#and dream magic doesn’t *have* a pokemon type-
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Info post about the au
(If characters seem OOC ((Out Of Character)) it's beacause I'm going off of my own interpretations/headcanons/fandom versions. So please be aware of that)
More info under the cut (Info is subject to change at any time. Info may be added to as well)
-Jobs in the group: keeping track of where everyone is and what they’re doing, getting info from one person to another (e.g. passing info to Sci, Geno, Nightmare, Gans/Echo), healer (he can heal better than most, but still isn’t that good at it but he’s the best the group has)
Weapons of choice: staff, summonable bubble barrier/shield
-Head canon voice: ???
-Goes by He/Him doesn’t mind any other pronouns.
-Often found on the rooftops at night. Had got his hands on a telescope so is often out there with it. Doesn’t mind sharing this with others or letting others hang with him. Enjoys talking about space with any of the group that will listen.
-Finds it hard to relate to others sometimes, so often uses his love of space to try to connect with the others. Will jump at any chance the others give him to learn about stuff they love, wanting more ways to connect with the others. 
-Is kinda shy any other time when he isn’t talking about interests with the others. He struggles to start conversations himself so relies on the others to start it, but he’s decent enough about keeping it going.
-His halo is made of his magic, it follows him around. Others can grab it but once its let go it returns to Outer.
-When he blushes the star freckles glow, depending on how hard he’s blushing is depending on how bright they will glow.
-If he does wear other outfits he normally tries to wear star/sun/moon themed stuff. It’s not required of him but he just wants those vibes for himself and prefers to stick with what he likes. 
-Has little wings attached to the back of his coat/jacket. They’re detachable with Velcro.  
-Has mild chronic pain that comes and goes, has never mentioned to the others about it and tends to just ignore the pain when it comes up. He doesn’t really want to worry anyone, and he feels he can deal with the pain. 
-He is the one in the group that basically everyone gets along with or are at least neutral with him. Since he never tries to start arguments and minds his own business most of the time he’s basically on everyone's good side. 
-Due to the fact he gets along with everyone to some extent no one has any problems with dragging Outer around to hang out in their little groups, the groups he hangs out with the most are the Stars (Dream,Ink,Blue) and MTT + Night. 
-Will often help around the group if asked too since he doesn’t have to do much when it comes to his job.
-One of the only few in the group who is sort of okay at healing magic, he’s still not that good at it but compared to the others he’s doing better than them. Has tried to teach some of the others how to improve their healing magic since he’s worried someone may get hurt but he won’t be able to heal them.
-Can float off of the ground about a meter off of the ground like he’s in zero gravity. But doesn’t do it often, it’s only when he’s feeling particularly lazy, or when it’s been raining and he goes to the roof to look at stars, he uses it to sit in the air so he has somewhere to sit without getting wet.
-Would play pokemon games religiously before the apocalypse. Has won several pokemon tournaments before. He still has all his game consoles to play pokemon, but now only does it now and then. 
-When feeling nervous he’s the type to find some free time to do some baking, since it helps him to distract himself and calm down. 
-Before he got into learning about space he was briefly into geology, which he then started to learn about how rock/soil samples were collected on places like Mars, which slowly led him to his interest in space. 
-Stutters sometimes when he speaks, gets embarrassed by it sometimes especially if he’s really struggling to get the sentence out. Normally takes a few seconds before trying again with what he was trying to say. 
-One of the very few people that Killer will somewhat listen too. Some how he managed to befriend Killer and have Killer respect him enough to have him listen to him. Is unsure on how this happened, since he knows someone like Lust got that respect from them knowing the rest of MTT+Night, where as he never really had any help when it came to befriending Killer. 
-Cannot tie his laces, normally just shoves them into his shoes and prays he doesn’t trip over them. A few times Night has tied them for him, telling him not to get hurt. Night also did try to teach him to tie them, but he basically forgot when it came to tying them again.
How they feel about:
Nightmare: Night is decent to him and does watch out for him, but besides when Killer drags him to go hang out with MTT+Night he doesn’t have too much interactions with Night other than when they’re doing their jobs.
Dream: Dream is a really good friend of his, likes to spend a lot of time with Dream. Will often help others out alongside Dream. They both do talk a lot to each other but they also both will hang out in the same room quietly just enjoying each others company.
Cross: Not many interactions with Cross, but likes how polite Cross is, wants to talk to Cross more but has no idea how to start conversations with him.
Blue: They get along well, Blue is one of those in the group that he can start a convo with very easily, they both can talk for hours if they cross paths, most of the time someone needs to remind them to get on with their jobs.
Ink: Likes Ink, they get along and Ink lets him yap about space. Likes how he never has to worry about starting or keeping a convocation going with them, as Ink always seems to have something to talk about. Ink also shows them any space themed art they do, which Outer adores, a few times Ink has gifted these artworks to Outer.
Dust: Gets uneasy around Dust, doesn’t really understand Dust too well, appreciates it when Dust writes things down to communicate with him. But besides when Killer drags him to hang out he doesn’t have too much interactions with Dust. Partly wants to get to know Dust better, since when he does see Dust, Dust does seem to be somewhat physically affectionate to those he likes. So it shows Outer that Dust does seem like a somewhat good guy.
Horror: Not many interactions outside of doing his job and hanging out with the MTT+Night. Does get along with Horror when they interact though.
Killer: One of the few people who can say he’s somewhat befriended Killer, or at least Killer likes him enough to be civil with him. Killer seems relatively calm when they hang out, he just assumes that It's because the atmosphere/vibes are calm which chills Killer out.
Error: They don’t interact much other than when they’re doing their jobs.
Lust: They hang out from time to time and get along well, Lust makes an effort to make sure Outer is okay and will often try to make an effort to cheer up Outer, since Lust seems to know when he’s down, even if he said he was fine.
Fell/Edge: They talk often, Fell normally following him around so they both can do tasks in the same area and talk. Fell is the only one he tends to talk about any drama/etc he’s heard/knows about. Finds Fell’s reactions to some things he says funny.
Geno: They don’t interact too much, but when they do it’s normally a convocation that lasts a while. They both have mutual respect for each other, and tend to nod to each other when passing by, as a sign of acknowledgment.
Sci: Not many interactions outside of their jobs, though he knows a bit about Sci through his conversations with Fell.
Reaper/Death: Only seen him like twice when Reaper was with Geno, was way too nervous to go over to talk to Geno with Reaper there.
Fresh: Has never met him.
Gans/Echo: Very few interactions, normally when it comes to giving info to Echo it’s Chief that does it, so times he has done it he’s basically gone straight in and out of the radio room.
Chief: Often talks to him about their jobs, and both help each other with tasks that need doing. Has a feeling Chief knows when his chronic pain is happening since Chief will say he’ll take on some of Outer’s tasks. Has never told Chief about the pain, but really appreciates Chief.
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crystalelemental · 1 year
Pokemon Team Characterization - Caitlin
And the final of my favorites, Caitlin.  The absolute favorite.  I love Caitlin, I have a lot of opinions going in, but let’s talk about it.
To start, we have to focus on something that’s a bit unique in Gen 5.  BW1 and BW2 are sequential.  Unlike most third games, which are basically AUs, BW2 is a direct sequel to whichever of BW1 you played.  Meaning that her BW2 teams are, canonically, tweaked versions of her team that she developed in the two years since.  This lends us a little bit more to operate with compared to most, since we have a clear side-by-side comparison of the teams and what happened in those intervening two years.
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Here’s the side-by-side of BW1′s team, and BW2′s team.  In composition, they are the same four Pokemon: Reuniclus, Musharna, Sigilyph, and Gothitelle.  Gothitelle is always the ace, but the lead changes, initially from Reuniclus, to Musharna.  The adjustment is drastic.  Reuniclus is hyper-offensive in the extreme.  It’s four moves that are insanely powerful, but two of them notably have only 70% accuracy.  It’s a much riskier play.  When we get to BW2′s lead in Musharna, it’s now more cautious and slower paces, but aiming for guarantees.  Yawn removes any risk of missing the effect; it’s guaranteed, if you can survive the turn.  After that, Dream Eater is recovery to bring yourself back up.  It’s a much more strategic, level-headed approach.  Similarly, now that Reuniclus is not the lead, it notably drops Thunder, which by coverage, doesn’t actually add much to Reuniclus’ depth of play  Instead, she slots in Recover, aiming to keep it alive, and capitalize on that Magic Guard effect.  Gothitelle and Sigilyph are unchanged.
In regards to the BW1 iteration, I think this solidifies Caitlin as someone fairly impatient and seeking a quick resolution.  She takes wild risks for the sake of a show of power, but isn’t always going to consider whether such risks are necessary.  The inclusion of coverage that doesn’t specifically hit relevant targets kinda suggests that she’s aiming at random, just hoping to cover as much as possible, and this over-zealous approach leads to mistakes.  Energy Ball and Thunder have overlap with hitting Water, and all you’re really covering by having both is Ground and Flying, neither of which are a specific threat to Reuniclus.  But more importantly, it’s anxiety over leaving a gap.  You don’t worry about these kind of minutiae if you have a clear game plan.  Caitlin may worry more about what her opponent is doing, compared to what she needs to be doing.  Fear of failure more than drive for success.
In the later fight, you get the sense she’s a bit more self-assured.  She has a plan, and is operating on it appropriately, with Musharna now aiming for sleep strats, and Reuniclus dropping redundant coverage for survival.  Caitlin’s growing into her own.  Her focus is still more on self-preservation, but she’s less disjointed about it.
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As before, the rematch teams are shown with BW1 on top, BW2 on bottom.  With a fully formed team, and more consistency in lead and ace, we can talk at length.
The Lead (Musharna) On her rematch, Caitlin immediately shifts her focus to Hypnosis/Dream Eater Musharna.  Even between the first loss and the second attempt, Caitlin has begun to experiment and solidify what she wants to be as a trainer.  However, she’s taking risks with Hypnosis, and putting everything into her main damaging type, on a lead.  Dream Eater and Psychic means she’s completely blocked by a Dark type.  There’s nothing she can do against proper counterplay.  She’s notably tying herself to the basics of her type.
The rematch in the second game changes nothing.  It’s again a self-assurance; Caitlin knows what her opening gambit is and aims to make the most of it.  She likes guarantees, focuses on self-sustain, and is willing to forego what is most comfortable (Psychic) for something that helps her (Charge Beam).  She’s branched out and become more dynamic.
The Ace (Metagross) It’s fascinating to me that her true ace is Metagross.  I want to say this is “competitive over what’s neat,” but it’s also neat.  The Steel typing in this generation still resisted Ghost and Dark, making Metagross a very effective check to her weaknesses.  Bullet Punch over Meteor Mash is really interesting on both counts.  Priority is a hastiness, and in Caitlin’s sense, I think it’s hastiness of desperation.  When she’s down to her last, she’s going to be a bit twitchy and aim for a quick win.  Earthquake and Zen Headbutt are pretty clear options, with Zen Headbutt as a flinch move being about stagger.  She’s aiming to get the opponent to back off their pressure.  Caitlin’s very aware when she makes mistakes, and at her core, doesn’t want anyone recognizing it.  She wants to cover that up immediately, and avoid any kind of follow-up to it.
