#ok bye i have stuff to tend to
todayisafridaynight · 2 years
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marsbotz · 2 years
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im normal about him. btw
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lexisecretaccx · 4 months
A+ Student Pt.4
(Fem reader, bit of angst.. ish? suggestive, dramaa , got a lot to catch up on so this is a pretty long part😚 you guys deserve it tho, not proofread!)
Summary: Y/n is a great student in her college, always getting good grades. Her college professor Matt, thinks she can get even higher ones with some “extra credit.” That is until she meets her new gym teacher..
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(Quick little note: hey guys I haven’t written in a while so I may be a bit rusty but I hope it’s ok)
“How’d you get here so early?” Lizzy walks up to me, I’m sat on the bench where Chris’ stuff was previously. “Oh I.. I came in here at break to get ready before everyone.. I feel insecure for anyone to see me getting dressed.” I lie through my teeth, less than half hour ago the exact person who is teaching us this gym class was balls deep inside of me.
“You are stunning y/n,” Liz chuckles “no need to be insecure but okay.” She side hugs me gently. As the class fills up Chris walks through the door from the cupboard, the exact one we were.. you know. His eyes dart to mine and I awkwardly smile. “Okay girls, we have an important choice to make..” he starts to speak.
“You have a choice between what you wanna do in gym class, basketball with me or soccer with Ms Jones.” He clears his throat, “so uh.. stand on this side of the room if you wanna do basketball, and that side for soccer.” He points and shrugs. I stand up and follow Lizzy, she starts to walk to the Soccer side and I pause.
“Y/n? You love soccer right? Come on.” She smiles, “I’d rather.. step outside my comfort zone, you know.. push myself to try something new.” I smile enthusiastically, but the truth is I just wanna see Chris more. “Oh okay! I’m good at basketball I’ll do it with you.” She walks back over to me.
There’s about 8 girls on the basketball side and the rest are standing for soccer. I guess they’d rather have a female teacher, I would too if my teacher wasn’t so hot, but it’s pretty bare I don’t know how we’d do with 4v4 in basketball. “You won’t like this..” Chris talks to the class, interrupting my thoughts. “We have to mix the female and male classes,” complaints fill the gym.
“I know, I know you guys don’t like it but, because of the work being done on the boys gym, the boys need to come into here. Temporarily, and then the class can go back to normal and we won’t have to split it.. okay?” He sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. All of a sudden, the boys pile into the gym.
Chris explains what either options are and all the boys start to pick a side. It’s fairly equal in the end, either side having a good amount of us but I start to feel anxious at the difference in how many girls are doing basketball compared to soccer. There’s a good 20 boys on this side.
The other group goes to the soccer field and we stay put. I get budged by a boy, he’s gotta be at least 6ft. “Ouch.” I mutter, he turns around to face me and I realise just how tall he is, the height difference is too different I don’t like it. “You alright? Sorry my friends push eachother around.” He chuckles awkwardly.
“I’m okay thanks.” I go to turn away and his hand places on the side of my arm, I tilt my head in confusion. “What’s your name? I haven’t seen you around.” He smiles, his brown eyes looking down at me. “I’m y/n, I tend to keep to myself.” I shrug. “I’m Mason.” He looks me up and down, “how tall are you?” He laughs lightly.
“I’m 5ft 3.. why?” I smile nervously. “I’m just worried how you’d do with a bunch of 6ft something boys playing basketball. You’re the shortest here.” He laughs. I hold back a smile, “I’ll be good. Bye Mason.” I rolls my eyes and I feel his gaze burning into me as I walk to Lizzy. “Flirting much?” She smirks, “no.. he’s not my type.” I shrug.
“Hmm sure.” She laughs slightly, I look over and see Chris looking at me, he turns his head to face the boys putting up the basketball hoops. I smile to myself, “ohh.” She whispers, drawing my attention to her, “hm?” She grins, “you like the teacher? I thought you liked Professor Sturniolo?” I shrug and sigh.
“Right let’s get into teams, we need two captains to pick the people for their team..” Chris spoke, “what about you Mason?” He scans the room, “no girls wanna be captain? Okay then Will you can be the other.” He smiles. His perfect smile.. perfect teeth. “Y/n.” Mason says my name and I look up to him, “what?” I awkwardly look around, “I want you on my team.” He looks down at me.
I look around, I’m the second person he’s picked.. why me? I know nothing about basketball and I’m not even his friend. “Oh.. okay.” I walk over to him. I see Chris glaring in the corner of my eye.
The teams get picked, Mason picked Lizzy because she’s my best friend, Which is nice I guess. They start to play, I don’t know much on basketball and I freeze when 5 boys rush past me to get the ball. “You okay?” Lizzy calls to me, she’s lucky she’s a tall girl. 5’9, she can keep up with them but I look like a lost puppy.
“No.” I say back to her and she chuckles before pointing next to me frantically, I turn and a basketball comes plowing into my face. I freeze again, not wanting to embarrass myself by crying but that fucking hurt like a motherfucker. I feel tears build in my eyes and Chris runs over to me, “hey you good?” He speaks softly and calmly, hands on my shoulders.
“I..” I go to answer but I just start crying. Without thinking he pulls me into his chest and hugs me. The sounds of feet scuffing on the ground stops, “you’re okay, just a scratch.” He smiles as I pull away from the hug and he turns my face, holding my cheek and observing the scratch. It feels like nobody’s here, it’s just us. Until..
“Everything good in here?” Its.. Matts voice? Chris’ hands drop off of me and all the other people are watching me. I feel nervous as Matt walks up to us, “I don’t have a class, thought I’d watch my brother teaching.” He spoke falsely as his eyes meet mine. “She ok?” He’s talking as if I’m not there. “Uh yeah.. gonna need to clean the scratch though.” Chris awkwardly chuckles.
“I can take her to clean it? Maybe she can explain how she walked out my class earlier.” He smiles, and a few ooos come from people around me. “Uh yeah okay.” Chris says, but I know deep down he doesn’t want me alone with Matt.
“Come on.” Matt motions me to walk with him. “Distracted in class?” He spoke up, breaking the short silence. “Uh no. I wasn’t looking and it came out of nowhere.” I shrug. “At least Chris was there to give you a little comfort hm?” He spoke harshly and sarcastically. I just hum in response.
“Where’d you go when you stormed out of class?” He turns into the janitors closet, where the med kits are kept and I follow. “To the bathroom.” I lie, “don’t lie to me y/n.” He sits me down on a stool and grabs a med kit off the shelf. “I’m not..” he cuts me off by shushing me. “You went to gym class didn’t you? Wanted to practice? I bet you weren’t practicing basketball were you?” He hisses as he leans down with an alcohol wipe in his hand.
“I.. what do you” I breathe in sharply as he pushes the wipe on my face without warning, the stinging causing my eyes to water. “Ow.” I look up at him, blue eyes burning into mine. “You think I didn’t try to find you after you didn’t come back? I did.” He seems hurt.. does he know? He grips my chin and turns my head to get better access to the scratch which is bleeding lightly.
