#okay. well. that is my beloved pet actually. who has stopped me from killing myself countless times. so uhm. thanks for that i guess.
piplupod · 4 months
oh wait this is literally just... the majority is Right and True and anyone who deviates from it is Wrong and Unwell. okay. okay. i've experienced this and observed this many times before but this one in particular blindsided me a little because I often forget how much people hate insects because the subject does not come up very often in my physical life
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loveafterthefact · 3 years
A Deleted Scene
Thanksgiving results were in about a month ago (oops), and you guys wanted a deleted scene, so here you go.
This one is also pre-Daibazaal, but is post-Frost Ball, and was inspired by all those tiktoks of people brushing their cats with we toothbrushes.
I just couldn’t resist.
Lance peers at his spouse, who’s lounging on the couch in front of the fireplace. He’s reading a novel on his datapad, nibbling on some snack or other. Narrowing his eyes, Lance readies weapon of choice carefully hidden in his pocket.
He looks back down at the video on his datapad, something Allura sent him, involving Lotor and his beloved cat, Kova. This prince is cradling the marsupial animal like a baby, cooing as he scratches her under her chin. Apparently the little feline is Allura’s greatest competition for the Lotor’s affections.
At any rate, Lotor’s discovered something interesting, and the couple immediately informed Lance of the groundbreaking development. Thus, it’s time to run a science experiment.
Keith scrolls along, enraptured in his story. He really is so much like a cat, with the fluffy ears, slanted pupils, pointy teeth… the tail curling back and forth over the floor in irritation…
“Can I help you?” Keith asks, giving Lance a side-glare, clearly annoyed by the Altean’s silent, intermittent staring.
“I was just wondering… How come Galra don’t groom themselves? You have that weird tongue like cats do, so-”
“Because I’m not a cat! And we have baths! Why would I choose to lick myself clean when I can just take a bath?”
“Well yeah, but you’re similar to a cat in a lot of ways. Don’t you ever wonder what other things you might have in common?”
“What other things I might have in common with a common Altean house pet?” the Galra asks in a low voice, staring at his spouse, a silent dare written all over his face.
It should be noted that Lance has few, if any survival instincts. Presumably because they’ve been bred out of him over generations of spoiled, cushy nobles. Perhaps this is why he chooses to continue with his current track.
Judging by the ever-so-slight-but-still-terrifying shift in Keith’s features, Adam has probably sensed Lance’s imminent death from the other side of the castle and come running in the hopes of saving his life.
“I’m actually gonna kill you,” Keith breathes, seemingly in awe. “I’m gonna be executed for regicide.”
The Altean reaches over, tugs on the end of Keith’s braid.
“Hey, beloved. That’s not what I meant. Just hear me out.” So maybe Lance has some survival instincts. “I just want to see something. Do Galra groom their babies?”
“Like with our tongues?” At Lance’s nod, Keith sighs. “When they’re very, very little. It’s a bonding thing.”
“That’s adorable. Seriously. A little gross, licking your kids, but hey, whatever works, right?”
“... I suppose? What’s this got to do with anything?”
Lance smirks, all cockiness as he leans over the back of the couch, getting closer and closer until the tips of their noses are almost touching. “Do you trust me?”
“Not at all.” Keith knows better than to trust anything with that sort of glint in it’s eye. Even if he can’t suppress an amused smile.
“Wow, you didn’t even stop to think about it. That hurts, beloved.”
Keith stares at his spouse, sighs in surrender. “If I agree to whatever weird shit you're about to do, will you pick up your dirty clothes off the floor?”
“Absolutely. It’s a deal!” Lance vaults over the back of the couch, landing in Keith’s lap, arms wrapped around his neck, beaming as he kisses Keith’s cheek. “Whoops! Wait one second!”
And the Altean is gone, hurrying into the bathroom of all places.
“If you come out naked, I’m eating you!” he calls, shaking his head at his spouse.
“Ancients, I’d love that, but no.” Lance pads back into the room, sitting back down next to Keith, who sticks his tongue out in disgust. “So apparently, if you brush the top of a cat’s head with a wet toothbrush, they really like it because it makes them feel like tiny babies again. Or something. I want to try it on you.”
“Absolutely not.” It’s more a reflex than anything else, resisting something so absurd.
“Oh, come on! Please? Pease?” Lance flops back into his lap, blue-and-pink eyes wide and pleading. “Please? I’ll be the big spoon tonight.”
“You’re almost always the big spoon.” Keith stares for a long moment before giving into Lance’s continued begging. Scoffs even as he surrenders. “Sure. Fine. Whatever. It can’t hurt, so go ahead.”
Lance grins, holds out a soft brush glistening with water. Hesitates.
“There a problem?” Keith grumbles. He really just wants to get back to his reading.
“It won’t make you sad, will it?”
Guess we’ll find out, won’t we?” At Lance’s continued hesitation, Keith sighs, smiling with a heart full of fondness. This man is ridiculous, but he’s his. “It’s okay. Let’s just see what happens, and if it makes me sad, you’ll be here to make me feel better, right?”
“Y- Yes, of course. Okay.”
Lance gently drags the wet brush over the top of Keith’s head once, twice, three times. At first, nothing happens. Then, his pupils dilate wide, overtaking his eyes. His ears dip down to the sides. A soft mewl escapes him.
He feels… so safe. Warm. Loved. Like a little kit again, held in his father’s arms. 
He misses his father so much…
“Aww, Ke-eith.” Lance pulls him into his lap, tucking him against his chest. “You’re adorable, you know that?”
“It does. It does remind me of them. My dad especially.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, beloved.”
“No, it’s okay. Makes me think of the good things.” Keith smiles. “Makes me feel safe again.”
It’s been so long since Keith’s felt safe. But here he is, in Lance’s lap, back in those first few decaphoebs of life.
“Would you like me to continue?” Lance murmurs.
Keith nods. “Yes, please. Just for a little while.”
Lance strokes him with the brush again, letting him settle in, nostalgia washing over him.
“Thank you,” Keith whispers.
“You don’t have to thank me for anything,” Lance replies. “Not ever.”
Keith doesn’t respond except to curl closer and let the memories of home wash over him.
“I stand by the fact that you’re adorable, though.”
“You know I’ve killed people before, right? Killing you would be nothing.”
“Yeah, but I like to think you’re too fond of me to actually kill me. Rough me up a bit, maybe-”
“I have a sinking feeling you’d enjoy that.”
“Hm. You’re right.”
“Shhhh… Go back to missing your childhood.” Lance starts brushing the top of his head again.
“I hate you. So much.”
“No you don’t.”
Lance pulls him closer, and Keith settles in. He doesn’t hate this silly Altean at all. But that doesn’t mean he can let the man win. “I’m gonna get you back for this. Just you wait.”
“I don’t doubt it at all.” The Altean sets the brush aside, kisses the top of his head. “What are you going to do, huh?”
“I’m thinking… Get your dick hard and then just up and leave at the least convenient moment.”
“I don’t believe you could pull that off, but-”
“I’ll bide my time. One day, in a few phoebs, I’ll blue ball the fuck out of you.”
“I look forward to seeing your satisfied grin when you do.”
Keith laughs, kissing the corner of Lance’s jaw before tucking his head under his chin. He can live with that, with Lance goofing off with him the same way he goofs off with Lance.
It’s a good feeling. With that in mind…
“Should I be concerned that you seem oddly excited at the prospect of being denied an orgasm?”
“Mnh. Probably. I’m sure you’ll make sport of it, though.”
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otome-writer51 · 4 years
A Ninja’s Kin
Hey guys!!!!!! It has been a long time since I’ve posted a story. I’ve been lacking motivation, but I am back with a piece dedicated to the lovely @raisukemerch. I had this amazing woman as my person in the writers/artist exchange in @voltage-vixen Kings of Paradise server. Thank you so much Kristen for organizing this whole entire event. It was so much fun to write something for someone, and getting to understand their favorite character(s). Also for just being the amazing, crazy, kind person you are!!!!!!!!! I might have went a little crazy Bunny, but it was all worth it!!!!! Writing this piece for you helped me develop a closer bond as friends with you, and I wouldn’t trade that for the world. You also got me addicted to SLBP; which I was hesitant to play because I wasn’t a fan of SAC. I will thank you forever for getting me hooked on this game!!!!!! I got to writing and I just couldn’t stop; it’s a bit longer than you were probably expecting, but YOU DESERVE ALL OF IT YOU AMAZING HUMAN!!!!! You are the best merch dealer on the planet, and you have the most amazing chicken!!!!!!!!!!! I know you have already read it in a PDF on the server, but it needs to go here so everyone can see how badass you and your family are, and how cute you and Saizo are of course!!!!!!!! I hope you enjoy it even more here on Tumblr!!!!!! I LOVE YOU BUNNY SO MUCH!!!!!!!! YOU ARE TRULY SAIZO’S LITTLE LADY!!!!!!!
Now onto the many many many thanks I have to give. I want to say thank you to @leoamber66 and @voltage-vixen for helping me get this spot on. I just started playing this game, and didn’t know everything I needed to do Saizo justice. You both helped me with that, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!! Also thank you so much Kristen for helping me with Saizo at the ending. You are the only person that has read the original version of the ending, and I am so glad you read it, and gave me feedback. I originally was only going to fix it, but after talking with you I realized it needed a complete overhaul!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lastly I want to give SUPER GINORMOUS THANKS TO @the-voltage-diaries(Zela) and @awesomeallseeingeye(Kay)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! First off, Zela made this beautiful edit to go with this novel, and it is absolutely amazing!!!!!!!! Thank you so much for the POV banner, it adds a certain magic that it didn’t have before. These two outstanding ladies were with me the most while I was writing this piece. They both edited the whole entire thing to make it perfection!!!!!!!! When one of them went to sleep it was time for the other to wake up; and they helped me so much, even though they did not have to!!!!!!!! This piece would not be the way it is now without the two of you guys!!!!! THANK YOU ZELA AND KAY SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE BOTH OF YOU!!!!!!!!!! I COULD NOT HAVE DONE THIS WITHOUT YOU!!!!!!!! Also all the laughs we shared typing back and forth on the document will stay with me forever, I will never forget them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go give all these wonderful folks some love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now without further ado I present to you Bunny’s amazing family!!!! (It is in five parts to avoid having over 10,000 words on one post).
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“Ha! Haru, you need to square up your shoulders to your target more if you ever want to beat me,” my oldest boy, Takeshi, chided his younger brother on his form. He had him in a compromising position to say the least, until Haru gracefully moved out of his clutches.
“I will beat you, with my shoulders squared or not,” my much younger boy growled at his older brother, knocking heads and giving him a death glare. You would think Haru was going to win this round, with how much anger he spat those words at Takeshi.
‘They get more competitive everyday,’ I giggled to myself, thinking. They were fiercely competitive, just like their father, but perhaps not as competitive as…
“Hi-ya!” Tackling both boys to the ground was my beautiful daughter Sakura. My oldest boy may be an exact copy of his father, but Sakura definitely inherited his sneaky side.
She flung herself down from a tree ending any kind of dispute between the two brothers that was sure to continue if she hadn’t.
“You both need to work on your spatial awareness if you ever want to dream of beating me.” Rising elegantly to her feet, she scolded them with so much sass I couldn’t help but be proud of her. She turned around with a quick whip of her long flowing hair, leaving both of her brothers on the ground, in a heap of grumbling mess.
“I see you have yet to outgrow your love for trees, honey,” I spoke sweetly to my girl.
She looked up at me with those big round eyes and said, “If daddy still likes trees at his age I never have to out grow trees, mommy,” punctuating ‘mommy’ in a way that was unnecessary.
I knew she would never lose her passion for trees, not when Saizo took her up one everyday to read her tales.
She walked over to the veranda in hopes of snuggling my beloved Yogurt until his eyes popped out of his head. “YOGURT!!!” She reached down to pick up the chicken and squeezed him with all her might.
“Cock-a-doodle-doo!!!!” Yogurt exclaimed at the top of his lungs.
I put a hand to my face and let out a laugh. That poor chicken, his eyes were practically bulging out of his head.
With a sigh I was about to tell her to ease up on the love fest when a snarky voice called out, “Well if she ever wanted to truly defeat me she would have outgrown her idiotic delusions that she can turn her back on the enemy.”
Barreling ahead at full speed with his wooden sword above his head, Takeshi closed in on his little sister. Sakura dropped Yogurt in shock, and he hurriedly ran away, cowering under a nearby log.
Sakura tried to defend herself but she was a second too late. Takeshi already had her in his vice grip, his sword resting across her throat. “See? We both knew you could never best me.”
Pursing her pretty pink lips, Sakura desperately tried to escape his hold.
It was a test between siblings. A passion burned in their eyes, much like the way their father’s gleamed when he went into battle.
‘They are for sure his children alright.’
Everything was just the way it should be, except for one little rascal, who was missing from this picture.
“Hey don’t you dare talk to my big sister like that!” Deciding his presence couldn’t be excluded from this party anymore, Haru sped over like a torpedo ready to show his big brother what happens when you mess with his big sister.
This was only meant to be a light training session. Of course it wouldn’t turn out that way though, these were mine and Saizo’s children after all, and it was escalating quickly.
“Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!” Brandishing his own training sword above his head just like his brother did only moments before, Haru lunged at Takeshi. In one swift movement, pushing his sister aside, Takeshi side-stepped Haru’s advances and flipped him over, back onto the ground to join his sister. “Uggggghh,” spread eagle on the ground, Haru moaned in pain. Sakura rubbed her butt, trying to ease the dull ache from her fall.
Proudly sheathing his training sword in his belt, Takeshi walked over to where Yogurt was to sooth the frightened chicken. Getting down on his knees, he held his hand out to him, “Come on, Yogurt, it’s safe to come out. That bad girl can’t hurt you anymore.”
“You see, this is why I like Haru more than you,” Sakura grimaced, gesturing to Haru, who finally was able to sit up after the ordeal he just went through. Now they were both glaring at Takeshi, who had finally managed to get Yogurt to come out of his hiding spot.
‘I think I should intervene before this gets out of control, but they are so adorable I can’t,’ Is all I could think as I watched my three young children bicker back and forth.
“You two are just jealous you are not as awesome as me,” Takeshi puffed out his eleven year old chest proudly, smirking at his younger siblings.
“Okay, okay,” I said, deciding to intervene now, “that is enough, you three. Come, let us go prepare dinner, your father should be finished with his meeting soon,” I ordered, speaking authoritatively to my rambunctious lot.
