would be shot a few days after you all get back from said vacation!!
that’s it narrowed down and as you were taking notes, you can’t help but to feel very excited and nervous at the same time
a few days pass and it’s finally time!! yeah sure run episode but JIMIN AND THE BOYS CAN FINALLY SEE YOU NOW
you were supposed to reunite in the aircraft itself but jimin is an impatient baby which is why he’s called you insistently to say some excuse of “you have to go back to the empty boarding gate u need to meet your camera director”
lol but in truth you really don’t need to and where they are now is what you need to pass to get to said boarding gate
so when jimin sees you by the jet bridge they were all at, he sprints
like actually SPRINTS to get to you 
and he attacks you with a massive bear hug and sprinkles you with noisy cheek kisses
“Y/N *kiss* I *kiss* MISSED *kiss* YOU *kiss* SO *kiss* MUCH *kiss*”
no lie you really did miss him too
and once you get him to calm down because he was crushing your bones and you return his cheek kisses
the boys are all just looking at the scene in front of them with awe
jungkook’s looking at namjoon with his eyes saying “lol imma do that too” and namjoon’s staring back going “NO”
taehyung’s extra pouty right now
he didn’t conisder the fact that maybe you and jimin were an unspoken thing and that his crush on you is now something he shouldn’t hold onto
he got discouraged very quickly
hobi is waddling to you at full-speed and goes for a hug which is wild move for someone who he’s just met (but u don’t mind)
“you’re adorable your uniform is so cute omg”
jin goes in for a hug too and you say something along the lines of “i could see the handsomeness they were talking about” and he goes absolutely rED
he’s laughing uncontrollably like a seal 
namjoon was about to go in for a hug but then he sees your wrist and-
you are now being wrapped with namjoon’s long arms 
he doesn’t seem to be letting go of you soon
yoongi just has his arms wide and his eyes in a faux irritated manner
“what are you looking at”
and then his gummy smile appears when you just cave into his hug and jin is like??? “aH! y/n’s power is unparalleled”
jungkook immediately goes in for an embrace and even twirls you around
“ooh!! you have more piercings now than the last time i saw you!”
“i can pierce ears now!!”
“jungkook can you really”
“lmao no”
and now that it seems like hugging is the new norm, and taehyung being the last in line for you to greet, that kinda burns your nerves becauseif you were to “admit, you may or may not have a little crush on taehyung ever since the first time jimin introduced the both of you to each other
so you do the sensible thing and don’t think about it
no thoughts head empty head first
“aha y/n :D”
you hug him and well
taehyung blanked at that and panicked internally
the stark difference of your enthusiasm and his timid response was cringeworthy and it makes you screw your eyes shut as you hug him
but the moment tae realizes this, he holds on as you were trying to let go of him as qUICK as possible because it was too awkward for you to bear
and a little crushing if you were being honest
taehyung now takes first place for wanting to be reincarnated as a rock in the next life
after yoongi seeing that interaction he was just like ᵒᵒᶠ
before it goes anymore awkward though and tae starts squawking, jimin thankfully whisks you away 
“you look so badass in your uniform will u let me wear it”
“let me wear your hoops and i’ll let u borrow”
“lol forget that i even asked”
no matter what, jimin doesn’t let you borrow his earrings!!
like even if the boys borrow some from him time to time
he absolutely does not let you borrow and when you ask why, he just rolls his eyes and smacks his lips and goes N-O
and then eventually he has to shoo you out because they have to film the intro at the jet bridge and you’re not supposed to be there really
jungkook excitedly squeezes you again and goes “see you later!!”
jeon jungkook knows what he’s doing
so right before the cameras start rolling, he’s just staring at the side of taehyung’s face in close proximity with a teasing smile on his face and then wiggles his eyebrows in the slightest when tae finally returns his stare with a knowing glare
“what was that awhile ago, hyung?”
“one more word out of ur mouth and i’m ratting you out to-...”
“i was just kidding hehe don’t rat me out to namjoon that i accidentally stained his precious table hehe pls”
and he blinks at that and is taken aback
because that was supposed to be an empty threat
and now that jungkook realizes he’s fallen smack-dab into the trap, he now wants to ignite himself
taehyung now has blackmail material :D
jungkook is now held captive by said blackmail material :D
they eventually get done with their intro and into the aircraft itself!! jimin is the one to introduce you and throughout the whole ordeal they’re just hyped-up bc it’s the first time they get to do this type of episode
and they’re doing it with you so that’s a plus
and they get changed into their custom flight attendant attire
snug pink get-up with a silk navy blue scarf tied around as the uniform’s collar 
and golden nameplates engraved with their names on it
and AIR BANGTAN embroidered into the breast pocket!!
they looked absolutely good
your work would be lighter if only they were your actual flight attendants
you’d work every single day
even though they could be tiresome at times bc they could be all over the place
taehyung was admittedly swooning the whole time
the production staff made you alter your speech a bit so you could insert air bangtan and introduce all seven of them individually for the skit
and then everyone’s briefed with what they have to do and how safety should be the no. 1 priority
and then it’s takeoff time!!!!
jimin is really really proud of you
he takes advantage of this as his bragging rights
“aha that’s my best friend who’s flying the plane we are in right now :)”
“lol i love y/n i was best friends with her first :)”
“best take-off ever in your life amirite :)”
“i’m friends with a pilot in case you didn’t know :) no big deal”
“technically that’s captain jimin to you too now :)”
it was a fun and a chaotic episode
a bit unsafe? yes
but then the icing at the top was taehyung swooning at everything you did and cussing at himself every time he remembers how he screwed up earlier
he is the most behaved person in this flight and he wants you to know that :((
yoongi’s mercilessly teasing him
“y/n’s gonna come out to do her landing speech soon; you should pretend reading the safety manual now”
“somebody give taehyung a barf bag and a pen he’s gonna ask for an autograph from y/n”
“ey jimin do they sell y/n’s perfume in this flight?? someone just wants to ask”
and there’s just this innate feeling everyone feels every once in a while
that everything feels so right and so complete
it’s like complete nirvana
and before you know it, bon voyage is already happening
a vacation with seven best friends (jimin insists that he has the superlative best when you’re talking about them as friends) 
(and maybe one of them you don’t see as a best friend and perhaps something more and that person really doesn’t show much enthusiasm for you as you do for him)
(it’s taehyung)
and it’s not like taehyung isn’t fond of you
in fact, he very much is!! believe him!!
it’s just that he’s paralyzed over his crush on you and the fact that he sees you often because of these circumstances and he can’t believe it
too paralyzed over the fact that he might and may have already made a fool out of himself
and that he’s afraid to make moves on you with the boys here because jESUS CHRIST
he knows he would be teased mercilessly or he would be teased mercilessly while they help him out but they would never let him live this down
and jimin
oh god jimin
because as much as jimin loves him, he knows that one wrong move on you and he knows he’s gonna yeet him to the han river
he doesn’t know either what would be jimin’s reaction if he knew of his crush on you!! will he flip? will he be happy? wILL HE FORBID HIM FROM SEEING YOU EVER AGAIN????
at times he could be very overbearing
and he admits that
but all for good cause as he tries to explain
oh and jungkook
damn jungkook
he’s caught on pretty quickly about tae’s crush on you
and kook likes you but not in the way tae likes you
it’s just a fuzzy, warm, and platonic type of like like what the other boys have for you
but with fLIRTINESS
jimin’s the same but it was natural since you’ve been friends for absolutely ages
jungkook’s however was very fresh and very aBRUPT
it’s him trying to get a rise from taehyung and urging him to just make a damn move on you
he hopes that his flirtiness with you would just intimidate his hyung to the point that “open your eyes!!! oh what am i doing?? don’t you feel that i’m trying to steal y/n away from you?? MAKE A MOVE!!” gets across
taehyung has yet to realize that though
bon voyage doesn’t really include you (as you also try to remove yourself out of the picture as much as possible)
the cameras aren’t always turned on and not all hours of the day are spent on filming
so they can still get to do things and activities without staff members flooding the house!!
the house you’re all staying at is a gigantic one
so it got divided into two wings and you can even close it off!!
one wing solely for the boys and the other for you and the production staff
you were at their wing more often than you are in yours though
and during these past few days that turned into weeks, you’ve been closer to them more than you could imagine
they were easy to get around with!! them knowing that jimin knows you is a plus factor if you think about it
and even if not for that fact, they still think not much would’ve changed in your present friendship dynamic right now
it was comforting to be with them, really
the other way around!!
and you could also hang out with them either individually or as a group and it wouldn’t be awkward!!
.. taehyung may or may not be a slight issue though
you honestly think that he hates you :(
and you’re trying to backtrack your actions to see if you may have done something to him
you always try to keep up with his energy
jungkook was fooling around with a drone and trying to experiment flying it
and then he suddenly had this idea of “tae do you think you could outrun my drone”
and kook’s whipping his head around for you as if in a silent question to ask “wait is that possible”
and you’re just over there narrowing your eyes like “jungkook just because i’m a pilot,,,,, it doesn’t mean i know every flying object in the air and how to operate it,,,,,”
“but y/n can you outrun my drone tho”
it’s the sudden challenge that takes you aback and makes your eyebrow raise
and then it’s become a cHALLENGE
taehyung’s competitiveness making him forget that you’re even there and that he’s not acting all conscious
so it’s literally all fun and laughter
and the both of you may or may not be so caught up into this stupid challenge you stupidly both participated to
you’re not even sure if there was a rEWARD for this
so stupidly caught up to the point that jungkook’s already led the both of you to the beach that you were overlooking from the house you all stayed at
(jungkook’s running with the drone and that completely destroys the purpose of the drone but he’s having fun too ok)
before you knew it, both you and tae are crashing full-speed into the beach and it takes a collective second for you to realize that you both were indeed wet when you’re hip-deep into the water
and it sends another burst of laughter and you’re just looking at him helplessly and out of breath
“oh my god i didn’t even-...”
it hits taehyung now that he’s having full-on eye contact with you on what the fuck is he doing
he just immediately tenses and all the alarms in his head are going off
‘hahahaha yes :)”
and there it is again
that noticeable shift in the air that makes your mouth dry at what could you have possibly done
he’s quick on walking himself out of the water, quite literally leaving you there
jungkook’s by the shoreline laughing himself to death and sees taehyung waddling himself out
ok what was that
what the fuck was that
he only gets a blank laugh in return and it’s a dampener for his mood right now
and it only sinks in now that why is taehyung returning by himself
“y/n did you drown????”
no you didn’t drown
but the idea did seem enticing because you felt so embarrassed and down with what just happened
so right now jungkook just has his arm around your shoulders as he’s trying to figure everything out
“did i -- did i do something wrong?”
and even if the context isn’t clear. he immediately says no
the both of you are just walking back to the house while the sun sets and he still isn’t sure of what happened but he knows that it’s enough to make you sad and most probably has something to do with taehyung
he just wants to cheer you up :(
so mid-way he kinda picks you up wordlessly and you don’t fight him about it
you’re completely drained of your energy both physically and emotionally
you melt into jungkook’s grasp on you as your way of thanks and he acknowledges it with a squeeze on your arm
by the time you get back, everyone’s just doing their own thing because it’s nearing dinner
kook kinda plops you into the couch yoongi’s sitting on
his eyes question that something’s kinda off but he doesn’t question it
and you just crawl the short distance so that you’re laying on his lap and be sad in peace there
all he does it just past your head once and that’s it
and he’s just watching a replay of a basketall game because he hasn’t had time to catch up with those championship games (even if he knows who won and who lost)
and out of the blue yoongi just hears you softly pipe in
“my ex is a professional basketball player”
and you shush him bc you don’t want anybody else to know
“omg jimin doesn’t know this?? and i’m like the first one to know?”
oh and he kinda huddles because after all, this is a secret and it does have something to do with basketball
“professional as in he played in this show you’re watching rn”
“is he in this game????”
“lol no from what i know, he got injured even before championship but yeah his team’s playing right now”
“what’s his name???”
“theo. i call him theo”
and then that name sounds awfully familiar and he’s specifically requesting to see what he looked like and even tries to get hobi to look for your phone
but your pictures with him are all deleted now so you just make yoongi search up his name and he’s like :O
“....... why did you break up then..,,.,”
and then you just gently explain that it was a mutual decision and that both your jobs were demanding
so yeah it was impossible to happen
and yoongi forgot that fifteen minutes ago, jungkook just plopped you here because you wanted to lie down and were too sad to function
and he made you retell what happened to you and your ex that only he knows about
so he feels a little guilty
“you don’t have to speak if you don’t want to :(”
and you just wave him off that catches him off-guard
“nah it’s all okay :)”
man were u selfless
yoongi now loves you more
jin and namjoon finish dinner soon enough and everybody goes down to eat
even taehyung who’s with jimin
and it doesn’t even look like something’s wrong
but jimin’s counting all the heads in the room and was like ‘wAit where’s y/n???”
he sees you getting yourself out from lying in yoongi’s lap and he’s there with you in a heartbeat cooing at you
“y/n baby what happened”
and you’re back to lying down again but this time it’s jimin pushing you to lie on his shoulder as he’s stroking your hair
you said “nothing”, you know...,,., like a liar
jimin throws yoongi a questioning look and the older boy just shrugs his shoulders because he doesn’t know either
taehyung’s abandoned at the edge of the stairs
and you were about to scoff but that obviously doesn’t hurt as much when he abandoned you hip-deep into the water
“mhmmm i see :D”
jimin most definitely knows you’re lying but he doesn’t want to prod into it because it’s obvious that you weren’t in the mood to be questioned
at this point he’s just trying to cheer you up but in the same time give you sustenance
he’s literally feeding you right now
jin cooked up a lot of box mac n’ cheese (he transferred it into actual bowls) from the conveniece store and you know what
he wanted to try it out
it is not the healthiest thing in the world but atleast it’s somehow foreign right???? 
as much as jimin loves you, he does want to eat though
so he asked jungkook to get him a big-ass bowl with a portion big enough for the both of you and he did just that 
but you aren’t that much cooperative because you’re not eating that much and jimin is really really enticed with the smell of the food rn and jungkook senses that
“i’ll feed her, hyung!! go get another spoon for you or something”
he is really thankful for that so he just pushes the bowl to kook and scrambles for a utensil and perhaps even his own bowl
jungkook’s feeding you now and without jimin sending you a questioning glance every two seconds, you’re more cooperative 
taehyung is sitting by the far corner of the couch parallel to yours and he is CLENCHING
and he’s groaning to his mac n’ cheese and namjoon is ??? why are you like this ???
“good. it tastes so good.”
he nods but he’s still sending tae a questioning look
you eventually gained the appetite to eat
but jungkook was in charge of the dishes tonight and he doesn’t want to wash one more spoon so he insisted that you just share one instead
taehyung is gonna COMBUST
he is now practically yelling into his mac n’ cheese
everyone is now ??? at him and he makes a show of just shoving the bits of pasta to his mouth
“jin-hyung :) namhoon-hyung :) this is so delicious :) how did you do this :)”
“...... taehyung that’s instant,,,, boiled water and the cheese powder...,.,”
“aHA so that’s why :)”
his actions are v fishy and v funny 
but deep down he is boiling angry and frustrated both at himself and a jungkook
kook is giggling to the bowl right now that you had to pry it away from him
you’re not even LOOKING at taehyung’s direction
usually you did
but your will to treat him like how he treats you is stronger
that’s it that’s gonna be the rest of the trip
if there’s any personality trait you’re gonna pick up from jimin from having been his friend for so long
it would be the stubbornness
you avoid taehyung like the flu
jimin is the one most on-guard about that 
and he is whispering to everyone except taehyung 
“if you see something that relates to y/n and taehyung tell me ok tELL ME!!!”
and even tae feels sad about it to the point that he’s trying to make a conscious effort in making conversation with you
when you’re on the floor with your laptop turned on and they’re surrounding you trying to help you out with your emails
emails that don’t relate to aviation work and more-on to the viral side of things such as designer !!! brands !!! reaching out to you personally instead of your agent!!!
