#okay so I accidentally. Deleted my post while trying to edit it so this is a repost.
livingdeadhorse · 8 months
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Erm. . . !
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thebatbites · 6 months
i am a FOOL and i accidentally deleted my post when i went to edit the ask like a dumbfuck but @strxwberry-swtichblxde asked for laurence!!
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LAUR LAUR!!! my pookie my baby my husbanndddddd!!! SINCE you didnt specify the series, im just going to cover my thoughts on both because while theyre similar, i still wanna talk about em okay
MCD Laurence
i HEART mcd laurence with a burning passion. obviously he is the superior laurence. i just want to put him into a box and protect him because he doesnt deserve the CHARACTER SLANDER that he goes thru in mcd.
laurence is kind, funny, brave and i LOVE a good cassanova trope its always fun (when done correctly). i seriously wish that laurence wasnt in the hands of jesson because they did him so dirty in mcd like thats MY BOY..... he deserved a better character arc than what he got
MYST. Laurence
my opinion on ms laurence is a little bit different simply because jesson decided it would be a good idea to make laurence a creepy stalker obsessed with aphmau to the point of where i had to pause the series multiple times and go "why has aphmau not gotten a restraining order?"
in pdh laurence was good for about 4 episodes and then the weird obsession with a person youve barely met started and continued until your TWENTIES. YOUR. TWENTIES. absolutely insane
MMMBBUUTTT why i still love him is because simply put, it's not his fault. im not going to sit here and say that i know the character better than the writers do but in this case i do because mcd laurence would NEVER and if (supposedly) mystreet is supposed to be like a modern au/reimagining of "what could've been" with the mcd cast then laurence should be WAY MORE similar to mcd laurence besides sharing a name, face, and voice
because laurence in mcd literally was like "yo if this genuinely makes you uncomfortable i will stop" and while pdh/ms laurence does that, his actions of continuously trying to punk aphmau into dating him says otherwise
i could yap for hours, days, even YEARS about the mistreatment of laurence (and some of the other guys) but thats NOOOOT what this is about!!
thank you for the ask babes im sorry i deleted ur submission lmao
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justhere4kpop · 1 year
Dude, I Love Fishing
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A few days off between comeback stages and your boyfriend wants to go fishing, he's pretty lucky you love him.
pair: Yunho x Reader
w/c: 1.3k
a/n: Just another fluffy Yunho one-shot, also the number of times I accidentally deleted this post while editing is embarrassing, anyways I hope you guys enjoy it!!! Any feedback is appreciated, and any interactions are welcomed and loved! Also ironically the use of a Seventeen song has no correlation with my recent dive into them. Also I definitely did not take or make any of the photos just used them for the header....that I did make....Okay enjoy!!!
tags: @yunbug, @starillusion13
Comeback season was rough, between recording, rehearsals, outfits and fittings, photoshoots, stage testing, and shooting music videos, promos, teasers, and doing interviews…you could say it’s a full time job. Yeah, comeback season was rough, Comeback season for Ateez? Never stops, with the boys getting bigger and better every comeback it was hard to get them to sit still for even a moment, not that they would, it’s like babysitting hyperactive 3 year olds who just got told it was nap time but they “don’t need a nap they can stay up forever.” but probably less spit and more “you’re not the boss of me.”
“Wooyoung in this moment I very much AM the boss of you.” I groaned trying to get him to stop so I could hear the directions the GPS was taking us. “Do you want to get lost?!”
“We’re in Seoul! We can’t possibly get lost!” he threw his hands up in the air.
“And you know Seoul well enough that if I turn off this GPS you can get us there On Time?” I raised my eyebrow and he looked out the window. “That’s what I thought.”
“I can-!” he started
“Wooyoung-ah, please don’t torture my poor girl, I do that enough at home.” Yunho spoke up from the middle row.
“EWWWW!” came a chorus of voices.
“Not like that!!!!” he waved his hands in front of his face.
“Even I knew that one was coming Yu.” I sighed now on the receiving end of questions of my personal life.
His torture by the way is the sweaty hugs after dance practice before he showers because he just can’t wait that long to hug me, the way he lays on top of me while watching tv or a movie and I mean FULL BODY WEIGHT almost like that scene from Disney’s Lilo and Stitch where Nani goes “Oh no gravity is increasing on me!” only he does it because it’s “much more comfortable”, the endless times he’s had me read the Spider Man comics to him because he likes the character voices I make, not to mention we’ve seen every version a few times. He’s decided to cook dinner a few times only he’s wanted to experiment and try things without a recipe, which is fine, but it’s always stuff he’s never tried making before, last time he mixed up sugar and salt….again….Yeah, I would say he puts me through a few trials at home….I wouldn’t change them, in fact I kind of miss it when he’s away on tour and I’m stuck back home. 
“y/n!?” Yunho called out from the kitchen. Here comes the soup popsicles again…
“Yeah?” I sighed and put down my book.
“We should take a trip!” he announced coming into the room. “Why are you closing your eyes with your hand out?”
“Huh? Oh uh….nothing. A trip? What kind?”
“Let’s go to the lake! We can go fishing! Bring the guys along and everything!”
“Fishing? Yunho you know I don’t like fishing, it’s…hard (weird)”
“Oh come on Jagiya, pleaseeeee, it’ll be like a beach trip or something, water, swimsuits, picnic!”
I sighed. “Fine.”
It was in fact, NOT like the beach, I’m covered head to toe in waterproof clothing, the most shapeless pair of waterproof overalls or waders, wellingtons, a vest with way too mant pockets, a floppy hat, and a waterproof shirt…oh and a life vest.
“You look beautiful” he smiled, I took a photo as he put on his life vest.
“You look ridiculous.” I chuckled at his outfit, it was normal…save for the Spider-man life jacket that was too small…
“Yunho that’s for kids…” I said as we browsed our local Department Store.
“Nuh uh!!” he shook his head and smiled. “It says 5 plus y/n! I’m plus! I’m over 5!”
“I’m starting to doubt that.” I mumbled as I put it in the cart.
“Aw no way!!! Jagiya!” he called from behind me.
I turned and nearly fell over laughing, he found a pair of wayyyy too small goggles as well, he looked like one of those watermelons with rubber bands stretched around it until they burst.
“Yu, you’re gonna hurt yourself if you get those.” I snorted…never did that in my last relationship. 
“Well good thing I don’t have to impress anyone then hmm?” he gave me that face. “Come on I’ll catch the best fish for us to eat tonight.”
“We could’ve just gone to the store.”
“But this way it’s a date.”
“Grocery shopping is a date.”
“Okay fine you got me there.” he smiled. “But it’s nice to get some fresh air during comeback season!”
“Yu….it smells like mud…”
“Earth! I love it!” he smiled. “Come on I figure we can try the boat first.”
How did I let him talk me into this?
“Hmm?” he turned towards me.
“How much longer are we going to be out here?” I looked at him. “We’ve been out here for hours already.”
“Until you catch one too.”
“I’m fine not catching one.” I chuckled. He’s caught 5…who knew he was so good at it.
“Maybe if you don’t catch one in an hour.”
“Okay, fair enough.”
We waited…he started humming….it sounds kind of familiar.
“생각처럼 쉬운 게 없네요
매일 생각해요 난 어떻게 해야 할지
도착했다 싶을 때, 다시 시작이네요
앞이 깜깜할 때도” Yunho hummed softly.
“Whatcha singing?” I looked at him.
“Just something stuck in my head.” he smiled. 
“소용돌이치는 하루 속에
사소한 행복을 나에게 줘서
비어 있는 내 두 손에
세상의 모든 미소를 쥐여줘서”
“Seventeen?” I raised an eyebrow as he got louder.
He started swaying a little.
“Yunho be careful, you’re rocking the boat.” I looked at him….it was too late.
“소용돌이치는 하루 속에
사소한 행복을 나에게 줘서
비어 있는 내 두 손에
세상의 모든 미소를 쥐여줘서
가파른 길에 숨이 찰 때도
추운 날 길 잃은 때도
따듯한 온기와 함께 손을 내밀어주는!!!” he exclaimed standing up and what do you know the boat tipped over. “YUNHO!”
I broke the surface of the water.
“You owe me a new phone.” I looked at him after we swam back to the shore with the boat.
“Gladly.” he smiled and wrapped a towel around me still humming.
“You’re lucky I love you.” I huffed.
“I’m very lucky indeed.” he kissed my cheek but grimaced at the taste left on his lips.
“Yeah let me guess I taste how the lake smells?”
“No no just a piece of algae in my mouth…”
“I don’t believe you.” I sighed and we made our way to go get cleaned up and the boathouse.
“You know what they say, shower together and save water.”
“Are you seriously horny after tipping the boat over into a fish pond…and there’s mud in my hair?”
“What can I say…the mud really adds texture.” he chuckled.
“New phone and a new boyfriend.” I nudged him.
“Awwwwww come on.”
After I took my shower…alone. We sat on the deck to eat the lunch/dinner we brought along. I didn’t catch a single fish, I got knocked out of the boat and I lost my phone….
“You didn’t catch a fish but you caught one thing?”
“....yeah?” I looked at him knowing it was going to be bad.
“This boot!” he held up the waterlogged boot I got before he knocked us over dancing.
“I totally thought you were going to say ‘My Heart’” I laughed a little.
“Nah, you caught that a long time ago.” he smiled and pushed my wet hair behind my ear.
“You’re so annoying Jeong Yunho.”
“And you are the light of my life l/n f/n……D.I.L.F” he spelled out.
