#ok im gonna stop procrastinating now bye
streaming comic-makin sessions would be a nightmare cause i know damn well id just be digitally pacing between twitter and youtube before actually doin shit. it'd be like trying to host a writing stream where everyone would look at a blank canvas for half an hour as i try to figure out what the fuck im gonna do
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lightbulb-warning · 1 year
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gooolixx · 2 years
wanted to post a wip but for some reason tumblr wont let me log in on chrome desktop mode
it will have to wait for tomorrow
maybe soon ill make another big blog post with just thoughts about my life and whats going on and everything
my life is actually going quite well right now i think. well i say quite well... its actually probably the best its been since summer 2022 (best months of my life, especially may and july), but something feels off. it feels eerily similar to last year actually. im back into tomodachi life/collection, and im obsessed with pikmin again. ive actually stopped ignoring what happened in 2021 (the dark era) and im starting to actually organise the timeline of my life... which is weird actually. idk if this is normal but like i dont remember anything from before 2019. i think my only memories from before are like.. super early, random, or playing fortnite in 2018. it feels like i started existing in 2021
anyways back to my point about 2021...
with 22 library, i had to go back to early to mid 2022 and even though it hasnt really been that long since, it was super nostalgic. i also found where i was storing everything from debut collection (if you don't know what debut collection is, it was my first album. it kinda sucks. its from 2021), and it includes like literally everything. wip renders, final renders, project files, cover image, cover image project file, random scrapped flps... other stuff
so im probably gonna do something with that sometime. dont hold your breath though
im working on something else anyways with some of my friends so everything else is kinda on hold right now (anomalies from athena is still happening im just a procrastinator)
anyways this was longer than what i expected. its nice to put my thoughts out here. i know that nobody really reads these or probably thinks about them too much but i like writing and i like talking and just putting my thoughts out there for the odd one or two people who care.
anyways ill leave you with a gauntlet of hell doodle i made last week (because this month marks one year since we made the prototype)
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the names dont mean anything, except A might be a hint towards something idk idk :)
also ms gothic what a cool font
ok bye
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personagf-moved · 6 years
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Hi no ones online 2 see this but this is me, dropping in to say that I am nowhere near packed, I am very stressed, but namjoon looked good today and that’s all that matters 🤧🤘🏼
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phoenixpinks · 4 years
Things Team Lazarus said during EoD starters
"When all else fails, Lex Luthor intends to kill Superman with Death." "HOLY BAT, BATMAN!" "WAIT SO WAIT WHAT???" "We're not in any danger! We're just nerds solving riddles on the internet!" "I ain't dressing up every night to find someone to punch" "I don't need to dress up every night to find someone to punch" "my son won't respond to my texts about wearing a bullet proof best, he is so grounded" "HELLO NAUGHTY CHILDREN IT'S TIME FOR FEAR" "NO FORTS. ONLY JUSTICE." "we're conventing court in the fort" "We pun to forget tears though" "Im gonna release all of these come the end of this, nothing is sacred" "he faked his death to get away from us" "but, it's all in good pun" "This is our life now" "you could have fit a meme in there" "oh god it is going to be a time thing" "yes how dare you say a meme I don't know, or whatever that is" "it only hurts if you let it hurt" "lies, I almost cried last night I will have none of your nonsense" "i am of a sensitive disposition. everything hurts" "Worse than my solving my problems with ___ and cocaine idea?" "you don't mix ANYTHING with cocaine, instant death" "Can I mix water with cocaine" "I may not have a coffee problem but I am surrouned by 5 different types of soda cans rn" "the soccer van, but for super villains" "we can alwats tie some people to the top of the car with bungee cords" "free test subject right here" "Ya'll gnna get yourselves killed" "My guy I'm lowekey terrified 24/7." "you're always screaming" "ARE YOU SURE ABOUT THAT" "I'M NOT SURE ABOUT ANYTHING" "you do not need to focus on that" "bye whoever’s leaving, I can't keep track of all of you" "you're attractive and love crime, I'm attractive and love crime. Let's be attractive and commit crimes together." "Dr we will never send puns again if you promise to stop getting into death traps" "I only said it was nice to see him again with the living. I may not sound it, but I'm absolutely ecstatic" "wow I mean he's probably not the best at running" "Kick him in the knees" "Hes DIED, He'll be fine" "I COME HOME TO PAIN!!!!" "fuck you ____ you suck at taking care of yourself" "Yes now shut up and sleep in a bed tonight instead of a ditch" "Being unconscious does not count as sleep" "IT'S NOT THE PUNISHMENT YOU DESERVE, BUT IT'S THE PUNISHMENT YOU NEED" 'We need justice for these puns" "Honestly anyone int he crowd might have snapped and shit him just to shut him up" "it