#days where i cried and cried and couldnt stop
megatraven · 2 years
what did you gain in life for loving cyprin?
everything :)
i became more comfortable with myself and the world around me. i learned more about myself through them.
i have gained a handful of incredibly wonderful friends. we don't talk all the time, but i treasure them all the same, and i'm better for having met them.
i gained love, in many forms. for a wonderful character who embodies love. for myself. for humanity. for my friends who entertain my ramblings about them. for the writing (i follow the writer's work still and love all of it <3). for the world, that could create a character that inspires so much love from me.
because of them, i've greatly improved my art. i draw them all the time (and the other astoria characters) and am always seeking to get better, because i love to make art of them, because it brings me joy to express my ideas involving them. the same goes for my writing, too.
i've gained a newfound appreciation for deer; they always make me think of alex, which in turn makes me happy.
there was a time where me and a friend (sarah!) were just going wild bouncing ideas off of one another here on tumblr and it was so fun, i hadn't had that kind of exciting fandom engagement since earlier ML days..... i missed it. i miss it again. but i'm thankful to have had it for as long as i did.
when i hear just about any song, it brings them to mind, especially if it's about love. it sounds better. it feel it more intensely.
i don't think i've ever loved love quite so much before them.
i spend so much of my time (all of my time) thinking about them and the depths of their love and devotion and wishing that i might find something close to that someday.
how do you love someone so much that you would fight against a god for them, knowing it would kill you?
how do you love someone so much that you just want them to be happy, no matter what else happens?
they inspire me to learn to love that strongly. i am trying every day to put more love into the world.
do you see?
i've gained everything from loving them. love and friends and joy, the feeling of inspiration, the desire to create, the need to explore every potentiality, every possibility. i have felt sadness and heartache and resonated with them in a way that i haven't with any other character. i have learned to hope again, for a better world, for a better self.
i have gained. everything.
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rayraelleaizawa · 3 months
They say something hurtfull in an argument
TW: sad, slight angst, fighting
Characters: Shanks, Beckmann, Mihawk
Side note: a bit ooc cause they'd never say something like that but we live for angst
Part 2: Making up after an argument
"Why do you always have to be drunk?" i asked him as he woke up with yet another hangover. Being together with Shanks is amazing, he loves you, he gives you everything you could wish for and more, but there is one thing you hate about his beheaviour: the constant drinking.
"Because we are pirates, we have to party" Shanks answered with a grin before he groans due to his headache.
"This drinking will kill you one time, do you know that? It's also a huge downturn in bed when i want to kiss you and all i can smell is alcohol on your breath." You kept on complaining, tired of this. "Alcohol damages your body so much, do you want to die so much earlier or what?" you snapped at him.
"Maybe I need something to make me feel better about your constant bickering." Shanks said with a growl, the grin disappearing.
You halted in your tracks. A look of hurt crossed your face as you shut your mouth close. Sadness welled up inside you at the thought, that you were also a reason why he kept on having this extremly unhealthy habit.
"I'm sorry then" you said quietly and walked out of your shared quarters, now probably only his quarters, cause you werent sure if you want to go back there and sleep next to him.
You were just worried about him, why didnt you notice that you were annoying him with that? You never said anything, helped him out of all his problems that he caused by himself with his childish demeanour, you only scolded him when he hurt himself. He never hurts others, he only lets himself get hurt. And that frustrated you beyond believe.
Didnt he know how much you cared for him? Did he even care? Are you even enough to make him start to look out for himself?
Tears rolled down your cheeks as you hid yourself in an empty room on the ship. You tried so much to accept his drinking habbits, you didnt even ask him to stop, just to not be drunk 6 and a half days of the week, and that every week.
You burried your face in your knees and cried. Where you that insufferable that he hurts his own body just to be able to endure your company? If you left, then he wouldnt do this to himself anymore, right?
Benn Beckman
"Really? Another one?"
You say annoyed as you watch your boyfriend light up another cigarette.
"Yes. Another one."
He plainly answers. You guys had this discussion before. You wanted him to smoke less, he said he'd try to but the amount doesnt get any less.
"Benn this really damages your lungs. Cant you please try to smoke less?"
You asked again, and he sighed annoyed.
"They help me relax."
You started to get annoyed by his short answers.
"You could relax with other stuff. You could take a bath, or i could massage you, or we could just spend time together."
You suggested as he sighed out audibly annoyed.
"And you think after all the work and stress I have the whole day I want to spend it around a person which constantly nags on me and where i cant let my mind settle even a bit?"
He snapped, looking at you angrily. You looked at him with an unmoving face before you adverted your eyes. You didnt want to show him that his words hurt.
"I'm sorry, I didnt know you couldnt let your guard down around me."
You said defeated, turning around and slowly walking away. You could hear him say your name quietly but you didnt want to turn around. You just walked under deck and into your cabin. You sat down on your desk and started working, tears running down your face as you felt a coldness within you.
Does he not trust me enough? I didnt know that I am a stress factor for him.
Dark thoughts pleagued your mind as you tried to just work through your feelings. You tried to not be even more of a burden. Tears ran down your face, some of them hitting the desk and some hitting the papers with the lists and research about the treasures your crew had gotten lately.
Benn works so hard, and I never made him feel better. I just added to his stress. He'd be better off alone, right?
Dracule Mihawk
"Could you please tell me when you plan on leaving?"
You said to Mihawk as he came back after two months without telling you that he'll be gone.
"Why? I have my own free will if i remember correctly."
"Because I worry about you when you just suddenly disappear! It isnt that hard to just leave a note or something when you cant tell me in the face that you have to leave."
You were angry at him. What did he think? He was your boyfriend so why couldnt he just tell you when he left for weeks?
He puts down his hat and went to get some vine but you stopped him. Him not even looking at you makes you feel like you're unimportant to him, that this whole matter is of no interest to him.
"Do you really care so little about my feelings? Or am I just a nuissance to you right now that you cant even stop walking when I talk with you."
He then looked at you, annoyance but also a sign of being unbothered on his face.
"You're acting like a child. If I leave again and dont come back you'll at least know why now."
He said that so matter of factly that you were stunned about his coldness. He moved around you to the kitchen to grab some vine, and you just stood there.
Did he really just say that I am the reason why he doesnt want to come home anymore?
You shook your head slightly, recalling his words again and trying not to be hurt by them. As you hear his steps starting to come back, you hurried out of the room and into your shared bedroom. Tears streamed down your face as you tried to make it make sense.
When did he start hating to come back to you? What exactly was so annoying about you? Why didnt he just tell you that he didnt like your behaviour anymore? Does he even like you anymore?
All those thoughts were running through your head as you packed the little clothes and stuff you owned. You didnt touch a thing that he bought for you. If he wanted to leave and not come back, then you will make it easier for him and leave on your own. That's what he wants, isnt it?
After you finished packing you quietly stepped out of his castle and made your way into the woods. Tears were still streaming down your face, but you ignored them. This was for the best, right?
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grugruel · 7 months
Bad News 1 |
Parts: 1/2, read part 2 HERE
Parings: dbf!bucky x f!reader
Inspired by, Call me by your name
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Summary: Your fathers best friend accompanies you and your family to your summer house in the country. Sparks ignite as you grow closer, secretly spending one-on-one time together at night.
Words: 3.7k
Warnings: plot with smut, secret-relationship, angst, choking, praise kink, petname (doll), oral sex (f recieving), pinv sex, fingering, creampie, c*ck warming.
AN: Ill make it into a series if yall like it, please enjoy!
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Baring Throats
I leaned onto the windowsill, one arm stretched into the cool night air, holding a half smoked ciagrette as I rested my head in the crook of the other. A song filled the empty night, small birds and morning doves serenaded me beautifully, the occasional cranes interuppting with their paired cries.
I took a puff, exhailing slowly as I admired the view overlooking the garden, the vast grass plains surronding the house and the tree line in the distance. It separated us from the forest, obscuring the lake behind it and hiding all things wild. I glanced down the long road leading up to the house, and found a man walking along it.
Bucky, heading back from another venture into town. Perhaps he had visited a lady friend, which he had a good number of, perhaps it wasnt any of my concern. It shouldnt bother me, yet, it did.
I found my mind drifting, painting a picture of him in a bed, sweaty and naked, laying next to another woman and a spark of jealousy flared up inside me. The sound of footsteps on a gravel path approached, bringing me back to the moment, I blinked the images away and rebuked myself.
Looking down to the ground, my eyes met his. Smiling, I greeted him amd leaned over the sill. Nothing on but a thin t-shirt and a pair of panties, goosebumps prickled my skin. He smiled back at me. We looked at eachother in silent understanding, our business remaining our own. Wordlessly we communicated, I took another drag of the cigarette and he gestured for me to give him one, I held my index finger up, indicating for him to wait a second as I grabbed the pack and lighter from my nightstand, in turn tossing them down to him. Graciously he caught them and lit up, I nodded my head inside, asking him to join me. He took a long drag of the cig, considering me carefully, but he shook his head. Smiling increadolously, he pointed at me as if saying, "youre bad news" then snuffed his cigarette and went inside.
I heard him walking up the stairs, toward my room, the footsteps stopping just outside my door. Please knock, I begged, he seemed to be considering it, but a moment passed and then another, and at last he left. Entering his own room instead, opposite mine.
This had been our routine for the past few weeks, both being night owls, we'd sometimes encounter eachother on the premises. Coming from our separete affairs, but never asking the other where they'd been. We'd share a snack, talk in hushed voices, hold in laughs and shush eachother when we inevitably were to loud. It became our little secret, not because we did anything innapropriate, but simply because it were a few moments that belonged to just the two of us. Talking about things we couldnt talk about with anyone else. It had been innocent at first, but at some point had that charming smile of his begun to make me blush, at some point had his touching become more tender and at some point did our night time talks stop being accidental, but rather sought out. Last night, we'd come dangerously close to kissing and I think alarm bells sounded for the both of us, which is why we kept our distance tonight.
Dissapointed I went to bed, falling asleep with unseemly images of my fathers best friend clouding my mind.
I slept late into the next day, the sound of heavy rain battering the roof roused me from my sleep. As I got ready to go about my day, I found a note slid under my door, my lighter was inside, along with a few written words "Smoking is bad, you know. I'd better finish them for you :)" Chuckling, I saved the note, tucking it into my nightstand. Wiseass.
Due to poor weather and lack of outdoor activities, the family + one was gathered in the livingroom. My parents on one sofa, dad holding an arm around my mom as they read from the same book, my brother in the armchair and Bucky on the other sofa, everyone reading a variety of something. They all looked up as I entered the room, feigning surprise that I had finally joined them.
'Good afternoon stranger.' my father chuckled. I kissed my mothers cheek in greeting, she smiled sweetly and squeezed my hand in response as I passed them.
'About time you graced us with your prescence' Bucky teased, making my brother and mother join in with the cheerful joking.
I smirked and shook my head, waving my hands dissmissively, 'Very funny, I blame the weather.' I said and gestured toward the sky, sitting down on the empty seat next to Bucky. I laid my legs in his lap and leaned back against the armrest, propping my head up on a pillow. A conversation was struck up, talking about what I had missed, discussing resent books and making plans for tomorrow, it seemed like we'd go to the beach. Ocasionally, Bucky would grab and squeeze my legs when talking, in the same way some people gestured to get their point across.
As the chill of the evening drew closer, we lit a fire in the hearth and grabbed blankets. But a shortage occured, so I had to move closer to Bucky, he laid an arm across my shoulder as I curled up intill him so one blanket would be enough for the both of us. We grabbed a few bottles of wine, dusted off the old board games and got down to business. A heated game of monopoly ensued, followed by a short dinner break, eventually resulting in very drunk charades. Bucky and I teamed up, two versus three and we won regardless. Were all very competitve people, safe to say that none of us went to bed feeling very sportsmanlike that night. As the evening wound down, so did our energy, the wine was taking its toll. My legs were tucked against Buckys chest as I leaned my head against his shoulder, he circled his arms around my legs and rested his chin on my knees. Lazily the five of us talked for a while longer, enjoying the pleasent atmosphere of the night while we were still contious to do so. Eventually though, as laughs turned into yawns, Bucky and I offered to stay behind and clean up while the other three departed. Tidying went by quickly, we made a good team. As I discarded the last of the dishes in the sink, he put his hands on my shoulders and kissed my forehead, trying to keep his focus on my eyes, 'Go to bed, doll. I got the rest.' He said, smiling sweetly, attempting to act sober and rubbed my shoulders tenderly.
