#ok story time i have a dress that literally has black and blue stripes and my brother was like
hyliagirl42 · 2 years
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daisiesforlacey · 4 years
The Costuming and Coloring of JATP : Part 1 - Julie Molina
I’ve seen so many of these posts and I wanted to make my own! I love costuming and color theory in film and I thought I’d do my own take on jatp! Please keep in mind that I am by no means an expert and this is only my thoughts, and feel free to add your own interpretations and thoughts :)
Heads up this is a super long post (I won’t be coving all of Julie’s outfits, only the ones that have significant meaning)
And none of this could have been possible without Soyon An, the costume designer of jatp! All referenced quotes and information for her can be found here, here, and here
One of the main difficulties of costume design is having the clothing fit the period, tone of the piece, and the character. The characters have to wear the clothes, not the other way around. Who is this person? What are their conflicts? How do they look at the world? What do they value? How do they grow? Just some examples of what good costume designers ask. 
They can also be used as a subtle tool to show who each character is; how we dress is a reflection of ourselves.
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Ok so we all know she is an absolute queen with AMAZING fits, even from the start of the show! I’m going to go chronologically, just to make it easier on all of us!
Julie starts off the series in a baggy yellow sweatshirt over her blue and white shirt, her painted jeans, fluffy slippers, and a set of necklaces! (Actually we first see her at school, where she wearing a flannel instead of the sweatshirt, but the same concepts apply) This already gives us A TON of information on her!!
Her necklaces include a Virgin Mary pendant, a nod to her heritage and religion and one of her own name, which we can assume is a gift from someone special to her
She puts on the sweatshirt after she gets home and bombed playing in front of her class. Idk about you, but I always want to wear sweatshirts and comfy clothes whenever I feel down, so I infer that that is what Julie is doing! 
There is also something to be said about the visual irony between bright yellow smiley face on the front and Julie’s own grieving
(Also can I just say that I love that Julie is allowed to be a teen and wear silly slippers because their comfortable clothes. I am so tried of teenagers being over sexualized and as a brown girl myself, it’s wonderful to see these multidimensional non white characters!)
Her own painted jeans, (also pretty baggy) and sneakers as said by Soyon An, are painted by Julie! (We also see her creativity later when drawing a cupcake on her mic for Luke’s bday, but that’s another post)
Her creativity seems to have no bounds, and it’s obvious that from the start that this is how she expresses herself!
If you want to get really analytical, one could say that the bright yellow covering up her blue collar could show how Julie herself is trying to cover up her own sadness
The blue and yellow also come up in another scene of hers with Luke, but that is another post entirely
She’s most likely Catholic and cherishes her religion and family
She’s not feeling too confident in herself
She’s crazy creative and talented
She’s trying to mask some sort of sadness
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Julie then moves to plaid pants and a cropped lavender blouse (Which I absolutely adore!!!) 
She has just met the boys, and Luke gave her that little pep talk in front of the studio and is now wearing form fitting clothes!
DON’T TWIST THIS: She’s wearing these clothes because she now feels more confident in herself and is ready to sit down and play Wake Up
Julie is wearing more subdued colors; the focus isn’t on her outfit, that’s not where the color is. The color is lighting Julie from behind. The focus of the moment is Julie and her music.
You’ll also notice the lighting behind her shifts from the cold early morning, to the sun rising behind her, again, very poetic. The sun is literally rising on Julie and it is a new dawn for her, and the start of the show itself
Not to mention Wake Up which is literally about moving forward and... waking up lol
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This is maybe one of my favorite performance outfits of her! (Who am I kidding, all of them are my favorite)
Julie is wearing a camo jumpsuit with patches and her signature sneakers
The patches, once again, show us that Julie is creative in many ways along with her shoes
I love that all of her outfits seem like the average person could make them and wear them. Yet, these characters are still teenagers and are discovering their own personal style, which can be sort of outlandish. It really works to ground the show in reality with all of the kooky happenings
Julie is once again wearing her necklaces, and we can infer that she wears them all of the time
In this outfit (with an added Double Trouble tshirt underneath), she also sings Flying Solo. The jumpsuit is a reflection of her friendships with the guys and Flynn!
And this outfit with Bright??? Chefs kiss. This is the subtle characterization I live for!
Julie’s actress, Madison Reyes’, mother is in the armed forces. She and Soyon wanted an outfit to pay homage to her, and I think the camo works perfectly
By this time we already have a good grasp on who Julie is
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Julie is wearing a neon blue leotard, silver white pants, fishnets, her drawn on white sneakers and a rainbow chunky sequin cloak. She also find a drum major’s cape from the music room. She has her hair in the same cornrowed way as she does in Stand Tall, with pink, red, and blue ribbons.
While I may be jumping the gun this early in the post, I love this detail. This is her fantasy which ends up coming true in the final number and that is just beautiful
Julie’s fantasy outfit in I Got the Music is so extra and wonderful
This is Julie’s idealized self; it is bright and unapologetic and you can’t help but notice her. The outfit is purposefully outlandish and completely unrealistic
This is the first thing that clues you in that this is a fantasy; she does a quick change from her previous outfit. You can also see that her trio of necklaces aren’t there.
She keeps some elements from her actual school outfit, the pants and presumably the leotard, they just get an upgrade
Ok now onto the breakdown:
These are her school colors
This is the first time we see Julie in blue since the first episode. So far, we have seen her in muted tones. This time the blue is vibrant. This signals to the viewers that she is not hiding anymore and has almost reclaimed the color
Soyon specifically said she wanted a hood for Julie such as the Virgin Mary is traditionally depicted with a head covering
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Julie is wearing her school colors loud and proud with a cropped LFHS reddish hoodie, underneath is a bright blue leotard, a blue belt, and white distressed jeans and fishnets
Julie is now fully in her element and has formed a band with the boys!!! Woohoo!
If you recall, in this episode, Julie also interacts the most with Carrie and Nick up until now; the two characters rooted in her school life.
Most everything I said in the previous section is here too, just a little toned down.
One thing that I see in this outfit is that she’s wearing a little bit of the boys’ themes; Luke’s blue, Reggie’s red, and Alex’s denim and grey. 
This is also the day that she gets into the conflict with the boys, they go to Bobby’s to get revenge, lie to her, and bail on the dance. I see this as them becoming closer and then falling farther apart.
Julie is also wearing fishnets and socks, which mirrors Dirty Candi’s performance of Wow. This is a wonderful detail to show that the two aren’t so different after all.
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I love this outfit and I will forever be mad that we never got to see her perform in it
Julie is wearing her mothers mesh tie dye top, a black tank top, and loose black striped pants
THIS IS SUPER IMPORTANT: This is the first time we see her wear her mother’s clothes, a physical representation of her coming to terms with her mother’s death!!!
This is also when Flynn comes up with Julie and the Phantoms, another big milestone. This is when they were supposed to make a mark on her school
(Ofc we all know this is when the boys bail...)
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The next day, Julie is wearing a powder blue floral dress, sneakers, with a white t shirt and a cream colored cropped fluffy jacket (this is most aligned with my aesthetic)
Again, this shows that she is experimental with her clothes
 It is also worth noting that Soyon does a good job with establishing that she is a sneaker head, I mean have you seen her kicks????
Now is a good time to talk about character colors: good media will establish a color per character. This helps viewers easily distinguish who they are and how they connect to others. Characters may wear these colors a lot or have significant moments in these colors
The colors also have their own meanings which apply (we’ll look more into this in the Stand Tall dress)
Luke is blue, Julie is purple (as we will see later on), Alex is pink, and Reggie is Red
When characters wear another character’s color it signals to us that they will be having a ‘moment’ with the other character (getting along after fighting, learning something new, etc.)
Alternatively, if a character is wearing colors opposite to another, you know they will clash
In this episode, Julie goes to Luke’s house and learns more about him and Emily AND SHES’S WEARING HIS BLUE!!! BIG MOMENT!!!
Notice a character’s colors and when another character wears them, they will be having a ‘moment’
If the color in the scene isn’t on the character, the focus isn’t on them, maybe it’s on the emotions of the scene or other characters
Colors WILL signify emotions; yellow is happy, blue can be sad or calming depending on the shade, red can be passion or anger. If a character wears a lot of one color, you can predict their emotions
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Ok no hate, this is definitely not my favorite outfit. It gives me mad Shake It Up vibes, not that that’s bad, just not my thing.
Julie performs Finally Free in a teal and black dress/shirt, silver biker short, a black vest, and arm bands
It has been confirmed by Charlie and Madison that this is when Luke realizes he like Julie, which makes sense as you see that she is wearing blue (She will now start wearing more of these cool tones)
She is also wearing arm bands, something Luke does often
Her vest is also the same one as the girl from the beginning, which we all know by now is Rose, her mother!
She has upcycled the vest and added her own special twists to it! It also helps for us to see connection between Rose and performing
You can also see a dahlia pin, her mother’s favorite flower. These often make an appearance! (They’re also purple)
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It’s Edge of Great Time!! This is maybe the most iconic outfit!
Julie performs in a white blouse with butterflies, her hair also with butterfly clips, her pants are constructed beautifully with black and white panels. She finished the outfit with black and white combat boots and more butterflies!
Soyon specifically said that the butterflies represent Julie coming out of her cocoon and coming into herself, like a butterfly would!
This is truly her most powerful and performance worthy outfit and sucks all of the attention to her
Julie’s clean contrast of black and white also make her stand out from the rest of the band! The combination is often a symbol of power and truth! (Think judges robes)
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Time to get some tissues, Unsaid Emily, it’s your turn!
This is what I consider Julie’s most average and basic outfit, but there is a lot to analyze here: A magenta sweater and jeans.
This sweater is her mothers; meaning it is probably a comforting item for her, seeing as she is about to have a very emotional moment, calling back to that yellow sweater in the beginning!
Also see how this has blue, pink, and red designs, and I’m sure by now you can tell what I am going to say: These are the guys colors! 
She’s going to have a heartfelt moment involving them, and it fits. This is one of the emotional climax’s of the show and this is when she becomes even closer with the Phantoms
You can tell, just from her standing on the steps of Luke’s house what is about to go down (Well maybe not all of the tears, but still)
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Julie goes to check on the guys in the studio in a blue floral shirt and blue jeans
These are once again, Luke’s colors, but are slowly becoming THEIR colors. She wears these when she is saying goodbye to her best friends
This is also the outfit that Julie’ wears when she finds them after the performance and they haven’t crossed over. 
It makes perfect sense that she is wearing all blue when SHE AND LUKE HUG!!! (And then all of the boys too in the best group hug ever)
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Of course we’re gonna end the post with this absolutely ICONIC outfit!
Julie is wearing a purple dress with purple tulle, a bedazzled leather jacket, and her hair IN THE SAME STYLE AS I GOT THE MUSIC!!!
Lets go one by one:
The dress is a Balmain dress that Soyon got for $500, then she completely deconstructed it and made it to fit Madison! that’s incredible
This is the climax of the show: the boy are ‘doing their unfinished business,’ Julie is playing the Orpheum, and what color is she wearing but PURPLE! What color are dahlias? PURPLE! What color has had the most significance? PURPLE! What do red, blue, and pink make up? PURPLE! PURPLE IS JULIE’S CHARACTER COLOR
You’ll also notice that her jacket has pink, red, and blue accents, the colors of Alex, Reggie and, Luke, to show that they have become a part of her and she is now a part of them
That’s the same for her hair
It shows how she has now achieved her dream, her make believe world is now her reality
I really think we’ll see more of Julie in purple in the seasons to come, now that she has found herself
I hope that you all have learned a little about color and costuming in this post! Once you get the hang of it, it becomes really fun, like a puzzle!
I hope to do more of these with the rest of the characters as well!
Feel free to add on your own ideas and interpretations!
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tanzanite-zircon · 4 years
Collabwithmyself Chronicles: The Ace Powerpuffs Chapter 1
                             Chapter 1: Starting today, You’re a Father
Phoenix groaned as he regained consciousness. He fought to re-open his eyes, despite the pull to just lull back to sleep. He was finally able to open them to a squint. He could barely make out the night sky through his limited vision and tears. He grunted as he slowly pulled himself back to a seated position, rubbing the back of his head.
{Ugh, how long was I out? Ow, my aching everything.}
That made Phoenix’s eyes shoot open and his back straighten, ignoring the waves of pain that shot through his body as he did so. His eyes fell onto the child in blue. He wanted to protest being called daddy again, but he stopped as he met their eyes. They had heterochromia eyes, just like he did, but the positions of the blue and brown eyes were switched. Phoenix’s focus broadened as he took in the rest of the child’s appearance. They have brown skin and very curly brown hair. The blue color came from their clothes, which consisted of a blue dress with a black stripe around their waist. They also had white leggings and black shoes.
“We looked all over the house,” they mumbled, “but we couldn’t find anyone else in the there. Maybe your friend got out before we found you.” Phoenix felt his heart dip a bit in his chest.
{They couldn’t find Kristoph in the house. … THE HOUSE THAT IS ON FIRE! I LET THREE KIDS GO INTO A HOUSE THAT IS ON FIRE!} Phoenix’s heart and mind began to race as he struggled to get on his feet, but he couldn’t even manage to get into a kneeling position. His back protested in agony, but he had to make sure the other two kids were safe! Phoenix suddenly felt his body begin to lift. He turned his head to see Blue flying behind him and lifting him to his feet. All he could do was stare at the kid in shock and amazement as they began to steady him on the ground.
“Is that better Daddy,” they mused. Phoenix was just captivated by the child’s strength and adorable smile that he temporarily forgot about the house.
“Y-yeah,” he stammered, “T-thank you. That was … incredible! How did you …”
{THE HOUSE IS ON FIRE YOU IDIOT!} His brain screamed at him to snap him back to his initial task. Phoenix shook his head as he turned back to the house.
“N-never mind, you can tell me later! Right now, we need to get the other two out of the … burning … house?” The burning house … wasn’t burning. Actually, from the outside, you couldn’t even tell there was even a fire. The white, two-story house was spotless; there was no smoke rising from the open door or within the windows.
“W-where … where’s the fire?!”
“You mean that warm, reddish-orange stuff,” Blue pondered, “Red sneezed on the black stuff that came from it and one of the fires just went away. We saw that they didn’t like air stronger than them, so we blew the rest of them out!” More shock and amazement coursed through Phoenix’s body as he turned to look back at Blue.
“You … you three blew out a house fire!?”
“Yep! … Are you okay Daddy? Your mouth looks ready to fall off!” The instant they stated those words, Phoenix could feel his wide-open jaw threatening to lock up. He quickly closed his mouth, fighting the urge to rub his cheeks from the sudden and fast movement.
{Man, I’d hate to see what they’d do to birthday candles.}
“I-I’m fine,” he stuttered, “I … I just … This is just too much at one time.” Phoenix could feel his brain begin to ache from all the excitement he just endured. He didn’t get the chance to even attempt to process what was going on when Blue grabbed his hand and started pulling him into the house.
“C’mon Daddy,” they giggled. Phoenix could hear a high-pitched sound, along with his own terrified shriek, as the child literally flew both of them through the house and into the kitchen. Phoenix could only catch a brief glimpse of the living room and part of the upper floor as he was rocketed into the house, but he could see that the areas did not have any fire damage. It looked like the fire stayed within the kitchen. Phoenix could feel his feet touch solid ground as Blue let go of his hand. He stumbled from the momentum, but was able to keep himself from falling forward.