I spit. “What!?”
“Dude I Love Fishing!” he smiled and looked at me.
“Yunho! That’s not what that means!!!!” I laughed and hit his arm.
As we walked back to the car Yunho held up the boot again.
“Should we-”
“No we are not keeping the boot.” I chuckled. “We can get matching phone cases this time.”
“Well I am keeping you, so I guess I win.” he smiled. “Can I pick out the phone case?”
“Fine…you win.”
I am never going fishing again.
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meatydog · 3 months
Okay sooo, my dumbass accidentally deleted the last post about Bosko's ref sheet when editing it- why am I so stupid, OOPS SORRY 💀
Anyway, so, I decided to go back and change some things about Bosko
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So basically, I while trying to figure what his story would be, I was playing Goat Simulator, and after a while, I finally had it. I just decided to say "Okay you know what? FUCK IT, let's just fuck around and have some fun with this OC instead of taking shit seriously like my other OCs and making him have a complex backstory n' shit." So instead, I just decided to have his backstory be like "Yeah I was a human once but then they turned me into a furry lol".
Thank you Goat Simulator, you inspired me a lot...
To the point I made Bosko just as insane as Pilgor...
Thank you ❤
So yeah, this OC is now a thing I made combining two things I like- no actually three, counting the Indoraptor, together and decided to have fun with him. Also like Dogday because he is inspired by him a bit he does have a cartoon version of him. And use that version is just as insane as that fucking goat.
We need more chaotic ragdoll OCs from time to time am I right?
Poop covered note: (THIS IS NOT A POPPY PLAYTIME OC. I JUST LIKED DOGDAY'S DESIGN (And him as a character he's a pretty cool dude, idk shit about that game but I do know he dies... what a bummer) ENOUGH TO BE INSPIRED TO MAKE AN OC INSPIRED BY HIM)
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mortifyingideal · 3 years
i was tagged in this by the wonderful @fremulon (thanks cherry!) and accidentally deleted the whole thing twice so now i'm mostly just posting it out of spite and without a read more due to said spite. SUCK IT TUMBLR.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 10 published out loud and 1 published anonymously
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
okay so this is really only my most recent life. i have been around a lot. a lot. i was there, gandalf, during the superwholock years (and an active participant) so over the course of my life it's like
Harry Potter, Teen Titans, Sherlock, Doctor Who, Supernatural, Inception, Daredevil, The Avengers, The Musketeers, Wells & Wong Mysteries, Twin Peaks, Homestuck, Red vs Blue
but in this lifetime i'm just writing for Good Omens (and have written for DuckTales and Cruella)
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
1 — Loosely Ballroom (surprising absolutely nobody)
2 — Look Not Too Deep
3 — ergo propter hoc (okay this one is kind of a surprise actually but i'm very happy about it i love this fic)
4 — café au vin
5 — an institute you can't disparage
5. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
i do! i try to respond to every comment i get on the day of/the day after i get it. i've met a lot of good friends this way, and i also just like taking the time to respond to people who've taken the time to respond to something i made. makes me feel good (plus i want everyone to like me)
the only downside is it can get a bit overwhelming at times? particularly with LB, which gets a shitload of comments per chapter and can take me up to two full days to read through them all and answer, and if i'm having a bad brain time i just cannot face doing it. so if you've ever left a comment and i've not responded, i promise It's not because i don't appreciate it. my brain machine just was going brmmmmmmmmm.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
i was going to say NONE BECAUSE I DON'T WRITE ANGST but i guess if i had to decide it would be the RVB fic that's on my ao3 right now, which has an angstily hopeful ending.
7. Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
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8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
not as far as i'm aware! i have had several uhhhhhhh overly familiar meant-to-be-jovial comments on/about the above crossover from people i don't really know very well that have told me i'm a terrible person or i've committed crimes while i'm out here like, cool this is art i made and put in the world for fun and believe in and i don't really... know you? but those comments were meant in good faith imo so i don't really think it counts as hate
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
the last time i tried to write smut, crowley got stabbed, so the kind that sends people to the hospital i guess?
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge. good luck formatting all the images and italics, anyone who might try.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
again, not to my knowledge!
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
infamously. it's the only reason anyone might have read this far. also attempting to collaborate on an as-of-yet-unfinished-project with @indieninja92 who is a creative genius with their finger in many, many pies. speaking of, have you visited hauntedswords.com recently?
13. What’s your all time favorite ship?
errrrrr i mean probably aziraphale/crowley, not to seem obvious. they've been with me since i was like 10 years old, they haven't gone anywhere, they will probably be bothering me until the day i die.
14. What’s a WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I WILL FINISH ALL OF MY WIPs. okay no that's not true, i have the start of an inception fic that is a GO AU that i honestly think would have been fucking slammin' but the time for that has passed now.
15. What are your writing strengths?
a very definite sense of character voice, attention to detail in terms of enriching the world i'm writing in, dialogue dialogue dialogue, smash cuts (are they even called smash cuts in writing? WHATEVER THEY ARE I CAN DO THEM)
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
you are my collaborator. you send me back part of a chapter and tell me i have a sentence that is a bit too lengthy and doesn't work, and i need to edit it. i send it back to you. the sentence is now an entire paragraph and a half, with three jokes, a metaphor and a new line of dialogue embedded in it, changing the overall tone of the chapter. this is known as The Mort Special.
i also get very in my own head about not really being a good writer, or not being as good as the people (or person specifically i suppose) that i'm working with. i'm working on this! i'm not working on The Mort Special, though, that's always writing gold.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
this is a really weird and specific question, who hurt you OP? errrr i guess much like any quirk of writing, it's fine when used sparingly and with a deft hand.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
fuck me, probably Harry Potter? neopets roleplaying boards were a gateway drug.
19. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
this is the part where i pretend i'm going to say something other than Loosely Ballroom. i don't think i'll ever make something else in my life that's made me feel the way making that has. it's been—to delve into reality TV speak (and paraphrase crowley from a future chapter)—a real emotional rollercoaster.
plus it's just fuckin' funny isn't it.
tagging @phoenix-soar, @thyra279, @heycaricari, @stillseekwill and @katnoggin (and anyone else who might want to!)
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simsdada · 3 years
“🌈🍃 and 🌼 for Heloise please!“
since i’m 100% dumb what’s new? i accidentally deleted your ask @treason-and-plot​ while trying to edit the post but let’s just ignore that and pretend everything is okay
but thank u so much for asking @treason-and-plot​ you're the best!
🌈- What does this oc like and dislike about themselves?
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what heloise likes about herself is that she is such a caring and sensitive person. she really knows what to say to touch a person’s heart, everyone who meets heloise falls in love with her personality, she is the sweetest! and even though she hides it from everyone else, and doesn’t want anyone to know, she really enjoys writing poetry about nature and her feelings about life. heloise has such a big heart, she loves animals, cares about nature, and is so passionate about music, dance and culture. what she dislikes about herself, is that she can be too emotionally fragile sometimes, even small amounts of painful emotions consume her. she wishes she could be more emotionally resilient and feel stronger
🍃- Describe this oc in one word
generous. “willing to give and share unstintingly“ heloise is always happy to give time, money, food, or kindness to people in need. she is really friendly, helpful, and willing to see the good qualities in someone or something
🌼- What’s your favorite thing about this oc?
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my favorite thing about heloise is her warm-heart, she has so much compassion and sympathy in her heart for others. she is also super talented and i love her passion about dancing and how much she loves music, and feels so free while dancing. heloise is a sweetheart, she is so sincere and loving, she is definitely one of a kind 🌷
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acey-wacey · 3 years
Accidental kiss
A/n: so this was originally a request from @musubiblog​ but the format got messed up and when I tried to edit it, it got deleted so I am posting it again here
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You’re heading to your locker after school is over and you see Suga waiting for you by your locker. 
His face lights up when he sees you and he sends a little wave towards you. 
You two are best friends so it’s not unusual for him to wait by your locker. 
You give him a quick hug and turn towards your locker to open it, not noticing the blush creeping up Suga’s neck. 
He makes idle conversation with you as you gather your books into your bags. 
You stop to open one of the books, skimming through the page. 
He leans over your shoulder to see, asking what book it is, his arm brushing your back and him not realizing 
He doesn’t notice when you turn around to respond to him until your lips brush together. 
Immediately, you both jump back, startled and embarrassed to the core. 
“Oh my gosh, I am so sorry. I didn’t realize how close I was,” he blurts out, face redder than the Nekoma uniform. 
“It’s okay” you mumble. 
“What’s that?”
“I said, it’s okay. I- a - um - I liked it. “ you stutter, avoiding looking at Suga. 
He looks confused for a second before his gaze softens and he smiles softly at you. 
He lifts your chin so you have to look directly at him. You see the softness in his eyes and immediately relax. 
“I liked it too.” he whispers. “Could we try again, maybe?”
You nod bashfully and he leans in to give you a proper kiss on purpose. how close he is to you. 
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You’re just sitting off to the side of the Nekoma court during practice and Yaku came up to talk to you while getting a drink. 
Kuroo is (reluctantly) helping Lev with his receives on the court. 
Lev misses a receive and sends the ball hurtling towards Yaku’s back *cue “Oh No” by Capone* 
There are multiple shouts of “look out!” and “ball!” but Yaku doesn’t notice because he’s entranced by your beauty or something sappy like that. 
Of course he does notice when a volleyball smacks him square in the back, sending him crashing into you. 
Your lips only touch for a second but it leaves you in a state of shock. 
Everyone rushes over to see if you both are all right.
