#okay anyway. that meeting with my professor tomorrow scares me to death but it's gonna be f i n e
charlie-boio · 4 years
Fire - Thomas fic
Pairing: Thomas x Reader
Summary: Your dorm building is on fire, and Thomas has no idea where you are.
Word Count: 3636
A/N: This was gonna be shorter, but whatever that’s just my theme at this point. This is a quick Tommy fic before I dive DEEP into Mitch. This actually came to me in a dream soo hope y’all love it as much as I do. Pretty proud of this one for sure!
WARNINGS: Fires, mentions of death (no actual death), angst
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Thomas’s eyes were starting to blur together. His eyes scanned over the same sentence again, trying to make the words stick in his head. Finals week was already kicking his ass, just like the last two weeks of classes had been doing. Last week, he had a test, two projects due, and an essay due all on the same day. What are the fucking odds of that?
Worst of all, he barely had any time to see you. You couldn’t even study together since Thomas preferred to study in his room while you had to study at the library. A few times you two had managed to grab lunch together, but you both had to eat quickly before rushing off to continue studying or finishing up an assignment. Not to mention the sheer exhaustion made you both too tired to keep up an engaging conversation.
You couldn’t even spare a text often, besides good morning/goodnight along with the “I miss you” texts. However, today, you had excitedly called him, saying you thought you would be finishing your work early, and you excitedly invited him over so you could spend the night together.
“Or I could come over there if you’re still studying. Like I really don’t even mind if it’s just my head in your lap and I’m watching a movie on my phone by myself while you work because I just miss you so so much and these past two weeks and we haven’t gotten to talk and I’d really like to-“
“Baby, you can definitely come over tonight.”
“Really? YES! Oh my God I’m so excited to see you! Should I bring my computer for the movi-oh wait should I bring clothes so I can stay the night or is Newt not going to see his-“
“I can kick Newt out. You’re staying the night, okay? Here, I’ll work through my break so I can have the night off too. I’m sure my body could use the break anyways.”
“Tommy, I don’t want you to overwork yourself for me I don’t mind-“
“I won’t, I promise,” Which was a lie, but he really thought he could get through his work enough for you to come over. Even if he couldn’t, he’ll just tack it onto tomorrow. It would be worth it to see you.
“…okay. Please don’t kill yourself over this Tommy. I promise I don’t mind I’ve just been aching to see you-oh FUCK! Forget to meet up with my professor oh FUCK I have to go bye baby I love you!”
Thomas’s fingers froze on his keyboard. He turned to his phone that had you on speaker, but all he saw were the words “Call ended.”
You two hadn’t said those three words to each other yet.
Of course, Thomas loved you. More than anything. Loving you was one of the only sure things he had in his life right now but wasn’t sure how he was supposed to tell you. He’s never loved anyone as strongly as he loves you, and your relationship was still fairly new, only four months in, but he was certain more than anything that you and him would be together for the rest of your lives.
Thomas broke into a grin and choked out a laugh. You loved him too.
Unfortunately, his insecurities started to kick in, saying how you didn’t mean to say it, you’d been in a hurry, and that you didn’t actually love him. He closed his eyes and put his face in his hands for a few moments, taking slow and deep breaths.
“It’s okay,” he whispered to himself. “Just get this done, then you can see her…and tell her that you love her too.”
Thomas brought his hands back to the keyboard and resumed typing, even more determined to finish now that there was a reward dangling over his head.
“You’ve got to be joking?” Gally managed to wheeze out.
“Dead serious!” Newt gasped between breaths.
The pair continued laughing, loudly, much to Thomas’s annoyance. He’d been working steadfast for the past few hours since your guys’ phone call, making excellent progress along the way.
Unfortunately, he’d hit a rut, and just when he had needed peace and quiet, his roommate Newt came back with Gally after they’d had dinner together. Newt had mentioned when they had entered the room that Thomas was still studying, to which Gally replied that he should study in the library like a normal person.
Thomas had decided then he did not like Gally.
What made it even worse was as their conversation continued, so did the volume and Thomas was this fucking close to snapping at the both of them since there’s a perfectly good common room down the fucking hall.
Just as Thomas was about to turn his chair and give them a piece of his mind, the door burst open and a scared Minho came into the room. He frantically looked around, then turned to Thomas. “She’s not here?”
Thomas furrowed his eyebrows, “Y/n? No, she was gonna text me when she was coming over, which should probably be soon now that I-“ Thomas clamped his mouth shut when he took in Minho’s facial expression: a mixture of fear and guilt. “What’s wrong?”
“Her dorm building is on fire,” Minho said, wincing.
For second, Thomas froze. On another night, on any fucking other night this week he would’ve been reassured that she was at the library studying her ass off. But today…
Minho, Newt, and Gally all were looking at Thomas with apprehension.
Thomas jumped from his chair, knocking it over. He shoved Minho aside, who called after him, “I didn’t see her outside…” and ran down the hall, not registering Minho’s statement. He sent multiple texts, one right after the other.
To Princess: Hey, I just wanted to check that you were still in the library
To Princess: I know your busy, but just a quick text letting me know you’re okay idk if you’ve heard, but your buildings on fire I need to make sure okay
To Princess: Please baby I’m getting scared
To Princess: Y/n please tell me you’re okay
Thomas pushed open the outside door, and nearly fell over from the sight. Across the courtyard he could clearly see your building, which was in the process of being burned. The top floor was almost completely obliterated, and it was about halfway through burning the third floor, which happened to be the one you lived in. He could see the firefighters doing their best to extinguish it, but they weren’t making much headway.
His feet were moving before he realized it, running towards the crowd of people that had gathered and was scanning for your face, unable to find you. He was calling you now, which went straight to voicemail. He sent texts despite knowing that you weren’t seeing them since at the very least your phone was off.
To Princess: Y/n I need you to answer my calls
To Princess: Please
To Princess: I love you
To Princess: I didn’t get to tell you that yet
To Princess: Baby please don’t leave me
To Princess: I love you
Thomas spotted Brenda, your roommate. He felt a minor pinch of relief flood his system; Brenda studied in her room all of the time too. If she’s here then you got out okay too.
He pushed his way through the crowd until he came up to Brenda, who was talking to the RA of her floor. He grabbed her arm, earning him a seething glare until she realized it was Thomas.
“Hey Th-“
“Where’s Y/n? I didn’t see her in the crowd but since you’re here then that means you two got out ok right?” He flashed her a pained smile that quickly faded once he realized that instead of her directing him to where you were, her eyes widened.
“She’s-She’s not with you?” Brenda asked, her voice cracking.
Thomas’s stomach dropped; he started to feel himself shake. This can’t be happening! He thought.
“N-No, she was going to text me once she was done, but she wasn’t in your guys’ room?”
“I was in the basement common room, I-I don’t know if she was there or not…” Brenda said, tears forming in her eyes.
It was only when Thomas saw Brenda’s tears that he realized he was crying, tears streaming quickly down his face.
“…So no one knows where she is…” The RA said slowly. A moment of silence passed by. A moment that said everything they needed to know.
Thomas turned and looked at the burning building, his breath catching in his throat while he felt the tears start to burn.
“No…” he whispered.
Another moment passed without the three of them saying anything until Brenda pointed in the far direction. “There she is!” she exclaimed, a smile on her face.
Thomas whipped around, and sure enough, there you were. You were staring up at the building in shock, with Minho and Newt standing by you, asking if you were okay.
Thomas ran, all kinds of different emotions flooding his system as he reached you and pulled you into a tight hug. He let out a shaky breath as he felt your arms snake around him, hugging him just as tightly as he was.
You two stayed there like, holding each other close, until finally his emotions settled for a brief moment. Thomas felt…angry. Unbelievably angry.
He grabbed your arms and forced you back, glaring down at you. You’re smile fell quickly from your face, furrowing into a worried look.
“Where the fuck were you?” Thomas asked, tone harsh.
“I-I was at the library. Tommy you know I study there-“
“Then why didn’t you answer your phone?” Thomas was raising his voice, and each time he did you grew smaller. “I tried calling and left dozens of texts-“
“It died! I didn’t realize until I had finished studying-“
“And you didn’t bring your charger? Like you always do?” His grip on your arms was stronger.
“Baby, I had forgotten it, I’m sorry! I meant to grab it then text you that I was on my way over-“
“Y/n,” you clamped your mouth shut at that. Thomas rarely called you by your name. “You’re not fucking getting it I thought you were dead! I thought you were in that fire burning alive!” He was practically screaming at you, his gaze unkind.
“Tommy…” you whispered.
“We’re leaving. Now!” He snarled at you, tugging you forward with one arm.
“Thomas,” Newt had started, but Thomas wasn’t listening. He marched forward with you trailing quietly behind him.
His mind was racing at a thousand thoughts a second. Deep down, he knows he shouldn’t have snapped at you; it wasn’t your fault, but right now he was just angry at everything. Every so often he’d glance back at you, making sure you were still there and that he wasn’t dreaming.
For you, the walk back to Thomas’s dorm was agonizingly slow. You glanced down at the piece of paper that you had been writing for the past hour and half.
You were half way to the library when you realized the slip up you’d made. At first, you had completely panicked, but after having several pep talks with yourself in the mirror, you somehow convinced yourself that this was a blessing in disguise. You could sit down with Thomas, tell him how you feel, then you two could have awesome sex afterwards (which you haven’t had for awhile since you barely saw each other). After finishing your work you were going to head over, but then decided to write out what you had to say. Unfortunately, you’d been staring at the piece of paper for about half an hour unable to fully express how you felt. Then, everything you did write wasn’t good enough for your Thomas. You couldn’t describe how he made you feel, and how much you loved him.
By the time you had fully written something down, you realized how late it was already on the library clock. Reaching down to grab your phone to text Thomas, you realized that it had died while you were sitting there, which you were sure that it was at 30% but now it wouldn’t turn on. Then, well the rest is history.
You hadn’t meant to. You just wanted to make sure that when you told Thomas that it was perfect and everything he deserved.