The big discrepancy is in the fourth move.  In BW1, it’s Giga Impact.  Huge damage, but needs a recharge turn.  By BW2, it’s replaced with Hammer Arm.  It slows her down, but it’s actually effective coverage, smacking Dark types super-effectively.  In the original incarnation, it’s again that sense of panic when she’s on the back foot.  Giga Impact is tremendous damage aiming to just obliterate an opponent, but it leaves her vulnerable.  She’s thinking more about avoiding failure than ensuring success, and really leaves herself open in doing so.  By her final iteration, Hammer Arm implies that she’s more aware of how to roll with the punches and keep her head in the game, but that being thrown off slows her down.  She can��t react quickly, and struggles to adapt to changing situations.  She can do it, but throwing off her game plan makes her uncertain and uneasy, and it’s going to be hard to feel like she’s in control after that.
Consistencies (Sigilyph) Sigilyph is the only Pokemon that does not change at all between BW1 and BW2.  It is identical, and it is so very funny.  All of its moves are attacks.  What fascinates me is that it doesn’t have Magic Guard.  It has Wonder Skin, which drops all status moves to 50% accuracy.  Which is, by far, its worst ability.  I think this is something intrinsic to Caitlin as a person, though.  Caitlin is very direct.  She’s straightforward, almost abrasively so at times.  Her move choices emphasize special defense drops, freeze, and flinch.  It’s all means of breaking something down.  Caitlin goes straight at a problem, and doesn’t really care for anything outside of it.  If you want a solution, you’ll get a solution, even if it’s not framed in a nice way.  But interestingly, Wonder Skin implies a sort of...can’t take that same heat?  Like, Caitlin is blunt to others, but fairly sensitive herself, and aims to be guarded.  Again, flinch rate, doesn’t like to be seen vulnerable or making mistakes, and aims to keep up a vision of someone polished and put together.  She desperately wants to be an elegant and composed trainer, but at her core she’s a bit more of a disaster.  Considering Metagross, her nature is someone who struggles with uncertainty and doesn’t adapt well.  It’s hard to be composed when deviations in the plan throw you so wildly, but she is trying really hard you guys.  Magic Guard would imply being unhindered by these things, but Wonder Skin implies the opposite.  Half the time, it lands.  She keeps up a facade of composure, but it’s not always going to work, and if it works, she’s still susceptible to embarrassment.
Discrepancies (Reuniclus and Gothitelle) Reuniclus starts with the same four attacks as its base fight in BW1.  I won’t linger.  BW2, however, changes, dropping Energy Ball for Thunder.  It’s a gamble.  Caitlin is now willing to take the higher power, in exchange for lower accuracy.  With the inclusion of Leftovers and Recover, Caitlin seems a little more focused on herself here.  Recovery as self-care implies that Caitlin knows herself a bit better now, and knows where her limitations are.  She has that in the back, the willingness to step back and focus on herself rather than what others see of her, but is then willing to take wild risks when secure.  I think it speaks to overcoming, in some small part, that sense of self-doubt.  She doesn’t need as much assurance, she can be a bit more authentic and demanding, as she grows more comfortable with herself.
Gothitelle, in her BW1 iteration, drops Shadow Ball/Calm Mind for Flatter/Payback.  Flatter becomes a staple on Gothitelle in rematches, and focuses on boosting the opponent’s special attack, while confusing them.  It’s less devastating than Swagger, since hitting yourself in confusion works on attack, but it’s a gamble based on emphasizing special defense over physical.  By character, I think it’s more around the self-assurance thing.  Caitlin is someone who will speak earnestly, but acknowledging the strengths of others may feel like pointing out some of her own shortcomings.  She doesn’t exactly have boosts to her special defense, so it’s risky to offer that flattery to someone who could bruise her ego.  Payback in the original BW1 set I think emphasizes this.  If they hit her first, she’ll retaliate.  In essence, Caitlin’s someone who will speak highly of others, but likely worries about not being seen in the same way.  Aiming for retaliation is expecting people to be critical of you, and the Frisk ability implies a need to know what the other person may be thinking; a need to dig into what they want or what they think.  While she’s dropped the Payback to focus more on her own needs than what others do, Frisk is still present, implying that need to know is still there.
The Tradeout (Bronzong and Gallade) There is one Pokemon that changes between BW1 and BW2, and I think it’s interesting which it is.  In BW1, she has a Bronzong, which also maintains Payback, but otherwise is all offense through Charge Beam, Flash Cannon, and Psychic.  Given Bronzong, this isn’t the best use of its more defensive talents.  Payback is at least interesting in its ability to reliably take hits and respond, but the rest is unusual.  It’s slow buildup to offense, or a rapid offense only on retaliation.  Caitlin reacts strongly to criticism, and takes a while to build herself up.  Most importantly, the Payback is the more consistent option for damage, given how easily set up it is.  Because of this, Payback implies that Caitlin fixates on what others may think or say, more than she focuses on what she wants to do.
By BW2, it’s now Gallade.  This is a much more effective pick to answer Dark-types that threaten her.  Close Combat is particularly interesting, as it lowers her defenses.  Caitlin is more willing to let herself be vulnerable and show shortcomings, in exchange for getting what she wants.  She’s better able to push forward on her own.  Every other move focuses on higher crit rate, while the Steadfast ability prevents flinching.  Caitlin isn’t the type to back away from something that she wants, and is aiming for quick solutions.  She’s impatient and doesn’t like to wait for improvement, she wants to get straight to the point.
Summation Caitlin is someone who, in her initial incarnation in Gen 4, doesn’t even battle.  This is canonically due to her emotions running wild.  It’s never exactly explained what this means, but by Gen 5 it’s better under control.  Her teams offer some insight to the specific problems that may have occurred.
Caitlin is wrapped up in insecurity.  She’s uncertain of how others perceive her, and is more focused on avoiding failure than personal improvement.  She puts a lot of emphasis on what others may think of her, and tries her best to hide her shortcomings.  She’s a very direct person, who can be a bit critical of others, and can be rather spiteful with people she feels are critical of her.  She’s willing to take risks, but when they don’t play out, flounders and struggles to adapt to sudden changes.  By her final fights, she’s a bit more self-assured, focusing more on sustaining herself, and moving at her own pace.  Which she still wants to be really fast, she doesn’t like waiting or working on things incrementally, she wants instant success and gratification.  But she’s better able to recognize when she needs to slow down, and learns to take things at least a little more in stride, even if she sometimes struggles with maintaining her composure.
If you have an alternate read of the team, I’d love to hear it.  As expressed, Caitlin is my favorite character in Pokemon.  I have a very strong affinity for the “struggles with their emotions” types, so I have latched onto Caitlin very strongly.
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“Let’s have a battle!” Naive, vicious child. This is why I wear my mask these days. Before it was to hide, now it’s to make it all too clear ‘who’ I am to these people. I can see in their eyes that they don’t intend it to be a playful match like the small school-children getting a first taste of this life. They see me and my ‘disabled’ partner as easy prey.
I look to Missy and tilt my head, no need to say the question out loud. She simply nods and gives a responding “Kacha,” before jumping out to fight what ever opponent we were to face. If the brat was smart they’d send out a ground type like Sandslash or Graveler. It wouldn’t help them really, especially since this is a loose fight without stated rules so even if Missy couldn’t handle it Saoirce or Flicker could pick up the slack.
They aren’t smart, but they aren’t stupid enough to send a flying or water type in their cockyness. The opponent is a Ninetales. Arguably local to the area and no indication of its current power due to the fact it evolves with a stone rather then experience or even an attack.
“Natsume, Flamethrower!” The intention is clear, they want to surprise me with an instant death. I say nothing but instead shake my wrist. The bracelet jangles just audibly enough for Missy to know her own judgment is preferred, whatever that may be in this moment.
As the flames spew out of the large fox’s mouth straight at Missy, I still can’t tell the difference between “that’s a lot of hot air” and “Fourth degree burn incoming” so I can’t tell if having her jump out of the way will be required or a waste of energy. She, as a Pokemon from the wilds, has a better grasp on the flow of the magic needed for these attacks.
I can’t see what her choice is in the moment of truth, but when the flames go away, the stream cut off to avoid hitting me as I stood barely four feet behind her, I don’t see her. Merely a hole where she stood. The brat seems surprised but is quick to take on a prideful look. “Don’t touch the tails.” It took, quite honestly, far too long to be able to project my voice so easily across such a clearing. But such a skill is needed when you have no clue where your Pokemon is in a battle, when the fights are life or death and the attacks are roaring like storms and wildfires.
The brat is surprised once more and seems uneasy. ‘Word to the wise: Dig is a very useful TM for electric types.’ Missy finally pops out, across the field and right in place to grab the foreleg of the Ninetales. It yelps  and the brat asks what happened only for it to rear back, yanking Missy out of the ground and preventing her from dragging it into the hole to snap its leg or at least twist its ankle.
“Natsume, flamethrower now!” I’ll give the kid one thing, they have good reaction time for these developments. If they weren’t so vicious I’d want to give them some proper advice on how to survive and protect their team. As it stands I can’t bring myself to care, or rather can’t allow myself to care. Regardless, Missy’s left cheek pouch goes from an occasionally sparking live-wire effect to producing bolts arching well past the length of the fox’s tails.
‘Natsume’ doesn’t even get the barest licks of fire out past their muzzle before Missy had unleashed enough electricity to likely rival an electric chair. The fox falls, the rodent brushes herself off, the brat drops to their knees, and I approach.
For so long I had dreamed of being in this world, knowing full well that a cartoon and game series directed at children would sugar coat it. I knew there would be horrors and turmoil, especially in this particular iteration of such a world. It doesn’t stop me from hating these kinds of fights, it doesn’t stop me from looking at the Ninetales, something that was always shown to be majestic but laid before me seemed ragged and feral, and making sure to check if it was alive.
It’s been made clear to me, a Pokemon that fights for another, whether to protect the weak under its care or as a soldier under its leaders guidance, that they would rather fight to the end of that battle than be given paltry mercy. But there is a catch, when the battle doesn’t need to end in death then they can loose without dying or being disgraced. Is it disgrace even? At least, is it by the standards that most humans and even I myself understand it?
“Oi,” I speak up to grab the kid’s attention, “Natsume isn’t dead. Either continue the fight or forfeit and run to town for treatment, ya got that?” The brat of course looks up with hatred. Shaking, crying, do they even understand that they caused this themselves? That they intended to do unto me what they thought I had done unto them? “You wanted a fight. You had Natsume use as much power as she could to attack Missy. You did not, in any way, imply that it was a spar.”
Spars are odd things in this world. It’s generally agreed that when fighting with preschoolers and other such young ‘trainer’s that it is a spar. Spars aren’t allowed in official competitions unless the competition is built around them, such as contests and battle tents that let you rent a Pokemon. In true fights you’re expected to either fight to the death or be able to act fast enough to save your own Pokemon’s life. Spars you’re expected to hold back enough to not kill, though accidents can always happen, and you can ask for a break to use items or swap out a Pokemon safely.
The kid slumps, seeming to understand that they had no right to feel attacked when they had challenged, when if the roles were reversed they’d have made sure their own Pokemon knew not to show the slightest bit of mercy.
“I… How much do I owe you?” A cultural part of this whole world that I still struggle with. Typically people will just give you half of their current savings as compensation, compensation for challenging someone who was ‘better’ or compensation for not being a good enough challenge. Sometimes it’s treated more like prize money, sometimes people treat it like a bet and set the money aside ahead of time. It’s thankfully not uncommon for someone to refuse but it is sadly seen as extremely disgraceful, at least in this country, to accept the money if you had lost outside of preestablished conditions.