When Yaku eventually pulls himself off of you, his first reaction is to kick Lev into the sky. 
He’s just telling everyone that he’s okay until he realizes that your eyes are wide open and your cheeks are colored with a violent blush. 
He opens his mouth to ask you what’s wrong when his brain catches up with him. 
Once he realizes what just happened, he is also left in a state of shock. 
Your hand finds your lips, running your finger over them as if in denial of being kissed by your crush, even if accidentally. 
The team is so confused. You both are just standing there, staring at each other and they have no idea why. 
Yaku tries to say sorry and explain himself but it doesn’t come out right so he just sounds like a fool. 
You laugh and can’t resist the lips you’ve been thinking about for the past minute, so you grab him by his shirt and pull him into your lap. 
His eyes widen before he smirks. 
“I think this might be a good time to tell you that I like you”
You giggle and smack his chest before closing the distance between your lips. 
The team, meanwhile, still has no idea what’s going on but is hyping up their libero. 
I don’t know how to describe it, but the oooooooh from the “sike, that’s the wrong number” vine is exactly the noise they make. 
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Shipped (Colby Brock Imagine)
Summary: *REQUEST* Omg your requests are open!! Can you do something about colby and reader dating in secret and she’s always hyping him up on everything and fans just think it’s cause they are best friends. But she posts a post wearing the love for hire letterman on accident and the fans connected it because Kat and Tara have it to so they figure out they are dating and go crazy (in a good way) for them 🥺❤️
Written: 2020
Word Count: 1,967
Warnings: Major fluff, Swearing
I harassed Colby into letting me listen to their new music. Let’s just say, when you guys hear this, you’re going to be glad One Direction is on a break. Can’t help but stan L4H!! #numeber1fan
I press "send tweet" before plugging in my phone and taking a quick shower. When I get out of the shower I grab my phone and throw myself onto Colby’s bed. It’s our bed at this point. I spend more time at the trap house than I do my apartment, I might as well move in. I go and read the comments under my tweet. Most of them are good. Some fans want me to leak the boys' music, others are freaking out over mine and Colby’s friendship. Someone makes it a point to mention how cute Colby and I would be as a couple and linked an edit that they made. Someone commented that fans like them, the one that posted the edit, are the problem and the reason why Colby doesn’t have any friends who are girls. There is a whole fight going on under that comment.
I quickly try to defuse the situation between the fans before exiting twitter altogether. I take my towel off of my damp hair and walk back into Colby’s bathroom to detangle it. When I finish doing my hair I grab the first jacket of Colby’s that I see to get warm. Lucky for me, it’s his Love for Hire lettermen jacket. For whatever reason, this jacket is more comfortable than any hoodie I’ve stolen during our entire relationship, maybe it’s because it smells strongly like him. Or maybe it’s because I get to finally live out my high school dream of wearing my boyfriend’s lettermen. Either way, Colby knows that this is my jacket now and he’s going to have to fight me to the death for it back. I don’t know if it’s because I freshly showered and my hair is fluffy, or because my skin is thanking me for not putting makeup on it yet, but something is compelling me to take a selfie in Colby’s bathroom mirror.
I get up on to the counter and try to position myself comfortably. I take a few selfies, while carefully not exposing Colby’s messy counter. I do cute poses with peace signs and my tongue sticking out. I do serious “model” poses with hair looking like I’m in a photoshoot. I take a couple and post them on my Instagram story. I triple check each one before pressing send to make sure they end up on my close friends’ list and not my public story. That would be disastrous. I saw how people were acting in the comments of my tweet supporting Colby when a fan posted an edit wishing we were dating. I can’t imagine how his fan base would react if they knew we really are dating and have been for well over a year.
Well, I can imagine how they would react, I’ve been around Colby long enough to figure out how his fanbase functions. Most of his fans would be supportive. Of the majority, there would be roughly half who constantly would show their support over our relationship. The other half would keep quiet and try not to mention it directly so they don’t “jinx” it. No matter how open Colby is with his fans, there is still so much of his life that he has to keep private from the rest of his fans who wouldn’t be supportive of our relationship. The obsessive ones who think that Colby is a toy and belongs to only them. In all honesty, Colby and I probably would have been together longer if it wasn’t for them. We probably wouldn’t have been friends. There was a period in his life when he wouldn’t make any new female friends because of what his old friends had to go through. Because of that, Colby has always been protective of me.
Even though we’ve been friends since he moved to Los Angles, he only introduced me to his fandom two years ago. Even then, it wasn’t like, boom: “here’s a girl that I’m friends with, be nice!” Colby made sure I was properly acclimated to his side of internet stardom by having me appear in all of his other friends’ videos and photos first before a strand of my hair was placed in one of his videos. And then he said, “here’s a girl that I’m friends with, be nice!” Being a Youtuber myself, I have some experience with fandoms. But nothing could prepare me for his intense fans. For the first couple of months after Colby put me on his channel, I understood why Colby kept so many of girl friends in the dark or why some chose to stop being friends with Colby in general. It’s only a select few fans, but when there are so many comments of harassment and death threats it can get overwhelming.
Those comments died down after a while though. Mostly because I either mute certain words from my comments or I don’t read them. Colby and I try really hard to hide our relationship. If we’re in videos together, we don’t sit too close. We keep our hands to ourselves; even a simple hand on the shoulder can cause a frenzy. We only post our couple pictures on our actual secret Instagram accounts and close friends list. Our friends know not to post anything where we might look too much like a couple. We make it a point to bicker like siblings whenever we do work together. Hell, the reason I still have my apartment is to avoid people finding out we’re dating. If I have my own place, people just think I’m visiting the guys whenever I’m over. And it works, everyone just assumes that we’re really close friends.
“I’m back and I bring food!” Colby yells as he opens the door to the room. I plug my dying phone back into the charger before abandoning it in the bathroom to greet Colby.
“Oh thank God, I was beginning to think you were with your hoes. But then I ran into Sam, Jake, and Corey in the kitchen so I relaxed.” I give Colby a quick kiss and help him with the shopping bags in his hand. I set them on the bed and start going through them.
“I wish, but they were too busy for me. So I went and got us stuff for this weekend.” Colby sets the food down and helps me unload the bags.
“Oh that reminds me, we need to stop by my place after dinner so I can pack my things.” Te whole friend group is renting a log cabin in woods for Thursday to Monday morning for bonding and to get a few collars done. Colby went and got a few road trip snacks without me. Probably because I would get distracted at Target and we would never leave. It’s fine, he remembered to get my favorite snacks.
“Yeah, okay, I figured. We could have gone earlier but I had to let you sleep in after you spent all night watching tiktoks.” Colby walks over to the couch and starts to set up our lunch in front of the tv.
“To be fair, I’m not responsible for the time lost when I’m on the tok. Besides, I learned more dances to teach you!” I take off Colby’s jacket and set it at the foot of the bed before joining Colby on the couch.
“Of course you did. You know how much I love learning a new TikTok dance every day.” Colby jokes before kissing my forehead. He hands me my food and turns on Netflix.
A few minutes into our show, there’s a loud, rapid knock at the door. Annoyed, Colby paused the show and puts his food down.
“What?” Colby asks as he gets up to open the door. Sam stands on the other side, relieved. The last time Sam knocked on the door like that, Colby and I were busy… rearranging furniture.
“Oh Colby, you’re home. But I’m not here for you. Y/N, did you mean to post that on your story?” Colby moves aside to let Sam in.
“Haha, Sammy, I’m not falling for that one. Colby already tried that on me last week.” I go back to eating my food and ignore Sam.
“No, I’m being serious. Katrina said she kept trying to reach you but you’re not answering. Fans are freaking out on twitter.”
“Oh shit!” I quickly put down my food and grab my phone in the bathroom. There are miss calls and texts from Kat, Tara, and Devyn. I unlock my phone and open Instagram to check my story. Sure enough, I accidentally sent one of my selfies to my main story instead of my close friends. The selfie looks harmless enough, except I’m wearing Colby’s jacket and it’s very obvious that I’m in his bathroom. Jake moved in some of the cardboard Colby’s into Colby’s room and one of them faces the mirror, you can kind of see it in the selfie. Most people might think nothing of it, but earlier this week Kat and Tara posted pictures of them wearing Sam and Jake’s jackets. With that association alone, everyone is going to find out.
“I don’t get it, there’s only a selfie on here. Did you already delete it?” Colby yells from the bedroom. I slowly walk out of the bathroom with a confused look on his face.
“Please tell me you’re joking.” I open up my story and check how many people have seen it.
“What, I’m lost… Oh… Oh! Oh, fuck!” Colby finally gets it and does something on his phone.
“‘Oh fuck’ is right. So many people took screenshots that even if I deleted it now, it would be pointless.” I walk to the bed and throw myself facedown, like a teen in a movie after having a shitty day at school.
“And you guys are trending on Twitter,” Sam says. I almost forgot he was still here.
“Dude,” Colby warns.
“Not helpful, I get it. I’ll be downstairs if you need me.” Sam leaves the room and I let out a scream as soon as I hear the door close. I feel the spot next to me sink as Colby sits down and starts rubbing my back.
“Hey, Y/N, these aren’t as bad as you think. I’m only seeing positive messaged. Look,” Colby gently pats my back to get my attention.
“Really? Let me see.” I sit up, sniffle, and peek at Colby’s phone as he reads.
“Are you crying?” Colby asks as he wipes my face.