I looked at him with hazy eyes, 'If you say so.' I answered, smiling lazily, then went upstairs. Between our rooms, there was a french balcony. It stood wide open, my parents had presumably opened it in a drunk hot-flash to let air in. I was headed for my room, but my mind drifted to the crisp, sublte wind calling my name. My feet changed direction by themselves, and magically I appeared in the opening.
Leaned against the doorframe, I fell half asleep, the rain had devolved into a drizzle, but the air was damp and pleasantly chilly against my skin. Involuntairy shivers took over my body, but I was to tired to move. I heard distant footsteps behind me, coming and going, and eventually coming back again. The steps approached and strong arms circled around my shoulders, a warm body pressing up against my back. He'd covered himself with a blanket, holding the ends in his hands and gift wrapped me into his embrace. I held onto his forearms, a smile kn my lips as I basked in his warmth.
He rested his head on my shoulder, 'You were gonna freeze.' He explained himself, whispering against my ear and sending a cold shiver through my spine. I leaned my head back against his chest, sighing happily as we stood silently, appreciating eachothers presence. I drunk his scent in as our breaths matched up, the birds singing for us once again.
'I want my cigs back.' I complained, drunkenly disturbing our peaceful moment.
Bucky chuckled, 'I dont want you to get cancer.' He protested, half-joking.
I turned around, alcohol causing the bounderies of a long friendship to blur. I placed my hands on his chest and met his eyes, looking at him through my lashes, making them as big and pretty as a puppys 'Please?' I asked kindly.
He looked at me with adoration in his gaze, removing the blanket from himself and covering my shoulders with it. A smirk curved his lips as he looked at me, shaking his head in defeat. Wordslessly his manmersism spoke for him, 'Youre bad news." they told me, and this it would get the better of him. He grabbed my hand and led me into his room. Once inside he let go of me, opened his window and began rummaging around his dresser. I leaned my back against the windowsill, grabbing the lighter from my pocket and crossed my arms, wrapping the blanket tighter around me as I waited, watching him with a smile on my lips. His arm shot up into the air, displaying the packet proudly as he found them, 'I'll give you, one.' He told me quietly, a stern expression on his face.
My mouth fell open in disbelief, 'I payed for them!' I exclaimed, forgetting myself. Bucky put a finger to his lips in a shushing motion, and walked up to me. He took a cigarette out of the pack and opened his hand expectantly, I gave him the lighter and he lit his cig, taking a puff and leaving it between his lips. He rested his elbows on the windowsill behind me and leaned forward, leveling his head with mine. Moving past my head, gracing my cheek with his as he blew the smoke out of the window, then leaned back. He had one arm on each side of me, crossed behind my back, he had me pinned between him and the window. Our faces were inches apart, both painfully aware that this wasnt appropriate of a daughter and the family friend, but the wine had pushed out any reason or logic of our minds. I couldnt help but look away, suddenly shy. Luring a smile from him as he observed the way a blush crept its way up my cheeks. I took the cig from him, my fingertips acidentally grazing his lips, and placed it between my own. I took a puff and faced him again, our eyes locked, sharing hidden thoughts through transparent gazes.
Energy sizzled in the air, building onto the tension between us, magnetizing it, pulling at the invisible string that connected us. 'Let me taste.' He whispered, inching closer. I hesitated, before slowly exhaling the smoke as he breathed it in, sharing the toxic cloud between us, poisoning our judgement. I felt myself drawn closer to him, the string pulling taunt on both ends, his lips a mere ghost over mine. Temptation coarsed through our veins, causing heavy breathing as we fought our urges. But we both gave in, in the end.
Our lips met in a soft kiss, he moved his arms from the windowsill and grabbed my waist. I was taken off guard, but welcomingly so. Complicated feelings bounced through my mind, but I couldnt back down now. I hurridly snuffed out the cigarette against the sill and snaked my hands around his neck as I kissed him back, pulling him closer. His hands found their way under my shirt, sliding up my torso until his fingertips touched the plush flesh of my breasts. He inhaled sharply, the oxygen returning to his brain as common sense flooded back to him. He shook his head in an attempt to clear it, this was his best friends daughter. He tore free from the claws of desire, grabbing my arms and unhooking them from his neck, he backed up. I reached out for him, but he pulled away, sitting down at the end of his bed, he laid his head in his hands, a labored sigh leaving him.
'We cant, you know we cant.' He whispered, voice muffled against his palms. I did know, but I couldnt help it. I sat down next to him, wrapping my arms around his, grabbing his bicep as I rested my head against his shoulder. He sat straighter, letting one of his hands fall to my knee as the other stroked my hair, he kissed the top of my head.
'I just- Why did it turn out this way?' I asked him quietly, my voice quivering 'I know we cant, but. . .' I paused, thinking of the right words. His hand slid from my hair to gently caress my cheek, then tracing his fingers finger along my jaw until they found purchase under my chin and tilted my face to meet his. I searched his gaze for something unknow to me, 'I need you.' I whispered foolishly, my eyes watering, 'This is all your fault you know, your stupid smile and caring words.' I laughed mirthlessly, keeping my eyes locked on his, as a tear threatened to fall.
He cupped my face with boths hands, looking at me with a sorrowful expression as he leaned his forehead against mine.
'Bucky, please.' I whispered, leaning into his touch 'If you cant have me, stop this.' I pulled one of his hands from my face, clasping my own around it and kissed his palm softly before letting it fall to my lap.
'I cant get stuck. . . Wanting your love if you cannot give it to me.' I told him quietly, squeezing his hand as my voice broke, I leaned back, meeting his eyes again, pleading, 'Please say something.'
But he remained quiet as his eyes welled, admiring my blushed, tear streaked face.
My eyebrows furrowed, not understanding how he could be so cruel. A tear finally rolled down my cheek and my chin quivered in disbelief, I was nothing more than a naive girl to him.
I looked away, not wanting him to see the pain he caused me. I took his silence as a rejection and moved to stand, but he grabbed my wrist, stopping me from leaving, 'Let me go.' I cried silently, unwilling to face him as tears streamed down my cheeks. I stood again, pulling, trying to unclasp my hand from his grip but I could not, 'Please Buck, I cant do this.' I croaked, looking up at the ceiling as I tried to blink my tears away.
'Look at me.' He ordered softly, but I refused. 'Doll.' He whispered in warning, but hearing his name for me only made my cry harder, I pulled on his grip again but he was unrelenting. 'Sit, please.' He asked this time, desperation burried in his voice.
'No.' I answered, resolute.
As I was not cooperating, he took matters into his own hands. He pulled me back down and cupped my face as kissed me harshly, I fought him out of anger, but quickly melted into his touch, all was forgiven, it had always been.
He deepened the kiss, pushing his tongue into my mouth, moaning from just the taste of me. My hands found their way to his brown locs, burrying themselves, while his hands felt their way down my body. We fell backwards onto the bed and he cilimbed on top of me, pushing his knee between my legs to separate them. His lips found my neck, trailing kisses from my jaw to collarbone as his hand kneaded its way up my thigh, my skirt catching on his wrist. His lips left my skin as he sat up, scaring me for a moment as I thought he changed his mind. But he climbed down to the foot of the bed, knees on the floor and hooked his hands under my kees, pulling me to the edge of the bed. His hands found my panties and ripped them off, I gasped from the sudden gust of cold air hitting my wet core. He kissed my thighs, licking and nipping as he worked his way inwards, panting inbetween pecks, desperate to taste me. He looked up at me, meeting my eyes as he hovered over my core, his breath fanning over my clit, he looked like a crazed mad man. The anticipation was overflowing, I bit my lip, nodding for him to go ahead and he dove in. Lapping at my clit, tasting me. I almost screamed from the sudden sensation, but covered my mouth at the last second. I rutted my hips against him, hoping for further friction, but his hands grabbed my hips, holding me down so he could please with intention. I whined, grabbing at the sheets, pulling on them for support, It wasnt enough.
'More, more.' I moaned, and he obligingly latched onto my clit, sucking as two of his fingers found their way inside me, thrusting and curling at my pleasure. Breathy moans escaped me as I was getting closer to cumming.
'Close, real close' I managed with a mumbling voice, he squeezed my hip in reassurance, telling me it was alright. I hummed as the knot in my stumache pulled tighter, he pushed another finger inside me and im convinced I saw the light. I came tumbling over the edge, stiffling another scream by shoving my face into the bed. And as I was catching my breath, he kissed his way back up to me, climbing on top once again, he snaked one arm under my back to pull my shirt off, freeing my breasts, then lifted my hips to take my skirt off, followed by his own shirt and sweats. He was huge, no surpise there.
'You okay?' He asked, and I hummed in response, cupping his face and pulling him back up to my lips, kissing him with a burning passion. He pulled back, 'Use your words girl.' He said sternly.
'Need you.' I whispered, kissing him again.
'You sure doll?' he asked against my lips, I nodded enthusiastically.
'Please, Ive never wanted anything more.' I assured him. He hooked my leg onto his knee, raising it to get better access to my opening. I circled my other leg around his hip and he lined himself up with my entrance.
'Look at me.' He ordered again, and I met his eyes, gazes locked deeply as his tip teased my entrance. I admired his beautiful face as I circled my arms around his shoulders, preparing for whatever was to come. Suddenly he slid inside me and we gasped in unisome, he didnt move for a second so I could get used to his size. He stroked a strand of hair behind my ear as he admired my face, 'My beautiful girl.' He whispered, making my heart beat faster.
He pulled out of me and thrusted in again softly, setting a slow but intent pace. Each thrust took my breath away, all the while he was grunting in my ear. His hand found its way to my throat, closing around it and squeezed, putting slight pressure on it and stealing another moannfrom me in the process. He graced his nose against my cheek, kissing my jaw as he thrusted deeper, and I met them with desperate ruts, 'C'mon doll, just like that.' He encouraged me in a breathy voice, that alone couldve been enough to make me cum. He trailed kisses down my chest and latched onto my breast, taking it into his mouth, sucking and nibbling at my nipple as his hand found the other, kneading it intently.
'Getting- closer.' I hummed, but his thrusting slowed, eventually stopping completley. 'Buck?' I questioned, and he let go of my breasts, pulling out of me completley, pleasure and confusion mixed my mind into a strange mess. He backed up, grabbed my legs, raising them and in one solid motion hooked them onto his shoulders and thrust into me again, deeper than ever before. A loud moan tore through me, to blided by the feeling that I completley forgot about being silent. His hand quickly covered my mouth as he began a ruthlessly deep and hard pace, rocking my entire body. His mouth quickly replaced his hand, kissing me deepley, passionateley, in rythm with his thrusts.
'Almost there, doll.' He mumbled between kisses, I nodded, not able to for words, but I was close to. The knot in my stumache terribly close to coming undone once again. His thrustingbecame rougher, harder as he closed in on his orgasm, hitting that sweet spot every time. Our breaths were nothing more than frenzied moans, his pace faltered, giving it all he had for a few last thrusts before we both came undone. Warm liquid spurting into me as he collpased on top of me, resting his head in the crook of my neck and kissing my skin softly as we cought or breath, 'Good girl.' He whispered, 'My good, good girl.' He panted, still inside me as his seed slowly, sippered out of me.
My heart fluttered at his words as I fought to keep my eyes open, the alcohol and exhaustion from the day along with the bliss of our secret activities were catching up to us. He laid an arm around my ribbcage, pulling me closer to him, I hooked my leg over his hip and curled up to him. I gave him a quick peck on the lips as he kissed my forehead, and we fell asleep in eachothers arms.
I woke up later in the night, but in my own room. I wouldve thought I had dreamt it all if it wasnt for the blanket tucked tightly around me, still smelling of him.
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Read part two HERE <3
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ppnuggiex · 11 months
Howdy! I saw requests were open, but if not then please do ignore this one!
It's kinda crack? But mostly angst to comfort, essentially something goes wrong in reader's alchemy class and they get hit by an extremely strong spell that makes it seem as if they're dead, but really they're just in a super deep sleep. So once the spell wears off, they wake up right in the middle of their own funeral cuz everyone thought they were dead. Gender neutral pronouns for the reader with riddle, kalim, malleus and floyd as the love interests! In headcanon format as well pretty please!
      TWST x gn reader
    『 riddle ,, kalim ,, malleus ,, floyd ,, gender neutral reader    』
  -> reader gets hit w/ heavy deep sleep spell n characters think theyre dead
  — fluff ,, sfw ,, crack ,, a bit of angst
  — this ended up being a little more on the humorous side 😭
- kalim
| • hes so distraught ,, hands on his head as he freaks out and shakes you violently . jamil finds out and facepalms . mr crewel told him nothing was wrong ,, to just give you time but kalim couldnt .
| • he swore you had died ,, and because of that he done held a big fancy funeral . he done invited all the dorms and everything .
| • you woke up when he was in the middle of talking about how you were such a nice and loving partner ,, how he wished you didnt have to die this soon .
| • get this man a tissue bc he starts bawling when you whip that coffin open .