It’s also not unheard of, though exceedingly rare and universally considered a ‘dick move’ to instead be paid in conditions or requirements. It’s one thing to have them established before hand, it’s another to make demands when the person is arguably defenseless and heartbroken. I haven’t cared for societal rules in so long.
“Look after your Pokemon with reasonable care, as in make sure they can live a content life,” already the kid is flinching at my demands, likely less what I’m asking of them and more that it’s not going to be a simple matter of maybe not eating for a week, “never demand a battle, but instead request and back off if someone is opposed to the idea,” the second command is arguably good practice for if the kid manages to stay at this well into adulthood, as once you reach a certain proficiency and or age you’re expected to ease off a bit, to not just slaughter the next generation, “and spar with me next week. We can hash out the exacts and it doesn’t have to be exactly seven days from now.”
The kid nods, recalls Natsume, and runs back to the nearest town. Or maybe they’re running to the next town on their travels? I honestly didn’t notice where they came from before they challenged me. Regardless, Missy climbs up to my shoulder, damaged cheek facing out to the world so it can spark out safely. The sparks don’t stop me from gently rubbing her cheek, by this point in our travels the tingles of electricity running down my arm feels comforting.
“So, do you think you’d rather deal with it or do ya want to shunt it off to Saoirce? Yes-you, No-Saoirce,” I mumble as I start heading off to our current ‘campsite’, a small nook where I dropped my stuff while we scavenged for food in hopes of avoiding a store-run.
“Chu.” A no, fair enough. I can’t tell if Missy just doesn’t want to deal with being burned, which fair enough, if she simply thinks Saoirce would find the spar fun, which also is fair, or if Missy is hoping the brat will realize who they challenged. If she’s hoping to see the dawning horror the kid will feel when, if they realize they challenged ‘Z-Sama’ and attempted to kill my starter.
There’s always a chance the kid would never realize. After all Pikachu do naturally occur in some areas in this country, it’s not impossible to get an Eevee to evolve into any of its variants, especially if your foolish enough to lie and order a pet-grade Eevee rather then a combat-grade one. Even if the kid sees Flicker, Charmander are one of the Pokemon in the Starter’s Initiative Breeding Program so it just means having connections or filling out a bunch of paper work.
Even my mask, one modeled after the Hisuian Zoroark and my ‘namesake’, paired with the exact injuries on my team wouldn’t be concrete proof. The masks have gotten more popular when people saw me challenge and hold my own in the league so quickly. The injuries are fairly common either as accidents in combat or shameful intentions so it’s not impossible for someone to either randomly end up with team members that match mine or, in the cases of people I’d want to personally gut and skin alive, purposefully injure, arguably cripple multiple Pokemon just to copy.
The idea of purposeful copycats is even more infuriating when one remembers that there’s a random chance that damaging a Pikachu’s cheek-pouch will leave it incapable of using electrical attacks of any kind ever again. That there is never a way to know how such an injury will play out, that there is no way to guarantee the true problem will be fixed with a transplant, that the sparks and static is less important for combat and more an integral part of their culture and communication.
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kokorowoutsu · 2 years
-- Ashe: Pokemon Nicknames
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Ashe doesn’t have a set naming scheme for her pokemon so it just depends on what she’s feeling like at the time.
NOTE: These are the names of the pokemon I have leveled to lvl 100 and use in my games, lmao.
Lucky (Sylveon) was given to her partner in a cruel context and was named Unlucky at first. Ashe, as a child, is under the assumption growing up she is lucky to be born because her own mother didn’t want her and dumped her on her grandmother, Victoria, and Unlucky was just unlucky to be stuck with her. The name was modified by her grandmother to Lucky because in reality, both are lucky to have found one another as partnerships like that don’t come along too often, and many years down the road from that miserable child, Ashe now reflects heavily on the fact that she was lucky to have this little Sylveon stick with her from the very beginning, and so all in all... his name is very fitting.
Saoirse (Primarina) is named after a movie Ashe came to love as one of the main characters is a Selkie, a mythological creature in Galarian folklore. The name itself means ‘Freedom’.
Merlin (Delphox) is named ironically after more Galarian folklore -- this time, Arthurian Legend. Ashe found it fitting considering Delphox are said to be able to manipulate magic and see the past and future with their flames. The name Merlin itself is derived from Myrddin and means “Sea Fortress”.
Mirage (Absol) was named for the fact she was a blur on the battlefield during an attempt at catching her -- in total it took three times and three Pokemon Center tries before Mirage yielded.
Mononoke (Kanto Ninetales) was named once again after a movie Ashe loved and she found it fitting considering its meaning. Not to mention Mononoke has the personality of a troll online and lives for the chaos. The name or word Mononoke is used to described spirits that are vengeful and like to cause death and torment.
Omen (Frosmoth) was going to be called something else, but after seeing her pass under a full moon and how pretty she was and considering butterflies are seen as agents of the underworld and what not, the name Omen seemed appropriate as Ashe almost did die in Galar from an illness.
Trixie (Mismagius) is a simple name Ashe came up with that she thought would fit the Mismagius and it suits her well. The name Trixie means “Bringer Of Joy” or can be used as a generic name for most ghost-type pokemon.
Mia (Delcatty) was given to her by Leon as a baby Skitty. Full of energy, Ashe had trouble coming up with a name at first, but it was Morgan watching a movie one night that settled on the name as it was simple and easy to remember. The name Mia means “Mine” in Paldean and is used as a term of endearment such as “Darling, Dear”. (NOTE: Mia is also the name of one of my cats and the story of it goes my mom was watching Mama Mia and I decided on it because I am incredibly indecisive about pet names, whoops.)
Nova (Ceruledge) was named just because the name sounded cool. The name itself can just be taken from ‘Supernova’.
Logan (Liepard) was named originally going to be named Storm but after inspiration from passing by a food place... well... and also it is the name of a movie character that Ashe likes to let people believe he’s named after (it’s better then the real reason). The name Logan means “Log or Little Hollow” in Crown Tundrian. (NOTE: The story is true and it’s also the name of my oldest cat!)
Loch (Lapras) was named for a place in Galar that Lapras tend to frequent and supposedly where they nest and breed in great quantities.
Oberon (Galar Rapidash) was named after the King of the Fae in stories Morgan used to tell her and after the fact he carries himself so regally. The name Oberon means “Noble and Bear-like” and comes from the play A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
Vision (Hisui Braviary) was named after a movie and comic book character Ashe was into at the time of her Hisui adventure but it’s also fitting because he’s a psychic-type and sends pictures to communicate telepathically.
Joker (Floragato) was named after the protagonist of a game Ashe had played sometime before going to Paldea. She thought the name fit his spunky nature.
Piper (Daschbun) was named for her spunky nature and the need to always be on the go. She was originally going to be named Soleil but Morgan insisted on something simpler, and so... Piper was chosen. The name Piper means “Pipe Player or Flute Player” in Galarian. (NOTE: It’s the name of my dog and the story is true too!)
Benedikta or ‘Benny’ (Benthic Milotic) was named after Ashe thought he was female but turned out to be male. It’s also a name from a video game she had recently got done playing.
Kumiko (Garchomp) was already named when she took her home. Her name can translate loosely to “eternal companion”. She’s called Kumi for short.
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thehappiestgolucky · 2 years
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i-im just sayin,,,the vibes are immaculate
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can you do a hc relationship with video game pokemon protagonists? [or just male if it’s too much or too similar]
honestly this one was so fun to write fghjjhgf
Most people might think Red would be difficult to date. But you’ve known him long enough that it just seems natural— he may be the strong, silent type, but you can absolutely read him like a book. Once you get to know him, it’s easy; you can see the slight twitch to his lips when he’s happy, the way his eyes cloud over when he’s lost in thought, all of it. And the fact that you can read him so well only makes him more comfortable with you, knowing that he doesn’t have to stray from his nature and be someone he’s not.
Red’s not difficult, he’s just low-key. His idea of a fun date is hiking through the woods together, so he can show you a quiet grove that glows like magic during sunsets; the gifts he buys you tend to be practical, not extravagant, because he replaces your old shoes or sews the buttons back on your favorite coat when you need it. He prefers to do quiet things for you because the spectacle of grad gestures overwhelms him— but on special days, you come home only to find the place bursting at the seams with your favorite flowers, and your quiet boyfriend standing among them beaming like the sun.
It was always funny to watch Ethan tell people you were “just friends,” because his crush on you had been blatantly obvious from the start. He’s an incredibly kind boy, but he’s not very forward with his feelings; having grown up together, he’s definitely worried about messing up your friendship by being way too open about his attraction. But precisely because you grew up together, you notice the shift in his behavior. He used to be rough-and-tumble, latching onto you like a vice and dragging you along as he explored just outside of town— now, though, if his hand brushes yours, he’s stumbling back and apologizing frantically.
While he’s not much of a battling type, Ethan loves traveling; his favorite way to spend time with you is simply going on treks to the next town over, maybe getting caught up in following a rare Pokémon to see where it goes, and then seeing if your HMs will get you all the way down this river— then before either of you know it, the sun has started to set, and you’re stranded out in a field with nothing but your camping gear. He laughs quietly and apologizes for getting you lost, but with the way he grabs your hand to drag you closer, maybe this wasn’t unplanned.
Given how he acted when he was your rival, Brendan is a lot sweeter than you’d expected; he fumbled his way through a quiet confession that night under the stars, offering a Luvdisc he’d spent ages searching for— and when you’d admitted you felt the same, he thought he would pass out. He doesn’t know entirely how to handle the situation now; for so long, he’s considered you an unreachable dream, and now you’re right here at his side.
It definitely takes him some time to settle into dating, even though he was the one to initiate everything. For most of his life, he was the only young person in Littleroot, so he’s used to being on his own for everything; he slowly learns that it really is fun to have someone to spend time with, and then he always wants to be spending time with you. He’s very much the type to text you at 2 am while he’s up late in the lab and has made a new discovery, only to lecture you for replying immediately— just because he wants your attention doesn’t mean you should be up this late.
Lucas is an absolute sweetheart. When it comes to admitting he’s fallen for you, he’s definitely shy, but he’s determined to get the message across— eventually, accidentally, he just says it. In the middle of Jubilife, on an otherwise normal day, he gets caught up in how the sun shines on your hair and the way your laugh drifts through the air and he just says it. After that, his instincts tell him to bow and run— but he stands his ground, shaking in his boots as he waits for your answer.
While he doesn’t have any relationship experience, Lucas is a surprisingly natural romantic; his smiles are the sweetest thing you’ve ever seen, and compliments as smooth as honey are always rolling off his tongue before he can catch them. He makes a bit of money as Rowan’s assistant, and he’s insistent that you have a nice dinner at least once a month— he’d like it to be more often, but that’s all his budget will allow for the moment. Even despite that, the nights you end up getting fast food instead of a full-course dinner are just as cozy when you’re together.
Hilbert has always been a bit difficult to read. While he’s energetic and constantly on-the-move, he tends to keep his deepest thoughts to himself— more than once you’ve caught him staring at you in a daze, but when you ask if he’s alright, he snaps back to reality with one of his soft smiles. But you keep asking, and asking, and eventually he just shrugs— got lost in you, is all he’ll say. Take it how you please.
He’s not really the type to talk about his feelings, so for awhile, your relationship comes off as undefined. It’s obvious that he’s still dealing with the aftermath of his journey— but now that you’re around, he seems to be recovering much faster than when he tried to deal with everything himself. Hilbert is definitely a physical man, so he just finds himself gravitating towards holding you; maybe intertwining your fingers, or resting his hands on your hips, or wrapping you in a tight hug until you both doze off right there.
