#aired this idea as a bit to my friends but then they were super supportive so i felt inclined to at least try
todayisafridaynight · 2 years
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nixie-writes · 6 months
Heblo! I is here to offer ideas!
How about a fic where reader is attacked badly while walking through the city, and when they return they fail miserably at hiding their injuries from Alastor? He helps patch them up, maybe hands them to someone else; but secretly he's super pissed that someone touched HIS plaything/friend.
Can be platonic or they're pining for each other- either one!
I made this platonic because we need more platonic Alastor
-you were strolling down the streets of Hell, carrying two bags of items Charlie needed for her first week celebration for Sir Pentious. If you were honest to yourself, you didn't like the guy one bit, even after having the chance to get to know him. He was a genius at inventing but he had the communicable skills of a toaster.
-following the GPS on your phone back to the Hotel you accidentally bumped into a shorter demon you hadn't noticed, being too engrossed in your phone. You profusely apologized to him and tried to make your way around him but he grabbed you by both wrists, making you drop your items and breaking the glass decorations.
-"ah, what the hell??" you demanded, trying to break free. The demon, a small loan shark, had an iron grip on your wrists and wasn't letting go. He moved both wrists to one hand, which was somehow big enough to hold both your wrists, and with his free hand he drew out a knife, hastily jabbing it in your stomach and running away. Blood spewed from your new wound, covering your freed hands and your bags. Leaving them where they were you stumbled back to the hotel to patch yourself up.
-right as you entered the hotel Alastor manifested near you, his Cheshire grin bright as always. "I smelled blood, I thought you brought me someone to eat," he chuckled. He hadn't noticed your injuries. Good. You didn't want him to make a big fuss over your stab wound.
-swallowing the blood rising in your throat you shook your head. "I'm afraid not, tall dark and creepy. I lost the groceries and I need to shower up before heading out to get more," you explained in a hurry as you tried to heave yourself to the staircase. Alastor placed a hand on your shoulder before you could make a movie however, gently removing your hands, revealing your fresh stab wound. His eye twitched, smile wavering slightly.
-"who did this to you?" he inquired as he summoned a first aid kit and laid you down on the floor. You looked away from him as he gently lifted your shirt to examine the wound. "Just some short stack loan shark. I bumped into him by accident and his response was to bruise my wrists and stab me before running off." You weren't sure why at the moment but Alastor took a good, long sniff of your wrist, as though committing it to memory.
-"stay still, this will sting," he warned as he pressed a towel doused in rubbing alcohol against your wound. You instinctively hid your mouth under your hand, grunting in pain. As soon as it happened it was over, and Alastor was applying gauze to the wound and pressing some bandages around the edge to keep it in place. "There, go find Willow and she'll do a better job than I did," he helped you to your knees and watched you waddle off to the small nurse's station.
-In a brief moment of solitude Alastor's smile faltered. He considered you to be his only friend in this joke of a Hotel. You had known each other for a long time and while he found it silly that you supported Charlie's idea, he appreciated your breath of fresh air. He clutched his cane in one hand, the other balling into a fist. Before anyone else could see him he left the hotel with a certain goal in mind.
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mildkleptomaniac · 2 years
type one — jj maybank x cameron!reader
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭:  “ Hey! Do you think you could do an imagine where the reader is Sarah’s twin and all the pogues are at a party or on the boat and her blood sugar drops really low (she has type one diabetes) and her pump keeps beeping. She is mid passing out, not feeling good and rafe has her Insulin so little bit of big brother rafe worried about his little sister and JJ and her not being together yet but he was super worried about her (like all of the pogues tbh). Thanks xxxx I really love your writing 🥺 every time you post something it makes my day ”
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1k
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: fainting, almost passing out,
𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓'𝒔 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆: my boyfriend is type 1 and i really tried my best remembering everything he has to go through. hope this is accurate enough and y’all enjoy!! we love a sweet brother rafe and caring jj. 
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Summer, the season of warmth and light, a time of vitality and Boneyard parties. Air filled with salty atmosphere and the smoke of the bonfire. Teenagers trickled onto the beach, dragging kegs in the sand, chairs, and stereos. Partiers shed layers of clothing to embrace the heat and the warmth of the bodies next to them. 
Y/N savored the Boneyard parties, enjoying her time with friends and her siblings, the drinks, and the people-watching. She fell into a rhythm of dancing with one of her twin’s boyfriend’s friends, JJ. Sarah mentioned JJ occasionally, but Y/N was surprised at how well they clicked. The first time JJ and Y/N met, he gave her a cold shoulder–until she assisted him in winning a Beer Pong game. 
After several drinks and dancing the night away, Y/N began to feel light-headed. JJ kept his hands around her waist as she slowed down, the scenery around her became spinning. Racking through ideas of why she felt like this–she’d forgotten to take her blood sugar before leaving the house. 
The music and the conversations drowned out the sound of her insulin pump beeping loudly, signaling her blood sugar increased dangerously high. She couldn’t seem to focus on anything around her before her pump began vibrating in her pocket. If she wasn’t light-headed enough, the vibration made it worse. 
“I need to sit down,” Y/N muttered, pulling away from JJ’s grasp. His brows furrow, still holding onto her waist before sitting her down on some driftwood. Weaker and weaker, Y/N began fumbling with her pump. Dread coursed through her at the epiphany she ran out of insulin. Her mouth felt parched.
“JJ–Where’s Sarah?” Her voice was weak, as she glanced around the party to find her twin. Sarah and Y/N were never separated for long, before they knew it, Sarah spotted her sister and raced over.
“Hey, what’s going on?” She questioned before the realization of the situation hit her. 
“Her pump keeps beeping and–”
“Sarah, get Rafe–he has the glucagon in his car–” Y/N waved her hand, limply. 
Her twin didn’t need to hear anymore before Sarah and the rest of the Pogues hunt down Rafe Cameron. JJ held Y/N in his arms, stroking her hair as she lay there, hoping to calm her down. He kept small talk, making sure she didn’t actually pass out. On the edge of his seat, he kept looking for his friends or Rafe, hoping they’d come back soon with insulin for Y/N. 
Explicitly, JJ never stated his feelings for the Cameron twin, but the Pogues picked up on it by his constant desire to be within arms reach or asking if she’d be joining them today on whatever adventures they voyaged on. 
If she wasn’t feeling like passing out, she would be embarrassed. Being seen as weak and vulnerable in front of others was deemed to be her worst fear. JJ’s words blurred together as her hearing faded in and out, her vision becoming hazy.
“Come here, Y/N” Rafe spoke, now supporting his younger sister. Despite Y/N and Sarah being twins, Rafe and she had an unspoken bond. The sibling relationship held no jealousy, but empathy for each other’s struggles and relationships with their father. No competition or underlying hatred–something Rafe held against Sarah for being the favorite child. “I got you, let’s get this going for you.”
Rafe fumbled with the device, despite training for this emergency multiple times. JJ watched him kneel down beside his sister, and the hatred between the two disappeared. Rafe never approved of his sisters hanging out with the Pogues, but when it came to Y/N and her diabetes, nothing mattered anymore.
As the insulin started to take effect, Y/N started to feel better. Rafe and JJ sat with her, keeping her company until she became fully conscious again. Rafe held her hand, stroking his thumb over it. Seeing his sister in such a distressed state only made things worse for Rafe–not wanting to get the backlash from their father. Y/N constantly reminded him that her diabetes would never be his fault if something bad happened to her–she made sure Ward knew too. 
 Pope, Kie, and the couple watched over Y/N s well, worried that they would have to call an ambulance. 
"Thanks, Rafe," Y/N said, feeling grateful. "I'm sorry I'm such a burden and killing the mood."
Rafe chuckled. "You're not a burden," he said. "You're my little sister. I'll always be here to take care of you." A side of Rafe Cameron not many people witness. If anything were to happen to his siblings, under his watch, he wouldn’t be able to forgive himself. 
The night ended shortly after, Pope offering to drive Y/N home s she could fill her pump with insulin. Accepting his offer, JJ rode in the backseat with the Cameron girl. Her head rested on his shoulder, Pope peeking through the rearview mirror to make sure nothing else went awry. The two helped her inside, not wanting to leave until she made herself comfortable, fixed her pump, and got some light food and water in her. 
“Thank you, Pope,” She wrapped his arms around him. She knew how much he disliked Rafe–just relieved neither JJ nor Pope let their feelings get in the way of her health. Letting go, she faced the blonde. 
Pope waited in the car, allowing the two to talk privately. 
“I was hoping we’d have more time together tonight to dance and talk.” She confessed. JJ laughed, nodding his head. He wished the night didn’t end the way it did as well. 
“Hm, maybe tomorrow we can make up for a lost time–only if you remember to take care of yourself.”
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bitethehnd · 7 months
hi! could u write jb x reader where reader’s like super famous like tswift? like julien going to all this stuff reader goes and etc etc etc
thank uuu
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*₊˚ ♫ 𖦹 miss americana and the heartbreak prince !
pairing : julien baker x popstar!reader
cw : all fluff! one sexual reference but that’s all
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you and julien first met and an award show a few years ago. she and lucy were invited by phoebe to attend with her. you had just won a bunch of awards for your latest album, reputation. phoebe dragged them to go talk to you while she congratulated you. julien was just standing there, starstruck and staring at you. you noticed her state and were confused, but still introduced yourself to her
julien was standing a bit behind lucy, who was also a bit shocked but not as much as julien, to try to hide herself. you noticed her stare and turned your attention to the other two. you were taken aback because julien was even more gorgeous in person. utterly handsome.
“oh my god, i’m so sorry i haven’t introduced myself yet. i’m y/n!” you exclaimed excitedly and went to give lucy a hug. the tall woman laughed and congratulated you on your awards just won. you thanked her and turned to give julien a hug next.
you embraced her warmly, “it’s great to finally met you, julien. i’ve loved your music for so long.” she stiffened into the hug when you said that, not even expecting you to know who she was.
you both pulled away and she said, “oh god— thank you so much. you’re like… fucking amazing. i can’t believe you even know who i am.” you laughed like she just said something hilarious. “how could i not know who you are? phoebe never shuts up about you two and, well, your lyricism is amazing. i’ve actually taken a lot of inspiration from it. i’m a huge fan.” she could have died right there.
you four talk for a couple more minutes before you have to get back to your table. before you leave, you get both lucy and julien’s phone numbers and hug them both one last time. but not before kissing julien’s cheek and winking at her. she just stands there with your lipstick stain on her face while her friends are laughing at her.
after that night, julien couldn’t get you out of her head. you couldn’t get her out of yours either. about a week after you first met, you texted her and asked if she wanted to get coffee. she responded in like 0.2 seconds and said she’d loved to
you both went to a small coffee shop with hats and sunglasses to protect your identifies, you more than her. you guys talked for hours and the romance progressed from there <3
now into the actual relationship! she’s so supportive of your music and you are of hers. you both bounce lyric ideas off of each other all the time
writing an album dedicated to her <33 (*cough* lover *cough*). she literally tears up when you play her the songs. like just imagine sitting on your bed while you strum your guitar and sing love songs softly to her in the middle of the night :(( the ultimate dream
she makes multiple appearances in your documentary, 'miss americana.' you talk all about how she was such a breath of fresh air and how you were so honored to have the opportunity to love her. she gets so flustered behind the camera when you said that and gave you a giant kiss after
you were supposed to go on a tour for lover, but it ended up being canceled due to covid. instead, julien helps you write folklore and evermore (taylor and joe vibesss). you obviously give her writing credits so when folklore wins a grammy, she does too. it's her first grammy and she's so happy it was because of your work
when you win the grammy for folklore you extensively thank her in your acceptance speech and go on a whole rant about how much you love her. she's just sitting at your table giving you air kisses. you almost want to pull her on the stage with you, but you don't want to embarrass her
imagine just being holed up in the house during the pandemic and just writing songs with her for months. you would have thought you would have gotten bored, but she could never bore you. every day was special if it was spent with her
writing 'invisible string' about her <333 and her being a feature on 'exile' and 'evermore' (sorry bon iver). her voice just works so well with those songs
now onto your eras tour! midnights was a huge success and so naturally you were going to go on tour for the album. julien gave you the idea to go on tour for all of your albums since midnights was your 10th one. you loved the idea and so did your team, so the plan was put into place
you had originally asked her to be one of your openers, but she suggested you ask phoebe instead. you didn't know why she declined but she was secretly too nervous to play in front of that many people 😭 phoebe took you up on your offer with so much excitement! and of course asking muna too!! they're quickly become some of your closest friends. also going on their podcast, gayotic, and just talking about julien the whole time <3
julien helps you decide what songs to put on the setlist. you take literally all of her suggestions. she also watches you practice your chorography for all the different songs and says it's all amazing (everything you do is amazing in her opinion)
when the start of the tour comes around, she's at every show possible. even with boygenius's tour going on, she still makes the maximum effort to go see you perform. through jet lag or sickness, it doesn't matter
singing directly to her during lover when she's in the vip section. she gives you literal heart eyes back and fans love to film her reaction
she blushes so hard when you perform 'vigilante shit'... you make sure to give her a private performance that night ;)
she goes with you to every award show and event possible. at some point, no one even had to guess who your plus one was going to be. it was always her. and matching your dress to her suit is so cute
you are known to be quite the schemer when it comes to your music, dropping hints and easter eggs in almost everything you do. julien quickly becomes part of the fun and also teases your fans during interviews, etc
she just thinks it's so amazing that a queer artist can hold so much fame and love throughout the world <3 and she's definitely not biased because she's your girlfriend...