- riddle
| • hes a bit more calmer than kalim in this situation ,, taking care of you whilst you sleep . but he always felt like something was off .
| • that was until one day he went to check up on you ,, your skin was oddly cold and he couldnt feel your breathe or see your chest move when you did breathe .
| • he may or may not have panicked at that point ,, checking your pulse and not feeling anything .
| • riddle thought the spell done killed you then ,, after all you didnt have any sort of resistance to magic so it was a possibility .
| • cue him tending your funeral and trying his best not to start crying in front of all those people .
| • you were his partner ,, his life and joy and now youre gone . or so he thought until you threw that coffin door open and smacked the person speaking right in the face .
| • and standing up in the coffin and falling face first out .
- malleus
| • bro acted the same as kalim . he did not stop to think about checking your pulse or anything . his immediate reaction was that you died . and all the sudden it started to rain very hard .
| • he starts acting like a child who lost his mom ,, panicking and shaking your body as much as he could .
| • then he pulls out some shakespeare typa shit ,, going on about how woe is me ,, my beloved hath died ,, taking from his grip as your soul was dragged away from him .
| • he has a small funeral for you ,, ready to speak for you when a miracle happens .
| • you awaken !! malleus is so shocked he gets a little teary eyed ,, running over and making sure youre okay before getting all baby girl .
| • in the end you walk out carrying him bridal style whilst sebek is fretting over his image .
- floyd
| • he thought this was one of those pranks people do to their pets . where you record yourself pretending to be dead to see what your cat does or something .
| • so he kinda ,, kicked you a few times and is all like ,, wake up shrimpy this isnt funny .
| • then jade has to break the news of the possibility you mightve been struck too harshly by the potion and maybe youre just ,, yknow ,, passed on .
| • floyd refuses to believe it ,, you couldnt have left him . you wouldnt do that to him . you wouldnt abandon him like that .
| • as much as he hates to admit it ,, he definitely cried a bit that night . he shows up for the funeral ,, still in disbelief youre dead .
| • but boooyy is he whipped when you ended up being asleep . he doesnt care who’s there ,, he runs over and rips you out that coffin so fast .
| • blames you for worrying and leaving him ,, and makes you promise not to do something like that again .
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rogueshadow1124 · 1 month
Platonic¡Jason Todd x Batsis!Reader, slight platonic¡Dick Grayson x Batsis!Reader
Summary: Over a year ago to this day Jason died, his younger sister found him at the scene but was too late to be able to stop his death- she ended up blaming herself and vowed to visit his grave...
Word count: roughly 1805
Warning: mature language, mentions weapons/some violence.
The youngest Wayne, strolled through the graveyard that was set a light by the neutral tones that seeped out of the lampposts nearby. Y/N made this a weekly occurrence, she couldnt seem to push away the thought of her older brother not being here anymore, she couldnt come to terms with the fact that he was indeed gone.
She came to a stop at the grave she visited everytime she had a chance to. Jason Todd, a loving brother and son forever in our hearts and never to be forgotten, 1990-2012. Y/N had always admired her older brothers but more so Jason as they were the closest and had a similar persona, when she found out he died a year ago to this day she completely broke and nobody knew for sure if she could be fixed.
"Its been a year Jay, a whole goddamn fucking year." The girl dropped to her knees, reaching towards the ga stone to set a hand upon it. "I'm hurting Jaybird, everything hurts so much and I dont know how to stop the pain. I dont even think its curable, I'm broken, I've become a unrecognizable person." Her head dropped, tears seeped out of her eyes and dripped down the curve of her cheek, trailing down her neck. "Dick said I needed to speak to someone, maybe a therapist but I refused. Bruce- he's given up. Alfred's trying to keep us together but it's not working. We need you- I need you."
A buzzing echoed through the air as her phone started to vibrate in her pocket, she let out a heavy breath while reaching down to grasp it and see that Dick was calling. Her thumb swiped across the screen to accept the call before pulling it up to her ear.
"Y/N/N where are you?" His voice rumbled through the other end of the device, he sounded panicked yet calm at the same time.
"Dont worry Dick I'm not gonna do anything stupid okay I'm just doing a usual weekly round, I need space, I need you all to stop treating like I'm still a child and let me mourn in my own damn way. I can handle myself, maybe it doesnt seem like it but I'm still here arent I?" She let out a sob at the end, her hands shaking as she let out a laboured breath this time, closing her eyes in an attempt to calm herself.
"Y/N can you come back home, theres something really important we need to discuss..."
"What part of 'I need to be alone' dont you understand Richard?" She heard her brother sigh on before the sound of a few things being knocked over and then Bruce scolding someone in a hushed tone. "I'm going now."
"No, wait. Y/N!" She ended the call, placing her phone back in her pocket. Her head tilted back up to look at the grave infront of her, her thoughts ran wild in her head as she tried to figure what she could possibly say next. In reality she was speaking to nobody, there was nothing but silence but she felt a huge amount of relief lift from her when she 'spoke' to Jason.
Her eyes then narrowed in frustration, hands coming up to tug at her hair while more tears blurred her vision and suffocated the soft surface of her face. Small, audiable cries passed her lips in distress and sadness, her body shaking from her crying and the slight chill of the cool midnight air that flew within the atmosphere.
Y/N hated the feeling of loneliness. With Jason being gone that's exactly how she felt, sure she had her other brother but Jason was the one she confided in, he was her protector. He reassured her, he was her shoulder to cry on, he was her rock and without her rock she had nothing to go back to, to lean on when she needed comfort-
She pushed herself up to stand on her feet, looking down at the gravestone before spinning on her heel and speeding down the narrow paths. Her hands came up to pull the hood of her jacket over her head, trailing down to slip into her pockets that were the only source of heat to radiate through her hands to stop them from becoming numb on this cold night.
The cars whizzed passed on the Gotham roads, horns blaring and tires screeching as they sped by.
Y/N only ever came out at night, it was a time where she could set free from her mind- not fully but it was relieving while it lasted. She hated the silence that surrounded her daily, though she all but loved it at the same time. When it was silent she would drown in her own thoughts however if someone broke the silence they would ask the same questions and suggest what could help her.
A hand shout out from her left, hauling her into an alleyway. She yelped at the sudden force, her back cracked slightly when she was slammed into the brick wall behind her making a groan slip from her lips. Her deep blue orbs, that now seemed to be duller than ever peered up at the attacker- dressed in fully back and had a light grey mask covering their face.
"Y/N Wayne." Came a male voice, sounding quite sinister.
"Who's asking." She replied dryly, leaning back into the wall as the male tightens his grip on her shoulders.
"My boss. Your father seems to have upset him and he doesnt take things like that lightly sweetheart." The man pulled a gun from his back pocket, bringing it up to hover over her face, the cool metal sliding it up to the bridge of her nose to rest against her forehead.
"Do it. Kill me." Her words never faltered which surprised the man, her hand raised to grasp the gun and pull it further towards her head, eyes crossing as she peered up at the gun.
"Oh, who would have thought. The Y/N Wayne begging for death." The man teased, tilting his head to the side as dark eyes pierced her own through the holes in the mask.
"I've got nothing left to loose. I'm miserable. Do it, just pull the trigger. Do it!" She pushed forwards as the mans finger went to pull at the trigger, eyes screwing shut as a rush of anticipation ran through her veins as she waited for the quick way out of life. It never came.
Her eyes peeled open to see another person, a metallic looking red helmet hid his whole head, a brown leather jacket along with a black shirt and dark, tight fitted jeans and a pair of matted jet black combat boots. The new comer held the attacker up by his throat as he rithed under his grip, hands clutching onto the gloved hands that wrapped around his neck.
"You're so dead." The red masked vigilante grumbled out in anger, his hands tightened around the other males neck making breathing a hard task to do before the attacker slowly grew limp in his arms and was dropped to the ground.
"Who the hell are you?!" The girl whispered shouted, looking him up and down. Her eyes trailed to the man on the floor who lay unconscious- maybe, possibly dead. She fell back against the wall, hands by her side as she threw her head back and sighed.
"What do you think you were doing Y/N?!"
"How the fuck do you know my name?" She stood back to her full height eyeing the vigilante with a puffy red eyes from when she had been crying not so long ago. She watched as a gloved hand moved up and hooked under the metal helmet, tugging at it so it revealed a face. A very familiar one at that. "No. Please. Oh- no."
"Y/N/N I know this seems weird right now okay, let me explain." Jason spoke, holding his hands out to her as she shook her head repeatedly and whispered a bunch of 'No's' and 'this isn't real'.
"Your dead, yo-your supposed to be dead. I-I saw your body, I didnt make it in time." She sobbed out loudly, looking directly at the 'replica' of her older brother. Her brows furrowed and her lip wobbled as she continued to cry uncontrollably. "A year ago today, we found you dead!"
"I-I was resurrected months ago Y/N, I'm here. I'm real. I promise." Jason stepped forwards slowly, pulling the broken girl into his embrace. The sound of a motorcycle revving sounded in the background making the no longer dead Jason look over his shoulder to see Dick in his nightwing costume.
"Did you find her, please tell me you found her." Dicks voice echoed within the alley, breathing out a breath of relief when jason moved his form to reveal the crying girl. "Oh thank god."
A slap suddenly came to fill the secondary of silence along with a Yelp. One of Jason's hands flung up to cup his burning cheek while his eyes met with Y/N's fiery gaze, her hands set on her hips as she continued to sniffle, tears still venturing down her cheeks.
"Y-your telling me you've been alive for months?!"
"W-well yeah, I-" he tried to respond but was near to immediately cut off by his younger sister raising her hand and waving it around.
"I-I'm miserable. Broken even, for a whole fucking year I was and your telling me you have been alive for a few months. I saw your body Jason, I was the first to find you and I completely broke when I knew I could have done something to prevent your 'death'." Her voice became softer as she relived the memory, images flashed through her mind as she recalled what she had seen when she found him dead.
"Y/N I've told you millions of times it wasnt your fault. Nobody could have stopped it from happening." Dick stepped to stand beside Jason so both of them were infront of her, a small smile etched onto his lips when she rammed into him, wrapping her arms around his waist and buried her head in his chest.
"But what if I could have prevented it Dick?"
"Theres no way you could have sweetheart." Jason stated, running a hand through her messy locks that splayed upon her head wildly.
"I love you Jaybird, so much. I missed you." She turned around and attatched herself to Jason, jumped in his arms which made him laugh as he caught her and she wrapped around him like a koala bear.
"I missed you too, little bird."
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burnedwriter · 1 year
thinking abt alhaitham/kaveh/itto with a s/o who practically acts real bossy with them but becomes absolutely dumb when they get fucked. if its okay w u, could u pls write abt them (or any one of them) railing the brains out of their s/o after a day of bossing them around? no rush, and feel free to write as you please! thank you!
A/n:thank you anon for the req!,i apologise for the wait,i didnt forgot your req,my inbox is in flames right now soooo,i hope you enjoy,i wrote about all 3 of them because i just couldnt choose one
warnings:smut,!gender-neutral language used,doggystyle(itto),against the table(kaveh),degrading(alhaitham),rough sex,teasing,gagging.
🌱al haitham
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''are you done bossing me around all day you little slut,dont forget who is the real boss here''al haitham groaned in your ear,his chest pressed against your back as he pounded into you.
''what are you too cock drunk to answer''he teased you seeing no reply from you but only moans,his fingers deep inside your mouth gagging you as you drooled all over them,unable to form a single sentence but only reply with moans.
Al haitham thrusting into you at a fractic pace,his frustration showing with each one of his thrust,one more brutal than the other.He wasnt the hotheaded type nor the type to loose his cool at anything,and now you learned the hard way that you fucked up really bad on why you shouldnt make him mad
His strong thrusts knocking the the air out of your lunges,as you held into the bed sheets for dear life,al haitham was not going to stop anytime soon and its was going to a long night for you.
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''oh kaveh please~''you cried out,your legs pushed onto either side of your head as kabveh fucked into your hole,he couldnt hold back anymore,he tried to be patient with you but afte today you took it too far with your bullshit,couldnt you wait for one hour until he was done with his assignment or do you wanted him to fail?you were suprised he was so patient for so long.
''where is your bossy attitude now hmm''kaveh said with a mocking tone,seeing how your eyes rolled at the back of your head everytime he trusted into you,your mind felt hazy.
''i-im sorry kaveh''you tried to beg for forgiveness from him but you were too fucked out of your mind to form a sentence,your mouth gapping open the only thing coming out being your moans.