Nate is probably one of the most forward about liking you; he’s already expressive and bubbly, but you saw the way his eyes lit up the moment you both met. He’s constantly toeing the line with his flirting, and for awhile, you’re almost convinced he’s just joking— there’s no way a guy would be so upfront, right? Wrong. He means every word of it. He’s never too heavy-handed, knowing that his attitude could distract you from more important things, but he is determined to make sure you understand that his feelings are the real thing, whether you return them or not.
The word partners is perfect for how Nate views romantic relationships. H’s never really thought too deeply about it, but now that you’re together, he thinks you balance each other perfectly; when one of you gets excited, the other is level-headed. One of you is angry, the other stays calm. You have different kinds of experiences and have lived vastly different lives— you’re a perfect pair, complimenting each other and creating a single whole. That’s what he’s been looking for.
The most reserved one, for sure. Calem doesn’t have a lot of experience, and he’s spent most of his life trying to live up to family standards— affection in general gets him really flustered, so the odds are you’ll have to confess to him. When you do, his entire face goes red, and he mumbles something about you beating him to the punch— he admits he likes you too, and apologizes for making you say it first.
Calem is a very practical young man, and that shines through in his approach to your new relationship. He always wants to be doing things for you— if he’s got a key to your home, he steps in to make dinner for you while you’re at work. If you make mention of your gloves coming apart at the seams, he’s bought you a new pair for your birthday. If the weather is supposed to get bad, he’s outside your job with an umbrella, waiting to walk you to your car. Taking care of the people he loves is natural to him.
Elio is incredibly relaxed and open with the way he feels about you. He never pushes the topic, not wanting to make you uncomfortable, knowing full well that you have plenty of other men to choose from— but he also never denies his attraction to you whenever someone asks him about it, and if you’re equally open about looking for a relationship, he’s first in line to step forward.
His relaxed nature naturally extends to dating as well; he trusts you fully, so he’s unbothered if you have to spend a lot of time apart when one of you gets busy. That doesn’t mean he ignores you, though; you get texts every once in awhile checking that you’re okay, and his home is always open if you need somewhere to crash. His favorite dates are calm ones too— fishing is at the top of his list, and he loves to borrow a Mantine big enough for the both of you to go out to sea.
Never has Victor been so glad for local superstitions. He’s wrestled his feelings for you over the years, not sure if he wanted to take that step and possibly ruin the friendship he values so much— but it feels like his heart is going to pound out of his chest, and he can’t just ignore that. So, after the Gym Challenge devolves into chaos and you’ve all ended up saving the world, Victor decides to take that chance; he shows back up in Postwick for the first time in months, grinning brightly as he presents you with an Applin. He was hoping that you wouldn’t know the superstitions, that he could just quietly confess and move on with his life, but as luck would have it— you know exactly what an Applin represents.
Dating the new Champion is going to be its own adventure; in Galar more than in other regions, the position of Champion is heavily commercialized, and there’s no way for Victor to escape that spotlight. He knows this, so he ends up wildly protective of you— just because the world’s eyes are on him, that doesn’t mean you need to be dragged into things against your will. If you’d like to appear publicly at his side, then he won’t stop you, but he’s adamant about defending your own privacy so you can continue living a quiet life.
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zizz-asdf-re-r-o-u · 2 years
Chaotic reactions why I really frickin like “Zachary Ying & the Dragon Emperor” so far in the first 10 chapters:
- Humanizes a Chinese ethnic minority. Also disapora issues that I found relatable being a Chinese American. - Chinese history! Including historical figures & mythology that is not taught in the US. - Proudly age-appropriate political criticism of BOTH US and China (and European colonizers). Xiran Jay Zhao- never let yourself get censored! Ever! I personally think everything mentioned is totally fine for middle schoolers to find out about. The younger the age that kids know their country’s dirty history, the better. - I frickin LOVE the banter. And the world building has been very easy to pick up on. - So many video game references i LOVE it. “Ready Player One”, move aside. - It makes a big difference, but I like third person POV narration significantly more than 1st person. - I love me some Percy Jackson, but most of my problems with it… literally squashed within these first 10 chapters of Zachary Ying (see below cut).
-Surprise age appropriate queer rep! Zack clearly likes boys and he doesn’t know it yet (in the first 10 chapters). And its not a 1 line sentence type thing- oh no its everywhere in the subtext so much that you’d be blind to not realize it. One thing white writers, even queer writers, forget is that a queer BIPOC person is not gonna experience queerness the same way- any stigma against their cultural background & physical appearance is irreplaceable in their experience. -Speaking of which, I am very very very happy that Xiran does not market any possible queerness the same way as Iron Widow. I think this should be one of those series that are casual rep.  - Also even if you’re not Chinese, I feel like queer kids could realize “hang on. Maybe there’s nothing wrong with me and these ‘different’ feelings i had as a kid are not bad.” -Melissa is feminine power?!? No “not like other girls” and can still kick ass. -I like Wu Zetian in Zachary Ying more than in Iron Widow. -Nice way of sneaking in history lessons- between bantery conversations, Mythrealm “cards” (ie Pokemon/Yugioh cards), and dreams/flashbacks/visions. That one card that was like “Americans stole these horses. BRING THEM BACK TO CHINA.” A+ chefs kiss.
Ok now my problems with Percy Jackson that this book does better in the first 10 chapters: - Diversity! But like well-rounded and researched diversity thats also seems to be based on personal experiences, rather than checkbox diversity. It also addresses stereotypes. Some of which I can relate to myself. - Unsupervisored 12year olds running around: They kind of have a brainwashed adult chaperone. Kind of. They still do dangerous magic things that no 12yearolds should be doing, Chinese or western lol. - Mist inconsistency: instead it’s a active spray of soup that erases people’s memories. I like Harry Potter’s version of muggle view blinding best though. I can see this soup becoming a bit of an issue if they ever run out. Who makes the soup anyways?  -Cell phones & tech: Part of the premise is that there’s tech eeeverywhere and I’m always worried about a writer not being able to balance hiding supernatural stuff amidst tons of surveillance. PJO doesn’t make sense bc somehow the kids are able to keep up with pop culture, even the ones that live year round a camp with no technology that we see. Due to the video game premise, ZY is full of it and it balances it well so far. I’m awaiting for a truly chaotic event that goes viral/problematic on the internet tho xD Also THANK YOU for introducing non-US internet!  - Pop culture references: Riordan’s references were reeeally cringey, especially in Trials of Apollo. I like the references here, even though I’m sure they’ll be outdated in 10 years. (Unless ATLA references manage to stick around!) - “Being different.” Ok Zack and Percy have very different personalities. Some people may like Percy’s personality. I kind of like Zack’s approach to “being different” bc he’s more subtle about it- Zack’s internal “I’m different” thoughts are not in your face. It’s more assimilation, although I can predict that by the end of his character arc, he’s gonna accept his differences. (And I like it better than Iron Widow’s “I’M DIFFERENT!!!” thing). - The historical/supernatural beings are not good: The gods in PJO start out being black&white good and bad, and we don’t start seeing the bad sides to the “good” gods until later. Here, we get the “that historical figure possessing you is terrible” right away in the first 10 chapters. - We all know Riordan’s various plotholes- heck he literally admitted to it publicly: There’s only 1 Zachary Ying book so far, but the world building seems consistent and like it makes sense. Xiran’s still a newly published writer tho, and hopefully they don’t accidentally retcon/make plotholes in sequels. - Multiple cultures/pantheons co-existing: MCGA & Trials of Apollo kinda made things muddy. However, Xiran addresses multiple pantheons early on in a way that is culturally sensitive. - The gods & DNA: OH BOY. I’m just bring this up cause none of the mortal human main characters are biologically related so if any romances happen, not gonna run into that weird “Gods dont got DNA” problem lol. I do look forward to see if any slowburn romances happen eventually. - Prose: This is only a personal preference. Original PJO was written in first person so everything sounded like a childish 12-15 year old boy because he is a child. Zack is in 3rd person and that allows the prose to be eloquent, even for a 12yo. It’ll be enjoyable for a teen/young adult/adult to read. I’m not sure a really young kid would be able to read it, but if a really young kid can read Harry Potter, they’ll be more than fine with this.
My favorite use of historical figures in modern day fiction is still Secrets of Immortal Nicholas Flamel by Michael Scott. But I still find this enjoy and look forward to finish Zachary Ying and
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FULL REVIEWS: “The First Day”
After Adventures in the Elements, I was all in on the lumity hype train. Granted I thought it was going to be like Little Witch Academia where they’ll do as could as they can without making it canon. I’m still afraid it’s going to be like Star vs The Forces of Evil where they make it canon in the last minute. I hope not. I’m so sick of that crap. 
There have been shows where the main couple gets together and they stay together as the story continues. Parks and Recreation, Kim Possible, Tangled the Series, etc.
But you guys didn’t come here for a rant. You came for a review. Luz starts her first day at Hexside and it didn’t go the way I thought it would. Egg on my face, huh?
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The cold open actually starts with an animation error showing Luz in her multicolored uniform. Hello? Spoilers, guys. According to The Owl House wikia they’ve fixed it in reruns, but I don’t know if that’s true.
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Turns out the fabled “placement exam” is just impressing Principal Bump.
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Forced to use all your skills and knowledge to impress one person in order to live your life’s dream? Where have I heard that before? Oh right, the WWE. Fuck the WWE.
The placement exam goes...exactly the way I thought it would.
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Principal Bump’s response is also...exactly the way I thought it would be.
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Good for you, Luz.
So Luz begins her first semester at Hexside. Amity congratulates her (more on that later) before meeting up with Willow and Gus. Several funny jokes later and Luz meets with Principal Bump to work out her schedule. Luz wants to do a little bit of everything (Red Mage style) but, thanks to the coven system, the school districts have a “Hocus Focus” policy. Everyone has to specialize in one track only. 
This actually really scared me at the time because as a viewer it would be pretty lame to have nine tracks and only have us focus on one of them. The only other thing to do would be to keep switching characters based on which track we would want to focus on for that episode, but like typing that sentence, that seems like a lot of work for something simple. 
Luckily we get a funny shot at Harry Potter before Principal Bump employs his “eenie meenie minie this one” policy. I’m starting to think someone on the crew is really likes Harry Potter and some else in the show thinks Harry Potter is really stupid.
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Okay so he’s dead. We know that, right?
Bump picks potions for Luz because get out of my office. An inspector from the Emperor’s Coven is going to show up and he hopes to impress them enough for a donation to cover the costs of the damages from the previous episodes. 
Luz tries to get into her potions class, but it’s not as exciting as the thought. And the idea of a potions coven also bothers me. Like if the coven system limits your magic does that mean people in the potions coven can’t do shit? It doesn’t take magic to mix shit together and stir. Hell we do that IRL. No magic required. 
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I choose you to die.
It’s made even worse when Willow and some moon-headed girl have a POKEMON BATTLE right outside her window. It’s made even double worse we we get a glimpse of Luz’s class schedule. 
Potions for beginners
Potions in motion
Potions (again)
Still potions
Potions 'till you die
Potions after death
Good thing I’m not writing for the show because I would have added:
Potions, don’t you get it it’s all potions
Demonics JK more potions
Potions 2: The Quickening
How about potions on my hand
 This drives Luz to try out that crystal ball she saw where she immediately gets caught by Principal Bump because magic I guess. Principal Bump becomes an odd number because he literally can’t even and ships Luz off to the detention track. That thing that educators do when a student needs extra attention but they don’t want to do the work.