was me guys" "you did the world a service fam" "YOU HAVE TAINTED HIM" "WELCOME TO THE DARK SIDE, ____" "Nnnnnng that hurt me" "i gtg, I want to finish this report before 3 A.M" "procrastination at its finest" "get in losers we're going spooping" "Why have we formed a cult" "This was not what i expected when i first asked to join the skype group" "All groups of friends make cults at some point" "would it be irresponsible of me to send a message saying 'run bitch run'? "WHEN I TOLD HIM TO KICK ASS AND TAKE NAMES THIS ISN'T WHAT I MEANT" "I GO ON WARCRAFT FOR TEN FUCKING MINUTES AND IT ALL GOES TO SHIT" "I instinctively covered my ears at the gunshots but then I remembered I was wearing headphones" *does the 'I'm so smart' dance "Mother always told me I was special" "I hope we're blowing this way out of proportion but at the same time this would be a hilarious plot twist" "WHOO BOY SCREENSHOT" "He's moved from senpai to fam" "He's probably lughing in his cellar" "dial dow the thirst there my dude lmao, ily thou" "I for one always overreact" "I never overreact. WHY. ARE YOU TRYING TO IMPLY SOMETHING" "___ ARE YOU ON HELIUM???" "I COME BACK AND WHAT DO I FIND" "WHY CAN'T THE RIDDLES LEAD SOMEWHERE SAFE!?! LIKW I DON'T KNOW! A DUCK POND OR I DON'T KNOW!!" "because my mind went from 'do we know any duck themed villains' to that weird French duck from courage the cowardly dog" "SHE'S HATING ON MY BOI JULIUS CAESAR" "it's been 2060 years __ im" "knife to meet your boi julius caesar" "Ok i'll hit you up next year when it's 2061" "YOU CAN HIT ME UP WHEN I'M DEAD FAM" "___ has nominated me as a Fish, or a frog, I don't even know" "if im bill the lizard youre gonna be a fish w me" "MAYBE I LIKE BEING DROP KICKED" "there is so much anger on that voice that is just covered layer of 'fuck this'" "Really? Legwork? Oh, this is grand." "give me your free time im dying in work" "it's a supervillainy way though" "I'm already dating a weeb and then I come here and WHAT DO I SEE" "I'm going to smack you all" "Everyone go stand in the corner" "I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN YOU HAD SOMETHING TO DO WITH THIS OH MY GOD" "I never had an anime phase I win" "everybody loves him but the sentiment is not reciprocated" "i will be ashamed for the rest of my life, but sure" "time to Google... aight Google isn't helping" "Tfw you kill ___, Reblog if you agree" "he looks like you should just start punching him and never stop" "when did we start being about ____'s butt" "We're allowed to be proud because it's obvious the guy is salty and not happy with our success." "I'M DISOWNING YOU ALL, EVEN HIM" "oh hey it's midnight" "you can't cheat the champion of cheating" "you cheated and I shall cheat harder" "I'd hope that I'd at least be captured by honorable idiots" "NO DUMBO RIDES. ONLY JUSTICE." "you and I are on separate wavelengths than" "OKAY STRICTLY UPDATE THEY ARE NOW PLAYING WAKE ME UP INSIDE WHATS HAPPENING" "don't meme shame me bro" "Your memes are stale, and you are stale" "lol what is romantic human interaction" "what is human interaction" "what is interaction" "What is human" "this is the worst thing I have ever created and I will burn for this" "I look at him directly and said fuck you" "I gotta go eat dinner y'all are fucking insane" "I WILL RUN EXPERIMENTS IN THE BASEMENT WHO'S WITH ME??" "Do you have any redeeming qualities" "c'mon skype lemme transer sewing via you...." "are you kidding, this is better than all the tv shows I'm behind on" "MURDER ROADTRIP" "Rosaceae are refuscent, Violas are cerulean, Cane crystals are saccharine, homogeneous to you" "WE ARE THE BEST GROUPIES" "shes not even here, she chickened out of the fight" "Tfw your brain is memes" "Twf yer also an adult" "Yup. Exactly Sad O'Clock" "So sad o'clock is midnight o fifty, got it"
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ndksicksxijsksidis · 7 years
I’m bored but procrastinating sleeping so I’m gonna make a list of very in-depth new year resolutions so don’t mind me:
• Take👏🏻👏🏻school👏🏻👏🏻more👏🏻👏🏻seriously👏🏻👏🏻 ok so sure, I’m getting ok grades, I’m doing quite well in a few classes. But it’s so obvious how much better I can do, I’m actually going to take on board what my mum and every single teacher has said about me in the past: I have the potential!! I can be intelligent!!! but I need to try hard to reach that potential and I know it’s not just gonna come overnight. There’s certain subjects (e.g. all my sciences and English) that I know I can improve in!! English is more about confidence issues and expressing my opinions, and from now on I’m gonna give myself a target!! I’m gonna answer atleast once in each class. It’s not much I can do it!! I need to stop overreacting at the fact of people “judging me” because like the teacher said on parents evening, there’s a reason I’m in top set!!! I have the capability!!! So I can’t be this bad right? In science I’m just a fucking mess bc I can’t understand it it’s just confusing as heck but I will ask more questions if I’m confused and I need to focus more when I don’t undertanand something, usually when I don’t understand I just give up and instantly switch off but that’s gonna change. In terms of revision I’ll try motivate myself to do just a little bit every day if I don’t have the motivation to do a lot on one day. And I’ll make sure i find my own revision method that works best for me, I’m gonna make sure I do so much better in school now because I remember year 3 when I had my yearly exams and I did so fucking amazing, I want to be able to be proud of myself again instead of putting myself down.
