#bg3 fenrir
owob · 7 months
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here are a bunch of my tavs btw... u are free to ask me abt them
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mmothmanners · 1 year
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Another Dark Urge son of mine - his name is Fenrir.
He may be a sorcerer... but he does so enjoy knives. A no-good, bad boy.
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boodarko · 4 months
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kaliope and her werewolf boy, fenrir
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dustin-redfin · 1 month
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Originally drawn: 1 August 2024
Riseheart and the dream guardian
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corpiote · 10 months
I had a dream abt fenrir and dark urge??
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lesbian-lorkhan · 4 months
The smuggest little shit ever
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AGE: 25 RACE: Zariel Tiefling GENDER: Non-binary (He/Him) SEXUALITY: Lesbian BACKGROUND: Haunted One CLASS: Bard/Rogue SUBCLASS: College of Swords
He's a little shit learning how to be a person. And going through the worst existencial crisis possible
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ms--lobotomy · 2 months
Since you tagged me in this poll I feel the need to answer with my thoughts for all of them. You know, for funsies.
40k Guilliman: pretty good option. He’s (somewhat) mentally stable and has talked it out with you beforehand. Though I am curious on where he acquired primarch-grade bondage equipment. Is that why it was planned months in advance? Was he spending all that time just trying out different kinds of ropes and chains that could hold him like some sort of kinky parody of Fenrir from norse mythology?? Also, he deserves sex that has him relax and not possibly shatter his partner’s pelvis, let that man rest. 8/10.
Corrupted Horus: We all enjoy a very evil and very charismatic man from time to time. And the chaos gods which are currently kinda wearing Horus’ body like a condom are one of the options presented in this poll. But before your mind gets carried away with the fantasy of hot mean DILF, we have to think: He’s still a DILF. And so his taste in music will be that of a Dad. So get ready for him to blast Imagine Dragons while sexily taking his shirt off. You plead for him to strip faster, not because you’re horny but because you hope that when he does so he’ll turn the rock & roll cover of Thunder off and fuck you properly. He won’t. 1/10.
Jaghatai: No words other than those of approval. No thoughts other than those of lust. 9/10.
Ferrus Manus pre-heresy: Not sure why you specified pre-heresy but maybe I don’t have enough imagination for a post-heresy lewding scenario, but I digress. So I feel that the sex wouldn’t be the main draw of the situation here, instead it’s more to do with trying to make a guy feel better about a body part that he wants to peel his metal-skin off of. Ferrus is a dude that has simultaneously given all of his children body dysmorphia (that they try to fix by replacing their body parts with tech) while also wanting to get rid of the most technological part of himself. And he won’t even tell people a direct answer about where he got the technological metal hands from anyway. This man is an enigma and the sex is just a backdrop for the true scenario; which is the Ferrus Manus character exploration that’s going on. So to judge purely by the sex itself it’s a solid 5/10.
Daemon Magnus: This dude will not only do all of what you specified. But he’ll also add Gale from bg3 astral plane type sex into the mix. The only limit is your imagination Babey!!! 11/10 (he may have used his psychic powers to mess with the rating).
Leman Russ: What’s not to love about a big scary man in a collar? What’s not to love about a living war machine getting restrained like they’re a simple animal?? Though him eventually breaking out of it would imply that my skills in Husband husbandry are poor, and that might make me kind of sad. 7/10 (would change it to 8/10 if you also put a muzzle on him)
Pre-Heresy Fulgrim: The number one rule of kink fantasy is that nothing will work out as perfectly as you want it to, something will always go differently than it did in your imagination because, fun fact, your partner is not a mind reader (and even if they were it’s not like they can control every action/reaction they do/have). If you fuck him he will be very very very disappointed in you and will act like a bitch about it. 3/10 (the sex stops midway through because you ruined his expectations too many times).
Rogal Dorn: The way im about to sexualise that middle aged man. Oh boy… well first of all I’ll- [REDACTED BY THE INQUISITION. SUMMONS A DAEMON OF SLAANESH IF THE TEXT IS READ OUT LOUD]. 9.5/10.
30k Corvus Corax: Now while he can’t be perceived, I can. In fact I am very perceivable. Unlike Corvus’ furtive emo outfits my fashion sense consists of wearing the most sparkly and shiny accessories all the time and in very large quantities. I dress as though I’m trying to sound like one of santa’s reindeer or a sentient human windchime. And my penchant to talk very loudly knows no bounds. So combining his extreme stealth with my extreme unstealth gives us the average of The Normal Amount Of Noticeability. Which would get us both arrested for indecent exposure. 0/10 because i don’t want to go to jail.
Sanguinius: also a pretty good option. Though I question how a man who had big issues with being deified by the mortal populace would feel about having his more “angelic” features worshipped. But I’m sure I can make it work. 7.5/10.
In conclusion: the vote goes to Magnus, but if he wasn’t there then Dorn would be attaining the title of “babygirl” real fucking fast.
