#okay i need to be up in 5 hrs goodnight
prettytoxicrevolver · 6 months
When’s the Trent fic coming out? No rush just curious!
hi!!! thank you for asking!!
firstly, i’m sorry to everyone who’s been waiting for fics from me! i know yall are beautifully patient or don’t even notice sometimes and i appreciate it more than you know! I also love this ask cause it reminds me that people are genuinely interested in my writing and would love to see new stuff so thank you again!
secondly, couple of personal things (not to make anyone feel bad i’m just letting yall into my reality cause i want to and i love yall) but recently i was diagnosed with bipolar and that has been a struggle tbh.
thirdly, i am a full time english teacher to high schoolers (ironic, right?) and i am also finishing up my last year of graduate school! also ironic, as i type this, i have the first part of my grad exam due in tomorrow and i’ve only written 3 pages :D. i’m so cooked. BUT, my job also requires from me a lot of extra work (i’m a third year teacher and they decided to make me a team leader… make it make sense) so im trying to balance it all.
All this to say is that I’m not sure when the fic will come out :( I will happily post another teaser if yall are interested at all but as of now I am a little over half way done and trying to write as much as i can in my free time. I’ll be honest, this fic is taking me a bit to write because it’s LONG and has so many mf details but i’m happy it’s like that!! i genuinely think you guys will like it and i really hope you do. i’m hoping by the end of this week ill have made some significant progress on it and ill update yall then!
Okay, thanks for reading my little life update. i love all of you so much. thank you for being patient with me. i promise i’m not disappearing again, i’m just cooking in the background.
feel free to send me more asks like this or just nudge me a little! absolutely no harm in it :)
okay i love you bye :)
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lemonofthevalley · 2 months
uagh okay I probably need to get up in 5 hrs goodnight
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lovietmars · 2 years
my day was actual dogshit and the person i’d normally rant to is the reason my day is this bad
summary: my house is infested with wasps, i’m failing history and stressed about school, and i don’t think my boyfriend likes me anymore???? send help ;-;
(this basically turns into a huge rant about my boyfriend by the end lmao)
tw: wasps (obviously), divorce, cheating, a heterosexual relationship (ikr, disgusting)
i’ve been having a really shitty day and i wanted to rant about it on tumblr because it’s the only social media where people on here don’t actually know who i am. to begin with, my house is literally infested with wasps. apparently my mom found 30 wasps in my room. actually screaming. then, i got to school and got my grade back on my ap history test that i thought i definitely did well on, but turns out i got a 58.3% which is the second worst grade i ever got on a test (first place is the 57% i got on a precalc test last year). i have two tests tomorrow which i didn’t study for. plus an entire math packet. and 4 ap chem worksheets bc my teacher for some reason assigned every single homework from the entire first month of school to be due on the same day. so basically i am incredibly stressed from school and i literally have a C in ap history rn. which is kinda bad bc i’m trying to get a 4.0 gpa (i have maintained it for the past 2 years) and i don’t think i’ll be able to this year thanks to this test. not to mention the fact that my boyfriend-ish (like a guy i’m basically dating and has asked me to be his girlfriend but i said i wanted to wait until after homecoming to make it official) is acting really fucking weird over the past couple of days. he was literally acting so normal 2 days ago, but suddenly started being weird as fuck yesterday. i saw him at school 2 days ago, and we even stayed up calling until 2am like normal. i thought something was up when yesterday he didn’t send me a good morning text and supposedly woke up at like 3pm. okay so clearly that’s a lie because first of all man doesn’t need 11 hours of sleep. supposedly he was just dying to get off the call at 2am bc he was soooo tired, so assuming he went to sleep right after the call, he woulda got 11 hrs of sleep which is excessive. also he literally never goes to sleep that early like bro usually up until like 4-5 am at least. secondly i literally saw him online before he texted me that he just woke up so like mans not slick. we barely talked the entire day. any convo we had was dry as fuck and i had to start it myself. which is weird bc usually he texts me himself first and isn’t a dry texter at all. i usually get a “how’s your day love” and like it’s not just that i didn’t get a “love” but i didn’t even get a text from him at ALL. and it was yom kippur and i was fasting and he didn’t even ask me how i was from that. then that night i finally text i’m like how’s your day, you’ve been absent all day just like my dad. and like i know he appreciates a good absent dad joke bc one of the things we joke about is our dads bc like my parents are divorced and his dad just straight up cheated on his mom. and anyway he was being really dry and i noticed and i mentioned it, and he was like i’ve had a busy day, i’m watching stranger things. but even so, i didn’t get a “goodnight love” text, or even a goodnight text at all. the next day (today), i didn’t get a good morning text either. and at this point i was getting kinda upset. at lunch i texted him to ask if i could come over and say hi for like the last 10 mins of lunch, which supposedly “didn’t see” until lunch was over. then at the end of the day i asked him if he wanted to walk to the buses with me, which he didn’t respond to despite responding to my other message answering a question he asked. i asked again if he wanted to walk to the buses and he said sure so we ended up doing so. the walk was awkward, he seemed different. when he got on his bus, i didn’t even get a goodbye hug and he didn’t even dab me up (which we do for some reason), he just got on the bus. and then he hasn’t texted me for the whole rest of the day since then even though i literally went to the mall and got my homecoming dress and sent a picture of it to him???? like he’s literally my date to hoco, you’d think he’d be interested in what i’m wearing to it, especially bc he’s supposedly matching his tie with my dress. Continued.. see next paragraph..
apparently that paragraph was maximum length so we’ll continue here. anyway, i finally sent him a message a couple hours ago (at like 9:45pm - and mind you, i sent the picture of my dress at like 4pm) asking “Hey are you okay? Maybe I’m being too critical but you’ve been kinda distant the past couple days. Is everything okay? Do you need to talk about anything? Do you need to take a break from me?” which i thought was a pretty good way to handle the situation but like idfkk i’m bad at life. but the funny thing about that text isn’t that he didn’t respond to it, but that it simply didn’t SEND to him. and i’ve sent texts to other people since then that delivered, so idk what’s up with him. the wifi at his house is bad at times, like stuff sometimes takes a bit to send, but not 2 hours. not to mention that he’s been online on discord this whole time, so clearly his wifi is working to some capacity. that’s the whole rant but omfg i am so confused and upset about this. and in case you forgot, my house is still infested with wasps and i have a shit ton of homework due tomorrow. probably wasn’t a good idea to waste all this time i could have been doing hw making a rant on tumblr but like i had to rant. anyways that’s all. goodnight loves <3
apparently his mom took away his phone. first of all, that’s such a lie because he was on discord for literally hours last night. every time i checked discord, bro was online. and if he cared about me that much, he would have messaged me in discord to tell me that he got his his phone taken. i often get my phone taken, and i have messaged him in discord before to tell him that i got it taken. and i usually texted him from discord in these circumstances. not to mention that his mom really isn’t the type of person to take his phone, plus he didn’t even provide a reason why. and he didn’t even say sorry. i think he doesn’t like me anymore. and for some reason i’m not even that sad. he can go fuck himself. oh and also i skipped school today bc i had so much work to turn in that i didn’t do. i know that’s bad. but yeah. and i don’t even feel sad about my boyfriend. i’m just mad at him for very clearly lying to me. i wonder what his reason was. and it’s not like i don’t have a date to homecoming. i was originally going with one of my friends as a joke in addition to my boyfriend. i think he might have gotten jealous of the friend and that might be part of the reason he’s being like this. yes i am bisexual, but the friend is straight, and i would never actually want to date her even if she wasn’t. i still have a homecoming date at least. so all is fine. i’ll update more later
broooo what??? he’s not at school today. bc according to the snap map he was at his house an hour ago. and it’s currently 1pm to clarify. i skipped school bc i had too much work, not bc of him. but i wonder why he skipped. bc of me?? i wonder if he thinks i skipped school bc of him. i would never. with all due respect i’m in 6 ap classes and i wouldn’t sacrifice a day of education for such a reason. humble yourself. but like now i can’t even ask him why he wasn’t at school bc i wasn’t either so he’d know i’m stalking. my strategy now is to just do nothing. keep stalking him and see if he texts me at all. i bet i won’t get a single text the entire weekend. see if i give a fuck. and i bet he won’t come to my game that i invited him to, either. and i won’t go to his soccer game either. L
oh and even if he had gotten his phone taken, he probably should have responded to the texts i’d sent him earlier, including the actual pictures of my homecoming dress??? like bro is supposedly my date, shouldn’t he care? or even just say that he saw the pictures? like some acknowledgement please??? plus he started not responding like around 3pm so his mom would have had to take his phone like right after he got home from school. which is unlikely. and sure even if his mom did take his phone, he was on discord the whole time and could have easily messaged me from there. plus it’s not just this. he was acting weird in person yesterday too. and over text the past couple days. like literally 3 days ago was so normal and suddenly the next morning bam everything was different. i wonder what happened. because clearly something is up.
and this whole rant post probably makes it seem like my boyfriend is a really toxic guy which couldn’t be farther from the truth. he’s just your standard nice jewish boy. he plays soccer and chess and d&d and he likes marvel and stranger things and listens to the beatles and the beach boys. i’ve had really deep conversations with him before. about our friend who died about a year and a half ago. about the universe and creation and whether god was real. about our parents, about mental illness, just so much. literally 4 days ago we had this really deep conversation about the universe and everything and the next day he asked me to be his girlfriend. i said i wanted to wait until after homecoming but yes. and me not choosing to be his girlfriend immediately clearly wasn’t the reason bc that happened on monday, but monday and tuesday were totally normal. on tuesday i asked him if he wanted to call and he said “double yes please.” and then literally the next morning he started being weird. i hope the call didn’t contribute to the weirdness. but i don’t recall the call going badly at all. he was trying to get off the call like at 2am which is a bit weird bc he usually goes to sleep way later, but he said he was tired so why would i think anything of it? especially bc he was like so eager to call me. and literally the day before he’d asked me to be his girlfriend. i really didn’t expect that he’d start being different. i was really hoping to be his girlfriend. i just can’t believe it
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heauxplesslydevoted · 4 years
Fresh Start - Ch. 1
Pairing: Ethan x MC
Catch Up Here
A/N: These past two weeks have been absolutely draining, both mentally and emotionally, but I think my motivation to write is finally coming back, so yay! Let me know if you want to be tagged on untagged. Or if they’re not working for some annoying reason
Tags:  @fanmantrashcan @ao719 @x-kyne-x @colourmeshy @writinghereandthere @paulfwesley @ramseyandrys @a-i-n-a-a-s-h @perriewinklenerdie @aworldoffandoms @thatcatlady0716 @drakewalker04 @canknot @hatescapsicum @lapisreviewsstuff @senseofduties @badchoicesposts @ethandaddyramsey @the-soot-sprite @chasingrobbie @zodiacsign1 @choices-lurker @miyakokurono @trappedinfandoms @my-heart-beats-for-ya @adrian-motherfucking-raines @riverrune @edith-eggs1 @thatysn @bellcat2010 @theeccentricbibliophile @cecilecontrera @junehiratas @choices-love-affair @openheart12 @kaavyaethanramsey @caseyvalentineramsey @desmaranj @mal-volaris @whatchique @nazario-sayeed @aestheticartwriting @mvalentine @nooruleman @queencarb @lucy-268 @caroldxnvxrs @doilooklikeiknow @agent-breakdance @rookieoh @mrsdrakewalkerblog
“Is that the last of your boxes?”
“That’s all of them. The rest are in a storage unit.”
Naomi looks around the spacious guest room in Naveen’s house. There’s a gorgeous view of the lake right outside her window. “Thank you again for letting me stay here. I’ll be out of your hair as soon as I find a place.”
She really did it. She packed up her belongings and accepted the job at Edenbrook, leaving behind the only life she’s ever known. It was exhilarating, and terrifying, and nerve-wrecking, and exciting all at the same time. But being in Boston, helping with that patient in Edenbrook stirred something within her, a fire she hasn’t felt in months. She knew if she didn’t at least give Edenbrook a chance, the regret would eat her alive.
Naveen smiles and dismisses her claims with a flick of the wrist. “You can stay as long as you need to, dear. I’ve been in this house by myself for so long, I think I’ll enjoy your company.”
“At the very least, I’ll steal one of my mom’s recipes and cook dinner for you some time this week.”
“Her famous spaghetti and meatballs?”
“That can definitely be arranged.”
“Oh good. I’m a shoddy cook, so it’s nice to have something that’s actually good every once in a while.” Naveen sighs heavily. “You’ve had a long day today, and your first day of work is tomorrow. I’ll let you get some rest before the big day.”
“Can I get a hint as to what I should expect?” Naomi asks. Butterflies bloom in her stomach at the question. In a few short hours, she’ll be embarking on an entirely new journey.
“Mostly onboarding mumbo jumbo with HR. Getting your keys, giving you clearance to certain parts of the hospital, meeting as many doctors as possible, and then meeting up with Ethan and the rest of the diagnostics team.” He doesn’t miss the way she rolls her eyes at the mention of Ethan’s name. “You two seemed very tense when you met him a few weeks ago, and he wasn’t all that thrilled about you joining the diagnostics team. What happened?”
“A patient collapsed in the waiting room and we both rushed over to help. When that was all done, Dr. Ramsey scolded me and said my technique was amateur and I could’ve killed the patient. Naturally, I didn’t respond too well.”
Naveen has known Naomi since she was born, and she can have a fiery temper if the situation calls for it. He raises an eyebrow at her in amusement. “What did you say?”
“Honestly, I didn’t even say anything that was too bad,” she replies with a shrug. “Basically, I said he was on a power trip and I didn’t need him overseeing and judging my work if he wasn’t going to help. You came back before we could really kick things up.”
“Well thank God for my good timing.”
“He was a jerk,” Naomi continues. “How is he your protege? How are you friends with him? You’re so sweet and he’s so...not.”
“Ethan can be a handful,” Naveen concedes. “He’s just guarded, and he takes his work very seriously. He takes everything too seriously. But once you get to know him, you’ll see that he’s incredibly loyal, intelligent, and he strives to put his patients above everything else. I think the two of you will get along just fine.”
Naomi scoffs. Naveen has more unbridled optimism than she knows what to do with. “Yeah, okay.”
“You’ll balance each other out. You’re strong-willed, you’ll challenge him. Ethan needs that, he’s gotten comfortable being the boss. And no one else in the team will do it.”
“Who else is on the team?” Naomi asks. Her curiosity has gotten the better of her now.
“There’s Dr. June Hirata. She’s a brilliant doctor, perceptive as heck, but she lacks your...assertiveness. June would never challenge Ethan head on even if she’s quietly seething on the inside regarding a decision he’s made. And there’s Dr. Baz Mirani, who is basically a teddy bear in human form. He goes with the flow for the most part, and he hates conflict.”
“So you’re putting me on the team to be his babysitter?”
“No. I’m putting you on the team because you’re a damn good doctor. The fact that you can go toe to toe with Ethan is just an added bonus.”
“You never told me, how exactly did Ethan react to you putting me on his precious team. And you just said he wasn’t thrilled”
“It was my team first,” Naveen clarifies. “But he took the news...less than okay.”
“Naveen, we really need to talk,” Ethan says, chasing his boss through the Edenbrook corridor.
“Why don’t we talk later?”
“How about we talk now.”
Naveen slows down and allows Ethan to catch up. He already knows what this conversation is going to be about. “Ethan, if this is about Naomi–”
“You handed over the reins to the diagnostics team. You don’t have the right to hire new members without consulting me first.”
“I may not be the director of the team anymore, but I’m still the Chief, which makes me your boss. The boss of this entire hospital actually. And being the boss means I can do whatever I want.”
The two men make it to Naveen’s office and Ethan sits down dramatically. “I don’t know anything about this woman, what type of doctor she is, how she’s going to fit in with the rest of the team.”
“Dr. Valentine’s father and I go way back. She graduated top of her class at Johns Hopkins, your alma mater, she’s 28 years old and a first year attending in internal medicine, she skipped a grade in elementary school, and she’s obviously gotten under your skin.”
“She hasn’t–” the argument stops in his throat as he realizes it’s a blatant lie. This Dr. Valentine woman is argumentative and stubborn, and clearly has no respect for authority. And she had the audacity to question him.
Naveen raises an eyebrow at Ethan, daring him to continue.
Ethan’s jaw tightens as he stares at his former mentor. “Look, you don’t get to play favorites on my team just because you and her dad are friends.”
“You didn’t seem to mind favoritism when you were the one benefitting from it for the past decade,” Naveen shoots back and Ethan’s cheeks and neck turn scarlet red. “Besides, I put her on the team because she’s good. And you’re going to have to get used to it, because unless she totally screws up, she’s here to stay. Any other questions?”
