#ok ok i hush now
tactax-art · 1 year
Hey, just found your mwii monster au and wanted to say that its really cool! Quick question tho, is Soap like an actual god or just a really stronk monster? If he is an actual god, was he born like that or did he inherit/grow into it?
Oh god (hah) ok I guess it's time to try and pin down godhood/divinity for this verse, huh? Been meaning to make notes. Definitely not just 'stong monster'.
Sorry but you'll never get a 'quick' answer from me when I could be worldbuilding, lol. This is barebones and subject to change, mebbe.
A mortal (ie. not godly) is only one thing. They're a human. They're a werewolf. They're a human-werewolf-hybrid but that's still just one being. When they die they're dead (or possibly undead, but that's still being one thing at a time).
They need to eat, to hunt, to rest, to replenish in a way that is a conscious effort.
Gods are born as mortals to mortal parents (if applicable), but attached to them is the divine element that they are the god of. They're a mortal but also that element, both avatar and embodiment. Ageing is a tricky thing, on average a god's mortal form will develop to maturity at a regular pace and remain at that point. (I should mention that gods aren't always born to sapient species.)
Their divinity/godhood on the other hand is ever growing and maturing, eventually shedding their mortal form (and later self) after which their element soon (relative) consumes them. That is when a god dies, and a new one is born, and the cycle begins again. The speed at which the cycle moves really depends on the individual cycle's god, their species, their circumstances and element.
In a way you can see a divine element as a parasite that attaches at birth to a host and sustains and consumes them over a span of decades to millenia. There is no way to predict, invite, stop or avert this, in fact you shouldn't even try. Without the divine element the thing itself would cease existing. The divine element also feeds the mortal form purely by it's element existing, as such a god doesn't need to eat or rest (but they can, if they so choose so), and it's very very hard to kill their mortal form. Depending on what stage they're at it's likely possible they can re-form from their element alone, even if their mortal form was completely destroyed. (Otherwise it's likely they move on to late stage godhood.) its impossible to injure a god with something associated to their element. (ie explosions = bullets, shrapnel, fire, heavy impact/shockwave, etc)
Soap being a god of explosions for example, is in the 'juvenile' stages of godhood (this does not influence his maturity as a human in any way). He's figured out manmade explosions/explosives, and the wonders of flammable gasses, and making anything explode that shouldn't/making things not-explode that should. But guys, guys, he hasn't even grocked yet that the two biggest natural sources of explosions are volcanic and stellar, as in solar flares and supernovas. (His endstage of godhood would probably be stuff like colliding black holes and just generally stretching too thin through the universe and completely losing any sense of self/personhood and eventually fading into nothing. But that's gonna be a long as while dw.)
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itty bitty merch haul 😊 playing cards, movie eyepatch, majeemer necklace, kiryu lighter and movie booklet~ the lil teeth on snake tho 🥺
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aquatik · 1 year
amor ; sae itoshi 𓆝
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synopsis from the marine lover -> small thought i had in class and had to write it out
phylum cnidaria -> blue lock
characters -> sae itoshi x reader
water levels -> all good! highly recommend you listen to the song, and yes i did edit this format hehe, i’ll prolly play around with it a little more later. translation at the bottom.
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“my boyfriend probably prefer to be with someone else,” you said?
sae listening to “amor,” every night before going to sleep without fail, thinking about you especially at the 1:32 mark, “amor, amor, amor, amor, yo quiero estar a tu lado, eres mi mejor regalo, no hay otra que yo prefiera.” when he’s away from you because of an abroad practice, game, tournament, or whatever else stops him from being with you itoshi.
that’s your boyfriend.
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glass bottle message -> here’s the translation: “my love, my love, my love, i want to be by your side, you’re my best gift, there’s no one else i would rather.”
requests are open, but do check the rules :)
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georgieluz · 6 months
– did you love me when he was just my friend?
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papa i don't need a preacher / i ain't some kind of creature / from some old double feature / i just wanna make you proud / of the kind of love i've found / but you say it ain't allowed / say it's a sin / but it's how i've always been / did you love me when he was just my friend? / daddy, do you think i've turned out right?
george luz, son of a small town preacher, grew up hearing that all love is heaven sent, that it's holy and true in all its forms. it was told to him every night before he closed his eyes and by the time he reaches adulthood, it's a core part of his nature. love is good. welcomed and encouraged. he sees it in the way his father glances at his mother, sat next to him in the second pew, before he begins every sermon, and he sees it in the quiet support she always gives back. he feels it every day when his dog licks at the palm of his hand whilst he sits restlessly on the front porch, wondering if there's something more out there than this one small town.
love is good. welcomed. encouraged. he meets the new hire at foxtail creek, a small ranch about a mile outside the town border, in the summer. the newcomer mostly keeps to himself, a rancher looking for temporary work. george can't help but be intrigued by the first outsider he's met in months and takes it upon himself to befriend the man. he'd always been good at making friends, most just pass through, or eventually move away, but george had always been content with the fact that his self-proclaimed wit and charm managed to win them over for however long they gave him. slowly, as he and the rancher become more and more intwined, george begins to realise that, in his neck of the woods, not all love is sent from above, at least not in the eyes of his friends and family.
