#omega needs some entertainment every once in a while lol
magicandmundane · 4 months
Hunter: Hey Crosshair, I need you to take out the trash.
Crosshair: Nuh uh
Hunter: Tf you mean “nuh uh”?
Crosshair: You can’t give me orders. I outrank you.
Hunter: The Empire doesn’t count.
Crosshair: Says who? A promotion is a promotion.
Hunter: Bullshit.
Hunter and Crosshair: *continue squabbling*
Wrecker, whispering: Uhhhhhh, should we remind them we aren’t even soldiers anymore?
Omega, kicking her feet up and eating popcorn: Naaaaaahhhhhhhhh.
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AOT Alpha Levi x Omega Reader
Hi I am alive lol just had writers block.... Well still kinda do so this is something I had in the works and just needed a little bit to finish! Enjoy!
Content: Smut
Warnings: Slight bondage, unprotected sex, knotting, minors not allowed!
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“Captain Levi!” Shouts a female voice. “Come on let's go out and have a drink!” The unknown female grabs his arm leading him down the street.
He walks into the bar but still can’t make out her entire face all he can see is long flowing (H/C) hair and beautiful piercing (E/C) eyes.
Suddenly there is an explosion, everything turns black and all Levi can hear is the female’s voice screaming out. “I’ll find you in every lifetime my love I swear it!”
Levi jolted awake from his dream drenched in sweat his breathing was heavy. “The same female in every dream of mine…. It has to mean something…. Could my mate be closer than I think? I have to find her soon…. (Y/N) where could you be?” He sniffed the air. “What's that wonderfully sweet aroma? It’s faint but it smells so good.”
Levi Ackerman thirty years old a very well known Alpha in search of his mate, but not any Omega it has to be her, the girl from his fantasies. The girl he has been with through every life time… (Y/N).
He rolled over and looked at his clock. “It’s only eleven pm?” He growled in frustration as he got up and got dressed. “I’m going to get a damn drink.” Levi headed out the door.
He made his way through the city, suddenly he smelled the same sweet aroma this time even stronger and before he knew it his feet were moving on their own in the direction of the sweet smell. His nose lead him to a bar. “The Moonlight Bar. Tch…. Sounds like a breeding ground for packs…. Not my kind of place.” He turned to leave.
He whirled around. “Who’s there?” He called into the darkness but no one was around. He looked over to the bar entrance and saw a young female with long flowing (H/C) hair walk into the bar. He sniffed the air. “There's no doubt about it that intoxicating smell is coming from in there.” He rubbed his temples and sighed. “But why here? I remember hearing that this bar is for the black market of our kind and they auction off Omega's to pompous rich bastards that are too lazy to look for their own mates. I would never be caught dead in a place like this…. But against my better judgment….” He sighed again. “I’m going in.”
Hesitantly he walked up to the door and was instantly recognized by the bouncer.
“Ca- uh I-I mean Alpha Levi?” Said a young man with chestnut brown hair and green eyes.
“Tch…. Yes that’s me….” He replied.
The young man just looked at him dumbfounded.
“So are you going to let me in or am I not good enough?”
“S-sorry sir of course you can come in! I just never expected that you would show up here of all places.” Replied the young man as he opened the door for Levi.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Asked Levi.
“He doesn’t remember anything from our past lives? Odd.” The young man thought to himself.
“My name is Eren Jaeger.” He held out his hand to shake Levi's. “I’m a member of your pack actually that’s why I'm so surprised to see you here. You never struck me as the type who would want to buy themselves a wife.”
He shook Eren's hand and got a flashback of him riding on a horse. He was with a group of people, the only faces he could make out were Eren's and now he could finally see the face of his beloved (Y/N).
“Eren I know you from my past life?”
“Yes we served together in the Scouts. It’s good to see you it’s been too long. Come inside there’s a bunch of your friends in here we all work here.” Eren turned to his coworker. “I'll send you out back up ok?”
They went inside the bar, the sweet smell was now overwhelming his senses.
“Hey Eren do you smell that extremely sweet smell?” Levi asked him.
Eren sniffed the air. “No I don’t smell anything. Maybe one of the females is going through her heat cycle right now.” Eren's eyes grew wide.
“When an Alpha smells that sweet aroma that means his mate is close! Only Alpha's can smell Omega's heat cycles remember?”
“That's why I’ve been brought here then and I'm guessing because I know you, you know who my mate is.”
“Right you are Levi! And good news she works here with us but isn’t part of our pack, she’s been waiting for you for a long time Levi.”
“Well what are you waiting for? Bring me to her you brat.”
Eren chuckled. “Still the same Levi with your sharp tongue. Okay follow me.” Eren brought Levi to the bar. “Here have a seat I’ll go get her.”
Levi sat down as Eren disappeared through the door to the kitchen.
“Hey Hanji where's (Y/N)? Levi is here for her.”
“She went to the bathroom the poor girl is in heat this one is really bad. She’s going crazy…. Babbling on about some irresistible musky smell. I'm worried about her with all the Alpha's around here.”
“And you let her go to the bathroom by herself!?”
Levi glanced over and saw you go into the bathroom, seconds after you went in a male followed you in. “Tch…. Like hell I’ll let that happen!”
You stumbled into the bathroom dizzy you couldn’t think straight as you collapsed on the sink. “W-what the hell is going on with me? I'm so out of it.” You tried to pull yourself up. “That smell…. That wonderful musky smell its overwhelming….”
“You know girl you really shouldn’t be here when you’re in heat like this.” Said a man from behind you he pushed up against you grabbing at your clothes. “Someone might get the wrong idea Omega…”
“What are you doing to me get off!” You wined out.
“You reek of pheromones you’re just begging to be wrecked by an Alpha!”
“Yea too bad it’s not you!” Shouted Levi as he pulled the Alpha off of you.
Levi punched the Alpha out with one hit.
Instantly your animal instincts took over and you pounced on Levi tearing at his clothes as you locked lips with him. He broke the kiss. “Seriously (Y/N) here in the bathroom that’s disgusting.”
“Levi!” You squeaked out as you grabbed his hand shoving it between your legs so he could feel how wet you were. “I honestly can’t help it my-my body is moving on its own. Please h-help relieve me, I've been waiting so long for you my love…. I've endured many lonely painful heat cycles without you…. I'm begging you.” You locked the bathroom door and pulled Levi's pants down taking his member in your mouth.
“Ung.” Grunted Levi his animal instincts getting the better of him. “O-okay (Y/N) quickly then I am taking you back to my apartment.” He pulled you off his member and pushed you up against the wall without a second thought you wrapped your legs around his waist. He moved your panties to the side and slipped in instantly giving you relief.
“Oooooooh L-Leviiiiiii!” You howled out as he went deep inside you.
He held your hips and thrusted deeper into you making you soak the floor.
You grabbed his head and attacked his lips kissing him passionately as you moaned into his mouth while he pounded into you.
Suddenly he stopped. “No we can’t do this here (Y/N)…. Our first time can’t be in the bathroom. You've heard how it gets the first time an Alpha and Omega mate.” He pulled himself together along with you.
“Levi!” You wined out as you tugged at his shirt.
“Behave brat.” He said as he carried you out of the bathroom. “If I have to keep my composure so do you.” He let you down instantly you clung to him.
All eyes were on the two of you as you made your way out of the bar another Alpha twice the size of Levi was stupid enough to try and come between you and him.
“Hey beautiful.” He reached out his hand to you. “Why don’t you leave this scrawny bastard and get with a real Alpha!” He boasted.
You growled as the Alpha tried to touch you, Levi broke his hand.
“How dare you try and lay your filthy paws on my Mate!” He snarled as he broke his other hand. “Let this be a lesson to anyone who underestimates me!” He kicked the Alpha breaking his ribs.
Levi ran out the door carrying you, with each second passing it was getting harder and harder to control himself. He groaned out in discomfort as he felt his member become unbearably painful. Your pheromones were driving him up the wall as your sweet secretions leaked all over his arm and pants. He started to run faster through the city and before you knew it he was busting down his door tearing your clothes off.
He threw you onto the bed and attacked your soaking core like a feral animal, lapping up the sweet juices dripping out of you. He growled as he dove deeper into you nibbling your clit.
“Ah-ahhhh L-Leviiiiii!” You cried out in pleasure as he bit your inner thighs marking you.
“At long last, you’re finally mine (Y/N).” He kissed your abdomen before diving back in attacking your clit once more instantly making you squirt.