The detention track seems terrible at first. The students aren’t allowed to do anything except wait until the day ends. But when the “teacher” falls asleep, one of the girls leads Luz to The Secret Room of Shortcuts. They use this secret network of magical back doors to peek into any and every class so they can learn whatever they want. Turns out Bump put them in the detention track for wanting to mix magics. 
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And there’s the part I expect to get flack for. I don’t like the detention track kids. It’s not that they’re bad. I just think they’re kinda lame and boring. Viney could be cool but the rest seem like afterthoughts. They’re not funny or interesting and they’re not on screen enough to make me care about them. They kinda bring down the episode for me. For a show that has so many creative characters I was really surprised on how not invested I was. 
They get along well enough until Willow and Gus pull off the second laziest plot device in fiction: the misunderstanding. Yup, overhearing something without the proper context and taking it personally. It always works none of the time.
Meanwhile in the B (C?) plot, Bump is trying to use Amity to impress the inspector and it works too well. The inspector is actually a Greater Basilisk, a snake-like monster that eats magic from witches. 
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That’s not a face you wanna see everyday.
Everyone tries to fight it off but it’s a snake-like monster that eats magic from witches. Luz’s magic doesn’t come from her; it comes from nature so the basilisk can’t eat that.
Luz rallies the detention track kids to fight off the Basilisk, and I got pissed because the dog’s palm reading thing did nothing and was completely useless.
Bump gets pissed at the kids for mixing magic but Luz confronts him about it. Luz does something that angers boomers and uses logic to prove her case. Bump realizes he was wrong and just lets the kids study multiple tracks and I’m thinking how does that work? If one track has a full day’s schedule how they going to do double the work? Or do they just do half the work?
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Pokemon and Sailor Moon? Someone’s 90s anime is showing.
Luz still can’t decide on a track so Bump let’s her do all of them. Which begs the question even further, how is Luz’s schedule going to look like? Big brain hurt. Just tell yourself it’s just a show; I should really just relax.
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Meanwhile in the C(?)-plot, King sneaks into the school to eat trash, leftovers, and free food. Somehow he ends up as a substitute teacher of a class proving my point that people are basically stupid and will believe anything you tell them.
FINAL SCORE: 4 - Liked it. 
I really wanted to give this episode a 3. I was just so not impressed by the detention track kids and I know that everyone else just loves them to pieces for the seven minutes maybe of screen time and the palm reading to defeat a Greater Basilisk. Whatever.
But I liked it because of the jokes, the jabs at Harry Potter and King’s C-plot was just funny enough to push it over that edge. And there’s also...you know....
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moonlightreal · 3 years
Otherkin and Mythicals
Comparing the two groups. 
I tend to assume that magical beings on earth would manifest in the same way throughout history… makes sense, right?  Whatever causes it should still be causing it about the same and only the words people use to understand it would change. But reading the otherkin book from 2007 and poking around the internet today I find some differences.
There is an otherkin presence on the internet, though googles first few pages are full of things written about otherkin by humans rather than by otherkin themselves, which doesn’t seem right.  Duckduckgo delivered better results, probably because it’s less focused on selling you things.
and otherkin.com
otherkin subreddit
This article was interesting and has good links
But the more recent version of nonhumans call themselves mythicals, shifters, and supernaturals. And they’re a bit different.  And harder to search for! “Mythicals” just gets you pokemon, “shifters” gets you werewolf romance novels and “supernaturals” gets you the show.  I tried “shifters and supernaturals” on youtube and ended up on the Christian fringe instead of the magical fringe.  That was unexpected! The easiest way to track down the mythical-verse is to search for AWTOK, a government agency dedicated to tracking down and experimenting on nonhumans, that is not real.  Well, that I haven’t seen enough evidence to conclude that it’s real.  
What I did turn up looked less professional than the otherkin sites—not unexpected; a newer phenomenon that mostly applies to younger people will naturally be less polished.  The search term problem doesn’t help with finding the best data on mythicals.  I’m going to link the kinds of things I found, which I’m having a great time reading but not sure is the best info out there.  If you have better sources, I want ‘em! Message me!
A wiki and another wiki
Mythical Vale
Becoming a Human Avian
Fun with AWTOK and more Fun with AWTOK
and the marvelous AWTOK/mythical stuff on wattpad
The big difference is that otherkin mostly (not always!) were born as nonhumans but have mostly come to accept the human form of their bodies.  Mythicals are often (not always!) humans trying to become a type of nonhuman through spells or subliminals.  I’m sure there’s a lot of overlap; someone could use a mermaid subliminal to become the mermaid they feel they are inside.  So the difference between otherkin and mythicals is fuzzy and partly just different terminology and there’s a lot of overlap between the groups,.
Mythicals have a slightly different list:
Avians, winged humans
Nekos, humans with can ears and tails
Fairies and elves
Angels and demons
There are others but these are the ones I’ve seen most around the internet
Multiples, who were counted among otherkin, have split off to become “DID fakers on tiktok” in quotes, and they get their own post.  Interesting that the phenomenon has changed from being a magical identity to being a mental illness; I think the reason is simply that our society respects mental illness and doesn’t respect magical identity.
The otherkin Therians have been replaced with the mythical shapeshifters, and here’s an interesting difference.  Therians as far as I know from my reading and the occasional asking in person, do not believe in physical shifting. They aren’t expecting to ever be able to change into their animal form.
Shapeshifters do hope to someday do that, through magic or subliminals.  Have any of them actually managed it?  I’ve seen people online post about their shifting adventures, but that’s hardly evidence, and the fact that no shapeshifter has ever made the news suggests that physical shifting is certainly not common.  The more shifters there are the more chance one would screw up and get caught.
And that brings us to the different vibe between the two groups.  Mythicals have more hope.  They haven’t tried spells for years to no result and had the dream of running as a wolf shrink down to the dream of being a wolf soul in a human body. And that’s why mythicals are so interesting to me, goofy as some aspects of the idea are.  They’re full of desperation and hope and fire.
...but what do you think?  Does my read on otherkin and mythicals match yours?  What did I miss due to the challenges of search terms? 
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tack-tick · 4 years
Dream SMP Pokemon AU Part One
Aka I’m bored and started thinking too hard about this. Hit the image limit so I’ll post part two later when I get the motivation.
General Lore
Humans and Pokemon share lives because of a curse from the gods
Humans used to abuse Pokémon’s power and did the old “get cursed for their arrogance thing” that always happens to humans in myths
Now when humans catch Pokemon, it’s understood by both parties that their sharing lives in exchange for getting to bond and battle together
If a human runs out of their three lives, the Pokemon they are bonded with dies
It’s considered a major dick move to forcibly separate a pokemon and trainer
Humans can only share lives with pokemon when they are at least 10 years old
Like getting a pokemon in the anime basically
This is basically just an excuse for why everyone has one Pokemon and I didn’t want to just say I was lazy
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Him and Ditto have the same freaking face
Nicknamed Spirit
Disguises itself as a Gyarados, Rapidash, or Dragonite depending on what’s needed
Nobody knows it’s a Ditto
People just assume Dream is confident enough in his abilities that he’s willing to give only one life to each of his pokemon
Nope, he just has a Ditto that’s really good at transforming and battling
Wears a mask that looks like Dreams when it transforms so it can hide the Ditto face
Dream does his spiel about not caring about anything on the server and the poor thing gets sulky
Dream has to apologize to it and gives it a lot of hugs
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Nicknamed Beckerson
Also has a tendency to take naps during important events
Could be one of the strongest pokemon there if the two bothered to train
Was a huge asset in the Dream Team vs L’Manberg War
Seriously this things attack stat is freaking insane
Already fully evolved when the war started
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Nicknamed Mars
I just looked at fire types and Mars fit the best
Plus Lions automatically equal awesome
Sapnap threatens to have Mars eat the smaller pokemon all the time
Will intimidate others by just gulping down magicarp in front of them
In like one bite each
Loves getting to set things on fire
Already fully evolved when the war started
Sapnap uses the “talking to a cat” voice with it
Still tries to sit in Sapnap’s lap after evolving and crushes him everytime
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A primeape nicknamed Henry
To quotes it’s sun pokedex entry “It has been known to become so angry it dies as a result”
That’s about all I needed to pair him up with Tommy
Shares Tommy’s temper and loyalty
Considered more loyal to his trainer than the average pokemon
Him and Tommy met in the woods when Tommy was about nine and Henry was a mankey
They just both looked at each other and got in a fistfight
Then Tommy took him home after he accidentally got hurt
Evolved when Tommy was exiled from New L’manberg
Dream was keeping him captive in a pokeball and only let him out when they visited Tommy
When it was let out it always tried to beat the crap out of Dream
Was told to stop doing that by Tommy because Dreams a friend
Which Henry thought was bullcrap but anything for Tommy
He’s doing better at Techno’s now
Trains with Carl a lot
But he misses Spins :(
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A Vesiqueen nicknamed Spins
Picked because bees
Best friend to Henry
Evolved at the festival in a last ditch effort to try and protect Tubbo because combee have really bad stats
Didn’t work because fire beats bug but she tried very hard
It didn’t work but the thought counts
Worried about her trainer due to all the previous leaders becoming corrupted by the power
Has vowed to stick by his side no matter what
Loves to make honey and brings it to Niki for her bakery
Currently sad because she thinks Henry is dead :(
Honestly wishes literally anyone else would be president for her trainers mental health
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Toxitricity that was not nicknamed
Picked because it’s the only pokemon with an association with music that actually looks like it can fight
I tried to find something with the colors but nope
There are probably better options out there but idk what they are
Met Wilbur as a Toxel when it’s parents abandoned it
Heard Wilbur playing his guitar and listened from the bushes
The it just followed him home and they got along
It evolved when Wilbur was exiled
Was one of the first to realize that something was wrong with him
Was one of the few who could snap Wilbur out of his delusions
Eventually even that didn’t work
It probably knew in the end that Wilbur was doomed
But It couldn’t just abandon its trainer
Not Wilbur no way
It was glad it got to see Gramps one last time
Now it exsists like those ghost pokemon in Lavender Town
Not a ghost type pokemon but literally a ghost
Called Ghostricity
Remembers about as much as Ghostbur
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An Emboar nicknamed Carl
Picked because it is, and I am quoting Bulbapedia, the “Mega Fire Pig Pokemon”
In other words, it’s a big boy!
