#this is like fanfiction where i work on it 30% of the time and 70% is just refining and im still unhappy bout parts but WHATEVER
todayisafridaynight · 2 years
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thatgirliehan · 5 months
reflection: Her
Description: An idol who loves art and a museum curator who makes art. With their slightly crazy friends, a 9-week deadline , a world tour, and a big secret, what could possibly go wrong?
NOTE: This is a fanfiction. Any resemblance to actual people is a coincidence. This story is from my brain and not real life.
My phone dinged right as I got off the bus. I glanced down as I start walking, it was a calendar alert "BTS concert TOMORROW". My heart skipped a beat and I couldnt help but do a quick happy dance. It's finaly happening, the thing I had been waiting on for MONTHS was finally tomorrow! With that happy reminder in the back of my head I waltzed through the doors of the museum where I worked, ready to start another day, a little happier than normal. "Good morning y/n", said Bill the front door guard "you seem a lot more awake today than normal, finally get coffee before work?" "Ha. Ha. Ha Bill, you're hilarious! The concert I've been waiting absolute months for is finally tomorrow, I'm just super excited!" "Oh, those pretty boys you constantly listen to, right?" said Bill. "Theyre called BTS Bill" I mumbled under my breath. Bill is about 70 years old and is like my work Grandpa. I love him to death, but he doesnt really get the whole kpop thing, he's more of a Willy Nelson type.
"Well, I need to go!" I said as I started walking away. "With the head curator and the other junior curator off at a conference for the rest of the week, I was the one basically running the museum. I was freaking out at first when they told me that they were BOTH going, I mean, I've only been working here 2 years, and I am the junior, JUNIOR curator. That means I get the fun jobs of writing up the placks for the art, or at most dusting the art. I'm not even allowed to touch the art by myself yet, you have to be a junior curator for that.
I get to my desk, because junior JUNIOR curators dont have an office, just a desk in the supply room (closet) and set my purse down on my desk. It was 30 minutes to 10, which was when we opened. I still had time to dust the main exhibit and turn on all the lights before I had to open the doors. My art museum was a small one, but we had a few really good pieces from some very famous artists, so we drew a modest crowd every day. Honestly, I was really lucky to have this job. Not many people get their dream job right out of college. I popped in an airpod and turned on my favorite cleaning playlist. Mic drop shuffled on first so of course I danced the chorus as I dusted, dropping my duster at the end of the song like Suga.
I finish up all of my opening tasks and head back to the front desk, as I'm straightening some pamphlets in the front desk, I hear my phone chime. I look down at the screen and see an alert that says "Sorry y/n, I'm throwing up everywhere, I'm not gonna make it to work today. Xoxo Minha" "Greaaaatttttttttttttttttttttttt", I think, my good mood vanishing in a flash, I'm completely alone today. Minha is my friend and a year younger than me, she works the front desk. With her gone, I'm going to have to do her job...and then it hits me. I'm ALONE. And I'm supposed to be researching and writing the placks for the new exhibit thats coming next week. Greattttttttttttt. I check the time, 5 minutes before opening. "Shiitttttttttttttrake mushrooms" I mutter under my breath as I run to my office...ok desk....and frantically grab my laptop, planner, 3 enormous reference books and my pouch and run back to the front desk. Looks like I'm going to be doing both today. "Curse you Minha", I think to myself as I drop everything on the front desk. I check my phone and I still have 3 and a half minutes till opening. Which is good, because since I hadn't expected to be at the front desk, I had only done minimal makeups....and in my personal experience, people were nicer when I had a more girly makeup style. I grabbed my pouch and got out my favorite (fine, only) yves saint laurent lip tint, it was a beautiful shiny coral pink color and it made me feel like I was a member of twice. I popped it on my lips and went to unlock the door. If I was lucky, maybe it would be an extra slow day and I would be able to get the rest of the placks done.
I....was not lucky. It was a very busy morning. So busy that I didn't have a single minute to even look at my reference books until 12:30. There was finally a lull as the morning crowd left so I grabbed my reference books and laptop and got to work typing up those placks. I was so engrossed in my research that I didnt notice someone had walked up to the front desk until I heard "uh, excuse me". I was so startled that I let out a high pitched yelp, jumping out of my chair, knocking it over.
Standing at the front desk was a boy. Man? He was very tall, wearing fashionable street wear, a baseball cap that shieled his eyes and a mask covering the lower half of his face.
"Ohmygoodness, I'm so sorry, I didn't realize anyone was there!" I said quickly, closing my laptop and picking my chair up from the ground.
"Uh...sorry, I didn't mean to surprise you" the man said in a low, soft voice.
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strongheartneteyam · 1 year
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💌 A messy open letter/life update to my moots, readers and followers (?)
IM SO SORRY FOR NEGLECTING Y'ALL FOR SO LONG my kitten is just now healed enough (not fully healed yet. she still has sutures) for me to be able to let her walk around the room and play by herself without being too dangerous for her health and I FINALLY was able to sleep more these last 4 days (I didn't talk to ANY of my friends for 3 days bc all I could do was sleep - even during the day, like, a lot - watch movies n read a bit (books, not fanfiction)/study neuroscience and anatomy a bit) so, now, I'm only like 70% recovered from so much sleep deprivation (being an amateur nurse for a spayed kitten and also doing house chores, mostly by yourself, ain't easy) and I've been logging in here for like only 30 minutes up to a maximum of like 1 hour or so, and not even everyday, just editing some stuff on my posted fanfiction/checking my notifications, messages, asks and OMG you guys are AMAZING!!! So much love that I'm receiving, from moots, readers, followers or even people who I don't think follow me but they support my works somehow, even after me being gone for this long while... IM SO THANKFUL AND MOVED!!! I love this fandom SO MUCH! I have no words!! I've been in many fandoms in my life and the Avatar one is by far the most supportive, peaceful - to a certain extent - and full of good energy and love! I PROMISE I will get to answer y'all soon enough!
And about the talk that's been going on about the fandom dying, DONT U WORRY MY BABIES, MOMMA VICTÓRIA AINT GOING NOWHERE! Speaking for me, at least, this tall blue aliens obsession is NOT something temporary! I'll be writing my lil stories for y'all forever, if I'm able to (lol) 🤍 I've loved Avatar since the first time I watched the 2009 movie, back when it was released and I was a child, and now that I'm a grown woman in her 20s, I still feel such a big connection to this fictional universe, in a literal spiritual level. I was a pagan/had a witchy/nature based spirituality for years of my life, tho I'm not pagan anymore, since I slowly realized I never truly believed in the pagan gods and magick, but, instead, I just see God in nature and see it as sacred and something that should be respected and taken care of, instead of destroyed. I also have indigenous heritage from my great grandmother, love my indigenous culture, live in a small town, next to the countryside, always felt crazily connected to nature and the Universe and been deeply fascinated by space, aliens, sci-fi, fantasy, always been called a "hippie" by people, either to tease me playfully or to try to make me feel bad for being a bit too much like Kiri Sully (istg me and Kiri are one and the same) so, this fandom serves me JUST RIGHT 😅🫀✨🌱👽💕 I'm here to stay and I WILL help keep this wonderful fandom alive!!! 💖
Anyways... I feel like I already "talked" way too much lol I'm wordy, sorry 🥲 but that's one of the reasons I can write well, so... it's got its bad and its good side ahaha
Speaking of writing, I have like 6 to 7 chapters of Realize where you belong saved (only need to edit and fill in some gaps) bc, even in the middle of so much physical and mental working, I'VE BEEN SO BLESSED with inspiration and been able to write A LOT lately, in the wee free time I've been having, so... if you're reading this fanfiction, I might be updating it later today or tomorrow!
