#okay yeah i overtagged
flashyfools · 8 days
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this screenshot without context looks like sanji just discovered something about himself
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okay this is like, one of few serious posts I'll make, and this goes out to non-ask blogs and ask blogs.
I get being upset that ask blogs are "clogging tags up" but like...how do you expect an ASK BLOG to get asks without tagging their stuff? Like, I get that some of us (me included) use a ton of tags and like. for good reason?? we're ask blogs. this like, a dying style of blogs in general.
Just block the blogs annoying you?? there's no need to make a (very obviously targeted) post about it. The original poster already blocked me so like, I can't even try to communicate with them so...
I went on my other account and their tags were basically like "there's so much untagged labru from anime onlys"... No shit?? I've been posting Laios x Kabru for at least a month dude, get over it. And I almost always have mine and @askkabru 's threads tagged at least with "Laios x Kabru" like sorry that I forget sometimes I'm only human?
I also literally can't "fix my tags" I have over 200 posts. I'm a minor doing this blog for fun dude. This is a hobby for me, I literally only do this because it's fun.
"You don't have to tag the character you're role-playing as" ...okay and?? Is that harming you?? no! this blog isn't serious whatsoever, and if you have such a problem just block the ask blogs and move on!! it's the internet, people are gonna do shit that you don't like!
anyways, sorry for the rant, I'm just a major overthinker and also a bit of an asshole who doesn't really care if this gets me hate lmao. I just wish they would've just, y'know, communicated rather then making a whole post OBVIOUSLY about me and then having another ask blog comment how much it pisses them off like... wow! But yeah I wasn't gonna be able to sleep if I didn't make this so goodnight y'all. Have fun with this post cause I'm gonna overtag it for fun!! :3
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okay so like. i saw your d20 discussion and i feel like it’d help to have some context on how it works in production! when a company professionally puts a trigger warning, they can’t make those with ‘middle ground’ as the base. think of it like speed limits. they have to start at 0-10 mph. just because 40 mph is slow compared to someone who regularly takes highways, doesn’t mean they don’t put up the speed limit. 40 mph is still enough that if the car hits something or someone, (i.e. sets off a trigger) it can do serious damage. so yeah, an semi-realistic opened up animal carcass to the average person has to be marked as HEAVY body horror. even made of foam? thats still a graphic image of a corpse. they’re not thinking about someone who is more casually used to seeing that level of gore, they have to think of the levels for the person it would actually trigger.
I am a production professional, and someone who has talked an extensive amount about warnings and content warnings, both the benefits and the failings in many people's approaches to standardizing them. I already know this.
As I said, I am complaining as a Me Issue and I am not actually criticizing or saying there is anything wrong with the processes, I am saying—as I stated twice in the post—that this is a Me Thing.
On top of that, most of my post and discussion isn't specifically about the official content warnings in the description, but rather the marketing and commentary and coy warnings (in the standard sense of the word) on Twitter building hype by constantly posting comments and videos of reactions of the cast (Erika running out of the room, discussions of how Much it is, adding in the ick reactions in the episode preview). These are not the "content warnings" — which are not the focus of my post or discussion — but are part of the marketing and tone-setting. This is about me complaining about myself as someone who ended up with certain expectations from all that due to that level of focus and was disappointed. Which is a me issue, and I'm just whining about it.
It's not about whether they're overtagging in the official warnings (bc I don't think they were incorrect at all to warn for the gore), it's more about the focus the concept got in other materials that aren't the warnings and the ways that they talked about it and my general musings about what expectations that ultimately sets in terms of genre and content that it isn't actually necessarily matching up on—for me—and how this has been disappointing it's happened in the past too.
But, while on the topic, I do think trailer and the general setting of the tone going INTO the series failed to prepare the audience in terms of expected content, which is also important and should work in tandem with content warnings to help set expectations. I've seen a lot of people say that they expected more Redwall—and that does not prepare anyone for semi-realistic animal guts on the table in episode two, not even WITH the proper content warnings.