“mhmm they have really good shoes. what’s your favorite color anyway?”
and he says that in the midst of voices overlapping bUt the boys realized that taehyung gave input into the conversation and wAS LIKe wait wait tae’s speaking shut up shut up
but jimin answers for you in a heartbeat and hobi pinches his arm and he was laughing suddenly
he’s looking around trying to say something with eyes
“lol i’m sorry did i ruin his move on y/n”
and his subconscious-
it takes all four of his hyungs to plead him to shut up with their glares and don’t make this anymore awkward as tae wants to be swallowed wholly by the ground
your resolute will doesn’t crumble until jimin makes it his ultimate mission to find a drink that’s gonna sink you
because your alcohol tolerance was brought up again when they were talking about buying drinks
and jimin tells the story of how you outdrank him one night and didn’t wake up with a deadlier hangover than he did aNd he was still curious to how you did it
you don’t know either but you’re as interested as them in finding a drink that’s gonna sink you
hobi’s random pick in the grocery store did JUST that
you finally sunk
you finally got as drunk as jimin’s level
as in a shit-faced type and not just a happy buzz you usually felt
you and jin have been laughing without end for five minutes now
no one even joked
you just made eye contact with each other and you both immediately started to wheeze 
he was starting to get so red he looked borderline pURPLE if you were still seeing clearly
yoongi was laughing by seeing the two of you laugh because it was starting to get contagious at the point 
by now namjoon’s back was being slapped carelessly by yoongi who’s pleased with himself
taehyung has a grin on his face because you were so adorable
as if his cheeks weren’t warm enough just by seeing you so happy and bubbly
and the heat in his chest isn’t just because of the alcohol nor the warmth his sweater provided
maybe this isn’t a little crush anymore :((
while he’s ignoring that possibility, everyone else is considering it
everyone besides you :((
jimin’s on his feet at the moment because oh my god it’s happening!!!
good news because you’re drunk out of your mind
and bad news that you’re drunk out of your mind
so he’s tending to you with a glass of water and you won’t drink it
he’s trying harder this time by putting the glass to your lips but you were flailing around so much by laughing that it spilled some to you and jimin himself
he’s now looking for a straw
this one’s for boba but he has to settle for this now
and he’s trying to coax you into drinking it
“but water tastes like nothing :((”
“which is exactly what you need”
“but i want it to taste like something”
he’s about to groan but then he sees your eyes glossing 
and oh god did he hear a whimper
he’s now looking for an ice cold chocolate drink that isn’t overly sweet
namjoon has made it his personal decision to follow jimin around
and with his twofold clumsiness at this state, yoongi follows him but not without holding on to the back of jooni’s shirt so he could be slid around
jin stands up and follows them but he’s not sure why
“why are you all -- this is NOT a conga line!!!”
hobi’s staring into the distance turned into snoring
taehyung isn’t all that drunk
but you, on the other hand, are very much drunk
tae’s not sure to why you’re approaching him
maybe it’s because the hoodie he’s wearing now is jungkook’s
maybe it’s because jimin’s scent is on his hair from having borrowed his shampoo
maybe it’s because you’re drunk and your first thought is him even if drunk
but all his thoughts fly out the door when you’re squeezing yourself into the couch he’s lying on at the very moment
one that’s too small for the two of you and that he had to grab you split-second because you were about to fall out of the couch so hard if not for his strong grip that holds you
taehyung’s not sure either to what his tone contained
whether it was for warning or for reprimanding, literally all his thoughts are crushed once again the moment you speak
“you’re voice is very deep.”
he’s not sure if you know this either but you were unconsciously cuddling up to his side, filling in the gap at the couch that just made you barely fit
“a-and it’s very calming.”
he’s not sure to why but the moment you put your hand on his chest because you were basically almost lying on top of him
his first instinct was to put his hand on the small of your back
and the moment and the feelings were so warm that fuck this isn’t the alcohol anymore
nor the sweater
so warm to the point that the both of you don’t notice jimin’s :O and everyone else’s :D
because the make-shift conga line has arrived right in front of where you are and hobi just woke up
and right when everything feels surreal 
taehyung watches a split-second decision happen right in your eyes
you just kissed the tip of his nose
taehyung thinks he’s gonna ascend to heaven
it’s the softest moment ever because you pull away trying to gauge his reaction
he’s all red with his bottom lip in between his teeth and oh my god his eyes are so expressive
jimin steps in tho
and he clears his throat and taehyung iS SUDDENLY BACK TO EARTH
oh my god oh my god that just happened oh my god
this is a bit more scary and intimidating now
because jimin doesn’t look neither thrilled nor angry
he looks neutral
neutral blank-faced on the verge of who knows what jimin is the most frightening jimin
“hey baby here’s your chocolate drink you asked for :)”
and with just a head rub you immediately come to your senses and are already making grabby hands to the cold mug (with a straw!!) and you’re scrambling to stand up and jimin’s helping you to stay stable because you’re attached to him now
taehyung is now looking at his hands as if they were the most entertaining things in the world “wow look at my rings i have never seen them before so shiny so silver”
and he knows jimin can see right through him
jimin has the tiniest hands out of all of them while he has the largest
and u know what
he could be still strangled with those same hands 
and u know what too
maybe he’ll accept that wrath because he kinda deserves it  
he’s sent a brief look that’s enough to let him know that the both of them will talk
that taehyung shouldn’t leave this couch
nor leave this house
nor this country
you know what maybe tae better start timing his record on how long he can go without breathing
he can do that for a minute and a half underwater
soon enough jimin finally tucks you in with not much protest
much force from him tho but much more apologies and coos when he apologizes and you do as asked
got to make u brush your teeth and change into a fresh set of pajamas
he has to trick you into “seokjin would be mad at u when he learns that you went to sleep with dirty clothes on”
and him being the good friend that he is
since he also achieved of getting to sink you with a drink
he’s gonna go the extra mile
went so far as to wipe you with a wet towel and dry you off since you didn’t want to shower and he’s afraid ur probably gonna fall asleep not even midway
he even does your skincare routine for you
you kept giggling when he was patting your face so he did it more but now you were in the verge of tearing because in your drunk state you tHOught he was slapping you over and over again with both palms at the same time
and after all that
jimin finally gets around with taehyung on the couch and the younger boy just immediately straightens his posture
“...,.,., so you and y/n.,.”
there are literally no words in his mouth
“aha yes me and y/n :D”
and it’s a habit of tae’s to be incoherent whenever he’s flustered
that kinda doesn’t help his case because jimin needs ALL of his brainpower and coherence
“what are your intentions?”
“uhm i uhm aha :D great pilot. no jet lag.”
he’s nodding even there isn’t something to nod at
god he didn’t even drink much but he feels just as floaty and as spent
“calm down, taehyung.”
he SOBERS at that
jimin even pats at his knee to try and ground him
“y-you’re not mad at me??”
“lol i kinda am to be honest”
“but i’m only mad because you treated her from the start as if you didn’t like her!!”
“but hyung you knOw it’s hard and -- wait was it really obvious??”
“there’s a difference between being shy AND being an insensitive ass that leaves the room whenever she enters!!!”
“and i know that people cope with things differently but your mechanism with your little crush on y/n was just kinda off for her, y’know? like this is the time she genuinely gets to know you and not just a five-second introduction by me!! and it’s just kinda a ballsy move because she just got to know you in this level and you’re acting like an ass and she doesn’t know why!!”
“ok but-...”
“and ok the boys and i aren’t mad that you kept from us because it was pretty obvious but i mEAN like you could have just went to us, ya know?? even if some would give poor advice, it’s the thought that counts!!”
“oH also what if y/n fell for jungkook instead of you, huh??? he has balls and he doesn’t even like her in that way!!”
this effectively shuts tae up because he hasn’t really considered that possibility
and it’s a dunk at sobering reality that each one of these days he let pass could have been the moment but it was just him hindering himself
because he is a shy boi for you and the crippling fear of rejection just always paralyzes him
with his nose still tingling and his cheeks still flushed because of that kiss
with somehow permission from jimin
with you in the picture now and everything in place
taehyung really can’t help but pout adorably and cry up tears of happiness a bit
jimin hugs him for that with a pat on his back
they both know though that even without any verbal warning that jimin will give taehyung hell if ever he breaks your heart
tae kinda pales at the realization because it may be a conflict of interest
and jimin would be like
lol :) why would you be afraid of me when you have no intention of hurting her :) 
tae SWEARS he could hear jimin in his head and he was about to reply but he realizes that he’s just a little bit worried and much more overwhelmed
needless to say that things really did do change overnight
you were trashed yet thankful that you remembered most of how the night went including that bit in which you were drunkenly topping and cuddling taehyung then pressing a soft little kiss to the tip of his nose
you could still hear your internal monlogue of “boop :D” when you kissed him
you’re woken up by the boys (yoongi included because it turned out you slept in for much longer) since today was a no-film day and they basically get to do anything in this vacation without it being documented and such
it was just a never-ending warm feeling with tae
throughout the whole day he was just grinning at you and maintaining eye contact and at times when you’re not even doing anything
(he’s glued to your side much to the grumpiness of jimin)
it was a slow burn at most
bumping shoulders and squeezing of wrists 
having his hand casually on the small of your back and around your shoulders
taehyung scrunching his nose SO MUCH
hobi is genuinely concerned
“tae do u have a cold??”
yoongi is fucking relentless
“what? what? what did the good boy smell???”
seokjin keeps pursing his lips intentionally after trying to gain tae’s attention and he = would shrug his shoulders excessively
“i saw that u little punk i SAW that”
namjoon would be on tune with how yoongi just won’t stop
“tie that bandana around your neck instead and sTOP sniffling”
jungkook would roll his eyes and scoff playfully whenever taehyung would glance at him
“do i need to kiss y/n so you’d be jealous enough to do so??”
jimin would be the mediator with all the teases but that doesn’t exactly mean he’s on tae’s side either bc the one time taehyung bragged that jimin was protecting him, he got whacked on the side of the head
“lol no this isn’t for u taehyung,, i’m just doing this because y/n’s cheeks are so hot and they’re burning a hole on my shoulder”
as much as your relationship was slowly but surely blossoming with taehyung
it happened for the boys as well!! even with jimin who you didn’t even think was possible to get closer to
bonding with jin was spontaneity and strict adherance to plans combined
“jin do u know milktpapi on twitter”
“bubble would have been a better name for that puppy”
following twitter recipes that are fast-paced and a little vague became a big hit for the both of you
he went on a watching binge one night and the morning after there were just paper bags on the counter of ingredients upon ingredients that he so sweetly asked the staff to get for him
he liked that there has to be some type of drama between those two sisters
jin would just be ranting to you with no end
“they were on CONEy island,,, C O N E ,,,, and she made cupcakes in cONES but they still chose the sister who thought hAMBURGERS,,, in C O N E y island,,,, was a good idea!!!”
another inside game was to guess the personification of inanimate things but to food
“what must sadness taste like”
jin and you and the never-ending bickering between the two of you almost always fills in as white noise
yoongi and you are rather a quite dynamic duo
and as hobi explains that you could just really really catch on with his tempo
like at times they would just catch the two of you lying on the same couch but at the opposite ends with your feet meeting in the middle
awake and in complete silence
jungkook has his eyes squinted
“why are you texting each other????”
and it has him genuinely baffled but he’s just answered with a grumble and he CAN’T tell whether it’s from you or yoongi
just like with jin, there’s also a food approach
“that dumpling kinda looks like namjoon”
“i was JUST about to say that”
it wasn’t a showy type of friendship with yoongi; rather a more silent concern type of thing and the occasional hug
love language with him seems to be the both of you having a drum-off because he has a nervous habit of tapping his fingers
and he’s v thankful because oh :) you’ve just distracted me from that thing i was nervous about :)
also likes snoozing off so whenever you can, you squeeze in a pillow when his neck’s in an awkward position and when he wakes up and realizes he’s just like :) gummy smile :)
hobi is a force to be reckoned with
asking “hey r u ok” out of the blue even if you weren’t particularly sure how the other one felt and sometimes one of your heads would just whip and go “you noticed???? :(”
hanging with him whenever he scrolls at his phone and online shops
the only difference is that he buys what he wants
“you’re telling me that we scrolled for like an hour and you’re not buying any of the things you saw????”
and you just pass it off every time because although a pilot’s wage is above average salary, your future and earning isn’t as sECURED and SOLID as his was
that doesn’t stop him peeking at your cart when you aren’t looking and adding it to his and perhaps checking out :) i mean it’s definitely not from him when you see some parcels in your doorstep by the time you get home :) not from him :)
it’s become a constant thing to link your arms together!!!
even if you’re not necessarily walking, it is essential to link arms with you as he argues
one time jimin tried getting in between your linked arms with hobi bc he wanted to join
hobi IMMEDIATELY glares at him and jimin backed off like sheesh ok but u don’t get to do the things i do with y/n either
writing on each other’s forearms is a thing too
sometimes it’s to conversate when you’re not in the mood to talk verbally
sometimes it’s just about talking shit but don’t tell jin he has his coat on backwards he looks laughable
“can u choreograph something for twinkle twinkle little star”
“y/n i-...”
nAMJOON however feels like he should’ve met you earlier like WAY WAY EARLIER
he gets on with you so well and sometimes he just sulks to jimin
“why didn’t you introduce y/n earlier to me god what was life like before y/n”
brain talk is more prevalent than ever because there are thoughts that delve deep into your mind that sometimes only namjoon could get
noah fence but if you were to rant about this to jimin, he would just drone off and grumble and he’d turn to sleeping because he just can’t help it
movie symbolisms????? count that to him and jungkook
after watching parasite for the nth time, you’re sure all three of you had all bases covered but nO it was somehow bottomless
“isn’t it ironic and somehow oxymoronic that...”
he is eternally grateful for you because one night the boys wanted to have a seafood night and u may or may not have had some recipes sent in your airline gc with how your airplane food was made
(surprisingly it didn’t suck)
and you considered him since he hates it and you know what,, he gets something else cooked for him
god namjoon gets why taehyung is smitten with you
also joonie is a bit oblivious to this fact but the other boys notice that you always bring him back a trinket of some sort
you noticed (and jimin might have pointed out one time) that he tended to fiddle with things and do small tasks whenever he was ticked off or stressed out
you keep note that you should gift him one of those fun kiddie entertainment packs when you’re back to regular programming as a pilot
it’s also a constant thing for you to bury your head to his chest
for no reason at all
it’s really comforting to say the least
he could be preparing breakfast and you’re just trudging down the stairs still not fully awake
“hey. i’m making-...”