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© bitethehnd
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seeminglyranch87 · 3 months
Taylor & Travis Timeline
June 2024 - Part 3
June 25 - Travis Kelce is a guest on "Bussin with the Boys" Podcast and talks about his relationship with Taylor (x 1:14:18). Podcast recorded 19 June 2024
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Travis is asked how his team mates handled the news that he was dating Taylor...
"no nobody really gave me [a hard time] no, really nobody knew what was going on really all over the place, we kind of kept it between us as much as we could but once she came to a game obviously it was all popping from there"
"you want to keep things private but at the same time I'm not here to hide anything, that's my girl you know what I mean that's my lady, I'm proud of that so it's like I'm not sitting here trying to juggle 'how can I keep this under wraps'. You just don't want to let everybody into your personal life and be able to comment on it knowing that everything she does is getting a headline."
When asked about what has been crazy as a result of dating Taylor Travis replies
"it's been cool, it's a different demographic than the NFL really so it's been cool to dabble in that and see her following, it's been fun.
"The Chiefs fans have turned into a lot of her fans or her fans have turned into Chiefs fans so I've had fun with just about every aspect of it. It's just when you're at home you want privacy and you don't always get that"
On supporting each other and Taylor going on to the field at the Super Bowl:
"she's very self-aware she understands situations and that's why I really started to really fall for her was how genuine she is around friends & family, it can get crazy for somebody with that much attention and she just keeps it so chill and so cool and because you know everyone's watching what hey what move
"The first game she came to against the Bears I was like 'hey yeah so I could probably set you up with everything' and she just walked right through the front door. There's no going down talking to security making sure that she gets to her [box seat] she just wants to be around the family and friends and experience this with everybody. She got Buu points for that. She's in the madness, she wants to be a part of it, she wants to support me and do things like that. She really won me over with that one though."
How's it been going to the concerts?
"dude the concerts are electric yeah they're electric and she just switched it up, she just came out with the new album so she Incorporated that into the new show, she's having fun up there so it's like I can enjoy seeing her in her element killing it on stage and I love the show man she's got bangers."
Travis is asked to name his top tier songs of Taylor's...
"I really started listening to Taylor's music when she came out with 1989 like I knew who she was before that, we were the same age we so through high school I knew who Taylor was as she was getting her career started. 1989 was where it really started to go crazy so I'm going to say Blank Space because that was the first one great song so I'm put that one at number one. "Number two; Cruel Summer is one of the ones she opens with at her show and when she comes out and it's just Electric in the stadium and then she goes into an absolute banger like that, I was fired up when that happened the first show I was ever at" "What would be my third? I'll say So High School, it's got a little bit of a sentimental meaning". "You know how to ball, I know Aristotle"
June 26 - New Heights - The London Episode airs (recorded Sat 22nd June in London). Jason and Travis Kelce talk about Jason and Kylie's first experience of the Eras Tour in London UK.
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“13+87 i’m just saying it works”
Calm Down with Erin & Charissa podcast. Erin Andrews & Charissa Thompson share their experience of attending the Eras Tour at Wimbledon Night 1 and chatting with Travis in the VIP tent... (x)
Charissa: “you must be so proud of her.” Travis: “you have no idea.”
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June 28 - The Eras Tour, Aviva Stadium, Dublin, Ireland
State of Grace x You’re on Your Own Kid (guitar) x Sweet Nothing x Hoax (piano)
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June 29 - The Eras Tour, Aviva Stadium, Dublin, Ireland
The Albatross x Dancing With Our Hands Tied (guitar) & Ours x This Love (piano)
June 30 - The Eras Tour, Aviva Stadium, Dublin, Ireland
Travis flew in from LA and arrived part way through the Folklore/Evermore era, this is the moment Taylor saw him arrive (x)
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Stevie Nicks & Julia Roberts are in attendance.
Clara Bow x The Lucky One (guitar) x You're On Your Own Kid (piano)
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Trav let her bejeweled 🥰😭🤩 (x)
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Taylor, Travis, Stevie Nicks, Paramore, band and dancers enjoyed a post show celebration at Hacienda Bar in Dublin (x)
Go to previous update -> June part 2
Go to next update -> July part 1
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coqvttes · 11 months
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i hit 1k followers today and i just want to say thank you so so much, everyone. all the moots i’ve met on here are absolutely amazing and so so kind! i love every single one of them to bits and all the anons in my inbox are sweethearts too. thank you for making this a positive space for me so far. i really appreciate everyone and i’m so happy that people enjoy what i write and what i post, i can truly be myself on here. i truly love you all and i appreciate every single one of you. xx
i want to say special thank yous to some of my lovely mooties. (≧◡≦)づ ♡
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@bearieio, spencerr, you were my first ever moot. you've just been so sweet and so so warm to chat with. you’re sooo pretty?? and really sincere! thank you for being my first friend on tumblr. (:
@dizzyntrr : maxine! my british bestie! i do LOVE seeing what you post on your blog and hearing about how your day went! your poetry is so lovely and so are you; i love your choice of vocabulary haha.
@yonphilia : you're truly amazing, mio! you’re always checking up on me and sending me lovely asks! you’re so so so energetic and kind and supportive.
@cigsnfilms : my supporterrrr. one of the first to interact with me and please we need to talk moreee. i LOVEE all the stuff you reblog i live for it!
@poisonedprose : you are such a talented writer, i remember reading a fic of yours before i even started this blog and i just remember it all. vira, you truly have a wonderful way with words and you’re just super nice!
@arthursgf1 : i love the aesthetic of your whole blog and everything you post and reblog (live laugh love arthur morgan). and dev, you're so so sweet! i'd love to talk to you more!
@konigceo : lala my love, your blog is SOO cute and pretty and pink and lovely and aheioshzh. your writing makes me blush and kick my feet up in the air literally!!
@solutopia : solana, i’ve always loved your name soooo much! and your blog themes are always gorgeous i love seeing your new ones. thank u sm for sending me asks often you’re really kind, darling.
@spiderst4rgirl : belle, you are just spontaneous and a big bundle of energy, literally, you make me burst out laughing so often. i love how pretty your moodboards are AND YOU ARE SO PRETTY TOO.
@starzu : you're blog is so so so lovely and so are you, you post nearly everyday and you work yourself so hard! i love all of your ideas in your fics and you deserve a big hug and i'll give it to you!
@norafaye : i just love how you've done up your blog so much! nora, you're so so creative and i love that so much! you're super supportive and real it's so nice to have a moot who loves f1 too!
@angedetoile : you're my bae, i love how you message me all the time and send me stuff all day. you are literally an angel and a total sweetheart. your goofy tiktoks make me laugh too omg.
@kasumitenbaz : kassandra! we've literally just met and all but i have to mention you. you are really sweet and your blog theme is so adorable and so are you. can't wait to talk 2 you more!
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yagirljosieohyeah · 2 years
Hello! I saw you write for Demon Slayer, if it's possible, may I request some headcanons of the hashiras seeing reader as an older sibling figure?? Please and thank you! ^^
congrats on being my first request of course it’s no problem I wasn’t sure how you wanted it done so I did head cannons for each one and then at the end is a little mini scene with all of them. I didn’t specify readers age and I used they/them pronouns. If you see anything that you don’t like let me know and I’ll fix it.
tw: mention of injury but nothing to detailed or major (it’s like patching up an injury but I know people on the internet can be sensitive)
I think that he would be pretty reluctant to the idea of opening up to an older sister figure and it would take a lot of time to get him to trust you
however once you do he’s definitely going to be with you as much as possible
he’s lost a lot so now having someone he’s trying to be careful not to lose you
if you were to hang out with him it would consist of the two of you doing your own thing in the same room as each other
After missions he would definitely have you patch him up if needed (I doubt he would really trust anyone else to do it)
definitely says mean things as a joke but with how nonchalant his voice is it can be hard to tell if it’s a joke
if you were to ever consider giving up being a Hashira I think he would be angry because in his eyes you are a symbol of strength and you giving up makes him think you’re weak
eye contact I don’t know why I just feel like he’s the kind of person to constantly try and make eye contact with you
you would definitely have a lot of fun being his older sibling figure
Tons of compliments because he thinks you’re just great and he wants you to know it
definitely wary at first of being too attached to you because he doesn’t want the pain of losing you
Would support you if you decided you didn’t want to be a Hashira and would help you achieve your goal
constantly pushing you to do your best
You are the brains of every operation
he’s the little brother who stands just outside your door and says “I’m not in your room” when you tell him to get out
omg the most chaotic duo ever to exist because even if you’re chill he’s not so you won’t get or be either
you have to try really hard to keep him chill
a bit of a selfish sibling on the surface but is really caring deep down
you have to be friends with his wives you don’t get a choice
they all definitely love you too and like to hang out with you when he’s away
over all he’s giving that one meme that’s like
Uzui: “Can I have some of your fries”
You: “sure, can I have some of your burger”
uzui: “no”
Random person: “well that rude”
Uzui: “my burger has pickles on it she’s allergic to pickles do you want her to die”
I don’t think she’d want you around at first simply because I think that the person she’s always seen Kanae as her sister even in death
it will take a very long time so you’d start as friends but I think she’s slowly begin to give in to you taking care of her
like after missions if she comes home with a bloody scratch she goes to you to patch it up even though she knows she could do it herself
you are also now Kanao Tsuyuri’s older sibling to
you are going to be hearing a lot about Giyū being a freak and a loner
If you ever get sick she will try to make medicine for you
And if she gets sick she’ll refuse help at first until you force her
A total air head and super forgetful
you’re going to have to remind him of everything he has to get done
there will be a lot of you taking care of him since he forgets when he has things to get done
He often acts like he doesn’t care but see down he does
when injured or sick he would avoid getting help
he would see it as not a big deal
however if you noticed and said something I think he would accept your help
generally pretty quiet I suppose
Deep down he’s got a lot of rage so I think he might snap at you occasionally.
(Sorry this one’s so short I don’t know much about him)
Honestly a total ass but it makes sense with everything he went through
he is very petty and will try to get revenge for every little thing
he definitely Calls you weak sometimes or mocks you
you’re the only person he would ever allow to change the bandages on his face
only you would be allowed to see the scars
he would probably give his life for you
please help him talk to Mitsuri he needs it
not a great brother over all but I think he has some highlights
stop I can see it now it would be such a cute family dynamic
she would want to make flower crowns with/for you
pretty quick to open up to the idea of an older sibling figure
please help her even though she’s a love Hashira she has no idea how to talk to Obani
she would make you food, definitely
I feel like she would enjoy going on walks to clear her mind of all the bad thoughts that come with being a demon slayer
she’s a hugger I know it
she laughs at all your jokes
if she’s sick she will whine that she’s dying and needs you to take care of her
if she gets hurt she will whine that she’s dying and needs you to take care of her
literally the best sister you could ever have
This ball of rage would be so overprotective
he would rarely let you take care of him because he didn’t want to be seen as weak
is always trying to push you to be stronger because he doesn’t like to hang around weak people
will go with you as back up on your missions
if anything ever happened to you because of a demon he would lose his shit
you have to stop him when he stabs nezuko cause he won’t listen to the others
he’s fun but very intense 8/10 on the brother scale
He’s so emotional like he would be very sensitive to how you were feeling
if something is bothering you we’ll now it’s bothering him
would definitely be fine with you bandaging him up when he needs it
he would teach you all the things he knows even if you’re older than him
you’re his eyes
he gives you little trinkets
I think you are the type of siblings who can have a whole conversation without saying a word
what we’re you supposed to do the demon had obviously made a plan before coming here. You watched as he calculated exactly when to launch his attack on the others. You couldn’t let that happen they were your family and you would do anything for them. So before he got a chance you full force slammed your shoulder into his side knocking him over. Raising your sword you plunged it into his head before pulling it out. Just as you were about to sever his head something pierced through the front of your uniform into your uniform. With a barely contained scream you looked down and saw it was a large stone. The one he had been fighting with. With whatever strength you still had you sliced off his head. Just as he began to disappear you collapsed.
“hey guys” Mitsuri said softly her eyes slowly filling with tears. Looking over the other hashiras saw your limp body. With eyes wide Shinobu ran towards you as quickly as she could before dropping to her knees. Mitsuri followed closely behind followed by the others. Placing her ear to your chest she heard nothing. She pulled away before shaking her head and staring down at your Giyū turned walking away he couldn’t look. Gyōmei’s tears fell more rapidly than usual as he clasped his hands praying for your safe travel to the world above. Sanemi looked at where the demons face was still disintegrating and he stabbed it over and over. Obani and Muichiro both stood there eyes totally blank and hearts broken. After everything you had done to protect them they had been to weak to protect you when you needed them.
