#ok but no seriously i need this kind of joy back in my life. what happened to me being a kid and writing shitty fanfic
caffeinatedopossum · 1 year
Might fuck around and write a book without judging my skills for said writing and with only judging instead the amount of happiness or satisfaction I feel from making it
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daydreamingyuta · 1 year
Café | Yuta
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summary: fluff, after a while of seeing the same person at your favorite café, he finally decides to say something to you. word count: 1,002
You're sitting down on your favorite seat in the whole café, drink in one hand and your current read in the other. You look up when you hear a familiar screeching sound of a chair being pulled out. It’s the same man that you’ve seen plenty of times before.
Your curiosity about him grows every time you see him at the café. It took you way too long to notice how handsome he is, and now, the thought of him was always in the back of your mind every time you came here.
'Was he going to be there today?'
'Was today going to be the day you finally have a conversation?'
Over the past few weeks you’ve had plenty of stolen glances and even a couple kind smiles from him. However, you couldn’t help wanting more. Maybe it was the hundreds of romance novels you've read, but a café seems like the perfect place to meet a potential love interest.
To your surprise, he kept looking at you from his table. You thought you were making it up in your head, wishful thinking. However when he starts to lean forward from his seat to get your attention, you know he’s actually trying to talk to you. You put your book down and make a gesture to show that you’re listening. 
“Sorry to take you away from your book, but I was wondering what pastry you were eating? It looks amazing.” 
“Oh, it’s Dorayaki. It’s like pancakes with matcha cream in the middle.” You lift yourself out of your seat a little so that you can see the display of pastries, “It looks like they have two left, I definitely recommend it!” 
“Thank you, I think I’ll try one.” He says, flashing you the most beautiful smile you’ve genuinely ever seen in your life. 
You smile back at him and go back to reading, hoping that he does enjoy his pastry. 
It’s a couple days later and you’re back at the café in need of some coffee and a sweet treat. The line is a bit longer than usual, but you don’t mind it. You needed some extra time to pick out the dessert you’ll be getting. Once you’ve settled on a chocolate croissant, you hear a voice from behind you. 
“I’m Yuta, by the way.” You turn around to the owner of the voice, which you now know is Yuta. “I see you all the time here and I’ve never introduced myself.”
“It’s nice to finally meet you Yuta, I’m y/n. I hope you enjoyed your Dorayaki.”
“I did! I’m actually back for some more.” 
You get a genuine burst of joy from hearing that he enjoyed it. “I love it when people like what I recommend. I always get scared that I’ve just made them spend money on something that they’ll hate.”
“No, it was seriously one of the best things I’ve ever had. Oh, you’re up.” He says, pointing at the space in between you and the counter, that was filled with people just a couple minutes ago.
You give the barista your order and just when you're about to pay, Yuta stops you. “It’s ok, I’ve got it.”
“No, are you sure?” You ask, surprised by his offer. 
“Of course, it’s the least I can do for the person that introduced me to my new favorite dessert.” 
“That’s very sweet of you, thank you!” You say and you walk over to the counter where you wait to pick up what you’ve ordered. Yuta joins you after he finishes paying for both of your orders. 
Once you get your coffee and croissant, you notice that all but one table is unoccupied. You went straight for it and once you sat down, you realized that Yuta wasn’t going to have anywhere to sit. You see him, carrying his order, and looking around the café for a table. You wave your hand at him to get his attention and gesture for him to sit with you. 
He gives you a warm smile which feels like a cozy hug to your heart. He sits down right in front of you, “Thank you, I didn’t realize that all the other tables were filled.”
“I know it’s usually not this crowded.”
“No, but I’m glad it gives me an excuse to talk to you some more.” 
Three more pastries and two coffee refills later, you finally look at the time and see that you’ve been at the café for three hours. You almost couldn’t believe it, but it turns out that it was very easy to get lost in conversation with Yuta. You both had to go, even though it was apparent that neither of you wanted to. 
“Maybe, we can do this another time. I really enjoyed talking to you, y/n.”
“Me too, Yuta. I would love to get coffee with you again.” 
“Could I get your number so we can plan the next time we meet up?”
“I would love to give you my number Yuta, but I think we should let fate bring us together again. If we’re not meant to see each other again, then we won’t.” 
Yuta gives you a playful smile, liking your idea. “Ok, we’ll let fate bring us together if it wants to.” 
As much as you truly wanted to give Yuta your number, you knew that fate always had a plan. And that plan was always better than what you could have ever thought of in your head. You did eventually give Yuta your number, but only after fate proved that your two souls were supposed to intertwine. Not only did you see Yuta at the café, you started seeing him everywhere. At the grocery store, at the park, and even at the mailroom when your package accidentally got lost. 
If fate was a person, you would give her a kiss on the cheek. A thank you for allowing the most amazing, precious, and kindhearted person to enter into your life.
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legendary-pink-dot · 9 months
Blessings of 2023
My 2023 was all about receiving the gift of community.
Friends. I met so many wonderful people through the Pedro Pascal fandom this year, both here on tumblr and through reddit. I am lucky and humbled to call several of them close friends now, and I made an effort to connect others who I thought would get along. 💜 For an introvert like myself who always thinks of herself as weird and unpopular and is very choosy about who she lets in to her life, this is a huge deal. 💜
Laughter. I have seriously not laughed this much in a single year since... forever, I think? Again, something I desperately needed and had been in short supply before joining the Pedro fandom in early 2023. Thank you thank you thank you everyone for sharing your silliness and enabling mine. 😂
Personal growth. I took on a major life project this year, and would not have gotten through it without the support and kindness of my close fandom friends. Their cheerleading at every step, every setback, and on the lead-up to the day made ALL the difference. They sent me supportive gifts and spent time putting together motivational things for me so I wouldn't feel alone. I thought of them often on the day, and they were the first people I wanted to contact when it was done. You know who you are, and I look forward to spending more time with you in 2024. 😘
Writing. I started writing fanfic again in 2023, after a hiatus of almost 20 years. The support and encouragement I've received from my Pedro friends and the larger PP fandom has been incredible and so nourishing. My writing muses have been AWOL for awhile for several reasons, but I hope they come back in 2024. And if they don't, that's OK too. 🙌
What do I want in 2024? Continued friendship, laughter, silliness, closer bonding with my new beloved friends, and overall just to see joy and happiness prevail in the Pedro Pascal fandom. 💜 And if I can be selfish, perhaps more news about Triple Frontier 2?! 😅
Also, I don't know how we're going to survive Gladiator 2??? Let's get ready, folks. Gird them loins.
Tagging: @magpiepillsjunior @redhotkitchen @youandmeand5bucks @arcanefox207 @sparklefarts38 @exquisiteserotonin @for-a-longlongtime @secretelephanttattoo @rhoorl @goodwithcheese @morallyinept @trulybetty @linzels-blog @sin-djarin @nerdieforpedro @rifflovesjoey @mysterious-moonstruck-musings @maggiemayhemnj @undercoverpena
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idolhrtz · 6 months
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erm soo APPRECIATION POST FROM YOURS TRULY (@cherryshh) we mean this all in the platonic-est way possible so yeah but I LUV OUR MUTUALS SOO MUUUCH !!!! THIS IS PT 1 BECAUSE OUR MOTIVATION KIND OF RUNS OUT BUT WE'LL POST PT 2 TMR ( if yew talk w/ us in discord at least a bit you're guaranteed 02 be here and also if you're a mutual we interact with often )
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OK SO FIRST STARTING W AQU (@astromiis) my bffie for 2 yrs + now! i think i've done multiple appreciation shit for you but WE WILL NEVER GET TIRED OF IT < 3 First things first, can we just take a moment to appreciate Aqu's insanely amazing edits?!!?!?! GRAAH theyre so edible i love. Spending time with Aqu is like a CONSTANT PARTY filled with LAUGHTER, SUPPORT ETC :333 he has this MAGICAL ABILITY to make EVERYONE around it feel luved and appreciated, and I'm so lucky to have him in my life. A the rp server we have together our ocs are so silly its so fun to make stories even tho we make em suffer help ( most of the time anyway ANYWAY ROSAMIZU WHEN ). Aqu, you're the absolute best! Your talent, friendship, and non-stop energy bring so much joy to my life. I'm forever grateful for our friendship, and I can't wait to see what other fun things we'll do together. Thank you for being the awesome human being that you are. Love you to the moon and back! <3 TY FOR BEING IN OUR LIFE AQU <3
Ahem, now let's shift our focus to Kio, the idol extraordinaire! ( @kiochisato ) Where do I even begin with Kio? This silly and amazingest person has captured not only the people of tumblrs admiration but also our hearts. IDC, if you're a kio hater or have ever said smth bad ab them i WILL FIND YOU CAUSE HOW?? THEY'RE THE SWEETEST EVER. From the moment our convos start to the moment they end we're always smiling, Kio's energy can instantly make everyone around them like them. Also, their edits are nothing short of mesmerizing. Like, seriously, they are out of this WORLD. Their creative genius and attention to detail never cease to blow my mind. Whether it's graphics, layouts/icons, psds, or whatever else they put their magic touch on, Kio's talent is next level, and I'm forever in awe. iTS NOT JUST ABT EDITS.. THEY HAVE SUCH A SWEET HEART AND HAS TO BE ONE of the best people we've ever met, thank you for everything kio, the friendship (and psds sorry for always asking for them help.) we're so lucky 02 have somebeing like you in our lifes <3
NOW MERURURURUURURUURURUNRUNRIN !!! ( @daintykill ) i luv spending time with che and also talking in the banana server (shakes butt) tysm for being our friend and also you're an amazing person don't ever let any of those shit ass people tell you otherwise. Kiss deserves the best and also we wish for heart to be happy and hopefully bweh meet all of che's goals and thank you for talking with us at like 5 a.m HELP. SRS THO tysm Meruru !! We'll never get tired of talking with you and if you ever need comforting or just want to talk/be listened to in any circumstance we'll be there. Even if its like 6 a.m if we're awake we'll reply if not we'll reply the moment we go on discord :3 ! ALSO heart's edits are absolutely gorgeous and amazing, eats them all om nom nom :'33 . THANK YOU for being an amazing friend and an amazing person in general, when we first met you were so open to talk and i was very happy to have met you.. tysm :3 !!
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words-and-threads · 10 months
Ok but in all seriousness I don't know how I feel about this episode. Like...it's brilliantly painful writing and horror isn't supposed to make you happy. Some of the later episodes of TMA reduced me to tears and I'm not mad about that.
But I kind of hate it. I hate seeing hope weaponized, I hate that Seb's father was right. I know it do be like that...but it shouldn't be. And I also know art isn't necessarily prescriptive. Every story imparts information but not every story gives good advice. Some storytellers give bad advice on purpose expecting the audience to push back. Some storytellers demand you look at the ugly truth and make your own decisions what you want to do about it. Some storytellers want you to feel bad, not out of malice but to provoke a more active response.
And I still fuuuucking hate it so so much. Some part of me actively refuses the moral of the story. Fuck you silt verses I'm gonna keep hoping even if it literally kills me. Even if people use that hope to use me. Because even if the bad guy says it, he's not wrong, we do need hope. And even if Seb does come to a bad end, he's not wrong, we should take rest and joy where we can.
But like...yeah that can absolutely be used against you. And you can't ever fully trust that the thing that seems good for you is. And you can't know that you're not a brain in a jar.
And I manage that possibility by ignoring it. Until I have enough evidence to prove something is bad for me, is fake, is hurting me or others, it's unsustainable to simply never let myself enjoy anything. Hell, I'm not even sure if I can fully accept the ending as a bad one. I know it's supposed to be. They're trapped in an illusion forever. But like...imagining myself in their place, assuming I was leaving behind a similarly isolated and aimless life....I don't know. Yeah it wouldn't be my choice but I didn't choose to be born in Canada either and I'm not mad about that.
I guess I don't have any good advice either. Show's over go home.
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rosepais · 1 year
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I was 9 years old when I wrote my first blog titled “The first time I ate a samosa”. It was for a competition in school, and we were asked to submit our entries.
I was so proud of what I wrote, so much that I kept reading my own many times. I do that now too and I appreciate my own writing and I am my own critic as well.  
The writing was about 2 pages long. It had description about the Samosa, the taste, the texture, my family and about me closing my eyes and looking up to the sky for the very first bite. Before submitting it to the school, I thought I should let my mom know. I showed it to her.
My blogs have always been around Humor genre. I tend to hide the actual painful experience of the situation behind humor. It works! I smile at my own situation. I laugh at my own jokes. This little writing was behind a sad story, which I somehow managed to convert it into a funny experience.
We were poor. Not poor as in being homeless poor, but poor like, we need to save money for your marriage so there is no money to buy a Samosa kind of poor. Fair point, considering that in 16 years we were to have around 10 lakhs worth of money from not eating Samosa’s. It was a good excuse to deny me money for the food stall event in school. This was back in the 1990’s where having a junk food stall at your school was a big thing. It was first of its kind for a 4th grader like me.
The menu was not out yet, but the instructions given was to bring money to eat from the various stalls that are open. The proceeds of which would go to charity. Come to think of it, most of such events, the proceeds go to charity. Don’t we have enough money by now to eliminate poverty? Just asking… for a friend.
Anyhow, after many days of begging my mother to give me 50 rupees, which involved a lot of lectures about how to save money, why attending the charity event was not important and about “You are 9 now, it is time you show some maturity”, I finally had the money to eat the bare minimum. I finally was able to walk into the gates of my school with a sense of “ok! I now possess in my bag a huge amount of FIFTY RUPEES, and no one will know I am poor”, kind of feeling. I do not know the actual word for that feeling. State syllabus, synonyms did not help either.
We all know how much worth that money was in those days. If you do not know, I am sorry you were born too late. No, seriously, I am feeling sorry for you.
For most of us kids born in the 70’s or 80’s, the joy of finding a 5 paise coin on a muddy road while walking back from school and running to a yellow fritters or gooseberry vendor, eating that before we reach home and clearing evidence of salt and chilly powder from our hands and lips was equivalent to your current joy of having 1M followers or views. Maybe more joy because that was real joy.
Yes dearies, 5 paise was a thing.
The event began. I ate my first ever samosa. It was tasty, maybe because I have never had one before. I admired its shape, it’s texture and relished every bite until I licked my fingers clean. I did not have more money to buy another, because there were few more stalls to visit.
Many months later I would be writing a small comprehension as it was called those days, about my experience of eating a Samosa and now to think of it, who knew many years later, I would be writing a blog about the blog I wrote about that day! Sorry if you must read that again, I am confused myself.  
Anyhow, going back to my 1st submission to my mother. If you remember, I handed over the writing to my mother? Today as I recollect, that was one of the biggest mistakes of my life. Because my blog journey ended even before it began. Wondering why? You see, not everyone has the maturity to handle humor. My mother took offence of my remarks about poverty. I remember writing about how she refused to give me any money and about how I cursed my stars for being born in a poor family. She took so much offense that she shredded that paper right there in front of my eyes and the submission never went to the school.
With that ended my writing dream, until 14 years later I rekindled my passion for writing and swore I will never do 1st submissions to mom again.
Irony of this entire story is later part of my blogging life, my mother happened to be my best critic, and best marketing agent. She would mass forward my writings to all her friends and talk to them with pride about it. Funny. Poor woman does not remember ripping apart my Samosa paper, but it is fine. I forgive her. I would not have won anyways. Apparently, I was the only one who had not tasted a Samosa before so my writing would not make headlines.
29 years later, today, I remembered my writing, and I took to my laptop to write.
The reason I am writing this today, is because of a huge discovery that has made me so elevated with joy, speechless and so much to say at the same time.
While I was clearing my son’s bag of lead powder, shredded sheets of paper and dirt, I discovered few papers stashed away in a book.
I opened them to read and there were around 5 to 6 pages of some writing. The topics are: 
-          The second Bruce Lee
-          The Glitch games.
-          The football boys
-          And few more untitled writings which I am yet to read.
He is 9. 
Thanks for reading. 
This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla. 
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lunapwrites · 1 year
So, I have been kind of Going Through It this month, and I need to scream about it briefly because if I don't I will explode.
General content warning I suppose for health-related stuff and a LOT of discussions about food. Not ED-related.
I'm not going to get into specifics (if you know you will know) but I have an autoimmune disease that has been in remission since... fuck, like... 2015? So I've literally had EIGHT YEARS of smooth sailing. Until this month.
It could have been triggered by one of several things: stress, diet, maybe even the smoke from Canada (which is very possible given the whole immune response bit.) Or it could have just been my time to have a bad time. But either way, I have spent the last couple weeks in the "finding out" phase of the "what the fuck can I eat that won't make me feel like I want to die" game.
It has been extremely trying.
I'm currently on a modified low-FODMAP diet - both less and more restricted bc I can't eat half the shit on it, but also FODMAPs aren't necessarily the trigger - there's just a lot of overlap. Most of what I've been able to successfully tolerate for the last few weeks has been white bread, white rice, eggs, unsweetened applesauce, bananas, and avocado. None of it seasoned. Green and white teas have been mostly OK too.
I don't know if I can really stress enough how fucking miserable this is.
Like seriously I had to sit through a dinner with my in laws where the only actual safe thing for me to eat was kaiser rolls so I ended up sitting there in a small amount of pain for the rest of the evening because I wanted to see if there was ANYTHING I could get away with. I had a plate of brownies in front of me that I literally COULD NOT TOUCH, not because I'm trying to watch my weight, but because I'm trying to be able to walk back to the car under my own power. And it wasn't my in-laws' fault, because they had no idea I'm in the middle of a fucking medical event when they cooked the food, and it's not my partner's fault bc he asked me what I could eat before we even left and I said, honestly, that I had no idea, and let's just play it by ear. (Like an idiot!)
Anyway. I feel like I'm just being whiny about this but like. Cooking was hard enough with how bad my ADHD is, and I was just getting into a rhythm with these meal kits I was trying out, and they are GOOD and I have BEEN ENJOYING THEM but I literally just tried to start eating the occasional salad and my body responded by bleeding internally, and the only thing I can do right now is to just stop actually enjoying food. Which, considering I fucking love food - it's my love language, I find legitimate joy in sharing meals, I even write it into every goddamn fic I've ever written - it is quite possibly one of the most devastating things that could have happened to me. To have this one little thing I found joy in not just be taken away from me, but actively cause me intense pain. And not only that, but to have the solution be something that makes a thing I was already struggling with a million times harder.
This fucking sucks, and I am angry. And also really fucking sad.
It also doesn't help that I have an extremely high chance of developing essential tremors as I get older, which will make things like art and feeding myself next to impossible over time, so like. Really. Really doing a lot to give me things to look forward to in the back half of my life. Thanks, body.
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emptymanuscript · 8 months
OMG - I have SOOOOOO much brain fog right now.
... <_<
And yet I am also being productive ????
For me, anyway.
I also kind of just need to scream in excitement because I feel like my IRL group is really getting going and I'm so excited and I want to go to back to sleep but also just run around like my hair is on fire and do everything and like call everybody and say, hey, I'm terrible at organizing and communicating and saying anything short but I want to volunteer for everything. Please let me love you all and do anything anyone needs so we can get momentum and totally be a thing and I love that we've been named a "co-op" because OMG I so wanna cooperate with you all, when can we meet? How can I help? What can I ddddoooooo???
It's weird because one guy - I'll refer to him as F, and I thought we weren't going to get him because he is a bit farther away than a lot of other people and I'm so happy that he has joined because he is EXACTLY the sort of person you want in this kind of group, like, seriously, you find someone who is dedicated and eager and throwing their whole-ass-self body, mind, and soul into being present and engaged and OPEN, OMG, F is open. He is there to learn and there to work and there to find joy in the moment. AndI'm just really excited he joined but anyw - F was talking about how he meets up with other writers and just gets inspired to write and was sort of betting on how we would respond the same after this last (first? I have no idea how to classify this stuff. I don't even really know what is going on. Just that it is good and exciting and I want to be MORE of a part of it) meeting and be really inspired to write. And I'm not... really. Like I'm absolutely feeling inspired but it's not so much for writing. I'm feeling inspired to join or contribute or be active or something like that. I'm inspired to be more a part of this whatever it turns out to be. This co-op of writers is what I want out of life. More of this please. Let me contribute more in some way. :/ I just need to figure out how to do it without like begging and needing my hand held and constant instruction.
And I can't think straight for more than a minute. But I feel fine if I'm still and don't move and ignore the fairly blazing headache. I should eat. I should drink. I should go back to looking at the co-op information instead of running around screaming about it.
Just needed to run around and scream a bit.
... I wonder if this is why that guy I knew in college said he felt like I was a helium ballooon and his job was to grab me and pull me down before I flew away. Dude, I'm just excited ok? And you're the one who has to explore and touch everything? Please don't turn that. He was cooler than the rest of our group in retrospect. He got shafted with the short end of the stick. Suck. My friends in college were so DRAMA. I'm so strangely both anti-drama and sure love being around the people who have it.
Maybe it's nice to be the quiet and stoic one for a change.
Hmmm... I should probably remember that for therapy. That sounds like a rich vein. You're fine, how am I... so if you're all nuts, that must mean I'm sane and reserved. Hooray!! Yeah, I bet I can talk about some projection or something in that.
I may need to engage in some self care like food and drink and sleep... maybe some breathing exercises. After I get back to the co-op.
Sorry for the screaming. I'm just full of HEEEEEEElium. Like a baloon. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!
0_= I'm tired now. Thanks for watching me something something. We now return you to your regularly scrolling dash. Or not. Maybe you need self care, too. Maybe tumblr is not the answer. Doubtful ;p but possible ;p
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saisons-en-enfer · 10 months
I spent an entire week clearing my head and thinking about things. Ultimately I felt really good and had another great therapy session. I’ve been happy so I thought “ok everything is ok now so maybe I should post on tumblr” as soon as I did I just immediately felt drained
I always knew tumblr disturbs my well being in some way but I could never explain what… maybe now I can
Perhaps it’s not wise to spend time on a space I most associate with my darkest time
Perhaps tumblr is just a comfort zone that I no longer find much joy in and instead it feels like a chore
Maybe tumblr is a substitute for the void I feel in my life socially, it’s good but it can never be a replacement of the real thing
Maybe tumblr is holding me back from realizing my full potential as a person; it’s something I always cling to when I could be spending my time actually putting myself out there… maybe it’s denying me actualizing the potential I know I have for my life to be what I want it to be
Maybe I put too much effort into tumblr only to feel (erroneously or not) that I’m not appreciated and seen
Perhaps I care way too much about strangers that I’ve never met and get emotionally attached to people I can never see in my life or never be able to change their circumstances no matter how much I yearn to
Perhaps tumblr much like other social media is a means for comparison and that kind of behaviour is so fucking poisonous to me, hence why deactivating my IG was such a blessing
Maybe I just want something more, something that I’ll never find here and will instead be left burning for it always
My 20’s are coming to an end, I suffered so much and for much of it I genuinely didn’t want to be alive, I’ve changed so fucking much but yet lost all that time anyways so maybe tumblr just naturally frustrates me; it’s furtively indicative of idleness something that I hate
I change so much and perhaps tumblr is the last remnant of cowardice left in my system that I need to remove
I had 3 accs and maybe for this acc im just exhausted with having to post to gain traction and besides im not even followed by half the people I was mutuals with in my old blog before I deleted and im not the type anymore to beg for things
I seriously can go on, it’s just not a good time for me anymore, much like Last.fm and RYM
So I’m going silent indefinitely… I wish I could just delete and move on with tumblr, something I’ve incessantly clung to forever, but unfortunately I do not have support systems in play when shit hits the fan, even though recently I’ve been so much better
But I’ll never forget the people showing me love and affection when I could never show myself any. Now that I can, it’s only right I use that momentum and move forward I want my life to be something I’m proud of it and unfortunately it’s nowhere near what I want it to be
I will just post one more song as an early celebration for New Years, again I suffered so much this year but I can finally say my suffering had purpose im just far more empathetic and compassionate towards myself, and I confessed the truth to myself and accept my nasty behaviours so that I can get rid of the forever
Anyways, see you around :)
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clatoera · 1 year
Ok it's not a question but I just have to say I too recently rekindled my love of the hunger games, particularly clato, after about a decade hiatus (i blame the new movie coming out this year) and just wanted to say I am SO happy i stumbled upon ARWBFB. It's seriously one of the most well-written fanfics i've ever come across. I don't know how I've never read a clato fic about them going into separate games before now, but I'm glad I didn't because none of them would compare to this one anyway. I love how you portray cato and clove - they're selfish but still likeable in all the best ways, and i feel like you've perfectly captured how suzanne collins would have written them to be. The dynamic between clove and enobaria is just perfect. And the taylor swift song lyrics as chapter titles are *chefs kiss* the cherry on top.
I am so excited for the quarter quell chapter and all the chapters after that, too. I feel inspired to write again for the first time in like 7 or 8 years, so thank you for that.
PS - I'm assuming you're in med school based on the comments about surgeries and board exams so I needed to express my awe that you were able to find the time to write such an amazing story while studying for step (i just finished my first year and i'm actually terrified of that exam)
PPS - Literally reactivated tumblr just to share this lol
This message was literally the highlight of my entire day. like truly this was like a little light for me after a very rough like..seven-ten days of studying.
The things you said are some of the absolutely BIGGEST compliments I have ever received. What an absolute honor, my heart is like fluttering wowie. Thank you so much. For literally all of this. I.. worry a lot about their characterization and making sure they're still giving careers you know. There is NO bigger compliment than "captured them how Suzanne Collins would have written them" like holy hell bestie I'm literally shook. When I say I was LITERALLY in tears reading this ( I take step 2 tomorrow literally) because i'm so overstimulated and this was SO kind i'm not lying. I love my careers. I feel like I'm getting to really run with them and develop them and enjoy them! That goes for Clato but also glimmer and enobaria and co. I'm just really having the time of my life with this.
