#okay helloooooo
meep-meep-richie · 1 year
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andrew garfield & cory michael smith
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favoure · 1 year
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a lifetime of indentured servitude
used this frame from the mv of "femme fatale" by kedarui as ref for this piece ! just thought that it fit them perfectly orz
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citrusacidic · 10 months
watched season 2 ep2-4 i need to talk abt it so spoilers in the tags of this post lol [and i will just keep adding stuff btw]
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thorinlandscaping · 5 months
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wendyfulmother · 3 months
@princesssolaria liked for a starter!
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It had been FAR too long. Once Wendy had spotted the child, she hurried over to her in joyful fashion.
"Adora!" She cried, "Oh Adora! It's wonderful to see you again!" She pulls the younger of the two in for a hug, "It's been far too long!"
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chikoyama · 1 year
[ approval ]
↠ Prompts // Non-sexual Acts of Dominance (accepting)
The first year student turned her head towards the voice that had come from behind. "Ah- F-fuyuuki-senpai!" Chiyori stumbled over her own words, confounded by the sudden emergence of the older fellow student and the praise that accompanied.
In this week's class, Yaga-sensei had tasked them to select a cursed tool to wield, and Chiyori had picked the katana — a standard weapon, which she supposed she could master without encountering too many hardships.
"D-do you really mean it?" She asked, suddenly self-conscious about how she'd handled the weapon. Surely, she'd managed to slice the low-grade curse in half and successfully exorcised it, but it had been in a rather unskillful display. In comparison to the first day, however, she had definitely improved.
She wasn’t sure if the compliment was genuine. Perhaps it was supposed to be condescending? Truthfully, Fuyuuki-senpai was still a bit of an enigma to her, albeit she'd never sensed any direct hostile behaviours from her. Chiyori had yet to fully grasp the mien of her senpai.
How long had Fuyuuki-senpai been observing her? Not for too long hopefully.
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My toxic trait is that I love Sub Rosa unironically 🤣
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jabeur · 6 months
on this topic, i suddenly remembered this gay person i knew some time ago who was like "why do you always assume men you like are straight you're acting exactly like straight people" and i saw their point but the thing is when a cishet person assumes everyone's straight it's bc of heteronormativity, when i assume men i'm interested in are straight i'm protecting myself from inevitable heartbreak and potentially dangerous situations by telling myself it's impossible anyway and to get over it <3
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taechnological · 2 years
*run bts starts playing*
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mistninja · 2 years
Robin Hobb is crazy she makes me want to scream over an earring
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kannojo · 2 years
@dis--parity​ liked for a starter~! ⊱ ⋄
┇ ⋄ ⊰ •❃• ⊱ ⋄
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    “Hey, miss... you look like you know what books are good, could you help me pick out a couple?” Edna, while very smart, wasn’t exactly much of an avid reader. She was hoping she’d be able to find something for a friend, but it wasn’t until she got to the store that she realized that it was like an endless ocean in there, “Something like... fantasy, I guess? I-It’s for a friend of mine, and... I was hoping I’d get her something that recently came out as a present.”
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maidmyth · 4 months
look. if you’re trying to get to know me — don’t. [ . . . ] @reudhood.
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hummingbird–heart flatters its wings within ribcage ever-so-helplessly. teeth bite down on bottom lip, harsh enough to leave marks 'pon release. mindlessly, i pull at stray stitching from worn blouse, even as heart races & other's figure blots out window's light. " but... i want to. " (is that so wrong? after all you have done for me? i live still because of you.) loneliness gnaws, ever-hungry, ever-present. " would that be so bad? to... be known? "
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sealingknight · 5 months
I am having quite a time these days and suddenly the universe bonks me on the head about a crush from high school 🤨🙃
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thefixer · 11 months
  ...  starter call ,    @priestbit  //  no longer accepting .  she hides in the back of the club ,  turning through pages of a file that she had been sent earlier in the day .  a rock club  (  or any sort of club at all ,  even a punk dive bar in soho  )  wasn't exactly the best place to lay low and get some work done .  lately however it seemed that her mind wasn't focused enough to work .  mind races miles a minute in each direction ━━━  up ,  down ,  left ,  right ,  adjacent and even upside down .  this was the first attempt at trying to quell these thoughts in a somewhat ...  healthier way ,  instead of acting out or drowning herself in booze and sex .  though the night was still young and she still felt frisky so who knows what the night will entail .
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she mindlessly took sips from the glass of whiskey she had in front of her .  finger's gently tap ,  tap ,  tap against it .  she cannot remember if this was her third or fourth one ,  tolerance of alcohol prevents her from knowing if she's even had enough .  she can still make sense of what she's reading ...  that meant she still had a few more glasses of whiskey left in her .  mia was the mysterious woman at the darkest part of the club ,  a place where none really bothered her expect for a few men who wanted to party with her .  despite of course seeing that she was already busy with something far more important .  her weakness of exhaustion gets the best of her as she blinks and starts to look away from the pages . 
 a hand comes up ,  finger's draw down against her face ,  starting from the eyes .  when she drops her hand she notices someone watching her ,  getting up and beginning to approach .  great ...  she thinks to herself  [  here we go again .  ]
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mxdotpng · 1 year
ur kiddingme. yorue kidding me. this isnt how the webcomic ends. right. right. right. right. rigjt.
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seraqhites · 1 year
accidentally napped until 4am.
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