#okay thats enough from me i am shutting up now no more dumping on tumblr dot com
megatraven · 2 years
what did you gain in life for loving cyprin?
everything :)
i became more comfortable with myself and the world around me. i learned more about myself through them.
i have gained a handful of incredibly wonderful friends. we don't talk all the time, but i treasure them all the same, and i'm better for having met them.
i gained love, in many forms. for a wonderful character who embodies love. for myself. for humanity. for my friends who entertain my ramblings about them. for the writing (i follow the writer's work still and love all of it <3). for the world, that could create a character that inspires so much love from me.
because of them, i've greatly improved my art. i draw them all the time (and the other astoria characters) and am always seeking to get better, because i love to make art of them, because it brings me joy to express my ideas involving them. the same goes for my writing, too.
i've gained a newfound appreciation for deer; they always make me think of alex, which in turn makes me happy.
there was a time where me and a friend (sarah!) were just going wild bouncing ideas off of one another here on tumblr and it was so fun, i hadn't had that kind of exciting fandom engagement since earlier ML days..... i missed it. i miss it again. but i'm thankful to have had it for as long as i did.
when i hear just about any song, it brings them to mind, especially if it's about love. it sounds better. it feel it more intensely.
i don't think i've ever loved love quite so much before them.
i spend so much of my time (all of my time) thinking about them and the depths of their love and devotion and wishing that i might find something close to that someday.
how do you love someone so much that you would fight against a god for them, knowing it would kill you?
how do you love someone so much that you just want them to be happy, no matter what else happens?
they inspire me to learn to love that strongly. i am trying every day to put more love into the world.
do you see?
i've gained everything from loving them. love and friends and joy, the feeling of inspiration, the desire to create, the need to explore every potentiality, every possibility. i have felt sadness and heartache and resonated with them in a way that i haven't with any other character. i have learned to hope again, for a better world, for a better self.
i have gained. everything.
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romanssippycup · 7 years
Undeniably Important Chapter 8: Logan’s Notepad
Hey everyone! Got some exams out of the way. I’m doing alright, but glad to be done with the brunt of it all. SUPER stoked for new Sander’s Sides video, but Thought I might write while I’m waiting. Part 3 of Surgery should be coming out within two days. And then After all the prewritten chapters of UI (Name curteous of @remmythepegasis) have been posted on tumblr, I’ll start continuing on this fanfic. Love you guys and I hope you enjoy! Btw, this is a HUGE chapter and might take a little over 10 minutes to read. Lol.
Hint: Time is important in this story...
Chapter 1 – Chapter 2 – Chapter 3 – Chapter 4 – Chapter 5 – Chapter 6 -- Chapter 7
"Well, theres not much to tell." Princey looked down at the ground with all the eyes on him. "We were, acting civilized for the first three minutes. We both had different ideas so we didn't really fight over clothing. That is, until we grabbed a hold of that grey shirt." Roman motioned upstairs. "It was an accident on Anxiety's part, *cough* I beg to differ *cough* but it was unintentionally tossed on top of your tall dresser Thomas."
Thomas nodded letting him know he was still listening.
"I climbed up the dresser to grab it, but the dresser couldn't stand upright with me holding onto the side of it. Thus, I fell backwards. If Anxiety hadn't...saved me. I might have been squashed."
Gasps were heard in the room, mainly from Patton.
"Anxiety you saved Roman!? I'm so proud of you kiddo!" Patton had finished his potatoes and there were literal stars in his eyes from pride.
"Ugh." Anxiety rolled his eyes. "Look, I only pulled him out of harms way."
"Another reason deduced that you are more than just Anxiety." Logan looked Anxiety's way who only avoided eye contact with the Logical trait.
"Well. I'm so glad that the Outfit War went mostly okay. It's alright Roman. I'm sure Anxiety won't make you wear anything too embarassing. Right Anxiety?" Thomas gritted the last question through his teeth.