“Hey, you’re back!” Phoenix snapped his head down to where the voice came from. This kid was wearing the same dress, leggings, and shoes as Blue, but it was in yellow. Their skin was a more medium shade and their eyes were a soft, light blue color. They also had bright orange hair that was tied into a side ponytail by a bow the same color as their eyes. They flew up into the air and stopped once they reached his eye level.
“How are you feeling,” they inquired, “We saw you take a nap once we put out the weird, warm, orange thingies.”
“Daddy says it’s called fire,” Blue interjected.
“Oh, so that’s why you were trying to call a fire department,” Yellow declared.
{Can you please stop calling me daddy?}
“I still don’t see anyone.” Phoenix jumped at the voice behind him. As he turned around, he saw the last of the three kids fly into the kitchen. Same as the other two, they wore the same clothes, but theirs was in red, almost pinkish. Their skin was nearly the same color as Yellow’s, but was tanner. They had short brown hair with it styled to have two horns sticking up and their eyes were brown. They froze once they saw Phoenix.
“Oh,” Red gasped, “H-hey mister. … I’m sorry, but … we looked everywhere in this place like three times, but no one’s here but us.” Red rubbed the back of their head and averted their eyes from Phoenix’s. Phoenix couldn’t help but feel a pang of guilt in his heart as he stared at Red. He remembered how worried this one looked when he mentioned Kristoph being inside when the explosion happened.
“Hey, it’s ok,” Phoenix reassured as he placed a hand on Red’s shoulder, “I can see that you all searched the house very carefully to find Kristoph. I’m just glad that you three are ok. … And so is most of his house.” Phoenix turned and took notice of the state of the kitchen. Some of the cabinets were just hanging on their hinges and their doors were splintered on the floor. The top of the stove was chard, but surprisingly still had the black cooking pot seated on top of it, Kristoph’s beakers and containers were broken on the floor, along with a few remnants of Phoenix’s cereal, and the walls were stained with the soot from the fire. But there was no sign of Kristoph anywhere. Phoenix could feel both relief and worry wash around in his heart.
{The kids said that there was no one else in the house and there are no Kristoph bits anywhere. They have to be right; he must’ve gotten out. … But where did he go? Is he okay? What on earth was he even making? Why did he leave me in here? Where did these kids even come from? How did …}
“Uhh, mister? Are you okay,” Yellow asked, “Your heart sounds really sad and confused?” Their voice snapped Phoenix out of his varying thoughts.
“Oh, uh y-yeah, I’m fine,” Phoenix stuttered, “I’m just trying to wrap my head around … wait, did you say my heart sounds sad and confused?”
“Yeah, I can hear it,” Yellow exclaimed, “It’s telling me you’re upset.”
“And we noticed you chewing on your lower lip and running your hands through your hair when you looked around the room,” Red added pointing to Blue, “We can see that you’re really worried sir.” Phoenix stared at all three kids with wide eyes, full of awe.
{… These kids can fly, are fire proof, can carry a full-grown man with ease, Red and Blue can read bodies, and Yellow can literally hear someone’s heart! This is insane! How did they get these powers? How did they even get here?}
“Daddy,” Blue called, “you’re doing it again.” Phoenix could suddenly feel his teeth on his lower lip and released it. He looked back to the kids and each of them looked concerned. Phoenix took a deep breath to calm his thoughts.
{Okay, I accidentally ruined Kristoph’s project, blew up his kitchen, Kristoph is missing, these three mysterious superpowered kids suddenly appeared, and Blue keeps insisting that I’m their daddy … Yeah, I have no idea how to put these together. … But maybe these kids can shed some light about what happened. Just take it slow Phoenix, you don’t want to make them more worried.}
“Umm,” he began as the kids looked on, “W-well, firstly, t-thank you getting me out of the house and searching for my friend. I really appreciate it.” The kids smiled, seeing that he wasn’t as jittery or sad as before. Phoenix continued, “This night has been … interesting to say the least. … I hope you three don’t mind, but I’d like to ask you three some questions about you and what happened when you found me. … Oh, and I guess I should also introduce myself. My name is Phoenix. Phoenix Wright.”
“Hello Phoenix Wright, it’s very nice to meet you,” all three kids beamed.
{Awww! I was too out of it to notice at first, but these three kids are adorable!} Phoenix couldn’t help but give a warm smile back to them.
“Heh heh. It’s very nice to meet you too … uh, wait, what are your names?”
“… I don’t know,” Yellow shrugged, “Do we even have names?” The other two shrugged their shoulders in response.
“You … you don’t have names,” Phoenix gaped, “But w-where did you come from?”
“From that,” Blue stated as they pointed at the black pot. Phoenix did a double take once they said that.
“W-W-WHAT,” he screamed, “Bu-but how?”
“We don’t know,” Red replied, “The last thing we remember was waking up above that thing and seeing you slumped by the wall.” Phoenix slowly walked over to the pot, the overly sweet scent slightly lingering around it. Phoenix thought back to what the pot was doing when his cereal fell into Kristoph’s concoction: the primary colored sparks that flew from it, the way it nearly bubbled over, the bright light that shown from it before it exploded.
{How did Kristoph make something so … dangerous? What was he even trying to do with it?}
“Kids,” Phoenix stammered, “Did you find anything while searching the house?”
“Well, the house was mostly empty, but we did find some books and a blue block thing in the other room,” Blue shared, “We put them in that box over there.” Blue pointed over to a medium sized cardboard box on the floor by the back wall. Phoenix carefully made his way over to the box with the three kids following behind, carefully stepping over the broken glass and bits of cereal oats and marshmallows. Once in front of the box, Phoenix knelt down and shuffled through its contents, briefly wincing in pain from his still hurt back. He stopped when he saw a familiar item, the blue box that Blue mentioned.
“My phone,” Phoenix gasped. He snatched it up and quickly stood up, making another wave of pain shoot through his spine. He grunted in response, but quickly pressed the up-direction button, holding his breath to see if the phone was damaged and no longer usable. A sigh of relief exited his lungs once the light of his phone screen came on.
{Thank God, it still works!} He quickly selected his contact page and scrolled through the few names he had listed.
{C’mon! Mom … Dad … Miles … Larry … D-dahlia … Kristoph!} Phoenix quickly pressed the select button and called Kristoph’s number. He held the phone to his ear, listening to it ring and praying that Kristoph would pick up.
“Bring … Bring … Bring … Bring … Hello, this is Kristoph Gavin.”
“Kris,” Phoenix sighed in relief, “Oh thank God, I thought that you were …”
“You have reached my cellular voice mail. If you leave your name, number, and a brief message, I’ll see when I can get back to you.” The relief vanished. Phoenix could feel his phone leave his ear as he let his arm fall back to his side.
“… Mr. Wright,” Red cautioned. Phoenix turned back to the kids, sharing in their concerned stares. No one could muster up any words as the voice mail message sounded.
“At the tone, please record your message. When you are finished recording, you may hang up, or press one for more options. … Beep.” After the beep sounded, Phoenix slowly returned the phone to his face, thinking of what words he should say.
“… K-kris, it’s Phoenix. … Uhh, good news! Your house is completely fine! … Well the kitchen will need some new cabinets … and probably a new stove top … and your chemicals will need to be replaced. …” Phoenix paused. He didn’t know what to say. What could he say? He looked back to the kids; the worried expressions still present on their faces. He breathed in and exhaled slowly, attempting to speak again.
“… Kristoph, I’m so sorry. Please … call me back to let me know you’re ok. There’s … a lot that I need to fill you in on. Something … amazing happened.” Phoenix gave the kids a soft smile, which the three returned. Phoenix turned off his phone and placed into the front pocket of his hoodie before returning his attention to the contents in the box.
{Calm down Phoenix. Just because Kris didn’t pick up doesn’t mean he’s … He’s gotta be okay.}
“Maybe something else in here can help us out,” Phoenix muttered. He slowly knelt down to the box and recognized some of the books as his old college textbooks, notebooks, and sketchbooks. Kristoph allowed to let him keep them at his house, as long as they didn’t take up too much of his space. Phoenix carefully shuffled through the books until he came across a notebook that he didn’t recognize. It was a plain beige color and had very neat handwriting. Phoenix gasped as he recognized the handwriting as Kristoph’s.
{These must be the notes he was talking about! Now we can know what he was working on!} Phoenix picked up the notebook, careful to not lose any of the note cards sticking out between the pages. He slowly stood up and read the cover of the book: “Project: Chemical X.”
“Chemical … X,” Phoenix questioned. Phoenix opened the notebook to the first page and began to read.
                                                   March 24, 2016
I have secured a benefactor to fund my research, and Wright has agreed to be my assistant. He is the only person in Los Tokyo who actually believes in my work and doesn’t refer to me as crazy. Quite ironic that an art major can recognize the brilliance of my work while the chemistry majors at Ivy University are blind to it. His enthusiasm and puppy-love state can be sickening at times, but at least I’ll have someone to run errands and perhaps provide some form of companionship.
I’m completely dedicating myself to perfecting the compound that I created during my experiments back at Ivy: Chemical X. My Chemical X is a powerful mutagen that can react with nearly any substance, albeit unpredictably. Its chemical reactions produce interesting result, be it completely destroying the substance or creating a new one. It is my current goal to perfect my recipe and make it more stable. With that in hand, I can test it against non-organic and organic materials. It is my hope that I can utilize my mutagen to be used for materials, medicine, or, if push comes to shove, weapons to use against the multitude of gangs and madmen running rampant in the city.
Phoenix paused after reading the first page.
{Chemical X is a mutagen! I can’t believe that Kris invented this stuff!} Phoenix turned to the next page to see if Kristoph wrote down another journal-like entry, but all he saw was a scribbled-out page with only a few substance names and amounts left alone. Phoenix could make out what looked like a recipe.
{Right, Kris wrote that he was trying to find the perfect recipe to make Chemical X. This must be a failed one.} Phoenix continued to flip through the pages, seeing mostly pages with angry scribbles covering them. There were the occasional sticky notes with bits of information on how the mutagen reacted to certain substances, such as one that stated “Sugars make Chemical X bubble.” Phoenix kept flipping the pages until he reached one that wasn’t scribbled out. Phoenix could read the latest recipe, but he could not understand what each substance was.
{This must be the current recipe! And this must’ve been what was in the pot when I … dropped my cereal …} Phoenix could feel his blood chill. Chemical X reacted unpredictably with any substance it came into contact with. And his cereal definitely caused an unpredictable reaction. But, could his cereal really have created these three kids? Phoenix looked to the floor, staring at the oats and marshmallows coated with the sugar and cinnamon.
{Did … did I really make these three kids with sugar, spice, and … marshmallow cereal?} Phoenix thought back to when he bought the cereal at the convenience store and remembered what the name of the cereal was: Everything Nice.
{Wait … sugar, spice, and everything nice. … That was a rhyme used to describe what girls were made of! … Oh my gosh, could I have really … But how can life be made from food?!} Phoenix went through the book again, reading each non-scribbled out word and sticky note to hopefully find an answer. He stopped at a page near the last one with a single sticky note on it which read: “Important note! Anything with DNA has been shown give the product of the reaction life or life-like qualities. In theory, when stable, Chemical X combined with any DNA will result in the making of a living thing of the DNA’s sample.”
{DNA … If memory serves me right, it’s the building blocks of life for everything on Earth. But, if Kristoph found that DNA really could produce life if added to the Chemical X …how did it get into …} Phoenix paused again as his blood cooled again. He realized how DNA could have gotten into the Chemical X: himself. Phoenix remembered when he first made that bowl of cereal, he had spooned some out into his mouth to taste it and had somehow decided that it wasn’t sweet enough. He put his spoon into the cereal as he went to add the sugar and cinnamon. His spit must’ve mixed in the everything that fell into the Chemical X, giving the concoction the DNA needed to make the three girls.
{I … I can’t believe it.} Phoenix leaned against the wall and took a deep breath, trying to calm himself from his realization.
“Mr. Wright,” Red cautioned. Phoenix once again met the eyes of the kids … his kids.
“You … you were right,” Phoenix stuttered, “I … I did make you. I … I made three little girls.”
“… I’m not a girl,” Red complained. That made Phoenix jolt out of one shock and into another one.
“Y-you’re not,” Phoenix questioned.
“No,” Red replied, “… At least, I don’t feel like a girl. I … think I’m a boy. Why did you say that Mister?”
“Oh! Uh. Well,” he sputtered, “I didn’t mean to offend you. It’s just that there is an old rhyme about what girls are made of: sugar, spice, and everything nice. It was these things that combined with the Chemical X to make you three. I just assumed that’s what you three were.”
“… Well, maybe boys are made of the same thing,” Red asserts.
{… Is … is Red saying they’re transgender? … Well, that rhyme is pretty dated. And Red does not look comfortable when being addressed as a girl. I’d hate to make them feel more uncomfortable. … Well, if Red says that he’s a boy, then he’s a boy.}
“… Correction,” Phoenix replied, “I made two girls and a boy. … Uh, you two do feel like you are girls correct?” Red’s face brightened at Phoenix’s words while Yellow and Blue nodded in response. Blue suddenly gasped in joy.
“You made us,” she cheered, “so you really are our Daddy!”
“HUH,” Phoenix shrieked, “W-well, I uhh … t-that is …” Phoenix’s mind raced with all of the information that he had just learned and his body slightly shook and chilled.
{W-what am I going to do? What can I do?! I made three kids! With Kris missing and no job, how can I even provide for them, let alone myself? Am I even qualified to be a father? How can I …} Phoenix’s racing thoughts were stopped by something pressing against his chest. Phoenix looked down to see Blue hugging him, nuzzling her head against the fabric of his hoodie. Phoenix looked back up to see Red and Yellow. Yellow flew over and carefully wrapped her arms around him as well. Red was a bit more aloof, but Phoenix could make out a hopeful look in his eye and slight smile as he came closer and placed a hand on Phoenix’s arm. Phoenix could suddenly feel a warmth appear in his heart, and he could feel it overpowering the chill. Just seeing these three kids warm up to him so quickly and how kind and considerate they were made Phoenix’s nerves relax. He could feel a soft smile break onto his face as he stared at the kids with gentle and loving eyes. He carefully wrapped his arms around the kids, returning the hug. His mind still felt a few pings of panic, but he breathed in and out slowly to carefully think.
{… There’s no doubt about this anymore. I made them. I made three children. I … I’m a father. I’m a father. … Along with finding Kristoph, taking care of them is my new priority. I’ll have to name them and I need to find a job or two. I’m sure many places are looking for workers with everything going on. I’ll also need to enroll them into school. They look like they’re around six years old, so they should qualify for kindergarten. … Miles … Maybe he can enroll them into his class. … I’ll have to talk to him first. … I haven’t really talked to him much after what … she did to me. … I’ve been meaning to talk to him about that … and apologize for being so cold and distant. … One thing at a time Phoenix. I think the first thing I should do is give them names.”
Suddenly, a familiar jingle broke the silence of the room. All four of them jumped in surprise. Phoenix was quick to figure out that it was the Steel Samurai ringtone of his phone.
{It … it could be Kristoph!} Phoenix scrambled to pull his phone out of his pocket and answer it. Ignoring the caller ID, Phoenix pressed the accept button and placed the phone by his ear.
“K-Kristoph,” Phoenix blurted, “Is that you? Are you ok? Where are …”
“WRIGHT!” Phoenix flinched at the screaming voice and thrust the phone away from his ear, somehow managing to still hold onto it. He could feel a cold sweat begin to drip from his forehead as he recognized the voice. Calling him was his shifty land lord, that shared a pretty scary resemblance to himself: Furio Tigre.
