#okaaay what is this
leclercskiesahead · 7 months
“It’s finally quali day…”
carpool C2 karaoke
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ohkate · 1 year
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Mickey Milkovich, Sensitive Man.
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ikram1909 · 3 months
i don’t like bellingham at all, but this is kinda funny
It's all about the blue eh 😭😭
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cyberdragoninfinity · 2 months
me last year: i think it'd be funny if dennis and yuri had a little gay thing going on
me after hearing these dennis duel links voicelines: OH OK SO DENNIS WAS IN LOVE WITH YURI. OK.
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summercosmos · 4 months
see i hear you when you say ronodin shouldve been eviller and meaner and more threatening but also Objectively Speaking. its much funnier that everyone in the series keeps hyping up this one guy as Horrifyingly Evil and Incredibly Cunning but also all he does is be a mild inconvenience
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diddlesnap · 16 days
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melonkittii · 3 months
if i had a time machine there is only one thing i would do with it and it's go to the spike chunsoft hq at the exact date and time they were discussing what to do with hit character Nagito Komaeda in the spinoff sequel ultra despair girls because the decisions they made will haunt me until my dying breath
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
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Rare Chakotay-Janeway-Tuvok moment: These three have got to get together and see a ball game or something.
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artaelyn · 11 months
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Wooowwwwww. Yeah I had too much fun drawing this
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mobagehelllocal · 2 years
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also included his flowers because of course
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rempesluck · 2 months
Watching the shouldercheck stream while peeping twitter and to no surprise Matthew is a fan favourite.
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doggerell · 4 months
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lyrics that just gut me like a fish
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fideidefenswhore · 4 months
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@glorianas & it just straight up does not work, it might make more sense if the anti-boleyn faction had had a royal marriage in mind, like warwick for edward iv…. but it’s an odd chess-play, to push forward the seymours just because jane happens to be his mistress. you’re so incensed at the upstart nobles becoming royal so you want … the gentry, to become royal?
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tokuteasings · 2 years
Dating - Kido Shinji, Kitaoka Shuichi
Tada~!! For my dearest Ryuki friend~!
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I know I said I would do kiss headcanons but as a gift and as a ganbare~ sort of notion, I wanted to gift you dating headcanons~! So keep on going, hun~! You can do it! the bois and I are right here for you!!!
Warnings: Ryuki spoilers and general angst lol
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Kido Shinji
Shinji, first and foremost, is quite the endearing partner. He’s naive, yes, but he isn’t stupid (...most of the time) but he’s earnest and sweet. He’s the kind of partner that just never leaves the honeymoon phase because he cares about you oh so much~!!! It’s so obvious to see and in a way, he’s always nervous around you. It’s like going on your first date all over again and sure it may be awkward but he’s YOUR AWKWARD LITTLE DORK!!! But the thing is with Shinji is that he tends to wing things most of the time. Sure he may have asked his coworkers for help and maaaybe Ren as well but listen, this man goes into each and every interaction with you with this bundle of energy that honestly is just so infectious that you can’t help but become swept up into the thing.
It’s also hella obvious whenever he’s thinking about you too. It’s not a bad thing, but his coworkers at ORE Journal are lowkey sick and tired of him sighing and longingly looking at his phone while waiting for texts from you...Shinji swears he isn’t super clingy though. Right to their faces. They just sigh and roll their eyes and shrug their shoulders like they fucking know. Whenever Ren sees him like this, he rolls his eyes and honestly...he is a bit jealous. Since he misses the days he and Eri were together and could act like that. If anything, Ren is like the begrudgingly helpful wingman who tends to give Shinji advice for how to deal with you and relationship advice in general. 
If there’s anything that makes Shinji happy, is eating lunch with you. Shinji isn’t...a bad....cook...? Just...spontaneous. In the best way! He tends to make random foods like a whole onion sandwich because he has nothing else in the damn fridge and somehow claims it tastes good. He doesn’t really eat super balanced meals and eats out more often than not. He’s gotten better since you two have started dating, actually buying groceries and cooking. If you happen to cook, he’s over the moon and will happily not only help cook but do the dishes without questions. He’s not super house-husband material but lord is he trying. He loves it whenever you visit him at work with lunch during his break! It’s literally the highlight of his damn day.  In return, Shinji will do his best to cook your favorite dishes! He’s trying...okay????
Speaking of spontaneous, it’s the dates with Shinji that has this energy to them you cannot put your finger on. It’s not high-paced, spontaneous, and yet homey at the same time. He doesn’t have many ideas for dates (this is also when he consults the people around him for ideas) and he tends to let whatever happen, happen! If he had to pick a date, he’d probably go out to eat something with you, to treat yourselves to something nice!!! Though, most of the time, he’s happy to do whatever you want to do. He’s happy if you’re happy and just to be spending time with you!!
Shinji’s love language is verbal, physical, and acts of service. It’s not at all grand but subtle little things tinged with nervousness that slowly melts into a comfort. He’s forgetful and an idiot but he’s YOUR idiot!!! That being said, Shinji isn’t against PDA at all! Maybe not around the office but it’s really fun to tease him in public because he’s gonna get all blushy and super pouty. Like, “Don’t do that here! My coworkers will see and make fun of me!” but his blushing face is so cute and will eventually accept it anyway. He enjoys hand kisses the most and holding hands in general! He doesn’t really mind showing you off to people because, well, you two love each other!