– playlist for fic: heaven sent
– cowboy collab: #easy company cowboys
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faebriel · 7 months
and you caused it (a fic scrapbook)
a collection of written scenes, outlining, notes and art as a sequel to my fic cause most of us are bitter over someone.
In which Niki has a terrible secret, Puffy just wants to move on, Tommy sneaks into casino parties and Wilbur learns to deal with anger being justified. Or - the one thing they don’t warn you of, when dropping nuclear warheads on old friends, is fallout.
31.2k words of angst, hurt/comfort, niki struggling through a self-imposed redemption arc, wilbur and niki fighting through the worst argument they've had possibly ever, techno and niki having their worst argument ever, tommy acting as the server's cassandra, and pandora's box being opened. niki-centric, with a heavy dash of rainduo - although techno, tommy and puffy also have their moments in the spotlight.
oh, and a happy ending. eventually.
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chapter 1 - is bitter there?
wilbur does his very best to be a good friend. niki continues to have issues with making apologies. a casino opening party is attended, and a few well-kept secrets find their way into the light.
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chapter 2 - at least i have nothing
arguments are had. roommates are invited to crash on an attempted murderer’s metaphorical couch. more emotionally intense conversations are had over l'manberg’s skeleton corpse, and niki is once again alone.
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chapter 3 - sugar, milk and molasses
a prisoner goes free, niki and tommy try (and miserably fail) to get along, and some breaking and entering is committed. just out of curiosity, y'know.
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chapter 4 - everyone there is, all together now
three important conversations are had, and niki comes home.
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chapter 5 - but i'm forever missing him
resolutions are made on phil’s verandah, wilbur finally understands how horrible it would be to die in a ravine underground, and once-old friends are made new again. niki, again, finds herself baking a cake.
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silvermizuki · 7 months
So uh. Copy and save your files to your actual hard drive before you delete things off onedrive.
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so i was looking at the upcoming cards and
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AND THE WINNER IS.............
LESTER!!! Congrats to the world's most pathetic man ever, the matchups were insane and the results even more so, but he was able to win against reyna in the finals despite his tragic rejection 💛 stay winning king.
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Anyways, addition poll rq:
Also, should i also do some more random toa polls? not quite sure what this would entail, but lmk! peace and love🫶
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vonlipvig · 19 days
this game will not let me leave. i had it all planned out. i was going to come out and make my relationship with pabel official. i was going to unite the whole fucking country now that i could get zille AND pales. BUT NOPE. UNEXPECTED COUP.
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thehappiestgolucky · 2 years
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i-im just sayin,,,the vibes are immaculate
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plutolovesyou · 13 days
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Oh, you played Yakuza 4? *holds gun to your head* Name all the important plotpoints
please i have a dog dont do this to me hes very small and defenseless and pees when i have to leave the house because he has separation anxiety
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bionysian · 1 year
ty @novemberthorne​ for the tag ur sweet (see his post here!)
i have so many wips so narrowing them down to just five is a mess.. but we stay silly. all of these are steddie to some degree except for the stobin one:
1. carve your name on arrival 2. 25 years later 3. finding nothing but faith in nothing 4. stobin s3 reflection ficlets 5. steddie ponyplay fic
the most ive worked on recently is for something saved under “25 years later” so thats what my snippet will be:
“I’ve been better.” Steve smiled and flipped the file open to see, first, Eddie’s credentials. He had been prepared to say more, but what he read shocked him, his jaw dropping open entirely.
Eddie glanced down at the page, nervous; he waited for Steve to pick his jaw up from the floor.
“You’re a neurosurgeon.”
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ccchaoscompendium · 1 year
ok hear Me out. hypersexual/hyperromantic aro/ace aplatonic person whom also enjoys Socialization whom may also be lovequeer & loveless. is that Okay .
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karangarin · 1 year
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I trudge to the door, eyes half-lidded, and the pain erupts across the interconnected web of my nervous system, catching from one limb to the next, scorching every cell, every multinuclear striated fibre. Choking back a sob, I pull the door open, swaying.
“Were you trying to break my fucking door?” I slur and look up to where Peter’s eyes should be. 
But my bleary gaze is met by someone’s rain-soaked shirt instead, the planes of his chest visible through the flimsy material. I raise my eyes to meet those of the stranger on my doorstep. 
Autumn-kissed skin; a face purely composed of hard lines, sharp edges; a glinting, golden earring; irises so black they’re chasmic. 
And snow-white hair.
“Nowhere to run now, little hidepi,” he says, and grins like a man lost at sea would at the sight of a seagull that’s glided too close to the water’s surface.
And after opening my door to a drenched man twice my size who I’ve only ever seen in my dreams, I promptly pass out.
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HAPPY PRIDE!!!!! i hope you all have a wonderful month (and beyond) and remember to stay safe and drink water!!!!!
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