#old starters if still active will still be send.
crownmemes · 2 months
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Advice; Everyone Should Be Making the First Move
There's been a trend within the rpc here for years now where nobody is willing to make the first move. The problem with this is that if nobody ever makes the first move, then nobody is ever going to write anything. Considering that, everybody should be making an effort to be the first one to reach out to their writing partners more often.
Examples of making the first move:
Sending an IM to say hi, then suggesting a plot
Sending a meme to start a new thread
Responding to starter calls and open starters
All of this is just as valid for old partners as it is for new. If you haven't written with someone in a while, maybe it's time to reach out to start a new thread?
The most common reason I see for people not making the first move is social anxiety. I'm going to give you all a bit of tough love here: speaking as somebody who once had crippling social anxiety (and still does in irl settings), the best way to overcome it is to push yourself to try the things that make you anxious.
Communicating with people is a really important part of rp because it's not a solo hobby, therefore you are going to have to talk to people at some point. It's unavoidable. Here are a few reminders to help you feel a little less nervous:
If somebody follows back, they're doing it because they're interested in writing with you. They are not going to be upset if you send them an IM with plot ideas
Most people are friendly! In 12 years of rping on this site, I can count on one hand the number of people who I've talked to that were actively rude to me
It's okay if someone says no to you! People have different styles and not all of them will work together. If someone says no, say thank you for the consideration, then move on. There are more people to write with out there
If somebody is nasty to you, you can block them. Don't be afraid to do this; you don't have to explain yourself, and you wouldn't want to write with someone who's rude to you anyway
If you're not sure what to say, I usually go with a version of "Hello! Thank you for following/following back! I've looked through your rules and about pages. Would you be interested in plotting something for X and my character, Y? I have an idea already, if you would like to hear?"
Don't just say "Hi!". Cut to the chase and tell them why you're messaging so they immediately know what the conversation is about
Reasons why it's good to message first:
You look actively interested in writing. This is a huge boost in your favour when it comes to asking to write with someone
It makes it a lot easier to get new interactions
It makes you appear more active
If you're a new blog, you won't have a lot of examples of your writing on your blog yet. People will be more willing to give you a chance if you approach them first
If you don't message first, you are likely to be waiting a long time before somebody messages you
It's easier to make friends if you have an active conversation!
Some other thoughts on messaging first:
You have followed the person because you are interested in writing with them. Think about why you are interested, and suggest this as a plot idea
Make sure you read through the rules still. It's very obvious when you haven't. Also, look through the muses on offer so you can suggest which you'd like to write with
If the rules say they're not mutuals only, or that you're welcome to IM to introduce yourself if you want to plot, don't be afraid to message. They wouldn't have put that in their rules if they didn't mean it
If someone is reblogging memes, it's because they want to write responses to them. Send them in! If they didn't want them sent in, they wouldn't have reblogged the meme
IMing to plot is often a better idea than liking a starter call or sending memes if you have never interacted with the person before. It gives you a chance to work out what kind of thread would work well before you start something, so the resulting thread has a lower chance of fizzling out quickly
However, all that being said, it's not just up to the person messaging first to make all the effort. If the receiver doesn't put any effort in in return, then the person making the first move is going to think they aren't interested. Eventually, they may give up messaging people at all, because what's the point if it never goes anywhere? Some tips for not seeming uninterested:
If someone IMs you, try to reply to them in a timely fashion. Especially try to reply to them if they sent you a plot idea. You don't have to agree to do the idea - it's just very annoying to be ghosted the second you actually start plotting
Suggest your own plot ideas in return, or build on the idea that the other person has given you
If you agree to write a starter, or one is written for you, follow through with it. Write the starter, reply to the thread. If it's going to take a while, let your writing partner know that you've seen it but you're going to be slow for a while
Similarly, if you post memes, reply to the ones people send you. If you never reply, people will pick up on this and eventually stop sending you things
If you go on hiatus, message your writing partners directly when you get back to let them know you'd like to write again. This will demonstrate that you really are active and ready to write again
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sonnennedel · 1 month
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Nicole "Nikki" Johnsen is a 22-year-old whirlwind of a person. She might be short, but she's fierce. Coming from a rich family, she got everything handed on a silver plate her whole life. This leads to her not really knowing what to do with her life, always finding new things that are supposed to be her destiny, but aren't. Modeling, singing, painting, baking, dancing, photography. She tried it all, but mainly uses her big blue eyes and sweet looks to get easily through life. And a little bit of magic never killed nobody, right?
minors do not interact, since my mun and muse are both over 21, please only interact if you are as well. this blog has semi to low activity. still i would love to get to know all my lovely followers, so hit me up whenever you feel like spicing up your life. the blog runs on queue
I'm always looking for writing partners. If you wanna jump head in first just send me one of those: starters . If you rather talk about a storyline, I'm in for most of them. status: 3/6
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twitterrefug33 · 4 months
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Hello, I come from another social media where I've already posted this longer than a week ago. I'm not really active on my Tumblr because sometimes I forget I have it and I'm like "Wait... I forgot to post this on tumblr.."
So, I find the entire plot of slendytubbies to be kind of confusing. I feel like it is really fast paced, there's some unexplained parts of the story(doesn't help that it's not getting continued either) and some other things, so I've just been wanting to rewrite it.
For starters, I'm going to give my interpretation of shadow tubbie, because I do feel like he's an important character however we'll never be able to find out why. His story is based off of a theory I had on amino(💀) in 2021, where he's not really your enemy, more of a warning about the infection.
Anyways, here's my version of shadow tubbie! 🖤
Shadow Tubbie, instead of just being called "Shadow Tubbie" has been renamed to Scáth which fun fact, means "Shadow", "Shade" or "Phantom" in Irish. He's only referred to as "The Shadow" or "Nightmare" when being referred to in his infected form.
Due to his random appearance in game confusing me (and the fact that we don't get a continuation of the story) I wanted to make his involvement with Laa Laa and The Guardian make sense. I made it so that in my version of slendytubbies, he was originally supposed to be the main four's father/parental figure. (He also raised them with a character I made who will be introduced later)
Sadly, he only got to raise Tinky until he was ten and Laa Laa and Dipsy when they became three years old. (Po was just born when he became infected) Why? Well, the scientists that created the Teletubbies had become suspicious as they were working with Noo Noo to create dosages to start off the infection. Scáth became distasteful of the scientists and he started to become extremely overprotective of his children. The scientists didn't like this as Scáth would have more violent behaviors towards the scientists, and they knew this would influence his children.
Eventually, they forcefully seperated Scáth from Tinky, Laa Laa, and Dipsy to test their dosages on him, making Scáth the first victim of the infection. They wiped Tinky's memories of him as he was the oldest, and assumed that Laa Laa and Dipsy didn't need it as they were toddlers and probably wouldn't remember anyways. Unfortunately for them, Laa Laa had hyperthymesia so she had small glimpses of memories of Scáth. Once Scáth became Shadow Tubbie, he knew of this information. When Laa Laa was old enough, he started to send messages to her inside of her dreams. Laa Laa was frightened by his appearance and didn't like the environment of where her dreams were set, so Scáth tried so hard to be less menacing towards her. He has tried melting his legs to be less taller, playing fond memories of hers on his TV screen (on his stomach), helped her create her imaginary friend ghost girl so Laa Laa could get more used to the environment and be braver, etc. However, none of it worked and she still has constant nightmares. He wanted to warn her about the infection, however he could only communicate through glimpses of imagery.
After Scáth was seperated from them, they replaced him with The Guardian. Unfortunately, The Guardian wasn't allowed to be close to them, as they knew that if he was, he would've had a similar reaction to Scáth. Since he was already obedient towards the scientists, they made him observe the Teletubbies from a far distance inside of his secret lair. Scáth also knew this, so he decided to send warning signals towards The Guardian the same way with how he did with Laa Laa. The Guardian was more understanding, knowing something was wrong however, he was bit confused. This is why Scáth appears more frequently in Laa Laa's dreams instead of Guardian's, because The Guardian already has an idea on what's going on.
Scáth unfortunately doesn't recognize that his visions are mentally exhausting, as they serve more as a nightmare rather than a warning. Although, his images are frequent enough to send some form of a signal, as some of his images would also flash in morse code. The images that are meant to jump scare the players in the previous games are actually warnings sent by Scáth, telling the player (The Guardian) that infecteds are nearby.
Scáth has hope in The Guardian, so he sees through his eyes from time to time. Sometimes, Scáth makes the Guardian see a lot of images, signaling "Danger" or "Don't go here" but The Guardian is confused.