I mean, I have a whole thing about precision in content warnings and levels and the ways that the way some content warnings either official and fannish fail even when they are beneficials in other avenues, but that's technically a tangent since my post wasn't actually about content warnings but about general marketing and ambient production commentary.
I also know you're trying to be helpful, but I find it EXTREMELY condescending that you felt the need to explain how warnings work by analogizing it into speed limits instead of just saying that they're tagging for the most sensitive hypothetical person.
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padfootastic · 1 year
Your tags on that “we know nothing about the marauders so we can make it all up post”… YES wow especially the part about tagging OOC content??? What a world that would be… as it stands now there is absolutely no way to filter between canon and non-canon/canon versions of the characters.
And the overtagging! Why is Jegulus tagged on Sirius fanart? Why are all the marauders-era characters tagged on a portrait of Lupin? Why is wolfstar tagged on literally everything?? It’s straight up impossible to find specific character related content via the tags, or any content at all if you’re trying to filter out one or more of the above. How do you manage to find the content you’re looking for?
exactly!! and it’s really a bit of a doubled edged thing for me, bc i am NOT someone who enjoys canon characterisations usually (my current tirades notwithstanding and that’s really mainly bc i hate the fanon versions even more) and honestly, i’d like shit to be tagged bc i want to look for it lmao
it’s like—imagine if all fics, regardless of how they were plotted, were just ‘golden era’ or ‘marauders era’ with NO concept of canon compliant or divergence or AU or anything. u can argue ‘meh what does it matter’ but then really, that’s a question for the entire institution of tagging then, isn’t it?
as it stands, as our ~fandom social contract~ dictates, tagging is a way for us to find what we want and avoid what we don’t. having a baseline helps operationalise that. u can say ‘okay, yeah, this is a thing and i’m CHANGING it’. it’s a scientific experiment 😌 but to straight up say?? nothing is real?? like bro take ur nihilism elsewhere pls thx
and gosh. don’t even get me start on the overtagging. literally every time one of my posts gets rb’d with wolfstar, it makes me wanna scream. i can’t see my own posts. and that’s not to mention all the others that get mistagged and i keep playing roulette w them. i honestly mostly blame tumblr’s system for this bc,,,why u including everyone’s additional tags bruh. obv someone will tag what they see. that’s what we all do. why do i have to suffer for it 😭
i also think it’s bc of like,,,those auto generated text thingys? and reader insert accs who want reach? that are fully clogging the tags. atp i just go by recs and a few trusted mutuals pages lol that’s what i’d recommend to anyone similarly frustrated 💀
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not to bring up the ao3 tagging discourse again but as some who has to tag every fic with different variations of the same tags to have a chance of it being found, (ao3 has actively decided not to give us a fandom tag despite us having between 100-200 fics in the category) it’s very funny that people are saying that 75 tags isn’t enough. if i and everyone else in my fandom have to tag 5 different versions of the fandom, character(s), and relationships, and manage to tag the big concepts and major trigger warnings, and we almost never even reach 30 tags? then i can guarantee there’s no way you’re going to breach 75 unless you are wildly overtagging and writing an essay in the tags lol
Asjsjsk yeah like, right when all that was happening I was literally sitting down and purposefully trying to get over 75 tags. Like literally coming up with hypothetical fics and/or going like, okay let's pretend that dragon age origins is a fic and let's tag it, let's tag Xenoblade Chronicles, that game's like 100+ hours, etc etc. And it was like, genuinely hard for me to make myself surpass 75 tags. Even with lots of characters + multiple fandom tags you have to really put in effort to make that happen.
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ashintheairlikesnow · 4 years
I hope you don't mind this question, but I would like to get into the whumplr community and share my own wips, but I never know how to. Do you just jump in and start writing on a blog? Is there more to it?
