eurovisionart · 10 months
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🇬🇷 Cleopatra - Όλου του κόσμου η ελπίδα/Olou Tou Kosmou I Elpida
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10yearsatleast · 2 months
I don't know who I'm saying this for but like;
I actually care more about the "adult" characters/side characters than I do the main cast.
I mean good for you kids you found your way but man the Veterans have been fighting all their life and only one of them gets to see the fruits of their labor?
Damn... I'm old and sad now.
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themapletouch · 7 months
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Raoul Olou, IBIP, oil on panel (2020)
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carnivalls · 2 years
pws niwtheis pou meta to shmerino sou post eisai o mageiras mas :3c <3
YPEROXA (she said, knowing she never bakes if it can be avoided)
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coffeenewstom · 3 months
Kretisches Kaffeetagebuch: die Festung Spinalonga
Mit dem Fährboot erreichen wir den kleinen Anleger. Erst hinter dem Kassenhäuschen betreten wir den eigentlichen Teil der Festung. Wir betreten die Festung durch das imposante Eingangsportal und gelangen durch einen Tunnel ins Innere. Seit 1997 finden auf dem Gelände umfangreiche Restaurierungsarbeiten statt, so dass bereits ein Teil der alten Wohnhäuser modernisiert wurde. In einigen Räumen sind…
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leviismybby · 4 months
I saw that you said that it said Levi was popular in more ways than one…and it was right after he made that woman blush so I always assumed it was implying it meant popular with woman given the context. So I assume that’s why you hc him as not a virgin and straight? I would says it’s a fair assumption correct?
Hello anon! :))
This is the panel I was referring too haha it could mean a lot of things tbh.
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Now the reason why I think he isn't a virgin is what I took this panel as, that he was popular in the underground with women. It's also just my personal headcanons, just like why I think that he is straight, that's just a headcanon since we aren't shown anything directly in canon about Levi's sexulaitiy, I feel like poeple can interpret what he said to Zeke about being popular how they want or that it was implied when Hange asked Olou if he knew Levi's taste in women but that's on how someone interprets it.
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satorkive · 2 months
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you were twelve, eren was ten.
the first time you two met was not really a typical childhood friends getting to know each other. more like you didn’t like him and he was adamant to bother you.
you were prim, matured, and quiet. he was reckless, impulsive, and hot-tempered.
yin and yang. sun and moon. black and white. monochrome and colorful. girl and boy.
you slapped his hands away from you as he tugged your hair. “eren, stop! you’re hurting me!”
he immediately let go and looked away. his face showed a bit of shame and remorse. he didn’t know why, but he wanted your attention to him and only him. not to armin. not to mikasa.
you shook your head in defeat. “you’re still a boy so there’s no use in scolding you.”
his face turned into a scarlet color and started whining like a little boy.
“shut up! i’m not a boy anymore! i’m thirteen! thir!teen!”
you did not believe him at all and it showed. “sure, eren, sure.”
you were fourteen, eren was twelve.
you enlisted the military first before him. he expressed a great excitement for your upcoming journey when you first said that you’re going to join the military. it’s either military, live in the farms, or marry someone.
you obviously knew what option you were going to make.
both of you were chilling by the riverside when you dropped the news. armin and mikasa didn’t come with you as they helped aunt carla in the house.
he immediately hogged your personal space and you almost jumped to the river. your heart was about to get out of your chest with his actions!
“really? are you going to join survey corps?!”
you looked away from him and stared at the river gently flowing in front of you. you haven’t still made a decision as to where you will join. you crossed the military police to your list as you’ve seen how corrupt the cops were.
you just gave him a shrug. “i don’t know, eren. i still haven’t thought about it.”
“join the survey corps so we’ll be the same military regiment!”
you raised an eyebrow. “you’re planning to joining now? fifteen is the requirement.”
“no, just saying!” he suddenly turned bashful and couldn’t look at you in the eye. “so we can see the world together…”
you paused and gazed at his twinkling eyes. throughout the years you have known him, his eyes were his biggest assets. his viridian eyes were brighter than doctor jaeger’s and full of fiery determination to join the survey corps. he was also starting to act like an… adult. you heard him said the word ‘slaughter’ to armin one time.
“… with mikasa and armin, right?”
he suddenly frowned and an unknown emotion flashed through his eyes. he deflated and blankly watched the river.
you saw eren as a younger brother who annoyed the hell out of everyone. so you were not sure how to approach this kind of behavior. it took you half a year before you opened your heart to him and placed a role into it.
both of you basked in the warm presence of the breeze with uncomfortable silence hovering above you.
you were seventeen, he was fifteen.
your family was dead. there were no letters given to you by the time you were graduating. no energetic responses from your father, no comfort food from your mother, and no random trinkets from your little brother.
you couldn’t sleep. you couldn’t eat.
it felt like life was sucked out of your very being.
if it was not for captain levi scolding you for wasting your life by rotting away and not being productive, you would continue doing that.
“we’re going to have new recruit,” captain levi informed his squad.
