#okay but actually this is so so sosososo interesting
It shrilled, through an air crackling with blue light, and with each flash a great jolt drubbed through me till I thought my bones would break and the sap fly out of me like a split plant. I wondered what terrible thing it was that I had done.
--- The Bell Jar, by Sylvia Plath.
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squishosaur · 11 months
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he's too weak for this,, girl,,,
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whyse7vn · 9 months
BRO? -
[ot7 x reader]
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y/n: bro
jimin: wys gang?
y/n: i just threw up in my mouth
jimin: you started it
on GOD 🙏🏻
y/n: stop
jimin: nah bro
what did you want dude
y/n: wanted you to pick me up
jimin: okay gang
on god i can do that for you
y/n: wanted
past tense
jimin: don’t even worry gang ur bros got you
y/n: ykw i’m so good gang 🙏🏽
jimin: wait no come back 🥺
y/n: lol gang you into me or something??
jimin: i might be gang…
y/n: bro…
jimin: bro….
y/n: bro????
jimin: no my fault bro i was getting into it
y/n: nah you always on that weird shit bro
jimin: i’m sowwy 🥺🥺🥺🥺
y/n: u tripping ong
bye again
jimin: dhmu only real bros would get it 🙏🏻😓
y/n: i’m real
jimin: real FAKE
y/n: ur real ugly
jimin: bro…
y/n: bro.
jimin: you’ve crossed the fucking line
y/n: sue me broski
jimin: how about i fuck you
y/n: this is why i distance myself from you
jimin: sorry nature takes over sometimes
y/n: ???
jimin: ???
y/n: tae core
jimin: we are not the same
y/n: i think you are
jimin: bro ong u tweaking
y/n: no bro ong i’m on to something
let me cook
jimin: cook me a orgasm lol
y/n: i’m blocking you lol
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y/n: dude
yoongi: wrong person?
y/n: no?
yoongi: i’m telling you you’ve got the wrong person
y/n: i’m telling you i haven’t
yoongi: ur not funny
y/n: i’m laughing
yoongi: i’m not
y/n: cheer up bro
yoongi: fuck off
y/n: bro you can talk to me about anything
it’s okay
yoongi: i want to break up with my girlfriend
y/n: OMG????
yoongi: i thought i could talk to you about anything
y/n: i’m ur girlfriend tho :(
yoongi: though we were bros??
y/n: sometimes
yoongi: that’s not how it works
y/n: you clearly know nothing about bro code…
yoongi: sometimes i think violent thoughts
y/n: tf is bro talking about 💀
yoongi: leave me alone
y/n: do you love me
yoongi: do you want and honest answer
y/n: dude is acting like he hasn’t almost proposed to me several times 💀💀
yoongi: what do you actually want leave me alone
y/n: brotha wants to be left alone 💀
yoongi: stop talking like that
and i am not ur brother that’s nasty
y/n: why won’t you love me for me
yoongi: you’re annoying
y/n: sighs i know what dream feels like now
that’s what the mask is
that’s what the point of the mask is…
yoongi: tf is dream??
y/n: sorry did i give you flash backs
i miss no more dream yoongi
bring him back!!!
yoongi: no
y/n: he can be ur alter ego
or like on a full moon you transform into debut yoongi
where you roam the streets spitting in peoples faces
yoongi: debut me did not spit in peoples faces
y/n: ok???
but you looked like you did
sorry for assuming geez
you were more of a biter those days i remember
yoongi: i bit you once
thinking about that day brings a tear to my eye
the shock the fear the betrayal it’s all coming back to me
yoongi: are you done?
y/n: yeah bro :/
yoongi: bye
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y/n: i want to chew on ur eyeballs
namjoon: that’s nice babe
y/n: i’ll crawl into ur skin
we will be one
namjoon: ok
y/n: god ur sosososos obsessed with me
namjoon: always
y/n: bro
namjoon: ??
y/n: ??
namjoon: i thought we were being nice to each other
y/n: that was nice
namjoon: you called me bro?
y/n: yeah?
namjoon: ok
y/n: do we have a problem?
namjoon: never
y/n: wow ur so obedient
namjoon: ok stop
y/n: why
namjoon: ur being weird again
y/n: again??
namjoon: you opened this conversation i want to chew on your eyeballs
y/n: and??
namjoon: i can only take so much
y/n: lame as hell bro
namjoon: why are you calling me bro?
y/n: it’s cute
namjoon: bro is cute??
y/n: no
namjoon: why do you chose to lie to me?
y/n: bored
namjoon: interesting
y/n: it’s not
i’m bored
namjoon: that sucks baby
go for a run or something idk?
y/n: are you saying i need to lose weight
namjoon: no wtf?
y/n: i think ur saying i need to lose weight
namjoon: ur putting words in my mouth
y/n: soon ur gonna start putting salad in mine
namjoon: bro
namjoon: ur seeing things
namjoon: i think i’m gonna go for a run
y/n: how about you run away and never come back
namjoon: oh
y/n: go “oh” with ur new bitch
namjoon: my new bitch?
y/n: bet she loves when you call her bro
namjoon: you called me bro first…
y/n: what’s ur point???
namjoon: what are you mad at me?
y/n: i’m so hungry
namjoon: what
y/n: what
namjoon: love..
are you ok?
y/n: what does ok mean in this day and age joon?
namjoon: should i come home?
y/n: dude just go back to working out with all ur little buddies
namjoon: you miss me??
y/n: ur insane
namjoon: i’m omw home
y/n: idc bro!!!
namjoon: so i can work out for 2 more hours then?
y/n: whatever come home bitch
namjoon: love u seen you soon
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y/n: bro jimin just threw a rock at me
hobi: oh no
do you need mouth to mouth cpr
y/n: i need more than cpr
in so much pain rn
hobi: wait
you just called me bro?????
y/n: why is that ur biggest concern rn
i said jimin just threw a rock at me A ROCK
a really big fucking rock
hobi: no you said bro jimin just threw a rock at me
what is wrong with you?
y/n: are you serious??
hobi: are you??
y/n: fine
hobi: fine
y/n: bro
hobi: it doesn’t even hurt me anymore
y/n: whatever you say buddy
hobi: carry on
y/n: k pal
hobi: 🙄
y/n: dude
hobi: i’m killing myself
y/n: you sound hurt
hobi: ok??
y/n: really that that deep bro…
y/n: pussy
hobi: am i a pretty pussy 🥺?
y/n: hoseok what the actual fuck
hobi: i’m feeling really insecure rn
can you please validate me
this is ur fault if we think about it
tell me i’m your petty pussy
y/n: ??????
ur fucking out of ur mind
why would i say that
why would you say that
wtf is wrong with you
hobi: plz
then i’ll like throw a rock back at jimin or something
avenge you
y/n: i’m not dead
hobi: ok ur just difficult then
say it pleaseeeeee
y/n: ew no go away
hobi: this isn’t love
y/n: it’s not
hobi: what happened to through sickness and health
y/n: so you admit you’ve got some kind of mental illness
hobi: why does it have to be mental
why couldn’t i have a physical illness
like being hot as fuck
hahahaha lol wow i’m so hilarious
y/n: u right u funny as hell cuz you ugly as fuck wow!!!!!!!
hobi: you didn’t mean that
y/n: bro
hobi: i’m gonna start crying
y/n: hobi…
hobi: babe
y/n: are you fr crying…
hobi: no lol
y/n: ur my pretty pussy
hobi: you mean it?
y/n: don’t push it.
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tae: why are you being so loud
y/n: ???
i’m not doing anything
can you hear tan?
tae: oh yeah
thought you were barking
y/n: why would i be fucking barking bro wtf???
tae: u could be trying new things
i wouldn’t judge you if you were
y/n: no
tae: shame
y/n: shame?
tae: bro?
y/n: what
tae: you called me bro by accident
y/n: ???
tae: babe you called me bro
y/n: ok
tae: by accident
why did you call me bro by accident
y/n: it wasn’t an accident
i typed it
on purpose
tae: why would you do that
y/n: ?
to communicate?
bro idk
tae: you did it again lol
why bro?
could of said babe
baby even
y/n: why does bro bother you?
tae: no lol ofc not wtf
you just don’t call me that
y/n: well i do now
tae: k
y/n: k?
tae: something wrong?
y/n: ur mad at me?
tae: no
y/n: upset
tae: never
y/n: ur not a child tell me
tae: bro does things to me
y/n: that sentence is crazy as hell
tae: PAUSE
y/n: paused
tae: don’t ever bro me again you slut
y/n: bro
tae: hey!!!
y/n: you do did not need to call me a slut
tae: was that not sexy
y/n: no
tae: i hate it
y/n: bro
tae: it’s gross
I’m your boyfriend
y/n: barely
tae: meaning??
y/n: i’m sure you can figure out the meaning
tae: i know what barley means!
y/n: i’m glad
tae: why am i barley ur boyfriend??