“Of course, mommy. Can we prepare him dango? Daddy loooooves dango!!!” Sakura pleaded cutely, looking up at me with her puppy-dog eyes, pulling on my robes.
“Is there any other option?” I asked with a knowing smile, taking my daughter’s hand in mine. “Come, you boys, let’s go,” I said, looking at my other two kids, only to realize my words fell on deaf ears, for my boys had their own plans in mind.
Takeshi was still standing triumphantly, petting Yogurt, while Haru was fuming at his obnoxious older brother. “Aren’t older brothers supposed to be people younger brothers look up to? If so, you are the worst older brother ever.” Stomping his little foot, Haru balled his hands up into tiny fists at his sides, giving his brother the look of a predator.
“Oh, stop being a wimp, Haru. You lost fair and square. You just need to face it; I’ve got five years on you and will always be ahead of you,” Takeshi taunted with a smirk, challenging his little brother.
“Takeshi, Haru do not speak to each other that way!” I scolded my children, an undertone of anger in my voice.
But of course, they did not hear me. Instead, Haru leaned down and picked up his weapon again, looking ready to kill. “YOU GET READY! I AM GOING TO SHOW YOU HOW ON THE SAME LEVEL WE ACTUALLY ARE!” Haru shouted, dashing forward at an incredibly fast speed… only to be met with a strong hand holding him in place.
“Are you joking right now? Is that seriously the best you’ve got?” Holding Haru with one hand to his forehand, and Yogurt in the other, it seemed like a walk in the park for my eldest son. Putting Yogurt down, Takeshi ripped Haru’s wooden blade out of his hand.
“Urrrgh. I am so going to get you!” Haru yelled at Takeshi, swinging his arms wildly to try and strike a hit on him, but to no avail.
“You boys!” I said, raising my voice at the ridiculousness of my sons, “STOP IT NOW.” ‘Did things always get like this when Saizo was training them?’ Sighing to myself, I let go of my daughter’s hand and marched right over to them.
“You poor thing. Watch and learn how the real men do it,” said Takeshi, and in the blink of an eye, he let go of Haru and swiped the sword right through his legs, knocking him on his back for the third time that day. “I. TOLD. YOU. Maybe one day you might achieve this level of awesomeness,” laughed Takeshi, holding his brother's sword high in the air, striking a pose. It was in his gloating that he did not realize he left himself so utterly exposed.
Grabbing the sword on his brother's belt, Haru used this golden moment to nail Takeshi. Blindly swinging his weapon upwards, he missed his brother's arm, instead hitting his sword and knocking it over the fence. He stood tall, eyeing his brother and even though he didn’t land a direct hit, anything was better than nothing.
“Haru, you idiot,” muttered the elder, “now the sword is all the way over there.” Grabbing his little brother by the collar, he got dangerously close to his face. Haru was, at this point, sweating, but he wouldn’t dare let Takeshi have the joy of knowing how he made him nervous. Ready to give him a piece of his mind, the elder raised his fist.
“Takeshi. Haru.” I called out, standing right in front of them. They froze at the chilly tone my voice had taken. My boys finally both seemed to notice my presence. Their heads turned in unison to witness the anger apparent on my face. I was seething. ‘Oh, how dare they ignore me.’
They both let go of each other and stood as still as statues, facing me. “Ye-yes, m-m-mother?” they whispered nervously. I could tell they were frightened, for it was one thing for Saizo to get mad, but when they made me mad, they knew just how bad they had really messed up.
With them fidgeting nervously in front of me, I finally had their full attention, so I spoke, “What is the matter with you two? I told you that was enough for today. When I told you to come, you did not come; in fact you ignored me and continued your mindless bickering. I have never seen the two of you act so hostile towards each other. You both wish to become great ninjas, but you will never with the way you are acting. I am very, very deeply disappointed with the both of you. Your father would be very disappointed with you two as well,” I said, shaking my head, “Do you hear me?”
Hanging their heads in shame, they kicked the rocks at their feet, twiddling their thumbs.
They did not answer me, and so I questioned again, louder, “Do you hear me?” The air outside dropped 30 degrees at my icey tone.
“Ye-yes m-mo-mother,” they nervously looked up at me, answering, afraid for their little lives. Any of the bravery they showed before was long gone now.
“You two are to go to bed with no supper after you finish cleaning all this mess up from your so-called ‘training’. I want it to be spotless out here. I want the dirt and grass so clean you can eat off of them.” I barked at them, too angry with them to tolerate any of their bitching, which they so happened to deliver.
Takeshi was the first to speak, “But mom that’s not fair! It is going to take hours to clean all of this up. Not just our training, but everyone else’s too! I hardly th-”
“Don’t you dare finish that sentence, young man.”
He snapped his mouth shut, shrinking back to the same cowering little boy he was moments before.
“Hahaha!” I heard Sakura snickering in the background.
I snapped my head around to her, “Sakura, I kindly advise you to keep your mouth shut as well, unless you wish to aid your brothers in cleaning, with no dinner.” Her big beautiful eyes went as wide as saucers. She quickly shut her mouth, her eyes suddenly seeming to find the floor of the veranda very charming.
Letting out a frustrated groan, I turned back to my boys. “Haru, go get that sword you knocked over the fence, now. Take the long way around as well. It will give you time to think about what you have done,” I spat at my baby, who had tears forming in the corners of his eyes. At this point, I just wanted to hug him and wipe those tears away, but now was not the time.
“Hahaha,” now Takeshi was the one snickering.
Glaring, I doubled down on his punishment, “You better have half of this courtyard spotless by the time he gets back, boy.”
“But-! Mom, I can’t poss-” He groaned to me, but I cut him off with a tone that demanded no response, and a glare that had the potential to pierce one’s soul.
“TAKESHI.” He bit back his words letting a small, ‘Yes, mother,’ before he dashed off to start cleaning. I turned to Haru, “What are you waiting for? Go get that sword before the sun goes down.” With that, he scampered off, not because he wanted to make it back before sunset, but because he didn’t wish for me to see his tears.
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
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Okay. I decided to try my hand at an au. Does it even exist yet?
It was mostly born from wanting a more serious reason as to why Blake was scared of dogs. I kind of feel bad.
I’m just going to call it “Emotional Support Soul AU” for now. Is this something people would like to see more of? Is it even a good au? Eh, it was a fun writing exercise at any rate.
Things to note:
Adam (abusive ex) is in jail.
Blake has come a long way but has residual trauma and depression
Yang does have a moment of being a lil forgetful and maybe a touch insensitive but she tries to make it better
Blake and Yang were roommates in college who decided to move in together
This is mostly because of Blake’s cat
They don’t know why but being too far apart physically hurts
So oblivious
Adam probably ran a dog fight ring or trained them to attack humans because he’s a goat lookin ass
Faunas are a thing
Set in Vale
Apparently soul pets or bonded animals or whatever are things here
The animal you were always meant to own/your guardian
Even more special if it’s your soulmates pet and it adopts you
Having your soulmates bonded animal approve of you is the highest complement
Both animals getting along and approving of each human in the relationship is rare and usually means they’re soulmates or something
They will often act as wingmen
It’s how Blake and Yang truly bonded as friends
Ember is a stray that Blake rescued as a kitten. When she finds out Yang is her cat’s bonded human, she’s surprised because: blonde party girl. She tried to keep Ember; does not go well.
Yang tried to keep Ember; does not go well
She refused to leave Blake but demanded that her bonded human stay
Even the cat ships them
“…Yang. What is that.”
“It’s a dog, Blake. Ya know, canine? Canis Familaris?”
“I know what a dog is, Xiao Long. I want to know why it’s in our fucking apartment.”
Uh oh. This was bad. Very bad. When Blake was mad she yelled. It was a part of her passionate nature; an injustice is done and Blake will have your head. But it was when she got quiet and spoke in that dangerously low tone of voice that you should probably start backing up. And never mention that’s she’s actually really pretty when she’s mad. Additionally, she was swearing and Blake only really swore when she was really pissed off. And apparently bringing home a Newfoundland equaled really pissed off the cat faunus.
“She needed a home. The poor baby was all alone, isn’t that right, Shroud?” Yang cooed adoringly at the friendly giant laying in front of their sofa.
“That is not a baby. That is a monster that I am sure will probably kill my cat.” Shroud whined and laid her head down, the dog almost seemed hurt. What am I supposed to do about Ember, Yang?!” Almost as on cue, a slender ginger tabby slunk her way into the living room. The cat immediately trotted over to Yang, headbutting her ankles fondly, completely ignoring her actual owner altogether. Before Yang could bend down to let the cat sniff her hands, Ember locked onto Shroud. She slowly walked over sniffed the giant nose that was presented to her. What truly surprised the two girls, however, was when Ember butted her head under the giant dog’s jaw before curling up against the dogs stomach and glancing at them as if to say “this is my bed now”.
“Ember, you traiter. I saved you from the streets when you were a kitten. I raised you and loved you like my own and this is how you repay me?!” Yang wished that she could say that Blake was joking but the cat faunus could be quite… extra when she wanted to be. To say the least; she was not pleased.
Yang walked over and scooped Ember up, not without complaint, and held her out to Blake.
“Aw, c’mon mum. Can we keep her? I’ve only just met her and I love her!” She pitched her voice, wiggling Ember around as though the cat were talking. This resulted in a bitten hand and a very disgruntled cat.
“You earned that. I pay half the rent, Yang. Couldn’t you have spoken to me about this first? You know how I feel about dogs.”
“Yeah, well, that’s kind of why I didn’t.”
“So you decided to ignore how I felt and go behind my back?” Yang winced. When you put it like that…
“Look, I’m sorry that I didn’t talk to you but my old high school buddy needed her gone ASAP. I couldn’t just leave her.” Yang made sure to look her friend in the eyes. She’d learned a long time ago that eye contact was important to the other woman and Yang always tried to make sure that she knew that she had Yang’s attention.
Blake didn’t say anything for a long while.
“Fine. Whatever.” She muttered, faunus ears pinned against her head, before turning on her heel and heading to her room. Yang cringed as she heard Blake’s door slam. Their uni days had taught her when to push and pull and when to back off. This was very much a back off situation. Even if she found it hard to understand why somebody would be so deadset against a dog.
Hours later, she was laying on the floor cuddling with both cat and dog when she heard Blake walk into the kitchen. She immediately headed over and stopped short. She knew Blake. She knew what she looked like when she was ecstatic, what she looked look when she was about to kick somebody’s ass.
Yang also knew what it looked like when one of her friend’s depressive episodes were kicking in. So the sight of a drained, red eyed and shuffling Blake was not new to her. It always broke her heart to see one of the most amazing, incredible people she’s ever met hurt like this. But to know that she was the potential cause…
“Blake?” Yang had never sounded, or felt, so small. Blake breathed deeply for a moment before turning to Yang.
“He used to keep dogs. Trained them to bite and attack. I don’t exactly have pleasant memories of them.” When Blake spoke, carefully holding her hip as it ached, it hit her hard. Of course, that was in the police report when they finally managed to get Blake’s ex away from her for good. Why the hell didn’t she put two and two together?!
“Shit, Blake. I am so sorry. I don’t know why I didn’t- it doesn’t matter. I obviously hurt you and I am so, so sorry.” Yang was close to tears herself at this point. She had seen how that man had broken her friend. Watched as Blake pulled herself from the shadows and stood tall and continued to repeat that process every single time he knocked her down. Now that she was finally free of him, she could be who she was meant to be. But that didn’t mean that he didn’t still haunt her. It hurt to see the pain in the other girl’s eyes but she kept eye contact. “I’ll find her a new home as soon as possible, I swear.”
Maybe that would have been it. Maybe she would have rehomed Shroud and they would have been done with it. But the canine in question suddenly walked into the kitchen and made her way to Blake.
“Just stay still, Blake. It’s okay, I won’t let her hurt you. I promise.” Blake was frozen but before Yang could grab her, Shroud sat at Blake’s feet and stared up at her. Yang paused. It was eerily similar to how Ember had decided that Yang was her bonded person. Blake’s breathing started to even out as she gazed at Shroud, who then proceeded to flip over onto her back and wiggle, tongue and jowls flopping comically.
“Hi?” Blake’s uncertainty would have been adorable had it not been for the situation. As the dog shifted, so too did Blake, her gaze becoming more curious than fearful. There was a patch of white on the dog’s black chest, seeming to form the shape of some kind of flower. “I think the fates are fucking with me.” Blake mumbled. “Because that is a Belladonna plant.”
Yang blinked. Blake met her gaze and before too long, the two women were giggling. Perhaps it was the fact that tensions were running high or perhaps Shroud had somehow known how to break the ice with Blake. Because when Blake spoke next, she left Yang surprised.
“Keep her.” Blake inhales shakily. “But please, for the love of God; train her properly. I can’t live like that again, Yang.” Yang immediately nodded and then, unable to help herself, ran over to hug Blake.
Only to be blocked by a large furry body. Shroud wasn’t growling, merely acting as a barrier. The dog had apparently thought that Yang was going to hurt Blake and was already trying to defend her. Wasn’t there a meme online about that? “I’ve only had Blake for one day but if anything happened to her, I’d kill everyone in this room and then myself.” Evidently, that was what was going on here. Not that Yang could blame the dog. Bonded animals did tend to be extremely protective of their person, if that’s what this was.
“Uh, Blake? I think that you have a body guard now.”
“Oh.” There was a light sniffle as the emotions of the past few hours crashed over Blake. “I think that that’s fair since you stole my cat.” Yang snorted, side stepping around Shroud carefully before wrapping Blake up in a hug.
“Not my fault she’s my soul pet or whatever the hell they’re called.” Yang defended herself. “I can’t believe that I’m going to need to ask a dog for permission to hug you.” Blake giggled weakly, burying her head into Yang’s neck.
“Just… lets take it slow, yeah? I’m not going to become a dog person over night. Even if she is my bonded animal.” Yang hummed. Well, that confirmed it. Most people could tell once eye contact is made. They felt a sort of unspoken promise; the creature would protect their sworn master, so to speak. The bonded animal would then act as a sort of body guard. It was useful many years ago but now it was more about them being glorified emotional support companions. Sometimes the matchups were odd. Yang had honestly beloved hers would be a golden retriever, not her best friend’s cat. And apparently Blake’s bonded animal was her best friend’s dog, despite the fear that she held for them.
Maybe Blake would never love dogs. But Shroud could at least be one dog that Blake could at least be comfortable with. After all, people were usually gifted the animal that they needed the most.