“oh, i’m excited!” petra exclaimed. as always, olou chimed in.
“they better not be a show-off! well, i am the secon—“ he bit his tongue and blood poured out. petra scolded him and they bickered as usual.
you were staring at the horizon with the sun glaring at all of you. the squad was having a tea afternoon, courtesy of captain levi.
you wondered if eren, armin, and mikasa survived. you considered them your family and you would probably slaughter all the titans for revenge. you did not think about them until a a yesr later since you were busy mourning and training.
“are you okay, kid?”
you looked over at captain levi who asked that. he was holding the cup in the weird way and you never got how he expertly handled it.
you blinked and felt the tiredness in your bones. “hmm.”
he was looking at you over the rim before he put the cup down. he stood up and called his squad over.
“get some rest. you’re going to meet the recruit tomorrow.”
you were seventeen, he was fifteen when you guys met each other again.
“this is eren jaeger. he will be under my wing and i expect you all to protect him with your lives. understood?”
you were gaping at him as if you just saw a ghost. well, you literally did. you didn’t know what to do right now. you assumed he’s dead so you’ve taken your heavy heart towards the path of healing. but here you were, ripping your heart out of your lungs and blood dripping out of his hands.
when his bright viridian eyes clashed with your own, you knew you were doomed.
you took your time analyzing him. the alive and breathing eren. your childhood friend eren.
when… when did he become an adult? his height towered you and you needed to look up to meet his gaze. his eyes became more intense. there was this fire that was slowly burning him from within which reflected in his eyes. and when he stood before you with arms bulging and eager to hug your warmth, you couldn’t resist.
you snakes your arms around his neck and placed your head on his shoulders. you felt him wrapping his arms around your waist and tightening his hold closer to his being.
“[name]… you’re alive…” he whispered between the two of you.
you heaved a sigh. “yeah… i am.”
you unclasped your hold to him and gazed at him with an unreadable expression.
“you grew up so fast. i still remembered you were a young boy bothering me to play with him.”
he cocked his head to the side. “yeah? well, i’m not a boy anymore, [name], i’m a man. an adult. you should treat me as one.”
you didn’t know why your heart was pumping loudly against your chest. his intense gaze was making you nervouse and his hold on you felt like you could never escape.
you crossed your arms. “well, you’re two years younger than me!”
“not a big difference! i am not a boy!”
“sure! whatever keeps you sleep at night!”
“oh, i slept very fine all right.”
both of you were busy bantering and you didn’t even notice the captain levi squad gawking at you two. captain levi couldn’t wait to interrogate you whether you are in cahoots with eren or a titan also.
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polyxrwmhpsyxh · 8 months
mutuals sas latreyw, fili sto metwpo gia olous
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an1tx · 11 months
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to clem tha mas katastrepsei olous
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watchyourbuck · 3 months
Ryliver but what is Lou and Oliver’s?? Olou? Loliver? lol idk but omg how did not think of Ryliver. Cuz Buddie is so true and same goes with Destiel aka Cockles but now I see it give me deets. What is the proof/facts. I did hear Ryan is divorce and Oliver did interview (think it was the Kelly Clarkson one??) and he said ‘partner’ not saying a gender when he mentioned he was seeing someone? Idk but yeah tell me the deets! You my buddie blog and now I ship rylvier ! ❤️‍🔥
well tbh the whole ryliver thing is a joke shdjdjdjd they obviously have a lot of chemistry on and off camera and are very good friends and all but yeah,,, I try not to speculate about celebrities’ sexualities or relationships bc I feel like they too deserve privacy and time to be who they are or discover themselves <3
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intersectionalpraxis · 6 months
Have you read Be a Revolution by Ijeoma Olou? I think you might like it.
It's available as an e-book at my local library!! 🥰 I'm going to add this to my reading list!! Thank you for the recommendation!
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greencarnation · 11 months
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How To Keep Going - Ijeoma Olou
I hadn't actually thought of this
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glikozi · 3 months
sas misw olous. Adios
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bl00dyghoul2 · 4 months
gamw tous pantes, sas misw olous
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vintageurovision · 1 year
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Greek singer Cleopatra performs during the dress rehearsal for the 1992 Eurovision Song Contest, in Malmö, Sweden on 9 May that year. She came fifth in the contest for Greece with 'Olou Tou Kosmou I Elpida' Photo: Peter Harding
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coffeenewstom · 3 months
Kretisches Kaffeetagebuch: auf der Leprainsel
Durch mich geht man hinein zur Stadt der Trauer,Durch mich geht man hinein zum ewigen Schmerze,Durch mich geht man zu dem verlornen Volke. (…) Lasst, die Ihr eintretet, alle Hoffnung fahren! Diese Worte aus Dantes Göttlicher Komödie fallen einem unwillkürlich ein, wenn man durch das Tor zur Leprakolonie tritt. Für die meisten Menschen war das ein Eingang ohne Wiederkehr. Ausgestoßen, verdammt…
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