angelcake22 · 2 years
someone to talk?
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noodlenoodles · 1 year
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xxpearlxx · 1 year
I'm so unlovable, no one would care if I disappeared. I wish I had something to keep me going. I wish I was older so I could be more useful, like making a difference in a career instead of rotting in my room
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tweetliketwitter · 1 year
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the things we see close up || episode 1
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superiorityproject · 1 year
How to Play Old Maid Card Game - A Step-by-Step Guide
Do you want to join in on the fun of playing Old Maid? This classic card game has been around for decades and is a great way to bring family and friends together. It requires minimal equipment, so all you need is a regular deck of cards and some patience.
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The goal is simple: be the first player to get rid of all their cards
Here's an introduction on how to play Old Maid card game – from understanding the rules, dealing, exchanging cards, identifying matches, finding the Old Maid and much more! With this guide in hand, you'll soon become a pro at this timeless game!
1. Overview of Old Maid Card Game
2. Mastering the Rules of Old Maid
3. Dealing and Exchanging Cards
4. Identifying Matches in Old Maid
5. Finding the 'Old Maid' in This Classic Card Game
6. Tips for Playing and Winning at Old Maid
7. Wrap Up – Join in on the Fun with This Timeless Card Game!
Overview of Old Maid Card Game
1. Old Maid is a classic card game that has been around for decades
2. It requires minimal equipment - all you need is a regular deck of cards
3. The goal of the game is to be the first player to get rid of all their cards
4. Players take turns exchanging and discarding pairs in order to avoid being left with the 'Old Maid' at the end of the game
5. This simple yet enjoyable card game can be enjoyed by both children and adults alike!
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Mastering the Rules of Old Maid
1. The game begins by dealing out all the cards among the players
2. Each player holds their own cards in a fan pattern, face down
3. The dealer then chooses one card from each player and exchanges them with another player
4. This continues until all players have had a chance to exchange their cards
5. When a match is made - two identical value cards (e.g. two kings or two fours) - the pair of cards are removed from play and discarded
6. When there are no more matches left, the remaining unmatched card is known as the 'Old Maid' and whoever has it loses!
Dealing and Exchanging Cards
1. The dealer deals out all the cards among the players, one at a time
2. Each player holds their own cards in a fan pattern, face down
3. Going clockwise around the table, each player takes turns selecting a card from another player's hand
4. If two identical value cards are chosen (e.g. two kings or two fours), the pair is removed from play and discarded
5. If no match is made, then the card selected is returned to its original owner and passed on to another player for them to select from - this process continues until all players have had a chance to exchange their cards
Identifying Matches in Old Maid
1. As mentioned earlier, when two identical value cards are chosen from the player's hands (e.g. two kings or two fours), those cards are removed from play and discarded
2. This process continues until all pairs have been identified and removed from play
3. There will be one 'Old Maid' card left at the end of this process – whoever has it loses!
Finding the 'Old Maid' in This Classic Card Game
1. When all players have had a chance to exchange their cards, the remaining unmatched card is known as the 'Old Maid'
2. The player who holds this card loses the game - they must then discard all their cards and declare themselves the Old Maid
3. The remaining players then compare their card counts to determine the winner - whoever has the fewest cards becomes the victor!
Tips for Playing and Winning at Old Maid
1. Concentrate on your own cards and be aware of what other players are holding
2. Don't be afraid to exchange your cards even if you don't think it's a match – you never know what might happen!
3. Pay attention to which cards have been discarded – this will help you identify potential matches
4. Keep track of how many pairs have already been made so that you can estimate when the last pair (the 'Old Maid') is likely to appear
5. Don't forget to pay attention to your opponents! Make sure you are aware of which cards they have in their hands and exchange accordingly.
Wrap Up – Join in on the Fun with This Timeless Card Game!
Old Maid is an enjoyable card game for all ages - it's easy to learn, requires minimal setup and equipment, and can be played quickly or at a leisurely pace.
With some practice and patience, you will soon join in on this classic card game that has been around for generations! So gather up your friends and family, deal out the cards, get ready to match pairs and let the fun begin! Enjoy!
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oldladylala · 1 year
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Anyone else want a nursing home brochure 😭😭😭😭
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vintagehollywood1 · 1 year
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bodybybane · 2 years
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ogstinkypoopybaby · 1 year
Why must old men be ugly now but hot BEFORE I was conceived like
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