It was a late afternoon when Yang realised she had been right. It had taken weeks, even months worth of training and slow progress between the two but eventually, Yang was forced to admit that Shroud was meant to never hers. Just like Ember was never meant to Blake’s.
She had just come home from work and had called out to Blake when she heard distant singing coming from the kitchen. Rounding the corner revealed a very surprising sight. One that made Yang melt.
Shroud had her paws on Blake’s shoulder as the young woman danced them around the kitchen singing along to the radio. Those gym sessions were really starting to pay off for Blake.
“You could be my Queen, I could be your dream. Oh, let me be your bumblebee.” Blake giggled as Shroud barked at her. It was a sign of how far they had come considering that she used to flinch at such. “Yang loves this song. Now that I mention her...I think that you might be a much better dancer than your mother, Shroud. Even if she doesn’t quite realise that staring is rude.”
Yang blinked. She’d been caught.
“Sorry, I’m just stupidly proud of you. So proud, in fact, that I’m going to ignore that jab at my awesome dancing abilities and my pride.” Yang glanced down at Shroud, who had dropped to all fours. “You going to say hi, girl, or are you just going to abandon me for a pretty lady?” Shroud almost seemed to glare at her before looking up at Blake who nodded solemnly in return. Yang let out more than a few grumbles about traitorous mutts and reached out to pet Shroud. Until she noticed an envelope in the dog’s collar. She rolled her eyes; they had taken to using the poor dog as a messenger, after all. Opening the letter revealed a reservation for one of the new high end restaurants in Vale. She looked up at Blake in confusion.
“It’s that new faunus cuisine place I told you about. You’re free Friday at six, yeah?” Blake was smirking and leaning up against the bench.
“Um, yes, why?”
“Because if you won’t make the first move beyond telling me I’m “feisty” and “pretty when I’m mad”, then I will.” Blake narrowed her eyes. “Don’t think that I haven’t noticed, Yang.”
“Oh. Am I that obvious?” Yang swallowed nervously.
“Yes. Also your sister and her “BFF” talked to me and have me informed to, and I quote, ‘take your pining, queer ass out before Weiss kills somebody.” I’m still not sure if Weiss wants me to date you or snipe you.” Yang felt her eye twitch. Those two...
“I mean, I’m more than happy to go on date with you and all, Blake, but I kind of want to kill them, now.”
“Want to pretend like nothing’s happened and mess with them for a couple of weeks?”
“How the hell are you so perfect?” Blake simply laughed and walked out of the kitchen with Shroud in tow.
“And of course the stupid dog follows her.” Feeling a bump against her ankles, Yang looked down. Seeing Ember, Yang quickly bent to hold her up to her face.
“But as long she keeps smiling, she can keep stealing from me. I mean, your mum already has my heart and soul, what else could I possibly lose?” She asked the cat quietly. Ember purred, apparently content with the results of her meddling from way back when. Yang smiled. It always made it a little more special when your bonded animal approved of your partner. If she was being honest with herself, so she was on cloud nine. Well, up until she heard Blake’s voice float down the hall.
“I heard that. Oh, you are so never living that one down, Yang!”
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rubyleaf · 4 years
Just this one more Daisukame, I promise, okay? When Julie gave us that delicious “dreaming of kissing each other while sharing a room” bit I just knew I had to do something with all that UST. Since, you know, canon won’t. Enjoy!
It’s a strange new feeling, sharing a room with someone.
Daisuke has never had to do that before, not even when growing up with his brothers. One of the upsides of being a Taiyo is that all the homes are large enough to have plenty of rooms for everyone; he doesn’t think he has slept in the same bedroom with anyone since he stopped sharing one with his parents as an infant.
And now, here he is. Staying in the same room as someone who isn’t family at all—and for that bit Daisuke is grateful.
“I’ll just take up this little corner here,” Okame remarks, huddling up as far from the door as possible. “Don’t let me disturb you. If I snore, just kick me or something.”
Daisuke smiles despite the prick of sadness in his chest. Does he always have to say such things? It is growing frustrating, watching one he cares about belittle himself like that.
“I will,” he says with a smile, “but only if you promise to do the same, should you catch me talking in my sleep.”
Okame snorts. “You talk in your sleep? How dishonorable, Taiyo-san. What would people say if they knew?”
“They would call me human, I hope,” Daisuke answers. “Though I have to admit I’m not certain I do. It’s not like I can hear myself while sleeping.”
“You don’t,” Okame answers. “At least, not that I’ve ever heard it. The only one who does that is Yumeko-chan.”
“And I,” Daisuke retorts, “have never been disturbed by your snoring.”
“It’s less bad when I’m sober.” Yawning, Okame curls up in his futon, facing the wall. “Just a fair warning.”
Daisuke remains standing, holding his own futon, wondering where to lie down. The generous spaciousness of the room is both a blessing and a curse. Would it be wrong for him to sleep close to Okame when the ronin has given him all this room? Is him squeezing himself into the smallest corner an attempt at courtesy or a request to be left alone?
“Are you comfortable in that corner?” Daisuke asks quietly. Okame turns around.
“I’m not used to these big rooms,” he says with a lopsided grin. “I’d rather sleep in a closet than this thing. At least in a smaller space, nothing can creep up on you.”
“Nothing will.”
Following a sudden impulse, Daisuke crosses the room, placing his futon down as close to Okame’s as manners allow. “If anything enters this room unbidden,” he says, “I will lie between you and the door, and anything that tries to hurt you will have to go through me first.” He smiles. “Rest assured.”
Okame looks like he wants to make a witty remark, then he cracks a defeated smile. “That’s actually reassuring,” he admits. “Well played, Taiyo-san. I can’t even say anything to that.”
Daisuke smiles, and Okame sighs. “Even if I don’t get why you’re saying all that, peacock,” he mutters. “That’s a pretty big favor you’re doing me. How can a ronin dog even repay that?”
You’re wrong, Daisuke thinks. It is not you I am doing a favor. I have made this offer for entirely selfish reasons.
“Don’t be ridiculous, Okame-san,” he says out loud, frowning. “You are my friend. Do not insult me with this talk of repayment.”
“All right, all right.” Okame crawls back into his futon, facing the wall once more. “Just try not to breathe in my direction too much. I probably smell of sake.”
Daisuke lies down. The ronin is less than an arm’s reach away, his reddish brown hair, undone for the night, spilling out of the futon and onto the floor. He does smell of sake. Daisuke finds he doesn’t mind.
He wouldn’t even mind, he thinks, if the two of them were lying closer, much closer—if Okame was facing his way, if they were right beside each other, close enough to intertwine their legs and get tangled in each other’s arms. He wouldn’t mind if they fell asleep in an embrace, their breathing and heartbeats synchronizing, taking refuge in each other’s warmth against the chilly air of Hakumei Castle.
But here they are, sleeping in the same room, alone, unobserved, and they must lie separately, just out of each other’s reach.
For how long, Daisuke wonders?
How much longer until you understand, Okame-san?
Do you not love me, or will you not?
He extends his hand. His fingers hover a breath from the sleeping ronin’s back, hesitating to touch his shoulder blade or run through his hair.
Finally Daisuke pulls back. No point in ruining this, he thinks, even as regret pulses through his fingertips.
He closes his eyes.
“You do smell of sake, Okame-san,” he whispers, knowing the ronin can’t hear him. “But I am glad you’re here.”
Okame lies awake, staring at the wall and trying to keep his breath from hitching.
I am glad you’re here. His chest feels warm, his body suddenly restless, more restless than it was before. This room is dangerous. Taiyo Daisuke lying only an arm’s reach away is more dangerous than all the shinobi of the Shadow Clan, and the noble doesn’t even seem to notice.
I am glad you’re here. Okame pretends not to have heard it, pretends to be sleeping, even as the whispered sentence echoes in his mind. He wants to turn around. He wants to roll over and look at the noble’s face, his silvery hair spilling over his shoulders, his pale face peaceful with an ethereal glow. Facing away from Taiyo Daisuke feels increasingly like torture. And yet he restrains himself.
The Taiyo noble is dangerous. He is beautiful and kind, honest and loyal and generous, and he makes Okame feel appreciated and respected in a way he doesn’t deserve. Even more, he makes him feel loved, and that is the most dangerous emotion of them all.
Taiyo Daisuke doesn’t love him. He can’t love him. Because if he does…
If he does, then Okame’s feelings will not be one-sided. If he does, then he will have to choose between lying and breaking the noble’s heart on one hand and certain death on the other. He is a ronin, less than human even to ordinary samurai. Stray dogs should be left alone—you never know what diseases they carry, if the mere act of petting them puts you at risk of a slow and painful death.
What are you thinking about? He doesn’t feel that way, idiot. He’s so far out of your reach you shouldn’t even be looking at him.
Taiyo Daisuke is beautiful, beloved, respectable. Okame is none of these things. And yet…
And yet, here they are. Both too close and too far, trapped together in a room until the end of the night.
He wishes he could turn around, reach for the noble’s hand, intertwine their fingers. He wishes he could kiss it with his lips still smelling of alcohol, reach around his waist, pull him into his arms. He wishes they could fall asleep like that, wake up like that. Kiss each other goodnight and good morning.
I’m still drunk, am I?
Okame closes his eyes and tries not to think of anything. This is going to be a long night.
Daisuke opens his eyes, rolling onto his back and staring up at the ceiling.
Little by little reality kicks in, and his beautiful dream begins to fade before his eyes. Just a moment ago he was standing on a bridge under the full moon, finally pulling Hino Okame into a passionate kiss. Now he is back in reality and has to come to terms with the fact that his dream may never become more than that: a sweet dream and nothing else.
Rubbing his temples, he sighs and rolls onto his side again. The sun has not yet risen. Okame is fast asleep, still facing the wall, curled up in his futon as best as he can.
Daisuke adjusts himself. To have him this close, yet so far, after such a dream feels almost like an insult. It is as if reality itself is mocking him: mocking these feelings that any respectable samurai would call scandalous at best, and treasonous at worst. If only he could simply do the same thing as in the dream, confess his love and be done with it. But as long as he doesn’t know if Okame reciprocates, such actions are too likely to backfire on him. He isn’t satisfied now, but he is not yet ready to risk ruining what they already have.
He should go back to sleep. Hope he won’t dream of the same thing again.
But just when he is about to close his eyes, Okame turns around.
And looks at him.
For a few seconds the world stands still. Their gazes meet and interlock. Neither of them says a word.
“Okame-san,” Daisuke finally breaks the silence. “You are awake.”
The ronin yawns. “I’m a light sleeper,” he says. “I thought I heard something creak and wanted to see if anybody had come to kill us.”
Daisuke gives a slight smile. “I’m afraid that was only me rolling over,” he remarks. “My apologies. I did not mean to wake you.”
“Nah, didn’t sound like that. I probably dreamed it.” Okame rolls onto his stomach, resting his head on his arms. “So what’s got you awake, peacock?”
Daisuke’s gaze strays away into the distance, his eyes glazing over. “I wonder,” he mutters. “I suppose something about this place makes it difficult to sleep.” Not exactly a lie.
“Hm. Yeah, I guess.” Okame yawns again. “You keep expecting some shinobi to jump out of the ceiling or something.”
Daisuke laughs. “I do hope that’s impossible,” he answers. “But you never know with the Kage.”
“Maybe one of them opens a Path of Shadows into our room,” Okame jokes.
“An awful choice, especially for the return journey,” Daisuke replies. “Both of us would do our best to take them into Meido with us.”
Okame grins. “Don’t remind me. They’d better hope we both turn into vengeful yurei so we can’t do that.”
They both laugh. Abruptly Daisuke realizes how close Okame is lying, close enough to touch, his dark eyes glinting with mischief in the dim light of the setting moon.
Sobering up, he gazes at the ronin with a fond, gentle smile. “You know,” he says, “before I woke up, I was dreaming of you.”
A variety of emotions passes over Okame’s face. He looks down, smiling sheepishly. “Sorry ‘bout that,” he says. “Even in your sleep you’re not free from me.”
Daisuke’s smile fades. “It was a good dream.”
“So I died in it? That’s alright then.”
The ronin looks up, visibly startled by the sudden emotion in Daisuke’s voice.
“Why do you keep saying such things?” Daisuke asks him, frustrated. “Why must you insult yourself in this way?”
The grin on Okame’s face turns bitter. “Because if I don’t say all that,” he says, “somebody else will.”
“Send them to me, then.”
Against better judgment, against all reason, Daisuke reaches out and places a hand on the ronin’s arm. “Send anyone who insults you to me,” he says, “and I shall teach them not to speak ill of my friend.”
Something in Okame’s face softens, and his smile grows sad. “Thanks, peacock,” he mutters. “But…you don’t have to. They’re right, you know.”
“How dare you speak of my friend in this way!”
Okame chuckles into his futon. “Well played,” he says. “But really—don’t bother with me. I’m a lost cause.” His voice grows faint, so quiet Daisuke needs to strain his ears to catch the next sentence. “All I do is bring dishonor on the people I’m with.”
You idiot. You idiot. How can you be so blind?
Daisuke closes his eyes, forcing down the surge of pain and sympathy in his chest. How can Okame not realize how much he matters? How can he continue living his life and still be so blind to all the good things he has about him?
“Perhaps other samurai would give me odd looks for calling you my friend,” Daisuke admits. “But no one will think worse of me for defending the honor of someone I respect, all the more so if that person cannot do it himself.”
“You think? That’s optimistic.”
Daisuke looks at him. Really looks at him.
“I am well beloved at the court,” he says. “People are willing to forgive a great deal from a person they love.”
For a long moment Okame doesn’t reply to that. A shadow passes across his face, then he turns away, sighing and placing a hand on top of Daisuke’s own. “Sounds stupid to me.”
Daisuke brushes his thumb over the ronin’s long, calloused fingers. “Your hands are cold,” he murmurs.
“Yours are warm,” Okame answers. “Maybe it’s the sake. First I was hot, and now I’m freezing.”
The moon sets over Iwagoto. Dawn begins to rise. Inside the dark room a ronin and a noble fall asleep hand in hand, not caring for the moment about ranks and honor.
Morning finds them arm in arm, sprawled between their futons, Daisuke’s head resting against Okame’s chest. Their hands are still clasped together, their legs all over the place to the point where it’s hard to tell which ones are whose.
This is how Reika finds them as she barges into the door, but if she thinks anything about it, she keeps her mouth shut.
They choose not to speak about it.