After Scáth became infected, the infection affected him in the most brutal way possible that he ceased to exist, causing him to be a thought form. He was powerful enough to create the dream realm, however, he can only exist there in his universe. Naturally, he isn't a violent creature and is usually pretty nice, however he will only attack when you've come into the dream realm uninvited, you were apart of creating the infection and or making it worse, or you are just in general a terrible person.
Although Scáth can exist as a physical life form, it is only in seperate universes. How does he access them? When people enter his dream realm, it opens up gateways to another dimension, which also makes the dimensions he accesses very limited. Once he enters said dimension, he returns to his first form, wanting to restart his life before it ended horribly. Unfortunately, he can be killed in said universe. And once that happens, he can never return to it again.
Scáth can be permanently killed in his universe, however it is extremely hard as the infection takes over his body whenever someone shows extreme amounts of violence against him in the dream world. (I.e multiplayer mode where you receive weapons) being killed in his universe also kills him in every single one he could enter and be normal in.
Since he was the first victim of the infection, it has kind of affected him differently. He still has a sense of himself, as most of the dosages he took were to put a virus inside of him, that morphed his body in ways to the point his own body deteriorated and turned him into a phantom of sorts.
Fun facts!!
His first and second form are 11'8, while his full shadow form (without his legs being removed) is 20 feet tall.
He can change the environment of the dream realm however he chooses it to be dark, as I made his infected form sensitive to light.
If you come into the dream realm uninvited, he will become violent. However, if you happen to be one of the people he invited into the dream realm before (or you're a child) he'll spare you.
He can't invite people into the dream realm from other universes, however people from said other universes can come in uninvited (which causes rifts in time)
Weirdly fun fact, Scáth's dream world has stopped the time and space continuum being interfered with in his universe.
He cannot return to his dreamworld until his physical form dies in the current world he's in, whether that would be due to natural causes, sickness, or murder.
He's a normal tubbie in his physical form. (Aside from the blatant void in his eye)
The void eye/his left eye can't close, neither can he see out of it.
He's 37! (Old man)
If he started to cry, the void in his eye will leak a black goo.
Thank you for taking the time to read my character concept for Shadow Tubbie! He's still a long way from being full fleshed out as I'm still working on his personality and story and still trying to rewrite some things, but that's it for now.
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moldynapkin · 12 days
Danny Phantom Vivisection AU
The only thing Danny can smell is lemons. Maddie always hated the smell of disinfectant, and since it’s necessary to be as clean as possible when performing tests on “live” subjects, she started hanging lemon-scented air fresheners all around the lab. It made working in the lab for long periods of time just a little more bearable.
When they went to visit Jack’s family over the summer, a familiar flower caught her eye. Apparently, his family had been growing them for generations, as a crop. Nearly every recipe they have calls for the use of Blood Blossoms, and they gladly gave her a few cuttings to cultivate. Previously she had only read about them in books since they were thought to be extinct, so growing them was definitely a learning curve.
She planted some at Amity Park, (with permission from the mayor), on every floor of Fenton Works, and even donated some to the GIW. (She figures they could use some help.) At Amity Park they sprouted but withered away after only a week. The only place other than the lab where they successfully grew was the 3rd floor of Fenton Works.
She had put a tray of the seed starters in the hallway window sill, right between Jazz and Danny’s room. It was quite strange because when she moved them away from that wall they would instantly start wilting. She needs to study it more with help from Jack, once he gets back from his “fishing trip”. Half of the time he forgets to even put bait on the end of the pole so she isn’t sure if it can even really be considered fishing.
Her working theory is that there are ectoplasm hotspots, or areas where the ectoplasm is above the background levels, maybe because of extra portal radiation or excessive ghost activity. She and Jack still haven’t quite figured out how exposure to the ghost zone will affect Fenton Works in comparison to the surrounding town. It might be like radiation exposure, but so far there hasn’t been any evidence to support that.
Danny’s room is the most ectoplasmic aside from the lab, and they aren’t sure why. It could be due to a lack of ventilation, or maybe just the devices malfunctioning due to long-term exposure to the lab. She has actually been waiting for the GIW to send her some of their specialty equipment, that way she can get to the bottom of this.
She reminds herself that she needs to focus while she is documenting her capture of Phantom. When she gives the journal to Lance Thunder and Harriet Chin she wants to make sure that it is thorough enough that they can’t mess up the broadcast. Disinformation will only further harm the already incredibly stigmatized job of being a ghost hunter. She does not want people to see her as a hoax.
Okay, back to writing. Jack was in the Specter Speeder, hot on the tail of the lunch lady, while Maddie followed on foot with the Fenton Bazooka. They were determined to catch a ghost and find something note-worthy enough to report to the news station. They needed the people to understand that all ghosts are monsters! Just because Phantom plays pretend as some sort of superhero, doesn’t mean that he is one. Where was he when she and Jack were building the portal and had to work daunting shifts every night to protect the town? It’s not like he is some kid who died recently, ghosts are bound in the town that they died in until they are old enough to have lost every shred of humanity they once had.
No one in town has a kid who died or went missing recently, so he must be around thousands of years old. If she's right about his age, then he doesn’t actually care about the town, he just got bored one day in the ghost realm and decided he wanted more attention, and he got it! Why can’t everyone else see him for who he really is? Alas, it is the life that she signed up for, after all.
As they were catching up to the Lunch Lady she spotted something down the alley, right beside the Nasty Burger. She motioned for Jack to keep pursuing the Lunch Lady while she went to check out what she saw. Even if it was just a blob ghost it might be helpful to their research. What she didn’t realize was that she had just struck gold!
As she approached the end of the alley, she saw Phantom. He seemed injured, more than usual at least. He always seemed to have scratches or open wounds, but not to this extent.
He had horrific gashes running all the way from his left shoulder to the bottom of his torso. He seemed very out of it like he didn’t even know there was someone standing in front of him. It was also strange because his gashes were leaking green and red, (very Christmassy for someone who ruined Christmas last year), she giggled to herself.
She shot him with the Fenton Bazooka for good measure, and he just collapsed. What a fantastic find! With him, she would be able to get so much more information about ghost anatomy than she normally could. She called Jack to the front of the Nasty Burger and chucked Phantom into the backseat. They strapped him in, just to be safe, and took him back to the lab.
A few days passed, and after immeasurable amounts of tests, they found that he had blood blossoms in his system. That must have weakened him. That's probably how he got the gashes, some other ghost took advantage of his state of health. She doesn’t know how he got a hold of blood blossoms and knows even less about why on earth he would ingest them, but either way, her research has its missing piece, a live subject!
She would squeal with delight if she weren't about to vivisect a ghost. Could it count as vivisection since they're already dead? She thinks it should since they’re semi-sentient, but will consider it more later.
Blood Blossoms also don’t grow naturally anywhere in town, so Phantom was either poisoned, or he intentionally stole them from Fenton Works, which is improbable. Could it have been on purpose? Maybe ghosts got depressed just like people, she writes herself a note to ask Phantom about it after the vivisection if he survives.
However, they weren’t missing any of the Blood Blossoms they had in the lab, so that theory probably won’t lead to anything.
All she and Jack use them for right now is cooking. They snuck them into the kids ’ breakfasts and lunches because, alongside their ability to ward off ghosts, they’re also surprisingly healthy. The only reason they didn’t tell the kids is because they can be so picky sometimes!
When she proposed the idea of using them as seasoning, because she just wants them to be safe from ghosts, they both looked disgusted and their only justification was that “they stink and look really unappetizing.”
Jazz is at her counseling session with Spike, and Sam texted her that Danny is staying at her place tonight to work on a class project. She honestly didn’t even know they had classes together.
When they come home she is going to bother them so much about the Blood Blossoms. They both ate their entire meal with no complaint, so they couldn’t have tasted that bad. They are just kids though, they’re allowed to be picky. She remembers what it was like when she was their age.
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cloangi · 5 months
Get to know me 🔥
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**Post may be updated every so often to change wording, to add/delete things, etc
Part 1 of Bio - Information for starters⤵️
Fine to interact:
Under my age (15)
A bit over 18
A furry (not the gross kind though. Just the ones who dress up for fun)
Part of LGBTQ+
Overall everyone is welcome‼️
Do NOT interact (I seriously dont want any sort of conflict here):
Racist (if you're going out your way to harass people and be an overall bitch that is)
Phobia against any religion
Into sick activities (you already know what I mean by this 😐)
Against the military in any way (We get the whole propaganda stuff, but don't hate people who are active duty, in the reserves, etc. If someone wants to join, don't hate on them and spread death threats, its sad to see some people sre actually like this)
If I see any of yall tweaking out or being problematic over some shit, don't be surprised if I block your ass from here 💀🙏. I'm tryna keep this a "good vibe" type place. And keep in mind that I tolerate most types of behavior, and I literally never block people (very high and bold emphasis on "never").
