#ok. take thsi.
aemiron-main · 2 years
this show makes me insane the gay Mike analysis makes me insane the way that el’s character form the very beginning aligns perfectly with an arc about Mike being gay/having never loved El romantically is INSANE because it would never work with any other character/girl that isn’t El especially not without ruining their friendship in the end.
But long story short (gonna talk about this at length in the analysis) because El is who she is and is the character that she is, raised in a lab but still loving but also knows how to hold her own etc, she’s been raised outside of the typical heteronormative homophobic society, narratively she’s PERFECT for gay Mike in a show where you’re not supposed to hate people for being gay. Because in the end, when El and the audience find out that Mike never loved El romantically because he’s gay (which imo is very much already demonstrated regardless of s5), El isn’t going to hate him for being gay or be upset that he’s gay the way that somebody who was raised in a heteronormative/homophobic society and then had their heart broken by a gay man likely would. El isn’t going to hate him for anything imo but she’s going to be upset with him but NOT not going to be upset with him because he’s gay/never loved her: she’s going to be upset with him because he lied to her and his from her.
I’m sure she was upset about him not loving her at first, esp before she starts to get an inkling that’s he’s gay, as we see with the bedroom fight in s4, but even in that scene, she’s more upset about the fact that he’s lying to her, that he denies that he never says it. She’s upset that he doesn’t say it/write it, sure, but the main upset imo comes from him lying about it. Especially since even in s3, El was upset, sure, that Mike couldn’t come over to make out the day after Hopper threatened Mike. She was upset about that lack of love/affection! But she was more upset about the lying. She broke up with over the lying, not over him not coming to see her/display affection. Especially since when Mike explains why he couldn’t come over, because of hopper’s threats, if El was still solely focused on Mike loving her/that affection, she would have blamed hopper, as she’s done in the past, and let Mike off the hook. But she doesn’t. Because that’s not what she’s upset about- the lying is.
And I think that especially once El realizes that Mike not loving her had nothing to do with her, and everything to do with him and being gay, and that it’s not that he just loves Will more than her as a person, it’s that he could never love her at all, by NO fault of her own, she’s going to be more understanding.
Again I love bi and unlabelled Mike truthers but NARRATIVELY ALONE bc even tho messy situations like that DO happen irl, I feel like explicitly gay Mike works better because that way, El isn’t pitted against Will. It’s not a matter of actual choice between them, or who Mike loves more. It’s about never having loved El at all, by no fault of her own, because he was unable to. Somebody like El, who feels unloveable, getting an ending where Mike reveals that he just loves Will more? Even if he did ever love her? And even if he never loved her but is still bin, that still shows that there’s something about El as a person that Mike does not love. But if Mike is gay, then it’s not about El at all. It’s not about her being unloveable or loved less compared to Will- it’s about Mike and who he is able to love and his lack of attraction to women.
That’s one of the big things for me about gay Mike from a narrative standpoint and why I believe it’s been set up from the beginning ESPECIALLY in regards to his relationship with El and why El is written the way that she is- it immediately recontextualizes Mike and el’s relationship both for the audience and for El. It shows that El, who has felt unloveable, felt like a monster, felt that she can only be loved as a superhero, and never loved for herself, is not unloveable. It’s that Mike is incapable of loving her. She is not incapable of BEING loved, Mike is incapable of loving her.
If Mike was portrayed as attracted to women and genuinely romantically in love with El at one point, then when Byler becomes canon, it’s about a choice of El over will, which again happens irl for sure, and Mike would not be wrong or bad for making that choice, but NARRATIVELY because these are characters who have themes and arcs and allegories, Mike being anything but gay imply that there is something about El as a person that he doesn’t love, that he won’t love, that there is something about El that is unloveable, which feels like a poor way to address the arc of a character who has canonically felt unloved for the majority of her life and feels unloveable.
But once Mike is confirmed to be gay, it’s not about El at all. It’s about Mike. It’s not that she can’t be loved, it’s that HE can’t love her. He is not physically capable of it. And absolutely, Bi people are MORE than capable of not loving certain people, that they can’t love them because they don’t like who they are as a person, or aren’t attracted to them as a person physically and personality wise, but if Mike is gay, he also literally CANT love her but not because of who she is or what she looks like or anything to do with El- it’s because of who MIKE is. Millie even said herself that Mike Can’t love El in the way that she wants him to. It’s not that he won’t or doesn’t want to, it’s that he can’t.