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Twist of Fate: Chapter Two 14 Years Later
Disclaimer: I don’t own Tangled the Series or the movie I wished I did though
In the forest a boy of 14 was walking around with his own satchel on him picking plants for his new project. The boy has black hair with a single blue streak going through it and he was wearing black gloves and an apron and a blue shirt and a pair of goggles and brown pants he had freckles on his face and some brown boots and he had some buck teeth, his name is Varian the son of Quirin whom was the leader of Old Corona and the boy was also an alchemist whom tried so hard to use his experiments to help better his village but in the end his experiments always blow up in his face sometimes literally.
He was actually kinda surprised that he hadn't gotten injured yet from all of his experiments or have ended up dead nor kill anyone from them which always leads to his father feeling disappointed in him which of course breaks Varian's heart since all he ever wanted was for his father to be proud of him and the person he was which was why he hoped this experiment he was working on will work this time.
But of course what he didn't know was that soon everything was going to change for him. The teen alchemist kept walking around when he then comes across some vines as he squints at them as Ruddiger his beloved raccoon companion hops on his shoulders as they looked at it with suspicion and Varian ends up moving it aside a bit and his eyes widen when he sees that it's actually a cave. "Hmm what do you think buddy? Do you want to see what this leads us to?" He asked his raccoon getting some happy chitters making Varian chuckle and walk inside as they then comes across a tower in the middle of nowhere.
Varian looks around and then back at the tower. To him it felt like it has been abandoned for years he then nods his head and makes a decision and begins to climb up the vines of said tower. He then enters inside and looks around. "Strange this place...it looks like someone is living here...but who?" He asked himself but then he spoke no more when he felt something hitting him in back of the head causing Ruddiger to jump down and scamper underneath a table to hide while Varian falls to the floor losing consciousness.
After knocking him out Rapunzel runs over to hide behind a mannequin as she looks at the boy whom was the same age as her as she approaches him cautiously. She then looks at Pascal whom points to a drawing of a man with sharp teeth on the ground that her mother made as she brings the frying pan close to the boy's face and shows his teeth to her as she saw that his teeth were normal although his front teeth were a bit bigger but they weren't pointy or sharp.
She then looks at him very carefully she saw that he has freckles on his face making him look cute and his hair was black but it had a single blue streak in his hair and on his body he was wearing an apron and black gloves. Why though was he a baker? But then why was he wearing goggles?
Varian then opens his eyes as he was knocked unconscious once more by Rapunzel. The blond haired Princess then grabs him him and drags him over to the closet finding that he was very light as she stuffs him inside it along with his satchel. After that she puts the chair in front of the door as she backs away from it. "Okay I have a person in my closet...I have a person in my closet." She says at first sounding nervous but then she says a bit more excitedly. "Heh well mother, don't think I can handle myself now?" She asked out loud as she spins the pan a bit and hits herself in the head.
"Ow." She says to herself but then she turns to the window when she hears her mother calling up to her. Rapunzel automatically runs towards the window and uses her hair to help her up after that she begins to ask Mother Gothel if she could go outside and she was about to show her Varian but Gothel yelling at her silenced her automatically as Rapunzel then tells her about the paints that was made form the sea shells which would be three day trip. After she left Rapunzel got to work right away and ties Varian up with her hair to the chair as she was now trying to wake him up when the teen alchemist finally woke up he found himself tied to a chair as he begins to struggle.
"Struggling...struggling is pointless." He heard as he looks around and sees a girl the same age as him as he blushes. She had green eyes and freckles on her face like him her skin tone was like his as well as she was wearing a pretty purple dress and was wearing no shoes but the most interesting thing about her was the fact that she had 70 feet of golden blond hair which flows around her like a golden sea of some kind the same kind of hair that had him tied to a chair as he couldn't stop staring. "Umm hey there I'm Varian it's nice to meet you milady." He greets her as he was smiling at her warmly. Rapunzel tilts her head as she approaches him cautiously while having her frying pan at the ready.
"Okay Varian...how did you find me? And why are you here? Did you come for my hair? Were you planning to sell it? Cut it?" She asked him making Varian confused. Even though yes he would think it would be interesting to experiment on her hair and to see why it was so long he figured saying that out loud might not help his current situation. "I swear I don't want your hair to be honest I came across this place by accident and when I saw the tower I thought it was abandoned so I climbed up it curious with what was inside I swear I didn't know that someone was living up here." He tells her with pure honesty. Rapunzel looks at him carefully as she saw that he was being sincere so she takes him over to her new painting. "Okay Varian can you tell me what these are?" She asked as Varian looks at the painting carefully. "Those are the lanterns they do every year for the lost princess." He tells her as he saw no harm in telling her. Rapunzel grins at that she always knew that they weren't stars. "Okay well do you think you can take me to see them?" She asked curiously. Varian then raises an eyebrow at the odd request. "Wait if you want to see them so bad why don't you go by yourself?" He asked her curiously. Rapunzel bites her bottom lip a bit. "it's complicated." She tells him as Varian could tell she didn't want to talk about it.
Varian then thought about it carefully he knew his father was gone for a few days so it's not like he'll ever know that he went on some crazy adventure right? Plus he was just taking a cute...umm I mean girl to see the lanterns then back home, how hard could it be? "Alright I'll take you." He tells her making Rapunzel break into the biggest grins Varian had ever seen as she unties him and the alchemist sees a chameleon on her shoulder as Ruddiger hops onto his shoulders. "Oh my name is Rapunzel by the way and this is Pascal." She says introducing her lizard friend to him as she brings out her hand to shake his. Varian smiles and shakes her hand as well. "Nice to meet you Rapunzel oh also this is my buddy Ruddiger." He says introducing the racoon to her whom warmly chitters at her.
Rapunzel immediately pets the fluffy racoon as she and Varian climbs down the tower when they then heard rustling and footsteps as a man comes out of the cave and Rapunzel screams and hits him with the frying pan knocking him out cold. Varian winces at that as his eyes widen when he automatically recolonizes him as Flynn Ryder as he had to hold back a squeal of excitement as Rapunzel found a crown laying down on the ground the same one that fell out of Flynn Ryder's satchel as she looks at it with curiosity as Varian was checking to see if Flynn didn't have concussion. Poor Mr.Ryder he had no idea that he wad about to become a unwilling part of these two little adventure.
A/N Just to let you know that I had made Rapunzel and Varian the same age meaning that Rapunzel and Varian are both 14 in this universe since I thought it would worked better this way
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C:R ~VE~ Chapter 54
I stare at the man yelling at me off the dock, his hair blowing about as he cups his hands around his mouth.
There has to be another way to interpret what’s in front of me.
But then he forms his hands into a heart shape and motions like he’s firing it at me, even with a “pew pew” sound effect.
“S-Stay right there, Nemo, okay?!”
He’s still firing his heart missiles at me as I duck back into the Harper.
“What’s up with him?” asks Barbicane.
I look at Barbicane with an expression that must look very stupid, but I’m not exactly sure how else to process the realization:
“He’s… he’s proposing.”
Barbicane’s mouth opens, and then it closes.
“That’s… he’s what…?! He’s standing out there in negative degree weather when—oh, Nemo!”
“I’m getting him someplace warm,” I say, pausing to gather my winter gear and scarves. “Keep Aleister and Hatteras on here as long as you can.”
“Uh…” Barbicane stares at me.
“Aleister especially. I really don’t want him to interrupt this. I mean, could you imagine what danger we’d be in if he found out that Nemo was proposing to me?”
“Polly Polly POLLY!” Barbicane begins waving his arms frantically.
“Barbicane, what is it?”
That damn grandfatherly laugh.
“Danger, Aronnax-kun?”
I turn around to see Aleister looking at me, his eyes shining as if he had found out that it’s his own son proposing.
“I’ll have you know that I’m actually quite the romantic,” he says.
I narrow my eyes and say, “We probably find very different things to be ‘romantic’, Aleister.”
“Perhaps,” he answers. “But even an old man such as myself can recognize the importance of a proposal. I’ll keep Jonathan entertained on here, you go on and give him your answer.”
I look worriedly at Barbicane, and he shrugs.
“I don’t know, Polly-chan, but Nemo’s going to become a Snow-Scientist if you don’t get out there soon! He’s pitiful enough without blue toes…”
I nod to him and begin to climb the ladder.
I stop and look back down at Aleister, who has a gentle expression so good that I almost forget who I’m dealing with.
“Don’t break Nemo-kun’s heart.”  
I narrow my eyes, but give a polite nod before climbing up the ladder and opening the hatch.
Nemo’s waiting for me near the ropes, air coming out of his open mouth in quick puffs as he can’t stop beaming. His frosted goggles are sitting atop a rosy nose and cheeks, and I’m already in the process of unwrapping one of my scarves for him as I climb down the side of the submarine.
“Marry me!”
“Nemo, you’re going to catch pneumonia out here!” I walk over to him.
“Marry me, Professor Polly-chaaaaan--!”
“If you had just waited a little bit longer…” I loop the scarf around his neck, covering his red nose and cheeks with the warm fabric.
It only muffles his voice a little bit.
“Maaaaaaaarry me, Pauliiiiine--!”
“How did you even get out here, Nemo?” I put my gloved hands over his ears, trying to warm him up. “Let’s get back to where it’s warm.”
He furrows his eyebrows and puffs his chest out.
“IIIIIIIIIIII’m not going aaaaaaaaaaanywhere until I get an answer from you, Professor Pauline Honorine Aronnax!!!”
It’s too cold for this. It’s way too cold for this!
Not sure what else to say, I cup his cold cheeks in my hands and look in his eyes. “Nemo, I don’t want to tell you ‘yes’ with chattering teeth.”
His smile widens as he realizes what I’m saying, but I cut off the bubbling excitement by taking him by the hand and dragging him towards an automobile. Romance can wait, I am cold. There is wind. I cannot concentrate like this, I can’t believe he’s proposing…!
“Did you drive out here in this?”
Nemo’s still beaming and nods at me with a cute wrinkle in his nose. “They weren’t using it, so I just borrowed it!”
“You could have gotten in a wreck with the ice and the soldiers and the… and the—I didn’t even know you could drive! You could have been killed!”
“Unlikely.” He just smiles at me pitifully. “I couldn’t wait for you to get back, Pauline. I had to see you riiiiiiiight now!”
“So you hijacked a car and drove out here in Arctic temperatures!?”
He nods, still smiling brightly.
I quickly open the passenger door and shove him inside (squawk!) before scooching around to the driver’s side and getting in.
Finally, it’s not as frigid! I rub my hands together and look down at the wheel.
I just remembered that I can’t drive.
Damnit, my mind is all cluttered!
“Hold on, we’re switching seats. I can’t drive.”
I take a deep breath before kicking the door back open and stomping around to the other side.
Nemo’s sliding out of his seat, a grin on his face as he springs back up and holds the passenger door open for me.
“Thanks, Nemo, I don’t know what’s wrong with me, I just—oof!” I fall forward as Nemo slams the palm of his hand into my back, sending me sprawling into the back seat of the automobile.
Before I can get up or even roll over onto my back, I hear the door slam and feel a loveable ragdoll of a scientist flop down on my back.
I jolt when I feel him gently begin to pet my head.
“You’re so juuuumpy!” he laughs, and I can feel his chest move from the force of it. It makes my ears hurt a bit, and I rub one of them with a wince. He gives it a kiss, laughing a little more softly this time.
“Breeeeeathe, Pauline.”
“But I--”
His voice sounds forceful and raspy. Realizing there isn’t much more I can do, I obey him. I shift, leaning into his warm skin, and close my eyes to focus.
For a long time, all I can hear is our breathing and the wind outside. It’s... weird, not hearing Nemo’s voice. It’s too quiet, I can’t relax like this.
“... Can you talk to me? About science?”
I feel him practically vibrating above me.
“Ha-haaaaa! I’m aaaaaaaalways prepared to delve out inspiration as needed! So, what shall we discuuuuuss?”
I smile, knowing that this ‘discussion’ will really be more of a lecture. “Well, what do you think about, er, the new steam engines that were on display at the World’s Fair?”
“Ho-hoooooooooooo!! You have NO idea, weeeeeell.....!!”
I close my eyes again, this time a contented smile on my face as he chatters excitedly away. He always sounds so happy when he talks about technology.
“Hmmmmm? Don’t fall asleep on me, Polly-chaaan...”
He begins to pet my hair again, and I squirm a bit until he lets me roll over so that I’m on my back and able to see him looking down at me.
“You were so frantic out there!” he giggles. “Were you that surprised?”
I try to speak, but he just shushes me with a kiss.
“I’ve been thinking about this since you said ‘always’. Since I said ‘always’!”
“So, since yesterday..?” I tilt my head. “That’s rather fast, don’t you think?”
“Hee hee hee... weeeell, just the ‘legally binding’ part,” he says as he rests his forehead against mine. “The ‘together forever’ part... it took my magnificent brain to catch up a bit with my magnificent heart, but it’s still been quite a looooooong time!”
He gives me a gentle kiss. “Long enough.”
I smile against his lips as I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him down so he’s completely on top of me again.
“Marry me,” he repeats into my skin.
I continue to kiss him, not even wanting to drag my lips away to give an answer. He’s the one who pulls back, looking down at me in anticipation.
I nod.
“I will.”
Nemo shakily sucks in his breath, like his body is having trouble responding.
“Oh...” his voice starts out quiet, but as expected-- “Ohhhhhhhhhh...!!! Ohhhh, myyyyyyyy fiancéeeeeeeeeeee!!!”
He’s laughing, but at the same time I can hear him begin to sniffle as tears roll past his goggles and down his cheeks.
“Nemo...” I untie one of my scarfs and begin to wipe his cheeks as he continues to tremble.
“R-Really---?! Really really reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaally----?! Marvelous, it’s marvelooooous!!!”
He wraps his arms around me and kicks his feet in delight, making the automobile sway from side-to-side.
Then he sits up, lifting me up with him so I’m practically on his lap.
“Ha!” Nemo arcs an eyebrow, his lips spreading into a cocky grin. “Not to brag, but you’re quite the lucky woman! After all, I’m sure you’ll find that I’m the number one genius mad scientist husband the world has ever seeeeeeeeen!”
I wipe the remaining tears off of his cheek before giving it a kiss. “I have no doubt about that, Nemo.”
Nemo takes my hand and puts it to his chest, sliding it under his leather strap.
“You can feeeel it, right? My heart?”
I nod, able to feel the steady thump-tump under my palm.
“I want you to have it with you always, my darling, to always feel it beating for the power of science and love! Hee hee... but I can’t rip it out of my chest! No, all I can do is give you this...”
He reaches into one of his coat pockets and pulls out a ring, but it’s not like any ring I’ve ever seen. It’s not made of gold or even brass. It’s a strange metal, beaten, worn but strong.