But here’s the thing, if you are not aware of the fact he is part of the Rider War..there is this underlying sense of clinginess to him. He doesn’t want to lose you so he will make every moment he has with you count. He is selfless in this aspect, doing more things catering to you just to ensure you keep on smiling. He fights harder than ever once he’s with you and sometimes you notice him limping or in general pain. Of course, he never tell you, but Shinji assures you that it’ll be okay. He’ls here with you, and that’s all that matters.
If you happen to be a fellow participant in the Rider War, you and Shinji most likely have similar goals...ish. He wants to stop this Rider War, maybe you do as well or maybe not. It’s a...strange situation you find yourselves in. But there’s this still general sense of “not wanting to let go” and whenever you two are alone he...doesn’t leave you alone. You two may argue here and there but you two have your own needs, your own desires. They may not see eye to eye half of the time but it’s something you two agree on. Whether or not you two can afford to fight each other when it comes down to it...
Arguments with Shinji are not at all explosive, most of the time.  He does have a bit of a temper but it will die as quickly as it flares. The arguments between you two are going to be centered around if he’s keeping secrets from you or your Rider War status. There is no doubt that killing is going to happen, and it’s going to become down to the two of you one day. If you do not know of his status in the Rider War, you’ll argue that you’re worried about him and Shinji just breaks. He may have no other choice but to tell  you about the war and the Mirror World and Shinji has this guilty sort of look and it hurts to see him like this. You support him no matter what, however.
Shinji never fails to tell you that he loves you, more so texting than verbally and through his gestures. It’s the little things for Shinji and when he does say, “I love you.” for the first time, it’s this moment when Shinji is watching you interact with the life around you. You’re probably just reading a book or something and Shinji is washing up the dishes and he looks over at you covered in sunlight and lets you know how he feels. “Hey...” he trails off when you look up at him and he smiles this goofy smile, turning away from the sink to walk to you and press a kiss to your lips, and hold you close. “I love you.” is whispered against your lips and sometimes you wonder what spurred this on. But he will only smile and say, “Because I love you and want you to know.”
Loving Shinji is...tragic. Because this war takes and takes, it’s a hellish and ugly thing and Shinji definitely has like...letters left behind for you. We all know he dies in the end but it doesn’t hurt any less. But then the world is reset and you two forget about each other. You two only pass each other and perhaps there is this...lingering spark between you. You glance at each other and share a smile before continuing to walk on...the world is not a kind place to either of you. But if you have passed before Shinji...oh he’s not going to take it well. He’s going to end this damn war to ensure no one else will go through this same feeling of loss. 
Kitaoka Shuichi
Shuichi may seem like a man who has his head stuck up his ass but Shuichi cares about you in his own way. It’s unorthodox and strange at times but it’s evident in the things he does for you. His main love language is gifting. It’s materialistic as he is at times but it’s the best way for him to show that he cares. He is a greedy man for sure but he is going to ensure that his partner is just as well off. You have a debt to settle? Nah, he gotchu. You got someone who’s bothering you? Say goodnight to them lol. They’re sued to hell and back. 
However...Shuichi knows he won’t be able to live as he is going to die. Perhaps this idea of buying you gift after gift is a sort of compensation. He’s not going to be by your side in the end, and so he wants to give you something to remember him by. Sure he buys like expensive shit like clothing, jewelry, vacations up the whazoo but...Shuichi’s most preferred gifts to give you are things that remind him or you and what remind you of him. He wants something that can last for you so he tends to lean towards practical items. Probably a jacket to keep warm or a personalized mug. Shuichi presents them in a simple fashion, sliding them over to you while at dinner at your fave place.
Oh Goro-chan ships you two to the fucking moon~!!!! He’s so happy that Kitaoka is happy and he tends to help make dinner for the two of you. He’ll go the FUCK OUT on making the date nights PERFECT and even teaches you some of Shuichi’s fave dishes and things if you want. Goro is like your homie and bro so expect him to always be around you whenever Shuichi isn’t. Shuichi thinks its cute that you two are bonding but he can’t help but be a weee bit jealous that you two are close lol. But you shut him up with a kiss anyway and Goro is offended even thinking that he would be interested in you. You’re already taken and Goro is like super respectful about it. 
Shuichi does enjoy like dates out and about, sure! He loves showing you off and there’s this sense of pride within his chest whenever people look on in envy. Because he has you in his arms, his arm around your waist, his hand on the small of your back, or you holding his arm. It’s like a picture perfect couple. Shuichi seems to enjoy like high and fine dining of course, the finer things in life and ensures complete privacy for the two of you. However, his fave dates are not really homey ones but ones where you two are out but are simply together no matter where you are. It’s sometimes like cafes and coffee shops, where he’s working on things and you two are sharing some cup of coffee and you’re also working on things. Sometimes you two just cuddle in the same booth and share each other’s foods while thinking to yourselves...that this is perfect. 