Hope you're all doing good and taking care of yourselves! I've been trying to! I LOVE Y'ALL TO THE MOON AND BACK 💘
With love, your messy and a bit crazy but honest and caring fanfiction writer,
Victória ♡
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🍌Bananer🍌 headcanons
(aka stuff about Banana King, Banana Land, and Banana People)
This was inspired by something @downinmybeastheart posted, but the Banana King actually wasn't a pirate, but instead a sailor on a cargo ship that carried (among other things) a lot of bananas. The ship crashed off of Banana Land one day, and he washed up on the shore along with all the bananas on the ship, so the Banana People thought of him as sort of a god bringing them bananas.
(I might not include the stuff with the Banana Staff in my AU because it seems kind of... McGuffiny? Not explained that well? In which case, the Banana People just listen to him because they think he's a god.)
Bananas are he least favorite fruit (possibly his least favorite food in general?)
He's developed a way to synthesize rum out of bananas by letting them get so over-ripe that they get rotten and syrupy and then letting them grow mold so that they ferment. (He's given himself multiple diseases this way.)
He's become seriously unhinged from being away from society for so long. I read a fanfiction recently (Candle Cove: The Novel on fanfiction.net) where he actually captured the Laughingstock Crew so he could feed them to the Banana People, and I kind of dig it? Like for him to be chaotic like that, and for him to be a minor antagonist before joining the crew. (This is the ONLY thing I like about that fanfic's characterization of him because it also made him a pedo for some frickin reason. Seriously. Don't read it unless you're prepared for that.)
At first, he really hated the Banana People and being the Banana King, and when the Laughingstock Crew shows up, he still sort of does, but he's also inevitably formed a bond with the Banana People and cares about them somewhat. He's a bit sad to leave them (even though they killed him).
He's generally sometimey. Like one second he's one way but the next he's another way. Kind of unpredictable.
He's lost his filter and says the weirdest and most out-of-pocket things. (He sometimes acts as the crew's voice of reason because he's not afraid to tell the truth.)
The only reason the Laughingstocks still call him "the Banana King" is because he's been on Banana Land for so long that he doesn't remember his real name.
His role on the crew is literally just "ship ghost." He doesn't do any work!
JK, he actually sometimes works as a "seer," being able to use his dark magic to find hidden treasure and that kind of stuff.
He's actually a pretty skilled magician (he had a lot of time to practice magic living in Banana Land). But 90% of the time he just uses his powers for pranks and cheating at cards.
His being able to use magic makes me wonder if he's an Abyssian. Like I know some humans can use magic (e.g. Horace), but consider: what if he became a ghost because that's what happens to Abyssians if their body gets totally destroyed? Also it would explain how he survived in Banana Land for all those years (he didn't need to worry so much about food or water because it's not like he could have died from starvation or anything).
My voice claim for him (currently) is Murdoc from Gorillaz.
In my AU, Banana People don't look like regular people wearing giant banana peels, but instead look like octopuses, where the peeled-off parts are their tentacles. They would be sort of cute if they weren't 6 feet tall and didn't smell faintly of decomposing flesh. Also like octopuses, their mouths are in the middle of their tentacles. They got lots of teeth!
Banana Land actually didn't always have bananas! They only started growing there when Banana King's ship crashed and the bananas that washed ashore germinated. (He was about 30 when his ship crashed and about 70 when the Laughingstocks find him, so he crashed 40 years ago, which is enough time for banana trees to grow everywhere and for Banana Land to become known for having a lot of bananas.)
Banana People don't actually eat bananas (they're carnivores). The reason they like bananas so much is that they look exactly like them, so they consider them to be sacred. In a sense. (I'm not sure if they have a cohesive religion or if it's more like they just have a vague sense that bananas are special.)
This is part of the reason they regard Banana King as a god. Like, the first time they saw bananas was when he showed up, so it looked like an omen to them.
I'm not sure if the Banana People are sapient. They can sort of understand English, and they're smart enough to recognize Banana King as their leader, but I think that's as far as it goes.
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bunsofhoney · 1 year
🦋 tell us about your current wip
Oh no I have to pick just one? 😩 I'm working on an Assassin!Peter story where Wade gets bamfed to a different universe and meets a deranged assassin Spider-Man. It's kinda just smutty violence 🥰 I've been picking out some fun villains, like The Vulture. Also including some lovely nc/cnc. I have lots of time to think but little time to write right now (I have a newborn) so taking the wips slow and steady.
☁️ wip you want to write but haven't started yet
I have a story in my head...not sure yet if it's Spideypool or OC. Like it could easily be Spideypool but the challenge of writing oc is alluring. Anyway it's a southern Gothic story about an abandoned church in a swamp, where a Cthulhu cult meets. There's a murder tied up with a political corruption scandal, and the main villain would be some sort of Eldritch horror masquerading as a politician. Characters include a wet-behind-the-ears sheriff deputy, a big-city detective, and a reporter. I haven't pinned the time period yet, it would be fun in the 30s, 50s or 70s, lol. Probably what I need to do is start researching locations and then the time period will fall in place around historical events that happened there. I love the process of discovery in writing historical fiction.
🌷 writing achievement you want to brag about
I guess 200,000 words published is an achievement? Or possibly just a sign of insanity, lol. Idk, Spideypool is the first fandom I've written for and I didn't even write much fiction before this. So I guess I'm proud of how much my writing has improved over the last year. I'm trying to publish a 50k word WIP that I started last summer and I'm so tempted to completely rewrite the early scenes because I think they suck now. 😆😩
🌾 book you would / have writ(t)e(n) fanfic for
I would love to write more in the Sandman universe. It's so well developed but we don't have a lot of stories about it. Like Despair, what's her story? Delirium? Neil Gaiman does a great job of crafting a beautiful landscape and then giving you a little window into what's happening there and making you want more. I haven't read much Sandman fanfiction, I bet it mostly works from the TV show and not the books.
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stephsageek · 1 year
In Celebration of Fanfiction Author Appreciation Day, A Master list of all my fics:
Remember, if you like amy of these, feel free to leave some kudos or comments. If you wanna yell at me, it's your blood pressure. I'm just having fun because I own none of this stuff.
"He Sleeps with the Fishes: The Hoffa Job" (ongoing)
My current WIP and the fourth part in "Partners in Time." This features the assassination of famously MIA corrupt Teamster Union President Jimmy Hoffa. Look him up if you've never heard of him. He's something of an urban legend. On this assignment, our heroes venture to 1970s Detroit in order to "dissappear" Mr. Hoffa. Only problem? He's also being pursued by the Italian mob in the form of a couple of queer assassins, a mismatched pair of FBI agents, Hoffa's jilted lover, and somehow a sea monster? This features an established couple in Five/Lila. This fic also has some choice 70s music embedded in it. CW for violence, drug use, explosions, plane crashes, tentacles, car chases, a whole lot of exposition on the mechanics of time travel, and Five being forced to flirt.