So if I do happen to block you, you done messed up.
General things about me:
15 years old
I'm AROACE 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯
ENTJ personality type
Only do art as a hobby (so no money taking or commissions people)
Art consists of my fandom fixations
You can refer to me as either my username or the names Baaz and Keegan. Either one works, I don't care.
Extra: Besides posting low quality drawings of my fixations, I mostly reblog art or anything I can find of the fandoms/fixations I'm in (or know a bit about), such as art, memes, and such. Or you can find some random art that isn't related to any fandom reblogged on here.
I am fine with people + mutuals sending me DM's‼️ Just don't make it weird (you already know what I mean by that)
Also, please do send me asks 🙏‼️. I enjoy responding to them and sadly never get any 😔
Note: You can make offensive + dark humor jokes (at least with me in the ask box or DM's) I'm into that shit. Can be racist jokes, sexist, sexual in some way, or whatever. Insulting me in any way doesn't affect me in the slighest as long as it's a joke. The more offensive the better—so go all out (not S/A though, that's something that even I'll never joke about).
Social stuff:
Quora Account - [Place where I've spent most of my time online, around 4-5 years or so. I post random things of me yapping of all topics or things I've found/seen].
Part 2 of Bio - Fixations⤵️
The list below is color coded based on the fandoms I'm fixated on, or I just like
Orange = Fixated
Green = Like
Rainbow 6 Siege - Don't have the console to play the actual game so I watch it instead.
Call of Duty - Certain campaigns in it, mostly COD Ghosts though (Yes, I have played the OG versions of some of the campaigns on the old ps3 we have, and I do play MP Cod Ghosts).
Hell Divers 2 - Like R6S, I don't have the actual console itself to play it but it's on my wishlist and I really like the concept of the game, plus the community seems pretty fire.
Eddsworld - Used to have a HUGE fixation on this fandom, prob for up to 1-2 years (shit had a strong grip on me)
My Little Pony - I'm surprised this fandom is absolutely booming now. Watched the entire show (forgot everything though 💀), I love the art the fandom makes though, including the AU's.
Saiki K - Started to rewatch it again since I forgot the whole storyline 💀🙏
The Amazing Digital Circus - Caught up on all episodes
Demon Slayer - Watched all seasons
The Amazing World of Gumball - Havent really watched it much, but I really like it including the fan base
Into the Spiderverse - Have never read the comics, but movie-wise I like it
...Damn, you still reading? I mean if you're interested go ahead and drop a follow to this thing (you're likely gonna forget this account anyways, so free follow for me mwhahaha).
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yesloulou · 1 year
i cannot stop thinking about your gorgeous art for so close, we combust! i'm wondering if you can give us a little director's cut about it? like how you chose the images, anything that you want to share? it makes me want to launch myself into space and eat the moon like cheese.
em im so honored by this ask and i too want to eat the moon like cheese bc it sounds like a very fun activity ❤️‍🔥
soo basically the first pic was my inspo bc it was just so so SCWC (so close, we combust by @officialmood) coded. it had an imbalance to it. for starters we can only see max looking like he was about to explode from fondness while daniel had his back turned and we can't see his face. and like. everything was straightforward for max. the genuine affection for daniel came so easily to him. it was so transparent. but since they were hugging daniel had no idea max's face looked like that when he hugged him. and based on what we know about cool cocky nonchalant RB daniel, one is likely to assume daniel wasn't equally affected by it – and i think they would be right. that hug was at daniel's last race with red bull. there were walls of ppl lining up to congratulate him and send him off. and max was at the end of this line. by the time daniel got to him the impact of it would've been softened by all those that came before. it was like. daniel was saying goodbye to the whole team in one sitting and max was only saying goodbye to daniel. all the imbalances here really remind me of the first part SCWC, where daniel was aware of everything, yet more or less took it for granted, so used to being on the receiving end of max's attention and affection. SCWC daniel "didn’t know at the time that this would be the kind of memory he would turn over and over, trying to cut himself against the sharp part", canon daniel likely also underestimated how rare and precious it was to have the whole team (and max) adore and support him like that.
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and it was all about to change. the hug (2nd gif) after AD 21 was a whole other dynamic. it was a much more reserved hug. there were so much complicated emotions that went into it: before daniel went up to max in parc ferme, he had just witnessed max overtake lewis during the final laps of the most dramatic recent f1 season to take his first world title. and since daniel had been lapped by both max and lewis, he literally had to watch it all unfold right in front of him, first hand. and now max, his old teammate, the reason he had to leave his team, the one he on some level saw as a younger sibling, the one ppl said he ran away from, was a world champion before him when that exact wdc dream had slipped further and further away from daniel, who in fact had just had the most bizarre season in his whole f1 career.
it was just a lot of complicated emotions for daniel at that point. i think it must've taken effort for him to feel happy for max at all, let along going up to him and congratulating him right then and there. but daniel did it anyway. and it was a painfully hasty hug imo esp compared to how it went with lando and carlos. it was even a lil awkward bc you can tell max had both of his arms up but daniel didn't plan on going in with a full hug. but still, he wanted to congratulate max and he did.
it wasn't a fun moment to recall as a daniel girlie but it also has such a nice echo with the second part of SCWC. they were hugging/hanging out like all those times they hugged/hung out before. but everything had changed. max looked like a whole different person now (both in scwc and irl in the gif set), and he became comfortable being in control. and for daniel, this time he was the one with all those emotions going into it. neither scwc pt. 2 daniel (in max's apartment) or 2021 canon daniel (in parc ferme) was all that comfortable, but they were both there anyway, looking for a shred of reality that vaguely resembles what he and max used to be, holding on to the hope that a part of them survived despite everything.
anyways, basically as soon as i had the first pic as inspo i decided that i wanted the second pic to also be one of their hugs but with a completely different dynamic, just like in pt1 and pt2 of scwc they were doing the same things (hanging out) completely differently. and then i just thought of that second hug. and with hugging being the subject there is also the sense of like, the closer they came, the more the reality sank in, that max had won before him, that all their conflicts had come to a boiling point, that the deal had been sealed. it's just like what the title says, came so close we combust.
idk if im making sense with everything here but hopefully this has been a fun read :) ty for this ask em and again ty liza for blessing us with SCWC!!!
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belades · 2 years
Okay so for a while now I've had an absolute Galaxy brained theory about Iono from Pokemon SV.
Namely, the theory is that she's straight up actually not human but is a Rotom.  As ridiculous as this theory is, I figured I may as well record all the reasons that led me to come to that conclusion, initially as a joke.  I don’t necessarily think it’s TRUE, but think all the details are worth compiling and sharing, so humor me.  If the pace of this seems weird, it’s cuz I’m adapting it from a twitter thread I just made.  Anyways, heads up, this post will contain spoilers for major game plot point.  I won’t spoil things directly but there’s allusions to really important stuff.  Anyways, as ridiculous as this sounds, I actually find it pretty interesting, so hear me out.
So for starters, first and foremost: her mouth.  She has the same mouth as Rotom, just like any mechanical object Rotom inhabits.  What she DOESN'T have is Rotom's eye color, but Rotom's eye color specifically changes based on what it's inhabiting, it is only blue in base form and the phones.  There's more to it though.   Second most obvious is her personality.  She's a mischievous little shit and it is frankly the best thing about her.  As simple as this is, it also completely describes how Rotom act.  Third simplest is that wild Rotom live nearby, even if they’re rare enough people are startled at the idea of seeing one outside a Rotomphone.  
Initially though, this just made me think it was EXTREMELY weird she didn't have a Rotom on her team.  This woman kind of looks like a rotom, notably has a personality like one, and lives near them, it feels like a glaring omission.  This caused me to jokingly hypothesize "Oh, she's a Rotom that is inhabiting an android body or an electronic doll, which is why she doesn't have a Rotom on her team".  Of course it was a joke, this is all pretty circumstantial evidence.  While it still is absolutely a goofy “what if” even now, it started to become a bit less of a joke as I thought about it.