Like I said, I know that messy situations about falling out of love with someone happen irl, and Mike wouldn’t be wrong or bad for that, not at all. (he’d be wrong for lying about it though just like how he’s wrong for lying about not loving El int he context of being gay). But narratively, if Mike is anything but gay, then there is SOMETHING about El as a person, physically or personality wise or both that he does not like. Which again is valid and happens irl- but when it comes to el’s narrative as a character, as someone who’s centered around feeling unloved for who she is as a person, it’s not the best way to handle that narrative imo, especially if we still want Mike and El to be close/friends the end, which I think is what the duffers are going for, esp since like I said, due to her upbringing and unique character, El wouldn’t hate Mike for being gay/be upset with him because of that. But she IS upset about the idea that there’s something about HER that is unloveable (see: the way she tries to change herself and act like someone she’s not at the airport and rink o mania) and she IS upset about Mike lying to her. So if Mike just doesn’t love HER/loves will more, which, if he’s anything but gay, is the case, then it’s hard to resolve things between Mike and El in a positive way because they get hit but a.) El’s upset about Mike not loving her for who she is/feeling unlovable and b.) Mike lying to her. But if Mike is gay, then a.) is removed, and it’s just upset about Mike lying to her, which, him lying to her about being gay, like I said, is something that I think that El could understand without hating him for it, without being homophobic towards him because of her unique character and upbringing.
And I think that’s the big thing about Mike and his inability to say “I love you” to El. It’s not that he won’t say it or that he doesn’t want to, because then why not just frame it around Mike not being ready to grow up and say it? It’s that he can’t, it’s framed that he can’t say it, he physically cannot get the words out during the aisle scene in season 3 or during the bedroom fight scene. He only manages to say it when El is dying- the only reason why he CAN say it then is because he’s not saying it to El when she’s conscious, and because of something I’m going to explain here but also more in depth during the analysis:
If Mike not being able to say I love you = Mike being gay, and, as I’m going to talk in my analysis, Mike throughout s4 likely knows he is gay/is figuring it out for sure throughout s4 but is trying to decide whether to be in or out of the closet. So, the monologue is his ripping off the bandaid, his “I’m not going to come out as gay I’m going to hide this forever, as far as anyone knows I’m not gay” moment. And that’s why he can say “I love you” (in addition to the fact that he doesn’t even know if El can hear it), because in that moment, for the rest of his life, he thinks he is going to be not gay (gay = not able to say ily, not gay = can’t say ily). But just like other parts of the monologue, which are verifiably untrue, it’s not true. Mike is gay and isn’t going to be in the closet for the rest of his life, regardless of what he thinks. His monologue/attempt to make that choice FAILED, it was full of lies. Mike is lying to himself and to El in that scene. He’s not going to stay in the closet forever. He doesn’t love her.
Again, like I said, Mike is framed in a way where it’s about the idea that he CANNOT say he loves her, like PHYSICALLY CANNOT rather than the idea that he’s not ready, or doesn’t want to. Because he does. That’s the thing. Mike, part of him WANTS to love El, wants to be “normal,” wants to love her in the way she deserves and feels guilty for not being able to do so. We see this in his character. Part of him WANTS to love her, part of him he WANTS to say it but he CANT. They’ve framed it not as personal choice, not as him not liking El/hating her, because he DOES care for her as a person, he DOES idolize her even and DOES care about her, genuinely. But he CANT love her romantically. It’s not that he won’t, or doesn’t want to because there’s something he doesn’t like about El as a person- it’s because he CANT, because he’s gay. It’s not about El at all.
He CANT say it until the monologue. And when he does, like I said, it’s tied to lies about himself and about trying to ‘choose not to be gay/come out of the closet’. He CAN say it in that moment because in a weird way, in his mind, he’s “not gay anymore” because he’s choosing to stay in the closet forever (which is NOT how it works you can’t choose it of course but MIKE needs to realize this, realize that being in the closet forever and acting as if he’s not gay doesn’t make him able to love El, doesn’t make him not gay, even if it makes him able to say it, and even then, he can’t say it to be conscious face and again it’s tied to other lies.)
Narratively, if Mike wheeler is explicitly gay, then it’s not a choice- what isn’t a choice? Not loving El is not a choice. The love triangle is not a choice. The ‘choice’ between Will and El isn’t actually a choice. There IS NO LOVE TRIANGLE. THATS THE THING THE LOVE TRIANGLE DOES NOT EXIST!! BECAUSE EL IS NOT A VIABLE OPTION FOR MIKE!! WILL AND ELL ARENT PITTED AGAINST EACHOTHER BECAUSE THERE IS NO CHOICE RHERE IS NO LOVE TRIANGLE!! Just like how being gay isn’t a choice. And even though el’s an “option” in the sense that Mike could choose to stay in the closet, choose to try and act like he loves her, choose to be her boyfriend, it’s called a LOVE TRIANGLE, not a RELATIONSHIP triangle.