How it met Techno will be explained in Philza’s entry so we’re gonna skip that
Was already fully evolved by the time Techno came to the Dream SMP
Just as bloodthirsty as his trainer and extremely good at battling
Loves to go to the Nether and soak in lava pools like a hot tub
Finds it very relaxing
Had an extra cost in bonding with Techno in that he also hears the voices
Finds them very annoying
Got jumped and taken hostage by the Butger Gang due to having water dumped on it
It was a lot of water
Which has managed to mega piss off Techno
Is very embarrassed at having to be rescued by Dream and Spirit
The closest to knowing what Spirit actually is
So looking forward to toppling the government
Currently training by sneaking out to waterfalls and standing under them
Very protective of Gramps
If you wanna do a speed run of getting fireblasted hurt Gramps in front of Carl
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A Drampa nicknamed Gramps
Literally all of its pokedex entries are about how it takes care of kids and is extremely threatening when pissed off
Gramps met Philza when It was raising a Tepig in the woods
Techno was little and had gotten lost in the woods and ran into Tepig
They got along and Tepig took him to see his “dad”
Drampa helped Techno get home and Philza let them stay at his house out of gratitude
Philza and Drampa got along and the rest is history
Considered a dad by Carl, Ghostricity, and Henry
A very nice dragon who has accidentally adopted like half the servers pokemon
Extremely long lived
Feels extreme guilt about Ghostricity’s whole situation
Hard to make mad but when it is mad
Totally doesn’t have a favorite pokemon in Carl
Who would dare spread such obviously and totally false slander
Currently under house arrest along with Phil
Wants to see his kids
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A Delphox nicknamed Sally after his mom
Was gifted to Fundy when he was little by his mom
Evolved from Fennekin to Braxien after the Final Control Room incident
Evolved from Braixen to Delphox during the final fight in the Manberg Vs Pogtopia War
Uses her magic to help Fundy build things
Has mixed feelings about Ghostbur and Ghostricity
Just wants to Fundy to be happy and appreciated
Currently sticking with her trainer and making sure he doesn’t get himself killed in trying to fight some of the most powerful people on the server
Is slightly freaked out by The Buther Gang thing
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An Empolean named Party
Picked because Club Penguin raid lol
Also blue and couldn’t find any cool duck pokemon
Quackity crashed on an island filled with the Piplup line
Had to stay for a couple of days to fix his boat
He left and found a piplup had snuck into his boat and decided to keep it
Has already evolved to Prinplup by the time Quackity was whitelisted
Evolved to Empolean during the duel with Technoblade in the control room
Loves screwing with people by freezing their stuff
Still has a surprisingly strong moral compass
Extremely loyal to its trainer and hated Schlatt with every bone in its body
Totally froze Schlatt’s gravestone at the funer
Hates going to the nether
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kismetfakemon · 3 years
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Name: Lambaa Name Origin: Derived from lamb and baa Type: Fantasy Classification: Sleeping Pokemon Ability: Comatose Evolution Method: Evolves into Ba'allubye at Level 30 Flavour Text: A cute little thing that just can't help but falling asleep all the time! It loves to eat the sweet dreams of kids and tries to get them to fall asleep with sweet lullabies it plays from its horns, but it often ends up making itself fall asleep instead. They're popular with families to give to small children who have issues going to bed. Cuddling a Lambaa's fur is practically sleep-inducing in itself, but if that doesn't work the songs it plays from its horns will have them both snoozing in no time. Using its magical abilities, Lambaa is somewhat capable of navigating the world whilst asleep, but it often ends up floating and bumping into things instead. But don't worry, it's amazingly soft wool protects it from any harm.
Name: Baallubye Name Origin: Derived from baa and lullabye Type: Fantasy/Sound Classification: Dream Eater Pokemon Ability: Comatose Evolution Method: Evolves from Lamba'a at Level 30. Mega Evolves into Mega Baallubye whilst holding the Baallubite. Flavour Text: Baallubye is both asleep and awake simultaneously. It has three eyes, two of which are always closed in a deep slumber, and the third eye on its forehead is what it uses to see whilst awake. It's rumoured that its brain is split into thirds: one-third being "awake" and the other two-thirds being "asleep." If all three sections are awake and active, Baallubye's attacks become more powerful and deadly. It lulls both Pokemon and humans alike to sleep with soothing tunes blown from the horns on its head and gentle bell-like chimes from the organ on its neck. It does this in order to eat the dreams it needs to stay alive. This Pokemon can subsist on regular food but dreams are to it as ambrosia is to the gods. The yellow orbs in its wool are said to be physical manifestations of the dreams it eats. They even have a subtle glow to them.
Name: Ba'allubye (Critical Burst) Name Origin: Portmanteau of Baa and Lullabye Type: Fantasy/Sound/Psychic Classification: Dream Eater Pokemon Ability: Magic Guard Evolution Method: Critically Burst from a Ba'allubye holding the Ba’allubance Flavour Text: It's awake! And with it's awakening comes newfound power. The blue orbs on Baallubye's body are crystalised psychic power that allow it to see the wildest dreams and most horrific nightmares from even awake Pokemon. They let off a mysterious ring when this Pokemon attacks. They are also capable of seeing the universe if one gets a chance to gaze into them. The purpose of this is unknown. White Noise Fantasy Special 40 BP / 100 Acc / 10 PP Ba'allubye's Burst Move. This move turns Ba'allubye's Hypnosis into White Noise, a move that puts the opponent to sleep and damages them for 2-5 turns
 (Fantasy is another new type of mine. You can find more info on my Carrd.)
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cynthiaandsamus · 3 years
Custom Toonami Block Week 74 Rundown
Code Geass: So we’ve got another one of those “wacky bullshit student activities” episodes, though this one seems to ride the hardest on “shit is going down, the world is ending but haha Shirley romance drama” though admittedly it does have a nice character arc for Milly so that’s cool. Lelouch is worried that the Knights of the Round are here to investigate him until he realizes both of them only have one braincell between them so it’s fine. Cornelia’s also murdering her way through religious fanatics so that’s cool. And last but not least we have Shirley and Lelouch finally getting together right before Jeremiah Geass Cancels her amnesia so she knows Lelouch is Zero and killed her dad and presumably the other stuff that Charles put in the whole school’s brain somehow. I’m sure this will end well and their romance will survive in a way that isn’t insanely tragic.
Inuyasha: We’re still in fillertown and it’s another SangoxMiroku episode. Man we get a lot of these in filler huh? I kinda don’t remember which Sango/Miroku moments are canon at this point. I’d kinda laugh if it was just all filler and some manga-only fans were bewildered when they ended up together in the end. Anyway, Feudal Lord has a thing for Sango because he has great taste and Kagome ships Sango/Miroku so she doesn’t want her to go, Miroku’s like “Hey it’s her choice, she’s been through enough, she can choose her own life, I’m not gonna get involved” which is pretty mature but the girls still hate on him for it. Sango’s just like “Dude even if I wanted to stay I still have this Naraku-slaying quest to go on and I’m not about to sit around all day and be royalty while my friends go kick Naraku’s ass for me.” Which is how most love confessions in this series go. Also Sango suplexes a demon bear the size of a building with her bare hands and it’s pretty great. In the end the lord doesn’t give up going after Sango but they finish the bear stuff and are on their way. I like how they don’t go out of their way to demonize this guy in the end to prop Miroku up, he’s still a good guy, Sango’s just got shit to do and is more the type to like a warrior who’s got her back. There’s some really cute shipping shenanigans here and all in all it’s fun filler.
Yu Yu Hakusho: We’ve got a three for one deal here as Yusuke and Kuwabara assblast their way through the Dark Triad in one episode, continuing their power play of beating villains with little effort while the boss man bets that they’ll completely wreck his guards which is still a pretty interesting dynamic. We’ve got cringey 90s trans commentary, an invisible dude that gets blindsided easily and a hostage ogre that gets beaten by Botan taking off her coat. Honestly for these guys being supposedly minibosses they kind of went down easier than some of the grunts. But now Kuwabara’s in contact with Yukina because his bullshit power of love connection actually works for some reason and they’re in on the final fight with the Toguro brothers. With this many people betting the GDP of countries on the fight there’s no way this isn’t rigged. I really like how YYH basically makes shonen fights just part of stupid black market deals for a large part of it, just like in real life everything’s decided by some old rich guy.
Fate Zero: Kayneth’s still fucked up and has Rock Lee syndrome and can’t use jutsu anymore so his wife’s like “Yo buddy you can’t give Lancer the magic cummies anymore anyway, lemme take control of your hunky knight manslave or I swear to god I’ll rip your arm off and jerk him off with it” which since she asked so nicely he just kind of does. With Lancer still kinda being uppity about Kayneth having dibs on his soul and Sola-Ui being weirdly horny and increasingly yandere for him I’m sure this’ll end well. Saber and Kiritsugu are still pissy with each other because Saber wants to go after Caster to stop the child murders which is fair but she’s also injured and shit and she’s mad at Kiritsugu for not teaming up with Kayneth to just take down Caster right there and I mean I don’t think he really had time to suggest a truce while getting attacked with Terminator 2 goo, he’s not really the asshole here. Meanwhile and more importantly, ISKANDAR HAS PANTS! Nothing can stop him now and they crash Caster’s child murder party and are jumped by Assassin’s Forty Thieves (they aren’t named yet but I’mma just assume) and Iskander’s just like “Yeah no I’m not fighting five ninjas knee deep in child guts.” And they just burn the whole place down.
Konosuba: So in a bizarre Interspecies Reviewers/Food Wars crossover, Kazuma goes to a succubus house and instead of just getting sex they do dreams and shit which seems more complicated but I guess it’s less morally gray. Anyway, naked Darkness and contrived hentai plots ensue. They sprinkle in some good character stuff for Kazuma which is nice, it’s always kind of hard to pin down where his principles lie. Like he’s generally a scumbag and will take the easy way out of anything but he’s not evil and will give Darkness an out on their encounter if she wants and will get his ass kicked to protect his local sex worker. The Principled Scumbag approach is kind of neat for him, I wish a few more of these moments didn’t feel the need to immediately undercut themselves with a joke but that’s the nature of the series. I feel like one or two more genuinely sincere moments throughout a couple episodes would do wonders but either way it’s still amusing.
Sailor Moon Crystal: We pick up right where we left off with Tuxedo Mask throwing himself in front of the Kamehameha for Usagi and then she goes Super Saiyan and cries pokemon tears to bring him back to life. But the bad guys are somehow like ‘yoink’ and steal him from her lap through a barrier somehow (that still kinda pisses me off) and for some reason the crystal that booped its way into his chest isn’t there anymore and Usagi still has and and Usagi’s going through a lot of shit right now between processing the trauma of a millennia-old kingdom falling that’s partially her fault, working through her romantic feelings and having a Steven Universe identity crisis about how to process her identity as a reincarnation of someone a lot cooler than she is, so most of this episode is Usagi crying, as most episodes are, but at least she has a good reason.  Then we get a Girl Squad Roll Out montage because fuck it we’re going to the moon somehow.
Durarara!!:  Apparently everyone knows about where Celty’s head is but her because she visits Izaya’s office where the head is just kinda behind some books on his bookshelf and she doesn’t know but Shinra’s dad has enough time to mug Namie after telling Shinra and Celty off for their weird interspecies relationship and tell Izaya to have fun fucking around with the head. Also people have shifted from being worried about the Dollars to being worried about Saika and ALSO being worried about the Dollars maybe being at war with the Yellow Scarves. Celty’s looking into it and Shinra shows some character development in just coming out with it that Saika was the sword that severed her connection with her head… I don’t know how you cut the soul of a head that’s already cut off but okay, at least Shinra’s not hiding shit from here anymore. Also Saika’s about to seriously chop up Anri and Masaomi comes to visit his girl in the hospital finally.
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wonnoy · 3 years
nishinoya is a big geek in my eyes - he collects pokemon cards (me too) full time and is obsessed with LOTR and the hobbit. you should see this dude.
no one can change my mind, because i love it.
__ warnings: none
geeks unite
You laid down next to Noya on the couch with half a mind listening to LOTR theories on the television. He, however, was not distracted at all. His body was even leaning forward and you don't even remember the last time that he blinked.
You turned back to the TV, trying to remember how you first met him.
It was a bright Sunday morning, and unlike any other day, today was the only day of the week you could visit the bookstore down the street. It was rarely busy on Sunday's and it was the only day where you didn't have work.