“oh ok jus hang there if you want but u might get burnt by the pan but it’s ok it’s ur call”
jimin has become even much more of a precious being
gets in your nerves a bit more often than the last time but it’s normal at this point
head rubs that lull you to sleep are the best :((
taehyung sometimes looks to his hands because jimin got you to sleep instantly and he pouts
“how do you do that?? i wanna do that too pls”
jimin’s voice feels like a warm weighted comforter,, that you gotta admit
“your voice is very velvet-y and it’s unfair because i can’t stay mad at you”
“𝓲 𝓴𝓷𝓸𝔀“
you still make an awed face whenever jimin cracks his bones
you’re in the middle of being fond and being disgusted at the sound so it’s still a 50/50 whether you grimace or gasp at him
“can i pls borrow your hoops”
“you could ask a million times and i would still say no”
playing with his rings whenever you’re sad is a habit you would never grow out of
which is why you were attached to him by the hip,,, or rather hands ,,, when taehyung was in the verge of being an ass to you
jungkook is something ELSE
if you aren’t lingering around jimin or taehyung, you would definitely be around him
taehyung is most jealous with the two of you but no he didn’t say that :)
annoying each other is the no. 1 task 
but lately annoying feels like second nature now so it doesn’t seem like tradition anymore
you would be his audience whenever he’s drawing because you’re genuinely enthrilled with him and his work
“how are you so good at this”
you’re almost always trying to copy what he draws
“what were you attempting with this”
“i was attempting your drawing”
“lmao are you sure with that???”
jungkook likes playing with you by pretending that he’s annoyed
but when he sees that u made his art your lockscreen, he was so awed that he was literally about to BAWL
he pretends not to notice when you push your food to his plate because you either aren’t too keen with the dish or you’re just too full
when jimin calls you out for “y/n why are you putting ur food on jungkook’s plate” and jungkook with “and jungkook why are you accepting it”
kook just shrugs and comes to defend you
“nope i didn’t see anything hyung :D”
if you liked shoving your head to namjoon’s chest, you liked leaning on jungkook’s shoulder
seokjin looks most offended 
“not even half of me y/n not even H A L F of me”
this really warms taehyung’s heart
because not only are you close to him but also with his brothers!!
even if he wants to deck jungkook sometimes
and that he may need to work on his jealousy
but none of those things matter because he’s given the assurance that you’re exclusive
that he may be yours and you may be his 
as cheesy as that sounded
taehyung’s working on a plan to properly ask you out once bon voyage ends and not just steal cheek kisses from time to time
or hold your hand and avoid your gaze because he too will surely combust
or hug you from behind tenderly 
much to the teasing and the hoots of the boys
and jimin’s occasional scowls but that’s ok he’s moving on and slowly starting to accept the fact that he can’t be overbearing this much anymore
bon voyage wraps soon enough
and truth be told you didn’t want it to end because you were in such bliss!!
it was a very memorable trip that you now carry close to your heart
and the fact that they still have a commercial to be filmed with you and some billboards to be shot makes you very :D
since the commercial was to be filmed tomorrow and you lived close to the airport, jimin initiated the idea of “hey what about if we just sleep over at y/n’s place??” which was very applauded
taehyung squeals the loudest when the idea was pitched in
“lol no you don’t get to sleep in the same bed as y/n”
namjoon shoots jimin a look that he was being overbearing again
“or you could just let her decide :)”
it’s only been four days since they last saw you but needless to say that it was borderline chaos when they met you at your apartment that was more on the spacious side
“y/n’s uncle kinda owns the building” jimin explains at first because the building did look more lavish than the average complex
“d-do i get to meet y/n’s uncle??” 
taehyung is a bit nervous because he didn’t know that fact obviously and now he’s meeting the family and he is unprepared jesus christ and-
“no he probably won’t like you”
“jimin sTOP making taehyung nervous because he’s gonna start sniffling again”
the lot of them get to your apartment before you because your flight got delayed and therefore jimin just had to whip out his key you gave him as an extra
he does it fast enough before taehyung takes a deep dive to how he doesn’t have an extra key from you or something like that 
jimin does feel like he’s being a bit hard on tae so he lays off of it for now
taehyung has the ultimate heart eyes for you the moment you come home
“i missed you” in the most adorable and heartwarming tone
and there it was again
a cheek kiss and not just a quick peck!!
a tight hug to your waist and a nuzzle against your hairline!!
once jimin finally got to pry taehyung off of you because he claims that he’s hogging you all to himself, you’re met with very eager hugs and greetings
seokjin and basically everyone else are still in awe seeing you in your uniform so he squeezes in a quick pic in his phone 
you sent him a look and when you peered in, the picture turned out really cool with the nice lighting your apartment had
AND he’s really pushing it that it was good because of the app he downloaded that made pictures have a vintage film cam aesthetic to it
so you yielded and just told him to send the picture to you later 
aha ego boost :D
they insisted on cooking dinner since you did look a bit exhausted from your round of flights even if it was routine at this point (the highlight was when some people recognized you from the pics that went viral and asked to take a pic with you when you were greeting them out!!)
“are you really sure you’re gonna cook dinner, tae? i could always order-...”
“you don’t need to!! i wanna cook for you anyway!!”
that was heartwarming more than usual
jungkook clears his throat
“....,., and us”
“aha yes of course i meant for you and the boys as well :D”
you go to change clothes more than enthusiastically now
because things just seemed to be good with no complications at all
the idea of domesticity with taehyung makes you iMPLODE just by thinking about it
the thought was too soft and too fuzzy that you’ve become energized
maybe reading a couple of emails before taking a shower and cleaning up and getting yourself to look a bit more presentable isn’t a bad thing
it isn’t anything but sheer giddiness when you check your inbox and see an edited version of a run bts ep from a staff member you befriended during bon voyage!!!
you kinda get now what jimin was saying that you had the ability to have people wrapped around your finger
maybe it’s charisma you picked up from wanting to please people just so you could have extra credit???
it’s a run bts ep you get one of the first dibs on to watch so that’s always a reward
basically the context for it was that it was a hot tub confessions type of thing!! the twist was that they had to speak their heart out (their dislike is very much encouraged) over a certain someone bUT they had to rely on their ~telepathy because names wouldn’t drop
and it was a random selection to who would start the confession first and the others had to go with the flow and basically hope that they’re talking smack about the same person lol
only the name blank would be used and it for the pronoun!!
you were already making assumptions to who it would be about
it could be about jungkook because throughout the whole trip, he would literally gasp out of the blue and take the others in shock like seagulls going WHAT WHAT WHAT IS IT WHAT WHAT
or maybe jimin because he’s a lil shit and would pull chairs and that hobi fell victim and was so annoyed because he fell on his ass so hard 
last prospect was seokjin simply because,, as jungkook emphasized throughout this whole trip,, “ʲᶦⁿ⁻ʰʸᵘⁿᵍ ᶦˢ ˢᵒ ᵒˡᵈ ᵒʰ ᵐʸ ᵍᵒᵈ” just because he complained about his lower back one time
speaking of jin, he gets chosen to open the game!!
and he buffers for a moment that gets another tease from jungkook 
“ᵒʰ ᵐʸ ᵍᵒᵈ ʲᶦⁿ⁻ʰʸᵘⁿᵍ'ˢ ᵐᵉᵐᵒʳʸ ᶦˢⁿ'ᵗ ᵍᵒᵒᵈ ᵃⁿʸᵐᵒʳᵉ ᵍᶦᵛᵉ ʰᶦᵐ ʰᶦˢ ᵐᶦˡᵏ“
“blank bought me an actual film camera!! bit more complicated than taehyung’s!! keeps telling me every five seconds about my settings and i!! i KNOW HOW TO WORK IT THANK U VERY MUCH!!”
although jin is a bit guilty about that because he admits that he has a more-than-sure feeling that most of his pics may or may not be either over-exposed or too dark
this reminds you of that time you bought a film camera for jin on a whim because it was on sale and you were talking about it the night before
lol what a coincidence
hobi takes second call
he is only about a quarter-percent sure to who jin was pertaining to so he trails around for a bit
“blank is like a broken kitchen timer”
he plays it safe with that one 
although there is some sort of edge with his bluntness because everyone might be a little drunk hehe 
“blank looks at things as if it was born yesterday!! literally goes :O”
even goes so far to imitate said expression and it makes everyone gIGGLE
yoongi snorts with that and now he’s a bit more feisty since he’s tipsy
“it joins me in my silence”
“texts me even if i’m in the same room like wtf i can see you”
hold on
you really didn’t like making things about you because other people doing that makes you tick
but there’s this unsteady feeling in your gut
something that makes you think deep in thought and in doubt
jimin was next to speak so that calms your nerves
he would never, right??
maybe you’re just taking things to heart!! the boys really aren’t talking smack about you, right??
your breath is just held because jimin was surely taking his time in making a show with inhaling so deeply so he could yell a bit more dramatically
your eyes flicker for a moment to the sweater that’s by your dresser
something of jimin’s that you forgot to return
“needier and whinier than jungkook”
it was the youngest’s turn to cackle
and at this point you’re only half-listening
you’re a bit too preoccupied with the hurt blooming in your chest
“i!! am!! not!! a!! baby!!”
jungkook’s meltdown makes everyone else laugh because right now he had his fists clenched and his face looking like a baby’s
“blank always wants to be included it’s not funny anymore”
there was just a little bit more hope lingering that this may no be about you at all
but god it was getting too specific 
too specific when it came to namjoon who was a bit more eloquent in speaking and wanting to get his point across
“.... trying to memorize my rap in UGH! .....”
fuck this really is about you
and it’s not just sadness that’s overtaking you
makes you more than deflated than you thought you could ever be
“at this point i sometimes avoid her”
and god there’s this more than familiar laugh that fills your ears through and through
“lol namjoon where do you hide?? i hide in the pantry”
taehyung even?
at this point you can’t even bear watching the video anymore
willing your laptop closed so forcefully that it bOUNCED back open but you can’t even begin to worry that you might have put a crack on the screen
shoving it to your desk with the screen facing anywehere instead of you being the best option
the hurt is painfully fresh and oddly felt so surreal
god were you really that intolerable?
you didn’t know how to cope with what you’ve just heard nor experienced
but the only thing you were sure about is that your situation has just been too good
perhaps this was the complication you were looking for because you weren’t used to things being so good
and you know for sure that this feeling isn’t good at all
and you hated it
at this point you’re just trying to go about your previous plans of showering and cleaning up but the eagerness isn’t there anymore
nor is the eagerness to see the boys
nor is the eagerness to see taehyung
didn’t even notice that you were taking up much time that jimin was at your door knocking, voice gentle and inquiring
“y/n did you fall asleep??”
you’re very much tempted to not go out at all because you lost your appetite for eating too
very much so that you make no move at all and actually think that jimin’s given up on knocking at your locked door
but then your phone rings and he knows for sure that you haven’t gone to sleep because it would’ve been put on silent
“are you hiding???”
you pretty much are and you don’t wanna go out at all
but you basically had no choice to
it was a pressure to wipe at stray tears and say “i’m coming” in an unwavering voice and even more-so pretend that nothing’s wrong at all
or the fact that everyone’s eyes are on you and jimin’s prodding makes everyone else wonder
“are you crying??”
the question doesn’t faze you but it does take you by surprise now that you aren’t comfortable with the situation nor the new attention
taehyung’s getting worried because now he notices the redness in your eyes and the bit of puffiness in your lips
“just sleepy. my eyes tear up when i’m sleepy, right?” you’re using jimin’s knowledge about you against him and he agrees to that almost instantly
can’t help thinking that something was fishy though
you weren’t telling him off when he was bickering to taehyung that he shouldn’t sit next to you for dinner
didn’t react either when tae let off a little victory giggle and grinned when he sat next to you not one bit of acknowledgement when a replay of cake boss was on your tv with jin’s eyes flickering over to you repeatedly but he doesn’t receive an excited glance back
even yoongi found you oddly too quiet and he was tempted to pull out his phone to text you
it’s weirdly off
there’s something missing
namjoon was starting to get worried because you aren’t really engaged in this conversation with a topic he’s direly interested about
“and something done to that degree would just be far too suspicious, right?”
“mhmm yeah”
even jungkook who’s kinda throwing himself at you and you’re just barely responding
he’s wriggling himself to fit by your side and just curl up and when he looks at you expectantly to do something, he just gets a pat on the head
a pat??????
hobi’s being over the top with his reactions right now to try and gauge a reaction from you but to no avail at all
normally he would’ve made you laugh or atleast smile at this point
but there’s nothing
just nothing
taehyung gets you alone on the couch because everyone else was just dispersed at this point and are bumping into each other asking if they knew what happened to you
jimin himself is pressured because he prides himself in being your closest friend aND HE DOESN’T EVEN KNOW WHAT’S GOING ON WITH YOU
tae is a lil bit more confident that he could coax out to why you were acting so differently
even gets far as to hold your hand and nuzzle his face to the crook of your neck
“everything okay, baby?”
god and he’s only called you baby only for a handful of times
that didn’t hurt taehyung’s ego
not at all
or make him overthink to why you’re not all that willing to open up to him nor even look interested in this conversation he’s carrying alone on his back
no not at all
not even when jimin has the most balls out of the group and is the testing point to see how the waters would go
while the night’s coming to an end and everyone’s slowly starting to settle in
“aha so where are we gonna crash anyway?”
you know what he’s trying to get at 
but seeing to it that what you just watched prior to this and perhaps for even a longer period besides that particular episode you don’t even wanna watch
you might as well not give anyone the sense of satisfaction nor pride; even if the question took you by surprise with how bluntly he addressed it
“uhm well the guest room now has two beds since some friends come over from time to time”
“yeah the huge couch could fold over as a bed”
“i could also-...”