It’s about LOVE, it’s about Mike’s feelings, even if Mike and El stayed as boyfriend and girlfriend until they died and in this exact “love triangle” scenario they’re in now where Mike so with El but had feelings for will, there would still BE NO LOVE TRIANGLE because Mike CANNOT LOVE EL. ITS NOT A RELATIONSHIP TRIANGLE ITS NOT ABOUT WHO HES IN A RELATIONSHIP/CHOOSING TO BE IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH!! THE RELATIONSHIP TRIANGLE COULD EXIST!!! SURE!! BUT ITS CALLED A LOVE TRIANGLE BECAUSE ITS ABOUT HOW YOU FEEL AND WHO YOU LOVE AND MIKE CANNOT LOVE EL BECAUSE HES GAY!! EVEN THOUGH HE HAS TO CHOOSE WHAT RELATIONSHIP TO BE IN, HES NOT CHOOSING LOVE. RELATIONSHIP DOES NOT EQUAL LOVE!! MIKES CHOICE IS ABOUT RELATIONSHIPS NOT LOVE!! HIS LOVE IS NOT THE CHOICE!! Because if it was, if mike was anything other than gay and his love was a choice between Will and El, choosing betwene his love for both of them, like I said, it’s way more difficult narratively and more importantly, difficulty aside, because ST does not shy away from difficulty, does not align with the narrative as a whole, nor the arcs and underlying themes of each individual character, such as things like El’s arc regarding feeling unloveable.
The love triangle does not exist! There is no choice! I’ve seen people frame it as “the GA needs to realize that Will is a viable love triangle choice for Mike,” but I think that people may want to try looking at it with the lens that it isn’t true that Will is a viable love triangle choice for Mike, the GA are right in that weird regard, although not in the way they think they are. Because the love triangle does not exist because El is not a viable choice for Mike either. Will is not a viable choice for Mike!! Because there’s no choice!! If the love triangle was between Mike and two other men, then Will would be a viable choice. But it’s not. Will is not a viable choice because there’s no choice at all. Even if Mike didn’t love Will as a person in this current in-show love triangle scenario, which he does, there still would be no choice between them because the only option would be Will. So he’s technically not a viable choice in the love triangle because THERE IS NO CHOICE!! He’s a viable choice for mike’s love, sure, in the context of Will versus other men. But not a viable choice in the love triangle because THERE IS NO CHOICE THERE IS NOBODY EXCEPT WILL TO CHOOSE FROM WITHJN THE WILL EL MIKE LOVE TRIANGLE!! Will is not a viable choice and El is also not a viable choice because again, there’s no choice at all because Mike is gay.
Like cmon! The duffers LOVE flipping things on their head, and how would a love triangle be any different? The flip is that IT DOESNT EXIST!! The “choice” that’s inherent to a love triangle is not a choice at all! And I think that’s part of why they showed us the stancy jancy love triangle in s4, to show that Nancy DOES have to make a choice, unlike Mike, who is not making a choice because there is no choice to be made.
Anyway this is a ramble and I’m still refining my thoughts, but I’m gonna address it fully in the analysis.
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astrxealis · 5 months
i will return on tumblr soon bcs i'm graduating hs soon and acads r done so i have a Lot of time on my hands for now Anyway can i just say am very proud of myself. got into the Top 1 school in my country, top campus, and a vv competitive stem course. yay 😁💝💘❤️‍🔥✨
#⋯ ꒰ა starry thoughts ໒꒱ *·˚#it's hilarious bcs i got waitlisted for compsci#which i'm actually rlly proud of bcs i didn't take the exams that seriously and most of jhs was online#compsci competitive af man#but i prove my worth both online & onsite ^_^ always straight As baby! even this gr 12 LOL <3#i got into my 3rd choice (2nd choice was psych i am So glad i didn't get in i ended up not wanting it anymore. also competitive asf so i'm#ok w that) WHICH IS the best possible outcome actually bcs it Is my dream course.#i will reveal more another time tho ... >:)) Anyway am just super proud hehe. also of my twin (we both passed & all that <3) ^___^#also my friends !! barely any passed actually and even then i know only like 10-15 of ppl in my whole school who Did pass#and less so for their first choice/dream course or their preferred campus#MWHAHAHAHAHA >:))) ok i'm not shitting on anyone tho i'm just so so so proud and happy#gbye i am busy tho relaxing LMFAO i've been getting 12 hours of sleep the last 3 days. god. school was tiring af#but i'm a weirdo so it's fun B) Amen. i like saying amen despite being this rlly agnostic/atheist person LMFAOOO#upcat i love u. ty for loving me LMFAOOAOAOAOAOAOAO#so proud idk ig. i knew i'd make it (i hope thsi doesn't come off as pretentious) but i didn't know exactly Where#but the universe did its thing and i got into my dream school dream campus dream course#unsure abt dream school really but it's upd or not up. and also def my dream course ^_^
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euclydya · 16 days
dipper really is trans as fuukc
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gmanweatherreport · 2 years
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happy days!!!!!!! Im proud of them theyve been through it all since 2018...