“I immediately got overwhelmed. Let me read the tweets.” I take Colby’s phone scroll through the tweets. He’s right, they’re mostly positive. I haven’t seen a negative tweet yet. That’s the opposite of how I thought this would go. A few people are telling other fans to stop assuming, but even those are calm compared to the fight I saw earlier.
“See, I guess we were stressed all this time for no reason. We can do normal couple things like our friends and not go out of our way to hide everything.”
“That’ll be nice. It was getting exhausting. What do we do now? How do you want to approach this? Live stream? Youtube video?” I look at Colby and he has a big smile on his face.
“Right now, let’s just finish lunch. We can deal with this later. Now, I’m going to take this back. I don’t want you to start crying again.” Colby strokes my hair and kisses my forehead.
“I love you, Colbs,” I say softly.
“I love you too, Y/N.”
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gamerzack-blog · 3 years
I think now's as good a time as any to share a few deets on my Magic player identity, before branching out into my other interests:
The Basics
Archetype: Johnny-Vorthos
Colour identity: Altruism 🔥🌳☀️{💧}
Top 3 Favourite formats: Limited (any style); Kitchen table; Commander (hypothetically)
"Power Nine" planes (in alphabetical order): Alara; Arcavios; Ikoria; Kaladesh; Kaldheim; Kamigawa; Ravnica; Tarkir; Zendikar
Custom sets (Magic Set Editor): Uncanny/Unfunny; Secret Vault: Heroes of Squidkid Saga; Secret Vault: Ascensions Series
First year: 2003
First Core Set: Eighth Edition
First Large Set: Mirrodin
First Small Set: Guildpact
First Side-Set: Coldsnap
First novel: The Moons of Mirrodin
First Commander: Glissa Sunseeker
Key Factional Affiliations
Guild (Primary): Izzet League 💧🔥
Guild (Secondary): Selesnya Conclave 🌳☀️
Shard: Bant 🌳{☀️}💧
Clan (Khans timeline): Jeskai Way {💧}🔥☀️
Clan (Dragons timeline): The Ojutai ☀️{💧}
Triome: Ketria 🌳{💧}🔥
Realm (Primary): Bretagard {🌳}☀️
Realm (Secondary): Surtland 💧{🔥}
College: Prismari 💧}{🔥
Other Associations (by Plane)
Simic Combine 🌳💧
Azorius Senate ☀️💧
Boros Legion 🔥☀️
House Dimir 💧💀
Esper ☀️{💧}💀
Naya 🔥{🌳}☀️
New Phyrexia
Quiet Furnace 🔥
Progress Engine 💧
Kessig 🔥{🌳}
Temur Frontier {🌳}💧🔥
Mardu Horde {🔥}☀️💀
The Dromoka 🌳{☀️}
The Silumgar 💧{💀}
Trial of Knowledge 💧
Trial of Solidarity ☀️
River Heralds 🌳💧
Brazen Coalition 💧💀🔥
Ardenvale ☀️
Garenbrig 🌳
Raugrin 💧{🔥}☀️
Zagoth 💀{🌳}💧
Istfell {☀️}💧
Starnheim ☀️{💀}
Gnottvold {🔥}🌳
Silverquill ☀️}{💀
Lorehold 🔥}{☀️
New Capenna
The GWU Family 🌳☀️💧
Planeswalker Friends List
Karn {⚪}
Elspeth Tirel {☀️}
Will Kenrith {💧}
Liliana Vess {💀}
Rowan Kenrith {🔥}
Vivien Reid {🌳}
Teferi {☀️💧}
Tezzeret {💧💀}
Angrath {💀🔥}
Arlinn Kord {🔥🌳}
Ajani Goldmane {🌳☀️}
Sorin Markov {☀️💀}
Ral Zarek {💧🔥}
Vraska {💀🌳}
Nahiri {🔥☀️}
Kiora {🌳💧}
Tamiyo {🌳☀️💧}
_________ {☀️💧💀}
#####_##### {💧💀🔥}
_________ {💀🔥🌳}
Huatli {🔥🌳☀️}
_________ {🔥☀️💀}
Sarkhan Vol {🌳💧🔥}
_________ {☀️💀🌳}
Narset {💧🔥☀️}
Nissa Revane {💀🌳💧}
_________ {💧💀🔥🌳}
_________ {💀🔥🌳💧}
Me {🔥🌳☀️💧}
_________ {🌳☀️💧💀}
_________ {☀️💧💀🔥}
_________ {☀️💧💀🔥🌳}
Planeswalker Friend List Deets (How We Friended Each Other)
Met him on my first 'walk to Mirrodin. Apparently he created it himself!
Heard about her on Bant, and decided to see if I could find her so I could learn more about being an altruist. Told she was slain, so my trail went cold, but they were SO wrong about that!
Met him while studying on Arcavios... HOO boy, THAT was a mess! Anyway, he helped save the plane, so good on him.
Friended her a while back after she failed to seduce me (turns out there are limitations to charm magic when the intended target isn't that into you).
Twin sister of #3, with both sharing the same spark. Must be awkward if one decides to 'walk while the other's in the middle of something important like... I 'unno, peeing I guess?
For some reason, liking the natural world to any extent warrants a friend request from her. That and having a connection with animals.
Heard about my affinity for time, and so he tracked ME down! This is AFTER I spent a while tracking down info on the "Great Mender", though I thought it was a specialist on healing magic, heheh...
Friended him when he was still... sane, I guess? This thing's glitching out for some reason, so I can't delete it. Probably should visit that gadgeteer on Kamigawa to get it repaired...
Asked to friend me after overhearing that I don't eat beef or wear cowskin... then swore fiery, forgey vengeance on me if I EVER come onto his daughters. PRETTY sure there's no danger of that even if they're human, so... yay?
Saw me blundering through Ulvenwald and asked if I were worried about the wolves, to which I innocently replied with "What's wrong with wolves?" She led me to safety (aka a different plane) as a thank you for being so kind.
THIS is the life mage I was trying to find! I eventually tracked him to a book club or something on Kamigawa. The Nacatl of Naya called him "a hideously gruff, ill-mannered, insatiably berserk rebel", but I see him as kind, wise, and calm.
Kinda unsettling at first, but let's just say that putting the Greater Good first and foremost reveals an unseen side of this seemingly snobbish gentleman.
My first 'walk to Ravnica was... let's say "tumultuous". Actually, let's also say it was "accidentally crashed into an Izzet laboratory-ish". This guy said I was an automatic shoe-in to become a member of his guild, but he also advised me to consider whether I wanted to get tied to one plane. I was too busy staring at his... uh... eyes to remember what I said, or how he was added to my friends list.
Friended me later that day, in fact. Turns out a simple, sincerely friendly "Hi!" is enough to win her over... though she DID admit to almost turning me into a statue for being too close at first.
She was dealing with an emotional conundrum, so I offered some advice: "Just be true to yourself, and vent those pent-up emotions. Holding onto them isn't healthy, and your needs matter just as much as others' do." Hopefully she's in a better state of mind than before.
For some reason, liking the natural world to any extent warrants a friend request from her. That and having a connection with the seas and skies... wait... did I do this one already?
Met her through Ajani's book club... well, she's the host of said book club, so friending her was a no-brainer.
To be added...
Weird... why is this now playing up...? Was someone already on here? I should ask Denkimoto to look at this, too...
To be added...
Met her in book club. Turns out she's some form of skald from a plane called "EESH-a-lahn". I tried finding it, but no-one's ever heard of it, OR a city on that plane called "or-RATS-kuh", which is supposedly made of gold...
To be added...
Met him through a member of the book club, though he's not really into books. He does, however, like DRAGONS! I just had to visit their home plane, which is filled with so many kinds of dragon. Any fan of dragons is a friend of his, apparently. He also had a good chuckle at my "Hi, Khan!" joke, so it's now our informal greeting (his is "Oh, Zed!", cos it sounds like "O. Zed").
To be added...
This is the book club member via whom I indirectly met #23. She loves learning, and is currently delving into the ancient history of her people, "a time before the dragons"... which seems kinda familiar.
For some reason, liking the natural world to any extent warrants a friend request from her. That and having a connection with the elements... okay, this is DEFINITELY the third time I've posted this, I'm sure of it!
To be added...
To be added...
No idea why there even NEEDS to be a slot for my own contact details, but...
To be added...
To be added...
To be added...
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cheri-translates · 4 years
[CN] Gavin’s Misunderstandings Date (Eng Translation)
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a date which has not been released in English servers! 🍒
Edit: It has been released in EN as of 13 October!
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This is only the second time since they reunited that Gavin and MC are meeting for non-work purposes.
While MC is on her way to meet Gavin at the park, she notes how scorching the heat is, and that if she had known that the weather would be this hot, she would have picked an indoor activity instead. 
However, since they’re already at the park and there are periodic gusts of wind, she feels it’s a suitable day for boat rowing. At the same time, she’s worried that Gavin wouldn't find boat rowing interesting.
She sees Gavin in the distance and hurries over to him:
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Before she says anything:
Gavin: You want to do that? We can do it together.
Even though the intimidating aura around him has lessened, I’m still at a loss and don’t know how to get close to him.
I want to try understanding what interests him, but he doesn’t speak much.
Seeing that I haven’t given him an answer, he repeats the question, once again leaving the choice to me.
Gavin: Do you want to do this, or look around?
MC: It just brings back a sense of nostalgia. When I was young, I would do this with my father. I think I haven’t done it ever since I got older.
Looking towards the little boats, Gavin hesitates for a moment. It’s clear that he is about to say something, but he swallows it, shutting his lips.