I'm hoping to write the quell this weekend! I finish my test tomorrow and will need a day or two to recover but then I can really dig into the quell I think, and i want to make sure I write it how it deserves. This fic is literally my baby. This is my child at this point. I am the mother of this fic, I will protect it to my grave.
I am so SO glad to hear you are writing again! I hope it can be a source of joy and escape in what I can safely assume is a very stressful time.
And yes I am in med school! I just started my 4th year, and am taking step 2 tomorrow literally. I did NOT have time like this in 2nd year or until the end of 3rd year! Step One is terrifying but it is so so managable and you can DM me any time if you want to talk about it or anything else! Enjoy this summer!!!
<3 also welcome back i am so honored you took the time to leave me this-- so thank you so so SO much!
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zunniva · 2 years
The Wallflower
“So have you made any friends yet?” I can hear the sarcasm on my sisters voice, she knows I don't really know how to make friends and she always needs to remind me about it at any given opportunity.
“I just got here you know, haven't been out and about much. Just work and trying to sort out the apartment ok?” I sigh in to the phone
“Yeah well we both know that when I call you in 2 weeks you'll be using that same excuse...or any of the other 30 ones you have in store. You're gonna be as alone there as you were back here” she snickers
My sister's always been mean to me about not having an easy time meeting new people. But it's gotten worse since I graduated high school 3 years ago. I was living with her, sharing an apartment before I came here, hated every minute of it. She is my opposite; cool, calm and collected amongst strangers. Has no problem talking, trusts people to be honest, she's outgoing and she's the pretty one... Mum always said “here's my lovely daughter Laura...and there's the other one” pointing at me
“Laura, it's been a week...” I say
“Well? So? I mean I'd been at college for 2 days when I got invited to my first party, 3 days I got a date... A week is like a life time. You have what, 1 friend and you've known her since you were 5... I think it's time to talk to people, or you'll be sad and alone forever. Fucking eternal wallflower” she's annoyed I can't see the joy in meeting new people “and you need to get a date soon or you'll dry up like a prune, I mean seriously I lost my virginity in senior year, that was kinda late...and you're 2 years older than me. Like...you should have been first. You're not ugly...per say. I mean that 'don't look at me' thing you have going isn't attractive but I mean you have pretty...eyes.”
“Thank you... Well, my life my choices Laura. Like always” I sigh, I'm so sick an tired of her dictating what “I NEED” to do according to her. Like the virginity thing, yeah she lost it her senior year... That was 2 years after I graduated, and I mean I could tell her that so did I, lose it in my senior year...only, she lost it by choice to someone who liked her, I did not. I was a joke to someone at one of the only parties my sister ever got me to come along to. I was the designated driver that night for my sister and her friends. This guy I'd liked for years started flirting with me, and starved for attention as I was I fell for it. He fucked me rough from behind so he wouldn't have to look at me. He wasn't kind, he wouldn't kiss me or even touch me, I wasn't pretty enough for that. He told me when I tried to touch him, told me to keep my fat ugly hands to myself all he wanted was my pussy. After he laughed at me and told me I was just a bet. His friends bet him he couldn't get the loser wallflower to drop her panties for him, and “lucky” for him I was a real easy fuck so now he won the bet. This then led to him making the time we had left in school a living hell, spreading a rumour in our class that I practically begged him to fuck me so I wouldn't graduate a virgin. This along with everything else I had to live through made me even more of a loner. And now I have to listen to my sister telling me I need to get laid so I don't dry up, I'd rather actually. I've been in therapy for the last 2 years about it so, I mean not saying I'm ok with it, but the feelings following that night have subsided somewhat. I will never ever forgive him but hopefully someone, some day might be able to help me heal some of the damage done. Doubtful though seeing as I shy away from everyone instinctively.
“Yeah your choices SUCK Kat... How on earth could you think that moving to fucking nowhere in Indiana would make any difference? You don't even have your freaky friend around. What you're gonna hang out with one of your old teachers forever? That's fucking SAD!” Laura is getting pissed now that she hasn't managed to spark a response from me. It's easier to zone her out over the phone I've noticed.
“You do realize I'm closer to Casey now than I was at home? She literally lives in Indianapolis... Like a 1 hour car ride away. And what's wrong with Stella then? She's like 15 years older than me, not as ancient as you make her sound. I mean seriously Laura, if you can't be civil...just don't call me any more. I'll see you for Christmas and mum's birthday that'll be plenty” I say
“FINE!” and she slams the phone down in my ear, I actually let out a sigh of relief. She's going to call in 2 weeks again. I'm sure of it, she can't not be a a pain in my ass, and she's the nosiest person I know. She NEEDS to ask me about my life, she fucking craves it. It's not that I hate her...but sometimes, MAN do I hate her!
So backstory to how I ended up here in Hawkins, Indiana.
I grew up in Seattle, when I was 5 my mum and dad split up and she moved to a new apartment in another part of town. Me and Laura moved with mum, and I started school with all new kids. This is when I met Casey. The only friend I've ever had. I wasn't as shy and withdrawn until I was about 12. That's when the bullying started to become so bad I kinda evolved into a wallflower to avoid being noticed at all. Casey was always there trying to protect me but she was a bit odd herself so it usually ended up with us against the world. She on the other hand were raised by a single dad and have 3 older brothers who taught her to fight so the older she got the less anyone messed with her. I was shy, had glasses, was chubby and puberty hit early making me the only girl in class with boobs instantly making me “the slut” among the girls in my class. Because apparently, as everyone knows... If you have boobs you're doing it with the guys. Middle school was awful except for Ms Johnsons class, she was the only teacher who saw I didn't want to talk in front of people and the only one who respected that. We became unlikely friends as she would let me hang out after class if Casey wasn't around.
By the time high school rolled around my missions to disappear into the walls was successful, no one ever noticed me at all. This became such a part of my everyday routine I couldn't get out of it. I'd learned that Ms Johnson had moved back to her home town when I hit senior year, I was sad about that. Because now that meant that I only had 1 person left on school grounds who actually liked me, and that was Casey. But she was athletic and had a lot of things going on outside of class so I was alone, very alone, most of the time now. My mum used to try and make me hang out with Laura and her friends, but oh my good god did I not want to do that! It was one of these times when she'd made me drive Laura and her awful gang of friends to a party that the...thing happened. After that I became even more withdrawn from people. This is when my sister really turned on me and became the worst of the bullies. She'd comment on what I wore, what I ate, how I looked, my weight, my inability to make friends, my grades and finally my decision to not apply to college after high school. Everything I did was wrong, but hey apparently I have pretty eyes at least. I think that's the nicest thing she's ever said to me.
So after graduation I worked for a while at a local library and I liked it fine. Mum was SO disappointed that I with my good grades didn't apply to a college when Laura got in to her first choices with her average grades. I asked her point plank if she thought that me with my social anxiety would thrive in a college setting? She just scoffed at me saying something about it just being in my head and I needed to get over myself and grow up. Yeah, real supportive that woman. Dad suddenly passed away leaving a small fortune to me and my sister. We'd never known he had money, maybe not telling us was his way of keeping it from mum. Well Laura bought an apartment straight away, she was “to good” to be living in a dorm anyway. She spent the rest of the money fairly quickly. Me... I still have almost all of it, seeing as I have nothing I want to spend money on,I just have it... I did buy a car though. That was it.
So I moved in with Laura for a while when mum basically threw me out as she met this guy. Then one day out of the blue Ms Johnson called me
“Hello Kat, it's Stella”
“Ms Johnson, hi how are you?”
“Kat...it's Stella. We're both adults now” I could hear her smile
“Ok, Stella. How are you?”
“Oh I'm good thanks, how are you?”
“Well... Ok I guess. Living with my sister so I've been better” she knew the kind of relationship I have with Laura.
“Ouch, well then maybe I'm some kind of fairy godmother calling you like this then. You know I moved back to Hawkins a few years ago?”
“Yeah, I was devastated when I got back to school and you weren't there any more” I say
“Aw, I'm sorry but this thing came up out of the blue and I had to decide fast. So my uncle passed that year and he left me his book store here in Hawkins, I grew up in this store so I couldn't say no when his lawyer called me. But now, I decided I wanna travel some before I become to old” she chuckles “so I wanted to ask you if you'd have any interest coming here and running the store for me while I'm gone?”
“Excuse me? Me, run your book store? Are you for real?” having a book store has always been my dream
“Well I remember you talking so much about it being your dream when we'd have our talks I thought who better to ask” she says and I feel like crying
“Yes... without any doubt yes!”
“Well... you do realize some of it will include talking to people?” she says
“Well... I need to learn sometime, can't be hiding in my local library for ever stacking books. Plus, it's not a big town right?” I ask
“No it's on the smaller side, very charming if you ask me. But then again I grew up here so I might be bias” she says with a laugh “there's barely ever a crowd anywhere except on holidays and then I keep the store closed anyway so you can hide if you feel like it. But I was thinking you could come here like a month before I leave to I can teach you what you need to know. Does that sound ok?”
“Absolutely, when would you like me to be there?” I say feeling excited for the first time in...well forever
“Well I was planning on leaving in June so maybe come at the beginning of May? Or is that too soon?”
“It's not soon enough” I laugh “I would pack up and leave by tomorrow if that's the case”
“Well, I couldn't pay you that much right now and I'd feel bad. But if you'd like to you can come at the middle of April then? That's like 3 weeks from now”
“You have yourself a deal Stella” I say
Telling Laura and my mum I was leaving was the hard part. I think mum always counted on me being there for her to run errands and such so she wouldn't have to and Laura...well she needed me to help pay rent. Otherwise she had no interest in what I did.
“You can't fucking LEAVE?! What about the rent? I can't make that being a full time student!”
“Well you'll just have to take some money from your savings then” I said, knowing very well she spent it all “until you can get a room mate that is”
“Yeah...well. I could, but what if I wanted to live with my sister then, huh?” she tries
“You want to live with me? Laura c'mon no one's gonna believe that. Least of all me. Just get a room mate from college, I bet there's a lot of people wanting to get out of the dorms and live in an apartment down town instead” I say as I mentally start deciding what to bring with me
“A room mate? Like... a stranger?” she looks puzzled
“Well you always say you have such an easy time getting to know people. So get to know someone and ask them to move in. Or just ask any of your existing friends... You do have choices. Whether you like or not I am going to move to Indiana in 2 weeks.”
“Oh you'll be back once loneliness hits you” she's suddenly snappish again
“We'll see” I say and I go to my room and start making a list of things to bring. I decide to call Casey
“Hey Casey”
“Hey Kat, how you doin' girl?”
“Better than ever, I'm moving”
“Wow...really? Where to?”
“WHAT!? But where, why, when?”
“This town called Hawkins, Stella called and asked me to be her sub for a while when she's travelling. I'm going to manage her book store for a while”
“Wow! Cool, I didn't know you kept in touch with her”
“Not really kept in touch per say. We've talked maybe twice over the years, but now she just called out of the blue. I'm leaving in 3 weeks, but I thought maybe I can come see you for a week before I leave for Hawkins?”
“Of fucking course you can sweetie”
“Awesome! I'll be there around the 11th maybe?”
“Sure thing! You driving all on your own or?”
“Yeah, I mean I could have my things sent there, I'm not bringing any furniture only my books and clothes. Everything else I can buy there once I know where I'll be staying. But I want to have my car with me so driving seems the best option”
“Well... I was going to come home and see mum and dad soon so what if I come there and then we'll have a road trip back here?”
“You'd do that?”
“Yeah I mean why wouldn't I? Isn't that what best friends are for?” I can hear her smile
“I'd love that Casey! Call me when you've booked your flight and I'll make sure to be ready to go”
“Will do, and sweetie... I think this small town thing might be good for you. City life hasn't been good to you. You might even grow the balls to meet some new people. Gotta go though, talk to you tomorrow or something. Bye love ya”
“Love ya, bye”
Grow the balls to meet new people, nah...not likely. I would however need to talk to people if they come in to buy books. I need to mentally prepare myself for that somehow.
The weeks leading up to leaving are...well strange. Mum calls daily trying to get me to change my mind, and Laura...well she's not speaking to me at all. So at least something is good in all of this. I've packed everything I want to bring with me, the rest I've donated to Goodwill. Casey called me and told me we can leave on the 11th in the morning if we want to. It will take about a day and a half to drive if we make good time and don't stop too often. I'm heaven I'm finally getting out of this place and leaving it and all bad memories behind.
So that was 2 weeks ago, I've been living in Hawkins for 1 week now. Stella helped me find this amazing apartment right in the middle of town. I live about a 10 minute walk from the book store. Stella is super nice, the store is heaven. I've always loved books, they've been my friends when I had no one else. I love that I can be in any world in an instant. I've fallen in love with Mr Darcy, gotten lost in Narnia with Lucy, I've been on an adventure with Bilbo Baggins and not once have I been bullied or made fun of. Books are my escape and have always been. I read absolutely everything I can get my hands on. I might actually lose money from working here. Stella's been teaching me where everything is this first week, next week is ordering both for the store but also how to make orders for customers. Then the third weeks is the one I dread the most...that's when I'm to learn the register and how to do sales. That's when I have to interact with people. But so far everyone that's been in here seems very friendly, and the atmosphere in town is so much calmer than anywhere I'd been in Seattle. Casey calls almost every night asking how I'm doing.
Time jump 4 weeks
“So you'll be ok now? You know how everything works? And remember if there's anything just call Francis ok? I know you can do this Kat, you've been doing great so far!” Stella hands me the keys on Sunday, the night before she leaves
“Yeah, I think I can do it without help. The downside to having a eidetic memory... I can now remember every instruction manual to everything in the store, plus everything you've told me”
“God I wish I had that, would make ordering so much easier if I didn't constantly have to look up order numbers all the time” Stella sighs
“Well, you can just take a deep breath and leave the store in my hands now. Have a great time and send me postcards from everywhere”
“I will, you're my hero Kat! I know you'll do great. Promise me one thing though... at least TRY to make one friend? This town can get boring otherwise” she smiles at me and I promise her I will try, she accepts that and gives me a hug and leaves.
Stella had been saving up for this trip for years, she's going on a round the world trip. So I'm here for at least 6 months if not more, she's visiting friends as she travels most of them in Europe. She also wanted to do a trip through the US when she gets back so she might be another couple of months if I'm doing ok. I'm nervous about the following day being my first alone in the store. I make dinner, then I put away the last of my books. I finally got the bookshelves I ordered delivered so now all my things have a home. I must say the apartment is very cosy, I might have to invite Casey soon.
Monday 10 am
I turn the 'OPEN' sign and unlock the door, it's my first day alone in here. Mondays are slow so I'm in for a smooth start at least. I have some ordering to do and some reorganizing I've been planning. I think the layout of the store could be better. I'm half way through the science corner when I hear the bell on the door. I look around the corner and I see a girl about my age looking around
“Hello? Anyone here?”
“I'll be right with you” the words were stuck for a second but I got them out. I come out from the corner with a smile, I've tried SO hard to make my smile look not so uncomfortable but more open and friendly. “Hey, how can I help you?”
“Oh, hi... Where's Stella?”
“Ehm, Stella has taken some time off. I'm going to be here for a while taking care of the store for her”
“Wow, ok. Well... welcome to Hawkins then I suppose. So, you're new... never seen you before so not a local. I'm Robin, I work at Family Video. I tend to talk too much so just slap me when you need me to shut up. Uhmm... So I need this book right...well duh I'm in a book store. Well so, I read about this book in a magazine and they recommended it if you're like in to science fiction and stuff. 1984? You have it? I know it's like on some high schools reading list... but yeah Hawkins made it's own rules. I mean they thought the kids in the DnD club were Satan worshippers” I just stare at her... there are a lot of sounds coming from such a petit person
“Ok...woah there” I stop her talking “you're looking for 1984 by George Orwell did I get that right?”
“Yeah, right” big smile
“Ok, yeah I have it. I'll get it for you” I go and I get the book she's looking for “here you go. Was that all?” I want to make some kind of small talk she seems nice but my brain can't find any words that aren't book store related
“Thanks, so when did you move to Hawkins and where from?” she smiles at me again
“Well... I came here 5 weeks ago now, from Seattle”
“Seattle? Wow that's far... but like...why here?” She puts her elbows on the counter and stares at me with interested eyes
“Ehmmm... I know Stella from before. She used to be my teacher in middle school. She called and asked if I wanted the job while she was travelling”
“Cool, where she off to then? How long are you here for? Where do you live... I mean do you know anyone but Stella around here?” A lot of questions and my mind is quickly going blank
“I'm sorry... I suck at small talk. I think I'm here at least 8 months, she's going to go around the world. Ehhhh... I live in the blue house on Main...and I know no one”
“Ooook...so when Stella does something she does it thoroughly apparently! Awesome! Well... I can be your friend, and my 2 best friends are amazing I think you'd like them... Wanna hang out sometime?”
“I...ehmmm... I don't know...how to be around new people” I blush
“I think you're doing just fine... I mean I can be a handful and so far you've answered all of my questions. Steve's a bit more mellow but Eddie...well he can be like me a bit intense. But they're great” she smiles. So her friends are...guys.
“So one of them your boyfriend or?” I ask
“Noooo... I'm a lesbian”
“Oh... my best friend is a lesbian” I have no idea why I tell her this
“She is? Bring her here I'll be my most charming self... I mean if she's single that is”
“She is... as far as I know. I was going to invite her here this weekend.” I say thinking that this Robin might actually be just Casey's type
“Cool, well I need to run thanks for the book” she says and pays “so if you wanna hang out and meet Steve we work until 7 pm. So when you close up just, you know come on in to the video store and say hi. You pass it on your way home” she gives me yet another smile and it feels so friendly I can't stop my mouth
“Maybe you wanna come to dinner with me tonight? You can bring your friends? I was gonna make lasagna...” WHAT THE HELL?
“Sure! We'd love to I know I can answer for the guys to”
“What are they like... I mean what do they like to do... I wanna know if I have anything to talk to them about... I... haven't made a friend since I was 5...” I say and I turn a deep red color
“5!? Wow then you need us” she giggles “well Steve he's mostly in to movies and girls... Eddie is a mechanic who loves rock 'n roll and DnD” she says
“Well... I love movies to and ...well I've read every DnD book that's come out so I might have something to talk to them about then” I smile and this time it feels natural
“Wow... So you're a nerd too then? Eddie's gonna love you. Damn gotta go but we'll be at yours around 7:30 then. Blue house on main?”
“Yes, 2nd floor, door on the right. It says K. Smith on the door”
“Nice, see you then” and she's out the door. I start to hyperventilate, what the hell did I jut do? Did I invite 3 complete strangers in to my home? I need to call Casey! I go in to the office and pick up the phone dialling the number for Caseys office
“Casey Rowling, Human resources”
“Yeah, panicking”
“Why? What happened?”
“I think I've done something potentially stupid”
“I've invited 3 strangers to have dinner with me tonight”
“Wait....what? YOU did what?”
“Yes....yes exactly I did what... This girl came in looking for a book, talking oh my god she was talking. I like her though and before I knew it I asked her and her 2 guy friends over for dinner tonight. What the hell do I do Casey?”
She chuckles “Well I'd say make dinner... But c'mon Kat, this is a good thing. So ok a girl and 2 guys... like boyfriend and friend or what?”
“Nah she plays for your team... They're her best friends”
“She does...she cute?”
“Well she did want me to bring you here... She's energetic, ehmmm... red hair, greenish eyes, pretty, petit...very friendly and talks A LOT!” I say trying to describe Robin “Oh yeah her name is Robin and she has freckles”
“Sounds like a real cute girl... Soooo...when can I come meet her” Casey laughs
“Well...let me see first if I scare them away with my complete lack of social skills or if they'll hang around for a while” I giggle
“Aww c'mon Kat, you're awesome. Just try to relax and they'll love you. I know I do...and you've been a weirdo since we were 5”
I know she thinks so, and I mean...if she hadn't then why would she have been my friend for 17 years. I just have a really hard time showing anyone else that. She knows this
“I know you're freaking out about this, but something about this girl must have struck a chord with you Kat. Or you wouldn't have invited her, and her friends... I mean good girl right there! Maybe you'll fancy one of her friends? I know you're hurt real bad but not every guy is like that asshole sweetie, maybe... I don't know keep an open mind?” she just wants what's good for me I know but that pit in my stomach that's churning and reaking havoc right now is soooo bad. “I realize you need support here but... I have to work I have a meeting in 5 and I need to look through my notes. You gonna be ok? I can call when I get home around 6:30?” she says
“I don't know... I mean I am freaking out you've got that right. But, I think I'll be fine. If they're anything like Robin they'll keep the conversation going even if I'm not.” I smile at the memory of the very talkative girl “Ok so work hard and play nice. Good luck in your meeting and I'll call you before you go to work tomorrow instead. I might be to busy preparing the food by 6:30 to get to the phone. Love ya” I say
“Love ya to, and you play nice also. Have fun, I'm rooting for you! And just imagine when Laura calls next time and you can actually tell her you've made 3 new friends, might kill the bitch” Casey chuckles and we hang up
She's right... If this night goes well I can finally tell my sister that yes I have made new friends, 2 being male even, she's going to hate that. This makes me smile as I continue rearranging in the store. There's a few more customers coming in throughout the day. Just that small encounter with Robin being kind of a success, from my point of view, makes interaction with any one else coming in to the store easier. I have a smile on my face the whole day, as I close up for the day the butterflies in my stomach start acting up. It's 4:30... In 3 hours I'll have people over, people I have no relation to. I go to the supermarket and get he things I need for dinner, then as I walk past the video store I look inside, I can't see Robin anywhere but I do see a tall, fucking gorgeous guy with great hair stacking some shelves. Maybe that's Steve? No... I mean she would have mentioned if she was bringing someone so handsome it might make me cry. I giggle to myself as I continue home.
Earlier at Family Video
“Steve, you're not busy tonight are you? After work?” Robin strolls in from her morning break
“Nah, was gonna hang out with Ed for a bit”
“Good! Call him and tell him to meet us here. We're all invited to dinner!” Robin smiles
“Dinner? Where?” Steve sounds confused
“I met this really cute chick at the book store. Apparently Stella is travelling the world and this girl from Seattle came to run the store for her. She doesn't know ANYONE here Steve and she's been here a month already. So I kinda said yes when she invited us for dinner...she's making us lasagna” big smile again
“Wait, wait... what? Let me get this... Stella's gone on a trip?”
“This girl from Seattle is running the store for her while she's gone?”
“She's been here a month and still doesn't know anyone?”
“And she invited US for dinner... you sure she didn't just invite you and you're bringing us along as a package deal?”
“No she said to bring my friends if you guys weren't busy. She's real shy but oh my god Steve she's so cute. I think...and I'm sorry dude, but she's just Ed's type. She's read EVERY  DnD book there is, but she loves movies to so I guess you'll have something to talk to her about as well. Soooo... we're going right?”
“Ok... So cute but shy girl asks us 3 to come have dinner? You think I'm passing up a home cooked meal? Do I look like an idiot?”
“Yes...but I thought you'd go for it anyway” Robin makes a face at him “Now call Ed while I get to unpacking stuff. We're to be there at 7:30 ok”
“Ok, I don't even know how to explain this to him but I'll call” Steve sighs and goes over to the phone
“Yeah this is Eddie”
“Yeah... So long story that I have no clue how to explain to you dude, but be here at 7 we're going to dinner at a new girl's house. Robin will...well I guess attempt to explain it to you”
“Steve? I...what?”
“Just be here at 7”
“Ok...fine see you at 7”
Steve hangs up, still confused
“THERE, I CALLED, HE'LL BE HERE AT 7” Steve calls to Robin in the back
“GREAT DINGUS! NOW COME HELP” she calls back and he sighs and goes to the back to see what the problem is.
At around 5 he happens to look out the window as he's putting new arrivals out on the shelves. He sees this very cute girl passing by looking in. She doesn't see that he's looking at her but she seems to be scanning the store for something or someone. Maybe that's the girl Robin met? She sure was cute, maybe not exactly Steve's type but he can definitely see Eddie go for her.
Back at Kats place
Even though I've made probably hundreds of lasagnas through the years now I'm struggling to remember the steps. My mind is so preoccupied with actually hanging out with new people it's starting to overheat I think. I have to leave it all and go out on the balcony just to get some air, this is ridiculous... Robin was a real nice girl, so her friends ought to be nice to? And if you don't hit it off with them then at least you've taken a step in the right direction. I try to give myself a pep talk like Casey would. I look at the time, it's 6, I need to get started now. Cooking and baking is a hobby I've always enjoyed. It calms my mind. I take a deep breath and I shake my whole body trying to rid it of the tension. It kinda works so I get going on the food. As I start my mind finally relaxes and turns thought free for a while. At 6:45 I put the lasagna in the oven and I sit down to try and relax some more before they arrive, instant freak out. I need to shower and change how could I forget? I've been hauling books all day I must smell like a sweaty pig! I run in to the bathroom and I shower at lightning speed, dry myself off quickly and then I freeze in front of my wardrobe. What the hell to wear? Usually after work it's sweats and a t-shirt, doesn't seem fitting tonight. I look through my clothes...maybe just a pair of jeans and a nice top? I have a blue one I really enjoy, Casey said it makes me look amazing. I mean she loves me so she has to say it but maybe I can wear it regardless? I take it out and put it on, looking at myself in the mirror. Well... it didn't make me look worse than before so, I guess it's a win. I brush my hair out and I put on just a hint of perfume. It's almost 7:30, and I'm pacing in the kitchen trying to not have a fit. Set the table...yes I can set the table. There's a knock at the door as I set the plates down on the table. FUCK! One deep breath an here we go!