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sirompp · 8 months
ok i think the bots have like. ACTUALLY stopped following me now. which means i CAN and SHOULD go through my followers one last time to get rid of them all...but...
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i just dont want to, man.
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smilesrobotlover · 11 months
Teeth whitening kills your enamel and weakens your teeth, if you feel it hurting you should contact a dentist! If it hurts that means it got beyond your enamel, which means you might need to start taking extra precautions to protect your teeth long term!
Im a special case, I have genetic factors, but as someone who had to have all their upper teeth removed at 20 years old I plead of you to see a dentist immediately. If you can do preventative maintenance now, you'll save yourself a huge bill and potentially huge dental issues down the line!
I also suggest pro-namel toothpaste with sensodyne, i dont normally promote brands and it tastes god awful, but the difference in enamel degradation on my bottom teeth is noticably slower since Ive been using it long term, and the sensodyne in it really helps. I even use it on one tooth that occasionally decides it hates existence and it'll numb the discomfort
But PLEASE take this seriously! I am worse case scenario, and you do NOT want to be where i am
I believe it. This is something that I want to talk to my dentist about cuz it’s def not normal for your teeth to hurt the way mine did. I mean with those pro enamel commercials I figured that with the pain I felt, that I had weak enamel, which sucks. Luckily we do have the toothpaste you mentioned. Def not using it anymore tho. I’d rather be self conscious about my off white teeth than to destroy my teeth.
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hirokiyuu · 5 months
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Wyn Caldera R: Applepom
i was thinking yesterday abt cute events for baby and i think he would have such a good time at harveston........ goes around interrogating all the farmers abt the effect of pH changes in the soil on their crops and the seller is just like "kid i dont grow the apples i just make the juice" and hes like. Okay. :/
more detailed shot under the cut!
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its a little blurry but i worked so damn hard on those gloves i need u all to see in detail LMFAO
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kagehiradaily · 6 months
day ten - dialogue thursday 🎬
since im posting near 1am in my timezone.. i guess you could say my birthday is tomorrow?? uuuh i might have to post early..
this dialogue makes me a bit sad honestly shu shouldnt have been this pissed at mika idgaf if he did something wrong 😡😡 wataru hibiki ml
uugh whatever.. i was in a rush sinfe my head hurts a lot and that scene was fresh out of my brain eem.. see u all later 😞
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autistickfigure · 1 year
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there might be a hurricane in 2-3 days? -The memory
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faehelmet · 2 years
reasons xyx and toast are made for each other
-both the best written characters in the gameehhghfjdnbfnsnlkznJVGS)($*@*(%#%(*)#(*%@$()^(%*$# (started convulsing)
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- gay as fuck to relentlessly search for somebody’s acc on another game like.... :/
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fordtramarina · 5 days
hi ! alpha mabel talking about how much she loves (dragging the vowels out for emphasis) omegas because she thinks they are cute and. ford giggles because he forgot he hasn’t told anyone he is secretly. an omega ! and asks if mabel thinks he is cute and mabel is super smart so she is like. oh my gosh grunkle ford are you — are you an omega !?! and ford is like. um. perchance. and she begins to worry because ford hasn’t had a proper heat cycle since he disappeared into the portal 30 yrs ago. ford brushes her off because he doesn’t want his niece to worry. but as time goes on his body relaxes because it’s not constantly in a state of paranoia. and mabel can begin to smell ford going into heat and of course she’s going to borrow all of grunkle stan’s dirty laundry for his nest, whats the worse that can happen?
YJEEESSSSSS YOU GET IT SO BADLY ???? thsi is so cute actually I love this ? Because Mabel so would? Ivemade something like this before where Ford never told anyone he's an omega so they all just thought he was an alpha like Stan but ofc. Stan knows he's not he's probably seen him in heat so many times when they were maturing. And he's just so ????? 🤨 When he can't smell anything off ford .