"The London Job" (Complete)
This here is my baby and the third in my long series. It features the emotional fallout of Five and Lila finding out the true murderer of Lila's parents. It takes place on an assignment that takes our heroes to 1967 London, where Lila has been led to believe she will find her very much alive birth parents. Too bad nothing the Handler has ever told her seems to be the truth. This does feature Five/Lila but isn't explicit, does address Five being Ace/demi and also depicts a relationship between an actual 58 year-old and a woman in her 30s, so please calm down. It also features Lila's whole extended family. It's got some choice AJ Carmichael scenes if you're into that fish dude. CW for language, violence, some suicidal ideation, some racism, and a graphic surgical procedure. Great if you like hurt/comfort, some slow burn (but not that slow), and heavy angst.
"Dead by X-mas: The Santa-con Job" (Complete)
This is the second in the "Partner's in Time" series and is a holiday themed one-shot. It is an assignment of Five and Lila's that takes place during Christmas time and features the assassination of Jolly Ole Saint Nick (not really). Features drunken shenanigans, strippers, baseball bats, Lila being brought up Jewish, and Mariah Carey. CW for some misogyny and violence. Great if you want something light and ridiculous.
"The Best of the Best" (Complete)
This here is the first in my long series, "Partners in Time." It's an AU in which the premise is: what if Five had to have a partner at the Commission, and what if that partner was none other than Lila Pitts? This fic is pure platonic temporal assassin chaos, featuring such unbelievable things as murder, mayhem, nazis, werewolves, and friendship. It's great if you're looking for some Five & Lila feels. It's also a story that features old Five, as does the series as it stands. This fic expands upon the Commission lore as well as features such things as Five being Ace, Lila being bi, her upbringing by the Handler, Five's PTSD, Lila's powers, Five's relationship with Delores, Lila's and Five's commonalities, and their ever present mental health issues. CW for implied rape/molestation, lots of swearing, violence, animal torture, torture in general, child experimentation, and lots of arguing.
"New Timeline, New Me" (Complete)
The first fic I ever wrote outside of a creative writing class, and the first thing I've ever published on ao3. This story is my explanation for the fact that the actor who plays Five, Aiden Gallagher, obviously has aged over the course of the series. It's also my interpretation of some of Victor's thoughts and feelings just before he comes out as trans to his family. Great if you love all the Brellies and some siblings feels.
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heilith · 1 year
Hello again!
May I ask for numbers 34, 36, 40, 53, 57, 67, and 74 for the get to know your fic writer?? I had time to read all the way down to the bottom this morning 😳😅
I hope you are well!
Hey, thank you for dropping by! :)
34. Five years from now, where do you see yourself as a writer?
Probably nowhere. I evaluate my chances to start a published writer’s career as a minus number and, seeing the decline in the general level of fic writer/fic reader engagement across all platforms, I don’t think I’ll be needed in the fandom, either.
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36. How do you write kissing scenes?
It’s rarely the kiss that matters to me. It only does, if the character is my own beau. I love the foreplay, the buildup, everything that leads to that kiss and everything that is left unsaid. My kisses are not exactly kisses, they are full-blown life stories, squeezed into a limited number of words. That’s why I’m mad about all those challenges, involving kiss prompts. It’s my personal writer’s kink.
If the question is “are you good at writing kisses”, I believe I am. :) But we need to ask the audience.
Oh, and trying to figure out the dynamics and anatomy of the process is hell.
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40. If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
You’re so cruel for making me choose, do you know that?
Ok, anything for A Stand In. And anything for any of my Boromir fics.
Gimme a moment, I’m getting overstimulated the single thought…
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53. How do you spend your time when it comes to fanfiction? Are you primarily a fic reader, writer, or a perfect 50/50 split of both?
70/30, writer/reader.
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57. Do you prefer editing as you write, or waiting until it’s finished? 
Strictly after it’s finished, because otherwise I start thinking along the lines of “why did you even start writing, if you can’t spell and know shit about grammar”?
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67. Do you prefer prompts and challenges, or completely independent ideas?
I’m a disorganized mess, so prompts and challenges are the only way to coerce myself into actually finishing something. Besides, my own ideas are usually weird and require an equally weird audience. 😉
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74. You’ve posted a fic anonymously. How would someone be able to guess that you’d written it?
Ooooh, my favourite game! I am recognizable, although I’m not proud of it. But I enjoy showing my collabs to people and asking them which parts were written by me and which not.
My writing is dramatic and atmospheric. If there’s a whirlwind of emotions, and it looks like the characters are about to burst with them and splatter everything around with their insides, that’s probably me. There are emotions even in the places where they are not needed. And, yeah, there’re plenty of things like my favourite words, repetitions (I’m in a love-hate relationship with them), tropes that travel from fic to fic. If you’re a loyal reader, you will know. At some point they will start waving at you, like good old friends. I can’t say whether it’s good or not, depends on what you want to get from reading my fics.
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30, 50, 70?
30. How much do you edit your fics? Do you edit as you write or wait until you finish the first draft?
Lots. My first drafts come out more like free-verse poetry than fiction with lots of summary and would be very unsatisfying to read. I edit both as I write and go through the whole thing before I post. When I edit as I write, it's more of a looping edit, if that makes any sense.
I'll be filling in the gaps in the free-verse brain-spew to make it coherent, get to a point where it sure would have been cool if there was a cast-iron frying pan, go back, add in the frying pan, read through to where I was and, in doing so, realize I once again screwed up how many people the Drifter shot and have to stop, do some math, go back and increase a number, read back down and realize that Eris cannot wield a sword and a hand canon and her frozen Ahamkara bone and pick up the Drifter's rifle with only two hands, loop back up and edit that, read back through and get down to the point where they're running through a hallway and realize I said ground, like dirt, and the floor is metal, loop back up and fix that, read back down and write "she answered" only to realize she has "answered" four times in the same small chunk of text, figure out which of the four "answered"s I'm keeping and come up with different phrasing and/or actions to take in place of phrasing for the other three, realize that one of those actions, while cool, should have a reaction from someone else, loop down and add that in, read through that again only to find that we can't still be talking when we're on opposite ends of the complex and we said we were keeping the communicators set to 20 feet, highlight a chunk of text, cut it, paste it at the bottom of the page below where I'm writing, go back and rewrite my way out of the logistical corner I painted myself into, and then try to figure out how to weave what I chopped out back into the narrative without getting them more than 20 feet from each other and/or without them being able to talk back and forth across the comms that can't go beyond 20 feet… wash, rinse, repeat…
50. How would you describe your writing style?
My fanfiction output is driven by my passionate undying love of two specific characters in one videogame. I either stick them in my head and let them talk to each other, or come up with a situation that would provide them lots of opportunity to talk their way through a situation, or I come up with cool badass things they might do in a fight and figure out how to get them into that fight. This results in very dialogue-driven stories and/or plots designed to frame a particular moment of badassery in the hopes that it will be epic enough to linger in someone's brain the way it has haunted mine.
If we're talking from a technical perspective, I love subjective first person narration passionately, but I also love the 3rd person perspective we get in-game, so I try to balance that by keeping it in 3rd person semi-omniscient but allowing characters to tell their own stories verbally as much as possible, only slipping into internal thoughts when I feel like it's needed from a logistical standpoint.