“What do you mean?” I speak innocently and he groans. “You’re a slut.” He smirks, “fucking slut.” He stands up and bins the wipe. “A slut? What do..” he cuts me off, “stop asking me what I mean y/n. You know exactly what I’m saying, you and Chris were.. practicing in the gym closet hm?” He sighs. My face goes red.
“I didn’t.. you were flirting with that new girl, I just..” I also sigh, he scoffs, “flirting? Don’t turn this on me, I wouldn’t have done anything with her but you? You brought it upon yourself to..” he grumbles as his eyebrows knit together, “well if you don’t want anything with me why should it matter? You said it yourself, you don’t wanna lose your job.” I smirk.
“I thought you wanted me y/n.. me.” His voice cracks slightly but he collects himself and leans against a shelf. “I’m a college student Matt, I’m gonna fuck as many people as I want and can, don’t take it personal.” I laugh. “You don’t get it y/n..” “no you don’t get it Matt.. I wanted you, so badly, I still do but Chris? He hasn’t treated me like shit.” I lean my head back.
“I’m sorry y/n. I just love my job I don’t wanna lose it.” He whispers, “you’ve made that clear professor Sturniolo. Thanks for helping with this scratch.” I get up and walk out the closet. He follows after me. I’m being dramatic I know, I’m making this about me, it’s his job and he loves it I shouldn’t try to get it the way but.. “Maybe I could show you that I do care?” He whispers as he catches up with me. “What do you..” I look at his face, his pupils have dilated and he’s smirking.
“Oh..” I turn to him, “what changed your mind?” I chuckle lightly, “I imagined Chris’ face when I tell him I fucked you better than he did.” He whispers his face full of lust, I fight my instincts to kiss him, because of cameras. “you really shouldn’t be so competitive.” I smile as I continue to walk. “Where can we go?” He mumbles.
“I’m not doing it with you right now, I’m still worn out from.. basketball?” I lie even though Matt knows what I mean, there’s a janitor at the end of the corridor. “Oh okay.” He fake pouts as I turn into the gym, “I’ll text you.” I smile before we part ways.
As I enter the gym, Chris walks up to me. “All good now?” He asks, tilting his head. “Yeah.” I smile lightly before I walk up to Lizzy, “you seem happy?” She laughs, “yep all good.” I feel someone’s hand on my shoulder and they turn me around. Mason, I forgot about him. “I’m so sorry, on behalf on James. Your cheek okay?” His hand hovers over the fading scratch.
I pull away from him, “yeah it’s okay thanks, maybe get James to apologise to me himself instead of you.” I look over at James, who waves awkwardly. “Copy that.” Mason spoke, stifling a chuckle. “Why are you laughing?” I ask, “Im sorry it’s just.. don’t worry.” He pats my shoulder and walks away.
Lizzy goes to say something but I stop her, “don’t. I’m not into him.” She laughs, “he’s into you though, why aren’t you into him? He’s tall, brunette, brown eyes, strong.. he’s the whole package.” I huff, “if he’s so amazing why don’t you ask him out?” I speak impatiently. “Because I’m.. I’m uh not into tall people.” She chuckles awkwardly.
“There.. you aren’t into his height and I’m not into his.. everything.” I smile softly.
Class ends and we sit in the gym, “wanna skip Math?” Lizzy speaks up, budging my arm to get my attention. “Where would we go?” I ask curiously, “the bathrooms? We can make a fake out of order sign and chill in there.” I laugh and grab her face, “Lizzy you genius!” I bring our faces close before letting go.
She clears her throat, “they don’t even use out of order signs anymore, they write it on paper it’s easy to copy.” She smiles at me and I quickly pull out my notebook, I hand her the notebook and a pen and she scribbles down “out of order.” She grabs tape out of her bag and sticks it on the top.
We run to the bathroom and stick the note on a door and sit in the cubicle. She sits on the toilet seat and I’m on the top of the toilet, where the flush is. My legs are either side of her and I accidentally kick her. “Sorry.” I whisper.
We hear someone enter the door and they start talking, “I’m telling you, I would climb him like a tree, have you seen his tattoos?” It’s the new girl, Kelly. “Not my type Kel.” Some girl speaks back, “yeah you love stuffing yourself full of bbc don’t you.” Kelly laughs loudly, “don’t say it like that, but.. basically yeah.” They start to giggle.
“Also how can you have a crush on a teacher? That’s like weird.” The other girl spoke, me and Lizzy are staying silent. “Yeah I wouldn’t do anything with him, I wish I could but maybe I’ll hit him up once we’re out of college.” She laughs, and they leave the bathroom.
She was talking about Matt.
A/n: ooooo, drama. Sorry for the long break, my posting is gonna be pretty messed up because your girl has appointments😚 but anyways.. y’all know I love to add to the plot so we’re plotting super hard rn, I need to feed y’all, ur basically my children fr<3 anyways I’ll stop yapping but dw you may get some Matt smut soon? Whattttt🙈 Also who tf is Mason bro💀 bros obsessed.
Anyway hope it was ok, I haven’t written in ages.
Taglist: @blahbel668 @mattsleftnipple03 @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @hysteria-things @mattybslover @jakevwebber @braindead4l @mattybearnard @st7rnioioss @junnniiieee07 @bueckerslover @fratbrochrisgf @sturniol0s @alwayssublimedelusion @certifiednatelover @freshsturns @riasturns @sturniololvrrr @maryx2xx @whicked-hazlatwhore @cammie4298 @sturnsjtop @sturnzblog @chr1sgirl4life @evie-sturns @milasturniolo @jaxyy219 @mattsturniolosbae @h3arts4harry @littlebookworm803 @realqueenofpepsi @elsxz1
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pottersfia · 5 months
study buddy
summary: classic study "date" fic, rodrick desperately needs help in english and y/n is happy to help. lots of fluff in this part. both 18
the end of senior year was quickly approaching and rodrick was sick and tired of his parents bugging him about his grades. it was the third quarter of the school year and senioritis tended to affect many people around this time but rodrick had been a victim since the day he stepped foot into high school. 
"if you want, we can work on this together?" rodrick looked over at you who was sitting next to him in his art elective class. you had been talking about your english assignment which, despite you being in honors english and him in regular, was the same. the book they read for the quarter came with study guide questions for each section of the book which eventually would help for the final book report. 
"you'd help me with that?" he asked you. you smiled and nodded.
"sometimes working with another person makes it easier." she replied. he smiled back and the deal was set. you would go over to his house 2 hours after school and start your assignment.
these 2 hours consisted of rodrick frantically picking up in his room, taking an abnormally long shower, considering it's rodrick, and begging his family to not say or do anything weird or embarrassing. a pretty girl was coming over to study with him!! suddenly as he applied deodorant for probably the 10th time already, he heard the doorbell. 