“Is it iron...?” I lower my glasses to take a closer look.
“Close, veeeery close, my love! It’s an iron alloy-- steel, to be price, but noooot quite that, either. It’s tough, tougher than anything else out there! After all, what else could make up the wings of my heart?”
Something about that phrasing felt very familiar, and I try to seek out Nemo’s eyes behind his goggles.
“Yes! The material that can lift my soul, rising higher and higher into space even as we speaaaaaaak!”
I sit back away from the ring, staring at it as though I can’t believe it exists.
“Are you telling me... this ring was part of the Nautilus?”
Muahahahaha.... that’s right, that’s riiiiiiiiiight! This ring was made from the hull! Turns out our captor has quite the collection of historical memorabilia! Antique weapons, photographs of his beloved Queen, even some of Isaac-sensei’s writings!”
He grimaces and looks away. “Nothing new, sadly... such a shame, I was soooo excited when I first saw them...”
He glances back at me before his usual grin reappears. “But, but, buuuuut the crown jewel was a small chunk of the Nautilus’ hull! Sneaky fellow must’ve bought it on the black market during construction, I knew those birdbrain Twilight workers couldn’t resist pilfering my extraordinary genius...”
He shakes his head. “But, details detaaaaiiils! What matters is that it’s here, I found it, and I just kneeeeeew! It was destiny, Polly-chan, a beautiful destiny shining its light on our loooooooove! So I found a blowtorch and smoothed her down to a pretty pair of wedding bands. One for the architect, and one for the fiancée!”
He leans over me again, and I quickly grab onto his shoulder so I don’t fall backwards. This only encourages him, and his smile widens as he loops his free hand around my waist.
“...My sweet little danger-seeking dorsal fin told me once that she wished she had seen the Nautilus, riiiiight?”
Did he just call me his ‘dorsal fin’?
His lips droop into a pout as his voice turns surprisingly soft. “Ohhhh... I wish you could have seen it, too! It would have been so much fun to show you my untethered genius, for you to ride upon my soul as I bring you to ecstasy over and over and over...! From the movement of the sea to the movement of the sky!!”
I punctuate his desperate wishes with a chaste kiss, but when I pull away he yanks me back to him and kisses me with all the fervor I could possibly dream of. I don’t think he’s even particularly aiming for my mouth, his lips falling on whatever skin he can reach.
Both of his arms are around me now, though with all of our coats on it isn’t as intimate as I would like-- I mean, we’re at the North Pole, this really isn’t the place-- but god, his kisses are a drug!
“Ne-Nemo, the ring, careful!” I finally manage to gasp out in-between his kisses.
He takes a deep breath, looking at me and nodding before holding the ring to the light.
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“Look! On the inside is engraved the same motto that I carved on the finished ship- MOOOOOOBILIS IN MOBILIIIIIIIII!”
“Mobilis in mobili... moving in movement?” “Moving in the moving element! Hahahaaaa, a motto fitting for one who soars across the heavens, don’t you think?”
I pull his hand towards me so I can get a closer look at the delicate lettering. Nemo has a very good hand for detail.
“It also suits someone who prefers to soar beneath the waves,” I muse.
“Perfect, perfect, it’s absolutely splendiiiiiid!!”
He kisses down my neck before straightening up.
“It’s yours. My heart...” he takes off my glove and affectionately presses his cheek to the back of my hand. “My genius... and the remains of a chariot that once illuminated the sky with science!”
He takes my hand and slips the ring on my finger. It’s more beautiful than any diamond, physical proof of this man’s adoration of science.
“Your eyes are glistening with such fervor, like a water-bound creature gazing upon the might of the sun! Ahh, it must be my responsibility, then, to serve as a winged beast to pluck you from the sea!”
... Winged beast? Like, a seagull? A seagull hunting fish? That metaphor isn’t really...
But my racing thoughts are interrupted when Nemo clutches me to him once again.
“I won’t let you fall,” he says. “Like you led me beneath the waves with your science, I’ll take you above the clouds with miiiine... as my partner-- no, as my wife!”
He lays me back down on the seat and begins to kiss me again.
The sun has set as deep as it will this far up north, casting the ice and snow in bars of gold.
The colors of twilight really suit Nemo, glinting off the edges of his goggles as he sits at the wheel.
He glances over at me and reaches out to give my cheek a light pinch.
“You all right over there~?” he lilts.
A part of me wants to tell him that he looks cool, but I’m not sure I’m ready for the results of THAT ego-boost. So I just smile and say, “You’re going a little fast, aren’t you?”
“Aaaaaaaam I...?”
His teeth shine mischievously as he moves the gear lever and presses on the accelerator.
As the automobile whirrs loudly, I begin to laugh from how the speed is tickling my stomach.
“N-Nemo, slow down, the road isn’t--!” more giggles are forced from my throat, and I hold my hand over my stomach in an attempt to stop myself. “This isn’t safe, come on...!”
The engine quiets as Nemo takes his foot off the pedal, a satisfied smirk on his face.
“This thing was going waaaaaaaaay faster when I was driving after you,” he says. “It still wasn’t enough...”
He glances my way.
“I had to see you.”
I smile and lean against the window, using my scarf as a barricade from the chilled surface.
“I’m glad you did,” I say quietly, closing my eyes. “When we get back, we’ll have a lot of work to do, won’t we?”
I sigh. 
“Hatteras, Aleister... I just want to spend more time with you, Nemo.”
“Hee hee hee, don’t be selfish, now!”
I can practically hear him puff out his chest, though.
“When we get back to Steel London, I’ll give you all the love I can, okay? Until then, be a good little scientist and help me get this place blown to smithereeeeeens, okay?”
I contentedly begin to nod off, mumbling: “I’m a very good scientist. I have to be, since I’ll be your wife.”
“Aaaahh... I love hearing you say that...!”
“What, that I’m a good scientist?”
He bursts out laughing. “Yes, yes that’s it exaaaaaaactly!”
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Abomination Ch. 05
Summary: What happens when the girl sent by the king of hell falls in love with the Winchester who refuses to love. What happens when she gets rejected by the older Winchester and she releases her inner demons. What’ll happen when the boys find out shes really a demon/angel hybrid after only finding out herself shortly before. Even being raised by the king of hell to know you were at least half demon didn’t prepare you for the roller coaster of loving and hating Dean Winchester. You only just begun to realize how much of an abomination you really were.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Chapter 5: Daddy Knows Best
Word Count: 3270
Warnings: Some Swearing
“Dad!” you yelled as you walked into an abandoned house you’d been staying in the past few days. It had been about a week since your encounter with Sam and decided it best you took some time to yourself. For whatever reason the brothers had been avoiding each other and whenever you entered the room both of them immediately left.
Since they had been ignoring, you decided to get away and spend time with your beloved father while you could, not that they’d notice your absence anyways. That’s what brought you to a run down farmhouse in the middle of Iowa. It had quickly become your home away from home, the only place you could easily see your father without worry your cover would be blown.
“Hello darling,” you jumped where you stood. “Sorry pet, didn’t mean to startle you.”
“Damnit Crowley, haven’t you learned not to sneak up on me like that,” you basically yelled at him, holding your hand to your chest. The only time you ever used his name was around the boys or when you were pissed.
“Now come on, love. Is that anyway to talk to the man who raised you?” he began to walk towards you with his arms open.
You quickly embraced him tightly. “Sorry Daddy,” you mumbled into his chest.
“Now that’s better. I’m sorry I couldn’t come sooner, you know being the King of Hell is one hell of a job. I just couldn’t get away any quicker I’m afraid,” he pulled away a bit and looked down at you with a small smile on his face. “I have missed you though, the last time we got time together was with those morons around.”
“S’okay Daddy,” you chuckled at his pun and gave him a peck on the cheek. “It is your fault though you know, you’re the one who made me spy on them,” you released him and made your way to an old couch in the corner of the room that had definitely seen better days.
“Yes, yes I know. Speaking of which have any of them given you any problems?” he raised his eyebrow at you in question while sitting down at the other end of the sofa.
“No more than usual, although there has been somethings that have happened since we last spoke,” you crossed your legs and rested your hands in your lap.
“Such as?”
“Well, Dean has been distant and I walked in on him sleeping with some bottle blonde in our motel room,” you sighed softly, looking down at your hands.
“HE WHAT?!” Crowley yelled, his face turning a bright red in anger.
“Daddy, s’okay. You know how I feel about him but he doesn’t, there’s more though,” you began to play with your nails.
He took a deep breath and leaned towards you to place a hand over yours. “Go on, I’m alright. But just so you know, squirrel is a damn moron. Yes I sent you to them for my own gain but I hate to see you hurt love.”
“I know Daddy,” you looked up at him and grabbed his hand softly. “Anyways, after I left the room I was angry. I started to lose control, punched a solid oak door and took it off its hinges. Almost went and did bad things to his baby,” you laughed softly.
“Why didn’t you? He would’ve damn well deserved it, I mean what made him think it was okay to sleep with that bitch,” he said trying to bite back a growl.
“Beats me and I didn’t because no matter how angry I am at him, I love that car, but,” you paused.
“But what?” he squeezed your hand gently.
“Sam came to me when I was trying to calm down and one thing led to another. We uh- we had sex on the hood of his car,” you looked back down at your hands not wanting to see how he would react.
You definitely didn’t expect his response. “You little minx, if I didn’t know you weren’t I’d think you were my own blood. Fucking his brother on his car, that’s amazing,” he started laughing.
You looked up at him and brought the corner of your lips into a smirk. “I do have to admit, I had no idea Sam could be so, well, forceful. However, that’s not really what I wanted to talk about,” you shrugged your shoulders.
“Then what did you want to talk to me about my dear?” he moved one of his hands to his face to wipe a tear that had escaped while he was laughing.
“I um,” you took a deep breathe while you paused. “I wanted to know about my biological parents. I’ve been having a harder time controlling the demonic piece of me and I feel like if I knew more about them maybe it would get easier.”
Crowley let out a deep sigh. “Well, I should’ve seen this coming, after all you are quite old. I’m honestly surprised you didn’t ask sooner.”
“Well after a few hundreds of years, I’m finally curious,” you chuckled softly and looked up at your father, waiting for him to answer you.
“Well what exactly would you like to know?” he sat back against the couch and straightened his expensive suit jacket. You could never understand why he always chose to wear something so fancy, even when you were young. You honestly couldn’t remember how old you really were, you just knew you stopped ageing when your body was around 25.
“Well I know one of them had to be a demon, but who were they? I mean how did you know them, I guess tell me everything,” you shuffled in your seat a bit to make yourself more comfortable.
“Well I guess I’ll start with the beginning. Your mother was a demon. That demon was a knight of hell,” he paused wiping his hand across his face. “I’m not exactly sure why they decided to conceive you, but what came of it was the best thing in my life,” he sat forward on the couch resting his forearms on his knees.
“You’re a sap, you know that?” you giggled softly and pushed his shoulder. “So my mother was a knight of hell, where does that leave my father? Well my biological father.”
“I never actually had the pleasure of meeting him, all I know was what your mother told me. He was a trickster, the trickster in fact,” he looked up into your eyes.
“So I have demon and trickster blood in me, lovely,” you let out a breath you didn’t realize you had been holding. “You told me once they were both dead, is that still the truth?”
“Unfortunately it is my dear. Your mother was killed by Cain when he still held the mark, although it is much more complicated than that,” he sighed and looked forward.
“What do you mean?” you leaned forward in attempt to get him to look at you.
“There are things that I promised not to tell you love, a deal if you will. I can’t break it. I’m sorry if my answers aren’t enough for you.”
“Daddy it’s okay,” you scooted over so you were sitting directly next to him and leaned your head on his shoulder.
He turned his head and kissed the crown of yours. “Anyways, your mother actually held the mark before Cain did. When Lucifer himself created the knights, she was his first. However, she rebelled and became pregnant with you when she met the trickster. Cain didn’t just take on the mark for his brother, he took it over while your mother was pregnant in fear it could potentially kill you with the darkness it held. Lucifer knew what you were, a hybrid he could use to take the world by storm,” he sighed.
“That’s why when Lucifer was freed he came after us? He wanted to use me?” you grabbed his hand tightly.
“Yes, it was before you were ready to join the Winchesters. It’s the main reason I helped them, not that they’ll ever know that. They think it’s only because I wanted to take over hell, in reality I just wanted to keep my child safe. I’m not sure how Lucifer would have used you, all I know is that before Cain went dark due to the mark your mother made me promise to keep you safe from him and everything else. You’re warded against just about everything, that’s why Castiel doesn’t know what you are,” he squeezed your hand softly.
“Well that explains a lot. I always wondered exactly why he couldn’t see what I really was. Is that why you kept me separate from hell?”
“Yes. I couldn’t allow people to know I had a weakness love, that and I didn’t want people to know you could be used as a weapon,” he brought your hand to his face and kissed your knuckles softly. “You may not be physically mine but I love you as my own and I would never be able to attempt to use you like that. I’m sure you were wondering why I didn’t.”
“Actually, yeah. I was a little bit,” you pursed your lips in question but also glad he answered that before you had to ask. “So after you promised her you’d keep me safe, Cain killed her?”
“Yes, along with the other knights, except of course Abbadon. Squirrel can be thanked for that.”
“So because of the wardings, they didn’t recognize me?”
“Mhm, the only way anyone would be able to tell what you are is if you use your power around them. You’re still evolving you know, I only taught you what I could do myself,” he looked at you and smiled softly.
“So other then teleportation and telekinesis, I have other abilities?” you looked up at him with your eyebrow raised.
“Yes, unfortunately you’ll have to learn more about those on your own. You are far different from any cambion or nephilim.”
“Do you know what other powers I might gain?”
He just shrugged and intertwined his fingers with yours. “I’m afraid I don’t love, although when they may arise I would hate to be on the receiving end. Perhaps that’s another reason you feel yourself slipping.”
You sighed and rested your head against his arm. “Is there anything else you could tell me?”
“Unfortunately no, at least at this time. I’m sorry pet,” he said as he kissed your forehead.
“Well alright, I appreciate what you could tell me. Actually helps a lot, daddy,” you stood up from where you sat and looked down at him with a smile.
“Good, I should probably be off. I still have a few prisoners to torture,” he explained as he stood, looking at his watch.
“Alright, it was good seeing y-” before you could finish your sentence your phone went off alerting you someone had been calling you. “Hang on, don’t leave until I can say a proper goodbye.”