If it wasn’t for his odd behaviour, I wouldn’t have realized that the topic I brought up had struck a nerve…
Gavin seems to have a tense relationship with his family, and I rarely hear him bring them up.
I hurriedly rack my brains, thinking of ways to salvage the situation. Surprisingly, Gavin is the one who breaks the silence.
Gavin: You have such a good relationship with your family. My family usually doesn’t go out, maybe once a year to the park.
MC: I see… Then again, it’s rare to bring boys out for such activities.
Gavin: Really? I’m not so sure. I just wanted to try doing it with you.
Hearing this and thinking about how I’ve never seen him react to trying something completely new, I start to feel excited. I begin imagining his reaction to stepping on a boat for the first time – would he still remain as stoic as usual?
MC agrees, but the queue for the tickets is incredibly long so tells her to find a place to sit while he gets the tickets. After a long wait, Gavin returns… with fishing equipment. 
It turns out Gavin and MC had misunderstood each other:
Gavin: I misunderstood. I noticed you looking towards the lake, so I thought you were interested in fishing.
The laughter of the surroundings float towards us, a stark contrast to Gavin’s awkward solemnness. Tickled by the look of embarrassment on his face, I can’t help but let out a laugh. The more he confusedly asks me what happened, the more I laugh, to the point where I begin tearing up.
Gavin: What happened? Is it really that funny?
MC: No, nothing, haha. I just find this misunderstanding amusing.
With this, he lets out a breath, a smile in his eyes.
Gavin: While I was in the queue, I even pictured how you looked like fishing as a child.
MC: How can children have the patience to fish?
Gavin: If it were a normal child, that would be true. But you shouldn’t have a problem with it.
MC: Are you saying that I have the mentality of an old person?
Gavin: No, that’s not what I meant. In high school, you…
Upon bringing up high school, he immediately shuts his mouth, stiffly changing the topic.
Gavin: It’s fine, I’ll go back to get the correct tickets.
MC tells him that since the tickets have already been purchased, they should just try fishing. Since they rarely come here, they should create special memories:
Gavin: Even through fishing?
MC: Of course! This is the first time we’re both fishing, so it’s a worthwhile memory! Let’s set this day to be our “Fishing Anniversary” every year.
Gavin: Fishing Anniversary? Sounds good.
MC: I just spouted it randomly…
To hide the blush that is slowly creeping up my cheeks, I lower my face, snatching the fishing rod and bucket from him.
MC: All right all right, if we wait any longer, all the good spots near the lake would be taken!
Gavin: Okay. Give the things to me, you can pick the spot?
Out of nowhere, his fingertips brush the back of my hand. Warm, refreshing and dry, just like a summer wind. We both retract our hands at the same time, as though shocked by an electric current. After hesitating for a few seconds, he takes the fishing equipment from me.
Gavin: Oh right, the path to the lake is a little slippery, so hold onto me.
Looking at his outstretched palm, I nod my head and place my hand atop his. With my hand in his, he clasps our hands together a little tighter.
He follows my pace, and at certain points specially turns around to give me directions on which areas are safer to step on.
Since we’re at the lake and sheltered by shadows cast by the trees, logically speaking, the temperature here should be cooler than other places. Yet, I only feel my face heating up unnaturally, perhaps even hotter than being under the sun.
Although this is their first fishing experience, Gavin is surprisingly adept. He patiently shows MC what to do and warns her to be careful not to cut herself on the fishing line.
Without realizing it, I move closer and closer, until I hear a light cough from above my head.
Gavin: …If you can’t see it clearly, I can go even slower.
It is only now that I notice that I’m as good as glued to Gavin’s arm. Upon this realisation, the skin that made contact with his became even hotter than my head which has been under the blazing sun. Even my face starts to feel warm. My deafeningly loud heart beats block out all the sounds from my surroundings and even his voice.
Gavin: Are you feeling unwell? Your face is very red.
MC: No, not at all! The weather is just a little warm.
With exaggerated movements, I fan myself with my hand in an attempt to hide the redness of my face brought about by shyness.
Unexpectedly, he lifts the back of his hand to my face, checking if I am running a fever.
His drooping eyelashes soften his gaze, and his gentleness is comparable to the peaceful stirring of the lake, creating ripples on my heart. All hopes of calming down are gone, and I feel like I am going to explode amid the heat.
Gavin continues being blissfully unaware that he is the culprit of my plight.
He stretches out his palm in front of me. The originally stagnant air starts moving under his direction, brushing past the trees, brushing past his tidy short hair, and brushing past my crimson cheeks.
The heat is no longer unbearable.
Through this whole process, Gavin’s amber eyes remain fixed on my dazed face, his expression worried and serious.
Gavin: How is it? Feeling better?
MC: Much better. Thanks to that gust of wind!
Right after the words leave my mouth, the originally gentle wind suddenly shifts chaotically in all directions, like a beast with the lock of its cage removed. My hair ends up splayed all over my face. Through my messy hair, I can see Gavin looking frantic.
The chaotic wind stills, and he hurriedly and carefully helps me tidy my hair.
Gavin: I’m sorry, I lost control for a while.
MC: It’s not your fault, it was the wind after all.
Gavin: So… it is my fault.
They start picking up the fishing equipment that got splayed around, and Gavin seems to be searching for something in particular. Suddenly, they find themselves within nose-touching distance:
Our breaths are mixed together with the heat waves of summer, causing our faces to feel hot. I unconsciously shrink backwards, but his hand wraps around my back, holding me tightly in his arms.
Gavin: Wait, don’t move.
Nervous to the point where my eyes forgot how to blink, I watch as he moves forward.
He gazes at the side of my face, both hands hooking something onto my earlobe. I can feel his fingertips on my earlobe, and heart threatens to leap out of my chest.
The wind has become stagnant, the air completely still. His movements seem to be in slow motion and crystal clear.
After a relatively long time, he shifts some stray hair behind my ear, and opens the front camera of his phone towards me.
Gavin: It’s supposed to be worn like that, right?
MC: What is it?
Gavin: Ear cuffs. They were blown away just now.
Half of Gavin’s face appears in the phone screen, a serious expression on his face as he points to the ear cuff on my ear.
Clumsily, I accidentally pressed a button on his phone, and my dazed face is immediately saved in Gavin’s phone.
MC: Ah! Wait! Let me delete that photo!
Gavin: It’s fine to keep it. It’s cute. You look good with those ear cuffs.
Even though I can’t tell if he is complimenting the ear cuffs or me, it doesn’t stop my face from heating up several degrees.
They continue fishing, with him giving her tips on what to take note of. MC ends up catching three fishes while Gavin catches none. MC thinks that the fish can probably sense Gavin’s intimidating aura, which is why no fishes have come near.
After a while, MC can’t help but pat his shoulder and comfort him. Just as she finishes talking, Gavin’s fishing rod finally latches onto something heavy – a big tortoise. As he retrieves the tortoise from the hook, blood starts running onto Gavin’s arm.
While MC panics, Gavin calmly washes his hand in the lake.
Gavin: The one who got hurt isn’t me, it’s the tortoise.
I turn my attention to the tortoise which has hid inside its shell. Sure enough, its front leg has been cut.
MC: It looks like it’s in a lot of pain…
Gavin: I’m not sure how to stop the bleeding. Let’s bring it to the park helpers.
While he speaks, he takes off his white jacket without a moment’s hesitation and wraps the tortoise in it.
MC: Your jacket! Wouldn’t using a towel be enough?
Gavin: It’s all right, let’s bring it to the park helpers quickly.
His tenderness is so selfless, whether towards humans or animals.
They bring the tortoise to the park helpers, who assure them that it would be fine. They head to the washroom to clean up, and MC sees Gavin at the water cooler:
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The crystal-like column of water sprays onto his lips, and the sweat dripping off the side of his neck shines in the sunlight. In a moment, his clean and cool breath is carried by the breeze into my heart.
There is a small patch of mud on his face, but he doesn’t seem to notice. I straighten my hand to wipe the stain off him. He immediately turns around, eyes filled with consternation.
Perhaps it is just the red flowers of the trees above, but I think I see a crimson flash on his face. I feel slightly embarrassed.
MC: Erm… Your face is dirty, let me help you wipe it off.
Gavin: Oh, so that’s what you were doing… Thank you.
MC: It feels like we keep misunderstanding each other today…
Gavin: Yeah. I’ll do my best to prevent it as much as possible next time.
MC: Huh?
Gavin: Although I don’t really understand the hearts of women, yours is the only one I don’t want to get wrong. So give me some time to figure it out, is that okay?
Even though it is meant to be a question, he says it with complete resolution, accompanied with a tone and gaze that cannot be denied.
It is so endearing that it stirs one’s heart.
MC: Of course you can!
No matter how much time you take, it’s fine with me.
No matter how long you need, I am willing...
[Note] In Chinese it‘s phrased like she’s accepting a marriage proposal
The date concludes with Gavin and MC back at the park after a year. Gavin notices that MC is deep in thought.
Gavin: Seeing that you’ve been trying to suppress a smile… Are you thinking of something happy?
MC: Yes, it’s something that makes me incredibly, incredibly happy. It is the thing that makes me happiest on earth.
Calls: First // Second
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sailorspazz · 4 years
10 Dance Special Booklet - Taboo and Habanera [English Translation]
I present to you my project of the last few weeks: an English version of the comics that came with the Japanese special edition of vol. 4. (Thanks to @words-unleashed​ for providing cleaned scans!) Since it’s definitely not Tumblr Safe, the full scanlation can be found at imgur. com/a/HgbwYk1 (sorry to write it out weird, but Tumblr hides posts with external links when you tag search, so just copy and delete the extra spacing and you should be able to access it).