I feel really bad that this took so long. I got pretty sick a few days ago so I’m not doing my best: Sorry if this was bad it’s been a while since I’ve seen demon slayer so I don’t remember everything about the characters. Thanks for your request and I hope you have a wonderful day.
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moontyuns · 1 year
Hello!!! Can i request a Beomgyu drabble with the kiss promt "if you win, i'll kiss you", please? Thank you in advance!!
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Word count: 1k Pairing: beomgyu x reader Genre: fluff Rating: PG-13 Warnings: none
Kiss prompts game; “if you win, i'll kiss you” x beomgyu
a/n: i’m so sorry for the delay!! But i finally managed to write this prompt as something decent, so i hope that you will like it <3
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Finally, the exams season is over, so you decide to celebrate it with your little group of friends consisting of 5 boys plus you. Not that you did super great this time and you never had all “excellent” on your exams but that never bothers you and definitely does not prevent you from going to arcades. This was Soobin’s idea that all of you go to play arcades and then go to some restaurant to actually celebrate it, Kai was the first to support it, and then other guys did agree on it as well as you.
“So, is everyone ready to mark the end of the exams and the start of the holidays?” Yeonjun asked excitedly and every one of you shouted a loud “yes!” and all of you headed to the arcades.
You did play a lot of different games, your favorite is air hockey so you and Taehyun were stuck there for some time, while the rest of your group played other games. Even though you mostly paired in some games with Taehyun or Yeonjun your eyes almost never left Beomgyu. It feels like they’re being glued to him, at some times you manage to avert your gaze before he notices you but at some times you were dazed to the point when Beomgyu looked at you questionably then you feel kind of embarrassed. Taehyun nudged you about it (you cursed him for being the smartass that he is) a few times and you just waved his questions off, because you are not ready to accept out loud the fact that you have actual feelings for one of your close friends.
All of you played here for about two or maybe even three hours and decided that it was time to wrap it up but then Yeonjun suggested playing a few rounds of basketball game, the one with the smallest score will pay at the restaurant for the meal. At first, you wanted to play one by one but then thought that it would be time-consuming as there are 6 people so you divided into pairs and you ended up being paired with Beomgyu, you two were second in the line. Soobin and Yeonjun did pretty well and it made you a bit nervous because your skills in basketball weren’t that wonderful so you hope for Beomgyu to do the most for your team. However, as you started the game it wasn’t great at all, you keep missing the ring and so did the boy beside you. “Ughhh..if we will keep doing like this we will end up last!” you said frustrated and looked at Beomgyu with a frown painted on your face. “Sorry Y/n, I don’t think it's my lucky day today,” Beomgyu said sheepishly and scratched the back of his neck. “Okay. Choi Beomgyu, if you win, I’ll kiss you!” you said with a voice full of confidence in your words but once your brain registered them your face felt so hot. Beomgyu turned his head to you abruptly looking at you amused. “Woah, Y/n will you kiss me if I win?” Soobin asked you curiously but you only made a disgusted face at him, “Hey! That’s so rude of you, I’m offended!” the boy pouted. “I don’t care Soob” you rolled your eyes, “It’s a very special proposal only for Beomgyu” You meet his eyes and saw that mischievous glint inside. After this, his shots were much better than before and the score gets higher so you ended up with one point ahead of the older boys. 
The competition ended with Yeonjun and Soobin being the last place in this bet and they’re gonna pay for the dinner. “Yaaayyy!! We win! I’m so glad that my poor wallet will not lose its money” you said dramatically and the boys laughed (except for Yeonjun and Soobin whose wallets are gonna cry today). When you went out of the building it was already late evening and the sun was almost got down. Beomgyu took your hand and stopped you on the way. “Gyu? We should catch up with the boys..” you looked at him and your cheeks suddenly feel hotter, his gaze was directly at you, and it makes you feel so flustered. “Y/n, you promised me something” A small smirk appeared on his pretty face. Oh damn..I almost forgot about it. Now you slightly, just a tiny bit, regret that you said that before, because how can you kiss him? You are perfectly sure that he never feel the same as you and he will do this just to tease you later. “Uh..Gyu heh..I thought..uh..I don’t know” you mumbled with your eyes looking at your feet as if it's something interesting. A moment later, the boy’s hand took your chin up closer to his face, it happened so fast that you didn’t even have time to register what was going on. “Stop this. Just kiss me,” he whispered, his lips so close to yours and you can feel his warm breath fanned over your lips. Your mouth is dry from how nervous you are, but you thought that it was now or never, when else will you have the chance to kiss Choi Beomgyu, the boy you have had a crush on for almost a year now. You closed the short distance between your lips and captured his in a sweet and delightful kiss, the boy responded momentarily. The kiss was slow and gentle, you never knew that Beomgyu’s lips would be this soft and warm, you can’t believe that it’s real. Until you heard a very loud shout behind you “Come on! Right in front of my salad, guys” Soobin complained with disgust written on his face. “Wait until you get home, lovebirds. We don’t wanna be witnesses to this thing, my eyes aren’t ready” added Taehyun, and both of you groaned pulling off each other. “Shut the hell up, guys! We will catch up with you soon, just go!” Beomgyu answered back, clearly annoyed with their remarks but you only giggled at him and leaned your forehead into his shoulder.
Reblogs and likes are highly appreciated <3 Do not - steal / copy / repost / translate any of my works !
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marwhoa · 2 years
requests: i'd very much appreciate a rise! leo x reader (gender neutral if u like:) ) the idea i had was the reader met the turtles through april who's been friends with the reader for a while,, kind of being the only normal constant in her life but she finally introduces her to the other side of her double life and reader and leo hit it off right away!!
that's kind of backstory, i suppose, and now reader plays soccer and invites april and the turtles to her games and leo is hyped and supportive. maybe a villain could crash the game or some cool hijinks could ensue!! but i'd really really love and appreciate it! have a good day/night !!
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🝮 “ come clean! ”
rise!leo x female!soccer!reader
author’s note: woot !! finally got it done, this has been sitting in my messages for a while *sobs* apologies to the love who made the request, i hope you like it! there are a few little bits here and there that may seem a bit odd—they’re easter eggs for a future x reader i have planned uwu. also huge thanks to @tmntxthings !! I knew NOTHING about soccer, so the super awesome soccer scene is brought to you by my dearly beloved partner in crime :)))
word count: 5.0k
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“ April, please! “
Y/N begged, hand holding tightly onto April’s while the other was planted against their table. Plenty of times this month she had flaked on plans—both before and during said plans! So, yeah, she was a bit peeved by now and wanting an answer, especially since this was supposed to be their special friends’ night out. Y/N’s hold had loosened completely when April turned her head back with glossy eyes threatening tears.
“ April…? “
She whispered, repeating it again in a shout as the brunette girl bolted away without a word. Y/N stood frozen while watching her frame disappear. Dejected, she slunk back into her seat, sighing and looking out the window.
“ … “
The sunny skies grew overcast, creating a plummeting feeling in her chest. She leaned into the palm of her hand, elbow aching a bit against the hard table—though, whether it ached more or less than her heart was anyone’s guess. The seconds passed awkwardly until finally Y/N lifted out of her seat, placed money down on the table for the tab, and headed to the door silently. With a push, she recoiled at how heavily the wind was barreling. There was a sharp hiss in the air, and soon Y/N became grateful for the rough winds knocking them over as debris had shattered against the window. There were blurs at the rooftops in the corner of her eyes, but nothing would have kept her in this plaza for long.
You ran home immediately, not wanting anything to do with whatever was about to happen there. The danger only made you more fearful for why April had left so fast and if she was okay! No worries though, you would soon have to found out why your friend so rudely dipped on you—but not from her mouth. No, no, you had to find out when trying to pause the news after you slunk down on the couch in your living room. Your hands tightened, shaking with some emotion between anger and worry.
There, on the tv, was the all-too-familiar blur of your friend being thrown. You resumed the broadcast, recognizing the stadium she was standing in, alongside… wh-what? Are those…?
“ Turtles?! April, you’re serious? TURTLES? “
Y/N was trailing after a speedy April, down the apartment complex’s corridors. She occasionally had to do a light jog just to keep up, and it was good she did that because had there been even a second more of lagging behind, she would’ve been slammed out of her dearest friend’s place.
“ Whuh—hey! April, come on, I deserve an explanation, you’ve been keeping secrets! “
Her grip on the door loosened with an exhausted exhale, pushing open the door to let you in.
“ Y/N, it’s for your own safety! “
“ Bullshit, April, I get to decide that! You’ve been distant for a while now, leaving me in the dark, and then I see you on national news, fighting some—some-some THING? “
“ Shredder. ”
April corrected, dodging her exasperated friend’s gaze. Y/N’s hands were working the entire time to emphasize her point, her frustration. At the end of it, her chest was heaving, body trembling.
Had you overstepped your boundaries? Overstayed your welcome? Was this the end between you two? No, it couldn’t be—just how long have you been friends?! Why, she had even been there since your first try-out for the soccer team back in middle school. She was there when you made the team—there for your first game! April never missed a game of yours, even would bring a friend or two (though, you always wondered why they dressed up so much. no matter the temperature, her friends were always clad in bulky clothes!) And just as she was, you had always been her right-hand-man. For whatever short gig she got herself into (no seriously, you had never met anyone who managed to be in a new club, job, or activity by the next week), you were her biggest supporter, most frequent customer, and most present member!
So, no, you felt completely justified in pushing the boundaries right now. This wouldn’t be the end of you, it couldn’t be.
“ April, please, we’re best friends. I just.. There’s so many secrets between us. Don’t I deserve some kind of explanation? “
After a few wordless seconds, something in April finally changed. That seemed to be the key as her expression softened back to the April you knew and loved all these years. You couldn’t help but smirk at that, biting back stubborn tears and diving into the hug she offered. You whispered a, “ there you are “ and listened intently as she finally spilled the beans about this entire second life she had! Seriously, how did she keep this from you for this long?
By the end of the night, your excited, nosy self was already two steps away from going out to find these brothers, and April was well, WELL aware of this. Would you two really be as good of friends as you were if she hadn’t known the kind of person you were?
Mayhaps a little message had already been sent out, and may-mayhaps there was already a little someone or someones at the door.
“ No way.. ”
“ C’mon now, Y/N, don’t drool on my floor. ”
Your mouth was open in joyful surprise, like a child being told a present awaits them in the next room; April failed to hold back and laughed at you, teasing you all the way to the door. Fixated on that sleek mahogany, you scrambled to your feet—mouth still open, of course—and watched the four tall figures step into the room, greeting April. As their eyes went to you, each had a different expression.
The red one—the biggest—flashed a toothy grin and a neat wave. His voice was welcoming and friendly as he said a, “ hello! “
The orange one—the smallest—was bobbing in place, the biggest grin ever seen on his face as he waved with probably all the force and energy in his body. You wondered if it was even possible for him to exhaust himself.
Now, the purple one… well, he wasn’t even paying attention anymore. After greeting April, he promptly went straight to the glowing metal on his arm, some form of Apple Watch? Had you not been impressed to begin with, maybe this would have ticked you off.
Somehow, though, the last brother had managed to take the show by storm and outperform each introduction as a blue blur scooped up your hands instantly, giving you a cool smirk with excitement in his eyes.
“ It’s an honor to finally meet you, I’m Leo. “
“ You’ve heard of me? “
Confused by how he said that, you couldn’t fight the oddest feeling of familiarity. The image of a particularly bundled-up, reoccurring guest at your games with April appeared in your head…. Odd, surely unrelated. Anyways, he shook your hands and rose them to plant a little kiss, rattling your stiffened stance as you got flustered and began giggling.
“ I haven’t missed a single game of yours—Unlike someone I know—ACK! “
He turned, assumedly taking a jab at April, only to then screech as he dropped down to dodge a thrown shoe. It would’ve hit you instead, except for the fact that the goofy boy had yanked you down with him. He was crouched like a hero out of a marvel movie, but you were splayed out ungracefully like a splat on the ground, Chest to floor, head spinning, you gave a dazed laugh or two before hearing a, “ Leo, you killed April’s friend! “ exclaimed from the smallest who had the biggest eyes—what an expressive lad.
After being helped up, the rest of the night played out with question after question, from “ How’s it feel, out on the field with your friends! ” to “ What would you say is your ratio of misses to goals scored? ” to “ Have you ever made the BEST SHOT ever and rubbed it in the opponents faces!?!? ” And then others like, “ So, what exactly is a Shredder? ”, or “ What’s with the winter get-up at my games? ”, then “ Whoa… Is that real? Can I touch it? ”, and more.
By the time midnight rolled by, you felt like you just caught up on a slew of experiences April had without you (and you may, MAY have been jealous!)