Of course, now you realize that deserved someone better than you. Someone prettier and smarter. Someone who doesn’t spend so much time studying, and doesn’t forget simple things like a phone charger. You fought back the tears; you didn’t want to guilt Thomas, you didn’t want to make things worse, and honestly, you didn’t want to be yelled at anymore.
Thomas didn’t speak to the entire way back. He merely lead you to his room, throwing his phone charger at you. He grabbed a pair of sweatpants and left. You blinked, confused. But when you figured it out, a fresh wave of pain shot through your heart. He wasn’t coming back. He must’ve kicked Newt out for the night for his original plan, so you two would have some time to yourself…
You rushed over, plugging in your phone and turning it on. You read of all his messages, and you couldn’t stop staring at the last text.
I love you
You blew it. He did love you, then you had to blow it.
The dam holding everything back burst open, and you let all of your emotions run free. You sobbed, loudly, trying to let everything out. Hugging your knees to your chest, you fell to the side on Thomas’s bed, muffling your sobs into the sheets. Time was lost to you. Hours flew by, or maybe it was only a matter of minutes.
After awhile you sat up, feeling empty and numb. Your throat was raw, your eyes and cheeks burned, and somehow you were cold despite the layers you were wearing. You weren’t sure if sleeping in Thomas’ bee was okay, but once you laid down you decided you didn’t care. After weeks of studying and the stress of today, you were exhausted. Your eyes closed for only a few moments before swiftly falling asleep.
“You’re being a dick,” Newt said, his arms crossed.
Sitting in the common room of Minho’s dorm, Thomas sat on the coach reading something on his phone, or at least he was supposed to. In reality his eyes were glazing over.
When he had first arrived, he’d shot everyone glare, and they all got the message to not bother him. He’d been angry, so incredibly angry he was practically vibrating.
Now, it was close to 1:00am, he’d calm down significantly. He rubbed his eyes together, feeling the burn of exhaustion behind them. It had been a long day.
“I know,” Thomas snapped, then sighed. “I’m sorry,” his voice was quieter now, and Newt’s stance softened. “You don’t understand…I really thought she had died Newt. I don’t know what I’d do without her. I love her,” Thomas took in a shaky breath. “I know she’d never intentionally do that to me. Ever. I just…”
Newt hummed. He uncrossed his arms and sat next to Thomas. “That’s what happens when you fall in love, Thomas. You care, and you’re allowed to feel emotions. Honestly, it was the perfect storm. It was the one day she was done early, the one time she forgot her charger, the one time her phone died, everything just lined up perfectly.”
Thomas nodded along. “I shouldn’t have yelled.”
“You could’ve been upset. I would have. But you’re right you definitely shouldn’t have yelled at her like that.”
“I feel shitty.”
“You should. If you didn’t then I’d be concerned. You should feel somewhat bad for yelling at someone you care about. Even if they deserve it, which y/n didn’t by the way.”
“Will…will she forgive me?”
Newt rolled his eyes. “Obviously. She loves you too. And don’t even try to convince yourself otherwise.”
Thomas smiled to himself. For the first time, he actually believed that you could love him.
“I’m gonna head back. Thanks Newt,” Thomas said as he stood.
“Happy to help. No go apologize for being a twat, Tommy.”
Walking back into his room, he felt a twinge if guilt stab him. His bedside lamp was on, but you were clearly in an uncomfortable sleep. Occasionally you’d shiver, despite the covers, or you’d twitch. Thomas knelt by you, feeling his guilt spread through his body. Your fair was blotchy and your eyes were pink and puffy. His heart clenched tightly; he should be drying your tears, not causing them.
Sitting loosely in your hand was a slightly crumpled folded piece of paper. Tentatively, he lifted your fingers and grabbed it, leaving his hand. Opening it, he could see it was addressed to him.
 This is probably my thousandth time writing this, but I just can’t seem to write down everything I want to say to you. I have such strong feelings that words don’t seem to do it any justice, so I guess I’ll just come out and say it.
 I love you.
 I love everything about you: your smile, your beautiful eyes that I just get lost in, the look of you face when you’re concentrating hard on something, and the way you make me feel so special every single day we’ve been together. You’re sweet, kind, and just everything I’ve ever wanted.
 I know I said it earlier today, and yes that was a slip, but I’m glad it happened. I feel like I’ve loved you for awhile now, and just haven’t had the courage to tell you. Well, now I want to be able to tell you every single day that I love you, I love how I can be myself around you, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us. Because I know that as long as we have each other, nothing can stand in our way.
 I love you so much Tommy. I love you with everything that I am.
 Forever yours,
Thomas wasn’t sure when he’d started, but some of his tears started falling onto the page, smudging the words together. He let the paper flutter to the floor, staring up at your sleeping form. You loved him too.
He just hoped you’d forgive him.
He didn’t plan on waking you, deciding he’d sleep on the floor if had too. He was trying to keep his hiccups done and his own sobs quiet so he wouldn’t wake you. Grabbing Newt’s pillow, he set it on the floor next to his bed. He tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, smiling through his tears.
You stirred, eyes blinking open. Thomas froze; he didn’t mean to wake you.
“Tommy…is that you?” you asked groggily.
“I’m so sorry,” Thomas sobs became more uncontrollable, wrecking through his body while he tried to take in deep breaths, but he couldn’t get any air into his lungs.
Next thing he knew, he was on his bed with your arms around him. His face was buried into the crook of your neck, soaking the sweatshirt you were wearing. He heard you murmuring soothing words into his ear while you ran your fingers through his hair.
After awhile his breathing calmed down, and his tears stopped flowing. He lifted his head to see fresh tears on your face, giving him a watery smile.
He lifted his hand and wiped away some of the lingering tears. “Baby, why are you crying?”
“I don’t like seeing you upset.”
He chuckled at that. “Neither do I, princess,” Thomas swallowed. “I’m sorry. Really. I-I shouldn’t have yelled at you like that. It’s not like you did anything wrong, or you set your dorm building on fire. I just-I just got so scared that you were gone, because I-I don’t want to lose you. I-I love you,”
You smiled softly at him, squeezing his arm. “I love you too, Tommy. Have for awhile now, I just didn’t know how to tell you.”
Thomas let out a breathy laugh and bit his lip. “…I read your letter…”
“You…you really feel that?”
Now it was your turn to roll your eyes. “Of course, I literally just said it too.” You were smiling brightly now, and Thomas would do anything to keep that smile on your face. The way your eyes lit up, crinkling around the edges. Somehow, he was falling deeper in love with you.
“I know this week has sucked with finals, and I had plans for dinner. I was gonna tell you today after you said it on the phone. I know you didn’t mean to say it, but I thought it’d be a perfect opportunity. Tomorrow I have my last final, so if you wouldn’t mind postponing your studying so we can spend the morning together? Have breakfast? Then you can study and I’ll take my final. Once this shitshow’s over we’re gonna be spending so much time together you’re gonna get sick of me.”
“Tommy, I’d never get sick of you. Breakfast sounds wonderful. A lazy morning with the love of my life.”
There wasn’t much talking after that, save for the occasional mutters of ‘I love you’ now that you could both say it freely. Mostly, it was soft kisses, gentle touches, and the two of you holding each other so close that eventually lulled you both into a deep sleep.
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shiberpostshere · 4 years
The Kiss Thief - Park Seonghwa Social Media AU
7. Chapter Three: Dark History Reunion✨ (Text below images)
Previous Part✨ Next Part✨
Masterlist of the AU✨
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The Next Day (05.09.19)✨
The moment Jongho entered Cafe Utopia, he could feel the intimidating energy coming from the table where the much praised music technology senior, Kim Hongjoong and his friend are seated. The person who he texted yesterday, Seonghwa, is missing.
Thanks to San and Wooyoung, he now has an opportunity to befriend them.
He approaches them with heavy steps without realising how aggressive-nervous he's appearing on the outside, the expression that Yeri always mimics to mock him.
They greet him with inviting smiles. The other guy, in burgundy red sweater and black beanie, Yeosang, scriptwriter, offers him the script to read. However, the only thing he can focus on is Kim Hongjoong's mullet.
How can he even pull off a mullet like that? Is it real?
"Your voice sounds bold and clean." Hongjoong leans towards his clasped fingers, a gentle smile on his lips, "You seem a little nervous at the moment but we have enough time to practice."
Yeosang nods, "He has a great control over his voice. I feel like we've finally found someone who'll do my script justice."
Jongho's shoulders rise up with confidence.
"Wait, thank you but does it mean I get to be the announcer?" He looks expectantly at the duo.
Hongjoong settles back, adjusting his glasses. "Of course! I'm honestly surprised at how quickly I could decide."
Yeosang pushes the script further towards Jongho. "Take it with you and practice as much as you can, we'll have discussions and rehearsals before our first show."
"Thank you so much for this opportunity!" He bows gratefully, eyes glinting with happiness.
Hongjoong and Yeosang exchange glances and giggle making Jongho squeeze his brows in confusion.
"You look adorable for someone so well built but you're so tense, relax." Hongjoong winks.
"He IS cute." Yeosang adds.
Jongho is taken aback by their sudden compliments. "I just feel excited to work with you all, I've heard so many good things about you." He confesses.
Hongjoong waves his hand in the air. "The professor only tells you the good things, he doesn't reveal that I don't get enough sleep, it's a trap." He points at his now visible eyebags.
"Don't scare him away before Seonghwa comes." Yeosang says with a side eye directed at his mullet friend.
Jongho is reminded of the missing person, Seonghwa, who he messaged yesterday.
"You were going to bring along someone who's interested in audio engineering? Did they decide otherwise last minute?" Hongjoong asks with a subtly evident worry.
"Oh! Yes, (Y/N) had a class till 5 pm, she'll be here anytime now." As Jongho finishes, the cafe door opens, the bell chiming and indicating your arrival.
The class ended a little later than expected and like a mess, you had collected your things and rushed towards the cafe.