“but y/n you have a king-sized bed!!”
jimin blurts out and almost whines out, a frown evident on his face as you keep your will not to break
“oh. just wanna sleep alone, jimin, yeah? kinda tired because of work today.”
he almost always gets what he wants and this blooming feeling inside him isn’t because of the embarrassment that you didn’t grant his wishes of just plopping beside you on your bed 
it’s because he’s thinking of why not
taehyung tries his best to just swallow the lump in his throat because he may or may not have daydreamed that he’d get to share beds with you
nothing but cuddling in his mind and the tiny bit of friskiness but that’s beside the point
he doesn’t wanna think about how there are no goodnight hugs
the closest thing to it was jungkook receiving a pat on the shoulder
because it happened that his arms were outsretched awkwardly
no cheek kiss for taehyung either
yeah it’s perhaps just fatigue as hobi tried to reason
they don’t know if they’re convincing each other or just themselves
maybe tomorrow would be better :D
aha no 
in fact at this point of morning when everyone knows that you’d be awake and it happens to be your off-day before the shoot tomorrow
and that whenever they’re around, you’d rather linger around them than to stay cooped in your room because you would be too sluggish then go back to sleep again
“blank always wants to be included it’s not funny anymore”
yeah you’d rather keep your pride at this point
jimin knocks again and you know you have no choice if you wanted this to go as discreet and as smooth as possible without raising suspicions that you knew
jin panicked for a moment because he was making french toast that he saw from damn milktpapi to try and catch your attention so when he hEARD your door click he was rapping litanies faster than the rapline ever could
they unconsciously just gravitate towards the couch and are practically hovering around you
you’re awfully quiet and the only input you give is when you’re asked a direct question
the only noise was coming from them reminiscing about their bv trip 
namjoon keeps bringing you up with “yahhh do u remember when y/n-....”
yoongi makes a point to keep laughing and have his arms protruding and therefore nudging you each time
at one point he almost shoves you but he’s barely met with a reaction
goddamn does he need to throw you off a cliff or something just to get a rise out of you
they really think that there must be something wrong 
so right when they wanted to open it up, they literally get interrupted but this time with a doorbell
you practically leap at that opportunity because quite literally were you saved by the bell
you don’t know who’s ringing your bell and why but you’re willing to take it 
jimin knows that you aren’t expecting anyone besides them as he’s made you promise
he might as well square up right now and be huffy about it
you’re bordering on confusion and curiosity as you open the door and even more-so your audience behind you who may or may not be in the same state
yoongi’s ears immediately perk up at that while his eyes go the widest
he’s toppling over as he scrambles for a vantage point that would get to see theo but without neither you nor theo seeing him
oh my god is this really your prfoessional basketball player for an ex-boyfriend
the boys are panicked to how yoongi’s acting and they even help him adjust his position even if they don’t know what it’s for
he’s racking his brain for the description you gave and the picture you showed him
tall? intimidatingly. shoulders? perhaps even broader than seokjin’s. muscles? even more defined than jungkook when he lived in the gym. fluffy and silky-looking hair? enviously so :((
oh god it is theo
is he supposed to fanboy now
what was your ex doing here anyway
“i’m just gonna be out for a second, yeah?”
you say aimlessly and yoongi catches your gaze and he pretends to eat french toast while he’s stretched out on the floor to not break his cover
no one even has a chance to question nor respond because you’re already shutting the door
“i sWEAR i saw him on tv once”
“taehyung are you ok”
yoongi’s bombarded and even if he’s shocked at the the turn of events because one second ur eating french toast with them and the next you’re out the door; he does have a bit more of an idea
“oh that was theo”
“are we supposed to automatically know who tHEO is???”
“you gonna add more context to that or????”
“even jimin doesn’t know!!!”
“theo’s a basketball player”
there are a couple of awed reactions
even namjoon’s explosive “aHHHHH so that’s where he’s from”
but there’s this question that’s begging to be asked
jimin taking front line as he asks with so much spite
“why is theo here then??”
this baffles yoongi too
most times he just doesn’t sugarcoat things and his mouth speaks the truth before he could even think of something else
“aish i don’t know i just know that she’s y/n’s ex so stop asking me if-...”
jimin’s in the corner with his mouth dropped, tongue poking at his cheek
“oh uhm i didn’t know that”
taehyung is sat on the floor with his attention not on the french toast anymore
eyes distant and not blinking as he’s nodding
“i see”
both jimin and taehyung clearly need time to process this bit of information
the conversation ends at that and everyone else staggers around
jimin’s in thought because why didn’t he know that??
shouldn’t he know that?
and what’s it with yoongi knowing instead of him?
taehyung, on the other hand, is conflicted with what he should feel
he’s jealous that’s for sure
the both of you covered masses of topics during the outing
but it never came to the topic of past flames
were you meaning not to tell him? or theo wasn’t talked about because the topic never came????
is this insecurity that he’s feeling
jungkook has to hold taehyung’s head still because he’s still nodding while deep in thought
you really weren’t expecting theo to show up at your doorstep
it’s in good intentions and you remained as friends but he was just too unexpected
“didn’t you know?? i’m gonna be one of those extras tomorrow for your airline commercial and it’s just a lil cameo but still!!! i don’t know i just wanted to visit you since i was in the area too :D”
and that’s what ended up with you coming with him to the little cafe at your complex with the promise that it was just gonna be quick and you’ll show him out
and perhaps that you don’t wanna be in the same room as them either
avoiding is good
yeah it would be good
jimin doesn’t know what he’s trying to prove either but there’s this tug on his chest that basically yelled at him that he was a shitty friend
hasn’t been an hour ever since you left but he’s kinda sitting there fazed, whatever the other was saying coming in his ear and going out the other
“i lost my charger :(((”
jimin’s mindlessly answering to a pouty namjoon
“y/n has the same laptop. you could just get the charger by her desk”
he says naturally as if it’s clockwork and only waves him off when namjoon asks if it would be okay with you
he smiles at that and practically bounces to your unlocked room
quickly finds your desk and looks for a familiar charger
oh uhm it’s still connected to your laptop
jimin already said it was no worries so namjoon sleekly takes it out of the port with little hesitation
why did your laptop turn on
is that his face??
is that
is that them in a hot tub
jimin’s wondering why namjoon is taking so long
he himself hasn’t been in your room for a long time and the thought makes him spring up
oh god
it feels like freezing cold water was just splashed onto their spines without warning
jimin immediately pales
it’s taehyung who piles in last to your bedroom with all the commotion he could hear
he wants to absolutely deck himself 
everyone’s just speechless when they clicked play on the video even when they had this underlying feel to what it was
there’s a collective intake of sharp inhales because they couldn’t even finish the episode in which they basically talk shit about you for a solid three minutes
jimin has his face on his hands and he’s visibly stressed as everyone else is
couldn’t even tell on which blow was the hardest because they were all so harsh in their own ways
basically hit where it hurts most 
they were drunk beyond their comprehension and weren’t necessarily thinking
the episode was filmed pretty much in the first day of bv 
and whatever circumstance that night was in, it was still no excuse
absolutely no excuse to how they acted
maybe they took joking and overexaggerating too far
but whatever route they took, be it honest or not, no doubt that they were sure it hurt you
god a mental breakdown is already creeping at the back for all seven of them
jimin’s shaking
jungkook’s rubbing his eyes
jin and namjoon are repeating themselves
hobi’s dead silent
yoongi’s hands are practically trembling
it’s when you go home that you’ve momentarily forgotten that everything was going downwards because you spent the last hour or two being distracted by theo in just your pajamas
but it’s when you know that they know
and some can’t even look you in the eye
jimin’s the first to shoot up from his seat and god he looks somehow wrecked
“y/n i-...”
“m’sorry for being introlerable and all of those things, yeah? won’t happen again.”
everyone tenses at that
you shouldn’t even be apologetic!!
in fact they’re the ones who fucked up and you’re the one who’s acting as if you did
this makes them even more guilty
they all pipe in and try to point that out but you just easily drown them out with a tilt of your head
taehyung who’s standing by your doorframe just buffers as if to reach out for you but he retracts it quickly
they’ve really done it this time huh
it’s all just in characteristically empty spirits
the shooting next day was painful
having to drive together and be squished in between yoongi and jungkook whose mouths were so dry and eyes glossy
“i didn’t mean it”
jungkook first says under his breath and it’s quite a hitch in his throat when he adds on to it
“we weren’t thinking at all”
it’s a quiet show as jungkook and yoongi try to apologize to you and you’re in the middle trying to just sit through it all
it’s a quick nod as you have for a response before you hurriedly go down the van in perfect timing
you did listen and the apologies were sincere and heartfelt
just not too keen on forgiving something of that gravity in an instant
even with their promise that they could work something out to have that bit cut out or even scrap the whole episode if necessary
you just couldn’t wait to get the day over
you’re rigid with them and them trying to get to talk to you in between takes
the skits required more of them than you anyway so you just sat that one out
all while they try to get genuine with the feelings and lines indicated in their script
taehyung was the most distracted
even if people expected more of him given his acting credentials
and when it’s your turn to be filmed at, he can’t help staring
you looked blank
there’s this certain hyunbin (and also to your surprise) that’s gonna act as your co-pilot that got to make you smile a time or two after making a fool out of himself
if only taehyung knew that theo’s gonna be here as an extra
he would flip and THEN bawl
and as if things wouldn’t get even more unfavorable for you, they decide to cram in the photoshoot for the billboard at this very day too
multiple shoots of you being in the middle of them with a commercial-like smile
you having a solo one
them having one too
the boys wearing your airline’s flight attendant uniforms
trying to have a candid shot but all of you should be laughing and smiling as per the director
that was painful
that was really painful for the staff to watch
most painful for the eight of you
they even had to count to three so you could laugh together even if that takes away the essence of a candid shot
jimin wants so badly to hold you and talk to you
taehyung wants to get on his knees desperately if it means earning your forgiveness
the shoot raps and you’re zooming out the set
tae breaks down yet again because they’re gonna be held up by your ceo for awhile
things feel empty and slow
everyone got around to texting you their apologies because as much as they’re desperate to apologize, they’ve done enough damage and respecting your space is the least they could do
that doesn’t stop jimin dropping in from time to time to leave something by your door
nor taehyung who doesn’t give up with all his texting and calling and sometimes waiting on your door
jimin and him coincidentially went at the same time and they just teared up and sulked together
you weren’t even home at that time
of course you’ve read their messages
trying to talk it out too as you’ve refused to succumb into your passive-aggressiveness
you don’t wanna lose what you have either
it’s only been two weeks so far
progress as you reply to texts here and there
slowly warming up again!!
namjoon earning back his partner for talking about movie symbolisms and perhaps everything wrong in this barren earth
seokjin getting to send you incorrect quotes from cake boss again left and right
hobi gaining his online shopping partner back 
yoongi making you promise that you’d hug him when he gets to see you again
jungkook vowing to teach you how to draw and makes sure to send daily content so he could make you switch wallpapers
well jimin
jimin’s going over the top as he has a lot to mend
but forgiveness was clear in the path and when you finally agreed to meet up with him after your shift
(he’s made the effort to wait for you in your lounge hours before as he got to pull some strings)
and then when you have a drink over it and talk about what happened properly, it just ends in a massive hug and some tears shed :((
“i missed u so much”
“i know”
“i could really be a fucking asshole sometimes”
“you are”
“you are none of those things and i don’t ever wanna stop having you as my friend”
“aha yes”
“you love me too much and i love you too much and this is forever now ok pls don’t get mad at me ever again”
basically everything was slowly returning back to normal
taehyung hasn’t texted you for a couple of days
even if you barely responded and miss him as much
it’s something you still have to come to terms with because his blows hit the hardest
you’re losing sleep just by thinking about him :(
you try to get on with your days with the knowledge that you get on with the six of them
things becoming more hectic for you because sometimes you forget that you’re famous now
but sometimes it was just lackluster if you were to admit
you basically sprint at the chance to pick up a normal shift again because you’ve missed flying
you liked being pampered for shoots but being tired from flying is the ache you’ve been craving for :((
it’s when you’re briefed that the plane you’d be flying isn’t your usual aircraft yet you still have the clearance for it
it’s when you just had the kick to be extra punctual and jump at the chance to greet passengers boarding
it’s these little extras in your day that you were so eager for things
that things just seem to be aligning
taehyung’s by the front-most seat
hyunbin by his side as he gets up and goes to the cockpit to do nothing but take your place
it’s oddly warm just by looking at taehyung
no apologies have been said yet and it’s when that hyunbin practically says over the mic that “y/n take a seat and put your seatbelt on jesus christ” you do beside tae
the atmosphere’s just a loving type of warm
you really can’t explain it
it’s the same type of slow burn the both of you felt in the outing
the same anticipation you had for each other even if the other was doing the bare minimum
taehyung croaks out after an eternity, a grin he tries to earnestly keep as it breaks out
“let’s talk.”
he’s nervous as he sees you relax to your seat, knowing in routine that the plane was to take off 
taehyung ever-so slightly shifts in his seat, shoulders touching with yours and hand in an armrest as he flexes them so slightly -- only supposed to be an attempt at a loving tease but it’s when you shift towards him and have your hand skim his for the slightest fraction
“let’s talk.”
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visforvengeance · 5 years
Alex Standall: gimme -Smut-
Requested by: anon :)
Request: Can you do an Alex Standall smut where it takes place in Jeff’s basement in the scene where they’re all taking the pill and y/nand Alex are ex’s and they have sex because their high and horny pls oml
Notes: yo. here’s one of many requested things. i wrote this in like 3 hours, bc i had to find a song for it to go with lmaooo. hm i hope you like this anon.
Warnings: cursing obvi. awkward sex lmao (it’s only awkward for me ok). blowjobs ;). it’s better if you use a condom, my dudes. maybe bad grammar and spelling errors. i didn’t proofread. drug use and vulgar language ohohoho. i’m a virgin y’all. sorry if my smut sounds like a grown man wrote it for his erotica on sexstories
“How’d I let you talk me into doing drugs?” Hannah giggled. Hannah and Clay invited me to join them on their little drug adventure. “I mean, seriously. How do you just bring up the topic of doing them? ‘Hey, guys. Wanna go do some molly?’” Clay questioned. “Yes. That’s exactly how. C’mon, Clay. Let loose for once! I love you, but you’re like the most uptight person I’ve ever met.” He feigned offended. “I-I am not uptight.” 
“Sure.” Hannah accused as we walked into Jeff Atkins’ basement. I heard the familiar giggle of Alex Standall overpower our conversation. Once the pair realized what made me lose interest, they instantly apologized and told me about how they didn’t know he’d be here. 
You see, Alex and I dated, on and off, during freshman and sophomore year. Each time we broke up, it was because of Jessica Davis. She’d call (unintentionally) and he’d come running. Always. I never understood what she did to have him wrapped around her finger, but it always ended in me having my heart ripped out of my chest. That was stupidity on my part. I’d let him cry and tell me just how much he missed me and somehow, I’d end up with him between my legs. 
All of us were seated. Me, Clay, Hannah, and Sheri on one couch. Alex, Jeff, and Jeff’s girlfriend on the other couch across from us. Alex had his eyes on me since we walked through the door. Lust and regret swirled in them. He did try talking, but he saw how uninterested I was and stopped. 
Everyone was a giggling mess. “Wait. Do y’all think we choose our families before we’re born?” Silence. Then laughter. “That’s trippy,” Sheri mumbled. Laughter had filled the room again. I looked around the room, Hannah and Clay were laying on the carpet. Sheri has moved to the floor also. Jeff has left along with his girlfriend to do...things. Alex and I sat on the same couch. How’d this happen? 
Alex turned to me and stared for a second. He finally spoke up and asked if he could talk to me in private. Usually, I’d decline. But my normal brain function was delayed. I allowed him to lead me upstairs, no one stopped us because they were all too busy being fucking lifted. 
“So. What’d you want?” I questioned, awkwardly. The last time I had spoken to Alex, he told me that it was over. But this time seemed different. “Um. I miss you.” No. He missed fucking me. “Why, Alex? You’re not getting pussy from Jess anymore? So you come to me. Like I’m your second fucking option? This is getting tiring.” He shook his head. 
“That’s not why I always come back to you, Y/N. I fucking need you. You drive me crazy, you know that? Jessica was the first girl I ever loved, and I keep hoping that maybe I’ll feel the same spark that I get when I kiss you.” He stepped forward, and now there was no space between us. “I can’t stop my mind from finding its way to you. How it feels to have you wrapped around me.” My breath hitched in my throat as he placed his hand on my waist. 
Turns out, I wanted this as much as he did. “You miss the way my body feels against yours? How I pull on your hair when you’re fucking my brains out?” I trailed my hands down his body and hooked my fingers inside his pants. “The way your name rolls off my tongue when I’m so close?” I pushed myself against him and heard him groan in my ear as I whispered sweet nothings in his ear. 