• organisation!!!! this involves school too; @ me don’t fucking leave your homework so last minute it’s such a stupid idea because next thing you know you’re panicking over like 5 homework’s at one time bc you haven’t done any of them and they’re all due in the next two days. My disorganisation leads to so much stress that could easily be avoided if I did (or atleast looked at) my homework the day I get it / a few days before it’s due and not the night before when I’m supposed to be asleep. This also goes for my bedroom because my desks always a mess and then i get too lazy to tidy it bc I’ve left so much on there and i just need to learn to clean up after myself bc wow what a mess.
• P O S I T I V I T Y, there are the few occasions where I think I actually look pretty but that’s when I’ve slapped makeup all over my face, I’m not saying I want to stop makeup all together but I want to feel like I don’t have to put on makeup or straighten my hair to look pretty, which is hard when all your friends and just everyone in your school are slim and beautiful and look exactly like what you want to look like, especially when you see people you love and think are beautiful criticising themselves because they don’t know how much you want to be like them? If I’m not wearing makeup and I haven’t done anything with my hair I have such a negative image of myself, I hate my face and my body, no I’m not “obese” but I’m significantly more overweight than all the people I know my age, and it shows so much that I get upset about it? And I’ve been called fat in the past including by my dad so that doesn’t really help with the negative self image but I just have to learn to love myself!! I also absolutely despise my personality, I hate my voice and every single thing that comes out of my mouth and I just want to be happy with who I am as a person.
• Stop panicking over stuff that’s unnecessary: I get very easily worked up about stuff, whether it’s the thought of someone secretly hating me or getting stressed because I can’t get a question right. Despite my determination to do everything well I need to accept I can’t do everything right, i can’t control who likes me and to be honest why should I care? Because 1) me thinking a certain person hates me for no reason is just me overthinking because im self conscious and 2) if someone does hate me for nothing then fuck them!! They don’t deserve me anyways!! Not everything’s gonna go my way and I have to accept it, I have to let stuff just happen and try not to get sad about it.
• Lose weight - even tho I wanna build my self confidence and be confident with my body whatever It looks like, I’m still going to try and lose weight (which I say every year and then don’t do but like,,, this years going to be my year ok fight me) this isn’t the most major resolution but it would be nice and build my confidence a lot!! It would also be a great “fuck you” to my dad and everyone who’s ever shamed me for my weight.
I have more but they’re more personal and also I just can’t be bothered so bye I’m 99.9% sure no one read this
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strawberry-lemonade · 5 years
dont read this im just seeing if it works, its unedited and currently shit
"Excuse me, but I happen to think Mávri gáta is hilarious. Those puns are spot on."
Aria opened her mouth and paused, before closing it again.
"Zào Fortuna has got spots right?."
"Wait were you trying to aim a pun at her, but then forgot if she had spots?
"Uh, maybe..."
"Dude, you're an idiot in every sense of the word."
Aria hung her head.
"...I know."
"That's nice."
Aria threw a pillow at her before exploding in a fit of giggles.
"Mooncaaaake! You're supposed to give me a hug and say sorry!"
Marinette sighed and blew her nails before turning to look at Aria.
"We both know how that goes down."
Aria sighed and stood up.
"Have you heard from Adrien in the past few days?"
"You know what? I haven't."
"Last time I talked to him, he told me he got a boyfriend."
"He did? Why didn't I know about that?"
"Babe, weren't you on the other line?"