y/n: ur strange
no offence
actually all offence
u harm my public reputation constantly
tae: i think ur so in love with me
y/n: i’m glad you’ve taken the delusion route instead of the depressed one
tae: sometimes your funniest friends are the most depressed ones…
y/n: ur so right i should give jin a call ❤️🙏🏽
tae: i was talking about me
y/n: we are not friends and ur not funny
tae: ur right we’re dating and i’m fucking hilarious
y/n: bro…
tae: come kiss me on my hot mouth babe 😋
y/n: i’ll pass
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y/n: dude
jk: me?
y/n: yes
jk: are we fighting?
y/n: no why
jk: dude??
y/n: dude
jk: ok
y/n: are you crying rn?
jk: no?
y/n: i can hear you
jk: why would you ask then
y/n: wanted to see if you were a sick little liar
jk: i am
y/n: you are
jk: tell me you love me
y/n: lol
jk: i’ll throw up
y/n: make sure u clean it up
jk: babe
y/n: bro
jk: would you love me if i was a worm?
y/n: no
jk: but you told me you would last week
y/n: that’s cuz you were drunk and would of started crying if i said no
jk: i’m crying now
y/n: exactly
it’s 10x worse when ur drunk
jk: maybe you have a point
y/n: are you still crying?
jk: no
y/n: i can still hear you
jk: no
y/n: dude
jk: yes
jk: i told you
y/n: that’s not healthy
like at all
that’s really worrying actually
jk: i love you
y/n: clearly wow
that’s insane
jk: do you want to kiss me?
y/n: no
you just threw up
jk: or did i?
y/n: you did
jk: i did
y/n: it’s okay
jk: is it
y/n: no
jk: :c
i’ll clean it
y/n: it’s okay i’ll do it
jk: why
do you maybe like me a bit
y/n: no
jk: oh
y/n: go get comfy in bed
jk: but i have to clean
y/n: i said i’ll do it
jk: r u sure
y/n: no
jk: oh
y/n: i do not hear you moving upstairs jungkook
jk: i’m going i swear
sorry for throwing up
y/n: sorry for calling you dude
jk: fr?
y/n: no
jk: knew it
it’s okay tho
i’m strong
y/n: you just threw up cuz i called you dude?
jk: i can be strong sometimes
just caught me at a weak moment
y/n: you have a lot of weak moments don’t you?
jk: sometimes it’s hard to tell if you like me
y/n: i got the biggest crush on u fr
jk: 🫢
i’m in bed now
y/n: kk be with you in 5 bro
jk: stop it
y/n: 🫢
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y/n: bro can you order pizza pls i’m begging you
jin: normally i would be into you begging but the bro is throwing me off
y/n: wdym???
are you ordering or not
i’m hungry
jin: no
stop calling me those names
y/n: bro?
jin: i am not your bro nor dude
y/n: ur my dude <3
jin: adding a heart does not make it any better
dude is for like friends
idk if you have any but i am NOT one of those
y/n: um wtf i have friends
jin: the members don’t count
jin: ur sad
y/n: bro
jin: do you want to break up
y/n: lowkey
jin: wtf
y/n: look me in the eyes bro
jin: no
y/n: yes
jin: no
y/n: this is kinda hot
jin: lmao not surprised i have that charm to me
y/n: sorry wrong chat
jin: what
y/n: anyways ur were too slow yoongi ordered me pizza
and i’m not sharing
jin: i don’t want any of yoongi’s nasty pizza
i hope the pizza place spits on it
y/n: ur mad
jin: ur single
y/n: finally
jin: ?
y/n: ?
jin: i find our love so comforting ❤️
y/n: dude you have lost ur mind
jin: okay wtf
ur acting like you don’t want me
y/n: loooooooooooooooooool
jin: and people think i’m the mean one
y/n: i tolerate you
jin: what is the issue???
if you want to fight we can
i’m ready meet me in the ring at 6
y/n: don’t you have a military service to be serving??
jin: i will serve crack before i severe this country
y/n: yikes
i’ll snitch
jin: ofc you will
you rat
y/n: wow is that how you feel?
jin: yep
y/n: wow
jin: don’t act all nice now you started this
was mean for no reason
finish the battle rat
y/n: ur fucking old
jin: ok wtf
you can no longer send messages to this contact!
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chuurroez · 10 months
୨⎯𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬⎯୧
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╰┈➤ pairing: Seok Matthew x gn!reader, Kim Taerae x gn!reader (seperate!)
╰┈➤ genre: super duper fluffy, set in the real world (where dating isn't a damn scandal) !!
╰┈➤ summary: What would your boyfriend do when you fall asleep during a movie night? How would he also react?
╰┈➤ notes: this was requested by an anon but for some shitty reason, my laptop accidentally deleted it?? (i def need a new laptop) i also think i might've got carried away with Taerae? idk huhu. anyways, thank you for requesting! <3 (Requests are open right now! ^^)
╰┈➤ word count: 942!
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.ೃ࿐ Seok Matthew:
: ̗̀➛ Your boyfriend getting day offs are usually spent inside your guys’ shared apartment cuddling and watching movies and/or tv shows you guys were interested in watching and these was one of those days.
: ̗̀➛ Renting the new Spiderman movie, you guys got blankets, pillows, and snacks to your living room. You would fix the couch to be much more comfortable for the two of you while Matthew turned on the tv and set the movie up while also opening the chip bags and other snacks you guys had!
: ̗̀➛ The movie was super good but you couldn’t help but feel tired because of all the work you had to do in your job today, you didn’t want to disappoint your boyfriend by sleeping not even halfway through the movie but your droopy eyelids said otherwise and you drifted away to dreamland.
: ̗̀➛ Your boyfriend on the other hand noticed your sleeping figure and made you more comfortable, “hmm? looks like they fell asleep.” Matthew says in his mind as he carries you bridal style to your shared bedroom and gently laid you down on your shared bed while putting a blanket over your body.
: ̗̀➛ Matthew then after shuts down the tv, cleans up the leftover snacks you guys had, put the blankets and pillows away, and then cleans himself up to quickly be able to sleep beside you.
: ̗̀➛ When you woke up from your slumber, you saw a sticky note on your bedside table saying 'Hi darling! If you read this, I'm sorry I couldn't be there when you wake up, I had to leave early to go to the studio. :( I made you some breakfast too! You can just reheat it if it gets cold, Love you sosososo much baby &lt;3', You couldn't help but feel so happy knowing that you had the best boyfriend in the entire world !! :D
.ೃ࿐ Kim Taerae:
: ̗̀➛ Getting invited by your boyfriend to their dorms for a movie night was one of the best days ever! Your boyfriend, Taerae, invited you after their manager said that they could have a movie night and a day off after.
: ̗̀➛ He invited you through facetime because of how excited he was! "Baby!! Are you free tonight? I hope so, because our manager allowed us to have a movie night and a day off after! I asked them if I could invite you and they said yes!" your boyfriend enthusiastically said and you knew you couldn't say no and he was over the moon when you said you could come over!
: ̗̀➛ When you went to their dorms, you knocked on the door and you were greeted by Jiwoong who told you to come in, you saw Zhang Hao, Gunwook, and Matthew who all greeted you a 'hello', but most importantly, Taerae was there who almost immediately greeted you and hugged you after, he kissed your forehead, ''I'm so happy that you could come over baby! I really needed this, you know? Have you eaten yet? If so, then change into your pjs to be more comfortable!" your boyfriend tells you.
: ̗̀➛ After you changed into your pajamas, you quickly went to the living room and cuddled up with Taerae. The both of you along with Matthew and Yujin, waited for the other members. Gyuvin seeing the both of you cuddle said sarcastically, ''Really, rght in front of my eyes?" ''Your just jealous you don't have anyone to cuddle with, lmao'' Ricky said with Gyuvin hitting him after. ''Okay, stop you two, you really want to do this in front of our guest?" Hanbin scolded them both, ''No no! It's okay, it's actually kinda funny hehe'' you say to Hanbin. Taerae was relieved knowing you didn't take what Gyuvin said to heart because he would've shouted at him (LMAO)
: ̗̀➛ When all of you were in the living room, you guys watched the first 2 movies, but during the 3rd, you were feeling a bit tired. You leaned onto your boyfriend's chest, you didn't want to disappoint your boyfriend by sleeping so quickly into the night but your droopy eyelids said otherwise and with that, you fell asleep.
: ̗̀➛ Your boyfriend on the other hand, noticed your sleeping figure and gave a quick kiss on your head before hugging you closer to him for you too keep warm.
: ̗̀➛ A good 15 minutes after you fell asleep, Yujin was humming to the song that was playing in the movie loud enough to wake someone up who was lightly sleeping. ''Shh! Yujin, y/n is asleep! They might wake up!!" Taerae scolds the boy, afraid to wake you up. "Sorry hyung! The song is just so catchyy'' Yujin apologizes to Taerae.
: ̗̀➛ When you woke up from your slumber, you were on Taerae's bed, and beside you was your boyfriend sleeping peacefully. You got up to go to the bathroom and when you were done, Hanbin and Jiwoong greeted you 'good morning', you asked them what happened after you fell asleep, ''Well basically, we watched 2 more movies after you fell asleep and we got to bed at about 1 o'clock? Taerae carried you on his back and onto his bed and that's basically it!" Hanbin answered. You thanked Hanbin for telling you what happended last night.