With a hop to your feet, you invited them all personally to your next game coming up, and boy were all of them more than excited to accept (well… almost all. One seemed to not be listening, but you had a feeling he was going to come, too.). Upon being ushered out by April, Mikey would give you a big hug, Donnie may have nodded in your direction, and Raph gave a firm handshake with a toothy grin!
But Leo, he stopped in front of you. His hand rubbed the back of his neck as he looked everywhere but at you.
Stammers and stutters, apologies, and then a long drawn out sigh.
“ I—I enjoyed—enjoyed? That’s so formal, no, I, I really liked talking to you tonight! “
He slumped over, as if he had planned something else to say but it just didn’t come out right. Snickering echoed down the halls, and you knew just who the culprits were.
“ I’ll see you, at your game night—I’ll-I’ll cheer the loudest, I guaran—ouch!—guarantee it! “
He had been backing up down the hall, waving to you as his voice rose to ensure you heard it. Of course, not looking where he was walking rewarded him with a smack against the wall interrupting his sentence, but he had a quick recovery. The last thing you saw was a starstruck look in his eyes when you blurted out a laugh at this, waving and nodding.
And that encounter had been the first on your mind, echoing and replaying in all its glory. Stepping through the gates of the stadium’s fences, you searched the bleachers for the oddballs and April. Upon seeing them, you gave a wave—hopping and swinging with almost as much energy as when Mikey introduced himself to you. Your friends waved, and the one you just knew was Leo stood up and shouted, “ GOOD LUCK !! “
With giddy joy written all in your face, you stepped out onto the field, assuming position while holding a hand up to shield the beaming lights from your eyes. The greeting-roars from the crowds as announcers readied them for the coming-game sent motivation electrifying through every inch of your body, straight into your soul.
You leaned down with an expression oozing confidence, clenching and loosening your fists while preparing a keen eye and a ready kick. Your opponents had waltzed in with a winning streak, and you & your ‘mates were determined to end it tonight. The looks in their faces as they strut in, grinning with a “ we got this already “, lit a fire in each member of your team. They would not be leaving this stadium with any streak; in fact, tonight would begin their losing streak! Y’all were going to make sure of THAT.
The game had been at a standstill for a long time. The team you faced were great opponents and lived up to their name, the Easy Riders, but you and your team, the Star Dogs, were just as good. Twenty minutes into the match and the score was still zero to zero. That wasn’t because the Star Dogs hadn’t had any chances to score; on the contrary, you’d gotten the ball passed to you and had almost scored twice now.
First chance arose at a breakneck pace. The ball came to you hard and fast, hitting right smack dab in your chest. You cushioned it as much as possible so it didn’t bounce off and maneuvered towards the goal. Only in a perfect world would you be met with no resistance, so of course the first defender was coming in on your tail. One easy side-sweep kick and you were able to quickly get around that oaf. But as you passed the first, the second defender was already hit on your tail, and you had to make a decision: Pass it, or try for the goal.
You weren’t that far away, and an early lead would boost morale—games were 90 minutes, after all. So, you took a chance, as the words from Leo rang in your ears. That he was watching.
It hadn’t been a bad shot, but like you said earlier, the team was good. And they had an even better goalie. The ball was blocked and launched down the field. You bit down on your lower lip to hold in expletives. Fucking shit, I should’ve passed it. Fuck. Damn. Shaking your head like an enraged bull, you reigned all of the negative emotions in and ran down to the midfield, ready for another opportunity.
When you got the ball again, you were more wary of your surroundings. You didn’t want to force your way in again, that hadn’t worked. And this time you’d make sure to pass to your other striker, the other forward. If two defenders were on you, that left a pretty big opening for your teammate to make a shot. So with that in mind, you dribbled the ball forward, keeping a steady jog down towards the goal until the first defender got in your way again.
Just like before, you slipped past this one easily, a cocky grin spreading on your face as you passed them up. That must’ve struck a nerve because they chased you down at such a speed that no one in their right mind would spend so early in the game. Thus, yet again you were the prey being guarded by two greedy hunters.
“ Think you're so good, huh? ”
Before you had the chance to pass it off, like you had planned, a foot deliberately tripped you. You went down hard into the turf , already imagining the sounding of a foul for their move. Alas, the player continued on despite the booing from the stands, and the referees didn’t so much as bat an eye. Alright, so that’s how this is going to go.
“ That’s right, know your place! ”
Defender one continued to jeer, almost returning the favor and striking one of your nerves. How downright, god damn pathetic to use such tactics! In soccer, feet are only supposed to go for the ball. Any other touch, depending on how physical, could end up—SHOULD end up— with a foul.
With the play still going, albeit now with the ball in enemy hands, you could only grit your teeth and get back up.
Second opportunity: a bust. With the game going how it has, you weren’t surprised when you didn’t get the ball passed to you as soon as you liked. Though, you were there for your teammates and made assists & passes when you could. They had almost scored on your own goal, but thankfully your goalie was able to block it in time. It was nearing the halfway mark when things really started to heat up.
You had enough of jogging. Now was the time for all that speedy energy as you were flying down the field with your teammates holding the ball. Sweat dripping down your face, clumping your hair as you breathed in and out. You watched as the defenders closed in on your teammate. Now was the time. Hopefully they would trust you,
“ PASS! ”
You yelled, clearly open. And just like that, the ball came skidding towards you and with a subtle touch & a sure-shot kick, it zipped and whirled straight past the goalie’s outstretched hands.
Resonated around the stadium as you stood where you had taken the shot, a bit feral while coming down from the high. Your heart was racing, and your teammates were running over to surround you, exclaiming and cheering just as happily but it was all muffled as your eyes looked up above them, up towards April and—
Square in your face comes down the hand of god with the force of a gajillion textbooks. Dazed and quite literally winded, you laid sprawled on the floor, groaning. The thing that hit you stood up, pressing plush little feet against your cheeks. A strange floral-scented liquid is doused on your face, remedying the pain almost instantly as if you definitely weren’t just clonked by the most divine, holy wrath of strikes by the deities themselves.
Amidst your out-of-it state, only three things were caught through the ringing in your ears: 1.) your teammates’ shuffling feet, backing away from you, 2.) A familiar voice shouting your name, likely Leo, and 3.) the crowd gasping, then screaming as a roar rang out. It was then that the weight on your face was absent. Your eyes fluttered open, soaking up the scene of a giant bear hunched over you as if protecting a cub, letting out a saliva-shower-inducing roar. Fight-or-flight activated, and you didn’t miss the blurs of green shooting out of the receding crowd. Phantom throbbing in your head had you sitting up, groaning and rubbing your temple.
“ Ughhh… My head… “
A bitterness was swirling in your chest as you watched the masses of people, and your teammates, all getting further and further. The game, it had been interrupted. What a sour ending to such a hyped up, invigorating match..
Soon the stadium was left silent, save for the sounds of tussling, slashing, thudding, and battle-crying. And as time went on, you had spent the whole thing much too close to the fight, finding yourself rag-dolled here and there when one of the brothers found you too close for comfort—
“ This is why I’m your knight in shining armor and my brothers aren’t. “
Well, three of them did. With an annoyed quip, one particular knight in blue would scoop you up and portal around anytime his eyes noticed you near. This game was also spent with you drenched and splashed in random liquids from the bear—some managing to touch your tongue with the most horrifically vile tastes.
“ Blegh, Cherry-vinegar! “
Even while hyped up on however many potions the enemy seemed to drink, as soon as one wore off, the bear’s attention found its way to you often—suspiciously so. Thankfully, the blue knight’s portaling habits were enough to inch you further and further away until there was finally a chance to book it to safety, much like everyone else in the audience.
Another potion dripped down your head. You looked up, feeling a chill rush down at the downright terrifying sight of a larger-than-average bear above, bearing their teeth and slobbering.
“ Oh—oh hell no! “
As luck would have it, though, the random potion gave you a speed boost, and you were able to whisk off from under the beast just as the orange banded turtle jumped between you and the bear. With the potion’s effects, you made it across the field in a quarter of the amount of time it would have normally taken you.
Unfortunately, with your back turned and feet carrying you away with a one-track-goal, the bear had caught up and it’s outstretched hand aiming for you had gone unnoticed. Knocking into giant plush pads, you gasped as they closed into a firm, yet not suffocating, grip.
“ Y/N! “
“ Y/N….? “
Leo shouted, and the bear repeated. You were brought to their face, stared at with big beedy eyes that almost looked a little cute. Their other hand made easy work of swatting away April, Donnie—hell, even Raph. It was unsettling how calmly they stared at you until finally there was a pop and a poof as the second enlargement potion had reached its limit. You thumped against the ground with an “ oof! “ and caught the little brown bear accidentally.
“ Y/N, a hug! “
Demanded the little being, with grabby hands outstretched for you. For a moment you swore there were tears in their little eyes. There wasn’t a chance to respond before the little bear was swiftly yanked up by a grumbling blue hero.
“ Get away from them! And where’d those potions go? I’m done playing with Missus Fizzlepaws over here. “
“ That’s not my name! Why doesn’t anyone care about me anymore! “
Squirming and whimpering, the distraught bear retorted to nibbling. This did nothing but get them a “ whuh—hey! stop that! “ and a flick on the noggin.
You sighed in relief at the increasingly-obvious harmlessness of the now apprehended plush, so much so that you came a bit closer and held your arms out, a tad bit curious about what they’ve been saying. What did they want with you specifically?
“ Hmm, what is your name? And Leo, lemme see them. I get the weirdest feeling they’re not going to hurt me. “
“ What—no—Irk—fine, just don’t look at me like that. “
Your signature glare had worked wonders as he handed over the bear, who had been looking at you the entire time with big eyes, somehow full of an emotion that you couldn’t help but think was shock. Just what could a plush go through to be able to show that kind of emotion? Their hands reached out for you, gingerly holding your arm as you cradled them with a smile.
“ …. IT’S… It’s, um… “
Those big eyes looked up at you, full of curious wonder all over again.
“ Miss Honeypot.. “
She, as you now knew, had a little honeycomb charm attached to her ear and the smallest little bee wings on her back. Leo of course stayed near, resting his arm across your shoulders, and leaning in to boop her nose. This was met with a munch! Clearly, he wasn’t her favorite.
But, the way your eyes looked when you glanced at him, and the way your voice sounded as you laughed at his “ yowch! “?
Well, let’s just say clearly he was someone’s favorite.
“ Mhmm, just as I thought. “
The belt of potions was found, held on the end of the purple banded turtle’s bo as if it were something dirty. He came near you both.
“ ‘Nardo, if you will, a portal to my usual destination. “
Leo seemed to understand that immediately, grinning and giving some teasing remark while a portal was made.
“ Ooh, trouble in paradise? “
“ Hold your tongue, there is no such thing. “
Through he went, leaving the rest of you and the bear.
“ Soooooo…. What’re we doing with her? “
Mikey had began making faces, each met with Honeypot’s confused raised eyebrow before she then snuggled into you more.
“ Well, she doesn’t seem too harmful anymore… Cute, too. Why don’t I keep her? “
“ WHAT? That thing clocks you in the face, snarls and beats us all up, and now you want to keep her? “
“ Hey, what’za plush like you got so much anger for anyways, huh? ”
While Leo seemed less okay with this idea, Raph rolled his shoulders and nudged Mikey away to give the adorable bear his finger stroking her cheek.
Whether he was bit or not doesn’t matter.
“ Mm… “
Honeypot looked guilty, burying her face in your chest and mumbling something inaudible.
“ What was that? “
You inquired, lifting her up and internally squealing at the utter cuteness of her little legs hanging as you held her up like a cute puppy. Scratch that, she was probably much cuter.
“ Well… I, I was… sad.. Angry, even.. “
The heartstrings of everyone near were pulled. April came in behind you, head resting on your shoulder as you swore tears welled up in her eyes. This resulted in a split second snicker from you, followed by a “ that better not have been a laugh, y/n! “ and a quick “ nope, nope, dunno what you’re talking about. “
“ Sad from what, Honeypot? ”
April asked, reaching a hand out to hold affectionately the bear’s cheek. She wasn’t bitten, and Honeypot even leaned into her touch!
“ My old best friend, she hasn’t held me in years.. I’m pretty sure she doesn’t love me anymore—doesn’t have time for ol’ Honeypot no more.. So I got angry, and I wanted to make a scene because I thought maybe she’d come! But… “
The bear looked here and there with a quivering lip.
“ But no one came, right? “
You said, awwing at the sad little nod she gave and bringing her in for another snug hug.
“ No worries, Honeypot, we’ll be your new best friends! And I’ll love you, hug you, and hold you as long as you want. “
It could’ve melted the snowiest winter just how bright of a smile this little bear gave at that, hugging you as tight as little stuffed arms could hug.
“ Now that that’s finished! Your team diiiiid score the last point before this fluffball appeared, so? “
Leo grinned, nudging Mikey who sprung up immediately, already whipping out his (April’s) phone.