70. Are you subscribed to any writers on AO3?
Yes, and you are one of them, @synnthamonsugar. <3 My subscription count is currently at 23. Not all of the subscriptions are to writers (some are to individual works I especially want to keep track of in case they are updated), but most of them are writers. I collect anyone who writes Drifter or Eris in a way that pleases me and I keep them like a treasure hoard, rushing off in glee to read when they post and delighting in their things. I am always on the lookout for more delicious stories, though, so while I do comb through the search fairly regularly looking for new shinies, if you have recommendations, I would love to hear them.
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anonymous-lightbulb · 9 months
Ao3 wrapped
1.How many words have you written this year?
2. How many works did you publish this year?
3.. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
Flipped Times. Please read it.
4. What work of yours has the most hits?
Michael Afton Goes to “Corporate Mandated” Therapy (Because Henry Cares About Him)
5. What work of yours got more feedback than you expected?
The Lamb Appoints a Cult Therapist (because, dear gods, everyone there is so traumatized)
. the amount of comments actually inspired me to write more fanfiction.
6. Favorite title you used?
None of my posted fics win this one, but "Is it Identity Theft to Impersonate Yourself?" and "When angels die, they go to hell" are good ones (currently it's just floating in my head tho...)
7. If you use song lyrics, which artist’s songs did you pull from the most?
I almost named a now scrapped oneshot after a lyric from "Honey, I'm home" by Ghost, and I plan to name a chapter in my active wip (Luz Noceda, Belos's Guide to the Modern Day) after a lyric from "Don't be like the sun" by Lemon Demon.
8. Pairing you wrote the most for this year?
Lumity... I guess.
9. Favorite pairing you wrote for this year?
I do like the Lumity dynamic in Flipped Times... but because It's screwed up, not because it's cute like in canon.
10. What work was the quickest to write?
L, it's 3:26 in the morning!
11. What work took you the longest to write?
Ghost Goes to a Therapist (Because They Really Need To). I spent way too much time going over it over and over tweaking tiny details... damn near went mad. (I decided to spend less time proof-reading)
12. How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year?
I have one WIP I'm working on, but i have two or three more that are just stewing in my mind.
13. What’s your longest work of the year?
FNaF if William Afton was a 70% Less Awful Person.
14. What’s your shortest work of the year?
L, it's 3:26 in the morning!
15. What WIP are you taking into next year with you?
"Luz Noceda, Belos's Guide to the Modern Day", "Pip's Inferno", "When Angels Die, They go to Hell", and possibly "Is it Identity Theft to Impersonate Yourself?"
16. What’s your most common “Additional Tags” tag?
POV second person and alternate universe canon divergent.
17. Your favorite character to write this year?
Probs the Death Note characters, just because I didn't take writing them too seriously in L, it's 3:26 in the morning!
18.The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year?
All of them.
19. What’s one pairing you want to explore next year?
I dunno.
20. Which work of yours have you reread the most?
If you count driving yourself up a wall trying to iterate over a fic, then Ghost Goes to a Therapist (Because They Really Need To).
21. How many kudos in total did you get this year?
22. Which work has the most comments?
FNaF if William Afton was a 70% Less Awful Person
23. Did you do any collaborative works this year?
Flipped Times is a Collab with @thegenderguru.
24. Did you write any gifts this year?
25. Did you receive any gifts this year?
Also Nope.
26. What’s your most common category?
My most common category is Gen.
27. What do you listen to while writing?
nothing out loud, just what song is playing on loop in my head
28. Favorite work you wrote this year?
Flipped Times.
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
You take some bread and put it in your cauldron.
You take some butter and put it in your cauldron.
You stir it.
And stir it.
And stir it.
Where once was raw ingredients, there is now toast!
You scoop it on to a plate.
You then grab a fork.
And a knife.
You eat the toast.
It's good toast, the same as any other toast, but good toast none the less."
30. Biggest surprise while writing this year?
Having repeat commenters on one of my fics.
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I posted 1,205 times in 2022
35 posts created (3%)
1,170 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 930 of my posts in 2022
Only 23% of my posts had no tags
#funny - 225 posts
#text post - 83 posts
#fan art - 78 posts
#art - 70 posts
#stranger things - 51 posts
#fashion - 47 posts
#homestuck - 45 posts
#tumblr - 44 posts
#mcr - 44 posts
#goncharov - 42 posts
Longest Tag: 110 characters
#i guarantee that you'd be friends with some of the people you've had shitty internet drama with if you met irl
My Top Posts in 2022:
I had an appointment at a medical clinic and the front desk lady had a google search for Lab Rats fanfiction open on her phone
30 notes - Posted March 28, 2022
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If Vicious was turned into a shitty Hollywood action movie this mf would play Mitch
32 notes - Posted July 29, 2022
Looking at Byler proof is funny because one post will talk about their facial expressions in a heartfelt scene, and the next post will be like "here's how the angle of the light hitting Mike's shoe in this shot represents his internalized homophobia"
49 notes - Posted July 29, 2022
Vicious AU where everything is the same except Victor is wearing black Gucci sunglasses the whole time
50 notes - Posted July 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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I hope you all enjoy my fanfic, I worked really hard on it ❤️
106 notes - Posted July 25, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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kanaayas · 3 years
im gonna talk about walten files now hehe
*uhm so i really like sticking to the time periods of thinhs so i try my best to reflect that on my hcs 👍*
ok my hcs:
- so pretty much the bisexual agenda wasnt nearly as prevalent in the 1960s-1970s as it is now and being gay was a HUUUGE taboo at the time (these aren’t hcs these r facts look me up) but anyways jack and felix are hella gay 4 each other but basically they don’t acknowledge it and they wouldn’t ever… and this is like at the beginning of the business
- i dont use punctuation so im making this a separate bullet point but it still goes w the other stuff ,, but jack and felix met at a bar (not a gay bar bc those werent popularized until the 70s and they were rlly secret i think) and they met in their twenties and that would be around 1950s or early 60s
- in the current canon timeline (early 70s) jack is around 47-50 when he goes missing and felix is 45
-jack and felix exchange telephone numbers at said bar and frequently visit each other and become closer and closer
- both are in college, attending the same school but having different majors
- while away at school, jack meets rosemary and they have a brief relationship but nothing serious, they end it off and jack is crushed
-felix comes over when he finds out about the breakup and then ig they do shrooms or sumn to kinda numb the pain and they end up making out but it’s not gay bc they’re high hashtag no homo pride month is over guys
- this is the same sleepover where they come up w the idea for bunny smiles,,, like they don’t remember anything from that night except for the idea of creating a restaurant with creepy ass animatronics
-felix was just cracking a joke while they were high as balls but jack actually really liked the idea and thinks about it and keeps being it up and felix is like “i wasnt actually serious, who would wanna go there anyways 😐” so he keeps bugging felix and eventually talks him into it and bounce around ideas
- anyways time gap bc im inconsistent and it’s midnight n im tired anyways they’re like 30s now but they are at a bar after a long day of planninh n working and they run into rosemary (felix doesn’t really like her bc hes in love w jack but he’s not outwardly rude to her like hes just passive aggressive like she’ll be like “i had a lovely day” and hell be like “yeah i bet you did 🙄”) and jack is HEAD OVER HEELS FOR HER… but long story short rose got pregnant and the father dipped and they go out for a couple months and a while later jack proposes and rose says yes
-the baby is obv sophie btw she doesn’t know jack isnt her bio father bc he raised her like i said the bio father dipped and that’s why she has brown hair instead of black hair like her parents
- jack and felix begin to fall out of their lil bestie friendship and transition towards a more businesslike relationship and felix HATES this bc he’s literally in love w jack
-felix goes to bar alone one night to wallow in his misery and gets hella drunk and meets linda and then they get date and get married but felix uses linda kinda as like a flex (for lack of a better word) to make it look like he’s pulling ladies too when he’s really not happy with her at all but linda really likes him
-anyways felix starts to get stressed as the restaurant idea is making major progress and starts drinking more and linda is NOT HAVING IT she hates it
-the root of felixs alcoholism is bc he’s in love with jack and then linda leaves and he goes wild #emo
-felix feels neglected when he comes to jack for help bc he’s always busy with the kids (edd and molly are babies and sophie is like 6 idk i’m too tired to calculate that)
- anyways felix is gay and jack is bi if we’re talking modern terms like felix definitely definitely liked boys 100% but wasnt like ✨ 💅 fruity like you wouldn’t have known especially since he had a wife
-jack never admitted it but he def had feelings for felix but he ultimately chose rose over him and like i said their friendship faded into more of a business partnership (dick move i know, bracing myself for slander bc felix didn’t deserve that)
im also quite a fan of jackfelixrose but im too lazy to write lore for that and it seems a little too out of canon bc polygamy was HELLA TABOO along w homosexuality,,, uhhhh if anyone sees this lmk if u want to hear more of my dumbass brainrot
ok why did i write a whole fanfiction bye
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mochminnie · 3 years
Euphoria Fanfic
Vanessa Santos and Dylan Lewis are my original Characters I have written. Please let me know what you think about my story and what I should work on during the process of working on this story.