: ̗̀➛ You took a shower and got in your work uniform and thanked the members who were awake for inviting you for the movie night and for letting you stay for the night! You asked Matthew to tell your boyfriend that you had to leave early for your job to which Matthew said he would tell Taerae. You also sent him a text so he was extra assured you were safe. The text said "Hey baby! If your reading this, sorry I had to leave early :(, I had to go to work early because of a meeting, I promise you I'll bring you home some sushi and ice cream!! Love you! &lt;3", Taerae was relieved knowing that you were safe and texted you almost immediately after he read your message! :DD
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likes, comments, reblogs, and feedbacks are greatly appreciated !! ♡
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ranhaitanisgf · 5 months
i just saw u answering that question about ur fav character in twst and i just wanted to say that its so cute how u get excited when u are talking about something that u like😭😭 i love ur blogg ur works are so cute i love them with my whole heartt and ur new itadori fic is ADORABLE URGHHH
um okay and what if i actually burst into tears rn no joke . (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)(;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)(;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)(;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`) this is me in bed rn IM CRYING IM CRYING IM CRYING (BUT IN A GOOD WAY !!) watch me leap through this screen rn and give u my entire heart anon WTF 😭😭😭😭😭😭
IDK HOW TO EVEN CONVEY MY GRATEFULNESS AND HAPPINESS AT THIS ENTIRE MESSAGE !! there aren’t even any words !!! first of all ur makin me blushhh w that frl omg !! i do luv yapping abt my interests lawlll but i did not think anybody was reading it tbh !! 😭😭 maybe ill yap a little more on main 🗣️🗣️
& secondly IM SO HAPPYYYY AND ELATED AND ECSTATIC 2 HEAR THAT !!! it makes my heart all fuzzy and happy and everything to see you say that you like my works !! it literally means the world to me !! i had a hard time with the itadori fic cause the idea was sooo cute i wasn’t sure if i could pull it off correctly !! (and wasn’t sure if i could characterize correctly bc it was my first jjk fic ) so getting positive feedback on it literally means SOSOSO much you don’t even understand !! AHHHH UR SOSOSOSO SWEETTTT 💗💗💗
i hope you have the most lovely and gorgeous and fabulous day/ night !!!! thank you so much for the kind words i will literally cherish them 4ever !! anon you are srsly so sweet & amazing !! 💗💗💗 thank you thank you thank you !!!! xoxoxoxo
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bookinit02 · 7 months
HI im so sorry i just finished reading the e4 script and i am just . fuckign speechless i cant articulate at all lol it was soo amazing when i finished i needed to stare at a wall for like three minutes straight just to process hang on one sec hang on a minute let me uh let me jsut two seconds here hangn on HDSHHSDCHSCSCVGSCVGDVGSCDCGSXCGXSCXSCGSGSCGCGHCXGHCGXHCHXHXFFHCHXD#DFFDCEFHDFSNCNKSDCNJDSTHFH3489FDJNHJFVDSHJFDHSDFDHVHGSDCVDGHC489FHJHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH i am literally SO OBSESSED you are such a talented writer and im so sorry once again for dumping all my thoughts in ur askbox especially when most are just incoherent but i have so many of them 😭 and this has been on my mind like all day lmao chewing on drywall actually<3333
okay first of all i LOVE HOW EVERYTHING IS COMING TOGETHER IT'S SO INTERESTING all the little plotlines feed into the bigger ones,,,,,, th hive mind isn't toxic plot which means SHITT vecna isnt trying to kill them he's trying to do something Else WHY ARE YOU SO GOOD AT PLOT TWISTS AAAAAAA and the back-and-forth between dustin and robin, the reveal that vecna was trying to force someone out ("where's will?")CHILLS. THE CHILLS. GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD it was so cool omgg omgomgomg. also max's storyline is literally INSANE i am SO INVESTED and i love how you've handled it so far i can't wait to see where you're gonna go with it!! <3 like. LIGHT. run the other way run to the light,,,, and the whole thing with TERRY is so genius it all makes so much sense but i never saw it coming and it was just SOOO SICK to see play out on the script i was on the edge of my damn seat the whole time you are literally SO TALENTED i am yelling sosososo loud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
kind of continuing on from that i love all the references to past seasons :D the heart motif with lumax and byler has me in a chokehold btw grnjfrgnjfdjknnfjdgvknjkgfdjnkhehe!!!!!!! and the "you can leave, it's---" the rain is DEAFENING. will FLINCHES. THE RAIN SCENE??? also HELLOOOOOOO EMOTIONAL RAIN SCENE i think i can speak for all of us when i say im FLOOORED!!!!! gahhhhhh I CANT I ACTUALLY CANNOT YOURE AMAZING AND SO IS YOUR WRITING!!! plus the curiosity voyage WHO CHEERED :)
the. the byler quarry scene i. the lead up to it was INCREDIBLE and the gut punch sliding down walls head in hands heartwrenching 1000year brainrot is REAL because it has been my resting state since i read it when it dropped!!!!!! <3 basically my quick review is AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA and woag the slightly less quick review is also AAAAAokay no im kidding dont worry i have soo many thoughts head FULL girl i am so unwell over it "stay" THE CHEEK TOUCH THE HAND OVER HEART THE "i cant" and then it's TOO LATE.throwing up!!!!!THROWING UP and the jump and the running start and the rainstorm as a whole i am . I AM !!!!!!!! I AM SOOOOOOqhjwhjsdhjjhdjhdsjwjsdjhhjdhjehjwejhogufdoudfgjgdfjjwhdjhd dyinf a thousand deaths passing away rn
ANYWAYYY looking back on this i realize how long it is I AM SO SORRY JESUS😭😭😭 but yeah thats my roundabout way of letting you know that this rewrite and the s5 plot and scripts and fic and shoutout to the characterization which you NAILED it's absolutely EVERYTHINGGGG okay i promise im done now im so sorry like i said this got Way Unreasonably Long but thank you sosososo much for sharing this with us i hope you have a great rest of your day!! :D
this is the comment that made me cry at work btw so please never apologize for it being long😭😭 this was soooooo nice of you and it makes me so happy to know that all the work i put into these scripts is being recognized!!
one of the biggest challenges of this script has definitely been all the intersecting plot lines. i’ve never really attempted anything this expansive or complicated before, so there’s definitely a learning curve to it! i’m glad you’re enjoying it so far. & while i don’t think this plot twist is one of my best by any means, and honestly i wasn’t even thinking about it as a plot twist, i’m still glad you liked it! i really adore writing plot twists, and i love the feeling you get when reading something that has been so cleverly executed. it’s really the same feeling that i strive to emulate in all my fics!
i just said this in another ask, but i am SO psyched about max’s plot. i was really stuck on what to do with her, but i didn’t want to sideline her. pairing her up with terry was something that i never considered, but i literally had a revelation one night and was like oh my god that’s PERFECT!! & i haven’t seen anyone else do anything even moderately close, so i’m very excited to try something new.
i love a good reference!! parallels make my heart so happy. or so sad. depending on the circumstance. the rain fight one was a little bit evil, i’ll admit. the curiosity voyage was a lot more fun!
i was also unwell over the quarry scene. i literally cried writing it. i had to take multiple breaks. just ask suni i was SO unwell oh my god😭 so i’m right there with you.
again, please don’t apologize!!! this was incredibly kind of you, and it makes me so unbelievably happy to get comments on my script. this is an episode that i was insanely proud of, and i’m really happy that everyone has enjoyed it so much. thank you so much for all your kind words!!💗🫂
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cloudcountry · 10 months
OKAY first thoughts on Ikepri men
Leon: Awoo I think I know who I'm choosing like oajbsdijb. He has a beautiful smile and beautiful hair and he's good with kids! Also dang his outfit looks so good! I want him. That one. That's mine.
Chevalier: He's cold but I'm kinda interested tho?? Like I don't know why but I like him?? Like he's so cool but he also put a sword to my throat which wasn't as cool. But I'm kinda interested in him and want to know more
Yves: LMAO I WAS NOT EXPECTING THAT. I'm sorry but I need to fix his hair because I can't take him seriously. He gives me wet cat vibes and I think it's so funny. But he's a sassy tsundere so that's cool I guess
Nokto: Ah yes, the classic otome game character that immediately flirts with you. I can't look at him without seeing Zen from Mystic Messenger in more ways than one. I'm not very impressed by someone who can't even remember if I was a fling and immediately tries to flirt. Keeping him at a distance
Licht: Edgy man. Idk much about him because he's quiet but he's kinda cool I guess?? He's pretty and has nice fluffy hair but he gives me sleepy boy vibes and lone wolf. I'm not too interested in him but more so than others
Clavis: My first thought is woah so pretty :O but then I found out he's mischievous and a trouble maker and I can't deal with that. He's pretty but not for me. Would love to brush/run my hands through his hair tho. Also his belts confuse me
Jin: LMAO he looks like a normal guy and acts like a normal guy. I'm sorry he just looks so average. I can't get much of a read on him tho so it kinda reminds me of Trey but idk aside from that.