“ Pizza Party!! “
“ Hey wh—my phone! ”
You laughed dryly, holding Honeypot like a baby on your hip (at least until she preferred climbing up Raph instead). A victory like this was anything but that. This was an entire bust—you only wished for the satisfying win, of rubbing it in the other stuck-up team’s face when your team swooped that match right out of their grasps!
Lagging behind the brothers, you tugged April back into a hug as you two walked together.
“ Thanks again, April, for finally opening up to me about this whole ‘double life’ you were living—“
Pinching and tugging her cheek, you playfully feigned anger,
“ —WITHOUT me, mind you. “
This stroll quickly devolved into playful brawling, ending only when you’re both scruffed by a grumpy Raph, who may or may not have been grumpy because he had to pass Honeypot to Leo after finally getting her to like him!
Later, you sat in the lair of the brothers and their father, below ground in the sewers. The smell was horrible, but somehow when you reached the lair itself, that stench was gone. Leo had noticed your confusion and leaned in, noting it was his “ genius brother ” who was to thank for that. Said brother was apparently elsewhere, in someplace called “ The Hidden City ” fixing some stuff.
Everyone settled down for pizza, getting a bit loud and rambunctious all the while. It reminded you of your teammates and the match after parties, which only deepened the tightening in your chest at not being able to win fair-n-square.
Excusing yourself, you walked away with a slice in your mouth, going to explore the rest of the lair. No one really noticed.
Almost no one.
You found the giant room complete with a definitely not safe skate half pipe in the rooms center.
“ Want a rematch? ”
The voice behind you was startling to say the least, as a humiliating screech escaped you. One smack later and you were both laughing.
“ Ow! ”
“ Don’t sneak up on me, Leo! And what do you mean a rematch? We’ve never played before. ”
You pouted a bit, looking away from him. There was no way he noticed you were upset about the game, right?
“ Your match was a bust, so let’s do a rematch. Unless you’re scared to lose to yours truly—I am somewhat of a soccer champion of all time, myself. ”
The smirk on his face just seemed all the more punchable as you cracked your knuckles and grinned back.
“ Oh yeah? We’ll see about that then. You’re on! “
Through a portal, you almost fell face first into turf of the soccer field at your school. Emphasis on almost, as there was a rather muscular arm snaked around your waist keeping you from your doom.
“ Don’t fall for me yet, I haven’t even beat you in the game! ”
“ You—! ”
Laughing, you shoved him away and caught the ball he tossed. You both assumed your positions on either side of the field, fired up now to try and show him what a true soccer champion is like.
Up against a trained mutant, you had your work cut out for you. He was fast, and he did not miss any chances at knocking you off your game.
“ Well aren’t you prettier when you look at me with that determination? ”
“ Whuh—! ”
He stuck out his tongue as the ball was swiped away for your feet. And this wasn’t the end of it.
“ You’re looking at me so intensely, I’m that irresistible? ”
“ Wh—No! We’re—UGH, YOU! ”
How could you stay angry at him? Beneath the lunar sky, illuminated by the white lights and the moon above, the two of you played a game that was neck-n-neck the whole time. Had there been a referee, there would be constant blaring of a whistle. At one point, the two of you toppled over one another, grunting as you hit the ground with him above you—luckily catching himself with his hands on either side of your head. Getting hit with a plastron may not have been the most fun.
But you knew what would be fun. A sly grin on your face, you narrowed your eyes playfully.
“ Wow, at least take me to dinner first. ”
“ I—Sorry, I didn’t mean— “
He stammered, quickly scrambling off of you, but you wasted no time in hopping up and stealing back the ball.
“ Gotcha! ”
Leo watched your descending figure, astonished to be played a fool at his own game. The smile you gave him, right before turning your back to him.. Well, that was more than enough to tell him this was a good idea. Up onto his feet, he was rushing after you, shouting, “ unfair! ” and then shouting loud as he dodged you reaching out to push him, playfully exclaiming, “ how dare you! ”
If you’re wondering who won this game in the end, it was you. He lost his footing in front of the goal (and you wondered if it was on purpose), and you swiftly shot the ball into the end with a powerful kick. “ in your face! ” you shouted, standing over the turtle who laid defeated on the ground.
He quietly looked up at you with an expression that had you holding your breath, heart racing loudly in your ears.
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https-sonshine · 2 years
Hii could you please write an imagine about a first date with Sonny? Like he's super nervous cause he really cares about you and wants to impress you and you think it's super cute but everything ends up going okay and you have lots of fun together 🥰
authors note: heyy, tysmm for your request. i also wanted to thank you for the support you've shown to my blog <3 i cant lie I'm not sure how I feel about this one but ik I'm overcritical of my own work but I really hope you enjoy this one.
word count: approx 1.4k words
warnings: none, pure fluff
You may have been reserved around him, but your natural sense of humour and willingness to let loose won his heart over every time. When you smiled at him, he felt butterflies fluttering around his stomach. He hadn't known if you felt the same way about him until he finally asked you out, and you said yes. He remembered every detail of that day all too vividly.
"We should probably go out sometime or something".
"As in a date?" you raised your brows.
His shoulders shrugged, but the flush on his cheeks said everything. 
"Okay, why not" you replied, causing the boy to smile shyly
Now he was busy trying to decide where he would take you. He wanted it to be special and intimate. He wanted it just to be the two of you where you could enjoy each other's company. The location needed to be one where he wouldn't be easily spotted. Because he didn't want his fans or the media to have a field day, he was racking his brain for ideas when one suddenly hit him. 
Eventually, the day arrived, and Sonny picked you up, being careful to keep you relaxed and comfortable the entire time. He helped you into the car, where you saw a bouquet of roses waiting for you on the passenger seat. You quickly thank him, earning a sheepish smile in return. At the start of the drive, you don't talk much. You're adjusting to the new atmosphere of being in each other's presence with friendship far from your minds. 
"So, do you like your job at Spurs?" he breaks the silence.
"Yeah, it's nice, i’m grateful for the experience," you reply, and he smiles again. You see that he is nervously fumbling with his fingers. The urge to take his hand in yours is strong, but you hold back, not wanting to seem too forward. Unable to resist the urge, you reach over and take Son's hand, and he looks at both of our hands and smiles.
Once you both loosen up, the conversation starts flowing; about music, places you want to visit, places you've been, pets, mutual friends, and your loved ones.
Finally, arriving at your destination. You both started walking, but confusion masked your features as you didn't know what Sonny had planned. He then looks up at you and says, "It's a surprise!" and starts walking faster, full of excitement. After a while of walking, you could hear the grass crinkle beneath your feet. You wondered if Sonny planned a picnic or a night out under the stars. As you looked up into the sky, you saw a bright, colourful object slowly floating in the distance. It was a hot air balloon. You felt your heart beat faster as you watched it gracefully move across the sky. The sun's rays shone down on the balloon, making it glow; you were mesmerised by sight.
"Son, this is… I don't even know what to say."
"I went a little bit overboard. Isn't I wasn't sure what type of date you would enjoy. Is it too much?" He rubs the back of his neck nervously and turns away from you. You place a kiss on his cheek and shake your head at him.
"I like it. It's different. It's perfect."
His face lit up, holding more excitement than I had expected. 
With a big grin, he said, "Let's make it happen!" His energy was contagious, and I couldn't help but feel excited about what was to come. 
"Watch your step, y/n," Son warned as He guided your hand onto a rail. The fabric reminded me of woven straw. You felt the ground suddenly shift beneath your feet. You stumbled backwards slightly, but Son helped you regain your balance. He wrapped his arms around your waist.
Even after you regained your balance, Son continued to hold you. As you peered over his shoulder, it dawned on you that you were floating through the air in a hot air balloon. Your brown eyes widened and were filled with awe. You broke away from Son's arms and ran to the edge of the basket to admire the view. His expression relaxed as a smile spread across your face. You leaned out of the basket slightly to see the landscape below. Still not believing that he had booked the balloon ride.
In between sips of wine and delicious food, you talk about anything and everything that comes to mind. You spend most of the night laughing and telling stories to one another. You can't get enough of his smile, and you feel like you would do or say anything to keep that smile on his face.
You stand to take another look at the scenery but instead stumble onto his lap.
You look into his eyes, and for a second, you forget about the world around you. You were suddenly very aware of your surroundings, especially how your back was pressed up against the body behind you. His hands gripped your arms, and you noticed the little beauty mark on his right eye as you looked up before slowly sliding out of his grasp.
"Maybe we shouldn't move too much ?" You suggested as you walked over to collect a glass of wine, handing it back to him sheepishly. You saw the smile on his face and watched as his nose scrunched and he started to laugh. You could feel your ears and cheeks flush with embarrassment. Still, you couldn't help but think his laugh was incredibly attractive, and the more you thought about it, the more you could feel yourself becoming drawn to him. Light laughter filled the balloon, and you couldn't help but join in, the two of you standing there, smiling and giggling like a pair of schoolchildren.
"You know your laugh is probably the most precious thing I have ever heard ?" He blushes and looks away from you.
You were relieved that you agreed to go out with Sonny. His proposal is still fresh in your mind.
 You saw his normally soft features contort into expressions of what could only be described as nerves. Heung Min, Son.
 A man who shines brighter than the sun. A man with a smile that could light up a room and make anyone feel instantly at ease. Yet, concern had replaced his usual expression on this day.
"We should probably go out sometime or something." His eyes barely held onto yours, his anxious state causing him to look down at his feet. 
"As in a date?"
He shrugged it off, but the flush in his cheeks said it all.
You were deep in thought when he interrupted to confess., "I've liked you for a while — kind of struggling to believe that you actually said yes." He rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand and smiled nervously at her.
"Did you really think I wouldn't? You smiled, and the flush on his cheeks deepened.
His eyes widened as he admitted, "I was terrified." To be honest, I'm surprised I was able to ask you out at all." 
"I'm glad you did. His face broke out in a relieved smile, and he looked away, embarrassed by his own admission. 
"Look at that view. It's beautiful," you said, leaning over the hot air balloon.
The sun is slowly setting, painting the sky in a spectrum of pastel colours. As the balloon rises higher and higher, a gentle breeze teases the colourful fabric of the balloon. In the basket below, you can feel the warmth of the hot air as it pushes the balloon higher and higher. The air is filled with the smell of burning fuel and the sound of the balloon's burner filling the balloon with hot air. You can feel the excitement of being so high above the ground, with nothing but the wide open sky above. As you reach the highest point of the journey, you can look down to see the ground below, the houses, the trees, and the roads, all looking small from such a great height. The feeling of freedom is overwhelming, and you can't help but smile as you savour this moment. He followed your gaze, allowing himself to enjoy the beautiful scenery for a moment.
He wishes he could capture this moment forever. The free smile on your face as you take in the view. The way the wind played through your dark hair, and Son couldn't help but feel envious of a simple breeze. Sonny moved to stand behind you. He straightened your hair and tucked the stray pieces behind your ear.
"So beautiful," Sonny thought, watching the strands of your hair lightly fall back into place. 
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the-cult-of-russo · 1 year
Such a Softer Sin (Part 9)
Pairing: Billy Russo x Reader
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Warnings: I’m not specifically tagging this one, if you’ve seen the show, nothing will shock you. Smut will happen eventually so minors DNI, thanks.
A/N: I’ve really been enjoying all of your comments and it's been fun seeing all of the theories people have been coming up with looool
Thank you all for your super kind words about this story so far! I really appreciate the support.
You couldn’t tear your eyes away from the moon as you all waited for Billy to speak to the Goddess. You’d never seen anything like it, the moon wasn't supposed to wane before it even got full and the implications scared the crap out of you. You were gnawing your lower lip raw as you stared at it, Kos and Frank quietly talking among themselves. You heard the sound of the castle gates opening and your head whipped over. When they opened, you were surprised to see Atticus strolling inside the grounds. Alone. You felt a conflicting mix of relief, happiness and anger and you started storming right over.
“Well look who decided to grace us with his presence. Your mate not with you?” you asked snidely as you got close enough. He blinked at you for a moment, a little frown etching his brows and he seemed to tense up as he shook his head.
“She’s stayed behind for now, she’s dealing with some things,” he said simply.
“Like what?” you asked, raising a brow and he shifted on his feet, unable to look at you.
“It’s personal, it’s not my place to say,” he frowned and you scoffed a mirthless laugh.
“Right, of course not,” you muttered and his frown deepened.
“You know all about trauma, Y/N. You know what that shit’s like,” he murmured and the look on his face made your mouth clamp shut. You felt a little bad then. You didn’t know this girl at all, no idea what the hell she'd been through. Maybe she’d been through similar horrors to you and Atti, maybe that’s why she behaved the way she did. You felt a little bad at how you’d been behaving. Maybe if you had the chance to bond with her, this wouldn't happen. You hoped to be able to connect with her at some point to suss her out, to really get to know her. 
“I’ll be going back in a few days, I don’t really want to be away from her,” he said quietly, a sheepish look on his face. Your jaw ticked as you looked away at the news but you bit back your snarky response.