Wildly you thrashed at every little touch as he ate you out. “L-Le-Leviiiii!” You howled out as he slowly dragged his tongue along your clit.
With every passing minute, Levi's animal instincts were becoming harder and harder to suppress. “F-fuck (Y/N) I can’t take it your sweet smell is driving me crazy.” He came up from between your legs and walked over to his closet. “Time for some real entertainment.” He came back over to you with a collar, chains and a paddle.
You looked at him all excited. “Oooooooh this is going to be fun!” You giggled.
Levi grabbed you and put the collar on your neck. He yanked on the leash hard pulling you over to him. He turned you around and pushed you onto the bed ass straight up in the air your sweet secretions dripping out of you. Levi took the chains bounded your hands and feet. With one final tug he spread your legs wide open putting you on display for him to marvel at. “That’s a good girl so willing and ready for her Alpha.” He wrapped his muscular arm around your stomach forcing you down the air got thick all of a sudden, as you gasped in surprise. “I’m going to take you now.” He whispered into your ear, you felt the knot in your stomach get tighter as your heart tried to beat out of your chest.
For so long you’ve waited for this day, for so long your body has been begging for its mate. You gasped in surprise as Levi rammed his cock inside you while he bit down on your neck hard marking you again. He yanked on the leash choking you as he pounded into you. You arched your back howling out in pleasure as Levi clawed at your stomach going deeper and deeper with every thrust. “Ohhhhh my God Levi!” You moaned out as he slapped your ass with the paddle.
“That’s a good girl fuck (Y/N) you feel so good on him!” Levi howled as he grabbed your hips pounding deeper and deeper.
“Oh, oh, Ohhhhhh Levi fuck that feels amazing, Ohhhhh yes just like that!” You moaned out as he rammed deeper into you. You felt the knot in your stomach tense up as you became wetter with every thrust, your knees started to shake. “Fuck L-Le-Leviiiii I'm, I’m, I’m gonna c-cu-cummmmmmm!” You howled out Levi pounded into you even deeper as your toes curled, back arching, body trembling Levi earned your first orgasm.
Levi pulled out and undid all the chains so he could lay you down on the bed. He spread your legs going back down on you licking up your sweet juices as he inserted a couple fingers.
You moaned out as you grabbed small fist fulls of Levi's soft raven hair gently tugging it as he nipped at your clit making you squirt. You slowly moved your hips as Levi's fingers moved faster in and out of you.
He pressed his tongue to your clit and swirled it around, Levi felt your body tense up as your walls clenched around his fingers feeling your juices leak out of you as he got another orgasm from you. “That’s a good girl cum for me!” He pulled his fingers out and licked up the juices. He positioned himself between your legs.
You looked up at Levi. “I want to be on top…. If that’s okay with you Levi?”
“Of course it is (Y/N).” Levi laid down and you mounted him slowly sliding down on his throbbing cock making him moan. “Fuck (Y/N).” Levi grabbed your ass spreading your cheeks as he pounded into you.
You wildly rode Levi's cock feeling the growing knot at the base of his shaft, your core was throbbing as you felt yourself preparing to take his knot. Your body started to tremble as Levi's knot became bigger and bigger with every thrust. “F-fuck Levi I'm ready! My body is begging for you to shove your knot inside me! Give me your children Levi!” You howled out as you leaned down and bit his chest marking him.
Levi obeyed without hesitation and rammed his knot inside you, your walls clenching down on it as he released his seed.
You collapsed on his chest. “That was amazing my love.” You tenderly kissed him on the lips.
Levi removed the collar as he kissed you back. “Yes it was (Y/N I love you so much.” Levi moved his head towards your neck licking it until you fell asleep on top of him. He grabbed the blankets wrapping you and him up in them. He held you close still connected to you as he drifted off to sleep.
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yoitscro · 4 years
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First thought: Homestuck^2 should've just been called Beyond Canon, and more people should call it that. 
The 2 was put on for chuckles; HS trending the day it was announced with it being a sequel spoke enough about how such a thing shant be underestimated, and why Homestuck is ABSOLUTELY more than just our small twitter crowd (and the scrap of us still on tumblr). I say that because remembering the Beyond Canon part slightly reassures me about the fact that this is a fanwork that will do some weird shit, and things I don't agree with, but isn't something that I have to subscribe to enjoying all the way with how I engage with Homestuck.
Homestuck 2 is not the canon continuation. Homestuck 2: Beyond Canon, is an OFFICIAL continuation.
Not having it on such an important stool and as the only content we all are only allowed to digest should come from both people who obsessively dislike it, and people who defensively support it. If a character says they kick babies then I can say, hey that's weird, maybe not great writing, but I can pretend they don't in my content, and i dont have to send threats or call people cishet white men for it! and, it's an absolutely great thing that we were all encouraged to create our own ideas without anyone who's influenced us to do so squinting their eyes when we actually go through with it. Glad I don't have to put this story up to the expectations of being a sequel to a 11 year, worldwide IP that's shooketh the internet landscape since it's merely optional, Death of the Author persists, and ideas aren't just dominated and revolved around the perspective of a 1% in this entire fanbase.
That said.
As an OFFICIAL continuation versus a canon one, HS2 is ok. It certainly has that fanfiction vibe, and a story it wants to tell. I can't really tell what that story is since we have like, 10 sub plots rn though. There's not a real a clear indicator on where the focus of main conflict is that connects all these stories together.
I thought that the prose in replacement of Vriska's battle was jarring, but not teeerribly surprising for the format HS2 is going for. It's more so using drawings to compliment text versus Homestuck's usual of panels being side by side with visual importance, or even itself being the one compliment. It sorta feels weird tho that it brought old fans back in with art just for them to get sneered at when they get a bit upset that there won't be main staples of art known to progress the story forward. 
Also people who mock people for “having to read homestuck” knowing there’s language barriers and struggling focus from those who’ve been use to something that was never so dense, are ridiculous.
Personally this could be solved by knowing how old flashes worked, having way more artists on the team, maybe even an art director if not already, and noting that we're not asking for the next Cascade. Rome wasn't built in a day, but Rose Ride sure was, and Homestuck’s animation is absolutely not the same as a 12-24 framed 12 minute cartoon. That, or just snuff the illustrative art as a whole since it's very clear on where the focus is.
I’m sure you’re not here trying to see my opinions on how the outer workings are though, versus plot.
Uuuuh, let's see. Yiffy's still a name I don't care to use until I eventually get tired of any of my art that do not show up in tags. This is fine and not as offensive as people are saying it is. Minors who want to cosplay this character don't have to call themselves this character. Not wanting to be one letter away from accidentally entering a very NSFW space of twitter is fine. Also the lot of people call Tavros, Tavvy.
I hope Kanaya's anger at being cucked is actually seen versus being implied through fan guesses and another character having to say she was.
Roxy needs to be more of an involved character. Where are they during all this?
Jane should have a mention of her relations to HIC being a main/bad influence on her current parallels to Alternian dictatorship.
The PRE-RETCON GROUP should have a fun one-shot update for fans who like them, since they oughta be around if they fell through the ghost hole. Most of them. The sprites that aren't Jasprosesprite should also show up too, since they're around.
Aaaaaand I think we should be extra careful going into the future when it comes to the alien rebellion. It's weird that a lot of the writers are white and toy around with concepts that can be a not so great parallel to racism. Currently not great timing rn! If the characters are going to remain aracial, but with them still doing not much to reference other non-white earth cultures or getting new hair cuts that have different textures (looking at you, Rose), we shant make the species with actual biological benefits a racism commentary. the xeno joke at least had a play on words. If any writer has happened upon this then a, please don't get mad at me again haha, and b, consider having more black writers or directional assistance on your squad. You know who they are.
In the future. I casually want the ghost from the Dream Bubbles to be shown since it's a big elephant in the room to not have a single one of them in the bg despite a load of them appearing from the ghost whole. Don't gotta give them speaking lines, especially the dancestors. I personally don't know if I want that right now.
I also hope in the future that we don't get HS content that is only going to revolve around HS2, if it's optional enough to engage with without being the only option. That's why PQ could ended a bit better for me, and why I hope it's not the main thing that's keeping Hiveswap on the backburner. I don't think it's farfetched to consider that multiple HS content could come from more than just one team; to relieve work load, but to also strengthen the idea that Homestuck can be a various amount of perspectives when it comes to the ideas fans have. The most dedicated fans leading the direction of the story is not just a handful of them. If anything, at least acknowledge the massive ass fan projects going on once in awhile to showcase the different avenues.