Soooooo glad that you understand the vision . I like to think that there's probably a sense of shame in the fact he's an omega for ford. I've been joking with my friends like . He draws himself so tough and shit and does all those stupid poses because he wants people to think he's an alpha , he's probably on or used to be on supressants to add to that? I could literally go on forever about this I love omegaverse
I lovelovelove the idea of mabel taking care of ford though that's so cute ? 😭😭😭 Like ofc she's not going to do anything to harm him and he's probably freaked the fuck OUT because he doesn't really recall how to handle being in heat after 30 years . And Stan isn't going to help because if anything happened he was notttt explaining an ounce of it LOLLLL . But yeah I think Mabel would absolutely use things that smell of Stan for Fords nest , he can protest all he wants but she knows it'll help him . Just need her being rlly sweet to him to make sure he's ok honestly
Icould literally go on forever and ever I have so many visions
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aita for not picking a side?
My (im 17f) friends, let’s say B (17f) and L (16f) were formerly best friends. But now for several reasons, not all of which im sure are true, they absolutely hate each other.
When the fight first started, B sent me several messages telling me not much, but just how L was supposedly spreading rumors about her. After a week or so, L started talking shit about B, calling her a bitch, and also said B was kicking her out of their mutual friend group. Around thsi time, B also starting talking shit about L.
This became a daily, or at least every other day, occurrence. It really stressed me out. because I didn’t know what to believe and who’s side to be on. I just wanted to be friends with both, but they each “encouraged” (read: pressured) me into taking a side quickly.
Eventually, after a month of so of this, I told both of them to please stop talking about the other. I told them it was stressing me out, and I just wanted to be friends with both because I did not know who to trust.
B agreed and apologized, but she’s been distant after that. L responded with “ok”, but later ghosted then blocked me. They’re both been ignoring me during school. Now I’m wondering if I should have been there for them during this tough time for both,, instead of getting upset. Aita?
What are these acronyms?
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candystudios · 8 months
I hear you have a Bad Crowd theory? :3
Ok so listen to this
On so we are ALL AWARE that Bedtime’s history books don’t add up anyways due to the Bluster in the book is not the same as the Bluster in the show. But when I actually started to look more into the recent events of the show and compare it to the history books, A LOT DOESNT ADD UP AND IT REALLY MAKES YOU QUESTION
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For starters, We don’t know why old bluster made a deal with the Care Bears back then. And now they say he’s “Broken the agreement”. Why would there be a need for him to strike a deal with the Care Bears in the first place?
Then I started to think about the Wiffels and the Seeds of caring
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Personally, I don’t believe that these things are actually native to the silver lining. With their brighter more vibrant colors and just how they are when the Cloudseeker crew arrived, it’s safe to say that they definitely don’t belong here when you take into account the Bad Crowd. Also “Seeds of Caring” sounds way too much like a Care-A-Lot thing.
Now, here’s the scenario that made me go crazy with this idea.
Picture this:
The Silver lining was home to only Bad Crowd. Their lands created from the bad vibes from earth, exactly the same as Care-A-Lot.
Then, all of a sudden, Care Bears discover the Silver Lining and start planting they’re seeds of caring, with help from the Wiffels THEY brought along, to not only expand Care-A-Lot but also vanquish the “evil bad vibes”.
Naturally, this caught the attention of the Old Bluster. I imagine he would try to stop them from planing the seeds, but it never worked. It may have gotten to a point where his acts were seen as “Villainous” to the elder Care Bears, giving them more reason to plant them. After many failed attempts in stopping the bears, the Bad Crowd get so pushed back out of the silver lining that Old Bluster had to do something too not only keep whatever land they had left, but make the bears leave. That’s where the deal comes in.
And while the Care Bear and Old Bluster stick to the deal, thsi doesn’t stop Care-A-lot. First, they plant the tree of caring and leave the Wiffels to continue they’re work. Next, they build a barrier around the silver linging and a gateway that can only be unlocked via Belly Badge power. Effectively keeping the bad crowd in in case they decide they want revenge
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It would explain why the Bad Crowd have their own area full of bad vibes and why no where else in the Silver lining is like it.
But here’s the real kicker to this theory
I hear you asking, “Why wouldn’t Old Bluster just bring bad vibes back to his land? What about the bad seeds”
You may want to take note that the “Bad Seeds” are actually a new thing. Their made from Robbie’s invention. Old Bluster didn’t have this ability. So when a seed of caring was planted, there was no undoing it. Thats why he had to strike a deal with the Care Bears because in his eyes all their land would have been wiped out and changed permanently, causing them to have to survive without Bad Vibes, which probably would not go well.