I’m not going to lie, Anon, I got into whumpblr largely accidentally and by falling in.
I got back on Tumblr after a long absence a little more than a year ago, made a blog, and largely just reblogged random fandom stuff for ACOTAR and ADSOM, books i was super into at the time. Then I started writing fanfic for those fandoms and reblogged the links to that. I picked up some followers, made some friends. Then, in August, I participated in @writersmonth 2019 with AUs written for the Shades of Magic fandom.
On Day 11, the prompt was “whump”. I asked my friend @pinkcupboardwitch what the fuck ‘whump’ was, and then learned, oh reader, that the types of fiction I preferred my entire life had a name on the internet. 
I clicked the #whump tag.
Then I blacked out, and here we are many months later.
I mean, there’s a bit more to it than that. I started being part of the Whumpblr community mostly by reblogging at first as I came across stuff on the #whump tag I liked. Then I participated in @whumptober2020 for 2019 and picked up new followers - Day 1 of Whumptober 2019 was the first piece of Danny’s story I posted, and so my first piece of dedicated whump fiction.
I stumbled across more tags I liked, found my fucking people when I found the #creepy whumper an #intimate whumper tags and a prompt list posted by @untilthepainstarts (yeah that’s right, Dotty, you are to blame for what I’ve become!) and I just... kept writing, and posting.
I did some research early on to find what tags best suited my writing. One thing I will tell you for advice - there is no such thing as overtagging in whump. People search the tags for the exact scenario they’re looking for, and they use them to block squicks or triggers or make the choice not to read individual pieces for their own safety. Tag, tag, tag, tag, tag. 
Also post Content Warnings prior to your piece - mine are always at the top, in bold, marked with a CW. I try to list all the content/trigger warnings I can think of. The more informed your readers are, the better they’ll feel about the choice to read your work. Considering the dark material whump works with, it’s really just a nice courtesy and common sense to make sure people won’t stumble across something that could really wreck them if they’re not prepared or in the right headspace for it.
I follow a bunch of whump accounts. A lot of peope have dedicated whump blogs, but I just use my main blog and honestly people seem okay with my occasional obsessive posting about horses, Shades of Magic, and whatever other fucking thought comes into my head.
I like, reblog, follow, comment sometimes. All of those are important when it comes to helping people find you, too, because being an active part of the community (I almost wrote ‘active participant’, you guys) is important! We’re all just hanging out around a virtual campfire telling stories. Let other people know you like theirs!
A lot of whump accounts post prompts - I find it’s fun sometimes to take that prompt, write a short piece, and post it as a reblog of the prompt. It helps people find that, and once people find some work by you, they’re likely to scroll and see if they can find more.
Seriously, most of what I did was just start writing, start posting, tag like crazy, and talk to/follow everybody in the community who caught my eye and I wanted to know better. 
I usually also tell people that it’s sometimes handy, starting out, to post an ‘intro’ post where you talk about yourself, the types of whump you like to read or write, and tag a few people whose work you really like. I often reblog intro posts that tag me because this community is huge and fun and I like helping welcome people into it!
The biggest things, though? Write. And post. And tag. And talk to people.
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hongism · 4 years
Also I once found a writer that put *everyone in the story consented to what's going on, I'm just not the best at writing it* which was a weird grey zone
hmm okay yeah this is something i’m very Opinionated about but,,,, that to me sounds more like an excuse than anything else.
consent is something that any and every author should highlight and be clear about. consent is more important than the smut itself, and it should be treated as such. if an author is using an excuse like that, it’s very ??? awful? in my opinion. there are obviously bad ways of depicting consent, but imo it’s not hard to do it right. consent can be as simple as “is this okay? do you want me to stop?” “yes this is okay, i’d like to continue” “are you sure?” “yes”. that grrr i don’t know that really really bothers me that an author is using the excuse of not being good at writing it. it is not hard to write consent, so yeah that might be a weird grey zone but yeah again consent should be the first and foremost thing in writing smut, regardless of what kind of smut it is. it’s a bit careless for an author to push it to the side in that way and i don’t think i could ever in good conscious support that or someone who does that. 