He’s fighting a losing battle, Ethan soon realizes. Naveen is hellbent on putting this woman on the team, no ifs, ands, or buts about it,
Ethan crosses his arms across his chest. “I’m not going to go easy on her on your behalf. She’s going to have to put in the same amount of effort as me and the rest of the team.”
Naveen chortles. “Trust me, I don’t expect you to dole out any favors. But give the young lady a fair shake. Deal?”
“Regardless of how Ethan feels, he’s going to have to buck up,” Naveen says with a shrug. “You’re here, and you’re here to stay.”
“You have a lot of faith in me, Naveen. And we’ve never even worked together.”
“No, but I know you. I know you’re a force to be reckoned with and I know it’ll work out beautifully for the team. And Edenbrook as a whole.”
Naomi smiles at him, her skin growing warm at the praise. “Thank you.”
“You’re very welcome. Now get some rest, you have a very busy day ahead of you.”
“Goodnight, boss.”
“Okay, where the heck is the directory?” Naomi mumbles, mostly to herself as she walks down the large Edenbrook halls. “Where the heck am I?”
She’s only been at the hospital for 3 hours and she’s already lost. Fantastic. After spending most of her morning in the legal and HR department, signing paperwork, taking her ID picture, and going through a few videos, Naomi was sent off on her own to find the office for the diagnostics team. The problem with that is she has no idea where she’s going.
This is so embarrassing, she thinks. How do you get lost on your first day of work?
“Excuse me? Are you lost?”
The soft voice instantly grabs Naomi’s attention. She spins on her heel and sees a petite woman about her age, staring at her.
Naomi nods. “I’m very lost. I think I’ve been wandering for the past 5 minutes.”
The other woman laughs softly. “Everyone gets lost their first few days here.”
“Is it that obvious I’m new?”
“Yes, you stick out like a sore thumb. But don’t worry, I’ll point you in the right direction. Where are you headed?”
“Dr. Ramsey’s office,” Naomi answers.
“Alright, that’s 3 floors up. Come on.” The woman starts walking and Naomi follows closely beside her. “I’m Sienna Trihn, attending with family medicine.”
“Naomi Valentine, internal medicine.” Naomi smiles. “Nice to meet you.”
“So you’re the one who got the coveted spot on Dr. Ramsey’s diagnostics team, huh?”
“You know about me already?”
“The hospital may look big, but I assure you it’s not,” Sienna says. They step onto the elevator and she punches the number 7. “News travels fast around here.”
“Yes, I’m going to be on his team. And I have no idea what I’m walking into.”
“He’s a hard-ass for sure,” Sienna says. “I can’t tell you the amount of interns he’s made cry or quit because they can’t handle him or his brand of teaching.”
“Well, I’m not an intern nor do I scare easily.”
Sienna smiles. “I like you already, Naomi.”
“I like you too.”
The elevator dings and the doors pull apart. Sienna leads Naomi straight to the diagnostics team’s office, stopping right at the door. “Well this is your stop.”
“Thank you so much, Sienna. I’d still be floundering around downstairs if not for you.”
“It’s no problem. And good luck in there!”
Naomi opens the door and steps into the office. Everything is so sleek and modern from the deeply frosted glass, the huge touch screen taking up most of the far right wall, next to a whiteboard. There’s a circular table in the corner, a large desk and bookshelf towards the back, with a couch perpendicular to it.
Wow. Naveen wasn’t kidding when he said the hospital invests a lot of money into this team. This office alone is spectacular.
Her entrance garners the attention of the others in the room and suddenly, 3 pairs of eyes are on her. “Hi.”
“Dr. Valentine,” Ethan greets from his spot behind the desk. “Thank you for joining us.”
“Of course.”
“Guys, meet the newest member of the team, Dr. Naomi Valentine. Dr. Valentine, this is Dr. June Hirata and Dr. Baz Mirani.”
The other woman – June as Ethan just introduced – calmly observes Naomi, scanning her head to toe. Naomi resists the urge to look away, not used to being appraised like an item up for auction, but June then smiles slightly and extends a hand for her to shake. “It’s lovely to meet you, Naomi.”
“Thank you.” Naomi grabs her hand, giving it a firm shake. “You as well.” She turns to Baz, and has to do a double take. “I’m sorry, didn’t we meet earlier today?”
Baz chuckles to himself. “I’m a twin. You met my brother, Zaid.” Skipping a handshake, Baz pulls her in for a warm hug, which she reciprocates after a few stunned moments.
“That makes sense. You’re much friendlier than he is.”
“He’s secretly a huge softie,” Baz insists. “Don’t let the gruff exterior fool you.”
“Now that introductions have been made, let’s get down to business,” Ethan says. “Dr. Valentine, since it is your first day how about you just sit back and observe how things are done?”
First, he wanted to throw her into the deep end to test her mettle, and now he wants her to play wallflower? Naomi doesn’t really understand what his angle is.
June and Baz sit down and Naomi follows them. Within seconds, the large board on the wall is illuminated with a picture of a smiling pre-teen. “This is Taylor Hopkins, a 12 year old girl from Boston. For the past month, she’s been to the Mass Kenmore ER 4 times for unexplained seizures.”
“No history of epilepsy?” June asks.
Ethan shakes his head. “No. The doctors there also suspected a minor stroke because she had bouts of slurred speech and body numbness, or vertigo because she gets dizzy, but multiple neurologists say that isn’t the case.”
“Any injuries recently?”
“None. Not even so much as a simple scratch or paper cut.”
Ethan writes Taylor’s symptoms down on the board, while June and Baz ask questions and toss around ideas. Naomi doesn’t say anything, she just quietly listens and observes.
After a few minutes of not saying anything, Naomi clears her throat, garnering Ethan’s attention. “Can I see her patient file?”
The file is in June’s hands, but she slides it over. Naomi flips through it, looking at the young girl’s medical history, scans, and lab results.
“She wears glasses?”
“Yes. Both of her parents are near-sighted and wear glasses, and within the past year, Taylor’s vision has begun to deteriorate. She’s been declared as legally blind by her optometrist.”
Ethan can practically see the wheels turning in her head, like she’s slowly putting together a puzzle. “Any theories, Dr. Valentine?”
“My gut wants to say multiple sclerosis,” Naomi replies.
“In a 12 year old?” Baz asks.
“I know it sounds crazy because it’s pretty rare in children, but the symptoms line up. And maybe her eye problems aren’t caused by near-sightednes. It wouldn’t hurt to run more tests because it might be inflammation in the optic nerve.”
The room goes silent as they all ponder Naomi’s potential diagnosis. She bites the inside of her cheek, waiting on bated breath for someone, anyone to speak up.
“Look, I just wanted to feel included and throw something out there–”
Ethan cuts her off with a raised hand. “The only rule I have for this team is to speak up if you have an idea because there are no wrong answers. You gave us an idea, own it.”
“Noted, Doctor.”
“I want you to order an OCT scan and an MRI, and also test her spinal fluid. And then I want you to meet with the patient and familiarize yourself with her and her parents, because this case is now yours. Congratulations.”
Naomi spends the rest of the afternoon running on autopilot. Naveen made it seem like this was going to be a cake walk, an orientation of sorts. When she woke up earlier, she wasn’t expecting to be working a case for the diagnostics team on her first day of work, and potentially solving it.
She wanders into the cafeteria and sits down at the first empty table she finds. This is the first quiet moment she’s had all day, and it’s not even a real break, she’s just waiting for Taylor’s test results to come back.
“You look like Hell.”
Naomi looks up and sees Sienna standing behind her, along with a few others. She nods. “I feel like Hell.”
“Naomi, meet a few of my best friends, Aurora, Bryce, and Jackie. Guys, meet Naomi.”
Naomi offers them all a smile and polite wave. “Hi, it’s nice to meet you.”
“Can we sit with you?”
“Sure.” Naomi moves down a bit, so Sienna can sit next to her, while Jackie, Bryce, and Aurora move to the other side of the table.
“So how’s your first day at Edenbrook?” Sienna asks.
“How is it working with Dr. Ramsey?”
“Overwhelming, to both questions,” Naomi answers. “But it’s fine, I thrive in chaos and pressure.”
“Any interesting cases?”
“Do you guys think pediatric MS is interesting?”
“Absolutely!” The one Sienna called Jackie exclaims. “Less than 5% of MS patients get a diagnosis as children.”
“Poor thing just got done with a battery of tests, and she’s finally resting. Hopefully the results come back with something concrete, and I can give the family some answers.”
“Is it severe?” Sienna asks, her eyes softening.
Naomi shrugs. “She seems to be managing things fine for now. Her seizures are under control, and we’ve given her corticosteroids for the swelling behind her eyes. She’s much tougher than I was at 12 years old, I can tell you that much.”
Bryce leans in closer to Naomi, and he flashes her a good-natured smile, showing off his perfectly white teeth. “So Naomi, are you new just to Edenbrook, or new to Boston in general?”
“New to Boston. I’m a DC girl, born and raised.”
“Interesting. So in theory, you could be the president’s doctor. What made you want to move?”
Would it be too much to tell these near strangers that there’s nothing left for her in DC other than a cheating ex husband? Absolutely.
So she smiles coyly. “Oh, I can’t reveal all of my secrets, at least not sober. I need to keep some mystery about me, you know?”
“All I’m hearing is that I need to take you out for drinks. Is after work a good time for you?”
Naomi chuckles and checks the name etched into his white coat. “You’re smooth, Dr. Lahela.”
“Ooh, I like the way you say my name.”
“Bryce, she’s been my friend for less than 12 hours,” Sienna scolds with an eye roll. “Do not scare her off with your flirting.”
“It’s fine,” Naomi assures her. “He’s pretty harmless.”
“Harmless?” Bryce grabs his chest and feigns pain. “That’s like, an instant friend zone.”
“Trust me, I’m not a tree you’d want to bark up.”
“I think I’ll be the judge of that.” Naomi laughs and rolls her eyes at him.
They sit around talking for a few more minutes, familiarizing themselves with each other, and grilling Naomi as she’s the new girl. Naomi’s only known this group of people for 15 minutes, but she can tell they’re an insanely tight knit group of friends who all love each other. Now she’s curious about the rest of their friends.
Her pager goes off, interrupting the conversation. She checks it with a sigh. “Lab results are in. I gotta go, but I’ll see you guys around.”
“Wait!” Bryce catches her wrist, holding onto it lightly. “Flirting aside, you really should get drinks with us tonight. We’re regulars at Donahue’s, right across the street.”
Naomi ponders it for a second before nodding. “Sure. I’ll see you guys when I’m off.”
She rushes to the lab to get her patient’s results, and then pages Ethan. He meets her in the lab with June, who’s thankfully a neurologist.
“So, Dr. Valentine, what’s the diagnosis?” Ethan asks, as Naomi hands him Taylor’s test results.
Naomi clears her throat and stands up a bit straighter. She’s normally a confident woman, but Ethan Ramsey intimidates her, even though she hates to admit it. She doesn’t want to show any weakness. “My gut instinct was correct, we have a case of pediatric multiple sclerosis.”
“Okay. What’s the next step.”
“There’s no cure for MS, we can only manage the symptoms. She’s taking medication for the seizures, but we can also get her started on physical therapy for the muscle weakness and to maintain her strength.”
Ethan nods. “Okay. Go ahead and deliver the news to Taylor and her parents.” He hands all of the paperwork back to Naomi and turns on his heel, walking away. He makes it a few steps away before turning around again. “Oh, and good work.”
She’s at the hospital for 5 more hours, but the rest of Naomi’s shift flies by with relative ease. With her first and only patient taken care of, she spends the rest of her time meeting various nurses and doctors, and trying not to get lost.
And now she’s at Donahue’s, sandwiched between Bryce and another one of their friends, Kyra, throwing back shots of vodka.
“Let’s propose a toast!” Sienna exclaims, raising her small glass in the air. “To the newest member of our gang, Naomi!”
Naomi stands dramatically, curtsying at the attention. “To Sienna, for taking me under her wing with absolutely no hesitation. And to me, surviving my first day of Edenbrook and the diagnostics team!”
With excited cheers, they all clink glasses and down their drinks. The alcohol burns her throat but Naomi doesn’t care. It’s been a long day, and she’d drink just about anything at this point.
She makes a quick note of the empty glasses at their table. “Next round is on me. Are we sticking with vodka?”
“Tequila, this time.”
Bryce slides out of his seat so Naomi can squeeze out of the booth. On surprisingly steady feet, she makes her way to the bar and flags down the bartender. “8 shots of tequila, please. And a pitcher of water.”
“Coming right up.”
While she’s waiting, Naomi hoists herself onto a barstool. She looks around, the bar is packed wall to wall. Some people are playing darts, some are dancing on the makeshift dance floor, and all of the tables are at full capacity. Her eyes settle on Ethan, who’s sitting at the end of the bar, quietly nursing a drink by himself.
She slides out of her seat and walks over to him. He’s so absorbed in his own thoughts, he doesn’t even notice her walk over to him. 
“I never thought I’d see Dr. Ethan Ramsey hanging out in a bar with the rest of us plebes,” she teases.
Naomi’s presence gets his attention. He turns his head and looks at her, really looking at her for the first time today, eyes sweeping her from head to toe. She’s no longer under the ugly fluorescent lights and out of the light blue scrubs, trading those in for a green top and extremely short shorts. Her hair, that’s been in a bun all day is down, her dark brown curls framing her face and falling to her shoulders.
He clears his throat and looks down once he realizes that he’s been staring at her for far too long. “I’ve been coming to this bar since you were probably a freshman in college.”
“Gosh, just how old are you, grandpa?”
“Old enough, how about that?”
Naomi shrugs and steals a seat next to Ethan. “I won’t tell anyone if you’re 40. Your secret is safe with me.”
“How’s your patient?” Ethan asks, completely switching gears.
“She’s good. A long day of being poked and prodded wears a girl out, and she was sleeping when I left the hospital.”
“Again, good job solving the case today. Especially since it’s only your first day here.”
“Are you complimenting me?” Naomi teases again with a gasp. “Am I no longer an amateur? Has my mettle been thoroughly tested?”
Ethan inwardly groans at his words being thrown back at him. “We started off on a bad note.”
“We did. I get that you’re Ethan Ramsey, and you’re at the top of the food chain, but it gives you absolutely no right to speak to me that way. I put in the same amount of blood, sweat, and tears into my medical training–maybe even more so, because I’m not a privileged white guy–so don’t ever forget that I deserve basic human decency again.”
“I deserved that tongue lashing.”
“You did, and maybe more.”
Ethan turns his body to face Naomi, their knees almost touching. “I’m sorry. You did save that patient’s life, and I shouldn’t have been so harsh. And you were great today. Who knows how long Taylor would’ve suffered before she received a diagnosis had you not been there. You’re a good doctor.”
Warmth blooms in Naomi’s chest at the praise. Who knew underneath his extremely cold exterior, Ethan Ramsey is actually a decent guy?
“Thank you. It just feels good to help and to give a patient clarity.”
“Can we please put our awkward meeting behind us?” Ethan asks. “For the sake of our careers and this team, we shouldn’t have any dark clouds looming ahead.”
Naomi extends her hand, offering Ethan a shake. His large hand completely envelops hers as they shake. “Sounds like a plan to me.”
“Good. Glad we got all of that out the way.” Naomi points to the tumbler in his hand. “What’s your poison?”
“Scotch, neat.” Naomi pulls a face at that answer. “What? Are you not a fan?”
“I don’t like dark liquor. And scotch is for stuffy old guys who wear suits all day and fuck their secretaries, and the villains on soap operas.”
Ethan’s eyebrows shoot up at the younger woman’s explanation. “That is ridiculously specific. And narrow-minded. Scotch isn’t for everyone though, it takes a sophisticated and refined palate to enjoy.” He raises his glass. “This is a 21 year old, single malt. $200 a bottle.”
Naomi shrugs in indifference. “If you say so.”
“God you’re so young and naive. What do you like? Peach schnapps?”
“Of course not, I’m not a 17 year old anymore. I’m a Stoli girl all the way, but Belvedere will suffice in a pinch.” Ethan nods as if he approves of her choices. “Do those get the Dr. Ramsey stamp of approval?”
“I’ve never tried Stoli before.”
“I’ll have to buy you a bottle then.”
“You think you bribe your way into my good graces?” 
“I think I’m already in them.” Ethan doesn’t respond, he only hums, neither in agreement nor denial. 
A comfortable silence lulls between the two of them, the hustle and bustle of the bar quickly fading away.
Before Ethan can move, Naomi reaches out and grabs his glass. Lifting it to her mouth with a sly smirk, she takes a languid sip, trying to gauge the mouthfeel of the drink.