After hitting it off with San and Wooyoung so quickly you feel like you can seize anything at this point except the will to attend classes after only two weeks of college.
Dazzling Night appears like a safe getaway from the continuous routine of being stuck with studies.
"Jongho!" You call out rather loudly, grabbing everyone's attention including the two boys sitting with Jongho, wait does that guy have a mullet?
Your friend gestures you to come, you smile sheepishly. "I'm sorry, I had a class." A little panting can be heard as you speak.
"It's alright, Jongho informed us. I'm Kim Hongjoong, music technology, final year." He offers you his hand and you stare at it for a minute before realising what you're supposed to do.
"Oh right!" You shake his hand. "I am (Y/N), I'm studying law."
The other boy offers you a small smile. "I'm Yeosang, English major, second year."
You return him the same expression as his. "Nice to meet you."
Wow, this is awkward.
"You're interested in assisting our audio engineer, are you aware of any basics?" Hongjoong crosses his arms and you can detect the anime gleam on his glasses while he looks at you, awaiting an answer.
You glance at Jongho then at the two boys. Their gaze is fixated on you intently, emitting strong energy.
You gulp.
Okay, they're strangers anyway (Y/N), keep calm.
"No, I don't know much but I'm interested in learning." You answer honestly, fingers fideling on your lap.
"Can you manage your studies and radio commitments? We don't want anyone leaving halfway through." Yeosang continues his friend's query and suspicions.
Ha-ha, perhaps this was a bad decision.
Jongho squeezes your hand beneath the table.
"Yes, I think I can manage well once I begin, you don't need to worry about me dropping out halfway through." No matter how certain you wish to sound, the way they have their eyes fixed on you causes you to speak in an uncertain tone.
"Okay Hongjoong, we can tone it down now, she looks like she's gonna run away." Yeosang states before sipping his drink. "We just want fixed commitment, Hongjoong is critical when it comes to decisions regarding the show, so is Seonghwa."
Seonghwa? That's a name you know.
Hongjoong clears his throat. "Wait, I haven't used my intimidating voice for a while now, I am sorry if I sound like I'll kill you but I'm just sleep deprived." He vigorously rubs his eyes.
"They called me adorable after intimidating me." Jongho rolls his eyes.
"Now now, young man, watch your attitude." Yeosang comments playfully.
"Could've told me sooner!" You gently shove Jongho, "Also, yes, please tone it down, my left leg is ready to sprint out any moment now." You eye the door and then the mullet guy.
All the boys laugh at your remark.
"Don't worry, if something important comes up, you can leave, studies shouldn't be compromised with but otherwise we want your full attention when working with us." Yeosang smiles warmly at you.
You return to a comfortable state before studying their now relaxed postures. "So? Can I join?"
Hongjoong pushes back his hair. "Of course, if you're up for it but you need to meet the rest of the team. I'm the composer, Yeosang is the scriptwriter. Our team leader and audio engineer are still missing." He checks his ridiculously beautiful vintage watch.
"Okay" You breath out with a chuckle, eyes trailing back to his mullet. Unable to hold back your curiousity about the unusual hairstyle, you ask. "Are you wearing clip ons or is that really a naturally grown mullet?"
The owner of the mullet is taken aback by your question for a moment before breaking into laughter.
"God! I've been dying to ask that." Jongho mutters beside you, doubling Hongjoong's laughter.
You and Jongho blink expectantly.
Yeosang shakes his head, "These kids."
Hongjoong tugs his hair at the nape of his neck, huffing a sigh. "It's a real mullet. You two have been eyeing my hair since ever you came here, I was just waiting for you to ask."
Jongho scratches the back of his neck. "To be fair no one has a mullet these days but you pull it off well."
You nod at your friend's statement.
"What are we laughing about?" A heavy voice grabs the table's attention and you turn around along with Jongho.
An extremely familiar tall boy appears in your vision with another one following behind and your eyes go wide.
No way, no way, no way!
"Hey! You made it! Meet Jongho and (Y/N), our newest members that is, of course if Seonghwa approves." Hongjoong greets them both and the moment he says the name, it clicks in your head.
Park Seonghwa, Horizon High School.
"Hey, we were-" Seonghwa abruptly halts in his tracks.
(Your Full Name), Horizon High School.
You unknowingly shoot up from your seat.
"Um, (Y/N) is everything okay?" Jongho glaces from behind at the newest arrivals.
"Wait!" Mingi takes a good look at you and turns to Seonghwa before he starts giggling to himself, confusing the other three boys seated at the table.
Song Mingi, Horizon High School.
Warmth is taking over your face like a pressure cooker ready to burst merely at the sight of the boy standing in front of you, he too blinks at you as if confirming that you're actually standing in front of him.
"What's the matter? Why do you two look like you've seen ghosts." Yeosang asks whilst Mingi continues his snickering.
The giggling boy takes a seat between his friends, looking at your frozen figures amusingly.
"This is a dark history reunion." He nudges Hongjoong and Yeosang.
"Mingi!" Seonghwa glares and steals another glance at you before taking the remaining seat, the one beside you.
Jongho looks around, lost. "Dark history reunion?"
You turn around and almost slam yourself down on the seat.
Hongjoong and Yeosang are wearing mirrored puzzled expressions.
You clap your hands with over enthusiasm, "I just remembered that I have a meeting with a project partner at the library, I gotta go."
No, you don't.
"No wait, What's going on here?" Hongjoong's gaze continues shifting between you and Seonghwa while you two are busy avoiding eye contact with each other.
"Dark history reunion." The amusement still hasn't faded off Mingi's face and now he earns a death glare from you.
Seonghwa taps the table, grabbing attention. "It's nothing, she's free to leave if she's done."
You get up the moment he speaks.
Oh, this has just become way worse, way worse.
Mingi raises his brow, "What if she's here for the announcer's position?"
"No, Jongho's here for that, Hongjoong already talked with (Y/N), she's free to leave." Yeosang intervenes noticing your sudden urgent movements.
You internally thank him for that.
"I uh, well I think, I think I'll talk to you guys later." You grab your belongings in a big swoop.
"Aw no, you're leaving so soon? We just came here!" Mingi wears a wicked wide smile as he speaks.
"We can talk later, Mingi. It's not like I'm dropping out of college tomorrow! (I just might!)" You answer with a loud, fake laugh, trying hard not to grit your teeth.
Mingi hasn't changed at all. He is as you remember.
"Wait, you two know each other?" Jongho looks at you, his expression demanding an explanation.
"She knows Seonghwa too, very well!" The mischievous one strikes again.
"Oh, Seonghwa and (Y/N) are acquainted?" Hongjoong chimes in.
"Yes we are, we went to the same school." Seonghwa leaves his seat to give you way. "See you later (Y/N)."
You feel strangely assured looking at his stark red ears.
"Oh yes, yes, Seonghwa--" You take him in briefly before looking at the rest, "--and others I'll see you guys later, gotta run!"
Keeping your eyes straight ahead, you walk out of the cafe like you never even went there, half walking and half running towards your dorm room.
Song Mingi, I'm going to get you.
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Pairing: College Student! Seonghwa x College Student! Female Reader
Genre: Fluff, A teeny tiny bit of smut with a pinch of angst
Synopsis: High school crushes are often silly and forgotten. However, you cannot forget the one senior, you "borrowed" once a kiss from. Years have passed and it's a memory you laugh at but what will happen if you're to encounter the same senior in a much different setting and situation? Especially during your first year of college.
A/N: THEY'VE FINALLY MET! What are your thoughts on this chapter? It's been a while since I've written so please excuse any mistakes, I will edit it for sure. Btw I am Mingi, Mingi is me.
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thecrystalquill · 5 years
Unexpected (part 7)
Fred Weasley x Slytherin!Reader
Summary: Everyone knew Fred Weasley, the cocky, confident, Gryffindor beater and prank extraordinaire. Everything was pretty damn perfect, until he meets a girl he just can’t talk to.
A/N: Hey hey! Part 7 is up! sorry it took this long, guys, but hey, college is hard - very time consuming. I probably won’t be able to post in a while, only a few weeks maybe just while I get caught up in my new criminology class (like how cool is that??) but wish me luck! enjoy :)
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“Hello, Malfoy.” The twins greeted in unison – well, greeted is probably the wrong word, growled was a better description. They stood facing each other, leaning on the walls of the hallway; waiting for the Slytherin to pass (courtesy of the Marauders’ Map).
The blond rolled his eyes as he stopped in his tracks and glared at them. “What do you want, Weasleys?” He spat.
“We just want to ask you something,” replied Fred casually.
“About a girl. (Y/N) (Y/L/N), you know her?” George finished.
Draco thought for a moment; the name was familiar, but he couldn’t put a face to it. Maybe they were new? “Don’t know them, why?”
“She, is in Slytherin.” Fred clarified, narrowing his eyes at the boy. “So there must be something you know about her.”
Malfoy shrugged, recalling nothing about this girl. “Why would I?”
“Alright, well how about” George began, getting a little impatient with the Slytherin, “you find something out? Yeah? Or maybe you’ll happen find a pompion potion has slipped into your goblet tomorrow, how about that?” He crossed his arms again, glaring down at the boy.
The blond scoffed at the threat, hiding the tinge of dread that struck him. “Whatever, I’ll look into it since you two are clearly incapable – consider it a favour, Weasley.” He sneered before strutting off, gripping his satchel rather tightly.
A few seconds after he’d turned the corner, George looked to his brother with a smirk; the two exchanged a look before bursting into laughter. “Oh Merlin, did you see his face?” George snickered, bending over and resting his hands on his knees.
Fred took a moment to catch his breath, “I think you scared him, Georgie.”
“Well, at least we convinced him, eh?” He replied, straightening himself out and clapping a hand over Fred’s shoulder. “Anyway, Divination’s starting in a bit, you’ll wanna get goin’.” He grinned cheekily, strutting off to their lesson, letting Fred catch up.