Dylan is a popular jock and is Ethan's Cousin and they are both close. He actually hangs out with cousin and his friends more than the football team. He despise Nate because of his aggression and the way he talks about the girls in school. He using his creativity side through music and photography. He gets made fun of for it.
Vanessa is an Asian American with a curvy body who is loving, outgoing yet shy. She expresses herself through style and makeup. She loves her friends and cares about them. She experienced sexual assault and trauma at a young age. She deals with anxiety and depression.
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Vanessa didn’t take Rue’s overdose well. She went to see Fez and bitched slapped him for giving Rue drugs.
She moved into her aunt Melissa and her cousin Alyssa's house which is much closer to East Highland . She is way more independent now. She got a part time job at the mall, she can drive. When she lived with her parents she had to share a room with her mom. She didn’t have a room, her aunt and uncle took over the other room. Her dad slept on the couch in the living room.
When her aunt  Stacy (30’s)  lived with her at the age of 9 she had a traumatic life, but her aunt was an alcoholic and drug addict. Her aunt tried to commit suicide more than once. Went to Rehab and the hospital a bunch of times. Her aunt would use to get it at Fez’s Grandma while she was still feeling well. Vanessa and Fez become closer.
She’s not close with her father. He worked a lot.  Her father was a monster. Homophobic she couldn’t even come out to her dad. When she was a child her dad would tickle her roughly and bite her. She didn’t think much of it, thought it was innocent. Not until  she was 9 her dad assaulted her at a young age her dad saw it as a joke. It only happened one time to her she did everything she could do to avoid her dad touching her around the neck, thigh, butt area.
She couldn’t tell her mom what happened. He got angry issues, would pull her hair, smack her, punch her not to the point where she would bruise regardless she would still live in that household despite having an abusive father. She tries her best to have a father daughter relationship with her.
She’s much closer with her mother and even came out how she likes boys and girls at first her mother was in denial. She accepts so much now as they get closer even though they don’t get along at all. Whenever her mother is angry she would always take it out on her. She loves her mother more than her father. Her mother doesn’t judge what she wears. Loves how she got confident but, she tends to comment about her weight and to lose it.
Now her parents are traditional, conservative. Well her father is much more strict and can be religious. That can tie in along with being homophobic. She believes that there are people can be part of the LGBTQ+ and be Christian. She hates people telling her “It’s your dad you should respect him and obey” Now she believes parents aren’t always right and she got her own beliefs. She didn’t judge anyone that’s part of the LGBTQ+ community she’s bi herself or  Anyone who have an abortion you can tell her parents still living like it’s the 70’s.
Vanessa introduced Kat to Tumblr. That’s what got them to write fanfiction online. Vanessa even loves to go on Wattpad. Both Kat and Vanessa would both blog and tumblr send each other fanfiction they have written. They even co written a fanfiction about BTS, a Korean Boy Group. Now Vanessa is an ARMY (Adorable Representative M.C. for Youth). Kat doesn’t know much about them but thinks they’re cute and have good music. She’s a Directioner so she just writes most of the smut. They love how they both got popular online just for writing fanfiction.
Vanessa met Maddy through Kat. She definitely got close with Maddy. Maddy and Cassie love the way Vanessa dances. They both encouraged her to join the Cheer team.  She was shy and didn't look confident. She envied not looking like Maddy and Cassie. She started crushing on Cassie getting all shy around her. She never would admit that she likes Cassie. Cassie just saw her as a friend.  Because she can hear some people saying she’s so fat and can’t dance. Maddy literally picks up a fight with any bitch who comes in Vanessa’s way. Maddy got her way stronger at dances and it made her grow confidence. Vanessa loves how brutally honest Maddy can be.  That she didn’t join the cheer team until Junior year.
Vanessa dressed up as Musa from Winx Club for Halloween. While Mckay and Cassie were distant… Cassie was making out with Daniel, But she didn’t want to sleep with him so she went to one of her most trusted friends, Vanessa Cassie knew she liked her. She wasn’t weirded out by it and still saw her as her bestie.  “I heard that you have a crush on me.” Smiling “What? Who.. told you?” Vanessa pulled her hair behind her ear and avoided eye contact. Cassie grabbed her face and  suddenly kissed her. It was gentle. Vanessa couldn’t believe it but, she kissed her back at the halloween party but, Vanessa pushed her. As she heard some of  the jocks laughing they took videos and pictures were linked. It was sent to the whole school. Someone uploaded it on pornhub ‘fat Asian dyke kiss best friend’ Dylan defended it her, He knew how much she liked Cassie and fully accepted who she is. Vanessa ran off. “What the hell, why would you send this to the whole school?” Defending his friend. “Vanessa!”  Then one of the jock said, “Dude didn’t you want to watch them 69 eachother?” Dylan was disgusted. “THAT’S FUCKING GROSS, DON’T EVEN TALK ABOUT ANY WOMAN LIKE THAT EVER!” He punch him “Come on man I was just messing around.”
“Vanessa wait I’m… I’m sorry I didn’t mean for this to happen!” Cassie said
“Look Cassie I know you don’t like me or girls but you didn’t have to kiss me. Just why the hell would you lead me on?” Vanessa said
“I wish.. I do like you but I like you as a friend. No guy has ever treated me right. You’re the person that genuinely likes me and doesn’t want me for my body. So I just kissed you and I knew you liked me.” Cassie said
“No Cass. You’re just doing all of this just because Mckay wouldn’t tell people that he’s your girl. I get it it was wrong of him to do that and not letting you dress whatever the fuck you want at a college party. But kissing one of your bestfriends and being with Daniel while still being with Mckay is also wrong ” Vanessa
Lexi and Vanessa were my childhood friends. Lexi and Vanessa got much closer over the years towards highschool. Didn’t like how they had changed. Vanessa would say that she didn’t change, She was much quieter in Elementary and Middle School. The quiet one in class stuck in her own circle. She has gained so much confidence in highschool. She was friends with almost everyone in high school.