"i got it!" he yelled and rushed downstairs. he quickly caught his breath and looked through the peephole on the door to see you patiently waiting for an answer. he sighed and opened the door. you smiled as you looked up at the boy. 
"hey, y/n." he said. 
"hi, rodrick." you replied. the two of you stood in a few moments of silence stupidly smiling at each other. just as rodrick opened his mouth to break it you were interrupted by a sweet lady who cheerfully greeted you. 
"you must be y/n! come right on in." she smiled and made way for you to step inside, you did so.  "i'm so glad you're here to help rodrick, he's been struggling for quite some time."
"mom! can you please stop talking." rodrick loudly interrupted her, making you slightly laugh. 
"she is a guest in my house, rodrick, i want to greet her. my name is susan, honey. if you need anything i'll be right down here." you smiled again at her. 
"it's nice to meet you mrs.susan, thank you." you replied. 
"ok we have to go, bye mom." he walked towards the staircase and turned around to you. "you can follow me." you nodded and waved bye to susan following rodrick to his room. 
"keep that door open!" she said. rodrick groaned and you laughed again. 
"she's really nice." you said.
"annoying is what she is." he let you walk into his room. you looked around and smiled to yourself as you realized his room screamed rodrick. there were band posters everywhere, dark bedsheets, the floor was cleared off but magazines and comics, a few water bottles, and forgotten school books were scattered around his bedside table and desk. 
he closed the door quietly and sat down on the edge of his bed saying, "you can sit down i have my stuff," he reached to his backpack that was on the floor and pulled out his notebook and the book you were assigned.  you nodded and sat down on the desk chair that was right across from his spot on the bed. you pulled out your stuff too. 
"so i guess we can just start with the questions, do you need to review what we read today?" you asked. he nodded. you smiled and continued on explaining the events in the book.
rodrick was so mesmerized by you. he appreciated your want to help him with his work but how could he focus on anything academic with you right in front of him? he stared at the way you fidgeted with your fingers as you talked. he stared at how perfect your hair looked. he stared at your lips and thought about how good they would feel to ki-
"rodrick?" your voice snapped him out of his trance. 
"what?" he kinda shook his head as he regained focus sending a fluttery feeling to your stomach.
"i uh, were you listening?" you asked.
"oh yeah. i heard everything you said." he tried to lie but you saw right through him. 
"really?" you asked again. he lifted his hand to rub the back of neck a bit.
"i heard maybe half of what you said?" he replied, pretty unsure this time. you smiled and laughed.
"what are you so distracted by?" you asked. it was you. you were distracting his focus from the work but how could he just say that? he shrugged and turned his head away looking at absolutely nothing on the right side of his room.
"maybe if you sat next to me it would be easier." he said and turned back again to see your reaction. you were a little confused or taken aback maybe but nonetheless you stood up and joined him on the bed. 
"is this better?" you looked right at him and he looked back. you gave him a small smile and despite his heart feeling like it was beating out of his chest, he smiled back.
"yeah, i think so." he practically whispered sending another flutter to your heart. 
the two of you continued with the review. laughs and smiles were exchanged constantly and it was probably the most you've ever enjoyed doing school work. 
"you're doing really good rodrick, you just needed to focus some more." you smiled after he got another question right. 
"it's definitely because of you." he replied. you playfully bumped his shoulder and looked for another question to ask. 
"ok let's do another one." 
"i think i should get something for doing so good now." he said. you gave him a questioning look.
"like what, candy?" you replied. he shrugged. then you had an idea. it was a very corny idea but an idea nonetheless. the two of you were having a good time and it wouldn't hurt to ask, yolo right? "what if i give you a kiss?" you kinda cringed a bit at your words but tried not to let it show, anxiously waiting for his response.
the boy was stunned. his eyes widened and your words replayed in his head over and over. "a kiss?" he asked. "really?" 
"only if you want though. it's pretty dumb i don't know." you looked down at the paper in your lap but his words made you look back at him.
"no, it's not dumb. um. yeah, that would be great motivation." he nervously laughs. you laughed back.
"but it has to be after getting 2 questions right." you said. he agreed, and for sure, he got 2 questions right. 
"you've turned me into a genius, y/n." he smiled. 
"you're definitely reaching nerd status." you laughed.
"well, you gave me the best motivation ever." he replied. now it hit you, you actually had to kiss him. you tried to hide the nervousness from your face. there was no turning back now. you turned to face him, crossing your legs on the bed, and placed your hand on his shoulder as you leaned in and gave him a quick peck. he looked at you as you leaned back.
"how was that?" you asked. he was quiet for a moment a little shocked that this was happening with the girl he liked but then he snapped out of it.
"i-i don't know. maybe you should uh, do it again just to be sure." he answered, making you smile.
"if you insist." you leaned in and let your lips meet again. this time it was more than a peck. his hands rested on your cheeks and yours around his shoulders. you melted into the kiss taking in the moment as the butterflies that you constantly felt seemed to go crazy. 
once you finally parted for a breath the two of you couldn't stop smiling at each other. 
"yeah, that was pretty good." rodrick said. you gave him another quick kiss but just as your lips touched the door opened. 
"hey kids, do you want- oh." it was susan and you instantly jumped away from him. "didn't i tell you to keep the door open?" 
"mom! just go away!" rodrick stood up. 
"ok ok, sorry." she walked out but made sure to leave the door very much open. as soon as you heard her footsteps fade away you couldn't help but laugh. rodrick turned to you. 
"sorry, that was a lot." you said. he laughed too and sat back down next to you. 
"i know i'm sorry." he said. 
"it's ok. i just need to make sure to kiss you when there aren't any family members around." you said.
"i agree 100%."
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witchykittyy · 8 months
Agreement 💖
@marcyyywukinnie asked: Hi could you make a fanfic Yandare Blitzo x reader x Yandare Stolas where they just fight about reader, before coming to terms that theyll share them??
I am soooooooo sorry about how late this is!!! I really am. Life's been really hectic and I went through a very depressive episode but I promise to be on top of stuff more often! I really hope you like it! ❤ Sorry if its not really enough fighting per say. 😅
TW: Demons, Hell, Blood, Arguing, Cursing (lots of it), Mentions of kidnapping, Stalking, and other yandere themes.
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"Damn that was a fuck ton of clients!!!" Millie jumped up into Moxxie's arms pumped and covered in blood. "Yea it was and it was so fucking awesome! But I think imma head in for the night." You're the newest member of I.M.P. A few days ago you saw their help wanted poster and decided you needed the extra money so you decided to join. You got along really well with Moxxie, Millie and surprisingly Loona. The only person who doesn't seem to like you is Blitzo. He was always staring at you. Watching your every move like he's waiting for you to do something wrong. So you always tend to keep your distance.