He watches her, slightly transfixed as she helps herself to his drink, the way her jaw clenches, the way she doesn’t flinch in the slightest at the taste. Naomi slams the glass down on the bar, and the noise rattles around in his head, but it doesn’t fully register. A drop of the dark alcohol catches on the corner of her mouth, but she swipes at it with the pad of her thumb, which she then sucks dry.
Ethan inhales sharply. Jesus. Fucking. Christ.
“Oh, that’s good,” Naomi says. “It’s surprisingly sweet!”
“Y-yeah,” Ethan stammers. “There’s notes of, uh...toffee and vanilla.”
“You should’ve led with that,” Naomi continues, oblivious to the fact that she’s nearly rendered Ethan speechless. “Next time I come here, I’m ordering whatever this is.”
The bartender comes back with Naomi’s tray of drinks. She gets out of her seat and slaps some cash down onto the care. Carefully, she grabs the tray tightly with both hands.
She glanced at Ethan once more, smiling at him. “Enjoy your night, Dr. Ramsey. See you tomorrow.” And she’s off in a flash, heading back to her newfound friends, leaving Ethan alone again. He watches her retreating form like a hawk until she’s securely at her table.
Ethan sighs heavily. He can’t quite put his finger on it, but he can feel it deep in the pit of his stomach: Naomi Valentine is about to turn his world upside down.
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wooyounghwa · 5 years
eye contact . song mingi
description: you lose your job. it’s pouring rain. mingi makes you feel better <3
warnings: smut, cheating, oral (f+m receiving)
words: 4.1k
note: this is my first smut in a long time so it’s ehh and i didn’t expect to post anything like this on this account!! pls give me ur feedback
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“so, we have to let you go.”
your lower lip threatened to tremble, so you pressed it against your top one before nodding and looking up at your boss from your seat.
 the company you’d been working for for years was losing money fast, so they had to lay off a lot of workers, but you didn’t think you’d be one of them.
it was obvious your boss was getting a little bit upset too, it most likely wasn’t his decision, but you weren’t gonna let any of these people see you cry.
you nodded a few times to internally reassure yourself while the two of you sat in silence, picking yourself up out of the chair across from his desk and exiting out of his office, making a point to not make eye contact with him… and that was it.
 after you’d cleared out your locker and grabbed your purse, you were standing out at the front area of your job, staring into the pouring rain with tears starting to well in your eyes.
of course it was raining.
with a sigh you pulled your phone out of your pocket and tapped the screen until you got to your boyfriend’s contact, putting it up to your ear and listening to it ring.
the two of you had been dating for about as long as you’d had this job, and usually you’d take a cab home or just walk if you felt like it, but you didn’t feel like waiting in the rain, and your shared apartment was only a few blocks away so it wouldn’t take long for him to come get you.
but when it went to voicemail, you sighed, pulling your purse to the front of your body to check how much cash you had- you’d left your wallet with your card in it at home.
 before you could see what was clearly nothing in your purse and sniff away what had been the rest of your tears- a voice broke through the pattering of the rain on the small roof above you, and you flinched, twisting around to see your coworker, or, ex-coworker now, song mingi, looking at you and waiting for a response.
 “sorry?” you said quietly.
 he gave you a nervous smile, speaking again to repeat what you hadn’t heard before. ”ah- i was wondering if you needed a ride.”
 your brows lifted slightly, scanning his face for a moment before zipping your purse closed and turning fully toward him after a second. ”if you wouldn’t mind.. that’d be great actually. mine and my boyfriend’s apartment is right down the street.” you gestured to the left of your old job.
 it wasn’t like mingi was a complete stranger, you saw him occasionally in the office and sometimes he’d email you about issues hr had asked about, but that was it. you’d given his friend, san, a ride home before, and been to a few after work parties, so maybe this was him trying to make up for his friend.
 “yeah- i don’t mind.”
he smiled at you, his eyes disappearing into an eye smile.
you blinked away the thought and nodded, giving a similar smile before he slipped off his jacket and handed it to you.
“what’s this?” your voice was soft but he heard it,
“so you don’t get wet, i’m gonna go get my car and pull it to the curb right there.”
before you could say anything he went back inside, to go to the car garage through the inside you assumed, so you slowly closed your mouth that had parted open when he started talking.
 a few minutes and a smallish black car pulled to the sidewalk, facing the way toward your house on the road and a relief flushed over you. you didn’t know why you weren’t sure if mingi would actually do this or not, he did leave you his jacket after all.
pulling the jacket above your head, you jogged toward the car and heard the raindrops hit the material, feeling the slickness of the pavement against your feet.
you barely heard the door unlock and you pulled the handle before falling into the seat, laughing a bit, even after what just happened.
you slammed the door shut and the silence compared to the rain outside was nice.
mingi started driving in the direction of your apartment, glancing at you.
 “if you wanna keep the jacket until another time you can, so you don’t get wet. i’ll just come get it another day.”
 you bit your lip looking down at it, shaking your head slightly.
“i don’t know if my boyfriend will like that, he would freak out if he even knew you were driving me home, even though it’s like a 5 minute drive.” you stopped yourself and pointed toward a corner. “turn right here and keep going straight.”
 he did as you said and you noted to yourself he was a good driver, even though he was young. you kept that to yourself though as he spoke,
“he’s your boyfriend, not your dad.”
 it came out jokingly, but you could hear the seriousness behind it.
in truth, he was right. you knew you shouldn’t let him tell you what and who you could and couldn’t do, wear, talk about, talk to.. but you’d been with him for so long it just seemed normal now.
 you shrugged and snuck another glance at mingi’s side profile, staring a bit too long, because he peered over at you before looking back at the road.
“are we close?”
 you snapped back into real life, the rumble of the car beneath you, seeing the rain drops hit the windshield before being wiped away a moment later.
 “yeah, almost there.” your response was a breathy chuckle, almost. maybe you were kidding yourself.
 a minute passed and you pointed to the left, toward your apartment.
“right there. it’s the one with the yellow roof.”
 he pulled onto the opposite side of the road, letting the car that was behind his pass.
“do you need anything else? like money, l-”
 you cut him off and shook your head, reaching for the door handle. ”no, i’m okay. thanks though, mingi.” you glanced back at him for what you thought would be the last time that night. ”goodnight.”
 you stepped out of the car and let the jacket he’d lent you fall into the passenger seat, closing the door before the inside of his car could get too wet.
 as you crossed the street and started noticing your surroundings, your heart started racing faster.
there was another car outside of your apartment? a few months ago you would have thought nothing of it, but you’d gotten into a small accident and your car was towed and the towing company wouldn’t let you have it back until you could pay for it.
 you felt bad making your boyfriend drive you to work and pick you up, but it was the least he could do, you bought the groceries and paid for everything utility-wise.
 this car didn’t look like yours, you’d never seen it before.
you heard the sound of mingi’s car backing up, the water that was starting to build up on the street sloshing under his tires, your street was a dead end so had to back up and turn around to head to where he lived, you knew that from the time you’d gone to his house- but that was an after work party and you’d only known san back then.
 you stuck your key in the lock and it turned smoothly, meaning it had been unlocked before you stuck it in, and your heart sunk to your stomach.
 walking in, you immediately heard wails coming from the back of your apartment, and you felt your face heat up- with anger, embarrassment, sadness, a mix of everything.
 seriously. seriously?
 your feet felt like bricks as you quickly walked to the bedroom you’d been sharing with seonghwa for 2 years now, and you didn’t even have to open the door to see them, as you could see through the crack from down the hallway.
 lots of ways to handle the situation ran through your head, and your hand lingered above the doorknob, closing your eyes so you didn’t have to look for longer than you wanted.
 and then you decided. you pulled your hand away from the door and turned right around, walking down the hallway and out the front door, making sure to grab your wallet with your card in it, leaving everything exactly how it was before.
 you walked down the stairs, seeing mingi’s car now facing in the right direction but still stopped. he was looking down at his phone, his face being lit up brightly by the screen. a lot of courage was gathered before stepping to his car in the middle of the street and knocking on the window; the sudden sound made the tall boy jump.
 mingi leaned forward to look up through the window, widening his eyes when he realized it was you standing in the rain, and unlocked the door.
 he twisted to put his phone in his opposite pants’ pocket while you got in, but when he turned to face you after you closed the car door, you grabbed his face in your hands and smashed your lips against his, the kiss being rough, teeth clashing together.
he didn’t move for a few seconds while you kissed him, but he slowly pushed you away by your shoulder softly with 2 of his fingers.
 “don’t say anything. it’s over between me and him. and i want you right now.”
 mingi blinked, looking over your features, his gaze lingering on your lips, and leaned in again, this time much softer than your forceful kiss just seconds earlier, and he moved the hand he’d pushed you away with up to slink around your neck to your nape, pulling your face closer.
 after swiping your tongue across his lower lip, he pulled away and licked his lips while putting his car into drive.
“well if you want me now, it’s not gonna happen in my car in the middle of the road. give me 5 minutes.”
 you couldn’t help but to snort at his face and lust-deepened voice- now raspy and filled with need. he drove slightly faster than he did on the way here, and you understood the motivation, smiling to yourself, slightly glad you didn’t have to look away from him now like you did before.
 mingi was focused on getting to his house as fast as possible, but you had other plans. your hand snuck to his thigh, squeezing the muscle of it, making him tense against your hand. he said nothing, so you moved to the center of his jeans, palming his now half-hard member.
“i haven’t even done anything, mingi.” your voice was playful, you saw his jaw tense. ”it’s hard for me to not be hard when someone like you kisses me out of nowhere and basically tells me she wants to fuck me where i stand.”
you laughed softly, letting your finger trace over the head of his member through his pants, liking the way he slowly churned in his seat.
 after a few more moments of painful wanting and a few more turns down streets, he pulled to the side of the road, parking his car and turning to look at you, legs still spread against the seat and your hand still on his crotch.
all this staring was making you impatient. you reached with your other hand, undoing his belt.
”woah, what-”
mingi started, but was cut off when the softness of your hand slid down, grazing the soft hairs and wrapped around his bare length, he gasped, that being the only sound in the silence of his car.
he let you stroke him a few times before pulling your hand away, opening the door of his car and zipping his pants, practically running to your side after shutting his door.
 you laughed at his giddy-ness, feeling the rush you hadn’t felt in a long, long time as you watched him circle the car.
he opened your door and leaned down, one hand on the doorframe and another ghosting on your knee, looking like he was glad he could touch you for the first time.
“coming?” his voice was as deep as before, and you felt a chill run down your body, letting your hand snake around his wrist.
he pulled you up and closed the door, his hand immediately running over your side, face starting to lean down to yours and you pushed him back jokingly,
“can’t wait until we’re inside?”
he smiled with his eyes for the 2nd time that night and your heart fluttered with no restriction.
 mingi led you up the steps and into the apartment, but before he turned the lights on to the living room you were pushed back against the door, feeling soft lips sucking on the skin of your neck.
your hands went to his dyed red hair and you sighed into his ear, letting his hands run up and down your body, squeezing the soft parts and pulling you against his hard on.
“mingi..” the name was a breath into his ear.
 he kissed up your jawline in response, leaving sloppy kisses across your cheek before getting to your lips and pulling your bottom one between his teeth, sucking it into his mouth.
you kissed him back with fever, tongue swirling around his and pulling his hair between your fingers.
mingi moaned and pulled you away from the door, turning and making your behind hit what you assumed was his couch.
his hands lifted you up slightly to sit on the arm of it, his hand sliding around from your ass to go into the front of your pants. you gasped at the sudden contact of his finger with your clothed slit, the tip of his finger pooling into the wetness through your panties. ”so wet for me.”
his voice was growled into your ear and you nodded, lashes fluttering at the feelings.
“just for you baby.”
he ground himself against you after moving his hand to your breast, squeezing it roughly, and you moaned softly into his shirt, hands wrapped around his shoulders. mingi lifted your head to look up at him and kissed you again, a bit softer this time.
 he reached under you and cupped his hands beneath your ass, lifting you against him this time and you wrapped your legs around his hips almost automatically- as if the two of you had been doing this for forever.
he carried you to where you assumed his room was, and leaned you back slowly against the bed, leaving kisses against your collarbone and neck.
a second passed and mingi had pulled his shirt above his head, looking down at you with a lust clouded gaze, lips parted and wet. he moved back down to your torso, lifting the bottom of it and pressing sloppy kisses against your hips and stomach.
you tangled your fingers through his hair and watched him with a moan, the knot in your stomach beginning to get tighter and tighter the lower he got.
 mingi looked up at you from under hooded eyes, silently asking for your head nod, before he wrapped his index fingers around the loops in your work pants and pulled down, the fabric moving down your legs along with his kisses.
once he pulled them past your feet and slung them a random direction, he got to work and moved between your legs, lifting your thighs and pulling you down to the end of the bed. you squeaked and laughed when he did, but you were suddenly silenced when his lips met your clit through your panties.
he kissed you through the fabric for a few seconds, before pulling them to the side and sliding a long finger into you, tongue sliding up and down your soaked entrance before swirling around your clit.
 you began to see stars when he pumped his finger in and out of you, lips closing around your sensitive bud, tongue pushing against it to make you feel good. you lifted your hips when he hit a certain spot on your clit, but he used his free hand to hold you down, pumping faster with his long finger, curling it and sucking the slick from your heat, tongue then flicking across your clit.
you jerked up your hips with the flicking, letting your first orgasm take over your body, your legs shaking slightly as you watched him pull away and pull down your panties completely.
 mingi pulled your shirt above your head in return, and threw it in the same general direction that your pants went, his hands fluttering over your breasts before leaving butterfly kisses on each of them.
you smiled up at him, and a hint of a smile played on his features before he unzipped his pants as they’d been before in the car.
he stood in front of you as you sat on the end of the bed, and you pulled his pants and boxers down for him, his fully hard length slapping against his stomach. he let a sigh out and his head fell backwards as you licked his precum off the angry tip, letting you do your work of running a thumb up the vein running along the side of his cock and putting his length into your warm, wet mouth that seemed to be just for him- he fit perfectly.
 you swirled your tongue around the tip and he moaned, fingers slipping into your hair, before pulling your head back, a string of spit and precum between your mouth and his cock.
“okay, okay, actually.. i wanna fuck you before i cum, baby.”
 you smiled and pulled away, licking your lips and scooting yourself back by your elbows, up to where his pillows were. he crawled up toward you and smiled, the contrast between that and his large member and toned body was insane. he turned to his end table next to his bed before he got to you, hand on the handle to open the drawer, but you stopped him.
 “you don’t have to use protection. i’m on the pill.. been on it for two years.” your chest stung, but it only lasted a moment until you made eye contact with mingi, he nodded and his eyes sparkled when they looked at you.
you held your arms out for him to fit between and he did, sliding perfectly between your legs, pressing his face into the crook of your neck and breathing you in.
 “you smell so good, baby. i’m gonna make you feel so good.”
the words sent a chill through you and you nodded eagerly, tensing slightly as you felt the bare tip of his length against your wet folds.
“just relax.” he pressed a kiss against your jaw and you tried to listen, but you’d never taken anyone who was quite his size. you wrapped your legs around his hips as he pressed his tip into you, moving himself into your heat slowly, you felt yourself stretch around him and moaned into his ear softly, biting the lobe and making him grunt in response, his biceps tensing on either side of your head.
 the sound of you taking him was wet as he started pumping slowly into you, your body adjusted to his length each time he pushed back in.
“oh fuck, you’re so tight. he wasn’t fucking you like this, was he, baby?” mingi breathed out the words into your hair as his hips snapped against yours. the quickness of his thrusts made you lose your breath and your vision go white. ”was he?” he voice got impossibly more deep.
 “n-no he wasn’t-” a particularly aggressive thrust made you gasp loudly, you brought your hand down mingi’s back, your nails leaving red marks.
 “fuck, you take me so well.. ever since san’s party i wanted to fuck you like this-” he hissed as you clenched around him, but kept whispering the words into the shell of your ear. “you wore that tight little skirt, i walked in the kitchen and saw you reaching for something and it was riding up your ass- that tight little ass,” he seemed to realize something and pulled out, making you whine in response, his words and energy leaving you breathless.
mingi flipped you over by your hips, pulling your legs toward him to press your ass against his solid length. he ran a hand up your back, chills following his warm touch until he got to your hair, pulling your head back to look at him as he slipped himself back into you.
his length went in much easier this time, but you still felt the stretch as his tip reached further inside of your heat.
“i loved seeing this ass at work, whatever you were wearing- always looked so good,” mingi grunted as he snapped his hips into yours from behind.
 “you can fuck me as much as you want now.” at your words mingi’s hips stuttered a bit and he fell forward, catching himself with an arm beside your body. he slipped his hand between your legs and used his middle finger to rub at your clit, making your thighs shake while he continued to ram into you.