"Uh... I think I fell asleep."
"Wow. You really need to stop staying up all night on commissions."
"Speaking of, any news about that stuff?"
"Well, from what I've heard, my little sister from another mister is traveling to Gotham because her fashion business has taken off. 'The mysterious designer MDC has bypassed Gabriel Agreste in the polls!' 
"Well, what you heard is true-'
"I also heard that you get to stay in Wayne Manor and bring a friend. Maybe Sabine?"
"What? And risk her finding out that I parade around the city in spots every night? No thanks."
"Hm. Chloe?"
"The invitation would be wasted. She's already going to Gotham with her mom."
"What about Alya?"
"Since 2 heroes will be out of commission, Rena is going to be needed here."
"I don't know."
Aria collapsed on the bed with a groan before sitting up and smirking.
"Okay. Your guessing privileges have been revoked."
"Noooooo! How else will I find out who you're going to take?!"
"By asking. Like a normal person."
"How dare you assume that I'm normal."
"Now I'm beginning to wonder if I should actually tell you."
"Okay, okay! I'll shut up! Just please tell me who, so I don't have to stay up till 3, guessing."
"I wanted to ask you."
"Uh, I will give you an entire list of reasons why I shouldn't come. Plus, I don't really think they'd let me bring the cat."
"I'm asking right now, and if they say no, then I'll politely decline the invitation."
"I don't want you to miss ou-"
"They replied!"
"What? Let me see!"
Aria scrambled off the chaise and scurried over to Marinette, tripping in the process. 
"Wait! Let me get up!"
Aria jumped up and stumbled into the desk.
Marinette clicked the email and recited it aloud.
"Dear MDC, your friend's cat will be allowed. If you need to arrange anything to bring your cat on the plane, please do not hesitate to ask.
 Aria squealed and hugged Marinette.
"Ok. If we can start packing now, I'll come with you." 
"Why do we have to pack now? The trip isn't until Saturday and it's only Wednesday! Can't we just enjoy the first sleepover we've had in a month?"
"Babe, please? I hate procrastinating."
"What are you talking about? You love procrastinating!"
"I don't love it, It just happens to be my default."
"Same difference!"
"Um, no, not the same difference."
"Dante. I am begging you. Don't turn off the computer yet."
"Aria. it's almost 1 A.M and we both have class tomorrow."
"I knoooow! But I put my fucking heart into this, and if you turn it off right now, it will delete and I have no way of saving it."
"Aria. Go to bed now."
"Nooooo! I have to finish it!"
"Fine. But as soon as the clock gets to 1. I'm turning everything off. Just because you're my favorite doesn't mean I'll let you get away with anything."
"Boi! I let you get away with so many illegal things! Can I not just stay up for another hour to finish a damn design?!"
"Hi, Minette."
"Are you gonna stay up again while binge-ing on coffee?"
"Marinette. Please tell my idiot sister that she needs sleep too."
"Noooo! My favorites are teaming up to defeat me!"
"Aria. Go. To. Bed."
Aria jumped up, seized the computer, shot into the bathroom.
"Ha! Now you can't stop me from finishing this!"
"Okay. I give up. Marinette, she's yours now."
Dante slowly backed out of the kitchen with his arms raised.
"Aria. Come out. Please. It's not a sleepover if it's only one person. Plus I need someone to binge-watch movies with!"
"...What kind of movies?"
"Um, MIB International, Charlie's Angels, Hanna, Atomic Blonde, La Femme Nikita-"
"I'm in. Just give me a second."
The sound of shuffling around could be heard in the unusually silent house. The bathroom door opened to show a dark room a few seconds later, and Aria emerged holding a closed laptop.
"I thought it wasn't going to save?"
"Yeah uh, I lied. I just wanted to keep working."
"Geez. I bet you'll be the only person in Gotham like this."
"Well, I do try to be unique!"
"Okay, we need to finish packing."
"But what about the movies?!"
"We'll watch them while we pack."
Five movies and two panic attacks later:
"Mooncake! Do you know where my-"
"Beanie? Downstairs in the tardis."
"Oh my gosh, thank you! I need to take a shower, are you almost finished packing?"
"Yeah, two more outfits and I'll be done."
"Kay. My phone is charging next to the window, the password is 314159, the flashy purple app turns on the TV."
With that, Aria walked out of the room and shut the door. Not even 2 minutes later, the sound of running water could be heard, along with the song 'Consideration' was blasting through the house. Marinette shook her head and laughed.
"Geez Ember. Too loud."
Marinette folded the last outfit and placed it in her suitcase. Walking over to the window, she was attacked by Kiro.