Luke: :O Woah another pretty man?? He seems fun and I like his outfit a lot I mean the little animal is so cute! He's adorable and I want to hug him but idk about romance
Sariel: ;-; no. Get away from me. His hair, his outfit, his threats, his attitude and personality...please keep him away from me. He scares me but also like he gets on my nerves? Idk how to describe it but he feels off and shady. I usually trust demons but nah not this one. Also giving heavy Jade vibes
Rio: did they make a golden retriever into a person?? I love how he's actually referred to as a dog/pet and he says nothing about it. But he's a major simp for the mc and I'm not a fan. He looks better as a butler but idk he's too obsessed with me for me to be interested. Also I can't read his name and not see that blue bird
Gilbert: ...I've only read his description but I love him. Pretty, mysterious, edgy, and he's feared? Sign me up. Also that outfit, like slayy man. I'm going to steal that cape and wear it. Awooga this man he's so edgy but danggggg
Keith: All these fancy names and then there's Keith. Idk he's soft and cool sure but not for me. Too soft for me. Also his hair and last name makes me think they tried to put Dan Howell in the game. It says he has two sides so I guess that's cool but not for me
Silvio: Cruella De Vil wannabe...okay but he's pretty but no. His whole throw money at things to solve problems is no. He's wearing lots of jewelry which makes me want to imagine me as a peacock robbing him. Yeah that fits. Rob him and wear that cloak around and act smug in front of him. What's he gonna do? Throw money at me?
PLS leon is really nice!!! he's more like an older brother figure to me personally but i think hiss hugs would cure my depression LMAO
ASJGDFFAJS STOP I LAUGHED REALLY LOUD WHEN I READ WHAT YOU WROTE ABOUT CHEVIE.,,.,.,. HES SO SILLY apparently he's really sweet ocne you get to know him but hes a biit prickly at the beginning (but hey, isnt that the same for half the love interests?)
YOU HIT THE NAIL ON HIS HEAD FOR YVES. HES SO WET CAT CODED. his route is so sad but sosososo sweet its so adorable. i want to hug him. he's like a bestie to me tbh i would fight anyone that looks at himw rong FR. HE DESERVES THE WORLD AJHSGDAJ
okay i'll admit i didn't like nokto at first because he's the flirty type but. he doesn't really give me the creeps anymore? now that i know why he does that./ he's kinda just there for me but he looks a lot liek zen from mystic messenger HELP
LICHT IS SOOOOO RPETTY and hes the reserved type. i am foaming at the mouth. I WANTED TO PLAY HSI ROUTE FIRST but yves was probably the better choice for my frist route since his route os apparently super heavy ^^;
CLAVIS IS SO GOOFY his relationship with the mc is honestly so adorable if you pick him as a love interest,.., theyre so teasinga nd wholesome towards each other and if my future relationship doesnt look like tehres I DONT WANT IT.
jin scares me but yorue right about him being painful;ly average. i got that impression too but apparently his route punched people in the gut KASHGD
OMG YES. I ADORE LUKE. ive only played yves's route so far but luke is so kind. hes so sweet. hes so godo at talking peoplee down from anxiety and even though he has a temper himself hes so good at regulating emotions??? i want to hug him so bad. he was so nice to mc in the beginning of yves's route too.
SARIEL'S HAIR BOTHERS ME TOO LMAOOOO I GET IT!!! he has a sprite with a whip and i hate it. umm he's kinda nice sometimes but i dont really have an impression of him yet!!
RIO IS TEH SWEETEST :((( I WOULD DIE FOR HIM. he is so kind to mc and i know the whole obsessed thing isnt for everyone (it put me off at first too LMAO) but really he just loves her unconditionally and wants her to be happy its so cute im gonna die
THE WAY I SCREAMED WHEN YOU SAID YOUW ERE ALREADY IN LOVE WITH GILBERT you and the whole ikepri fandom tbh. may i introduce you to his weird ass gloves and their unexpected appeal. also he has a cane which is silly. his coat is weird. i am picturing that diagram vio made for his outfit ITS RIDICULOUS.
keith's hair looks so soft i want to run my fingers through it in a very bestie way. he gave me a weird vibe when i saw him first but the second he opened his mouth teh weird vibe disappeared. he just seems so sweet and gentle :((
i do NOT like silvio next
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chryzure-archive · 2 years
Pssst so fun fact! This morning I woke up from a zombie apocalypse dream (It was stressful not because of the zombies, but because I had a scooter instead of a car and had to push myself on the tiny children's scooter AND avoid zombos at the same time isugfviu), and my moms immediate reaction to this was 'you know what you should do? you should watch a zombie movie' and I was like 'you're a genius' WHICH BRINGS ME TO THE POINT OF THIS ASK, BELOVED HORROR MUTUAL... any zombie movie recs? :)c
IM CACKLING. once i had a zombie dream that was very frightening and real-feeling, except for the fact that when i killed the zombies, they turned into spaghetti. still very frightening to me though.
ANYWAH, YES I HAVE SOME. i watch more zombie movies than i read zombie books <333
OKAY, so the rezort is VERY GOOD. very fun, interesting concept for a zombie war!!! it used to be on netflix, but they took it off <//3 so you’d have to find it elsewhere :(( i love my chryzure au for it though !!!
world war z is a pretty decent zombie movie!!! i’ve actually never been frightened while watching it, because the lead is so competent that i never was scared (except when he had to sneak around some zombies). i love getting a glimpse of the beginning of the apocalypse, when you get the news reports of zombies but they haven’t reached your area yet. BIG fan. ((obviously this is based on the book, BUT this is NOTHING like the book. go into it expecting a typical zombie movie and you’ll be fine!!))
UHHHH I ADORE PRIDE AND PREJUDICE AND ZOMBIES. jst looooove period drama zombies. i’m going to read the book any day now, i swear.
i am legend is a decent zombie movie as well! this one makes me cry and it still kinda frightens me…? jst the idea of an airborne zombie virus is UPSETTING. the dog dies though :((
OH GOD, WAIT. I NEVER MENTIONED TRAIN TO BUSAN. this is HEARTBREAKING, it destroys me, all the characters are SO WELL-WRITTEN and i think abt it daily. i watch it every year on my birthday. it’s… rlly rlly good.
warm bodies is a fun romeo and juliet zombie retelling! can’t say it does anything special, BUT i AM obsessed with it, so there’s that. also a fun chryzure au :)
IF YOU WANNA WATCH A HORRIFYING FOUND FOOTAGE ZOMBIE FILM, REC IS INCREDIBLE!!! i love the first three rec movies (i don’t pay attention to the fourth one. it does not exist <3)!!!!! they’re sosososo good and scary and tense. INCREDIBLE.
life after beth is fun zombie movie, where the guy’s gf comes back from the dead and slowly grows more and more feral. it’s a comedy!! i love the ending because it’s so ????? absolutely wild that everyone jst goes back to their daily lives.
i’ll stop now, but i’ll also mention: if you want an absolutely fucking idiotic and ridiculous zombie franchise to WATCH, the resident evil films are HORRIBLE. and amazing. and nothing like the video games. i’m obsessed with them, i will never recommend them, and i adore them.
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solibrie · 2 years
shoutout to rapture. you made me start spiraling about my hoo au at 1am.
reyna… she is sosososo interesting. she always is, but especially in the context of this au.
her relationships with men and boys in hoo are DEFINED by them rejecting her. even her father, by denying her the love and care she deserves.
jason was an implicit rejection, since he ends up dating piper when he forgot reyna, which sort of makes it super terrible. (i don't remember if this is pointed out, but definitely something worth mentioning since percy remembers annabeth but jason doesn't remember reyna. to be fair, they weren't ACTUALLY dating, but we're clearly meant to parallel annabeth and reyna so it feels important to point out).
percy rejects reyna straight up because of his memories of annabeth. and there's the whole orion subplot in boo that i don't remember but know is centered on reyna's past relationships with men, ranging from her father to jason and percy. i know its specifically pointed out that these men who reject reyna are powerful—her father in the sense of him, yknow, being her dad, and then jason and percy are like, the most powerful demigods of their generation.
in the reynabeth swap au, where hera/juno has manipulated reyna's memories into thinking she is dating leo, reyna is finally in a relationship. but all of her agency has been removed, but also, reyna is the one in control??? if that makes sense (also she doesnt experience percy feelings this time around, but the READER would still know about them, so it's still relevant from a meta standpoint). leo and reyna inevitably break up, but they do so on REYNA'S terms for once. reyna is the warrior out of the TLH trio, and for once, she is the strongest one in the dynamic. reyna has only ever been rejected—for the very first time, reyna gets to do the rejecting.
that fundamental act; reyna being able to have the guiding hand in her relationships, does WONDERS for her.
and of course, considering the direction i'm taking (pipeyna), reyna also gets to implicitly reject jason simply by forgetting him. and as stated, she never deals with percy feelings, so those are inconsequential. but this is only substantial from a meta perspective, where the readers know the irony in reyna rejecting jason because she started dating piper when she forgot jason existed.
poor jason fr. do you think he gets a crush on annabeth when she shows up at camp jupiter??? i'm a little torn. it's okay jason you can kiss leo about it maybe.
i can understand why reyna was not canonically written as a lesbian. however! as a lesbian, i think she makes for a very compelling lesbian character who does not understand love (because she is a teenager) and has an incredibly complicated relationship with attraction and her feelings towards men, especially men with power over her.