He nodded and you walked out of the room. You internally groaned when you noticed who it was calling you.
“Hello,” you practically groaned your greeting.
“(Y/N), where are you? We were getting ready to leave on a hunt and you weren’t in the bunker,” it was Sam and he sounded worried. You almost felt bad for leaving without telling anyone, almost. At the same time you figured they deserved it for practically ignoring you for a week. Speaking of they, you couldn’t help but wonder if Dean was worried too.
“I’ve been out doing..” you paused to think of a reason. “I’ve been doing some research of my own Sammy. Besides, didn’t think anyone who notice that I was gone considering you and your idiot brother have been giving me the cold shoulder. I figured with what happened between us you’d at least give me a fruit basket and a thank you card for have hot sex with you on your brothers car,” you couldn’t help the eye roll you gave at the last part of your sentence.
“(Y/N), look I know I shouldn’t have been acting like I was. I just.. I just felt a little weird I guess. Knowing what we did and then immediately pretending like it didn’t happen when Dean was around. Shit, you know how I am. I try to call my one night stands and ask them out, I’m just not used to acting like it’s nothing and I assumed that’s what you wanted. I’m sorry for seemingly ignoring you, I am. It’ll change, I promise,” he let out a sigh as he paused. “As for Dean, I don’t really know what his problem is. You’re not the only one he’s been ignoring. He talked to me for the first time in a week to just tell me he found a case, other then that he barely even looks at me.”
“I’m sorry Sam, I guess I didn’t think about how you would feel in this situation. I’ll be back soon, give me like thirty minutes and I’ll be home,” you responded to him softly.
“Alright, and (Y/N)?” he questioned.
“Yeah, Sammy?”
“Do you really want a fruit basket?” he chuckled.
“I mean, if you insist on getting me one. I would always settle for maybe figuring out if that was only a one time thing,” you could help but smile at his joke.
“God, I hope not,” you could hear the seriousness in his tone. “I still have my keepsake, kind of wanted to start a collection if that’s cool with you.”
You couldn’t help the giggle that left your lips. “We’ll see Sam. I’ll see you soon, try not to pop a nutt thinking of it.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Be safe,” he sighed softly.
“Will do, bye Sammy.”
You quickly hung up the phone and couldn’t get the smile to leave your face as you walked back into the room you had left your father in.
“Well, what did Moose want?” he stood where you left him with his hands in his coat pocket.
“We have a hunt. Looks like both of us have to get back to work,” you walked over to him and wrapped your arms tightly around him. “Be safe, daddy. I love you.”
He embraced you tightly and rested his head on top of yours. “You as well my pet. I love you as well,” and with that he disappeared.
You looked around the empty room and sighed. Back to work.
You had snapped your fingers and immediately were transported back to where you had left your car. It was about 3 miles away from the bunker. You figured it’d look suspicious if you had just left without it but didn’t feel like driving all the way to your safe house.
You couldn’t help the toothy smile you had on your face when you walked up to your royal blue 1967 Mustang, you had named lightning. He was definitely a beauty and you named him because of how fast he was and the feeling you got while you drove him. Dean always made fun of you for it because he didn’t think anything could ever compare to his baby. Then again he never rode in him, or even had a chance to see him in action. Always having to take his baby on hunts.
You ran your hand over the roof of lightning and quickly used your key to unlock him and got in. When you put your key into the ignition and started him, you couldn’t stop the giggle that left your lips at the feeling of him vibrating underneath you.
When you finally shut your door and shifted lightning into drive, you pulled him out of his parking spot and sped off down the road to your home you shared with the boys. Not looking forward to it in the least bit.
When you finally pulled into the garage of the bunker you had a horrible feeling in your stomach, you just knew something bad was about to happen but couldn’t put your finger on what.
As you put lightning in park and shut him off, you looked around the garage in attempt to see if anyone had been waiting for you. Not seeing anyone you withdrew your keys from the ignition and got of the car.
“Home sweet home,” you couldn’t help but laugh at your own ironic choke.
You shoved your keys in your pocket that held your phone and started to make your way to the bunkers door that connected it to the garage. As you reached the door you couldn’t help but look to your right at your black beauty of a Harley. You promised yourself when you got back from your hunt you’d grab her and take a ride since it had been so long.
As you opened the door and made your way down the hallway, you made a note to yourself that everyone seemed eerily quiet. Normally by now you’d hear someone listening to music, tv, or bickering from the kitchen. Weird.
As you made it to your bedroom door, you heard a loud crash that sounded like glass.
“DAMN IT SAM, WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS? HUH?” you heard Dean yelling and could only assume he dropped his glass.
“WHAT DID I DO DEAN?” Sam yelled back defensively.
“YOU KNOW WHAT YOU FUCKING DID, YOU AND THAT WHORE!” Dean was almost to the point of screaming, and then you heard more glass breaking.
“DEAN CALM DOWN!” Sam sounded like he was struggling.
At this point your feet were moving without you realizing it and soon you were in the war room. Dean had Sam pinned down to the large table that held a map. His hand wrapped tightly around Sam's throat. You could seen the mark glowing red on his arm as it strained to keep Sam held down.
You couldn’t take watching it anymore, your fight or flight instinct kicking in. You could feel your (Y/E/C) turn black. You charged into the room and used your powers to fling Dean back, quickly running over to Sam who was now unconscious due to lack of air and gently moving his head into your lap.
“WHAT DID YOU DO DEAN?” you looked over to him as he picked himself of the ground.
“What are you?” he practically growled at you and reaching behind him to pull the first blade from his pants.
You quickly changed your eyes back to their normal color and looked up at him, but quickly moving your attention back to the unconscious younger Winchester in your lap. You gently slapped his cheek as a tear made its way down your cheek. “Sammy, please wake up.”
“I asked you a question,” Dean stated as he slowly made his way towards you. “WHAT ARE YOU?” he screamed at you.
“Dean please, calm down. Sammy’s hurt, the mark is turning you into something you aren’t. Please,” you pleaded as more tears made their way down your cheeks. You looked up at the man you had fallen in love with. “Please, Dean don’t do this,” you let Sam's head down gently and stood, walking towards him slowly. “Put the blade down Dean, please.”
You could see him take a deep breath and contemplate what you said to him. You reached out to him to attempt to calm him down but all it did was make it worse. You saw the far away look in his eyes before you saw him lifting his blade.
“DEAN NO!”  
Chapter 6
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sleepyfan-blog · 7 years
Words: 2,600
Pairings: Morrigays, implied conhayth
Warnings: implied incest, fluff, mentioned character death, modern AU
Summary: Gist and Shay reflect on some of the things that had brought them to where they are today.
Birthday ficlet for @aridette! I hope that you enjoy it
“You seem to be rather pensive, Shay. Is something bothering you?” Chris asked, a concerned frown appearing on the blonde’s face as he shifted loser to his husband, pressing gentle kiss to one of the other’s cheeks.
Shay, who had been staring out of a window, lost in thought as his hands had been making part of dinner, shook his head and kiss Gist on the lips. He was tempted to pull the other into his arms and hug him, but as his fingers were still buried in the meatloaf that he’d been making... That probably wouldn’t go over well, in addition to being very unsanitary. He’d put the potatoes he planned to make into mashed potatoes in a pot with water earlier and the water was heating up well ... I was just thinking about stuff an’ things, is all.”
Shay packed the meatloaf into a tin and popped it into the already hot oven. He caught the concerned frown on his lover’s face and added “Nothing bad, I promise. It’s just... If someone told me when I was younger that I would have married a templar, I would have laughed myself silly. I’m glad that things turned out the way they did, though.”
“I know what you mean. If someone had told me that I would end up falling in love with a former Assassin I’d have thought they were messing with me. I’ll never forget the day we first met, my gallant hero.” Gist murmured, teasing his Shay a little “And how wary you were of Monro.”
“Oh hush you! They’d have killed you, if I hadn’t stepped in! I was wary of him as I didn’t trust that the devious Templar had in mind for me. Not that I would have tried to leave for the brotherhood then. Especially then, when their betrayal and utter disregard so fresh in my mind. Not that I’m eager to join them now, mind.” Shay sulked, sticking out his bottom lip a little in a subtle pout. He huffed a little as he washed his hands and dragged his husband in close, resting his chin on one of Gist’s shoulders.
“Hey, your hands are still wet!” The blonde playfully protested, shifting a little in the younger man’s arms. Despite his words, Chris wasn’t trying all that hard to escape.
“Muahahaha! Vengeance is mine!” Shay cackled, a mischievous grin appearing on his face.
“Oh dear what a terrible turn of events! I guess that I should -” Whatever the blonde was about to say was interrupted by a loud hissing sound that startled the both of them.
It stopped just as suddenly as it had started but Shay tugged open a kitchen cabinet, using the door as a shield as he pulled gist downwards with him, covering the blonde with his body as they both frantically looked for the source of the sound. The hissing sound came again before dying out and Shay realized what it was. A bush appearing on his face "... The potatoes are boiling over a little. I’ll go grab the lid so that the water cools off a little.”
"... Ah... You’re right of course. All of a sudden, I am understanding why Haytham pushed us to come this small town for a couple of years, anyways.” Gist remarked lightly, looking as sheepish as Shay felt.
"It’s his way o’ making sure that we stop jumping at our own shadows as we’ve been on quite a few... Intense missions in the last few years, I think. And the paperwork that he has us work on helps me at least feel useful during the week.” Shay remarked as he grabbed the lid and checked how cooked the potatoes were. They still needed quite a bit of time still.
“I agree, but given how harsh Birch’s tutelage was... It’s a bit surprising that Haytham pushed us to relax. He used to be rather a stern task master when we were all younger.” Chris murmured as he got up from where Shay had half-hidden him.
“If by that you mean an ornery bastard who was going to work everyone including himself to an early grave, aye. But Connor’s done him a lot of good.” Shay snarked back, watching the water boil and internally deciding on whether or not to adjust the heat a little or not.
“Shay, how could you say that?! He’s our grandmaster and to say... Okay, while that was true it’s rude to say it out loud.” Gist faux admonished, affecting a scandalized tone of voice and expression.
“An’ who’s here to tell on me? Just you.” Shay pointed out, dark brown eyes still shining with playfulness.
“That’s true... And you’re right about Connor being good for Haytham. I’ve never seen our grandmaster so content for so long, once Connor settled into his apartment permanently. Although I’m not sure what all those two get up to...” Gist responded, frowning little bit as he thought about the slightly...Odd relationship the father and son duo had.
“As long as they are happy, and no one is getting hurt it’s none of our business. We were really worried for a while that Connor might leave again, like he had when he was younger. Haytham and Connor were fighting something awful for a while, there.” Shay grumbled. He knew a bit more than most about the nature of the pair of Kenway’s relationship, but the two of them were consenting adults, and Shay wasn’t one to judge right from wrong in regards to such things.
"That’s true... I didn’t know that they had been fighting for a time... But I suppose that happened while I was off on that months-long undercover mission?” Gist responded, sighing quietly “And given how stubborn the pair of them are, I’m not surprised. I am glad that I missed that as our dear Grand Master would have been in a really bad mood and I am glad to have avoided being ordered “Not to smile like an idiot all of the time.” Or something like that. No one has yet told me what happened to Charles when I went on that week-long mission to help our French counterparts update the security on the shroud last year... And he was just gone. No one seems to want to talk much about either.” The blonde gently prodded.
“I hadn’t realized you weren’t there for that mess... ‘Course you mighta helped talk him out of trying to do something so stupid as he actually respected you.” Shay grumbled, rubbing his face a little before letting out a long sigh “Connor had finally finished moving back to New York all the way and had settled in. They’d also managed to finish settling whatever arguments that they had been fighting over for the past few years.” Shay paused for a couple of moments to make sure he was phrasing things in a neutral way, as he really didn’t like Lee and never had. "An’ Connor, bless his heart, came up to Haytham’s office that Monday morning, as his father had forgotten to grab anything for lunch and the grandmaster didn’t have a lunch meeting to go to.” 
Chris smiled a little at that. It fit the young Veterinarian’s personality to do so, and as Connor worked a couple of buildings over in the veterinary clinic that was subsidized and run by Abstergo, the young man had the chance to do so. “That’s very sweet and sounds like Connor, but what does that have to do with Lee’s absence?” The clinic was partially running to engender good will from the public at large as all including the most difficult and expensive treatments were priced only a little above at-cost for the clinic. The clinic offered free spaying and neutering services as well as the option to put an RFID chip inside one’s pet in case the animal got lost or was stolen. The clinic had been very successful so far and Haytham was looking into opening a couple more.
“I was getting to that Chris, be patient, love.” Shay chastised a little, pouting bit at the interruption “See, Charlie had been hoping to capitalize on Haytham’s lunch time to weasel his way into a sneaky possible lunch date... But Connor showed up and prevented Lee from being able to ask - Especially since Connor made those really delicious meat pies for lunch in addition to his devastatingly effective puppy-dog face. So Connor and Haytham went to the rooftop garden for a little picnic... Lee was really annoyed about that “As you know as well as I do how covetous he was of the grandmaster and Haytham’s time. So when he found out where they were he went storming up to the gardens in a towering temper. Half an hour later, Lee comes back angrier than ever, but with a plotting look on his face too.” Shay continued, pausing for a moment – both for dramatic effect and for another breath.
“I’m guessing that whatever plan Lee had cooked up backfired badly on him?” The blonde asked, wincing slightly.
“Yep. He tried to blackmail Connor into doing god knows what. Lad didn’t take that well and promptly told his father... And Haytham ordered the entire building to clear out for several hours but that they’d be paid in full for the time off. I got a text an hour into it and helped to clean up the blood. Lee had accused Connor of being an Assassin sent to seduce Haytham and to do something in exchange for Lee’s silence Haytham didn’t say and wasn’t gonna ask and I am happy not knowing.” Shay finished.
“Connor. An Assassin?” Gist sputtered.
“So Lee claimed.” Shay responded with a shrug and a grin. It was one of the most ridiculous things he’d ever heard too.
“The same young man who still cries after work when he has to put an animal to sleep? Who can’t lie his way out of a wet paper bag?” the blond muttered in utter disbelief.
"The very same." Shay remarked lightly, amused that his beloved seemed to be just as surprised and disbelieving of the claim as he had been. "Ziio had a couple of friends who were loosely connected to the Brotherhood, and taken together with Connor's stubborn nature and less than Templar leanings, Charlie thought it was a great idea to accuse the boy of being an Assassin. I don't know what he asked Connor in exchange for his silence, but Lee didn't expect that Connor would tell his dad about it, as he's not one and was very confused as to what an Assassin was and who these Templars were and why that was so important?"