“I know I’ve been absent and I’m sorry. I want to divide my time between you all equally, it's just hard. Having a mate… it's more overwhelming than I thought it would be. I didn’t expect to feel like this. The love, it’s just… it's so much. A love that would make you do anything. It’s… It’s intense and I don’t know how to deal with it. I’m struggling,” he admitted a slightly panicked edge to his voice that had guilt ramming right through you like a sword. He looked completely and utterly lost and you suddenly found yourself feeling like the worst friend in the world for only thinking about yourself here.
“It’s okay, Atti. I won’t pretend to know what it’s like, but I can imagine it’s a lot to deal with. And I haven't exactly been the most understanding friend. I’ve just been scared to lose you,” you confessed and he reached out, taking your hand and the gesture was so comforting that it made your chest feel like it imploded.
“You won’t lose me, I promise. I’m just trying to adjust,” he murmured and you nodded. You were just glad to finally see him, to finally talk to him and clear the air between you. 
“Have you noticed anything?” you asked with a wry smile tugging at your lips and he looked at you confused.
“No, what”? He asked warily. You gestured with your hand to the moon and he looked up, blinking at it as a perplexed look washed all over him.
“Is it… is it smaller?” he asked slowly before he looked back to you.
“Seems like it. The King's just trying to contact the Goddess Selene to figure out what’s going on,” you shrugged and the pair of you shared a worried glance before you started making your way back over to Kos and Frank. Kos greeted Atti a lot more amicably than you had done and your eyes kept darting up to the moon as you wondered what Billy might find out. You looked over at Frank and he frowned, a look on his face that once again let you know he was being mindlinked.
“The King wants us in the meeting room,” he muttered, looking at the three of you before he turned and made his way up the steps. You all followed him and up to the meeting room just as Karen, Micro and Curtis were arriving too. You walked inside the room and Billy was at the head of the table pacing and it made a knot form in your stomach. He looked worried and that made you worried. You moved to sit down between Kos and Atti, the others taking the other side of the table, all of you looking to the King for answers.
“I can’t reach my mother,” he bit out worriedly and a deafening silence overtook the room.
“That’s… that’s never happened before, somethin’ ain’t right,” he added, his frantic and wide eyes flitting to you then to Frank as he shook his head. The news was even more worrisome and made you think something incredibly nefarious was going on, not just the moon being funky. 
“Could the vampires be behind this? I mean, if the moon never gets full then the wolves can’t turn. It would weaken us over time,” you frowned with dread. Not being able to shift for an extended period of time was dangerous and in some cases, even deadly if it went on long enough. 
“I agree with Y/N. This has the undead freak’s stink all over it and if they’re tryin’ to weaken us, then they’re already plannin’ somethin’,” Frank muttered tensely, his cagey eyes boring into Billy who wiped a hand over his face with a nod.
“But how could the vampires mess with the moon like that?” Micro asked in confusion.
“Is it possible they have witches on their side?” you asked as your eyes cut to Karen across from you. Her eyes widened for a moment before a deep frown creased her brows.
“I mean… Some witches would definitely have the power to pull something like this off, but the witches have no loyalty to the vampires and they respect the laws of nature. They’d never do something like this willingly,” she shook her head.
“What about unwillingly?” Frank asked as he gave his mate a pointed look. “They could have taken some against their will and be forcin’ ‘em to do magic,” he added gravely and Karen’s face paled, fear shining behind her eyes.
“I need to go and speak to some of my girls, see if we can figure out if this is magic related or not,” she stood up and rushed out the room and Frank watched her forlornly at how upset she seemed. 
“Frank, I need you and Curt to get the guards ready, some warriors too. I want ‘em stationed outside around the castle and at the outposts. Micro, you need to contact all the local pack leaders, take some warriors to each pack to keep ‘em safe and tell them what’s goin’ on,” Billy started firmly and the three men nodded before leaving to complete their tasks. 
“Kosmos, I need you and Atticus to take point with some of my men outside the castle. I know you guys can handle it, we’ll be doin’ it in shifts,” he ordered.
“Of course, Your Majesty,” Kos nodded as he and Atti both stood. Atti shot you a look before they left you were left sitting there alone. If you were honest, you felt a little put out that you hadn’t been given a job to do. You were more than capable of handling it and you didn't understand why you weren’t with Kos or Atti. The idea of him thinking you weren’t up to task prickled at you.
“Can I do anything?” you asked, trying to keep the edge from your voice as you watched him run a hand through his hair and mess it up. He glanced at you before his eyes quickly looked away, rolling his shoulder as he nodded.
“I need you for somethin’ important, actually. Come on,” he muttered. He looked like a tightly wound coil and you got up as you followed him out of the room. You had no idea what this supposed important job was but you were just happy to be helping in some way. 
He led you down the main stairs and through a door just near them. You’d never been in here before and you were surprised to find more stairs going down. Even more surprised that instead of some kind of basement, you were walking into what looked to be some kind of temple. Wall to ceiling was made of the brightest white marble you’d ever seen with a large white marble altar in the middle. There were two huge gold wolf statues against either side of the back wall with a gold statue of the Goddess herself taking center of them. You were in awe as your eyes soaked it all in, it was breathtaking. He gave you little time to really bask in the place before he was talking to you.
“I need to visit my mother… I’ve never done it before, there’s a ritual to do it and I couldn't… but I need to try now. I don’t even know if it’ll work, but I gotta try,” he frowned and you hated how lost he looked. 
“Okay… Why do you need me for the ritual?” you asked curiously. 
“I just trust you, okay? This is… it’s urgent, there’s a lot on the line here. We just need to get there and find out what’s goin’ on,” he muttered and you nodded, not wanting to upset him further. Then his words hit you.
“Wait… we? As in we both are going to see her?” you asked in surprise and he nodded jerkily. You could see he was still tense, his body was almost rigid and you decided not to push your luck here. You were surprised you would be going there, getting to see the Goddess yourself like that. You weren’t sure if it was breaking some kind of rules but Billy was asking you to do it, so you hoped it would be okay. You still weren’t sure why it had to be you. While you were touched that he’d trust you with something of this magnitude, you didn’t know why he’d picked you out of everyone. But you told yourself that his men were busy with their other tasks so you were the only one he trusted left without a job. You knew what was at stake here. Not only was the moon being weird but he couldn't contact the Goddess. Nothing good was happening and it needed to be fixed as soon as possible. If that meant you helping him with whatever this ritual was then you’d do it. 
“Okay, I’ll do it,” you said with a smile, trying to ease this awful tenseness he had going on. He smiled at you, looking somewhat relieved but it didn't seem to help too much as he frowned once more. He looked at you for a long moment, his dark eyes shining with something you really couldn't decipher.
“Just remember, this is a ritual, alright?” he said slowly, raising both his brows at you. It confused you as you blinked at him but you nodded, wondering what the hell it would entail. After one more look at you, he grabbed his dagger that was strapped on his belt and you were sure he probably carried it around with him everywhere. 
He stepped a little closer to you, taking a shaky breath and all you could do was wait for what was about to happen. You could only hope the ritual wouldn't be him sacrificing you. He took one of your hands in his and you were surprised to find it trembling in your own as he lifted it up a little. You winced as he sliced the blade across it and he shot you an apologetic look as the blood started to pool in the cut. He let go but you kept it there so you didn’t drip your blood all over his pristine floor as he did the same to his own hand. His eyes shot to your face then, almost sheepishly before he took your bloodied hand in his own, mixing the blood together. But then he pulled you closer to him by your hand and you bumped into his chest a little.
“Ritual, remember,” he whispered and you wondered how bad it had to be for him to keep reminding you. But you nodded and then he was capturing your lips with his own. You were startled, flashes of the other kiss bursting behind your eyes and you felt yourself tense. But you remembered what he’d said, that this was a ritual and you forced yourself to relax. His hand still clutched your own tightly as you kissed him back and while this wasn’t what you thought would happen, you knew kissing him wasn't the worst thing the ritual could have called for so you were grateful. Feeling you kissing back, his other hand moved to grip the back of your neck as he deepened the kiss and you found yourself melting into him, allowing yourself this one moment to give into the urges you’d been feeling as there was a reason for it. He moaned softly into the kiss and it sent a jolt right through you as his tongue tangled with yours and you felt like you might pass out. It felt like you were glowing from the inside out. He broke away and you felt a pang of disappointment as you both panted and he rested his forehead on yours. Your head was spinning, heart going a mile a minute as you tried to push past what just happened as it didn't mean anything.
“Did it work?” you asked softly, a slightly dazed tone to your voice. He was just staring at you and you felt like you were getting lost in his almost black eyes until he pulled away completely, his hand letting go of yours. Now able to breathe, you both looked around and you were startled to see you were no longer in the temple at the castle. You were standing in the middle of a large field, trees scattered about either side of it. The colors were so much brighter than you were used to though and it caught you off guard. The green grass was greener, the color of the flowers more brighter than you’d ever seen and the night sky didn't look black like it did back where you were from, it looked the deepest blue you’d ever seen. It was beautiful.
“Where do we go?” you asked as your eyes landed on everything you could find as you marveled at the beauty of it.
“No idea, I’ve never been here before,” he replied and when you glanced at him, he seemed just as awed as you did. 
“Maybe we should start there,” he suggested, pointing off into the distance and you followed his line of sight. He was pointing to what seemed to be a large stone temple, torches burning on either side of the stairs. It was a little distance away but you could still see it clearly. 
“Feels like a good place to start,” you agreed, shooting him a smile when he looked at you. His face brightened, a somewhat bashful smile on his face as he nodded and you set off walking. You were trying to keep your mind off the kiss you’d shared and you knew it would take a while to scrub it clean from your mind. The first time had been easy enough to get over, you hadn't kissed him back. It had been no more than his lips pressed against yours for a brief moment but this time it had been a full blown kiss. The kind that made your toes curl and set your body on fire.
“Have you never met your mother?” you asked curiously, trying desperately to keep your mind focused on something else. He gave you a small smile that seemed a little sad as he shook his head.
“No, I wasn’t raised by her. I’ve only ever been able to talk to her in the temple but it's in my head, kinda like a mindlink, I guess,” he explained and you nodded. You felt a little bad for him, hearing the mild hurt in his voice when he said he wasn't raised by her. You knew the circumstance between your upbringings were wildly different but you knew what it was like to have no parents, you knew what that pain felt like. You weren’t really sure what to say to that and a strange silence settled over you both. You weren’t sure if it was the kiss that was making things feel so stilted. He’d been adamant in reminding you that it was for the ritual but you could hardly blame him after the way you’d reacted the last time he’d kissed you. He probably felt uncomfortable because he thought you felt uncomfortable.
It didn’t take as long as you thought it might to reach the temple and the pair of you climbed the big steps up and walked inside. The first thing you noticed before anything else was that while this was a temple, it almost looked like a home on the inside. And there lay on the bed was the Goddess herself. She was the most beautiful woman you’d ever laid eyes on and your knees wobbled in reverence to her, but what stood out more than that was how sickly and pale she looked. You looked to Billy quickly who was standing stock still beside you. His breathing was labored, eyes wide as he stared at his mother and you could practically feel the pain radiating from him. The Goddess glanced over, a small gasp leaving her lips before a wide smile split her face and she rushed to get up. She almost fell and Billy snapped out of his stupor as he hurried over to her, catching her quickly and helping her stand. 
“Oh, William, my beautiful boy!” she beamed, looking up at him as she placed a small hand on his cheek. He gave her a watery smile, leaning into her touch as he gazed down at her. 
“Mom… what’s wrong?” he asked worriedly, his eyes scanning her as you hovered uncertainly. You weren’t sure if you wanted to be noticed or not, not sure if you were really supposed to be here and it felt like a very private moment. To witness the King meeting his mother for the very first time and in not so great circumstances. He guided her to sit on the bed as he lingered near her as if he was scared she might fall again. 
“It’s magic tampering with the moon. The vampires have been kidnapping witches and forcing them into using their magic,” she explained weakly and she wobbled a little, causing Billy to reach a hand out to steady her. He frowned deeply at the news and it made dread curl low in your stomach. It had been your own theory but part of you hoped there had been another explanation for it because this meant an escalation in the war. 
“You need to save the witches, William. Not only because it's endangering the wolves, but the magic the witches are being forced to perform is killing them and the vampires plan to go through as many witches as it takes to keep the magic going,” she insisted as she stood. She was still a little shaky on her feet but she managed to stand on her own this time as she looked at him imploringly. 
“They’re being held at an outpost in the Winding Forest. You need to save them,” she repeated firmly and he nodded.
She turned her gaze to you then and your breathing hitched. She started to slowly make her way over, Billy watching you both warily and you dropped to your knees, bowing your head quickly. You really couldn't believe you were in the presence of the Goddess herself. 
“You can stand, Child. You need not kneel for me,” she smiled warmly and you blinked up at her carefully, eyeing the hand she held out for you. You took it with a shy smile and let her help you to your feet. You were taken aback when she cupped both of your cheeks in her warm soft hands and you had no idea what to say as your wide eyes stared at her.