"Hey Cro, you sure have bitched about this alot. Do you have anything good to say? Why don't you stop reading if you hate it so much!"
Not every comment needs to be golden, love. Again, some of these decisions I eck at, but ultimately they're just words on a computer that I'm not holding anyone at gun point to do, and I'm curious to see how the story handles itself going forward, since again, it's just a fanwork. Sometimes I wish to not only see where the plot goes, but to see a writer's craft in action.
Good Things:
The Art. Again, please have more artists. It'd help so much, especially since the main one is also double timing for VE. That said, HS2 sticks out to me because of the way the color composition is used. Aside from hair and other tiny things, I haven't seen black used a lot, which makes colors pop. It's really nice to look at. I hope we get more sharper styles of character in the future, since it builds on nostalgia and makes the trolls feel much less like they're from Repiton, but I can deal with it for the most part. I also like that one panel where the omega kids and vriska are talking in the dark room, and based on where they're standing, the text aligns. Tasty as hell.
Meat and Candy still do hold neat logic in the direction the stories go. Candy, while it could be more tasteless in some areas, is chaotic and too much of a good thing. Meat is having something a little more straightforward, though I'm not sure quite yet where it's going. I always found Candy to be the part of the epilogue that actually entertained me the most, from how much of a surreal Robot Chicken skit at 3am it felt. Sometimes the jokes slapped real nice and made me wonder, going in, how is this monkeys paw gonna play out and, hopefully, make people laugh or smirk like they got a good roast at themself?
The slightly episodic feel of each update is what I wanted from the Epilogues, so it's interesting to see that play out when it comes to switching different perspectives.
The bonus updates get points for featuring characters that a lot of us have been wanting to see for ages.
Hopefully this isn't unpopular, but I think the tension of Yiffy's introduction was nicely composed and written (ignoring some of the things I wish for Jane). It leaves you with enough want to see what'll happen next time. You could also say that despite her growling and making a lot of noise, it's not actually bad writing: I see it as the audience being forced to see her in the same perspective that Jane see's her; a dog. Upon no context we're seeing the same thing while knowing things are obviously off, and once we see this character in a new environment where their personality shines, it'll have a bigger impact her own character being humanized. So I like that.
Okay, I think that's all I got. I improv wrote most of this; hopefully I won't be taken out of context since I don’t think that HS2′s writing should ultimately be a judgement of the writers as people, nor treated as if they should hold the same unhealthy work environment that Andrew forced himself to do when writing the og comic. And I'm still like, donating to the patreon and everything, lol.
[runs away]
edit: i was going to put the cw as another positive thing for the comic...but...yeaaaah.
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crqstalite · 4 years
From the prompt list? I'm sending in something simple with will, hopefully, just go in any direction you want. And that's "Always." For whichever pairing you wish :)
posting this before i chicken out, because i’ve been at this for like eight hours already lol. trying my hand at a little shakarian [petrakarian, in this case], and there’s a sprinkle of happiness if you squint ;)
edit: i’ve also never written garrus before honestly. definitely tried my best but i’m sure there are mistakes in there somewhere. regardless, happy to provide.
pairing: brione petrakis/garrus vakarian. word count: 2,611
She's putting it off. Leaving, as it was.
Honestly, she doesn't know why. Her bags are all packed, her dress blues are pressed and folded on the cot next to her. Her datapad has been prepped to send all of her reports straight to Alliance Command. Yet she's left her comb in her duffel, hair decidedly unbrushed around her shoulders, still sitting in her fatigues and they're only an hour out from the Citadel. She could be in the crew quarters, going over any possible assignments they could give her. She could be trying to get another couple of winks in. Anything other than being here, and desperately hanging on to what felt like the last thing she had in the galaxy.
It would've been so much easier not to be here right now, but nothing in the last year had been easy. It's harder to force herself out, hell she's been sleeping in here for the last week or so.
The lights flicker just above her, the battery still stuttering in a way that frustrated Garrus to no end. Not that they had much need for it these days, but she'd offered to take a look at it. He'd been content to let her sit nearby. Talking about trivial things during the first few days after the suicide mission with some of her senses glossed over by pain meds, maybe more than a little wine in their systems. Then it waned into painful silence as they grew closer to the station, wine bottle empty and all sentiments aired. All the things she knows she can't say, all the things she wants to.
She rolls another bandage around her hand, pulling taut. It'd been her good hand too, a lucky shot taken by a Collector that had left her unable to snipe properly during the last leg of the base assault. Still bruised and trying it's hardest to bleed through. Mordin hadn't been there to do it properly, so it had been her, hearing gunshots against the barrier they'd set up, blood gushing from her hand with Garrus asking her if she was alright. Medi-gel spilling from her shaking hands, only being able to offer suppressing fire with her Carnifex before Shepard told them to retreat. Her wrist whined from the motion, and she barely catches a blue eye darting between her and the UI when she groans.
"Still bothering you?" His voice is softer than usual when she catches him in the act, hands stilling over the keyboard, "Chakwas should really take a look at that."
"She can once we're back in Alliance space," Brione haphazardly cuts off the end of it, tucking it under one of the other wraps. She tests a smile with the nearly healed scar on her lip, "Besides, you're the one who was apparently up and fighting with Shepard not even two days after you nearly died, Garrus."
Another beat of silence before he starts again, mandibles flaring as he sighs. Exasperated with her, maybe. He'd been bothering her about it for days now, usually asking how it was and if she needed anything, "We Turians are a bit hardier than our human counterparts," He gestures to the scarred side of his head, bandage recently removed. "Brione-"
"Don't." She lays the gauze down next to her, unable to meet his eyes. She doesn't want to think about the fact these are their last days together, the fact this could very well be the last time she hears him say her name. There wasn't much guaranteed after their non-human crewmembers stepped off the ship, nothing saying he had to stay with her, even over light years separating them, "I'll see Chakwas once, once everyone is gone. Shepard will have my head if I lose a hand before we get there anyway."
"You can't hide in here forever, Brione," Is all he says, giving her a concerned look but finishing his diagnostics on the console first, "No reason in putting it off."
This talk has been a week coming. He hesitates, unsure of himself while she tries to will the tears away, turning away from him. What was she, six? She could handle a suicide mission (which they'd all nearly died on), so why was saying goodbye, saying see you later, saying that she'd see him again soon so hard? She was a captain of the Alliance military, not a babbling schoolgirl with a crush.
Except, that's what it felt like, navigating a relationship with him. She'd downright giggled at something he'd told her.
Does he know just how much he means to her?
It wasn't as if extranet access would be blocked for her when she got back to Earth. By every law that Shepard had learned (and in turn exploited) surprisingly quickly, most of the human operatives aboard the SR-2 wouldn't be arrested under the same duress she would be. Brione could still send messages to Palaven, could still say hello every once and a while.
Hello wasn't the same as being able to sit in a comfortable silence with one at the console, the other completing her daily reports with her legs folded under her, hair tied up in a messy bun at the base of neck. Hello wasn't the same as finding leftovers from the dinner prepared earlier and pulling all-nighters just to spend some time together.
Brione wasn't sure when this had turned into more, when she had started to want more. When she couldn't think of a tomorrow without him. At first, she'd just entertained it as little more than a fling, if she was going to die at the end of the year, then she could cross a few things off her bucket list. And, he was a friend. They'd met a few years before the SR-1, a one off meeting during her shore leave. Then they'd been squadmates, fighting their way through waves and waves of Geth, two snipers snipping at each other for their aim. It boggled the mind that it'd been so quick after Alchera, that she started to discover little things about him when she had little else to do. The small visits about the battery that turned into hour long conversations once she'd rejoined the Normandy. One or the other venting about a minor problem or a large one they'd held onto for so long they'd made a joke of it.
He'd patiently listened when she recounted the dressing down she'd been given after Torfan and the therapy sessions she'd attended afterwards. That, she'd never told anyone about in detail. Hated reliving the day, but it slipped from her mouth so easily while she'd been sitting on the crates. Then she'd sipped on some sort of tea Shepard had picked up on the Citadel, listening to him about Sidonis, about his time on Omega in general. That by the time they were within range of the relay, she'd simply decided she didn't want to let go. That there wasn't anyone like him, that there was so much left that she still wanted. They'd spent the night on the cot he'd dragged in here sometime ago, and she'd never felt so alive.
Then they'd survived. And then there was a whole new life expanding before her, with the Reapers looming over them. But she'd lived, they'd lived, and now she wasn't sure what they were. It wasn't a fling anymore, but she didn't know where he fit into her life.