I open the door and I see Robins smiling face, but no one else. Did her friends not want to come?
“Hey, we're here, the guys had to have a smoke before coming up. So I brought snacks and I brought some beer. I mean not sure if you think beer goes with lasagna but I mean it goes with everything right? And these guys are a bit nervous meeting you so I promised them beer if they just relaxed a bit and yeah here's flowers for you I didn't know what to give you. I mean I had to give you something you're new in town and I said welcome didn't I?” a flood of words straight away, I just gawk at her. Her friends are nervous about meeting me? But...
“Ehmmm... hey, so yeah... welcome. I have to set the table but come in and make yourselves at home. I can take those” I say and take the beers and the flowers. “Good thinking I totally spaced out in the store and forgot to get something to drink. I'm sort of a wreck to...I haven't met new people in...well forever” I say and I head back to the kitchen. I hear voices and heavier footsteps coming through the door. I can do this! I can make small talk and I CAN act like a normal enough person for one night. I keep giving myself this pep talk as I finish setting the table and making a salad.
“Hey can I help?” Robin's suddenly standing in the door “I left the guys in your living room. Eddie's already mesmerized by your book collection... Steve's keeping an eye on him, he gets easily excited, kinda like a puppy. He might climb your shelves if not monitored” she giggles
“Huh? My books? He's in to books as well, wasn't he a DnD nerd who likes rock?”
“Yeah he is, but he reads more than anyone I know. I think he'll try and leave with at least a few of your books” I look terrified and Robin laughs “no, no like he's gonna want to borrow some of them”
“Oh, phew I thought he was going to kidnap them” I smile
“Nah I'll tackle him and you can hog-tie him if he tries” she winks at me “so did you need help?”
“You can cut up some bread if you'd like. Knives are in that drawer over there and the bread's there on the counter” I point and she nods and goes to get a bread knife
“Wow this bread is amazing, so fresh. Where did you find bread like this around here” she says as she cuts it
“Ehm... I made it” I say blushing
“You MADE this bread? Why the hell do you sell books? You should open a bakery!” she takes a piece and throws it in her mouth “OH MY GOD! I've never tasted bread like this before... You sure you're not a lesbian cuz I wanna marry you for this bread alone” she smiles
“Thank you, and no... But my friend Casey will be here soon, she's a pretty good baker as well” I say with a smile
“Oh...cool... So can I meet her?” she blushes
“I think she's counting on it, I kinda mentioned you today. I mean if we get along that well of course” I get flustered I shouldn't have said that
“Of course we're gonna be friends, why wouldn't we? And those 2 out there...you're feeding them. They already love you... puppies remember” she says and I have to laugh
“Ok, maybe I won't have such a hard time with this if I think of them as puppies” I say
“Look, I told them you're shy and that you're not used to new people. I think I'm the worst here and you've handled me like a champ. They're good guys I swear” she says and pats me on the arm
“Ok, so I guess I should go in there and introduce myself then... Could you check the lasagna? If it's soft and seems done please take it out of the oven” I say and I mentally prepare myself to go meet the guys
“Will do chef” she says and salutes me
I wipe my hands on a kitchen towel and I take a deep breath and head in to the living room. “puppies, they're puppies” I think to myself like a mantra. Until I step over the threshold and I see them. Fucking hell these aren't puppies... Wow! It IS the guy I saw through the window today, and by my bookshelves I see what I can only describe as the most handsome guy I've even seen in real life standing looking at all of my books making little notes in a notebook. My mind goes blank, what do I say?
“Uh... Hey” it's more like a croak than an actual word but at least it's a sound
2 sets of eyes turn at me, both intense, both brown. One hazel one deep chocolate. I make a whimpering sound to myself
“Heeeeey, you must be the woman of the hour. Kat was it? Robin's been talking my ear off all day about you. I'm Steve” the one I saw through the window comes up to me and shakes my hand “that's Eddie over there...and I have no idea why he's silent suddenly that never happens” he says smiling at the other one
“Oh, yeah I'm Kat. Welcome to my place” I shake his hand back and I look over at the other guy who's just staring at me “Hello Eddie” I say trying so hard not to sound like I have my heart in my throat. Still only staring from over by the books
“HEY DUDE! Snap out of it the pretty girl is talking to you” Steve snaps his fingers in Eddies direction. Pretty girl? Me?
“Oh...fuck...yeah HI... Eddie, yes I am...him” he drags his hand through his hair turning pink in the face. He comes up and he takes my hand, not shaking it just holding on “Good meeting, nice you...”
“Smooth dude... She's gonna think you're quite normal now...” Steve sighs and Eddie blushes even more. What? This is supposed to be MY move
Eddie takes a deep breath “Ok, do over. Yes I'm Eddie... It's nice to meet you” he takes my hand again and shakes it sending a jolt of something through me
“Kat, hi” I say
“Spelled like the animal or with a K?” he smiles at me I and swoon, that was some smile
“With a K. It's short for Katherine” I say
“Cool, so Kat... The books. Wow! I've been writing down all the books I wanna borrow, I think it's pretty much all of them” he smiles. Before I can say something about these not being all of my books I hear a shriek from the kitchen
“Kaaaat” I stare at the guys and excuse myself to go see what is happening in there.
“What?” I see Robin standing in front of the open oven poking at the tray with the lasagna with a wooden spoon. “Well...you know it's not going to bite you” I say
“I can't find your oven mitts... So I thought I would poke it out of the oven”
“And then what?” I have to hold my laughter
“I hadn't thought about that, ok? Help” she smiles and I go up to her taking my oven mitts from the wall beside her and she facepalms and sighs
“See...ok they were to close to my face...”
“It's fine, just go get Steve and Eddie and go sit down I'll be right there. Bring the beers to will you” I say as I take the lasagna out of the oven
“Sure thing” she says and takes the beers out of the fridge and leaves the kitchen. I stand there for a minute and breathe heavily. Ok so this seems to be going ok, I mean Eddie seemed more nervous than me there for a second. But could they not be so fucking hot? Like...what the hell is this? I don't think I've ever seen guys like these 2 before and I've grown up in a city with around half a million people in it. And Steve called me a pretty girl...like that's never happened before. EVER
One deep breath and a body shake later and I can finally leave the kitchen to join them at the table.
“Ok so here's dinner, I hope you'll enjoy it.” I say and I give them a smile
“Please...do that to me all the time...” Eddie looks at me
I'm confused “Do what Eddie?” I ask
“Smile at me...” he says and I turn blood red “oh sorry... I didn't mean to embarrass you, I just...fuck...I mean you're beautiful but when you smile like that you're exquisite” he looks at me
“Ehm...” I blush and look down at the table
“Ok, stop with the brutal honesty here Munson. I told you she's shy” I can hear Robin scold him quietly
“Sorry... I just... but she iiiisss” he hisses back at her
I glance up at Steve who's just smiling at me “Eddie can be... Well impulsive at best. You ok?”
“Yeah, I just... No one's ever said that about me before, just caught me a bit off guard” I say quietly “but thank you Eddie, really thank you.” I have to make myself look at him across the table he's just staring at me
“No one's told you you're beautiful before? You mean like here in Hawkins?” he sounds like he's in disbelief
“No... I mean like ever. Even my mum introduces me and my sister as 'her lovely daughter Laura and the other one' so... No one” I say and I have no idea why I share such personal information with people I've just met.
“You're shitting me right now?” Robins jaw has dropped and I look at her
“No... There's a reason I can't interact with new people. I just assume they're all going to be mean” I say and I look down at the table again fiddling with the fork “please can we eat now and then deal with the mess that is me on another occation?” I say
“Sure... We respect that. DON'T WE?” Steve is staring at his friends, Robin and Eddie look at each other and they blush
“Sorry, we'll behave” they say in chorus and I have to let out a small giggle. It's like they're being told off by a older brother or their dad.
“So how do you 3 know each other? You seem...very different from one another” I say amazed I'm asking questions now
“We've all been in school at the same time. I'm the youngest I graduated high school 2 years ago. Steve graduated 3 years ago and Eddie is the oldest but since he's not that in to the whole 'doing the things the teacher tells you to do' he ALSO graduated 2 years ago even if he's 23 by now.”
“Ok so let me see if I got this... Robin you're 21? Steve 22 and Eddie 23?” I ask
“Yup correct” Steve smiles at me “And you?”
“I'm 22 just like you” I say to him “also graduated 3 years ago. What about college, any one of you go?” I ask
“Nope, I have the brains but not the money, Steve has the money but not the brains and Eddie here has the brains but not the will or the money.” Robin chuckles “so we're all working class heroes”
“I like that, I hate the idea of college myself” they all look at me “Well I have pretty severe social anxiety and well... college is not the ultimate setting for someone like me. I do have both the brains and the money but...what was it Eddie, not the will?” I smile at him again remembering what Robin said
“Yeah, can't stand the idea of it really. I like working with my hands and reading stuff because I like it not because it's required for a class. So I work as a mechanic now. And then I play DnD, read and play my guitar in my spare time” it's like he's telling me all the good stuff about himself so that I'll like him
“Yeah Kat's real cool Ed... She has a... what was it you called it?”
“My eidetic memory?” I say
“Yeah that! She's read every DnD book out there and she remembers IT ALL” Robin sounds like she's trying to sell me to the highest bidder. Eddie stares at me
“ALL of them? I mean... You have any of them? I can't really afford to buy the books I have to read what little is in the magazines and then make up my own campaigns from that” he says
“Yeah I have a few of them, those books in the living room isn't my whole collection by far. My fantasy and sci-fi collection is in the bedroom” I say and both Eddie and Robin light up “eat first then you can browse” I say nodding at the lasagna. They all help themselves to the food and they're complimenting it so fiercely I feel like my head might explode from the flattery
“I mean... DnD savant, book collector, baker extraordinaire, beautiful as hell AND you can cook... Like marry me please?” Eddie says when he's finished eating leaning back patting his stomach
“HEY! I asked her first” Robin pouts
“Well maybe she's not playing on your corner, think about that? What if she wants a long haired freak instead huh?” he makes a face at her and I don't know how to react
“They're always like this don't listen to them. It's like having stubborn kids sometimes” Steve chuckles “So how come you ended up here in Hawkins of all places? Rob said you moved here from Seattle?” he sees my discomfort and changes the subject, he's quickly becoming my hero
“Well, I know Stella from when she was my middle school teacher. She was the only teacher I liked and as unlikely as it seems we became friends. We've been in touch a few times over the years since she left Seattle to come back here. Then she called me back in March wondering if I'd be interested in helping her manage the book store while she was away on her trip. She knew owning a book store was a dream of mine and I mean I couldn't say no. So I came her in the middle of April and well...here we are.” I tell them
“But like, did you know anything about Hawkins before moving here? It's not like the place people move TO really” Robin says
“Nope, I didn't know a thing. I tried reading up on the town but seems nothing happens here, not a mention in papers in years” I say. Weirdly enough the 3 of them stare at each other with a look I can't really place
“Yup, that'll be Hawkins... The capital city of nothing happening” Eddie laughs a kind of strained laugh, but I think nothing more about it. “But like... what's with the book obsession? I mean I get it books are awesome but you have like EVERYTHING in there” Eddie smiles at me
“Books don't bully you do they?” I say to him staring straight in to those amazingly brown eyes. I've never even looked Casey in the eye, and now I'm keeping eye contact with someone I met 2 hours ago.
“Uhm, no they don't...” he glances down and then looks up again “I get that, more than you think” he then proceeds to say.
“I doubt that to be honest. I don't mean to be rude but...I highly doubt you've had it as bad as me” I say and I start clearing the table to get my mind out of the spiral that inevitably will lead to me having to cry and go to bed. I take all the plates and I go in to the kitchen with them. It takes about 2 minutes and I hear Eddies voice behind me
“Would you tell me about it? I'm not as bad as I might look, I happen to be an excellent listener” he's carrying the other stuff from the table with him
“Thanks” I say and take the things from him “and...maybe. I don't know I have issues” I say and give him a small smile
“Ok, well everyone has those, in some way or another. What's one of yours? I'll tell you one of mine” he starts running the water in the sink “Yeah I'ma help you do the dishes and if you say no I WILL carry you out in to the living room and then I'll do it myself” he smiles
“You don't have to...” he stares me down “ok, ok sorry. Thank you” I smile “one issue? I'm horrible in social situations, I can not handle strangers. I can't make new friends because I don't know how to interact with people”
“Well... I would call bullshit there sweetheart, you'd never met me or Steve until tonight and you're doing just fine” he winks at me and I feel something inside of me catch on fire
“Well... You didn't see me minutes before you came here. Besides, this might sound strange but I feel like I've known you guys for years... I think it's because you ALL remind me of the only friend I've ever had. You feel....homey. Am I making sense at all here?” I say
“Sure thing, I or I mean we all feel the same. You fit in...like instantly. It's weird to think that you weren't here before so you don't know... ehh... things” he says, a bit uncomfortable at the end
“Know things?” I say as I take a towel and start drying the dishes Eddie's done
“You know what, if I can have a go at your bedroom and borrow whatever I find in there I promise to come over some day and tell you all about it. Deal?” he says
I can feel my stomach doing a flip at the thought of him and me being alone here. But not a bad one like I always felt before as I've been alone with a guy. This time it's a good flip.
“Deal Eddie! But... You can't borrow ANYTHING you find in there” I giggle, then I actually realize what I said and how he might interpret it and I go blood red and I feel like I'm about to throw up
“Wow, we have a naughty side do we? Ok so no going through the night stand, noted” he jokes then he sees my panicked look “oh god no I'm sorry... I was just being a freak... I'm sorry, bad joke”
I can't speak, all the years of being awkward and silent comes back and I lose all ability to act normal. I just wanna be the wallflower again. I dry off the rest of the dishes then I leave the kitchen and head out on to the balcony by the dining area. I need fresh air, Eddie comes out after me
“Hey, Kat... I am sorry. I didn't mean to overstep like that”
“It's...ok. I just... have issues with THAT”
“That? What...sex stuff? I'm sorry I'm being an idiot right now...but if you didn't mean what I apparently thought you meant...what did you mean?”
“I...meant like my dresses. When I said it and then you looked at me like that I realized what you thought I meant...oh kill me now” I say and I hide my face
“Hey, hey... there will be no killing of my new favourite nerd. I think you need to have a good long talk with someone who doesn't know you since before” he says and he rubs my arms and I flinch “Ok...like for real” he lets me go
“I have a therapist” I say
“No I mean, not like that. They're good don't get me wrong but I think you need like... Well hell I think you need to talk to me... I might not look it but I do have my own shit I carry around so I might be more helpful than you think?”
“You?” I think about it, would I want to talk to Eddie about myself in a deeper way than I've done so far? Maybe I do... “ok... I'll give it a go some day. Can't promise when I'll feel ok with it but thank you for being there for me even though you don't know me” I say
“Well... That's sorta what I wanna change sweetheart” he smiles “should we get back inside? Bet you 10 bucks Steve's asleep and Robin's trashing your bookshelves by now”
“TRASHING?!” I gasp
“Yeah... reaking havoc galore” he teases
“Ok, was that the master plan all along? You distract me with those eyes of yours and she goes crazy with my books?” I say
“Distract you with my eyes? Was that a compliment?” he smiles
“Don't get full of yourself, yes you have beautiful eyes, ok” I say now more worried about my books than the fact that I just gave a guy a compliment
“Thank you... and yeah of course it was all part of my plan to get you alone with me” he smirks and I tense up instantly “Kat...what's happened to you in the past? That was just an innocent wording and you tense up like I just told you I was going to hurt you... I mean I would never” his voice is hushed and a bit sad
“I'm...sorry. Bad things” is all I can say then I go back inside “as I said maybe one day we'll talk about it” I turn to him and I try to smile
He sighs and he gives me a heartfelt smile “I hope so” he motions for me to walk in front of him in to the living room. It's not quite havoc galore but it's close. Robin's been going through my bookshelves and she's pulled out books in to 2 piles. I giggle as I see Steve's asleep on the couch, just like Eddie said he'd be.
“Ok...so what’s with the 2 piles?” I say to Robin as I enter
“1 is take home now and one is get when I bring the others back...” she smiles at me kind of embarrassed I caught her
“Ok, you've been in to the bedroom yet?” I ask
“Nooo... I wanted to check with you first” she smiles
“Well seeing as you got first dibs on these shelves it’s only fair that Eddie gets first dibs on the bedroom ones” I say and I motion to him to follow me. We walk in to my bed room and his jaw drops to the floor as he enters
“How can you afford this place? And holy shit...” he sees the book shelves in here extending from floor to ceiling. He's in his own world as he drags his hands on the spines of the books. I smile as I hear him draw breath as he gets to my DnD section “like...you own these? And I can borrow them? You're sure?” he's in complete awe as he turns and looks at me
“Yes, maybe not all of them at once. Leave some so you'll have a reason to visit” I say
“Books isn't the reason I'd come visit” he smiles with his back turned to me. He picks out 3 books, then he looks over at the rest of them picking out a few more “you have books here I've never even heard of. Like are they all in English?” he asks
“Yeah, I do have a few in French that I inherited from my grandmother. They're old romance novels she bought way back when she lived in France. I can read them, I just haven't ever spoken French though so the pronunciation in my head is probably waaaay off but I don't care.” I smile
“Wow, you're like...perfect” he's looking at me now “some day, when you're ok with it I wanna kiss you. Just a heads up” he turns to the books again making sure there's nothing he's left out and my mind is racing... He wants to kiss me...some day! Not now, not this instant. Strangely I feel a bit upset by this, that he doesn't want to kiss me now... I smile at his back, and he thinks I'm perfect. I do a tiny dance before he turns around again. “Ok so I have enough to last me like a week now. But trust me I'll be back” he says
“You're welcome any day. I might have something that will interest you. But that's for another day” I say
“Awww tease... I wanna know NOW” he chuckles
“Patience there Eddie, good things come to those who wait you know” I smirk at him
“I knoooow... But I've waited my whole life and nothing good has ever happened to me” he says “so I may have become quite impatient. But for you, I'll wait” he smiles “I kinda think you're the good thing I've been waiting for” then he leaves the room and I'm stuck standing there not knowing what the hell just happened. Does he like me? Like actually LIKE me? I look at the time, it's close to midnight so I can't call Casey now and dissect this in to a million little pieces.
The 3 of them say good night and leave, and I'm alone again. I brush my teeth and I lay down in bed thinking about this day. Why haven't I done this before? It wasn't as scary as I thought it would be. Or it might be the people I had over that made the difference. Robin is wonderful, so much fun and full of energy. Steve is an absolute sweetheart and then there's Eddie. There's something there, something I can't put my finger on. I mean I know I liked the way he looked from the first sight of him but then we spoke and...he's amazing. I fall asleep with a smile on my lips, a smile from making new friends.
At 8 I'm woken up by the phone ringing. At first I can't understand what's making that god awful noise. Oh yeah, phone. I drag my ass out of bed feeling like I'm hungover from 1 beer.
“Hello?” I croak in to the phone
“Oh so you ARE alive, weren't you gonna call me before I headed to work? Now I'm skipping my morning chat and coffee with the cute girl down the hall just to call you” It's Casey
“Sorry sweetie, but it was later than I thought when they left and I feel fucking hung over from 1 beer. I think I might be hung over from socialising if that’s even a thing.” I chuckle
“Ok, but that's awesome Kat, like then it was a good evening?” she sounds so excited for me
“It was, it was so much better than I ever would have dreamed of. I really like them all” I say
“Ok, so any of the guys peak any special interest? They hot?”
“Hot? Jesus, Mary, Joseph AND the donkey Casey, they're like model fucking hot. And yeah... I think I might be crushing a little on Eddie” I blush as I say his name
“WEEEEE!” She's squealing so loud I bet her entire office building can hear her. “Ok so I am definitely coming to see you, this weekend good?”
“Uhmm... sure I guess. I mean it's me I never have plans” I say
“You might have now that you've got the hotties in your life” she teases
“Yeah right, in that case I'll just leave you with Robin then” I say
“Done deal, I gotta go love. But I am so happy for you! See people aren't that scary. Love ya”
“Bye, love ya back” we hang up and I start thinking to myself that, no people might not be so scary. OR is it that I found people that I feel connected to that made them less intimidating? Being me, I have no idea how these things work normally. Do you like meet someone and go Hey I like you , I'm keeping you and then that's it? You're friends? I hop in the shower and get dressed, feeling so light and summery today. I look out the window and I see the clear blue sky and the sun and I decide to wear a dress today. I usually never wear dresses as I never feel cute enough to pull them off, but today I'm in a 'fuck that' kinda mood. I pick out a flowy floral dress to mark that summer is really coming in strong now. I look in the mirror and for once I actually am pleased at what I see. Imagine that...
At 10 I open the door to the store and I continue my work from the previous day. A few customers stroll in from the street, all very welcoming and friendly. Some stay an chat a bit, mostly about where Stella's off to and how I know her. At lunch time I go in the back and have my leftover lasagna that I packed, the day is slow and it's to my liking I'm not 100% sure of everything yet. Around 2 I hear the bell over the door and I peek out from the office where I'm going through orders, I see a brown mane of curly hair disappear behind a shelf. Was that? I head out in to the store
“Hello?” I say
“Hey there” I jump at the sound coming from behind me. It IS Eddie
“Hi” I blush “I thought that was you disappearing behind the shelves” I say
“Yeah I didn't see you behind the counter so I thought I'd go look for you. Wow you look amazing” he smiles at me and my knees wobble a bit
“I do? Thank you... You look, well you always look good I suppose” I say a little more direct than I meant it to sound
“That's a weirdly direct compliment. But thanks, I like that you think I look good. Might give me a fighting chance then” he smiles even wider at me
“Fighting chance? At what?” I'm confused
“At getting you to go out with me” Eddie looks at me with those dark brown eyes and I would have followed him to then ends of the earth and then jumped off the edge if he'd asked me to
“You needn't flatter me that much to get me to do that. Quite honestly you could tell me I look like crap and I'd still go” I admit, then I realize how that sounded and I blush “Oh wait that sounded bad, didn't it? I...well I'm weird” I say with an apologetic smile
“Hey, I'm a freak so we're a match made in heaven then. And trust me I don't think you CAN look like crap so I'd never ever have to say that to you and if I ever do you have my full permission to kick my ass for being disrespectful” he says leaning on the counter smiling at me taking my breath away “so you wanna go out with me?”
I study his face as I consider what he's asking me. He doesn't look like the kind of guy that would turn on the flip of a coin to become mean or violent. What the hell
“Yes please, I'd love to” I hear my self say and I am met by the most beaming smile I've ever seen
“Awesome! Friday? I'll pick you up at 7?” he says
“Sure, sounds perfect” this will give me time to freak out enough times to take the edge of before Friday.
Eddie holds out his hand palm up, I look at it a little confused. Then I carefully place my hand on his, I think that's what he wants? He smiles, pulls my hand closer and kisses the top of it
“Until Friday then gorgeous girl” he says and leaves the book store and I am standing there in complete shock. He kissed my hand, and I didn't pull away. Some might call this a small gesture but to me it's a huge fucking deal. I run in to the back office and I pick up the phone
“Casey Rowling, Human resources”
“Yeah...freak out”
“Again? Did you ask another set of strangers to have dinner with you?”
“Nah, but see... Eddie just asked me out Friday and then he kissed my hand”
There is silence “HE WHAT? Please for the love of kittens tell me you said yes?”
“What? Of course I did, I had no reason to say no. Real or made up...”
“Pheeew good girl! See you're doing amazing there, knew moving away from  that toxic place would do you all sorts of good. So...not washing that hand any time soon I guess” she teases
“Nooooo...I've drawn an outline of where his lips touched my skin and I'm going to carefully wash around that area” I say
“I bet” Casey laughs “but hey, as little of a gesture as that seems to me I understands it's huge to you. And I'm happy for you. Guess my visit will have to wait a week then, you'll be busy this weekend” I can hear her smile
“Why not? We're only going out Friday night. You can come Saturday? I mean I might need you to freak out to in person” I say
“Sure thing, I'll be over on Saturday. But I am staying the night so invite those new friends of yours for drinks on Saturday night” she says
“Will do. Thank you Casey”
“No problem sweetie. Talk to you later”
We hang up, so ok... A date, I've never had a date. How does one act on a date? I know asking Casey would do me no good, she doesn't really date. She goes out to bars and brings girls home and then that's it. I just hope she won't do that to Robin, she seems like the relationship kinda girl not the casual hook up kind. I don't want to do it but I might actually have to call my sister...or wait... I look at the time, it's about an hour before I close for the day. I have an idea, might be a foolish one but it's worth a try if it will spare me a conversation about dating with my sister. As I wrap up the day and turn the sign to say 'CLOSED' I feel the reality of the situation hit me. What if he wants to do stuff? After the date? Do I tell him about what's happened to me on the first date or do I just say no and give no explanation... I start to feel panicked, what if he's like HIM? I don't think he is but, how can I be sure? I lock the door and I head towards Family video. I go in and I hear Robin loudly debating with someone about the excellency of Tom Cruise, apparently Robin is NOT convinced. Steve is behind the counter as I walk up
“Hey Kat good to see you, thanks for last night it was awesome” he smiles widely at me
“Hey Steve, that's sweet thank you. Hey may I have a word with you?” I ask him and he looks at me curiously
“Sure, hang on a sec. HEY ROB! Wanna come do some actual work for a bit?” he calls over to the direction I hear Robins voice coming from
“Yeah be right there, TOM CRUISE IS NOT GOD....fuuuuck” I hear and then stomping footsteps head our way. I have to laugh at her, I wholeheartedly agree, he is not. She beams when she sees me
“Heeeeey Kat! Happy to see you, what's up?” she goes in behind the counter after giving me a hug
“I was sorta hoping I could have a word with Steve real quick” I say and her eyebrows shoot up
“Ok, well sure. Keep him for all I care he's no good to me anyway” she chuckles
“I will not be dragged in to your pointless arguments with Gareth, I've told you this EVERY time” Steve smiles at her “So wanna go in the back and talk?” he asks me motioning to me to come behind the counter
“Yeah, thanks” I say and I follow him to the back room where they have their staff area
“So what's up Kat, what can I do for you?” he offers me a seat at the table and he sits down opposite me
“Well... I didn't know who to talk to. So...” I don't really know where or even how to begin “Eddie showed up at the store today” I say
“Ok, good or bad visit? Am I giving him a high five or kicking his ass?” he smiles a comforting smile at me
“Well, high five I guess... He asked me out” I say
“Well shit! Good going Munson” Steves smile gets even bigger
“See, here's the thing. I've never had a date... I don't know how to act” I blush and look down at the table
“You've never had a date? How is that even possible, a cute and nice girl like you? And I mean not that I mind but why did you come to me? I mean Robin, or your friend you told us about?” he says
I decide to ignore his first statement and go on “Well... you seem to know Eddie the best, and well. What's he like? I mean what does he like to do? On dates...”