“M-Mr. Tigre,” Phoenix squeaked, “W-what a surprise! Is this about the rent? I already paid this month’s …”
“W-WHAT?! You didn’t say anything about that this morning!”
“IT DOESN’T MATTER! YOU’VE GOT AN HOUR TO GET HERE OR I THROW YOUR SORRY ASS ON THE STREET!” With that, the call ended. Phoenix growled under his breath. Furio Tigre was always doing things like this to his tenants, and Phoenix was one of his favorite targets. It seemed as if Tigre found a new way to make Phoenix’s life more hell every week, from suddenly raising his rent to withholding his water or electricity. To make matters worse, there was nothing he nor the other tenants could do. The city wouldn’t send anyone over to check the apartments, no matter how many times they complained. The crime wave stretched the police thin. Even if someone were to come, Furio could either scare them away or charm his way out of it.
“Who was that Dad,” Red asked.
{Well that was fast. The others are already calling me dad.}
“That … was my landlord,” he sighed, “I’m sorry, but we have to get going if we’re gonna make it to my apartment by midnight.”
“This isn’t your house Daddy,” Yellow puzzled.
“Well, no,” he replied, “This is Krisoph’s house.”
{Well, I guess it is partially mine, as I help with the mortgage when he forgets to do it.} Before Phoenix could explain any further, he once again noticed the state of the kitchen. He groaned at the mess. He didn’t want to leave Kristoph’s kitchen in this state. It was about a 20-minute bike ride from Kristoph’s place to his apartment, so if he hurried, he could at least sweep up the broken glass, cereal bits, and wood splinters off the floor tonight and finish the rest tomorrow.
“Kids,” Phoenix began, “as I said, we have to go. I just need to clean up the kitchen a bit.” Red, Yellow, and Blue looked around the room and nodded to each other.
“Don’t worry Daddy,” Blue grinned, “We’ll take care of it!” Phoenix’s vision was suddenly filled by streaks of Red, Yellow, and Blue light flying all around the room as the same high-pitched sound from before fills his ears. Phoenix squinted his eyes from the sudden bright lights, but managed to still see what the kids were doing. With lightning fast speed, the kids swept up the debris from the floor and even found a way to get the black stains off the walls. It looked as if the explosion never happened! Phoenix, once again, could only just stare on in shock and amazement. What would’ve taken Phoenix at least 15 minutes to sweep up the floor, the kids cleaned the entire kitchen in less than 15 seconds!
“Is this better,” Yellow inquired.
“Umm, y-yeah,” Phoenix stammered after a few seconds, “Th-thanks. … Uhh, well, I guess we should get going now. I’ll … just grab the box and we’ll leave.” Phoenix figured that he could keep Kris’ notes safe with him. It should be safer than just leaving it in the house when Kris wasn’t there, and not even knowing where he was. Phoenix began to kneel to pick up the box, but stopped as he winced in pain from his back. He could still feel the deep pain in his back muscles from when he was blasted back. Before he could even attempt to pick it up again, Blue flew by and lifted it up in her arms.
“I got it, Daddy,” she beamed. Phoenix jumped in surprise at her suddenly appearing in front of him, but before he could respond, he felt his body lift from the ground. He yelped in surprise and turned his head to see Yellow lifting him up with one hand.
“Don’t strain yourself,” she warned.
“You’re gonna hurt your back,” Red added. Before Phoenix could even attempt to reply, the kids began to move out of the house, with Yellow still carrying him.
“W-whoa, whoa, kids,” he shrieked, “W-what are you doing?!”
“You said that we had to go to your apartment, Daddy,” Blue declared, “So we’re going to your apartment.”
“Bu-but you don’t know where it is,” he gulped
“You can just tell us where to go,” Yellow said.
“But, w-what about my bike,” he quivered as the kids exited the house and stopped on the front lawn, “I’m sure I can …”
“I’ll carry it Dad,” Red offered, “Besides, we’ll get there faster this way.”
“Bu-but …”
“Trust us Daddy,” Blue gushed. Not even Blue’s hopeful voice could quell Phoenix’s nerves as the kids angled themselves toward the night sky.
“Hold on tight, Daddy,” Yellow grinned. With Blue holding the box, Red holding Phoenix’s bike, and Yellow holding Phoenix, the kids took off into the sky. The sound of their high-pitched flying and Phoenix’s terrified screams penetrated the quiet stillness of the night.
The new family of four took off, unaware of the pair of menacing eyes watching them from the back of the house. They have been watching them since Phoenix first entered back into the kitchen, seeing and hearing everything that had happened. The figure stepped out from their hiding place to watch the beams of the kids’ light fade away.
“… Interesting.”
                                                        Author’s Note
Here is the second story from the Collabwithmyself Chronicles. Collab has also written his vision of his au, so consider this my re-imagining of the au he has written so far. You can find his writing on his Tumblr page under the ppg au tag.
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hexdream18243 · 6 years
Fanfiction: Is silence golden?
Writing took me a lot of time, translating even more. So PLEASE tell about any mistakes and typos, thank you! I hope you will like it! ^^ Enjoy your life! Genre?: Like always in my work comedy/fluff? Relationships: logicality, logince (friends - platonic) Warnings: Em, brief mention of food and death I guess... Let me know if I should add more... World: HumanAU, SoulmateAU Word count: 10561 Summary: Logan is fully satisfied with his life. He has a loving family, a loud but good friend and he is living according to his daily routine. There is only one small drawback. From birth he has words written on his forearm which are the first sentence his soulmate will say to him. It would be ideal if he was able to READ them. But does he have to?
AO3 link
Logan woke up, sit on his bed, stretched and looked at the clock on the desk. It showed 6:30 am. Exactly how it should be. In half an hour it will ring, informing him that it’s already 7 and, if Logan does not want to be late for school, then he has to get up. Of course, unnecessarily. His biological clock was waking him up in the right time for a long time. That’s why he could now calmly and unhurriedly get ready for a school.
He started by changing pyjamas into his everyday outfit. When he was removing his blouse, his gaze went to his left forearm. There was a black inscription around its center. At least he knew that it’s probably inscription because it looked rather like series of randomly combined strokes and dots, in addition very fine and curved. If somebody told him that it is message in Morse code he would have believe in it. Unfortunately it wasn’t. How did he know it? Because he checked it. Morse code was more regular and recurrent. However, he was certain that black pattern was an inscription, because the appearance of it at his birth meant that he has a person related to him with their soul, his soulmate. It was a message, the first sentence said by his soulmate to him. His answer to that will create a soul-bond between them. If they will realize that these are the words. However, to make it possible, Logan should be able to READ them. Unfortunately, apparently, the everyday handwriting of his soulmate’s probably no one was able to decipher although many have been trying. This is his wonderful luck.
He shook his head and sighed, dressing up. Long sleeve of blue shirt hid his forearm. He also put on a dark tie with stripes and pants in a similar shade. He knew that the tie was an unusual addition to the school outfit for person in his age but when he did not wear it, he felt the emptiness around his neck, which was unpleasant, very annoying, and it forced him to constantly rub his neck. Useless feeling, easy to prevent. Before he took his steps to the bathroom, he put on his glasses to be able see clearly more than a meter away.
Then he was able to read anything from the papers hanging around the room. They contained various hand-written information in field of physics, chemistry, astronomy and mathematics. Handwriting was straight, beautiful and precise. Logan glanced at them, feeling proud that it was easy to read. Valuable calligraphy lessons and countless hours of exercises have paid off. Now the probability that his soulmate would not read the text of their part of the bond was very small. Thanks to that, they had any chance to recognize themselves.
When he left the bathroom, it was already 6:45am. Perfect time to make a breakfast and possibly read a book before he has to leave. Satisfied with his simple plan, he went to an empty, quiet kitchen. There was one dirty plate in the sink. His mother had left it when she was preparing herself to work in the morning. Logan washed the plate and made himself a breakfast. During that time, he managed to finish the last book he read – a historical criminal story – and choose the next one – one of science-fiction genres. Exactly at 7:30 am he was ready to leave. He locked the door and staying on the porch, he realized that his day routine is interrupted. He usually went to school by himself, in a nice silence, but now, in front of his house stood…
“Hello, glass-nerd!” - Roman waved enthusiastically. Logan sighed heavily and adjusted his glasses, approaching his… eh… his friend.
“Why are you visiting me at this time? Your place is closer to school than mine. By coming here you only have added himself more distance to go that does not seem to be profitable.”
Roman grinned.
“Well” – he started with emphasis, throwing his hand to the side instantly. – “I have to assure you, that I have my reasons to come here even if they are simple.”
Logan rolled his eyes but encouraged him to speak.
“I understand that you will share these reasons with me even if I don’t want to?” – he asked, starting a brisk march. Roman joined him.
“It’s very likely but I see that you inwardly want me to tell you about them!” – Roman immediately began to speak, not allowing for comments. – “Listen to a story that will satisfy your curiosity. My adorable, the sweetest on the whole world, wonderful the youngest sister made a brave decision to sweeten our lives and arrange for the whole family a concert at five o’clock in the morning. None of the family members could ignore her so we all had to get up and listen to it. It was incredible, although I personally think that she could use some lesson in the matter of breathing because at the end of a half-hour concert, the poor girl was beginning to be out of breath. Only thanks to that our mother managed to arrange a break. However, the emission of the voice was unearthly! It was impossible not listen to it. Well, but our little artist returned to interrupted sleep at 7 and I realize that the performance is over, I have nothing to do, but I am ready to go out. So I decided that coming for you would not be a waste of time, especially in such a beautiful weather.”
Roman was right, the weather was pretty. It was a bit cool, sunny autumn morning. The wind was responsible for the lower temperature than expected. Logan could agree that walking on such a day was good idea.
“Isn’t your youngest sister around one year old?” – he asked with furrowed eyebrows after a moment.
“Yes, she is, why are you asking?”
“So, translating from your to a normal language, the child woke up at five am and started crying, waking everybody, and when she went back to sleep, it was too late to lie down again, right?”
Roman snorted irritably.
“After skinned my speech out of all poetry, yes. This is the hidden information.”
“Perfect.” – Logan smiled, happy that he worked out so, in his opinion, overcomplicated story.
The further journey passed in silence, unless Roman began to speak. Somehow, they didn’t have any interesting topic of conversation that they could develop, so they were talking about random things. They were close to the school building when Roman was finishing talking about a new play, which he intend to put out with a theater group:
“… You will see, he will be genius in this role, believe me! Also, if tomorrow on rehearsal it turns out that the new one is talented, then maybe…”
“The new one?” – Logan interrupted him for the first time in a long time. – “I didn’t know that someone joined you recently.”
“That’s how you are listening to me!” – Roman said irritated. – “I’m sure that I told you that when…” – he stopped for a moment and thought about it. – “Oh. No. We have not talked since then. So, listen to me. In our school is a new boy, I don’t know since when, he could started only recently. He joined our group yesterday and he looks promising even if we didn’t have time to see him in audition. He took us by surprise! Nobody is showing now! From what he said, he supposedly recently moved to our neighborhood. Anyway, it seems to me that you should meet him by himself. Maybe HE is your type.” – Roman snorted, seeing his friend’s offended face as a response to his words. In the meantime they entered the school and stopped next to the students’ lockers.
“It sounds like I have no idea what kind of people are my type. I don’t want such insinuations, I am very aware of that! The fact that I do not decide to be, even for a ‘try’ with a person who isn’t my soulmate doesn’t mean that I can’t define someone’s attractiveness!”
“Ok, good, I get it, calculator professor.”
“I am not a professor and my calculator…”
“Easy, it’s just a joke.” – This time Roman rolled his eyes, raising hands in a gesture of surrender. – “You should stop taking my nicknames so literally.”
“I am trying.” – Logan adjusted his glasses, glancing sideways.
“Anyway, lessons are going to start in a moment, so I have to go. We meet after them, ok? I’ll introduce a new member to you! See ya!” – Roman turned and ran to his class. Logan sighed and followed to his own. It’s not like he did not like or hate Roman. Of course, he sometimes was getting on his nerves but he was good and, contrary to appearances, bright man. They knew quite a lot about each other, nothing surprising if you know somebody from childhood. Although then certainly no one would call their relationship as a friendship. Hating or strong disliking (no physical fights!) would be a better description. Of course, with time these feelings began to change. Especially when Logan realized that Roman’s comments in school’s discussions about required reading weren’t as nonsensical as he thought at first. They simply came from a completely different point of view, which although different, wasn’t after all worse or incorrect. The final thing that gave the chance for their friendship was that Roman liked to read poetry and, despite some problems with interpretation of more difficult texts, he respected it and played it wonderfully. Logan just couldn’t feel envy to people who liked poetry. To be honest, Logan took the first brave attempt to repair their relationship which ended as a total failure (he wanted asked Roman what he thinks about a poem they were analyzing in English classes but they started arguing about the message) but Roman probably understood his intentions because after that was only better. Now, people have problem to even imagine that they weren’t talking at all not so long ago. After all, quarr–fierce discussions were still happening to them, but it also had its charm. With such an optimistic thought Logan could started his classes.
A few hours later, he finished. Due to the fact that both of them had classes on opposite sides of the building, they didn’t see each other during lunch breaks, spending it mainly among their classmates. Now, however, Logan was standing near the library, which was close to the exit of the school. It was their standard meeting point. The boy, expecting that he will have to wait a moment, took a book out of the bag, leaned against the wall and began to read. He made sure that he is leaning against wooden board not a normal wall. Even if he only touched the paint parts with his back, he would have a cleaner on his head, complaining over his ear that nowadays the kids don’t respect walls and common property at all. Thank you very much, but no.
Strangely, he heard footsteps of his friend much earlier than he thought. He recognized Roman’s but he guessed that the other one belong to the new member of the theater group. That explained why they were approaching him without talking. Good manners required that at the first meeting the third person present a couple of people and previously everyone keep silence. Thanks to that you could get to know the name and you have time to think about the first sentence. In a world in which it had such a great significance, it was necessary to form appropriate behaviors. When the newcomers stood by Logan, he used some random flyer as a bookmark and looked up at Roman.
“Well, we are here!” – he said. – “Forgive us our delay but the new group’s guardian had caught us on the way. He had a brilliant idea and he just had to share it with us.”
Logan nodded, accepting explanation. For now, he was fully focused on his friend, so only from the corner of his eye he could see the figure standing next to him. However, as the glasses do not cover the full visibility of the eye, the figure was smudged for him.
“So, let’s get to the formalities.” – Roman cleared his throat and stepped sideways. – “Logan, I want to introduce you to Patton Murphy, the new one in our school and group. Patton, here is my friend, Logan Berry.”
Logan finally looked at the boy, and at that moment, he could surely say that with quite a good result he is CAPABLE of judging someone’s attractiveness. Person in front of him was amazingly attractive in his eyes. He wore blue T-shirt, simple brown trousers, grey sweater tied on the shoulders and grey sleeves which hid his forearms. He definitely shouldn’t exert such a captivating impression on Logan but he did. Short brown strands of hair fell into his eyes of a similar shade. He was looking at him from behind the glasses with black frames. Those eyes. These were the most mesmerizing eyes he looked at. At the beginning, they seemed brown, but when he looked closer, still being besotted, he noticed that there were glimpses of blue and green in them. Anyone who would like to portray them would have a big problem with putting this color. Especially that after a moment of staring at each other, Patton smiled and that made him look like a source of life-giving light and he had sparks in his eyes. Logan was sure that if he would check the brightness in the corridor, he would find out that area near the boy is brighter by a few units. The view only took him out his breath because he had already forgotten how to speak.