As a bonus, I also made a subtitled version of the track from the drama CDs that includes the “Taboo” portion of the story. The dialogue is mostly the same, with some additions/deletions, but if you want to hear all the steamy action as well as read it, definitely check that out, too. Since it was long, I had to split the video on Tumblr; start with the first half here (or escape this hell site and go to YouTube, where it’s all in one part: youtu.be/ B95vNjt-e6M , again need to copy and delete extra spacing)
Recently, I’ve been working on serious summaries of the chapters that have been released since vol. 5 (starting with #29 part 1). My true nature, though, is to be more snarky and make dumb commentary, so click below if you want a summary of these bonus comics (along with select Tumblr Safe images) where I just poke fun and be thirsty.
So after several volumes of the Shinyas making out without sexing each other, I guess the manga artist was like, “you know what, I’m not gonna have these guys fuck anytime soon (or ever, lol just kidding...or am I?), so I guess I’ll throw some smut crumbs to the poor, deprived shippers.” And we’ll take it and enjoy it, because we’re desperate.
The first story, called “Taboo: Just a bit” continues immediately after chapter 21, where Suzuki said that he’s okay with kissing, but no more! To which Sugiki’s immediate reaction seems to be, “Cool, cool...I’mma go ahead and find a way around that.” Also, he may be a bit insecure about the size of his nipples.
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Note: Sugiki’s nipples are important to the plot of this story. I’m dead serious.
Sugiki wonders about Suzuki not seeming to be bothered by him saying he’s adorable, but apparently Suzuki gets called that all the time. And in one of the greatest leaps in logic in history, Sugiki says that, since everyone always found you so precious, surely you and your male friends all touched each other’s naughty bits when you were kids, right? Suzuki’s like, UMM, NO, WHAT THE FU-okay, yeah. yeah, we did. And he assumes, oh, since Sugiki brought this up, he probably did the same thing.
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“lol, no, I didn’t do that. But I made you admit that you did.”
Sugiki’s closest experience to something like that was when he was in high school and another boy insulted him, beat him up, and then paid him and said he wanted to suck Sugiki off (quite the roller coaster, but okay). Suzuki’s like, oh shit, that sounds super fucked up, sorry to make you remember that, but Sugiki actually used the situation to his advantage by using the boy to develop his own skills. Those skills involved whipping the other kid with a stick, and teasing him with the fact that he never actually agreed to what he proposed.
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Baby sadist in training.
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Look at this man. That is all.
So as Sugiki uses their childhood experiences as a flimsy excuse to propose some dick touching, Suzuki notices something shocking: Sugiki’s nipples are hard!
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Suzuki Needs An Adult after making this discovery. And he’s so distracted by those sexy nips that he isn’t able to stop Sugiki from making a grab at his dick. Which, as it turns out, is a bit stiff.
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Top 10 Manga Betrayals: Suzuki’s dick getting hard from man nips.
Suzuki stays in panic mode for a bit, and when he snaps out of it he finds that his dick is no longer in his pants, but in Sugiki’s hand.
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He protests a bit, but then is like, fine, I guess I’ll let you jerk me off. And goes back to thinking about those nips and how bad he wants to bite them and squeeze them, and also how he’d really like to just fuck Sugiki for good measure, too.
But as for the eternal question of who would be fucking who, Sugiki tries slipping a finger in to test the waters.
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Which results in a big fat NOPE from Suzuki, so Sugiki just keeps jerking him until he gets off, getting just a mini facial as a splash lands near his mouth (we don’t see him lick it...but you know he wanted to).
As they’re getting ready to leave the studio, Suzuki brings up the “adorable” conversation from before, saying he’d imagine no one calls Sugiki that. Sugiki confirms that’s true, and Suzuki responds with:
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Look at this man. That is all (again).
The second story, called Habanera, shows us what the Shinyas do when they’re each home alone. Suzuki, in a desperate attempt to prove his straightness to himself, is planning a porn marathon.
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Meanwhile, Sugiki plans to watch a special DVD that features Suzuki doing a Q&A session. Which, for him, we can assume is the equivalent of watching porn.
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A look at Suzuki’s selections. Bruh, I don’t mean to kinkshame, but...pig farm?
Just as he’s about to get started, he gets a call from some random chick he used to bang. He has no desire to chat, though, and hangs up on her, but while jabbing at his phone, he accidentally hits Sugiki’s speed dial, and quickly disconnects in a panic.
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Rocking the Winnie the Pooh look here with his red shirt and no pants. Also, there are helpful warnings throughout the story whenever his (heavily mosaiced) dick is on panel.
Meanwhile, Sugiki is watching DVD-Suzuki talk about how to wink while dancing, and it’s making him feel A Lot Of Things
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Back at the fap shack, Suzuki claims that just seeing Sugiki’s name made him go limp, because, you know, he’s Definitely Not Attracted To Him. He talks to his dick, trying to get it to firm up again. His dick has a girl’s name (Machiko) and is shown in some shots as having a face and wearing a little bow (yes, it’s as weird as it sounds. no, I can’t show it here).
The next video he has queued up starts, and well, I guess this is that pig farm stuff he’s into (which really just seems to be a domme lady berating the viewer)
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Back at Sugiki’s, DVD-Suzuki has moved on to teaching how to blow kisses.
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Yeah, this is definitely porn for Sugiki. And as he watches this he’s a bit miffed that it seems like Suzuki acts a lot cooler when they’re not together.
Meanwhile, Suzuki’s fantasizing about the sexy lady dominating him...except, the person in his fantasy starts to change from a porn star to...
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Oh look, the man he’s Definitely Not Attracted To happens to show up in his fantasy while he’s beating off. He tries to make the image go away, but then eventually settles for keeping the face but having the rest of the body be the porn star.
Sugiki is practicing his kiss-blowing with DVD-Suzuki as his imaginary partner. And when he finds out that there are other DVDs like this one, he quickly starts searching for the back issues of these pornographic very educational videos.
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After Suzuki shamefully blows his load to the thought of the Sugiki-faced female porn star, his phone starts ringing. It’s Sugiki, returning the call he accidentally placed earlier. Though to Suzuki, the timing feels suspiciously like Sugiki had been watching him or something...
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captainsourwolf · 4 years
hey everyone. while deleting my sideblog, my main account got accidentally deleted. so if you still want to follow me, here i am. im still the same username, it’s pretty much the only thing that can be recovered. if you have any posts of mine, will search for me on your account and send reblogged posts my way? or try to at least? this is 10 years or so worth of content that’s now gone. im okay with most things being gone because they didn’t really matter that much. but my randl content? it really hurts to lose that. mostly my screenshots/edits, fics, that kind of stuff. 
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sage-nikolai · 4 years
A Queen’s Duty Update!
I have gone through the posted twelve chapters and cleaned them up! Most of them just has some typos or needed some minor clean-up in terms of dialogue flow.
Chapter 11 really needed a clean up and I apologize that this chapter was so rough when first posted. My beta got slammed with work and barely commented on the draft and okayed a chapter upload... but thought we were posting 10, not 11... I thought she was okaying 11 and posted it, thinking, since she didn't comment on it, it was fine....
The roughness of chapter 11 was only brought to our attention by AO3 reader Zeldawolf2000′s comment, so I thank them again here. Their comment actually prompted the revisions!
Anyway, No new information in chapter 11, but we both think its a better delivery now. 
Chapter 8 has some notable detail changes, but it does not really effect anything major going on. Just made Varian finally eat something instead of being snarky lol. Chapter 8 also had some dialogue flow problems, which have been edited.
Chapter 5 had some deleted dialogue inserted back in... Why did no one tell me I accidentally deleted a whole line of text adding a period. For the curious but lazy, it was in Arianna’s little monologue while in the cave, regaling her adventuring days. Nothing important really, but adds to the world building a bit.
... Anyway! Chapter 13 is in the editing process now! AND... this marks the end of my chapter buffer... The next few chapters are planned out and fleshed out... but are still in bullet points. So please be kind if I miss an update! 
I’m going to try to avoid another Chapter 11 situation and wait until I can have a final draft for you all before posting. 
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burnedbyshoto · 5 years
Welcome Home
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todoroki shouto x new mom!reader
warnings: just fluff
word count: 2,272
A/N: I accidentally deleted the ask....requesting this....and I was almost done with it...and because it was 4 a.m. and im blind, I pressed delete instead of edit...and I didn’t have it saved anywhere...so I actually cried about that but hey, I wrote it again anyways!!! so sorry anon about that, I hope you find this
Part One  Part Three  Part Four
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Shouto sat on the couch, gently rocking Kaito’s cradle as he attempted to put him to bed. A soft lullaby left his lips as he sang in an attempt to get Kaito to sleep so he could do something around the house.
You weren’t home at the moment; being that it was two weeks until you were expected to get back onto the field; you were spending the mass majority of your time training with friends and at the gym. Shouto honestly did not mind a single bit, as he was on paternity leave from his own agency, as he sat at home alone with Kaito. Midoriya and Uraraka have been over earlier and had helped to clean up the Todoroki’s slightly messy house as the new parents struggled to maintain their usual cleanliness with the baby now here.