“I have no idea, I haven't ever heard Eddie say he's been on a date so... But I mean something about you seems to have caught his interest so just keep talking about what ever you talked about last night I'd say. As for him like a person, well he's super kind to everyone, he's one of those people who cares deeply if he likes you. And he can be funny as hell or just the most obnoxious freak you'll ever meet. And a total nerd”
“I was so nervous last night I was just rambling on about everything... But ok, so I have one more question and this one is more serious please don't laugh at me” I say and I can feel tears threatening in my eyes “what about...physically? Is he...pushy? I have...intimacy issues” I say and a tear trickles down my cheek
“Eddie? Pushy? You mean...oh... hell no. I mean dude's not a virgin but he's probably the least pushy person you'll ever meet. He's flirty but I've never seen him be handsy with anyone unless they ask him to be, he's like a total gentleman. Don't tell him I said that about him” he chuckles and I have to smile
“Good...I was worried” I admit
“Don't be, however...he's one of those people who can drag anything out of you so be prepared to talk about whatever it is Kat. He's a real good guy though and I know he really likes you. He wouldn't shut up about you last night. He drove us home, spent an hour listening to him obsess over you before I could head in to bed” Steve smirks
“He...talked about me? What'd he say?” I'm curious now
“Prettiest girl he'd ever seen, a smile to die for, nerd like him, and the books... god I never wanna talk about books ever again” Steve sighs and I blush all over
“He really IS a freak” I mumble
“He is, but he's totally smitten by you. So if he hadn't asked you out on his own accord I would have done it for him” he says
“Ok, thank you Steve. This was helpful, I can't really ask Casey, she doesn't date. And other than that I only have my sister and that would have been a complete disaster asking her for advice. I like Robin a lot but she, well she's not that helpful with guys I think” I smile
“Your friend who wants to meet Robin doesn't date?” he looks confused
“Yeah, I'm hoping Robin will change her approach to dating actually. Or I will have to stop anything from happening... Casey is a serial hook up girl not a dating girl... I love her but she needs to calm down” I tell him “and I don't want her to hurt Robin. I would never forgive myself”
“Robin's a big girl I think she can handle it. But your friend's coming here soon or?”
“Yeah, she'll be here on Saturday. She wants to meet you all, so I was thinking a small party at my place? I'll cook you guys bring the drinks?” I say and Steve lights up
“Absolutely! Perfect timing to, this is mine and Robins weekend off. I can safely say we'll be there! And unless you end up killing Munson or he makes a complete ass of himself I bet he'll be there to” Steve beams “just pop in and tell us when”
“Will do, thanks again for this” I say and we get up and head out to Robin
“So you guys solve the meaning of life or did you fail?” Robin smiles at us
“We're getting there! Party at Kats on Saturday we're bringing drinks and she's bringing you a date” Steve says
“Woah... I bring booze and I get a date in return? Cool” Robin laughs
“I'll be by like Thursday after work to tell you what time to show up. Casey will most likely have told me when she's planning on showing up by then” I say and I hug them both good bye
“Sounds like a plan, see ya” Steve waves at me and I leave
“So what was that about?” Robin looks at Steve
“Munson asked her out...and she was worried he'd be handsy I guess. I assured her he's not that kind of guy. But I think she's been through some shit, you know she's never had a date ever?” Steve looks after the girl who just left
“Not once? Wow, I mean how...she's so sweet. Well good news he asked her, bad news...we're never hearing the end of it now” Robin smiles and they go on with their workday
As I head through town on my way home I decide to pop in to the supermarket and get some stuff for dinner. When I'm done and finally step in to the staircase of my building I can hear the phone ringing. I sigh, it's been 2 weeks I know exactly who's on the other end. I drag my feet not wanting to talk to Laura today. I want to remain happy, but I know she'll just call later again. I head inside and I put away the groceries I bought and I change in to some comfy clothes and then I take a deep breath and I pick up the phone and I call my sister
“Hello, this is Laura”
“Hey, it's me”
“Why didn't you answer earlier?”
“I heard the last few rings when I was heading up the stairs. I had groceries I had to put away before I could call you back” I say
“Well, you could have hurried up a bit. Wasting my time calling if you weren't gonna answer anyway”
“Well... If that's the case we can just hang up. I mean If calling me is wasting your time Laura I bet actually talking to me is even more so?”
“Well someone's gotta keep track of you. I bet mum hasn't called you?”
“She has, I had a quick talk to her Sunday, she knows I'm good. Did you actually want something?” I'm getting fed up with this
“Well I wanted to hear if my sister is doing ok, I mean hello”
“Laura, you don't care. What did you REALLY want to talk about?” I sigh
“Make any friends yet?” there it is, the sarcastic snappish tone
“What's it to you anyway Laura? Wouldn't you be happier if I was just alone all the time? That would make your opinions about me true...”
“Woah, who's pissed you off today? I was just asking”
“Yeah, you ask...every 2 weeks you JUST ASK. And do you ever expect a different answer than the one you always get? Would you actually listen if I told you anything other than no? We both know you wouldn't, because you don't want to hear it. It would upset your world view Laura. You know what? I don't have time for you. We'll talk in 2 weeks unless you by some miracle finally understand I have no interest listening to you being rude to me for 15 minutes. So to wrap things up, you pissed me off today. Just by calling”
“Bitch! You on your fucking period or what? Damn, that attitude will not help you! By the way, I would SO listen to you if you told me you made friends. Mostly so that I could burst that delusional bubble of yours. I don't think I wanna call you in 2 weeks, not if this is the thanks I get for caring how you're doing. You'll miss me though, and I might consider answering when you call to apologize” she snarls at me
“Don’t hold your breath! See you at Christmas then” I say and I slam the receiver down, I'm furious. Who's she to call me a bitch? I'm so angry I burst in to tears, sitting on the floor sobbing. This is when I hear a knock at the door, a quite timid knock. Like someone's been listening to me getting angrier and angrier on the phone. I drag myself off the floor and go up to the door opening it just to find a worried Eddie standing there.
“You ok?” and I break down completely. The kindness in his voice and the warmth in those eyes gets to me, I cry like I haven't done since after the party when Casey came and picked me up.
Eddies pov
I can't stay away from her, I know I just saw her today but my feet took me here on their own. I take the stairs in just a few steps, that's when I hear her through the door. She's getting increasingly annoyed with someone on the phone. Should I knock and interrupt the conversation? No I'll just wait maybe it calms down. It doesn't soon enough there is actual anger in her voice. The last thing before she slams the phone down is a “See you at Christmas then” I wonder who's on the receiving end of that... Oh my fucking god, she's crying now. My heart sinks, I feels so bad for her.
I place a couple of careful knocks on her front door then I wait. It takes a few seconds and then the door opens and I see her, as beautiful as ever with cheeks wet from tears. I try my best not to let my worries show and I ask her if she's ok. She breaks down in to a state of crying I don't think I've ever seen anyone in before. It's probably close to what they told me Henderson looked like when he thought I died back in 86. I know she's not comfortable with touch, I figured that last night but I feel I need to anyway. I sit down on the floor next to her and I wrap my arms around her, humming to her quietly
Back to Kat
He's on the floor with me? Why would he get down on the floor? I can't move, there's an ache inside of me that needs to get out. So I cry, I cry my fucking guts out and all this guy does is wrap his arms around me and starts humming to me. Just a kind gesture but to me, it turns my whole world upside down. No one's ever shown me this kind of compassion before, not even Casey. This makes me cry even more, I grab him and I hold on tight as I let out all the pent up feelings I've been carrying around with me for ever.
“There, there sweetheart. I'm here for you. I'm going to lift you up from the floor now and carry you to your bed, ok? Then if you want me to keep holding you just, you know reach for me or something. You don't have to talk, and if you don't want me to stick around push me away or something.” he says letting me go momentarily and getting up from the floor. I feel a pair of strong arms swoop me of the floor and carry me through my apartment. He puts me down on the bed carefully and I wont let go, I can't let go. “Ok sweetheart, I'm right here. Don't worry” he whispers as he lies down next to me and once again wraps his arms around me.
I have no idea how long I've been crying for but it's getting darker when I finally feel calm enough to try talking.
“Eddie... I'm sorry” I mumble
“Sorry? For what? Whatever triggered this was in my humble opinion a good thing. This, right here needed to get out” he says in a soft voice “don't you apologize for letting the hurt go”
“But you came to visit and instead of finding the usual me you find this mess of a human” I sniffle
“Hey, I don't mind the mess. She's just as pretty. And apparently you needed me or you would have told me to go. So I stayed”
“You're perfect aren't you” I whisper
“Me? Not even close, but thank you. Maybe I'm perfect for you” he whispers back “You feeling better now?” he hugs me a little tighter
“Yeah, I think I do. I haven't cried that bad in about 3,5 years” I say
“Well overdue on the tears then” he says not bugging me to talk but I can't stop myself. Before I know it I'm telling him about Laura, all the years of bullying from my own sister. How mum never wanted to acknowledge it. About becoming more and more of a wallflower and then never hearing the end of it from my own sister, how she's pestering me about making friends, how I need to find a guy before I dry up. All the stuff I've had pent up inside for years and years. Eddie's just there listening to the flow of words and tears. Then without even thinking about it, feeling so comfortable with him I hear myself saying
“And this whole 'you need to lose your virginity crap' I can't fucking tell her it's too late. That I was used by the only guy I ever liked in school, he fucked me but wouldn't touch me in any other way because I was a fat, ugly loser. I can't explain to her what it's like to hear you were a bet that he wanted to win, that fucking me was just another way to humiliate me, and then for him to just laugh and leave me on a bed in a strange house. How this alongside all the shit she put me through makes me think everyone will end up being mean to me so I shy away instead of talking to people. That that's what's become of me in great part because of her... I could tell her but she won't care and that's what's pissing me off the most. She just DOESN'T CARE” the tears start streaming down my face again as I tell Eddie about the thing I never ever talk about. I can hear him draw a deep staggering breath
“Jesus sweetheart, I'm so sorry. No wonder you reacted the way you did to my awful jokes last time. I wouldn't have guessed in a million years it would be that bad. You don't talk about this I take it?” his voice is soft and I hear the underlying sadness
“No I don't, I told Casey when it happened but then I wouldn't bring it up again. I've talked to my therapist but that's about it. I have no idea why you had to be the one to hear about this, I'm sorry”
“Hey, no... Don't say that. I'm so beyond grateful that you chose to confide in me, I did tell you I'm a great listener. But... how are you feeling about that these days? I mean I get that it was life changing and I can't for the life of me understand why anyone would do something like that to another person. But like, do you think you'll ever feel that need for intimacy or...like... Fuck I don't know how to ask what I wanna know”
I look up at him, the nervousness I felt around him all last night is gone. I just feel so comfortable. “Just ask... I mean I will tell you if I don't want to answer” I say
“Ok...well... Do you think you'll ever want someone...the way...” he sighs “the way I want you?” he looks at me with a tentative smile
“My therapist told me that some day I might meet someone that would help me heal, help me realise that not everyone I meet is going to be mean to me. I didn't really believe her, but I see now she was right. I met you Eddie, you don't seem to have a mean bone in your body. As for the thing you asked...yes...there is a very good chance I'll want someone...” I blush I've never said anything like that to anyone in my life, and here I am saying it to this perfect human sitting in my bed holding me making me feel safe.
“Oh... good. I hope that someone is worthy then, or they'll have to answer to me” he gives me a half smile “and thank you for letting me help you heal, if that was what you meant”
“Eddie” I smile at him “I meant that there is a good chance I want you too, like a lot...just I need to go slow” the smile on his face could light up the darkest of rooms “but hey, you said that you wanted to kiss me some day... could this be that day?” I feel brave...and terrified at the same time
“You...want me to kiss you? Now?”
“Yes...” the answer is no more than a whisper
He sits up next to me and he turns to me, looking me deep in the eyes. His hands move slowly up to my face, tracing my jawline with his fingers. His hands softly grab my face and holds it as he lowers his face towards mine. I think I stop breathing, there's only me and him and the fact that his mesmerizing eyes are locked in to mine. He stops just before his lips meet mine “Sweetheart, you need to breathe. Are you sure about this? Please tell me if you want to stop”
I stare at his lips so close to mine and a whimper escapes my lips. He tenses and looks at me worried
“No, no it wasn't a bad sound...it was just...what if I suck at this?” I whisper and he relaxes and gives me a smile that eases any nerves I have
“I don't think that's possible” he whispers and his lips finally meet mine. I hear myself let out a small moan in to his lips and I feel him smile. The kiss is soft and careful, it's not scary at all it's just amazing. It goes on forever and I let it, I never want to stop kissing him. But he pulls away with a groan “Fuck Kat, this is soooo good. But I need to stop now or I might do something you're not ready for. I'd rather you set the pace for any more stuff happening. But...just so you know, I want you. Like in every way”
“Eddie...just wow... So that's kissing then” I giggle and I get this amazed look back
“What? Wait a god damn minute, was this...your first kiss?”
“Yeah...it was” I mumble kind of ashamed I didn't tell him before
“Oh my god, was it good though? I mean... I didn't come on to strong?” wow this guy is considerate on a whole new level
“Good? Eddie...it was perfection. I don't think there's ever been a more perfect first kiss, not even in the movies or in any of the books in this place and trust me there are hundreds if not thousands of kisses on these pages” I ramble on making a sweeping gesture at the books lining my walls
“Awww shush, making me blush here” he mumbles smiling at me
“Eddie... I didn't have much of a choice having to wait for my first kiss to happen, no-one's ever been interested in kissing me. But let me tell you I'm so insanely happy I had to wait, because now I got to experience this with you. I'm not one to be impulsive or do things on a whim, don't think I'll ever be. So this was just right, just perfect.” I try to explain what I'm thinking but I realise my brain is taking long ways around something that's just obvious “What I'm trying to say is I want you to Eddie...in every way. Maybe not tonight, that's a bit too fast, but this was a good start”
The smile I get back isn't something one can put words on, it's just...like in my books. He looks at me and leans in, pressing his lips to mine once again. Giving me a deep kiss that I can feel in my core
“I will do my very best to be the guy you need, and trust me I would never hurt you or be mean to you. I don't believe in behaviour like that, life is too damn precious to act like an ass to people.” he says leaning his forehead against mine
“I'm sorry for putting all of this on you in one go. But what did you actually want when you came here tonight? I didn't ask” I say
He chuckles “I wanted to see you, I couldn't get you out of my mind. So I thought I'd come here and maybe get to talk to you, and I was curious about that thing you said you had for me. This was just icing on the cake sweetheart, and I don't mind you telling me all of this. I'll try to help you heal as best I can” he kisses my forehead and I smile
“Aww, you wanted to see me? Twice in one day, how lucky am I?” I smile
“Sweetheart, I'd wanna see you every minute of the day if it was up to me. Somehow from the second I laid eyes on you I was caught, might be because you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen as well as the most interesting one”
“Stop flattering me like this...making me flustered” I giggle
“Hey, I only tell the truth here girlie, deal with it” he smirks
“Oh ok then, keep going” I can't deny liking him SO much already.
“Oh I will, don't you worry about that. I'll keep flattering you from now until you get sick of me. But seriously though...what did you have for me” he looks like a kid on Christmas waiting for Santa to come bearing gifts
“Oh yeah, right. Come” I say and I take his hand getting off the bed. We go out in to the living room and I tell him to sit down on the couch while I get what I was talking about. I go to one of the cupboards in the hallway and I rummage through the boxes stacked in there. All neatly labelled, I get out 3 big notebooks and I bring them over to Eddie. “Here I think you might like these, you can have them if you want” he looks puzzled as he takes the notebooks from me. He opens one and starts reading the text, his eyes open wide and he stares at me
“These are campaigns... Like really well written amazing campaigns. Where'd you get these?” he asks
“I....wrote them” I blush
“You made these? Like for real? Woooow...they're better than anything I've ever written, hey did you say I could HAVE them? Did you mean borrow them?” he's talking and reading at the same time
“No, I meant have them. I have no need for them, I just made them up over the years. Some of this is like therapy, I must admit quite a few of the monsters you'll encounter are meant to be Laura” I giggle “since apparently killing your sister is illegal... I had to get some other outlet at times”
He looks up at me and bursts out laughing “You're killing me here, so if I get the gang to kill these monsters I'll be helping you out. Cool, but ok I'll accept these on one condition”
I look at him, what does he want from me?
“I want you to join me at one of Hellfires game nights ok? You won't have to talk to any of the others unless you want to. But I want you to be there for at least one of these campaigns of yours, so you can be there for the kill” he smiles
“Hellfire?” I say
“Yeah Hellfire Club, it was originally the DnD club at high school but those of us who graduated but linger on here in Hawkins we didn't want to leave the club so it became a mix of high school kids and us 'grown ups' lucky for me they still wanted me to be dungeon master.” he says and I smile at his excitement
“Can I join the campaign to? Or just watch?” I ask and he smiles widely at me
“You know how to play?”
“Well... I've never played for real seeing as I don't have friends... But all the books you saw in there and then some have taught me the basic understanding of the game. See...if you didn't know what an eidetic memory is... I remember everything, everything I see everything I read. I can tell you every word in those notebooks without reading from the pages. I just... I would like to know what its like to actually play”
“Sweetheart, we'd be happy to have you! Tell you what, you come with me Thursday night to watch us play, and meet the guys. Then next week we'll use on of your campaigns and you can join us. Sound ok?” he says
“Are they...nice? Your friends?” I ask
“Yeah, intense little nerds some of them but over all very nice guys. There's me, Mike, Dustin, Lucas, Erica, Will, Joe and Gareth” he says
“Aaaah the guy who idolises Tom Cruise much to Robins dismay” I say and Eddie stares at me
“What?” he chuckles
“Yeah, I have to tell you something kinda embarrassing. I went to see Steve today after work. I was so freaked out you asked me to go out with  you and I've never had a date so I didn't know how to act. Thought I'd ask him what you liked so I didn't make a fool of myself, I overheard Robin arguing with Gareth about Tom Cruise not being God” I give him an apologetic smile
“You went to Harrington to ask what he thought I'd like on a date? Why him?” he laughs
“Well, Casey isn't much of a help seeing as she doesn't date either...she just has hook ups. Robin, well she's on Caseys team so not much help with dating guys and well that left me with Steve, thought he might be able to help seeing he's a friend of yours. He did assure me you weren't mean or overly handsy. And he raised you to the high heavens, you have a real good friend there Eddie” I smile at him
“Wow, he did that? Cool, well yeah I mean we haven't been friends that long. We'd never even spoken before the thing...but after that shit we've been close. Him, me and Robin. They're family now since my uncle moved away” he says
“The thing? This is the second time you've eluded to something that seems to have had a real impact on your lives...would you tell me?” I ask “ I mean I did let you borrow anything from my bedroom, wasn't that the deal? I'd let you do that and you'd come over and tell me?” I say with a smile
“Fuck, you remembered that did you” he smirks “Ok...but let me just say that I KNOW what it sounds like. But we were all in this and we'll tell you the same story so don't think we made this shit up. It's so beyond something one would make up to... I don't know impress people? Scare people...” he sighs and I become even more curious “it's like taken from a book but it's not...we lived through this”
I cuddle up beside him on the couch and I listen as he begins to tell me a story so unbelievable it really has to be true. Government plots, gifted children, monsters, underground labs, Russians, more monsters, disappearances, deaths, a world beyond our own, Vecna and ultimately the destruction of Hawkins and the apparent death of Eddie. By the time he stops talking my head is spinning, I try to make sense of it all. Trying to see if there is a possible spin on this that makes it... I don't know, a collective dream they all had.
“Eddie... I don't know what to say...or believe for that matter. You say you died...yet I mean you don't feel dead to me” I say and I put my hand on his chest
“I was for a moment, woke up though. But by then Henderson had left me, I mean no shade on him he thought I died for real so what was he to do? He couldn't carry me and get away so he had to leave me there.” Eddie says
“I get that part... I just don't... Bats Eddie? Bats aren't...that vicious” I say and he gives me a reluctant smile
“Normal ones, no... These... well these fuckers are nowhere near normal bats. We called them demobats, but after what they did to me I'd just like to call them demons.” he growls
“But, you said they tore the flesh of you... You're sure they were bats?” I'm so stuck on this, bats...they don't do that
Eddie gets up from the couch “Ok so I'm going to do something now I haven't done even in front of the guys...” he takes a deep breath and he pulls his shirt off and stands there in front of me bare chested and absolutely gorgeous. When my mind has calmed it self from the pure shock of how good he looks I see them, the scars. Horrendous scars cover his upper body. I sit up straight and I motion to him to come closer, he attempts to put his shirt back on
“No...please” I whisper at him. He looks at me confused but he lets his shirt hang from his hand as he moves in to stand in front of the couch. I look at the scars, they're deep. All of a sudden I realize, it's all true. None of it is made up and whatever did this, bats or not. It did take chunks of his flesh, it's a miracle he didn't bleed to death for real. I reach out and I gently caress his chest and all of the scarring.  Somehow, because they're a part of him I find them beautiful. I let my hand trace them all
“Please...Kat don't do that” he whispers
“Oh, sorry do they still hurt?” I snap out of whatever spell he has me under and I retract my hand
“No...just... Your touch, makes me feel things” he blushes and this is when I notice an apparent, well reaction. I turn beetroot red in the face and I don't know where to look
“Fuck...sorry” I manage to get out
“Don't be sorry, I mean if anything it's a compliment” he says and puts his shirt back on and sits down. I can't look at him my entire mind and body are in an uproar. My mind just wants me to shut down and hide so that I won't get hurt again but my body it aches to touch him again, and again until he's a whimpering mess in my hands...oh wow where'd that come from? I blush again “hey, may I ask where your mind wandered of to now? I said nothing and did nothing yet you're blushing” he smiles “you know you can talk to me”
“I...know. I just don't know what to say, or how to even start. There's a lot happening in my mind at the moment” I say in a hushed voice
“Well, can I ask you questions then? Maybe get the ball rolling? I don't mean to be so blunt but I want you, like obviously. And I kinda wanna know if there is a chance...some day” he mumbles smiling at me. I nod, vigorously “Ok, I assume that guy was your first?” I nod “ok honey I kinda need you to talk to me, it'll feel better after” he says
“Yes he was my fist, and my only” I croak
“Ok, so no one else after that? When was it did you say? Your senior year? That would be like 3,5/4 years ago then?”
“Yeah, almost 4. It was at the beginning of the year”
“So, you haven't met anyone else that made you feel....stuff since then? I mean I would assume you felt something if you agreed to let him, you know”
I want to hide under the couch “No one, until now” I whisper, I can't even look up “I mean I'd had a crush on him for years but that part of it wasn't that strong. I was just happy to be noticed, I wasn't ready. I did it...anyway” I hate admitting this
“Hey, my first time wasn't planned or even that good, it was a real disaster. Granted I wasn't ridiculed afterward. But trust me I wasn't ready either. I think very few people are, it just kinda happens. But I mean the stuff he put you through was fucking abysmal. Fucking lowlife piece of shit” he mutters to himself
“You said you want me...” I muffle the sound of the question in to a pillow that's how embarrassing I find this
“Yeah, I do... I mean I think you noticed” he's blushing again “do you...? Uhm want me?” his eyes seem to be burning from the inside as he gazes over at me
I take a deep breath “yeah I do, it scares me, but I do” I breath out as I say the words. Eddies face lights up and he reaches for my hand
“I promise you that when you feel ready for anything I'm here, I am SO here for you. Please come to me if...you know” he says. I nod my head so hard it feels like it might fall off. “Words sweetheart” he chuckles
“Yeah, promise” it's more of a sound than a word
“Good, now I'm going to kiss you...a lot!” he smiles at me and I nod again getting a stern look in return
“Ok, please do” I say as he leans in
“Good girl” he purrs and I don't know what to do with myself. He kisses me deeply, not touching anything but my face. I want him to touch every inch of me but I can't for the life of me form those words. They're scaring me senseless, but holy hell I want him. We kiss for what seems like hours and I'm feeling a happiness inside I've never felt before.
“Eddie” I whisper as our lips finally part
“Yeah sweetheart?”