"Psh. We'll see. He shouldn't be concerned, remember? I do have fashion." Anxiety smiled victoriously.
"That's still worrying." Roman growled.
"Now Anxiety, don't go choosing an outfit thats inappropriate." Patton advised. "Make sure all privates are CLOTHESed off."
"Oh my god Patton! Pffff!!"
"Patton your not helping my nervousness!"
All Logan did was sigh.
"Hahaha!! Alright you guys. Always a pleasure to talk with myself. Joan and the others are coming to pick me up at 4:30 pm. What time is it now?"
Logan checked the stopwatch. "11:16 am."
"Great! We all got some time to kill. I guess-"
"Oh wait!" Logan interjected. "This is yours." Logic held up the stopwatch so Princey could see it.
"Hm? What? Oh yes!" Logan's interjection startled Princey from his humbling daydream and he caught the stopwatch in mid air as the Logical trait passed it to him. Roman snapped and the stopwatch dematerialized in his hands.
"Oh and don't forget the coat rack, tape, and sharpie I brought up." Logan reminded him.
Roman irritatedly glared at Logan and snapped. A small light illuminated from Thomas's room, confirming the leave of the items used for the Outfit war. "Your welcome." Prince slightly sneered at Logic.
Thomas looked at the other traits. "Ca-can I talk now? Because I'm really tired of people cutting me off." He glanced at Logan who looked at the ground guiltily. The other traits looked at each other and didn't interject. "I can? Great! Again thank you and I really have nothing else for you guys. So, I guess be ready by 5:00 or however you guys come with me to dinner. I'm still trying to wrap my head around this."
"Do not fret over it too much, Thomas." Roman assumed a fanciful pose. "It's nothing for you to be concerned about, but I must go, because I need to remove all my clothes from my living quarters and dump them in Anxiety's room. So...toodles." He wasn't very enthusiastic about this at all and began to sink down.
"Wait Princey, I'm coming too. To make sure you don't hide anything." Anxiety began to sink down with Roman.
"Hide anything?! Are you suggesting that I would cheat?"
"No, but I am going to help carry your clothes so you don't 'accidently' cheat."
"Excuse me count dracula! But I am a knight and and a noble and I always play fair!"
"Sure you do. Thats what you said when you snuck $10,000 behind my back the last time we played Monopoly."
"Okay! Okay. You're right. Ugh, can I at least keep my underwear in my room?
"What would happen if I said no?"
"Oh come on!!"
"I'm just kidding...Sorta."
Their banter faded as they sunk out of Thomas's apartment.
"Well, this was fun! I just hope Anxiety doesn't do anything too horrible to Roman. Anyways I'll see you all later. Oh, Logan you might want to check your desk. Bye kiddos!"
"Bye Patton!" Thomas waved to him.
"Desk?" Logan was confused for a second. Then it hit him. "Oh no..." His gaze shifted to the right at the bottom of the banister. His notepad was no longer there. He reached his hand over and felt around the area where it was. No luck. Then he checked his pockets. No luck there either. His first deduction was that Patton had took it. At this thought, the shade of white Logan's face went was almost equal to that of Anxiety's foundation.
"You alright Logan?" Thomas worriedly asked.
"Ahem. Yes Thomas I am quite alright. Well its time for me to go. I will see you tonight. Byeeeee!" Logan tried to regain his composure as he left in a hurry.
"Goodbye?" Thomas was genuinely confused.
As soon as Logan materialized in the mind palace he ran to his room and closed the door behind him. He was going to scower his desk for his missing item when he noticed it was cleaner than he had left it this morning. Someone had definitely been in his room.
On top of his now clean desk was a card with Patton's hand writing on it and series of small giftboxes. To the right of these was his notepad he was missing. Logan sighed in relief seeing that he was now in possession of it again. But, it still troubled him to think that Patton might have looked through it. He pushed the thought aside and returned his attention to Patton's series of gifts.