''by the time im done with you the only thing you will be screaming is my name''he huffed still frustratedas his pace never slowed down and became more brutal.
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itto is not the type to loose his but....he was so done with you,he already had kuki to boss him around all the time but you...you were a different type of bossy,you wouldnt stop talking until what you wanted got done.
''fuck itto slow down~''you whine,itto showing no mercy as he pounded deep into you at a brutal pace,while he pulled your hair as he fucked you from behind.
''You think you can boss me around''he growled his merciless pace never stopping one bit,you mind felt blank unable to think a smart comeback anymore you were basicly moaning mess at this point.You have never seen the oni be so frustrated with your attitude before which was really out of character for him to do so.
itto hit your sweet spot over and over again with his cock earning more moans from you in the process,brace yourself because it was going to be a long night for you as the oni wasnt going to stop anytime soon until he gets his messages across.
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rosezza · 19 days
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warnings: smoking, strong language, soft!jj, mentions of violence/abuse
you were laying on your bed, reading a book you got from the library down the street 3 days ago. you couldnt really dig into it, not finding it as entertaining as you hoped it wouldve been. you sighed and closed the book, placing it down on your stomach as you stared at the ceiling.
your quiet, peaceful time was interrupted with a few knocks on the door, quick ones. you pushed yourself off your bed. taking a coat from your chair as you walked, throwing it over yourself as you made your way to the door. it was probably your mother, wanting to talk about how beautiful her day was or anything else she could think of. she usually came at this time, wanting to visit now that you finally got yourself your own apartment.
but you were wrong.
when you opened the door, there stood your bestfriend, jj maybank, or— ex bestfriend. his hair messy, cuts on his cheek, bruised throat. he was breathing heavily. his eyes half closed as i stared at your confused and shocked face. your lips parted as you took in everything "jj?.." your voice almost a whisper. him and you had not spoken for soon over a year, suddenly he was at your doorstep, all bruised up. he had stopped talking to you without a reason, but you never reached out.
he looked away from your eyes, almost embarassed to be standing here "im-.. i- can i come in." he uttered out before clearing his throat. you nodded slightly "yeah– yeah ofcourse" you said softly as you stepped to the side, allowing him inside. he looked stubborn, like he always was. you could tell he was hiding away emotions under that mask of his. because he usually did.
"what happened?" you asked gently as you closed the door behind you. ,,dad happened" he muttered quietly, trying to keep his composure. your face softened at the mention of his dad, you knew how hard he had it with him
"you're the only one who knows about that– and.." he swallowed "nobody else would get it they would just.. call the cops or sum." he added as he rubbed the back of his neck "im sorry i just came here out of nowhere i just didnt know where to go.." his voice broke a bit as his lip started quivering slightly "fuck i'm stupid.." he brought his hands to his face, covering his eyes
you shook your head and walked closer to him, your arms hooking around him warmly, embracing him like you used to do before. "shh.. its alright, im here" you reassured softly. his arms wrapped around you, hugging you close as tears started running down his face, his composure falling down, showing his vulnerable side to you. but only to you.
your fingers gently caressed his back as he cried into your shoulder, small sobs escaped his mouth as he clung onto you. it had been a while since you were this close to him, but you still recognized his scent of cigarettes.
"im fucked— i've distanced myself from you because i'm a bad influence.. but i can't live without you anymore" he cried into the crook of your neck as his hands pulled you closer to him, his fingers digging into your shirt, gripping it tightly, almost as if he was afraid of losing you again.
"hey its alright, okay? its okay, you can always come to me i don't mind. you don't have a bad influence on me, jj." you mumbled, your fingers still tracing his back, trying to soothe him
he gently pulled back, his glossy eyes staring into yours, his lips slightly parted, a cut visible on his lower lip. he was quiet for a while, he had something on his tounge, threathening to spill out. your gaze darted from his one eye to his other "whats wrong?" you asked softly, his blonde hair hanging over hia forehead. his mouth opened a bit more but he hesitated. until he finally spoke
,,the real reason i left was because i fucking fell inlove with you."
taglist: @rafeownsriley @necroflame
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h4venpha · 1 year
↳ 𝐆𝐋𝐎𝐖 — vash the stampede
fluff, angst, insecure vash
sorry i just couldnt stop thinking abt vash who cries when hes soft
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vash is already bundled up in the comforter when you enter the quiet bedroom. his breathing is practically inaudible until you come up to the bedside and he looks so much smaller curled up under the covers. quietly, you crawl into the bed, the mattress dipping slightly under your body. he barely stirs.
even as you tuck yourself into the blankets, he doesn’t turn around or acknowledge you. his blonde hair is disheveled across the plush soft pillows and the blanket is rumpled around his frame, anyone else would assume he’s already fast asleep, but you know better.
you shuffle closer, his back is turned towards you, but he’s wide awake, clutching the covers as he stares at the wall with hard eyes and pursed lips. he wants to desperately turn over and pull you close, but something deep inside him is holding him back. whether it be guilt or humiliation, he felt undeserving of any ounce of love.
it’s more of a time-to-time thing. where he would suddenly come to the realization of “maybe i’m actually not worthy of this at all, what have i done to deserve this?” it often led to nights of his self isolation and self hatred for the things he’s done and the things he could if he didn’t keep himself in check.
and you know exactly when vash gets into that kind of mindset: when he talks a little less, he simply doesn’t interact with you as often, or his touches don’t linger as long as they usually do. sometimes these phases last mere hours and some others could take days before he snaps out of it. he just needs a little bit of reassurance is all.
gently, you wrap an arm around his waist and press yourself against his warm back. and there’s no doubt, he’s tense under your touch, but it doesn’t sting you at all.
he’s awake; you can easily tell by the way he breathes. you press a soft kiss to his shoulder and listen to how his breath hitches lightly at the contact. you knew, if you take it too quickly, he would only run away further, harder for you to bring back down to you, so you kiss him slowly. kissing his the back of his neck and shoulder.
and vash knows, he knows what you’re doing, he knows you’re trying to help him out of his mind; gently scooping him out of his own head into your arms. and it only worsens his state: that you were willing to take the time to care for him knowing he has issues with love sometimes. his heart aches so much, he feels tender all over because of your small actions.
you are kissing along his back when you begin to hear him sniffle. its small and quiet, but in the silent room, its easily heard by you. and immediately you’re calling out.
“vash?” you whisper softly with concern laced into your voice. “vash,” he begins to tremble, suddenly humiliated because he knows you know he’s crying. and he feels stupid and a little bit silly.
you turn him around with a hand on his shoulder and he lets you, regardless of his feelings. a small blue-ish white light emits as he begins to turn and when you finally look at him, his face is lined with his bioluminescent plant marks. delicate glowing line patterns on his forehead, down the bridge of his nose, and chin, leading down over his throat into his shirt. your heart softened, you grew fond of his marks because of moments like these.
“come here…” you whisper softly and take his face in your gentle hands, his tears spilling from his eyes as you hold him close. you gently wipe them away with your thumbs as you look down at his lips. “i know, i know vash, it’s okay,” you brush his blonde hair from his face, and he has to advert his eyes from yours. his tears continue to spill, the vulnerability almost too much for him.
vash feels so— so raw. so raw and open to be crying in front of you. like he ripped a hole in his chest and showed you all parts of him. and it burns and aches so badly, but he can’t help how he craves your touch, how he craves your love even if he doesn’t want it.
you press your forehead to his and close your eyes, the light from his marks turning into a soft glow behind your eyelids. his breathing is rough and shaky as he cries softly. you know words were hard to get to him when he was like this, so all you do is gently stroke his cheek and breathe. and naturally vash follows.
shaky hands reaching up to grasp your wrists as his breathing begins to fall into pace with yours. his heart aches a little less and he feels himself start to come back down. he begins to relax once more, sighing, suddenly very aware of how exhausted he feels from crying. behind his eyelids, the blue-ish glow fades back to darkness and when he peels his damp eyes open, the first thing he sees is your face. your face filled with concern and so, so much love and care it almost brings him back to tears.
“…better?” you ask quietly as you notice his breathing even out, you wipe his damp eyes one last time. vash doesn’t say anything, he just hums softly with a small nod, the noise rough and hoarse sounding as it emitted from the back of his throat, it was obvious that he had been crying.
his relaxed hands release your wrists and they slowly make their way down around your waist. you let him, you let him do whatever he needs to do to feel comfortable again. his arms wrap around your waist as he presses himself into your body with his face against your neck, hair ticking your neck
and he’s so warm, his breath against your skin and his chest against your stomach. you feel yourself getting sleepy as you wrap your arms around him, and this time, he’s not tense.
“i love you,” you whisper against his forehead, your hand reaching up to his crown of hair, gently petting him. even at your words filled with such meaning and intimacy, he doesn’t waver anymore. instead, he squeezes you closer and pulls you in more.
vash hoped you would understand. he hoped you would understand how thankful he was, how much he loved you even without saying it. pressing you closer to his chest, he hoped you understand that this was hard for him, it was overwhelming and scary sometimes; vash hoped you understood how much he loved you.
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myabsurddreamjournal · 7 months
Fate (part 2)
Soldier boy x fem! reader
Summary: Reader is a scientist who is forced to work at lab that they keep soldier boy frozen, she talks and cries to him when she is alone, thinking he can't hear her but he hears everything.
With the sound of emergency alarm she shoot up from her bed, almost falling the floor, then she heard gunshots. It was just like that night, the night they took her. Tears were already forming in her eyes. She needed to get out.
Without knowing where to go, She started to walk towards stairs. If she could be quick she might have a chance.
Gunshots were louder now with screaming sounds.
She was running like mad person, looking for a door, a window. Anything to get her out of here
But suddenly she stopped.
Ben was there. She couldnt leave him here.
she started running towards opposite direction
"Oi who the hell are you.,?"
it was the first thing she heard after stepping in lab. A tall man with black hair was holding gun to her face. He looked like he would fire the gun any moment. Everything about him screamed danger.
Then she looked at floor.
arms, few legs, burned and disfigured bodies where everywhere. Everything bloody and red. She closed his eyes in horror.
-"Speak or i will shoot you." he said with thick English accent
-"i-im a scientist." she told, raising her hands. And quickly added "im a prisoner here".
After looking at for a moment he turned to his back.
-"well our lucky day right boys?"
She looked at the "boys"
There was a black man who looked like he was going to pass out, and another-why he was naked? , in the opposite corner a Asian girl stood with man beside her, he was also holding a gun.
-"w-what happened here?" She said.
-"see love, we are here for Soldier Boy. He is here isnt he? He patted the door of cryo. "this cunts tried to stop us."
-"What will you do with him?" (will you hurt him? she wanted to say.)
-"Lets just say we want to talk to him."
"B-but he is asleep since 80s"
"You know how to wake him up, right?"
y/n weighed her options for a moment. Well.. was there any option? She was sure as hell she didnt want to get questioned and lose her fingers, and it wasnt like they could do anything to him as long as he was awake. So she decided to not tell them about special gas that can make him sleep.
"Will i be free if i do this?"
"dont try any funny bussines, and you are free to go."
"O-okay, ill wake him up. But im warning you, he might be out of his mind."
She walked towards other side of the room, Where a huge metal tube was placed. Few valves and big red button on it.
She dreamed of hitting the red button for more than hundred times but never tought it would feel like this. In all her life, she never been this nervous before. Not even that night. Her heart was pounding so hard inside her ribcage, hands shaking like a leaf.
She looked at the tall guy, signaling him for cryos door.
As he literally ripped the door, She closed her eyes. Suddenly so afraid to look at him.
next minutes were blurry. She heard the harsh sound of binds being ripped, and whimpering.
Despite her fear, after hearing his whimpering, she had a strong urge to hug him, calm him down, to tell him it was over.
but couldnt say anything because as soon as she opened her eyes she saw them for the first time. His green eyes. But unlike her dream, They were filled with anger. Looking at the gun that guy held. It was lowered immediately but. His eyes were now dark, making him look like a wild animal ready to pounce on his prey.
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She was sure he was going to attack him but something else happened.
His chest started glowing.
Like a fire.
y/n was hit by a dejavu. Remembering the tapes that she tried so hard to forget. She was sure In one of them he was glowing just like this..seconds before exploding like a bomb.
Yes, this was whats going to happen.
With her panicked mind y/n started to scan room for anything to distract him. As his chest was glowing brighter with every second, She saw the glass ashtray on the lab desk (the one she always hated) And next thing y/n knew, she was throwing it towards him (aiming the wall next to him) while shouting "Be- soldier boy they are trying to help you!"
never considering herself lucky person, in that moment Y/n was sure this was the most unlucky moment her life.
because the ashtray hit him right in the head with loud thud.