Patton opened his mouth and said his first sentence:
“Hey, we have the same glasses!” – he shouted enthusiastically pointing at his frames.
Logan just nodded because he still couldn’t gather himself. Yes, they had the same frames, which he did not notice before, busy with the processing of what he sees.
“It’s cool!”
Again, Logan could only nod but this time he managed to change his face expression. He wasn’t sure if his attempt to smile was successful because he only felt the twitch of the corner of his mouth but even that made Patton grinned at him widely. Roman luckily realized that his friend had apparently lost the ability of talking for some time so he came to the rescue. He knew that in a moment the conversation (rather lack of it) would be weird.
“Listen, Logan, you wouldn’t believe in it. Patton a few minutes ago, even if we still haven’t seen his acting skills, he has already generously agreed to help us with making decorations! And you know that we’ve never complained about excess people to work on this issue. Rather opposite.” – he turned to Patton. – “You are like an angel sent to us!”
Oh, yes, Logan would gladly agree with the definition of Patton as an angel. This word was the best to describe… Wait, one moment, what?! What is happening with him? Usually it was Roman’s field to react and think like this, would it be that is happening what he feared so much for so long? Roman’s personality started to affect him? Why now?!
Roman’s statement made boy laugh.
“I wouldn’t call myself an angel. I just love to make various things! I’m happy to help you with decorations, especially since I haven’t had a lot opportunities to do such a thing for a long time. In my previous school, the plays were rather modest and didn’t need much preparation. They often used a projector.”
Roman needed to catch his breath.
“WHAT?! How could they?! This is a DISHONOR! Don’t worry my dear, with us you will be able to work with such a flourish as you want. We never stifle the creative spirit! You will see, tomorrow we’ll start the preparations. We’ll also check what we need and we have to do. I’m sure you’ll be the best of the bests!”
Patton laughed again. He was turned to Roman but every now and then he was glancing at Logan as if he was waiting for hear him saying something. Logan didn’t notice this, he was still occupied by trying to remind himself how to use vocal chords. It was starting to worry him. The thought of whether it is possible to permanently or temporary loss of voice on someone’s view was in the back of his head.
“Thank you, it’s very nice of you!”
“Soon you will understand why I’m so sure about it. Our gratitude to you is already huge.” – Roman caught Logan’s shoulders in a strange gesture. Probably it should stressed the seriousness of his words. Words which sense has only now Logan comprehended. He frowned, finally taking his eyes off Patton and looked at his friend. At that moment, Patton’s phone rang. He quickly glanced at it.
“Oh no! It was really nice to talk with you but I have to go on a bus! See you around, Roman, Logan!” – And before someone said something, he ran down the hall to the exit.
“Our gratitude?” – Logan asked. – “Since when am I part of a theater group?”
“Em… So, you see…” – Roman glanced away and scratched his neck nervously. – “There is one small thing I want to ask you…”
“No. Not again” – Logan said firmly and went to the exit.
“But Logan!” – Roman groaned, caught up with him and continued walking.
“You know how it ended recently! I don’t have time to organize yours play. Do it by yourselves. I have never joined your group for rational reasons.” – He opened the door stronger than needed and almost shut down it at Roman. Luckily, the boy managed to catch it on time though he had some difficulties to stop it before it damage his nose. When he got out of school, he caught up with Logan again.
“It wouldn’t be like that again, I promise! Anyway, that’s not the point, May is responsible for organization, she’s really good at it.”
“Yes, she is, I know because I taught her that when I didn’t have time for anything. I had to have some help”
“It’s just about decorations!”
Logan stopped in a half-step.
“Decorations? And I? I have never thought I would hear it from you.” – He continued walking. – “You know that my artistic skills are limited only to applying equal layers of paint. What do you need my help for? Rather, you do not want me to draw anything, right?”
Roman flinched and winced at these words.
“No, I don’t want to, it would be a tragedy. I’m not going to change a play to adapt it to your skills. Even if your mouse once was really good.” – He referred to the situation when they were sitting side by side in a boring roll-call and drawing charades. Logan looked at him heavily.
“It was a dog.”
The boy ignored this comment and returned to the previous topic.
“I want to ask you to make banners.”
“Banners?” – It was intriguing.
“We need two or three large banners with the title of the play and maybe some smaller version for other use. You are the only one I know who can write so perfectly! I would like you to do them!”
“You need a readable but decorative handwriting, I guess?”
“Exactly! There are three people who can do it but in my opinion you are the best candidate!”
Logan knew that Roman isn’t stupid. Paying someone compliments that they feel that their skills are irreplaceable is one of the standard tactics to get what you want from them. Even if Logan was aware of existence of tactic that doesn’t mean it was less effective. Especially that Roman really meant what he was saying.
“Okay, I will consider it.”- By saying it, he was already sure that he’ll do it and that wouldn’t be just writing banners. He knew this group, when it comes to the point it will turn out that he is involved in production as well as a full member. Theoretically, it would be a lot easier if he was a member but that would also require from him participation in the auditions and rehearsals. He would rather avoid it. He didn’t have time to learning additional scripts, roles, that wouldn’t be useful for him in the future. He knew from Roman after theirs sessions with poetry that was a risk that someone would give him a role. Not as a main character, of course, but even a side or a background character was a problem. Especially when play was a musical.
“Great!” – Roman punched an air in a gesture of triumph. –“You won’t regret it! And Patton will be there too and from what I’ve seen, you will not complain about his presence.”
Logan cleared his throat.
“I have no idea what you mean.”
“Oh, come on! Anyone who would see you then, would easily have drawn the same conclusions as me. You like him to the point that you were lacked of words! I’ve never thought that I would see you standing like a statue and saying nothing.”
Logan didn’t mention that he just forgot how to speak.
“However, from the way Patton looked at you, this feeling is reciprocated. You will be together, I foresee it.“
“How he was looking at me? I didn’t notice anything” – Logan murmured in a low voice.
“You were rather busy absorbing the view in front of you, just like Patton.” – Roman snorted. – “If it doesn’t mean that you two are connected, I can eat my own costume. I’m pretty sure that he is your soulmate!”
“Roman, it’s very unlikely that fate chose me and him to be together.” – Logan’s heart sank slightly at that thought. – “We would rather recognize each other.”
“You think so? The only one who said anything was Patton and you have no idea what the words of your soul-bond are! When you finally say something to him, then it may turn out that I am right.”
“Only then.”
Roman scoffed.
“I don’t understand why you do not believe me.” – He looked to the right. – “Ups! I went too far. Okay, I’m turning here. See you, dear civilian!” – He turned into one of the side alleys, leaving Logan alone with his thoughts. But Logan didn’t want to think right now, so he pulled out a book.
He soon arrived home. After opening the door, he almost ran into his mother, who was preparing to leave. The woman a little shorter than him, dressed in a white suit with brown hair cut to the chin was just putting one of her shoes. She struggled to get her balance when she had to avoid the door.
“O Logan! You are back already.”
“Yes, I am. Are you going somewhere?” – He entered the house and stepped back to the wall to make a room for a woman.
“Yes, your dad again forgot his lunch to the work. Someday he will faint from hunger and I won’t be around to feed him!” – she murmured under her breath. –“Dinner is in the kitchen, you should heat up the soup because it may have cooled down already. I’ll be right back, maybe on the way here I will also go to the store. In two hours the washing machine will finish, so please, take the laundry out if it if I still won’t be here.”
“Okay, mom.” – It was obvious, that she won’t be back before the end of the program. She is going to the store? It will took some time. In the meantime, she managed to put her other shoe.
“I’m ready.” – She grabbed the container that laid on the ground. - “Goodbye, sweetheart!” – she said and left.
Logan ate a dinner, took care of laundry and then did his homework. He preferred to finish it as fast as possible. The story in his book was near a plot twist, he was sure, and he knew if he do not do his duties right now, he won’t do them at all. He just had put his pen down after writing the last answer when he heard his phone’s sound. He reached out to see who was texting to him.
From: Roman Prince Logan! I need your help! I forgot to top up the phone card after the last call and I don’t have funds on my account. I can text only to people who are free to me and I have to tell Patton about the meeting tomorrow!!! Can you do it for me, please??? The meeting is after 7th lesson in a class 176 or in the auditorium. The second one only if it will be empty so rather the classroom. Thank you in advance!!! His number: 070-XXX-XXX
Logan sighed. It wasn’t the first time. Roman had a tendency to forget that he should top up his phone from time to time.
Sent as: Logan Berry All right, I will send him this information.
From: Roman Prince Cool! <3 AH! Please, save his number, you may need it in the future ; ) Really, this situation can happen again.
Logan rolled his eyes but he added Patton’s number to his contacts. He also sent a message.
Sent as: Logan Berry Hello, Patton, this is Logan Berry. We met today. Roman introduced us. He gave me your number because he asked me to tell you that tomorrow’s theater group meeting will be after 7th lesson in a classroom 176 or in the auditorium. However, the auditorium is doubtful. At this time of year conferences and teacher meetings take place there.
He put down the phone and wanted to hide his notebooks when he received sudden answer.
From: Patton Murphy Thaank youu! : D but why Roman couldn’t text me by himself?
Sent as: Logan Berry He probably got involved in the conversation and forgot about his account. Now he don’t have any funds and he couldn’t top up it and this matter is important. Anyway, this is not the first time I’m passing his messages to people.
From: Patton Murphy You are like his contact box? ; D
Sent as: Logan Berry You could say that.
Logan hesitated before he sent it. He wanted to explain why and from when he started passing Roman’s messages. This involved many erroneously transmitted or not transmitted information that led to many problems. He even started writing an explanation but he realized that he won’t finish it quickly and that this is not interesting for Patton. So he delated everything and ended up with one brief sentence. He thought that this is the end of their conversation but he got another text.
From: Patton Murphy Will you be at the meeting tomorrow??? ^^
Logan was sure he wasn’t needed tomorrow otherwise Roman would have told him. It was mainly about Patton’s audition, maybe they were going to give roles as well. From what he remembered from the morning, the group had to choose the tone in which they will present the play, which was directly related to the style of decoration. Nothing he could help. His presence doesn’t make sense. It was a waste of time. He should write that he wouldn’t come. Only that his rational part of personality didn’t have power right now because in the message he sent was:
Sent as: Logan Berry Yes.
The next day in the afternoon, Logan was heading for the stairs to get to the second floor to the room 176. For lack of better idea, he analyzed his conversation with Patton from yesterday. Boy didn’t text back when he confirmed his presence but why would he have? He got an answer, the end of the conversation. Apparently, it was indifferent for him. Or answer didn’t pleased him. It was possible, you probably do not texted back to the person you do not want to see, ‘It’s horrible that you will come, maybe you will change your mind?’ unless you want to show bad manners. Patton didn’t seem that way. Logan, brooding over this, set foot on the first step when he suddenly heard call:
“Logan! Hey! Wait!”
He turned around. Patton was running down the hall to him. The sweater followed him like a cape and Logan was surprised that it had not yet untied. The knot had to be solid. When Patton, panting, finally stopped next to him, he nodded in greeting.
“I’m so glad I finally caught up with you! I wouldn’t believe it is possible to walk so fast!”
Together they went up the stairs and Patton despite a slight shortness of breath did not stop talking:
“I saw you before, halfway down the hall but I guess you didn’t hear me then. I’m so lucky to run across you here! I have no idea where is this classroom, I’ve wanted write to Roman but I reminded myself that he rather wouldn’t write back. And then I thought about you, that you will probably know and suddenly bum! I saw you! It’s like magic!”
Logan smiled slightly listening to this. Patton grinned.
“You have wonderful smile Lo! You should smile more!”
Logan rolled his eyes and he wanted to answer but he couldn’t because Patton didn’t finish yet.
“Ah! One more thing! I want to apologize to you that yesterday I didn’t reply to your last message. I wanted, I really wanted to, but I was a bit distracted and then I totally forgot that I didn’t do that!” – he said with a perceptible guilt in his voice.
They were on the top of stairs. Logan turned into the corridor leading to the classroom and he wanted to assure Patton that he did not mind, he didn’t even expect an answer when suddenly somebody bumped into him taking his breath away.
“I’m sorry!” – The tiny and short black-haired girl who collided with him pulled back to look at him. It was May. – “Oh, Logan! Sorry, I didn’t see you, I was just going down to help…” – She looked at Patton. – “Patton!” – She cried surprised. – “Here you are! Only a moment ago Roman told us that you may not know where our class is! I wanted to help you find it, especially since it’s more like a closet and it’s easy to get lost here.”
Patton smiled and waved.
“Hello, May! You didn’t have to be in such a rush, I am with Logan. He agreed to show me where it is!”
“Logan?” – She threw him a surprised look. – “Are you going to the meeting? I thought that after the last thing, you gave up with helping us for good. I’m not surprised in it, it’s quite difficult to forget the ton of work that has been thrown at you.”
Logan tried to answer but May didn’t notice that, so he stayed silent. She just continued.
“After all, I’m glad I found you. Come!” – She grabbed their hands and carried them with herself. When they entered a small room, they were immediately separated. May released Logan and carried Patton to the guardian. Logan stood at the side of the wall so as not to disturb anyone.
“What’s up, doc? I didn’t expect you to come.” – Roman came to him.
“Me too. Yesterday Patton asked me if I would come and somehow I replied that I would so I’m here to not break a word.”
“You talked with him?!” – Roman’s voice sounded slightly squeamish than normally. – “And?”
“And what? We just texted”
“Text?” – Roman repeated disappointed. – “Not good. Logan, seriously, there is no sense of romanticism in you. If you want to go somewhere with your relationship then you should say something to him!”
“What do you mean by ‘go somewhere’? I’m not going anywhere.”
“But you should!”
“Where?” – Logan asked confused.
“It’s just a trope! But I still maintain my opinion that you two will be together. Just look, he’s looking at you right now!”
Roman nodded toward the center of the room where Patton was talking to guardian. When Logan glanced in that direction, he noticed that indeed the boy was watching them stealthily. When they looked into each other eyes by accident, Logan blushed slightly and quickly turned his gaze back to Roman.
“It doesn’t mean anything yet. Please, it just doesn’t make sense. Could you give it up?”
“No! No, when I see that you fit together!”
“Roman!” – Logan lost his patience. - “I know him for two days!”
“It’s a lot! People tend to bond even earlier.”
“If they are soulmates. I told you already, the probability that we are bonded…”
“Stop” – Roman interrupted him. Logan glared at him but he ignored it. – “If you are so convinced about it then finally say something to him. Then we’ll find out. Unless you still have tendency to lose your voice next to him?”
“If I promise it, will you leave me alone?”
“In that case, fine. I will try to talk to Patton in the near future. Normally.”
Roman grinned.
“Ok. Remember, I hold you to your word.”
Immediately after these words, guardian called him. He left a friend and ran to take part in the second part of the audition. In the meantime, May asked Logan about various issues related to the organization of the play. She was supposed to do it alone now, so she needed some advices.
The meeting passed very quickly. Patton was considered as a very promising beginner, although he needed more practice. For now, he got a minor side role. The rest of group also got roles. Roman of course received one of mains. In addition, they decided that the play will be presented on the basis of contrasts. Logan listened to everything that was happening, advising May in the same time. When guardian announced the end of the meeting, Logan wanted to fulfill his promise and go to talk to Patton but his target almost immediately ran out of the room as if someone was chasing him. Logan only saw him disappearing behind the door. When Roman approached him, he asked:
“Why was Patton in such a hurry?”