Time to /finally/ answer some asks. This isn't a knock on you by any means, or anyone who's sent asks. I'm just not very good at it lol
Robby G: Listen. L i s t e n. This man is 1. the type to have a schedule for sex (nothing wrong with that if thats what people are into) and 2. the type to take it in the butt. He deserves it in the butt. Yes, he is a space war criminal. But wouldn't it be nice to put it in him?
Horse: I'm sorry, the image of an Imagine Dragons striptease is... enlightening as to the individual Horus is. He's the dad that hosts the barbecue parties. He's the dad that falls asleep watching TV. Hell, he probably wears Hawaiian shirts. (That last one's got me bricked up. Shit)
Jagh: This one got me. He fucking would be into leather, be it on him or his partner. May write a fic about it in the future. Dead serious
Ferrus: Ok, I'll admit it, this one was self-indulgent for me. Yes, Ferrus is an ass in canon. I also want him so bad, and that also entails helping him through some shit. (It's the "I can fix him" instinct.) Also, if his partner isn't ok with 17 inches, that's understandable. (Also also, I specified pre-Heresy because him coming back headless horseman style is kind of a pipe dream of mine)
Mags: Monsters are hot. Next guy
Russ: This one was a bit of a gift for my Russ fucker friend. You know who you are! And if you're a Russ fucker anyways, please be my friend
Fulgrim: This man has been through so many partners and he still doesn't understand kink very well, bless his heart. He's still gotta make sure everything goes the way he thought it would, otherwise what's even the point? Mm. Maybe he can be put with someone who makes him realize that it doesn't need to be that way.. ;v
Doorknob: Go ahead, sexualize the brick wall man. Put him in a maid dress. He'd like his partner to be a little rough, especially during... ahem. Encounters. Remember the Rogal Dorn position? Maybe not all the time, but fuck, this man needs to take it like his life depends on it.
Corax: Not for everyone, I get it. Especially if your clothes are like that. I applaud your fashion sense, you dress how I've always wanted to. But that fic's still rattling around in my mind. Thank you Raven Lady we all say in unison
Sang: You raise a very good point. I don't know how comfortable he'd be with focus on his more non-human qualities. But it can work. I have faith in you, battle brother.
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misscryptidart · 1 year
Just finished Calamity's campaign in BG3, pretty good game. Put in a solid 48-52 hours into their game and I missed ALOT of stuff. My next couple campaigns (Rhidon, Mona, Dominion, Uma, Fenrir, and Hel), I'm gonna try and explore alot more.
Also I refuse to accept that Astarion is just gone. I fully belive that he just followed Calamity and Gale to Waterdeep and lived in their house secretly until he could get over himself. Also Karlach and Wyll come up to visit sometimes.
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the-pale-elfs-love · 2 months
Hello! I can't remember if I asked you these already (apologies if I have and you got this twice), but if you're doing the character development ask game, I'd be interested in hearing your answers to these;
2: What is your character's alignment?
3: Race and subclass?
12: What is their orientation?
17: Do they enjoy life as an adventurer?
27: What was their life like before the events of BG3?
29: Does your Tav want to utilize the tadpole powers or not?
30: What's your favorite thing about your Tav?
Thank you so much for the asks. Sorry for such a late response!
Answers are for my 'Tav' Chia Nasiti
2. Moral alignment?
Neutral Good.
3. Race and Subclass
Human (with elven relatives)
Subclass: Moon Druid as she has an affinity with the moon.
12. Sexuality?
Bi curious but male leaning.
17. Enjoy adventurer's life?
For the most part. She loves nature and being able to wild shape with absolute freedom without having to worry about dcaring city guards. Especially when choosing a bigger form.
Thought camling life is hard and eventually loses its appeal for her.
Plus she misses her siblings.
Fallowfenrir "Fenrir" (Older estranged brother)
"Sprout" (younger sister)
"Kit" (younger brother, "baby" of the family)
Life before BG3?
Chia was supporting her family until the two younger siblings were old enough (and finished basic studies) to find jobs of their own. With combined wages, they were able to move out of their nan's house and afford to buy a small apartment in the main city (or lower city) of Baldurs Gate.
Chia has a background of Folk hero so she was picking up odd jobs to make ends meet. Taking on cases of missing pets, wild animal infestations etc. It wasn't until she confronted a would be mugger that news spread. More people came to her with exciting (yet more dangerous) job offers. These were often from the people ignored by the city guard or took place outside of Baldurs Gate where the Guard's jurisdiction ended.
Chia was beginning to build a bit of a name for herself and often wondered what a real adventure would be like.
29. Utilise the tadpole?
Yes. Chia often wonders how much more she could do for others if she just.. knew things. She could say the right thing, lie and sneak past the guards. Find out who was telling the truth and who was lying. No accidentally killing an innocent etc.
In short, it's a real moral dilemma for her and one of her character flaws is thinking she knows best for everyone. She needs to give up control and realise her way isn't the always the right way.
30. My favourite thing about my Tav?
I make all my OCs a little bit like myself. I give them certain events in their life that somewhat mirror mine while also being their own person.