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bratz-kitten · 3 years
random thoughts on the moon signs
moon in pisces is literally my favorite placement ever. something about these people makes me feel safe. as a capricorn moon, i repress my emotions constantly and i’m deadly afraid of showing vulnerability, but pisces moons give off this vibe of constantly being consumed by their emotions – and it’s fascinating. you make me feel like it’s okay to express my deeply emotional side; even better, you encourage it. you’re the type of people who i love crying with while eating ice cream, even cuddling with. your empathy and passion for your interests is your biggest strength.
moon in aquarius reminds me of that shrek quote of him being an onion – you guys have layers upon layers upon layers. my brother is an aquarius moon and sometimes i feel like i’m the only person who knows how emotional he really is. you hate showing this part of yourself – it’s hidden safely from prying hands; you racionalize your emotions, repress them, attempt to conceal them; but ultimately, your deeply compassionate and intuitive nature will be shown – even if only to the very few you trust. your dreams are your biggest strength.
i have never met a cancer moon without raging mommy issues yet who was deeply attached to their mother. you always share this very close bond and she’s very present in your life – yet its so obviously this very toxic dynamic. you guys get this fame for being the only ones with ‘stable’ emotions because your moon is exalted but you’re like.. not. your emotions aren’t stable; much on the contrary, and even if you’re very emotional, you don’t particularly like showing it. most of the cancer moons i’ve known are iffy about expressing their feelings. you joke a lot about your trauma, though, and so you give people the impression of knowing you when really, they don’t know the half of it.
moon in sagittarius makes it feel like life is worth living. you dream so much and so high; you’re so open about your love for adventure and freedom, so optimistic and fun-loving – to the point where most people don’t understand how turbulent your emotions are underneath the façade. you give off the vibe of the funny friend who’s depressed and afraid to show it because you’re supposed to be the one who raises the spirits. doesn’t it hurt when you try opening up to others and they almost seem bothered by it because they prefer it when you’re just this bubble of fun? you need to learn to take that weight off your shoulders – stop trying to entertain others and realize that they’re the ones who need to entertain you. this is your show, baby. your resilience is your strength.
is it possible to be a capricorn moon without having strict parents and a terrible childhood in which you had to raise yourself? because i think it’s kind of a given. it’s so funny how literally everyone sees you as this cold, unemotional, strong person yet you probably cry everyday. a lot of problems with self-worth every time you’re in a bad place mentally, which is constantly. extremely calculating – you always do shit with a clear purpose in mind and it can come off like you’re using people for your own gains. your ability to survive even unsurmountable odds stacked up against you is your strength. i almost feel like you thrive on pain because that’s how you’ve learned to grow and adapt.
moon in aries people are so smart, and most of all, dedicated. you make me want to get my life together so bad – you’re the type of people to set a goal and go through with it no matter what. you’re always on to something, looking for opportunities and recognition. you see what you want and you go for it. you’re so easy to rile up and lose it, though, it’s so funny how you’re so bold and passionate yet so big of a crybaby (all aries placements are tbh).
moon in scorpio stop being so pessimistic pleathe i will kiss you in the lips just don’t lose your faith in humanity /yet/. trust is the most important thing in the world to you which is funny because you have raging trust issues. so sensitive but you cover that up with anger. you be looking like you wanna commit sporadic murder when on the inside you’re just so hurt. you’re so dependable, things might be in deep shit but as soon as you’re in the room i know we’ll find a way to fix it. if the l*ve of my life doesn’t end up being a scorpio moon i’ll be so pissed.
moon in leo YOU’RE SO INFURIATING PLEASE SHUT UP OR I’LL FUCK YOU??????? massive egos, you know you’re the shit and you won’t shut up about it. likes to start arguments just to rile everyone up and then laugh maniacally in the corner at the chaos they created. always have a wicked plan in mind and i’ll go along with it because you’re also stupidly endearing. the best friends, literally always there when you’re down and sosososo supportive. i���ve noticed that feeling insecure is quite possible the worst thing you can feel, it’ll start to take a toll on your physical health. your ability to be a fucking idiot but also a /pretty/ idiot is your biggest strength.
moon in virgo if you say “well actually, that’s not how that works” one more time i’ll throw hands. incredibly nit-picky and obsessive but also the types of people to have a pile of dirt on their room?? mom friend, WILL take care of her babies/friends. you always ruin the mood yet.. you’re so fun to be around? how does that even work? i could listen to you talk for hours. i don’t think you know what the concept of relaxation is. also pleathe stop with that need to fix others. the fact that you’re so focused on your goals and willing to do just about anything is your biggest strength (it’s also kinda scary).
my mom’s moon is in libra and ma’am can you please stop transferring your mommy issues onto me? i get it, you had a codependent relationship with her and she showed you she loved you while also constantly criticising you and treating you like an extension of herself. my bestie is a libra moon too and it’s also like that. just.. mommy issues and insecurities for days. a passion 4 fashion and people love to be around you. also, i can’t understand how you feel. like, you’ll cry a lot and love so hard yet when you break up with someone you’ll never spare a thought about them again? it’s almost like you can turn your feelings off. which is funny, because that’s supposed to be a capricorn moon thing but i’ve never met one who can stop caring, they just act like they’re heartless to protect themselves. either way, libra moons can switch from sweethearts to cold and aggressive in a literal second and it’s scary but also cool.
moon in gemini please don’t ever shut up you have so much to say, your interests are so fascinating and the way you talk with so much passion about literally anything makes my heart do the flippy thing. also so complicated, can you name one person in this world who fully knows and comprehends you? very secretive, people feel like they know you because you talk a lot and are very open about certain things but as soon as something actually serious happens you turn into allison dilaurentis real quick.
moon in taurus why are you so pretty? you’re so extra too, you always leave the house looking straight off the runaway. you’re literally so caring for your friends and overprotective too, possessive of even them. you prioritize comfort a lot, wether it be on your home or concerning yourself. you’re very good with people, i feel like you’re the ex that your ex-boyfriend’s mom doesn’t ever shut up about because she misses you and wants you to be The one. you need to learn that change isn’t the enemy!! change is fundamental for personal growth. hold grudges for a crazy amount of time. very weird sense of humor, in an oddly endearing way. your mentality of “if they’ve hurt you, they’ve hurt me too” is your biggest strength.
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ameliora-j · 2 years
okay idk if you write for hotch but assistant reader! oh my GOSHHH either a au or a dialogue do with this as you will
“yln could you come here for a second?” hotch calls out of his office door. the team ‘oooh’s childishly as you walk by and individually glare at them on the way to your boss’s office.
“yes sir?” you ask, standing nervously and shuffling from foot to foot.
“close the door,” he nods towards it. you breathe in deeply and close it as you stare at him nervously.
before he can say anything, you’re already rambling, “sir i-whatever i did i am so sorry. sososo sorry i-i didn’t mean to. i-it was an accident i didn’t mean to forge your signature i-i just know that you’ve been so busy and… and the document really wasn’t an important one i-it was just morgan and garcia’s notification of relationship and and well i mean w-we all already knew that. and i mean… i mean technically i-i didn’t even forge your signature b-because you gave me that that stamp for christmas that one year the… the one with your signature so… so that when you were out of office i could i could sign things anyway a-and i’m soooo sosososo sorry please don’t fire me…” you begged.
“yln?” he questioned.
“sir…?” you asked timidly.
“that’s not why you’re in here,” he chuckled. “i didn’t even know you did that actually…” he answered.
“oh…” you murmured. “is… is it the coffee thing? b-because i can switch it back! i just thought organic would be better than what we had before a-and everyone seemed to like it so i j-“ he cut you off yet again.
“you switched the coffee grounds?” he asked, small smirk playing on his lips.
“i’m gonna stop talking now…” you squeaked.
“good idea,” he chuckled. “no, i called you in here because jack is joining little league football and the cheerleaders need a coach. i remember seeing on your resume that you got into university on a cheerleading scholarship, and jack loves to see you and well so do i so… are you interested? it pays,” he smiled shyly.
“oh… oh yes! yes of course i’d love to coach the cheerleaders!” you exclaimed with a smile.
“perfect, i’ll text you the details later on then,” he nodded. you smiled and turned around to exit, as you twisted the knob, he called out your name once more, causing you to turn around.
“yes sir?” you asked, tilting your head.
“learn to plead the fifth,” he chuckled, causing you to flush in embarrassment and nodded, going back to your desk.