Bluster doesn’t even realize the power he has with the Bad Seeds.
He would have gotten away with bringing bad vibes back to the silver lining, IF the Cloudseeker crew didn’t show up. They see Bluster being evil and are trying to stop it. History is literally repeating itself, only this time the Bad crowd has the ability to actually fight back
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Also, the reason bad crowd is “Evil” in the first place, I think I can explain that as well.
I don’t think they were made to be evil. We know they have good in them. From both Robbie and Malcolm but even Bluster himself. They claim to have no good in them but when Bluster got all his badness taken away from him, he became all bubbly and happy. He has good. But after the Care Bears showed up ages ago, I could see a lot of Old Bluster’s people saying how they need to get revenge and Old bluster refusing to take part in revenge due to not wanting to lose the land they have left. Because of this hatred and anger, I can imagine it evolved over the centuries and eventually even they thought that they were born to be evil. They know about the Care Bears because their a big part of their history. Bluster knows about his history, considering that one, They are aware of the Care Bear’s existence, and 2, He openly states “We don’t need more Care-A-Lot. We need Blusterland” in ep 1, proving he knows. I do want to believe that there might be a history book in Blusterland that could give us the full truth on what actually went down.
Bedtimes books being wrong would make sense! History was written in a way that made the Care Bears look good and Blusterland look bad. It’s very similar to real life history where it will be rewritten or told to us wrong in school to make certain people look good and justify their actions.
But let me know what y’all think!
(If this isn’t season 2 I swear I’ll make it myself)
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olivia091108 · 11 months
Human popsicle
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Summary:y/n is apart of wildboyz and thsi epsode they’re shooting in Antarctica
Word count:1245
Pairing:steve o x reader
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The travel was worth it once we got off the boat I looked around and I saw white mountains it looked like a winter wonderland it was gorgeous. While we’re here we’re renting a small house 10 minutes from the town.
We all go and find our rooms I chose one with a huge window obviously and started unpacking when I first packed I thought that these clothes would keep me warm but I might need to go into town and get some warmer clothes.
After unpacking me and Chris go into town to get some things. I go to a shop and get this really cute outfit of white earmuffs and a white puffer jacket with matching snow boots and a couple more clothes while Chris got some food for us.
We all had some food before sitting around and getting told the plan for tomorrow. We aren’t filming tomorrow so we are going to ski and probably just chill before we have to do the crazy stunts the following day.
I was getting pretty tired so I said goodnight to everyone and went up to my room and tried to get a good night sleep.
Yesterday I was boiling i layered my clothes so I was wearing a vest a top a hoodie and the jacket and even after taking off my jacket and top I was still hot so today I just decided to wear just my bra and knickers underneath.
We are going to the beach wich I didn’t even know they had here and we were messing about and then we saw some penguins that were so cute but I did get a bit scared when they got too close. Steve o got bit on the thigh by one of them for a stunt wich looked like it hurt and it was probably worse because of the cold.
We were on the boat and It was my turn for my stunt where I jump into the water and swim for as long as I can.they checked the water and it was 4 degrees. Normally Chris would be wearing his life guard bikini but it’s too cold he said so I guess if I drown then I won’t be saved by him.
I got my scuba goggles on and took off my clothes so I was wearing just my underwear and I immediately wanted to run and sit by a fire but I had to do this first. I put on some flippers and went to the edge of the boat and the safety manager started to explain what could go wrong and what I would do.
I tried to listen and I know I should of but I couldn’t keep my eyes off Steve o he was wrapped up in his coat and had a cigarette hanging from his lips and every now and then he would bring his shakey hands up to it and take it out.
“Y/n we need to get the cameras right and Steve o fix her Camera while we get ready.”Jeff said passing him the small Camrea to clip on to my bra.
“God y/n I don’t know how your not an icicle already I’m cold just looking at you”
“Oh believe me I am but I’m gonna just get in and just try and get it over with.” Steve o clips on the Camera easily even with his shakey hands. He then started to run his hands up and down my arms in a sweet attempt to warm me up.
“Ok ready y/n?”jeff asked “mhm” “ok go on” I slapped myslef round the face to amo myslef up before turning to the Camera
“I’m y/n and this is human popsicle” I pull the goggles over my face and fall backwards off the boat and at first you didn’t really feel the cold until it felt like little needles going into me and before I could even register anymore cold something out the corner of my eyes swam past.