 “i’m gonna fuck you so good for as long as you let me, princess.” he bit your shoulder as his hips started to stutter more, you felt his shaky breath on the back of your neck.
 as his movements sped up for his last thrusts, your legs began to shake more, the pressure of his finger against you and his tip hitting the right spot over and over sending you over the edge.
you gasped and let out a moan, putting your face into his soft pillow.
mingi groaned and pushed into you one, two more times before stopping while pressed into you. he let out a pained moan, his breath hitching as his thighs jerked, you felt his cum paint your insides, filling you up deliciously.
“fuck, fuck-” he gasped out, putting his now sweaty forehead against your shoulder, riding out his orgasm while he was inside of you.
 after a few moments mingi pulled out of you, looking at you from behind, feeling kinda proud of himself at the way you were still laying on your stomach now, his seed spilling out of you.
 he left the bed for a few seconds, coming back to wipe your entrance with one warm, wet towel, and helping you flip back over before handing you a shirt.
you noted it wasn’t the shirt you entered the apartment with, you smiled warmly to yourself before slipping it on and falling back, mingi coming down beside you seconds later, making the bed shake with his large frame.
you both sat in silence for a little while, you were sure he was thinking just as much as you were about what would happen between the two of you.
glancing in his direction, you decided to break the silence.
 “so.. can i keep your jacket?”
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jimlingss · 6 years
Jungle Park [5]
Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6
➜ Words: 4.3k
➜ Genres: Fluff, Light Humour (?), Slice of Life, Workplace Romance!AU
➜ Summary: The equation is simple. Hoseok needs to hire someone. You need a job. Except like any actual equation, it’s not fucking simple at all! Not when you have to add the fact that he was forced to hire someone he doesn’t want in his office, he has little respect for your job in general, and oh yeah...once upon a time you might have—*CENSORED*.
➜ Warnings: swearing and taxi passengers slut shaming and being general assholes.
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It’s too hard to stay awake.   It’s...too—…...difficult…..   “Y/N?” You’re shaken awake by someone’s hand coming to gently squeeze your shoulder. Immediately, you jolt back to life, looking around to find yourself in the office. Right. “Are you alright?”   Sunyi comes back into focus and you realize Hyuk and Lisa are already looking at you, watching your face as if you have a spider on your forehead and they don’t want to scare it away. “What? Oh, sorry. I was...um...distracted for a second there. What did you say?”   You can tell she doesn’t quite believe you, but the lawyer doesn’t push it either. “A bunch of us are going to dinner tonight. We were wondering if you wanted to join us?”   “Dinner?” This is the moment you’ve been waiting for. It’s what you’ve always wanted. To finally be a part of the group, catch late night drinks or eat food, to actually befriend these people beyond the workplace setting. “I would love to….but...tonight?”   Of all nights. Why tonight?   “You can’t make it?”   “I...already have plans.” It hurts so bad — it’s like you’re a kid who’s been waiting for your birthday for months and on the day of, it turns out you can’t even attend your own party because of a dentist appointment.   “Aw.” Hyuk hangs his head and pouts, eyes flickering down the expanse of your body quicker than you can even register. “What a shame, thought I’d be able to finally get to know you.”   “I’m sorry. I should’ve known.”   Maybe it looks like you’re about to burst into tears, because then Sunyi smiles softly. “No, it’s okay. How could you have known? There’ll be plenty of other times. How about lunch tomorrow?”   “Lunch?” There’s a tone of hope and eagerness in your voice and you know you’re being pretty childish and pathetic, but you’re too exhausted to put on a more professional façade. “That works for me. I’ll clear up my schedule.”   “Alright.” Sunyi grins. “Tomorrow, a bunch of us can gather up for lunch.”   You smile, nodding your head. “Sounds good.”   A handful of people from the office begin to file out at five o’clock. You bid them a goodbye and goodnight. But someone else lingers behind and she seems to hesitate. “Hey, Y/N.” Lisa stands to the side and you wonder if anything’s wrong — ironic considering her next question is addressed to you. “Are you okay?”   “Yeah, I’m fine,” you reassure her with your lips upturned.   The receptionist nods. “Okay. Goodnight then.”   “Bye.” You watch as she catches up with the group, slightly touched that she shows concern for your well-being. Though, the question lingers in your head — ARE you okay? If you’re completely frank with yourself, you’re not sure.   On the way home, you accidentally fall asleep on the subway. Your head bobs up and down and ends up on the shoulder of a granny and you apologize profusely, nearly hurting your neck when you try to use your own shoulder as support. Then once you make it home, you fall on the couch to take a two hour nap. A symphony of blaring alarms is what you wake up to. After, you force yourself to get up, you wash your face, eat something quick, have a cup of coffee…   Then….   “Hello!” You twist around to face the backseat with a bright smile. “Where are you off to tonight?”   “The Kelpers Club on seventh avenue,” one of the three guys say and you nod, pulling off the curb and into the road.   “Oh, fuck!” The dude from the left seat startles you, but when you glance at the rear-view mirror, thankfully he’s not talking to you. He’s staring at the screen of his phone and his friends are glancing over. “Look what Tiffany just sent me.”   “Holy shit!” They reach over to punch the guy in the arm, laughing and grinning. They’re a rowdy and obnoxious bunch, but you try your best to keep focus on the road ahead of you. “Dude, you need to send me that. I could probably rub three or four out with that hot pic.”   They each have a water bottle with them, taking sips every so often and by the smell of their breaths that waft over to ruin your breathing space, you’re almost certain that it isn’t water they have in there. “Did you really tap that last night?”   “Yeah.” He smirks. “She keeps on texting me though. It’s so fucking annoying. Clingy bitch. It’s no wonder her boyfriend of four years cheated on her with her best friend. And she thinks we’re an exclusive item just cause I took her out once. What a joke. She’s desperate and a mess.”   Your left eye twitches and you run the yellow light that you normally would’ve slowed down at. The dude in the center laughs. “But c’mon, how is she? How does she take it?”   The other lets out a snort and rolls his shoulder. “You wouldn’t believe it if I told you. She’s a freak. She wanted me to slap and spank her. The skank choked on me like five times and even took it in the ass.”   “Holy shit!” They’re in an uproar, piercing sound of their chortles deafening to your ears. They punch him again, saying things like he’s a lucky bastard and what they would give to be in that position. But what’s the absolutely last straw for you is— “You could probably get it in if you want. I bet she’d like taking two or three cocks at once too. Tiffany is a massive slut.”   They roar and howl like animals in heat and one of them opens their mouth to add a comment, but you floor the gas on an empty street and their bodies lurch forward. “Do you want me to change the radio?” you interrupt before anything else can be said and before your blood pressure spikes more than it has.   “No. It’s fine.” They catch themselves when you stop at a red light.   “Do you want me to turn on the heating or air conditioning?”   “We’re fine,” one of them grunts out in annoyance. You ignore him and slam off the air conditioning, rolling all the windows up to seal shut and hitting the heating button. It begins to blast, though you don’t mind if you get too warm. It’s much too rewarding to look at the rear-view mirror and see all three guys squished up against each other, extremely hot and uncomfortable, hair becoming wet with sweat. You hope their vodka gets too warm and stale to drink.   “I’m having trouble finding the destination,” you lie without blinking twice. You loop around and around the blocks, purposely driving over the manholes at full speed and enjoying how the car launches slightly at every bump and they hit their heads on the roof of the small vehicle.   “It’s the left!”   “Left or right?” You feign innocence and stupidity as if you don’t understand basic directions. “Which one?!”   “Left!” He shouts.   You twist your wrist roughly, swerving the steering wheel to the right. “Oops!”   “What the hell?!” They’re in disbelief and you kill fifteen minutes, going all over the blocks and taking wrong turns, somehow even ending in the suburban area. When you’re satisfied with messing with them, you pull up on the curb...in the middle of nowhere.   “Whelp, we’re here.” You turn around with a blazing smile and their jaws are dropped, brows furrowed, finding the situation completely absurd. “It’s just down the block.” More like down thirty blocks. “The traffic is too much to get close. Sorry ‘bout that.”   “There’s no traffic,” one of them says, but you ignore them and they pull out their wallets to split the fare. They get out one by one with deep scowls, slamming the car doors shut, hard enough to damage your precious taxi. Before closing the last door, one of them pops their head through and mutters something you hear loud and clear, “dumb bitch.”   You end up driving directly into a mud puddle, splashing them in the brown slush and making it look like they collectively shat in their pants. You cackle as you pull off into the street again.   They didn’t even tip you.   “Hello. Where are you off to tonight?”   “The airport, please.”   “Certainly.”   It’s not like you’re passionate about taxi driving. You specifically sought out the HR position to leave this behind, to actually chase after what you want. But here you are, crawling back to your old career and balancing between your day and night job.   Even though Hoseok declared a truce between the two of you, you still can’t get rid of the feeling that he might fire you one day. You wouldn’t know what to do if one day you’re seated on the other side of the conference table with Jimin and Hoseok across from you, delivering the news that you’re not needed anymore. You wouldn’t know what to do if you’re thrown off on the street without a job. You wouldn’t be able to pay your bills. You wouldn’t be able to pay for food.   More importantly, you would have to move back with your mom.   The nightmare haunts you.   And you still have the lease on the cab. It’s been sitting in your apartment parking spot — might as well use it, right? At the end of the night, you get another wad of cash that goes directly into your savings. Doing this is better than sitting at home and worrying about your future, mindlessly watching television and surfing the internet, walking around, and….sleeping.   A little bit of sleep sacrificed isn’t a big deal.   Your eight-hours of sleep is merely split up throughout the day — naps taken on the subway to and from the firm, a two hour slumber before taking the taxi night-shift, another four hours afterwards before heading to the office. Occasionally, you might doze off in your office too, but no one really notices when you turn your chair towards the window and it seems like you’re staring out at the cityline.   Thankfully, Hoseok hasn’t noticed either.   “Excuse me?” The girl in the backseat stirs awake from her drowsiness, looking out the window. “I think we’re here.”   “Oh, sorry. I was thinking about someone—......I mean something. I was thinking about something.” You scramble with a laugh, parking the car and getting out to help with the passenger’s luggage in the trunk. She doesn’t seem that upset with you, even smiling and thanking you for the ride, tipping you a decent five dollars.   Things aren’t too bad.   “Aren’t you driving too slow?” A middle age woman impatiently quacks in the backseat of your car, pushing herself up closer to you. “Can’t you go faster?”   “Uh...I’ll try my best.”   Really, things aren’t too horrible.   ….   It could be worse.   //   The only thing you’re looking forward to is lunch. When you wake up in the morning, you’re already buzzing with excitement. As pathetic as it is, you can’t remember the last time you shared a meal with other people. If things go well, then people in the office will really begin to get comfortable with you and maybe you’ll have a few workplace friends that will become your friends out of work too. You’re excited, and you hope it doesn’t show too much.   “Hey, ready for lunch today?” Sunyi has popped into your office first thing in the morning with a smile. “You didn’t forget, did you?”   “Of course I didn’t,” you laugh.   “Good. We’re going down the block to that italian restaurant. They have a really good lunch menu, cheesesteak and sandwiches and soups too.”   “That sounds great,” your cheeks are almost bursting with your smile. “Who’s coming along with us?”   “You and I obviously,” she jests in a light tone. “And also Seulgi, Namjoon, Hoseok and unfortunately, the leech freeloader Min Yoongi. Trust me, I didn’t want him to join, but he self invited himself like the asshole that he is. He invited himself and Hoseok. I knew I shouldn’t have talked about it with Seulgi when we were all in the elevator earlier...”   You stifle back a laugh. “That’s completely fine.”   “Alright, see you later then.” The woman sighs and checks her phone briefly. “Gotta get some work done before we run on out.”   Your head nods once and she’s on her way.   //   For the first hour, you focus on running through more applications and looking for a suitable paralegal. There still hasn’t been anyone hired to fill Sebin’s position, but there’s not too big of a rush. Hoseok would rather you take your time to go through and choose carefully, rather than picking someone right off the bat. Plus, he’s also told you that things are actually running fairly well with the three paralegals already on the team, smoother than he expected.   You make a few phone calls, setting up interview dates and times. But then someone stops by your office. “Hey,” Namjoon greets you and before you can ask if he needs any help, he beats you to the punch. “I just wanted to let you know that I’m helping Jimin with mediation. The client re-booked it at twelve thirty, so I don’t think I can go later.”   “No, it’s okay. Work takes priority anyways,” you wave him off and he smiles, promising he’ll make time some other day for lunch. Not another twenty minutes pass by before you find yet another person standing at your doorway, balancing a huge mountain of files. “Are you alright?”   “I don’t know,” Seulgi admits in all honesty and looks like she’s on the verge of tears. “I just remembered I forgot to submit the affidavits and orders yesterday that were given to me by Jungkook and I think Hoseok’s going to fire the both of us if it’s not in submission. I’m helping him and we both have to run down there and I don’t know how long it’s going to take or if it’s even possible at this point—”   “Seulgi,” you call her name calmly to reassure the girl. “It’s okay.”   “I’m so, so sorry. Can I ask for a rain check?”   “Of course you can. I’m always free.”   By eleven o’clock, a full hour before the designated time, there’s another person at your door. This time, it’s a shorter man with full cheeks and messy black hair. He rubs at his sleepy eyes, barely able to keep them open. But when he looks at you and you look at him, it’s like a telepathic message is sent. “Can’t make it?”   “Yeah,” Min Yoongi responds in a husky tone as if he just got up from a nap, but plans to take another.   “It’s okay.”   But is it? — Really. — Is this okay?   There’s nothing you can really do even if all your insides are crying. What? Should you just drop to the ground and start crying? You’re going to need at least five shots before you throw a temper tantrum at your workplace. Things get busy, life gets busy, people get busy. You’re more than understanding and it’s just lunch. There will be plenty more opportunities to come. So…   “It’s fine,” you reassure the lawyer in front of you who has her bottom lip quivering and her brows furrowed deep enough you’re certain that wrinkles will permanently mar her skin.   “I’m so, so sorry. I know you were looking forward to this. I just had no idea that my schedule was already booked up with a client. I….I could change it and we can still go out—”   “Don’t be ridiculous.” You laugh, thankful that she’s worried this much over it. At least it’s better than the times in High School where people invited you out and didn’t even show up because ‘it’s just a prank, bro’. Your hand goes to gently squeeze Sunyi’s shoulder, channeling your maternal voice that doesn’t really exist to soothe her. “We can do this some other day. I’m gonna be around for a long time, so there will be plenty more opportunities. Just focus on work since that’s what you’re here to do anyways. It’s really not that big of a deal.”   “Okay, thank you,” Sunyi breathes a long sigh of relief, happy that you didn’t take the unfortunate circumstances to heart. Little does she know just how disappointed you are.   Reminds you of that time your mom promised you to go to Disneyland and you ended up Chuck E. Cheese instead.   //   At twelve o’clock sharp, Hoseok appears at your door with his phone in hand. You stare at him, waiting for him to say something as he stares at the screen and his thumbs move, probably texting someone important. It’s an awkward thirty seconds that feel like a whole two minutes before he puts down the device and looks at you. He frowns and takes a peek out your door.   “Is there no one else?”   “No.” You scratch the back of your neck before putting your palms in your lap. “Everyone is busy.” It’s only you and him. You’re not sure how you feel about that; maybe partly tense and apprehensive while the other part doesn’t mind so much.   “Okay.” Hoseok shrugs nonchalantly, hands in his coat pockets. “There’s no point in going then.”   “Oh...yeah…” You stand up awkwardly, trying to shuffle past him. Your stomach makes a noise that doesn’t sound too healthy and you hope he can’t hear it. “I’ll uh...I’ll just grab something from the kitchen then.”   “Wait.” He stops you, grabbing your wrist before you can run off. When he realizes he’s touched you without permission, he lets go right away, mumbling some kind of apology before you tell him it’s fine.   “You didn’t bring anything with you?” He asks and you don’t answer. Jung Hoseok must read your expression like an open book because then he smiles slightly. “Okay, nevermind, let’s go.”   “Pardon?”   “Just the two of us,” he says and walks off, making you stumble behind him and try to match his wide, fast strides. The lawyer glances over his shoulder towards you. “You don’t mind right?”   “I...I don’t mind.” Except a one-on-one lunch with your boss is not what you envisioned.   Instead of the fancy italian cafe, you follow his lead into a hole-in-the-wall. It’s a warm and cozy atmosphere, with two or three other tables full. Interestingly enough, they serve comfort food and the menu is deprived of a variety of different cultures. You end making an order of porridge with a side of mac and cheese and he orders curry with cold noodles.   It’s served quickly and all at the same time, so you don’t hesitate to dig in.   