I guided him upstairs to an empty room. I walked in while he closed and locked the door. I had already started undressing and he stood as shy as ever across from me. I felt his eyes scan over my body as I undid my bra and let it fall to the ground. The tent in his pants proved he was just as turned on as I was. 
I straddled his waist and placed kisses on his neck. “You missed it, didn’t you?” He nodded. His breathing was uneven and he could barely keep still. I helped him take off his clothes, so now we were both completely naked. 
I trailed wet kisses down his body until I was face to face with his cock. I took his member into my hands and kissed the tip of it. He moaned softly and practically begged for me to suck him off. I sighed. “Fine. Since I’m so nice. No teasing this time.”
I took him into my mouth and kept going until I couldn’t anymore. I began moving back and forth, meeting his soft thrusts every so often. When I looked up at him through my eyelashes, he was already looking down at me. He liked when I looked at him while sucking his cock. He threw his head back and let out a moan. 
Before he let himself cum in my mouth, he gently pushed me off of him. A string of saliva attached itself from my lips to the tip of his cock. It broke once I moved away. 
I straddled his waist again and kissed him hungrily. I ground myself self against his member and gripped my thighs so hard, a bruise would be there tomorrow. He positioned himself at my entrance and I sunk down on him. We both moaned at the movement. I wonder if they can hear us downstairs? 
He placed his hands on my bouncing breast and squeezed my nipples. “You missed the way I rode your cock? How wet I get when I feel your hands on my tits?” He was close to orgasming, I could tell. 
“Let me hear you, baby. Don’t hold back.” His breathing quickened and his eyes shut tightly. He pushed his hips into mine and came deep in me. 
My hearing began fading and I suddenly felt warm all over. I clenched around him repeatedly while stars began to cloud my vision. My fiery pleasure started to flow through me and I collapsed on top of him. “I see why you would miss it,” I mumbled as I crawled off of him. 
We put our clothes back on and walked back to the kitchen. You could hear Clay, Hannah, and Sheri laughing downstairs. “Well, that was nice,” I said as I turned to look at the blond-haired boy. “It was beyond nice.” 
We walked into the basement and all eyes were on us. 
“Did you guys have fun?”
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teddystrap · 5 years
Drama CD: [幽幻ロマンチカ・有頂天] ~Baku: Utashiro~
I didn’t sleep well last night, a mosquito was using me as a blood bag >;(... So thanks to that I was wide awake and had time to listen to another drama CD.
Character #2 in the Yuugen Romantica series, Utashiro (cv. Kimura Ryouhei), is a baku: a mythical creature that survives by eating dreams and helps people get rid of their nightmares that way. It’s too bad he doesn’t eat unwanted insects in my room as well.
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‘Sorry dude that’s not part of my regular diet.’
Anyway, going back to Nanagiri High School. This time there is a rumour about the only stairway that leads to Heaven the rooftop. Usually there are only 12 steps, but if you get to the 13th step, that means that you are on your way down into Utashiro’s nightmare territory...
After you try (unsuccessfully ofc) to escape, Utashiro takes possession of your body and makes you solve some hard maths problem in 5 seconds, threatening to eat you if you fail. Thankfully he stops possessing you, and you grab a mop nearby to defend yourself. With the mop handle you push him into a row of lockers, and he is forced to end the nightmare to prevent them from falling on him - which allows you to escape.
Gotta admit that’s pretty badass for an otome heroine. ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ“ファイティング!!
The next day he seeks you out disguised as a human boy so you don’t recognise him. He’s been looking everywhere for you for revenge for your counterattack yesterday. He throws you back into the nightmare high school world but you still don’t recognise him Orz. So he changes back into his demon form. And this time he got rid of the cleaning equipment so you can’t attack him lolol.
Instead, he has prepared a bed, where he lulls you to sleep. He plans to frighten you with monsters hiding under the bed, but... his brilliant plan backfires because you fall asleep sooo soundly that even demons screaming in Hell can’t wake you up. XD
Turns out you have been sleep-deprived lately because of a mosquito recurring nightmares. In fact that’s why you went to the stairwell in the first place - to investigate if it is related to the Seven Supernatural Wonders of the School. After some further failed attempts to intimidate you, Utashiro finally gives up and gently rocks you to sleep, swearing that he will get you next time. Lmao.
Next day you go and thank him for helping you sleep and he is still feeling salty. After school you stay to prepare for the bunka-sai (cultural festival) exhibition, and he tags along. You class is planning to make a haunted house, and he warns you that it might attract unwanted spirits,... but you cheerfully invite him to come and visit too ^_~.
Utashiro tells you that the state of the Seven Supernaturals has been changing due to the fickleness of humans. E.g., the Youkai with the Flowers in the Toilets [*voiced by Midorikawa Hikaru... I haven’t listened to his discs but I have a hard time taking this character seriously...] has disappeared, and he himself has emerged (since the original series). There is also a strange rumour going round that the nightmare on the 13th step is killing people in their sleep, and he’s offended that people think he’s that kind of demon.
You stupidly agree with him. To show you that he’s not all nice, he possesses you and touches and kisses you, knowing that you can’t fight back/react since you are in public and he is in invisible mode. So you run off to hide in a dark corner, secretly hoping that he will rip your clothes off and have his way with you. (ฅωฅ`)テレルー♥
But alas Rejet is trying to keep it safe for the kids here so nothing happened calm your tits woman!! He ends up walking you home and carrying your bag for you (how sweet is this guy seriously). As he’s leaving he senses a... supernatural energy from you. So at night he sneaks into your house and, sure enough, you are having night terrors.
He consumes your nightmare, and is about to leave when you wake up. To hide his identity, he changes into his chibi-baku form. But you know it’s him anyway. You are scared to be left alone, so he becomes your reluctant dakimakura ԅ(≖‿≖ԅ). As he watches your sleeping face, he realises how he used to live for people’s happiness, before he became this yakuza demon from the ‘hood who terrorises people for fun.
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Ok yeah Utashiro is that Moomin-looking thing from the Hifumi picture.
One day you bring him lunch on the rooftop as a token of your gratitude, but he seems to be having... indigestion pains from eating your nightmares every night. #youkaiproblems. He tells you that he used to do this for people regularly and they would come and visit him, but now times have changed and they don’t need him anymore, and all his friends are dead, but for some reason he’s still alive. He has remained in Nanagiri High School because of rumours that there might be another fellow baku lurking around.
At night you tell him not to eat anymore. He wants to insist, but his body is almost at its limit. He tells you there’s another way to end your nightmares - which is to confront the demon behind them directly. To protect you, he enters your dream along with you.
The demon uses the same haunted school grounds as his backdrop. However, there is an abandoned dried-up well in the courtyard which doesn’t exist in reality. As you approach, a baku emerges from the well and tries to kill you both despite your goodwill.
Turns out this thing is a youkai-kuzure, the remnant form of a demon that has been neglected, but still maintains a strong will to survive and holds a lot of resentment towards humans. Utashiro thinks he will end up the same way and sinks into a bout of “look kids, this is me in 20 years’ time” nihilism.
He begs you to run away but you refuse. You want to let the youkai-kuzure baku use your body and regain its energy so that Utashiro can restore his faith in humanity. In the end Utashiro ends up possessing you, and diplomatically talks the youkai-kuzure into exorcising itself. Basically what he says can be summarised as follows:
‘You are not alone. Me and this human girl are here for you... Now fuck off R.I.P.’
And so fuck off R.I.P. it did.
Then both of you wake up from your nightmare. Utashiro is about to leave but you stop him. So then he asks you if he can stay with you forever, because he has nowhere to go now anyway, and he doesn’t want to become that troll that lives under the bridge and throws rocks at people’s shins and glances at porno magazines through the konbini window.
[Thoughts] Very important update: The mosquito that was biting me is now dead now, too. And I killed it by force instead of using diplomatic exorcism.
This disc was really entertaining, I actually laughed out loud several times throughout. Kimura Ryouhei has a way of drawing out your emotions, idk, I mean most otome games/dramas are meant to do that, but his voice is just more... vivid to me in some way, I guess.
Utashiro is a totally adorable character. The way how he acts all tough and threatening but immediately panics and surrenders when the heroine is upset. Kimura-sensei calls him a ‘cute clumsy tsudere’ and thinks that he could be a good sleeping aid/pillow for people who... need that I guess.
[Reminds me of Tsuda Kenjirou’s commentary on Yomei Kareshi (a series where your guy has a terminal illness), where he’s wondering if we actually listen to it before we go to sleep. YES TSUDA-SENSEI WE DO I use drama CDs to help me sleep. With Vol.1 I was new to the series and cried buckets when the boyfriend was dying, but by Vol.7 I had got used to it and was already numb to all the tragedy. Yeah sorry.]
Actually I really enjoy listening to the Free Talks because they give you a glimpse into the cast’s personalities. I got the feeling that Kimura-sensei doesn’t really think through his replies and just blurts things out, and the spontaneity gave me a kind of a Mukami Kou vibe (in a good way though, I don’t think/hope he has Kou’s split personality lolol). I also get the feeling that he and Tsuda-sensei have similar temperaments and would get along great...
But anyway, back to the main story. Utashiro is really pretty tsun and he didn’t reveal very much romantic feelings until the very end, where it felt almost like he suddenly went from zero to sixty. It’s really different from Hifumi’s original story, which had romantic moments steadily throughout, like the date and the star-making/gazing event at night. But I think Kimura-sensei makes up for it with his very 色気のある voice.
I also liked the heroine’s personality better in this one. Hope she keeps up the epic-level KYness in the later stories.
...Aaaand now I really need to go get some sleep.@_@
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kondo-hijikata · 5 years
001 | Send me a fandom.... HAKUOUKI 002 | Send me a ship.... SHINSENGUMI!! 003 | Give me a character... (IF nobody has asked....Kondo) If somebody has already asked about Kondo....Shimada.
thank you so muchhh!!
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my: (for haku)
Favorite character: kAT-CHANNNNNN
Least Favorite character: kodo. creepy ass mofo
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): toshisami toshisami toshisami toshisami toshisami. ok fine. kondo/hijikata, kondo/hijikata/iba, heisuke/ibuki, shin/sano, sen/chizuru
Character I find most attractive: kat-channnn
Character I would marry: none lmao im not worthy
Character I would be best friends with: probably iba
a random thought: shin is smarter than he’s given credit for in the show
An unpopular opinion: kat-chan isn’t an out of touch dumbass
My Canon OTP: toshisami is p much canon to my standards. it’s clear and present and literally right there and there’s SO MUCH content in the source to appreciate.
My Non-canon OTP: ...but i get what you might be thinking. “it’s not canon, k-h, because there’s no route.” so fine. if that’s the criteria, then they’re also my fave non-canon otp lmao
Most Badass Character: KAT-CHANNNN. clearly, i’m predictable and annoying. sorry
Most Epic Villain: shiranui lmao
Pairing I am not a fan of: ...disclaimer. i really really don’t like openly saying negative things about ships and characters because these are my shitty personal opinions and i really don’t want to make anyone feel bad. so please don’t get offended/think i think you’re doing something wrong by shipping them. i don’t.
i’m sorry but i can’t ship hiji//chi at all. i’ll rb content my friends make to support them but not without great personal discomfort. and no. it’s not because toshi is one half of my otp. i ship him with other people including OCs. i just believe both toshi and she are better suited with other people. again, it’s my shitty opinion and i’m not telling anyone they’re wrong for thinking otherwise. andddd that’s the dirty dark secret i’ve been carrying with me. moving on.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): kat-chan, but it’s really not the haku creators’ fault. it’s a symptom of nonsense that’s been happening to him for years upon years in media
Favourite Friendship: SO MANYYYY. my brotp is shin, sano, and heisuke. i love yamazaki and shimada. i wish we got to see more of kat-chan and sannan’s friendship.
Character I most identify with: hMM, I WONDER..... lol
Character I wish I could be: HMMMMMMMMM sdjhglskdhgkjfsdhhds im sorry for being so predictable
002 | Send me a ship and I will tell you: (for toshisami in shinsengumi!)
When I started shipping them: within 10 mins of the first ep, i knew my fate was sealed LMAO
My thoughts: bruh, the drama is my absolute favorite shinsengumi media for many many many reasons. mitani shipped tf out of these guys and wasn’t afraid to make that known. i’m FOREVER grateful to him and for this series.
What makes me happy about them: THEY JUST AHHH they complement each other SO WELL, even when they clash. each makes up for the weak points of the other and together, they’re just this incredible force chasing a wild dream and actually succeeding for a long time. they’re so fucking good together. i don‘t really like using the word soulmate, but i firmly believe these guys were destined to be together irl and it’s reflected in the drama
What makes me sad about them: nagareyama is a tragedy. i said this a few times before. the drama is the only piece of media that has ever made me cry.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: i don’t complain about ff openly. but hell, i wish there even WAS some ff out there for me to love
Things I look for in fanfic: ...anything? lol besides what i posted, my friend is the only other person who wrote something for them in this series that’s available to read
My wishlist: i wish there was more content for them that i didn’t have to make myself ughHHH
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: no one. i can’t ship either of them with anyone else in this particular series.
My happily ever after for them: they live and destroy sat//cho and live happily together for a long long long long LONG time
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you: (for kat-channn)
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: toshi, iba, shimada, possibly amagiri because of our convos
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: GEN-SANNN
My unpopular opinion about this character: i get so irrationally angry when people start talking about how he was ~unfaithful~ irl (bullshit. this isn’t current times in the west and that’s all i have to say about that). also, like... when people say he can’t have a route because “he’s married”... some of the other romance options were irl as well. anyway, it’s better that he’s not a route because i don’t see him being with a woman in any capacity, unless it’s an oc
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: i find it offensive that he wasn’t allowed to live longer in haku dgfjkshjgksdkfgds
Favorite friendship for this character: again, gen-san. but also shima-san and i love him mentoring souji
My crossover ship: i could certainly ship him with his sword in tr lol
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chanyueda · 6 years
my dumbass previously posted this on my sideblog lmao but its ok i posted it privately and now i have to suffer the consequences of copy pasting it manually on this phone because apparently i cant copy paste the whole thing
Dearest pen pal,
You did not write back again. I’m starting to feel like I really annoyed you with everything that’s happening to me. Tell me, should I even continue? I’m sorry, Steven. I really am.
Can’t you at least write back, just one? I’m not really telling you to actually do it but I haven’t heard from you! Are you okay? Do you need help? I’m worried! You don’t know how you make me feel so distracted with everything that I have to do. I’m on my final year at college, it’s stressing, yes, but what stresses me more is the fact that you’re not writing back to me.
Please be okay, for my sake? That’s all I ask of you now. Forget about writing back. Just...be okay.
Your pen pal,
Something nagged at the back of his mind. Why did he decide to not write back anyway? His conscience slowly swallowed him. This...Andrew, kept hoping he’d write back one day, but he never did.
Steven unknowingly crumpled the letter. He felt a wave of anguish that boiled inside of him. He was confused; why was he feeling this way? It’s only the second letter, but the emotions were already too much for him to bear. He could only crumple the paper more for he can’t translate his feelings into words.