Whether he wanted to fit in her life. She's sure he could have just about anyone, and he hadn't seemed too upset, giving her the way out of asking whether she wanted something closer to home.
How did he become her home? It could've been anywhere else, on Earth, in London, on the Citadel. But instead, it was a certain Garrus Vakarian.
"This isn't -- it isn't the end, Brione, not if you don't want it to be," He holds a hand out to her, "If I know Shepard, and I'd assume I do, she'll get us back into the thick of it within a couple months. If that."
"That might be a little optimistic," She responds, toying with her hair for a moment before grasping his hand, pulling herself up off the cot to look at him properly. She gently holds a hand against the scarred side of his head, brushing the rough plates with her thumb, "I would've been rather stupid to think this would last forever, running into the sunset. I'm just glad we had what we did, Garrus."
He leans into her touch, his other arm snaking around her waist. Why did it have to be him that she'd become attached to? The first person that'd make her feel more like a living being than a cold blooded killer that remained a few seconds from death every time she stepped off the ship?
Why is he all she can think about these days?
"I," He pauses again, "I'll always just be a comm away. If that's what you want, of course."
"Always, hm?" She asks, "Don't know how timezones work from Earth to Palaven, but if you haven't noticed, I'm not much of sleeping person. You could lose a lot of it, talking to me. But you've never minded it before now, I guess."
"It'd be better than nothing." He responds, when she drops her hand and instead pulls him closer to her. Maybe it's not the most comfortable with him in armor, and her still regularly needing their dwindling supply of pain meds, but she just wants to feel something, anything. She can't go back to the way things were, alone, and cold in an alliance apartment with nothing but her next meal going for her.
"I don't want to leave you, Garrus," She admits, her voice cracking. Brione won't cry, she wills herself not to, even as the dam strains against them, "You, damn you, you're...everything."
"You're...lovely yourself, Brione. Not like I'm itching to leave either, not when everything's already going right for once," He responds, the words thrumming through what she thinks are Turian subvocals. If Turians even can whisper, she's pretty sure he is while gently running his hands through her hair, then trailing down her back, "But I'm not sure I look all that good in...what was it Shepard called it? 'Jumpsuit orange'? Not sure how friendly the Alliance would be to me either."
"Probably not very," She tries to laugh, tries to force anything out at all, but instead all she gets is a choking sound that she could compare to a varren. A rogue tear slips out anyway, and all she hopes for is that Garrus can't see it. Why is she falling apart? Why now? She has a million and three battles under her belt, and this is what shatters her? Not a shotgun, not a scion, but this.
She'd said goodbye to so many people before. To her various adoptive parents over the years, her old COs, even Alenko more recently. None of them destroyed her like this was.
Relationships. They're impossible. They're weaknesses and vulnerabilities that your enemies are just waiting to take advantage of. Even more if your's is a cross-species liaison, one that shouldn't have become everything that it was now.
Brione doesn't want to live without him.
She can't bring herself to say it out loud, so she doesn't. He holds her a little while longer, they don't say anything but reassuring the other all would be well. Or at least they try, and it dissolves until silence when there isn't anything to say but repeat themselves ten times over. They sit for a while after that, time whittling down all the while. Her hands fit a bit oddly in his, but she can't find herself wanting to let go all the while.
Shepard's voice comes over the comm with a timer on their arrival, and she has to pick up her things, fastening the last button on her jacket and throwing her duffel bag over her shoulder. Garrus offers her one last lingering forehead touch when they reach the airlock, and she kisses him softly, knowing if she stays any longer, she won't be able to leave.
But she does. She has to be able to.
She sees him off, the glint of his blue armor the last thing she sees. She thinks she's the perfect picture of someone who was trying (and inwardly failing) to stay afloat with a forced grin and a wave as he walks off. Brione doesn't care, as much as the crew teases her about calibrations in more than one capacity. A few get a smile out of her, but she feels numb the rest of the way to Earth.
Cold. It settles in like an all too familiar blanket. The chill of not really seeing the faces of the people around her, nor acknowledging what they had to say.
She slips back into her normal routines, after the hearing. Doesn't even realize it at first, but without her usual visits to someone who wasn't dolled up in Alliance blue, there's nothing to it. She's shuttled back to the Citadel after a month, sent to work with Udina. A liaison to Alliance and from the Council, is effectively her job description. It's like clockwork, sleep, work, find something to eat if she was feeling physically up to it, work until she couldn't, then reluctantly sleep again. Fix up her sniper rifle on the weekends, take it to a range to keep herself sharp.
There's no Turian on her six though. No one there to bother her that her shot is off just a few inches so that clips the outside of the target.
She sees his face in every single one that walks by until they all blur together. She hears his voice in every C-SEC officer that speaks to Udina, to her.
It isn't until two months later that she receives a mail on her comm. Right in the middle of another one of Udina's tirades about the lack of Council support and funding, she opens it like any other email she'd received before. Calculating, tired, she reads over the sender, the subject line and is halfway through scrolling through it when the glaze over her eyes recedes and she realizes just who it is. Her breath catches in her throat, taking her leave for the afternoon.
She finally gets a call after work that day. And just as suspected, it keeps her up all night. There's so much to say, so much that she hadn't known. Her new job, his new task force. And yet, he still seems so indescribably happy to see her. That her eyes are barely being held open to focus on him, but that he's here, as much as he can be.
"Sure you don't want to take back that offer of always being on the other end of the comm? Now that we've done it, I might get a taste for it," She says, yawning as she absentmindedly rubs an eye. Udina will give her shit for being there late in the morning (in a couple hours really), but she doesn't care.
"As long as you want me to be," He nods, "Well, hopefully you don't start calling me at the oddest hours of the night or in the middle of meetings, but always, yes."
"Hm. I'll file it under consideration," She perches her head on her palm, taking in every detail the vid would let her, "Always?"
"Always. Now get some sleep, Brione," His voice softens, mandibles flaring into a smile as her vision blurs, "Good night."
Five months after that, communication to Palaven goes dark. The Reapers attack, and she watches wide-eyed as they touch down in Earth.
And her always becomes an empty promise with every refugee she watches come in during the days afterwards.
Garrus is not among them.
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pinkyheaven · 6 years
ROCK & READ 078 Ruki’s Interview (Part 4)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 5 Part 6
Q: Well then, what is something that makes this album stand out from the previous works?
R: For me, it has melodies that I wouldn’t have wanted to sing before. To put it short, it’s songs that have a feeling of that popular melody from our older days or the ones that sound catchy (more standard sounding songs). As you can see, we didn’t really have songs like this recently. I particularly felt that I don’t want to do them around the time of “DOGMA”, I felt like we already did those types of songs a lot. Songs that emphasize on the melody, or how should I put it? Well, but that is because I like melodic songs from my nature.    
Q: I think so too. So, “NINTH” is kind of pop sounding as you could say.
R: I think so.
Q: There is this saying, “I’m not gonna stop showing off (or acting cool)”. Did you also feel like that?
R: This might be close. However, if you look at the time before the release of “DOGMA” it might not look like this is the case. Doing things like this for a long time and then getting a different impression and being able to make songs with it, makes you feel strong (confident). I think that’s the sense that I had.
Q: For you personally, which is the song that you’re the happiest with?
R: I might not be able to pick one.
Q: Then which one was the most difficult to make?
R: I wonder which one it was. Well, “NINTH ODD SMELL” was like that. The thing that was difficult about it, was the fact that we were changing up the song quite a lot until it reached its current version.
Q: This song, just like some in your previous albums, also had these words sprinkled in the lyrics that create a certain image. (lyrics of the songs mention all previous albums titles)
R: That’s right. Because it was a song that needed these kinds of lyrics, and I also wanted to make more of them. I wanted for it to be done in a way accompanying the sound, mixing everything that we were until “DOGMA” and how we are now.
Q: Just like we were talking before, it embodies everything that you were in the past in this 9th album.
R: That’s right.
Q: On the contrary to that, were there any songs made in an easy and slick way?
R: “URAGIRU BERO” was like that. Or the 12th song. The last song was like *pop* and it appeared, that’s how I remember the making of it.
Q: Right, “UNFINISHED”. It has the feeling of “this is already the last song”. You could say, that you’re seeing a light.  
R: But it was the first time that we did this kind of song as the last one in the GazettE. Of course, we often end lives with the songs, that have a similar vibe to this, but we always finish our albums with the songs that have a gloomy feeling to them. Like “OMINOUS” we had just before or “MELT” and “OMEGA”.