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f1nalboys · 3 years
You know the request you got about the child!reader who gets abused by their guardians and the slashers take care of them? Okay well when I read the Sinclair brother section this thought came to my head that what if Vincent took off his mask in front of child!reader and instead of crying and screaming reader says he looks so cool and asks if he’s a super hero because Vincent needs some love😌
hey there!!! i am so sosososo sorry about the wait omg... i really hope this fic is worth it? lmfao
GN Child!Reader
WARNINGS: child abuse mentioned/implied, cursing, fluff and kind (so probably ooc lolz) bo, vincent, and lester
WORD COUNT: approx. 2900 (i may have gotten carried away...)
Bo, Vincent, and Lester all had an… interesting childhood. With their family, things got physical quick and verbal even quicker, so the moment Lester came across you and your guardians, he knew. How could he not? You reminded him of a younger Bo; closed off, eyes down, trying not to draw attention to yourself because it was always going to be negative. 
Lester didn’t consider himself a good actor. Hell, he was surprised most of the people he got to Ambrose even considered getting in the truck with him, but this time he put on the performance of his life. Sickly sweet, playing up the dumb bumpkin stereotype he knew people saw him as all so he could get those assholes where they needed to be. 
Surprisingly, something actually was wrong with their car, no interference needed. He offered to get his tow truck over and bring them to the best damn mechanic this side of Louisiana and they accepted. They were all smiles, making conversation, but he saw through it. Every time their gaze turned to you he could see the change in their eyes and it took a lot out of him not to sink his knife into their throats then and there.
Bo was taken aback seeing Lester haul ass out of his truck empty handed. “The hell’s got you in such a rush, Les? Gotta shit or something?” He laughs at his joke, scowling when Lester blows him off. “Get the stick out of your ass.”
“Shut up, Bo. These people… Imma bring them in, alright, and they got a kid,” Bo’s eyes narrowed; he had a strict no kid policy. You can call him a lot of things, most of them true, but he wouldn’t consider himself a damn monster. “You’s gonna do whatever you want to ‘em, but they ain’t making it outta here alive anf they sure as hell ain’t being statues, got it?”
“Who the fuck do you think you’re bossing around? I’ll decide what the fuck I do when the fuck I do it, understood?” Bo snapped, stomping towards Lester who had gotten to the tow-truck. “Who said you could take the damn thing out anyways?”
“Bo, they hit that kid.” 
That was all Bo needed to hear. His fists clenched and he nodded, sending Lester on his way. After watching the dust settle back down he made his way to the museum, calling for Vincent. That damn classical music was blasting (well, as much as it could blast being on an old record player,) and Vincent was busy sculpting some poor bastard who had wandered into the town last week. 
“Vincent!” Bo barked, snorting at how Vincent jumped and grabbed a hold of the knife attached to his hip. Vincent flipped him off before turning back to his work much to Bo’s annoyance. “Lester’s bringing some people down here, I don’t want none of them being figures, got it? I’m gonna have a lot of fun with ‘em,” 
Vincent paused his movements, turning back to Bo who could practically see his brother's look of confusion. He started signing quickly and Bo grunted in annoyance. “Slow down, damn it, you know I can’t understand what you’re sayin’ when you rush.”
Vincent slowed down, signing at a more reasonable pace. “Why can’t we use them as statues? What’s going on?”
“They got a kid and Les say’s they hit ‘em.”
Vincent nodded. He remembers the beatings Bo, and eventually him as he grew up and began to disobey the many rules set in place for him, received back in the day. He had grown to loathe those who took their frustrations out on a defenseless kid because he knew that faced with someone like him, someone like Bo, they wouldn’t dream of it.
A car horn, barely discernible through the music, pulled Bo from his thoughts. He nodded curtly to his brother, rushing down the tunnels into the museum, stopping long enough to calm himself down. He knew he wouldn’t need to keep his cool for long; they weren’t leaving regardless. 
“There he is!” Lester called, waving Bo over as he emerged from the museum. Next to him were a man and a woman, older than he was by the looks of it, and a kid who was barely pushing 10. The closer he got the more signs of Lester telling the truth became evident. The bruises, the dark circles under their eyes, hell even the way they refused to look Bo in the eye when he introduced himself. 
“Let me take a look at ya'lls car and we can figure out what’s goin’ on,” He said, flashing a smile that dropped the moment his back is turned to them. Lester had gotten the car off the tow-truck and into the garage, making his job that much easier. Lester hung around the shop, milling by the cash register. He was waiting for Bo to make his move. 
“Hey kid, you alright? You’re lookin’ a lil nervous,” Bo asked gently, looking at the kid from the corner of his eyes. He took notice of the way you tensed up and look over at the people you’re with who give you a look of contempt, deciding to answer for you.
“They're fine! We’ve been on the road for a bit so they’re all tired. Had a lot of fun with their cousins as you can tell,” The man said, laughing along with the woman. Bo looked over at you and you nodded, averting your gaze immediately.
“That sounds fun, but I was asking the kid.” Bo stood up, taking his cap off and running his hand through his hair. Their faces dropped, giving him a glimpse of their natural selves before the façade is back. The woman motioned for you to speak and you hesitated.
“Y-yeah, just got into a bit of rough-housing,” You get out, nodding quickly. You finally hold Bo’s gaze and he takes that as the confirmation he needed; he wasn’t going to hold his anger back any longer.
“You two got them on a damn script, huh?” He snapped, taking a large step toward your guardians, attempting to separate you from them. You stay frozen in your spot, eyes wide, watching the scene unfold in front of you. This never happened. Your guardians were convincing and had the whole world wrapped around their fingers. Except for you.
“Excuse me? I don’t know what you’re talking about-”
“Shut up, bitch. You know damn well what I’m talking about. I know what you do, Lester knows what you do, and they,” He pointed over at you, the disgust in his voice sending a shiver down your spine. It seemed like he cared. “They know what you do. You’re fucked in the head, ya’ know?” 
Lester is behind them now and you watched as he pulled his knife out of his waistband. They bumped into him and gasped as they turned, holding onto one another. Bo had his knife out now too, taking another step towards the couple, his mouth curving into a grin. They were crying. “Les, go get Vincent. Gonna have some fun with ‘em for now.”
Before Lester turned on his heel to get down to the tunnels, he looked at you, his features softening. “Bo, what about them? They shouldn’t see this,” 
“You’re right,” Bo said, turning to face you and for a second you worry that the knife in his hand is about to sink into your chest. Instead, he held the knife out to you. “They should be the one to get the first stab in.”
“No! Bo, come on now, they’re a kid. Let me take em’ to the house while I get Vince.” Lester pleaded and Bo huffed, bringing his arm down to his side. “Thank you. Come on, kid. We ain’t gonna hurt you, alright? They ain’t hurting you anymore either.”
You began to walk toward him on autopilot, barely registering the sounds of your guardians voices telling you to stop right fucking now. Lester gave you a small grin and walked you up to the house. The sound of a scream caught your attention and before you could turn around to look he stopped you. “Why can’t I look?”
“Ain’t nothin’ you wanna see down there, trust me. Can I ask you a question? Ya willin’ to be honest with me?” You hesitated before nodding slightly. A part of you felt calm with him. Maybe it was because you were finally without the anxiety tightening your chest at each movement you made, worried about upsetting them. He looked kind, acted kind even as he held a knife to the people you’ve been living with. “S’alright, you ain’t gotta answer if you don’t wanna. But those folks back there… they hit ya’, right?”
Your breath hitched in your throat. Was it that obvious? How could these two men notice the signs within five minutes of meeting you but people you were around for years never had the thought cross their minds? You could feel the tears threatening to spill over and you sniffed, wiping at them with the back of your hand.” Yeah, kind of. How… how did you even tell?” 
“My parents weren’t the best if you get what I’m sayin’.” He watched as you attempted to regulate your breathing and he moved his hand to rest on your shoulder and felt his heart shatter as you flinched. “Dontcha worry, kid, I ain’t ever gonna let someone put hands on you again. There’s a lot of things me and my brothers are gonna have to talk to ya about, lots of it won’t make sense to ya’, I'm sure, but I promise you’re safe now.” 
You can’t help it; you burst into tears. The relief that flooded your system was euphoric; you never had to tip-toe around someone again. You could talk without being berated, you could sing in the shower again, you could stand in the kitchen without a reason to be in there. You could have your life back. A sob escaped your lips and you nearly melted into Lester as he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into a tight hug.
“Sorry ‘bout the smell, kid, I promise next time ‘ya see me I’ll be smellin’ like roses.” He muttered into your hair, pulling back and giving you a toothy grin as you laugh, wiping at your nose with the back of your hand. You had made it to the house finally and he opened the door for you, apologizing for the mess. 
You stopped in the doorway, staring ahead at the behemoth of a man standing in the kitchen. He had turned towards the door when he heard the door open and was honestly not expecting the kid to be standing there. He had come up to the house a few minutes after Bo had told him the plan, too anxious to work with the wax, milling around the kitchen and taking mental notes of things that needed to be cleaned.