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ae0nx · 3 years
EP 1 - 3 RECAP
EP 4 - 6 RECAP
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We're the three best friends that anyone can have And we'll never ever ever ever ever leave each other 🎶☺️
...until they eventually do anyway.
Now, that I've finished the whole series... I still really like it. In many ways it feels like fanfiction come to life in a 70% good but 30% bad kinda way and some people may not like that but... I do! However, one of the stand outs for me with this series is that they made the Bebop crew an actual family in how they interacted with each other instead of a ragtag pirate crew who bark at each other all the time. I personally like both but I really do end up leaning towards that family dynamic because I AM SOFT BOI.
- The fishing scene with Faye and Spike was cute where Faye just had her world flipped upside down cos she had an orgasm last episode and Spike throwing all his fishing gear into the ocean out of frustration lmao. Boobs or butts is definitely a conundrum
- Spike and Jet simping over Faye's mother was hilarious. Spike's mommy kink is not surprising, he just wants someone to step on him - that's all! (Same with Vicious' knife kink 😂)
- Jet being Dad and being the one to desperately hold the family together by making family trips, organising plans to make sure everyone STAYS TOGETHER and organising birthday bowling parties is... chef's kiss. And so cute! I've said 'so cute' at least 15 times during this whole series. Mustafa Shakir continuously kills it as Jet.
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This guy was doing the most and I was LIVING for it! I wish we got more from him.
- Spike and Jet continuously having each other's back throughout the show was adorable and Spike literally being thrown about outside while Jet is trying to be there for his freakin daughter was hilarious and CUTE!
- Not Faye's mother using her Karen skills to finesse a car 😂I actually weirdly find the relationship between Faye and her mum a little endearing? Messed up... but endearing. Also, I guess in the future, people dying during role play is ok? lmao
- Also, I never mentioned it in previous recaps but the direction, lighting and editing in this show is all stellar and every frame is almost a comic frame but not in a way that feels egregious or tacky, they really nailed the style of the show. <3
- That younger Faye speech never fails to make me tear up and it was nice that the Bebop crew were actually nice to Faye regarding all of this compared to the anime which made it even more emotional for me, especially with Jet and Spike's reactions to the tape
- Of course, Spike gets strikes during bowling without trying. I hate him <3
- Pierre Le Fou's live action look looks amazing but that first fight between him and Spike didn't feel as iconic as it was in the anime. At times the show, tries to frame the scenes exactly to how it was in the anime and sometimes it works but sometimes it suffers for it and you can definitely see how it didn't exactly work out when they tried to copy the scene where you see (through the shadows on the wall) Spike being beat so hard he's kicked up in the air. I don't even know how that would look good in live action in the first place as it's so crazy but I appreciate them trying, I guess?
- Not them leaving Ein behind!!! 💔 This is probably the most heartless any of them have been during this whole thing! :(
- The Vicious 'execution' scene looked dope and gave me 'The Last Jedi' throne room vibes. And I think it was only then that I realised for the first time that the parallel of Asimov and his girlfriend is actually towards Vicious and Julia and not Spike and Julia
- Nice to know Spike is au natural? This show is fanfiction 😂 But in all seriousness, I really appreciate them giving us a whole episode dedicated to the backstory of Spike, Julia and Vicious. I don't think the backstory about Vicious' lineage and stuff really made Vicious any deeper but it's nice having that information to inform his current actions and psyche. However again, this just added value to the connection that Spike and Julia had and really solidified for me that Spike loves Julia not only because he needs a reason to keep going on but also because he desperately wants stability. It makes me very curious as to what season 2 is gonna look like now that him and Julia are somewhat done
- I also really appreciated seeing Spike be a full on villain and the way that massacre scene in episode 9 was shot and directed was really great. Do I think him dropping his morals and murdering the girl was earned? Not really.
- Vicious really is a cocktail mix of Lucious Malfoy, Draco Malfoy and Scar
- I really love how Julia finally got some decent development in the final few episodes. When she began to have more agency and wants, it made her more intriguing and I really like how her character grew and was 'revealed' through the final few episodes. This was a great development on Julia and I love that she put her own protection first over both Spike and Vicious. But, also it really dug more into the fact that Spike has always thought of Julia in an idealised way and has never really been aware or observant of who she actually is - which is something the anime touched on but never really delved into. I hope they work with this more in season 2
- Eeek, that 'I won't carry that weight' line felt very hand-fisted...
- 'YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO LOVE ME!' *tries not to start singing Dreamgirls* lmao I'm glad Vicious finally said it
- I'm weirdly glad that they left 'Ballad of the Fallen Angels' as the final episode, especially if they were always intending to make this a multi-series tv show. It's one of the most iconic episodes and it just makes sense and all the scenes looked incredible EXCEPT...
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..They tried.
Again. It's one of those things where I'm not sure how to make it transfer well to a live action tv show. But, they tried.
But again. I love the fact that Julia is the one to push him out of the window and therefore push him out of the dream. Although, I kinda wish Spike was just left in a sort of comatose state after this and then Ed being the one to find him. Him finding Jet only to be told to fuck off and then getting drunk at a bar felt a bit disjointed from this near death experience and essentially resulting in being a broken, aimless person in multiple ways.
- Jet... as always... is the character I feel the worst about at the end of the series :( I hope he gets a chance to reconnect with his daughter and that maybe even his predicted future time with Ed would have an influence on that relationship! But yeah, Jet's not gonna kill Spike cos they're boyfriends.
- So many people were left alive at the end of this! It's nice... I guess.😈... I'm glad Gren is alive so we can potentially get more of their backstory. I'm glad Ana is still alive because she was so likeable and I love her and Spike's dynamic. I'm even glad Julia is still alive so we can explore more of her character, especially in her new position of power. But, Vicious? I really don't see where else you could take his character but ok... cool cool cool...
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I might be the only person on the internet who doesn't have a problem with this kid lol
Am I disappointed that they're not played by a POC? A little. But Ed's always been displayed as a very typically 'racially ambiguous anime character' so, I'm not too bothered. I love that they keep giving non-binary actors roles in this show although, in the interviews I've seen they give Ed (the character) she/her pronouns so I'm not really too sure if it matters for this version or not but it'd be nice! And from the little we've gotten of Eden Perkins as Ed, I really like their performance! ...I really dunno what some of you guys were expecting someone who plays someone as dynamic and wacky as Ed to act like? Lol
But mostly... I'm a little concerned where Spike goes from here. We know they've still got some episodes leftover to go and adapt for season 2 (gimme my 'Mushroom Samba' ep lol) but where does Spike's character go from here? As someone who accepted that Spike dies at the end of the anime series, I've always seen Spike as someone who's death is always there as an omnipresence. And personally... I dunno if I could handle another season of that...
Anyways, I'm probably gonna end up rewatching this show sometime in the near future, I had fun with it and I might just avoid the tag on here for a bit!
Later dayssss
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nightwingsaregoths · 2 years
TL;DR: Being bored in online class is why this blog exists and why I even started writing a Thorn x Stonemover fanfiction and got back into Wings of Fire.