The next bit's circumstantial but starts to add up with the other stuff.  Every gym leader in Paldea has an off type Pokemon that they Terastralize to be on type.  For all of them there's logic to it, even if strange.  Teddyursa like Honey -> bug (and it’s used by a pastry chef, thus would have honey).  Sushi chef sends out crab, sudowoodo goes from fake grass type to real grass type and the trainer considers it a form of performance art, Staraptor loses flying weaknesses, which goes into Larry’s side job, the musician has a guitarist, the cosmetic and perfume woman has a flowery fairy, the guy in the alps has a cloud bird who becomes protected from a 4x weakness.  All of them make sense and are on theme for the trainer’s brand, occupation, or the pokemon’s competitiveness.   Except for Iono's Mismagius.   So Iono for some reason has a ghost type that has nothing to do with electric type or her occupation.  Humorously enough, this makes Electricity Iono's primary type, and Ghost her secondary.  I can't think of any other reason for a mismagius other than perhaps, once again, “She’s a little shit” which is.... a lot more vague than all the rest.  
This is where things start to go from design and personality quirks to being actively strange.
If you talk to people around the city, some of them will comment on something weird they noticed about Iono when they think about it: she doesn't age.  They say she's been streaming for years (How many is unclear, but from the dialogue, presumably at least five to ten) and still looks the same, and they have no idea how old she is because of it.   Add to this the weird glitchy looking twitches she does both in and out of battle whenever she's startled (it is very much blink and you’ll miss it in battle), which I initially thought was simply a bad animation, and let’s be very real, it might be, this game was way overcrunched.
Anyways,  all this was stuff I noticed as I was playing through the main storyline and it felt increasingly weird and consistent, despite the implausibility of it all.  In fact, the implausibility of it all was the main thing bugging me and making me keep dismissing it as just a fun what-if.  Pokemon world technology is advanced, sure, but not advanced enough to make a totally visually convincing lifelike animatronic or android.
And then uhhhhh.... And then I beat the game.
As I said, I’m going to limit spoilers, but the whole "Technology isn’t advanced enough to make an android body humanlike enough to fool people into thinking it is one" is uhhh, no longer the case.  Albeit there are caveats to that.  Anyhow, what led me to decide to actually compile everything an actually post it was that a few minutes ago, I noticed something explicit enough that it ACTUALLY STARTLED ME, even though I've known about it this whole time but never put much thought into. 
Iono’s outfit.
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(wait I just noticed putting this together that she also has Rotom’s horizontally split pupils, shit).  Anyways, back to her outfit.  Without straying TOO far into spoiler territory, her outfit is interesting because of her inner outfit.  It is very specifically a lattice of iridescent Hexagons.  And now I’m starting to think again about how her outfit appears to be a modified straightjacket, complete with belts to restrain someone. 
I don't expect us to ever get official confirmation on this, but wanted to share it.  
Also, because I sure as heck didn’t consider why it might be significant for a while, if you need a clue as to why her outfit being comprised of a lattice of iridescent hexagons is important, then without getting too much into endgame plot details, I’ll leave you with “what are they that would make this important” as opposed to the “Why is this important”
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damnedrainbows · 7 months
These are five years old and are going to change with things to be added in the next few days, but they’re mostly the same! A i was informed they weren’t showing up on my blog so I made a pin for now
Generally the entire show, but my mains are Alastor, Lucifer, and Charlie
Following and Unfollowing
I am selective.
I will only follow back blogs I actively wish to RP with. Or people I’ve made friends with. I’ll be ever grateful for every follower I get, but it doesn’t mean I’ll follow you back.
You don’t have to be an rp blog for me to rp with you. One of my partners is just a normal fandom blog. Writing is writing C:
I don’t do exclusives. For me I find it takes a lot of the opportunities away to get to know more cool people. If you want to make me an exclusive for something…go right ahead, but I won’t do the same. You’ll simply stay my partner. I want to be able to interact with everyone. That being said, I do mains! That doesn’t really mean anything other than your blog would be the first I tag if I see something that reminds me of our muses, that sorta thing.
If I hear wind that you’re harassing any of my friends you’re done. And if you’re harassing me in any way. I do not put up with bad treatment of my friends or me. You don’t want a block from me. Jordan doesn’t block ANYBODY.
Threads and Communication
Sometimes I’ll have long posts, sometimes short ones. It depends purely on my inspiration at the time, but I’ll always put my best effort in. I want you to do so too!
Before writing any verse you want to do, please talk to me first C:
I LIVE FOR RANDOM STARTERS TBH. It’s like…waking up to Christmas morning and seeing your present. Mutuals please drop me a random starter any time.
I play my characters the way I want to play them, the way I interpret them. So if you don’t like how they’re played, that’s fine, but I’m not likely to change it.
If you send IC memes please specify the muse, since…well, I have the whole show.
I’m of age so I do smut but nothing too-too graphic. It will be tagged of course.
My threads are for my PARTNER only. Or partners if it’s a threeway. Please do not reblog them. You can like em, you can use the little reply button to say something–if you really want to talk about something that’s happening in them shoot me a message-but do not reblog unless you are said partner. C:
For the love of God, don’t hound me. I’m aware I can take a while to reply, but I have a lot of threads usually at the same time and some I have more muse for than others. Please don’t link me to our thread, please don’t say “it’s your turn” or some sort of variation of passive aggressive harassment. You aren’t going to make me respond faster. You are just going to spark my anxiety and make me resent our rp. If it’s been four days feel free to message me–not four hours.
Unless you’re a canon character my muse needs to get to know you a bit. C: So it’s unlikely you can just pop up to one of my muses, never having met, like ‘hi, how you been?’ and not have them be like “who da fuck are you"
Shipping will mainly be thread-dependent. If you feel like our muses may mesh, go for it!
I will not tolerate hate for what I ship. I don’t need to be told I’m shipping something unhealthy because chances are I’ll state it’s unhealthy and I by no means condone dating a psychopath in real life. Hate will be deleted and blocked.
When it comes to OC ships and any ship really, ship needs chemistry. Do not force a ship onto my muses. They need to get to know each other, and this mainly applies to OC ships–not so much the pr-established characters in the show. If I already ship it, I’m down to jumping straight into a shipping thread.
I am mildly less selective with crossovers since this show is literally…all about crossing over into other media. I’m still selective but not as much. For my own comfort I won’t be rping with characters from the Sonic franchise.
Triggers and Tagging
I know very little about triggers myself and what people consider a trigger. IF you want something tagged you’ll have to ask. I’ll be clueless otherwise, but I will tag all ships. And the basic gore and blood and such. Be aware of the fact I have bad memory problems. If I forget to tag something you asked me to tag I’m sorry, it wasn’t on purpose.
This is an insanely dark show and there will be a lot of blood and gore and horror. There will be torture and killing talk, but it will still be tagged.
Mun Notes
I have serious memory problems. Like, really bad due to a combo of illnesses. Cut me some slack, I’m going to forget rules and probably certain triggers if I’m not used to tagging them. You have no ida how many friggin rule pages I’ve read on this blog. I’ll do my best but I’m going to forget, and probably more than once. It’s not my fault, I’m trying my hardest.
I do not do passcodes. For some reason they make me…severely anxious and I don’t know why. If we rp, I’ve read your rules, rest assured. If you really really depend on a passcode…well, we probably won’t be rping then. ;-; sorry.
I’m a physically disabled person who’s online rather…all the time because I can’t work really. So rp is like all I got going on right now as I work on my animation portfolio at home.
I’m a very sweet twenty two four old that loves to talk to people. Talk to me any time about my muse, about anything! Feel free to approach me just to talk in general. I really love people! We don’t have to rp to be friends.
And finally, what I write, my characters’ views do not reflect my own. I do not condone the destruction of entire civilization or eating babies. Unless they are tasty babies.
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nepofminspo · 6 months
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         happy  friday  !  this  weekend  will  be  the  FOURTH  of  many  upcoming  meme  weekends  .  if  you  wish  to  participate  ,  please  TAG  YOURSELF  (  DO  NOT  REBLOG  )  in  the  comments  .  if  you  see  any  characters  tagged  ,  please  be  sure  to  send  memes  as  well  to  ensure  that  everyone  participating  is  included  !  you  may  choose  one  (  or  more  )  of  the  following  to  send  to  people  .  questions  may  be  sent  all  weekend  (  friday  –  sunday  )  and  answered  at  player’s  convenience  .
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with  messages  sent  on  anonymous  ,  your  character(s)  MUST  answer  anything  truthfully  .  however  ,  this  information  cannot  be  used  in  game  and  will  only  be  used  for  ooc  purposes  (  ie.  headcanons  ,  plotting  ,  etc.  )
⠀⠀⠀below you will find 20 creative questions about family designed to deepen your character building. such questions can also be used as ask meme or pov starters. (  credit:  agronzky  )
What is the dynamic of the character's family? Are they close and united or distant?
Who is the most influential figure in the character's life within the family?
Does the character have siblings? If so, how is their relationship with them?