“Oh! Vince, didn’t expect ‘ya to be up here. Kid this is - wait, what’s your name? Shoulda asked that earlier, huh?” You turned towards Lester and smiled. You weren’t scared of the man in the kitchen but Lester being with you did help stamp down any anxiety you had felt creep up in your chest when you entered the house.
“That’s a damn good name! Vincent, this is Y/N and Y/N this is Vincent. He’s my brother and Bo’s twin. Don’t worry, he don’t bite.” You nodded and took a few small steps towards him, stopping a few feet in front of him and holding your hand out. Now that you were closer to him you saw that he was wearing a mask and you couldn’t help yourself.
“How come you wear a mask?” Both Lester and Vincent froze in place, his hand having just placed itself in your own. He recovered quicker than Lester who was stumbling over his words and he shook your hand, crouching down in front of you. Even with him crouched, he was still a good foot taller than you. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have asked that. It was rude.”
Vincent chuckled, something he wasn’t super used to even now that he had begun to use his voice more. He looked over at Lester who stepped over and tried to explain in the nicest of ways, not wanting to offend Vincent or scare you.
“Vince here has a big scar on his face. He and Bo - that greasy mechanic down there - are twins but they was born together and Vincey here got the brunt of it.” He took a look at Vincent who was looking at him expectantly. “He don’t talk much, just hurts his throat is all, but he can hear ya fine. He wears the mask to cover it.”
“How come? I bet the scar looks cool!” You said, breaking out into a grin. Vincent smiled, the mask lifting up slightly. He hasn’t seen child-like wonder like this before in… ever. You looked at him and furrowed your brow, thinking of how to ask this. “Could I see? Just real quick and then you can put it back on if you want! I just think it’s gonna be cool!’
Lester placed his hands on your shoulders and shook his head. “Vincent don’t like takin’ his mask off, sweetheart. Sorry ‘bout the nickname.” Lester gave Vincent a quizzical look and when you turned to face him you saw him moving his hands quickly, his eyes (which you could just barely make out in the darkness of the mask's eye holes) focused on Lester. He let out a shocked noise and you can practically hear his grin. “Well, ‘parently you won the guy over. He said he’ll show ya as long as I turn around. Sound good?”
“Yeah! Thank you so much!” You beamed, bouncing on the balls of your feet. Vincent could feel his heart beat pick up its pace as Lester turned around, returning his smile. He took a deep breath, hand on his mask, and lifted it up. He kept his eyes closed, waiting for the moment you yell in fear, begging him to put the mask down, but it didn't come. “That’s so cool! Does it hurt?”
His eyes popped open and he is greeted by the largest smile he’s ever seen and he can’t help but return it, his eyes scrunching up, crows feet evident. He shook his head. “Could… could I touch it?” He raised an eyebrow but nodded anyway. Your fingers traced the line of his scar that split his face in half, oohing and ahhing. Your hands finally left his face and he gave you another grin. “Thanks for showing me! You remind me of this one superhero I read about in my comic books!”
Vincent nearly burst into tears at the mention. A superhero. A good guy. Not the villain, not the lackey, not the evil middleman, but the hero. He held up his finger, telling you to wait, and went into the kitchen to grab a pad of paper and a pencil, coming back over to you and writing on it quickly. You grinned at his words and laughed, wrapping your hands around his shoulders, hugging him. He hugged you back immediately, wondering how anyone could hurt someone like you.
“Can I turn ‘round or did y’all leave me hanging?” Lester asked, breaking the two of you from your hug and making you giggle. Vincent slid his mask on and nodded. You turn to Lester and tell him he can turn around and he does so with the biggest grin. “Superhero, aye? Am I his faithful sidekick?”
“Yeah! You and he fight crime day in and day out!” Lester and you go off into a tangent about superheroes, forgetting that Bo was down with your parents. Vincent watched, grinning ear to ear, when Bo entered the house, face scrunched up in anger. His face instantly softens at the sight of you on the couch.
“Sorry, didn't know ya’ll were still here. Lester, thought you were gonna get Vince to come help me?”
“Sorry, we got a lil preoccupied. You still need help?”
Bo shook his head, giving you a smile and heading into the kitchen, taking care to hide his hands from you. His hands and sleeves were covered in blood. “Nah, got them situated. Gonna go back down there after I eat. Y’all want some food? Pizza, maybe? I can head into town.”
You nodded, your heart swelling. You had just met these men, all three of them considered bad, but they helped you. They saved you and had started to treat you like a person. Vincent looked down at the notepad, his grin softening as he reread his words before placing it on the counter and heading back into the living room to sit with you and Lester. 
Bo picked the paper up and grins. “Thank you, Y/N, that’s very kind of you. You seem to be the superhero, though. Consider me your partner in heroics!” Maybe having the kid around won’t be the worst thing in the world Bo thought, washing his hands in the sink, his thoughts of your guardians disappearing down the drain with their blood. 
You being here might be good.
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costellos · 3 years
Got any blogs you recommend?
OH BOY DO I. before I begin, though, I know I have quite a few minors following me on this blog. I ask that you please respect these writers’ boundaries if they specifically state they’re 18+! it’s an uncomfortable situation for everyone involved, and by interacting with their blog, you’re violating the terms of their consent. I’ve included quite a few sfw blogs for you to look at, so by all means -- look all you like!
@densecloud | multi-fandom 
favorite piece: what else can I do, except adore you? | ryomen sukuna (jjk)
BOY OH BOY. I love Leslie and literally everything she puts out there!!! she tends to focus on fluff and domestic pieces. and I know this is a given with these genres, but everything she writes is soooo comforting. not in a traditional sense, though. like if I had to describe it, her work reminds me of falling snow, a rainy day, or waking up at 3AM and being completely at peace. I think her piece “Chrysalism” exemplifies that best. there’s just something so serene about her craft that’s so unique from most other fluff-oriented authors. 
please go give her work some love!!! Leslie is still relatively new to the tumblr writing scene and she deserves so much more attention on her work. (also she’s like. the funniest damn person I’ve had the honor of interacting on here. pls read her tags.)
@j0succ | multi-fandom, 18+
favorite piece: a well-rounded education | multiple (jjk)
Nat has SUCH a playful style and I can’t even begin to elaborate how much I love it. you can see this best with their “A Well-Rounded Education” series, especially in Nanami’s chapter! like everything in this chapter is just so fun, from the way they describe Nanami himself to how they highlight Gojo’s lightheartedness vs the Reader’s seriousness as teachers. plus! the tension in their stories!! so much sexual tension!!! Nat does a PHENOMENAL job at building up sexc scenes and I am so envious of their skill.
they’re also just a super open person. v non-judgmental on like literally everything. their blog has a lot of content on chubby!Reader, so check ‘em if that’s something you’re looking for!
@ddarker-dreams | multi-fandom, 18+
favorite piece: scarlet ribbons | bucci gang (jjba)
okay so Lock is most known for her horror content, but I feel like her fluff isn’t recognized enough. I am in LOVE with her Scarlet Ribbons series. each chapter makes me feel so warm. I also feel like she doesn’t get enough credit for her timing? like, there have been instances where I’ve literally laughed out loud to her pieces with Mista. ofc that comes to play in her horror content too, but she’s just a really funny person as a whole and I feel like that should be recognized.
overall - you know how you can tell when someone is smiling when they’re on the phone with you? that’s the kind of vibe I get when I read her work. Lock puts her everything into her craft, which is incredible considering she’s a full-time student!
@dear-yandere​ | multi-fandom
favorite piece: almost god | dio brando (jjba)
you’ve probably heard of Vanya if you’ve been on the tumblr fanfiction scene for a while! and for a good reason too -- her work is otherworldly. my jaw literally dropped reading her “Almost God” piece. she has this crazy ability to get into a character’s psyche and write it in such an insightful way. like. my pea brain can’t wrap my head around it; just check out “Almost God” to get my point.
Vanya’s also a huge advocate for recognizing and protecting content creators’ work on this platform. she’s a godsend, I love her and her ruthlessness, but she’s also incredibly kind and I have sosososo much respect for her!
@storiesthatneedtobewritten​ | multi-fandom
favorite piece: pining | ryuji sakamoto (p5)
Emmy!!! my love. Emmy is a literal machine, she’s amazing at coming up with such fun headcanons on the fly. hence, she’s always interacting with her followers! she plays so many ask games and it’s always a blast bouncing off of her and her big brain. her blog is different form these in that she focuses more on short n’ sweet content, and if you’re looking for that kind of stuff, look no further!!
also? also. Emmy is literally one of the kindest and most patient people I’ve met on here. her blog makes me feel like I’m in a swanky cafe / library, and she’s the barista giving me personalized content.
@bigwriterenergy​ | multi-fandom, 18+
favorite piece: kissing as a distraction | bruno bucciarati, giorno giovanna, guido mista (jjba)
fun fact, Goose’s writing is what actually motivated me to make this blog! they have SUCH a strong grasp on literally every character they write about. like, their headcanons tend to fair on the shorter side, and they make the most out of literally every word they lay out. I try to emulate that in my own work, so I take a lot of inspiration from them!