“Ack! Get off!”
Marinette started to try and shake the cat off and Kiro released her leg. She jumped onto the bed and yanked her legs up to avoid any further scratches. The door slammed open to reveal a soaking wet Aria in a towel. She still had soap bubbles in her hair and it had stuck to her face while she was running.
“I heard a screech! Is everything okay?”
Marinette stared for a second longer before laughing so hard she fell off the bed.
“OH MY GOSH! Did you just- holy crap! The cat just jumped on me!”
“...are you freaking kidding me? I literally jumped out of the shower to see what in the world was going on. I thought you were being abducted.”
“I’m so sorry! I just-” Marinette collapsed into another fit of giggles.
“Okay, since you’re obviously fine, I’m gonna go finish my shower. Next time, don’t screech unless it’s an emergency. Now my clothes are wet because of my idiocy. Goodbye, Little Missy Macaron.”
Aria walked out of the room, leaving Marinette to try and clean up the water mess. She just threw a towel over the puddle.
Aria walked into the bathroom while shaking her head slowly. She picked up her phone and pressed shuffle on her playlist. Once again, a song started blasting through the house.
Marinette grabbed Aria’s phone and unlocked it. She pressed the purple icon that Aria had told her about and clicked the red power button at the top. Nothing happened.
Right. The TV is downstairs.
Marinette sighed and checked under the bed before leaving the safety of the mattress. She picked up her two suitcases and took them downstairs. 5 minutes later, the sound of gunshots and suspenseful music coming from the living room rivaled the pop music coming from the upstairs bathroom.
Dante, Evita, and Armando came home to three girls shouting and running around, with another standing off to the side and filming. Chloe and Alya had come over to help after Aria had gotten out of the shower. Though it quickly turned into Chloe chasing Aria around and trying to get her to put on some clothes that weren’t covered in paint, and Alya filming Marinette freaking out about losing her deodorant.
“Dante! I stole your Pikachu boxers because they were in my drawers!” Aria ran past him, a disgruntled Chloe in hot pursuit.
“Why do I care?”
“Just thought you should know in case you start looking for them while I’m gone!”
“Speaking of being gone, shouldn’t you guys get going? Your flight leaves in 4 hours.”
“Crap! Evita! Do you have work soon? Can you drive us to the airport?”
“Can’t you guys just bike?”
Aria stopped and stared at Evita incredulously. Chloe didn't slow down quick enough and slammed both girls into the ground.
“Okay, are you stupid? Because we have like, 4 bags each, and the airport is like 45 miles away. ”
“Okay. I’ll take you, but I do have to work soon so we have to go now.”
“Okay. Akiv! Stop! Do you have your bags?”
“Yes, Ember.”
“Mousinette! Are you ready?”
“We can get some at the airport.”
“GAH! Okay, fine. Let’s go.”
The three girls ran to give Alya a hug before they left.
“Bye Als! Love you!”
“Adios, Vixen! Te Quiero!”
“Salut Alya!”
Marinette, Aria, and Chloe stepped out of the Envoy and took their bags out of the trunk.
“Zai Jian, Evita! Te Quiero mucho!”
“Adios Mija! Je t’aime!”
Aria gave Evita a hug before slinging her book bag and purse over her shoulder and pulling her suitcase over to the entrance. The girls watched the car drive off before turning and walking into the airport.
“Ay Dios Mio…”
“Look at the lines!” Aria gestured over to about fifty people standing in front of a counter.
“Oh, mon Dieu.” 
“Um, no. Look at your tickets. We have first-class. Which is the line over there.” Choe pointed over to a short line with only a few people.
“Oh, thank goodness.” Marinette sighed as she scanned over her plane ticket.
“Wait, really?” Aria scrambled for the small slip of paper in her wallet, accidentally dropping it.
A young male, probably around 15, picked it up. He smiled and held it out to her.
“Here you go, m’lady”
“Thanks, bro,” Aria grunted.
The boy froze for only a second, but it was long enough for her to pluck the leather contraption out of his hand and walk away with the other girls. When they were out of earshot, they all burst out laughing.
“Oh my gosh! Did you see his face when you called him ‘bro’?!”
“That was hilarious,” Aria wiped tears from her eyes.
“Welp, now we know how she keeps guys away.” 
“Who knew it was so simple?”
“No. It’s simple for me. I am the Goddess of repellent. You two are mere mortals.”
“She’s right! Oh, Great One! We are unworthy of your presence, but we beg to learn your ways!” Marinette got down on one knee, with one hand over her heart and the other being held out to Aria.