"Yea I think me and Millie have had enough excitement for today as well. Goodbye sir! Goodbye Y/N!" "Bye Blizto! Bye N/N!" Moxxie and Millie wave goodbye as they leave. "Whatever, bye." Loona continues on reading her magazine. "Bye guys!" You wave goodbye to them sweetly. "Bye lovebirds! Don't get too kinky while I'm away!" You can almost hear Moxxie rolling his eyes at those words and you chuckle. Now its just you, Loona and... Blitzo. Though your back is turned you can feel his eyes burning into info our skin, its very unsettling so with out turning around you decided to say your goodbyes and leave. "Bye Blitzo! Bye Loona!" "Bye dork." Blitzo doesnt say anything and you start to walk off sill feeling his gaze on you. Suddenly he says "See you soon Y/N"
You got home and were extremely exhausted as you flopped down onto your semi comfortable bed. Due to only recently having a job you dont have that much money to buy yourself a nice place so for right now you're stuck in this crummy apartment. Even though you didnt mind your situation someone else did.
Stolas has been watching you from the day he saw you in the I.M.P headquarters while he was visiting Blitzo. He's been obssessed with you ever since he saw you and has stalked you finding out your likes, habits, dislikes and everything else about you. He truly believes that you deserve so much better than what you have. He loves you and believes you deserve to be treated like a queen. A problem with that is that Blizto is also in love with you. Stolas notices the stares he give you and the longing look in his eyes. He's sure Blitzo has noticed his interest as well and thats probably why Blitzo hasnt spoken to him. But nevermind that.
You change into your PJ', get into bed and start scrolling through Helltok. "Ah shit its getting dark and I have to work tomorrow" you sigh. "I guess I should go to bed as Moxxie would say thats the responsible thing to do." You turn off your phone and go to bed. Stolas stares at you from the window wishing that he were next to you.
After a while he sees someone climbing onto your balcony. He's about to go stop him but then the two lock eyes. "Stolas?! The fuck are you doing here?!" He almost tumbles off the balcony from the surprise. "I should be asking you the same question Blitzo." "Look dipshit im doing the same thing you are but going inside." Blizto starts opening the window. "Wait! We shouldnt do that it invading her privacy." He goes to stop him but then Blitzo slaps his hand away. "Oh and stalking her isnt invading her privacy?! Look just leave ok if you dont wanna do this. Not like I want you stealing my girl anyways." He grumbles the last part but Stolas is able to hear him. "Well I sure as hell am not leaving her alone with you." "Then come in with me." He grabs Stolas's hand and stealthly brings him into the room. Stolas blushes at the sudden contact. 'Wait why'd he blush? What the hell is happening to him?'
You're dead asleep on the bed. "So smart ass what do we do now?" He tries to cover up the fact that grabbing Blitzo's hand made him blush. "We look around bird brain." They start looking around the crummy place, dodging the clothes thrown on the floor. Eventually after looking around for a while Blitzo decides to look your computer as Stolas watches you sleep peacefully. Out of the corner of his eye Stolas sees him breaking into your computer. "Hey!" He yells silently. "What do you think you're doing?" "I'm looking through her computer dipshit." Blitzo rolls his eyes as though its obvious. "Well yes I know that but why?" "To make sure she ain't seeing some other loser."
Blitzo searches and suddenly stops dead in his tracks. "You need to see this birdie." They stare at the computer reading you're messages with some guy named Dennis. "Oh hell no" they growl out in unison. You whine and shift in your sleep as they go dead silent. Once they're sure you're not awake they continue. "We can't let this shit happen." Blitzo growls with malice. "I completely agree. This dirt bag isn't good enough for our Y/N." Stolas nods. "Wait, our?" "Well yes I suppose we'll need to team up to stop this guy and ensure that she stays with us. Is that an ok arrangement?" Stolas questions. "Yea.. Thatd be great." Blitzo looks down blushing madly.
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channelinglament · 1 year
I just got that if my hsr was self aware, they would see my favoritism towards YanQing and March 7
I may not use March a lot/at all (depends), BUT I still level her up and give her nice stuff
...and I main YanQing
I defeat bosses with him and he is my most strongest character (I literally take him to fight Cocolia, since he takes out A LOT of her hp)
And I farm for his stuff first
And, I wondered what would other self aware character think of that/do about that.
I also favor Trailbalzer a lot, but my Stelle isn't as strong as YanQing.
So this, is how my idea was born..
(This is a bit self-indulgent but I tried to make it suit for u too..though as I said, self indulgent heh)
- Btw YanQing is platonic >:(
Some would definitely please this two/three?
They would do anything, just to feel the Prime Aeons presence. To get Prime Aeons gaze linger on them just for a second. They may not have Aeons favor, but if pleasing the Aeons favorite would get the Aeon to look at them even for a second...all of their dignity and moral compass leaves them. They will fr do ANYTHING the favorite asks them off.
Free stuff is 100%
March 7, Trailblazer and YanQing would have this..kinda smug smiles?
YanQing won't have to worry about buying blades and swords, he is given them for free.
March 7 can eat nice food and doesn't have to worry about its cost (tbh YanQing and Stelle would do it too)
Also March is gonna be very happy, since her birthday is right after Aeons! (My bday is March 6 lmao, so if u have bday at March too, yay!)
Trailblazer is happy to share bday with you and being the main center of your attention (they're the MC after all)
Astral Express is even more loved now
And Jing Yuan is just v v happy
Some would resent them. Hate them even. Why do these 3 get all your affection and attention, when they don't, while trying their best and hardest?
Tbh I feel like March would be anxious to lose the place of being favorite, while YanQing and Stelle would be VERY protective over their place of being the favorite.
Also these 3, even tho I give them praise during the game and constantly compliment them (I say my thoughts out loud ok?) I tend to compliment Natasha EVERY SINGLE TIME I see her, so they would be jealous lmao
Bye for now :>
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Idk why did I do this, I just did hehe :)
Also -
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The whole time I thought YanQing was 15, like me 😭
I fr did think he was 15
...well, he is 15 in my hcs :")
The fact that I, as a 15 liked this guy who's age isn't known :")))
Hopefully he is at least 14 😭😭😭
Yes I will still main him
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003soy · 5 months
Kat’s Character Overanalysis of Murasaki
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The content below may exhibit multiple instances of confirmation bias due to over a year of brain rotting.
Do not proceed if you dislike excessive analysis of characters that only appear in official tweets and random merchandise.
I treat this guy like an oc so don’t be mean to me ok 💔 just my headcanons and personal observations!!!
Viewer discretion is advised…
Ok so I'm going to start with the basic stuff (i.e. inkipedia)
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From 2015-2018(?) Murasaki was the drummer for the band Squid Squad. He was the youngest member of the group.
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While this excerpt from Inkipedia may seem small, there are a lot of traits described here that can be further analyzed (if you have nothing better to do)
The Squid Research Lab describes him as rough around the edges.