Goose is also in the midst of shifting to multi-fandom; be sure you support them as they do so!! it’s tough engaging a new audience and they deserve every damn person on this platform to read their work.
@moonbeamwritings​ | multi-fandom
favorite piece: realizations series | multiple (jjba, hq!!)
Maeve is an INCREDIBLE fluff writer, oh my GOD. she absolutely nails the pining part of relationships in her “Realizations” series. it’s bananas how well she can exemplify that shift from “haha we’re just 2 besties” to “oh lord I think I’m in love with his moron” and how those characters settle into those emotions. hence, she excels in writing actions and inner thoughts. it’s something I struggle with and she makes it look so easy!
Maeve is another writer who’s shifting to multi-fandom -- please go support her! she’s settling into Haikyuu!! as we speak, so if you’re interested in tender volleyball content, check her out.
@violettelueur | jjk
favorite piece: s/o with eczema | itadori yuji, megumi fushiguro
literally the Jujutsu Kaisen content queen herself. it’s unlikely you haven’t seen her pop up in the tags if you’re in this fandom, but my god does she deserve it. Violettelueur is another fluff writer who puts so much effort to make everyone feel included on her blog. like... my favorite piece, the “s/o with eczema” one, is such a niche topic (where my dry skin girls at make some noise!!!!) and yet. she tackled it nonetheless. I’m amazed with how much effort she puts into literally everything she writes, because good lord do I wish I had the drive she does.
Vio is currently taking a break from writing, but I highly recommend chilling out and having coffee with her (ie checking out her blog)! there’s a ton to content to skim through while you relax.
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rsmrymnt-tea · 2 years
Oh yknow besides MC not knowing his reputation, MC also just knows nothing about the devildom. And I'm just imagining like, them really truly appreciating Satan's knowledge. I'm sure his brother probably listen when he starts talking about construction methods regarding the building they're in or whatever but I'm just..
There's something different about like someone new to the devildom and everything in it - especially someone curious and knowledge-hungry versus his siblings who are listening maybe because he's there brother and for not much else?
Also being in awe of just how much he knows?? *chefs kiss* (listen he's probably capable of storing sosososo much more info than we are as humans so even smart babs like Dola are in awe okay).
Just like Satan being endeared to MC in the beginning because they properly appreciate all the stuff he knows and are just so curious about everything.
Gosh he could talk about anything and I'd be enraptured I love him so much akdjssk
Honest to goodness, big same. I love when my friends infodump on me even if I have no idea what they’re talking about at first because later on I will understand as I ask questions and they continue and just please give me all that knowledge and add depth to my universe as I view the world with a more well-informed lens—
AND YES. Like… When it comes to actually learning more about and experiencing things in the Devildom? Satan is your go-to demon. Need to know about the architecture of an old building? The reasons for certain Devildom traditions? Hell, he’s canonically amazing at like… Every RAD class or something AND a great strategist. Like honestly, I’m pretty sure the devs had to nerf the fuck out of him by reducing him to just cats in order to keep any conflict that can be solved with common sense and logic from being resolved in like 3 chapters lmao or keep him from solving some shit with ‘oh hey I know a guy’ because he honestly would know a guy
AND YES YES YES imagine being someone absolutely fascinated by the Devildom and magic, someone inquisitive and ever questioning of the how, what, where, when, and why. You’d absolutely gravitate towards Satan, the demon who knows basically every published book in the Devildom by heart, and has probably read every book in the realm at least thrice. You’d definitely be as much of a breath of fresh air to him as the entirety of the Devildom is to you. And so not only does he have someone who knows nothing of his past, and of the Devildom, now he’s got someone who values knowledge and culture as much as he does! And goodness you’re right… Half his brothers kinda don’t really care about what he knows unless it’s super relevant to their interests, so just having someone who’s happy to hear him talk about the history of RAD’s foundation and how Diavolo managed to convince the majority of the demons in the Devildom to move to the area surrounding his castle or even just the intricacies of the characterization of his favorite character in his new favorite drama… dshfkshfdkgj help I’m unwell
Like I have this headcanon that exchange students get to choose their classes (with Devildom History and Law being the non-negotiables) and that he helped MC figure out their schedule. Imagine him lighting up at seeing their enthusiasm to learn! Just jumping at the opportunity to dive into a world they’d never even heard of before and even wanting to dabble into the few magic classes they can attend to really get the most out of their stay? And then them being actually excited about study sessions with him??????? Thinking about his Chapter A UR and having an MC that’s just so fascinated by the places he brought them to?
No this isn’t basically what Dola did in her version of the game story what are you talking about though YES she was definitely super drawn to him because of how he is and I like to think that since she’s so eager to learn, he gets attached to her faster and more than he does to canon MC in the game since we cant actually make the choice to be more than a silly little dumbass in game dgjsdfgh
Goodness this brainrot ;w; he deserves to be happy okay
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seungstarss · 2 years
i just caught up with recall and holy shit i love it sosososo much!!!! it’s actually my fav smau rn 🤧 i think i’ve said enough w all my rbs so i’ll keep this short n snappy but OH GOD I JUST LOVE IT SO MUCH??? it rlly has everything — the plot is so so interesting and the characters are so well presented AAAAAA and i rlly like ur written parts too!!! plus the fic is so funny but i love how the comedy doesn’t let the focus stray from the plot 😵‍💫 i fr am loving all the mystery EEK i’m super excited for the future chapters!! can’t wait to find out what happened on accident day ;-;
IM NOT SURE if the taglist is open but if it is pls do add me 🧍🏻‍♀️ if not it’s totally okay hehe but otherwise thanks sm AND AAAA GREAT JOB SERIOUSLY i feel like uve a lot of effort into this smau and it really shines thru URE DOING SO WELL
MAIIIIII !! I SAW YOUR REBLOGS AND GOSH WHEN I TELL YOU I LOVE READING THEM I TRULY MEAN IT! your theories are so intriguing and gosh maybe some might be right😉 but we'll have to see!! I'm really honored that you enjoy the characterization of my characters bc I'm always worried they'll lack personality! But yes the mystery and angst are coming soon and I cannot wait to get to the end (bc that's where the good shit happens hoho)
I saw that you liked the whole bad boy! Trope and the whole plot twisting things,,,, this is a shamless promotion and I DONT USUALLY DO THIS BUT I GENUINELY THINK YOU MAY LIKE my other smau "bet." It's actually the one I spent the most BRAINPOWER (ahahha) on and I think you may enjoy that one 😭 at some points I feel like I've used all my smarts on that smau that I have no more left to write other stories ahaha
BUT ANYWAYS, yes ofc I'll add you now! Oml plus, I was about to send u an ask like just now about how appreciative I was of your commenting 😭😭 I cannot wait to read ur Jay fic soon bc ugh rivals to lover/ e2l.... I'm a sucker for it😭 but it's like 2am here so I'll def get to it tmr after school! I hope you have a great day ♡ ily
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dsmp-bigbang · 3 years
Questions from the Form Part 2!
I don't understand the time frame question? That is in reference to the creation period! Basically just how long you think you'll need to write your fic/create art.
I've never done this and wasn't sure if I needed to be tagged. You absolutely don't need to be tagged! This event is open to EVERYONE in the fandom!
Is this Big Bang only going to include types of fanfics that the ccs are comfortable with? I'm not sure I would be comfortable participating if it will include anything the creators have said they're not okay with. I am sosososo glad you asked that. I talked about this on the FAQ but this is something that deserves to be repeated ad nauseam. The subject of this Big Bang are real life people and we want to treat them with all the respect they're due. This means that ONLY content that the ccs are okay with is going to be allowed. This means that shipping content about people who don't like it, including minors, is absolutely not allowed. In addition, NSFW involving minors in any capacity, even without any shipping involved, is strictly prohibited. This event is supposed to be fun for everyone involved, and that includes the ccs!
What would be considered another "support role" besides beta reader? That bit was actually left a little vague on purpose! At the moment the only support role we have planned is beta reader, but I have been in Big Bangs that had roles like cheerleader and such. Depending on feedback throughout the event, roles like that MAY open up. Stay tuned!
Are AUs allowed or only fics the conform (as much as possible) to canon? AUs are definitely allowed! Any story involving the characters or ccs involved with the SMP is fair game. That can be anything from canon SMP fics to fics revolving around the ccs' real lives, to shoving them all on a pirate ship and casting them out to sea. Whatever story you want to write is a story we want to see!
I have never posted works, but I do write, is that okay? Yes yes yes! Big Bangs are a fantastic way to get your works out for the first time! I for one have had a couple different fandom where my work for a Big Bang was my first fic posted. That being said, posting is a requirement for participating in this. This is a community event and we want to see what everyone makes!
Also, to everyone who put their @ in the comment section: Thank you so so much for your offers to help! It means so much to me that there are so many people in this fandom willing to work together to make this happen! Right now Celia, Majora and I have things covered, but if things get out of hand we will absolutely be looking for help. Again thank you so much for your interest and support!
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