Steven wanted to write back immediately after crumpling the paper. He was already on the move to get a pen and paper, but he realized he didn’t know the address of this person. Usually, the letters are put in an envelope with the name and address of the sender, but looking inside the chest, no envelope was found. It only contained Andrew’s letters, which baffled him more.
It’s not like him to leave letters like this. When he received one, whether it’s from a carrier company or some random one, he’d keep the envelope. He thought, maybe if he kept it, if ever he wanted to send a letter, he’d have a clue of the address. So why, in this case, the letters were not placed on their envelopes?
“Why are you being weird, standing in the middle of your room like that?” Star, his roommate, stood in the doorway again, doing a facepalm.
“I’m not...?” Steven glanced around, yeah, he was definitely standing up.
“What’s gotten into you?” Star asked, already concerned. He approached Steven cautiously.
“The letters.” He replied with no hesitation. “They’re weird. Not me.”
“Care to share?”
They sat down on the bed and Steven got hold of the two letters he just read minutes ago. He fumbled with his fingers in nervousness, and straightened the second crumpled letter. Star could not help but laugh, which earned a look from Steven.
“I’m sorry, it’s just that...you crumpled it. And you’re just on the second one! There’s hundreds of them for you to crumple.”
“Stop...” he groaned. “Look, I’m not good at this but, this person...Andrew, keeps on writing to me.”
“Yeah, you got that much from reading 2 letters.” Star shrugged. “What I mean is, you’re assuming shit.”
“No!” Steven unknowingly shouted. “I...I’m sorry I shouldn’t have...”
But Star didn’t get offended or anything, instead, he laughed it off, saying, “You’re just confused okay? Naturally, everything about you will affect everything else, including your feelings and emotions. Anyway, continue on! I want to hear more.”
Steven sighed before continuing, “He’s been writing...no, telling me that I’m not writing back to him anymore. Like, he’s insinuating that we were communicating before but I just...stopped?” He let out an exasperated sigh. “I don’t know!”
“Let me see that!” Star forcefully grabbed the letters from Steven’s hands and read them on his own. His facial expressions varied from time to time; he was shocked at first but soon after, he found himself close to tears.
“You’re overreacting.” Steven commented while watching him.
“Wow, the audacity! You’re the one who’s overreacting! I’m mainly conveying normal emotions while reading shit. Besides...he really made it sound like you were exchanging letters before. Why would he even bother to write pen pal if you two weren’t doing this?”
Steven remained quiet.
“Plus the second letter—“
“What’s wrong with it?!” He said suddenly, which sent Star into a fit of shock. “Sorry.”
“Who’s overreacting now bitch?” Star rolled his eyes. “Anyway...Andrew didn’t write your name at the first part. The...salutations shit. I don’t know, I don’t write letters.”
“Wait, what?” Steven stole the crumpled paper and reread it again. “Y-You’re right! I...I’m confused. Maybe he just forgot it? Or...maybe he purposely left it out?!” He rambled, which earned a look from his roommate.
“Why...do you seem angry?” Star shook his head. “No, why are you angry? What’s it to you, anyway?”
Steven couldn’t make out a reply to that.
“You’re affected!” Star laughed once more. “Minutes ago, you were ready to fight whoever this Andrew is and now…”
“I’m still ready to fight him! For a different reason, that is…”
The question still stands, what’s it to him anyway? Andrew just didn’t write his name and now, he’s mad about that? Something tugged at the back of his mind, but he paid no attention to it.
“Yeah whatever, you gotta get ready. We’re leaving in 5.” Star stood up from the bed and went out the door. “Take the letters with you, if you want.”
Steven stared at the unread letters. It was too early to form conclusions, and he knew that, but he can’t help it. He just wants this whole letter thing to be over. But he knew it wasn’t going to be that easy. These letters might, and still contain the answers to the questions he’s had on his head. These letters might give an insight as to what happened between him and his mysterious pen pal.
What even happened between the two of them?
i fucked up the middle part HAHA im too lazy to edit more ☹️ anyway i really love editing your parts @avantbergara bc im really trying to align it to your personality but i think im doing worse? lmao idk whatever
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cannedapricot · 7 years
Christmas Shopping with! Yoon Jisung
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another installment of the chirstmas collab with @alliwannado-w1 and @jihoonslattee ft. toy store worker! yoon jisung!!
jisung works at a toy store in a mall on the second floor
and he loves it
he loves seeing children’s faces glowing in happiness after entering the store
he loves helping children find the perfect toy
when children start throwing tantrums, jisung’s the first person to rush over
the child stops crying after 5 seconds because thE FACES JISUNG MAKES TO CHEER THEM UP ARE LEDGENDARY
co-worker! sungwoon swears that jisung would marry his job if he could
everyone who’s ever visited this specific mall knows of yoon jisung
i mean, he’s the resident sunshine who glows so brightly whenever he smiles that everyone in the mall stops to wear sunglasses
he’s also the reason why every kid ever wants to go to that one toy shop lol
the boss wanted to make jisung the mascot at one point but jisung was like,
“oh no!! i’m probably going to scare people away from the shop haha!”
and that’s how sungwoon was forced into being the mascot because he was “smol and fluffy”
jisung never lets sungwoon live because of it
“oh look!!! sungwoon’s on our poster again!!11!111″
chirstmas is jisung’s favorite holiday
part of it was because of the snow and quality family time 
but mostly it was because mORE SMILEY KIDS WOULD WALK INTO THE SHOP
the shop has this thing where the staff can wrap your presents for you
and everyone h a t e s being put on gift wrapping duty
because its??? so??? boring???
they’d much rather do something else
aka find a corner where the boss can’t see you and go on your phone smh
so when the boss calls a meeting and announces that the gift wrapping duty is back!!!
all he gets are groans in response
except from jisung though
he puts his arm straight up and with sparkling eyes, he says
“uh ok i guess jisung’s on gift duty for the fourth year in a row”
but daniel and jaehwan are also selected for different shifts
jisung nearly has a heart attack when he hears that jaehwan’s also on gift duty
so jisung spends his lunch break teaching jaehwan how to wrap a gift properly and prettily :’)
jaehwan tries to learn because he doesn’t want to deal with screaming kids if he wraps their gift shittily
it doesn’t turn out as perfect as jisung’s but it’ll have to do :’’’)
jisung’s also the only person who happily wears the santa hat uniform addition 
even if the pay isn’t as high as other jobs, jisung’s content :’) 
he’s such an angel i love him
you worked at a local kindergarten!
you’ve only been working for a couple of months but the kids there absolutely adore you!!
you’d step in the classroom and everyone would rush over to hug you
the kindergarten once had a popularity vote among the teachers and you ranked first even though you were new :””)
everyone wanted to be in your class
and the other teachers are lowkey offended 
it was a tradition every year to bring the kids on a trip to the mall for them to write small wish lists to send to santa :’’’’’)
the kids were thrilled obviously
it took a while for them to calm down
but they eventually did 
you’ve never been to the mall in this area,,, so you’re kinda scared that you’re gonna get lost or lose one of the kids etc
you tried getting out of it
“hey uh cough cough minhyun? cough”
“sneeze i think i’m down with a cold”
“oh no!!!111!!1!1 would you like to take a few days off???”
“is what you think i’d say right? too bad we’re already low on staff as it is we don’t need another ‘sick’ one”
you knew that there was no point in arguing anymore :’)
on the day you were a nervous wreck
you had planned to go around the mall yesterday but that didn’t happen
thanks to your close friend suddenly dropping by
“miss y/n? are you okay?”
after herding the kids into the bus, you tried to make a run for it
but minhyun catches you with his signature “where do you think you’re going” smile on his face
then proceeds to fling you onto the bus
upon reaching the mall, the kids immediately screamed to go visit the toy store
having no choice but to do so, you bring your little group of kids towards the toy shop on the second floor
while looking at the map you have on your phone lmao
you let out a sigh in relief when you reach the store without anything happening
you tell the kids not to wander off by their own and stick close together
entering the shop, you catch a certain worker’s eye 👀👀
i mean you would catch my eye as well
it’s not everyday someone walks into a shop with 10 kids around them
but of course the shop expected your kindergarten to visit this time of year
and that particular worker slides up to your party while in the lego section
“hi! i’m jisung! is there anything you’re looking for?”
you were about to respond but the kids responded before you could
p a ni c s
jisung lets out a hearty laugh,
“don’t worry! i’m used to it”
is it getting hot in here or is it just jisung? 👀👀
jisung squats down to the little girl’s height and talks to her in the s o f t e s t tone
and you think that’s he’s possibly the cutest man you’ve ever m e t
“miss y/n!!!! stop staring at him!!”
jisung’s draws his attention from the little girl to look at you
deciding not to make you glow any more red, he says,
“hey, i’ll help you deal with the kids today yeah?”
“i’ll go tell my boss!”
he doesn’t
he tells sungwoon to cover for him
“it’s not a da t e”
sungwoon rolls his eyes
“sure ok”
and so jisung joins your party!!
y’all look like a cute family with 10 kids :’)
throughout the day, jisung’s interaction with the kids and his funny personality made you feel like melting
was it possible for a man to be this adorable??
you didn’t know but,,
jisung was also melting for you too :’)))
so when minhyun calls you and says that it’s time to leave
jisung doesn’t want to let you go
neither did you tbh
so as you herd the kids into the bus once again, jisung pulls you back for a moment
“hey,,,, uh,,,, have you done your christmas shopping yet?”
“not yet!! i’m planning to do so this sunday”
“oh!! great!! um,,, i was wondering if you wanted to do it together? sunday’s my day off too,,,”
“yES! I MEAN-- sure!”
and then jisung looks at you with the whole galaxy in his eyes
his cheeks were flushed but you had no idea whether it was because of the weather or because he was flustered
you reply with a smile and a nod of your head
he then digs through his pockets for a pen
and asks you to write your number on his hand
the pen was in the shape of a giraffe
minhyun screams for you as soon as you finished writing the last digit
“i’ll text you!!”
jisung yells as you run towards the bus, waving at him with a huge smile
he does
and you two don’t stop texting until sunday
“y/n! over here!!”
you rush over to the waiting jisung 
“i’m sorry did you have to wait for a long time?”
he smiles and claims that he just got here
and you two head into the mall
as soon as you two step in, you guys were surrounded by couples who were also christmas shopping
and it felt awkward for the first time since you’ve known jisung
“so,,, y/n, where do you want to go first?”
you randomly point at a stationary store 
and you two exit a few minutes later
with a bunch of bags in hand
jisung laughs 
and you two continue your raid of the mall
exiting a new shop with more bags each time :”)
at one point y’all entered a furniture shop and accidentally walked into the beds section
the worker there mistakes you for a couple and smirks at you two 👀👀
y’all also entered the toy store jisung works at
and jisung’s co-workers are all staring at you two
especially sungwoon and jaehwan who followed you two around the shop talking loudly about how jisung was boyfriend material
“what- i haven’t finished-”
but doesn’t forget to buy you a gift from the shop
after wandering around the mall more, you two end up in front of the giant christmas tree 
the lights casted shadows around 
and you turn to face jisung, finding him looking up at the tree with those stars in his eyes
then he turns to face you with that huge smile of his
then he suddenly pulls out a rabbit soft toy
“merry christmas y/n! here’s your present!!”
this was the same rabbit you had claimed to be staring at while you were actually staring at jisung
“you were staring at this the other day right?”
jisung thought you were laughing at his gift :(
jisung’s face lights up at this
“what do you think about today being our first day?”
“??first day??”
“yeah, as a couple”
also this was lowkey kinda shit,,,,, jisung’s actually a ray of sunshine in human form and i love him so much anyone who says he’s ugly can come fight me
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goldenscript · 7 years
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adachi yuto, japanese exchange student and baseball player extraordinaire
his pitch is insane,,, latest record was 89.5 mph but he might’ve upped it (he did and he’s still aiming to surpass the best recorded speed of 105.1) since the school’s newspaper last interviewed him,,, nervously
he may be a well-known around school for being one of the top-ranking baseball players but he’s actually really intimidating 
equipped with a brooding look and an almost always resting bitch face a lot of people find him,,,, hard to approach and he likes that
being in a new country is tough - getting to know the language and the customs is like being a little kid in elementary school and it’s because of this very reason that he really hates people trying to belittle him or look down on him
it certainly doesn’t help that just by going there has made other people treat him like an actual child but if there’s yet another thing about yuto then it’s the fact that he has this need to prove others wrong about him
there was a kid in like fifth grade who totally ragged on him,, really made yuto feel like he wouldn’t amount to anything especially in baseball and ok sure he was a pretty scrawny kid at the time, a bit of a late bloomer in the puberty department but y’know everyone matures at their own pace physically and mentally
and anyway, it’s this very kid that has just driven yuto to do the very best that he can even if that means overworking himself and only really putting baseball first
because of that, his grades are pretty mediocre which is funny because he just about calculates and figure just how much he can get away with slacking over just to do the bare minimum
it works though,,, his teachers can’t complain since he is putting in effort and his coaches don’t mind so long as he’s getting the required gpa and coming to practice (which he does almost religiously)
and it’s just really remarkable that this sole drive just to prove someone wrong and get back at them for really doubting him drives him that much
his life has always been shrouded in doubt and insecurity and lots of belittlement and out of everything,,, baseball has always offered some kind of comfort to him
he’ll just stand on that field, whether it’s turf or actual grass, and finds peace in all the screaming because the moment he takes his pitcher’s stance it’s like there’s this silence and everything goes still even during his wind-up and suddenly all this power is thrown into a measly pitch and it has people roaring over him
they didn’t care if he was too foreign or too scrawny or too whatever, they were there and they appreciated his skill and i think that’s all he’s ever really wanted as he grew up into the man he is now
instead of sticking to japan, he decided to take up a full-ride scholarship to south korea and when they announced that at the sports banquet he couldn’t help but feel this swell of pride even if that one kid couldn’t see it happen
it’s a rare sight but it made him smile that day because for once he was acknowledged y’know?
