#oliver boyd and the remembralls
alice3876 · 5 months
nothing, just me being proud that Oliver Boyd and The Remembralls are Canadian lmao
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barebones-hq · 1 year
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Vocês elogiaram tanto o edit, que fizemos mais um só para fazer uma graça kkkkkkk MEUS XODÓS, SEGUINTE! Lembra quando vocês criaram a bio dos chars e escolheram a banda favorita deles? Pois bem. Agora nós queremos saber a dos players. Quais as bandas e os cantores favoritos dos players? Parece aleatório, mas juro que vocês vão entender mais para frente.
Vocês podem nos mandar por ask, anônimo ou não, as bandas e cantores favoritos de vocês? De preferência depois dos anos 70, ok? É só clicar aqui e mandar! Estamos fazendo arte.
By the way, vocês sabiam que o nome Bare Bones vem de um álbum inspirado em Harry Potter? De uma banda chamada Oliver Boyd and the Remembralls. Recomendamos demais! Se quiserem ouvir um tiquinho, tem no spotify! Bare Bones Collection.
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rxmlpin · 1 year
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Tonight I'll change, change into what / What I hate the most / This sickness that takes over my mind, kills me inside / When all that I want is something more / And you think of me; so, what can I do, and where could this go? (...) When I was young, I'd hide from the world; all those lonely nights / I still can't believe my friends transformed to help me get by / I'm just too much for one to love
── ⋅⋅⋅ ──── Lupin' Tale; Oliver Boyd and the Remembralls
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chdarling · 2 years
I am thoroughly enjoying your Tumblr. It brings me back to the excitement of mid-2000s Mugglenet and FictionAlley forums. Is it weird that you and TLE are scratching a very niche nostalgic itch I didn't even realize that I had? Anyway, I'm off to listen to "End of an Era" by Oliver Boyd & The Remembralls and then return to being in my early thirties.
Ahahaha omg this makes me emotional 😂🥰❤️
Those were magical times, truly. 🥲
Thanks for the kind words!!!
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crocgirl420 · 2 years
The extent to which I STILL love and over-identify with this wizard rock song from 2011 is humiliating. But also, like,
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librarylexicon · 9 months
Welcome to my Tumblr!
Hi! Call me Lily. I’m a librarian by training, a writer by nature and a Christian by the grace of God. I’m here to share my writing, discover new interests and generally waste time, so even if we’ve never interacted before, don’t be shy! Say hello!
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On this blog, everything is tagged, even if it’s just because it came from my queue, and although I try to tag for characters or at least for fandom (for my own sanity), some things may slip through the cracks. Generally, though, there won’t be anything terribly NSFW, graphic or gory.
I don’t discuss politics online as a rule, but potentially contentious issues are tagged #discourse, and posts with a religious bent are tagged #christianity.
This blog’s header is a panel from Detective Comics #679 (Batman: Prodigal), and features Dick and Tim. The blog title is part of a line from Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery.
I’ve been in a handful of fandoms, but my first was Anne of Green Gables. My latest fandom is Batman and the Batfamily, especially Dick Grayson. Although I read the comics extensively, I’m a little sorry to admit that I’ve almost never been able to get into any of DC’s comics that aren’t related to the Batfamily. This goes as far as having read hardly any team ups like Young Justice or Teen Titans or the Birds of Prey. When I began reading comics, I was following a reading list that included Batman and the Outsiders, and I almost died of boredom before I finally realised I didn’t have to read it.
I can appreciate a good ship, but I’m not crazy about shipping. I tend to like what’s canon or almost canon, anyway. Examples include Ron/Hermione, Harry/Ginny, James/Lily, Anne/Gilbert, Jo/Fritz, Bruce/Selina, Dick/Babs and Tim/Steph.
I’m forever salty about Dan’s fate in Jo’s Boys, Remus Lupin’s fate in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Donna Noble’s fate in Doctor Who and That Person’s fate in Crooked Kingdom.
I write fanfiction sometimes. I don’t write crack, slash, femslash, smut or non-canon pairings. Sometimes I only write one or two fics for a fandom and then move on. It was just an itch that needed to be scratched. And I rarely write pairings at all; if there’s a pairing, it’s probably because it’s a basic part of canon. The vast majority of my fics are either canon compliant or diverge from canon at a specific point. Although I rely heavily on canon, I welcome all readers, regardless of level of familiarity with canon.
My favourite genre of music is wizard rock (music based on Harry Potter). Don’t knock it until you’ve listened to ‘Open at the Close’ by Oliver Boyd and the Remembralls.
Stay safe out there.
—librarylexicon (formerly Lily F. Lux, Delusional Musings, realismandromance)
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gentlepuff · 1 year
🎵 !
Just a Hufflepuff - Oliver Boyd and the Remembralls
"It's hard to be the outsider looking in through the glass. When everyone is praising somebody else, some other class." Odette looked at the other girl. She didn't say much to the other but after bottling up how she felt about it all, it felt good to release her thoughts. "And even though I might not have the brains or the brawn. I'm loyal to the ones that matter to me." She then smiled to herself before continuing. "'Cause it's just the right thing, and it's just how I am."