Peering into the basket, Shouto was happy to see that Kaito was now knocked out. Standing up, Shouto made his way over to the kitchen to start preparing dinner for you and him. Being that you were working diligently and “Plus Ultra,” to get back onto the field, you had been following a really strict diet that had been personally created for your use. Today’s dinner outline was grilled lean lime chicken, a cup of vegetables, and a scoop of steamed rice. Normally the two of you cooked together, seeing that it was an enjoyable thing to do together, and was a nice way to end the day. But with these intense workouts that were making you come home exhausted, Shouto ensured having the meal ready when you stepped foot into the house.
As Shouto prepared the meal, his eyes fell onto a picture frame by the sink, and he smiled in memory. It was the same picture that Hagakure had sent through the chat, framed and placed in your house. When you had woken up and seen the picture, you had begged Shouto to get it in an actual frame, and Shouto who was whipped for you did just that.
Shouto smiled again as he remembered what it was like bringing Kaito back home the first night he was released from the hospital.
You were exhausted, to say the least. You had returned from the hospital in diapers because your uterus was still shedding its layers off and it just reminded you of a period but way worse. You watched as Shouto glanced at you through the rearview mirror, joy, and mirth in his eyes as you gently stroked your baby’s cheek.
You brushed the fiery red wisps of hair Kaito had into a similar fashion of Shouto’s high school haircut and smiled, by gene selection, you wished more than anything else that Kaito would resemble his father more than you. You wanted your son to be nearly identical to your husband.
“I’m going to put the bags in, wait for me to help you take out Kaito?” Shouto says as he pulled into the driveway of your house, but exits the car before you can disagree with him.
You watched in amusement and Shouto took in five huge bags with ease only to fumble with unlocking the door. You opened the car door, and unbuckled, groaning as you scooted out of the seat. Who knew post-pregnancy was almost as bad on the body as pregnancy?
Shouto’s hand appeared from nowhere as he steadied you to your feet and he studied your face as you winced, he kissed you softly, “Welcome home.”
You laugh as you can’t help but bring him down for another kiss, “It’s good to be back.”
Shouto grabs the car seat where Kaito is knocked out, and with a hand firmly pressed onto your lower back helps you into the house.
Shouto helps you onto the couch, and you sigh gratefully as he places the car seat next to you, and you take the initiative to get Kaito out. You snuggle your red-headed baby boy into your body as your husband walks around the house putting things away and preparing anything that hasn’t been finished three days ago.
“Shoucchan,” You call out as Shouto now only seems to be pacing, “I think you should take Kaito on a tour of the house.”
You watched as Shouto hesitated as he always did when you wanted him to grab Kaito, but nevertheless, you smiled warmly as Shouto walked over and took Kaito from you.
Thus your two boys embarked on a journey around the house. Shouto went to every room in the house, explaining what the room was, it’s purpose, and whether mama or papa designed it. “And we’re back to the living room,” Shouto whispers as baby Kaito opens his eyes, “It’s the room where mama relaxes the most, but we designed it together, shocking huh.”
Adjusting the support to Kaito’s head, Shouto can’t help but stare into his son's eyes that are identical to your own e/c and shape. Shouto can’t help but think that beyond anything, he wishes that Kaito will take on after you completely even if he inherited the Todoroki hair color. His thoughts were interrupted as he felt you press your body against his.
Shouto looks down at you, and you peer up at him lovingly, “I love you two, more than anything else in this world.” You whisper as the two of your lips are sealed together again. “Welcome home, baby Kaito.”
Recalling the memory makes Shouto smile softly as he looks around at what he’s cooking. He puts lids over the pots and walks away from the stove for a second, that is until he hears Kaito’s screams of unhappiness from the living room. Checking the time, Shouto realizes that it’s time to feed Kaito and that you’ll be home in thirty minutes.
Grabbing on of the many milk bottles you had left in preparation for your son from the fridge, Shouto warmed it up in seconds with his quirk before heading over to Kaito. Picking up his squirming son, Shouto managed to put the bottle into his mouth and watched in amazement as his tiny son finished the bottle in mere seconds. “Well someone was hungry,” Shouto speaks as he wipes away the slobbered milk leftover of Kaito’s cheeks with a cloth.
Shouto cradles Kaito into his chest and holds him close just before he catches a whiff of Kaito’s foul-smelling diaper. Humming to distract himself from his natural instinct to gag, Shouto calmly stood up and walked over to the kitchen and left the stove on the lowest of settings, and switched the rice cooker to keep warm before heading over to the nursery.
As Shouto changed the gurgling baby, he caught the eye of the baby monitor and smiled as he remembered another memory with Kaito.
Being a new mother had its plenty of perks, but by far the worst part of having a newborn was the fact that it cried through the night constantly. At only two weeks old, it was too early to force Kaito to sleep through the night, so despite the fact, you had accumulated a grand total of fifteen hours this past week, the sharp wails of Kaito had you shooting up from slumber.
You were so tired.
Since you normally slept entangled with Shouto, he was always awake when you went to calm down Kaito and always accompanied you to get your guy's son to calm down enough to sleep.
“It’s okay, sweetheart,” Shouto says as he pulls your body down back onto the bed, his own person getting out of bed, “I’ll get Kaito, sleep, you need to rest more especially since you’re starting training.”
Despite the fact you wanted to follow your husband to your son's room, you found you couldn’t move, so instead you grabbed your baby monitor and watched through the night vision camera as Shouto walked in, rubbing his eyes. 
Kaito was screaming his head off, demanding attention as Shouto picked him out of the crib and held him closely. So you lay in bed, watching your husband gently rocking your son back and forward all while the monitor was picking up the conversation Shouto was having with Kaito which made your insides melt.
“You know Kaito-chan,” You heard Shouto whisper as the baby lay his head on Shouto’s shoulder, light whines leaving his mouth as he refused to sleep, “You’re being really mean to your mama. She’s really tired nowadays, and your drama queen actions keep her up.” You watch as Shouto places a few pats on Kaito’s butt who was loving the attention.
“The thing is,” Shouto continued at his normal whisper, “I love your mama more than anything in this world, and you of course, but your mama is my everything. I’m telling you this now so that in the future if you ever get mad at me for defending and siding with your stubborn mama, it isn’t because I don’t love you as much as her, but your mama means so so much to me. The both of you do... so come on Kaito-chan, let’s go to sleep now.”
You couldn’t resist wiping the tears that had fallen down your face after hearing your husbands loving words, you blamed the stupid hormones. You continued watching until Kaito had fallen back asleep and you quickly put the monitor down as you fell back onto the bed, pretending to be asleep.
Shouto crawled back into bed, wrapping you up in his arms, and you cracked shuffling around to see him staring at you with the warmest look. “Were you listening, stalker?” He asks you, knowing the answer.
“Just making sure you weren’t turning my baby boy against me.” You whisper back teasingly.
“Sorry, y/n, but we Todoroki men are total mama’s boys.”
The two of you laugh together quietly but you can’t resist it anymore as you plant your lips on his, feeling the most awake you’ve been these past few days as he kissed you back with the same vigor. You smiled into the kiss as Shouto’s hands guided you until you were straddling his lap.
“Are you trying to bed me weeks after I gave birth to your son?!” You asked with amusement in your eyes as you broke the kiss from his mouth, trailing kisses down Shouto’s neck, his head tilting to allow you more room.
“I can’t help it, I’m really into new mothers.” Shouto teases back as his hands roam your body before grasping your hips tightly, only to be interrupted by a sharp cry coming from Kaito’s room. 
You groan slightly as you flop onto your back, “I think he doesn’t like me touching his mama.” Shouto states as you laugh before the two of you get up to get the crying baby.
After finishing changing Kaito’s diaper, Shouto returned to the kitchen with the baby in arms.
“Chicken,” Shouto said as Kaito pointed out towards the cooking chicken. He pointed to the vegetables, “Vegetables.”
Kaito smiled a gummy smile and Shouto smiled back pressing a kiss on his son’s cheek. Shouto looked at his phone when a text message alarm went off and saw a text from you:
running late! sorry! I couldn’t find my water bottle for the life of me ((spoiler alert it was in my hand the entire time I searched for it)) on my way home! don’t miss me too much ;) love you!!
Shouto chuckled at the message, your entire pregnancy fog brain was apparently still in effect, but he did not dismay as he set up plates for dinner, putting on the portions you required and put tin foil on it before placing it in the oven to keep warm.
Glancing at Kaito who was now sleepily closing his eyes, Shouto adjusted his grip on his son, “Let’s go take a nap while we wait for mama to get home?”
When you got home, you greeted the quiet house with your now usual whisper; just in case Kaito was asleep. You saw that the living room was empty, as was the kitchen, and you frowned. Shouto was still home, right?
Placing your gym bag by the couch, you walked to the bedrooms and saw that Kaito’s room was empty. “Shoucchan?” You called out as you headed to your room.
You opened your room door and paused in the door frame as you saw Shouto and Kaito sleeping on the bed. Kaito was curled up into Shouto’s side, whereas Shouto had a heavy hand on Kaito’s body to keep him from moving accidentally. You pulled out your phone and took a picture of your sleeping boys.
Kaito then woke up, his bed head resembling fire lit upon his head and you picked up your son from his fathers grasp. “Did you keep papa busy today, Kaito-chan?” You whisper to Kaito who was snuggled into your neck. “You little brat!” You turn your back to Shouto as you sway slowly with Kaito in your arms. 
Arms wrap around your waist and you look up to see Shouto burying his face into your free shoulder, and once more you feel content and safe as you meet each other for a kiss.
“Welcome home.” He whispers.
“I’m home.”
no bonus todaaaaay, sorry! but I hope you enjoyed this short scenario anyways! pregnancy, in theory, seems so nice, but I would literally burn the house down if I had a baby to take care of uwu but thats all for now folks :D
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mayorofmymla · 4 years
Cataloguing Party F.A.Q.