Fred’s heart jumped a little as they got closer to the stairs, seeing students climbing up them already. “Listen, George, I dunno about all this really…”
“Come off it, Fred. I know you like this girl, alright, so maybe it’s good that you’re nervous—”
“—I’m not nervous—”
“--Yes you are, don’t deny it, I can tell.” Fred frowned as they started to ascend the steps, letting his twin continue. “So, just go sit next to her and try to talk, and ask her to tutor you – simple.”
“No, but it’s not simple, George…” Fred whined as they reached the top, seeing that the room was almost full. He looked in and saw her sitting at her desk, using her quill to sketch something in a notebook; he froze, his eyes locked on her yet again unable to look away from her stunning silhouette. Merlin, did green look good on her. But looked back to George when a hand was waved in front of his eyes.
Sighing lightly, George placed his hands on both of Fred’s shoulders, preparing to give him a little bit of confidence, if he could. “Look, Freddie, you like her. And you’ve seen this girl, she’s gorgeous, if you don’t at least try to talk to her soon, for all you know she could forget about you and end up with someone who had the balls to do what you didn’t. Okay? So go in there, sit next to her, and make her fall for you. Alright?”
He looked down, nodding lightly, then sucked in a breath and gathered every ounce of confidence he could muster. Fred walked down to her desk, trying to stop his hands from shaking – he had no idea why he was so nervous, why she made him like this; when he first met her he had so much more confidence than now, granted not much more but still. He only stuttered slightly then, but now? Look at him, trying to keep his breathing straight and not break into a sweat, ‘Pathetic’ he thought as he approached.
He was about two feet away from her now – maybe less – and he cleared his throat quietly, successfully getting her to turn to him. “Uh… h-hi I… er – d’you mind if I sit with you?” He managed.
She looked him up and down, then gestured to the seat next to her; looking back to what she was doing. Fred pulled out the chair and glanced behind him, seeing his brother give him an encouraging thumbs up. He sat and pulled out his things while eyeing her, trying to figure out what mood she was in; was she the cute, kind girl from before? Or the confident Slytherin he’d first met? Either way, he was just a little terrified.
“My quill.” Was the first thing she said, not looking up from what she was doing.
“I-I’m sorry?”
“My quill, you still have it, do you not?” She repeated and looked up to him, watching his eyes widen as he dove back into his bag.
“R-right yeah-yeah, right – sorry, I forgot about that.” Fred answered, rather embarrassed. Snatching up the quill, he whipped back around and handed it back. They sat quietly for a minute. Two minutes. Maybe three. Fred didn’t know what to say, and (Y/N) didn’t seem to mind.
“Hello, class.” Professor Trelawny greeted, stretching her arms out wide, “today we will be exploring a new topic: palmistry! I’m sure it will be easy enough.” She announced as she pushed her glasses up her nose. “So now, everyone open your copies of ‘Unfogging the Future’ to the first chapter on palmistry.” She smiled, then made her way over to a student with a spare copy seconds before they raised their hand.
Fred grabbed his book and frantically flicked through the pages, then saw that (Y/N) hadn’t moved to open hers. “You – er – are you not gonna look in the book?” He asked, making her look up. She shook her head, her lips pulled into a faint smirk. ‘Of course not,’ he thought to himself, ‘she’s great at this class, she’s probably read all about it!’ He found the page he needed and started to skim over the chapter, except he just couldn’t concentrate with her so close; he could smell her perfume from this distance, fresh roses and fire smoke – probably from hours spent in front of her common room fire. He kept glancing at her too, noticing how she bit her lip when she made a mistake in whatever she was sketching; or the crease in her brow when she was focussing. He tried to concentrate – he really did – but his mind didn’t register what he was reading and so he had to read it again, and the few bits that he did manage to get, he didn’t fully understand. ‘This is hopeless,’ he sighed, realising he would actually have to ask for her help – again! “So… er… would- erm… do you think you could help me… please?” He managed, feeling stupid all over again.
(Y/N) smirked to herself again, as if she was waiting for the question. She placed her quill down and crossed her legs as she turned to him; giving him a full view of her beautiful face. (Y/N) leaned forward and flipped over a couple of pages in his book, him getting a whiff of her scent again. The new page showed a chart, a hand – palm to be exact – with some labelled lines over it. And some funny symbols that he couldn’t place. “This should make it a little easier for you.” She offered, then without warning, (Y/N) pulled his left hand towards her. By this point, Fred’s heart rate had definitely increased, his eyes widened and he wasn’t entirely sure what to do. She opened his hand up, showing his left palm; then, delicately, she traced her fingers along the line horizontally below his fingers. Sending shivers down his spine. “Because this is your left hand, it means that these predictions are what you’re born with, your right is what you’ve accumulated in your life. But it’s the opposite for women.” She said, not taking her eyes from it; which he was grateful for in that moment, given that his face had reddened considerably. “This here is your heartline, it goes up to near your index finger.”
Feeling like he should say something, Fred attempted to straighten himself out, cleared his throat, and tried to ignore how soft her hands were. “W-wha- er- what does that mean?” He staggered, swallowing thickly – sort of hoping that this won’t be another death warning.
Meeting his eyes, (Y/N) resisted another smirk, thinking of his reaction. “It means you’re going to be content with you love life,” she admitted, secretly adoring his deepening blush, “it is your heartline after all, that’s what this one’s all about. And, it’s long and curved, which means that you express emotions freely – even if you try not to.”
A small ‘Hmm’ was all he returned, hoping this didn’t mean she could tell how much her hand in his was making him melt.
Starting to trace the next line, she scooted herself closer in her seat, their knees almost touching. “This is your headline, you see, here it’s separated from the other lines which means that you’ll have an enthusiasm for life.” Fred nodded in agreement when she glanced back up, trying not to let his breath get caught in his throat when her thumb started to rub his hand.
“A- uchm- a-and what about the… er – the next one. Life, right?” He guessed, finding the smallest slither of a memory on the subject in his brain. Feeling quite victorious when she nodded, brushing a piece of hair out of her eye.
“Lifeline, right.” She smiled, grateful that he at least knew one thing on palmistry. “Well, yours is very curvy, so that means that you have lots of energy.” She dragged her forefinger down the line slowly, watching as he clenched his jaw a little tighter and his cheeks darkened yet again – truly loving how easy he was to fluster. “You have a fate-line too, which is interesting.”
“Why’s that?” Fred almost squeaked, panicking just a little.
“Don’t worry, it’s just that not everyone has one.” She soothed, pulling her seat closer then turning his palm to him, making sure she could see too. “You see how it crosses through the other lines? That means you’ll always be supported.”
As lovely as that was, Fred wasn’t fully concentrating on what she was saying; completely distracted by how close they were. She still had her hand on his, using her other to trace his palm; her hair was ever so slightly brushing his cheek too – just a little – but it was close enough that he could tell that her shampoo was apple scented. But when she pulled back, Fred realised that he needed to say something; last time, she disappeared as soon as the class was over, which was dawning on them again. “Wow that’s – erm – that’s really cool.” He panicked when he saw that she was putting her things away, the quill was gone and so was her ink, she would leave any second now. “Er- er- (Y-Y-/N) I just… uh… I ju- I wanted to ask you if… well… d’you think that you would maybe – if – would you consider maybe tutoring me? For Divination? Y-you don’t have to – obviously – if you don’t want to tha-that’s fine! I just – it’s just that I kind of suck at this class an-and you’re really good – like, really good and I just thought that you might help me a bit. B-but it’s completely fine if you don’t want to – I get it, I-I-I just thought I’d ask—” He cut himself off when she let out a laugh; a short, hardly noticeable laugh, but it was there.
(Y/N) swung her satchel over her shoulder and flicked her hair over with it. “Next Saturday, ten am in the library. Don’t be late, will you, Fred?”
He stuttered for a response, any response, but by the time he comprehended what she just said and came up with half of a response, she had already gone in a flash of green robes and the lingering scent of roses and ash.
It took him a minute, but Fred soon managed to put his things away and stand up, inhaling and exhaling deeply. Then let out a breathy laugh; he’d not only get to spend time with (Y/N) (Y/L/N), but with her skill, he might even have a chance of passing this class too.
“How’d it go?” George came over, noticing the smile creeping onto his brother’s face. “Oh, I like that look. Went well then, did it?”
Fred smiled and practically strutted out the door, “I s’pose you could say that, yeah.” They descended the steps, George trying to catch his twin’s eye, and were about to head back to their common room – Fred finally cooling his blush as they entered a cool hallway.
“So?” George demanded, hoping his plan had worked well enough as they stepped onto a moving staircase.
“So, I got a tutor.” He beamed, pride swelling in his chest, despite the fact that she was the one to set the date, and time, and everything else; he just stuttered a lot and tried not to blush.
George wrapped an arm around him and yelled, “Yes! I knew it – I knew you had it in ya!” Fred laughed as a response, shaking his head, not planning on revealing what actually happened. “I really am the best wingman.”
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dontshootmespence · 6 years
Supernatural AU: Episode 7 - Memories Remain
Part 1
Under the mesmerizing whirr of the ceiling fan, he rolled his eyes and groaned, the constant ringing on the other side of the phone driving him crazy. “Baby, come on! Pick up,” he breathed.
Again it went to voice mail. In anger, he spun around and threw the phone onto the bed and watched it bounce into the pillows and onto the floor before picking it up to call her back. “Beka…baby.” Now he was getting frustrated. A talk about picking up his phone calls would need to happen. He shouldn’t have to keep calling like this just to get his girlfriend to answer.
Just as he was about to disconnect the call again, he heard the unmistakable lightness in her voice. Why did she sound so calm? He’d been calling for 20 minutes.
“Baby, what’s wrong?” She sighed, frustration lacing her tone. 
“I’ve been calling you for 20 minutes. Why haven’t you picked up?” He felt anger roiling through his body with each word. “What if it had been an emergency?”
“But it’s not,” she replied. “ It never is. I have a big chem test tomorrow, remember? I’m studying.”