Everything stopped .There wasnt any sound, only ashtray breaking to pieces on the floor.
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Soldier boy started slowly turning towards her. Realizing what she had done, y/n looked over the tall guy with pleading eyes.
"FUCK." Tall guy mouthed to her.
No one dared to make any move as soldier boy walked towards her. His every step making heavy sound.
"All this time i was afraid of humans, and now He will be the one to kill me." she thought. "Will he hit my head in return?.., at least it will be a painless death."
She closed her eyes just before he stopped right in front of her, waiting for the hit.
"God, let this be the last time. I dont ever want to born in this world again"
But instead of a hit, she felt a hand -large hand gripping her arm tightly. And heard his voice for the first time.
Notes: i really didnt like this chapter. But i was expecting it. In next chapter Soldier Boy and y/n will have a lot of dialogues and fluffy moments together!💫
taglist: @deans-spinster-witch @mfnqueen1 @ponypickle @butchers-girl
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jisvno · 1 year
tokyo revengers characters when they see you cry and they comfort you
ft; mikey, kazutora, rindou
genre; partly angst?? with very comfort fluff
tw; mention of abusive parents (kazu), period one (is tw needed? idk but in rindou part)
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♡ manjiro 'mikey' sano
it was another hard day. school, people, emotions, everything was overwhelming you today. you thought that at least you would meet your boyfriend in the afternoon, but he already had plans with ken, so you were left alone. comfort series and sweets did nothing good, but they caused you to get a mental breakdown. you started to cry, overloaded with the day and the lack of any happiness today. manjiro finished meeting with the draken, and he promised you that you would meet today, so he came to your place. he knocked on your door a few times but you wouldnt open it for him, being too tearful, so manjiros got a bit confused and he used the spare key you once gave him and went inside. he immediately heard the sound of crying coming from your room, and after a while he appeared there, seeing you all tearful, tears streaming down your face, red cheeks and shaking body. He immediately came over, sitting next to you and lightly stroking your back with his hand. 'what happened, honey?' he whispered, wrapping his arm lightly around your waist and hugging you. 'tell me, ill listen and try to help you..' he said softly, all the while stroking your back and shoulders. you finally calmed down enough to tell him about what a hard and overwhelming day you've had. manjiro listened to you the whole time, wondering how he could help you. when you finished speaking, he cupped your cheeks and wiped away the tears with his thumbs, looking into your eyes. 'i love you so much, you know? You are really strong and i believe that youll be able to overcome this and tomorrow will be better. remember, im here for you' he said, leaning back slightly and laying on the bed on his back, pulling you in and hugging you tightly. you felt his body heat, the smell of his perfume and just closeness and comfort, so after a while you stopped crying completely. manjiro said sweet things to you all the time, complimented you and talked about how much he loves you and how important you are to him. he decided to stay here for the night so you can rest in his arms. he lightly stroked your hair, which made you feel safe and after a tiring day you fall asleep in the arms of your most wonderful boyfriend
♡ kazutora hanemiya
you were just at school, coming out of your math class. you couldnt believe that despite studying for so long, you got another F. you were disappointed in yourself, fact, but the most stressed thing was what your parents would do after discovering your another bad grade. they were strict and always yelled at you for bad grades, they also hit you sometimes, you were afraid of them and thats why you spent so much time studying, which didnt always work. you were stressed that once again they could raise a hand on you for another F, so tears came to your eyes. you saw kazutora, who was walking towards you with a smile, wanting to show you something after the end of the lesson. but you were in bad shape now, so you ran away from him, ran upstairs to an empty auditorium, where you sat in the corner of the room and cried. you curled up, burying your head in your knees and crying silently, stressed out by the grades. kazutora ran after you, and when he saw you, his heart broke. he sat next to you, he didnt touch you, just looked at you. 'hey, what.. what happened?' he said quietly so as not to scare you. all you could whisper was that you got another F. kazutora knew what your parents were like, you told him that, and he saw how stressed and scared you were. he didnt quite know what to do, but he got up, taking your hand and gently pulling it to get you up. he walked out of school with you and put you on his bike, he sat in front of you and off you went. after a while you and him came to an empty place by the river, full of grass and flowers, you could see most of the city from here, it was really quiet and peaceful here. kazutora got off the bike, giving you his hand, and you sat down on the grass together. still not saying anything, he started picking the flowers, making a wreath out of them, and put it on your head, smiling slightly at the sight. 'you look beautiful, darling' he said, placing his hand on your cheek and stroking it with his thumb. 'i cant help people, but remember that im always here, ill always find time for you to sit with you and take your mind off the bad' he said softly, looking into your eyes. you were thankful to him for not continuing the topic. you two sat on the grass for a while, and then he took you on a bike ride around the city, and finally he took you to his house, where he made you stay the night, where you watched cartoons and laughed all night. you were very happy that you have such a great boyfriend who will always help you take your mind off the bad things
♡ rindou haitani
you were just at your boyfriends house when you felt you had to go to the bathroom. you just got your period, so you use your pad and went back to his room. rindou was sitting at his desk, looking on the computer for something he wanted to show you, and you sat on the bed. suddenly you felt very painful cramps, that you lay down, slightly cringing from the pain. it was so strong that after a while tears flowed from your eyes and you cried silently, unable to bear the pain. when rindou heard your cry, he immediately turned to look at you. 'baby, why are you crying?' he asked softly, and when you told him that you had just gotten your period and were having terrible cramps, he got up, took some painkillers from the cupboard and gave you along with water, then lay down next to you, hugging you tight from behind and stroking your belly with his warm hands. it helped you so much, just his warmness and closeness. he started telling you a story about another 'dumb' thing that ran did, and how stupid he is, because we all know that rins favourite thing to do is teasing ran. after a while the medicine kicked in and you felt a little better and rindou kissed your hair. 'i dont like it when you cry, it makes you look ugly. you look prettier when you smile or laugh,' he said, and immediately had an idea of ​​how to make you feel better. yes, you spent the rest of the evening teasing and arguing with poor ran, who tried to defend himself, but it was 2vs1 battle so he was loosing, which of course kept a smile on your face, you were really grateful to your boyfriend for being there for you and rindou was pleased with himself that his favorite activity gives you a lot of pleasure too
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~ vani's note
first writing here! im not very proud of it, but i guess its not that bad, hope that youll like it! you can request your things, and please tell me if something was bad or just tell me your thought about it!
see you next time!
~vani ♡
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kondensaduhhh · 5 months
Brozone HCs (Post Break Up)
- first of all, i refuse to believe that John Dory was any older than 16 when the band broke up, maybe he's just baby faced, but to me, he's at most 16 years old, yall really gonna look at JD in that flashback and see a 20?? hes just a babyyy
- their ages when the band broke up are, JD: 16, Bruce: 15, Clay: 13, Floyd: 12, Branch: 4
- the tunnel escape only happened almost a year later
- Bruce found Vacay Island only months after the tunnel escape, he ran away from the rest of the trolls thinking maybe he'll find his older brother, but instead found Vacay Island.
- Bruce met Brandy and was in love at first sight, instantly tried to impress her by doing the whole Heartthrob bit, which only amused Brandy, but only when he started to mellow out and started to let down the Heartthrob title, did Brandy start to reciprocate.
- Bruce tried to do the whole courting thing with Brandy, but the second she liked him back, she was like "Mmyeah, youre my boyfriend now" and Bruce nearly screamed like one of his fangirls that he had to take a dive in the ocean.
- due to this, Bruce was the only one that didn't experience becoming gray.
- Floyd became gray after the tunnel escape, back when they were still within the cage, he still somewhat knew where his brothers were, except for JD, but he knew his big brother would be fine. so when they executed the tunnel escape, he couldn't find Clay and Bruce, and didnt know that Branch had started to isolate himself so no one has seen his younger brother either.
- he became gray and left the village, as he was going to look for himself. he didnt sing for a long time, but he did start writing songs and poems that eventually became songs, and had the spontaneous thought of singing one song and broadcasting it.
- the song became an instant hit, and slowly has he started to build his solo career did he gain his colors back.
- Clay lost his colors when they found the hold course to reside in. he lost it a few weeks living in the golf course, did reality set in that he might never see his family again, a lot of the putt putt trolls lost their colors too.
- when Viva saw this, as heartbroken as she was too, she was the firstborn of the king, and as their princess she cant let any of this sadness continue to consume her people, and she found ways to cheer the putt putt trolls up and bring their colors back, including Clay.
- Clay actually only started doing the boring stuff to get away from his previous title of The Fun One, but as things continued on, he did it to keep his mind off of being fun, because being fun reminded him of his family, the family he will never see again.
- but Clay does enjoy keeping the putt putt trolls safe and not gray, he even invented 'protocols' which were essentially games to keep them happy, which he would never admit were games
- JD's colours were on and off for a year when he left the band, and when he came to visit for Branch's birthday, everybody was gone, his colors went to a cooler colour where he cried for days in their pod, and then went gray when the tears subsided. when he left the cage, his colours were so dull, no bergen saw him leave the tree, bc he left with no caution whatsoever
- John Dory doesn't know how much time has passed. he used to have a calendar where he would cross out the days to keep track, but he forgot if he crossed the date out too early or too late and eventually just stopped.
- Floyd became a songwriter to multiple different species
- the brothers who had a hard time fitting back in the pop village from least to most was Floyd, Bruce, Clay, and JD.
- Floyd still had his social skills, better than the rest of the brothers due to the being a songwriter and all, Bruce, while not interacting with trolls, he wasnt living in the past like Clay was, and JD only had Rhonda with the occasional small talk to other trolls whenever he needed supplies that he couldnt make out of scratch.
- JD nearly died a few times. being mostly alone in nature was a lot of trial and error. he got sick/injured so severely that he would write barely intelligible notes about who his brothers were and to tell them how sorry he was and how to take care of Rhonda, pass out and completely forget about the letters. they're tucked into the nooks and crannies inside Rhonda.
- Clay tried to write letters to his brothers, if they were out there, but when it came to sending them, he didn't know how. so he just has thousands of letters addressed to his brothers, varying from asking how Branch was doing, if Floyd still bakes and how he misses his baked goods, asks if Spruce can tell him how to do his hair because it was growing out of control and he always had the best hair out of all of them, and telling John Dory how much he hated him and that it was all his fault and that he misses the soup JD used to make for him specifically, and how tight JD hugged him and missed his stories and how he missed him. How he missed all of them.
- Bruce had a bit of a hard time in raising his kids, not realising that the Vacay Puppets aged differently from trolls. that while most trollings could hold a whole conversation with understanding at the age of a year and a half, some even just after hatching, while his children only babbled and said very few words and short, broken sentences at age 3. he was very worried about their development until Brandy told them that they actually developing pretty quickly for a Vacay Puppet (idk wtf to call them😭😭)
- ppl think that JD is stupid, but the truth is he just misses social cues, and has been out in the wilderness mostly alone so, what is common sense to most trolls, John Dory has completely forgotten about
- Floyd is obviously the most sensitive, but this not only means he is quick to shed a tear, he is also quick to be offended/mad. sometimes it scares Floyd how much he sees JD in himself, but this also made Floyd empathise with JD somewhat, knowing the shame that comes after the anger that came too quick and left just as quickly
- accessory HCs: Floyd has a total of 4 ear piercings, all in one ear,
Branch has got both his ears pierced, the left being a small, mint green gem, and the right a magenta barbell,
Bruce def a navel piercing, a shell necklace with 14 shells on it to represent his wife and kids, and a teal, yellow, pink, and blue woven anklet,
Clay doesn't have any piercings but he does have tats on his legs of those fuck ass stars, hearts, and diamonds on his legs, all below the knee, bc Viva wanted to try tattooing,
JD has a tongue and nipple piercings, he doesn't remember getting them, all he knows he that he got really sad, and then next thing he knows he's awake somewhere he knew he didnt fall asleep in, he kept them anyway
- pop trolls' hair can change when they undergo extreme negative emotions, which was why Clay's hair went from straight and yellow, to curly and green
- when Bruce had an all girl quintuplets (bc i refuse to believe that they had all those children one by one😭😭) he named them Jane Dolly, Clair, Flora, and Briar ((btw i only just found out that Bruce only has one daughter but shhh))
- Floyd has written songs for/about all his brothers, but never said their names in them or even mentioned that it was about Brother specifically, always a vague family member or loved one.
- John Dory was the best at any culinary skill out of all of them, he's the one that taught Floyd how to bake, from how to make the fluffiest chiffon cake, how to laminate pastries, to knowing how to do everything from scratch, to how to do everything without any baking equipment, like a thermometer or a timer.
- However, Bruce, despite being a father and owning a restaurant, is the shittiest cook out of all of them, he either forgets an ingredient and/or under/overdoes it.