“You're like REALLY good at this” I smile
“Geez thank you. But guess what, you're pretty much a fucking rock star at this yourself” he winks at me “but...it's close to midnight again...I need to get home. Early start tomorrow at work” he smiles at me and I look stunned
“Midnight? Wow...crying and kissing sure makes time fly” I giggle and Eddie laughs and kisses me on the head
“Sure does, with the right company. I'm going to try and keep away tomorrow night so that we can both get some sleep. But I'll be here to pick you up at 6:15 on Thursday for Hellfire. Ok?”
“Yes, that works. Should I bring anything?” I ask
“Well...snacks are always welcome” he smiles at me and winks
“Got it” I say and smile back. I follow him to the door and we kiss for a couple of more minutes until he drags himself away from me, sighs and heads down the stairs. I watch him go and then I slowly close the door feeling like this might have been a dream? I mean real life can't be this good, can it? Or good, I cried for hours...told him about my horrible past. He told me about his. But then the kissing...oh wow the kissing! I go to sleep, yet again with a smile on my face. I wake up earlier the next morning so I get up and head straight for the phone
“Hey Casey, good morning”
“Morning, I don't have long. Maybe like 10 minutes, what's up buttercup?”
“So...interesting night”
“Oh? Do tell”
“Well it began with Laura calling, you know...right on the 2 week mark”
“Of course” I can practically hear Casey rolling her eyes
“Yelled at her...slammed the phone down. Started crying my eyes out”
“Oh Kat, I'm so sorry...but good for you yelling at her”
“Yeah...there's more”
“MORE? That wasn't enough for one night?”
“Knock on the door...guess who”
“Ooh the cutie patootie?”
“Yup the one and only, so I think I cried in his arms for 3 hours...then...” dramatic pause for effect of course “we kissed for another 2 hours”
All I hear on the other end is Caseys breathing “come again?”
“I think you heard me...just let it sink in” I say with a smile
“You...and he...on the lips?”
“Where else? Oh you know what don't answer that”
“No but like... YOU kissed a guy...not just once but for HOURS? I...I have to sit down”
“Well... I though you wanted to know. Didn't think it would break you” I giggle
“I... well fuck me I'm as proud as a mama. Was it good? I know you don't have anything to compare to but like...was there a tingle?”
“It was, I don't have enough words in my vocabulary to describe what that was like.”
“Sweetie, I love you and I'm saying this as your best friend. You need to go get him! And I know you know what I mean. Just don't overthink like you always do just...rip his clothes off and make him your bitch”
“Well...the though crossed my mind. If it hadn't been for my own words of wanting to go slow I might have, it looked...impressive”
“IT LOOKED...the fuck are you telling me? You saw it?” Caseys voice goes so high pitched I don't even think dogs can hear her any more
“Not...like in the flesh. But it was...prominent in his pants” I say
“Like... I'm going to have to take a Valium or something, this is killing me. And now I have to go to work... Ok so tonight there's oral? What the fuck”
“Tonight is alone time. But I'm meeting some of his other friends tomorrow night. And then there's the date on Friday and then you and I are having a party here on Saturday”
“My mind is so full right now I can't understand a thing you're saying. We'll talk tonight yeah?”
“Yeah, call me when you have the time. Love ya”
“Love ya to”
I smile as I put the phone down, I know there's going to be about an hour and then she's processed it all and she will call me. I take a shower and I get ready for the day. I make tea and some sandwiches and I wait. 1 hour and 15 minutes later the phone rings
“Ok, so I totally forgot to tell you how happy I am for you”
“I knew that without you calling Casey, but thank you”
“But like for real go get some. It's better than you think”
“How would you know? Have you ever been with a guy?”
“Nah, but I mean if he makes you come...that's the same!” she chuckles and hangs up and I shake my head smiling. But I guess she is right, I mean that part of sex is the same whether it's a guy or a girl making you come. The thought of Eddie making me come sends shivers down my spine all gathering at one spot between my legs. I press my thighs together and I moan. God, I do want him.
I head to the store and the day passes without any problems. I stop by and say hi to Robin and Steve as I head home. I don't tell them about me and Eddie, I wanna see where the date takes us first. We talk about Saturday and make some plans about drinks and food. I head home and I wait for Casey to call again. When she does an intense hour of dissecting every minute of my night with Eddie commences. She agrees, with herself, that we were meant to be. I laugh at her, it's strange hearing her this...romantically inclined. She's usually not one for soulmates, feelings, meant to be and all that stuff. If I'm a romance novel she's...an instruction manual for a typewriter. I can't keep from hoping this is her changing a bit herself as well. I would hate it if she hurt Robins feelings by being, well her usual cynical self. We hang up and I make a cup of tea and I turn on the TV for a while, but I can't concentrate my mind is on Eddie the whole time. The phone rings, I look at the time. It's 9, who the hell calls me at 9 in the evening?
“I know I said I would leave you alone tonight but I just needed to hear your voice” I hear Eddie say
“Oh, hi...I was thinking about you”
“Yeah? Good thoughts I hope”
“Very good” I smile
“Oh...damn” he gasps
“See you tomorrow Eddie. Sweet dreams” I say and I hang up
Eddies pov
Very good thoughts about me? Wow, I hope I didn't read to much in to that. But it didn't seem like it on her voice as she told me sweet dreams? Eddie is smiling to himself, then he becomes serious. He feels like a fucking creep, standing here at a pay phone looking up at her window hoping to see her. He couldn't bring himself to go up there unannounced one more night, so he opted for this. He stands there looking at her windows actually fucking MISSING her. What was this? Sure, he's had crushes before, Chrissy was probably the biggest. But well, that died. Quite literally... But this, this is something else all together. He'd even told Wayne about Kat when he called him tonight. He was pleased, but also surprised at how fast Eddie's feelings caught on.
“Hey son, I know you don't believe in it but this sounds like soulmates if you ask me” Wayne had said to him, no Eddie usually didn't believe in that stuff. And as far as he knew neither did Wayne, but here he was putting words on Eddies exact thoughts. There was something about this girl, it felt like he'd been waiting for her for ever. He looked up again, there she was! He could see her in the window as she turned the TV off, probably getting ready for bed. God she's beautiful! He'd never thought of himself as having a type, but she showed him that his type is most obviously a chubby, brown haired nerd who reads a lot and has glasses and deliciously thick thighs and a big soft ass. Fuck he wants to be buried between those thighs... Aaaand now he feels like even more of a creep feeling his dick harden in his pants. GO HOME MUNSON! He thinks to himself as he watches her turn of the lights and head to bed. He strolls of to his van and he goes home to the trailer he lives in now. The trailer park was relocated after the incident in 86. Some of the old trailers survived, some didn't. His and Wayne's being one of the ones that didn't. But the city bought new ones and put up for those who lost their homes, bought them all new stuff to. Wayne lost his job as the factory was right in the middle of one of the cracks so it was demolished. He got a new job on the other side of the state so he left Eddie the trailer and he moved. This new trailer is fancier than the last one, not as run down. But it's still a trailer, what does he have to offer Kat? She apparently has no issues with money, that place is fucking mind blowing. He thinks about how different their lives are as he settles in for the night. He decides he doesn't fucking care, he's falling in love with this weird, wonderful woman. He falls asleep and he dreams of Kat, dreams of her lying naked in his bed, those awesome thighs spread open for him. Beckoning him to enter her wet pussy. He wakes up hard as a rock and so close to coming that the mere touch of him trying to move his dick in his boxers sends him over the edge and he has to get up and change. Fuck he hasn't had an actual wet dream sine high school, what's this girl doing to him?
Back to Kat
It's Thursday, I'm going to see Eddie today! I stretch and I yawn loudly. This is going to be a good day! I can feel it, the store closes 1 hour earlier on Thursdays due to Stella having some things to do Thursday afternoons. So the whole town is used to that, I'm not going to change it. I have things to do myself today. I'm going to make cookies for Hellfire tonight and maybe I'll make some Rocky Road bars, I mean why buy snacks if you can make them?
I'm giddy all day at the thought of seeing Eddie, what is this spell he has me under? I don't even think that if Laura showed up here today she'd be able to break my good mood. I have a great big smile to give to anyone stopping by today, some have been in earlier in the week and they say I look different somehow. Asking if I changed my hair or my glasses or something, they just “can't put their finger on it” I just wanna look a them an go... Well kissing the hottest man alive for hours will do this to you! As I close up and go to get the things I need for baking I run in to Robin at the grocery store.
“Hey Kat, what's up. Doing anything special tonight or just hyping yourself up for the big date tomorrow? He hasn't shut up about it, been calling me and Steve relentlessly asking us if we think this or that...PLEASE put us out of our misery and agree to a second date even if this one sucks” she sighs
“Hello to you too, well... I am hanging out with him tonight also so I guess technically tomorrow IS the second date? Although tonight we won't be alone”
“Tonight? But Thursdays are Hellfire night, how the hell did you swing that?”
“He's bringing me...” I say
“He's bringing you? To a Hellfire game? Wow you really are special to him. I mean not even Steve's been invited, he threw a fit when Dustin brought him once. Oh by the way...”
“You want me to tell Gareth that Tom Cruise STILL isn't God?” I chuckle
“Actually...yes” she laughs “how'd you know?”
“When I came in the other day to talk to Steve I overheard you... I mean I couldn't agree more, I think he's completely overrated”
“I KNOW right? I'm glad I won't be alone trying to make him understand any more, getting fucking exhausting” she smiles “well I gotta hurry and get what I came for before Steve gets pissed at me thinking I ran out on him. But good luck with the nerds then... Hey by the way what time Saturday?”
“Oh, come over around 7. I think Casey was going to try and get here around 4 but I wanna have her to myself a bit first” I smile
“Oh I get that! But ok we'll be there by 7, you wanna tell Eddie or should we?”
“I think it might come up, I'll tell him myself, but thanks. See you Saturday then”
“Yeah see you then, looking forward to it!” she says, gives me a hug and runs to pay for her things
I stroll around and get what I need for baking then I head home and get going on the snacks. I finish just in time to put it all in bags and change my outfit before there's a knock on the door. I open and there he is in all his glory. Looking amazing in black jeans, a shirt with a design that says “Hellfire Club” and his leather jacket. He beams at me
“Hey there pretty lady, ready to be a full blown nerd for the night?” he hands me a shirt just like the one he's wearing “the uniform, it's mandatory” he smiles at me
I giggle and I pull the shirt I have on over my head
“Are you trying to kill me?” I hear Eddie say
“What?” I'm confused then I realize I'm apparently so comfortable with him I didn't even think about the fact that I'm now only wearing jeans and my bra... “Oh...fuck...sorry” I say and I quickly pull the Hellfire shirt over my head to cover myself up
“Nah, I mean I wouldn't mind having you dressed like that all the time...just maybe not in a room full of other guys” Eddie smiles at me and I blush “what you're hot, didn't I tell you” he winks at me
“Hey, don't exaggerate” I say as I put my shoes on and get the bag with the cookies and the rocky road bars I made earlier.
“Hey, I'm not! You can't tell me what I can or can not think, you're not the boss of me” he pouts
“Ok, ok...fiiine. Thank you Eddie! You're looking like quite the snack yourself” I smile at him
“I look like a snack? You wanna have a bite later on then?” he pulls me in and gives me a kiss so good I lose my breath for a second
“Wow” I say as he lets me go
“Well thanks, don't think I've ever gotten a 'wow' from kissing before. Makes me feel a bit cocky” he smirks
“Well... I'm easily impressed” I make a face at him and he starts laughing
“You must be, but hey good for me. Means I get to kiss you again and again” he takes my hand and we head out to his van. As he turns the ignition the stereo starts playing loudly “fuck sorry, I forgot to turn it down before going in to get you” he says
“It's ok, I mean you can't really go wrong with Metallica. Master of Puppets is a masterpiece” I say and he stares at me
“You...know Metallica?” he says
“Yeah? Shouldn't I?” I say
“I mean no offence but you look to be as far away from Metallica as it's possible to get” he chuckles “but yeah, Master of Puppets holds a special place in my heart”
“I'm not gonna ask what you think I look like I listen to” I giggle “I'm sure that's more offensive than you not thinking I look like I listen to Metallica”
“Might be true” he smiles “well...are you ready? We're almost at Mike's. It's his turn to host Hellfire tonight” we turn in to this really neat looking neighbourhood.
“I don't think I'll ever be ready to meet new people but if you say they're nice I'll give it my best. And I did bring bribes” I say and I hold up the bag
“Yeah? What did you buy?” he looks at the bag
“Buy? Hell no, to bribe successfully you need to pull out all the stops. I made cookies and rocky road bars” I say
“You what? You MADE snacks? You do realize if you spoil these guys like that you're never getting out of this even if you want to?” he says as we stop outside one of the houses
“Spoil them? You sure it's not the dungeon master I need to worry about spoiling?” I say
“He looooves to be spoiled, but he wants more than snacks” he says and he leans over and gives me a kiss “so lets go then beautiful. Time to get your nerd on”
“He might get more than snacks if he's good” I mumble and he looks over at me
“What did you say” his voice is like a low growl and he pulls me in close “don't tease me like that, and for the record I'm always good” he purrs and I feel my legs wobble
“Good to know” I say in low voice not really sure what it is I'm meaning by it. All I know is that this guy has me thinking things I haven't thought in years. He takes my hand and we go up to the house and ring the doorbell. A very pretty woman answers the door
“Oh hi Eddie, how are you?”
“Hey Mrs Wheeler, I'm good. This is a new friend of mine, Kat. She just moved here from Seattle, thought she needed to meet the guys” he smiles at her
“Eddie, my dear. I've told you, it's Karen. Hello Kat, say are you the girl I've been hearing so many nice things about? The one who's minding Stellas book store while she's away?” she smiles at me and I feel that familiar lump in my throat making me unable to speak, but I feel Eddies hand squeezing mine and he gives me a smile. The lump dissolves and I look back at Karen
“Yes, I am that girl. It's nice to meet you Karen” I say
“Lovely to meet you to, but come in. They're all in the basement as usual” she moves out of the way and we head inside. It's a lovely home, me being used to only apartments this is like a castle.
“I love your home Karen” I say looking around
“Oh thank you dear, that's sweet. Where do you live?”
“I live in the blue house on Main” I tell her and she lifts an eyebrow
“Wow, those apartments aren't...cheap” she looks at me with curiosity
“Yeah I've been told, but I compare it to apartments in Seattle and it's...not that bad” I say with a small smile
“Oh, well no I can imagine that’s true. Well have fun” she says and she heads back in to the living room. Eddie takes me by the hand again, whispering to me
“Good girl, see you can talk to people” I look at him
“I think your presence helps” I squeeze his hand and smile and he beams back at me
“Awww aren't you the cutest. Ok so behind this door is nerd headquarters tonight. You sure you're ready for this?”
“Nope, but I'll follow you anywhere” I say as he opens the door and heads down the stairs
“My nerds and nerdettes your dungeon master has arrived!” he booms and I hear a bunch of voices cheering. I stop at the top of the stairs feeling a bit panic-stricken. Can I do this? All new people again? But I have Eddie, I trust Eddie... “So I hope you don't mind but I brought a guest” there is a sudden silence
“A...guest? To Hellfire? Like, an actual other person?” I hear someone say
“Yeah, what of it?” Eddie smiles
“You had a fucking tantrum when I brought Steve around...and now you bring someone yourself?”
“Henderson, let me break it down for you. Steve doesn't know DnD, Steve doesn't play DnD. Hell Steve doesn't even LIKE DnD... Why the hell would I have him sit here with us?” I'm still at the top of the stairs thinking it might be best if I just stay here until this matter is settled. Eddie must have noticed me missing because within seconds I see his smiling face at the bottom of the stairs “Sweetheart, you rooted up there? They won't bite you...I don't think” he holds out his hand to me. I slowly make my way down the stairs, my stomach has a lump the size of a football in it. Every fibre in me wants to turn around but Eddies eyes drags me to him. I'm finally at the base of the stairs, standing right in front of Eddie. “Hey I know this is scary for you, and I promise if it's too much I'll just call a break and I'll take you home ok?” he whispers in my ear.
“Ok...” I whisper back. He steps aside and I am met by 7 sets of eyes all staring at me
“It's...a girl...” I hear some one say. Then the only girl in the company besides me sighs
“Well no shit Sherlock, we all see it's a girl. Your point being loser?” she turns to the guy next to her, by the looks of them they might be brother and sister.
“I just meant... Eddie with a girl?” he says “and I'm not a loser, get over it Erica”
“What ever loser! And even so, good thing Munson got himself a girl. Was beginning to think he's looking in to a future as a monk. Can we PLAY now?”
“Hey, hey, hey Sinclairs...both of you. Ease up a bit! We're gonna play don't worry. This is Kat, she just moved here from Seattle. She makes KICK ASS campaigns, thought I'd show her how Hellfire does things before I beg her permission to butcher her work” he chuckles, She's sitting in on this one and maybe she'll join next week if the vote is unanimous” Eddie says and motions to me to take a seat at the head of the table, next to what I assume is his place as DM.
“You write campaigns? Cool, so you play?” this guy whose voice I recognize as the one Eddie called Henderson asks me. I take a deep breath
“Yeah I write, been doing it for years. I'm a bit of a book nerd so I have quite a large collection of DnD books. Never had the opportunity to play though” I say and I feel Eddies hand on my thigh squeezing reassuringly
“Oh, cool! But why write campaigns if you don't play?”
“Uhm, well I liked the way of writing and the imagination needed to write it. So I thought I'd try and then one lead to another and soon I had a few notebooks filled.” I smile hesitantly
“So...you're this freaks girlfriend or what?” Erica asks what I can see they're all dying to ask
“Erica...c'mon. Not the time, please” Eddie looks at her
“Oh, not gotten that far yet. Well you're special to him if you're here so.” she says and focuses on making her brother miserable again
I'm special to Eddie? Because he brought me here? That's the second person to tell me that today. I smile to myself
“OH!” I say “which one of you is Gareth?” I look around and I hear Eddie chuckle. A curly haired guy looks all confused but raises his hand and looks at me “Robin wanted me to tell you that Tom Cruise is still not God” I say and everyone laughs, except Gareth
“Fucking Buckley, HE IS SO. Tell her that from me” he says but he says it with a smile
The game begins and I sit quietly beside Eddie as he narrates the campaign he made. He's talented I think to myself, he has the right kind of persona to be the dramatic DM. I'm having a really good time as the focus isn't on me at all. The second the first roll of the dice landed they all forgot about me. As I watch them play I can tell that what I've been reading is not even close to what actually playing is like. This is so much more exciting. About half way through the game Eddie calls for a break.
“Need a piss and a smoke. Then maybe snack time?” he says as he stands up
“Weren't you gonna bring snacks this time?” the guy I learned was Mike says
“I did, she's right here” Eddie says and gives me a side hug I blush “all jokes aside, she made snacks for us. It's...did you bring them?” He looks at me
“Oh, damn I forgot them in the car!” I say
“I'll get them when I have a smoke, be right back” he says winking at me before he heads up the stairs with Gareth and Joe.
“Soooo...charmed him completely I see” Dustin, which I learned is Hendersons first name, says to me with a big grin on his face
“Charmed who? Eddie?” I say confused
“Yeah Eddie, who else? I mean he never brings anyone to Hellfire nights. Took a lot for us to get him to even consider Erica. But you missy have him wrapped around your finger! Not saying it's bad I mean you go! He needs it after all the shit...” he says
“Oh, well...thank you I guess? He told me about the shit...he also told me you were the one who had to leave him there, in that place? How are you holding up?” I ask and he stares at me
“Ok, so...if he told you about that...you're it for him, no doubt. Also, me? I'm ok...some days, other days I'm a wreck. He's like my big brother and I had to watch him die you know. AND I had to leave him there. Fucking broke me” he looks so sad I do something I've never even done with Casey. I wrap my arms around him and I give him a hug
“He's lucky to have you as a little brother Dustin. Don't feel bad you had to leave him, he told me he holds no grudges about that. You had to or you'd be dead too. What do you say that both you and me try to put our collected shit behind us?” I look at him
“You have shit to?” he says and I see traces of tears on his cheeks
“You have no idea” I say “but I have Eddie now, to help me get through some of it. Also Robin and Steve. And maybe you?”
“Sure thing! Anything I can do, I like you. Question is, how much do you like me?”
“Wanna borrow my books” I laugh
“Caught me” he smirks
“Well Eddie has most of them held hostage now but as soon as he's done and gets another pile you can have the ones he's done with” I say and Dustin nods
“Sounds like a deal” he smiles
Eddie and the rest return and he hands me the bag of snacks I brought. I open the containers and place them on a table next to where they're sitting.
“Well, help yourselves I suppose” I say and they all dig in. The consensus is that from now on Eddie is ALWAYS on snack duty and that means I make the snacks. Unless I want to be part of the gang then I'M always on snack duty. I smile, these guys are so nice.
The rest of the night is fun, I get so in to the game I cheer when they do and I even get up and celebrate with them when they kill some monster. Eddie smiles at me and from time to time I feel his hand on my thigh and my mind goes haywire. I just wanna ask him to go higher but I'm to scared at the same time. But it feels so good having his big, warm hands on my leg. Even if it's just short moments at a time.
By the end of the night I am completely convinced I need to play next week, this was too much fun just watching! As they wrap up the night they decide that next weeks game is at Dustins house.
“Before we leave, we need to vote. Anyone against inviting Kat to play with us next time?” Eddie says, no one raises a hand. “Ok then, welcome to Hellfire” he smiles at me and shakes my hand
“Thank you Eddie the Banished, I will do my utmost to not let you down with my simple ways” I say as solemnly as I can
“Fair lady I don't think your ways are simple at all. But we do need to come up with a name for you... Everyone come up with a suggestion for next time and we'll have a vote” he says and everyone nods. We say our goodbyes and we leave. We talk about the night as Eddie drives me home, when we stop outside my house he says
“See, nerds aren't scary. You did so good sweetheart. So you did have fun then?” he takes my hand
“I had so much fun, I really liked Dustin. Or well I liked them all but I think I took a particular liking to him” I say
“Thought you might, he's a good kid” Eddie smiles “but I wanna do something now I've been dreaming of all night” me thinking it's something like smoking I'm taken aback completely when he grabs me and pulls me closer and kisses me deeply “fuuuuck been hell having you sit there next to me and have to narrate a campaign instead of making out with you” he breathes
“Again... wow” I say and he smiles
“I would so wanna come up with you and keep this up but it's sorta late and I have to be at work real early again tomorrow. But if you don't mind, I wanna do this ALL night after our date tomorrow”
“Mind? Why would I mind, hell this could BE the date and I wouldn't mind” I'm shocked I said that but I mean it so why not
“Oh, really? Maybe I'll change my plans then” he purrs
“Well if you have plans I'm not going to ruin them. We'll have time to more of this after...” I blush but he just smiles at me “See you tomorrow then Eddie” I say and I get out of the van
“I'll be here at 7 then” he smiles at me
“Perfect” I say and I close the door to the van and I go inside. I look at the time, it's 9:45. I should really go to bed but I just need to tell Casey how proud I am of myself. I go to the phone and I dial her number
“Hello?” her voice is sleepy, like she's just woken up
“Fuck did I wake you?”
“Nah, well you did but all good, I was asleep on the couch so thanks” she says “what's up since you're calling at this hour of the night”
“So I just wanna brag”
“Oh, go on”
“I just hung out with SEVEN new people all night, and Eddie”
“Wow...really? Sweetie I'm so fucking proud, and I'm more and more convinced that moving was the best thing you could have ever done in your entire life.”
“Yeah, beginning to realise that myself. Well, go to bed now and I'll do the same. Need my beauty sleep for the date tomorrow”
“Awww you don't need beauty sleep you just need regular sleep. Well dream dirty things about that guy of yours and then do it all tomorrow!” she chuckles
“Casey! I'm a good girl...” I try and she just laughs at me
“Katherine Jane Smith, I think you have some seriously naughty bones in your body. You just haven't used them...make sure you do that now that you found a good guy. Love ya and I'll see you Saturday, I don't wanna hear a beep from you tomorrow night, ok!?” she says
“Naughty bones” I laugh “well...I'll see if I can dig them out under all the dust they've been collecting over the years. Sleep tight see you Saturday”
We hang up and I get ready for bed. I fall asleep instantly and I dream about Eddie. I dream the kind of dreams that would make a pornstar blush. I wake up feeling that the wetness between my legs has spread down my thighs and on to the bed. I feel like I'm burning, wow so this is what really horny is like? Well...fuck me... I'm laying there panting for a bit trying to get my mind at ease. It's hard, it's filled with thoughts of Eddie...naked Eddie...fucking naked Eddie... Jesus! I didn't think I had this in me, I mean I know I dreamt dreams like these back then before that ass hat broke me. But after that it's like my brain shut that part off just to spare me. Apparently it thinks I'm back in business again, and what the hell maybe I am. I toss and I turn for a while before looking at the time. It's 5:30, I might as well get up and begin my day. Sleep doesn't seem to be happening any more tonight. I hit the shower and then I go to get some breakfast. I sit in front of the morning news on TV and I enjoy a lazy morning for once. Only downside is that when it comes time to get going I'm tired again. I make some strong coffee to take with me and I leave for the shop.