I thought I was done for and a whale was going to swallow me whole but when I turn around I see a seal and it swam towards me and circled my left leg I would have lived to stay down there forever but I needed some air.
I break the surface and lift my goggles up So I can see properly and Jeff and everyone is peering over the side of the boat.
“You alright y/n”jeff asks looking worried
“I’m doing great I even made a friend down there” as if on cue the seal swam up and rested itself on my chest and having a break from swimming
“Your like a seal whisperer” Chris says excitedly
“I want to keep it” I stroke its wet fur and keel myself up before the cold hits me like a moving truck. I start swimming over to the ladder and the seal slowly gets off my chest and floats on the salty water.
As soon as I’m standing on the boat Steve o rushes over with a thick towel and wraps it round me and pulls me into his side. And one of the cameras come right up in my face
“How was the swim?”
“Cold”I manage to say with my chattering lips. We start driving the boat back and I stay close to Steve o and use him to get warm and Chris on the other side of him. Just as we’re getting closer to shore I slip on my jacket and trousers which help to cover me up.
“Omg look at my hair.” I shout out as I walk back over to Chris and Steve o.
“What’s wrong with it?”
“Its fucking frozen”I flip my head around and my hair stays stuck in the same position like Lego.
Chris leave over and scratches it and it sounds like a weird asmr thing and after a while he starts trying to make music using my hair as a drum. As soon as we get into the house I run to the shower and have a boiling shower and hope that my hair won’t fall out.
I don’t know how long I was in there but I heard banging on the door but their voice was all muffled. I turn off the shower wrap myself with the towel and unlock the door and the first thing I see is Steve o staring down at me.
“I get you swam in like freezing water but I had to wait in the freezing cold and your gonna waste all the hot water y/n”he whines and he’s still wearing his coat but I still feel really cold.
“Then join me” his face drops and he then starts to laugh “wait your not serious are you?”
“Im dead serious Steve you coming or what?”i walk back into the shower dropping my towel and climbing in to engulf myself in the warm water.
Steve o then slides the shower curtain open before staring down at my body then back to my face and steps in behind me. I turn to face him and god he looks hot for someone who is complaining about how cold they are
“Did you lock the door?”
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Sorry I didn’t post for a few days I’ve been really busy and also I’m running out of ideas I’m always here for a request
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sug4r-sp1c3 · 11 months
Could you maybe do villanous x a reader who has rabbit ears please? Thanks!!
ok lets begin since i'm sleepy ITA 1 AM WHAT THE FUCK
"but sugar-sp1c3 you said your limit was 4 character-" I KNOW OKAYI' JUST FORGOT WHEN DOING THIS
Characters, Demencia/Dementia, Dr.Flug, 5.0.5(platonic?), Black hat, penumbra, Sun Blast, Miss heed(not in order lol)
Demencia / Dementia
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she woudl make fun of then
but like
"Hey bunny ears!"
i feel like she would bite them idk
i mean yes she mocks of you BUT THATS HER WAY TO SHOW LOVE TO YOU..at least i think!
she haves 2 sides
the left one where she mocks and jokes and bites of you ears
and the right side where she praises you and your eyes and- you are basically her new black hat
she would often play with them
or if you have both rabbit and human she would be like:
Dr. Flug
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his first honest reaction is that gif sorry i don't make rules
unless his with black hat bc in that case he avoids to look at your ears at all cost since the "jefecito" can notice and idk yeah
he would probably want to do some experiments
but only friendly ones!!
like testing if you can do other things
if you have extra sensitive ears
or somthn idk i have no ideas rn
he would like to caress them on his little free time
oh btw he would LOVE if you and 5.0.5 where like best buddies or you would be his second parent-like figure(i swear i am trying to make his non specified gender I SWEAR GUYS)
he just lvoes you and you ears so much
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he's a fucking bear bruh 💀
ok so thsi will be platonic like buddies or a second parental figure, or smthn like that
he loves to "talk" about your ears or ask you questions.(if you don understand them he would force flug to translate lmao)
he is very careful when he is trying to touch them since y'know..big paws
but he still tries!!
i imagine if he maked cupcakes the icing would be a drawing of an airplane, of dementia, a chameleon or a black hat idk, for you YOUR RABBIT EARS AND A HEART BECAUSE I THINK THEY ARE CUTE!!!!
he would even "ask" you to use you as inspiration for any dessert, or drawing or smthn.
i bet if he haves a rabbit plushie he gives it to you and/or puts something on the ears(ribbons, little hats, etc) he would be like "bow bow!" [siblings!]