- nature is oddly nice to Floyd. not bc of anything in particular, they just really like him. JD used to call Floyd their lucky charm whenever they go camping.
- JD, Clay, and Floyd are adrenaline junkies.
- Clay knows pretty much everything there is in fabric making, from crocheting, knitting to tapestry making, he can do it.
- Floyd absolutely LOVES denim. he will most likely have one piece of his outfit be denim, be it his pants or a bracelet
- after years of being alone, and only having Rhonda be his constant companion, JD has a concerningly high pain tolerance, and being around such a big creature like Rhonda and no one else to compare pain to, whenever he does react to pain, he thinks he's just being over dramatic bc when Rhonda had a splinter the same size as the one he is currently injured with (AKA HUGE) she merely limped, so hed probably be fine.
- Clay looks the most like their mother
- And John Dory is their half brother
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whumpshaped · 8 months
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i didnt mean to lump so many of these together but i had a Vision and i couldnt figure out how to Not lump them together- also it got super long i am so sorry
masterlist bingo card
tw vampire whumper, vampire whumpee, mind control, death, murder, a whole massacre really, stalking, loss, grief, minor burns, conditioning, manipulation, threats, memory loss
As the days passed, Beck found it harder and harder to ignore the memories. Helle had done a wonderful job at making him remember, even when he wanted nothing more than to forget. All that conditioning, manipulation, paranoia, gaslighting– it was all coming back, and it all made him fear them again. It made him see how rotten to the core they really were, no matter how desperately he tried to stay ignorant.
And he was stuck with them. Stuck with a monster who was more than happy to exploit all his fears and desires, his wishes and his vulnerability. They allowed him multiple more chances to practise his magic, entirely confident that he wouldn't be able to do it; and they were right. It was a wretched fucking situation to be in. Helle was giving him more and more reasons to want to run, while simultaneously blocking one exit after the other.
He was a rat trapped in an impossible maze, and the floor was getting hotter by the second — no matter how fast he tried to run, no matter how many times he thought he saw a way out, the only thing real in his life were the burns on his little rat paws.
He wanted the easy bliss of memory loss. That was the only thing that could've made this all bearable. He wouldn't flinch from Helle brushing against him if he didn't remember all the times he'd cried for them not to. He wouldn't question their sweet smiles and honeyed words if he didn't remember all the times they'd hidden traps and lies.
He tried to pretend he was still oblivious. He remembered what it felt like to be under the vampire's spell. He remembered the unconditional trust, the love, the adoration. He could replicate it. He could make it a reality again, if he tried hard enough. He could manufacture those same feelings, possibly even hold onto the last remnants of his rose-tinted glasses. He just had to try harder.
Helle was on cloud nine; had been for the past week. Everything was going splendidly! Beck was slowly remembering his life from before, and while he was getting more and more anxious in a way that might've otherwise been a cause for concern, now that they knew he was a runt, it was merely entertaining. Beck wasn't going to run off, nor was he about to commit some atrocities against them. No, he was just going to sit there and take whatever they decided to put him through, like a good boy.
The thought made them shudder with pure excitement. This was everything. Everything they'd wished for after their siblings had left. Everything they'd wished could've gone right was now going right. Beck was the perfect thrall and the perfect sired, he was their prized possession, their pampered little lapdog, their most important project for the next several decades, if not centuries. The first vampire they'd make so obsessed with them that he wouldn't ever want to leave.
That was where Lady Marie had miscalculated, they thought. She'd tried to use fear as the primary motivator. They weren't going to be so stupid. They were going to use something far more compelling.
Of course, being the perfect candidate he was, Beck was already working hard to make their job infinitely easier. He was practically deluding himself into loving them, they barely had to say a word. Even with his memories returning, he seemed to be trying his damnedest to push them aside and stay good. What more could they wish for, really?
Helle stopped in their tracks, and the enthralled human they had with them followed suit. As exciting as all the planning was, and as untouchable as they'd felt in recent days, they had to stay present sometimes. Especially when they got the distinct feeling that they were being watched.
They turned around, squinting at the empty road and the bushes and trees on either side. They couldn't smell any humans other than the one they'd brought here... nor any vampires, really.
Maybe they were wrong. Who would come to their mansion anyway? No one had attempted to kill them since that poor fucker Beck had tried to hire, and the last attempt before that had been decades ago. Still... They had just properly kidnapped him. If his family was anything like him, they might actually try to get him back.
Helle shrugged and turned back towards their house, throwing the doors open theatrically and announcing they were home.
He never fucking heeded any warnings, did he? And he never ever considered that he wasn't invincible, that bad things could happen to him, that maybe his mother was right to worry.
Joey's heart was pounding loudly in his chest as he lay — hopefully — hidden by an overgrown barberry bush, waiting for the vampire to continue walking. Fuck. Fuck. Why weren't they going? Did they spot him? Did all the things he had rubbed into his clothes to cover his scent fail? Please no. Please, he just wanted to see his brother. He couldn't die like this.
He held his breath for as long as he could, squeezing his eyes shut in utter terror. The night was quiet and chilly, and he tried his best not to shiver lest he rustle any leaves and give his position away. It felt like an eternity before he heard footsteps again — ones that were slowly fading.
Never in his life had he exhaled so slowly and carefully before. He couldn't even imagine what the vampire would've done to him, had they figured out he was there. Would he have been turned into a thrall? Or simply killed? Or scared halfway to death, then sent away to bring word of just how much of a terrifying monster they were?
It didn't matter. They'd left. He was safe.
He cautiously crawled out from under the bush, unable to resist a closer look at the mansion. In a perfect world, the vampire would've been away for just a few minutes longer, allowing Joey time to peek inside. But of course, the world wasn't perfect, and he couldn't be lucky in everything.
He flinched at every little sound, expecting the front door to open and the vampire to find him just a few feet away from the walls, lying in the grass like an idiot. The thought nearly made him flee at the last second, but he persevered, eventually arriving to a spot right under one of the huge windows.
Oh, how wonderful it would be to break those damn windows during the day, and let the stupid bloodsucker burn.
Joey took a few steadying breaths, then began slowly rising to his feet. Just a peek. All he needed was a peek inside. Just one glance at his brother, so he'd know he was alive.
He almost ducked back down when he spotted the vampire from before. Thankfully, they had their back turned to him, granting him just a few seconds to at least look around what seemed like a huge living room. Should vampires even have living rooms? A question for another day.
The setting was perfect for some stalking, really. With the lights on inside and the darkness outside, Joey didn't have to try very hard to pick out even little details. The vampire was holding the thrall by the waist, beckoning to someone else. Fuck, were there more of them? Taking out one vampire was difficult enough as it was, but a whole den...?
He shouldn't panic. At least he would have valuable information to bring back for the hunters, right? Thank god he decided to go on this rogue mission!
But all manner of conscious thought went out the window as soon as the other vampire arrived.
That couldn't be right. Was he hallucinating? Were the sleepless nights finally getting to him? That couldn't be right.
Joey felt like he was going to pass out. Why...? There was no reason– Why did they turn Beck into a vampire? Was this real? Was this actually real? Beck should've been kept as a thrall!
Well, he shouldn't have been held captive at all. But being a thrall would've been reversible, it would've been something– something he could fix! But this...?
He watched with wide eyes as his brother hesitantly approached the human, looking awfully distraught and apologetic. Of course. Beck would've never hurt anyone if he could help it. God, this must've been... this must've been...
Joey froze when Beck glanced towards the window. For the briefest moment, he thought it wouldn't end badly — that was his brother, his best friend, the person he would've sacrificed so much for. Surely, Beck would be happy to see that he came to rescue him, right?
But the fantasy was shattered when the other vampire turned and followed his gaze, their curious red eyes settling right on him. An intruder. The human they'd failed to notice just a few minutes prior.
He ran without thinking.
He knew this was the end of the line for him if the vampire caught him, and he also knew that there was no way he could outrun a monster like that. All he could count on was Beck somehow holding them back, or distracting them, or– or–
He didn't know. He just ran, as fast as he could, hoping, praying he would live to tell the tale.
Joey only stopped when it felt like his lungs would explode otherwise, collapsing on the sidewalk from utter exhaustion. He waved off several people who'd tried to help, assuring everyone that he just needed a moment to get himself together.
"I s-saw a vampire," he choked out. "I– I'll b-be fine, I just... I just got scared."
"Is the vampire close?"
"Are we in danger?"
Joey shook his head. "Several streets away. I ran a lot."
He didn't start fully processing the events until he got home. Tears of helplessness and sorrow were streaming down his face, washing away some of the dirt that had stuck to it.
Honestly? He could've lived with Beck becoming a vampire. It wasn't a good situation, not by any means, but Beck was his brother, and he was prepared to love him through whatever nonsense he'd got tangled up in.
The thing that absolutely ripped his heart to shreds was the fact that there was no recognition in his eyes when he'd looked at him. The two of them looked so alike, there was no way to deny them being brothers... and yet, Beck just looked startled and confused. Like he was nothing but a stranger.
"Don't!" Beck cried desperately, grabbing Helle by the hand before they could've gone after the stranger. "Please, don't, you've already kidnapped someone tonight! Please, let him go!"
"Do you have any idea who that was?"
He paused, slowly letting go of Helle's coat when he realised they weren't going to hunt him down. "I... n-not really." Now that they mentioned it, the guy did look familiar in a way. Nothing he could pin down, though. He already hadn't been good with remembering faces before dying, and death certainly hadn't helped. "But it doesn't matter, I just don't want– I don't want more innocents getting hurt. Please."
Helle considered him for a second. "Do you really have no idea?" they asked again, gentler this time. It was beginning to make Beck feel quite stupid. Was that person important? Someone who had been close to him in his life?
The brother Helle had spoken of?
No, Helle had said he'd left behind a twin brother. There was no way he could forget–
Beck frowned. He... had no idea what he looked like. How could he recognise his twin brother, if he had no recollection of his own face, and no reflection to check?
"Who was it?" He sounded timid, as though he was afraid of the answer; and in a way, he really was. Did he even want to know? Or did he want to simply ignore all of this emotional turmoil?
The decision was made for him when Helle waved him off. "I will tell you later. Or the next time he shows up. I have a feeling he will not be alone."
"I have to go with them!" Joey demanded, and his mother sighed.
"Listen... As much as I want to go as well, I think it'd be counter-productive. If we tell the hunters not to hurt him, then they won't! We don't need to be there to enforce it, or... or I don't think..."
"But you don't know! They're hunters! They want to kill vampires, that's what they do, they don't care who Beck used to be! Especially since he didn't even recognise me!"
"Joey, if he doesn't recognise you–" Her voice broke, and she abruptly turned away with a hand over her mouth. She was trying to hold back tears, and Joey tried to remind himself that he needed to dial it back. It was a difficult situation for everyone involved.
"I'm sorry," he mumbled, and his mother shook her head.
"No, it's... It's understandable. You want to protect Beck. I do, too."
"I know."
"I think..." She took a deep breath, wiping away a tear that threatened to betray just how emotionally exhausted she was. "I think if Beck doesn't recognise us, then we can't really do anything to help. I can't drag home an unwilling vampire. Neither can you. I don't even know if..."
"If we should," he finished quietly. His mother nodded.
The implications hung in the air between them, unspoken yet still so loud. What was the alternative? Let Beck live his new vampire life? Never talk to him again? The hunters wouldn't like that. Unless they figured out a way to make Beck remember, a way to show everyone that he was still the same awkward guy deep down, and not a dangerous monster... there was no way he would avoid a stake to the heart.
"I have to go, mom. If I do, maybe– maybe he'll realise who I am, and..."
She dragged both hands down her face, visibly frustrated with the whole thing. They both wished it could've been easier. "I'm scared," she admitted after a pause. "I'm scared of losing him again. I'm scared of losing you. I'm scared of being killed by the vampire who took him. I'm scared of seeing those hunters hurt him... I'm scared."
"You don't have to come. I can go alone–"
"Again?" Joey stayed quiet. Clearly, his mom hadn't yet forgiven him his little outing. "It doesn't matter what I say, does it? You'll go either way."
He didn't see a reason to lie or pretend. "Yeah. I have to be there. I know he'll be scared of the hunters, he needs at least one... semi-familiar face."
His mother nodded. "We'll go. We'll bring him home."
Helle wasn't the least bit surprised when they woke up the sound of glass shattering. It was the middle of the day, and they were pretty sure they could hear the hunters tearing down the curtains downstairs.
"Go into every room!" someone shouted.
Oh dear. They were going to trash the whole place.