anyway, coming to south korea was almost a culture shock (not by a grand scale but enough that it threw him off balance for a while)
it brought on a dry spell for him because he didn’t have friends or anyone to really be there for him to lean on because he was literally alone and not even with someone he could properly communicate with
it was frustrating on the largest scale and it made him feel even more hesitant and angry to deal with anyone other than his roommate, wooseok, who (bless his soul) is a sweetheart and always invites him to hang or play videogames,,,, sometimes he humors the giant
it took time for yuto to get acquainted with the other eight boys in wooseok’s friend circle but it worked out in weird ways
although yuto can’t exactly socialize in a huge gathering, he would spend one on one time with each of them and found comfortable niches with each so he does have a soft spot somewhere behind all his hostility
he won’t admit it a lot either but he’s more of a shower than a teller
but ok, anyway, even tho his first half of the year in south korea has been a huge struggle, he’s used it to push himself athletically and that’s why he’s getting noticed a lot more by others
they’re still intimidated as ever and rumors come flying in all directions about him killing someone with his pitch and none of the students in the journalism club want to interview him for the paper lmao
there was one brave soul but he’s still pretty,,, shaken from yuto’s rbf and you were actually out in this really cool study abroad in japan about tech culture and reported your findings and,,,,
basically you’re literally the only one who hasn’t heard of yuto aka the hardest person to interview on the baseball team so when you heard about a job that no one was willing to take because it was too scary you were just like “LMAO LEMME AT IT”
that and because he piqued your interest
to say the least, you’re pretty made to be in journalism because you refuse to half-ass anything you do and if they want to do a piece on understanding adachi yuto, literally the hottest rising star on the uni’s baseball team, then dammit you’re gonna do it
so, that’s exactly what you do
you go and hunt him down and approach his coach about interviewing him whenever there’s free time because you’re respectful like that y’know and when the older man grins at you and gives you the ok, you approach him on the bench and kindly talk to him about doing an interview
that alone throws him off because 1) you’re not scared of him??? usually just approaching him is nerve wracking for everyone and anyone but here you are just sauntering over like it’s nobody’s business
he just acts like it’s nothing though, coolly saying, “yeah sure whatever - we can do it right now”
“now?” you ask this with some confusion since you usually have some pretty long, extensive interviews just to get a good piece out because that’s how you are - you’re thorough
not many people in the club agree with you since it’s almost like a waste of time to them but neither you nor do the editor care very much because you put out really good stuff
even some of the stuff you wrote in high school are still circulating around as examples of what one should do and your methods too
 you’re not very black and white, you like grey areas and understanding concepts and people especially when they’re misunderstood and yuto is definitely no exception to that
so when he nods and simply says, “i know this won’t take long anyway, so why not right? we shouldn’t waste either of our time”
of course this throws you off,,, but you just nod and start off with some simple questions (to you) like what made him pursue baseball, how much he practices, what are some of his lucky items and pregame ritual habits, and like what are his goals as a player
like i said you’re thorough and even though you said these were simple, yuto was expecting things like “what’s your favorite part of playing baseball?” (pitching, duh) & “is mlb your goal for the future?” they’re pretty basic - during that first interview, he got even simpler things like what was his favorite color and what was his favorite base, and it made him hate that interview,,, significantly
the only redeeming factor of it was how cool they made him sound with his pitching speed record and that’s of course something he prides himself in but it felt so superficial and off,,, he didn’t like it
he didn’t quite feel belittled or anything but it made him disappointed that despite all his hard work,,, no one really cared enough to get to know him ya feel?
it’s silly but part of him working so hard is also for attention and that validation that he never vocally desires
so for you,,, to actually ask him things outside of his pitching speed record and what he plans outside of school and all that,,, is kinda nice
you can tell by the way he loosens up just a tad that he just has really high defenses and it makes you wonder why,, ,like by journalist instincts but genuine curiosity
and you get your answers (”this kid in school,” “four hours minimum a day,” “this keychain my mom gave me” (it’s this little pochacco bc she was like 99.9% certain that he would go into soccer LOL) and “chew hubba bubba gum - the kinda from the roll or it’s a no go, must wear something red SOMEWHERE, and the keychain has to be nearby”, and “surpass 105.1″) not that you’re in any rush because you really do like to get to know the people you’re interviewing
you’re the sort of person that believes in building connections with others - it’s really how one gets a good article and how to thrive in life like although you don’t talk to everyone you know / met on a daily basis you’d like to think that as long as those relationships weren’t superficial during that time you spent with them then it’s worthwhile
so you find all his answers really endearing and kind of cute even though it’s this stoic dude answering all your questions like he has other things to do and ofc you’re not even offended in the slightest because you understand that people get stiff over these things and it feels like people just haven’t been answering him the right questions anyway
but you being you, asks him the one questions he’s actually hoped to hear: “why 105.1?” 
he grins at you, like a genuine one that actually blows you away because his cheekbones are so gloriously prominent and light is just shining in his eyes and honestly if you were a photographer you would’ve really liked to capture this moment but before he can answer his coach is calling him onto the field and he turns to you almost apologetically
but you wave him off with a grin: “guess this means we gotta continue this interview right?” 
a flash of relief washes over his features before he gives you a brief nod, “guess so” 
you have your tape recorder still going, an heirloom of your mom’s because she loved journalism just as much as you do before she had you and in a way you’re fulfilling this dream for the both of you, and instruct him to recite his number for you
he looks a little exasperated but he does it and grumbles a farewell before jogging back onto the field and you go back to your dorm to listen through the interview, wanting to be thorough, and when you get to the part where he recites his number you jot that down with a wide grin
because deep down you really do think yuto is great - you don’t know it with complete certainty but that brief interview was more than enough so you shoot him a text about meeting up on thursday
to which he replies quite quickly in an affirmation
when the two of you meet, it’s at the park by the school’s garden and it’s absolutely beautiful - you know it’s completely unfamiliar to many people because you really have to look so you wind up finding yuto just take him there and he’s kinda flustered about it but it’s cute on him 
you take a moment to turn on your tape recorder and turn to him to ask the question you both left on 
his answer: “it’s the world record for the fastest pitch but i want to have the fastest pitch” 
there’s still a whole round of questions for him to answer and after a good hour of just bantering, you actually find him endearing and funny and really sweet beneath the brooding rbf
and the more he’s with you, the more he wants to open up even if it just for some interview because he feels acknowledged and appreciated 
with you, there’s something different that stirs in his chest - the ease that he felt after getting acquainted with wooseok comes with you but even more so
he really likes the way the gardenias and lilies complement your features, how the sun shines on you two and you bask in it
for reasons beyond him, he’s actually kinda sad that after this he won’t see much of you because there’s still a lot he’d like to know and ask you but between answering your questions and thinking ahead, it’s hard to interject his own considering it’s his interview
and tbh you’re pretty sad about it too but that sort of thing doesn’t hit you until it’s over and you’re playing the tape recording over and suddenly it’s like,,,, well, you want to know more about yuto
so you make a decision
after you’re done with the piece, you hit yuto up and let him read the manuscript and he’s in freakin’ awe because no one has ever really talked about him in the way that you did and he just turns to you and says “thank you” in the most sincerest voice and your heart truly feels like it might fall out of your chest 
you just tell him that “it was my pleasure” because it really was!!
a small moment passes between you two, but wooseok comes in and you two get embarrassed so you excuse yourself to go prepare for the final publishing 
wooseok totally teases yuto btw but one glare from the latter has the former cackling before he goes off into the shower
“you’re so whipped dude”
“shut. up.”
“it’s the truth~~~~~~”
“sleep with one eye open, woo”
when it gets published, everyone is freakin’ amazed ofc and those who read the piece actually get some proper insight on the misunderstood baseball player, and you hand deliver a copy to him because you’re so freakin’ ecstatic and proud because everyone loved it and it looks so great and 
well yuto is really happy and seeing happy is an absolute blessing 
as flustered as he is, he actually expresses a better expression of gratitude and tells you that “no one has ever done something like this for me and i really, truly appreciate it” 
you can feel your heart thudding and your throat closing up because he continues “and honestly, you’ve been on my mind like crazy y/n”
all you can manage is a “why?” but he’s relieved to see blush dusting on your cheeks
“because i want to get to know you and i want to understand you and i-” he whispers the last half: “thinkyou’rereallycute”
you’re almost in shock but you’re too elated tbh and you embarrassingly say, “i think you’re really cute too,,,,” 
so you both spend this impromptu first date wandering the park and going to the campus cafe and just talking but he lets you talk 
 in fact, he wants to know everything about you - why you started journalism and why you decided to take him on and what your favorite color is and what your favorite song is and all those little things that people tend to forget but him? 
he remembers them 
he remembers everything you tell him and he finds it so adorable how your nose scrunches and your features light up and how much you have to say even though you’re usually the one asking the questions
and it just feels so damn good to have someone show interest in you
like yeah sure you’ve made some strong connections and friendships but the way yuto asks you questions and absorbs your answers, even inputting his own feelings, you feel so happy because this isn’t some obligatory “tell me about yourself” it’s a genuine “please tell me more” 
each day you two learn new things about each other too which is really great if you didn’t realize just how mischievous he is 
LOL like it seems to be a hidden personality trait of his but you’ve come to find that being with yuto has become a series of getting soft pranked or just watching others get hardcore pranked and it’s kinda funny
you really wouldn’t expect it from him but the way he softly pranks you is just too adorable for you to get upset with
like well, the first time he ever told you he loved you, he steals your tape recorder from you - not really steal it but one minute it’s on your desk and another it’s in his hands and he’s fumbling with it but he manages to record over the blank tape and goes “y/n, did you know you’re an amazing person?” 
you can’t help but laugh because he has one of those sports newscaster voice and feigned serious face as he holds the tape recorder out to you in wait of an answer so you just shake your head “no sir, i did not” 
he grins, “well, did you know that i, adachi yuto, love you for being the amazing person you are?” 
and even though his cheeks are so blatantly red and yours are too, you’re stunned 
“i-i did not know that,,,,” and you lean in close and place your hand over his on the recorder and say, “but did you know that i, l/n y/n, love you too?” 
and he just pulls you into the sweetest kiss because he just feels so goddamn happy with you, so content, and most of all, so understood
the rest of the boys are really grateful for you because as comfortable as yuto has been with them, you’ve made it much easier for him and his transition because of the article
a lot of the time, people will come up to him and talk about his stats and baseball which he’s actually happy to converse about 
or even those people that kind of judged him at first, they’re not so,,,,, prejudiced y’know?
they have such a great insight on him as a player and it really is because of all the things you put into that article and you’re so damn proud of it
when you get thanked and welcomed into the group, they adore you man
they love how you aren’t afraid to tease yuto or go along with his playful antics and they love that you bring out this undeniably soft side to him that makes even wooseok go “awwww, my roomie has a heart~~” which is of course replied to with a glare that has even you giggling because that’s just how yuto is
like he’s still pretty intimidating looking but most of the school doesn’t think that as badly - it’s usually people on the street in the city
though there were a few people to stop you two because y’all just looked like The Aesthetic couple and it left you both really flustered 
even as you both continue on in your relationship, there are moments where you just fluster each other because y’all just so damn cute and neither of you two can take it
but it works - everything between you just works and it’s kinda perfect in an odd little way 
sometimes you bicker when he gets a little tsundere with you or if he pranks you a little too much (like hides your stuffed pochacco he won you at the fair very unfairly - poor milk bottle worker LOL) 
in the end, you’ll both apologize because you’re both that hyperaware of your actions and you’re both very accepting too 
you can pick up on things that he doesn’t realize and somehow he can do the same with you - with each other, it’s just.... right 
you understand him and he understands you, and honestly, neither of you could ask for anything better than that~~~~
(also lemme just say that on one of your gifts to him was a badtz maru charm for his bat or anything really because it reminded you of him and how pouty he got but literally everyone agreed)
(he hung it btw and it’s considered his lucky charm because he got his pitching speed up to 95.6 mph!!!!!!!!)
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sweetnestor · 7 years
12 Days | Chapter 8.2
Two guys that lowkey hate each other are forced to walk in each other’s shoes in order to learn a lesson.
***in collaboration with @themarkiplierexperience
lmao soz its not actually x reader we’re just desperate for attention haaaa
“I want to ask what the origin story behind this is, but I think I’m better off not knowing,” Tom typed. He attached a “selfie” wearing a bright blue shirt with the word “Wowie” printed on it in a strange fashion. Then, he sent the whole thing to Ethan.
He did see the other texts from the boy that he received the evening before, but Tom was dying to show this to him now. He finally had a look at what Ethan’s “merch” was like. To say he was not expecting “wowie” on a t-shirt was an understatement. Why “wowie”?
Halfway through editing this video, Tom kind of despised Ethan… and he definitely hated the word “Wowie” with a burning passion. It wasn’t all bad, though. Tom had spent the day with a funny pair of people: Parker and Andrew. He didn’t have to consciously act like Ethan to get along with the pair. They were so graciously weird that seeing their friend act out of character was considered normal for them… if that made any sense. The three of them, along with Amy, made a video together that was about this awful blue t-shirt. A promotional video, and instead of having a whole filming crew complete with camera men and editors, it was all self made. It was impressive, don’t get him wrong, but Tom only thrived when he was on camera, not behind the scenes.
It was a minute and a half long video, yet it was taking ages for him to put it all together. Not to mention, Tom was awaiting an update from Ethan about Zendaya. Earlier, he had said that she wanted to talk, and god knows what that was supposed to mean. On top of that, Bella was getting a little harder to handle.
Tom had invited her to come along to shoot the video, but she had gotten immensely sheepish and timid when she heard about the people who would be joining them. She made an excuse about having emails to answer and business Skype meetings to have. She only returned to his apartment after hearing that Parker, Andrew, and Amy had left for the day, and even then she just stayed in the living room while Tom finished the video. Weird, but whatever.
A few hours later, Tom could say he was proud of what he had created. The video was very sarcastic, and kind of funny, but it got the message across: “Buy this ugly ass shirt.” Really, he didn’t see the appeal, but Ethan’s fans sure did. The shirt had been on sale on Ethan’s merch store all month, and as of today, there were only ten days left to buy it. Tom learned all of this through Parker, who had a hand in running the store. Thank god he wasn’t left in completely in the dark.
Thing is, Tom easily learned about different aspects of this kid’s life. He knew the girlfriend, a good amount of the friends, and just enough about his personality to get by. The hard part was the YouTube stuff, because everyone around him assumed that he knew what he was doing. They all assumed he was Ethan. How bizarre would it be if Ethan just suddenly asked for help on the basics of editing a simple video? How long would it be for someone to figure that this wasn’t Ethan, that it was somebody else? What would they do, besides throw him in an asylum?
A knock on the bedroom door snapped Tom out of his thoughts. He pulled off his headphones and granted access.
Bella came in, an unreadable expression on her face. “Hey…”
“Hi, love,” Tom greeted, turning in his chair to face her.
She stepped in, looking around the room as she tangled her fingers together. “I don’t mean to interrupt you, I’m just…” She sighed. “This is really stupid, like really stupid…”
“Oh, how bad could it be?” he asked, putting on a kind smile, despite how nervous the sudden tension made him.
Bella picked at her nails to fill the silence. But she finally asked in a soft voice, “why didn’t you ask me to be in your video?”
Honestly, Tom had been hoping she had that conversation with her real boyfriend. Even he found it weird that the “talking to women” bit from the video starred Amy. Why not Bella? It probably wasn’t something to fuss about, but the girl’s nerves radiated for miles, it made Tom himself feel like he had done something wrong. He didn’t even know how to respond.
“I mean, you and Parker came up with the video idea like what? Two weeks ago,” she rambled, “and you guys came up with the ‘talking to girls’ thing and your first thought was Amy? Not that there’s anything wrong with that, I-I mean she did come up with the shirt design…”
Ah, so that was the culprit.
“I-It’s not that I wanted to slap you - uh, fake slap you for a video,” Bella went on, her voice getting shaky, “i-it’s just you didn’t think to ask me, I don’t know. Am I freaking out over nothing?”
“You freak out over everything,” Tom said without thinking. There was a small pause before he turned back to the computer.
“I know, it’s what I do,” Bella said, not seeming offended by that statement. “It probably wasn’t a big deal. I shouldn’t have bothered you, sorry.”
“Don’t worry about it. Any other thoughts, concerns?” It was half sarcastic, but she took the bait.
“I’ve been… having dreams…”
Ethan was supposed to know that tone, what that particular phrase meant. Tom, on the other hand, was clueless.
“Naughty dreams?”
“No.” Bella’s tone was serious now. She paced around the small recording space, still picking at her nails. “Bad dreams. I’ve had dreams like this before… Ethan, please don’t make me say it.”