“You’re a beautiful and brave warrior, Y/N. You have a fierce yet kind heart,” she murmured and you almost felt like you couldn't breathe. Her kind words felt like they touched your soul and you couldn't get your mouth to work to tell her thank you. She gave you another warm smile then, her thumbs brushing your cheeks before she stepped away and Billy came over. 
“Can you… Can you reconnect her to her wolf?” he asked hesitantly and your head whipped to him in shock. You were surprised he’d asked such a thing, even if it was his mother. There were far more important things going on right now. You’d be a liar though if you said you weren’t touched by his request as you knew you’d never have the courage to do it yourself. The Goddess’s face fell then as she looked back to you for a long moment before she dragged her eyes back to her son.
“I can’t, William,” she frowned and Billy’s jaw tensed as he rolled his shoulder. You were caught off guard by the anger on his face.
“Why?” he bit out. He and his mother shared a look and you felt like you were missing something at the hurt all over his face. You didn't understand why he was so upset over this. Yes, you were disappointed but it was what it was. After staring at each other for a long moment, she turned her eyes back to you and she looked upon you with sympathy. 
“I can’t help, not yet. It will happen when the time is right,” she affirmed with a smile and you felt a spark of hope bloom in your chest. You felt so much relief at knowing it would happen one day, you’d started to think it would never happen. You’d gladly wait as long as it took if it meant it actually happened.
“Thank you,” you murmured, your voice wavering and small to your own ears.
“Everything happens for a reason, you should know that, William,” she said with a pointed look thrown his way. He still looked hurt and he rolled his shoulder once again with a curt nod. You still didn't understand his reaction, not when she’d just told you it would happen one day. 
“You should both go and save the witches,” she insisted, backing away a little and Billy stepped closer to her.
“Can we come back?” he asked, a desperate edge to his voice now his anger seemed to evaporate. She gave him a sad smile.
“One day. You're not really supposed to be here, so use the ritual sparingly. You need not come and check in on me, I’ll connect with you when it’s done,” she assured and Billy’s face fell. You felt the urge to comfort him at the sadness that seemed to blanket him.
“Is there anythin’ else we should know? Anything that could help with the war?” he asked her hopefully and she shook her head once again with a sad smile.
“I can’t. It would tamper with fate and it’s bad enough what I have told you. I shouldn't be getting involved but I fear what would happen if this keeps going,” she explained regretfully and Billy nodded. You felt awful then as you watched Billy share a tearful goodbye with his mother. You tried not to watch such a private moment but you’d been unable to help it as she held him and stroked his hair as they said goodbyes. You could see how much he loved his mother and now he was once again going to part with her and he couldn't just come back when he wanted. You knew he missed her, that he found it hard being away from her. You could only assume it would hurt more now he’d met her finally in person. Once they parted, Billy sniffled and wiped his damp cheeks, giving you a somewhat embarrassed look as he walked to the door. You gave the Goddess a smile but before you could leave, she walked over to you once more. You hadn't expected her to give you a parting hug too.
“You're stronger than you think you are and worthy of more than you could imagine,” she whispered to you. She pulled away then, giving you a bright smile before she moved back over to her bed. You blinked at her for a long moment, once again stunned by her words and the fact that the Goddess had been the one to say them to you.
“Goodbye, Goddess,” you murmured, bowing your head in respect before you hurried outside to where Billy was waiting anxiously. The only word you could use to describe the look on his face was devastated and it made your chest ache as you got to the bottom of the steps. He seemed to be trying to hold himself together, not a word leaving his lips as you took off walking. Without thinking, you reached out and took his hand and his head snapped to you, eyes wide with shock. You gave him a tentative smile, hoping it would give him even the smallest of comforts to ease what it was he was feeling and you felt relieved when he smiled back. 
“I want to go with you and your men to save the witches,” you said firmly after a while of walking hand in hand. He looked at you, licking his lower lip before nodding and you were glad he didn't argue with you on it. You wanted to help.
“The Vampire King won’t be there, he’d know we might come for him so it’s probably just gonna be some of his men, maybe some rogues,” he mused and you nodded in agreement. A very big part of you was itching for a fight and knowing the vampire assholes were using the witches the way they were, that they were killing them like they meant nothing, infuriated you. The Goddess had tasked you all with saving the witches and you took it personally. When you got to the clearing you’d arrived in, you both stopped and Billy let go of your hand and grabbed his dagger once more. You’d almost forgotten about the kiss with everything that had happened and you hadn't really thought about the fact you’d have to do it again to get back. 
“You ready?” he asked and you nodded with a smile. He still seemed sad and you were both eager to get back to relay the news to the others and get going with the plan. He once again cut your hand and then his own, holding them together. His other hand came up and cradled your face as his dark eyes flit over your face in question. You gave him a firm nod, ready for it this time and then he leaned down, his lips connecting with yours. It didn't get intense the way the other one had, no doubt the heaviness settling over you both. Instead, his lips were soft against yours as he kissed you almost delicately and you kissed him back. This time, you felt the ground shift beneath your feet and it startled you, making you break apart and look to the floor. You were once again in the temple under the castle. You looked up at Billy and found him already watching you. He gave you a little smile before he let go of your hand and stepped backwards. You hoped the kisses wouldn't make things too awkward after you’d gotten your friendship with him back on track. These kisses had a purpose though and they’d served the purpose well. 
“I’m gonna go update my men. Would you go and let Kosmos and Atticus know?” he asked.
“Yeah,” you nodded softly, giving him a reassuring smile. You both walked back up the temple steps and into the main castle before you parted ways. Your head was spinning and not just from the kisses you'd shared with the King. Knowing the vampires were indeed behind this and that they were using witch slaves left you reeling. You left the castle gates, letting your nose guide you to wear Kos and Atti were stationed and they both smiled when they saw you. They’d had no idea of the adventure you’d just had and you told them everything, except maybe about the kisses because you knew what Atti would say and now wasn’t the time. You explained what the Goddess said about the witches and the vampires and that you’d need to go and save them. 
“I’m coming too. No way I’m sitting this one out,” Kos said firmly, fire dancing behind his eyes and it made you happy to know that he would fight by your side. You’d save the witches and at least take out some of the Vampire King’s men in the process. 
“I need to leave. Aurora shouldn't be without me with everything that's happening right now,” Atticus frowned deeply, worry painting his face. He didn't even wait for a reply before he was off and you watched him leave with a frown. You'd expected him to agree with Kos, to tell you he’d be coming and fighting along with you as he always did. You hadn’t expected him to just go running away like this, backing down from a fight. The three of you were a force to be reckoned with out on the battlefield. You knew he was worried though and told yourself to let it go. She was his mate and things were really about to go to hell, of course he’d want to be with her, to make sure she was protected. You felt anticipation starting to thrum through you at the prospect of a fight, especially one against the vampires and rogues. You knew though that once you went to save the witches, that was it. Everyone knew a war was coming, you’d been on the cusp for a while, but this would be the catalyst for the war, the thing that started it all for real. This would set everything in motion and you knew things were about to get rough. You were ready for it though, even if you did end up dying in battle. You’d go out on a blaze of glory helping your pack and the King and you’d do it with a fucking smile on your face.
Taglist: (if you’ve been asked to be tagged and aren’t here, it wouldn’t let me tag some people.)
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nought-shall-go-ill · 8 months
NOUGHT NOUGHT NOUGHT HI!!!!! <33333 So good to see you again, friend! For the ask game:
👻 What is your wildest headcanon?
✍️ What’s your ideal writing setup?
@kay-elle-cee!! So good to see you too! And, oh, aren't they just the most exciting questions.
👻 What is your wildest headcanon?
Oohhhh! This is such a spicy question! I have a fair few that I think could be considered quite wild, but the problem with my headcanons is that I'm a bit of a fair-weather friend to them. Sometimes they are non-negotiable headcanons that the characters must adhere to, and other times they're just "eh, wouldn't that be interesting; not gonna marry it or anything though." Anyway, to actually answer your question it would be that James' parents were actually rather ignorant and borderline prejudice to muggleborns. In fact, one of my fav fic ideas, that I will absolutely come back to one day, is this one-shot where Euphemia is a champion for Muggleborn Rights, but then is actually really snooty and prejudice when James starts seeing Lily. Fleamont is less snooty but even more ignorant, in more of an Arthur Weasley sort of way. They aren't Death Eaters or anything nor would they ever say the 'M Word', but their ignorance shows in their everyday prejudice. Why am I so stuck on this head canon? Well, because I think it is unfortunately more adherent to what real life is like. I also think it allows a lot more growth for the Wizarding World. In my fic, the Potters would learn a lot from Lily. They aren't these super hip people who know everything about Muggles and Muggleborns, and they're never perfect, but they overcome their prejudices and become better people. To me, that's a far more interesting story than people who have never thought an ignorant thought once in their lives. On the other end of spicy, a friend of mine brought me around to the idea that Snape and Petunia once had hate sex and I find myself mildly obsessed with the implications of that. ✍️ What’s your ideal writing setup?
Ooh! Ok, so in a totally fictionally scenario it would be a sunny day without a cloud in the sky. I would have views of either the beach or a fun and interesting landmark. There would be unlimited Coca Cola with butter croissants and fresh sushi appearing out of thin air as and when I need them. The drinks would, of course, have lots of tiny ice cubes in them. Occasionally, I may have a FAB lolly. The room is not too hot nor too cold, and I have a fairly large desk and swivel chair that has good back support and occasionally massages me. The fairly large desk has upon it my MacBook Air, a tablet with a pencil and a keyboard, two notepads (one for writing; one for brainstorming) and a ball point pen. To splash out, I may have a second differently coloured ball point pen. The room has people in it and they are just going about doing their own thing, but they aren't too loud and they aren't close enough to see what I'm writing, yet crucially they will judge me if I procrastinate outside of the allocated procrastinating slots. I must attend this fictional place from 10am-2pm every weekday (unless I get the call to adventure in which case that absolutely comes first) and I would somehow get paid for this service. In reality, I would say a busy cafe or office with lots of natural light, a decent amount of room (so I can comfortably write and type) my MacBook, still two notebooks and a single ball point pen, and my earphones playing brown noise so I can drown out anybody who is too loud. I don't really need dual screen or anything like that and have happily written out fics in 100 yen notebooks in the past.
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what-gs-watching · 11 months
“I’m not great at advice. Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?”
Well. It's been a little bit of a weird mood swing week, I’m all over the board which is always super fun - sometimes I know what I’m doing and sometimes I don’t, but I guess that’s just life. Infuriatingly fleeting life.
And I’ve been thinking about Matthew Perry, obviously. I know I said that the Community gang is the friends you wished you had, but Friends was obviously a big part growing up for me - I was almost 18 when it finally ended. And it was such a cultural phenomenon. 
I watched it as it aired. And then I watched it as reruns on cable. Then I rewatched it on streaming a few years ago, and I can confidently say that out of all of them, Chandler was my spirit animal. Uncomfortable with himself and using humor and sarcasm as armor, that’s me. Awkward with a job nobody understands, just doing whatever it seems adults are supposed to do. Funny, and sometimes authentic when he needed to be. 
Also, I don’t care what anyone says - the true love story of Friends was absolutely Chandler and Monica. Ross and Rachel were pure trash, but Chandler and Monica just had that thing. That thing that most people want. The realistic friends-to-lovers story, messy and difficult but insanely sweet.
And in a way, Friends helped me learn that I’m the weirdo that’s drawn to funny, tragic people (we’re going to have to talk about Bo Burnham eventually). Chandler was always funny and tragic, even with Monica, and that was a part of Matthew Perry, as we’d come to learn.
When I heard the news though, the first thing I thought about was Studio 60 on The Sunset Strip. After Friends, for some reason, I got into almost every single random show Matthew did. And Studio 60 was my absolute favorite. It only aired for one season, but it was by Aaron Sorkin and it was meant to be a dramedy about a late night comedy show (and I have and will forever love SNL) and there was Bradley Whitford. It was entirely up my alley.
I remember being obsessed with it. 30 Rock came out around the same time and they were weird parallels of each other but Studio 60 dug into my heart. Because I loved Chandler and because I loved West Wing and I wanted Matthew Perry to keep going, tragic and funny and successful. But then the writer’s strike happened and people were hoping for another West Wing (y’all, it was never gonna be another West Wing) and it got canceled. 
I haven’t seen it since, I have no idea honestly if it was actually as good as my brain wants to remember it, it’s not streaming anywhere which is infuriating, but maybe that’s for the best. It’s one of those fuzzy shows in my heart and maybe it should stay that way now.
Later, I got into Mr. Sunshine (I watched all 11 episodes of course, as they aired on TV) and then Go On. I had high hopes for Go On. Silly ensemble cast, about a sportscaster who lost his wife and joins a support group. I remember thinking it had Community vibes. It was never going to be as good as Community, but it was cute and Matthew was charming and I enjoyed it. 
There was a storyline about how he kept waking up at a specific time of night, because his wife always did. He’d wake up with her and he couldn’t stop it after she’d gone, and after admitting it to the group, they all wake up at the same time for him, too. It had been sweet. Again, I watched all 22 episodes. And then it  got canceled, too.