It helps having a character to relate to or even imagine if you could have a conversation with them and find the similarities in each other.
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Sooo what about YOUR ocs? If you have any you would like to share :]]
THIS HAS BEEN ON MY MIND FOR SO LONG ITS NOT EVEN FUNNY. I thought to myself, "Matå'pang, you should draw some art to go along with this!" But dear LORD did my brain not want to cooperate with me. Primarily because I have so many ideas (and so many sketches!)
Regardless. The OC I've been thinking about A TON is H E R.
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Her name's Ava Lovelocke. So many different versions of her lore, but only one main concept:
"Daughter of the only S-List popstar in the world, Ava Lovelocke finds herself putting up an overly cutesy persona in order to navigate her hectic life and achieve her goals."
In her original story, the reason for putting up the persona is due to the constant bombardment role Hollywood Media (Teen magazines, paparazzi) has played in her life, even when she was in elementary. As she got older, she figured she could use this to her advantage. Ava "dreams" of becoming a singer just like her bio parents (she has two dads, the gender fluid S-List Popstar named Fenrir Lovelocke and a well known, but not as successful, metal singer). Her idea was to create a ditzy, overly cutesy persona so that way when she releases her metal album it causes SHOCKWAVES. Or-- makes people start to leave her alone. Unfortunately she hasn't gotten to that part of the plan yet-- says she needs more time and "Soon, I'll have my dream soon."
Truth be told, she's just scared of what might happen. After all, this is all she's known for the past nineteen years of her life. What's the difference between the Ava Lovelocke on the screen and the one in the mirror?
Despite what she does to create this image, she's actually morally good! I adore her TONS. She needs SO MUCH THERAPY.
Her Baldur's Gate version follows the same formula, but other than that is way different. I've been having a lot of fun with her character (and BG3).
I have an account that I plan to post more content of her BG3 version (Durge) on my other blog @creativewriting-morgue
Basic Information on her BG3 version
Race: Elf
Origin: Haunted One (aka The Dark Urge)
Class: Bard
Subclass: College of Swords
Main instrument: Lute
Role in Combat: Attack.
Alignment: Neutral Good
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petchic101 · 1 year
Using BG3 to Create my Characters
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Left Right Up Down:
Bjorn - My book (Character based on my cat) Rima - My book Princess - My book (Character based on my dog) Champion - My book (Character based on my dog) Marigold - My book (Character based on my cat) Pietra - My Book (faun in the book) Merlin - My book (Character based on my gecko) Raja - My book (Character based on my gecko) Vampire OC for Vampire the Mascaraed before and after Evelyn - Dark Souls Ren - Dragon Age Fenrir - My book (Character based on my cat) Luna - My book (Character based on my dog) Roxanne - My book Nhil'rae - My book Pietra - Fanfic OC Bahari - My book (Character based on my lizard)
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junnyh-o · 1 year
About Me
Cassius Ashborn Fenrir
Polyam Nonbinary Butch Lesbian
BPD with a dash of adhd/autism
Stuff I Like
You'll see me rb a lot of shit, but i deeply enjoy:
Baldur's Gate 3
Destiny 2
Darkest Dungeon
Many more I don't remember
Tags are broken btw. I can't fix em! Click the tag in search, then the tag on the posts to see everything!!
#Ref: References for writing/art or anything i deem important
#A reminder. for myself: Reminders for mental health
#*Insert Name* Behavior: Posts that remind me of my ocs! There's Rara, Reid, Doc, Lumi, Vera and Ashes (I have more, but these 6 are my faves)
For curious, there's more about my ocs under keep reading!
Rara, Reid, Doc are the protags of my wip book series: Of Gods and Mortals! Lumi and Vera are my DND OCs, Lumi being in a Star Guardian campaign and Vera in a Vermintide! Ashes is my BG3 Durge~
Rara (she/her): Most tired and done witch in the world. Monster slayer with a huge passion for cooking. A softie underneath that armor.
Reid (she/her): Silver tongued former pirate with an ego that would put the gods to shame. Femme fatale but make her a butch. Secretly a dork AND a nerd.
Doc (she/her): Your grumpy, neurotic doctor who has seen too much. Feels like she's a wolf in sheep's clothing. Hater of gods.
Lumi (he/they/she): The irritable smart asshole with a god complex. Wicked observant, reads people like a book. The most non magical girl-y magical girl.
Vera (she/her): Softest and sweetest paladin you'll ever meet. Would move the mountains and conquer the seas to protect you. So, so, emotional and caring.
Ashes (they/she): A somber, stoic paladin who seems... A bit off. Extremely devoted to their girlfriend, would do anything for her, and destroy the whole world if someone dared to hurt her. Tries so hard to be soft and gentle with bloodied hands.
Note: Vera and Ashes are each other's unintended mirrors! Reid and Lumi on the other hand would be each other's (sorta) mirrors.
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lesbian-lorkhan · 4 months
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owob · 7 months
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misc doodles of my tav
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