The term "rough around the edges" is used to describe something that has small imperfections, but is generally good. When describing a person it can mean someone who is unsophisticated or impolite. In this instance, "rough around the edges" could be describing Murasaki's drumming skills as he's said to have potential, but he also needs some practice.
this characterization was probably made to resemble his appearance as well! (sea urchins don't have very smooth edges...)
2. Murasaki is referred to as a wild child.
A "wild child" is usually someone (likely a young person) who is headstrong, rebellious, and/or uncontrollable. To me, this info matches nicely with the impolite interpretation of the phrase "rough around the edges."
3. From here, it sort of goes on about his playing which I sort of addressed in the first point. Basically, he has a natural gift in drumming because he has a good sense of rhythm, and despite lacking in technique, he always tries his best.
4. He is prone to crying
The Squid Research Lab states that he could be caught crying during a drum solo which goes to show how much effort he puts into his playing :). I feel like this part tends to override his other traits in fan stuff (if he gets included at all). I personally view this as a subversive aspect of his personality. Normally he has an abrasive personality because of the rebelliousness and lack of manners, but he is also a sentimental person and his emotions are expressed through tears even if he isn’t sad (samee). Think of how urchins have a spiky hard external shell that hides soft uni inside of it ok...
5. Energetic
I know the energy think is probably referring to his playing style, but I picture him to be a fidgety person who doesn't like to stand still. I guess it matches with the wild child thing.
6. He's the youngest
Expains the previous behavior. rude + rebellious + more talent than practice. teenager.
Moving onto other sources! Bye Inkipedia...
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Here is the original japanese text of the Squid Research Lab info on twitter. Yes, I know google translate isn't that accurate, but I think it's interesting and deepl says something similar as well.
7. Ignoring the strange grammar, Murasaki is additionally described as mischievous (やんちゃ?). Definition: playful in a naughty or teasing way or troublesome/irritating.
I guess this was translated into the wild child in the english version because I'm assuming the term in japanese refers to more childish behavior. I think the word mischievous is easier to understand though since I've never heard the term wild child before. Anyway, he's silly.
8. I sort of glossed over this in the english version but apparently he can take the lead when it matters most. In english, the phrasing kinda made this confusing. I thought they were just saying words lol. Anyway, this ties in with him trying his best while in the band + being compassionate/sentimental.
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topic-adjacent kinda. I've seen people interpret this in a sort of sad way, but I interpret this as him being mischievous! I think he's walking towards them to scare them. The little star next to his head reminds me of the animal crossing mischief emote.
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another bonus thing because it shows that hes silly. a silly goose. I think he likes to doodle.
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God I haven't even gotten to the splatune articles yet...
yeah this kinda repeats what I already said but here it says his playing fits well with Ichiya. I think that both of them are kinda similar. Both are sort of lacking in technique but make up for it in other areas. Both have ADHD (lying). To me, Murasaki is if an asshole turned out to be kind, and Ichiya is if a kind person turned out to be an asshole. #crazy
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Splatune 1! No more numbered list I forgot what number I was on :)
Cool and edgy urchin
I have no idea what that means. Ok.
Cool means cool.
I don’t know if they mean edgy in the internet way because ???... Anyway, edgy can mean: 1. tense, nervous, or irritable, 2. trend setting, daring, or provocative. I think the word choice was for the sake of an urchin pun.
I think they meant to convey the second definition by saying hes cool and unconventional (I don't think it makes sense to say someone is cool and nervous in the same sentence). Kind of matches with being rough around the edges. I like to apply the first definition sometimes though. I like to stress him out.
he boldly pushes up to the front like a blaster
information about his drum playing is information about his personality! this relates to his previously described energetic playing. I like how this sort of frames him as unusual compared to other drummers. It shows how his playing style relates to his character... energetic, headstrong, he can lead the way if necessary. all things previously stated.
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mean to him :(
I think this is trying to say how the others keep him around even though he doesn't match the theme. They keep him around because he looks cool? (this information is probably useless because machine translator. grain of salt)
very brief splatune 3 cameo
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can drink in bars now? (old...)
likes to talk in circles (old...)
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looks depressed now. aware of the horrors... evil leg bouncer...
thats it for official stuff i think. I like to add on bonus traits to him during the front roe era, but yeag ✌️
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wombywoo · 22 days
I'm absolutely in love with all your art, COD community wouldn't be the same without you for sure. And Quinncent.. Quinn is doing something to me with his sad eyes and throat scar
Maybe someone actually asked this: but how do you feel about AUs in particular and drawing your boys or cod(141 ensemble) in different settings, non military, non modern maybe, fantasy, creatures, etc
We were blessed with your fan art for valiants period au and it was soooo good in your realistic style
Have you ever thought "omg I wanna draw them in this situation/these specific outfits/ long hair/different facial hair it would be perfect" and did exactly that but never showed anyone hehe
Asking cuz if I were skilled with creating something decent on paper I would have had a literal chest with hundreds of different sketches
ahhh thanks so much for your kind words! I'm happy to contribute to the cod fandom as well as my own dubious little science-project lol 😚
As for your question--confession time: I really...don't care for AUs that much 😔😔 I consider myself the vanilla-est consumer in this regard, but when I'm into a piece of media, I generally prefer stuff that adheres to the canon universe. This also goes along with fic-reading--I don't really ever read AUs that are so divorced from the source material. I suppose it's because I get into a story/movie/game etc for a reason, so removing all those elements until it's stripped bare feels like something brand new entirely, and thus not what I came for. Idk if that makes sense 🤷‍♀️
That isn't to say I dislike all of it--I do find it fun when I see others interpreting characters in different settings and scenarios, etc. I just don't tend to partake personally~
Broadly speaking, I like to dress up characters a lot, so I suppose that's my preferred AU method, lol. I've done a few cod pieces (lol) like that and they were fun~ I do have a few visions of my OCs in certain outfits (maybe some period clothing eventually 🤫) But for now, I think I like having them as they are 🥰
(breaking: just pictured quinn with long hair and I'm not sure we're ready for that level of comedy quite yet)
(mustache!vincent AU....not off the table...)
(I will also add that turning the characters into animals in any way is most definitely Not My Thang sorry to disappoint :'D) ok bye
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hey it’s me again. i’ve been looking into wireplay stuff on tumblr and im crazy about it. i’m objectum as hell and the idea of that kind of pleasure interests me greatly. anyway i remembered the robot tf2 characters (like mann vs machine i think it’s called) and i think they’d dig around in each other’s wires.