Beck barged in just a second later, slamming the door shut after himself. He looked terrified, and for good reason; if he had been found alone, he would've had no chance of surviving against a large group of trained humans.
Were they trained? They sounded trained.
"What's going on?" he whimpered, reminding them of their younger self. Their first hunter encounter. Oh, they had been scared too.
"We have visitors," Helle replied with a soft smile. "Your family must have worked very hard to find such a big group."
"M-my family?"
"Who else?" They walked over and patted his cheek. "They want their darling boy back."
"I don't want to– I don't want them to be here!" he blurted out. "I want them to go! What if their hunters hurt me? What if they hurt you? This is going to be a massacre again, I don't want this, I don't want any of this!"
"They're upstairs!" came the voice from closer than before, followed by the sounds of quick footsteps on the carpeted stairs. Beck was sobbing by now, and Helle realised they hated it. They didn't want anyone else to make Beck cry. Or scared. Or distressed.
"Stay here," they ordered gently. "You shall be safe and protected so long as you do not leave my bedroom. Understood?"
"A-and you? M-Master, you can't–"
"Beck, listen to me. Do you understand?"
In the midst of all that chaos, the sound of hunters kicking down doors and breaking windows, he finally nodded. They couldn't resist giving him a quick kiss on the cheek before they shoved him towards the back of the room, then walked out into the hallway.
Beck was shaking uncontrollably. His mind was so consumed with panic that for a moment he even forgot he was a vampire, attempting to pull the curtains aside to peek out– He abandoned that plan very quickly when his fingers got scorched, letting out a cry of pain.
Stupid. He was so stupid. Stupid, weak, useless, possibly about to be staked within the next five minutes. Maybe Helle had already been staked! What were they thinking?
He couldn't pick out too many specific sounds from the hall, and it made him anxious. He heard screams, and cries, and... and sounds he couldn't even describe. He smelled blood, a lot of it, and it scared him, and all he wanted to do was hide under the bed and never come out.
But Helle had said his family was out there. Was it their blood? Was Helle about to murder his family? Would he even recognise their corpses? He suddenly remembered the stranger from a few days ago. Would he be among the dead? He looked so hopeful that night, in the window. Almost relieved, for a split second, before Helle noticed him. Helle never ended up telling him who that was.
"Beck!" someone shouted desperately, and he felt an overwhelming urge to answer, to run out of the bedroom and look for the source of the voice. "Beck, please, we need to go!"
Go where?
Home, a little voice whispered. You could go home.
But he was home.
In the end, it wasn't the strangers' calls that lured him out. It was a pained hiss from Helle, one he would've recognised anywhere, finally prompting him to fling the door open and rush outside no matter the cost. Helle was all that he had, and they were risking their life to keep him safe. There was no way he was going to keep cowering in the corner of their bedroom.
The scene in front of him was something out of a horror movie. All he saw was blood everywhere, painting the floor and the walls bright red. There were glass shards, limbs, and guts scattered about, the mutilated bodies of several people dressed in protective hunting gear, there was sunlight pouring inside from broken windows, silver weapons stuck between wooden floorboards or uselessly lying several feet away from anyone who could've used them.
None of that mattered. His eyes went to Helle immediately, and he dashed between them and a half-dead hunter who was just about to pull the trigger on her crossbow.
Several people screamed his name at the same time, but it was mere background noise compared to the sharp pain that exploded in his chest. He didn't look down. He didn't dare look down. He looked at Helle instead, drinking in the image of them being okay and alive, almost giddy at the thought of having protected them.
"She a-almost hit you," he stammered between two wheezing breaths, as an answer to the question he saw in Helle's wide eyes.
What the fuck are you doing outside?
"No!" Joey screamed, abandoning all precautions and running over to his brother. He tried not to think about the bodies he had to step over, or the sound his shoes made as his feet landed in puddles of blood.
It couldn't be. It couldn't be. It couldn't be.
"Beck!" He tired to pull him away, only to immediately be grabbed and thrown across the hall. He heard his mother's scream before he hit the ground with an agonised cry and a dull thump, and he knew just from the way he landed on his arm that it had to be broken. Still, he tried to get up right away, desperate to help Beck.
"Joey!" His mother ran over to help him up, wincing when she saw his arm. "Joey, you can't–"
"Is he okay?" he demanded. "Is he alive? Is he fucking alive?" He could see the vampire on their knees next to the body, and he felt his blood boil. How dare the fucking bloodsucker pretend they cared about his brother? When they were the one who turned him, the one who put him in danger, the one who– who had possibly gotten him killed? "Get away from him, you fucking monster!" he yelled, but he didn't even get a reaction.
"Joey," his mother tried again, her voice shaky and urgent. "Please, they'll kill you–"
"So let them," he choked out. "Let them. If Beck's dead, then I don't even care. But I need to know." He yanked his good arm out of her mother's hold and tried to approach the vampire again, but she ran ahead, blocking his path with outstretched arms.
"Is he alive?" she called, way less hostile than Joey had been. "Please, we just– we just want our family back!"
"You almost got your family killed," the vampire replied coldly, and Joey could've wept from relief. Almost. The stupid hunter missed. Beck was alive, he was alive, there was a chance–
A chance for what?
He stared at the bodies in front of him, slowly processing what this all meant. They were all dead. The vampire had killed seven hunters by themself, and now they were trapped in here with them, almost completely defenceless, and with a broken arm in his case. And the vampire was angry.
"We just wanted to get him back," his mother went on, and she sounded so heartbroken and scared, he couldn't imagine anyone wanting to raise a hand at her. And the vampire didn't, not yet anyway. They stayed in the shadows with Beck, never even looking at the two of them.
"How sweet," they said sarcastically.
"You wouldn't fucking know the first thing about it, would you?" Joey snapped. "No, you kidnap and murder for fun, you tear apart families, you– you're a fucking demon!"
"Stop," Beck begged weakly, and the entire mansion seemed to fall silent at his request.
Now that the stupid piece of wood was out of his chest and Helle was holding his hand gently, the situation felt less dire, but he couldn't handle the anxiety of listening to others yell at them. Were these people really his family? The ones causing all this destruction and fear, all this death?
"Why would you try to protect them?" the man — his brother — asked. Joel, was it? Joey. "We almost– almost got them, and... and you stood between..."
"I had to protect them," he said like it was obvious, and Helle squeezed his hand a little.
"You are so stupid," they whispered. "I told you to stay in the room." Although they were scolding him, Beck felt like the tone was somehow simultaneously loving. Not quite grateful, but... close.
"Don't you want to come home?" Joey tried again, and he could hear the woman — his mother — sobbing. His chest ached for reasons beyond the stake that was shot through it, and he wished he could've just said yes and gone with them. But they didn't feel like the family from his fragmented memories, nor did he want to make Helle angry with him.
"I don't think I should," he forced out eventually. Helle squeezed his hand again. Good answer.
"He gave you an answer," Helle cut in before his mother could've said anything more. "Do not assume my patience lasts forever."
"Go home," Beck asked, the urgency evident in his voice. He didn't want more bloodshed. He didn't want his family to be killed, even if they'd made an attempt on Helle's life. Even if they'd scared him half to death and one of their hunters almost finished the job. "Please. I'm sorry I can't go with you."
"Of course you can," his mother breathed. "Beck, we miss you so unbearably much. We love you."
"I love you too. I think. I, I know I do, it's just... it's so hard to remember..."
"We can help you remember, sweetheart."
Beck shook his head. "N-no, mom, I– I need to stay. I want to stay."
I can't survive out there. Who will feed me? Who will protect me?
"Will you visit?" Joey asked brokenly.
He glanced at Helle, and he felt a sudden rush of terror. He had no idea what it was, but something about their expression told him that nothing good would come from it.
Would they kill his family just to keep him to themself?
He didn't want to find out.
"No," he said softly. "I'm sorry."
"How tragic," Helle remarked without any emotion behind it. "I do believe that is the end of this discussion, then."
Joey stepped forward, his grief making him bolder than what would've been smart. "You can't do this! You can't keep him from his family–"
"If you take another step," Helle began slowly, "it will be your last. Do you want your mother burying two sons?"
Beck closed his eyes, hoping Joey would make the right choice.
Please. Please. Just leave. Just leave me already. Forget me, and let me forget.
"Let's go home, Joey," he heard his mother say as calmly as she could.
"Our door is always open to him. But we can't force him."
Beck sniffled, and this time he was the one squeezing Helle's hand. They gently brushed a thumb over his skin, silently reassuring him. He was making the right choice for his family, even if they were being so difficult about it.
So why did it make him want to cry so much?
"You really just expect us t-to leave without you?" Joey choked out.
"Okay, I think I have been more than patient." Helle stood up from next to him, and Beck turned towards his family in a panic.
"Go!" he yelled. "Go, please, just go! Mom, do something, take..." He trailed off as he saw his brother's eyes become distant and hollow. Why? Why couldn't he just leave? Why couldn't he leave when he was told to, why did it have to go like this?
"Joey?" His mother gently shook him by the shoulder, worried out of her mind. "Joey!"
"It will wear off," Helle said nonchalantly. "Joey, be good and go with your mother."
She flinched when Joey turned to face her, his expression way too blank for someone who had been so heated a moment ago. "Are we going?" he asked almost impatiently. So eager to obey the command.
Beck couldn't even say goodbye to him.
"We are," she conceded. "Goodbye, Beck. You know where to find us, if... if you ever change your mind. I love you. We love you."
"Goodbye, mom. I love you too." He watched as she took Joey by the hand, as though she expected him to suddenly forget how to walk properly because of the enthrallment, and led him back down the stairs. "Goodbye, Joey," he whispered.
His tears didn't start in earnest until he heard the front door open and close behind them.
taglist: @whumpsday @the-scrapegoat @hidden-dreamland @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night @delicateprincepaper @whumppmuhw @florissimps @nicolepascaline @oliversrarebooks @the-cyrulik @pirefyrelight @there-will-always-be-blood @pigeonwhumps @echo-goes-mmm @whumpycries @morning-star-whump @d-cs @watermelons-dont-grow-on-trees @tauntedoctopuses @blueyellow8green @typewrittenfangs @whumpsoda @steh-lar-uh-nuhs @auroragehenna
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roseboysstuff · 6 months
can you do a leon x reader where reader like loses his eye or something and leon fucks his eye socket while its still bleeding and stuff.. .. very unrealistic yes sorry i couldnt think of a plot for this if it makes it any easier you could also do a scenario where reader gets stabbed and woundfucking happens❤ if this crossed any of your boundaries or i accidentally misread anythimg please PLEASE dont respond to it its gonna be so embarassing💔 have a good day..ur fanfics are good
This has been in my inbox and I have been staring at it for so long Its a very unique idea i have to say, and I'm not into gore but I'm not opposed to it, so I hope whatever word vomit happens here will meet your standards lol CW // gore, wound fucking, gets pretty descriptive so pretty heavy warning and I've put a break
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Leon was supposed to be looking after you, but it wasn't looking good. An attack had happened and you had got the brunt of it. The damage was undetermined, but you had a lot of wounds. Your face was a mess of blood, and your eye socket was definitely hollowed out. Those creatures had gotten to you and tore your eye out while he was helpless to stop them. But what disturbed him the most, wasn't the extent of your wound, or the blood still dripping, or the hollow eye socket that was obvious on your face. It wasn't even your cries and whimpers of pain, no. What disturbed him the most was how painfully hard he was. As he simply stared at you, seeing the muscles and bones of the inside of your face, he couldn't have been more aroused. He wanted to fuck into your face, literally, and cover his cock with all your blood. To feel your insides throbbing and spurting blood and other fluids all over him. And as you passed out from blood loss and pain, he seized his opportunity. He positioned your head and whispered out a small apology. "Sorry, baby boy, I know this is strange, and gross. You're asleep so you won't feel it, so I guess it's okay. Don't worry, I won't cum inside your head." He got his cock out and rubbed it against what once held your eye. The wound felt good against his cock, lubed up with your blood. The novel sensations made him groan out in pleasure. He forgot about the guilt, the pleasure overwhelming him, and he pressed his cock into your eye socket. The wound was almost perfect for his cock, a little tight but perfectly lubed up. And so he kept fucking it, taking his pleasure from your pain, although you weren't feeling the pain. "Fuck, that's so good, makes my cock feel so good, good boy." There was some guilt about doing this, but with you being asleep, and no one else being around, he rationalised it. He'd take care of you when you woke up, and make sure that you were taken care of as you learned to live with one eye. Just let him have this one thing. He got close to cumming pretty quickly, and pulled out, not wanting to cause any more problems by filling your head with cum. He spilled over his hand while touching your wound with his other hand. The guilt came back, post nut clarity hitting him hard, but he shook it off and started wrapping your wound, picking you up into his arms to take you to a hospital.
