#okay but hear me out: Hans as a tiefling
vo09 · 4 months
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scapegoated · 6 years
Cozy Boys
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The familiar smell came wafting over from the kitchen of their cottage. Oz had heard the tale of Kaid besting Baba Yaga in that Cocoa cook-off a few years ago, and he didn't doubt it—though her cooking skills were legendary, Kaid’s cocoa was mythic. He turned the corner and saw the smaller frame of his husband stirring a pot of the rich chocolatey liquid on the stove.
Kaid had been letting his hair grow out and there was a short braid which fell down his back. The Warlock was humming contentedly, as he tended to do while focused—be it making cocoa or crafting magic items together in their workshop.
Since that fateful day where they all got together and stopped the apocalypse many moons ago, Kaid had mostly retired from adventuring. He'd parted ways with his closest blood brothers in battle, The Daddies—Hans von Panzer and Charlie Bludstarved. Kaid wasn't one to go on at length about their exploits, but Oz did understand that the Rogue and Bloodhunter saved the Warlock's skin more than thrice. It must have been a big change at first, having spent nearly every day with them for almost two years, to be suddenly separated.
The separation made sense, however. Brought together be it by fate or chance, though they meshed perfectly for that period of time, the three had very different personalities and very different goals. Hans von Panzer, now with his ever-widening reputation as the fearsome Headhunter. Said reputation growing somehow more prominent and more shadowy as the years continued on.
Charlie Bludstarved, the Dhampir Bloodhunter. Always on the prowl for new creatures for his fledgling brewing business. Kaid always had some spooky tale of his to report after they occasionally bumped into each other at the university in Leefside.
Oz had always liked those two. He still had some posters he’d saved from when the Daddies had helped him with his campaign to become the Shepherd of Ermath.
They still got together for most big birthdays and of course their huge anniversary party once a year, but that was a far cry from the companionship of the adventuring days, it seemed to Oz.
Kaid was sprinkling a little powder from a jar labeled "secret spice blend" into the pot and he still hadn't noticed Oz had entered the room. The Warlock still hadn't divulged the contents of that secret blend either.
One might have thought that Kaid would find their quiet life dull after all those adventures. But Oz knew that he was content. He could hear it in that happy hum. He could see it in his relaxed posture, and little curl of a smile. But still...
He watched as the smaller Tiefling opened the cupboard and casually levitated... three mugs down from the shelf. Taking the pot from the stove Kaid deftly poured up three steaming hot mugs and was about to grab the marshmallows when—
"Hey hun, cocoa time?"
\Kaid turned, and smiled sheepishly, "Oh, Oz! I didn't notice you come in. Yeah I had a craving. Thought I'd bring you a mug!"
Oz had a kind yet slightly amused expression on his face, "Still miss them, huh?"
"W-what? Who?—oh." The Warlock had turned and noticed that he'd pulled 3 mugs, "Old habits die hard, you know. The recipe is perfect for 3, changing the ratio is... well, yeah, okay. I do." He flushed, already red skin darkening.
"Now, that's alright, I didn't mean anything negative by it," he put a comforting hand on his husband's shoulder, "You know, I miss them too. Thinking back to when The Daddies swooped in and saved the day, helping me with my campaign... makes me nostalgic. Plus, you know I can put away two mugs."
Kaid smirked at that and started to reach for the marshmallows.
Oz thought for a minute before grinning slightly, "Actually for a second I thought you were hinting at something."
"Uhhh... What?" Kaid paused, frozen mid action, holding a 'mallow over a still steaming mug.
"You know, our business is getting off the ground, you have that swanky Professor job... maybe it's time to start a family?"
The Warlock had dropped the marshmallow, already turning an indescribable shade of crimson.
"If you're not ready, we can take our time, I just thou—"
With his now empty hand he grabbed Oz's.
"No! I mean, yes! I mean, but—just..." he trailed off, flustered, "How?"
Oz's face lit up at that, "Are you sure?" He was excited though, and launched right in, "I'm not sure how the whole egg thing you guys keep talking about works, but I have an idea."
"Yes, of course I'm sure!"
He leaned down for a kiss, taking both of Kaid's hands. Then, leading him forward. "If that's so, then... follow me..."
"To the...?"
Oz looked at him intensely, then winked, "To the workshop! Oh let's bring that cocoa, I think it may fuel the, uh, creative process."
It took a little more than one batch of cocoa, double dose for Oz or not. Luckily they had prepared a lot of stock for their shop because there were many long... strenuous nights in the workshop... crafting! However, with some sugar, spice, metal, magic and everything nice—Oh, and don't forget the secret ingredient! Yeah, it's love, so sue me—finally a little metal egg baby was born? Hatched?
They called everyone to the Crystal City for the birth party—though it was quite the unconventional one. Kaid was able to make a mega-batch of the precious hot cocoa as they welcomed all their friends and de-facto family.
And thus the two cozy boys had a cozy family of three, with a little construct named Sudo and became cozy dads. While their small kiddo couldn't drink any cocoa they were a welcome addition and just made a full life that much fuller.
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