Fridays have been busy so far so I might be in for a hectic day. It's kinda slow until after lunch then people start to drop in more frequently. By the time I'm closing I'm beat. My mind is spinning I just wanna crawl in to bed and sleep until Monday. But no can do, I have a date in 3 hours! Yikes! I rush home not even stopping to wave at Robin or Steve as I pass the video store. I take another quick shower and then I find myself stranded in front of my closet, what the hell do I wear tonight? I don't even know what Eddie's been planning for us tonight. I look through all my clothes and I see this dress in the back of the closet, hanging behind everything else. I bought it last year to wear to Caseys for New Years, it was a bit fancy for jut her and me but I wanted to look nice for once. But then she got sick and I was stuck at home with mum. So it's never been worn. It's a black velvet, kinda fitted dress. I thought it was a bit snug back then but I have lost a little weight since, so maybe it will look decent? I put it on and I study my reflection. Well, yeah it looks good, I think... Not to tight anywhere, the boobs look good, the ass looks good. Yeah I could at least be an 7 out of 10. I take out a pair of black heels and a fancy bag. I put on my good jewellery and then I even put on some make up. I check the mirror again when I'm done and I hardly recognize the girl looking back at me. I look at the time, it's 6... I have a whole hour to kill before Eddie gets here. I decide to continue reading the book I bought at work today. I love Stephen Kings books but I hadn't had the chance to read Misery and when I saw it today as I started reorganizing the horror section I just needed to add it to my own collection. It's just like any other King book, captivating from the start. All of a sudden I hear a knock on the door and I look up at the clock on the wall. It's 5 to 7! Well here goes nothing then.
I get up and I head to the door and I open it, Eddie's standing outside smiling. When he sees me his smiles dies and I feel like I wanna die, I look that bad?
“What's wrong?” I say in a timid voice
“Wrong? Nothing's wrong, jut...fuck you look so unbelievably good and here I am looking like this” he motions at himself. He looks amazing, black jeans and a dark forest green shirt.
“But you look amazing Eddie” I say and he smiles at me again pulling me in to his arms, he kisses me softly.
“Thank you babe, but if anyone looks amazing tonight it's you. Like, how am I going to keep my hands off you when you look this hot?” he kisses the side of my face, down my jawline and continues down my neck “this ok?” he whispers
“Uuhuu...yeah...sure is” I say as I can't seem to form a sentence to even begin to tell him how good this makes me feel.
“Well good then, I'll keep doing it” he says and his kisses follow the base of my neck around to the other side and up towards my lips again. “But we better get going, I made reservations” he says as he pulls away from me and I just wanna tell him to forget those reservations and just fuck me, but as usual my nerves get the better of me and I just nod
“Ok, lets go. Where are we going by the way?” I feel like my face is on fire and I'm sure I'm all red and flustered. Eddie chuckles a little and takes my hand
“I made reservations at Ellie's, it's a restaurant one town over. Thought it would be fancier than anything this place has to offer. It was Steves suggestion, he tells me they have awesome food”
“Oh, exciting! I hope Steve is right then” I say thinking I would have eaten at the gas station if I could just be with Eddie.
“Well, if the food's bad then I KNOW dessert will be fantastic” he says and shoots me a smile that makes my knees weak
“Yeah?” I say
“Yeah, dessert will be more kissing” he winks at me
“Oh, well then it will be a 5 star dessert you mean?” I smile back
“ I sure hope you'll think so” we're down the stairs and we head outside “uhmm...this is a bit awkward but I thought, did you have a car?” Eddie looks at his feet
“Yes I have a car, why?” I say
“Well, my van...well it's not that fun to go for any longer rides in” he mumbles
“Oh, of course we can take my car. Here, you drive” I say and I hand Eddie my keys, he looks at them. His frowns as he looks at the emblem
“You...drive a Pontiac? What kind of Pontiac” he gasps
“A 1971 Le Mans” I say and he stares at me
“No fucking way, you drive one of the sexiest cars from the 70's? Like how are you even real?”
“Well, dad died. Left me and my sister a heap of money. She spent all of hers...all I wanted was that car. I've saved the rest. So...you wanna drive?” I smile, I knew that car would be a bit of a surprise to him
“Do I wanna drive it? I work as a mechanic and I haven't even seen one in real life. It's like a wet dream, only not as exciting as the ones about you” he looks down at the keys in his hand again
“Wait, what? You have those kind of dreams about me?” I'm confused
“What...oh...fuck I said that part out loud?” he drags his hand through his hair giving me a blushing smile “yeeeah... I do... you mind?”
“Why would I mind? I think it's nice knowing I'm in your dreams” I say and I lean in and kiss him “c'mon lets get going. The car's over here in the garage” I say and take him by the hand. As I open the garage door Eddie lets out a sigh
“Look at that! What a beauty!” he walk up to the car running his hands up the hood “You're sure I can drive?” he looks at me
“Yeah of course I wouldn't have given you the keys if I didn't think you could handle my baby” I say and he chuckles
“You sound like a guy, calling your car your baby” he opens the door for me and I get in. He runs to the drivers side and gets in to. “wow, just...wow” he says as he looks around in the car, I mean I know it's a nice car. I'm just used to it now so his admiration is so endearing to me. He puts the key in the ignition and he turns it. The cars V8 roars and I think Eddie's about to cream his pants. I've never seen anyone look this happy starting a car. I giggle
“Do you realize how cute you are right now?” I ask him
“What? Oh...thanks” he smiles “but, ok... are you one of those people who stick to the speed limit no matter what or can I actually put this to the test?” he looks over at me
“Well, as long as you don't run us off the road. Go for it” I say and I get the biggest smile in return.
Well, the ride to the restaurant was a fast one, I think that Eddie might even be sporting a semi from driving my car. But then again I've taken a ride in his van... I guess anything's better than that. But he's like a kid that's gotten absolutely everything they wanted for Christmas.  He's all giddy when we get out of the car.
“THAT WAS AMAZING!” he actually lifts me off the ground and jumps around with me in his arms
“Woooah, calm down or they might think you're high. I want food” I laugh
“Sorry, sorry...just it's a great car. I know I'm like such a duuude right now” he beams at me putting me down on solid ground again. He pulls me in close and he kisses me “now back to you. I did tell you how fucking sexy you look tonight didn't I?”
“Not in those words, no” I say and I blush
“Well, I'm saying them now. This dress should be illegal, making me think all sorts of things” he murmurs in my ear
“I...thanks...wow” I can't find words, he's just to good “what things” I manage to whisper
He chuckles at me shaking his head “Nah sweetheart, I can't be telling you things like that right now. Either you'll be scared of me or you'll try to eat me alive” he looks me deep in the eyes and then he kisses me once more making my head spin “lets get inside, I'm kinda hungry myself” he takes me by the hand and we head in to Ellie's. We have an amazing evening, good food and awesome conversation. He tells me all about being the freak of Hawkins high and I tell him what it was like being the wallflower in Seattle. He tells me about his uncle, who I can tell he loves very much and I tell him about my dad and how I always wished I could have stayed with him when mum and him split up. He asks me if I would like to come with him to see Wayne sometime. I tell him I would love to. We keep talking about what life has thrown at us when he suddenly says
“I wanna come with you to Seattle some time... I wanna be there when you rub your new life in your sisters face” he's looking very serious
“Really? I mean...it could get ugly” I say
“Well, not to be rude to you or anything but I think you might need me there. Or she might just kill your happiness. And I don't want that, I want to be the one to make you happy and I will do anything to keep you happy as well. Even meet that sister of yours” he smiles at me
“Then by all means come with me. I would love to see the look on her face” I laugh
“It's settled then, when you feel ready for it I will come with you to Seattle. But right now I just wanna pay for this and get you home so I can kiss you without making people blush” he says and his eyes burn at me
“Oook...please” I say losing all train of thought again. Eddie laughs a little at me and he gets the waiters attention and asks for the check. He pays and we head out to the car again. He starts driving towards Hawkins again, we keep talking about life in general. All of a sudden without him thinking about it he puts his hand on my thigh and lets it slide up under my dress. I draw a deep breath and Eddie panics
“Fuck... God I'm sorry I just... I'm sorry I didn't mean to”
“Eddie... Hey Eddie... It's ok. I didn't mind” I say and I smile at him “the thought of you touching me is getting less scary by the minute. Please put your hand back, I liked it” I whisper, he glances over at me
“Making me a very happy man babe” he says with a soft voice and he puts his hand on my thigh again slowly letting it slide up under my dress “you tell me when to stop” he whispers. When his fingers are almost touching my panties I feel that lump forming
“I think...that's as far as I'm comfortable with right now” I blush as I say it, feeling a bit stupid
“Hey no blushing, I told you we do this at your pace. I'm just happy I get to touch you” his hand squeezes my thigh a little and I feel a jolt of energy centring between them. I can feel that I'm getting wet from only this, quite innocent touch. But to me it's the most erotic thing I've ever experienced. Eddie speeds almost more as we head home in the night. We get to my apartment and we head for the front door.
“I hope you're coming in for a while?” I say
“Try to stop me, I want dessert now” Eddie winks at me then he presses himself against my back and places a kiss on my neck “this ok?” he says and I can feel his breath on my neck making every hair on my body stand up
“Oh yeah it is! It's better than ok” I sigh as I unlock the door and we head up the stairs. We barely make in my apartment before Eddie spins me around and his lips crash in to mine.
“Fuuuuck been longing for this all night” he mumbles as he kisses me
“Wanna stand here or should we move it to the couch at least?” I say as his lips trail down my neck
“Couch...yes” he says and he keeps kissing me as he steers me backwards to the couch. He turns and he lays down “c'mon lay down on me” he smiles
“You wanna die? I'm too heavy” I say looking down at him
“Don't be like that, please” he says and pats his chest. I carefully lay down on top of him, he pulls me in the last little bit and he kisses me deeply
“See, I'm still alive. You feel just right on top of me” he purrs “but now to the burning question...may I please touch your ass? I've wanted to since the day we met” he smiles
“You've wanted to touch my ass? Why?” I giggle
“It's a great ass... I just wanna feel if it's as good as it looks” he tries an innocent look, he fails miserably considering the smirk on his lips
“Wow, smooth Eddie. But yeah, you can touch my ass” I say as I start kissing his neck, just the way he's been kissing mine. I feel him draw a deep breath and then his hands slide down my sides landing on my ass. One hand on each cheek and I can hear Eddie moan
“Fuck yeah, this feels a thousand times better than I imagined it would. Great ass...so soft” I smile as I keep kissing his neck, following that sharp sexy jawline up to his lips. I try to ignore the hard thing I feel pressing against my stomach. I can't really deal with that when my mind is fully preoccupied with his hands massaging my ass so deliciously. We lie there kissing and I feel Eddies hands moving all over my ass. The lump in the pit of my stomach starts up and I tense up. Eddie notices straight away “sorry sweetheart, I got a bit carried away. We'll slow down. Or would you like to end the night here? I've had a perfect evening so I won't be disappointed I promise. This is all up to you” I want him so bad but just the thought of telling him that makes my insides churn and I feel a bit sick. I stay quiet, words just aren't coming to me “sweetheart, I can tell this is too much right now. Here's what were gonna do. We'll get up from here and we'll have a few more kisses. Then I'll go home, VERY satisfied with the evening think nothing else. And then we'll see each other again tomorrow night” he strokes my hair and kisses my forehead. I nod and I get up from my very comfortable place on top of him. I sit down at the end of the couch and I feel like the biggest loser ever.
“I was so doing so good” I whisper with tears in my eyes
“Yes you were, but it got to be too much for you, it's ok babe. It really is, I promised you I'd do everything at your pace didn't I? But you do have a great ass” Eddie smiles and winks at me
“Thank you, I enjoyed the touch very much. It's just...my body wanted so much more but my brain isn't really there yet” I whisper still a bit sad
“Sweetheart” he pulls me closer hand gives me a long warm hug “I like you, I like you A LOT. And it's only been days. I can wait, I mean do I want to do all sorts of things to this body? Hell yeah I do, but I'm pretty sure this body's gonna be around for a while, or I hope so at least. Kissing and kneading that ass is goooood times so don't worry about me” he kisses me a couple of more times then he gets up from the couch. “I'ma head home now and we'll talk in the morning. Maybe I can come help with something before your friend arrives, like kissing the hostess. I bet Casey's not doing that?” he smiles
“No, she doesn't have the privileges you do” I say and I giggle “I had a very good night Eddie” I look at him standing there in front of me towering over the couch “a really wonderful night and I can't wait to do this again” I stand up and I give him another kiss and then I follow him to the door and we say good night and he leaves.
I get ready for bed all the while scolding myself for being such a wuss. It's not like sleeping with him will hurt me, I'm no virgin. He's been nothing but respectful to me so I doubt he's going to do what that other asshole did. I walk around arguing with myself as I brush my teeth and change out of the dress. I crawl in to bed and I fall asleep faster than I thought I would. And I dream, fucking hell do I dream. I wake up so turned on I don't know what to do with myself, my hand trail down under my tiny nightgown, in between my thighs. I slip my fingers in under my panties and I feel how wet I am. I try doing what Casey told me she did to herself when we were gossiping as teens. But his doesn't feel right, I must be doing something wrong. It's not helping the matter, only making me ache for more. I throw the covers off me and I get out of bed, no plan just pure impulsivity driving me. I put a jacket over the skimpy thing I'm wearing and I head out to the car. I pull out of the garage and I put petal to the metal as I speed of towards where Eddie pointed to me he lived. I skid as I turn in to the trailer park. I slow down so I can look for the van. There I see it outside one of the newer looking trailers. I stop outside and I get out and go up to the door knocking . It takes a few minutes then I hear the lock and Eddie opening the door, bed hair deluxe and looking so fucking hot in only pyjama pants.
“Kat? What...did something happen? You ok?” he stands back so I can come in
“I fucking dream about you, like so fucking hot dreams I wake up craving touch. I try to do it myself but hell being the fuck up I am I have no idea how to because of course I've never done that. So here I am in the middle of the night and I have no idea what I'm doing … so please Eddie.... touch me” I say and I just let my clothes fall to the floor in front of him “help me...I need you” my chest feels like it's about to explode, my breathing is heavy and I must look like a lunatic. But for some odd reason that must be something this man likes because he only closes the door and he's by my side in two quick steps pulling me in close, breathing in my scent with a deep breath
“Fuck babe, would you look at you. I've never seen anything this sexy ever. But are you sure?”
“Don't make me think about this Eddie...just...please fuck me Eddie. Help me get rid of the demons” I say and I reach up and I pull his head down to me and I kiss him with all the emotion I have in me right now. As we pull apart his eyes are black and they seem like they burn from somewhere deep inside. I gasp as this is the hottest thing I've ever seen
“Wow, just like...wow. I will chase those demons of yours all the way back to hell, just one thing though”
“Yeah” I say as I press my body against his feeling that aching wetness between my legs
“You've never touched yourself? You've never had an orgasm?” he studies my face while his hands start doing their own thing following the shape of my naked body pressed against his
“No... I haven't” I whisper still not taking my eyes off him “please be my first Eddie”
The sound he lets out sends shivers down my spine making my knees wobble it's like a mix of a groan, a moan and a deep growl “Fuck babe, I will be you first and your forever if you'll let me. Bedroom...now!” he says and he swoops me off my feet and he carries me to the back of the trailer. I didn't think this man was this strong, he doesn't look it. But damn he carried me like I weigh nothing. He drops me down on the bed “please lay back babe” he purrs
I do as I'm told, all the while watching this perfect man standing there looking at me. His gaze sets my body even further on fire, he slowly pulls his pj's down and I finally get to see what I've only felt so far. And I was so right, it IS impressive. Long, thick and veiny. I mean I've only ever seen  one before but I am convinced this is the most beautiful dick in the world.
“God, Eddie you look so fucking good” I whimper “I want you... I really fucking want you”
“I'm all yours sweetheart, all yours to use in any way you want me” he says and he gets in to the bed with me “now a word of advise. Just do, don't think so much about this. If it feels like a good idea it most likely is” he smiles “and I will take good care of you, just tell me if something doesn't feel right” he pulls me closer and he begins kissing me. I wrap my hands around his neck to pull him even closer, I press myself against him wanting to feel him all over me. His hands touching every inch of my body, his moaning in my ear. It's all heaven to me. He maneuvers me so I'm on my back with him on top of me, he continues kissing me and his hands have found my boobs. He's massaging them, pinching my rock hard nipples softly between his fingers. He pulls away from kissing me, looks down at me “ready for me sweetheart?” he purrs
“Yeah, ready” I pant and he smiles as he starts kissing down my chest. Licking and sucking my nipples making me squirm with pleasure, the ache between my legs so strong I don't know if I can handle it to much longer. His hands trailing lower, down my body, squeezing the soft belly. Then down to my hips, his kisses following along. He sits up on his knees looking down at me
“Fucking hell you're prefect babe. I've been dreaming of getting smothered between those thighs for days now. So fucking sexy” he growls and I feel my entire body blush and my breathing halter for a moment. He looks...wild, almost like some kind of animal. He's so sexy it's almost painful to look straight at him, like the sun. I writhe beneath him as I just want him to touch me. He lays down and lets his hands follow the flesh of my legs up towards the insides of my thighs trailing kisses behind.
“Would you look at this pussy, so fucking beautiful” he murmurs as he spreads my legs and looks at me with adoring eyes, I feel like I should shy away but I'm to memorized by the way he looks at me to even care any more. He can from now on do whatever he wants to me, I am completely under his spell and I wouldn't wanna change a thing. His fingers grace the edges of my pussy, just at the base of my thighs. “May I? Oh please tell me I can touch you” he whispers and looks up at me
“I'd kill you if you refused at this point” I say and he chuckles
“Good” only one word then I feel his fingers where I've so longed to have them. He drags one finger in between my folds drawing in a sharp breath as it glides in “fuck you're wet, all mine” he growls
“All yours” I pant as this is excruciating, I want more...of everything
Eddie slides his thick finger in my slick getting it nice and wet before he finally reaches my clit. I jilt from the sudden impact and he tenses at first
“Good or bad?” I can tell he's still worried he's going to fast with me
“All good, too good almost. You told me just do, don't think. Please take your own advise” I moan and I hear him laugh a sexy little laugh
“Yeah, I did say that” he starts circling my clit with his finger and I'm grabbing his sheets I with my hands. My head I buzzing with this new sensation, my pussy is clenching around nothing wanting something. I'm rocking my hips to meet whatever movement Eddie does. He stops playing with my clit and I want to fucking hit him! But he's just switching it up a notch for me, his thick and long middle finger is pressed in to me hitting all the right spots inside making me groan out loud. “Fucking feel so good around my finger babe, I'ma taste you know. I need to taste you” he's mumbling before he latches on to my clit with his mouth, sucking and licking me in to the high heavens. I scream as my first ever orgasm hits me like a ton of bricks thrown out of nowhere.
“fuuuuck that's my good girl, tasting so good and feeling so amazing on my finger” Eddie purrs at me as I come down from my high. He's pulled his finger out now and is sitting up on his knees caressing the insides of my thighs with his hands “felt good babe?” he smiles
“Good? That was heaven, you're a god Eddie Munson! But please...fuck me for real now. Can't let a perfect dick like that go unused” I say with a moan looking at his cock twitching between his legs
“Well, I'm a good boy I do as I'm told” he smiles and reaches for a condom in his bedside table. I'm watching him roll it down his hard length and I feel my insides do a flip of excitement. God! Will this thing even fit inside me? Eddie positions himself between my open legs and he's gritting his teeth as he slides the head of his cock in my wet folds.
“You're not going to hurt me” I whisper
“No I know...just I've been wanting this so long now I think I might blow my load upon entry if I don't at least try to pace myself” he grins “I wanna see you play with yourself as I fuck you babe” he growls
“I...tell me how” I whisper
He moans and he slowly presses his cock in to me all the way to the hilt. He stops for a moment letting us both get used to the feeling. I let out a long moan, this is so fucking good. He feels so perfect
“Fuck babe, this pussy was made for me, God you feel amazing. C'mon take your fingers and put them on your clit...right so yeah...now move them, circular motions. Just like I did...yeeeah look at that you're a natural. You'll feel kinda soon what feels good, just keep doing that as I fuck this amazing pussy of yours” he's talking he through my first time playing with myself. At first I feel a little silly, but then I find a pace that seems to work as that knot inside of me starts growing again. He fills me up so deliciously, fucking me with long thrusts watching my fingers play with my clit. “God babe, you have no idea how sexy you look” he growl and I feel a tingle pass through my body I arch my back a little
“Faster Eddie, please” I moan and he grabs my hips holding them up as he picks up the speed of his thrusts. This time I can feel the orgasm coming and I begin panting and writhing beneath Eddie as it crashes down on me. “Eddiieeeee fuuuuuuck” I scream his name and I feel myself clench around his dick over and over
“God damn babe, I'm stuck in a vice here. Amazing woman” he growls as he trusts a couple of more times before I feel him tense up and let out a guttural moan “fuuuuuck here it comes....oooooh God Kaaaat” he slumps down on top of me doing a few more slow thrusts as he breathes heavily looking up at me with a beaming smile. He leans in and kisses me deeply “I have NEVER been so happy to be woken up in the middle of the night before” he says. I feel him pull out and then he gets out of the bed to go and discard the condom and wash his hands, apparently someone got them all sticky. I giggle at him as he says this to me with a wink. He comes back and he crawls in to bed behind me and pulls me in close, nuzzling up in to my neck. “Feel ok sweetheart?” he whispers
“Amazing Eddie, thank you” I say as I caress the arms that are wrapped around me
“Glad to hear, because THAT is something I wanna do again and again, forever and ever” he mumbles in to my hair. I can hear he's tired and so am I. I'm almost asleep already
“Me too, Ed. Me too” I yawn and I wiggle my butt closer to Eddie so I can feel his warmth and his body close to mine
“Sleep now beautiful and we can do this again in the morning” he places a kiss on my neck and he wraps his arms tighter around me and we fall asleep. The sun is shining in when we're woken up by a booming voice from the kitchen
“Fucking hell Munson, did you swipe a car from work. That's a real beauty out there. Did the date go late last night since you're still sleeping. Get up fucker” the door to the bedroom swings open with a bang and there's Steve with a mug in his hand “want some...coffee...oh”
“Morning Steve” I murmur as I pull the covers closer to me, nudging Eddie “get up and talk to him please... I have no real clothes. See you tonight though Steve” I say smiling at the shocked face in the doorway
“What...huh... Oh...fuck I forgot to lock the front door didn't I? Hey Steve, be right with you, wanna go back in to the kitchen man...I'm sorta naked under here” Eddie chuckles
“Uhhhh...sure” the door closes and we start laughing
“Oh well...no need to think about how we're gonna tell them then I guess” I say as Eddie gets out of bed and puts his pj's on again
“Nope, he'll be calling Robin the second he gets home”
He walks out in to the kitchen and I hear Steve
“It's Kats car? She's been here with you all night... Put it there man!” I hear the sound of hands clashing in a high five and I smile to myself “this is great man, I'm so happy for you... YOU BOTH” Steve raises his voice so I'll know he's talking to me too
“THANKS STEVE” I call back to him. They keep talking but they've probably moved to the couch because I can only hear the muffled sound of voices. I drift off to sleep again, feeling happier than I've been ever. Also, the anxiety that's always with me...it's subsided, not as loud in my head. Maybe Eddie did take some of the demons and sent them to hell last night. Maybe I should let him loose on the biggest one of them all...she never did manage to get a hint so she should be calling in like a week and a half. Half asleep I feel Eddie crawl back in to the bed, sliding in under the covers and pressing his now naked body against mine. Suddenly I'm fully awake
“Hey there princess, you looked so peaceful. But I wanna make you scream my name one more time before you have to go” Eddie's breath is on my neck and his hands are cupping my boobs, softly pinching my nipples making them stand alert. I press my ass closer to him
“What were you thinking?” I murmur wiggling my ass against him feeling him getting rock hard in seconds
“THAT! I was thinking that...fuck this ass is out of this world. Lift your leg please” he purrs in my ear and I feel my pussy start throbbing as I do what he asks me. His hand slides in between my thighs as I lift my leg “shit babe, so wet and hot already” his skilled fingers find my clit and I draw a long sharp breath as he starts circling the little knob with his fingers. “Want something to fill you up sweetheart?” he kisses my neck
“Yeah...please fill me...please” my voice isn't more than a whisper I am fully focused on how amazing his fingers are working me. Playing my clit like the strings of a guitar.
“That's my polite girl right there” Eddie says, voice sounding like a low growl sending shivers down my spine. I moan out loud at his words making him chuckle a little before I feel his hand leaving my pussy and grabbing his cock, stroking it a couple of times before he begins sliding it up and down my drenched slit.
“Please...Ed....fuck I need... I need you in me” I'm a whimpering mess trying so meet his movements with my hips, hoping to make him slip in by accident. I can't take this, I'm already cock drunk and we haven't even started yet. We've fucked once, and I'm addicted to this guy.