“From what he said, he had to go for the bus.” Logan nodded understandingly.
He came home with Roman and several people from the theater group but he rather didn’t talk to them, letting his thoughts wander around various topics. He didn't even notice when people split up with him and he returned to home. The sound of the text message woke up him. He was surprised that the message was from Patton.
From: Patton Murphy Forgive me Logan that I ran out without goodbye, I had to go on a bus! I wasn’t even be able to thank you for showing me the way to the class!
Logan smiled at the screen and moved from hall to his room, while texting back.
Sent as: Logan Berry No problem, I was going there anyway. And in the end, May was a person who showed you the way.
From: Patton Murphy Maybe, but you were first! Oh! And I didn’t know that you are not a part of the group. Why did you come to the meeting then? Are you going to join?
Sent as: Logan Berry I never officially joined the group because I did not want to get a part. Often, however, I am asked by them for help in the organization although I hope that this time they will manage to do that by themselves. You asked me if I would come, so I decided to come. Roman asked me yesterday for help in creating banners for decoration.
From: Patton Murphy So, you will help with decorations too? We will be able to do them together!
Sent as: Logan Berry Not completely. We make banners at the very end when we know where and when the play will take place.
From: Patton Murphy You can always help us with other things. It will be fun!
Sent as: Logan Berry I am not so sure. I can slow you down because my skills in this area are quite limited.
From: Patton Murphy If you can’t do something I can always teach you! <3
Sent as: Logan Berry This is a very generous offer, although I do not know if Roman would be happy with it. I am afraid your effort could go to waste.
From: Patton Murphy … Why?
Logan wasn’t sure if Patton asked why Roman would be dissatisfied or why his effort would have been wasted. Anyway, the answer in both cases was the same.
Sent as: Logan Berry Roman is aware of my skills and once he tried to teach me something. Finally, I was described as: “A hopeless case with no grams of aesthetic painting skills and talent for manual work.”
From: Patton Murphy Not very nice.
Sent as: Logan Berry Unfortunately, but this term exhaustively describes me in this matter.
From: Patton Murphy You definitely can do something! We’ll find something, you’ll see.
Sent as: Logan Berry It is nice that you are so concerned about it but I assure you that there is no need. I have many other skills.
From: Patton Murphy If you say so… So, what skills?
The conversation between them went on. Logan didn’t expect that he will ever be able to text with someone such naturally and feel like he was talking face to face. At first he tried to keep the formal tone and calmly and matter-of-factly answer questions, for example listing his skills. However, it did not take long, more or less until Patton wrote first of his puns. Which Logan didn’t understand. When he finally realized the meaning, he fell on the bed and put his face into the pillow with a loud groan. He didn’t know if he was more depressed by the level of joke or by the fact that he didn’t understand it. Involuntarily, used to talking mainly with Roman, he texted back annoyed that it was at the level of the association game, and if this is how their conversation will look like, then they should play that game like children in elementary school. Immediately after sending the message, he realized what he had done. If on the other side was Roman, complaining would went unnoticed, but, what does matter, THERE WASN’T ROMAN. He began to write an apology but he had to stop when Patton answered that he would be happy to play. Unable to withdraw from the proposition, he suggested switching to the internet chat and after that, they began to play. At the beginning, the game made some sense but eventually lost it. They had to start it several times from the beginning because they were deviating on topics that appeared inspired by used associations. Patton was another problem. He after some time, bored, instead of associations, played with words and created strange rhymes and puns. When they once again realized that instead of playing they are talking, Logan said that they should give up the game. He decided not to say that his head was starting to hurt from those puns and that ordinary conversation might be some kind of protection. It turned out that only a little. When Patton was on the flow – and association game is a really good warm-up – it was hard to stop him. Despite this, the conversation went smoothly, with time Logan even got used to or tried to ignore puns. He was impressed by the rich vocabulary of the boy. However, he felt relief and astonishment when his father called him for a dinner. He didn’t realize that the hours had passed since the beginning of the conversation. It’s good that in the meantime he managed to deal with some of the homework that did not required special focus. Unfortunately, he didn’t know what Patton’s situation was like in this issue. Feeling a bit guilty, he ended the conversation, apologizing that it is so sudden. They said goodbye to each other and wished a nice afternoon. However, Logan had the impression that when they finish their duties, they will come back to talking, today.
He wasn’t wrong. Around 10 pm Patton sent him a photo of little kittens with a question which he would like to choose. Logan replied that he is not going to adopt a cat for now and although the question was supposedly hypothetical, it led to discussions about shelters, animals and allergies when Patton admitted that he couldn’t have a cat because of that. These topics, like a snowball to avalanche led them to others. Logan fell asleep much later than he should, and for the first time in a long time he did not get up until the alarm rang. But he did not feel frustration. He felt that such a fruitful conversation on many levels with Patton was worth it. However, it shouldn’t become a habit, falling asleep so late wasn’t a healthy norm. In a thoughtless reaction, he wrote it to Patton. It didn’t surprised him that the boy answered immediately. They both had a morning classes, they shared each other’s school timetables yesterday.
Analyzing the subject of healthy sleep in the morning, they agreed that in the future they should try to limit talking, to be able to go to sleep at the normal time. None of them questioned the possibility, as if such long conversations were normal for them. And they were right. Since then there has not been a day that they wouldn’t have exchanged at least a few messages. Logan didn’t want to focus on this rather unusual situation, he was glad that they had so much fun in texting. He never thought he would find someone so interesting to talk with. He was not surprised by Patton’s completely different way of looking at the world. He got used to the fact that people rarely shares his views. Although it astonished him that Patton was not startled by his point of view. Also in some cases, they fully agreed. Logan was delighted with Patton’s intelligence, so different from his own and his whole person in general. For the first in his life, he considered if the relationship of people who are not soulmates are for sure such a bad idea. He felt, that he could be happy with Patton. Only, the sleeves on the boy’s forearms and the ‘code’ on his own constantly reminded him of the existence of bond. Sometimes he really wanted it to not exist then he could choose by himself. He wouldn’t try to see what his text of bond is. He fell into his old habit again – every evening he looked at the pattern with the hope that he might have incredible luck and finally he would be able to decipher something. He thought that maybe he would recognize the words Patton had said to him – although he wasn’t sure he remember what he said, he had some problem with thinking at that moment – but he still could only see a lot of ‘o’ and a few lines and dots in random places.
What is interesting he couldn’t denied with certainty that he is not Patton’s soulmate. He still didn’t say anything directly to him. It wasn’t that he didn’t see him and didn’t have the opportunity to say something. It just… Always something was interrupting him. In theory, they saw each other at school but there they rarely had the opportunity to talk. Generally, Patton noticed Logan and shouted from the other end of the hall. Logan never shouted anything in response; he didn’t have such a strong voice that would break through the school buzz. He preferred to write back. Besides, their only relatively regular meetings was meetings of the theater group to which Logan started to coming. He still wasn’t a member of the group but no one dared to pointed it to him. Of course, they also couldn’t talk there because Patton was busy with rehearsals and drama practice and Logan helped May. Straight away after meetings, Patton ran to the bus.
Messages were their only source of two-way conversation. Roman from time to time reminded Logan of his promise, although he remembered it perfectly. He often retorted by mentioning moments when he was going to say something but it was Roman who interrupted him. It usually closed Prince’s mouth effectively. There was a possibility to make a phone call but somehow they never even tried it. They didn’t come up with it. It didn’t seem right or convenient. Logan in addition felt that by doing this, he would destroy the little thing they shared.
Sent as: Logan Berry Patton, is everything alright? You seemed to be a bit distracted on the rehearsal.
From: Patton Murphy No… I’m ok.
Sent as: Logan Berry No, you are not. If you were, you would have worded the message otherwise. What is happening?
From: Patton Murphy You got me there ^^’ I have just a little problematic school’s problem from history.
Sent as: Logan Berry What is it?
From: Patton Murphy I’m supposed to write an essay but I couldn’t decide about what and now I have little time to go to the library for information and I still have no idea what to look for!
Sent as: Logan Berry Maybe you would like my assistance?
From: Patton Murphy Really? Would you help me? I would reeeeaaally like your help!!!  So, so, so much! <3
Sent as: Logan Berry I don’t see any contradictions. From what I remember, we end classes in Friday at the same time. Let’s meet tomorrow after classes in the library, I’ll help you find a topic and basic information. I hope you have a way to get back to home, right?
From: Patton Murphy Of course I have! :D Thank you, Logan! <3 <3 <3 You’re really saving me!
The next day, Logan reached the library much later than he expected. It was all because he started talking to a physics teacher about Pythagorean trigonometric identity. It was so interesting that they both completely forgot about the time and they found out that it was late when the bell for the next lesson rang. Logan said goodbye to the professor and ran to the library. The only thing he could think about was that he was late and that Patton is probably sitting alone and searching, even if still doesn’t know what. Logan’s delay wasted his time and he didn’t have much of it. From what he said, his buses were quite rare, despite the fact that he didn’t live so far. It was just hard to get there.
When Logan didn’t saw anyone in front of the library, he went inside. He quickly noticed Patton who was sitting in the corner with few book on the table and scattered notes everywhere. He leaned his head on his hand, staring at the text. One of the grey sleeves rolled off his forearm slightly, revealing a piece of black swirl probably coming from the text of the bond.
Logan came quietly to him and wanted to say hello but suddenly he was at a loss for words. He noticed Patton’s notes. They looked almost identical to what Logan had on his hand. The handwriting was equally illegible, small and crocked. However, the paper in front of Patton on which were his name, surname and several crossed lines of text was written legibly. Suddenly Patton took one of the unreadable notes and began to read it. It took aback Logan even more. Nobody could read it! No matter if it was his handwriting or not, how he was able to read it? Every of Logan’s thoughts flew out of his mind except the question: ‘How?’. It didn’t last long because a new thought appeared. If Patton was able to read it, it was likely that he could also read what Logan had on his forearm. The text of his bond. Reveal a secret that tormented him for years!
Meanwhile Patton looked up from his notes and saw Logan. He smiled widely and patted the chair next to him.
“Hey, Logan! You came! I’m glad that you agreed to help me, I still have a terrible problem with a choice, but it looks like I limited the number of topics that interest me to a few as you advised me. I didn’t know that…” – At that moment Logan stopped Patton with a gesture. Boy tilted his head in a silent question. Logan leaned over the table, took one of the notes and put them in front of Patton, pointing at the handwriting. Finally, he said:
“Patton, I’ve just noticed that you were reading these specific notes, at least that’s how it looked like, so I would like to ask if you would be able to read this text of bond even though I, am not able to do it?” – While talking Logan removed his sleeve from forearm and showed Patton the text of his bond. Patton didn’t even look at it, he was staring at him shocked. A moment passed between them in this position until Logan finally decided to sit on the chair.
“Patton?” – he asked. He didn’t get an answer. – “Are you alright? If you feel uncomfortable because of my request then I heartily apologize to you. Simply, this secret is tormenting me from my birth and I had hope that you are able to help me with this. If you can’t read it then nothing has happened, I will just…” – Logan wanted to cover his forearm but Patton quickly stopped him and shouted practically at the entire library:
“NO!” – Annoyed grunt of the librarian embarrassed him a little so he lowered his voice. – “I can! I can read these words.”
“Really?!” – This time Logan got a warning in a form of a grunt. He immediately calmed down. – “So, what is written here?”
Patton looked at his forearm, at him, and turned his eyes away, blushing at the same time.
“It is…” – he murmured something unintelligible. Logan frowned.
“Excuse me, would you like to repeat? I didn’t hear you.”
Patton gulped, looked into his eyes and grinned incredibly wide, biting his lip lightly.
“The text says: ‘Hey, we have the same glasses!’” – he said, trying to keep his voice low and twitching his leg in excitement.
“Really?” – Logan looked at the text. Never in his life he would say that these symbols mean it. He didn’t even know how the letters differs from each other. – “I’m wondering how you were able to read it. I was trying to do it for so many years and I couldn’t. I even began to study cryptology but it still didn’t make any sense.”
“Logan?” – There was hesitation and slight disappointment in Patton’s voice. – “You don’t remember these words?”
“When you mentioned it, I have a feeling that I have heard them somewhere.” – He thought about it for a moment but quickly came up with an answer. He snapped his fingers as he remembered. – “I know! You said them when we first met!” – He was so content that he remembered, that he didn’t realize the implication of this statement.
“Exactly.” – Patton was grinning like crazy. – “Do you know what does it mean?”
As Logan thought about something completely different and enjoyed solved puzzle, Patton confused him totally by the question. He looked at him with a blank stare. Boy noticed his dismay. He covered his mouth, blushed furiously and started to giggle softly. Or squalling from happiness, it was hard to say.
“It means…” – he began, pausing to catch his breath. – “That we are soulmates, Logan.” – he said quickly and covered his mouth again to muffle his voice because he was squealing with happiness.
Logan shouted down. It’s impossible for Patton to be his soulmate, he already discussed that with Roman. They should recognized each other earlier, after all, Patton was the only person with whom he had contact all the time without any breaks. He talked with him so much, more than ever in his life with anyone. That should be a clue that they are destinate to be together? And what was Patton’s text bond? Logan stood up, still struggling to process the information and said to the overjoyed boy:
“I think we should go out and talk about it on the hall, where we don’t have to keep silence.”
Patton nodded, stood up quickly, grabbed Logan’s hand and hurried with him to the door. Logan barely kept up but eventually they stopped outside the library.
“This is awesome, Logan!” – shouted Patton. – “I knew that we are somehow connected, I was sure! I’ve never met before somebody who would make such a electrifying impression on me from the first sight but you, you are like that all the time! I’m so happy! I was waiting for so long, I’ve started to losing hope that it’s you but…
“Wait a moment” – Logan interrupted him by raising his hand and he touched his own temple by the other one. – “I have a problem with absorbing these information.”
Patton’s face fell a little.
“Em… What that mean?” – he asked hesitantly. – “Are you not happy…?” – he added trying to not sound distress. He almost did it. He needed more acting lessons. If he eliminated that immensity sorrow from his eyes then acting would definitely be more effective. Logan caught himself on staring in Patton’s eyes and thinking about theatrical techniques instead of answering. He shook his head to shake that off. Of course, it wasn’t one of his most intelligent ideas because judging by Patton’s shattered expression, shaking was taken as an answer to a question. He have to do something now, quick!
“No!” – It was even worse. Okay, let’s not make him cry. Or just try. This is his luck; he made his own soulmate cry during recognizing and that wasn’t happy tears. His words began to tangle in panic. – “I mean, yes! Calm down, I have, I want to, I mean, I wanted to say that…” – he stopped with frustrated sigh and took a deep breath. Fortunately, his struggling calmed Patton a little. He was looking at him uncertainly, as if he didn’t know what to think. Logan cleared his throat and began to talk, now calmly: - “I want to tell you that I AM glad but I’m more surprised that fate really bond us. Already a big surprise for me was that you were able to read my text of bond, I didn’t expect that also I didn’t expect to meet my soulmate now. Or rather realize who my soulmate is. If you don’t mind my question, what is your text of bond?”
Patton breathed a sigh of relief.
“You know… You stressed me.” – he added. It wasn’t necessary, Logan noticed. He also stressed himself.
“Please, forgive me, I didn’t intend to lead you to such a state.”