It had been five days since the switch, five days of being this girl’s boyfriend, and Tom was getting more and more impatient.
“Don’t talk about it then,” he said with a shrug. “If it’s really that scary, or disturbing, or whatever it is... then you don’t need to speak of it.”
Again, it was silent. Tom definitely said the wrong thing, but he didn’t know how to handle a girl with anxiety. He could barely handle Zendaya, even though he hoped to fix things with her.
“You’re probably right,” Bella spoke at last. She turned on her heel towards the door. “No one wants to remember that time, especially me.” She stopped at the doorway and looked back at him. “Oh, and I just figured out why I was freaking out over Amy. It’s been almost a year since Mark left me for her.”
Whoa. What would Ethan say to that? What would Ethan think about his girlfriend mentioning her ex?
Speaking of the ex, Tom’s phone dinged on his desk. Mark had texted him. Admittedly, Tom wasn’t really texting anyone consistently apart from Ethan. He had also ignored Mark’s texts from the other day, so there was a chance he wasn’t on good terms with the boss.
“Hey look man, I don’t know what’s going on with you lately, but I need an answer. Are you going to be returning to work anytime soon? Or do we need to make a public statement that you don’t work for me anymore? I’m not trying to put pressure on you, or anything with malice. I just need to know what’s going on business wise.”
Public statement? So the fans knew Mark had editors? And there had to be something said publicly when something changed behind the scenes? Is that how YouTube works?
“I think my girlfriend is hung up on you, you’re the last person I need to see right now,” Tom typed for literally no other reason except to see if it sounded like something his other half would say. He chuckled to himself after deeming that it was too ridiculous and out of line and went to delete it…
You know when you mean to do one thing but instead do another? Yeah, Tom somehow mixed up the ‘send’ key and the ‘backspace’ key, and well…
“Fuck!” he snapped, sitting up in his chair, watching as the angry text sent. “No, no, no, no! Shit!”
Oh god, Ethan was so fired.
Tom didn’t have the heart to tell Ethan about the wonderful conversation he had with Mark following that text. He read through the messages he received while he was editing over and over again just to avoid telling him what went down. Ethan seemed excited to be in Montreal.
“So guess I have a workout tomorrow morning? Wish me luck bc I’ll actually die.” That’ll be fun to hear about, but it didn’t settle the knot in Tom’s stomach.
“I’m almost ok with the switch if it means getting to stay in this house dude it’s so nice?? I’m never leaving.” Tom was not okay with the switch. He wanted to be in that house right now, leave Ethan with the mess that he made.
“I finished the wowie video. I hate the word wowie. Please never say it again,” he typed and sent before reading the rest of the texts. He noticed that Ethan will either be completely silent, or send multiple texts at once. No in between.
“Also,,,,, fuck kinda friendship you got with Harrison? You give each other lap dances???” Ethan asked. Oh no. Oh god. “Not judging, just wish I’d known you were rejecting zendaya for ur best m8 lolol.”
Tom literally groaned out loud and palmed his forehead. Then, he frantically sent, “IT WASNOTHING WE DONT SPEAK OF IT SHUT UP.” No way he was getting into that with this guy. He wouldn’t understand.
The next message didn’t help very much. “Speaking of Daya, we talked today. She asked abot how you feel and what you thought you 2 had going on. Made it clear it was her choice what happened, but that you’re just friends? Idk man how DO you feel?”
“Anyway, the videos were good. Much better than Tyler’s first edits for sure. Good job, I’m impressed.”
“Shooting starts tomorrow so I’m off to learn everything there is to know about acting…….. By watching some movie wiht the guys, gn.”
Tom sat there for a few minutes, trying to word any of the thoughts in his head. Why couldn’t have Ethan made the Zendaya decision for him? He seems like a nice guy, he’s had a girlfriend for six months, and she didn’t seem tired of him!
“I’ll deal with her when we switch back… by the way when are we gonna switch back??? Anyway, have a good night mate, have a pint for me!”
tag list: @beardedsteveslut @marie-is-in-the-dark @ohsnapitzmoony
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vermontparnasse · 7 years
les miserables review - u.s. tour (hartford) 10/7/17
ok, here we go.  sorry this took so long but i have never been less enthused to write a les mis review..... i hate to say it guys but this was probably the worst collective cast i have ever seen.  half of them were playing the wrong role and almost none of them had any chemistry with one another... i realize it's still very early on in the tour and they didn't have a very long rehearsal period but that's no excuse for the national tour to come across as amateur community theatre, which is tragically what i felt like i was watching  for most of those two and a half hours.  i do have a couple of positive things to say and there were a few standout performances, but mostly..... yikes.
nick cartell as valjean: i guess he did the best he could given that he was very, very, very, very badly miscast.  when your valjean would probably be a better fit for marius, you know you've got a problem.  he was too young by at least fifteen years, and the way he sang the score was an insufferable series of riffs - he was basically ramin without the ego and without the shirt ripping.  he was just very badly out of his depth.  i was prepared to be kinder to him in the second act - his bring him home was quite good and he aged better than i'd thought he was going to - but then at the moment of valjean's death when he sang 'forgive me all my trespasses' he literally SPRANG out of the chair, like dying had rejuvenated him.  it was bad guys.
josh davis as javert: does hayden tee have a brother........... anyway, the way he was singing the score i think he was trying to emulate earl by making his notes precise and crisp, but everything just came out really staccato and it was not pleasant to listen to.  he also jutted out his jaw every time he wanted to look menacing which achieved a comedic disney villain effect, a la hayden.  stars was definitely the highlight - he sang and acted it much better than anything else... otherwise, it was just a mess.  he literally came across as drunk during his suicide - like he wasn't killing himself because of his inability to reconcile valjean's mercy with his personal view of the world, he was killing himself because he'd stayed at the bar too late and had one too many.  i have no idea what sort of journey he thought his character was on, but it just wasn't javert.
melissa mitchell as fantine: i'm sorry but this woman cannot act to save her life...... the way she carried herself was so modern, i don't know how to explain it but the way she moved was just so off and it was really distracting?  and her whole performance was just going through the motions, like "and still i dream he'll come to me... time to run to the left of the stage!" "life has killed the dream i dreamed.... time to glance over my shoulder dramatically!"  it was just all so artificial and inauthentic, you could practically see the stage directions in front of her eyes.  and don't get me started on the dying moment where she reaches her arm out and then collapses......... lord.  bad.
jillian butler as cosette: she was good!!  i mean... idk, i don't have a whole lot to say about her.  after seeing sam hill and alex finke in the role repeatedly, both of whom are absolutely superb, it's kinda hard to live up to that... jillian didn't take it to the next level or expand on their performances in any way - it was a very basic, pared down, 'hi i'm sweet and lonely' cosette, but there's nothing wrong with that?  she was solid and i have no complaints with her, but it wasn't a particularly memorable performance.
joshua grosso as marius: the best performance of the night, thank fuckin god!!!!!!!!  it has been so long since i have seen an adequate marius!!!!!!!!  i didn't agree with 100% of his choices (e.g., in AHFOL rather than singing "dear mademoiselle" he sort of squeaks it in a high pitched voice which is cute and appropriately awkward but i didn't totally connect w/ that decision because i love hearing that line sung) BUT he really understood the character and he didn't have too many moments like that of derailing the score.  i loved how awkward and genuine he was with cosette, and i loved how serious his reaction was to valjean's confession.  it was an all-around solid performance that was filled with the appropriate level of sincerity.  my biggest complaint is the mientus-esque crocodile tears after eponine's death, but i'm tentatively blaming that on direction.
phoenix best as eponine: she was terrible.  maybe she hadn't gotten any sleep the night before, because the whole time she looked like she'd rather be in bed.  dead eyes, no expression, dead on her feet, fake punches looking incredibly weak and stagey, having to be dragged around the stage by the other actors.  there was no fight to her, she was just resigned and dull.  her voice is tinny and not terribly pleasant to listen to, but i'd have forgiven that for a solid performance... which unfortunately we did not get.  though i WILL give her credit for on my own - there was some weird hammering or some shit going on backstage throughout that song but she pushed through admirably.  but otherwise, she was a pretty big disappointment.
matt shingledecker as enjolras: chelsea said after the show "enjolras was a literal frat boy, was he leading them to a revolution or to the club?" and i can't really beat that.  his enjolras basically was a rich young boy playing a game.
j. anthony crane as thenardier: he was rly fantastic!!!!  god after cliff saunders and whoever tf else we had to suffer through on bway, i would have welcomed just about anyone.... i mean, i have long ago reconciled myself to the fact that i will never see this character played the way i'd like to in an ideal world, because he's just become OTT comic relief, and j. anthony crane certainly has those OTT moments (notably in dog eats dog) BUT compared to the sort of nonsense that we are used to, it is such a toned down performance and there's actually a hint of something sinister lurking beneath the comedy.  i only hope he doesn't try to play up the laughs too much as the tour goes on.
allison guinn as mme. thenardier: meanwhile............ the most hammy performance i have EVER seen in this role.  it's a rare day that i just try to ignore mme. t and focus on thenardier when they're on stage together, but here we are.  god, she was insufferable, and she gave that kind of 'i'm so clever and above all of you' performance on top of the OTT humor that i absolutely loathe.
let's see, what else is there to say.
- 'give way, javert' is back after the sewers.  not sure why but i'm into it.
- SO MANY actors were singing on the beat...... i think the foreman was the worst offender ('YOU. PLAY. A. VIR. GIN. IN. THE. LIGHT. BUT. NEED. NO. UR. GING. IN. THE. NIGHT.') but it was honestly so many cast members and it was distracting af???
- but otherwise, a rly promising ensemble!!!!  i liked almost everyone who didn't have a main role lmao.  
- though they RLY need to work on their blocking....... again, i know it's early in the tour so i'm rly hoping this improves, but this production was just messy.  stage punches look fake, characters who are meant to interact at certain moments barely look at each other, just a lot of inauthentic movement that can only improve with more rehearsals.
- omg this is such a minor thing that i liked....... ok so you know how in the bway production they had fantine's first customer be the foreman?  i never saw any particular reason for that, but in this production when fantine is being offered to the foreman she has her back turned, and when she's handed to him she turns around and he sees her face and he laughs when he recognizes her, and the irony of the moment is so sad that i found myself rly moved by it.
- andrew love is a fuckin gift.  will someone make him principal javert already.
bottom line: what can i say....... i was mostly just rly let down.  of the nine main roles i mentioned here, i really enjoyed two (one of which was thenardier lmfao like who even cares about thenardier???), i didn’t mind one, and the rest were just bad.  that’s 2/3 of the main cast i thought were either playing the wrong role or had no business playing any role in les mis at all.  i can only hope they get stronger as a group as the tour goes on, because maybe if i’d felt more camaraderie between them the whole thing wouldn’t have left me so cold?  that was one of les mis bway’s strengths imo - the entire cast just worked so well together.  the tour cast did not.  unless i hear that they get better in upcoming months, i will not be making any more pilgrimages to see this cast.
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boyfriend seventeen | mingyu
- everyone’s always saying how lucky you are for having such a cool and handsome boyfriend - but you’re like uhhh “cool” and “kim mingyu” shouldn’t be in the same sentence LOL - for your first date, mingyu takes you to the seoul lantern festival - and it’s honestly such a beautiful experience - he takes you out for street food near sunset, and after that, you both walk around the festival area, waiting for it to start - the second it gets dark, one lantern lights up, then another and another - before you know it, there are hundreds of beautiful lanterns floating in the water and they’re so vibrant and colorful in contrast to the dark night sky - seeing just how amazed you look, mingyu takes out his phone and asks a nearby person to take a picture of you two in front of the lanterns - the person agrees to it and counts “one, two, three…!” - on three, mingyu cups your face, turns you in his direction, and kisses you right on the lips - and under the stars, under a sky illuminated by lanterns of all colors, is where you both share your first kiss - you’re not even going to lie, he was pretty cool that time, but now that you know him so well…… yeah he’s not cool at all - mingyu likes to tease you a lot - he likes to place things up high just to make fun of you - but then while he’s laughing, he hits his head against an open cupboard and you have to hold ice against his forehead like good job mingyu - the type to act manly while you’re both watching scary movies when he knows he won’t be able to sleep that night - he loves lying his head on your lap - you used to do that until he sneezed in your face and you were like honestly. wtf. - “(name), are you still mad?? it was an accident!!” “don’t talk to me” - when you catch him coughing in his hand or sneezing into it, right before he touches you, you slap his hand away and take like three steps back - “mingyu, i am NOT coming near you until you wash your hands i swEAR” - you both have matching SOCKS and it’s actually so cute??? - you have like five pairs and you both wear a pair when meeting up without telling each other, hoping that you’d both wear the same one coincidentally - it took like seven tries but still - his lock screen is a stolen shot of you petting a puppy and he’s going to keep it that way forever because it has the two things he loves the most in one picture - good luck with his lame jokes - he likes to say as a joke “aren’t you lucky to have kim mingyu, seventeen’s visual, as your boyfriend?” and once you said “what? isn’t junhui the visual?” and he was so OFFENDED - he even went up to junhui and said “how dare you” and junhui was like “…did i do something wrong?” - for someone who could cook and eats a lot, you’d think mingyu’s favorite food is one of his own homemade meals or at least something from a really popular restaurant but no - he loves your cooking the most - the type to crack jokes in the middle of something really romantic and just completely ruining the moment - like you’re both about to kiss, but then he’d make a pun or just a lame joke in general and you’re like “ok no that’s it, you ruined it i’m leaving” - he gives you piggyback rides all the time - it’s not like he offers, you randomly jump onto his back and he laughs and just walks around while your arms are wrapped tightly around his neck - he has to cover his red face whenever you wear his clothes because they’re so big on you and he thinks you look too cute in them - bumps into everything, drops everything, trips over everything, makes a mess, forgets to bring things, he’s a tall mess LOL - he loves holding hands with you and you guys always are whenever you go out - the story behind this is that once, you were both walking through this crowd of people and guess what you lost him in the crowd - you were like are you kidding me???? thanks to his height, you were able to spot him but geez mingyu you can’t just walk off like that when something catches your eye - so holding hands is mostly just so that you both won’t get separated LMAO - (unknown to you, it was all part of mingyu’s plan, he just wanted an excuse to hold it all the time NICE) - mingyu loves forehead kisses, he actually melts after receiving one but his cheeks also turn bright pink when asking for another one - he loves kisses on the lips because he likes seeing you go on your tippy-toes to reach his - kisses are slow and breathy, and he always has his hands on your waist, or his fingers are tracing circles on your arms or the small of your back - he likes giving you back hugs and swaying from side to side while you hold onto his arms - always does something so unnecessary to show you that he still and will always love you after a fight - “TO PROVE MY LOVE TO YOU, I WILL EAT THIS PING PONG BALL” “please don’t” - these stupid antics never fail to make you laugh and that’s exactly what mingyu was hoping for - he never wants to frown, he never wants you to cry, he never wants you to feel pain - this is inevitable of course, but at least around him, he wants you to smile because he’s so happy when he’s with you - and he only hopes you feel the same way - “can you reach that for me please?” - mingyu takes the item down for you, and you reward him with a kiss on the cheek after he gives it to you - “thanks mingyu, i love you!!” - “(laughs) i love you too, shortie”
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