while yeah the author is saying ‘this is consensual’, that does seem to imply that it’s a situation of dubcon so i would hope that the author recognized that and tagged it properly and gave proper warnings for that.
i think a good rule of thumb to follow is this: if you can’t understand it when reading it back to yourself, then your readers won’t understand either. if you at any point in the writing process stop and think ‘hm consent isn’t clear’, your readers won’t think it’s clear either. i am known to be sloppy in terms of editing, but it is a writer’s responsibility to check their work before posting so that they can tag it properly. and if they end up not tagging it properly and someone approaches them asking them to correct it, it is safer to listen to that person and tag it as they were asked to. i always always go for overtagging warnings rather than undertagging bc it is better to cover every possible base to avoid confusion and keep from unintentionally harming others.
too often do i see authors who are more concerned with listing off a whole bible of smut tags just because they think it’s edgy and cute and hot to have 575843234 smut tags and fill up the entire dash with just smut warnings, but when it comes to real triggering warnings, they gloss over those because it’s a) not as aesthetic to have on their fic and b) they don’t want people to be scared off by their tags. those kinds of people are nasty, disgusting, and need to reevaluate a lot of things because it’s clear that they’re in it for attention and faux fame that won’t get them anywhere in life rather than actually spreading good and healthy content. i have no respect whatsoever for people like that, but then again egotistical assholes who can only focus on themselves and their own personal gain rather than educating and helping others are my absolute pet peeve and i will never ever have an ounce of respect for people like that. 
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hello! i saw you tag your aesthetics as hskin in addition to hskinaes, and i was wondering if you'd consider tagging it only as hskinaes? sorry if this sounds rude, it just kinda floods the main tag.
Hi! I’m sorry to say that’s sort of the point? Not to explicitly flood the tag, but to get our stuff out where it can be seen by more people. For example, I don’t actually track the hskinaes tag. I track the hskin tag. I go to that tag specifically for all hskin content. And I know a lot of people who do the same thing! We tag it as hskinaes mostly for ease of finding on the blog, but also for people who only want to find hskinaes stuff rather than the plethora of other stuff that goes into the main hskin tag. 
Basically, since I got introduced to the hskin tag as like, the pool where all hskin stuff goes, and individual tags (like hskinstimboard and hskinaes) as tributaries that give me more specific content, I’d prefer to keep it the way it is. That’s not intended to cause any issues! It’s just how I got told to do it by someone else, and how I know people around me prefer it. 
I guess in a way it also gives exposure to the blog. Like I said, a lot of the people I know don’t go to the specific tags, just the hskin tag. So if we posted in just the hskinaes tag, I’m worried posts wouldn’t get seen. 
If this is an issue - and more of a one than I think it is - we could change it? Currently I’d prefer not to - that’s just for sake of preference and also my brain really disliking the idea of changing a system that I put in place - but if it really is an issue, I’ll talk to the other mod about it.
- Mod DoomedDirk
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redeadepression · 5 years
yo just let ppl tag how they want to. its their fic so its their tags
If they want to tag wrong and piss people off then they can.
But tags have a purpose and aren’t just there for funsies. They are to inform others what the fic is about and who is involved. There is literally not a single reason on this earth to tag John/Abigail in a fic that isn’t about them or in a LOT of cases, they aren’t even involved in. If the two of them and their relationship is a large plot point in an Arthur x Reader (ie one of them gives Arthur relationship advice based on their own relationship) then yeah okay. I understand that. But don’t fucking tag them just because they are a canon couple. Same goes for Dutch and Molly. Hosea and Bessie. etc.
Overtagging is a thing and it pisses a lot of people off. I can ignore it for the most part. But when your OTP is a rarepair that also happen to actually be canon, it’s infuriating.
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