Today marks the day where exactly a year ago, I opened up my fanfiction document and tried to write a Thorn and Stonemover fix-fic. But, honestly, my efforts have been a little longer than that (this blog exists because of a domino series of events)
Okay, but I got bored in class around last year’s February and searched up how to draw Sunny. Anyway, I had such fun that I decided to reread The Brightest Night because I remembered it fondly. It was my first Wings of Fire book ever, actually. I was reading about Sunny ending the war and I’m pretty sure that I didn’t even read The Dragonet Prophecy until a year after that.
So yeah, I read up to the chapter where Sunny met Stonemover and I felt so bad for him :( That turned into a decision to try and write Stonemover a happy ending because he deserved better.
Approximately weeks and garbage writing later (youch, it was bad. I don’t think I’d count it as actually writing fanfiction but that was around March 2021). I realized that I wrote garbage, promptly abandoned it, and started again, before rereading Wings of Fire and getting into the fandom again. Also, I started accumulating incorrect quotes like a sick dragon on top of a hoard of gold.
At 4/30/21, I made a new google document! Then, I spent 8 months being miserable while writing something that I didn’t even want to write. I mean, good effort, past me, but not particularly what I wanted. Especially because I had about no plot and intricately described the setting instead of actually having said plot. I think that was a big struggle period while writing, things were tough ;-;.
Anyway, in June of 2021, I believe I published my Wings of Fire incorrect quotes and memes on wattpad because my meme document was about 70 pages long and I needed to get rid of them. Anyway, I think I had about what, 11 pages left before I decided to delete it all, but I’m somehow still ongoing with my Wings of Fire incorrect quotes and memes because I’ve gone to tumblr instead of hitting the generator.
In August, I was walking in the woods and had a weird idea, so I pumped out Corn, and gave up after about 2 months. (I might update it one day, just because why not, but currently my main fanfiction is my true love. I actually don’t mind it, I made up names for every one of Coral’s unnamed 28 sons but it was sort of crack-y and Thorn and Coral wouldn’t actually be compatible with each other at all. I only wrote it because it was weird and a little funny, which was the opposite of my other fanfiction at the time). 
Sometime in November, after putting Corn on the backburner, I think I rewrote my fanfiction again. But, I was still unhappy while writing that, and realized that I didn’t like it, but apparently I hung on because I was a fool. Anyway, I did create a stupidly long outline doc so there’s that. I learned the Three Act Plan and had this whole plot that I may or may not scrap now, and I’m sorry to anyone who had to listen to me ramble back in the day. 
Around December, I wrote, and abandoned an 80s songfic that had a trashfire of a main pairing. I don’t think I would ever let it see the light of day, but bits and pieces of it still exist in my main fanfiction. It was called “I Just Died In Your Arms Tonight” after the Cutting Crew song and if I told you the plot, it would be potential spoilers. I’ve decided to put it in as a backstory, but I tweaked it quite a bit. But yeah, I set my love interests up to be a garbage fire because they would never work well, and that’s partially why I stopped.
In January, I had a mild crisis and probably tried rewriting my main fanfiction because I was still unhappy. I mean, it did make me feel unhappy. Back then, and for the last year-ish or so, I only wrote in Stonemover POV and that was frustrating and it felt like being trapped, in a way, because on one hand, I wasn’t letting him talk or be free, and it felt like yanking teeth in order to write. Also, it just felt very, I don’t know, one sided? Before I did my rewrite in February, I always felt frustrated because I’ve realized that Stonemover was only really one part of the plot, and that he was deprived of information the most, while also having pieces of his past that were missing (spoiler alert: He was supposed to figure it out with time). It was pretty hard to write, anyway.
Around February, I made my tumblr blog a little before that in January, but Valentine’s Day rolled by. Anyway, this is probably a personal confession in here, but I felt personally disheartened in myself for not writing fast enough or creating any cute romantic content for my own OTP (hahahahaha. rarepair pain.). So, soon after that, I wrote a plot bunny named after another 80s song called “Careless Whisper”. Yes, the song with the sick saxophone riff. (You can figure out the plot from the lyrics). Anyway, I knew that it was terrible, and that the main characters were all committing mistakes and screwing up in their own way, but I was actually evilly happy writing that. Of course, I didn’t have the heart to finish it, but it felt extremely refreshing and freeing to write from Secretkeeper POV after writing from only Stonemover POV for so long. 
So, by the end of February, I was inspired to rewrite my fanfiction, but this time I had changing character POVs, which is MUCH better, I’ll tell you that because every POV has both 
1. A person they love, and
2. A hidden agenda.
And now I’ve realized that in my previous fanfictions, Stonemover didn’t have either of that because I never wrote it in well enough. Anyway, I haven’t written his POV in my fanfiction yet, but at some point I’ve come to enjoy writing mutiple POVs, because the whole mess of NightWing politics and how it’s changed everyone’s life and how each decision and each hidden goal everyone had was why things turned out that way, and when I was only writing from Stonemover’s perspective which was only one facet of the situation and I missed out on everything else while everyone else around him seemed to have their own things going on at the same time, so I chose to write that as well. So, my silly little romantic fix-fic has now turned into this somewhat pre-arc 1 NightWing politics-y story in order to set things up for later. 
Anyway, sometimes I feel as if everything I’ve done wasn’t so bad. I mean, it did take me a while to get somewhere where I was actually happy with it, and it came with a rather unexpected miracle, almost. And I’ve watched this thing that once said that creativity and other projects inform each other, so it makes me feel better that my half-baked WIPs that I’d probably never finish still live on in what I’m doing right now, and it’s nice to know that going a little off the rails helped me with writing, even though I used to feel guilty (and still will) when I decide to indulge in plot bunnies instead of focusing on my main work.  
I probably won’t release my Thorn x Stonemover fanfiction until it’s finished and fully edited because even though it’ll take me even longer, I just don’t want to go back and realize that I want to revise something or end up taking it down because I felt unsatisfied or whatever. Also, I didn’t want to keep any readers hanging for an update (haha, I haven’t updated Corn in six months. lmao.). 
And, that’s been my year! Hang in there, it’ll only take me a few more to finish my Thorn and Stonemover fanfiction ;)
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icepower55 · 3 years
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I posted 277 times in 2021
53 posts created (19%)
224 posts reblogged (81%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 4.2 posts.
I added 70 tags in 2021
#wytir - 16 posts
#icepowerasks - 10 posts
#dramione - 10 posts
#fanfiction - 7 posts
#whatyouthinkisright - 6 posts
#icepower55 - 5 posts
#what you think is right - 5 posts
#draco malfoy - 4 posts
#hermione granger - 4 posts
#marriagefanfic - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 34 characters
My Top Posts in 2021
The Gala
For @popsiclememories​
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Hermione Granger has to attend a work gala...Draco Malfoy has a proposition for her.
64 notes • Posted 2021-07-08 01:25:25 GMT
Variations on Intimacy
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moodboard by the absolutely lovely @sumbul
71 notes • Posted 2021-07-30 13:30:30 GMT
Heart Rot
Look at this GORGEOUS moodboard @sumbul​ made!
Read it here
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79 notes • Posted 2021-11-27 21:41:23 GMT
What You Think is Right: Finale (Chapter 13) NOW COMPLETE
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Thank you to @micbonbon​ for this BEAUTIFUL graphic. 
“How did you know I’d be here?”
“You act like I don’t know you, Hermione Granger.”