What is the character's favorite family tradition and why is it significant?
How does the character deal with family conflicts? Do they avoid them or face them directly?
Does the character have a parental role model or do they prefer to chart their own path?
What is the character's most memorable childhood memory involving the family?
How does the character behave at family gatherings? Are they sociable or more reserved?
What did the character learn from their parents or relatives that influenced their adult life?
Are there any family secrets in the character's past that still affect them today?
Does the character maintain old family traditions or seek to innovate and create new ones?
How has the relationship between the character's parents or guardians shaped their beliefs and values?
Is the character more like a specific family member? How is this reflected in their personality?
What is the character's relationship with their grandparents? Do they play an active role in their life?
Does the character feel pressure to meet family expectations? How do they deal with it?
How would the character describe their childhood in terms of family support and love?
Is the character's family traditional or more open to different lifestyles?
Has the character ever had a serious disagreement with a family member? How did this affect their relationship?
How does the character define the concept of family? Who do they consider to be part of their "family" apart from their biological relatives?
How does the character feel about their role in the family? Do they take on responsibilities, do they seek to be the link between the members or do they prefer a more independent approach? How does this influence their identity within the family?
(  credit:  poohsource  )
[ mai tai ]  if they could have any superpower in the world, what would they choose?
[ white russian ]  what would they do if they won the lottery?
[ grasshopper ]  what / who would they dress up as for halloween?
[ tequila sunrise ]  how would they spend their perfect day?
[ californication ]  what do they think is their greatest achievement in life?
[ caipirinha ]  if they could change one thing about themself, what would it be?
[ painkiller ]  what is their greatest regret?
[ moscow mule ]  if they could travel through time, where would they go?
[ dry martini ]  what is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to them?
[ tom collins ]  which living person would they most want to meet?
[ greyhound ]  if they could have a dinner with just one person ( dead or alive ) who would they choose?
[ planter's punch ]  how long does it take to befriend them?
[ sangria ]  do they have any special routines they follow every single day? if yes, which?
[ whiskey sour ]  what is the biggest lie they ever told someone?
[ zombie ] do they believe in life after death?
[ margarita ]  what are their biggest pet peeves?
[ mojito ]  what is one goal they are working towards?
[ appletini ]  who do they consider the most important person in their life? why?
[ cosmopolitan ]  what is their happiest memory ever?
[ gin tonic ]  who influenced them the most?
[ bloody mary ]  what would they do if they only had one week left to live?
[ manhattan ]  where would they like to travel the most?
[ old fashioned ]  what would their adult self tell their kid self if they could go back in time?
[ blue lagoon ]  how do they typically react when faced with something they fear?
[ sidecar ]  what type of person are they most likely drawn to?
[ negroni ]  what is one piece of advice they would give others?
[ hurricane ]  which song describes them the most? why?
[ sex on the beach ]  what do they consider red flags in a relationship?
[ mimosa ]  which incident shaped them the most?
[ long island iced tea ]  if they had the chance to redo their life, what would they do differently the second time around?
[ mint julep ]  which was their dream job as a kid?
[ singapore sling ]  how do they react to disappointments?
[ alexander ]  what would they do with one million dollars / euros / pounds / whatever currency they use?
[ screwdriver ]  which habit do they wish they could get rid of?
[ gin fizz ]  do they consider a glass half-full or half-empty?
[ aperol spritz ]  which is one thing they still think about a lot?
[ piña colada ]  how do they show affection?
[ swimming pool ]  what is the most important lesson they've learned in recent years?
[ b52 ]  how would they describe themselves in as few words as possible?
[ daiquiri ]  do they believe in true love? why or why not?
& .˚      found  family  prompts.     
(   it is a very loved dynamic so here are some memes to go wild with it.  these are mainly fluff, supportive and some emotional ones.  to reverse the action prompts,  send ( prompt ) +  ) (  credit:  lavendermemes  )
“   you’re not alone,  not anymore .   ”
“   i didn’t really have anyone before you guys .   ”
“   thank you for everything you’ve done for me .   ”
“   you’re my family .   ”
“   you’re my family,  screw what everyone else says .   ”
“   i now have a life i like living because of your support .   ”
“   you’re the best thing that ever happened to me .   ”
“   hey, i got you .   ”
“   let us take care of you .   ”
“   a fight doesn’t change anything between us .   ”
“   we still care about you .   ”
“   you know you can talk to me about anything, right ?   ”
“   if you need anything i’ll be there for you .   ”
“   you’ll always have a place with us .   ”
“   i’ve got your back .   ”
“   i love you .   ”
“   do you want a hug ?   ”
“   i’m here,  i promise .   ”
“   i’m not going anywhere .   ”
“   are you okay ?   ”
“   hey, [name].  tell me what’s wrong .   ”
“   i’m going to prank [name],  do you want to help me ?   ”
“   you’re one of us now .   ”
( hug )  -  for the sender’s muse to hug the receiver’s muse after an emotional moment .
( kiss )  -  for the sender’s muse to kiss the receiver’s muse on the forehead, head, cheek, [insert where you want ] .
( bed )  -  for the sender’s muse to join the receiver’s muse on their bed and cuddle after a long day .
( food )  -  for our muses to cook together .
( tears ) - for the sender’s muse to wipe the receiver’s muse tears .
( blanket )  -  for the sender’s muse to place a blanket on top of the receiver’s muse after a hard day / after they’ve fallen asleep somewhere .
( help )  -  for the sender’s muse to patch the receiver’s muse up .
( reconciliation )  -  for our muse to make up after a fight .
( fun )  -  for our muses to spent the day doing fun activities together .
( protect )  -  for the sender’s muse to step between the receiver’s muse and a threat to protect them .
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jaxteller87 · 4 months
Sex Genie II
Amber POV
One night, as I lay in bed, Jax told me he had a surprise for me. He disappeared into the bathroom with a mischievous grin, leaving me in a silent bedroom, pondering what it could possibly be. Knowing him, I suspected he might emerge in nothing but his work shirt or his cut. Or— better yet, a clown costume because of the conversation we had a few nights ago about him doing whatever I want in the bedroom. As I was about to find out, his surprise was actually closer to my second guess than the first.
“Surprise!” he shouted, jumpng out of the bathroom in a full genie costume; both of his arms extended like he just pulled off a mindblowing magic trick at a five-year-olds birthday party. He even tried to twitch his nose like in the show I Dream of Jeannie.
I didn’t say shit. I just stared at him, wide-eyed. I could feel my cheeks turning red, but I couldn’t look away. I’ve seen a lot of things in my day, but this was one sight I can honestly say I never laid eyes upon, nor did I think I was ever going to. Hell, the thought of Jax in a genie costume never once even crossed my mind. Unfortunately, the clown idea had popped in a time or two since our last conversation, but this was taking the proverbial ball and literally running in the other direction with it.
“Well?” He said. He didn’t move an inch. He just stood there with his legs parted and his arms spread, wearing the dopiest of dopy smiles.
“Oh my word,” I giggled into my hands as he walked over to the bed with his infectious smile.
Jax furrowed his brow and started to crawl up to me from the foot of the bed. “What’s your first wish, Master?”
“I wish I never saw you in this goofy-ass costume,” I joked, unable to contain my laughter.
“Wish denied,” he said, kissing me up my legs to my neck.
“I’m just kidding, babe. This is wonderful.” I wrapped my arms around him, and we kissed passionately.
What started as a cute joke quickly became something bigger, adding a playful spark to our bedroom activities and beyond.
“I love it, baby. More importantly, I love you,” I chuckled, staring into his eyes.
“I’m happy I could put a smile on that pretty face,” he said softly.
“So, my lady, what wishes can I grant for you this wonderful evening?” he asked. He got off of me and sat on his side of the bed,criss-cross-applesauce style.
“Umm, well, what kind of choices am I working with?” I asked.
“Anything your pretty little heart desires,” Jax nodded.
“Okay, in that case— let’s go with genie’s choice; that way, I have a little time to figure out what’s next. I’m still flabbergasted by your uniform, Mr. Genie; my apologies,” I didn’t want to kill the mood, but he did look rather comical.
“Genie’s choice, you say?”
I nodded, “For starters— yep, that’s right.”
“Then it shall be done!” Jax bellowed, jumping up to his knees and thrusting his finger into the air.
“Oh, Jesus,” I put my hand over my mouth to try and stop from giggling. I had to get my mind off the costume and focus on our sexy time. I cleared my throat and took a second to contain myself. “So, uh— what will it be?”
“Well, my lady, Making you cum and hearing you say my name, of course,” he said, jumping back on top of me and kissing my neck.