The only problem is when silence settles down, you’re not sure what to say. You’re not even sure where to look. Glancing up and locking your eyes with his only makes it more excruciatingly awkward.   “You know, I already told you that you don’t have to tiptoe around me,” Hoseok mutters and takes a large bite, looking up at you with his arm propped up on the table, holding a spoon and completely amused as he gawks at you.   “What?”   “You’re always stiff and nervous around me. But I won’t bite your head off…….probably.”   “I’m not nervous,” you defend yourself even when it’s a massive lie.   Hoseok laughs and almost chokes on his food. “Yeah, you are. Your eyes keep shifting and I can see that you’re beginning to sweat. You know…” He leans closer like he’s about to exchange a secret. “...makes it seem like you did something wrong or you’re a criminal. Last I checked, I’m not a criminal attorney, so I’m not sure I can help you if you did something illegal.”   You take a spoonful of the porridge, letting the taste linger on your tongue for a second before you stuff your cheek to chew a bit and swallow it down. “The only illegal thing I’ve one is steal someone’s wifi and probably jaywalking.”   “Wait, I should record this confession for evidence,” he teases with a mischievous glint in his eyes and a massive grin. You wonder if the other people at this office know this side of him. “These are very serious crimes. How many times have you jaywalked and who’s wifi have you stolen?”   “Oh please.” You roll your eyes. “You act like you haven’t done anything ‘illegal’ either.”   He scoffs at how you use air quotations with your fingers, also slightly offended. “Just letting you know, I live a very morally upright life. I don’t break the law. I work for the law. In fact, I am the law.”   “Yeah, right.” You click your tongue in feigned annoyance, muffling back some laughter. “What about that time you were drunk and passed out in front of the library? Made me have to drag you back. That’s public intoxication.”   “I did what?”   Your eyes go wide. Right. He doesn’t remember. You might’ve gotten too carried away, too caught up when he’s sitting right across from you, and it’s only you and him. But there’s no going back now, you might as well mess with him. “Or that time you shoplifted an entire refrigerator. And that time you started a pimp business to pay off your loans. Those were the days, right, Hoseok?”   “No way.” He leans back and crosses his arms, trying to repress his laughter that threatens to spill over. “I would never. That’s something I can’t believe. You need to come up with more reasonable lies than that, Y/N.”   Your food is left abandoned when you’re trying hard not to break into hysterical laughter. “So you believe how you wanted to piss in a library book, but ended up passing out in front of the library instead?”   There’s a long held silence. “That…..I can believe.”   A cheeky grin is plastered on your face, making your jaw ache a bit and you take a few more bites before your pupils flicker up. “Thanks, by the way. Just thought I’d say that.”   “For what?” He eats, chewing and swallowing, taking a sip of his water in the process.   “This. I mean...you didn’t have to come along with me.”   “You make it sound like I’m going to treat you to this.” The lawyer points a fork towards you and narrows his eyes while the corner of his mouth twitches oh so slightly. “Is that your tactic? You think I’m going to pay for your meal?”   “No!” You can’t help your giggles. “That’s not what I’m trying to say!”   “I can see right through you.” He has a playful smile and eyes you. The glare is less sharp and pointed, lacking real animosity or frustration. It’s much cuter and the stark contrast from him outside and joking around to his professionalism in the office nearly gives you whiplash.   “I saw your photo on the firm’s website.” It’s a little out of nowhere, but the thought pops into your head as you stare at the man. “And no offence, but you look way better in real life. You’re not photogenic at all.”   “Is that an insult?” Jung Hoseok gasps theatrically and you wonder why he didn’t just major in drama and become a comedic actor. He seems to have a knack for it.   “It’s not!”   “Or are you trying to say I’m handsome?” He puts down his utensil and nods. “Oh, I see. You don’t want me to pay for your meal. Thinking big picture, huh? You’re trying to say I’m a lot more handsome in real life because you want a raise, don’t you?!”   “I never said that!” At this point, the two of you are so loud that a few patrons are looking over, but none of you notice. He twists your words so much, it’s ridiculous and you’re left baffled and laughing. Maybe it was right for him to be a lawyer after all.   “You think I wouldn’t see your strategy.” He scrapes his bowl, eating everything that’s left while mischievously shaking his head in feigned disapproval. “Trying to boost my ego for a raise. How low is that. But what’s even more unbelievable is that it’s working. Keep going.”   You laugh again, this time refusing to utter even one syllable or make a sound. Hoseok finishes eating in the meanwhile and you pierce the carrots on your plate, putting it on his clean one. He looks up at you with brows raised. “You hate carrots? I never thought you’d be a picky eater.”   “No, I don’t hate it,” you muse. “You like it, don’t you?”   If it’s possible, his brows raise even higher. “How did you know?”   You shrug, looking away from him. “Let’s just say, I really want that raise.”   “Pft.” He pierces the carrot with the fork, inhaling it all at once and chews thoughtfully. “You better not be stalking me.”   “I won’t need to if I get a little somethin’-somethin’.” You rub your fingers on one hand together, indicating a thick wad of cash and he grins, eating the carrot happily.   A few months ago, if someone told you that one day you’d be sitting across from Hoseok and actually conversing and even laughing like normal adults, you would’ve probably floored the gas pedal of your taxi to get away in fear of that person being absolutely insane.   You expected to have lunch with coworkers and perhaps establish friendships out of the workplace. You definitely didn’t think you’d end up rekindling some kind of ancient relationship with your boss. But you don’t mind at all. It’s just more than what you bargained for in the best way possible.
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hockeyluver-1995 · 5 years
Must Be Fate Andre Burakovsky- Chapter 3
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Chapter 3
Sitting down in the seat I looked up towards the Jumbotron. The clock counted down the seconds as Andre cleared the puck out of their end zone as the buzzard sounded signaling the end of the game. caps fans all around quickly stood up and cheered for their team, giving out hi-fives to everyone they could reach. The atmosphere was electric as the fans cheered on the reigning Stanley cups champions to a 5:4 victory. Andre scoring two of the goals in the victory. 
We watched as they announced the three stars of the game. Andre was announced as the first star of the game. He walked out of the tunnel and skated onto the ice with a signed stick. A little boy who must have been six years old was standing right at the glass banging his little hands against the glass which caught my eye and the eye of Andre. I couldn’t help but smile as I watched Andre skate up to where the little boy was standing and pass him the signed stick over the glass. 
Andre caught my eye as he was skating back towards the dressing room and sent me a wink as he slowly disappeared through the tunnel. 
We started to leave our seats when a security guard came walking down the stairs towards us. “Excuse me miss. Andre was wondering if you would be able to meet him in the family room. If you would like to follow me I can show you the way.”  
“Oh okay... thank you,” I said as I smiled and started to follow the man that had security written all over his jacket.  I had assumed that I would just see Andre back at the condo. I didn’t imagine that he would want to see me as soon as he stepped off of the ice. I was in my own little world As I followed the man through the crowd. Once we got to the elevators I noticed that the girls weren’t behind me.
The girls quickly caught up to me giving me a quick hug. “Hails, we will meet you at home! This is something you should do alone” Izzie said as she gave me a quick hug. 
Before I knew It I was standing outside the locker room waiting for Andre. Looking around the room I saw the players wives, girlfriends, and family members waiting for their loved ones to greet them after the game. I couldn’t help but feel a little anxious because I was wasn’t even his girlfriend. I couldn’t help but feel out of place and like I didn’t belong. I was just some girl Andre met in the laundry room of his condo. I couldn’t help but wonder if the other ladies and family members in the room were silently judging me because I wasn’t one of them. I kind of wished the girls stayed with me so I wouldn’t feel so alone but this was something I had to do by my self. 
As I was looking around the room I locked eyes with one of the player's wives and she gave me a reassuring smile. She slowly walked over to me and introduced herself as Gina. She told me that Andre mentioned to her that I would be coming to the game tonight. This gesture made me feel a lot more comfortable. 
About twenty minutes talking to Gina a couple of players started walking out of the locker room. One by one I watched as they walked over to their loved ones giving them hugs and kisses. I couldn’t help but hope that Andre and I could some day be like that. 
“Hailey” was all I heard as I turned my head towards the noise. 
I couldn’t help but laugh as Andre fast walked towards me. As soon as he was in front of me he grabbed me in his arms and pulled me
Into a big hug, lifting me off my feet as he did so. I could hear a quiet “Awe” as John joined Gina. 
“You are my good luck charm. You must come to every game now!” he stated As he gave me a cheeky grin.
“Congratulations,” I said as I gave him a kiss on the cheek. Still, in his arms, I couldn’t help but look into his brown eyes. Andre made the introductions with John and Gina and they were on their way home.
“So this is Hailey.” I heard Tom Wilson say as we pulled away.
As we stood side by side Andre placed his arm around my shoulder, pulling me in close and making me feel safe.
“I’m Tom,” he said as he stuck his hand out to shake mine.
“I’m Hailey. But you already know that.” I said as I shook his hand laughing. 
“Andre here has not shut up about you. All I’ve heard the past couple of days is Hailey this and Hailey that. You are all he has talked about since the laundry room” Tom said laughing as he teased Andre. 
I looked up towards Andre to see his reaction and I couldn’t stop the smile that crept onto my face when I saw that he was blushing. As we locked eyes he sent me a playful wink causing my cheeks to flush. 
“You were the same way when you met Taylor,” Andre said to Tom as he gave him a one hand push. 
“Haha well enjoy your night,” Tom said as he made his way down the hall towards the players parking lot. 
“You hungry?” Andre asked as he grabbed my hand and laced his fingers with mine. We started walking towards the parking lot following Tom. 
“Perfect. Before we head home we can grab something to eat” he said as he held the door towards the parking lot open for me. By the time we got out of the car, it was 10:30 pm. 
Walking through the door I couldn’t help but enjoy the attention he was giving me. 
Walking through the parking lot we stopped at his car. He quickly held the door open for me as I got into his car. As I sat down into the seat he bent down and buckled me in. I could feel my cheeks turn red at his gesture. Quickly I leaned in and kissed his cheek as he started to stand up so he could walk to his side of the car. 
Once he got into the car he slowly backed out of the parking spot and drove out of the garage. Once we got onto the road I felt Andre grab my hand with one of his and hold it. I looked over at Andre and I could see him smiling as his eyes focused on the road. Being here with Andre just felt right. I couldn’t explain the connection I felt with Andre and it had only been a couple of days since we met in the laundry room. We dove towards our apartment building I couldn’t help but giggle as Andre started singing to the radio. It had been a while since a guy had made me laugh. 
As we were driving down the street I couldn’t help but stare out the window as the bright lights of the city passed by. As I was looking out the window I noticed a small 24 hr dinner. Instantly my face lit up as I pointed it out to Andre. 
We found a parking spot and parked the car. Andre quickly ran to my side of the door so that he could open it for me. As I slid out of the car he quickly grabbed my hand and pulled me in for a hug. He kissed my forehead and whispered into my ear “thank you for supporting me. I really wanted to impress you tonight.” 
I looked up into his eyes “I am very impressed.”
We walked into the diner and sat in a small booth in the corner. As the older waitress handing us the menus. As we looked at the menu I couldn’t help but look up towards Andre as he studied the menu. We both ordered burgers and fries with chocolate milkshakes to drink. As we were waiting for our food we talked about anything we could think of. We talked about both of our families. What it was like growing up in Canada compared to Sweden. Andre talked about the pressures of being an athlete and what it felt like to win the Stanley Cup. the waitress came by and gave us the cheque. As I reached out for the bill Andre Quickly grabbed it and paid. 
“You guys make a cute couple.” The older waitress stated as Andre handed her the money. 
Just as I was about to say that we weren’t dating. 
Andre quickly replied “thanks. I'm very lucky.” 
I couldn’t help but smile as I heard the words come out of his mouth. 
Someone, please don’t pinch me because this feels like a dream that I don’t want to wake up from. 
As we were walking side by side to the car Andre intertwined his fingers with mine and pulled me close and we started dancing in the middle of the parking lot lit up by the street lights.  This was something I have always dreamed about.... only now it needed to start raining and I would be able to cross this off my bucket list. As I looked into Andres' eyes I felt a raindrop on my cheek. I looked up and saw that my wish had come true. Looking back into Andres' eyes I noticed that he was looking at my lips. He slowly bent his head towards mine and we both leaned in for the kiss. The kiss was indescribable like something was pulling us together. 
Once we pulled up to our condo Andre drove to his underground parking spot. We got out of his car and started walking towards the elevator. As we were walking he reached for my hand. Once in the elevator, I pushed my floor number. I was expecting Andre to push his but he insisted that he walked me to my door as he was a gentleman. We walked to my door and just as I unlocked my door he pulled me into his chest from behind and held me in his arms. I turned in his arms so that I was still wrapped up in them but I was facing him. We locked eyes and he slowly bent down to give me a kiss. Slowly we pulled apart and I opened my door. Once I was in my condo I gave him a smile and thanked him for the evening. 
“Goodnight Andre” 
“ Goodnight älskling” 
Once I finished my bedtime routine and climbed into bed and grabbed my phone texting my mother. 
I think I found my Prince Charming?
I fell asleep with a smile on my face as I thought about everything that has happened since the day we meet in the laundry room. 
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Paging Dr. Scully chp 6: Ice (2)
Paging Dr. Scully 1: Squeeze / 2: Jersey Devil / 3: Shadows / 4. Ghost in the Machine / 5. Ice
Ice (2)
It has been easier than Scully anticipated to arrange for a brief sabbatical, or more technically a leave-of-absence. On her break on Monday morning, the HR admin smiled knowingly as Scully explained her emotional exhaustion and the years she has gone without a real break, how she sometimes forgets to bathe, and the way the ER’s unrelenting schedule has winnowed away her friendships until there’s almost none left.
“Do you want to quit?” The administrator asks her pointedly.
“No,” Scully shakes her head rapidly. “No, definitely not.” She twists the hem of her coat between two fingers. “I just need some time away. To clear my head. To rest.”
“The hospital cannot promise to hold your job beyond six months, Doctor Scully. It just puts too much a strain on the other physicians,” the admin explains. “I’m sure you understand.”
“Six months?” Scully startles, sitting up straighter. “No, I certainly don’t need six months.”
“How long were you thinking?”
“One,” Scully gulps, “at the most.”
The administrator, Debbie, smiles. “Doctor Scully, one month hardly even constitutes vacation -- you have more than enough PTO saved up for that right now. You don’t  need my approval for a month away.”
Scully reddens a little, embarrassed that she had built this request up in her mind.
“If I may make a suggestion?” Debbie hesitates a moment.
Scully nods.
“Doctors are notoriously hard on themselves about their responsibilities. But I can promise you that we will handle things around here without you just fine. Why don’t you take three months and see how you feel. If you want to, you can come back earlier than that.”
Three months off still seems an exorbitant indulgence to Scully, but she feels herself nodding in agreement. “Okay,” she takes a deep breath in. “Let’s plan on that for now.”
Walking back to her car, Scully almost stops in her tracks when she slides the car key in the lock. What on earth is she going to do with herself for three months off?
The call to Mulder proves to be more nerve-wracking than the visit to HR had been, which surprises her. She can barely remember the last time she felt a tingle in her stomach at the prospect of calling a guy. It had probably been Marcus, in twelfth grade, when she’d last done the “dial quick and hang up” dance, but here she is, staring at the phone like a teenager.
It’s on her third attempt to dial his number, as she is rolling her eyes at her own behavior, when she nearly drops the receiver as it loudly rings. Without hesitating for another ring, she presses the answer button and stammers out, “Hello?”
“Should I be flattered that you’re waiting by the phone?” A familiar voice teases her through the line.
Scully flushes, feeling exposed and not quick witted enough to parry back. “I, um. I was just about to call you, if you can believe that.”
“Maybe I’m psychic,” Mulder jokes. “Or I must have sensed that you’re home and in need of some diversion. You wanna grab some dinner?”
“It’s Monday night,” Scully stammers, as if that somehow constitutes an answer. “I was just gonna leave you a message. But, um...”
“You gotta a hot Monday night date?”
“No, I…” Scully pauses, trailing off. “Mulder, how are you? I was so sorry about your friend, about Jerry.”
Mulder goes quiet and she hears his lighthearted tone deflate.
“I’m…” She hears him gulp. “I’m okay. It’s always a surprise to lose someone that young. Even though we all know the job risks, it’s never any easier.”
“And when it’s somebody you know,” she adds.
“Yeah.” He’s quiet, ready to move on to other subjects, but still pensive. “It reminded me how nice it was when I was working with a partner. Now, I usually work alone.”
She can hear regret hovering in the space between his sentences. There’s so much more he isn’t saying.
“I think I’d like some dinner,” Scully says abruptly. “Tell me where to meet you.”