So, clad in your gray sweatpants and university hoodie, you were searching through the shelves of the tiny fantasy land at the edge of your campus. Every once in a while, a straggler would enter the store, pick what they needed and soon leave with a hushed goodbye to the cashier. You didn't pay them much mind, most people nowadays didn't understand the magic of coming to a bookstore like you did.
All type of dream worlds could happen here, in a space that seemed to be protected by time itself. Forever again yet forever young in the eyes of the holder - you held the most powerful weapon whenever coming in here. A fresh mind.
"Aw yea, they got new posters!" a voice sounded from the other side of the bookshelf. You lifted your nose from the book in your hands and rose off of the bean-bag chair. That didn't sound like anyone you knew who frequented this place, and let's be honest. You were just a little curious to see who it was that silently yelled in a bookstore.
You set the book down and then started to look through the shelves of books that separated the aisles. There was no sign of any life before you saw something shuffle to your right and so you turned. Bent over and inside of a tub of posters was a man whose belongings were all over the ground.
"I wonder if they have-"
"Excuse me?" there was a loud thud from inside of the tub and hissed ow as the man retrieved his head from the tub. He wasn't much taller than you, far from it by the looks of it. When he turned around, you had to cover your mouth in surprise. It was an obviously photoshopped picture of him in Lord of The Rings facing against Sauron (one of the evil characters) on his mask.
"Ah, sorry did I yell something?" he rubbed his head a little, his hair bouncing back up straight from being pushed back by his hand. There was a thunder bolt of yellow in his hair amongst the other brown locks on his head.
You shook your head explaining to him that he sounded new here. He only chuckled at you.
"Not really, they have the best merchandise," he pulled down his mask now revealing his smile. And by the gods was his smile one of the most beautiful things that you've seen. It made butterflies zoom throughout your body at the sight.
"The name is Nishinoya, kind of a mouthful so people normally call my Noya," and he extended his hand out to you. It took you no hesitation to give him a handshake as well. Who would've thought that you made a new best friend that day.
"Oy!" a loud shout brought you back to the present and Noya's hand was shaking in front of your face. You had to bring your neck back as he was so close to accidentally smacking you in the face.
When he saw you react he leaned back to where he was sitting, "I'd been calling your name for a bit a time but you never answered," he sighed. You looked over at the TV, the show was paused and he was right - ten minutes passed while you were zoned out.
"Yea, sorry I was thinking about the bookstore and stuff," you crossed your arms underneath your chest. You thought it would be easier the longer you knew him, that eventually the feeling of being high would leave you alone. But alas, it never did.
You were hopelessly in love with the blind fool.
"Really, what about the bookstore," Noya got up off the couch and made his way to the kitchen attached to his small apartment. It's only been three years, but it can't help but feel like forever that you've known him.
"Just some stuff," you trailed off watching him. He was in a white tank top with low hanging gray sweatpants - AKA irresistible. It was too bad that he was leaving you soon, he wanted to travel the world and you never had the courage to ask him if he wanted to travel with you. He didn't know that you would leave things behind to be with him, to be with him just a little bit longer. You don't know how you'd feel if he saw some Italian babe and forgot about you.
Noya chuckled from the kitchen, "what type of 'stuff' is that then," he then slinked from the kitchen to where you were sitting, "c'monnn y/n I really wanna know!"
There's the childish side of him. He's 22 and yet still acts like his childish self that you've only seen in videos from his old volleyball days. You leaned your head back to meet him upside-down and smiling at you. His hands shot out towards your cheeks and then he proceeded to mush them together.
"Thash not going to-"
"Tell meeee y/n, please," he mushed your cheeks even more now and you tried to stick your tongue out at him as best as you could. But to no avail, he had you.
You went to grab his forearms and pull them off of your face, "I was thinking about when you were leaving," you put your head back up and could feel the navel of his body touch the back of your head as he came up closer behind you. This feels like an intimate position, but Noya was just a touchy guy you guessed. You heard about his endeavors with Kiyoko.
He sighed behind you and took one of his arms from your hands, you guessed it. He probably doesn't want to be depressed by your depressing thoughts right now-
You nearly sneezed.
Something underneath your nose was tickling underneath your nose and hastily pushed it away trying to see what it was. You sputtered the moment you saw them.
Two tickets to Italy, two seats right next to each other, two tickets with yours and his name on them.
"I was saving them till the day I asked you out, but I guess right now will have to do,"
You never tackled someone so quickly before that day.
haha cute
i had to write this quickly because my laptop almost die
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mylordshesacactus · 4 years
RWBYmon: Team JNPR
Buckle up y’all.
Oh honey. Oh baby boy.
Jaune like, shows up on initiation day at Beacon with a Level 1 Squirtle.
“Wait, we’re supposed to have more than one?!”
Ruby lands him some spare Pokeballs and he goes out and catches a Skwovent and a Pidgey so that he has the half-team Beacon requires and can get inside.
The Skwovent breaks back out immediately once Jaune gets in the doors, bites his face and runs away. The Pidgey, wary but curious, stays. It’s his first Pokemon to evolve and Jaune has never been so happy in his life when it does.
Through slightly frantic trading, Jaune eventually ends up with....a Miltank.
It is ugly. It hates him. He hates it.
But the Miltank is like twenty levels higher than his other Pokemon, and its resilience lives up to its infamy.
Much like Jaune, the Miltank is The Thing That Will Not Die.
[weak laughter] ghost types
Ren has an Alolan Marowak; his starter was a Cubone that he and Nora picked up as they fled the ruins of Kuroyuri. 
Neither of them had a Pokeball on them, but Ren and the Cubone made friends. When they finally reached another village and were able to get a ball, he gently rolled it to the Cubone, which accepted the bond willingly.
His Decidueye has been with him nearly as long.
Ren’s #3 is a Drakloak that he is slowly, painstakingly levelling up a little every day.
Nora has electric types, let’s not fuck around here.
Her headliner is also her starter; an Ampharos that she raised and trained from a lost Mareep they came across as kids.
Her second is an Alolan Graveler.
Nora’s entire vibe is “punchy”, “electric” and, most importantly, “typing that makes you go Wait, What? What The Fuck?”
Her third is a Dubwool.
Nobody Expects The Normal Type In This Lineup
Nora’s entire vibe is ALSO “magical demon goat that will kill you”.
Oh, Pyrrha.
Pyrrha, I’m so sorry.
When Pyrrha arrives at Beacon, it’s with a full tournament team on hand--a rare full team of six, all wildly powerful examples of their breed, stats and movesets minmaxed for arena battles, the ranking Mistral League Champion; she stepped down to train as a Huntress.
The Pokemon she comes to Beacon with are...well, they’re hers, but they’re...the bond isn’t really there, although she tries.
She has an Aegislash, a Scizor, a set of Falinks, a Hitmonlee, a Rapidash.
Oh right and also a Dragonite. Probably should have mentioned that one.
And she loves them, she does. She really truly does. It’s just that they didn’t meet organically, you know? She was in a position and environment where she...needed to specialize, she needed to keep an edge on the competition. Her team was traded for, planned out. Not without her input, not at all! But it wasn’t the tradition Pokemon Journey TM that part of her had dreamed of so fondly.
She loves them, and they love her. But there’s a barrier, somehow. When you meet like that, when you’re shaped the way they were.
There’s a seventh. Her starter--an Oricorio. His name is Milo.
She doesn’t use him in tournaments, she can’t; he’s just as high-level as the others of course, she doesn’t NEGLECT him or his training, but the rules say six and that means she can’t afford him on the team when they’re fighting. He understands. That’s not what their friendship is about.
He’s her starter. Her very first. She caught him herself with help from her mother. She would never trade him, and he doesn’t want to leave. He’s almost never in a Pokeball except for safety reasons.
He and Jaune adore each other. They make each other laugh.
This is a running theme actually. Being around JN_R and their...very different bonds with their respective Pokemon, and seeing that there’s no one right way to love each other...it helps.
Pyrrha relaxes more around her team. They relax more around her. They start playing more, spending more time out of their pokeballs. She gets to know their personality quirks off the battlefield, and they get to know and love her as a person as well as a devoted and kindhearted trainer.
Beacon falls.
Cinder kills Ozpin.
Pyrrha follows.
Cinder’s team....look. You get a massive level boost from the Maiden apotheosis, let’s be real. They all just jumped about fifty levels and smashed through the level cap to do it.
And Cinder’s team is not the real problem. She still has the Legendary bond she stole from Amber. It’s at full power now; she can use it.
Ho-Oh, bound by force and against its will, is turned on Pyrrha’s massively underlevelled pokemon. This isn’t a League match. This isn’t the arena. There’s no “fainted” here. 
She watches her team die, one by one.
At the very end, in the last desperate moment, knowing absolutely everything is lost--with her entire tournament team laid waste, knowing the bound god turned against them is even more of a victim than they are, with nothing else to do, no hope--
Pyrrha’s fingers close on a pokeball she has never once touched in a fight, and she throws out her starter, one last time.
She intended to release it. Instead, an Oricorio flies at Ho-Oh with intent to kill.
He’s Pyrrha’s starter, after all. They both know what’s at stake.
Neither of them entered this fight expecting to survive..
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randompasserbyer · 3 years
For the D.I.D meme, 1, 6, 16 and 17
sytfuygihnoi #1 is a big one so I’ll answer the other 3 in another ask lmao
1.  Introduce your headmates/alters. How many are there? What are they all like?
So, there’s 26 of us, give or take 2, so I’ll try to give brief descriptions of everyone in order of when they split. Thank you for asking uwu
Blue is our host. He's the one we all refer to as the owner of the body. His form in the headspace shifts depending on his kinshift, but he’s usually presenting as an Underswap Sans fictive. He uses he/him pronouns a lot but he’s genderfluid and often doesn’t consider himself a man and appreciates being called a woman despite using he/him pronouns. Gender is confusing tyfugihop
Sam is the main protector/gatekeeper of our system. She’s been around the longest, she was the first that Blue was aware of when he noticed the system, and we all kind of look up to her. She’s a “take no shit” type of person and we’re all very grateful for her. She looks like a ghost and I don’t know how else to describe her iohguyfutd
Quadi is our main trauma holder. She rarely fronts and I have zero clue how to describe what she looks like. Nobody ever interacts with her in the headspace because she’s always in her room. If she fronts,, just send her love and support.
Shnep is.. well, I don’t actually know her role, to tell you the truth oiugfyt She looks like Walmart-brand Flame Atronach from Skyrim. She only gets to front if Sam lets her front and it’s a controlled environment. Loves to play videogames tho. Murder Mystery is her favorite cause she gets to let loose.
Watcher is our persecutor. He’s only gotten front, like, twice in the last year but he causes plenty of harm in the headspace. He can shapeshift and the only way we can tell it’s him is that his eyes will stay black. He’s been around just as long as Sam, but you can never find him unless he wants you to. Our protectors are good at keeping everyone safe.
Zane is our sexual protector/trauma holder. He stays in his room as well but we’re free to come visit him at any time. I don’t,, really know?? how to describe him?? He’s another shapeshifter but I personally haven’t interacted with him since I formed so I can’t tell you much ftuhiojn
Viper is a giant skeleton lamia and while I personally quake in fear, he’s a genuine sweetheart and he loves talking to people. He knows broken English but he doesn’t let that stop him. He actually went dormant shortly after forming and nobody knew he even formed until he woke up a year and a half later and everyone went “Huh?????”