“I know, I feel better now.” – Patton smiled. – “And you asked me about my text of bond. Just look!” – He removed the sleeves from both arms revealing that half of his left forearm is covered by Logan’s big neat writing: ‘Patton, I’ve just noticed that you were reading these specific notes, at least that’s how it looked like, so I would like to ask if you would be able to read this text of bond even though I, am not able to do it?’- “When my parents saw it first time they considered this as a very strange first sentence. I always thought that this is really interesting and I was looking forward to the situation when I hear them and who will say it!”
“Ah, I see” – Logan nodded. – “I suspect that I would also think about it if I could read my own text.”
“Oh!” – Patton shifted uncomfortably. – “I’m really sorry, I’ve never thought that writing I’m using to quick notes will appear on your arm. I was sure that it will be the most readable, the best one. Yours looks like.”
“Based on my research I did with a group of people who met their soulmates I found out that the text appears in writing you are using frequently. At least nowadays, I couldn’t find reliable information about soulmates when most of people were illiterates. This is obvious that soulmate’s bond had to manifest differently.”
“I never thought about it!”
“Most of people don’t. I would be also one of them if I was able to recognize that symbols on my forearm means something.”
“Now you know!”
After this comment, they fell silent, looking at each other. Patton seemed to be much calmer that usual but still full of energy and Logan had already figured out the whole situation so he wasn’t so confused. He broke the pleasant silence:
“So… what now?”
Patton cocked his head in confusion.
“What do you mean by ‘what’?”
“Do you know how to finish making a soul-bond? I have no idea, I’ve always been more interested in what is going on before.”
“Didn’t we are soul-bonded already?” – Patton was surprised. – “I thought it was enough to recognize soulmate.”
“Here’s the issue, I heard that it’s not. Recognition by text of bond starts a process to make a stable soul-bond but we have to finish by ourselves. I just don’t know how.” – Logan rubbed his neck looking sideways. He spotted a clock on the hall’s wall. – “Although we may as well go back to the library and find the information you need. We wasted a lot of time; it seems to me that…”
“You think that I AM NOW able to focus on books and studying?!” – Patton grabbed his nude forearm and touched the text of bond. Logan winced and hissed in pain because he felt like somebody pricked him with a lot of pins, right in the places of the text. Boy immediately let him go with worried expression.
“Logan? Are you alright? Did I grabbed you too hard? I’m sorry!”
“I’m okay, Patton” – he said looking at his arm. As soon as Patton released him all the pain disappeared, leaving an unpleasant feeling of coolness. Thanks to that, he probably came up with a solution to their problem. He looked seriously into Patton’s eyes. – “I have a feeling that you just discovered something very important.”
“Yes. Can you show me your left arm? If my theory is right, we will know soon how to finish the process.”
Patton met his request without hesitation, even with a certain amount of excitement. Logan was more uncertain. He didn’t want to cause his soulmate pain, even by accident. Carefully, ready to back away in a second, he touched swirl on Patton’s forearm. He felt nice warmth that had nothing to do with the body temperature of the boy. Patton furrowed eyebrows and Logan took a step back immediately.
“What did you feel?” – he asked nervous.
“How would you poke me with a pin. I should felt that?”
Logan ignored his question. He came up with an idea, which was the worst or the best action in their situation.
“Listen me, please, and tell me what you think about it” – he began. Patton nodded, focused. – “When you grabbed me I felt like you pricked me with a thousand pins but when I touched you I felt only warmth. I think we should touched each other's texts at the same time, to finish creating a soul-bond.”
Patton thought about it for a moment.
“I think you are right.”
“In that case” – Logan took a deep breath and reached out his hand. – “Do you want to try?”
He was terribly afraid that Patton would refuse. In the end, what he came up was only a theory that may turn out to be wrong which can lead to painful consequences. In the same time, he was sure that he is right. He didn’t know why, just his theory was logical. This, however, didn’t mean that Patton would agree. He could make fun of him – fine, unlikely. But he could just not agree. Logan didn’t think that in the time of their short acquaintance he had obtained such a large amounts of trust as were required at this time. He quickly convinced himself that Patton wouldn’t agree.
Patton didn’t say anything, just grabbed his arm.
It was like an electrical short. Logan could have sworn he heard click. After that, he left warmth in the chest and took an unwavering conviction that he is not alone. No matter what will bother him and he will need, he is not alone anymore. Not that he felt abandoned before but he certainly didn’t have the feeling of the other person’s constant presence and the fact that no matter what, they will support him.
He let go of Patton and looked at his shining with joy eyes.
“I guess… Our soul-bond is finished.” – he said quietly.
“Yes!” – Patton jumped in place and threw himself on his neck, hugging him tightly. Logan didn’t expect that so he just stood in one place, no move. – “We are not alone anymore, Love-gan!”
“Ekhem, yes.” – Logan blushed and patted Patton’s head awkwardly. – “Now we really should get back to the library and finish your work.”
Patton didn’t let him go for a moment, but finally, muttering dissatisfied, he released him. Holding hands, they went back to the library.
“I told you so!” – Roman pointed a spoon at them.
“Yes, you told me, Roman. You are repeat it for the fifth time.” – Logan leaned his head on the giggling Patton’s shoulder. They were in shopping mall, in ice cream shop. It was Logan’s idea to invite Roman and tell him about their relationship. In the end, he supported them all the time. Now Logan regretted his decision.
“It doesn’t change the fact that I was right!” – Roman slammed his fist on the table, making everything shook. – “I should hire myself as a matchmaker! Of course, only in case if I did not get an acting career.” – He was gesturing with a spoon so gustily, that it was miracle he didn't throw it at the other end of the building.
“Yes, yes” – Logan sighed, repeating it once again. He was suffering the most here. Patton had a lot of fun listening their exchange and eating colorful ice cream.
“I knew from the beginning that you are like two halves of the same apple, I saw it in your eyes! It wasn’t the first time I had to deal with a pair of clueless soulmates. Although I was somewhat surprised by yours texts of bond.”
“Can you stop finally? You are repeating yourself. I agreed with you and you were practically the first person we informed that we are together. Can we finish this topic?” – Logan asked imploringly.
“Nope!” – Roman stuck out his tongue and ate spoonful his strawberry ice cream. Logan groaned. Patton still chuckling stroked his head and pecked him on the cheek. Logan sit straight and stared at him taken aback. Patton smiled innocently, shrugged and focused on ice cream. Logan looked at Roman who was smiling with superiority and satisfaction. Logan finally broke. He grabbed his dirty spoon and threw it at him.
~Thank you for your reading!~
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caramell0w · 7 years
Pen Pals- Chapter 4
Parings: Tom X Reader
Summary: You’re Pen pals with Tom but you don’t know it’s Tom Hiddleston
Warnings: None
A/N: Thank you to everyone who has read the story so far and who has commented, re-blogged or liked it!  It’s because of you guys that I’m happy to keep posting.  I also was able to get this out tonight vs tomorrow..your welcome :) Hope you enjoy this chapter!
Word Count: 1578
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“Excuse me, I have to use the restroom,” you practically ran out of the room and headed towards the closest bathroom, Stacy close on your heels.
You opened the door with such force; you’re surprised it didn’t come off its hinges. ‘Shit, shit, shit,” you kept thinking to yourself.  You grabbed a stack of paper towels from the holder and pushed them under the faucet to start the water.  You rung them out and started blotting your face and neck, trying to calm your racing heart.
“Y/N, what’s going on? How do you know him?” Stacy asked, eyes wide with concern (or surprise, you weren’t sure).
“Tom and I have been writing to one another since we were in 3rd grade, only I didn’t know it was him,” you groaned.
“He’s hot!  This is a problem because..” she trailed off.
“Because I promised myself I would never meet this person, my pen pal.  I refused to exchange pictures, skype or anything.  I figured if I didn’t know who he was he wouldn’t seem real.  I’ve told him so much about my life, all the embarrassing things, past boyfriends, how I lost my virginity and how bad it was,” you chucked slightly, tears threatening to fall from your eyes.  You grabbed a paper towel and wiped under your eyes to catch the extra moisture.
“So basically he’s your best friend?  Again, I don’t see the problem with this.” You could tell Stacy was having a difficult time understanding where you were coming from.  Frankly, the more you tried to explain why it’s so bad; the harder time you were having convincing yourself.  Tom freaking Hiddleston is your pen pal.  You took a steadying breath and composed yourself before returning to the conference room.  Upon your return you were met with stares from everyone in the room.  You know they were all thinking you were crazy and what you did bordered on being unprofessional.
“I’m so sorry for running out of here; that was very unprofessional.  I want to assure you that my team will be working around the clock to make sure the marketing of this film will go off without a hitch.”  You looked around the room to see everyone nodding their heads.  When your eyes locked with Tom’s he smiled brightly at you and mouthed ‘sorry’.
The rest of the meeting went off without a hitch.  The cast stuck around for a few minutes to answer questions that your team was dying to ask (without giving spoilers of course).  Tom made his way to you and stood within an arms length distance.
“I didn’t mean to cause you distress, I’m sorry for that,” he apologized.  “When I got your email about the runner I knew it had to have been you I knocked over, so when you walked through the door I was in total shock.”
“When I got your email about a meeting with a marketing firm, I figured there couldn’t be that many companies in L.A. that have the same meeting today.  I’m just in shock.  I honestly figured we’d never meet and I could just go on thinking you weren’t real,” you blushed at your omission.  You quickly tried to cover what you just said, “Not that I ever thought you were fake, it’s just that since we hadn’t met or seen one another, you didn’t seem real.”
He hummed his understanding and gave you a thousand watt smile.  “I understand, no need to try and explain.  I would like to get the chance to get to know you, the girl who knows me better than anyone.  Would you like to get a drink?  We talked about going to Mangia Mangia, why not tonight?”
You took a deep breath and bit your lip in thought.
“Please don’t make me ask again, Darling.  If you don’t say yes Chris will make fun of me for the next week,” he leaned in and whispered, sending a chill down your spine.  As he moved closer you inhaled him; he smelled like leather and something that was uniquely him.  Your eyes fluttered closed for a moment before nodding your head yes.  You opened your eyes to see him smiling brightly, “If you give me your address I can come get you, if you’re OK with that?”
“Sure, give me your phone,” you insisted, placing your palm out waiting.  He unlocked it and you added your phone number and address to his contacts.  “Now you can call me,” you blushed handing the phone back to him.
“I look forward to using that number,” he winked and laughed.  You looked down to your feet and chuckled lightly, before looking back up into his eyes; they seemed to twinkle with delight.
“Come on lover boy, we’ve got to get going,” Chris said front behind you.
“I’ll pick you up at 7:30,” he took your hand in his and placed a chaste kiss to the back of it.
“Bye,” you all but whispered as he left the room, leaving you there with your team.
“Um, what just happened?” Joe asked, crossing his arms over his chest.
“It’s a long story, but the abridged version is he’s my pen pal from when I was 8 and we have been in touch ever sense,” you smiled as you told the story.
“So basically you made our lives easy then?  You have direct access to the cast, or at least one of them,” Rob chimed in.
“Think he can hook me up with Chris?” Julie laughed, but she blushed giving her thoughts away.
“You guys are all nuts. We’re just friends, and we aren’t even friends in person, this is the first time I’ve met the man.”
“Lucky you. He’s hot, wish I had a pen pal,” Nelly said.
You all walked out of the building and got back into Joe’s car to head back to the office.  As everyone else was talking about meeting the crew and work, your mind was drifting to thoughts of Tom and your date. No, it’s not a date.  It is just two friends going out to have a drink and maybe some dinner.  Your phone chimed indicating you had a message and you pulled it out of your pocket. The message was from an unknown number and it said ‘See you tonight Darling’.  You smiled as you added his number to your phones contacts and replied ‘See ya then’.
“Y/N, don’t you agree?” Rob asked.
“I’m sorry, what were you saying?” You asked focusing your attention on Rob.
He laughed, “Earth to Y/N. I said we should look at a few smaller venues where the cast can do talks, keep it a bit more intimate so the attendees can see that the cast isn’t just big Hollywood.  What do you think?”
“Since these actors are still pretty new, I think we need to hype up, not play down.  If it was someone like Johnny Deep or Robert Downey Jr. I would say you would be on to something.  We need to do things to hype up the movie, get them good press.  We could even do something where they show up to a hospital or school dressed as the characters and there could be a private showing.  They’re doing something to make people especially kids feel better and they get a ton of press from it, win win.”
You heard a few murmurs from the team as Joe parked the car and everyone got out and headed back into the office.  Two more hours and you were able to go home.  You tried to get some work done but your mind kept wandering to the evening. You were trying to figure out what to wear, what you were going to talk about, how he would smell.  The last one made you smile and you started getting nervous. You shook your head tried to focus on work again.
Finally, after what felt like 10 years, the day ended and you made your way through L.A traffic to your apartment.  You arrived at 6pm and headed straight to your room.  You pulled clothes down and held different outfits in front of yourself to look in the mirror.  Should you go casual in a pair of skinny jeans and a flowy top, or fancy in a knee length black dress with a scoop-neck.  
After trying on a dozen different outfits, you settled on a blue and white striped fit and flare dress with a slim hot pink belt that accented your waist.  You refreshed your make-up and added a little curl to your hair that you pinned half back.  You slipped on a pair of nude heels as you heard a knock on the door.  You looked around your room and it looked like a hurricane had hit.  You groaned as the knock on the door came again.
‘He’s not gonna come in here anyway,’ you thought as you opened the door.  The most beautiful man was standing in front of you and he literality took your breath away.  He was wearing a heather grey button down shirt, with the top button undone, showing just a small amount of chest hair and a pair of khaki’s.  He looked amazing.
“You look beautiful Y/N,” he commented, smiling and giving you the once over.
“You clean up nice yourself Tom,” you smiled back at him.
“Shall we?” He extended his elbow, allowing you to slip you arm into the crook.
“Let’s go.”
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the-beautiful-1 · 7 years
3 Chains O’ Gold
Released August 16, 1994
If you haven’t seen 3 Chains O Gold, I’m going to need you to seek it out immediately because it is one of Prince’s most glorious accomplishments. Released in 1994, it expands on the Love Symbol album and attempts to give us Mayte’s back story, I guess? Either way it’s a real treat, so lets get right to my attempt to break down what’s going in this beautiful mess.
Opening Credits First of all, I wanted to make this not too terribly long and include only events relevant to the plot, but it’s worth noting that the “Warner Reprise Video” is arguably the MOST DATED LOGO IN HISTORY. If this doesn’t scream 1994 at you, I guess you weren’t alive then. If anyone from the future is like “what were the 90s like?” just show them this 10 second clip.
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We open with the credits over several clips of what I’m confident is a show on the Paisley Park soundstage, with Prince in a glorious halter top backless jumpsuit, but that’s not important right now - we cut to Princess Mayte in Egypt doing her thing, which I guess is skinny dipping with four nameless women who call her Mai Tai? Either way, full nudity right out of the gate, interspersed with clips of who we find out is her father being stabbed. She holds him as he dies of one stab wound, which I guess you would if no doctor was called. Oh well, dead forever, so she grabs her title 3 Chains O Gold from a vault and we go from Cairo, Egypt, to Minneapolis, Minnesota! Unclear where Mayte is now staying, but it appears to be a small barren room with only candles and a small tv, which is playing Kirstie Alley reporting on a riot in the same alley where conveniently half of Graffiti Bridge takes place.