He doesn’t mind PDA all that much but inside, he’s rather giddy about it. He’s lowkey very clingy because he isn’t....sure when he’ll die. So Shuichi as stated before, he will have his hand or arm around you at all times. He’s a gentleman at best and the type to open doors for you, pull out your chair, and let you order first before doing something himself. He’s traditional in that sense, and always picks you up from your work with flowers, a kiss, and maybe something to cheer you up with if you had a bad day. His favorite kisses are hand kisses and kisses that are against one another’s pulse. It’s...a lingering reminder that you two are alive. The gentleman that he is, he starts his kisses from the tips of your fingers, then your knuckles, to the back of your palm, to the pulse against your wrist, up your arm, the pulse on your neck, and finally your lips. He’ll melt (and maybe inwardly try not to shed some tears) if you do the same to him.
Without a doubt, Shuichi will never tell  you about his condition. He is going to die and he’s not sure when it’ll happen. He’ll spare you from the details and there are moments he will stay quiet and brush things off when it is clearly bothering him. These are the main causes for arguments, truth be told, because he is...not truthful with you. You know something is wrong with him but he won’t admit it. This will...turn into a bit of a maybe a screaming match. It’s rare for Shuichi to lose his cool in any aspect so seeing him like this knows...it means he won’t budge. But he promises to tell you as you two make up. But he cherishes you more, not trying to distract you from the problem but because...he doesn’t know if he’s ready. 
It’s gonna be worse if you’re a Rider. You two know you’re going to kill each other one day but honestly, Shuichi would have been even more hesitant to enter a relationship. You two are enemies and even if you make a temporary alliance, it’s going to be shattered within a millisecond. But here? Now that you know you both are Riders?? Time becomes more...precious. Either one of you could be killed at any moment and Shuichi’s case even more so. You two are going to make every single moment count damn it. No matter what. 
Shuichi never hesitates to let you know that he loves you. It’s verbal most of the time but like Shinji, he tends to show it through gestures more than anything. While it is true that Goro takes care of the housework, Shuichi has learned various ways to help you relax. It’s massages most of the time because he wants to remember the feeling of your skin and your presence. He would always ask if he’s doing alright and how’re you’re generally doing. Texting as well, he doesn’t do it much but he at least sends you a “i love you” text at least one a day.
Shuichi’s kisses linger longer than ever and become passionate hella quickly. He doesn’t want to forget you. Forget the contour of your lips, everything else that he could...ya know...lose. And he doesn’t want you to forget either. He just holds you close every time your lips connect, hands wandering to try and be with you in every step of the way. He ends each kiss with resting his forehead against yours and smiling this wistful smile, it’s his way to tell you that he loves you.
Loving Shuichi is beyond fleeting because when he dies, it’s Goro who has to tell you the news with tears in his eyes. You can’t believe it, and as you two hug, Goro tells you of the journal that Shuici had left. It’s full of things he loves about you, notes about you, pictures you two have taken and wormed their way into the pages. But at the end there is a letter from him. He’s not greedy but jokes that he’ll cliing to you as a ghost...but in the end...Shuichi wants you to move on. He wants you to live out your life as you want it, and for you and Goro to take care of each other. Most of all....he ends with that he’s sorry he didn’t tell you. And ends that he will forever love you. 
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nerdie-faerie · 9 months
Shout out to little brothers that always know exactly how to rile you up without even trying
#Demon Spawn#and a happy holidays to all!#ive been home two days 😭 fml#one of my oldest brothers ate the present he was giving another brother so he was gonna go to the shops to replace it after our family meal#i had to get presents afterwards too because i tried doing it yesterday and my mum argued with me about where i wanted to go dragged me to#other places until it was too late to get what i needed so i was like#oh me too just come with me he was like nah ill get dad to drop me home then cycle back down to town again and i was like ??? okaaay#anyway i finish my shopping and he calls me and asks me if actually i can get it for him im in heeled boots and the shop i wanted#was right next to the bus stop so i really did not want to go through the high street to the shop he wanted#as that would then mean id need to walk the half an hour uphill back home but i was like okay fine get to the shop and theyve sold out of it#since yesterday so i call him to tell him his options he doesnt answer so after i couple times i text him then carry on calling#i musta called him like 10 times and am about to leave when he finally calls me back only to tell me that actually he wont get him anything#and im like well what are you gonna do tomorrow then you were stressing about not having anything and hes like its fine so im like whatever#and head to the bus stop he then calls me back! asks me to get something anyway so im kinda pssed off with at this point but im not letting#another one of my brothers go without a christmas present if the rest of us have something thats just not fair so ill do it so i grab it get#home my feet are already blistered and i see ive got two texts from him telling me to tell him when im home so i text him ill be up in a sec#i take it up to him he looks at it - its exactly what he asked me to get!! - and hes like i dont need it ive got something else#and im like what!? all of that for nothing?? he did at least pay me back for it but fml
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datastate · 2 years
rereading extrication and damn. literally cannot think coherently right now (very much in pain) but that one paragraph was... intense. and, dare i say, one of my favorite displays of how i’d write kai's internal regard toward his father.
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