I made this F.A.Q for all following cataloguing parties for your and my convenience! The questions are listed chronologically in the order you may encounter them. I will link this post in the blog description. 
Q: What time does this start in x time zone?
A: I give all my dates and times in UTC which stands for “Universal Time Coordinated” which is exactliy why I use it. You can easily find out the difference between your local time and UTC by googling.
Q: Can you do a party on x weekday / later next time / earlier next time?
A: I try to mix it up, but Saturday seems to work for a lot of people! I will have polls from time to time, though, and you can vote on the date and time of the next party! I sometimes have “early” parties (starting at 5pm UTC) and sometimes have “late” parties (starting at 10pm UTC) and anything in between. Even earlier parties would be possible, but later ones are not, as the current late parties require me to stay up past 5am (!) local time.  
Q: What to do if I clicked on the link and there is no option to enter the queue?
A: The most probable explanation is that the queue is full at the moment - once it is no longer full, the little sign saying "queue is full" will turn into a little green button saying "join queue"!
Q: Can I take a screenshot of my place in line to come back to if I get kicked out? / I accidentally left the queue while on place x, what do I do?
A: Unfortunately, if you leave the queue (voluntarily, involuntarily or accidentally) there is nothing I can do for you and you will have to start over from the back of the line! Please keep an eye on the website as leaving the site or even your phone screen going black / into standby will cause you to lose your place!
Q: Should I update you on other details of my queue experience?
A: Only if you truly think it will help one of us in some way!
Q: I didn't get a place in the queue and it is very long, what do I do now?
A: If you have the time, join the queue as soon as a spot opens. If you do not have the time or the event will end soon, just join my next party! I will always have a few in a row with the same items so everyone gets a chance!
Q: Is there a fee to get into the cataloguing party ?
A: Absolutely not! It's completely free. But I do have a wish list if anyone wants to bring something for me!
Q: When will your island appear on the turnip exchance website?
A: Never! I mark all my events as "private" so they can only be visited via my link!
Q: Is there a limit to how long we can stay on the island?
A: Yes, there is a limit of 30 minutes so more people can attend! Please make sure to visit as soon as you get the code and to keep your visit sweet but short!
Q: I typed in the dodo code and it's saying the island is full/ someone is using their phone!
A: That is a very common problem caused by Nintendos irritating decision to have a cutscene every single time someone visits or leaves the island. Don't panic! Try again a few times and it should work itself out!
Q: Where should we put the materials for DIY items?
A: On the spot in front of the work bench!
Q: What materials are you short on right now?
A: dark wood, normal wood and clay!
Q: Do you have a recipe for x? / can you craft x for me?
A: Please understand that, during a party, I can only craft the items I specified in the post for that day! But if you really want a certain DIY item you can shoot me a message and we can trade or I'll include it in the next event!
Q: Where to put the tips / plant the flowers?
A: My tip area is in the upper right corner of the fenced off part! Visitors tend to just plant the flowers around it and I think that's a great solution! Thank you for your kind gifts!
Q: May I speak to the special character roaming the island / visiting the marketplace?
A: I'm not stopping you, but there have been issues with people who tried talking to Saharah (the camel) and their character getting stuck! So I wouldn't risk it!
Q: The queue website shows an error! Should I send you 8 messages, an e-mail and a Google + invite as well as call your mom?
A: No, please don't do that! As soon as the connection crashes, I run to the airport and have to click through what feels like 500 lines of dialogue to reopen it to then edit the queue site within 5 minutes (!) so the queue doesn't get deleted. It's stressful. So if (you get kicked off the island and) there is an error message on the turnip exchange site, just wait a few minutes. It will go away if I was quick enough and everything will be fine!
Q: Will you block me if I'm impatient, annoying, and / or rude?
A: Absolutely! :)
Q: I got kicked off the island while still carrying some of your items and I am very sorry! What should I do now?
A: Firstly: Don't worry! I know you didn't mean to take them! If the queue is short and you can come by again and drop them that would be very nice! If it's not, that's okay! I'll re-order the items in time for the next party!
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herkiss-theriot · 4 years
Lol I know absolutely no one asked but here I am, arbitrarily ranking Kid Krow songs because this is a music blog now apparently and it’s my favorite album so far this year. Feel free to shoot me an ask for any elaboration or other opinions lol. Sorry for the long post. I would add a keep reading but I’m on mobile and the mobile app is somehow worse than the website. I’m also not tagging this so if this gets notes it’s not my fault. Also I’m editing the post em to say that I think this whole album is amazing and it pains me not giving every album a 10/10 bc they’re all so good
Comfort Crowd - 11/10
One of the best album intros I’ve heard compared to other albums I like. It means a lot to me and is overall a really easy song to listen to in basically any mood but is a great pick me up I think it also has one of my favorite lines on the album “you say through a sigh that I said that line already”
Wish You Were Sober - 8/10
A fun song to listen, has some solid lines. Not very relatable in my experiences but that’s also not the point lol. Favorite line(s): “knees weak, but you talk pretty fly, wow” “gettin’ good start saying gotta bounce”
Maniac - 8/10
One word titles are always fun but also -2 for some ableist language. Ik that’s not always at the top of Woke Cultures to do list but it’s a real problem and provides for some cringe vernacular choices sometimes. Overall it’s a pretty good song and is definitely one of the best on the album that’s playable even outside of the album/to people who arent into Conan. Conan apparently describes it as an “upbeat bedroom pop banger” according to genius which I guess, yeah, but what a way to describe a song. Favorite line: “we had magic, but you made it tragic”
(Online Love) - 9/10
First interlude if the album which is very exciting. Very cool idea to say that he thinks this love could be more if it were in person which translates well into current scenarios. Has a really cool guitar pattern and a nice ending. -1 bc it’s 30 seconds long favorite line: “I can’t help but imagine what maybe could’ve happened if we weren’t just an online love”
Checkmate - 10/10
Ik this was released pre-Kid Krow but god it’s one of his best songs and I’m so glad it made it on the album. It’s just got such a good energy about it and I always love chess analogies. And Ik Kid Krow Isnt a concept album by any means but I love the story arc going on of finally catching on. Favorite line(s) “cry me a river till you drown in the lake” “holding your hand but in the other one, baby I’m holding a loaded gun”
(I wrote parts for the cut that always bleeds and fight or flight and then accidentally deleted them so rip me sorry if they’re a lil short/less in depth)
The Cut That Always Bleeds - 8/10
It’s overall a great song and is really emotional but -2 bc I ugly cry to this song and get asked if I’m okay a lot lol favorite lines: “I don’t love you anymore” a pretty line that I adore”
“Can’t life another minute bleeding from my back cause I don’t have another one for you to stab”
Fight or Flight - 11/10
What a song. There’s not a lot I can say other than that it’s literally one of the greatest songs I’ve ever heard. It’s got some of the most genius song writing that I’ve heard on an album in a while. Also when I was learning to drive with my Nana i had a playlist that would go from Comfort Crowd to Fight or Flight which is an experience I recommend everyone have at least once in their life. My only criticism of this song is that it’s perception of cheating is a lil Disney-channel-esque” which maybe doesn’t make sense and also I’m fairly certain that he writes from personal experience and who am I to say he can’t write what he wants lmao.Favorite line(s) “id rather lie than tell you I’m in love with you” (one of my favorite lines EVER) “they also didn’t know that our lover loved us both.
Affluenza - 7/10
A fun song but is kind of a lot in my opinion and seems vaguely out of touch. However I do agree with the overall sentiment of eating the rich (also if you’re a trinkets fan I think this is a good song for an Elodie playlist or maybe even Tabitha depending on the perspective.) although I will say it’s a really good take on the idea of affluenza as a concept. favorite line “give me none of your affluenza”
(Can We Be Friends) - 6/10
Ik it’s an interlude so it’s kind of the point but definitely a skip most of the time even though I think the line “if anybody fucks with you I’ll knock their teeth out” gods hard. I just think one minute is a really weird time frame for a song. Sub one minute is just short enough to want more and 1:30 and perfectly acceptable for a song but one minute is v awkward
Heather - 10/10
Not amount elaboration would ever be able to perfectly encapsulates how gorgeous the idea of this song is. This idea that you wish you wish you could be someone else because you feel that this other person is otherworldly and is more deserving of the person you love. That feeling is gut wrenching. Favorite line “why would you ever kiss me, I’m not even half as pretty”
Little League - 5/10
I’m so sorry it’s just such a skip. I don’t know why but I can’t listen to this song. It reminds me of a big time rush song for some reason which isn’t a bad thing but every time I try to listen to it I think about how I think it’s a btr copy 😭 also when I do listen to it makes me cry a lot and yearning for a youth that I let waste away and I hate feeling actual feelings so minus points for that. Favorite line “when we were younger we wore our hearts out on our sleeve, why did we ever have to leave? Little league” I think it’s my favorite bc it can be interpreted in a couple of ways and I’m too tired to get into it rn
The Story - 10/10
Simple. Beautiful. One of the first Conan songs I heard. My friend was a huge Conan fan and so I listened to a couple songs like generation why and crush culture but she saw him in concert b4 kid Krow was released and took a video of The Story and I absolutely fell in love. The first time I heard it I sobbed. This idea of paralleling a bunch of failed loves and friendships in order to justify why you think yours will work is so cool and I love it a lot. Favorite line “I’m afraid that’s just the way the world works but I think that it could work for you and me.
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