“Okay,” I breathed as he started nibbling on my ear. Once our clothes were off, he eased himself on top of me, and I sighed happily, feeling his comforting weight.
“Slow and easy tonight?” he asked as he felt my body tense up. “Or just cuddles? We don’t have to rush.”
“No, we can. But yeah, can we start with slow and easy? We can see where it goes from there, ” I suggested. I didn’t want to let my body ruin this moment, especially after Jax had put in so much effort.
We moved in slow, sensual rhythms, the moonlight casting a soft glow over Jax’s face. I couldn’t help but marvel at how I ended up with a man like him.
“Papa,” I moaned against his neck, my hands sliding down his back before giving his butt a playful smack.
“My naughty little angel,” he growled in my ear, sending shivers down my spine.
We lay beside each other, grinning as we came down from our incredible high.
“Hopefully, you can turn me into a screen door tomorrow,” I chuckled, gently scratching his beard.
“Whatever the lady wishes,” he grinned, kissing my forehead.
“So, you enjoyed this? Wasn’t too cheesy?” he laughed, kissing the top of my head again.
“No, not at all,” I giggled. “I thought you were gonna walk in with your cut or something,” I chuckled, kissing his chest.
“Tell me you’re not going to ruin the mood,” he said, noticing I wanted to say something but seemed nervous.
“This whole genie thing, as dumb as it sounds, has helped me not be so nervous about asking for things bedroom-wise,” I admitted, laughing a little.
“I’ve known, and that’s why I’ve kept with it.”
“I mean, as we talked about before, if someone told me I’d like being spanked while being called ‘your good girl’ or ‘your naughty little beauty,’ I would have said they were nuts.”
“I think, too, that I’m nervous to ask for things because if we can’t do something because of my disability, I’m going to be disappointed or, worse, disappoint you.”
“Hey, what have I told you about that? That will never happen. I mean it,” Jax said, kissing me gently. “As long as you get off and call me Big Papa or Orgasmo, the sex genie, I’m good.”
I burst out laughing, “For the record, I’ll never call you Orgasmo the sex genie— but Big Papa, that one’s a given.”
“Fair enough.”
“So,” I began, “what are the chances of Mr. Orgasmo wearing his cut with the parachute pants and turban?”
“I thought you said you weren’t going to call me that?”
“Shit—” I did just say that.
“I’ll see what I can do, but Orgasmo, the sex genie, didn’t even prospect for the club yet, so I don’t know if he can put on the vest.”
“Okay, so...” I teased as my hand started to wander down, wrapping around his cock. “How about now?”
“I uh—” his eyes rolled into the back of his head while I started to go down on him.
“Okay, fine! You win, I’ll get the cut,” he mumbled enjoyably.
“That’s what I thought,” I whispered, and the night continued.
I was in the bedroom, waiting anxiously for Amber. She was taking a pregnancy test—yeah, she was seven days late. The seconds felt like hours as I sat on the edge of the bed, tapping my foot on the hardwood floor. My mind raced with a hundred different scenarios.
I glanced at the clock on the nightstand. Each tick seemed louder than the last, amplifying the silence of the room. The muted colors of the evening light seeped through the curtains, and all I could hear was the faint hum of the bathroom fan. Amber had been in there for what felt like an eternity. The door was partially open, but not enough to see inside. 
I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself. “Well?” I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.
“Is there anything I can do? Do you need help? Anything— just name it, darlin’.”
“Teller, I love you, but I’m fine,” she chuckled. 
“You sure?” I asked, but she didn’t answer. 
A few seconds later, she popped her head out of the bathroom door. “Okay, the stick is in the cup. We have to wait three minutes.”
I stood up, my legs feeling slightly wobbly from sitting for so long. We waited some more, and then she went back into the bathroom again. When Amber re-emerged, she was holding the test in her hand. Her expression was unreadable. Her gaze met mine, and for a moment, everything else faded away. The answer was there, written in her eyes even before she spoke a word. She shook her head, and tears filled up in the corners of her eyes as I ran to embrace her.
 “I know this isn’t ideal timing, but if you are pregnant, I’ll be over the moon. We’ll make it work, darlin’, no problem— I promise.”
“You say that now. Wait until I’m as big as a whale, having hormonal crying fits every day, maybe a few times a day,” she smirked. She had been late getting her prescription filled, and we had been so caught up in the moment the past few weeks that I hadn’t always wrapped Jax Jr.
“So…You are then?” I asked. She shook her head, handing me the test. 
“Not this time, Big Papa; just one blue line, not two.”
We both breathed a sigh of relief. Yes, I can’t wait to be a dad, but we just weren’t in the right place in our relationship for a little Teller.
Later that night, we were snuggled up in bed.
“My prescription is filled. I’ll pick it up tomorrow,” Amber said.
“And I’ll pick up another box of rubbers tomorrow, too,” I responded, kissing her forehead.
“You know,” Amber began, “I think why our sex life has been so good the past few months, even before the genie thing… I’m not using sex anymore to escape like I was last year. Yes, it was still good, and I got fulfillment from it, but I wasn’t doing it for the wrong reasons.”
“I know, it doesn't make sense,” she chuckled, looking up at me.
“No, it does, because like we talked about, at one point, that was the only time your demons weren’t screaming at you,” I whispered, running my fingers down her arm.
“Stress—that would be why I’m late. Work has been stressful.”
“Ah, so that’s why you asked me to treat you like a screen door when you got home yesterday.”
“Yes,” she laughed, her face turning a little red. “Being spanked while being called your good girl took the stress away,” Amber said with blushed cheeks.
“What, you still can’t believe you like being spanked?” I laughed.
She nodded, her face still red. “Hey, if it gets the job done, I’ll do it every time if you like.”
“I mean… I could get a paddle.”
She shook her head and laughed. “It’s the skin-on-skin contact for me.”
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quickdeaths · 4 months
mun meme
★  NAME:  Bryn
★  PRONOUNS:  she/her.
★  BEST EXPERIENCE: Meeting my girlfriend through RP has to be at the top of the list, and meeting some really great friends too. Just talking about the IC stuff, idk, I'm pretty happy with how things have been going recently?
★  PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: IMs are okay but discord is best! I am very chatty on discord sometimes, and the search function is really helpful for me when it comes to going back and finding old things. I'm also just on discord basically all day in some capacity, so I rarely miss things for long.
★  MOST ACTIVE MUSE: I can basically write any of my DR OCs at the drop of a hat, although Shinobu is the one who I am currently writing most, and have the easiest time writing because of that. I think for me, though, it's more "do I have energy/creativity to write right now at all" rather than if I have muse for a specific character or not - it's not usually the case that I struggle with a specific character at a time when I'm otherwise writing easily.
★  EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS: I started off on a forum in maybe 2006 or 2007, did some stuff on livejournal, had a cup of coffee at Gaia Online, and settled on Tumblr in maybe... 2012? 2013? I've done some things on discord (don't love it for RP) and google docs (it's okay) since then, and a handful of other places, but I think I'm just Here Now, like furniture.
I have talked about these all so many times so I'll try to keep it brief hahaha.
People who repeatedly drop threads without reaching out to say anything (this is my #1 pet peeve), and people who generally cycle "taking on too many asks/drafts, then dropping all of them, repeat."
People who habitually archive/delete and remake their blogs, especially if they don't make any changes to how they run things, who they interact with, etc. I see it as, like "bringing your bed to your new apartment and being confused as to why you still have bedbugs."
People who post tons of OOCs, as well as things like memes, starter calls, ship calls, etc. while having a massive backlog of drafts and inbox things already.
People who treat OCs/female characters/female OCs dismissively, or as stepping stone interactions.
★   PLOTS OR MEMES: Plots. I honestly don't like memes very much since I feel like they seldom lead to the kind of long-term interactions I like the most, but they're so entrenched on tumblr that I just kinda have to accept them. I would much rather talk to people and plot out loose thread ideas than send in a dialogue prompt from a movie I haven't seen and hope it gets answered and hope that that answer feels like something I can respond to and hope that my reply gets replied to and it's actually a thread. I like doing stuff that develops across multiple threads too, and plotting is much better for that.