Logan couldn't help but give a small smile at the elder aspect's generosity. Even when Patton knew Logan could never actually understand or give something back in return, he was still willing to give. It was one of the few times that Logan wondered what it would be like to have emotions. If he did have feelings, would he be able to give something heartfelt back that meant something to Patton? These series of thoughts were troubling his mind, so he began to open Morality's presents to further avoid more absurd assumptions from entering his brain.
3 minutes earlier...
"...Oh come on!!"
"I'm just kidding...sorta."
Roman and Anxiety teleported inside of the mind palace. Princey faced his room with a reluctant look on his face. "Well. If you can believe it I'm actually glad you came to help me, because we have a lot of loads to carry."
"How much clothes do you have?"
"All the clothes. I have all the clothes."
"Alright well you better help me. I'll just place it outside your room and then you can figure out what to do with it from there." Roman half strutted half sulked to his room from the hallway leaving Anxiety only a small amount of time to put his plan into action.
If there was another thing besides his name that Anxiety had been keeping from his fellow sides for a long time, it would be his area of control over the mindscape. One of these areas is duplication, where he takes one item and duplicates it making two of that same item.  Anxiety had not had enough practice with this power to tell if there was a difference between the real and the fake, but he figured it wouldnt matter much because no one would be suspicious. Or that Logan wouldn't be supicious, to be exact.
Anxiety quickly took out Logan's notepad, made sure no one was looking, and duplicated it by using both hands to pull the copy out of the original. Both notepads were still the same size, had the same marks, and were wrinkled in the same places.
"Perfect..." Anxiety muttered under his breath as he put the real notepad back into his pocket. He turned around to go put the copy in Logan's room when he was met face to face with Patton who had his hands full of presents and a card. Both traits were equally surprised to see each other and the states that they were in.
"Jason Toddler! Are you coming?" Roman called out from his room.
"Yeah. I'll be right there. Patton wanted to say something."
Roman audibly sighed. "Okay."
Both Morality and Anxiety broke eye contact and ran into Logan's unlocked room. Their next conversation was full of whisper shouts.
"Patton what are you doing here!?"
"I could ask you the same thing kiddo."
"I'm returning Logan's notepad. He dropped it."
"Thats funny considering the fact, that you were just holding two notepads in your hand. Did you steal it from Logan? Thats not very nice."
"Patton! I-er-ugh fine! I did, but don't tell anyone else about this, especially Logan."
"But, Anxiety its not right. How would you like it if somebody took something of yours?"
"Look. Here it is!" Anxiety winced slightly as he held up the fake notepad. He hated that he was lying to Patton, but he had already gone great lengths to take it out of Logan's possession. He couldn't stop now. "I'm just putting it back." Anxiety set the notepad on the far right of Logan's desk confirming his words.
"But what about the-" Whoosh. Logan had just materialized in the mind palace cutting Morality short. The increasing thumps of footsteps confirmed Logan's approach. The two intruding aspects shot each other panicked looks as Anxiety teleported out of Logan's room and back into the hallway, leaving Morality to arrange his presents on his own and escape in the nick of time.
Anxiety and Morality stood out in the hallway as naturally as possible as Logan ran into his room and shut the door.
Anxiety sighed and looked Morality. "Don't tell anyone about this." He glared sternly and walked off towards Roman's room, but stopped suddenly. "Please. Please don't tell anyone."
Morality sighed sadly. "Okay."
Anxiety kept walking. "Coming Princey."
"Finally! Here's my clothes since you were so keen on making sure I didn't cheat." All of Roman's clothes began flying from outside of his room and bouncing off Anxiety's room door. Had Morality been in a better mood, he might have laughed. He tried to focus on what Logan's reactions to his presents might be as he tried to get his mind off of his edgy son. His thoughts weren't enough.
2:15 pm.