Q: But this time you decided to choose a song with a happy feeling as the last.
R: Somehow, I wanted the song to have a feeling of “I don’t want this to end” which I have during the lives, I guess this time I wanted to do this type of song more.
Q: That is exactly the song’s title. “UNFINISHED” – meaning that this is not the end. Thus, the 4th keyword is “LYRICS”. Recently, while writing the lyrics, what are you focusing on the most?
R: I wonder…… It depends on a song.
Q: In the past, you said something like “I don’t see any worth or appeal in singing about something happy”.
R: That hasn’t changed until now. However, how should I put it, hope is not entirely zero. (Ruki is making a pun to the “hope is nil”) In the places where listeners are able to see hope in the lyrics, I leave it for them to decide if that hope was pointless or not, I think that’s how I write my lyrics right now.
Q: Do you often write your lyrics because you’re angry at something?
R: There are a lot of lyrics like that too. I write them because of stuff like anger or doubts.
Q: Do you point at specific people or things?
R: There are many times when I do that.
Q: For example, this time “GUSH” is like that, right? In this song, is there a clear target?
R: That’s right. However, “GUSH” is not written out of anger. Rather than anger, it’s written as a last resort, about people who think that someone who has a scandal is a less human than they are, or how should I put it. It’s cruel to do something like that. For example, aren’t there times (when the scandal happens) where these strange people talk about it? Stuff like “just as I thought”, that irritates me a bit when I see it. How would these people feel if someone was talking like that behind their backs? This also includes talks in the media, I guess. I feel like announcers or commentators always paint a much darker image than the situation actually is.
Q: I agree with you. By the way, I think there are many people who get inspired to write their lyrics by such things as movies, CDs, books or traveling, Ruki-san, you’re not this kind of type?
R: I watch movies a lot. Well, recently I’m a bit busy so I don’t watch them as much, but in general, I do.
Q: Do you find any themes or hints for your lyrics there?
R: You’d probably think so, but I don’t really, maybe once.
Q: So, you watch movies just because you like them?
R: That’s right. The movies they show in Korean or Cannes film festivals are usually dark. And I usually go to considerably small movie theaters. You have to be subtle there because if you eat snacks it feels like the sound will echo through the whole place. (lol)
Q: Like those movie theaters in Nakano? (lol)
R: Right, right. Also, I like movies that are more realistic or documentaries, also European movies.
Q: However, it’s not reflected in your lyrics. (lol)
R: Right, it’s not. (lol) Other than that, I don’t really care about Japanese movies that have no expressiveness in them. They usually don’t touch any taboo topics. Korean movies, for example, start with the topics like police corruption. That’s a very realistic topic, and it projects the parts that sometimes would be better left unshown, or how should I put it. I wonder why Japanese entertainment is being regulated so much.
Q: Well then, how about traveling? A journey in search for the lyrics.
R: Oh, I don’t think I do that. But if I’d travel somewhere for the lyrics it would be something like a ghost town probably. (lol) Otherwise, when I travel in private it’s for completely opposite reasons.
Q: Well, since the 5th keyword is “PRIVATE”, do you travel a lot?
R: I travel a lot. I don’t say it on Twitter or Instagram, though.
Q: However, you don’t go to places like ghost towns? (lol)
R: No, it’s not ghost towns. (lol) For example, I go to Italy, or just in general by the sea a lot. I go every year.
Q: Is it for the sake of refreshing?
R: That’s right.
Q: So, you like traveling?
R: That’s right. I’ll get some more work done and go on a trip soon (interview was taken in late March)
Q: But you have this image that you stay at home a lot. (lol)
R: Well, it’s because I stay at home a lot, I want to travel. I don’t have standard vocation times. So, I do things like one day trip to Korea. Sometimes I travel somewhere just to eat a meal that I want. I don’t travel much in Japan, but I’ll travel overseas.  
Q: You probably didn’t travel anywhere last year?
R: Last year I went to Korea. To buy clothes. (lol)
Q: I thought you just stayed in the ungrounded since you were making an album?!
R: If I have at least 2 free days, I’ll go. Because Korea is very fashionable. I feel like things that are fashionable in foreign countries come to Korea immediately and it takes a whole year for it to reach Japan. Well, it’s not that I did an examination if it’s actually like that, but I don’t have time to do such things. (lol)
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kewltie · 6 years
Hi, I'm back again!!!!!!! What you've said about the pheromones makes sense. But it also makes me curious about what omegas do to help mitigate their pheromone slipping out? Do they have collars with scent blockers sewed inside of it? Is it promiscuous or inappropriate for an omega to ask a alpha to bite them so their pheromone will be more manageable? Also, please continue to ramble!
Hiii there and welcome back!!!!!!!!
I got this ask while i was at work so im terribly sorry for the late reply!!! BUT you gave me a lot of things to consider so WOWZER HERE WE GO:
im so glad your brought up collaring bc that’s like my first thought and also bc i generally like collars a lot (if that haven’t been obvious). i have a thing about fashion being incorporated into the structured society and how what you wear and how you wear speaks more about you than anything (don’t get me started on bdsm ‘verse and how in there ppl wear their clothing a certain way to tell other about their sexual orientation/dynamic/relationship status etc) and i kinda WANT to say that omega wear collar commonly as an inhibitor but i think it’s only reserved mainly as a public mating symbol for omega like the way wedding rings are and/or protection. most omegas wear choker or some sort of neck brace protection around their neck so alpha can’t bite them and bond with them in any sort of way. collars are more serious thing omega wear when they’re fully bonded to to their mate. 
so to inhibit the pheromone use, it’s by injection (which can either be quarterly or yearly depend on the doses but the higher the dose the bigger the side effects are), inhibition patch on the body (which are monthly, you wear it once a month and it should last you all of that month, this is extremely common bc of how convenience it is and less costly), and there are inhibition pill which is similar to heat suppression pills but suppression pill are use to delay/stop heat among omega but inhibition pill make it so their pheromones aren’t blasting all over the place and dull their scent by a lot.(alphas and other can smell that they’re omega but omega can’t use their pheromones to ‘cripple/abuse’ it over alphas :X). AND THEN there’s the basic use an alpha’s bite to suppressed an omega’s pheromone which is consider by many to be too archaic and traditional in this ‘progressive’ society when the omega is so v young  :/ so it’s only when they’re older and they found a good partner and doesn’t want to rely on patches/injection/pills anymore and their partner will control their pheromones with the bites. izuku and katsuki participates in the last one as YOUNG AS THEY ARE bc they’re fucking wild that’s what lol. but nah really it’s just katsuki is stupid and kinda instinctual when he was younger (even when he was just a child, katsuki always knew izuku was his and CLAIMED HIM BEFORE ANYONE) and bit izuku’s neck and that ended started them on this path where there’s NO RETURN FOR EITHER OF THEM. 
in the olden days before technology caught up with society, it is v v v common for alpha’s to bite young omega (this is usually someone in the family, a friend’s of the family, their future betrothed, etc someone the omega know somehow) to suppressed their pheromones. bc omega are in the super minority, there are always alphas around to do it and it’s usually older alphas bc younger alphas supposedly dont have the control for it bc ‘biting’ isn’t a bond per say just a shallow impression on the skin that trigger a half bond that make the omega think THEY’RE in a bond (only when the teeth draw blood and the alpha-omega share blood b/t them that they’re consider truly bondmate)sand therefore they dont need to release pheromones to lure in potential future mate so they these bites are temporary and must be apply every few months! also, it is meant to be platonic and no sexual/romantic elements to it until the omega are mated off to their proper alpha but uh still pretty sleezy bc it older/young power dynamic so abuse potential was SUPER HIGH. eventually this method died out for more convenience/easier application like patches and injection.
is it actually not promiscuous or anyway scandalous for a young omega to asks for a bite if they chose to go that way! just mainly side eye bc of how archaic the method is since there ARE MORE EASIER WAYS TO DO THIS. and omega can have bites from one alpha or many in their lifetime if they chose to and it isnt look down mainly bc society pressure them to find their mate as much as possible bc the sooner they are mated the less likely they will leak pheromones and once an omega is bonded to an alpha that alpha built a resistance to their pheromones and therefore can control the omega better bc an omega is just any other person w/o their pheromones which is their most potent threat :P (it even the playing field b/t the two dynamic pretty much; bonding is the great ‘equalizer’ they like to say). so it it encourage that omega finds mate as soon as they are able to bc that help mitigate the pheromone use HUGELY and omega can start producing kids as quickly as possible bc it’s all about the kids!! so alpha-omega matchmaking is a booming business lol. 