★  ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S)?: Not really, I don't think. There are pieces of me in all of my characters, of course, and there are superficial similarities sometimes in terms of like, hobbies or interests, but I think the characters who feel like they got more of me mixed into them are like, D&D characters, or characters from my other blogs.
tagged by: @more-than-a-princess also tagging because tumblr is a functional website and perhaps putting things on a new line is the only fix: @timesunder @shishigirls @saburaito @sunbreathr
tagging: @lunaetis @guidedhearts @amaidol @infintasmal @corrpse also tagging myself since that seems to be the only way to not have it break someone else's tag very cool: @quickdeaths
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kittsu-and-company · 6 months
Pokémon evolution is really fascinating, especially when it comes to different stones and items and such
Evolution stones are like- Infinity Energy so condensed that it crystallizes, with when in contact with some Pokémon causes the surge in IE needed to activate evolution, like Ninetales. The stones are rare, though, and they’re quickly harvested by humans to sell, so that’s why it’s uncommon to find full stone evolutions in the wild.
Some items just- evolve Pokémon for no known reason, like Whipped Dream evolving Swirlix into Slurpuff, you’ll never find a wild Slurpuff because Whipped Dreams are made by humans (using Alcremie cream in some cases! I don’t think Swirlix and Alcremie share a habitat, however)
Things like Trade Evolutions are still baffling, but the main theory is that with the Pokémon’s essence condensed inside the Pokeball, as well as the energy used to send Pokemon far distances, may cause an influx of IE that triggers their evolution… but that doesn’t explain how Gengar are regularly found in the wild with no human contact.
Some Pokémon, especially “larval stage” Pokemon need to evolve to complete their lifespans, especially bug types that evolve at lower levels. If a Caterpie isn’t allowed to evolve, its lifespan is nearly an 8th of what it should be. In these cases it is highly unethical to have these Pokemon wear everstones or stop their evolutions. A related example is Larvesta. Larvesta don’t typically reach Evolution in the wild, and still live to 80. HOWEVER! Volcarona have been recorded to live up to 160 years old!!
Certain other Pokémon have larval stages that aren’t bug types, as well! And sometimes Pokemon may even evolve into a larval stage form when they could’ve lived fully before! The best example of this is Bagon and Shelgon. Bagon don’t need to evolve, but Shelgon do.
Sometimes only the first stage is a larval form, like most starters in the wild! Pokémon typically given out as starters typically evolve into their mid-stage form in the wild, and live out the rest of their lives like that. Fully evolved wild starters aren’t impossible, however, and are usually the result of an abundance of resources for the ‘mons
Some Pokémon evolutions can barely be called evolutions at all, like Magneton and Vanilluxe, and even sometimes Metang and Metagross. The presence of multiple pokemon with their energies combined together can cause a pseudo-evolution, which permanently combines the two’s bodies, allowing them to act as one Pokemon!!
Some theories that Solosis evolution is more a form of pseudo-evolution, and is a result of half mitosis being done! The Solosis splits but experiences a surge of IE for whatever reason, and combines the two (identical) Solosis with two brains into one Duosion, same with Reuniclus
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starry-blue-echoes · 2 years
Alright, with the timeline clarification question out of the way, its time to start getting my thoughts on the StarSwap AU.
For starters, Star Swap Phantom Blood undergoes a complete tonal shift. 
Like, regular Phantom Blood is probably the most serious of the JoJo parts. I don’t think it has any sections of it that are intentionally played for laughs. 
And that all changes with Jolyne arrives because she is officially done with this before it even starts.
While the whole “having to adapt to life as a Victorian gentlemen”, sucks, the one things she is fully prepared for is Dio’s Bullshit. She doesn’t even bother tolerating him. 
Dio: (says some thinly veiled insult)
Jolyne: Alright, sure, fuck you too.
Dio: wha- you can’t just say things like that!
Jolyne: Watch me. (Flips Dio off while walking away)
The first fight against Vampire Dio is going to be less about “Oh no! My brother’s become a monster!” and more “Heck yeah! I can finally punch this asshole without without anyone complaining about it anymore!”
Dio: I have rejected my humanity, JoJo!
Jolyne: Alright cool but are you a stand user? (Summons Stone Free)
Dio: A stand what? (Doesn’t notice)
(Stone Free Punches him in the face)
And the whole initial Zeppeli interaction goes differently. Because he still shows up and punches Jolyne in the stomach, activating her latent hamon potential (Yaaay hamon-user Jolyne is the best), but rather that being shocked, Jolyne just punches Zeppili back and sends him flying.
And then the final Fight against Dio is going to be much less dramatic, because Jolyne does not give him the opportunity to be dramatic.
Dio: I can freeze your blood!
Jolyne: Okay but what is my blood was string?
Dio: (irratated WRYYYYYY)
Dio: I can shoot pressurized fluid from my eyes! 
Jolyne: Okay, now I know you’re just trying to show off (deflects space ripper stingy eyes with Stone Free)
Dio: (infuriated WRYYYYYY)
This isn’t to say that the fights aren’t going to be challenging for her, they definitely are. 
But having a stand gives Jolyne a much more level playing field against Dio compared to what Jonathan had to deal with.
Jolyne is 110% D O N E with every single aspect of Dio's Bullshit. Honestly what he's doing is almost nothing compared to Literal Prison and he's not even a Stand User so dealing with him is easy
the time period? honestly sucks ass. At the very least she has a good status, but she really misses her old body. She misses being able to be Jolyne and a she, but this is possibly one of the single worst time periods for those feelings to exist in
so Dio ends up being a good outlet for all these frustrations. She isn't fooled by his Playing Nice attitude, she knows he's plotting some shit. Plus, even him playing nice doesn't make him kind. In the beginning she thinks Jonathan would've been incredibly gullible and stupid to believe it........ but then she learns and experiences exactly Jonathan had to live his life and realises Dio's "change" was probably the kindest thing the guy had ever experienced
but she doesn't have time to deal with All That, so she decides to spend her time getting back at Dio and making a nice life Jonathan could maybe return to :D
and to make things even funnier, what if as the months/years go by, Jolyne slowly perfects the art of subtly telling Dio to Fuck Off in public and various explicit Fuck Offs to tell him when nobody else is around. It throws Dio off completely because not only is Jonathan acting VERY different, but he's also actually pushing back and noticing what he's doing which is a mix of confusing, freaky and frustrating. Plus....... there's all the strange supernatural things happening around his 'brother.' Dio could've sworn he's seen objects float, he trips on apparently nothing almost daily, things seem to move with no one there to move them
If Dio had a new sudden interest in stories of the supernatural...... well that's nobodies business
(and if Jolyne took extra care to specifically fuck around with his super natural stuff, that's nobodies business either :3)
but also YEAH Jolyne is going so happy to finally have an excuse to finally be able to get Dio in trouble for all the shit he's pulled over the years. Sure it's not for everything, and honestly most of the things he did are likely to stay unknown for the rest of their lives, but at least this one would get Dio locked up for a good while, if not for the rest of his life
I think it would be funny for Speedwagon to be a bit surprised by Jolyne's reaction. After all, as far as he's aware this is Jolyne's brother, sure there are some conflicting feelings there.......... but then she quickly explains All The Shit Dio's Pulled Over The Years and his surprise becomes "oh yeah never mind that makes sense fuck that guy"
(it's also entirely possible that while the mansion burns down, George might not die. Jolyne doesn't have the same honour code as Jonathan and wouldn't be lured as easily. And even if she was, she'd at least have the abilities to redirect the knife safely)
I do think Jolyne would be a bit more secretive with her Stand though, just in general. She's absolutely going to use it whenever she can, but Stone Free is one card she aims to keep as close to her chest as possible. She's going to be going all out when the mansion starts burning down. Using SF to make holes around Dio's attacks to avoid getting injured, climbing the walls to get out of reach, anything she can do to take this guy down she pulls out every trick she has because she knows that only one of them is walking away from this fight
as a result, while she's still definitely going to have to spend some time in the hospital, she's going to be way less injured than Jonathan was, which is nice. She's immediately on edge when Zeppeli shows up tho, she's gotten blindsided by too much Bullshit Shenanigans to let herself get caught off guard that easily. Unfortunately with her injuries Zeppeli still manages to punch her, and while it does wind her she immediately decks him right back
also, Stone Free is going to be ridiculously compatible with Hamon. Kinda like with Joseph and Hermit Purple, Stone Free's reach and dexterity is now going to be given an extra punch
and dhrbghvdbhvbd the "what if my blood was string" definitely got a laugh out of me, and given the fact most of the people present know Stone Free exists she probably wouldn't be too secretive about it at the moment. The fight is made a bit difficult in how Dio is ow consciously aware of SF, and how while he can't see the Stand he's still strong enough to rip them with relative ease if Jolyne's not careful
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blazeoflife · 7 months
Pinned Post
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Hello everyone! This is mainly for those who are on mobile and cannot access the blog easily. Everything should be up to date!