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nemzd · 3 months
Purification and Order in a plave no diffrent then hell~
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Part 02/??
(Think I be continueing the story nonethenless, idea is just to good to be thrown away)
... You were shocked,.. The Angel of Light himself.. Archangel Micheal... but.. he doesnt look really as mighty as many have said.
You:..But I am not dead... why am I in heaven now? I mean I wouldnt mind dying soon and met the Lord, just that a Angel? .. Took me by firstly hitting me unconcious I thought that was suposses to be diffrent..
Micheal just looked at you.. with his wings behind him and a cold glare on you... he then spoke..
Micheal:...Mortal.. are you in the knowledge of the current situation that we all find ourselves in?..
You:...No? I mean I regualry pray to God to stay up to day and keep myself in touch-
Micheal: Mortal, God has left heaven.
You just looked at him and were like.. what? How, this aint possible. God cant just disappear out of nowhere.You then spoke..
You:I.. disagree, who have I been talking to then in my prayers? I feel his presence... and I keep myself in touch with him every single day.
Micheal just continue to glare at you... but suddenly took his sword and tried to hit you with it... but you were once again protected by a blinding light..
Micheal:....How.. How is the creator of the universe with you?! I can cleary feel the power of God, going through your body.. it cant be but it has to be.. the Holy Spirit...
He fell down on his knees.. with his black hair and began to softly cry. You were astounished at the sight before you... I mean how couldnt you?.. The literal Archangel Micheal was crying before you! And told you that God left heaven... but.. you were so confused.. because you always were in his presence... but then you felt something.. he has gone up to your lap.. and cried the words.
Micheal:..Holy, Holy is our God...Lord have mercy on me.
Now you were just unfazed, what happend that a Angel would cry in your lap for the forgiveness of God?.. Oh boy.
You:..Why,what happend? It cant be just that the Lord disappears when I am constantly in contact with but you Angels arent? What happend?!
Micheal:God has left heaven! Do you not get it Mortal?!
As he said those exact words the cries have stopped and he had a tight grip on your tight.
Micheal:I cant think of even 1 good reason why God's presence is with you... The Holy Spirit of God.. within you .. but if the his presence is withhin you... you might be a key figure of finding out where he is....
At that moment he stood up and ripped your Shirt off.. he took his sword and sliced his hand and branded your chest.
Micheal: Dont even think of running away, for if you try to escape heaven all the other low ranking Angels wont hesitate to devour you... the only thing that keeps all of them away from you.. would be me.. so be a good little mortal and just listen to me.
And with that, he bowed slightly down and with a cold stare left and slammed the door and left you once again alone in that room of yours in which you still had a chain around your wrists... you were to perplexed.. and tried out but ... you thought..
You: I stil gotta pray..
So you went down on your knees and prayed the "Our Father in Heaven Prayer".
You: Our Father, Who art in heaven
Hallowed be 'Thy Name:
Thy kingdom come
Thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those who trespass
against us:
and lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil. Amen.
Right when you finish your prayer.. the door was slammed open.. and another figure appeared...
???:...How is it possible?.. After so long.. has he finally appeared once more?
When you saw the now you know Angel.. he had.. blonde hair and red eye with badanges all over him, and one over his eye.He ran directly to you and began to tightly hug you and he started to softly cry.
???: OH Lord.. where has thou been.. let this humble Angel Raphael feel your presence once more...
As he hugged you... you werent really suprised no more...Another Archangel.. and this time its Raphael. But the Angels wings, wrapped themselves around your small figurtivly small body and he began to just let out everything out...
To say that now you were fazed would be a understatement, like WHATS GOING ON, WHAT HAPPEND HERE, WHERE IS THE LORD AND WHY IS A LITERAL ARCHANGEL IN YOUR ARMS...
But .. seeing him in a state like this you couldnt help.. but feel bad for this Angel, you wrapped your arm around him and hugged him,completly forgetting your shirt was ripped a second ago and that you were "branded" by Micheal the Archangel.. but you just looked at the one in your arms and said said..
You:...Psalms 34:18.. "The lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit."
When he.. Raphael heard those words.. his tears began to become even heavier... you took him onto the bed and simply held him while he just cried all his pent up stress into your arms and after some time.. he fell asleep in your arms... it was safe to say,that this whole situation.. is just to weird and now that he wont possible let you go now that he has you in his embrace, after some time, you also went to sleep with him in your arms. Oh well holding someone like Archangel Raphael in your arms was something you never thought of ever doing.
You simply never thought you would ever do this.. comforting a Angel.. a Archangel much less .... Ha.... will this be a big mess to fix.
So, the idea of this as a whole can be made into a story, which I naturally intend to do, but a little spoiler in my idea is. One day you be meeting the MC, of the game version for this is something I can assure you, MC and you are 2 whole entire diffrent people my dear readers so stay tuned as I plan to literal milk out this idea that I was blessed with.
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jubiilee13 · 7 months
hi babes I saw you begging for requests for mike schmidt so I decided to send my own request to you… as cliche as it is, could you write an angsty misunderstanding fic where basically mike is over-working himself to death and barely making time for you and you think you did something wrong but it turns out mike was just tired af. It can be smut or fluff since I don’t know what you really like to write. Sorry if this request is bad I’m not good at asking for things😭😭
anon ily ty for the request 😻😻
this may be a lil bad bc I’m sick rn but I hope u still enjoy 🫶
warnings: tiny mention of blood, angst, angy mike, sad reader, alludes to a little smut at the end but yeah
lets just say for this abby is at a um... sleepover or smth idk i forgot to include her
didnt check this for grammatical errors so my bad if it sucks lmao
you and mike didn’t fight often
i mean you never really had reason to
but lately mike had been weird, he had been… distant.
mike often had his rough days, as did you, but this time was different.
every morning when he returned home instead of his usual warm embraces, you’d been receiving the cold shoulder, at most a few sentences spoken between the two of you before he dragged himself off to bed.
you were worried to say the least, you knew you had done nothing wrong, yet something in your gut made you wonder if you did.
so you decided today was the day you were going to talk to him about it.
boy was that a bad idea...
the moment mike stepped out of his bedroom he spotted you, anxiously fidgeting as your eyes met his own
"we need to talk mike" you mumble, clearly not looking forward to having this conversation.
mike rolls his eyes, "what y/n" he replies, attitude evident in his tone, yet the attitude is weak, and you note his face is just a bit paler than usual, the bags under his eyes more evident, something was off.
"whats been going on with us mike?" you ask, voice trembling "did... did i do something? you- you've been so distant..."
"its nothing y/n, stop worrying" he says with a scoff, and you bite your lip.
"mike you dont have to lie to me" you say softly, extending your hand out to him to soothe him.
Then something inside him snaps, that movement- that feeling. he couldnt take it.
"God damn it y/n i said nothing is wrong! you never listen! just leave me alone! you clearly only make things worse!" he cries out, and your body freezes.
"o-oh" is all you can say, retracting your trembling hand, clearly in shock
"o-okay um... um i-i'll leave you be..." you mumble under your breath, trying to hide your emotions until you were out of his sight.
you scurry away, biting your lip so hard it draws blood, and the moment you enter your bedroom the tears escape.
you shut the door behind you, leaning against it and sliding to your knees, hand reaching to cover your mouth to hide the sobs.
what had you done?
did you upset him?
is he gonna leave?
so many questions flooded your mind all at once
it was so overwhelming, all you wanted was him... but right now that was the one thing you couldnt have.
so you sat there, leaning against the door of your room for god knows how long.
eventually when no more tears could fall, you lead yourself to your bed, a bed that had been untouched for a few months now due to you always sleeping with mike, and after a few more shaky breaths, you slipped into a uneasy slumber.
As you slept, mike took himself for a drive, his hands gripping the steering wheel so hard his knuckles faded to white.
he was angry
he was tired
he just wanted to be home
it slowly started to dawn on him that upon his arrival home earlier, his anger had been misdirected.
he wasnt mad at you
he loved you
god- you just wanted to help
why couldnt he see that?
he lets out a shaky sigh, punching his steering wheel as he lets out a few grunts of anger (much to the dismay of the car infront of him)
he decides to leave you be for the time being, and he leads him self on down the winding road, until he comes across an empty parking lot.
he lets himself settle there for a while, staring into the dark abyss in front of him.
eventually he decides to call you, and when you dont pick up... he calls again.
and again.
and... again....
and 12 more times.
he was worried to say the least, what if you left him? what. if you didnt love him anymore?
after the final call he places his phone in his pocket, running a hand through his hair as he starts up the car again and heads home.
in the meantime you were at home, tossing and turning, unable to find a true sense of saftey in your own sheets and god was it horrible.
you didnt notice the buzzing of your phone, nor the vibration any time left another voicemaiil.
so you lay on your back, your teary eyes staring up at the ceiling.
thats when you heard the front door open, the jingling of mikes house keys alongside his work ones
maybe he didnt leave
did he come back for you?
maybe he-
your thoughts are interrupted however by a gentle, almost silent knock at your door. you want to open it, you really do, but you're scared.
for once you put aside your fear and you sit up, quietly tiptoeing over to the door and cracking it open just enough to meet mikes eyes.
both of your teary eyes meet one another, and something snaps within both of you
your grip on the handle goes slack as mike gently pushes further on the door, and the moment it opens enough for him to enter, youre surrounded by him
he kisses you gently, his hands wrapping around you, and you two hold the kiss until you eventually pull away to gasp for air
"im so sorry- i never meant to snap at you baby- i-i- im just so exhausted- work is so hard- i-i never meant to take it out on you- i love you so muc y/n- i"
you cut him off by kissing him again, this kiss growing more heated, your body pressing against his
"its ok" you whisper when you pull away, your foreheads resting against one another
"we'll be ok" you whisper
those 3 words are repeated for the rest of the night, along with other words of praise and affirmation.
the two of you love each other, and tonight it shows.
just as youre about to fall into a warm, peaceful sleep, mike presses a kiss against your damp forehead.
"i love you"
that was all you needed to hear in order to slip into slumber in his embrace.
yayayayya mike
i hope that was good
ok ily
bye pookster
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drunkenlionwrites · 1 year
Prince Vash X Knight Guard reader
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I couldnt stop thinking about royal au where the blorbo is royalty, and the reader is a knight. Was written with thoughts of female reader, but written as g/n
inspired by this post
warnings: death of a relative (Rem), fluff, a bit of angst in the end if you squint Please, reblog if you like the work
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Prince Vash, who grew up with constant scratches and bruises from playing with Crown prince Nai, but not once cried or snitched on him, always smiling when he got up from falling in a playfight.
Prince Vash, who spent most of his time with Queen Mother Rem, reading history books with her, learning botany and studying foreign languages.
Prince Vash, who couldn’t stop crying for months after the death of their mother and who supported his brother, Crown prince Nai wholeheartedly.
Prince Vash, who hasn’t supported and stopped any talks about rioting against king Nai among nobility, giving them chance to be exiled rather than executed.
Prince Vash who spent his time visiting the poorest in the kingdom, heeded to the needs of orphanages, churches and schools while king Nai was busy conquering and enslaving the neighboring kingdoms.
Prince Vash, who got a personal Knight Guard Captain, chosen among hundreds by king Nai after several assassination attempts on Vash.
Prince Vash, who made a rose crown himself and placed it on the head of his knight, after them winning the tournament, not paying attention to the mocking whispers of the court nobles.
Knight Guard Captain reader, who couldn’t believe in a gentle nature of their prince for the longest time, observing from the sidelines.
Knight Guard Captain reader, who immediately intimidated anyone among the royal guard who had said anything remotely disrespectful about the prince.
Knight Guard Captain reader, who started writing minnesangs (knight romantic poetry) and slipping it into the prince’s chambers among the dried flowers who conveyed their sincere love for the prince.
Knight Guard Captain reader, who after few years of guarding the prince and being on the receiving side of his gentle smiles and flustered rosy cheeks asked the prince to meet them in the back of the royal garden late at night.
Knight Guard Captain reader, who stood on their knee, professing their admiration and undying love to prince Vash, not expecting anything in return.
Knight Guard Captain reader, who received a gentle and shy kiss the same knight
Knight Guard Captain reader, who continued their duties diligently during the day and breaking the knight code every single night
Knight Guard Captain reader and prince Vash, who had to burry all their blooming feelings once Vash has been engaged to a princess of a neighboring kingdom in exchange of peace and mutual political benefits, since prince Vash was too pure and decent to disrespect his fiancée turned wife with doing anything improper.
Knight Guard Captain reader, who was devoted and guarded prince’s children with the same eagerness and devotion till the end of their servitude at the royal palace.
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