Pushing up with his free hand, he got up and kicked his dresser. His Beka was the smartest girl he’d ever known; she’d be fine. “Baby, you’ll be fine. The Velgard party’s tonight. You said you’d go with me.” All he had to do was sound a little pouty and she’d cave. She always gave in.
In her own home, she curled into her desk, desperate to get him to let it go so she could study and not fail this test. Her fucking professor was making it 35 percent of her grade, so if she failed this she was screwed. “I can’t. I need to study.”
“No you don’t,” he snapped, pacing his dorm as he spoke. “You study constantly. You’re going to pass and you know it. Is it me? You’ve been wanting to go to this party for ages and now you don’t wanna go.”
The two of them went around and around, the pencil breaking in Rebekah’s hand before she gave him what he wanted. She had studied. Not a lot, but some. So she’d probably be fine. “Okay, okay. Let me get changed and I’ll be over in 30 minutes.”
“Finally, yes, I gotta have my girl on my arm.”
When she hung up the phone, he pulled his packet of cigarettes out and lit the tip, embers flaring up red before the smoke hit his lungs. He wasn’t exactly a member of the in-crowd, but Beka was a school-wide beauty. Everyone wanted her. But he had her. He’d look like an idiot if he didn’t show up with her after talking up how they’d just celebrated their three-month anniversary.
After chain-smoking three cigarettes in a row, he pulled on the bracelet Beka had given him for their anniversary, a gift her mother had given to her father more than a decade ago, and checked in the closet for something to wear. Although he’d prefer going in his boxers (the freedom was really something else) it probably wouldn’t be appropriate, so jeans and a t-shirt it was. The first one that caught his eye was the one that Beka hated; she said it was “douchey.” But why should he care? He liked it and that should be all that mattered right?
As he dipped his head into the closet to pick up the shirt that had fallen on the floor, he felt a breeze flash by his foot, sending his hair on edge. He spun around and saw nothing before something else ran behind him again, sending him spinning and falling into the closet door.
“What the fu-?”
Eyes wide and frozen in fear, he stared up to see someone he thought he’d never see again. “You can’t be here,” he breathed, his heart racing faster than it ever had before. “The last time I saw you, you-“
Cutting him off, the middle-aged woman with the stringy brown hair clasped the glass in her hand and shoved it forward, the sound of squelching blood and gargled breaths somehow eerily loud in the midst of the empty dorm room. He reached for his throat, desperate to stop the blood flow, but it slipped through his fingertips - skin growing cold as the smile on her face grew wide.
Tossing and turning on the couch hadn’t been doing her any good, so instead of thrashing about in futility, Bobbie got up and went for a run to clear her head. She should’ve fought harder to get their father to come with them. No matter what he said, no matter how scared he was of putting his children in harm’s way, it didn’t matter. He didn’t wanna watch them get hurt? Well, fuck it, she didn’t want to watch him get hurt either, or worse, have him get hurt and knowing there wasn’t anything she could’ve done about it because he’d pushed her away.
After sweating her ass off despite the chill in the air, she snuck back into the motel room, which really wasn’t necessary because she was pretty sure a bomb could go off and her brothers wouldn’t wake up. A fifteen-minute shower was all it took to make her feel like a whole new woman. Dean and Sam wouldn’t be as easy to get up and running. Breakfast sandwiches and coffee might work though.
“Oh you really do love me,” Dean said as the unmistakable, thick and mapley scent of bacon wafted into the room. “Bacon, egg and cheese?”
“With double bacon, and ketchup, salt and pepper.”
“Best big sister ever.”
He took an enormous bite and grinned as a piece of bacon fell out of his mouth and onto the crappy comforter. Although Sam was grateful for the sandwich, the coffee was what made a sleepy smile crawl across his face. “How long you been up?”
“Few hours. Went for a run. Took a shower. Then I figured food would get you two up and running. I think we might have a case.”
Sam took a swig of his coffee and hissed at the heat. “You never get up early. Nightmares?”
“Mmmm.” It was about all her brothers were gonna get, at least for now, and they knew it. “Wanna know what I found?”
Dean shot up from the bed, renewed by the rejuvenating power of bacon and came up to kiss her cheek. “Thanks for breakfast. Now gimme something to do.”
She ran her hand through his hair and pushed him and his bacon-y face out of the way. “Scott O’Reilly. 20 year old student at Kent State University died in his dorm room two nights ago from a stab wound to the neck. Thing is there is absolutely zero evidence that anyone was in the room other than him and his girlfriend and the she has a solid alibi for the time of death. Also, the stab wound is jagged, but the murder weapon can’t be found or even identified.”
“You think this could be our kind of thing?” Sam asked. It just seemed like a severe lack of evidence, not necessarily anything supernatural.
In her cursory look through the local papers to see if there was anything here to look into, she’d stumbled upon this story. She’d gotten used to passing judgment on the dead, for better or for worse, and something about Scott O’Reilly rubbed her the wrong way. “Nothing in particular. I just have a bad feeling and figured we’re passing through and have nowhere to be just yet so why not, you know?”
“Sounds good to me,” Dean replied, bacon crunching loudly in his mouth. “But since we have nowhere to go, how about we enjoy our bacon – at least let me enjoy mine because my God, do I love bacon.”
“Is it safe to say it’s your favorite thing in the world?” Sam asked, laughing after he finally took a bite of his own sandwich.
“Top three.”
“And the other two?” He could guess.
Bobbie cut in because Dean had his mouth full. “Whiskey and women. The three change depending on mood.”
With his mouth full, he gave them a thumbs up. “God, this is good.”
Chuckling, Bobbie took a sip of her coffee and fell back on the mattress. “Do you need a moment alone with the bacon?”
Rain clouds followed them the entire time they drove to the station. All of them felt the threatening storm, but no one wanted to say it out loud. Just because their father was gone yet again didn’t mean that they weren’t thinking about him and the bigger picture that was looming even closer than the car in the side mirror.
They pulled up to the station with just enough time to get inside before the downpour came. “Can I please be the senior officer?” Dean whispered.
“So you want me to be your crony?” Bobbie whispered as they rounded the corner. Whenever they met with police, one of them claimed they were training the other two, considering it was rare that officers were partnered up in teams of more than two.
Bacon had put him in a really good mood this morning and she didn’t have the heart to pull the big sister card on him today. “Okay, fine. Just try not to milk it too much.”
“No guarantees.”
She bit back a retort when an officer asked what they needed help with. “Hi, my name’s Agent Jones, these are my subordinates, trainee agents Flynn and Lennon. We decided to pop in to see what you could tell us about the O’Reilly case.”
“Hi, nice to meet you,” the officer replied, shaking hands with Dean, his eyes quickly scanning the badges Sam and Bobbie held out for him. “I’m Officer Bales. Honestly though, I don’t know what I’m going to be able to tell you that you couldn’t already find out from the papers. O’Reilly died of a stab to the throat. We’ve got no murder weapon, no motive, nothing.”
“Do you think we could get any information you have on him?” Sam asked.
“I don’t see why not.” The officer walked them all toward a file room in the back of the station.
“What about his girlfriend?” Bobbie asked not realizing Dean had been about to ask the same question. “Her alibi checks out?”
“Yeah, she was in her dorm room studying for hours before he called her. Her two roommates vouched for her.”
They needed to check her out anyway. Just because she didn’t do it didn’t mean someone connected with her couldn’t have been involved. “We should go interview her anyway. She might be able to point us in the right direction,” Dean added.
“She has an alibi.”
“I know,” Dean replied. “But she may know if he had any enemies.”
“Scott was a good kid.”
“Look officer, as much as I can appreciate that that’s what you saw, it’s more likely that someone very close to him, like a girlfriend, would know things about him that you wouldn’t.”
Shrugging, the local townie handed over the files on Scott and gave them directions to his dorm and his girlfriend’s home. “We’ll keep you in the loop if we find anything,” Dean said, saluting Officer Bales with the files in hand.
“Alright, what do we have…Agent,” Bobbie said, smirking as she leaned over to take a glance at the files. “Your subordinates are dying to take part in the case.”
“I had to. I just had to and you know it.”
“Yea, yea,” Sam laughed, smacking Dean’s arm with the back of his hand. “Anything in there that might point us in the right direction?”
Dean shook his head disappointingly before Sam ripped the files from his grasp. “What the hell, man?”
“There is something.”
“There.” Bobbie glanced near Sam’s finger. There was nothing there. A blank space.
“Yes, it’s a blank space,” he said, reading their collective minds. “But there shouldn’t be. These types of papers are formatted. If there was nothing there, then there shouldn’t be a blank space. That means-“
Bobbie slipped into the car as she interrupted Sam’s train of thought. “There was something there and it’s been kept off the record.”
“Exactly,” he replied. “And it’s something the police are aware of.”
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skizmin · 6 years
Ravenclaw Woojin
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genre: fluff of course, sorta?? enemies to lovers but?? not really???, an adamant y/n and a soft woojin,,,, none of the other members appear which i didnt even realise until i finished
okay so woojin is ravenclaws most trusted prefect as hes the eldest one and literally does The Most to make himself available for others
seriously once he asked the defence against the dark arts professor for a 2 week extension on his assignment so he could tutor 5 people for the upcoming charms exam 
like,,,,,,,, damn
anyway so you actually do this extended course of charms, youre in the same class as woojin and for some reason??? the fact that hes so naturally good at it pisses you off
especially when youre falling slightly behind in that class
okay a LOt behind
your like,, only friend in that class is dropping it next term to focus on her divination classes and she doesn’t get it either but it doesnt affect her grades not nearly as much as it affects yours. 
shes all “dude just ask for woojin to tutor you” and youre like 
No NO no
no way are you being tutored by kim woojin. the idea just embarrasses you
you’re usually fine with getting help from peers but woojin?? everyone goes to him for tutoring and you sorta just dont??? wanna put yourself into that group???
you feel like it makes you inferior to him for some reason which is the worst feeling ever
(even tho you totally arent bc youre beating him in potions anyway)
anyway so its a wednesday morning and the class is about to end to allow the students to go have breakfast (you know how extended courses are out of normal school times ye??)
you’re tired as fuck
confused as fuck
hungry as fuck
everything as fuck
but then “y/n!” called you to your senses and you stopped packing your things
your professor had just called you up, an ancient tiny little man who was apart of the great battle of hogwarts some time ago
“yes sir?”