Nightshade is an Error Sans fictive. He’s another one of our protectors and he’s really good at his job. To be more specific, he’s an avenger, he helps us deal with our abusers. He’s gotten over his haphephobia for the most part since splitting, though it flares up around strangers and honestly I don’t blame him.
Template is a Template Sans fictive lmao. creative nickname I know XD He’s a middle and Nightshade is fiercely protective of him. He loves to play videogames and draw. Ask him about Spyro or Pokemon ;) He keeps going in and out of dormancy so,, idk when he’ll front again but he always seems to have a good time when he does.
404 is a Blueberror fictive. He’s fairly impulsive and.. yknow, I want to say he’s impulsive, but the guy has so many amnesia barriers about his entire being that I can’t say it for certain. He’s a cryptid. You’ll never see him in the headspace unless you see one of his soft triggers and he has so few of those lmao (Our partner says he’s like Ghostbur but hyper, so take that as you will)
Gold is a Birdtale Sans fictive. He doesn’t like to talk unless you’ve gained his complete trust, or he’s alone. He’s very much a “body language is a universal language and it’s the only language in the universe I know” kind of guy. He tells great puns tho. He’s pretty chill. Apparently he formed like.. years ago?? And Sam had just been blocking him from the main area of our headspace for a really long time??
Squid is our Ink Sans fictive (are you seeing a pattern here? Hyperfixation go brrrr). He’s chaos but he can be pretty down to earth if he wants to be. He’s stuck in a state of constantly missing his old life, though. He loves to draw and leave long supportive chaotic comments on other people’s art. If he can’t draw, he gets anxious.
WDG is our Handplates Gaster fictive. His lab takes up the entire basement of the headspace mansion and half of it is just an entrance to the Void, which only he and Shard can access. He’s very analytical and emotionally and physically distant, but he’s really good at making sure the body is taken care of. He likes to document everything he does and when so it’s pretty easy to see what he did when he fronted. Terrified of his curiosity though, that skeleton loves science way too much.
Shard and Sunshine are a subsystem Shattered!Dream fictive. Sunshine is really sweet but very paranoid and sensitive. Shard is actually both a persecutor and a protector. Kind of a.. “Nobody gets to hurt this system except me” kind of vibe, yknow? He’s been working hard to reform though because he hurt our partner once and felt really bad. He’s come a long way ^^
Viola is an Underswap Sans fictive, but she split from a fanfiction called By the Angel (it’s nsfw if you look it up, but it’s got a great plot lol). She’s actually transgender since her fic has her as he/him and we’re very supportive of her <3 She’s.. I don’t know how to describe her other than she’s got an old soul and a old-fashioned way of speaking. She loves to listen to kulning videos. Swedish culture really vibes with her.
Drake is a fictive from a really old Minecraft roleplay called The Haunted. He’s half Enderman and he can do magic. He’s kind of timid and his anxiety is always through the roof. He gets hella dysphoric when he fronts and often has headaches and we’re?? not sure?? if he’s a subsystem or not??? with Herobrine??????? He won’t tell anyone if he is or not, he just dodges the question.
*inhale* Pinky is a vampire Ink Sans fictive. He’s what would happen if you gave a vampiric opossum a bigger body lmao. He’s incredibly mischievous (and a tad selfish, if you ask me) and likes to cause pranks at the worst times. He adores our partner though.
TB is a Technoblade fictive/factive. Both?? It’s hard to tell with him. He looks like a twunk piglin and behaves like one too. He’s taken on the role of protector recently, though, and he monitors any new splits until we’re sure they’re not going to hurt the body or any relationships with other folks. He likes to talk about piglin culture a lot. (he kins Billiam and it’s entertaining to watch him call everyone peasants and poor when we too are in fact poor)
Phil is our Philza fictive. He’s the dad friend of the system, the caretaker. He takes a very neutral stance on things and will often refuse to step into a fight, but he will try to calm folks down. I can’t tell you how much of a comfort he is. He loves to talk about his past life and his little family, though he gets sad about it sometimes.
Ghost is our Ghostbur fictive. He loves pranks and he’s very sweet. He has so much blue, you would not believe. He’s such a softy and loves to make people smile. He either hangs around TB, Phil, or Theo and he doesn’t usually front alone. He does have Alivebur shifts but he essentially just gets really edgy and depressed in a sort of self destructive way, but he’s still soft. He just tells really wild jokes and he’s a lot more impulsive.
SNL/Space Heater (he doesn’t have a good nickname yet) is our Sapnap factive/fictive. He really enjoys front but he doesn’t really get much done when he fronts tfuygiuhoip He just reads fanfiction lmao. He loves Dadboyhalo and Dreamnap content. He’s a pretty chill guy, doesn’t get into a lot of fights. He just wants to have fun.
Theo is our protege!Tommy fictive. He actually split from the popular fic Rewind and he’s just been.. vibing? He gets along well with Sapnap most of the time but he’s had a lot of trouble warming up to TB, Phil, and Ghost. I think he enjoys front?? He fronts often enough. I don’t know how to describe him except that he’s very Tommy-like lmao
Fakier is our newest split. He’s an ARG Wilbur fictive. He doesn’t like to talk too much about himself but he loves to infodump about codes and cryptic stuff like that. He’s actually done a lot with taking care of the body and taking long walks outside and just, enjoying life. He did leave the windows open on a really cold day tho and our apartment hasn’t been warm since :\ He seems cool, I’m just annoyed that my fingers and toes are freezing off lmao /hyperbole
We’ve had a few integrate over the past two years so it’s hard to keep track of how many there are for sure, but that should be everyone. Sorry for the wall of text dytufibonk Hope you liked the answer tho ^^ I’ll answer the other 3 answers tomorrow in a post together and @ you so you don’t miss them uwu
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heckyeahponyscans · 3 years
Yeloli Watch Party!
Season 1, Episode 6:  Please Be My Master
English translation
We return to Shelly, who is reflecting that although the crystal piano her parents gave her is beautiful, it’s not what she wanted for her birthday. But it was still a happy day since her parents were home.
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Aha! She pushed the photos apart to set the piano there!  More symbolic evidence that her parents are in a failing marriage!!
Ahem. Peacock then pushes the lid off her box and proudly claims responsibility for making sure they came home.  Since Shelly left her in the box for hours, Peacock got bored and came out on her own.
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I don’t understand the rules for the fairy-dolls, with Loli it seemed like she couldn’t move until Mary made a strong commitment to her and protected her from the evil lady in black.  But Peacock’s flitting around the room like it’s nothing.
But to Mary, it is NOT nothing, to Mary it’s freaky because her doll is alive.  Which I thought she already knew, but after looking at the previous episode, all the times Peacock “talked” to her, the two of them were in a liminal space.  So maybe that was a subconscious connection.
I guess Shelly thought Evelyn was just a very, very eccentric woman selling regular dolls.
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Anyway, now Peacock is undeniably walking and talking.  Shelly decides (or hopes) she’s dreaming and hides under her sheets.
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Unworried, Peacock flies around to get a look at her new home.  She’s pleased to find a huge mirror (“Only a big mirror like this can reflect all my beauty”) but not pleased when . . . the evil woman in black appears in it!!  Dun daa DUNNNN!!!
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The evil woman tells Peacock she chose poorly;  Shelly already has many dolls so she’ll neglect Peacock.  “She doesn’t really love you. She’ll never sign a Yeloli Contract.”
Peacock’s reply?  “Bullshit!”  (I assume it’s something milder in the original Chinese, but this still amuses me.  Thank you, Google Translate.)
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Peacock tells the mystery woman to get out and throws a compact at the mirror for good measure.
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“I’m free since you broke the mirror,” the woman chuckles.  Whoops.
The mysterious woman physically enters the room and summons her spirit-leopards.  Shelly hears the noise, peeks her head out, and dives right back under the bedsheets.  Now she REALLY hopes she’s dreaming!
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But she isn’t, and the leopards tears the sheets away.  
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Before the beast can bite Shelly, Peacock swoops in front of her and summons a magical shield.  But Peacock’s magic is in a weakened state and her shield won’t last long.  
She urges Shelly to enter a Yeloli Contract with her, to power them both up, and Shelly . . . 
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. . . runs out of the room.
She dashes downstairs calling for her parents, but of course they left because they are useless.  
“Am I dreaming?” Shelly wonders again, and the evil lady gets philosophical and says, “Shelly, who knows what’s real and what’s not?”  
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But she says it as she’s swooping down the stairs, cackling menacingly. (To be fair, she tried subtlety on Mary earlier and it didn’t work.)
The obviously evil woman offers to make Shelly’s wishes come true.  “You must hate that piano.  So what if I destroy it?”  Instead of waiting for an answer, she immediately has her spirit leopard destroy the piano.
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Shelly is aghast, but the mysterious woman says she’s not fooling anyone; didn’t she really, in her heart of hearts, hate that piano?  Didn’t it bring her misery?
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Shelly admits to herself that it’s true and we get a flashback to Shelly’s mother demanding that she play five hours a day, and Shelly crying because her hands hurt.  Wow!  Your parents suck, Shelly.
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The woman in black swoops over to Shelly’s side and promises to use her magic to prevent Shelly’s mother from getting angry and to get her off Shelly’s case about being a pianist, if only she’ll give up Peacock.
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At this point Peacock herself swoops into the room and is pounced on by the spirit leopard.  She urges Shelly not to listen to the offer, and indeed Shelly stands up and says, “I will not surrender to you and disappoint my mother.“ 
Ugggggh.  Shelly, I promise you it’s okay to disappoint your horrible mother who won’t let you make any friends.
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Well anyway, Peacock rushes over to Shelly and offers her the feather from her headdress so they can enter into a Yeloli Contract.
Perhaps you, like me, have been thinking, “But didn’t she enter a Yeloli Contract to get Peacock from the doll store?”.  Yes, she did.  From what I can tell there are two Yeloli Contracts: the one to get the doll, and the one to power up into magical girl form.  It’s confusing that they’re both called the same thing.
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So Shelly and Peacock do enter into Yeloli Contract #2 and Shelly immediately powers up into Magical Girl form.  She gets a cool blue dress and blue hair and of course with all that blue it’s only natural that she has . . . ice powers??
I was so sure she was a Water type Pokemon trainer. At least she can still use Lapras.
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Shelly freezes / banishes the spirit leopards and the mysterious woman in black takes this as a sign that she should teleport away.
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Returning to her normal form, Shelly worries about the state of the still-broken piano, but no worries--Peacock tells her they’re in a parallel world and all will return to normal when they get back.  (WHAT.)  And sure enough, with a sparkle of magic the piano is back to normal.
Shelly pats the piano and reassures it that she doesn’t hate it, and I, on the other side of the screen, say “Okay but it would be fine if you did, it’s just a piano and your mom makes you play five freaking hours a day.”
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We close with Shelly musing that it’s been an extraordinary day and wondering what else awaits her.  Whatever it is, she and Peacock will face it together. 
Overall, this was an action packed episode!  I am still assuming the mysterious woman in the black robes is evil Queen Pandora.  
I’ve noticed she always floats, so maybe she’s getting around Evelyn’s curse (not to be able to come to Earth) on a technicality?  Like, “Oh ho, but I’m not ~actually~ touching it”?  Or maybe she’s astral projecting or something.
Several episodes have little bits of missing sound, but this one had a LONG stretch during the magical girl transformation that was silent except for incidental sound effects (like magic sparkle sounds).  Unclear why!
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