Black Hat
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he probably threats to rip off your ears
and eat them
basically hurt you
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SHE OFTEN POSTS THINSG ON HER INSTAGRAM(with your consent ofc) LIKE "my sweetie's ears where a bit messy today! so me and sun blast fixed them just a lil bit.... loved the result! 🐇💜"
she would ask if you are sensitive to things like sound or something to try to not let a lot of hard things that can cause a hard sound when they fall or make sure Curie or Sunblast don't throw things
she oftenly tries to impulse you to not cover them! but if you like to have them covered, she would be okay with that too!
the same that flug
she would ask to make some little and non-offensive, experiments on your ears
if you don't want, its okay!
if you want, its okay too!
"look! i got you this! i bet it would make your ears fur brighter!..and curie's too"
Miss Heed
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but she would never say that out loud.
she would ask to records tiktoks or anything about them, like idk trends, popular songs or just quick vid like "watch me take care of my Sweetie S/o ears!"
if they are sensitive, during the event of when she had everybody under her control or smthn she would keep you away from them
yes she would be a bit sadistic and evil but she still cares abt you
..or she just does the same thing that she did with them..
when she's at..THAT place..she draws in a corner a lot of little ears, like if she misses you and misses your ears..
if you visit, she would beg to touch them again , to feel them..she would be crazy for it..
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Red BEFORE the "The Dreadful Dawn".
Orange AFTER "The Dreadful Dawn" and BEFORE the events of the comic and The "Heedeous Heart"
Yellow AFTER "The Dreadful Dawn" and the events of "The Heedeous Heart" and the little comic
even if you where his S/O he would mock of you and of them..
listen he knows you are his S/O but he just..feels like its the right thing or it doesn't matters
he doesn't even minds as i can think
he is just like "oh i am just joking! geez.."
Now under Penumbra's uhm..how do i say it?..NOW WITH PENUMBRA LMAO
he realized that he may have been a bit too much harsh with you..
he persuades Penumbra to localize you or visit you to apologize
if things go well..you both could try again!
and he is better.
He even tries to make you be friends with Penumbra! like he did with her
He still makes jokes but he thinks about them for a long time like
"no..that would hurt their feelings..NO ITS BAD..well- no wait..no..oh...this one may be good.."
he fears of you getting like the other ones..he tries to protect you at all cost
if you do get under Miss heed's..thing
he would be like mad but that multiplicate it for 10 and then for 100
the only thing that keeps him away from hurting heed and all her followers its his current little size and Curie
when you aren't under heeds control he makes sure you and your ears are okay..
he asks everyday if you are 100% SURE IF YOU ARE OKAY
after the Miss heed thing he is worried more than he should be but like c'mon
leave the little guy alone :(
he lost 2 of his most special people in his life just because a pink bitch
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sparkleswap · 14 days
can we have the music tastes of side staff/patients too please?? I love learning about characters...
okay yes... i can do this... like last time feel free to ignore ok this is all supplementary material baybee. ok
cyn - i think hed rlly like bowling for soup idk. maybe noah kahan ive heard ppl like him. oh hed love fox szn thats true and real 4ever. but most of all hed fuckin love johnny cash. integral characyer trait guys
mel - #1 la dispute fan... also enjoys of montreal & the magnetic fields. imo .
chip - i dunno smooth jazz maybe?? he can't handle stress right now give him something nice. bro cant even handle vocals in songs its too scary
orange - this is ur will wood fan people. i suppose. is miracle musical similar at all or do ppl just throw them together in the same playlists for fun. idk someone asked whod be a will wood fan and i guess ive decided the answer to that is orange. ur will wooder rep. or whateverrr
reesee - shuffled a random playlist and the song i got was by bo burnham so that's what im writing down ok. thats whats happening
party - i just know if i could sit him down with a daisy the great vinyl itd fix him. nayve foot ox too
cuddles - wait a minute who put ur name here stay back vile demon
rem - ummm. bad books. and... heart attack man. these are real ideas ive always had and NOT cruel jokes prommy
nya - LOVES hyperpop. or at least what i understand to be hyperpop dont take my word on it. ig whatever genre describes 100 gecs, vylet pony, AJ BLACK, and k1dzheart.
sunny - LOVES vocaloid. and utau. and all freaky little robot voices they eat it up. i dont actually know a lot of vocaloid artists i just know the songs but i think theyd love dance! vr dance! or mayb im judt rlly biased to the diary of underage observation series. siiighs
ik there are more side staff slash patients but um. i haven't thought abt them enough yet LOL. maybe 1 day ok thsi stiff takes time
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