"Ah. I am guessing that part of Haytham's displeasure was that he had to explain to Connor what the Brotherhood and the Templar Order were, putting him further in danger than before. Is Connor a member of the Order, or is he simply allied with us?" Gist responded "... Well, I suppose part of that entirely depends on Haytham's willingness to want Connor in on this darker aspect of life."
"He's in training, though he's not going to be a fighter. It's not in his nature, though he's got quite the talent for code-breaking and putting together all the little bits and hints of information out field agents gather to reveal the grander scheme that the Assassins in one area or another are planning before it's executed so that we can head them off." Shay responded, a small smile appearing on his face as he reflected on how far the young man had come in the year that he had been made aware of the shadow war that had been raging for over a thousand years. Connor was very determined to help them in any way they could, happy to finally understand what it was that his father had been hiding from him. "Did you know that Connor did have a couple of suspicions that something odd was going on?"
"It wouldn't surprise me. Connor is highly intelligent and can be very observant when it comes to everything but when someone is romantically interested in him." The blond remarked lightly.
"Actually, about half the time he's being flirted with, Connor does realize. He's told me...But he feels uncomfortable  about trying to tell whoever it is that he's uninterested, so he pretends he doesn't notice while hoping that they will go away and find someone more receptive." The Enforcer corrected "He told me about it after I rescued him from a particularly... Focused person who was trying to get in close with out beloved Grand master and felt the best way to do that was to date his sweet, oblivious son... As for what he thought was going on, Connor thought that Haytham and the rest of us were LARPing - given the funny clothes we were wearing. And LARPing is Live Action Role Playing - like Dungeons and Dragons, only you dress up with a bunch of friends and actually act out the battle scenes and stuff."
Chris laughed at that, his bright eyes shining with mirth "I can understand where Connor might get that false assumption - and if Haytham were into such a thing, I have no doubt that he would try to hide it, rather embarrassed as he might be with such a nerdy side to himself... and the battle scenes might be a good way to train our recruits. I'll be sure to mention it to Haytham in passing, to see what he thinks of it."
"Haytham was made aware of the impression Connor was under and sighed for a while. If you do that, he'll know that I probably told you and then the both of us will be in trouble for teasing him like that... But it would be a good way for those who have neutral family members to explain why they have such things, if they're discovered... So if you want to endure growling about teasing him, be my guest, love." Shay responded, leaning in close and pressing a kiss to the other's lips before checking their dinner, finding that the potatoes were ready and began to mash them. Homemade mashed potatoes always tasted so much better than the dry, tasteless flakes.
"I will." Gist responded, a small smile appearing on his face after he happily responded to his husband's kiss. "Need a hand with that, or do you want me to cut up the veggies for the salad that we're having alongside the rest of this?" While some might think that being able to speak with your partner about such things was a boring and mundane task, the fact that they were able to be so domestic was a gift that the blond would always treasure.
"I've got the potatoes nearly done, so if you could cut up an onion and have it soaking in water, that'd be great. The meatloaf is going to take another twenty minutes or so to cook fully. I hope you like it, have you ever had it?" Shay responded curiously. He knew that gist was born in England, though he had moved to America at roughly the same time as Haytham had - quite probably as one of the other's group of Templars. There had been a recent purge and the Assassins in the US had been growing far too arrogant and had too much power... Which was true, as Shay had been part of the brotherhood when Haytham had first moved to America. But things were so much better now.
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mplteensblog · 7 years
Write On: Writing Workshop #1
On June 20, the library held its first Write On: Writing Workshop. These workshops are for teens to come write freely or based on prompts and to share what they’ve written with others.
Our next meetings will be on July 18 and August 15 at 3:30.
In one of the prompts during this first meeting, participants were asked to write a story using only 5 words each. Here are two stories they came up with:
***Once upon a time, there was a dragon named Sullivan. He loved tacos and rice. He also loved to write. Had a pet fish. While he was eating rice, he often cried about his tacos being lost and his feet being super, super stinky. To find his tacos, he had to fall in love with a cat named Alex. She had the most awesome, novelty race car collection. When Alex stepped on three of Sullivan's tacos, Sullivan was very hyper and he loved eating.
***I hate to tell you that I hate the pig. He is a filthy animal. He snorts and begs for cheesy fries and buttery noodles--without the butter, of course. The spiny chairs are so relaxing to him and his wife, but don't tell anyone. It really is quite disturbing, though no one has ever let me let you let anyone tell him that. It is awful, honestly. How could he eat butter noodles without butter? They don't even exist.
For the free writing at the end of the workshop, they had 35 minutes to write. Their stories began with, “I hate to tell you this, but...”
I hate to tell you this, but, I am moving to New York. My best friend was upset when I told her this but I had no choice. No matter what happens my dad is making my whole family move for his stupid job as a construction worker. Don’t ask me why we all have to move to New York for a construction worker job. After I told her that, she got angry at my dad. She demanded that I would take her to my house so she could yell at my dad and to make me stay with her. I understood why she was upset and angry but I think she took it a little too far when she said that she was moving with us and I could tell she was serious when she said this. And my best friend can get whatever she wants from her parents. One day she asked for a mustang and the next day she woke up there was a mustang in her driveway. I told her we can’t even drive yet, we are fourteen. And if you can’t tell my best friend is rich. Anyway, that night she waked her parents if she could move to New York and for a change they said no. Boy we she mad after that.
“I hate to tell you this, but I think that your plan will kill us.”
“Well then, we’ll just let them come. Hopefully we don’t die.”
It’s not like Asher’s plan was going to work. I mean, really, killing the Dark King wasn’t going to make them stop. Nothing was.
“Well then, all knowing Quintessence, what’s your plan?”
We were the only ones left alive. Who was there to save? If I had a plan, what was the point?
“Let them come. There’s no one left.” After fighting the wind for so long, I’ve learned to embrace it.
Asher seemed to agree. “You’re right. Let them come, we’ll go in peace.”
And they did come, surrounding us. I heard a pop! Then there was no more suffering. Not more pain. As I was accepting my fate, I felt a tug. I was pulled out of the darkness and a much bigger problem arose.
“I hate to tell you this,” my uncle began, which immediately made me hesitant about staying for this. “But you’re nearly 25 now. You can’t live in this house forever.”
So ladies and gentlemen, that is why I am now living in this here hotel room.
“Brad, you’ve been here for 2 weeks already! You can’t stay here forever!”
Okay, so that whole hotel thing did not work out very well.
I would stay with a friend. But I don’t have any friends, so that’s not an available option.
“If only I had friends,” I muttered to myself
“You want friends?” said a cheerful high pitched voice. I looked down and saw a gray tabby cat. Surely the cat didn’t say that. That would be ridiculous. But alas, the cat’s mouth opened as it spoke, “I will grant one wish for you. But you will lose something important to you.”
I didn’t see the harm in this deal at the time. So I obliged. I didn’t have anything important. Not after I was kicked out.
“Then do you wish to have friends. Or have you changed your mind?”
“Friends? I don’t have time. I need a large house. A big one with lots of technology and renovation.”
The cat smirked. Is that normal? Are cats supposed to smirk?
“Your wish has been granted.” It chipped before turning tail and dashing in the opposite direction. “But don’t think I didn’t warn you,” it glanced behind its shoulder and said eerily.
And then my phone began ringing. I didn’t hesitate to pick it up.
“Are you Brad Caster?”
“Yes, sir.”
“I’m sorry to have to tell you this, but your uncle, Tim Caster, passed today in a snowboarding accident. He wanted you to have his house.”
There was a moment of silence before the caller said, “I’m sorry for your loss,” and hung up.
Uncle Time. He was dead.
I hate to tell you this - but I often can not seem to find the motivation to continue massaging your cat. I know you claim that Monsieur Fluffy Face really loves massages, but he hisses at me every single day. He doesn't even appreciate when I spend extra time on his paws, just like you ask. I don’t think I can do this anymore. The conditions I am working under are completely barbaric.  Not only is your beloved “cat” (if you can ever call that monstrous animal that) flat out abusive towards me, but I think that at is actually trying to kill me, or at least give me a somewhat serious injury. I also am not getting paid nearly enough, your measly $75 an hour is not cutting it anymore for me. If you were to offer me $100 an hour, and pay my many, many medical bills for all the injuries this cat has caused me, I would possibly reconsider. But I do not believe you see this as a valid option anymore, and so I will just be packing up my gourmet massage oils and extravagant cat conditioners, and I will be leaving. Do not expect to hear from me again, because I want NOTHING to do with you or your cat anymore.
I hate to tell you this, but I think I am in love with you. Ever since the day I met you, you’ve intoxicated my every thought, wish and desire. I hope that one day you will reciprocate the feelings I so strongly have for you. This may seem sudden, sure, I get that. But I needed you to know now, because if I keep this from you any longer I may just simply burst from the amount I have to keep contained. I need you to feel the same way for me, I need that with everything I have left in me. You lit a passion in my heart and it has not stopped burning for the months I have known you. In one way or another, I need you in my life. Whether that be a friendship or a little more, I still need you. I hope you feel the same way too.
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loveafterthefact · 4 years
Love After the Fact Chapter 65: Broken Spell
Keith enjoys a morning out with Lance... Except for this one, *tiny* problem
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Keith wakes to a bare leg slung over his hip, fingers trailing from his shoulder and down his side, sliding across his waist to form teasing circles low on his abdomen. Lips flutter against the edge of his exposed ear, just a hint of teeth.
“What? I spent almost a decaphoeb celibate for you!” The Altean snuggles closer. “And now I find myself with a beautiful man in my arms who, unlike anyone else I’ve ever had, is entirely mine.”
The growl on Lance’s final word has Keith wavering, until he shifts and discovers the discomfort between his legs. He sucks in a breath between his teeth. “I think the fuck not, Lance. What did you do to my vagina?”
“Crude. Also, nothing. Discomfort is normal your first time. But I can fix it, if you like.”
“Please do. And how would you know that’s normal?”
“Well, I have an ass.”
“Gross.” Keith sighs as Lance’s quintessence slips beneath his skin. He’s come to associate that warmth slithering into his veins and nerves with Lance’s love and affection. It's familiar to him now, bringing him comfort, a sense of home and belonging. Basically, he’s a huge sucker.
“Hm… I’d love to have you in it.”
“Lance!” Keith roles over, discomfort gone, glaring at his mate. Lance raises an eyebrow. “I’ll... think about it. Thace says that I have to check and make sure my dick works anyway.”
“I’d be delighted to help, either way.” The Altean's smile is playful, easy-going.
“I’m sure you would.” Keith sighs. “So that’s the plan then? Have sex all day?”
“Mnh, no. We're going home before your season.”
“Lance, I need to have my season here. And stay two movements after that to see if I’ve conceived-”
“I meant your home, beloved. Your childhood home, remember? We said we’d-”
“Really?! You- Really?!” Keith’s face lights up like a thousand stars.
Lance beams. “Yes, really!"
Keith throws his arms around his mate. He'd never really doubted Lance's word, but that word still means worlds to him. Furry, plumed tail twisting around his ankle, purring loudly in his throat, Keith nuzzles into Lance's neck. He loves this Altean so much, couldn't think of a better place to be than right here.
Okay, maybe he's riding the high of being freshly mated, but he actually doesn't feel that different than before. Maybe a little giddy, but other than that... no more or less full of love. Still just as overflowing.
Laughing, Lance squeezes him tight, fingers running through his long, loose hair. He lets go all to soon- "Let’s go! Get your clothes on!”
Keith leaps up, scrambling for a fresh set of clothes. Lance flops back on the bed, chuckling as his spouse’s eagerness. The Galra pauses, turning back to meet Lance’s soft gaze. “What?”
“I love you,” Lance sighs.
“Well I should hope so, since I just gave myself over to you.” Keith grins, just a little cocky. “I love you, too.”
He pulls his shirt over his head, tucks the hem into the waist of his pants. Lance is still staring at him. “What?”
“Are we really gonna have a baby?”
“So that’s what you’re up to, is it?” Krolia leans in the doorway. Lance shrieks, pulling the blankets up to cover himself. “Making kits?”
“Well, we’re going to try. We’ll see what happens,” Lance squeaks. “Could you, um, let me get dressed?”
“Yeah, seriously, Mom. What the fuck?” Keith snickers, settling his circlet on his head. He hasn’t worn it in a while, but feels like it today. Lance wears his every day.
“Fine.” Krolia turns around, still leaning against the wall. “You do realize, don’t you Altean, just how easy it is for a Galra in season to conceive?”
“Uh… Not really, no. Altean females ovulate every ten movements -two phoebs-, and even then pregnancy is far from assured. It can take decaphoebs to-”
“During season, pregnancy is all but guaranteed, even for intersex people like Keith, though they do have a slightly lower success rate.” Krolia turns back, slow, slim smile on her lips. “So you’d better be damn well sure you want a kit with my son.”
Lance, fully dressed, slips an arm around Keith’s waist. “We have a responsibility to provide my kingdom with an heir. It’s an ugly thing, but it is something that we must take into account.” Keith’s tail twists around Lance’s ankle, squeezing tightly, approval of his honesty and forthright. “That said, I have wanted to be a father since I was a small child myself. I’m more than ready for it, and more than certain. Especially if I’ve got this one by my side!”
Lance beams, pressing their brows together. Keith purrs, soft and sweet in his throat.
“Right. So, we need elk, and supplies, and to meet up with hunters-”
“I want to visit the Sanctorium. I need to get an offering for my father.”
“You’re going back home? It’s almost your season!” Krolia frowns.
“Yes, which is why we’re going now,” Lance argues. “It’s not terribly far, it’ll give me a chance to see some of the wilderness, and we’ll be sure to return within a movement. In the meantime, we’ll send a message to Thace and inform him of our intentions to conceive, and he can begin collaboration with our own castle health care professional, Tavo, and Hunk, who is in charge of providing Keith’s meals. Additionally, I’ll have Adam and Pidge break into Daibazaal’s database and steal Lotor’s medical records. Honerva and Zarkon refused to unseal them for us.”
“Odd.” Krolia cocks her head, counting her coins, passing them to Keith. “Why would they refuse?”
“Not sure. Perhaps his records will tell us something. I intend to ask the man himself, as well.”
"Let me do it," Keith murmurs. "He's my cousin."
"Sure, of course! Do let me know what he says, though."
Krolia eyes them, gaze dark. “The Imperial couple is as morally dubious as Alfor is. Everybody knows that.”