Bio // Any updated Headcanons
Verses in Persona // to other fandoms
Open RPs
Permanent Starter Call
Multimuse RP Hub // to my Fuuka Yamagishi blog
I do have a 2 year old who takes up most of my time and I work 4 days a week as well. I am more active on Discord so feel free to ask for that~
I am probably going to be on this blog once or twice a week since @tacitusauxilium is my main focus. But, feel free to send stuff and I'll get to them ASAP and/or when I'm motivated. lol
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Important Reminders:
@segnisacfessis's Chidori Yoshino is shipped exclusively with Junpei Iori.
Current homework assignments: ( 5 / 5 )
These threads w/ these characters are the first ones to be focused on until finished:
@segnisacfessis :: Chidori Yoshino @yukcri :: Yukari Takeba @yosukeh :: Yosuke Hanamura @epitomees :: Kotone Shiomi @foolshoujo :: Minako Arisato
Threads with these muses will be slower for me to reply to, but will still be replied to nonetheless:
@chibitantei :: Naoto Shirogane @tvstarkuma :: Teddie @phantomuheist :: Akira Kurusu @ochazos :: Minato Arisato @unrealization :: Akihiko Sanada @doctor-yamagishi :: Yasonobu Yamagishi @autonomousxselves :: Ken Amada + Ryoji Mochizuki
I will probably cap at 7-10 threads currently. And no more than 2 of the same muses since I will definitely get confused easily.
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liyawritesss · 7 months
ᖴᒪOᗯEᖇᔕ Iᑎ ᗷᒪOOᗰ - ᐯᗩᒪEᑎTIᑎEᔕ ᗪᖇᗩᗷᗷᒪEᔕ
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Day 21 - First Kiss
- Better Than A Dream - Milton "MG" Greasley - The Vampire Diaries: Legacies
- In which MG dreams about the perfect kiss with you, unintentionally manifesting it.
- Check out more prompts and other activities on the Flowers In Bloom Event Masterlist!
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“You’re gonna make your move tonight.”
“No I’m not!”
“Dude, yes you are!”
The hushed argument between MG and Kaleb did little to interrupt the festivities of the evening - a vampire party at the Old Mill that MG definitely didn’t want to go to, but was lured in by the prospect of his longtime crush being in attendance. He knew he shouldn’t have told Kaleb about it, for situations exactly like this. While he was always appreciative of the older’s efforts to increase his self-confidence and boost his esteem, he did not need to be pushed into confessing his crush on you tonight of all nights.
“You’ve been eying this girl since we got to this school, and you’re telling me you’re still chickening out on it?” Kaleb drowns, a bottle of bear in his hand, arms crossed against his chest as he leans against one of the wooden beams which keeps the Old Mill standing.
“It’s not the right time!” MG says defensively. “I have a very exact way I wanna do it, Kaleb, and I’m not rushing it!”
He had dreamt of what he’d like his first kiss to be like with someone he had strong emotions for. MG wasn’t the kind of guy to go into something head first without any planning, and this was no different. He had a plan on how he wanted it to go, and god forbid Kaleb start his antics to get everything messed up!
“There’s no time like the present,” Kaleb counters, “seriously, man. We’re vampires, the present is literally every day for us now.”
He says this while something catches his eye; as you come into view, laughing at some joke that was told in the group you were in, your own hand cradling a wine cooler, Kaleb snickers, slinging himself onto MG, teasing saying “And look at what the present has brought you!”
Before MG can even chastise Kaleb for his blatant attempts at pushing past his boundaries, the older Vampire is gone, and the more timid one of the two is left alone, trying to stutter up some sort of conversation starter as he sees you starting to approach him.
“MG!” You chirp as you bound over to the young vampire. You have a fruity scent to you that, while is most definitely from some sort of liquor you’ve consumed that’s got a buzz going for you, makes him weak in the knees like he’s never felt before; “H-Hey! Hey, (Y/N)...”
“Seeing you at a party? Not something on my bingo calendar.” You joke.
“Hey! I’m not a total buzzkill…” the brownskin boy pouts, and for some reason, his reaction has you cheesing harder than usual, but it wasn’t your fault. The liquor was definitely making MG cuter than what you’d normally allow yourself to admit.
“You’re right,” you hum in response, taking a sip of the wine cooler you opted to drink instead of the harder liquor provided after starting to feel a little too weightless, “you’re just a cute buzzkill.”
The liquid courage buzzing in your veins gives you the incentive to plant a kiss onto MG’s cheek, and given the face he makes, you’re sure that if he were human, a rush of heat would have replaced your lips the second they left his skin.
“See you around?” Was the last thing MG’s brain registered before you had left him to mingle with another group of schoolmates, leaving the poor boy in his spot, speechless.
This definitely wasn’t how the kiss was supposed to go…but he definitely wasn’t complaining either way.
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If you enjoyed, please leave a like, comment, and reblog for others to see! And don’t be shy to send in a request!
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tradgays · 1 year
30 Ways Gay Couples Can Embrace a 1950s Vintage Lifestyle
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1. Establish traditional gender roles. Even in same-sex relationships, couples can assign different roles to each partner, such as one partner being “the man” and the other “the wife.”
2. Utilize classic cleaning techniques from the 1950s. Polishing furniture, ironing linens and clothes washing using a hand-cranking device can be a fun project.
3. Embrace the style. A 1950s-inspired wardrobe of sweater vests, bow ties, slacks, saddle shoes and loafers can create a classic look with a modern twist. Or go the rockabilly route with denim and leather.
4. Upgrade the kitchen with mid-century wares. Invest in classic kitchenware such as Pyrex casserole dishes and Tupperware sets.
5. Learn some swing or jitterbug moves. Register for local dance classes or hold dance parties in the living room.
6. Send letters or postcards to each other. Handwrite some words of love to your partner and include a pressed flower or favorite recipe as an extra touch.
7. Relax in silk kimonos or satin robes. Vintage robes will make your partner smile when they tie it around their waist every morning.
8. Utilize mid-century magazines for decoration. Hang up Life magazines with classic covers or revel in the styles and fashions of early fashion magazines.
9. Adopt classic lifestyle habits such as a morning cup of homemade coffee, afternoon tea and a proper bedtime routine.
10. Bring back the classics. Everything from detective books to classic romance novels will make for great bedtime stories and conversation starters. Throw in some gay pulp fiction for spice.
11. Buy vintage kitchenware. Collecting mid-century cutlery and silverware will make your kitchen feel homey and inviting.
12. Spend a day gardening. Plant roses, tomatoes or other flowering plants as a fun couple’s activity and add a touch of beauty to the front yard.
13. Have picnics with cheese and fresh prepared foods from the market. Pack a box of classic treats such as apples, nuts and pickles in a wicker basket.
14. Care for your pet as if it were a child. Spend quality time together playing with your beloved pet or simply brushing their fur or petting them.
15. Play vintage board games. Connect with each other by buying classic board games such as Monopoly or Risk.
16. Cook dinner together. Whip up some classic dishes such as steak and mashed potatoes or pork chops and corn on the cob.
17. Spruce up your living room with mid-century furniture. Invest in more modern, retro-style furniture to give your living room a touch of charm.
18. Make fun activities from the 1950s such as baking, cleaning and home improvement projects. Have fun as a couple as you both reminisce about the past and create new memories.
19. Listen to classic music on vinyl records. Play nostalgic tunes from classic artists such as Elvis Presley or Frank Sinatra.
20. Collect antiques from the 1950s. Invest in classic wares such as tea sets or vintage lamps and use them as conversation starters or simply as decorative pieces.
21. Dress up for special occasions. Pull out all the stops and dress to the nines when attending special occasions such as anniversaries or holidays.
22. Have fun in the sun. Go for a vintage-style picnic near a lake or riverside to take advantage of the beautiful summer weather.
23. Get reading. Get your hands on the classics such as Walt Whitman’s “Leaves of Grass,” Louisa May Alcott’s “Little Women,” and Margaret Mitchell’s “Gone With the Wind.”
24. Walk together in nature. Put on some sturdy shoes or cowboy boots and take a stroll together in a nearby wooded area.
25. Buy old movies from the 1950s. Pop some popcorn and cuddle up on the couch as you watch the great films of the era.
26. Join a local vintage car club. Spend some time together admiring classic cars and seeing how the vintage lifestyle is still alive.
27. Learn to play instruments of the era. Take a banjo or ukulele lesson and you’ll have plenty of fun making music together.
28. Get lost is a classic bookstore. Lose yourself in the past as you browse through old books and share stories with each other.
29. Plant your own herbs and vegetables. Eat healthily and reduce your food bill by planting your own gardens with the help of your partner.
30. Spend some time outdoors. Go for a leisurely stroll together in a nearby
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