but that doesn’t mean mating is taken lightly! mating is serious business bc betas and any betas coupling got their marriage but omega-alpha is all about mating and it has to do with scent compatibility. omega are disposed to be smelling good but their scent varies from alpha to alpha so if they smell good to you then you have a good match up and the most perfect scent to an alpha mean they have true compatibility. though that super rarely happens so most just settle for a good smelling alpha/omega with good breeding potential. for alpha, it is find that omega with high fertility and best smelling one (the stronger the scent the supposedly stronger the bloodline of quirk users to be) to carry that lineage so alpha would fight other alpha for the right to mate with an omega but it doesn’t mean an omega have no voice in this. actually in the past, an omega is bought/traded/and given away to ensure the best quirk users in the future but now these days it consider regressive for these modern times so omega are to consider their mating partners bc their children are their status symbol. the more powerful and accomplished your children are, the greater your omega status bc YOU AND YOU ALONE CARRIED THAT CHILD TO TERM AND LOOK WHAT YOU HAD HELPED PRODUCE. so omega look for alpha would great genes (smart, athletic, quirk power etc) and the best one will be their mate… it is VERY much like how female animals chose the male with the best genetic material to pass on to the children. so yea blood fight over omega is v v common among alpha (esp when the majority of the planet are quirk users) but omega have a voice in this and this is how they determine their future mate. 
as;djsf;asjdfa;sdf AHH THIS GOT WAY OUT OF HAND. thanks for entertaining me!
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lululawrence · 6 years
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lululawrence’s April 2018 Fic List
Click here for previous months’ fic lists
It’s the 28th of another month and time for more fan fic writer and fan artist appreciation! This list is a long one this month since I went on vacation and was able to do more reading than usual, so let’s get going with the list of fics I was lucky enough to be able to read!
Everything Comes Back To You by @jaerie / jaerie This was so soft! Hurt/comfort going both ways and Marcel and soft Louis and just so many things I love in a fic. It was lovely and I adored it.
Saw It In Your Eyes by @taggiecb / taggiecb You know that post about the totally straight guy that has a freakout because he saw his (openly gay) roommate with another dude and he’s afraid he’s homophobic but it turns out he was just jealous and not as straight as he thought? THIS FIC IS BASED ON THAT POST AND IT’S GLORIOUS I TELL YOU!!!
peppermint by ihavetoomuchfreetime Okay listen. I rarely read pairings other than Larry, but when I do it’s usually Tomlinshaw or Ziam, and this Ziam fic was fab. It was recced to me to help me while I was dealing with some of the worst spring allergies I’ve had in years and it made me giggle through my itchy eyes and scratchy throat. I defo recommend it.
Friend of the Devil by @taggiecb / taggiecb This is more of the Satan/Santa series Lacey has going and it’s PHENOMENAL OKAY! all of them need read so just. Please make sure you do. They’re the fluffiest shit I think we will ever have Lacey give us. lol
No Easy Love (Could Make Me Feel This Way) by @allwaswell16 / allwaswell16 Alpha Louis/Alpha Harry exes to lovers fluffy smutty shit? YES PLEASE! And in true Anitra fashion, they were both adorable while also being hysterical in parts with a side of emotions, so there’s that too.  A defo must read.
I’d Still Dance With You by @flamboyantommo / kikikryslee Gosh I love age difference fics and I don’t even know why. I’d been looking forward to this one and it defo didn’t disappoint. It was so sweet and lovely and so good, even if I did want to bash people’s heads in every once in awhile. lolll
Don’t Be Scared Pretty Kitty by ttomlinstyles Okay listen. I’m a sucker for hybrid fics and this was one of the first ones I ever read, back before I understood how to use ao3 and bookmarks and such so when it was linked to me again I about died. Please be careful of the tags, but I did thoroughly enjoy the reread!
For the Love of Biscuits by Snowy38 Another hybrid fic cause I loooove them haha This one was so sweet and lovely! It was everything I love about hybrid fics hehe
Cling to Me by Snowy38 Koala!Harry!!!!!! Seriously, this fic was SOOOO SWEET and adorable and I want all the koala fics now. it was so so so cute.
Don’t Talk Dirty To Me by @miafi / miadotfi This had me laughing so hard while also being somewhat mortified hahaha It was such a great little pick me up for a bad day! I loved it.
Saving Symphony Hall by @helloamhere / helloamhere I’m sure everyone’s already heard the praises being sung for this fic by now, but honestlyyyyyyy! It was glorious and I loved the delving into the a/b/o world while still having so much more be a part of it than just that and the various plot points and everything and it was just. So good. 
Simply Irresistable by @all-these-larrythings / rearviewdreamer This fic was so lovely. I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop, but it was one of those where the characters do just what you want them to (or they did just what I wanted them to anyway lol) and it makes for such a great, happy, soft read. 
If You Want More, Then Here I Am by @2tiedships2 / 2tiedships2 Mel scored once again! She just keeps blessing us with the a/b/o goodness and soulmates and just. This one was once again filled with her awesome humor and pining silly boys. It was a great vacation read :D
Always Darkest before the Sunrise by @londonfoginacup / LadyLondonderry Despite the fact the title always makes me start singing Florence (and I know, the lyrics aren’t even the same! I can’t help it!), I really do love this fic. There was such a mystical and almost chaotic feel to it until things started piecing together, and I loved how it was truly a mystery from the beginning as to how everything would come together. 
Cosmic Love by @smittenwithlouis / smittenwithlouis Guys. This fic. I’ve got a few alien fics this month, but I just loved this one! It seemed so real for how everyone would react to the given situation and I can’t stop laughing over Aerosmith, tbh. Anyway. A great fic!
Wild at Heart Ain’t Hard to Find by @becomeawendybird / QuickedWeen Girl Larry with besties Boy Niam?? In a historical town in the Wild West? Gosh yes. It was so hot and fun and sassy and I adored it. 
I Didn’t Fall For You (You Fucking Tripped Me) by @allwaswell16 / allwaswell16 Okay listen. lollllll More fab a/b/o, more fab humor, and MONITOR LIZARDS. lollll okay so only one monitor lizard. But still. It was a fab read that I fully enjoyed every minute of.
Let Me Touch You Where Your Heart Is by @fakedeepplantjerker / kassio Okay. As soon as I read Caught My Attention, I immediately begged that we not be left wondering and was glad to hear the wonderful kassio/fakedeepplantjerker was planning a sequel. I HAD NO IDEA IT WOULD BE SUCH A GLORIOUS SEQUEL. I loved the first part, but the second was just as amazing, if not more so. Defo read the first part, absolutely 100% read this sequel!
Introduction to Dynamics by @juliusschmidt / juliusschmidt This fic was AMAZING. The structure of it, the issues brought about regarding late presentation and the transition during that time as well as just everything regarding Louis being a male omega and all the craziness with that was just. AMAZING. As should be expected from all fics Alex touches, really. But yeah, I loved this one very much a lot.
Convalescent Boy (With a Heart of Gold) by Anonymous Okay the Gryles friendship in this fic made me cackle and made me think of me with some of my friends so I absolutely loved it, but the way that Marcel was with Louis and vice versa was so lovely! So sweet! So tender! I adored it.
Linger by @yourpricelessadvice / yourpricelessadvice Who else adores slow burn? And people trying to ignore the fact they should totally date and kinda are dating but are pretending they are just friends? Cause I know I do and this fic was fab for that. Plus we got to know the side characters so well and get good insight to other relationships in there and it was just glorious. I really enjoyed this one!
Don’t Let the Tide Come and Take Me by @icanhazzalou / kiwikero Mermaid Harru! With a twist! Gosh I adored this. I was freaking out, trying to figure out how it would all work out the entire time but then I was like WHAAAAAA and it was incredible. Defo give this one a read!
Lead Butterfly by @londonfoginacup / LadyLondonderry Pirates! Nobles! Poor Harry and Captain Louis! Tattoos! Hurt/Comfort! Awesome Niall and Liam! There is seriously so much in this fic to love and I’ve barely touched on it. 
Both Sides by @louiesunshine / louiesunshine GOSH I am a sucker for friends to lovers and this was the epitome of that. Pining out of the gills, the inevitability of it all, you know? It just was glorious and lovely and pure and I really enjoyed it!