My Name is Prince The chain hat is here! As is an extended rap from Tony M, while Prince dances atop several cars in an inexplicably damp alley. He’s so stompy! Mayte has apparently seen this on the news and made her way through the crowd to hand him a bedazzled VHS case containing what is revealed to be the actual tape of her performance on That’s Incredible AS AN 8 YEAR OLD. This is problematic at best, but he’s interrupted by Tony M’s insistence that they have a car party to attend to.
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Sexy MF The car party turns out to be the members of the NPG playing cards in the smoke filled garage of Paisley Park, and their involvement is that Prince shows up, demands 3 women leave with himself, Tony M and Kirky J, and then ridicules the rest of his band for a little bit. Kind of an asshole, but also… have you seen him in this?? Looking like a real snack. Forgiven. Moving on. My favorite thing about all Prince stories is that it’s like, Prince wants the girl, Prince gets the girl, and this is no different. Prince and his gold gun microphone want Troy Beyer in her pearl cage dress (can you call that a dress?) as they make out in various hotel hallways.  They go to the movies and make out for a bit and engage in some heavy petting, but Troy knows something is up and that there’s someone else (spoiler alert, it’s Mayte), and he responds with a very intent Purple Rain-esque moody stare.
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Love 2 the 9s Mayte gets a card slipped under her hotel room door with audition times for the NPG, so I guess Love 2 the 9s is her audition?? But wait, some of the NPG guys are in jail slash Prince’s office at Paisley. This is like… the Hard Times, if the Hard Times had a budget? Anyway it would appear that the audition is a photoshoot, with Prince in the highest of high waisted red pants and an open lace bolero top. Again, he looks DECADENT. I digress. Tony M proceeds to interview Mayte with some inane questions, until she is is finally permitted to make the booty boom. Thank god. Sidebar: her makeup!!!!! So perfectly 90s, complete with a brown lip and thin eyebrows. Perfection.
Morning Papers Cut to the zoo! Why?? I DON’T KNOW. Here’s P and Mayte walking through the zoo hand in hand, being real sweet paired with a song that makes the whole thing problematic, but again, choosing to overlook the whole “why is age more than a number” with a shot of Mayte riding on a carousel. YIKES. Cut to Paisley Park where P is dressed in white pants, white heels, a floor length white trench coat, and a SLEEVELESS PLAID FLANNEL SHIRT unbuttoned all the way down to his waist. This is a GOOD. LOOK. Someone has been working out, and he is eager to show it off. Ugh back to the carousel for some kind of trippy sequence involving Mayte whispering into a mirror in a Blossom hat.
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The Max Dramatic cut to footage of what I’m pretty sure is one of the 1993 Radio City Music Hall shows from the Love Symbol tour mixed with some backstage footage and whatever was shot at Paisley. Prince’s ability to create euphamisms and use them like literally anyone else in the world would ever even bother never fails to amuse me. He’d like to “shuffle the cards in that stack!” …. okay. Before or after you drive me/us/Mayte to Tennessee? Anyway I guess this is to show she did indeed get the job? Here’s a picture from one of the Radio City shows because one I can’t get a good screen cap, and two it’s important for.... reasons.
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Blue Light I’m not sure whose bedroom we are in, but Prince is sitting there I guess waiting for Kirstie Alley to call so he can hang up on her. You can tell this video was shot later than most of the other footage as his typhoon is really out of control here and reached peak mushroom, but it’s fine since it’s mostly face close ups of him and Mayte as they roll around on a bed while she rejects his advances. Girl. Get your shit together. Also he’s wearing light pink silk pajamas. Or it could just be a regular suit he wears on stage, jury still out, either way it looks comfy af and I’d like one.
I Wanna Melt With U Aw man. Mayte falls asleep, while Prince packs a suitcase with all his essentials for a tour (chains, a chain hat, and one shirt) and sneaks out. This is my favorite thing, omg. So Mayte has fallen into a fitful sleep and is currently having a sexual nightmare about her flirtatious encounter with P that involves a lot of naked ladies distorted in funhouse mirrors and Prince wearing maybe boxer shorts?? Umbros??, a black and white vertical striped robe, and ROLLER SKATES. Not only roller skates, but knee pads as well because even when you are haunting someones dreams in a sexual way, safety first. Oh also flashbacks to dad. There is SO MUCH GOING ON HERE, my god. I would pay good money to be haunted by Prince on roller skates and safety pads in my dreams, I tell you what.
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Sweet Baby Mayte wakes up from her nightmare to realize P has left her with a note that says only “Sweet baby don’t cry.” Wait I thought she was in the band, but he went on tour without her? From Minneapolis, to Japan, by train? Unclear. Anyway she packs her bags and stands despondent, weeping on some train tracks for the duration of the song until she hops on a plane back to Egypt to be a princess again.
The Continental Prince arrives by train in Tokyo, where he is visibly distraught and his band starts talking shit about him as they have a pre-show gambling sesh? The Ghost of Mayte shows up to haunt him during soundcheck where he is again very Purple Rain levels of pensive and moody, but NOT IN THE SHOW! The Continental is 3 Chain’s O Gold’s Darling Nikki - overtly sexual, many thrusts incorporated into the dancing, lots of face touching with finger flutters, proving he doesn’t require his main love interests attention, he can get it from anyone anywhere, and they’ll thank him for it. Ok so here we have two seemingly concurrent events happening I think? One is Mayte dancing in Egypt, while Prince gets some in his chain hat. This is legit a porn at this point, wait why does he have a sword??? Anyway so again with the making out and the heavy petting, but right as it gets started, Mayte has been overcome with… I don’t know, but she collapses, and Prince is simultaneously unable to perform sexually. I think to show they are spiritually connected??? Do I GET Prince’s visions now?????? I am so proud.
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Damn U Back in Egypt, an old man tells Mayte she looks like a girl he used to bang. Okay. Prince has returned to Paisley Park where he is performing a one man show for a dinner party in the sound stage, I think. Again, a real treat. Black jumpsuit with a white collared shirt & white tie, yes this is a good look. Oh Tommy Barbarella must have gone on a cruise to the Bahamas on the way back, he has some hair wraps and braids now. Ugh that baritone. Damn U, damn me, this song is so good. Here’s a screen shot that could double as his Bar Mitvah photo.
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Mayte has received a letter!! It’s the lyrics to Damn U. Her reaction is to go to her dress maker to get a fancy coin dress, and then hop on the next flight to LA, where they will be shooting the 7 music video, but not before there is a 5 minute segment with members of the NPG talking shit about Mayte. No, really. First up is Tony M and his date, who is Mayte? Where did she come from, what did she do? The rest of the NPG is in the gym, also talking shit about her??!! WHY IS THIS INCLUDED. I guess to show he loves her in spite of his entire band hating her? Michael Bland wants to know “What is her purpose, what does she do?” Honestly. What is this doing here. And it goes on for SO LONG!!!
7 Maybe my favorite Prince music video??? So we see past versions of Prince trapped in a time traveling cryogenic tube… The Continental yellow suit is here, the chain hat, the Morning Papers Sleeveless Grunge Shirt, some insane bolero top with a cowboy hat that unfortunately is not seen in its full glory.. each of them is electrocuted to show that he has no past, he has sown all his oats and he is ready to be faithful to Mayte and maybe now she will reciprocate his sexual advances. Also there are seven pairs of TINY CHILDREN PRINCE AND MAYTES WIELDING SWORDS AND COIN DRESSES IT IS VERY ADORABLE!!!! God he’s so intense. Oh and the “one day all 7 will die” is in reference to the 7 men that killed her father, whom he has casually assassinated by his bodyguards as he and Mayte waltz off into the sunset/another smoke filled room at Paisley Park.
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End Credits Mayte calls Kirstie Alley to finally grant her long sought after interview with him, which was clearly written by him. Most of her responses are “oh.” I think this is the letter he wrote as her as his press release for why he changed his name? Again, UNCLEAR. Anyway, we’re left with shots of Prince making some kind of business deal in a smoky conference room, and then he ends up signing a contract written in Japanese with the Love Symbol. Dramatic cut to a cemetery, where we see a shallow grave containing the chain hat and the 3 chains o gold.
THAT’S IT! That’s all! Really! Any questions? I HAVE SEVERAL.
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winterwriter8845 · 7 years
I Can Kiss Away the Pain: Chapter 19
Raven's POV
I woke up, already excited. It was Christmas! I had grown closer with the Avengers over the past month since Hydra had abducted me. Bucky and I were closer than ever, and we were super protective of each other. We Bucky had practically moved into my room, and we've been sharing it for about six weeks now.
Bucky was still asleep. "Bucky! Get up!"
He groaned, still half asleep, well more like still three-quarters asleep. He burrowed his head under the pillow.
I yanked the pillow away and then the blanket and dropped it on the floor. "Bucky, get your stubborn ass out of bed!" I started beating him with the pillow, earning another groan from him. When that didn't work, I climbed onto the bed and used all of my strength to shove him off the bed. "Hah! Take that, ya lazy ass." As he went down, he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me down with him. We landed with a clank as his metal arm hit the floor.
"Hah, take that, you rude ass," he laughed back.
"Why are we saying ass so much?"
"You said it twice, and I said it once." He smiled.
"We have to go downstairs." I tried to get up, but his grip on my waist got tighter, preventing me from getting up.
"I'm not letting you go anywhere because you knocked me out of the bed," he whispered against my lips.
"Well, your lazy, stubborn ass wouldn't get out of bed, so I had no choice but to shove you out the bed."
"There you are with the ass again," he smirked.
"Maybe I like saying ass."
"I know who's ass I like," he breathed, his lips connecting with mine, not a nanosecond after finishing the sentence. Our lips moved in sync as my hands went to his hair, tangling my fingers in his hair. His hands slowly crept down my back to my ass and grabbed it. My fingers went to his ear and tickled it. He jumped, biting my lip. I licked my bottom lip, tasting blood.
I rolled off him, laughing my ass off, laying sprung out on the floor. He started laughing, too.
"What the hell was that?" He asked between laughs.
"I don't know. I just felt the need to see if you're ticklish."
"Let's see if you're ticklish," he said as he started to crawl towards me, like a zombie dragging on the ground.
"No!" I lightly shrieked, started to crawl away from him, still laughing. We crawled around the floor, and he eventually caught me. His hands clutched my sides and started to tickle me. I started to laugh even harder. He continued to tickle me, and I was laughing so hard, that I was at the point where I had no laugh, it was just a like a wheezing sound coming from me. My nose was all crinkled up, and there were tears streaming down my cheeks. Oh, God, no. "Uncle, uncle! Stop!" I was still laughing though, all sprung out on the white carpet floor. He stopped tickling me and laid beside me, laughing his ass off.
"That was literally the cutest thing ever," he said between laughs.
"No, it wasn't. It was embarrassing!"
"Maybe to you, but to me, it was so cute."
After I gained my breath back and wiped the tears away, I said, "We have to go downstairs. It's Christmas."
We both got up, and I shot out the door, still in my white tank top with Team Avatar on it and my Avatar: the Last Airbender PJ bottoms. I looked at the setting in front of me. There was a very tall tree decorated with gold and red ribbons, stars, and decorative balls, topped off with a gold sparkling star. The lights on the tree twinkled as they ran up the tree spiraling around it. The presents were under the tree, wrapped in wrapping paper ranging from red and gold to red, to red and black, to black and white, white, and blue to purple and green, to red and silver, to one with white with different colors. I was curious to see what the wrapping was on it. It was so beautiful. This was the best Christmas ever already. The Avengers, along with Fury, Agent Hill, Clint's family, Pepper, and Jane were sitting around talking, I guess waiting for us.
I ran down the three steps, and I guess my foot slipped on the bottoms of my pants legs because I slammed my face down on the marble floor, laughing again. It didn't hurt as much as I thought it would, but my face was stinging a little.
"Are you OK?" Bucky asked behind me, laughing.
He walked over to me and helped me up. I looked around to see the Avengers staring at me with raised eyebrows.
"Are you guys on drugs?" Tony asked.
"No," I laughed again.
"Did you guys fondue?" Steve asked.
Bucky and I continued to laugh; I was laughing so hard that my soundless laugh was back, and I was clutching my stomach because it hurt so much. I collapsed back onto the floor.
"Are you sure you're not on drugs?" Tony questioned again, taking a drink of his Brandy.
"I'm sure."
"Daddy, what's fondue?" Clint's little boy asked, yanking on Clint's shirt.
We all laughed. "I'll explain when you're older," Clint said.
Once Bucky and I regained our self-dignity, we walked over to the bar area and made us a cup of coffee. Well, I made myself a cup of hot English Breakfast black tea, and Bucky made himself a French Vanilla Frappuccino. We joined the others at the couches and sofas, and Bucky and I sat next to each other next to Steve. Jane was sitting next to Thor with Agent Hill next to them on the couch. Fury was standing behind them. Bruce, Nat, Pepper, and Tony were sitting on another couch. Then Clint and his pregnant wife, Laura, and two kids, Lila and Cooper were sitting on another. And Wanda and Pietro completed the circle by sitting on the other couch that was in the circle of couches.
We started exchanging gifts. First up, it was Thor and Jane's gift. Thor retrieved some smaller presents while Jane retrieved the large box that was wrapped in dark blue wrapping paper from out under the tall Christmas tree and handed it to me. I tore the paper away and opened the box to reveal a new Galaxy Edge with a galaxy dream catcher case sitting on top of an Asgardian warrior outfit.
"Guys, it's so beautiful. Thank you," I told Thor and Jane. "And thank you for the new phone. I've always been needing to get a new phone."
"You're very welcome, Lady Raven," Thor said.
Bucky opened his to reveal some Asgardian clothes. "Thank you."
Next, Wanda retrieved her and Pietro's gifts from under the tree. Pietro handed me Bucky and I's gifts. It was a box that was wrapped in silver and red paper. I tore the paper off and opened the box to reveal a dress. The dress was red, long, strapless, and ruffled. "Thanks, you guys," I said to them.
"Very welcome to a very talented and beautiful young woman," Wanda and Pietro said at the same time. I swear twins have telekinetic powers.
Then it was Nat's turn. She retrieved her gifts from out under the tree and handed Bucky and I our gifts. Mine was a medium sized box with black wrapping and red ribbons were tied on two diagonal corners. I opened it to see there were two custom .22 pistols placed so delicately in red tissue paper. I pulled one out. They looked like normal .22 pistols except that they had a black, metal blades coming out from the bottom right under the barrel. There was a string attached to the butt of the pistol. I guess so you could attach it to your belt loop. It was fucking cool!
"...Naaatttt..... These are so friggin cool!" I exclaimed.
A smile cracked onto her face, and I smiled back. Bucky opened his, which was a long rectangular box that was big enough to hold two guns, to reveal a sniper rifle and a Thompson submachine gun. "A sniper rifle and a Tommy gun, nice. Thank you," Bucky said. "I'm always excited to get a new friend."
I chuckled.
Next, Bruce got up to get his gifts. He handed Bucky and I our gifts. I opened mine, a box about the size of two of my iPhones side by side wrapped in green, to reveal five different rings that were inspired by the Nations in Avatar. I studied each of them. The first one was a thick yellow band that swirled around with four orange jewels placed around the band. In the inside of the band, 'Air Nomad' was engraved. I put it back in the ring holder. I picked the next one out. It was two thin golden bands that crossed each other in the back and front with green jewels lined them. There was a big green jewel that surrounded in smaller green jewels, and 'Earth Kingdom' was engraved in the band. The next one was probably one of my favorites. It was bronze that came together in the middle and swirled out at the tip of the two at the top and bottom. In the middle was a big red jewel with two smaller red jewels on the side. There were small yellow jewels on the sides of the band and on the swirls, and 'Fire Nation' was engraved. The next one was silver with a straight, light blue jewel encrusted band going around it. Swirls interlaced each other, and 'Water Tribe' was engraved. The last one was my favorite one besides the Water Tribe and Fire Nation one. The band was silver with two rows of diamonds encrusted it and came to meet a diamond lotus flower in the middle, and 'White Lotus' was engraved. "Bruce, they're so beautiful."