“Oh, get up Mooncake. They’re looking at us crazy again.” Chloe pulled the smaller girl onto her feet and ruffled her hair.
Marinette giggled, then bowed and took Aria’s hand. 
“I am forever indebted to you for teaching me.” She kissed the brunette’s hand before standing up straight again.
“Mooncake, I love you, but that was the weirdest thing you’ve ever done.”
“Thanks, Abelle.”
“No problem babe.”
Aria rolled her eyes. 
The girls looked up to see it was their turn in line.
“Please place your bags in the designated area.” The lady behind the desk gestured to a wire container.
Marinette looked to the side and placed her suitcase into the basket. The other girls quickly followed suit.
“Marinette Dupain-Cheng.”
“Aria Couture.”
“Chloe Bourgeois.”
The lady typed their names into the computer before waving them away. Marinette saw the dull look in her eyes and pulled out 3 macarons before whispering something and smiling.
“Excuse me, Madame? Here are a few macarons. I hope you have a nice day!” 
Marinette picked up her bags and walked away with her friends. She didn’t miss the small smile that appeared on the woman’s face.
“So, what’d you do to the cookies?”
“Let’s just say the rest of her week will be much better.”
“Minette, I have absolutely no idea what you're implying, and at this point, I'm too scared to ask.”
“This is why I hate flying. I’m already exhausted and we haven’t even been at the airport for 2 hours.” Marinette groaned.
“We’re done with all the security stuff, and our suitcases are already boarding the plane, which basically means we can currently do whatever we want. And don’t you still need deodorant?”
“Ugh. You’re right. Let’s go.”
Aria grinned and walked towards a sandwich restaurant.
“Aria, where are you going? The toiletries place is over there.” Marinette pointed to a little kiosk next to the bathrooms.
“Come on. You didn’t really think we would get deodorant before we got food, did you?”
“...I am kind of hungry…”
“Let’s go then!”
Aria grabbed Marinette’s right hand and Chloe’s left hand and yanked them over to the restaurant.
“Flight Number 763, First class, Now boarding.”
Aria jolted awake at the sound of the announcement. She looked over at Chloe and Marinette sleeping peacefully and contemplated waking them up. She'd rather not lose an eye, or two.
Chloe woke up as the brunette picked up a small pink bookbag.
“Good morning Chlo,” Aria yawned.
“...hi Ari.”
Grabbing all of their backpacks, she took the tickets and passports out and walked over to the admittance booth.
“Tickets please."
“Here,” Aria handed him all three tickets and passports.
 Aria looked up at the man in the booth.
“Can we go in or do you need sleeping beauty over here to confirm something,” Aria pointed at Marinette.
“Um. You can go in…”
“Thanks, have a nice day!”
The girls walked to the plane and found their seats quickly. Chloe helped Aria set Marinette down and put the carry-on bags in the capsules above them. Both girls fell back asleep about 10 minutes after they buckled up.
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sapphirescales · 7 years
[ this is the silliest thing and you might have talked about it before or decreed it unimportant details and I would not blame you for ignoring this, but do you have any thoughts on the clothing Mystique transforms for herself - like that gifset you just posted shows her transformation into a soldier wearing a uniform and a hat. Is the hat part of her body? Would it hurt if you shot just the hat? Is it a flesh hat??? ]
give me excuses not to be resting in bed after meds by asking meta stuff—— ( status: always accepting excuses to procrastinate! )
ok i know u didnt Technically ask this but im gonna throw this here anyway dflksdjlfksajdf
okay! as per according to the mystique comics ( her solo run ) the idea is that she is, actually, always naked – she doesn’t really wear clothes at all, and just shifts on what’s convenient. and, for the most part, this seems to be true for raven in certain bits and pieces throughout xmfc.
scenes where she’s Always Naked ( which i quantify by the fact that she shapeshifts into someone else ):
the opening scene with a tiny baby ravne – where she’d never been taught she shouldn’t always be naked
the scene at the c.i.a. compound where the first class kids are all showing off to each other and raven shapeshifts into sean – which kills my lil heart because! she came by Prepared to show off and be blue and in her natural form n i cry!
cuba, where she shifted into shaw – where she anticipated needing to use her abilities to actually fight
scenes where she wears Actual Clothes:
the scene where she gives herself heterochromia at the bar in oxford ( a partial shift, only of the eyes but! )
the weightlifting scene where she loses control of her shift bc erik drops the weights on her, but she doesn’t shift out of her clothes
the scene where she’s in erik’s bed ( she asks for her robe, rather than just shifting it on )
the scene where she’s walking around the compound the night after she fights with charles and they find the x-geek uniforms that hank made
so! my Conclusion tbh is that raven does wear clothes Occasionally. if you were to catch her at westchester, she’s probably lounging around in her own skin and like, actual non-shifted clothes. if she’s Out And About? she’s definitely naked, and shifted clothes on, just because of Convenience / Paranoia reasons – she always needs to be Ready to shift into someone else to lose a tail, or whatever!