Ain’t That a Kick in the Head! by @lesbianharrie and @maybetheyrefireproof/ lesbianharrie and wreckingtomlinson This might be the funniest fic I’ve ever read. I loved it for about 17 million reasons and was crying laughing/wheezing/trying not to pee cause it was just all sorts of amazing. Disaster gay Harry was a gift I didn’t know I needed until I had it and I’m so happy I do now. 
Before I Fall Too Fast by @goodmorningtoyouuniverse / xxSterre All the pining. All of it. Friends that are always pining and loving each other from afar is just everything I adore in a fic and that’s what we were gifted with here. What a lovely read.
Wearing Nothing But Your Kiss by @catfishau / dinosaursmate KK is the queen of Friends AUs and this one of course is as amazing as the others. It made me giggle and laugh and hope for them to figure their shit out. A classic KK read, which obvs means you wanna be sure not to miss it.
The Balcony by @maggieisalarrie / maggieisalarrie (ls2k14) This was exactly what I needed on a horrible mental health day where I couldn’t focus on anything. It was short but entertaining and silly and a fun read. I was so happy it was there for when I needed it!
SPHERICAL by @velvetnoodle / velvetnoodle (goldfishsunglasses)  This was also exactly what I needed on that same horrible day and this also made me giggle and helped me get out of myself. It was just so damn pure and I honestly wanted more hahaha It was fab and a gift.
Alien Roadtrip! by @helloamhere / helloamhere Area 61. That’s all I’m saying about that, but I’m still giggling days later over that. Once again, another alien Harry fic! Can you tell this is also a weakness of mine? I love it. This was so emotional and lovely and so much more than a road trip fic, even though I love those too. It was just...I can’t even find words for it. Just read it please.
Peace So Sweet by @shyshyserious / shyserious Another amazing a/b/o fic, but this one featuring NESTING!!! I love omega nesting instincts and had forgotten how much so until I read this fic. What a fab fic and again, protective alpha Louis and nesting omega Harry? Like, if that’s not you’re thing then fine, but you should defo give it a chance because it was lovely.
Whew. And that’s it friends! It was long this month, but I really loved all of these fics and thank you so much to the amazing authors who put so much time and effort into giving me these hours of entertainment! I adore all of you for it. Until May, Happy Reading!
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reeltoreal-cl · 7 years
Loving Memphis: A List of Bright Places to Enjoy and Meet People
Memphis, TN is a city known for four things that people typically know of before making any travel plans there: BBQ, blues, Elvis, and crime. I was raised in Memphis, and returned for two years after college graduation. I quickly realized how much easier it was to enjoy the city as a 21-year-old with a car than anyone under the age of 18. I have since maintained a list of the best and brightest places to visit based on my own experiences:
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Huey’s - This is hands-down my favorite place. Known for their burgers. I always get the World Famous Huey’s Burger and Tennessee Tea.
Osaka - A nice sushi and hibachi gem in Poplar Plaza. I recommend the Big Daddy sushi roll.
Bluff City Coffee - The cutest little coffee shop downtown! They get their pastries from a local baker, and offer homemade dog treats for your furry friends. The chai tea latte and all of the sandwiches are faithfully good.
The Green Beetle - Downtown on Main Street, this seems like a dive, but has food that’s rich in flavor. The Philly cheese steak, patty melt, hot wings, and fries are to die for!
Jim ‘n Nicks - BBQ win!
Central BBQ - Another BBQ win, but the dry rub especially!
Jerry’s Sno Cones - Crack in a cone in the depths of North Memphis.
Scoops - A black-owned gelato and crepe bar downtown. Red Wine Sorbet is my flavor of choice.
Onix - A black-owned soul food restaurant that features live bands. The sweet tea is everything, but the lemon pepper wings are good, too.
DeJa Vu - A black-owned New Orleans-style restaurant in downtown Memphis. Can be pricey, but the food’s delicious.
Coletta’s - An Italian restaurant in Bartlett with an old-school, family feel.
Happy Mexican - Guess the style? lol The staff is always friendly here, and the food and drinks never fail. I recommend the fajitas, quesadillas, Taquitos Mexicanos (my fav), and the Margarita Dip! Also, please drink a Walk Me Down while you’re there. Thank me later.
Boscoe’s Squared - A cool spot in Overton Square with a huge beer menu, cool brunch menu, and intimate seating.
Babalu - A Mexican-Cuban fusion restaurant in Overton Square known for their tapas. They have really good seasonal drinks around the holidays.
Sweet Noshings - A sweet shop in Overton Square with their own candy, chocolate, ice cream, and popcorn! Let your inner child run wild!
Don Don’s Hot Wings - Wangs and thangs.
Dixie Queen - Absolutely love their lemon pepper and honey gold wings, their seasoned fries, and their lemonade.
Rendezvous is our claim to fame a la Food Network. I’ve also heard fabulous things about Southern Hands.
Tourist Attractions:
Stax Museum - An incredible history of the music of the South, particularly Memphis and Stax Records artists, starting all the way back with the significance of “field songs.” It’s beautiful and so enlightening.
National Civil Rights Museum - Fun fact: I worked here as a tour guide for a year. Your experience touring the museum after its renovation will be much better than mine working there, lol. But it’s extremely profound and an experience the whole family can appreciate and learn from.
Woodruff-Fontaine House - A cool Victorian house for an old, famous family in Memphis, known for its architecture, décor, and hauntings.
Slave Haven - A small house-turned-museum that allegedly served as a safe house for slaves traveling on the underground railroad. Historical accuracy is contested, but still cool to see.
Yes, Gracelend is here, but most natives have never been! There are also the Blues Hall of Fame and Memphis Rock ‘n Soul Museum.
Bars, Clubs, & Lounges:
Fox & Hound - If you’re a foxy lady or hound dog who likes great drinks, sports on every flatscreen, and pool, this is the place for you. I always go for the beer-battered fish and chips, and the Kryptonite ‘Rita.
Greencork Wine Bar (closed until 2018) - A snazzy little spot near the Cooper-Young district that allows you to buy a card to test out wines from about 20 dispensaries as you lounge by the fire or sit at tall tables with friends. Food options are more expensive than they’re worth, though, and you’ll need to know which types of wines you favor before testing to get more bang for your buck.
Club Love / Love Lounge - A recent business development, this lounge that typically caters to the 30s+ crowd is an excellent mix of throwback jams and new music as the night goes on. If you want a more sophisticated night out, this place is great. Hosted my 23rd birthday here.
Mollie Fontaine Lounge - Across the street from the Woodruff-Fontaine House, this historic home turns into a lounge at night with great truffle fries, girls dressed as vampires, and men Vogue-ing. It’s lit!
Wet Willie’s - While the history behind this place is pretty ugly (see Ida B. Wells placard outside), it now serves as the best place for a frozen alcoholic beverages. The Bob Marley is where it’s at! I once went with the girls, recognized a guy I knew having a birthday outing, and his crew bought 20 jello shots for us all to share. Such is the Beale Street party life.
Peabody Rooftop - This is something different. You can see the sun set, hear cool live bands, and enjoy drinks and complimentary food if you’re there on time when it starts. Great chance to be with a different crowd and have some fresh air as you sweat out the liquors, lol.
Arts & Entertainment:
Studio on the Square - A quirky, old-school theater in Overton Square that serves alcohol and real food to go along with your movie. Along with typical showings, has indie films and other cool stuff.
Paradiso Theatre - Styled like an Italian villa, this theatre also serves alcohol to accompany your film.
Hollywood 20 Cinema - More in my neck of the woods, aka in Bartlett.
Hattiloo Theatre - A black-owned performing arts theatre that hosts plays and musicals with African-American casts and narratives, as well as panel discussions and other events with topics related to the black community.
Playhouse on the Square - A theater in Overton Square.
Crosstown Arts - An art gallery in the Sears-Crosstown area that hosts changing art exhibits and other artsy-fartsy events.
Rumba Room - A nightclub that specializes in salsa dance lessons and Latin foods, while also hosting poetry nights and dance recitals from other companies and troupes around the city.
We’re also home to the Indie Memphis Film Festival and On Location: International Film & Music Festival. That scene is slowly building.
Memphis Botanical Gardens - Make sure you go in full bloom or else it’s like your backyard, lol. But it’s really great, with a relaxed path through the entire thing as well as a Japanese garden bridge. I also enjoy their on-location restaurant Fratelli’s.
Shelby Farms - This huge, huge, huge plot of land is the best place for a wide variety of hiking and running trails. They’re also home to the Starry Nights drive for Christmas, and Earth Day in April.