I often see ‘maintenance’ as a more intimate thing for robots rather than like, gory stuff bcs it’s not my thing but you can take it as such if you want. shrug.
also i once read a fic wherein one of the characters got sexual pleasure from the other messing around a little in his cybernetic arm. that would be a bit more like surgery i bet, because, yknow, the prosthetic would be like a part of one’s body. anyway engineer would probably be into that
ok bye ^_^
YESSSS YES! I don't allot a lot of mental energy to the MvM robots but I am constantly plagued by unstoppable sexual thoughts about Glados + all of my partners are into some kind of robotfuckery or cybernetics or etc so I most certainly understand. I think very direct "wireplay" is intimate BECAUSE it is surgical or at least borderline surgical, if not in a gorekink sort of way (which I know is like my main freak flag on here lmao) then at the very least in a "homoerotic wound tending" sort of way. I think it can feel more medical with androids - I recently watched a few episodes of Star Trek: TNG (see? I can be down with the nerds too) and the way Geordi performs maintenance on Data definitely tickled my medfet sensibilities. However with a very nonhuman robot character like Glados, it's more difficult to see it that way. I think she would consider anything involving her wires to be borderline surgical, but a human engaging in wireplay with her is less likely to think of it as such, because she's so physically nonhuman. I don't categorize my attraction to Glados as "objectum" - I do have desires I classify as objectum, I want to fuck cars, including multiple specific cars in pop culture, I would jerk off to a Rothko painting stone cold sober, I need bottom surgery so I can shred my dick to ribbons with piano wire - but Glados is, yknow, sentient. She's not human, but she is "a person" in her own way. I think climbing around in Glados's wiring would be like foreplay, heavy petting, perhaps even like sexual stimulation. Hell, even just walking in the Aperture facility is intimate for her. I really don't know where I'm going with this LMAO I'm sorry for turning ur tf2 ask into a Portal post but I am as they say "insane"
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jwonsoon · 1 year
enhypen - how they show affection at school 𖨆♡𖨆
☼ authors note - hi guys first post :) thinking about life w them at school god im going nuts - def not proofread im just rambling !
his way of showing affection is through subtle touches </3. 
during those school breaks after exhausting classes he just wants to see you and listen to how ur day went.
his hand is always hanging around u, whether thats ur knee or shoulder giving u small squeezes of reassurance while ur with all ur friends to remind u nonverbally that he misses u. 
also if u guys are laughing about something he is always looking at you w so much admiration or leaning into you god i want him 
HE IS SO OBVIOUSSSS. i love him so much 
jay would have such starry eyes he would completely light up around u. he is so smiley and giggly around you laughing at ur jokes that were not even that funny. 
he’s also such a good listener like he’s just so attentive and give u the exact energy u need when ur ranting like he gives me “yea i really hate when that happens too…” vibes. 
buys u food anytime. 
he would be so insistent calling you over and telling him to sit with him cus he wants u near to him he’s barely seen u all day :(( he’d whisper ur name like “come here i miss youuuuu” i cant i cannot
he loves playing w ur hands bopping them around and intertwining w them when ur talking to him. (think him and jungwon in enhypen&hi i cant do this) u also love doing the same to him, he gets all giddy but he still wants to be attentive to the rest of the friend group and not seem too obvious so he’ll be nodding and listening but he’ll occasionally look at u and smile to himself. god. 
his form of affection is just simply being with u. being close in proximity. he just loves the idea of u being there
he misses u and doesn’t wanna see u stressed!!!!  when his hands are free he’ll have his arm around u rubbing ur arm asking what he can do to help :(
would also be so visibly excited to see u if u haven’t seen e/o all day he makes u feel so special. he is so comforting i love him so bad jake i love u
but this is more subtle it HURTS. his hand is always lingering around yours. and he always nudges u or he’s always looking down at ur hands that are barely touching and sometimes u dont notice so he gets pouty OH MY GOD.
secretly memorized ur schedule so at the end of one random class he’s finished early and hes just standing outside like 🧍 ALL AWK waiting for you to walk to lunch together and ur like how did u know i was here…hes like 🤷‍♂️
sunghoon is really subtle with it. if he senses you’re having a bad day he’s gonna be extra goofy w lame dad jokes to try and distract u. he’ll buy food for u but make it seem like it was for him and give it to u “just because.” sigh . the little things
despite being busy af. he will always make time for YOU. like he has a meeting but he receives a text that you’re about to go home? he will be excusing himself for 5 mins to give u a proper bye. FUCKKKKK
always texting u. ur laptop BETTTTERRR have DND on or else it will be pinging every 2 seconds. just like how this boy is always on weverse, he is constantly updating u about funny shit that happens in class or just what hes thinking or ur future hang out plans “we should go here on saturday”
he would so walk u home from school if y’all lived near and he would get sad if he can’t bring u one day like “how come ur leaving early i cant walk u home and ive barely seen u all week :( “
somehow always carrying ur stuff - especially if u tend to leave things behind. especially hoodies and waterbottles. like by the end of the day ur like “ok so why do u have half of my belongings.” when u guys pack up after lunch he is always picking up ur stuff b4 u cus he just knows u sometimes forget 😞 
no matter how busy y’all are. sunoo wants to see u ☹️ u guys have barely talked the whole day. he will text to meet in the middle of class just quickly. “what floor are you in? can u leave class rq i wanna say hi :(“ 
compliments. COMPLIMENTS. always the small details too like if he’ll notice if u tried a new makeup look or if u did ur hair different. he’ll make u feel so pretty
walks with u around the campus during lunch after you guys are done to have one on ones. he likes spending time one on one with you cus sometimes its harder within ur bigger group of friends awh. 
would always have ur arms linked and laugh about stupid things with you FUCK SUNOO MY SUNSHINE 
i luv him NI-KI so much im gonna get emotional. 
when he laughs or gets excited he’s practically jumping onto u or puts his whole body weight on u you’ve almost fallen so many times. 
always squeezing ur shoulders from behind to catch ur attention cus he’s so tall, similar to this sometimes he scares u from behind and u get so startled and he loves it cus he thinks ur cute and silly </3 but he sometimes does it when you’ve seen him coming from like 4 miles away… goofy ass 
when hes with u he’ll scrunch his nose and whisper “cute” to himself bc he doesn’t wanna be obviousssss😜u cant know that hes’s SIMPING!! (but he doesnt realize that u did see it and ur geeking)
likes to hug u when theres no one else around or fully lean into u like hes about to get a good nights sleep  😭
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whumpshaped · 8 months
yess!! talk about the new blorbo!!
okay. so.
tw minor character death
her name is mézi cooper (pronounced like daisy with an m, maisy) and she's 28 years old and she lives in a cottage out in the woods.
she grew up in that cottage with her parents, but then her parents decided they really wanted to sell the property and move to the city somehow, in whatever way they could, because they just didn't want to be living near the vampire territory border. (i made her for an rp with @whumpsday hence vamp territory.) mézi was devastated because what about the crops? the livestock? what about her precious chickens? mom you cant sell the chickens! she is Staying.
her parents said okay well you'll have to come with us when we sell the house to be able to buy a flat. mézi said well good luck no one's buying property near the border. there was a big argument and eventually it got solved when mézi's grandma died and her mother inherited the apartment. a bit small even for two people, so mézi was like yea u guys go ahead i am Staying. bye.