with regards to her shifting non-body materials e.g. clothes, glasses, even a test tube in the comics, i’ve discussed it briefly in a private chat with @krovidym​ a while back and we basically came to these conclusions:
only bodily things that she shifts on, for e.g. if she were to copy azazel’s tail, or logan’s claws like in the first xmen movie, remain connected to her nerve endings. so a hat, for example, can be taken off & removed, and so it can’t be attached in such a way that it would hurt if it got shot. tails or ears or extra limbs though, would absolutely hurt like a motherf#cker
the clothes etc that raven shifts are not Physically part of her – so it’s really highly unlikely that anything hit there would actually hurt. so, for example, if she was to shapeshift a test tube, and it’s removed from her person etc, it literally stops becoming part of her, so it couldn’t be reabsorbed. ( funnily enough, this might not be true for e.g. in the case of glasses; she could shift them on and Keep Them a physical part of her so that when she shifts back, the glasses go bye-bye as well, but she could also create a perfectly good pair of glasses and just throw them away after. )
tl;dr: yes, the hat was flesh, but now its just an innocent hat dont discriminate wtf
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crispyninjadonut · 8 years
Keeper Group Chat Chapter 2
A/n hey guys sorry I don't have a schedule set up for updating I procrastinate and end up writing this on notes going to and from class XD  Enjoy
  As always under the cut for people that don't want to read (but why wouldn't you)
Linh: fitz did you have that science test yet Fitz: yeah earlier today Linh: how hard was it Fitz: define hard Fitz: like bash head against the wall hard Linh: definitely not that hard hopefully Fitz: yeah it wasn’t tHaT hard Linh: phew Sophie: hey guys Fitz: yo soph Linh: how was your morning Sophie: tiring Fitz: I don’t blame you Linh: yeah Sophie: I wonder where everyone else is Fitz: probs getting to class Linh: yeah doesn’t biana have maths across the school next? Sophie: tru Fitz: yep Sophie: I am sooooo ready for lunch Linh: saaaame Fitz: gtg bells about to ring Linh: me too Sophie: bye
Keefe: I have the fear Biana: you okay Keefe Keefe: t h e l u n c h l i n e Dex: oh my god Biana: how long have we been going to this school Tam: too long Biana: -_- Biana: my point is that you’ve gone through the lunch line before stop being so dramatic Dex: ohhhhhh Dex: she told you Keefe: if i die you aren’t getting any of my stuff Biana: just go! God Tam: see you at the table Dex: ugghhhh why does my locker have to be so far away Biana: c'mon Dex stop talking more walking Dex: I’m coming sheesh
Sophie: I don’t wanna go to maaaaath Fitz: c'mon that’s our only class together Keefe: I see why you don’t wanna go Fitz: -_- Keefe: ALLL byyyy myyyseeeeelf Keefe: don’t wannaaaa beeee Biana: oh my god Sophie: I know Tam: keefe could you shut up Keefe: nevverrrrr Fitz: uhoh Biana: the bells gonna ring you better shut up Sophie: if you make my phone go off in class Ill kill you Fitz: hahah HAHA Fitz: go to class Sophie: I swear if you are ditching again Keefe: me? Pfft Keefe: no way Biana: -_- Keefe: maybe a little Fitz: KEEFE Biana: you are so getting detention Fitz: don’t skip the detention Keefe: of course I’m gonna skip the detention Sophie: Keefe no Keefe: Keefe yes Tam: I do not condone this Keefe: hahaha see ya later guys Fitz: are you serious