“come here would you?” 
you shoved your ink jar into your bag and nodded, walking out from behind your desk and saying bye to your friend who was leaving already
god she really did hate this class you thought lmao
the majority of the students were still packing their things away in a slow drawl probably instigated by the dim, sleepy light of the chilly morning
“anything i can help you with?” you awkwardly asked your professor who smiled at you, stepping down from his place standing on books to look up at you
“yes actually, ive noticed you’re falling behind.”
you cringed, hard, not even wanting to turn around and see who was watching
“i suggest you get a tutor if you wanna get an A for this semester, y/n.”
“sir, i don’t have time to be tutored!”
“well then i guess you’re going to fail this course y/n. just be tutored enough to catch you up on the syllabus and then i can help you with the rest, okay?”
you internally groaned. this was bad
“you’re smart, it’ll only be about 2 weeks before youre caught up. im sure theres plenty of people that would tutor you.”
you nodded and politely fare-welled the teacher before turning to walk out of the classroom
the classroom was surprisingly empty, and you were happy to see that, not really excited about your professor sharing the fact that you were failing the course
sighing to yourself, you walked out of the door, planning to go meet your friends in the great hall
“hey! wait! y/n!” 
you whipped around, half scared to death
the halls were practically empty yet
there was kim woojin
standing right next to the doorway you had just exited
your head tipped back. had he really been standing there the whole time?
“do you wanna meet tonight or something? we can go to the library?”
you gave him a pointed stare
“what? why?”
woojin was a little taken aback, he grew smaller under your gaze.
“oh, so i can- you know, tutor you? i heard you were behind by a bit.”
he looked almost embarrassed at how you were responding to his offer as you sharpened your gaze on him
“i dont need you to tutor me. i can find someone else.”
and with that you left a frowning, dumbfounded woojin standing in the hallway as you stalked off to the great hall
stupid woojin
who did he think he was asking you to meet him in the library
surely you can catch up on your own, you really dont need his help. you’re like, shaking your head lmao
but anyway, the end of the day comes and you grab all these phat stacks of parchment and take you study charm books to the library and sit at the farthest ever table away from literally everyone
you start studying properties of all the spells youve learnt this second term
you get to the third spell, aparecium, one youve been having a lot of trouble remembering
you groaned, looking up in your book what exactly the spell meant and remembering it was in fact a revealing charm and you didnt have any pages with invisible ink on them. 
you began flipping further into the book, trying to find the incantation for concealing ink writing so you could practise 
THAT SCARED YOu oh my god what was he doing here
“s-sorry for scaring you b-but, its got concealed writing on it so you can, like- practise?”
he sounded sorta hopeful as he slid the paper over to you, hands nervously twining with each other in front of him afterwards
your pride was getting to you tho so
“i’m good at that spell, i don’t need to practise it.”
woojin blinked and squinted at you a little, trying to figure out whether or not you were lying
“ooookayyyy. anyway, anything else you want help with? i can explain it a little bit for you?”
you resisted the MASSIVE urge to roll your eyes at him
we get it, youre good at this
“im okay, thanks.”
you expect woojin to leave then, and it seems he does too as he stutters in his movement before clenching his eyes shut
“do you not l-like me or something? or did i-, did i do something to you?” he peeked an eye open to gauge your reaction
he looked almost
oh no, oh no
what was this guilt? you could feel your glare softening in an instant
why are you liKE THIS
“n-no! i dont!” you stuttered out a reply, eyes widening slightly
and then, he smiled. and he smiled wide
you felt blinded almost, your heart started palpitating. so this is what it was like to have woojin smile at you, and you only.
you were fucked
“oh! okay then! sorry i just-, i just thought i’d annoyed you or something so..” he trailed off, tapping his shoe on the ground suddenly very interested in the lamp on the library desk
“anyway!” he spoke up again. “i’ll uh, i’ll leave you to it. and don’t forget to practise aparecium. it’ll be on the next test for sure.” he grinned at you again and you sorta maybe might have felt heat crawling to your cheeks.
“t-thanks woojin.”
he nodded at you, still smiling before leaving
you banged your head on the table, what in the world was that interaction
whilst burying your face in your hands you noticed he had left the enchanted paper with you, you shrugged
might as well use it, right?
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, shit
1 and a half hours later yu were groaning out of pure frustration with yourself. no matter how perfectly you practised the incantation or how directly you swished your wand at the page, nothing appeared
no writing or anything
you were beginning to wonder if woojin gave you the right piece of parchment, that this was the one with the invisible ink
you shook your head, looking at the clock closest to you and deciding it was too late to be studying and that your brain mustnt be working right,
you packed up your stuff and went back to your dorm, making sure to get as good a sleep as possible because you had another extension charms lesson tomorrow morning
anyway so you woke up late in the morning with a sore neck and red eyes. 
this was Not Good
quickly tugging on your robes and frantically shoving things into your bag whilst brushing your teeth you rushed out of you dormitory and ran all the way to the charms classroom
you ran in out of breath, your professor looking at you with an unimpressed look. “glad to see you could make it y/n.” he drawled before turning back to the blackboard
you whined as you saw him writing a test warning for 2 weeks time, sleepily stumping your way over to your friend who was laughing at you loudly
unpacking your things, you glanced around the room. eyes landing on woojin who had a hand resting under his chin staring right back at you
your cheeks went a bit red when he smiled at you, giving you a small wave before turning his head to the board again
your friend next to you shoved you a little bit, when your turned your head you face her she simply mouthed an i saw that
you rolled your eyes and paid attention to the rest of the lesson without any distractions
anddddd thennnnnn it was over
you blinked, your notes were cleaner today than usual
“hey, y/n!” you looked up to find woojin standing in front of your desk, toothy grin on his face as per usual
your heart sorta skipped a beat before you were able to tell it not to
“hey woojin :))” you smiled, trying your best to sound friendly whilst not looking like an absolute fool
he sorta squinted at you a bit before “so uh, how was studying?”
it was your turn to look at him sceptically this time
“it was,,,,,, good??” you questioned, unsure of how to respond
woojins smile sorta falters before coming back with a somewhat sad lilt to it
“ah, right. well i gotta go. my friends are waiting.” and with that he nodded at you and left
you were confused as fuck
well, that was certainly weird
anyway, for the next week and 3 days, woojin completely avoided you
you’d be fine with this of course if you hadnt gotten that little soft spot for him a while back
it sorta hurt when your smiled at him and he sorta just sadly smiled back and looked away, or if you were gonna say hi to him he’d scurry away before one word could leave your mouth
you were really down about it honestly
bUT you also didnt have time to worry about it
your test was in FOUR. DAYS. 
AND you had studied everything else to the best of your ability apaRT from the revealing charm, aparecium.
you wanted to cry, no one could explain it well enough to you and you could say the incantation right bc everyone spoke too fast and apparently you had to use it MULTIPLE times on the tes to maKE QUESTIONS APPEAR. 
basically, you were having a mental breakdown and you knew there was only one person left to try and explain it to you
kim woojin
again, he was A V O I D I N G    Y O U
which made you angry bc you neED TO GET AN A
anyway, so your class on a tuesday was an afternoon class and you sorta just planned to corner him there after class
flitwick usually left 10 minutes early to arrive at his choir practises on time and put a charm on the door so no student could leave early
so the time comes, the bells ring and students rush out of the class you go and lie in their beds or whatever most teenagers do nowadays
and you make your way over to woojin’s desk as he packs up his things, he was always the last to leave
you coughed to get his attention, when he looked up his eyes widened
“i need your help.” you stated, eyes boring into his, you could swear you saw pink flush over his cheeks
“im uh, im busy. sorry y/n-”
“just one charm? please? i really need it, no one else can explain it.”
woojins eyes softened and he bit his lip. he was contemplating.
“okay.” you smiled at him widely “lets try now, okay?”
you nodded, placing you bag down and grabbing out some enchanted pieces of parchemnt, including the one he gave you
you sat down next to him and he look confused
“whats the paper for?”
“the aparecium charm.” you replied simply, turning to face him
a look of realisation dawned over his face
“i thought you said you were good at that charm?” he muttered
you looked at him weird, why was he acting so strange?
“i lied, i didnt want help back then but i do now. so,”
and then he grinned widely, taking a piece of paper that wasnt the one he gave you and telling you to watch closely
“aparecium.” he said, clearly. swishing his wand almost expertly
you looked at the paper in front of you and saw the writing of hello appear on it in your cursive handwriting
you looked up at him in aw.
“can you say it again? slowly? i dont think im pronouncing it right.”
woojin giggled
and repeated himself, clear and slow. you nodded at him, taking a random piece of paper and clearing your throat
“wait!” woojin yelped “use this one!” 
you furrowed your brows as he shoved the piece of paper he gave you in the library in front of you
“uh, okay?” you replied, glancing up at his smile
clearing your throat again, you swished you wand and spoke clearly. “aparecium.”
nothing happened to the paper and you groaned loudly
“oh, y/n, your pronunciation is perfect. its the swish thats wrong.”
you bored your eyes into him “what?”