Friends, today feels like quite a moment for me. I honestly can’t believe we’re at the end of this journey with Hermione & Draco. It is extremely bittersweet for me to say goodbye to them (though–frankly–those two were decidedly very unhelpful during my multiple bouts of writer’s block). Today is actually my 24th birthday, and it feels right to release this chapter now, because I’m so proud and grateful for all the work my Alpha / Betas did on this piece. They are a truly amazing and special bunch, and I am extremely grateful and beyond thrilled to call them my close friends as well.
@mightbewriting was the first friend I made in fandom, and it’s been such an amazing journey with her. Amanda, you are wonderful and such a lovely presence in my life. I’ve learned so much about writing from you, and I’ve been honored to work on your fics as well. I’m very glad that I reached out all those months ago with the Tumblr DM. Look at us now! I have so much love and respect for you, and I am blown away by your talent. I can’t wait to see your future writing. From “Bone Mortar” to B&E, you are a joy. 
@endless-musings Ash! You are such a source of light and humor in my life. I’m so lucky I got to meet you through Amanda and that I’ve had the amazing opportunity of having you as an Alpha / Beta. It’s truly an amazing thing to meet someone (online, no less!) that understands you that way you do me. I’m such a fan of you and your writing, and I feel privileged every day to call you such a close friend and to have the opportunity to read your writing and work with you on “Secret of the Moon” (which, btw, you all should read!).
@pargcool You are such a wonderful editor, and I’m so glad you took a chance of my fic and helped me whip it into shape. You are one of the sharpest readers I’ve met and an incredible writer to boot. I honestly think you could do this for a living, if you wanted. You are such a wonderful presence in fandom, and you were a constant source of support with WYTiR. Truly, this fic would not exist without you.
Lastly, thank ALL of you amazing readers. Thank you to every single person who left kudos, comments, or recommended this fic. I am blown over by the support I’ve received, and I’ve been so blessed to have entered this community and to exist in this space where I’ve met so many amazing people, including @amurray @heyjude19-writing @pacific-rimbaud @smozark @blankfishxx​ @megamegaturtle @badcouldbeverse​ and many, many more.
Thank you all, from the bottom of my heart. 
100 notes • Posted 2021-02-04 19:35:35 GMT
Variations on Intimacy
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For @chestercompany
When he sinks into you, his eyes close, mouth parting. You touch his face, stroke his cheek. “Kiss me,” you tell him, and he stops mid-thrust and wraps his arms around your neck, lips finding yours. It makes you want to cry, so you close your eyes, thread your fingers through his hair.
Afterwards, you stare at his ceiling, eyes tracing the thin cracks spidering into the center. “Do you ever feel like we’re just play-pretending at intimacy?”
He doesn’t answer for a long while.
“No,” he finally says. “That’s not what it feels like for me, play-pretend.”
119 notes • Posted 2021-07-29 01:40:40 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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cg29 · 3 years
Mainly screenshots :D Had to remove some so I can post...
I posted 3,172 times in 2021
284 posts created (9%)
2888 posts reblogged (91%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 10.2 posts.
I added 7,023 tags in 2021
#thunderbirds are go - 1818 posts
#thunderbirds - 1092 posts
#virgil tracy - 994 posts
#scott tracy - 624 posts
#gordon tracy - 534 posts
#thunderfam - 513 posts
#thunderbirds fanfiction - 498 posts
#thunderbirds 2015 - 336 posts
#alan tracy - 308 posts
#john tracy - 306 posts
Longest Tag: 132 characters
#i love tumblr but lately it’s been hiding my posts from the feed and unless i physically click onto a mutuals page i will miss stuff
My Top Posts in 2021
Best Grandma 💜
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80 notes • Posted 2021-01-29 22:25:16 GMT
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The Long Reach Part 2 aired a year ago today...
And was therefore the last time we saw these adorable faces...
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I am not okay with that! 😭
89 notes • Posted 2021-02-22 10:38:17 GMT
Thunderfam Roll-call 👋
Hello you beautiful lot - Noticed a few have not been appearing on my feed lately. Not sure if it’s Tumblr hiding stuff from me again or you’re spending less time on here. So thought: ‘Hey, why not do a Thunderfam shoutout and see how everyones doing!’
Big Tracy hugs to you all 🤗 🥰
95 notes • Posted 2021-09-26 15:13:44 GMT
Wait... Do you mean this Virgil
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Or this one...
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Exhausted Virg, Virg in danger or injured Virg...
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Then there’s shy Virgil...
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And wrapped up warm Virg...
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Mmm 🤔 All of them are loveable, oh and if you’ve not yet worked it out Anon the answers No! No, I will not stop posting anything containing this wonderful guy.
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If you don’t like it then you know where the unfollow button is!
99 notes • Posted 2021-02-26 20:00:16 GMT
Last night I visited insomnia city. As I was lying awake I began contemplating the amount of fluffy prompt vs whump lists. Now, I adore fics where my favourite characters get hurt and then (sometimes) fixed at the end. However, lately I’ve been needing the comfort more. I began considering what I could do to inspire my own and others output of fluff which inevitably led me to the conclusion: ‘why not create my own list.’ So, I did, and here it is now for anyone to use…
... ...
Bring on the Fluff
100 prompts for fanfiction, your own stories and any style of art.
Prompts are for fluff, comfort, humorous, romantic, comedic, and any other aww moments. Hurt can feature but should  only be used to aid the soothing comfort.
Prompts can be mixed together or used on their own.
Stories can be of any length.
The list can be used for your followers to send you requests, or if you prefer to work through at your own pace. (I will, very slowly, be doing the second option)
Enjoy 😊
1. Angel 2. Anniversary 3. Art 4. Back Rubs 5. Beach 6. Bedtime 7. Birthday 8. Blind Date 9. Bonfire 10. Breakfast in Bed 11. Brother 12. Cake 13. Camping Trip 14. Carnival 15. Cherished Memory 16. Cherished Item 17. Chocolate 18. Cottage 19. Coffee 20. Cookies 21. Countryside 22. Cuddles 23. Dad 24. Date Night 25. Dinner for Two 26. Drunken Conversations 27. Enchanted 28. Engagement 29. Family 30. Fireplace 31. Fireworks 32. First Dance 33. First Date 34. First Kiss 35. First Steps 36. Floor is Lava 37. Flowers 38. Forest 39. Game Night 40. Gift 41. Grandma 42. Grandpa 43. Handmade 44. Holidays 45. Holding Hands 46. Home 47. Horse Riding 48. Ice cream 49. Island 50. Journal 51. Jukebox 52. Kaleidoscope 53. Karaoke Night 54. Lake 55. Moonlight 56. Mother 57. Mountain View 58. Movie Night 59. Music 60. Napping 61. Nature 62. Ocean 63. Oneness 64. Painting 65. Pet 66. Picnic 67. Pillow Fight 68. Pillow Fort 69. Playing Twister 70. Playground 71. Portrait 72. Prom 73. Quilt 74. Quiz Night 75. Radiant 76. Reunion 77. Road Trip 78. Sand 79. Secret 80. Sharing Clothes 81. Sharing a Blanket 82. Sharing an Umbrella 83. Sister 84. Snowman 85. Stars 86. Summer 87. Sun 88. Swapping Beds 89. Swimming Pool 90. Talent 91. Telescope 92. Truth or Dare 93. Universe 94. Valentines 95. Victory 96. Whisper 97. Wingman 98. Wish 99. Yawning 100. Zoo
129 notes • Posted 2021-03-04 15:51:12 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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