Dex: FREEEDOOOOOOM Linh: yep Biana: let’s freaking go Im ready Sophie: where is my bus Keefe: with all the other busses Sophie: thanks Keefe Fitz: UGH I’ve got so much homework Dex: haha sucks to suck Fitz: what Dex: forget it Sophie: I CANT GIND MY BUS Biana: noooooooo Keefe: Foster it’s right over there Sophie: where the heck is that Keefe: the front Sophie: whys it over there Linh: go before you miss it Dex: oh my god soph XD Fitz: what are we gonna do with you Biana: :P Sophie: ha ha ha Sophie: ha ha ha haaaaa Sophie: -_- Dex: it’s okay Sophie: I’m disowning all of you Biana: you do that Sophie: jk jk love you guys Tam: I’m trying to do homework can you guys SHUT UP Keefe: you can’t tell us what to do bangs boy Biana: so what do you guys want to do on the ride home Dex: cry Keefe: um Dex: ;-; Linh: you okay there Dex: nO Fitz: do you want to talk about it Dex: no I’m just never okay Sophie; IM NOOOT OKKAAAAYYY Sophie: IM NOT OKAAAYYYYYYY Biana: sophie stap Sophie: ok I’m good Keefe: that happened Fitz: indeed Biana: I see the house on the horizon Fitz: woot let’s go Keefe: see ya guys Sophie: byyyye Dex: ughh five more stops Dex: I’m gonna do a little homework Sophie: ok talk to ya later Dex Keefe: bye!! Sophie: and then there were 2 Keefe: make that 1 my stop is in a minute Sophie: ugggggggggggg Sophie: alllll by myyyyyseeeelllllllfffff Sophie: fine I’ll do homework then
Sophie: HOMEWORK SUCKS Linh: I feel you Sophie: math Sophie: I hate math Dex: *maths Sophie: yeah yeah whatever Biana: XD Fitz: you having trouble Sophie: AM I HAVING TROUBLE Fitz: *? Fitz: need some help Sophie: yea Fitz: FaceTime me I’ll help Sophie: omg thanks Dex: hey linh do you get the music homework cause I don’t Linh: what part Dex: every part Linh: well that’s helpful Dex: wait google is being helpful Linh: okay Linh: am I being replaced by a computer? Biana: XD Dex: nooooo Dex: it’s just that google understands me Linh: XD okay
Keefe: it is already dark out!!! Tam: yeah that happens Keefe: but I have practiiiiiice Tam: deal with it Keefe: sigh Keefe: oh I see how it is Keefe: your just gonna leave me here with my boredom Keefe: ugghgggggggghhh your all so boring
Biana: hahaha sorry Keefe Keefe: -_- Biana: :P Keefe: hey hey did you know Biana: the more you KNOWWW Keefe: did you know that how to save a life is ten years old now Biana: WHAT Biana: ARE YOU SERIOUS Keefe: yep Biana: man I feel old Keefe: I know right Biana: wooowwww Biana: welp I gotta go Keefe: ugh just leave me be Biana: XD see ya
Sophie: hey at least its not math Dex: *maths Sophie: sigh Dex: technically it is like maths though Sophie: oh shut up Dex: XD Dex: I win Keefe: foster nobody calls it math Sophie: AMERICANS CALL IT MATH Keefe: I rest my case Sophie: ohhHHHH ITS ONN Dex: look what you did Keefe Dex: I just wanted to complain about my homework Dex: but nooooo Keefe: hehe sorry Sophie: UGH Sophie: you disgust me Keefe: I try ;) Dex: ew Sophie: omg Dex XD Dex: ^-^ Keefe: I am highly offended Biana: why am I not surprised Dex: heyy biana Dex: you have mister austin for music right Biana: yeah Dex: did you have any music homework Biana: nope we were running late Dex: are you serious Biana: sorry buddy Dex; well im gonna fail Sophie: no your not Biana: why are you taking music anyway Dex: my parents like TORTURING me Sophie: -_- Biana: cmon music isn’t that bad Dex: you know im terrible at it Sophie: your never gonna get better with that attitude Biana: yeah Dex: hmf Keefe: Guess who’s back Dex: an idiot is back Sophie: ab argumentative idiot is back Keefe: ack I am highly offended Biana: good Keefe: why do yall hate me Sophie: keefe Keefe: yah Sophie: never say y'all again Keefe: okay Dex: XD Keefe: hey Keefe: hey hey Sophie: yeah? Keefe: biana Sophie: oh Dex: XD Keefe: bianaaaaaa Biana: what is it keefe Keefe: is fitz around Biana: -_- Biana: he’s shut up in his room doing homework Keefe: ohhhh Biana:facetime him or something Keefe: I can’t he set it to do not disturb Dex: what do you want wonderboy for anyway Sophie: dEX Dex: yeah yeah don’t call him wonderboy anymore I know Sophie: :-: Biana: welp I don’t know what to tell you Keefe: tell FiTz that there’s a rugby game this saturday Biana: fine Sophie: ope Sophie: dinners ready bye! Keefe: bye foster! Dex: see ya soph Keefe: sooo Dex: I’m doing hw talk later Keefe: mkay
Biana: just told him Keefe: thanks Keefe: imma go take a nap Biana: XD okay Keefe: see ya tomorrow
 Chap 1
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im so sorry to my boy mitsu but getting his shit kicked in for just standing there still makes me laugh
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