“youre doing it this way. youre supposed to do it this way” he flourished his wand to demonstarte to you the wrong doing
you still furrowed your brow, not really seeing the difference between the two
“here, i’ll show you”
suddenly you felt fire all over. red surely covering your face as you tried to concentrate but holY SHIT
“okay so youre going like this.” he moved your hand in his own, making out the movement you made before
“but you should be doing this.” 
o h
now you get it
you wanted to bang your head on the table for being so dumb about it
“oH RIGHT! woojin you’re literally a life saver!”
he laughed again, retracting his hand from yours as red splashed over his cheeks and onto his ears
“well, go on! try it!
you smiled, looking down at the paper and saying a strong and clear incantation whilst moving your wand exactly how woojin showed you to
you squeALED in excitement as ink dotted onto the page! 
you grabbed woojin by the forearm and raised it above both of your heads in celebration
he laughed and cheered along with you before you settled down, beginning your massive thank you speech.
“seriously i couldnt have done it without your help i could have faile-”
“y/n, read it.” woojin smiled at you
“what?” you replied, confused
“read the parchment.”
eyebrows furrowing once again you looked down at the parchment with now visible ink
do you wanna maybe go to hogsmeade with me this weekend?
your eyes widened
no way
no way no way no way
you snapped your eyes up to meet his
this is why he avoided you! he thought youd rejected him in such a selfish cold hearted way!
“i’ve uh, actually liked you for a while. we missed last weekend but im down to go next weekend if you want?”
“i- i, i mean, y-you! of course! i’ll go with you, yeah! oh my god i am so sorry you mustve thought i was such a bitch i shouldnt have lied im an awf-”
your eyes clenched shut as you reached to grab the front of his robes, kissing him back
you felt so goddamn dizzy, your mind cloudy at the absolute bliss of the feeling of his lips and how they moved against yours
he started smiling against you and had to pull away, his eyes glimmering and heart beating out of his chest
“i’ll pick you up at your dorms at 10, okay?”
god, youve never smiled harder.
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maknaes-and-hyungs · 7 years
A Series Of Regretful Events
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Part Two
Pairing: Reader x Baekhyun
AU: College!au + Non Idol!au
Genre: Angst
Note: Hey there! I hope you are all doing okay, especially my fellow Shawols. I know I said I would take my month off to write more, but after what happened (I don’t want to directly reference it) I lost all of my energy to write for a little bit. But I’m okay now and ready to get back into the swing of things. To start it off we have an angsty colleg au with Baekhyun that I am writing to see if I can become an admin for another blog: @justtextmeoppa . Wish me luck and I hope you enjoy~Rin
“Baek!” Baekhyun looked up from his laptop to see you sprinting full tilt towards him across the quad. Your pale yellow sundress fluttering about made you look like a princess, but that was contrasted by the mud that was splattered up the length of your legs. You clearly hadn’t thought about last night’s rain in your excitement to get to him.
“Why are you all muddy Y/N?” He snapped his laptop shut and slid it back into his backpack as he took his jacket off and placed it on the ground. You gave him a thankful smile and carefully sat down making sure to keep your dress down.
“Okay so get this! Woozi asked me to go on a date with him this Saturday.” You held your hands clenched in front of you waiting for him to say anything as you completely brushed off his question. He really wanted to congratulate you and listen to your fangirling, but he was trapped in his thoughts.
It was only yesterday that he had confessed his true feelings to you and yet here you were telling him about how you weren’t choosing him. For a second he thought that you hadn’t actually heard him or maybe you really did mean it when you thought he was sick.
              “Y/N have you ever thought-“
           “Shh Baek! I’m trying to study and I already told you I can’t focusing with you yammering on. I love you, bu-“
           “Do you love me?” The hurt was evident in your eyes as you looked to him, from your sprawled out postion on the floor, expecting a laugh to erupt to tell you that he was joking around. He only stared back at you with an emotion you couldn’t quite place. Fear? Hope? Confusion?
           “How could you ask me something like that? Are you feeling okay?” Getting up on one arm you reached with your other to touch his forehead. You only managed to brush a finger lightly across his skin before he leapt backwards and up on to his feet.
           “I don’t mean as a friend Y/N, because I don’t love you as a friend.” An incredulous laugh erupted out and you quickly covered your mouth with the back of your hand. Baekhyun didn’t know how to interpret that, but the confidence he had been feeling turned towards fear.
           “Baekhyun I know you haven’t been sleeping lately and you walked in the rain yesterday for like an hour. So, for your sake, stop this nonsense and go lay down before you cause yourself embarrassment for when you wake up tomorrow with a clear head.” Dumbfounded by your response, he didn’t even put up a fight when you got up, lead him to bed, and kissed his forehead as a goodbye.
           Thinking about it know he supposed it didn’t matter if you really thought he was sick. If you hadn’t it was obvious you were trying to rebuff him without having to outright do so. On the other hand, if you really had thought him sick then that meant that you two being a thing was something only someone truly delusional would say. Either way you didn’t love him as he loved you and that was currently breaking his heart.
           “That’s great Y/N. My professor is going to be leaving for the day, so I really need to go catch him.” There was no professor waiting for Baekhyun’s questions, only a bottle of booze that was waiting for Baekhyun’s tears. You didn’t need to know this though, so he stood and set off leaving his jacket beneath you.
           You never had a reason to doubt him before, so you let him go and picked up his jacket. You were always stealing his jackets so you slipped it on without calling out to Baekhyun and skipped off to tell your other friends. In the back of your mind however, there was an itching feeling that left you thinking you should have stopped him. Due to this you momentarily paused to turn your head back around to watch Baekhyun saunter away. It wouldn’t be till three weeks later that you talked to him again after that day.
3 Weeks Later
           Without any explanation he stopped texting you and you couldn’t seem to find him anywhere on campus. He was never in his dorm room anymore and with your different majors you never saw him in class anyways, but now you didn’t even see him when you went to the library or to one of the dining halls.
           You two had gone without talking for a week before when one of you had been swamped with too much work to socialize, but never had that time been exceeded. This had you on edge even as you told yourself not to worry and that maybe his economics course was kicking his ass harder than usual. To avoid thinking about it you threw yourself into you relationship with Woozi.
           No matter how hard you tried to be as into him as you were before you couldn’t do it. After three dates and a ton of impromptu meet ups across campus you stopped seeing him. If you didn’t have Baekhyun by your side you didn’t want any other guy to be there. You wanted to tell yourself it was because he was your closet friend but in reality you knew that was a lie.
           When he had told you that he liked you that one day you tried to play it off on the fact that he might be sick. In truth you liked him as well, but you didn’t think you could ever have brought yourself to do things such as kiss him. You wanted to stay best friends, because it was practically dating already and you didn’t want the risk of you to sharing a kiss and that dispelling the feelings you had. It felt weird to you, but at the same time it was logical to you as well.
           Now without Baekhyun by your side you found yourself not just longing for friendship. You longed to finally kiss his soft lips and figure out if he was fast and heated or slow and loving. What would it be like to run your hands across his chest as he nipped at your jaw and slipped off your shirt? These kind of thoughts began to consume you and you realized you didn’t not want to do those things, you had just been scared. Now that you were unable to confront these thoughts it was all you thought. Then Baekhyun reentered your life, but this time he wasn’t alone.
           “Y/N! It’s been forever since we talked bestie o’ mine.” Scaring you half to death, Baekhyun came to sit next to you as you ate lunch alone. “I’m so sorry I dropped off of the face of the earth like that. I swear I have an excuse although it might not be enough so I swear we will watch so many movies together over break.”
           “What is this excuse?”
           “My new girlfriend Yoojin!” He gestured his hands to a girl who walked up to your table with a tray of food. As soon as she did Baekhyun’s warmth left your side and he went to snuggle up next to the girl you presumed to be Yoojin. She laughed lightly as he nuzzled into her neck before setting down the food and pushing him off.
           “It’s nice to meet-“ someone yelled her name and she turned her head to look at them. “Sorry if I’m being rude, but I need to talk to them about homework.” Like that she left as quickly as she had when she first entered.
           “Isn’t she just great Y/N. We met right after I left the quad and I fell so into her that I haven’t spent any day since without her. I-“
           “I thought you loved me.” Never had a conversation halted so quickly as yours did when you cut Baekhyun off. Smile falling he looked into your eyes and you were sure this time you saw anger brewing within.
           “I thought you chose to ignore that and write me off as a delusional sick patient.”
           “Well clearly you were when you got over it the day after you confessed. So don’t go getting all worked up and angry at me for thinking it could have been sick ramblings.” You were trying to stir him up and it was working. Veins started popping up on his forehead and his skin began to redden.
           “Well you’re the one acting all jealous after you basically told me that we would never be a thing.” Before you could deny it he carried on as his speech gained volume and speed, “So don’t complain about me getting angry, because of course I would when you bring this up only once I have a girlfriend. We could have talked about it then, but you had to shove the fact that you were gonna be dicked by Woozi in my face the next day.”
           “I just said he asked me out Baekhyun! I never even said I was going to accept, in fact I was gonna try and laugh about it with you. I might have liked Woozi, but it was more superficial.”
           A laugh that sounded, to you, particularly offensive came forth and assaulted your ears, “You went out with him for two weeks Y/N. Don’t bullshit me. If it was just superficial than you’re more of a slut then I thought you were. Honestly that disgusts me so maybe it’s good we haven’t spoken.
           “BAEKHYUN! You know how much I hate that kind of language how could you use it against me?” He just shrugged nonchalantly and stared at you with vehemence, “If that’s how you feel then you’re just the douche bag I always thought you were. Even when we were friends I always found your attitude to be insufferable, but I never spoke up cause I thought I could look past it.”
           “Really Y/N. You’ve resulted to lying and name calling now? How pathetic can you get.”
           “I am so done with you. Here I was for three weeks building up the courage to confess to you and all you want to do is attack me. Fuck you Baekhyun! I hope we never talk to each other again.” With that you took an action that you would regret for the rest of your life, you slapped him and walked away. A little bit of you hoped that he would follow, but all he did was scream out whore as you stormed down the steps and out of the dining hall and his life.
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writings-andstuff · 7 years
“Don’t Objectify Me” (Dean x Reader)
The first of two for tonight and then I’ve got to study for my finals tomorrow. 
Happy Reading!
