#oliver bright
theallegedbird · 10 months
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report to prevent future deaths.
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buddiedaydreamer911 · 15 days
unpopular opinion:
i wish ao3 had a dark mode for their website
this bright white background is not helping my headache but i don’t want to stop reading😂😂
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spacizia · 26 days
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The kind of guy to walk into a fancy establishment and go: Wow, this place really is the Ritz!
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honkygay · 1 year
dude opens a fridge in the archives lookin for some milk and woe!! long ass fingers and a stupid laugh be upon ye
edit : check the background for distorted michael <33 i hid it too well
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luvnotpercival · 16 days
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i finished the bright sessions today and realised i hadnt done this - so here is some Repressed Trauma Boy™ for you!
(Anxiety Girl™ art)
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mikeythebikey · 2 months
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yeah um i want to kiss him
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charliar · 2 months
Hi @thelaurenshippen and @thebrightsessions !!
I first started listening to "The Bright Sessions" in 2020. During lockdown I got really into audio dramas and after it's been sitting on my list for some time I decided to finally start it. And I haven't stopped listening to it since. "The Bright Sessions" became my favorite podcast ever and I couldn't even tell how many times I listened to it all. It got a special part in my heart.
I didn't like Oliver at first. Didn't pay much attention to him in "The Am Archives" and honestly I was kinda annoyed when he showed up in "The College Tapes". That was until episode 714. When I heard him say "Can you stay?" I couldn't stop thinking about it for the whole next day. In the following week I had this episode on loop. Right now, I can basically quote it all the way through. These three words completely changed my view on Oliver and from that point on he became one of my favorite characters ever, in all kinds of media. Him and Mark got me back into reading, as well, as writing fanfiction which I am so utterly grateful because since lockdown I struggled a lot with reading and writing. I've got absolutely obsessed with Mark and Oliver to the point everyone around me knows who they are. It's been years since I got so attached to a character or a ship and I'm so happy it happened to be them.
It's my birthday this week. Last year I decided that I'm going to get my next tattoo as a gift to myself and when I was talking with my sister about my future tattoo plans I said I really want to get something related to TBS but I don't really have any idea. So when she suggested a quote I knew exactly what I'm gonna get. So I did. I got three words that had such a impact on my life even though they aren't something you'd expect to do so. This quote means so much to me and I'm so incredibly happy and proud of this tattoo. This podcast means so much to me and I'll forever be grateful that it exists. So thank you Lauren and thank you to the whole cast and crew for creating something so incredible 💜
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mango-season · 1 year
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Ada Limón, "After You Toss Around the Ashes", from Bright Dead Things
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short-gremlin · 10 months
the college tapes intro music is too happy for its subject matter
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hypnogogyc · 1 year
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Volleyball with a unnecessary and excessive use of horrors (to play volleyball better)
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evillandscaper · 5 months
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consider: odd squad in which everything is the same except the partners are roommates (and also unsupervised children)
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thebrightsessions · 11 months
Hi !
I just finished the brights sessions and in one of the episode D. Bright said that the atypical represented 4% of the world's population, and that let me wondering, considering that almost every atypical that we encounter in the serie is queer, what percent of the queer community is atypical ?
Apart from that, i love your show and all of the amazing character! I hope you have a great day !
Oooh GREAT question! Lemme do some quick math here...
Okay, according to my universe bible (which is pretty accurate, if not fully comprehensive, I'm sure there's stuff I forgot to write down), there are 29 known and named atypicals across the 7 seasons of the podcasts, excluding the Bright Sides (Season 5, the bonus episodes) and the three books (though there is some overlap) but including Frank Sawyer and Sadie Greenwood, who are, like...atypical-adjacent.
Of those 30 atypicals (presuming I counted correctly (does this post have enough parentheticals yet?)), 14 are definitely canonically queer in one way or another. So, by that logic, nearly half of the atypical population is queer! I have a feeling that number would go up if I were to go through and pull out all the folks from the books and the bonus episodes (which perhaps I will do someday but I don't know the orientation of all the bonus ep characters (bc they were created by other people) and pulling out characters from the books is always a mess because, uh, I do not outline lol) but I also don't know that I can say our little atypical population is fully representative of the global population's queerness? Like flocks to like, so perhaps this a somewhat self-selecting bunch, or maybe there really is just a very high correlation between being atypical and being queer. Dealer's (fanfic writer and headcanon-er's) choice!
Counts under the cut:
Known Atypicals:
characters who are canonically queer are bolded - these are characters who either have queer relationships or talk specifically about their identity. some folks on this list are straight (Frank, Sadie, Marley, Jackson, Blackwell, (though tbf, Sadie is the only person in the whole series who ever says they're straight I'm pretty sure, so who knows)), but there are plenty who we never say one way or another, so anything is possible!
Sam Barnes Caleb Michaels Chloe Turner Frank Sawyer Robert "Damien" Gorham Mark Bryant Rose Atkinson Franklin "Frankie" Meeks Sadie Greenwood Ben Bernard Oliver Ritz Margaret "Mags" Densmore Jackson Crawford Jason "Marley" Beck Seamus Blackwell Michal Sharon Helen Sidney Alice Michaels Alice Rufie Jordan Tobias Sitzer Alexis Neal Cat Cam Vanessa Turner Ira Alex "Blaze" Chen Maguerite Sarai
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spacizia · 24 days
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don’t worry, he got better
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ivymeadowzs · 4 months
and if im just thinking about how mark feels like broken puzzle pieces that dont fit together and oliver literally being INTRODUCED by saying he likes a puzzle and figuring out difficult things thats MY business
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the-smartaleck · 2 years
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