Anxiety had been in the comfort of his room for a whole hour without getting interrupted. He was changing and making himself and his makeup look more presentable especially after everything he had been through today. This included the Outfit War and moving all of Princey's clothing to his room. Speaking of clothes, the pile stacked almost as tall as the ceiling itself. And all the colors just seemed out of place in the dimly lit, dark room. They almost hurt Anxiety's eyes just to look at them.
After he was finished with getting ready, he plopped on his bed and scrolled through tumblr for the umpteenth time. He put his free hand in his pocket lazily when he felt something rectangular. Logan's notepad! He had completely forgotten about it. With his curiosity rekindling again, Anxiety put his phone down and pulled out the real version of Logan's notebook and began to flip through it.
Most of the pages had been taken up, and it seemed as if there were different sections of the notepad set aside for different purposes. The first section held a ton of random facts and trivia. Typical of Logan. The second section was filled with questions that when answered they were scratched out. Anxiety spent some extra time in this section looking for questions pertaining to him. He spotted one.
What is Anxiety's real name?
It wasn't crossed out, thankfully. But no where else in that section could he find a question that pertained to his role in the mind palace so, he moved on.
The third section was full of Tic-Tac-Toe, connect the dots, and other strategic pen games. These were apparently all of Logan's attempts to defeat himself. Anxiety was more freaked out by this than impressed, so, he moved on again.
The fourth section were doodles. Doodles of mostly dogs. Just page after page of dog doodles. So many dog doodles that Anxiety had began to wonder if Patton had stolen it from Logan himself. Anxiety checked Logan's handwriting to clarify and sure enough, Logan was the owner of all these dog doodles, not Patton. He flipped through each page carefully until he got to something that stunned him. It was a doodle of Patton playing with a dog. It wasn't a bad drawing either. It looked just like him.
Anxiety turned the second page. Another doodle of Patton playing with a dog. And a third. And a fourth. Each one better than the last. Until he got to the 17th page. There was a picture of just Patton and it looked so realistic. Anxiety had no idea Logan could draw that good. He was speechless.
He carefully turned the next page to see another page full of doodles, but these doodles were hearts. Anxiety could tell it took Logan a very long time before he was able to draw a heart right, but once he did, he drew them everywhere. The last page of the section was another doodle of Patton, sitting inside a heart with a big smile on his face. This slightly melted Anxiety's dark heart, as it made him think of the Fatherly aspect and how good he had been to all of them.
He turned the page and found himself in the next section...except...it was very repetitive. And humorous.
"The prince is stupid."
"El principe es estupido."
"Prinsen er dum."
"Princeps stultus."
Just the same phrase in a multitude of languages for about six sheets of paper front of back. Anxiety laughed and took a picture of each page on his phone. Maybe he'd use one or two.
The next section was vocab words. They were devised into categories of Learned and Needs Learning. Most of the words on Logan's lists made Anxiety laugh so hard that he was having trouble keeping himself quiet. Just imagining Logan trying to pronounce and use all these slang words drove him into a fit of giggles. He finally decided to move onto the final section of the notepad: THEORIES.
This is what Anxiety was initially aiming for. He began to flip through the pages looking for what exactly Logic thought about him. Let's just say...Anxiety got more than he bargained for.
Taglist: @mewsicalmiss @here-to-vent @anonymous-snake @cup-of-blue @storytellerofuntoldlegends @cookieartcannon @thagrinbery @ts-sideblog @protecterofalltheaus @pasteries-and-portugal @justanotherpurplebutterfly @remmythepegasis @leesacrakon @kitsuneprideleader @fancifulfox @dolphin-squirrel @evilmuffin @petunia9402 @greymane902 @we-get-it-youre-adorable @withoutfandomsiamnothing @irrelevantbutfabulous @allmycopshowsarecancelled @virgils-jacket @just-fic-me-up @evanisonfire @fandomsandnonsense7 (Let me know if you want to be tagged. :) )
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