How the impromptu Monday dinner has resulted in an invitation to accompany him to Alaska, Scully still can’t figure out. The burgers had been especially good, that’s true, and the pub had had her father’s favorite Irish cider on tap so she drank two. That might explain how as the night went on she kept finding excuses to touch him, drifting her palm across his forearm when he snatched her extra fries and dipped them in the puddle of leftover ketchup. Or that she let her leg beneath the table brush against his calf, and then left it there until the warmth of their connection seeped into her jeans.
His eyes had steadily brightened as she leaned closer over the table to listen to some of his funny stories about Jerry and their time together in violent crimes. He gulps back another beer and lets the toe of his left shoe trail a line up the back of Scully’s leg as if by accident. She shivers and drains the last drops of her second cider from the heavy glass.
“You ever thought about law enforcement? Pathology maybe?” Mulder asks.
“You mean, instead of medicine?” This conversation isn’t going where she thought was.
“No, I mean, using your doctor skills for the FBI.” He reaches for her slender wrist where it’s lying on the table and lifts her hand with both of his, examining it. “I have a feeling you’d be great at it.”
“I can’t say I’ve ever thought about it.” She is definitely buzzed, and she is maddeningly distracted by his hands as they encircle her wrist. “Actually,” she realizes she hasn’t even told her what she’s done today, asking for a break. “I rarely stop to think much about anything.”
She slowly turns her hand and interlaces their fingers and brings her other hand around their grip. They’re sort of staring at past each other, Scully bashfully looking past his ear as their hands entangle. “That’s why I’m taking some time off.” She gulps. “I need to stop and think a little more. I’m on a leave of absence.”
Mulder sits up excitedly, pulling his hands out of their tangled grasp. “You should come with me!’ he exclaims.
“Come with you where?” Scully furrows her brow, taken aback by this sudden change of direction.
“To Alaska!” He looks for all the world like a puppy off its leash. “I just got this case. They send me out on Friday. It’s bizarre. This science team in the Arctic went all crazy and the Bureau is asking me to go investigate. I need to put a team together. I’m gonna need some medical expertise.”
Scully sits back and sobers up a little. “Mulder, I’m hardly qualified for field work with the FBI.”
“No, but I could fudge your credentials just a bit.” She can see the wheels spinning in his brain. “And emergency medicine training always comes in handy. I know I could get them to grant a request to allocate some outside specialists.”
“I hate to even mention this, but I did complete my Wilderness First Responder course a couple summers back.” Scully doesn’t know why she’s telling him this when she’s not sure she wants to go. But the excitement in his eyes is hard to counter, and her body thrums with the remembered sensation of his hands enfolding hers.
“That’s perfect!” Mulder exclaims, picking up her hand again. “Whatdya say, doc? Wanna come to Alaska with me?”
In one of the more impulsive moments of her life, Scully swallows hard and smiles back at him. “Let me think about it?”
He tilts his head and something in his eyes melts her resolve.
“Okay, okay,” she hears herself say before her brain can calculate all the variables, the logistics, all the details that she’ll have to manage in the next four days. “I’ll come.”
After dinner, he walks her to her car and tells her he'll call her with all the details for their trip by Tuesday afternoon. Then he leans down and whispers, “Goodnight, Doc,” with his lips tickling the soft skin of her ear.
Scully freezes, eager to turn her head and catch his lips with hers, but he straightens up and adjusts his coat at the lapels. “Goodnight,” she calls weakly as he bounds toward his car, turning to give her a final quick wink.
She stands fiddling with her keys, willing her shaky fingers to find the handle of the car door. She’ll give him credit for being a gentleman, for enjoying the chase, but her gut is quivering and her heart races. This man is driving her -- rational, measured, careful Dana -- absolutely crazy.
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alwaysjane · 4 years
What really happened!
So ganito kasi yon. We’ve had several fights, actually everyday kami nagaaway, days prior kami nagbreak. So hindi ito rash decision na biglaan lang akong nakipagbreak. No. God knows how many times I wanted na makipag-break sa kanya because of those mga maliliit na away away. Somewhere between those fights, I knew we were going to end really soon. It was not reallt a matter of how or why, it was a matter of when nalang talaga. Which was, I think, the sad part of our relationship kasi I knew we both had it coming.
We were endlessly fighting kasi...
Okay, eto ha. I don’t know if this is a bad thing or what BUT I am a very, very sensitive person. I am a person na mahilig makiramdam (ng tao, ng situation). And ang pinaka ayaw ko tlaga sa lahat is other people making me (or others) feel bad about myself (or themselves). Yung pailalim na pinu-push yung buttons mo? I hate those kinds of low-key manipulation. Kasi nakakasira ng self-esteem eh without you knowing. Nakakasira ng confidence. Ang tinatamaan, yung subconscious mind mo so parang akala mo okay lang pero at the back of your mind kinakain ka na pala ng buhay. 🤦🏻‍♀️
My ex works as a medical representative. His work entails schedules na would require long hours sa hospital. Minsan nakakauwi na sya ng 11 pm. Tired. Gutom. At first, nahirapan ako sa ganyang schedule. I remember nagrereklamo pa nga ako nun kasi I was the one waiting for him tuwing gabi. I went into this relationship kasi thinking I had it easier than him since I’m in my clerkship, may 24hrs duty ako and all... Nasa isip ko, wala akong time masyado for him—turns out the other way around pala! Hinihintay ko sya to text me (kasi I dont want na magambala work nya) and yun nga, parang nahirapan ako magadjust at first pero eventually I got the hang of it naman. And besides I can’t really blame him for it kasi di rin naman nya gusto na ganun ka-toxic schedule ng work nya. So yun, we had to compromise. I was put in a mind space where I have to understand him and his line of work. Kaya since the start of our relationship, always yun na 11pm hanggang 12 am kami magkausap sa phone. It worked okay naman (well, okay in the sense na nakaya naman namin for the past 4-5 months ng relationship namin). Atleast naguusap pa din kami kahit papano kesa naman sa totally wala diba. Sa umaga kasi, more of greetings lang. “Good morning, good night” mga ganun lang so as a person who has QUALITY TIME as her love language, badly needed na yung 1 hr of conversation sa gabi for me.
Anyway, sa 4-5 months namin, parang the usual course of relationship. May times na may away-pusa kami. Yung mga maliliit lang na bagay pinagaawayan namin pero we knew how to handle it naman. May times din na super saya nga conversation namin. As in chill lang talaga. Infairness din naman sa kanya.
What really triggered a change talaga between us happened recently lang. Mga start ng March? Pero days before March started, parang malabo na communication namin. I guess the month of March was our tipping point. Everything went downhill from there. Our biggest fight happened that month.
From duty ako nun and I told him na I was at a coffee shop, reading. I was half-expecting na humabol sya after his work tapos magdate sana kami kasi we haven’t seen each other for a really long time (di po kami LDR. We live in the same city pero kung magkita kami, iisipin mo tlaga we live in the opposite areas of the country). Turns out he has to attend this birthday party of someone very very close to him. Nahurt ako syempre kasi nagexpect ako na hahabol sya (although fault ko na din siguro yon for expecting him na humabol sakin when hindi naman sya nagmake ng promise or what). Sinabihan ko sya, syempre. Pinaalam ko sa kanya na I was disappointed, etc. Basta I let him know na di ako okay nung time na yun and that I really wanted to see him. He just told me na he needed to go kasi the birthday celebrant played a huge role in his life and that he needed me to understand the situation. Once a year lang daw yung birthdays. Kami pwede daw magkita anytime. So okay, pinalampas ko nalang. Ayoko din naman na mag-away kami dahil lang dun and besides, I was from duty that day so wala akong energy that much para makipag-away. Pero honestly, it left a bad taste in my mouth. The moment he said that statement to me, I knew where I stood in his life. Alam niya kasi na may babalikan sya, gets mo yun? Yung parang pailalim na pinaramdam nya na i’ll stick around naman eh so chill lang muna ako while attend lang sya ng birthday party. He reiterated it many times na malaki daw natulong nung taong yon sa kanya and malaki talaga yung utang na loob nya sa taong yun. And I get that. Totally. Pero did he really have to say those words to me and make me feel bad?
Tapos from there, parang nagaway na kami constantly kasi he was there to call me from 11pm - 12am pero the rest of the day, parang susulpot sulpot nalang sya here and there whenever it’s convenient for him. Actually, yung puno’t dulo lang naman ng away namin is always the lack of quality time na nabibigay nya for me eh. Quality time included na dyan yung good quality communication kasi wala na talaga kaming tinatawag na “conversation”. We were talking to each other pero we’re not really communicating, do you get what I mean? There were times na oo, maguusap kmi. Okay kami. Tatawa pa kami. Pero rare moments nalang yun. And when I say rare moments, as in since start of March, once or twice nalang nangyari yun samin na wala kaming heated argument sa isang gabi. I was growing tired of it. Parang routine nalang sinasabi nya sakin. Oo I had occassional texts from him ng good morning goodnight etc during the day pero never really a conversation where engaging makipag-usap sa kanya. Lam mo yun? At first ganyan sya kasi lagi syang pagod, or not feeling well, or inaantok na daw sye. Syempre I didn’t want to be the one to stop him from resting (dahil lang sa want kong quality time with him) kasi naawa din naman ako sa kanya. Baka macompromise health nya. So despite the LONGING na makausap sya kahit through a decent conversation nalang sa phone (dahil ngamagiisang buwan na kaming hindi nagkikita) nilulunok ko nalang yun to give him ample time to rest and do whatever he wants with his free time. Pero this does not mean na I will just keep my mouth shut and pretend na I’m okay with that situation. So I let him know. Everyday I tell him how sad I am na parang we’re slowly drifting apart, na okay lang sana if di na kami nagkikita these days pero sana kahit sa phone lang magusap sana kami ng matino etc. Everyday yan to the point na he already had the gall to make unnecessary side comments (by texting me things like “haysss” and “ano naliwat ini [ano nanaman ‘to]”) na parang bang annoyed na sya sakin. Syempre at this point in our relationship, yung longing ko nadagdagan pa sya ng something negative. So parang nakafeel ako ng hiya na dahil he made me feel na I was nagging at him. And maybe I was at the time pero that’s because he’s giving me a reason to. Di ako ganyan guys! I’m not the one to NAG a person regarding anything kasi I don’t want to burden anyone. I remind but never nag. To tell you honestly, di ko nga inexpect na aabot ako sa ganung level of desperation. Na parang I had this panicky feeling and need to constantly fight for my time with him and remind him na hellooo may girlfriend pa sya. (Comment: Looking back, I guess I was fighting for our relationship at that time or else why would I feel that way dba?) Kasi naman as his girlfriend, I thought I had the right to tell him when things are going south na for us. Na I had the right to tell him I feel mistreated because of the situation. Pero instead of being empowered, ba’t parang nahihiya ako sa ginagawa ko na para bang wala ako sa posisyon to do that? Another red flag! Kasi in the first place, dapat hindi ako humihingi sa kanya ng oras nya. In the first place, dapat hindi ako makafeel ng longing. Di ba?
In comes the COVID pandemic. March 13 inannounce na wala nang pasok yung interns and clerks sa hospital for safety reasons. Ang saya ko! Kasi I get to have a little break from being the smallest mammal in the hospital and also because I was expecting na more time na with him. Pero napansin ko parang the same padin. Parang walang nagbago nung may work pa sya and nung suspension of work/classes. 11 pm padin kami naguusap and walang conversation sa umaga. Hindi muna ako umalma at first kasi I was giving him a chance (and partly because I got scared na baka i-disregard nya nanaman feelings ko, mairita nanaman sya sakin dahil nagn-nag nanaman ako ulit sa kanya). Pero hindi eh. 3? 4? How many days have passed na since the suspension pero ganun pa din. Eventually, nagopen up ako sa kanya. I asked him bakit ganun padin kami magusap? Ano ba kinabibisihan nya ba’t di padin kami nagkakausap ng matino. Again with the “haysss” and the “naliwat [not again]”. There was even a time na tinulugan nya ako in a middle of a conversation. Yes. Tinulugan nya po ako, making me think “Ang dali lang talaga sa kanya na i-disregard ako”. We fought many times, we made up many times NOT because we were able to solve the issue but because I couldn’t bear the emotional uproar boiling deep inside of me. Ang bigat makipag-away sa taong sure sya na wala syang ginawang masama. And maybe oo, walang mali sa ginawa nya (eh wala naman talaga syang ginagawa in the first place) pero I knew na may pagkukulang sya as a boyfriend and yun yung parang di nya magrasp (or baka pride lang nya yung bumubulag sa kanya) which I was trying to relay to him.
Ending, I couldn’t take it anymore. We were going in circles! Napagod na ako in the end. I told myself I deserve a better boyfriend than this one. I deserve a man who can cater to my needs (oras lang naman po) without me lifting a finger! Shempre nahirapan ako sa break up na to. Tingnan mo, ang tagal na naming nagbreak pero gumagawa padin ako ng mga ganitong post. Hehehe.
Pero anyway, yun yung pinaka-simplified na story kung ano yung nangyari. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to DM me here or if kilala kita, itext mo nalang ako ☺️
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shay-iamiam · 7 years
“ I Have To Go Part 5″
Series Masterlist
Part 4 
Next Part 
Summary: On a whim Bucky goes on another Mission to take down another Hydra base, but what he failed to realize it was your anniversary, you decide you need a break,  some time away from nonstop missions and Bucky never being around, you need to focus on yourself for once  but will he give up that easily A/N: You all already know I’m about to bring more heartache and angst because apparently that’s the only thing I’m  capable of writing so here we go, This part is a little longer I wanted to pack on the feels and all that, Enjoy!
Flashbacks are in italics
You didn’t know how to react to what Steve just told you, you remember one moment sipping tea and talking and the next thing him telling you about his plan to come get his “being his best girl “ it made you remember something that you hoped you would forget, it wasn’t a bad memory  in fact it was one of the best moments you and Bucky had shared together. 
It had been after one of Tony’s many parties the team had come back to join all together by the bar and the DJ began to play a popular  song from the forties Oh! Look at Me Now by Frank Sinatra, you and Bucky were just friends at the time, the team turned to Steve and Bucky and asked them to show them a move or too, the team had got up all doing there best forties dance moves and Bucky came up to you and tapped you on your shoulder and said “ Excuse me but what is a beautiful gal like you doing sitting at the bar alone” the next thing you know you were in the middle of the dance floor dancing barefoot with Bucky and boy could he move the whole teamed slowed down to stop to watch you too dance and show them up including Steve after Bucky insisted on walking you back to you part of the tower. 
He and Steve were talking down in the kitchen and Steve had asked Bucky about your dance, Bucky responded saying it was just thuaut a dance nothing more, Steve turned to look at Bucky with a mischievous smirk he said “ Really Pal just a dance the way you were grinning watching her move I can’t say it was just a dance” Bucky turned to Steve and huffed and said “ What can I say I like her, is that a crime. “ Steve said “ Finally you admit it the way you’re always around her spending time together you even let her change the radio in the Kitchen, you don’t even let me do that”. What can I say steve I want her to be my best girl but I’m waiting for the right time to ask her, a girl like Y/N you can’t just ask her you have to “Ask” her she deserves someone making a grand gesture”. You had gotten yourself cleaned up after the party and decided to take an late night walk to have sometime to yourself when you were about to cut threw the kitchen when you over heard Steve and Bucky talking, you quickly ditched your walk and ran back to your wing grinning from ear to ear after hearing him say that.
Steve Noticed the change in your attitude he had apologized for upsetting you, you told him he didn’t it just brought up some old feelings, Steve left later telling you goodnight and asking if he could come over with Wanda and Natasha when they get back from their mission, you told him yes and that you look forward to seeing him he kissed you on your head and told you goodnight.
It was the your first day of work at your new job since your taking a leave from the team, you had decided to do some work with shield agents who had been injured while on missions. You basically did HR work but more personal running support groups organizing meetings and doing community work with in shield and its employees you had been texting with Wanda and Nat and they had told you that you would do great, you had got up early dressed in some casual clothes opting for a turtle neck jeans and boots since the seasons where turning. 
You had gotten all settled in your new job gave you had office to yourself and even a personal assistant named Kara, you to hit it off immediately sharing your love for Y/F/S, you had done your first group meeting for the day and it had went well being that you were used to being in large community settings because of the homeless shelter you had volunteered at during high school, you ate lunch with Kara and were preparing for your first one on one meeting. You had gotten back from the copy room picking up some pathlets you had printed off when Kara told you “ Your two o’clock was here and waiting in your office” you told her thank you and proceeded to go in and meet your new client, you walked in and here left speechless. You had found him looking at some of the pictures you had placed in your window sill next to your plants many with you and the team. He turned and smield and you could only utter his name “ Bucky “ ….