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indynerdgirl · 2 years
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selflovewarrior · 2 years
The letter E :)
'ere it goes. omg worst pun ever- sorry!
easy by demi lovato and noah cyrus
enchanted by taylor swift
edge of great from the show julie and the phantoms
emergency by paramore
end of an era (wizard rock song) by oliver boyd and the remembralls
thanks for askinggg!!!
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coffee-grandpa · 5 years
Harry Potter wizard rock (wrock, if you will) was so ahead of its time and middle school me was so right to stan as hard as he did
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bands-and-books · 5 years
Ahhhh my short obsession with wrock in middle school. Good times ⚡️♥️
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wrockthereread · 5 years
Chapter 6: The Journey from Platform Nine and Three-Quarters
Harry’s last month with the Dursleys is unpleasant. Despite how furious his aunt and uncle are after he found out about his wizard heritage, they hardly speak to him and instead pretend that Harry isn't even were they see he is. At first it was an upgrade, but then becomes depressing for Harry after a while, and Dudley has become so scared of his cousin that he refuses to be anywhere near him. Above all that, Harry is allowed to keep the smallest bedroom with only Hedwig and his new school books as company. He would lay on is bed and read through the interesting books late at night with Hedwig swooping in and out of the window as she pleases, bringing back dead mice that she leaves lying around the room to make them the main reason Aunt Petunia avoids coming in to vacuum. The day before he is due to leave, Harry asks Uncle Vernon to take him to the King's Cross station. [“Leaving for Hogwarts” by Roonil Wazlib] Uncle Vernon agrees to take him but ridicules him for saying he is to leave from Platform Nine and Three-Quarters, as is marked on the ticket Hagrid gave him.  [“Platform 9 and 3/4″ by Harry and the Potters] The following day, Harry arrives at the station and stands between platforms nine and ten, wondering how to find platform nine and three quarters. The Dursleys leave him, and as they pulled away in their car, started laughing, leaving Harry quite stumped. [“This is Goodbye” by Riddle™] Finally, he overhears some people mention Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry; it is a family of red-haired children who seem to be bound for the school. [“Too Young (to Go to Hogwarts)” by Ginny and the Weasleys];  [“F.Y.I.” by Gred and Forge] He asks the mother for help, and she tells him to run through the barrier between platforms nine and ten. Harry does so, and he is astonished to find the train to Hogwarts on the other side of the station. [“Turn It Up (To 9 & 3/4)” by Ollivander] Harry, then, boards the Hogwarts Express. [“Hogwarts Express” by Draco and the Malfoys]
On the train, Harry is introduced to Fred and George Weasley, twins who are returning to school for their third year, and to their younger brother Ron, another student who will be starting at Hogwarts. [“What Mama Don’t Know” by Gred and Forge]; [“Going to Hogwarts” by Romilda Vane and the Chocolate Cauldrons];  [“The Boy Who Lived” by Oliver Boyd and the Remembralls] They have another brother, Percy, who is returning for his fifth year as a Prefect, and there are two elder Weasley brothers who have already left school. [“Weasley Brothers” by Tonks and the Aurors] The Weasley family is poor, and Ron cannot afford the pastries sold on the train, so Harry buys a lot with his newfound wealth and shares them with Ron. Ron introduces Harry to such details of wizard life as Quidditch, Famous Witches and Wizards cards, and Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans. [“Bertie Botts” by Harry and the Potters] One of the cards bears the picture of Albus Dumbledore. [“Chocolate Frog Card” by How Airplanes Fly];  [“Treavor the Toad” by Roonil Wazlib] Harry also meets a somewhat annoying, overachieving girl named Hermione Granger [“Bookworm” by Roonil Wazlib] and sees again the unpleasant boy from the uniform shop, whose name is Draco Malfoy, this time with his buddies, Crabbe and Goyle. [“Crabbe and Goyle” by Solitary Snape] After Draco makes some rude comments about Ron, Harry rejects Draco's offer to advise him about associating with the right kind of wizards. [“Your Family Is Poor” by Draco and the Malfoys]; [“Why Won't You Shake My Hand?” by Draco and the Malfoys]  All the students have heard of Harry, and Harry is not sure how to respond to his fame. Arriving at the station, the newcomers are led by Hagrid onto boats which they sail to the castle of Hogwarts. [“I’m Going to Hogwarts” by Lauren Fairweather]
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hervench · 6 years
in my feelings because I miss sixth grade listening to wizard rock... like Oliver Boyd and the remembralls come on back now
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wrocktheworld · 6 years
Spells and Scars by Oliver Boyd and the Remembralls
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rainbowwolfpups · 7 years
If I come to you, and you come to me Where are we going? Your pretty bright hair is all that I see But where are we going? 
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