and well, what were her parents supposed to do? she was already 20 years old, she wasn't a kid, she had her own money by selling stuff from the little farm and taking odd jobs. they left her there. mézi visits them often enough, and nothing bad has ever happened to her before, so... (lies lies lies they're worried sick mézi can't be living out there ALONE in a SECLUDED FORESTY AREA this is SO BAD)
anyway mézi has been living in her little cottage all alone for like 8 years now :D she has Cool Hobbies (/j) like hunting and shooting guns. idk she's just a capable young woman. she's good with a knife ok. i'm sure that will save her from any mean person. or creature.
she's kinda happy go lucky. doesn't believe any misfortune can befall her. she believes many vampires have already ran past her little property and saw her tending to the plants and animals and thought "wow that's a lone woman taking care of all those things and creatures... we cant kidnap her :/ who would take care of the chickens :/" she really does believe even vampires have morals and a conscience :)
some more random facts about her
she's left-handed
she's pretty strong from working on the farm
she always has a knife with her
she names all her animals
she likes to help people and she believes it's good karma
she's very polite and good-mannered but boy does she get mad when other people are rude
she still believes her parents were overly paranoid for leaving the cottage like this
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astal-art · 12 days
Your art is so frickin beautiful and your vibe is so cozy and cool and we share fandoms and I am just overall in awe of your whole being and want to be friends but I have absolutely zero idea how to make friends so I'll just lurk ok thanks bye *forehead kiss (with consent)*
Super flattered and I LOVE when multiple of my fandoms align w/ people B)) which. Does tend to happen I'm not always on obscure shit although that does happen. Often.
Don't know about making friends and stuff but if you interact w/ stuff related to specific fandoms I'll reply and talk!! for sure
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moominpunx · 2 months
⋆⭒˚。⋆ intro⋆⭒˚。⋆
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info about me:
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my name is oliver/ollie!
i am transgender and my pronouns are he/him. i am on testosterone.
i am a minor!
i have adhd, autism, and dyscalculia.
i make music under the name dayflower!
i am aromantic and bisexual.
i am an anarchist.
i am white, able bodied, perisex, and verbal (saying this since i tend to post advocacy and information about the opposite of these things)
stimboard sideblog: @sillie-stimz
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about this blog:
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i mainly post about lgbtq thoughts and issues, being autistic, photography, random stuff i think of, and my art.
if politics and discourse is something that upsets or triggers you, then my blog might not be for you.
majority of my posts are reblogs though, so my own posts are under #moominpunx
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stuff i like
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special interests:
• dogs
• oceans and sea life
• music
• cinematography/photography
• moomins
• good omens
• invader zim
• my little pony
• skateboarding
• fashion
• regretevator
• art
• kandi
• guitar
• will wood
• cavetown
• against me!
• bears in trees
• mother mother
• addison grace
• noahfinnce
• chappell roan
• against me!
• pierce the veil
• paramore
• hozier
+ other ones idk
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DNI/“i don’t like you please go away”
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honestly basic dni criteria. you can tell who this blog is for just by looking at it
”not all cops” mfs, MAGA/trump supporters, anti xenogender, anti furry, radqueers/transid, queer exclusionists (you know who you are), racist, homophobic, abuser sympathizers, people who argue for fun/trolls
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triggers/don’t tag me in this stuff
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• self harm
• suicide
• eating disorders
• loss of family members
• paranoia
• panic attacks
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ok thanks bye bye 🦕
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solarandmoon · 7 months
Hi again!!!! It's me, Lunar! Cause Moony and Solar have been...very, VERY boring with the blog I'M TAKING OVER! At least for the moment with fun facts about Solar!!!!
So uhhh...ya I'm going to share some fun facts about him and maybe then people will ask him and big brother questions!!!!!
They need to stop being boring and not posting stuff!
Ok, ok ummm.....
Fun facts about Solar!!! (By Lunar)
Solar never takes his gloves off! Never seen him without them, even from before! He always put them on when in his and his Sun's old body!
The ribbon he wears is to remind him of his Sun!
He's REALLY bad at hugs, he gets all awkward and stiff accepting them, says he likes them tho! I think he needs more hugs
The badge on his overalls isn't just for show! He also has pins but he doesn't tend to wear them!
He's second tallest out of all of us that stay at the plex! Only second to big sis!
He's trans-masc!
Him and Moon are best friends!
I've sometimes lead Solar off cliffs or lead him to fall into ravines while playing Minecraft a few times! IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!!!
He's the only one who seems to understand old Moony's weird way of making notes
His old home's Moon was a big old jerk face!
And that should be enough fun facts! Maybe now people might have some questions for them!! Ok bye!!!!!
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aranarumei · 11 months
hi kiri What’s the deal with a3’s timeloop day. you shouldn’t be surprised that I am asking this. okay I love you bye
ok this is actually a pretty simple answer! but i got rambly so here's a readmore.
A3! (which stands for Act! Addict! Actors! <- don’t ask me why it’s this. idk) is a gacha game where you play as the manager, Izumi Tachibana (I’m doing first name, last name here) and you work to revive a dying theater company called Mankai. there’s 3 Acts, each with like, 4 big stories in them. and a bunchhhh of shorter event storiess which imo are crucial to experience. The first 2 acts, along with the interceding events, have been completely localized, and were run on the now-defunct English server. There is, however, an archive—if at any point in time you are ever interested, feel free to shoot me a message. And I’m serious. Even if it’s like two years later. It’s been like almost 3 years since I started going thru a3 and I haven’t even finished act 2. I’m slow
Anyways, Act 1 deals with establishing the company—in its former glory, there used to be four troupes that rotated by season. Izumi’s dad also used to run it, and he disappeared. So that’s why there’s four big stories each act: it’s one per season. In Act 1, each story deals with gathering the members for each season troupe together, and then pulling off their first play. And it also deals with like, the issues all the characters are facing. It is like, within the yumejoshi genre so there’s definitely that vibe of like. wow look at all these pretty boys who are kind of into me!? but I think it’s pretty mild on that point and like. something I enjoy is that I can see Izumi as like. an actual Character as opposed to just a self-insert. Which is nice. but the real selling point for me is that there’s a lot of like, found family and rich character dynamics within the cast. It is even homosexual sometimes.
One thing I find really interesting about a3 is that I think it has really strong character writing and development. And it’s really good at establishing different “moods” across each troupe, which works well in creating dynamics and also because each troupe specializes in something different. So spring is like, the “classic” troupe—they tend to do lots of reinterpretations of classic works, though that’s not exclusively their thing… but anyways. they do like. nice fantastical stories in my opinion. Summer does comedy, autumn does action, and winter does drama. and winter HAS drama.
Now up until winter there’s been some wackiness in a3 but it’s been like, pretty grounded in how it’s played out. and then winter rolls around and. see the issue with winter is that unlike some of the younger members they’re all composed of adults. so they’re bad at talking about their feelings, because instead of just shouting things out loud they will just shut down and like. Leave. I love this about them and I think it’s such a good writing choice.