The point is: I was watching. Because funny tragic people are tenuous, they need to be appreciated. It’s a tightrope. And I’m really sad that Matthew Perry was on that tightrope. He became a pop culture icon and I honestly don’t think it was intentional, he was just caught up in it like the rest of them, but it’s hard for funny tragic people. I can’t imagine the pressure. But he kept going, and I hate that he had a string of shows that never went anywhere (but were all worth something)
 and then the fucking tightrope just fell away. 
It’s horrific that people can be chewed up and spit out by an industry that’s supposed to produce things that make people feel happy, feel sad, feel excitement, just feel. I can sit in my house and channel my ridiculous emotions through content and that’s all well and good but it comes at a price. Everything in this world comes at a price.
Friends has been out of my rotation for a while now, and I think it’ll probably stay that way for a bit. Right now it’s not funny tragic, it’s just tragic. And I’m guessing he wouldn’t want that, but what can you do? Content’s meant to make you feel things, but you can never keep the world outside out for long. 
So. Chanandler Bong, just know I appreciated you. In all forms. Thank you for making us laugh.
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eisforeidolon · 1 year
So, I actually do think Jensen posting during Walker (well, just before and then during) was intentional. But I don’t think it was some super secret way to sabotage Jared or anything like that, or distract from the show because, you know, people can watch a show and check Twitter at the same time. But, whether we like it or not, Jared and Jensen are celebrities as well as friends, and the moves they make on social media are about their brand/image, not just about supporting friends.
I think Jensen did post when there was likely to be a good amount of fans online since many Walker fans are SPN fans. Also, despite how it might seem at times, there are plenty of people who watch Walker and still like Jensen, and who even watch both shows.
So, do I think Jensen chose his posting times to capitalize on potential SPN audience because during Walker is a likely time to catch them online? Yes. Do I think Jensen premeditated this move for weeks/days or longer than maybe that afternoon? No. Do I think he was trying to sabotage or show-up Jared? No.
To me, saying Jensen posted to undermine Jared in some way is needless shit-stirring. But saying he doesn’t even know when Walker airs (like I’ve seen some claim) and the timing was all a coincidence is potentially a bit naive.
Yeah, my very first thought was along the lines of, "Just how distracting do you think a couple tweets could realistically be, ffs?" If it was some kind of deep sabotage on the viewing audience to tweet during a show, no cast would ever live tweet their own show!
It's a valid point that Jensen especially uses social media for promotion and branding moreso than in any kind of personal way. So, no, it wouldn't be at all surprising if he specifically was timing his posts for when more SPN fans were likely to be active on social media - because yeah, as you say, the GA especially isn't nearly as polarized as the stan corners try to paint things. In the original post, I was sarcastically pointing out the new conspiracy contradicts one of the common stan assertions that nobody but Jensen stans/hellers care about TW - if there are no mutual fans, Jensen posting during Walker shouldn't be able to sabotage anything, even if it wasn't patently absurd to suggest tweeting was some massive distraction from the show that could hurt it (uh ... somehow) even though it had already been officially renewed. Like, at least pick a consistent lane.
It's not the idea Jensen might purposely tweet during Walker hoping more SPN-related eyeballs are active that's absurd. It's the conspiracy-think that doing so is some Wile E. Coyote level scheme to sabotage Walker and Jared (uh ... somehow) because he's pathetic and ~*dEsPeRaTE*~ and is trying to trick Jared's audience (uh ... somehow). It doesn't makes sense as something Jensen would do, but even more than that? It doesn't make sense as something anyone would do - it's so obviously pathetically inept as a scheme only a braindead stan desperate for something to get pissed about would read a conspiracy of malice into it. And yeah, it's also silly to claim Jensen is just totally clueless as to when Walker airs. It may or may not have been the primary concern in when he tweeted (I have no idea what twitter tells you in terms of engagement metrics on your posts and therefore what other factors might be involved in the timing of posts), but saying he wouldn't even know? C'mon.
Seriously, some stans get so caught up in trying to [prove the other guy is bad/defend their guy] they sometimes seem to completely lose all track of anything even resembling common sense.
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spookyserenades · 10 months
Soooo I'm back and i wrote an essay:
Chapter 10
I love the Scooby Doo gang a lot. How Namjoon is eager to learn and help. Also the fact that it brings them together without too many fights 😂
The brewery scene was hot and unexpected. I'm saying unexpected because i kinda hoped she'd go over to the waiter and everyone will be Uhm Ma'am sit yo ass down. But i liked it nonetheless with killer teddy bear being all mrrr. Also, Hobi and miss gorl Alice i see you and you need to either get to it and make us super jealous or nothing at all😭
The surprises for Namjoon and Jimin were so sweet they warmed my heart. The lengths she'll go for them is unimaginable. Like she could've just been like yep there you go a house and food do your thing, but no, she has a big heart.
Now the 3 events. Liked Hobi's, but I'm a lot more inclined towards Yoongi's and Tae's. The fact that be only has eyes for her my love🥹 I want one pls! And then Tae's i get on another level. As an artist myself, i tend to paint people i love a lot, to get the appreciation back is absolutely ecstatic. Also very touchy touchy sir i see you too👀
And then the cliffhanger, bad Dana. Very bad.
Chapter 11
I need to know how the fight went down between them 3. Like air, Dana, I'm telling you! Poor Hobi, he probably thought he's getting kicked out 🥺
Kookie kookie kookie, you are more smitten than we thought you were. Hiding it under the I needed to scent, oh Jin will be a pain. Shut up you lil bastard 😏
And the scenting? I was so giddy...give us more pretty please ☺️
WE HAVE MORE HORSES! Are we also getting a y/n ride scene? It doesn't have to be a horse tho 👀
OMG good job Hannah! Oh i'm happy she is getting a better life. Can't wait to meet her. 🤭🫢😧😐😒Scrap that! Hannah is competition.
Oop jumpscare! Yoongi baby you are wearing JK's personality and that doesn't suit you.
Oh babies🥺🥺🥺
Oh what? Question mark? The bar is...what? Very cryptic. Ok.. Yoongi you locked the door you didn't make the room soundproof. Did they talk about sharing her between themselves? Cuz I'd like to read that as well 😏
Ooop like a sack of potatoes. Uuuuu, are we ever honna see y/n extra super drunk like at that bar?
Hiii love nice to hear from you again!! Hope you're well, I can't wait to discuss your thoughts about the last two chapters with you! 💞💞
Chapter Ten -
fdsjfdsjf the Scooby Doo gang I love that!!! MC, Joonie, and Jeongguk make quite the little paranormal investigation squad, I'm definitely looking forward to writing some more adventures the trio will go on with their ghostbusting interests. AHH and the brewery scene was so fun, they hybrids getting to go out and have a good time with MC and Alice was really exciting for me to write. I did play with the idea of MC flirting with the waiter as well, but in the end I wanted to display some of Taehyung's growing possessiveness. Besides-- MC definitely has her hands full with the seven of them! As for Hoseok and Alice *evil laughter* 💀 there are some plot lines that I have planned surrounding those two... we're just going to have to wait and see how it pans out (and how MC will react to it!!!)
MC is just ahhh I want her to adopt me fhdksf like her gift giving skills are unmatched. She really wants all of the hybrids to feel at home and like they have their own belongings, spaces, etc. that make their lives more happy and comfortable. She really really cares for them all 🥺
Hehehe the three events~ for Hoseok's track meet, it was a sort of supportive bestie vibe, whereas Yoongi's and Tae's had a bit more of a romantic feel to them. Tae.. my goodness he probably sees MC as his muse or something, because she's the one who encouraged her to participating in the photography club in the first place. I hope he continues to take pics of her and make friends in the club, as well. He's such a sweet boy, he definitely could use some buddies.
rjGFJDGHD BAD DANA!! I can't help myself with the cliffhangers hehe I'm sorry love!!! 🤭
Chapter Eleven -
So the little spat between Hoseok and Jeongguk... We've seen Hoseok's sort of jokester personality, and I really think he wasn't trying to start anything, but with Jeongguk already on edge needing to scent her again, things got a little heated between those two. Joon, not wanting to upset MC like he had during The Incident (with Tae), played the part of peacemaker, which I think shows how willing he is to change and grow for MC. I think you're right, Hoseok was probably entertaining the idea that MC would be angry enough at him to "kick him out", but MC would never. 😭
AHH and Jeongguk. What a tease!!! I definitely think that he is starting to grow more fond of MC, even though he is a bit reluctant to show it. For some reason, too, he seems to sense how fond Seokjin is of MC, so often brings up his own concern for MC and covers it up by blaming Seokjin hehe....
I do plan on having some horseback riding scenes!! Of course, with our cowboy Jimin, maybe we'll get to see him teach MC how to ride also I see what you did there wink wonk ;)
Hannah!! Good news for her, good news for Seokjin, but MC is already feeling a little jealous. I wonder how things will go down when MC takes Seokjin to meet up with Hannah...
Yoongi being a little impatient and brisk with MC made me upset, too, especially since he's always been one of the softer ones with her. That's probably why MC could sense something was wrong. As for them talking about sharing her, that's certainly a drabble idea, but also, I'm toying with the idea of having it sort of an unspoken agreement between all of the hybrids... we'll see how I decide in the future!!!
SO! When I finally get around to all of the prequels, I plan on having that scene with MC at the bar with Yoongi. Something to look forward to in the future-- his prequel, Fire, Walk with Me. ❤️‍🔥
fjkdszkjfzsjd SORRY FOR BEING EVIL!!! But also thank you for sending me all of your lovely thoughts. Sending you hugs, bestie!! 😘
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swiftasfuckboii · 11 months
The Confession
“Can you feel this magic in the air? It must have been the way you kissed me.”
Sonic X Reader
A short idea I dreamed up at work, packed with fluff. (I have no idea how to end fics ever)
Sonic had just defeated Eggman and saved me from the clutches of death as Super Sonic and now he held me as he brought me to safety.
The wind whipped all around us in the stratosphere. As we were soaring through the starlit sky something popped in my head that I had not fully accepted yet.
“I think I love you.” She admitted softly, gazing up into his ruby red irises.
He noticeably slowed down, “What?” He asked breathlessly, a bit thrown off guard by her unusual upfront approach.
“I know it sounds crazy, I realize that…”
She looked down at the glowing city below.
“It’s not that,” He shook his head, “I just never imagined you would say it first, you’re not the type to.”
“Well, I guess almost dying back there puts things into perspective.”
Sonic finally looked at her, a gentle look graced his face. She glanced over at him, only to look away immediately.
She scoffed, “Don’t look at me like that.”
Crossing her arms, she wished she were anywhere else.
“Like what?”
“Like you care about me.” She stated flatly.
He bit his lip and looked forward to where he was flying.
She kept staring at the vast city below them, praying he’d bring her home and they’d never speak of this again.
“I’ve had this sinking feeling inside me for a while now; I’ve been too stubborn to address the problem.” She felt the lump in her throat rise up. She felt sick.
Sonic nudged her to go on, after she sat in unknowing silence for a few seconds.
“Everytime you leave, I feel disappointed.” She disclosed, looking up at him.
“And whenever you come around it’s the highlight of my day.” She continued, cocking her head at him.
“Y/N, I-“
“Let me finish!” She shushed him with a hand to his mouth before he could say anymore.
He raised his brow in a questioning look.
“Look,” She sighed, “I’ve been too scared to recognize my feelings, because it might ruin the closeness of our friendship.”
She hugged him tighter, resting her forehead against his chest, “I really don’t want to lose you.”
Sonic’s grip tightened around her and she felt him descend until he finally touched down on a grassy cliff outside the city.
He carefully placed her on the ground, holding her up until she was fully supporting her own weight.
He stepped away and intensely searched her eyes.
“I shouldn’t have said anything, you’re my closest friend and I didn’t want to ruin that!” She rambled, “I blurted that out! It wasn’t meant for your ears, just forget I said anything!”
Panicking, her eyes darted around looking for somewhere to curl up and die.
To her surprise Sonic stepped forward and grabbed her shoulders.
She fearfully peered up into his eyes, ready for the rejection that was surely to come.
“You sure know how to wreck my plans.” He mumbled to her.
She blinked, not sure what he meant.
Within a couple of seconds he grasped her chin and leaned down and kissed her. Her eyes widened in utter shock but she threw her arms around his neck.
They broke away after a few seconds and he chuckled at her flushed cheeks, “You should see the look on your face right now.”
Her face burned even brighter, the tips of her ears were even turning pink.
“I’m honestly disappointed that you didn’t find out sooner, I’ve been dropping hints like crazy.”
“No you haven’t!” She argued. He rolled his eyes playfully.
“I suppose you’ve been too busy thinking this over in your head to even notice, even Tails has been getting annoyed with me lately.”
She crossed her arms, “You flirt with everyone, how was I supposed to know?”
He just smiled and hugged her, setting his head atop hers. “I think I might love you too.”
She gave up interrogating him and decided to just indulge in his warm and golden embrace.
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