 You walked across the room to your desk sitting the pathlets down and grabbing a pen and notebook you turned to him and said “ So I guess your my two o’clock?” you said. He nodded yes with out taking his eyes off you as you sat in and over sized comfy chair courtesy of Pepper, he began to speak “ Steve told me he had come by to see you in your… new apartment he had slowed down when he said your new apartment physical looking down, you responded “ Yeah he came by to check on me and talk for a while since I hadn’t seen him in two weeks, we’re so used to seeing eachother everyday you said, he asked you “ How are you doing, do you like your apartment, is your new position treating you nice and finally can i take you out to eat Thursday night?.” It had felt like all the air had been sucked out the room and the only thing you could hear was your heart pounding in your chest as if on cue he said “ I don’t want you to feel rushed, take your time deciding i’ll wait forever if I know you’ll  really consider it” You began to speak “ I… I don’t know I left to focus on myself and come back in tune with myself, I don’t know if I’m ready.’ I don’t want to rush you take tonight and sleep on it and maybe call me tomorrow when ever you get the chance, thank you for even considering instead of giving me a flat out No.” 
He got up kissing the top of your head and telling you have a good evening and that he loves you.” you were frozen like a statue feeling and also looking completely stunned. Kara came after he left asking you what happened you turned to look at her replying “ I don’t even know”
Bucky got outside the building and called Steve he answered asking him what happened he simply said “ There’s hope for us”.
Next Part
A/N : So that’s part 5 I wanted it to be a little different but it came  out okay, So as always tell me what you think as usual I’m Dying for feedback. So let me know something!
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nightwingswing · 7 years
“STOP THAT WEDDING!”(HR Wells X Reader X Harry Wells) Part 5.
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Hello my little wings!! I’m almost done with college work so i’ll be able to update more often! I’ll work in all those sweet prompts you all gave me! 
Once again thanks to @letyourimaginationrun @wennbergbabe @ccorpuz1214
@pippicchan @iamthenightiambatman @deviandrite @geesshoku @duchessdaisybat  for comenting and voting for the decision! I love reading your opinions! Also @cursedfaechild who wanted to be tagged!
And @hamsterforlive  and @plethora-of-things  because the two of them wanted to be tagged in all of my imagines! Muchisimos besitos for you two!
 If you want to be tagged tell me! ;)
-No words, just running away.  II
-Cry and probably confess  IIIIII
-Reject him. Saying it isn’t right.  II
So cry and confess is the winner this time! Don’t forget to vote for the next action (y/N) will take!.
Now, enjoy!
Prequel   Part1 Part2  Part3 Part4 Part5 (here it is!) Part6
“It all started when we meet. I was attracted to you, but seeing as I was much older than you, Our different dimensions and my fear of loving again… Jess kidnapping, I was a mess, a mean mess. But I fell for you, every day I found myself falling for your light. You were the light in the storm that was my life back then, I thought “She never will be attracted to me” I couldn’t see, I was so blind (y/n). Then I got Jess back and we had to return home, You could have come with me. Be together, forever. But you couldn’t let your family out of your life. After months of thinking of you every second of my life, I got the news. You were going to marry Harrison Wells. Another version of me. But that wasn’t me, and it broke my heart. I thought I wouldn’t never feel this much pain, but I was wrong, oh so very wrong. I won’t give up, I’ve lost to many precious things in this life, but I won’t lose you too. I want to hold you, to kiss you, to make love to you, be together, have a child, and build our memory lane of precious moments. I want to age with you next to me, together. And die with your face and your sweet voice whispering “I love you Harry” as the last things I see/hear. You don’t have an idea of how much I crave hearing those words of your soft, plump lips. Been able to kiss you without your friends getting angry. Please, don’t ask me to stop trying, to stop loving you. Because I won’t. I’ll never stop, I’ll never give us up. Please, just-just love me again”
What are you going to say?
You were speechless as tears started falling from your eyes.
“(y/n)? “asked Harry touching your hand, you slapped it away. “Are-are you ok?”
“y-you asshole-how dare you, how dare you say this now?!” Harry tried to grab your hand again but you slapped it away. “HOW DARE YOU? WHY WOULD YOU HURT ME SO?” Harry opened his mouth.
“Hurt you? I never intended to hurt you-“
“shhhhh, (y/n) I won’t give up, I’m going to make you forget about him, im going to show you who the best Harrison is for you.” Harry kissed your forehead. “I love you”
You sobbed as harry kissed your face over and over until you calmed down. You hide your face in Harry’s neck and he grabbed your cheeks and made you look at  him, he wiped your tears and kissed you hard.
You moaned into the kiss but pushed him away, he held your hands that where on his chest.
“Then….I still have a chance?
Hr was with Barry and Cisco in the lab.
“You guys know where (y/n) is?”
“ dunno, I think she’s with Caitlin and Iris?” Cisco said.
“No, she was with us but then she had to go meet with someone” Caitlin said.
“…” Hr though for a moment “ I should go home, I’ll wait for her there” Hr smiled. “ I have something important to give to her…”
“You aren’t going to look for (y/N)? What if she’s in danger?” Said Barry. “It’s been 4 hours since anyone last saw her”
“…Maybe she need that, she deserves her privacy. If she wants to tell me she will tell me. I won’t pry in her business, I trust her.”
Caitlin looked as if she had swallowed a lemon, Barry looked at her suspicious. As she noticed his stare she exited the room, Barry followed her. In the privacy of another room Barry asked Caitlin.
“Okay, Cait tell me what’s going on.”
“Not your business, Barry” She answered nonchalant.
“It has to do with (y/n), and you know how much I care about her.” Caitlin raised an eyebrow.
“I thought you got over your crush after she and Hr started dating” Barry looked down. “ooh, you haven’t…” Caitlin bit her lip. “Sorry Barry…I didn’t know…”
“It didn’t matter then and it doesn’t matter now. She never liked me like that, first was Harry now Hr,… I’m happy being her friend and seeing her happy.”
“…” Caitlin looked saddened. “Barry…. It isn’t right of me to tell you…”
“Then something happened!” Barry approached her. “is (y/N) okay?”
“….” Caitlin sighed “She…. isn’t in her best moment.”
“It’s Hr’s fault!? Is he hurting her!!?”
“Barry, I can’t tell you! It’s not right! Talk with (Y/n)!”
“Barry, please! If you want to know so bad go and talk to her!” Caitlin yelled.
“fine!” Barry ran away, searching all around the city for you. He zipped around all the streets of Central city. He stopped dry in front of a busy coffee shop…
         His heart froze, cracking once again.
Barry clutched his shirt where his heart is, face pained.
In front of him, Harrison Wells of earth 2 was kissing the girl he’s been crushing since the first moment.
The girl he thought loved Hr.
The girl he’s been denying his feelings for.
His face shifted in one of betrayal. He ran inside the coffee shop, where you two were to heard the last words Harry said.
“Then…I still have a chance…?
“Yeah (y/n)….does him?”
“B-Barry!” You yelled “T-This isn’t what it looks like!” You screamed
“I never thought you were one of those (y/N)….Nor you Harry, I started to think you weren’t an asshole. But I was wrong” Barry ran away and you fell on the floor crying. Harry hugged you and you fight the hug for a moment, until you gave up and sank in his hold.
“A-Are you ok, (y/n)?” Harry asked
“….please let go, I have to explain-“
“You won’t catch him!” Harry hugs you tighter “Stay”
“No, I have a way…please! Harry! Barry is my friend! I need to explain!”
“You fear he’s going to tell to the copy...”
“…” You stopped fighting and started crying.
“he can’t find out…not like this….I have to talk to him before!” You broke out of the hug and ran outside.
“(y/N)!!” Harry yelled
“We’ll talk later!” You ran downtown, trying to find Barry.
It has been two hours since you started searching for Barry, and you didn’t know where he was.
You decided to risk it.
You approached the end of the roof
 You trust Barry will come….
Barry returned to the lab after going to Alaska, scream and return. In the lab he saw Hr talking with Cisco and Harry sitting there with Jess. He glared at Harry before asking
“Where is (Y/N)?”
“I thought she was with you” Harry said
“What” He snarled
“She ran behind you, in hopes of talking with you!” Harry snarled. “It’s been 2 hours since!”
“…shit” Barry ran off to look for her.
He ran and ran and ran, until he found you in the roof of the highest roof, his heart stopped and then
You tripped
And fell
                                                          Fell fast
Barry ran up the skyscraper and catch her on his arms, holding her close.
Once in the roof, Barry hugged you and cried.
“shit (n/n), don’t do that…never again!”
“I-I knew you were going to catch me.” You hugged him hard and cried “I-I had to talk with you…about what you saw”
“…” Barry sat on the ground “ Explain….is this what Caitlin wouldn’t tell me?”
“i-I suppose…yes….As you know I was in love with Harry” Barry nods “And when he went back to his earth I was leaved brokenhearted…until I meet Hr, he healed me…and I love him, I love him so much. Then Harry returned and-and he brought back those feelings! And know he says he loves me, and i-I “ she broke down crying “ I just don’t know what to do” You sobbed as Barry hugged you. “ He just keeps messing with me, the anxiety returned…but i-I still love him!And- and Hr is just so sweet, im…im really really in love with him but i-i-i” Your breath gets caught in your throat, Barry calms you down until the most broken sob escapes your lips.
“shhhh, let bring you home” Barry carries you to your home, where he wipes your tears, kisses your forehead. “Go and get some sleep, Hr must be worried, we will talk tomorrow” Barry smiles and goes back “Good night, (y/n).”
“goodnight” you smiled before entering your home, where you were immediately hugged by Hr.
“H-Hr” you hugged him and started crying, all the adrenalin leaving your system.
“shhhhh, darling what wrong?”
You couldn’t talk so Hr carried you bridal style, helped you change and cuddled you. He shushed you and kisses your neck and shoulder, massaging your scalp until you calmed down.
You sighed in his chest and looked up, he kissed your lips softly, and lovingly.
“i-I need to tell you some-something” You hiccuped and Hr smiled
“Not now, you better sleep you’ll tell me tomorrow.”
“o-okay” Hr hugged you and kissed you again.
“Now sleep,” You got comfortable tucked next to him. “I love you darling”
“I love you to, hr” He kissed your nose and closed his eyes, falling in a peaceful slumber.
As darknes invade you, a question raised in your heart:
Now, (y/n) will you tell HR the truth tomorrow?
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wearehunterz-blog · 6 years
Super Seducer - Perfect Results for All Chapters (Walkthrough)
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Here's how to get the best result (and according achievement) for each chapter.
Picking the following lines will let you get the best outcome for each chapter:
Chapter #1: Girl on Street
"Approach directly in front."
"I just saw you and wanted to let you know you look very elegant."
"You do most of the talking."
"Ask what she does for a living, because she looks artistic."
"Ask her name, then say it's your name, too." or "Introduce yourself"
"Sell her on one of your hobbies."
"Programmer, and be passionate about it." or "Programmer, but switch to talking about life philosophy."
"Not too often, but when I like the look of someone and I'm single, why not?"
"Listen, I have a few minutes, why don't we grab a coffee."
Chapter #2: Two Girls in Bar
Ask them if they are talking about you? If they say no, then ask why not. or "Ask them to help you choose a present for your friend."
Thank them for the advice and ask their names. (Only if you asked about the present.)
Compliment her on choosing tough subjects.
Do the best friends" test on them." or "Ask which of them is the leader."
Be playful about how it's a little incongruent.
Give slightly more attention to the one you like.
Say that it's sweet and that people with pets are generally more caring.
Get physical by checking her muscles.
Do the Strawberry fields" routine."
Say it's great that she doesn't work and that you are jealous.
Ask if the girl you like is a good girl.
Ask if she is going to marry him.
Ask if he would mind you two talking.
Find out their plans for later and whether they live together etc.
Tell the girl that you'd really like to take her out and involve her friend. or "Suggest hanging out all together and take the number."
Chapter #3: Club / Dance Floor
Non-verbally open by catching her attention.
Quickly introduce yourself and continue dancing.
Dance closer to her.
Suggest you go get a drink. or "Ask if she wants to sit down - because she must be tired from dancing in heels."
Tell her you don't like smoking but it's her choice.
Honest response.
Say that you get too much attention from girls as it is. Sixpack would just be overkill.
Connect on it and compliment her.
Ask the idea behind it.
Say Yes, you got me, I'm super, ultra gay" as you touch her up."
Brush her hair back and tell her she has cute little ears. or "Look at her mouth as she is talking."
That's nice of you to say.
Chill things back down and talk about mundane stuff again.
Suggest that you leave... or "Say you know somewhere..." or "Suggest going to the afterparty..."
Chapter #4: Girl Sitting in Coffee Shop
Ask if someone is using that chair... or "Ask her opinion of what to get as a present for your female friend..." or "Tell her you've read that book and that he dies in the end."
Ask if she minds if you join her for a few minutes?
Find out about her.
Find out whether she loves her job or is doing it just for the money.
Challenge her to explain why this is important. or "Make her feel good about her job."
Say it must be annoying, and tell her to ask for a bigger printing allowance.
Get her to elaborate on what the particularily liked.
Hold Eye contact and wait for her to speak. or "Say you hate awkward silences."
Compliment her on choosing a tough language to learn.
Talk about how foreigners perceive English people and ask about how people react to her as an American.
Ask what she likes to do in her free time?
Ask her plans for the coming week?
Suggest going hiking together sometime and take her number.
Quite coldly say goodbye and that you'll be in touch.
Chapter #5: Friend to Girlfriend
Tell her you are a little busy this week.
Say actually it's understandable and you do the same thing sometimes.
Look at this girl and comment about how sexy she looks.
You look fine, that's not an issue if you are confident.
Say that you went on a few dates actually and one girl seems really nice.
Wait a while before answering.
Respond Sorry. I was busy. Is everything ok?""
Bring her some wine.
Commiserate her on her love life and tell her that it's the right decision and she will be happier.
Say that yeah it's quite nice.
Tickle her.
Play fight and then kiss.
Say This is weird." Then kiss again."
Keep making out with her.
Yes I have one right here.
That's strange, I don't know about this, it might ruin our friendship.
Chapter #6: First Date Alexa
Be nice about cats and about her.
Tell her to be dishonest and see if she agrees to check her. or "Recommend that she tell the truth."
Joke: I run an obedience school for small pets. Hamsters and gerbils mostly.""
It's my calling.
Nice, it's hard work but can be interesting...
Ask if she understood it and explain the key events. or "Playfully tease her for liking that movie."
I really don't have time for movies...
Ask her where she lives so that she asks you back.
Arms crossed indicates that she is not yet open to you. This is not a good sign.
Tell a lame joke and see if she laughs.
Ask if they have a special bond.
Say that you like kind people, so ask what she has done for others.
A few (honest) haven't met anyone special yet.
Say that you want a girl who is honest, trustworthy, kind and intelligent.
Say okay that's interesting.
She is feeling attracted to you. This is a good sign.
Ask what color her eyes are as an excuse to get close.
I'm having a nice time and I'm really happy we met - lean forward and kiss.
Chapter #7: Direct Day Game
Approach her from the front.
I just saw you and wanted to tell you that I think you look really nice. or "I saw you and knew that if I didn't come over and say "hi" I'd be kicking myself all day."
Ask what job she is looking for.
OK, good luck. I know a few restaurant owners in the city, some of them started as administrators. or "Cool, I hope you get a job somewhere very nice... so you can give me free food."
*Pick whatever you want here.*
Disagree with her.
Tell her it's too unhealthy for you. (true)
I'll get you lessons. or "That's a shame."
Men are better at everything.
It's quite warm today, do you do any outdoor activities?
Suggest a date based on things she likes and take her number.
Say you'll buzz her phone right then and there so she has your number.
Ask what her schedule is like during the coming week.
Say okay see you" and leave without smiling."
Chapter #8: Wingman
Attractive guy
Set up code words to use while talking to girls.
Take $100 from him... or "Tell him that if he doesn't go and talk to them..."
Give him the Are you girls male-bashing?" line." or "Say to use the tried and tested "Engagement opener"."
Your friend goes in while you wait a moment.
One minute.
Hey mate, so who are these two?
Give attention to the girl your friend doesn't like.
It's rare to read books these days, well done.
Tell a story about a time when he really helped you out and why you are best friends.
Game her to the same extent as if you really liked her.
Turn your girl away from her friend by moving around to the outside.
Find out logistics - If they live together, and if they work the next day.
Tell the friend (your girl) how good they look together and encourage the connection.
You suggest going somewhere else, persuade your girl to so that she persuades her friend.
Chapter #9: Office
Now way, you still play Candy Crush...
Ask what she did at the weekend.
Disagree and try to convince her.
Ask about vacation plans and then whom she goes with. or "Talk about property prices then if she rents, and who she lives with."
Have that report on my desk at 9am! (playful)
Want to go to the Shamrock with me and some people from the office tonight?
I've been meaning to start Crossfit, but haven't found a good one around. Where do you do it?