“Since you said please with that sweet voice of yours who am I to deny you” he says coarsely as he slowly pushes his hard cock all the way in me, bottoming out with a groan. “Fuuuuuck babe this is unreal...oh my god this pussy” he stays still for a moment, gripping my boobs  and kissing my neck before he slowly begins to move. He's so big and he fills me up so perfectly. “Keep your leg up and do what I told you last night, play with yourself babe. I wanna fell you come undone all over me” he growls in my ear. I let my hand move down and I begin working my clit the way I did last night and holy fucking hell it feels totally different in this angle. I'm squirming feeling the orgasm closing in rapidly. I scream as it takes me and I hear Eddie softly whispering praise in my ear making the effect even better. “Fucking hell babe you came so good for me, almost squeezed my dick off. Can I try something else though” he whispers as I calm down some
“I'd fucking let you do anything to me after that” I say panting and he giggles
“Be a good girl for me and get up on your knees” he murmurs in to my neck and I feel all the hairs on my body stand up...that's the way HE did it back then... I'm feeling that ball of anxiety form in the pit of my stomach, but I look back at Eddie before I say anything and the look of complete admiration and desire in his eyes kills the lump. I WANT him to do that to me, fuck me that way. And I know that if it's too much he'll stop if I ask him. I tentatively get on my knees, pouting my ass up at Eddie who growls at me “Jeeeesus H Christ you're sexy babe” he leans down and he kisses my ass, letting his tongue slide in between my wet folds making me shiver and moan. Then he positions himself behind me, one hand on my ass grabbing all the supple flesh it can hold and the other guiding his cock to my opening. At first I feel like getting away, it's to familiar....to scary. But then he slides in an all is forgotten! Shit this man is perfect for me, it feels so good I make a sound more suited for The Exorcist than the bedroom. This way Eddies cock hits spots I had no idea were even there. “Fuuuuck babe this isn't going to last long. You're so fucking tight and amazing around my cock” he pants as he's grabbed my ass with both hands now pressing me down slightly as he fucks me with long, hard thrusts. I can feel I'm close again myself, letting my hand find it's way in between my legs to work my clit. He wasn't kidding when he said it wouldn't last! The second I feel my insides clench around him when yet another orgasm hits me I feel him slump down on top of me growling my name and digging his fingers in to the flesh of my ass. “fuck, fuck, fuck babe you're perfect” he whispers and leaves kisses all over my back before pulling out and getting up to go get rid of the condom. When he comes back I'm sprawled out on my stomach, all fucked out and happy. He smiles at me “You're the best thing that's happened to me, like EVER. And seeing that I made you smile like that...fuck I feel proud right now” he says laying down beside me in the bad kissing me deeply
“You're the best thing to happen to ME Eddie Munson. If it weren't for Casey I'd wanna stay here doing this ALL weekend long” I say and I kiss him back
“Any time babe, this home and this bed will always be open for you. Any day of the week from now until my dying day” he pulls me in and hugs me so tight I almost lose my breath “you have no idea what this meant to me” he whispers and I see he has tears in his eyes
“To you? What do you mean?” I look at him, how could this have meant something to him to give this reaction
“I didn't tell you...when we talked about my past. But I don't...I can't sleep very well, memories turn in to nightmares. But tonight, I slept Kat. I slept like I haven't slept since before the Upside down. Thank you” he's kissing me again and I grab his face looking in to his eyes
“Eddie, thank you for telling me. Also... you helped me more than you think to. Hell must be overflowing with newly arrived demons” I say and I smile at him
“Well, I hope you'll keep letting me help you” he smiles and gives me a very sexy wink and a kiss
“Oh you bet, until you're sick of me” I say
“Impossible” he whispers and I feel my heart swell and I wanna cry
We lay like this for a while, just talking and kissing. Soft touches and hugs. I don't ever want it to end but I glance over at the clock on Eddies wall and I jump to my feet. It's 2 pm, I need to get home and get ready for Casey.
“Being here with you sure made time fly, sorry but I have to go now. But I'll see you tonight?”
“Try to stop me...and now that we're 'out' I can kiss you and touch you as much as I want! Yay me!” he claps his hands like a excited kid
“Weirdo” I say and I giggle
“That's why you like me” he beams “and I prefer Freak, you're the weirdo” he gets up and he kisses me on the nose
“Oh is that so?” I smile
“Sure is, you let the town Freak in to your pants...you're a total weirdo” he chuckles “ask anyone”
We hold hands as Eddie follows me to my car and we say good bye for now. I head home, where I have 4 messages on my answering machine. All from Casey the last one informing me that if I haven't called her by 2:30 she's calling the police. I look at the time it's 2:20 so I call her
“I'm alive”
“Exactly that...”
“Fucking...is where I've been”
“I'm getting cab now, going straight to the bus station...this is so not a phone thing” she slams the phone down in my ear and I laugh
I start preparing food for the evening. I need to go shopping but I guess I'll wait for Casey. The phone rings
“Hello, this is Kat”
“So did Steve find you naked in Eddies bed or has he been smoking some seriously strong shit?” it's Robin
“I have no idea if he's been smoking, but he did find me there yes”
“Soooo....wow, good date I assume”
“Nah it sucked but his dick made up for it” I say and I hear Robin snorting
“HA! Good one, you do realise I will be using that against him right?”
“Yeah I figured, but yeah it was a lovely date. It...well... I can give you the details some other day. I'm a bit pressed for time right now, Casey's on the way and I need to sort out food for tonight.”
“Sure thing! So any preferences when it comes to drinks? Beer, wine, bourbon, vodka? What's your poison?” she asks
“Get some beers and maybe a couple of bottles of wine for the food. I know Casey likes Tequila, I'm more of a vodka girl” I say
“Sorted! See you at 7 then”
“Yes! See you”
We hang up and I decide I am in desperate need of a shower after the night I've had. I should have about 30 minutes before Casey gets here. I shower and I pick out a pair of jeans and a shirt to wear while going to the grocery store and picking up Casey at the bus. I get out to the car and I head for the bus station. I park so I can see all the buses arrive. I wait for about 10 minutes when I see a bus that says Indianapolis on it. I get out of the car and cross the street. I hear her before I see her, I feel sorry for anyone else on that bus. I just smile and shake my head. The doors open and she lunges herself at me
“Wow, do you think I've gone deaf Casey? But thank you, you look good yourself” we hug and then we hear a soft cough beside us. It's the bus driver bringing Caseys bag for her. Apparently she was in such a rush to get off the bus she forgot it on the seat next to her.
“Thank you sir. Sorry I just haven't seen my friend in a while” she beams at him
“No problem miss, you're lucky someone saw your bag or it might have gone back to Indianapolis with me” he says smiling back at us
We cross the street and put Caseys bag in the car.
“So wanna get a coffee before we head for the store?” I ask her nodding towards a cafe right next to where I parked my car
“That's a stupid question. There is some serious gossip we need to tend to, and that calls for coffee so...yes” she says and grabs my hand dragging me in to the cafe
We find a table in the back where we're not easily spotted. We order and we sit down
“Ok, so... Were you kidding me before on the phone?” Casey stares at me
“No, actually I wasn't” I say and I blush
“Well then, remind me to buy this man a gift” she nods approvingly “but like, a few days ago you were freaking out when he kissed you. May I ask what changed?”
“Remember when we were like... 16 or something. You tried to tell me how to get myself off, you'd read bout it somewhere and you swore by it” I laugh
“Oh fuck, yeah that” she laughs “what about that disaster?”
“Well... after the date I had this really hot dream about Eddie. Woke up all riled up, couldn't get it to work” I giggle “I don't know what got in to me I just got in my car and I drove over to Eddie's and asked him to help me”
“Wow...hot! I would LOVE for a girl to do that to me” she sighs “so I hope he appreciated that”
“Oh he did...A LOT!” I say with a smirk
“Oh you slut. So he's...good?” she winks at me
“Good? He's perfect...like rock my world kinda perfect” I sigh
“Well then, he just needs the Casey Rowling stamp of approval and you guys are ready to walk down the aisle” she says
“Woah, down girl. One date... easy does it. Be nice to him please, you can come scare him after say...5 dates”
“Awww...no fun. I love scaring men” she pouts
“Yeah that's what I'm afraid of” I laugh “you can scare Steve though...a little at least or Robin might be angry”
“Right....fuck I'M the one who has a date tonight. Maybe I shouldn't be such a tease... By tomorrow I might be just as bad off as you are” she says with a fake groan
“Exactly, maybe we're racing for the aisle before we know it. But I mean we both know you'll be the biggest bridezilla out of the two of us” I say poking her
“Nuhuu will not! I'm cool, calm and collected. Nothing but a lady”
I raise my eyebrows at her giving her a knowing smirk
“Whatever...” she chuckles
We finish our coffees then we head for the grocery store getting all I have planned for the evening. We discuss this as we go home and I assign Casey with things to do while I cook. It's so nice to have her here, the guys are great so far. But this is my person, my home. Everything feels so much better with her around, I just hope she'll like my new friends. Time flies away and suddenly we have like 15 minutes to change, we panic a little and run in to the bedroom. We grew up together so stripping down in to my underwear in front of Casey is no big deal
“Wow...he's an ass man?” I hear her chuckle
“What?” I ask
“Your ass...it looks like a paint by numbers” she smiles and I tun to the mirror to check. I start laughing as I see 10 spots on my ass perfectly tracing Eddies fingers on my ass. All in a different shade of purple
“Well...” I blush and giggle
“God I love this man without even having met him yet” she says and she gives me a hug “if he's making you this happy he is my new hero! Superman can fly the fuck away and be gone for all I care” she smiles
“He wants to come with me to Seattle...to help me cope with my demons” I say
“Oh please let me come! I wanna see him shut her up for good” Casey has nothing but hate for Laura
“We can talk about that later” I say with a smile “now get pretty you have a girl coming over” I say and I clap my hands
“Fuck yeah I do, you think she'll like me?” I've never heard Casey worried if someone will like her or not
“I'm sure she will, but be nice to her even when her mouth moves faster than her brain...she has a tendency to talk first and think later” I say
“Best kind of people, that's when you can get the good stuff uncensored” Casey winks at me
“Can I please ask you one more thing... IF you don't hit it off with her, please don't use her and leave. I like this girl I don't want her to shy away from me because...well”
“Hey I wouldn't do that to you, c'mon Kat. I know I'm a slut but I can behave for you. If I like her we'll see where it leads. If not I'll be a good girl and just be friendly. I promise” she looks a bit hurt I hug her tightly
“Thank you, I'm just so happy I have more friends for the first time that I'm a bit scared they'll disappear” she hugs me back
“I get that, but c'mon you gotta look pretty for your man now to!” she smiles at me
“I have no good clothes, I wore that black velvet dress I bought for new years when you got sick last night so that's old news. Can you check if there's some hidden potential I've missed” I say sighing
“Why can't you wear the black dress again? We just need to style it differently and it'll be like he's never seen it before” she says and I take out the dress and I put it on “woooowsah what a babe! I understand why he's all hot for you” she whistles at me. “Lets see, if you yank it up so it's shorter and then....hmmm....here a belt to keep it from sliding down again. Then some colorful jewellery and some makeup and BAM BABE 2.0!” she says smiling widely
I look in the mirror, and she's right. This doesn't look like the same dress, or the same girl even. She looks different, this one looks happy. The doorbell rings and we look at each other
“Game time!” Casey says and she follows me to the door. I open and I see Eddie beaming at me
“Hey, am I late?” he comes in and he kisses me
“Well... I don't have to guess which one you are” Casey chuckles
“Oh, fuck sorry. Hi I'm Eddie, you must be the famous Casey!” he takes her hand and shakes it beaming at her, I can see even she reacts to that smile
“Famous?” she turns to me “what have you been filling his head with?”
“Only the good stuff, I promise” I say and I make a face at her
“Yeah that's what I was afraid of, well Eddie. Almost all of it are vicious lies” she smirks
“Oh, ok... Suuuure...” he nods and winks at her
“And you're not late, Robin and Steve haven't arrived yet. But some on in, you guys can get comfortable in the living room while I check the food. Eddie, you'll get the door when they arrive won't you?” I say
“Sure babe” he smiles
“Oh God, stop that's too sweet” Casey shakes her head and heads to the living room
“She seems cool, I think Robin will like her” Eddie whispers and gives me kiss that makes me have to hold on to the door for a second. Then he smiles at me, squeezes my ass and follows Casey to the living room. I'm stuck at the door for a moment trying to collect my thoughts. Then I giggle to myself and I head in to the kitchen. About 10 minutes later I hear the doorbell again and Eddie pops out to open it. I hear the familiar voices out there and I peek out of the kitchen
“Hey guys, just finishing up the food. So I out Eddie to work the door. Make sure to tip him” I wink
“Yeah, here's a tip. Make sure to have clothes on if you're not going to lock your door” Steve grins at Eddie
“Thanks man, good one. Gonna try to remember that...or remember to lock the door” Eddie grins back and the guys go in to the living room. I hear Steve and Casey introduce themselves and they start talking like they've always known each other. Robin comes in to the kitchen
“Hey, should I put the drinks in the fridge?” she says
“Hey, yes please do. You look lovely Robin” I say
“Oh, thank you sweetie. You do to...” she smiles at me “I'm so fucking nervous” she continues in a whisper “what if she doesn't like me?”
“Of course she'll like you! I mean you'll at least make a new friend if there isn't any sparks. I have some cold beers in the fridge already, take those and join the others. I'll be there in a little while” I say and I smile reassuringly at her. She does as I tell her and I hear her take a deep breath before she enters the living room. I can't hear anything, weird I think. What happened in there, they were talking and having fun just a moment ago. Eddie shows up in the door
“Well that was...interesting” he chuckles
“Oh?” I say
“I don't think I've ever seen Robin that shade of red and your friend...well I think she turned mute the second she saw Robin. I'd say it's instant attraction if nothing else...something I'm VERY familiar with” he purrs pressing himself against my backside
“Behave Eddie” I giggle but I can't help wiggling my ass against him making him gasp
“Fuck...didn't think about this” he chuckles and he pulls away from me fixing his jeans, which all of a sudden seem awfully tight. I'ma go back and keep Steve company. Love that ass though” he says and slaps me softly before leaving
I smile to myself as I finish the food and I set it up on the table. I've made a bunch of little dishes, all recipes I haven't tried before but that seemed delicious. Nothing too fancy but fun for an evening like this. I bring out wine glasses and the wine bottles. Then I head in to the living room.
“Ok guys, welcome. Well the food's ready so come sit down” I look at Casey and I almost laugh out loud. She's completely smitten, she's just staring at Robin as she's in the middle of a discussion with Eddie about something. Steve rolls his eyes at me but he's smiling to.
“Well if no one else is listening to our lovely hostess at least I am” he says and he gets up and goes to sit down with me at the table “I think it's a hit, I've never seen Rob this flustered about a girl before” he whispers
“Good! And I've never seen Casey this smitten” I say and we high five
“Hey guys” I call in to the living room
“MUNSON! You really keeping your girl waiting?” Steve yells and we hear rustling as they all come hurrying in
“Sorry babe, sorry. As it turns out... Tom Cruise isn't God” Eddie kisses me on the cheek and smiles
“Really? THAT'S what they were discussing?” I laugh and I look at Steve
“What'd ya think the eye rolling was about” he chuckles
The evening is a complete success! The food was amazing, even I thought so. We eat and we drink, we talk and laugh in to the wee hours. Steve passes out on the couch. Me and Eddie are sitting on the floor, him holding me and kissing me on the neck. This is when we realize we haven't seen Casey and Robin for a while
“Where the hell did they go?” Eddie laughs
“I have no idea, I know they said they were going out on the balcony a while ago. Are they still out there?” I say getting up from the floor and heading for the door. I look out there and no one's out there. I check the kitchen, the bathroom and my bedroom. Then I hear Eddie with a giggle
“Both sets of shoes and jackets are gone, I'd say Robin took her home”
“Wow, well...good for them” I giggle “what about him” I point over at Steve
“Well knowing Harrington he's gone, no point trying to wake him up from a tequila sleep. Been there, tried that, doesn't work. We might as well go to bed” he smiles at me and I think I'm about to pass out he's so handsome. I take him by the hand and I lead him to the bedroom, making sure to lock the door behind us. Eddie chuckles at that
“Good idea” his hands are already all over me unzipping my dress. I wiggle out of it letting it hit the floor where I'm standing. “Fuck babe you're so gorgeous” Eddie's hands find my ass and his lips find the crease of my neck. He suddenly freezes
“What?” I ask turning towards him
“I didn't bring a condom, didn't think we'd have a chance to do this” he says
“Well...if you'd teach me I'd like to...try using my mouth on you. Maybe we can do that tonight?” I blush, not really used to talking like this yet. Eddie's eyes widen and turn pitch black
“You want me to...teach you how to blow me?” the words almost get stuck in his throat
I nod “yes...if you want me to” I say
“Want you to? Sweetheart, any part of this amazing body you wanna use on me I'm all for. But I wanna return the favour if I may” he smiles at me
“Well, ok then. You may” I wink at him wrapping my arms around his neck and pressing myself flush against him making him moan. I take the rest of the things I'm wearing off, then I lay down on the bed watching Eddie, he's stunned. Just staring at me “hey wanna join me?” I say and I hold out a hand to him. I don't think I've ever seen anyone get naked that fast before. 2 seconds flat and he's in bed next to me running his hands all over my naked body. He's on top of me resting on his arms looking down at me
“You're sure this is what you wanna do? I mean...it's not too fast for you?” he asks
“If I don't feel comfortable I'll tell you. But I wanna try, read enough portrayals of it in my spicy books. Always wondered what it feels like having a dick in my mouth” I smile
“You're a dream aren't you? Like... I'm dreaming having met you, you're unreal...” he's looking down at me with admiration in his eyes and it almost makes me tear up. “Guess I'll get better situated for you to...try me out then” he smiles and he lays down on his back next to me “whenever you're ready sweetheart” he purrs.
I study his naked form and I feel how the wetness between my legs spill over and start running down my thighs as I sit up on my knees. I straddle his legs, making sure I have one of his chins perfectly fitted to give some pressure in just the right places. I grind on him a little so he can feel how wet he's made me and this makes his eyes burn with wild fire. “Fucking hell Kat, you're soaking my leg. It that all for me?” he growls
“All for you Eddie” I whisper as seductively as I know how to as I lean forward and start trailing kisses over his chest and abs. I let my tongue run circles over the sexy line of hair going down to his rock hard erection. He's leaking pre cum, making it pool a little at the side of his bellybutton where the tip of his cock is twitching. Looking like it's doing little jumps to catch my attention. I take his cock in my hand stroking it slowly while making eye contact with Eddie. He's looking wild under my touch, soft moans escaping his supple lips. “So how do I do this? Any pointers?” I say with a wink
“Well... I'd say no teeth is the biggest pointer. And don't try to go deeper than you're comfortable with until you're ok with it. Just...fuck just go for it” he moans as my hand lets go of him. I smile and I let my tongue play on his stomach right next to the head of his cock, not touching just yet. He's squirming and his cock is twitching smearing his pre cum all over his stomach. I move my head and I let my tongue run from the base of his cock all the way up to the tip. Then I swirl it around the head tasting him before wrapping my lips around it. It's a a strange feeling having something so soft and delicious in my mouth and I am not supposed to chew on it. Eddie's moans are getting louder and this gets me even more turned on. I seem to be doing ok at least. I take him in a bit further in my mouth “fuck babe, doing so good for me, so good” he pants as his fingers nestle in to my hair. “could use some more spit though....make it glide easier” he murmurs and I oblige. I collect more saliva in my mouth before taking him in again, feeling the difference it makes. I go deeper and his grip on my hair tightens “fuck, gonna cum soon. Your mouth is amazing babe, fucking amazing” his hips are meeting my head bobbing up and down on his cock. Going even deeper, I've almost got him in completely to the hilt. Eddie looks down and he groans loudly “fuuuuuck if you don't wanna swallow or spit babe you'd better get of him now” he moans, his chest heaving with his breathing. I wanna try, I wanna taste him fully. So I keep going pushing that little bit that's still left before he'll be all in my throat. He stiffens and he lets out a guttural scream as he convulses under me and his cock pulsates in the back of my throat. He shoots his warm seed down me and I swallow as best I can, some going up his shaft and out the sides of my mouth. I let him slide out of my mouth and I lick the remains up, he tastes good. Salty but not at all unpleasant. I lick my lips and smile up at him
“I did good?”
He just laughs at me, at first my heart sinks. I think I did so bad he finds me ridiculous. But then he grabs me and pulls me up
“Good? Jesus H Christ babe, BEST head I've ever gotten! Why didn't you tell me you have no gag reflex?”
“uhm...gag reflex?” I say confused
“Yeah... Look by no means have I gotten a lot of head in my days but no one's been able to take more than maybe half of my length before gagging on it. You didn't...so...no gag reflex”
“Oh, well no I guess I don't. Just never thought of that as something good” I giggle
“Babe, it's...like a birthday present and Christmas gift all rolled in to one if you ask me” he kisses me, ignoring fully that I still have the taste of him still in my mouth. “I don't even know how I'm going to be able to repay that but I sure as hell am going to give it my best” he says and he spins us around making him on top. He leaves kisses all down my body until he gets to my pussy. He eats me out like I'm the last meal he'll ever get. He doesn't stop until he's had me screaming his name three times. I don't even fucking know what planet I'm on by the time he crawls back up and pulls me in, spooning me and kissing my neck “Such a good girl, I love hearing you scream my name like that” he purrs in to my neck and I shiver out of pure bliss. If you would have told me this a few days ago I would have called you a crazy person, but now I'm having multiple orgasms screaming this guys name as he's knuckles deep in me. Fuck I screamed...
“Eddie...” I whisper.... “what about Steve” I blush
“Sweetheart, when Harrington's drunk and fallen asleep...nothing and I do mean nothing wakes him up” he chuckles
“You sure? I kinda need to use the bathroom” I say
“I'm sure, hurry back though. I wanna cuddle” he smiles as I get our of the bed putting a long t-shirt on. I open the door quietly peeking out in to the living room. Just as Eddie said, Steve's snoring away on the couch. Not a care in the world, a bit of drool on the side of his mouth. I smile and I tip toe to the bathroom, do what I came to do and head back to the bed room. Eddie's moved under the covers, he lifts them when he sees me coming. I pull the t-shirt off and I join him. It's warm an cosy under there. I wiggle up against him again and he puts his arm over me. Within minutes he's snoring softly behind me
“Eddie... I think I'm falling in love with you” I whisper quietly before closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep.
Eddie's pov
I have no idea what I've done right in my life to deserve meeting this girl. But she's amazing, so innocent but god damn she's got a wild side to her. I can't wait to help her discover it. She sneaks off to the bathroom and I get up as quietly as I can and I peek out of the bed room
“Good job man, sounded like a home run for the both of you” I hear a whisper from the couch
“Shut up, if she finds out you heard us she's gonna die...” I whisper back
“Nah only heard the finish...she ain't discrete when screaming your name. Other than that I just put the pillows to my ears, tried to give you some privacy”
“Thanks dude... But you gotta look like you're sleeping again. She'll be back any minute” I whisper and I get a thumbs up from Steve and a great big smile. I knew he doesn't sleep to well when he's drunk. He wakes for nothing, but I thought that might scare her from ever wanting to do stuff if people are around again. I mean I want this girl any time, any place she'll let me have her. I get back in tot he bed and under the covers just in time before hearing the bathroom door close and her tip toeing back. She crawls in with me and wiggles that great ass against me with a happy sigh. I have a feeling she might be the kind of person to say things when they think no one's listening. I pretend to fall asleep. “Eddie... I think I'm falling in love with you” I hear in the darkness and my heart nearly stops. She's falling in love? With ME? I try to maintain my breathing to seem like I'm sleeping, but in reality all I wanna do is cry. No one's ever loved me, hell no one's ever fucking liked me. Maybe Chrissy did but I never got the chance to figure that out. How do I pretend I didn't just hear the best fucking sentence I've heard in my entire life? I mean... I know now. I could be the first to say it out loud to her...but is it too soon? She's sleeping now, I pull her closer and I whisper as quietly as I can “too late I loved you first” then I actually fall asleep for real.
I wake up to the smell of coffee coming from outside the door. I stretch and I feel Eddie stirring behind me. So it's not him? I sneak out of bed and I get dressed, I head out in to the living room. The TV's on at a low volume and a newly awake Steve is sipping coffee watching the morning news.
“Hey, sleep well?” I ask feeling myself blush a little
“Morning, yeah like a dead man. Hey where's Robin and Casey?” he looks at me, maybe he didn't hear us after all
“Uhm... we have no idea. They said they were going out on to the balcony to get some air and then they just disappeared...so I would guess Robin's place?” I say
“Wow, cool...well grats to them then. When did I pass out? By the way there's coffee if you want some” he says
“Aw great thanks! I think it was around midnight when you passed out.” I smile at him
“Fuck, great guest I am. Feel like a truck hit me, I drank a lot didn't I?” he chuckles
“Well...we got 1 tequila shot each...the rest was all you. Crying about being all alone and singing soppy love songs... But you know, you're charming so it's ok” I laugh and he looks mortified
“I though that was a dream” he groans and hides his face in his hands “your friend must think I'm a lunatic” he says
“I don't think she even realized you nor Eddie were even here after seeing Robin. But I think she liked you just fine, or you would have known. She's kinda vocal when she dislikes people” I say
“Morning there Sinatra” Eddie's in the door smiling at Steve
“Shut up Munson”
“Aw c'mon you were crooning so lovely for us. The crying was perhaps a bit excessive but other than that you were a gem Harrington!” Eddie laughs and he comes up to me kissing me on the head “is there more of that?” he nods at the coffee in my hands
“Yeah there is, thank Steve he's the housewife this morning” I say
“Thank you Mrs Steve” Eddie makes a face at Steve who just rolls his eyes at him.
“How about we try to see if the other two are alive and then we order pizza?” I suggest
“Absolutely, I can call Robin and you two can go get pizza” Steve says
Eddie gets his coffee then him and me go to get pizzas, drinks and snacks. When we return Robin and Casey has appeared again.
“Hello there” I say meaningly to Casey
“Hey...” she blushes, I don't think I've ever seen Casey blush before.
“So...did you guys fall of the balcony last night or what?” I smirk and Eddie chuckles
“Well...you know...we thought it was crowded enough here...” Casey doesn't know where to look
“You do realize I'm not mad right, I'm happy for you. Next time though, tell me if you leave” I hug her
“Ok...sorry” she smiles
“But you're good?” I whisper in her ear
“Fucking marvellous, she's perfect Kat” she whispers back and I'm so happy I could scream for her instead I hug her so tight her eyes nearly pop out
“So what happened here after we left?” Robin smiles
“That one passed out, and we had mind blowing sex” I say pointing at Steve, Eddie chokes on his pizza and turn full on beetroot
“Oh, well... with the exception of a passed out Steve...same” Robin says and now it's Casey's turn to turn in to a well cooked lobster.