Words: 1971
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Warnings: Excessive cuteness
Excerpt:  He huffed again but stayed silent.  The three of you, with the help of Cas back at the bunker, were investigating a string of homicides in Oklahoma.  Three people had been killed inside of a week, but that hadn’t even been the strangest part.  The bodies hadn’t just been mutilated, they’d been practically decimated.  Their chests had been ripped open and their lungs had been removed.  It was positively gruesome.
Forever Tags: @fairchild21
Tagging: @beccaanne814-blog
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You paced back and forth waiting for Dean to come out of the house of one of the victims.  Of course, you couldn’t go in with him—you were the watchdog. You were always the watchdog.  Dean was always the one putting himself in the line of fire, and you were always just...watching.
“Easy kid,” Dean said, coming up behind you.  “You’re gonna wear a hole in the concrete.”
You gasped and hit him in the shoulder, hard. “Oh my god, you idiot! You scared the crap out of me. I almost pulled my gun on you.”
Dean gave you a sly smirk and walked around the side of the Impala, leaning over the top for a second to talk to you.  “Well, don’t do that.  Don’t wanna have to tell my brother that my girlfriend made me Swiss cheese because I scared her.”
“Then don’t scare me,” you shot back, sliding into the front seat of the Impala and waiting for Dean to follow suit.  After he did, he put the keys in the ignition and the car rumbled to life.  “So, did you find anything? Hex bags? Sulfur?”
“Nada,” he grumbled.  “But I still say it’s a demon.  There’s just nothing about the killings that screams witchy business to me.”
“‘Witchy business’?” you questioned with a raised eyebrow.  He started off down the road.  “I don’t know, Dean. I gotta stick with Sam on this one.  Witches seem to be the most likely culprit.”
Dean huffed.  “I thought you were supposed to side with me.”
“Only when you’re right,” you countered.  “And anyways, if you’re right, you get bragging rights against not one, but two people. But you’re not right.”
He huffed again but stayed silent.  The three of you, with the help of Cas back at the bunker, were investigating a string of homicides in Oklahoma.  Three people had been killed inside of a week, but that hadn’t even been the strangest part.  The bodies hadn’t just been mutilated, they’d been practically decimated.  Their chests had been ripped open and their lungs had been removed.  It was positively gruesome.
You and Sam were thinking a witch because, contrary to what Dean had said, it screamed ‘witchy business’ to the two of you.  But Dean was having none of it. He was sure it was the work of some demon just looking for humans to kill. The only problem with his theory was that removing a specific organ from those bodies seemed like more of a ritual than an MO.  
The two of you met Sam back at the motel room to find out what he’d learned from the bodies in the coroner’s morgue.  
When you got back, Sam was sitting on the edge of one of the beds with his tie and suit jacket stripped off. He looked up at the two of you as you entered the room and shut the door.  He looked almost green, which was odd since Sam was usually the most composed and least queasy around dead bodies, especially the gory ones.  
“I’m guessing it was as gross as we thought it would be,” you said, giving him a small pat on the back as you passed the bed to sit in a chair by the small table. Dean dumped himself down on the other bed and began undoing the buttons on his flannel so that his black T-shirt underneath could be seen.
“Worse,” Sam grumbled.  
“Well,” Dean turned to look at you and Sam.  “We got nothing at the vic’s house.  That was the last of the three and still nothing.”
Sam gulped down air before speaking.  “Well, there were no hex bags in the bodies.”
You shook your head.  “Okay, so let’s go down the list—”
“The very short list,” Dean put in.
“Can’t be a demon since there was no sulfur,” you said, ignoring him.  “Not a witch, because there were no hex bags, and nothing to suggest witchy activity.”
Dean smirked.  “‘Witchy activity?’”
You threw a plastic fork at him from last night’s take-out dinner of cheese burgers and fries.  He frowned down at where it hit his thigh.
“You see this, Sammy,” Dean said to his brother.  “Before she threatened to poke holes in me, now she’s trying to spear me with plastic utensils.”
Sam frowned and looked over at you. “You threatened to shoot him?”
“He scared me,” you told him plainly.
Sam nodded as if this was all the clarification he needed and turned back to Dean. “Shouldn’t’ve scared her, Dean.”
Dean picked up the fallen fork and threw it at Sam who expertly dodged it.  His color was starting to return to normal, which reminded you of your list.  You sighed.  
“Okay, focus guys,” you said.  “No ectoplasm means no vengeful spirit.  No dead family members or friends who would want them dead, which means no ghost. I believe this is what the kids call an impasse.”
“Nope,” Dean sighed.  “Think that’s just you, sweetheart.”
“There’re more forks here, Dean,” you warned. “I wouldn’t push your luck.”
He put his hands up in a sign of surrender.
“Wait,” Sam said in his ‘I think I’ve got something’ voice.  “What if it is a ghost?”
You didn’t have time to respond because Sam was already up and sitting at the table across from you in front of his laptop.  He tapped away as Dean came to stand behind you, one hand on the back of your chair and the other on the tabletop.
“Care to fill us in, Sammy?” Dean said.
Sam kept typing.  “Just think about it.  We don’t really know that much about ghosts.  We know that if they stay long enough, they go vengeful. We know that when they expend lots of energy, they leave behind ectoplasm. We know that they can haunt things, people, and even places.  Sometimes they don’t know what they’re doing, sometimes they do. The truth is, we don’t really know all that much about how much ghosts can do.”
You frowned.  He was right, of course.  Dean had once caught a ghost virus and it almost stopped his heart.  On their first hunt together, Sam and Dean had encountered a woman in white who had almost killed Sam.  Even Bobby had been attached to his whiskey flask after he’d died.  You’d seen an entire building haunted by one ghost alone, and you’d seen one dilapidated house haunted by many ghosts.  
But there was one problem with his theory.
“Yes,” you said, “but we’ve never seen ghosts do this.  Not since the breaking of the seals to free Lucifer.  The witnesses.”
“Aha!” Sam exclaimed, flicking his computer screen.  You and Dean moved to the other side of the table to inspect it.  
“Uh, care to explain this to us normal folk, Sammy?” Dean asked, pointing to the screen. It was a picture of a thin man in his late fifties maybe, wearing a porkpie hat and a tweed jacket.  
“We were looking for a link to the victims, here’s our link,” Sam pointed to the man on the screen.  “Meet Professor Ike Weizmann. He was an Anatomy and Physiology professor at the university in Norman.  It says that last year he suffered a severe asthma attack in his lab during a lecture and died. Apparently, his family filed a lawsuit against the board of the University last year because they thought the attack was caused by mold in the walls that went left unchecked.  A week before the court date, all of the members of the board quit and the school was closed for an entire month before they were replaced.”
Dean licked his bottom lip.  “Please tell me that there were only three members on that board.”
Sam shook his head and clicked onto another page on his laptop.  He pointed to a list of people.  “There are two more: Lisa Warren and Keith Garfield. Both live in the area.”
You shook your head.  “Based on the pattern, it seems like he’s been killing them every twenty-four hours.  But, I don’t get it—why wait until a year after his death to come and get his vengeance?”
Sam turned in his chair to face the two of you, shaking his head.  “I have no idea.  Maybe he was waiting for the right time? Who knows.  But I’ve got the addresses for both of the other board members.”
“How much time until the next murder?” Dean asked you.
“Um,” you did some quick math in your head.  “Well, McCreedy was killed somewhere around eleven last night, they think.  It’s eight now.  So, three hours, give or take.”
“We’ll split up,” Sam said.  “Dean, you take Keith and I’ll take Lisa.  He’s only going to kill one tonight, and they live on opposite sides of town so—”
“So whoever finds Professor Bowler Hat,” Dean cut in, “is on their own until backup comes.”
“I don’t like this plan,” you said.  “Wait, uh, what is the plan, exactly? Specifically, what am I doing while one of you is almost dying?”
“Nobody’s gonna die,” Dean assured you.  
Sam nodded his agreement.  “You’re going to go to the cemetery in the middle of town.  According to the archives, Weizmann was buried. So you’re gonna burn the remains.”
You could see it in Dean’s clenched jaw and tight shoulders that he didn’t like you going on your own, but he also knew that you could handle yourself. You were no damsel in distress, and he knew that.  Nevertheless, you laced your fingers through his.  “I’ll be fine.  Just burning bones.  Nothing new.”
He sighed. “I know. Alright,” he looked at Sam.  “I’ll drop you off by Lisa, then Y/N by the cemetery, and then I’ll head over by Keith.”
“If I burn the bones,” you said, “you guys should still stay there until after eleven, just to be sure.”
“Alright,” Sam said. “Let’s get ready and go.  The faster we get this over-with, the faster we get back to the bunker.”
The rest of the salt ’n burn went off without a hitch.  You were thrown into a tree, but you managed to light fire to the bones before the ghost killed anyone. Of course, Dean overreacted about the head injury you had.
Cas met the three of you in the war room when you returned the next day.  He offered to heal you, but you refused, much to Dean’s dismay.  You let Dean clean the cut at your hairline, though, and listened to him go on a tangent about how he should’ve been there with you.
You waited patiently until he was done talking to tell him your piece about how you were fine and the three of you had had a job to do.  Burning the bones just happened to be yours.  All three of you had an equally dangerous job.  
As it was, Ike only attacked you because you were holding matches above his open casket.  It was to no avail on his end, though, because you managed to burn them anyways.  Dean came over after and helped Sam put the dirt back over the grave, having you wait in the Impala.  
“I still should’ve been there with you,” Dean stood before you, his arms crossed and his jaw set.
“Dean, its just a cut,” you told him.  “I’m fine.  But I would really like to sleep for the next day.”
His features softened, but only slightly. “It’s late. C’mon.  Let’s go to bed.”
You grinned at him and hopped off of the library table. “Yes, please.”
“But you gotta sleep on your own pillow,” he said with a small smile, roping his arm around your waist, though you were fine to walk and had told him so several times.  
“Why?” you whined.  “You’re such a comfy pillow.”
“Don’t objectify me.”
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