Keith ties the bag of coins to his belt, scooping BleepBloop onto his shoulder. The primate works a hand into Keith’s hair, the other exploring his circlet. “Possibly even worse, though that is debatable.”
“Oh. Remind me to tell you about that later,” Lance mutters, suddenly looking nervous. “But for now, to the square! I want to see this 'Sactomium' you talked of.”
Arms linked, Keith leads Lance through the crowded streets, attention completely on each other save one moment where Lance murmurs something to Krolia, and she heads off with a nod, and something shiny in her hand...
The Sanctorium is a large structure, much like a den, but much larger, surrounded by gardens, vines creeping up the sides. Druids in long robes and masks walk among the vegetation, taking clippings and peeling bark from trees. Windchimes made of metal, wood, glass, and stone sing from tree branches and metal stands. There are Galra praying, meditating, simply walking about the grounds. Some converse with Druids, perhaps seeking spiritual council or advice on different rituals.
“So what are we here for?” Lance asks, gazing up at the structure. It’s clearly treated with respect. The stone is cared for and polished, painted with intricate designs, stained glass in the windows.
“Herbs. And a few different crystals. I need to make an offering spell for my father. For both a reunion and a goodbye.” Keith passes BleepBloop over to his mate, leading the way into the Sanctorium.
Inside is just as fascinating as the outside. There are shelves, arranged in a spiral shape, a single aisle through the middle to a desk, a Druid standing just behind. The shelves are lined with… stuff. Some, Lance can tell, are herbs, seeds, bits of stone and crystal. Some are definitely pieces of animals, like feet, claws, teeth, tails, and feathers. Others are… presumably one or possibly more of those things, but Lance can’t really tell.
“Hey, what do you think about this?” Keith holds up a clawed foot of some kind, only for BleepBloop to snatch and start munching on it. The Galra rolls his eyes at his uncooperative pet.
Lance shrugs. “I… Know nothing at all about your religion, either your magyks or your gods.”
“The basics are as follows,” Keith says, wandering through the aisles, grabbing seemingly random objects. “Different stuff does different stuff and only the druids know all of the stuff. And we have gods. There are hundreds of them, and everyone picks one or two to observe.”
“So who do you observe?” Lance leans over to inspect a box of he knows from his studies are shards of volcanic glass.
“Trija.” Keith continues selecting, measuring, gathering different objects, setting them all in a clay jar.
“Trija?” Lance’s brow furrows, a bit of forgotten knowledge tickling at his mind.
“She’s a star. A small one. She was our first empress, who supposedly married a sorceress and joined her in the stars when they both died.”
“I see… Why did you pick Trija?”
Keith pauses, fingers hovering over a box of dried fruits. Or maybe they were some kind of dead animal? He shakes himself, sets one of the dried… things in his jar.
“It was the only star I remembered. My father, he tried to teach me about the stars. I was really little, only six when he died, and I was a… precocious child-”
“Sassy. Opinionated. Stubborn. An adorable pain in the ass, no doubt.”
“Heh, yeah. Pretty much. But the one that managed to stick with me, no matter how unwilling a pupil I was, was Trija, because of the story. I held onto that, all those years. I was little, and alone, and I couldn’t sleep hardly at all. So I’d sit on top of the den, or in a tree, and I’d stare at her for hours, and it made everything just a little bit better. It made me feel less alone.”
Keith’s fingers stop trailing over jars of herbs, turning to look at his mate, only for the Altean to latch onto him like a sucker eel, squeezing him tight. “I’m sorry. It was Altea’s fault you went through all that. My people took your father from you. I’m so sorry, Keith.”
“It’s not your fault,” Keith mutters, voice surprisingly thin. “Don’t apologize for them.”
“I promise I’ll ruin our childrens’ childhoods by spoiling them, not killing their parents.”
“Well, I am one of their parents, so…” Keith noses into Lance’s neck. “Let me buy this, and then we can-”
Keith’s eyes find Krolia, leaning in the entryway, glaring at Lance with absolute loathing. Something inside him breaks a little bit. She’d promised- Well, no, she hadn’t promised, but she’d agreed to give Lance a chance, to give him the opportunity to prove himself. And yet here she is, his mother, staring at his mate like she wants nothing more than to eviscerate him.
Something in Keith hardens, even as he squeezes Lance harder so he won’t pull back and see. He feels betrayed. It must reach his eyes, because Krolia falters in her glare, blinking at him in alarm.
Keith meets her gaze, stares her down as he rubs his cheek against Lance’s skin. Petty? Totally. Possessive? Oh, yeah. Necessary? Absolutely. He hates it, but yesterday, he would have chosen Lance, and today, it wouldn't be a choice at all.
“Come on, beloved.” Lance rubs his back, soothing circles. “Let’s get the stuff for your offering, and then get you home.” The prince draws back, lacing their hands together. “I want to meet Akira of house Kogane. I want to thank him for saving you.”
“Of course you do,” Keith murmurs, smiling, hand slipping up to link their arms. “I don’t remember him very well, but Dad would have liked you. He was the fun-loving, mischievous type. I think… That’s how I remember him, anyway.”
“If he made you, he must have been. You certainly didn’t get it from Krolia.”
“Yeah…” Keith grimaces, paying the druid behind the desk for his stuff. “You’ve no idea.”
“I mean… I’ve shared a room with her. For about a varga. I think I’ve at least some idea.”
Keith laughs. He just wants to enjoy Lance’s company, riding the high of their freshly consummated bond.
“But you know… Your mother has had a hard life, and one far from painless. It might just be taking her a while to remember how to do those things.”
“Yeah. I guess. Maybe.” They step together out into the sun. “Maybe she’ll loosen up as time goes on, huh?”
“Lance!” Krolia jogs up, like she just arrived. “I need to speak to you for a moment. Alone.”
“Very well.” Lance lifts their joined hands to indicate a pair of elk, laden with saddlebags, suddenly reminding Keith of his first night in the castle, when Lance gave him a tour of their quarters. “Your mother procured some supplies and elk for us, over there. Do you mind?”
“I guess not…” Keith eyes his mother cautiously. “See you soon?”
“Yes, and then we’ll leave.” Lance kisses his cheek, hurrying after Krolia.
Anxious, Keith heads for the elk, recognizing one of them as Lance’s doe from training, Bruna. He rubs her nose. “Hey, pretty girl. You’re gonna take good care of my dumbass mate for me, right? Assuming my mother doesn’t kill him first?”
Lance comes running up, a bag over his shoulder. “Okay, lets go!”
“What’s in the bag?”
“I’ll tell you later; let’s go!” Lance vaults onto Bruna, turning expectantly to his dazed spouse. “Kee-eeith. Let’s gooo-oooo.”
“R- Right!” Keith mounts his own elk -nameless, because he’s not an enormous dork-, urging him into a walk. “So we’re really leaving, then?”
“Yes, we’re really leaving! I can’t wait to see it! I want to see everything, remember? Remember when I-”
“You’re going to talk the entire way there, aren’t you?”
“Wha- No! No, I’m not! But I just want to mention-”
Keith smiles, shaking his head. His mother’s glare still stings, but it’s hard to be angry when facing off against Lance’s smile. He doesn’t see his mate like this very often -hardly ever-, so he might as well enjoy it while he can.
He does have a question though, one that’s been nagging at him for the better part of a movement now…
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silverfoxsofy · 7 years
My new apartment, its great. (Short scary story)
"Mom, I'll literally be fine. Stop worrying so much" I wedged my phone into the space between my shoulder and cheek, keeping it in place. "Well, remember dad and I still have your room set up whenever you want to come home okay!" My mother, in her always gentle voice said over the phone, as I struggled to find my keys inside my purse. "I know mom! Love you, I'm hanging up" "Love you too, call you tomorrow." And with that, I removed my now uncomfortably placed phone from my cheek, and unlocked the front door to my new apartment. As I walked in, I couldn't help but take a proud breath in. This was it. This was MY home, MY space. Something I'd wanted for the better part of my 22 years of life. And it was perfect. My room was huge compared to the one I had in my parent's house. My bathroom had a tub AND a shower, and my kitchen had a dishwasher. A FUCKING DISHWASHER. Also, the apartment complex allowed small animals as pets, so I was able to bring along my cat, Nettie. I couldn't help but smile to myself, knowing I'd be free to decorate my own place with as many potted plants as I wanted. It had been a long day, moving as many boxes and furniture as I could, and I was swamped. I wanted to shower and sleep as soon as possible. Suddenly, Nettie, who had been quietly sleeping on my couch, sprang up and ran out of the living room lightning fast. It instantly struck me as strange, Nettie wasn't known for being an active cat. Actually, she was usually so lazy it was like she was just another part of the furniture. I chalked it up to her just not being as use to the new environment as I thought she was. This was a new space with new smells after all, I figured she just wasn't comfortable yet. What came next, was even more shocking. As I got ready to take a soothing bath for the first time in my tub, I realized I was about to turn the water on, with a fat cat meowing frantically inside of it. Nettie being in the tub was so unheard of I thought for a moment she was a stray. I thought to myself, it's finally time to take her to the vet for a checkup again if she's acting this out of character. After some struggle, and a scratch or two from Nettie, I was finally soaking in my tub, equipped with a bath bomb I'd ordered specifically for this moment. I would've dozed off if it hadn't been for the loud bang I heard in the kitchen. Something was definitely up with Nettie if she was now knocking things around. *** "What the hell? This place is SICK!!!" My best friend, Cara, looked as if she'd been overflowed with joy as I showed her my new apartment, now furnished and decorated with everything that was in the boxes. "I know right? It's almost too good to be true" I said somewhat proudly. Just then, Nettie ran out of the room, again at lightning speed, causing Cara to gasp. "Oh right, Nettie still isn't use to it I guess, she's been so hectic and I don't know why! Even the vet said nothing was seriously wrong with her." "Hmm. Weird. Isn't your cat usually like, a lump?" Before I could answer Cara, the door to my room suddenly burst open, hard and with a loud bang. We both jumped, a bit spooked, now looking from the door to each other. "Uh... there's no way that was Nettie." Cara said, her voice shaking. "Ha, with the way she's been acting recently, I wouldn't put it past her." I said reassuringly. But I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little doubtful of my own words. Cara left shortly after that, and I figured maybe it had scared her more than she admitted. *** The following week had gone by quickly, unboxing as much as I could of the few boxes that were left. There was no change in Nettie's behavior though, and it seriously began worrying me. It had gotten to the point that things were continuously dropping off shelves, even a few potted plants would be on the floor, cracked open with dirt scattered everywhere. Nettie never went near my plants if they weren't her catnip. I was just so confused as to why she was causing such a ruckus in my new home. It wasn't until one night, when I came home with someone I'd met at the nearby bar, that my suspicions about Nettie were put on pause. The woman I'd brought home that night excused herself for a minute to use the bathroom, seemingly to freshen up a bit, when she suddenly ran out, calling me all sorts of names. "You're sick you know that!!" She yelled at my face, running towards my front door. She slammed the door behind her, leaving me confused and wondering what she must have seen. That is, until I walked into the bathroom and saw for myself. Nettie was laid in the tub, meowing softly and quietly, and I could see her smothered fur, struggling to lift up and down as she shakingly breathed. It took me a moment, but as she held on to that her meow, her last small breath, I saw the gash on her belly. I screamed so hard and so much, my neighbors in the apartment next to mine called the police. *** Try as they did, they could not find any evidence of a break in. Above that, there just wasn't any way to explain what happened to Nettie, much less who did to her. My mother let me cry as much as I wanted to on her couch for days. I just couldn't believe my Nettie, who'd been a part of the family the moment I picked her up from the litter of kittens when I was 12, was now gone. My gentle companion all these years was buried in my parents backyard, in the center of their garden, right next to the cat nip. When I arrived home, I could not get use to the now cold and lonely feeling of Nettie just not being here. Even if her final weeks of life had been filled with excessive running and odd behavior, I wished more than anything that I could her the fast tapping of her paws across my wooden floors. Now the silence in my house was uncomfortable, and I was forced to turn the to on. As I sat on the couch, skimming through the channels, I jumped up to the sound of a potted plant hitting the floor. Besides my initial fear of what exactly had caused it to fall, it was quickly replaced with a new fear, as I realized the plant was Nettie's cat nip. It was then the thought of WHAT had done that to Nettie, came to mind. *** Before the tragedy, Nettie sometimes woke me up by tapping my nose lightly with her paw. Which is why I was so shaken when I woke up a few days later to the feeling up a gentle tap on the nose. I half expected to see Nettie, waiting for me to sit up and fill up her bowl with food, instead waking up to just the sight of my room. Maybe I had been still been dreaming. I looked at the time, still only 3 am. Nettie never woke up at this time. I just had to have been dreaming. That is, until I looked over at my dresser. All my drawers had been pulled out, clothes looked as if they'd been thrashed about. My room had become an ocean of fabric, and I was so incredibly confused and scared that someone was now just messing with me. I was never one to believe in the supernatural, but at this moment I didn't know what to think. I couldn't come up with a real explanation and I just sat there, crying. Crying because whatever IT was that had killed my beloved cat, slammed my doors, continued to knock over my potted plants even after Nettie's death, and now did THIS, would not leave me alone. Why was this happening? Had someone died in this apartment before I moved in? I just didn't know anymore. "What do you want from me?!" I yelled into the air, finally having had it. Suddenly, my remote controller sitting atop my tv stand, flew across the room, hitting my closet door so hard it broke into pieces. I broke. "You know what?! No! Fuck you! Leave my house! Right NOW!" I felt crazy, yelling into the empty space of my room. But I knew I wasn't alone in my room. I began yelling obscenities at whatever I WAS yelling at, and it responded with knocking more things off my night stand. I didn't care. I got up from bed, turning on my lights. I ran out into the hallway, turning all the other lights on as well. Enough was enough. It wasn't until I finally reached my living room, that all at once, every potted plant on the shelves fells and crashed loudly onto the floor. I jumped as the shards bounced off the floor, some in my direction. I ran back towards my room, put on the first pair of shoes I saw, grabbed my wallet and keys, ready to head to my mother's house. Just before I opened the door, I heard another crash behind me. When I turned, I realized the kitchen lamp on the ceiling had fallen. What I saw next was exactly the reason as to why I never set a foot in that apartment again. It was why me, a 22 year old waitress could afford such a nice apartment. It was the reason the apartment's residents before me were kicked out, the reason why my neighbors always picked up their pace when walking past my door. There, on the ceiling, under what had been the kitchen lamp, was a giant pentagon, with a circle around it.
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