“Well...ehmmm...thanks for sharing. Can we...like talk about just about anything else?” Steve clears his throat and we all laugh at him
“How about the concert you gave us?” Casey smiles at him “you don't sound half bad there dude. 4 out of 5 starts from the Indianapolis jury” she says
“Ok...maybe not ANYTHING else apparently...but thanks” Steve blushes
The rest of the day is spent eating snacks, talking, playing cards, making fun of Steve, watching a movie, making fun of Steve again and more eating. Casey has to leave by 8, it's the last bus going to Indianapolis. We all tag along to drop her off. She promises that she'll be back real soon, I think that promise was mostly directed towards Robin. We wave her off and then we drive Robin and Steve home. When we're alone again Eddie looks at me
“So how does if feel?”
“How does what feel?” I ask
“Life?” he smiles at me
“Amazing Eddie, I have friends. Like actual friends, not just singular any more. And I have you” I can't help a tear falling from my eyes
“Awww sweetheart, don't cry” he says stroking my face
“Happy tears Ed, nothing more ok” I say and I kiss him
The days pass, like the kind of life I've always dreamt of. I work, then at night I'm either at Eddie's or he's at mine. It's perfect, but I have this dread in me. I know the call will come, and I hate the thought of what she's going to say that will spoil this for me. Eddie senses something is really wrong when he picks me up from work on Wednesday afternoon.
“Hey, what's up babe? You've become more and more withdrawn. Is it me?”
“No, oh no sorry Ed... It's just...Laura will call. Probably today, and this is how I always feel, she's going to find a way to put me down I know it” I sigh
“I wouldn't worry” he says and I look at him confused
“What...are you thinking?” I say
“Let me answer the phone, ok?” he smiles
“Wow...ehm...ok. I guess...” I don't know what he's up to and I'm not sure I wanna be here when the reaction comes back in full swing. We head home and I make us dinner. I feel a little more relaxed, but also even more on edge but for a whole other reason. At 8 I think we're out of the woods, she's not calling tonight. But then, like she can read my mind the phone rings. I look at Eddie who just smiles at me and goes up to the phone and picks it up
“Hello, this is Eddie” he nods to me “yeah this is her phone” he smiles “who's asking?” I can almost SEE the horns growing out “I'm the boyfriend, who are you?” Boyfriend? He's my boyfriend? I look at him, he sees my amazed look and he blows me a kiss “well...I've heard a lot about you. Yeah don't get cocky none of it's good” his smile is devilish by now “well... I'd say 4 weeks now. Well who the fuck cares if she hasn't mentioned me. Considering what I've heard about you I'm not surprised” he's nodding, rolling his eyes. I can hear my sisters sharp voice on the other end “WOAH there bitchy, wanna calm that mouth of yours when talking about my girlfriend? Yeah well...she's not available at the moment” I hear yelling “do I sound like the kind of guy who gives a rats ass? I'M A BULLY? Lets get one thing straight here Laura, yeah I know your name. I have no good thoughts about you what so ever, and neither has your sister. So either grow some manners or don't bother calling. I can guarantee you'll be facing me every time” a big grin and he hangs up the phone. My brain is foggy and my mouth is dry
“I’m your girlfriend” like that's the thing to focus on...he just hung up in my sisters ear. There will be hell!
“Oh babe, sorry... I hope so” he looks down all guilty like he should have checked with me before calling me that. I jump at him wrapping both arms and legs around him kissing him fiercely.
“Guess what?” I say, cheeks rosy with excitement. Eddie shakes his head in amusement “I have a boyfriend” I grin and he laughs at me kissing me passionately
“Good for you, hope he's got better manners than that freak on the phone just now” he smiles
“Oh he's perfection” I coo
The phone rings again, I sigh. Eddie rolls his eyes. “Again?” he says
“Bet you it's mum this time” I say. Eddie puts me down and takes the phone again
“This is Eddie... Hello Mrs Smith... Yes I did speak to Laura a moment ago... Well ma'am I'm not sure if you're aware but your youngest daughter is quite a bitch to her sister... Well I don't care, she starts throwing names around I'm gonna get mad... Well 4 weeks ma'am... Yes I do ma'am” I'm watching him talk to my mum, a whole other attitude than the one with Laura “Well, maybe you can talk to Laura then ma'am. I'm not going anywhere and I will be quite protective of Kat, just sayin... Ok then ma'am you have a good evening also” he hangs up
“So... 4 weeks?” I ask
“Well I though that sounded like a better amount of time than us only knowing each other for a week and a half” he smiles
“And what is it you do?” I'm curious
“What?” he tries to look like he has no idea what I'm talking about
“You said 'Yes I do ma'am' so what is it you do? I need to know if it's something I need to remember if I talk to her” I say
“She asked if I love you...” he says looking at me
“She...” there's silence, my brain is trying to process what Eddie said.
“I...well... I said I do” he whispers
“You...do?” I croak
“Yeah, kinda fell head over heels first night. When we were here for dinner... I'm sorry if it's too soon” he mumbles, fiddling with the rings on his fingers
I...love you to Eddie. But be careful, I've had this boyfriend for 4 weeks now and he's crazy protective” I say taking Eddies hands in mine. He lets out a chuckle
“Sounds like an ass” he smiles
“Nah, he's pretty great actually”
This is going to be good, I see a bright future ahead. Brightest of all, Christmas in Seattle with Eddie. Oh I can't wait to unleash him on Laura. Life is pretty good when you find your people!
So this will get a part 2 at some point as soon as I’ve collected my ideas and put them in order :) Thanks for reading <3
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late-to-the-fandom · 1 year
Weird Questions for Writers! #5, 6, 7, 13, 24, 27, 28 annndd 37 ^_^
5. Do you have any writing superstitions? What are they and why are they 100% true?
The closest I can think of is I always have a glass of wine before I can post something, but that’s more that I need to be a bit inebriated before I can bring myself to let go of a story 😂
6. What is your darkest fear about writing?
My deepest darkest fear is that I am terrible at writing and anything nice that’s ever been said about my writing is just that, being nice. I have, however, pretty successfully worked past this fear. Like 65% 😅 Worst case scenario, my fear is totally true, Ive decided I would still write anyway because I want to 🤷🏻‍♀️
7. What is your deepest joy about writing?
There’s just so many… exploring the headspaces of other, incredible people, creating beautiful sound combinations (I love the sound of writing), and crafting plots. I love mysteries, situations, scenarios.
13. What is a subject matter that is incredibly difficult for you to write about? What is easy?
I do not like to write emotional death scenes or honestly death of any kind. I will do it if it is absolutely necessary to the story, but I take the killing of characters as seriously as killing a person in real life and I’m never going to just do it because I’m bored or don’t know what else to do.
Easy subject matter? Sex. I love writing about sex in its million different little nuances, purposes, meanings, and emotions. I love sex as smut and sex being straightforward and NOT sexy. It’s just great to write about all the way around 😂
24. How much prep work do you put into your stories? What does this look like for you? Do you enjoy this part or do you just want to get on with it?
I love the prep of a story! Outlining is half the fun for me. It’s like putting a puzzle’s edge pieces together. I usually do a full outline, make sure I have a beginning and end and the major points, then I flesh each point out in a first draft once, after which I go back and finalize each chapter one at a time and post them in that way so I don’t lose myself to procrastination or over planning.
27. Who is the most stressful character you've ever written? Why?
Probably the most stressful character I’ve ever written is my one time foray into writing a Y/N reader insert fic. I was nervous because those are so hit or miss, trying to give the Y/N character enough features to be interesting but keep them vague enough for people to insert themselves easily. However, that story is hands down my most popular so I guess i did ok in the end 😅
28. Who is the most delightful character you've ever written? Why?
Renathal for sure. I just love him so much. His headspace is so much fun, so interesting, and I felt like I just slipped seamlessly into it and never had to work hard to find it. Does this mean my spirit guide is a morally gray, immortal vampire-like Prince? Very possibly and im ok with this.
37. If you were to be remembered only by the words you've put on the page, what would future historians think of you?
Probably that I had way too much time on my hands, which wouldn’t actually be true so you can’t always trust history 😂 mostly I hope future readers of fandoms I’ve written for find my silly stories years from now and are just impressed that I sat down and finished things even though there was no audience for it at the time.
Thanks for the asks!
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man by the nature of the circles i follow i generally don't see a lot of takes from izzy stans, but both the notes of the post you reblogged and the original twitter thread just make them look like their izzy brainworms have destroyed their reading comprehension and situational awareness. 'hehe there's two ways u could take that' clearly only one was intended. 'ur so right izzy is fucking blackbeard and he can build a pillowfort' YOU'RE SO EMBARRASSING. the show's creator is annoyed enough to actually voice some push back against the racist idea that history's greatest tactician needs this wet purse dog of a man to do basic tasks. these people really said 'i'm gonna ignore the actual issue being pointed out here and make this about my blorbo and my ship instead' and i don't know how anyone like this is gonna get through season two when they find out izzy isn't the main character they think he is.
ok tbh as amused as i am at the interpretation of that tweet as david jenkins getting so annoyed abt people thinking ed is an incompetent imbecile and is tweeting “ed knows how to build a blanket for on his own for fuck’s sake” i dont actually know how much of The Discourse david’s seen or if he’s aware of how many ppl genuinely believe shit like “izzy is the brains behind blackbeard.” it’s possible he just logged onto twitter and saw that tweet at the top of his mentions or whatever (idk how twitter works) and was just casually like “wtf obviously ed can build a fort by himself” and it’s not meant as an @ at any particular fans. and quite frankly i wouldnt want it to BE an @ at any fans. as toxic as parts of this fandom are, if david or any other showrunners started directly @ing people like “hey your headcanon is racist” it would only make shit worse. if i was a writer for ofmd i frankly wouldve stopped looking at ofmd twitter after a month bc it got so choked with rampant racism and it would make me go insane. like i hope jenkins et al have some distance from the fandom discourse for their own sake.
BUT ANYWAY about the izzy fans. as much as i personally am an ed stan first and a human being second i DO understand why izzy fans would make the joke abt “oh so youre saying izzy is having sex with blackbeard AND he knows how to build a blanket fort?” and i also think the majority of izzy fans KNOW theyre making a silly joke. like they know what david is actually saying. as far as im aware Not All Izzy Fans are the type to believe the “izzy is the brains behind blackbeard” headcanon so im not gonna assume every fan making this joke are doing so to intentionally downplay/ignore ed’s intelligence. i think a lot of them are just making a joke abt their favorite blorbo and while yeah i think the main focus should be on MY blorbo and how smart he is, this joke is so low on the list of shitty things ive seen izzy fans do that im basically just like. eh. whatever. definitely SOME of the ppl making this joke are the type to think ed is stupid and who warp the whole show to focus on izzy but i have no idea who or many so im not gonna worry about it. the joke is kinda annoying to me but im ALSO kind of stretching the tweet jokingly to be like “David Jenkins HIMSELF said that izzy is a useless first mate” (which i DO believe, but im not gonna use this tweet as proof that dj himself confirmed it)
that being said i dont think it’s a funny joke bc izzy obviously has never gotten laid before in his life and also izzy’s never experienced any joy so he obviously DOESNT know how to build a fort. and also of course youre right that there are izzy fans who will not be able to cope with the next season of the show not treating izzy like a special little main character but again this tweet is a single line from david abt a silly headcanon im not gonna get mad at ppl for not using it as a talking point abt racist fandom discourse. idk if david meant that line to be lighthearted or not so im not gonna take it too seriously except to say that ed’s blanket fort had better structural engineering than half the boats he’s ever raided. if the Revenge came under attack or if a huge storm blew through, stede’s cabin would be a disaster but the blanket fort would be completely unharmed
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tackyink · 1 year
I'm here >:3
I will begin saying I was the 'gigglin', kickin' my feet into the air' image all the time I was reading, I felt really nostalgic reading it, like when I was reading Anomaly for the first time🤭
This ask may be messy, I will try my best (your writing makes my brain melt, nothing i can do about it-- not that i want to do anything about it...)
First, I know we don't have a title yet, but your character naming skills?? Always top tier, Wakaba is one of the prettiest names I have ever come across. Absolutely lovely you used it.
The characterization?? You always write everyone so well, but Yusuke? Yusuke is always on point, always hilarious AND loving everything about the ramen stand conversation, specially this:
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He's so silly 🥰🤭.
Kurama, Kuwabara and Koenma were greatly written too, I could find myself using tones in my head while reading 🤭🤭 I feel like Kurama always regrets his life choices whenever he's with the two of them alone (there are three neurons in that group, Kurama has every one of them). I missed Hiei, but considering he's canonically patrolling on the borders-- (I'm always missing him 😔)
I also really like all your characters, because they tend to be very down to earth (I mean like...costumbrismo? I enjoy slice-of-life immensely, even more mixed with sci-fi/fantasy themes) with normal, everyday life worries. But for both Makoto and Wakaba, there's something mysterious to them? Not quite like the whole ordeal poor Wakaba has because of the marketing, rather, both of them have a very mysterious-y feeling the few first lines that have me hooked right away. I really feel for Wakaba too, it's not nice to have your life fucked up because of other people :((
(ALSO, loving the world 'clusterfuck', adding it permanently to my vocabulary)
To be honest I had to look up what kitsunetsuki meant because I couldn't remember, but I find it hilarious that Kurama was right in the middle of it. The granny reminded me of village's grannies, always wanting to find gossip and gossiping partners--.
(I'm not defending them, but for now I am team antagonist, do not damage old buildings, they are precious remains of times bygones >:( /hj)
This is me doing speculations, but my first thoughts were if the main antagonist (?) would have connections of any kind to Wakaba 🤭 since she's taking care of the shrine and was there when she was little, but that's me wistfully thinking lolol also wondering if we will know more of Wakaba's grand-uncle and aunt-- there seems to be a very deep family connexion.
I guess the part that spoke more to me was when she was retelling how she dived a bit deeper into the woods but nothing happened (? Lots of interrogations SORRY AJSVKASB I don't like to presume things), of course she dived back up, still... And the part when the granny said everyone was an outsider?? That was great. Idk how to explain it, but made sense to me in my head. (no need to answer this! I just want to write the things I think about while reading)
Also also. Does Wakaba have an Osaka accent 🥰? I looove accents. It's ok if she doesn't (it's not like I can shake you for that /jjjj) but I guess accents stick when you are a lot of time in one place... It's a silly question lolol no need to answer very seriously 🤭
I am going to read it again? Absolutely yes. Lisias can wait /j
(I proof-read this, but there might be typos and weird sentences, in my defense, I was very excited)
You are such a joy to have around 😭😭😭
I think YYH is just nostalgia town no matter how you spin it (or is it a me thing? Am I old yet??)
Wakaba's a name I've wanted to use for a long time because I love how it sounds and the imagery it evokes I'm a sucker for names that use the kanji for "leaves", and I finally found the right person to stick it onto. Coming up with names for fics set in Japan is one of my favorite things, and this time around a few are plot relevant. The name of the village is written 渡口, by the way, with the kanji for "cross over" and "mouth," and I've been agonizing over it since last weekend. (ಥ _ ಥ)
Yusuke likes to say first he has a ramen stand, but we know how the money is actually made.
Hiei is scheduled for arrival later! It's a shame I couldn't shove him in from the first chapter, but right now he has no reason to be there. I'll give him a funny one, don't worry, this isn't Anomaly, no one's allowed dignity here.
The slice of life/costumbrismo I think it's my way of making characters more relatable? I think? When it comes to OC centric fic, you need to sell your OCs hard from the beginning or it doesn't work and readers like when they're a little pathetic, it triggers empathy and we enjoy feeling like we're not the only disaster in the room. It also helps to make them more real for me and know them better.
I meant to include a link and a little explanation for the kitsunetsuki term if I uploaded to AO3, but I completely forgot to mention in here. (ˉ▽ˉ;) That woman's just slandering Wakaba, her head is perfectly fine and no one's possessing her, least of all a relative of Kurama.
Wakaba's sort of connected to the forest, if only in the sense that she's the only person left on the village willing to walk into it without a really good reason. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Maybe Mrs. Maekawa is right and the Yatos have become weird for spending so much time near the stinky zone. Her saying that everybody's an outsider is one of my favorite parts of the chapter, tbh.
Ohoho, dialects were taken into consideration! Osaka-ben has rubbed off on Wakaba from living there for most of her adult life, but her family is from Shimane and her natural dialect is Izumo-ben. I have also considered making Mrs. Maekawa a little hard to understand, because Tokyo area boys can't have it so easy. Then again that scene is from Kurama's POV and I'm sure he's heard the funkiest accents in his life, so it might not matter.
I can't thank you enough for this ask, really. 💕💕💕 I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter!
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themotherofallthings · 9 months
Happy New Year
I don't often come here to thank my tumblr moots and followers but I thought I should this year. It's been a particularly interesting year in the fandom. Much better than in previous years but not quite perfect. And that's ok. I both love & hate this fandom sometimes equally sometimes more hate than love and vice versa. But what keeps me coming back are the people I've interacted with over the years. And that's really saying quite a lot.
My tumblr moots are a different breed but I appreciate you all for very different reasons. This place is almost zen in comparison to the bedlam that is often found on Twitter but I come here for that. I come for the calm and surety but stay for the humour and memes. You are seriously fucking funny. And we really need that most days. So thank you and carry on. You don't need to do what y'all do, but you do it anyways, and some of you with the patience of a saint. Bless you.
Here's hoping 2024 will bring us all more love, laughter, kindness, good (improving) health and happiness. Life is too short and already hard enough to not blog about things you love or follow blogs that don't bring you joy. Don't be that person. Be more generous with yourself and your time. You deserve it. We all do. Peace. ✌️
Happy 2024.
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outtherecreations · 2 years
[FINALE] Less and Less | Ben Tennyson x Reader (x Kevin Levin):
A/N: Due to technical difficulties, this chapter got messed up and I had to rewrite everything…thanks for waiting. Still bitter about rewriting all this tho 😒
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
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“I-I choose-”
I pause, peeking out the window. Both Ben and Kevin were fighting pretty hard…
“Gwen,” I sigh seriously “I’m gonna call you back.” “Ok…be safe, Y/N. Don’t do anything that could make things worse.” Gwen warns before hanging up. I place my phone into my pocket and brace myself to step outside.
Suddenly, the sounds of fighting come to a stop. I look out the window again, only to see Ben back in his human form, standing in front of Kevin with a disappointed look. Ben’s face was pretty bloody from what I could see, I gasp when he looks over to the garage. I quickly yank away from the window, when I peeked again-Ben and Kevin were walking towards the garage.
I cross my arms nervously as the door swings open. Ben looks at me with the same green eyes I’ve been looking at all my life…
They’re the same eyes, but they feel so different.
They don’t spark the childlike joy they used too.
Now they only bring a confused anxious feeling …
Kevin looks back and forth between me and Ben. “So,” Kevin says, breaking the silence “Y/N…as you probably know. I am in love with you-I’m NOT ashamed to admit it. I actually want you to be my girlfriend, and I’m willing to do whatever I need to do to keep you as my girl-” “You would stop trying to make it seem like I’m the monster in the room. You’re the one that’s nearly-and actually killed people for your own benefit.” Ben grumbles, glaring at the ground.
“And yet, I’ve been a kinder, gentler, and all around better boyfriend in my 7 months of experience than your 5 f*cking YEARS of experience!” Kevin snaps “Oh? Then where’s Gwen now? Every time I call her, she never asks about you. Admit it, you never actually loved her! You loved Y/N and used Gwen to get closer to her! You’re still as much as a creep as you were when we were kids, it’s maybe even gotten worse.” Ben says harshly, Kevin’s glare worsens “Stop acting like you know me, Tennyson! You don’t know nothing about me…about my relationship with Gwen-h*ll you don’t even know anything about your own relationship with Y/N.” He scoffs
Ben only glances at me for a second, becoming more and more defensive each time Kevin opened his mouth. Ben opens his mouth to say something, but Kevin beats him to it “I’m sorry this was sprung on you so randomly. But with HIS attitude it was bound to happen.” Kevin says jokingly, Ben rolls his eyes “Y/N, can I talk to you in private…please?” Ben asks.
I shrug “Sure.” I say, Ben takes my hand and walks out of the garage. He squeezes it lightly, I frown nervously. Ben stops in his tracks and looks at me seriously before letting out a sigh “It’s only been 2 and a half days Y/N. Are we really over? Just like that?” Ben asks “I…I don’t know.” I sigh “Do you have feelings for Kevin?” Ben asks.
I hesitate to answer that question.
Truth be told, I did my best to never think of Kevin that way. He was a creep when we were kids, then he grew out of it and actually became a sweet-occasionally gentle guy. Even then, I was with Ben and Kevin was pining over Gwen.
I was just happy being friends with him. I thought Kevin honestly grew out of his crush on me, and the kindness he’s been showing all this time was just how he was now. This is the first time I’ve ever even lingered on the possibility of having any romantic feelings for Kevin…
And Kevin’s been so sweet…sweeter than Ben, my actual boyfriend
I sigh, rubbing my arm gently “I don’t know.” Ben only rolls his eyes “Do you want to break up? Just like that? Throw everything we have away-” “What do we have?” I ask seriously. “What, Ben? We don’t act like we’re dating. We act the same way we acted when we were kids-like best friends. I don’t…feel like your girlfriend sometimes, I just feel like a glorified best friend. You always blow me off when we’re supposed to go on date, you’ve made it clear when you find another girl attractive, you barely even kiss me now!” I sigh
Ben looks down at the ground “What haven’t you told me this?” He asks “You never give me a chance…you’re always voiding any serious conversations.” I sigh tiredly. “Then…then talk to me! Forget Kevin, you and me can go somewhere and work things out. Just…don’t give up on me…” Ben says.
The door to the garage swings open, Kevin looks between the both of us “We’re still talking.” Ben says bitterly “I got lonely.” Kevin says with a shrug. Ben grumbles, “So…I’ve been thinking,” Kevin hums “I’m tired as h*ll. Which means, I know Nutjob is tired.” Kevin turns to me and smiles softly.
“So go home and get some sleep. We can talk about this later. Don’t ya agree, Benji?” Kevin ask, flashing a fake grin towards Ben “Couldn’t agree more…” Ben says. I stand there awkwardly as they just glare at each other. Kevin glances at me and pats my shoulder lightly, “Meet back here at…let’s say 12?” He suggest. Ben and I awkwardly nod in agreement.
~Time Skip~
“-And now, I’m gonna have to meet Ben and Kevin in…30 minutes. I don’t know what to do!” I sigh “At least they’re willing to talk it out.” Gwen says gently “I just don’t want to hurt anyone.” I sigh quietly.
I glance out my window to see Kevin’s car already outside, “What about you?” Gwen asks “What about me?” I ask “Did it hurt when Ben went out with Julie instead of spending time with you?” Gwen asks seriously “Y-yeah…” I say “Did he apologized?” Gwen asks “Not really…he actually got mad at me because I spent time with Kevin instead of being alone.” I say.
Gwen sighs, “Of course he did. Y/N, you deserve to be happy. Figure out who makes you happy now, not who made you happy in the past…just be honest.” She tells me, I frown nervously as my stomach turns.
I look up at the clock…11:49. “Ok, I know what I chose now.” I sigh “Do what you need to.” Gwen says softly before hanging up. I take a deep breath and walk outside, Ben flinches. I look down at him “How long have you been sitting at my porch?” I ask “A while. Had to make sure Kevin didn’t try to bully you into loving him.” Ben laughs lightly.
A car door closes, Ben glares at Kevin as he walks up, “Nutjob, you know you had more time to think, right?” Kevin asks, placing his hands in his pockets. “Yeah…I know, I was kinda tired of thinking about it.” I say before Ben’s phone starts ringing.
Kevin and I turn to him, Ben looks at his phone “It’s…Julie.” He announces nervously. My eyebrows furrow while Kevin grins “Gonna answer it, Tennyson?” He asks “No I’m not gonna answer it.” Ben scoffs, hanging up the call. Almost instantly, it starts ringing again. And Ben hangs up again, and it rings again “Oh my gosh.” I groan, snatching the phone out Ben’s hand.
“N/N! Wait-”
“Ben! Why aren’t you answering?! Come on, you can just say you don’t wanna hang out anymore and ghost me! We have something special, it’s your girlfriend’s own fault if she can’t handle the truth. Your relationship with her has been dead from day one! Don’t you get that, Ben? Ben?!”
“Ok, 1. F*ck you. And 2. I will be making your life a living h*ll at school, so…be ready b*tch.” I growl “W-” I quickly hang up the phone. Both boys stare at me with wide eyes “Ben, you told Julie you didn’t want to hang out with her anymore?” I ask seriously “Y-yeah, she was the cause all of the drama. And I just want things to go back the way they were, I love you…even if I haven’t done a great job showing it.” Ben sighs sadly “Touching,” Kevin huffs “Nutjob, I love you and I’ve always shown it. It different ways…but it’s always been shown.”
Ben and Kevin glare at each other, “So?” Ben hums “N/N, wanna date this creep?” Ben asks. Kevin’s glare darkens, he slowly turns to me. His glare fades into a nervous expression. Ben looks confident, but his eyes were glasses-like that confidence could be broken at any moment. I take a deep breath, looking between the two boys…
Chose Ben
Choose Kevin
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