Bucky opened his to reveal some classic music vinyl from the 40s. "Thank you, Bruce."
Then it was Tony and Pepper's turn. Tony grabbed some of the presents, and Pepper grabbed the rest. Pepper handed me a box that kind of heavy that was wrapped in gold and red paper.
"My wrapping is so beautiful. I don't want to tear it," Steve said beside me. I looked over to see his present was wrapped in red, white, and blue stripes with smaller versions of his shield in rows in the stripes. Steve tried so carefully not to tear the paper as he unwrapped it. Everyone chuckled.
I unwrapped mine to reveal an Apple laptop in a cover that was in a galaxy cover. On top of the laptop was a folded piece of paper that had my name written on top. I opened it and read it. It read: 'I thought the computer would be perfect for you to write your stories on it. It would make it easier. It also has Photoshop on it so you can make your own covers for your stories. And Pepper has made an appointment with a major book editor for you, so you can finally publish your stories. Just call the number below or email the email address so you can set up a date to be interviewed and talk about your contract. -Tony'
"Tooonnnnnyyyy, Pepppeeerrrr, you guys." I got up and walked towards them, tears streaming down my cheeks. "You guys are the best," I said as Tony, Pepper, and I did a group hug. "God, look what you did. I'm crying right now."
"Well, you wanted to become a novelist, so there you go. It was my idea for the laptop, and then it was Pepper's idea for setting up the appointment."
"Setting up the appointment for what?" Steve asked.
"To talk to a major book editor and get my stories published," I said, excitedly.
"Nice job, Tony. That has to be the best present ever," Steve said.
I returned to my seat, and Lila and Cooper carried a box over to me. It was wrapped in white paper with colorful drawings of the Avengers. It was the cutest thing ever. There was a drawing of me waterbending next to Bucky who was holding out his fist. Bucky was shooting a gun, and Steve had his shield. Tony was in his suit flying around. Thor had his hammer in the air; Wanda was using her magic. Pietro was running, and Clint was shooting his bow while Nat was shooting her pistol. Bruce was hulking out, throwing a bad guy on the ground.
"And that has to be the best wrapping paper ever," Steve said, looking over at the wrapping paper. I carefully unwrapped the present, very very carefully so that I didn't rip it, to reveal a custom bow with a Princess Yue cosplay outfit and some drawings of me with the Avengers and then some more drawings of me as a waterbender, from the kids.
I sat the box down on the coffee table and looked over at the kids with a huge smile on my face. "Come here, you guys."
They ran to me, and I wrapped them in a bear hug. "These drawings are amazing, and how did you know that Yue was my favorite character?"
"We wust wew," Lila replied. She is literally so cute, both of them are. They returned to their seat beside Clint.
"Thank you," I said to Clint and his wife.
Next was Maria and Fury's gift. Maria picked a box up that wrapped in black and white wrapping paper. I opened it and pulled out some Supernatural merch. There was a hoodie that says 'My fandom with salt and burn your fandom' and some Supernatural necklaces.
And now it was for Steve's and Bucky's presents. I pulled out Steve's present from under the tree, a big square box wrapped in red and blue wrapping paper that contained his new suit. I pulled the small box that contained Bucky's present out of the pocket of my Avatar PJ bottoms. I held it out to him. He unwrapped it and opened the box, taking out the silver dog tag. On the dog tag, our names were engraved on one side, and on the other side, 'I'll always be with you in your heart' was engraved. I pulled my copy of the dog tag out from under my shirt to show him that'd he'd alway be with me, too.
"Raven, thank you," he said then kissed me. I clasped the dog tag around his neck, and it fell right between his pecs. I didn't know what size of a chain to get, so I got a long chain.
Steve got up and retrieved the last present from under the tree, which was a small box wrapped in red, white, and blue striped paper. I opened it to find two tickets to Athens for spring break.
"Oh, my God, Steve! Thank you so much. I've always wanted to go to Athens!" I hugged him. He hugged me back.
Bucky stood up. "Raven, climb onto my back and close your eyes," Bucky said. I climbed onto his back and closed my eyes, still holding onto the key. I wrapped my legs around his waist. I wrapped my hands around his chest. He gripped underneath my thighs. I felt him turn his head to see if I weren't looking. I could feel him walking by the way his thighs moved up and down. It felt like my insides were moving up my body, so I guess we were in the elevator. He turned his head again to make sure I still had my eyes closed, which they were. I heard the elevator ding and heard doors open, and he continued to walk. He stopped, and I heard Steve talk.
"Raven, I'm going to set you on your feet," Steve said. "I need you to let go of Bucky."
I did as he said once I felt hands gripping my sides, and he sat me on my feet.
Bucky was now behind me because I could sense where he was when he spoke. "Open your eyes," he whispered against my neck.
I opened my eye and was consumed in happiness and excitement. It was a 1986 Yamaha Virago, just like Bucky's, but with a different paint job. It was all red.
"Buuucckkkyyyy....." I turned around to hugged Bucky, wrapping my legs around his waist. I kissed him. "Thank you, but you didn't have to give me a motorcycle."
He kissed me back. "Well, you said you've wanted one since you fell in love with motorcycles."
I unwrapped myself from him, and he pulled out a silver box. I opened it to reveal an antique locket. It was a heart-shaped silver locket.
"Open it up," he said, smiling.
I opened the locket to reveal two separate portrait pictures of us. The picture of me was from when we went our first date, and the picture of him was an old picture of him from the war. He was in his uniform. Both of the pictures were printed in sepia, to give it the vintage look. I closed it and wrapped arms around him. "Bucky! It's beautiful. I love you so much!" I kissed him, and he kissed me back, our tongues intertwining.
"Steve, look away. You're still a virgin," Tony said.
We pulled away, both Bucky and I laughing.
"Ha ha, very funny," Steve faked laughed.
"Come on, you two lovebirds," Clint said. "You two need to get ready because we're going ice skating."
I almost squealed as I jumped in excitement.
Bucky stood in front of me. "Hop on my back."
I did as he said and jumped up onto his back, wrapping my legs around his waist, and he wrapped his hands around my thighs.
"Let's see if we can beat them," he whispered in my ear.
Clint, Laura, their kids, and Steve got into the elevator, and Bucky took off down the stairwell. I laughed as he carried me down the stairs on his back. We beat them by a few seconds. I got off his back, and we watched as they got out of the elevator.
"We beat you," I said.
"Is that so?" Steve asked. He started to creep up on me with a mischievous smile. I tried to get away from him, but Bucky was standing right behind me, preventing me from doing so. Steve grabbed me and slung me over his shoulders, spinning me around.
I started to squeal. "Put me down!"
He continued to spin me around on his shoulders then sat me down on my feet. The world was spinning, so I held onto Bucky's metal arm until the world stopped spinning. He wrapped his arm around my waist. "Come on, love. We need to get ready."
We walked to our room, and Bucky grabbed his clothes and walked to the bathroom. I walked to the dresser and searched my clothes. I pulled on a pair of long John pants then my jeans, then I slipped on a thick turtleneck. I slipped on my boots and grabbed my brush. I brushed my hair out, then started to put my makeup on using the reflection of my new phone as a mirror. I glanced at Bucky, still putting my makeup on, as he stepped out of the bathroom. He was sporting a pair of jeans, combat boots, and black long sleeved with a jacket and coat over it.
Once I was done with my makeup, I put it up and slipped on my beanie, scarf, and fingerless gloves. I wasn't going to wear a coat because I get hot really easily, and I hate coats because it's hard to move my arms in them. Plus, I can withstand the cold to an extent.
"Aren't you going to wear a coat?" He asked me.
"No. I get hot easily, and I hate coats because I can't move in them a lot. Plus, I can withstand the cold to an extent."
He nodded, and we walked out to the living room. Nat, Clint, Laura, Cooper, Lila, and Steve was talking, waiting for the rest of us in the living room. Thor, Jane, Tony, and Pepper joined us. Wanda, Bruce, and Pietro joined us a few moments later.
"Come on. We need to get our skates," Tony said. We all walked down to the elevator. Clint, his wife and kids, Pepper, and Tony got in. The rest of us waited for the elevator to come back, and we eventually got down to the level that Jarvis took us to. We walked over to Tony and Pepper. We got our skates and left the tower. Bucky, Steve, and I piled into the Mustang, Tony, Pepper, Nat, Thor, and Bruce piled into Tony's Camaro, and Clint, Laura, and their kids got into the Jeep Sahara. Agent Maria and Director Fury told us that they would be remaining at the tower because they had S.H.I.E.L.D. matters to attend to.
We drove down the street towards the ice ring, my hand in Bucky's. We eventually arrived, and we got out. There wasn't a lot of people at the rink. We walked over to the benches outside the ring and put our skates on. I was starting to tie mine when Bucky knelt down in front of me and finished tying my skates.
"You're such the gentleman," I chuckled.
He smiled, his smile warming my heart. "Anything for milady." He got up and held his arm out to me. I got up, stumbling a little, before linking arms with him. I still stumbled some but would steady myself with Bucky's arm. Bucky wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me along as we caught up with Steve. Wanda and Clint were skating with Lila and Cooper; Cooper was holding onto Clint's hand, and Lila was holding onto Wanda's hand. Pietro was skating beside them. Laura couldn't skate since she was expecting another little one, so she just sat on the side and watched. Thor tried to skate but eventually gave up and went over to talk to Laura. Bruce and Nat were skating, arms linked together, alongside with Tony and Pepper. Jane joined my side, since Thor gave up on skating.
"Hey," Jane said.
"Hi," I said back.
"You guys are so cute together," she said.
I smiled at her, blushing.
"The way he looks at you, he loves you more than you can imagine."
"I know. And I love him more than anything. I wouldn't give the world up for him."
"You guys are meant for each other. Thor told me that Heimdall had seen your future with him, and it's very bright."
I smiled.
Bucky started to twirl me around, and I started to yelp. "Bucky! Stop!" I started to laugh.
He continued to spin me around, then my knees started to buckle. Bucky caught me, and I continued to laugh.
"You alright?" He asked me.
I nodded, breathless from laughing.
He sat me on my feet, and we continued our way around the rink. We skated for about an hour and a half before the rest of the Avengers and I were starting to get too cold. Bucky would twirl me around. We all left the ice skating rink, slipped our shoes on, then walked to our cars. I slipped on my boots, and Bucky and I got into his car once he had slipped his boots back on. He turned the heat on, and the blast of warm air started to warm me up. I was still cold, though. I rubbed my arms, trying to warm them up with friction.
"Here, take my jacket." He took his coat off then his jacket and handed the jacket to me. I slipped it on, and the warmth of it started to warm me up instantly.
We drove off. The radio was on. The Little Drummer Boy was playing. "Ermahgerd. This is my favorite Christmas song," I said then started to sing along.
Then the radio was cut off by Tony's voice.
"We're going to stop at the coffee shop near here," Tony said.
"Okay," Bucky said back.
"Tony, you cut off my jam. I'm gonna kill ya. You ruined my vibe," I said to him.
Steve chuckled.
"I'll like to see that actually," Bucky said.
"I'm sorry... Not really."
I groaned, and Bucky and Steve just chuckled again.
We arrived at the coffee shop, and we all got out of our cars and walked into the coffee shop.
"I'll get our coffees," Bucky told Steve and I.
Steve and I both nodded and then took a seat on the sofas in the corner. I pulled out my phone. "Hey, Steve, look." He looked, and I snapped a selfie of us. I giggled, and he just looked dumbfounded for a moment. "It's called a selfie," I laughed.
"Oh... I wasn't raised in modern technology, remember?"
"Yeah. I'd say you weren't for an old guy."
He raised his eyebrow, and I just laughed.
Bucky returned with our coffees, well with his and Steve's coffee; he got me an English Breakfast black tea. He knows me so well. He handed me my tea and then handed Steve his coffee, then he sat down beside me on the couch. I sipped my tea.
"Hey, Raven," Bucky said. I looked over at him, only to have him smear a dollop of whip cream on the tip of my nose.
I groaned. "Bucky!"
He laughed, and so did Steve. Then I heard a voice behind me. "Racky is so adorable. #Relationship Goals." I knew automatically that it was Tony.
"Tony, what even?" Bucky raised his eyebrow.
I wiped the whipped cream off my nose. My phone started to vibrate, and I pulled it out. It was a Google Hangout message from Mrs. McAdams. It read:
Hey, Raven. How's your break going?
I typed back:
It's going great. I want you to meet Bucky so badly. Hey, maybe you can meet him today, and I can meet Mark.
She typed back:
Sure. It's just Mark and I.
I nearly squealed. "Hey, guys, you get to meet my one friend that stuck with me through thick and thin."
"When?" Bucky asked.
"Today. I was thinking we could have a mini- Christmas party."
"Sure," Tony said.
"Yay!" I texted Ms. McAdams:
Hey, come over to the Avengers Tower.
She texted back:
Okay. 😁
We finished our tea/ coffees, and then we all got into cars and drove back to the Tower. Ms. McAdams wasn't there when we got there, so we all walked into the tower.
"Who wants to watch a movie?" Wanda asked, pulling out some movies from the shelves of movies that Tony had.
"I do!" I screeched/ laughed. I skipped to the couch and dived onto it.
Wanda put in a random movie. Steve and Tony came out with bowls of popcorn.
"Anyone want a drink?" Tony asked.
"I'll take a Corona," Bucky said, raising his hand.
"I'll take a Bud Light," Nat said.
"Second that," Steve said.
Bucky tried to sit down on the couch, but I sprawled out so he couldn't. "Raven, get up."
"No. You smeared whip cream on my nose. You don't deserve to sit next to the queen of winter." He continued to stand there and stare at me. "Uncle Tony, Bucky won't leave me alone."
"Not my problem."
"Some uncle you are."
"Raven..." Bucky pouted. "I'm called the Winter Soldier. Who are you to call yourself the Queen of Winter?" Then he got on top of me, straddling me, and started to tickle me.
"Bucky! Stop!" He continued to tickle me, and my laugh turned into the embarrassing, wheezing laugh. He eventually stopped after it was starting to get hard to breathe. I sat up, and he sat down. I laid my head down on his lap.
"But you are my queen." He kissed me, and I kissed back. Wanda started the movie, and the movie turned out to be Jingle All the Way.
Tony brought them their beers. Bucky opened his beer and took a swig of it.
"Let me have a sip," I said.
He handed me his beer, and I took a sip of it.
My phone started to vibrate. It was Ms. McAdams. It read:
I'm here.
I walked out of the tower. Ms. McAdams's car was sitting outside on the curb. I walked up to her car, and she and Mark got out. Mark had dark brown hair and hazel eyes. He was a little bit taller than him and was muscular.
"This is Mark," Ms. McAdams introduced him. "Mark, this is Raven."
I shook his hand. "Nice to meet you."
He nodded, and we all walked to the tower. We joined the Avengers in the living room. I introduced them, and we ended up watching the movie. Emma, since we were on first name basis now, and Mark left after saying bye. By the end of the movie, I was half asleep.
Bucky got up and picked me up, bridal style. He carried me to my room, and we eventually fell asleep.
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