Talk about what else you both do outside work for fun.
Arrange to do one of the things she or you do outside work.
You need to go to speak to Michelle in HR immediately... or "Let's take the day off tomorrow and drive to Vegas. (Playful)"
Chapter #10: First Date Kate
Bar, 8pm.
Side by side.
use it as reason to check her muscles.
Try to get to the bottom of how it makes her feel.
Get her talking about the best parts of the trip.
Persuade her that it's actually quite intelligent.
Check her pulse.
Make a joke about how you just need 3-5 minutes. or "Say that must mean she hasn't been properly satisfied in a long time."
Kiss one cheek, then the other, then kiss her.
Let's do this again sometime. or "Can I have a goodnight kiss?"
0 notes
canaryatlaw · 7 years
Alright, so today was pretty good. I slept probably later than I should've, but OH WELL I don't care lol so I woke up around 2:16. I didn't have anything until my PT appointment at 4:30 so I hung around for a while and mostly studied crim pro by going through the outline she sent us and making sure I knew what all the cases stood for. I'm fairly confident I'll do well on the test. I know the stuff for the most part and I always do well on tests, especially ones with essays, so I'm not too worried. I feel like it's definitely possible that I'll get an A or A- in all my classes this semester, whether I do or not remains to be seen. Sigh. Oh well. So after a while I got ready and headed over to PT and hung out there for an hour, doing a lot of core exercises which I'm good with because I know it's all ab stuff too and I can appreciate that (I definitely had a dream that I got a six pack at some point, lol). So that was good. Afterwards I stopped at Walgreens to pick up a few things, one of which being the Manila envelope I need to turn in my paper in tomorrow according to the instructions, except what a Manila envelope is color wise isn't exactly clear, cuz in my mind it's like the off-whiteish color and not the more orangey one, but they only had the orange which I got frustrated with, haha, so I bought so anyway but then walked across the street to Jewel to check out their selection which wasn't any better, so I picked up some junk food while there because hey, finals, and red velvet Oreos are they greatest thing to ever grace this planet. So then I went home and tried to get settled in and start studying, but then I realized it was 7:13 and the flash started 13 minutes ago, ugh. So I go to my TiVo and start from the beginning, and by like, the end of the episode I caught up to real time lol. I knew they were gonna drag our the big reveal to the last possible moment, but I was really getting like, okay any time now guys lol. On the reveal itself, not gonna lie, I'm kind of underwhelmed. I mean, I feel like there were so many creative options they could've taken her to utilize other characters, so future Barry just seems kind of....meh. I'm sure it has potential though and I think they'll do a good job with the plot ultimately. HR was killing me tonight, definitely my favorite episode for him so far, he was a riot. The whole killer frost and Cisco thing was like JUST RIP OUT MY HEART WHY DONT YOU and made me very sad so they better fix that storyline by the end of the season or I'm gonna be very mad at them. I think those are my big reactions though, I was still trying to study somewhat during it. Then of course prison break was right after, which was a pretty solid episode. It's kind of difficult to keep track of what's going on when they keep moving to place that like, you don't know what they are, and interacting with different people, and like obviously the overall plot goal is to get out of there but the more minor ones get lost sometimes (and that's also probably partially due to me being distracted by studying somewhat). The scene between Michael and Lincoln though where Michael tells him where he's been for the past 7 years and why he's done all he's done was like damn I have so many emotions!!!! Both of them acted it so damn well, they're just fantastic together. So I did enjoy that episode. Then I basically just left the news on into a late show of some sort while actually studying. I was getting tripped up on some super specific questions on jury selection that I might get screwed over with if they're on the short essays but I'd think they'd be more on the multiple choice, or at least I hope. Either way, I tried my best to get answers to them and I'm fairly confident I got the info I need. And yeah, that's it. Tomorrow I'll go to school, turn in my paper, meet with my field placement advisor for the last time, then chill out and study until my final tomorrow night (probably chill for like, 5 hours, so hopefully I can get some work done during that time, I wasn't gonna waste it on transit). So hopefully that will all go well: and then I'll be done, which is an amazing prospect, let me tell you. Alright, actually done now. Goodnight loves. Have a lovely tomorrow.
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chekovsphaser · 8 years
so @boyjadzia tagged me to do this super long tag game. I’m probably not gonna tag anyone because its way long but I love a good oversharing moment
tagging: no one
last text sent: “and to u”
list three favourite colours: Red, Black, Teal
what time did u wake up at today: 10:45 am
what were u doing last night at midnight: playing the Sims 4
name something you can’t wait for: I hate to be that guy but I can’t wait to be okay again
when was the last time u saw ur mother: Like two weeks ago, or last weekend on skype
one thing u wish u could change abt ur life: My mental illnesses would be gone. 
whats getting on ur nerves rn: My horrid father
favourite tv shows: STAR TREK, X files, Brooklyn 99
first best friend: My older brother definitely. 
listening to rn: random comedy playing on Netflix in the background
3 fears: Being abandoned and secretly hated by my friends, becoming homeless, being locked up like in a hospital or jail.
4 turn ons: Funny, Agrees with me on sociopolitical stuff, doesn’t need to be sexual, Aware and Good With mental illness
4 turn offs: Right-wing, boring, bossy, generally insensitive
sexual orientation: Bisexual 
senior year quote in my year book: “So long and thanks for all the fish”
first thing i notice in a person: whatever is brightest in colour? like hair or a shirt or shoes. 
shoe size: 35 or 5
eye colour: Brown
hair colour: Dark Brown
favourite item of clothing: Currently my LIGHT UP SHOES
what colour of underwear i’m wearing rn: Bright pink
favourite season: I like wet season when theres a nice rain sound when you’re indoors. As for the 4-seasons thing, I guess spring - jacket weather!
how much time i spent on designing my blog: not. I just used a theme someone else made. 
the reason i joined tumblr: I wanted to enter the community of disability stuff I noticed and it just went from there
do i ever get “good morning” or “goodnight” texts: my mum sends me good morning texts when she gets up, usually sometime in the afternoon bc timezones. Plus I also talk to people before falling asleep so a lot of goodnight convos 
when did i last hold hands: like a few days ago I held hands with a friend
how long does it take me to get ready in the morning: I mean, I can and have been out the door in 2 minutes flat but usually it takes at least 30 minutes to get out bed so 1 hr ish. 
have i shaved my legs in the past 3 days: LOL no
where am i rn: in bed
do i like music loud or at a reasonable level: rI like music at normal volume but I don’t hear very well so I guess it’s pretty loud
3 things i love: my friends, shiny things, space
how i feel rn: a little drunk. I mean im not actually drunk but i feel kind of wack
something i rlly, rlly want: mental health
3 things that upset me: mean people, drama/discourse, world suffering
what i find attractive in other ppl: Wasn’t this question already asked? Personality is everything
3 habits i have: biting stuff, drinking too much soda, sleeping weird patterns
something i fantasize abt: Entering Starfleet and going to space 
something im talented at: ~creativity~
the blog i give the most notes to: i have literally 0 idea
last person re-blogged sth from me: boyjadzia
do  i smoke/drink: Nope, neither
my favourite food: depends on my mood? sometimes white chocolate, sometimes sushi, sometimes kebab, sometimes beef? mashed potatoes?
my favourite dessert: Brigadeiros - they’re a brazilian sweet made with chocolate and butter and condensed milk
what i did yesterday: skipped first lecture, went to second lecture, grocery shopping, watched a lot of netflix, played the sims. 
number of kids i want: 0
number of siblings i have: 2
something thats constantly on my mind: That vine where the dude is playing piano in a parking lot and screaming “everybody loves shit fuck”
last person i messaged on tumblr: my buddy ryanepstein
can i drive: nope
what state or part of the world do i live in: London, UK
am i in school: 3rd year undergrad
do i get grossed out easily: yeah. like I have a lot of stuff like textures and things that gross me out so yeah
somewhere i would like to visit for a week: Really good question. I’m not a fan of travel but I’d like to go to someplace in east Asia or Oceania bc those are the 2 continents I’ve not been to
i’ll love u if: you are kind to me. That’s it. I’m a real sad person. 
last show i binge-watched: Brooklyn 99. I rewatched it for the 10th time last week. 
what words upset me the most: like slur-type words pretty much?
what words make me feel best abt myself: I have no idea? Any nice words basically. 
a wish that i’ve wished for repeatedly on 11:11: I usually do a “I hope this turns out okay” of whatever thing I am struggling with that day
who i would switch lives with for a day: IDK. Maybe some cis dude who isn’t mentally ill just so I could see what it was like
my favourite ice cream: i dont like ice cream it’s cold and hurts my teeth. 
allergies: Mint, dairy, capsicum peppers, something that’s used in preservatives and I can’t figure out which one and it makes me throw up.
sexiest person to come to mind immediately: yeah no i can’t? I’m too tired to think?
my childhood career choice: I literally used to say “no one knows what they will be when they grow up so why bother” when I was a child. I was a sassy child. 
one of my insecurities: that I will die alone because I look like a child and that makes any potential dates uncomfortable.
how many blogs am i following: 386
how many tabs/different windows do i have open at this very moment: 2 windows, one tab each. One plays netflix the other is on tumblr
coke or pepsi: coke
tea or coffee: coffee but cold
movie or book: movie probably, I love a good book but unless it’s an audiobook I can’t read for long periods of time in one go because ADHD and stuff. 
a sense i would be willing to lose: smell. I have a very poor sense of smell as is (turns out it’s bc thyroid stuff), and have at several points not had any sense of smell. It really doesn’t hurt to lose at all. 
quote i live by: I do not. 
type of accessory i wear the most: JACKET, or like, spinny rinng?
last awkward situation i found myself in: I straight up asked a girl to her face what her name was because I forgot and she was like “You don’t know my name?” and I was like “I’m sorry??” and it was awkward.  turns out she was drunk but I was awkward
what time is it rn: 23:40
a song that made me cry: many songs. Recessional is probably the last one I cried at?
first song u ever sang at karaoke: At like legit karaoke it was that frigging Coldplay song the one with the ruling the world? I don’t remember the title anymore. 
0 notes
Pynch #1
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! You both like pynch, and rovinsky. You: [ronan and adam broke up when adam went off to college. ronan just heard that adam’s going on a date.] Were you going to tell me you’re going on a date or did you just expect Gansey to pass on the good news? RL Stranger: Frankly? I didn't realize that you needed to be involved this time. AP You: So you just thought you'd tell my best friend, who you knew would pass on the information? Classy as always, Parrish. RL Stranger: Gansey is my friend too. AP
I did not expect him to talk to you about it. AP
Certainly not so soon. AP You: Can always rely on Gansey to be punctual. RL
Who is it? The guy from your class who always wears stupid jumpers? RL Stranger: No one you know. AP You: Try me. RL
Name? RL Stranger: Are you trying to Google them? AP You: Do you blame me? You could be going out with a fucking psycho. RL Stranger: You're acting pretty fucking psycho yourself. AP You: Fuck you. RL
What's his name? RL Stranger: Her. AP You: Her. RL Stranger: Did you forget that I like girls too? AP You: Don't try that. RL
I don't care what fucking gender you decide to date. RL Stranger: Why are we fighting right now? AP You: Whatever. RL Stranger: You can't vague your way out of this, Lynch. AP You: Just. RL
It's pissing me off that you're managing to move on. RL You: Not that I thought you'd be hung up on me for a while, but still. RL
Whatever. It's dumb. Fuck this. RL Stranger: It's one date, Lynch. AP You: Sure. RL Stranger: Don't "sure" me. AP
Why would I lie about this? AP You: Don't think you're lying. Jesus. RL
Just - I can't imagine going on a date. We're just at different points, I guess. More pissed at myself than you. RL
Just taking it out on you. As always. RL Stranger: That's because you don't date the way any other person does. AP
You know that. Don't play dumb. AP You: Yeah, okay. RL
Ignore me. RL Stranger: I would never want to do that. AP You: [no reply] Stranger: [5 hrs later] Can I ask you about Opal? AP You: Mhm. Keep the questions short, I'm fucked. RL Stranger: You're drunk. AP You: Ding ding. RL Stranger: Goodnight Ronan. AP You: Ask me about Opal. RL Stranger: I don't want to talk to you when you're like this. AP You: Ask me about Opal. RL Stranger: I said goodnight. AP You: She's doing a lot better with her talking. Not getting words mixed up as much. RL
Asks about you a lot, but she's getting better at relationships. She's warming to Gansey. RL Stranger: Where is she now? AP You: Downstairs, I think. She likes talking to the cows. RL Stranger: Do you drink a lot around her? AP You: No. Been tryna get clean. RL Stranger: Go to bed, Ronan. AP Stranger: Make sure Opal gets tucked in too. AP You: Blue gave her these fingerless gloves. Ugliest thing I've ever seen, but she won't take them off. RL Stranger: I'm not going to say it again. AP You: Keep trying to buy her nice clothes, but she won't let me. Just steals from Blue's closet all the time. RL
Fuckin' blue. I've told her to stop bringing round her ripped and useless clothing. RL Stranger: Most of your pants are ripped. AP You: I don't care if I get cold. Need her to have practical clothing. RL Stranger: Don't drink anymore tonight. AP You: It's just tonight. RL Stranger: No more. AP You: You're miles away, Adam. RL Stranger: What's your point? AP You: If I wanna drink more, you're miles away. RL Stranger: I was never interested in intimidating you into doing something you didn't want to do. AP You: Are you saying I was? RL Stranger: No. AP
I'm saying proximity doesn't matter. AP
I hope you make the right choice. AP You: Don't hold your breath. RL Stranger: Talk to you some other time. AP You: How'd the date go? RL Stranger: [no reply] You: Do you like her? RL Stranger: [no reply] You: Are you going to see her again? RL Stranger: Ronan, stop. AP You: Give me something. RL Stranger: It doesn't concern you. AP You: Please. RL Stranger: Get in bed. AP You: I will, if you tell me how it went. RL Stranger: Tuck Opal in first. AP You: [twenty minutes later] Sorry, she wanted a story. RL Stranger: Don't apologize for that. AP You: How'd it go? RL Stranger: Are you in bed? AP You: Yeah. RL Stranger: Did you bring a beer? AP You: [delayed] Just tell me how it went, Adam. RL Stranger: Are you still drinking? AP You: Tell me. RL Stranger: Put it down. AP You: Tell me first. RL Stranger: No. AP You: Fuck sake. RL
Will you just fucking tell me? RL Stranger: Once you promise me that you're done for the night. AP You: Depends on your answer. RL Stranger: Doesn't work that way. AP You: Please, Adam. RL Stranger: Don't give me that. AP You: Please. RL Stranger: Ronan. AP You: No. I'm not gonna stop. RL Stranger: Rest easy. AP You: Fuck you. RL Stranger: [no reply] You: Adam. RL Stranger: I need you to go to bed right now. And wake up in the morning, have some water, and make the two of you breakfast. AP You: I need you to tell me how the date went. RL Technical error: Lost contact with server, and couldn't reach it after 3 tries. Sorry. :( Omegle understands if you hate it now, but Omegle still loves you.
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imtiredofthis1-blog · 7 years
wherever i am whoever i am
can some one talk to me
i am so alone and i need to let go
need to befriend someone
need to befriend my inner
i don’t know how to walk
anymore i don’t even know how to talk
in so alone
sometimes i wanna take trips
trips whether it be psychedelic or just trips away to hikes or seas or even forests
i wonder who i really am.. i mean i know im not this
i know i can’t be fully this this is a cover
a shield to something i hate
i must be honest
anyways it’s jan 21 2018 and wow it’s bizarre to be 22 already and almost 23 eeekkk i remember being young i remember a lot of things and it’s been weird being a gemini.. i’ve been through a fistful of weird situations and interesting placements.. anyways umm i’m up and i’ll probably be up in about say 5-7 hrs for no reason of course i wonder why i wake up sobout the blue everytime.. everytime literally everytime.. well anyways i’m going through a shitty period of my life and it’s okay it’s just a rollercosster ride and tbh i’ll be better grow and move from this.. and then i’ll find someone else in the future who fits me and i fit them.. but it’s so weird so weird as i don’t want to do this any time i just wanna work on myself
make a small demo of my last ex and issues and just growth
work on getting two to three jobs
work on my nursing degree and emt
work on succeeding so i can thrive
yeah i can do this and i will commit
many ways this is pretty much all i wanted to let out for tonight.. not much else to say but some deep ex posts but i’d rather just hold out and not do anything anymore.. goodnight
i hope wish love for the best of you
get your ged
get your license
work through your anxiety and strive my blossom
1/21 11:32
ps forever and always will be here if you ever need me if you’re ever in danger if you’re ever alone i am here
it’s 2018 and i’ve done a lot of things to taint my heroism within you but i’m doing much better and i will come for you.. 💖
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