Enter Tasuku Takato and Tsumugi Tsukioka. Tasuku and Tsumugi used to be like, the best of friends. they acted together and followed their passions together. and then they both auditioned for the God Troupe together, which is this prestigious famous troupe (it’s also evil.) and while tasuku got in and became one of the lead actors, tsumugi failed his audition. This left a deep scar on Tsumugi, who ended up kind of running away from acting as a vocation all together. now, Tasuku quit the God troupe because they were engaging in some shady stuff, and ended up joining Mankai along with Tsumugi, who coincidentally was inspired to try acting again. tsumugi’s been elected the leader of winter troupe, and therefore the person who’s meant to take the lead role in their first play. Tasuku is constantly snapping at him whenever he’s unconfident, and it’s just not great vibes. To top it all off, they’ve been issued a challenge by the God troupe, where they’ll both perform and the audience has to vote on which play they like better. Tsumugi is not really confident he can stand up to them for obvious reasons. Tasuku gets mad at him about it. Tsumugi runs into this weird doll, and the next day, they wake up in a time loop.
See, the thing is, they’re on such a tight deadline for the play, and winter is So Bad at talking about their feelings, that magic is real now. this is somewhat of an oversimplification, but it’s funny to say it like this. Anyways, there are like, seven mysteries in Mankai (have I mentioned they all dorm together! they all do! Each of them has a roommate and they all live in a big dorm that’s connected to their own theater and stage. It’s part of why they’re in such big debt and trouble at the beginning—its really hard to maintain those facilities) and one of them is about this doll that will put you in a time loop unless you become friends. essentially. And this is what happens… eventually they end up talking to each other for real due to the time loop, and each affirms just how much they respect the acting of the other. later on when Tsumugi slips back into being unconfident tasuku is able to resolve his past mistakes, because part of why he was so angry at Tsumugi was also because he was angry at himself for like. not reaching out. And telling him how much he loved him and his acting. Because their styles are very different—tasuku is loud and commanding, and Tsumugi is a more understated and subtle.
A3 is also very very cool in that parts of its plays mirror real life? so like. this play, sympathy for an angel, has two leads: Michael (Tsumugi) and Raphael (Tasuku). In it, Michael becomes interested in this woman on a list of people who are about to die, and ends up visiting the human world. He writes letters to her. His friend, Raphael, warns him against this, saying that he’s foolish for going so far for someone he can’t even meet. And each time he steps into the human world, his own soul gets weaker, and his wings begin to wither. Still, he persists against objections. Eventually, the woman recovers, gets a fiancé, and he returns to heaven. Thinking he’ll just wish for her happiness even with his unrequited love, he looks at the list and finds out that despite recovering, she’s still on the close to death list. Despite the danger to himself, he descends into the human world, and takes her place in a car accident. As he’s dying, his soul about to be obliterated because he’s been in the human world too often, Raphael descends and holds him in his arms. Michael says that he’s happy he got to do something for the person he loves, and he’s happy to be held by his best friend. Raphael says that though he’d called Michael the fool, it was him that truly was one: because he stood by, unable to protect both the person he loves and his best friend. Because he was in love with Michael the whole time of course. And then Michael dies in his arms. Now this makes me weepy as does the accompanying character song but what I really love most about it is like. Raphael’s regrets in that he didn’t protect Michael kind of directly mirror Tasuku’s own regrets in being unable to help Tsumugi when he was going through a tough time? only Tsumugi isn’t dead and so Tasuku has an actual chance to fix things, which is sweet.
It should be mentioned that one guy in the spring troupe WRITES all of these plays which is deeply funny to me bc it means that 1) he is probably gay and doesn’t know this and 2) he has precognitive abilities regarding the inner psyche of all of his castmates. and that’s a3 timeloop day. some of these a3 characters have me by the throat btw I just get beamed visions of them chatting and introspecting like constantly. I definitely haven’t explained everything but I think this is enough?
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s0fti3w1tch · 1 year
*runs up to you sobbing*
how draw turtles?
working on a comic with a pal of mine and i’m in charge of the art and idk how to draw turtles anymore so help please i didn’t know what i was getting myself into how do you stay motivated i need coffee ok bye bye *passes out*
Okay so maybe I'm not the best to answer this, but
How to Draw the Turtles REFERENCE RESOURCES:
Turtlepedia is a generally amazing resource for finding reference images, screencaps, and concept art for any TMNT content in general! Rise concept art page is one I tend to go to. I know they have some character model sheets there too.
TMNTCompendium is an account on Tumblr dedicated to collecting references of TMNT both official and fanmade. They've blogged and reblogged some really useful stuff, so I highly recommend giving a scroll-through.
Storyboard/Doodles from official artists really help when finding a more simplified/sketchy approach: Rise tag of Christine Liu's Tumblr is the one I can think of off the top of my head
Others' Specifc ROTMMNT art studies: RaindropSyndrome's Expression Study, Mikiib's Rise turtle Anatomy Study, etc.
I used to use the 3D Rise Models from the Ninja Run / Power Up! game before they were removed from Sketchfab. If you can find another way to view those models, I'd say use that too!
Things I recommend practicing the most?
The shell. Especially Rise, as the shape of the carapace conforms to the curve of a human spine. Angles, how the carapace connects to the plastron. And the head. In thumbnails, I tend to divide them into two shapes, Base + Beak/Snout/Whichever You Call It, then lines generally marking the center, where the eyes would be, where the literal mask ends and then below. This can be harder depending on which character's head you're drawing.
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Motivation.... (there is so much text down here)
As for staying motivated, that is an issue I still struggle with. What may help me may not help you. But I can give one thing maybe?
For both you and your friend, don't constrict yourselves too hard. Is this a passion project? Then, be more chill with your stuff about it. If you have a story you want to tell, take that time you need. Holding yourself accountable to get those things done? I get it. But beating yourself up about something you were supposed to do for fun? For me, if anything, it made me more dreaded to do those things and I got angry at my ability not to enjoy them.
Also... Don't be hard on yourself out about making it look good by the start.
Tentative Devotee was the first full-on fan-comic I made since I was 14 and I'm becoming 20 this year. Part one is more clearly rough around the edges than part two, and I know when part 3 comes out, there will be another shift. That's a natural consequence of learning to draw unfamiliar things more frequently to show something you want to show.
2nd Page of Tentative Devotee - Enemies pt. 1 vs 1st page of pt. 2
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I'm not the best at words when it comes to this sort of thing. And this, I feel, is a discussion to be further had with others: but I do sincerely wish you and your friend the best of luck. Every step of progress is a step nonetheless. Please communicate and be patient and understanding with each other. Establish boundaries and be honest with each other about how you two will work on this. Communicate, collaborate, accommodate, compromise— all that.
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