#ok yayy ive made them all tags
owob · 7 months
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here are a bunch of my tavs btw... u are free to ask me abt them
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emperornero · 1 year
combining the two ask games ive been tagged in recently so everything is in one place 👍👍 anyone who sees this can do it and tag me as the one who made you do it idk thank you for tagging me ^_^
1 - tagged by @evecc
are you named after anyone? - i assume this question is more of a ‘are you named after your grandparent or some famous person’ but im in this weird place where YES all of my names come from other “people” but its not in the traditional way lol . ive been using axel as a first name for about 5 years now and it comes from my old original character. yes im named after an oc. nero is obvious. theo is more of a joke than something i would consider going by irl but its from a video game character
what was the last time you cried? - today yayy
do you have kids? - no and i never want to be a parent if i have the choice
do you use sarcasm a lot? - no and i dont understand it and i often struggle with obvious jokes both through text and irl. my brain is fucked and even if something has been stated before to be a joke i usually dont remember it
what sports do you play/have played? - i used to swim before hitting puberty. now im not comfortable with anything and once again my mental issues dont make it as fun as it could be
whats the first thing you notice about people? - if its a physical trait its probably clothing. i will look at the colors and try to remember what someone is wearing to remember them better
eye color? - dark brown
scary ending or happy ending? - depends on the media but happy is nice :]
any special talents? - i dont think i have any .
where were you born? - small random city in poland
what are your hobbies? - digital art and ancient rome are my main . i also like learning about pokemon [the competitive scene and its changes more specifically]. other than that i always enjoyed studying biology
do you have pets? - a kitty named kefir and a dog named toro. the latter is unfortunately very old and is having health issues caused by that. ive been preparing for his death for the last weeks but i think im more calm about it now. hes doing ok but i know it will happen soon..
how tall are you? - 6 feet / 180+ cm. i slouch a lot due to my chest so its not always visible.
favourite subject in school? - biology and latin
dream job? - i used to really want to be a dentist but honestly i dont know. mental problems impact my view of the future a lot and im not sure what im even capable of doing anymore
2 - @theromaboo
relationship status - taken :]
favourite color - all shades of purple and tyrian purple
song stuck in head - pizza tower ost unexpectancy part 3
last song ive listened to - scatterbrain by radiohead
three favourite foods - mcdonalds nuggets . salmon. garlic bread
last thing i googled - its literally all just polish to english translations for words i dont remember lol
dream trip - ancient roman sites in italy again but this time i actually have some time to see stuff instead of being in a group aaghfg
anything i want right now - freedom ?
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peaky-shelby · 5 years
the one with all the prompts
Hello friends, (see what I did there😉) ok so I love making prompt lists and I’m a huge fan of friends so I made a Friends Prompt list yayy!! I have sentence, situation and AU prompts and of course you can always mix it💖
• what do I write for?
Chris Evans, Tom Holland, mcu characters, peaky blinders.
• are there any rules?
No smut. Sorry. Please when you send requests specify it’s from the friends prompt list.
[ Crossed prompts mean that Ives used them a lot and have no more inspiration for them. ]
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[ Sentence prompts: ]
1. “I can’t sleep with my underwear„ “well you’re gonna„
2. “You should never be allowed to talk to people„
3. “You could be in the olympics standing-there team„
4. “I got caught up at work— but I’m quitting tomorrow„
5. “I’m gonna go walk out in the rain„ ”it’s not raining„ “I cant catch a break„
7. “I’m not saying it was a good idea, im saying I snapped„
8. “I’m not in the friend zone„ “you’re mayor of the zone!„
9. “I don’t even have a pla’„
10. “I just want to be married again„
11. “We swallow our feelings even if it means we are unhappy forever„
12. “I’m hopeless and awkward and desperate for love!„
13. “Ok no uterus, no opinion!„
14. “Isn’t that kick-you-in-the-crotch, spit-on-your-neck-fantastic„
15. “There’s rock bottom, 50 feet of crap, then me.„
16. “Everyone I know Is either getting married, or getting promoted, or getting pregnant— I’m getting coffee and it’s not even for me!„
17. “You’re kidding? You’re the most beautiful woman in most rooms„
18. “We were ON A BREAK„
19. “I’m still in love with you.„
20. “Please promise me that you’ll never leave me, that we’ll grow old together and be with each other for the rest of our lives„
21. “I turned to a friend for comfort, and instead I found everything that I’ve ever been looking for my whole life.„
23. “Welcome to the real world— it sucks you’re gonna love it.„
[ situation prompts. ]
• just started dating and & keeping it a secret.
• says the wrong name when getting married
• gets drunkly married in Las Vegas
• best friends to lovers
• co-stars to lovers
• falls in love with the best friend of the boyfriend/girlfriend
• takes a break
[ AU Prompts: ]
• roommates
• coffee waiter
• high school sweethearts
• neighbors
Can’t wait to see what you’ll all come up with💘 tagging some people that can maybe get this started cuz I’m really excited and I’ll cry if it flops.
@umchrisevans @torntaltos @tfandtws @parkerpuffwrites @peaky-marvel
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