W. J. Freeman Park - This little park is tucked into Bartlett, and it’s usually empty if you want some privacy for a quick jog or to walk the dog.
Mississippi River Walk - Beautiful and serene location if you want to go for a walk near some water. Just don’t stay too long into the night or when it’s storming, for obvious reasons.
Wolfchase Galleria
Wolfchase Commons
Collierville Carriage Crossing
Poplar Plaza
Polish Girl - A black-owned nail shop with cool sugar scrubs, mixed drinks, and a playlist that your girlfriends will enjoy.
Diva Nails - An Asian-owned nail shop designed like a Venetian spa.
Grizzlies Games - Basketball is what makes the world go ‘round here.
Redbirds Games - Good family or work event if it’s not too hot out. If so, wear a hat to shade yourself and buy some frozen pink lemonade.
Africa in April - A festival of art, food, and performances celebrating the diversity of Africa in Robert Church Park downtown!
Latino Memphis Festival - A festival of the same things, but in Overton Park with the country of celebration changing every year!
Events on my to-do list are Beale Street Music Festival, Latino Memphis Dia de los Muertos, Curtis Givens All White and All Black Affairs, Omega Psi Phi Sundresses & Linen Party, Best in Black Awards, 40 Under 40 Urban Elite, and Wine on the River.
That concludes my recommendations, everyone. A lot of things are coming to Memphis in 2017, so keep your eyes peeled for new adventures in the 901. I can’t wait to explore even more places to add to this list. Enjoy!
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seven-oomen · 4 years
Lol, as someone who once gave a friend a 20 minute lecture on why she WOULDN’T like my then favorite anime (no really), I tend to not judge anyone else getting carried away about things.  And I have never really had any friends that watched/were interested in TW, so there’s a few years of suppressed enthusiasm that keeps boiling over into stream-of-consciousness text explosions (as you have seen.)  I’m just glad someone else is enjoying the insanity.
And don’t worry, it does feel very in character, and I genuinely didn’t expect any different from him right now (and it’s still plenty fluffy.)  But it wouldn’t be me reading a slow burn fic if I wasn’t internally screaming and about ready to reach into the story and shake one or more of the idiots involved.  The intense frustration just means the slow burn is doing exactly what it’s supposed to.  XD
I would say that I was sorry about causing workplace distractions, but frankly I would be lying.  Also, having given it more thought because my brain wouldn’t let me do otherwise, I decided that for full roleplay effect, it would have to be Noah as the elegant homeowner with the luscious maid, and Peter as the strong, self-assured Alpha cop who just wants to make sure the Omegas are properly “taken care of” (oh god, why can’t I stop…I seriously have NO IDEA where this came from…)
And I feel like Chris would be movie Morticia, because he’s more prone to drama in his wardrobe, whereas Noah would the less flashy (yet still attention grabbing) 60s TV Morticia.  (If Peter were to ever join in he’d totally have to wear the version Christina Ricci did a couple years back in order to maintain his title as King of the V-Neck)  Also, just for variety, and because I love the outfit, Melissa would be Lily Munster for contrast (I mean, Scott’s beta shift is totally Eddie Munster anyway, so it all checks out.)
I admit, I was pretty proud of the quilt thing when I thought of it.  It just really felt like something they would do for Peter after everything they’ve all been through.  Another random family thought; does Ben give Rabbit to one of his older siblings when they move away to college (or a group of them depending on where they go), or hand it down to a later one?  Because either one seems like the kind of thing he would do.  Do they make him and the other younger kids new patchwork wolf plushies out of the leftover scraps for Peter’s quilt, and throw in a few pieces from one of Peter’s shirts so everybody’s represented?  Does Malia ever have Peter teach her knitting or crochet so that she can make Kira a wolf fur scarf as a courting gift?  (Thinking about Hale Pack craft ideas makes me feel less guilty about all the craft projects I am not currently working on.)
That video was so precious!  Oh god my heart!  The huge paws and sad eyes and tiny little noises!  I imagine they eventually invest in one of those huge multi-room tents that they can just scatter with blankets and the most durable air mattresses they can find (those claws are sharp.)  They have a bunch of those family size sleeping bags for everybody to share.  Watching Peter cram his huge, fluffy bulk into one between his mates is endlessly entertaining to all, and occasionally borders on peak Moon Moon antics (yeah, he could just shift back, but then he’d have to like, put on pants and shit.) 
Also, not to drag everything back down to the gutter (as though I ever truly leave it), but speaking of running through the woods, do Chris and Noah ever combine their survival/nature abilities to plot out the quickest route to the Nemeton, talk Peter into going for “a walk”, then having Chris help provide a distraction while Noah gets some of the nearby tree roots to shift up and around Peter’s feet as stealthily as possible (like an adult version of the handcuffing Stiles to the desk thing), until he’s good and tethered, and then just being kinda like “catch us if you can” and hauling ass towards the Nemeton to see if they can get there before Peter breaks free and chases them down for, uh, “anniversary celebrations”, shall we call it?
Oh, and I keep forgetting, but I loved that whole thing a while back about Jackson being average Intelligence, but high Wisdom?  (And Charisma, let’s not forget that stat XD )  Ever since my friends and I played D&D back in college, “high Intelligence, low Wisdom” has been a recurring code phrase in our group that basically meant “highly educated, yet somehow still a complete idiot” (which, to be fair, does accurately describe a fair few of my friends), so I legit cackled at seeing it pop up to explain characters in TW.
I hope you’re feeling better after some sleep.  Those days when the focus is just gone and everything is just sort of fuzzy are terrible.  And really, don’t worry about how extensively you react to my nonsense.  One of my biggest worries when I start gushing about fandom and nerdery is that whoever my audience is will end up bored or overwhelmed or something, so knowing that others are enjoying it is plenty for me. :D
I’m still pretty scatterbrained today but my therapist said that it’s probably a combo of ADD, my trauma therapy and my brain trying to heal, and low B12 levels in the blood. Sleep did help though to clear it a little. 
Right now I’m calming myself down with Last of us Gameplay videos and some snacks because I had to go to the hospital today for getting blood drawn. My hormone levels need to be checked every three months for Hrt. And that ain’t stopping because of the pandemic. XD
So, yeah, I need a breather. But other than that, I’m having a pretty good day today.
And that does make me feel a lot better, knowing that the slow burn is doing its job ^^.  You can’t see me smile, but I’m smiling.
Noah as the elegant homeowner with the luscious maid, and Peter as the strong, self-assured Alpha cop who just wants to make sure the Omegas are properly “taken care of” (oh god, why can’t I stop…I seriously have NO IDEA where this came from…)
Please don’t stop, this is fucking golden.
I can just imagine Peter handcuffing Noah to the bed. (Noah can get out of them any time he wants, but he enjoys it far too much and plays along.) And he ropes Chris into undressing Noah and orders him to ‘take care of the master’s needs’. Of course, the poor innocent omega maid is extremely happy to do so. 
I like to imagine another favorite roleplay of them is a role reversal. With Chris as the ‘werewolf bitch in heat’ and Peter and Noah as the hunter couple who trains the wolf to be a good bitch and do their bidding. It’s all in good fun though, they have safe words just in case things get too real for any of them.
Not that the Omegas in this particular story have heats, I gave them a regular menstrual cycle like we have in humans. 
(As in this case Alpha/Omega is a metaphor for trans bodies and I created this universe as a universe where trans bodies are fully accepted and the norm. So a guy with a vagina isn’t a strange thing, it’s just an Omega male. I like to write universes like that because I am trans and it’s nice to see a world where I would be normal. Or well, you know, I hope you catch my drift. I don’t want to seem offensive. Or is it offensive if I give my opinion on things as a trans guy? idk... doesn’t matter.)
And I feel like Chris would be movie Morticia, because he’s more prone to drama in his wardrobe, whereas Noah would the less flashy (yet still attention grabbing) 60s TV Morticia.  (If Peter were to ever join in he’d totally have to wear the version Christina Ricci did a couple years back in order to maintain his title as King of the V-Neck)  Also, just for variety, and because I love the outfit, Melissa would be Lily Munster for contrast (I mean, Scott’s beta shift is totally Eddie Munster anyway, so it all checks out.)
I mean, I feel like this whole point I just sat there nodding like, yeah, no actually that’s a good point. Also, yeah Peter would defend his title as King of the V-neck. Have you seen his collar bones? They deserve to be out. And that little bit of chest hair that’s peeking out, that’s all carefully curated and maintained ok.
Another random family thought; does Ben give Rabbit to one of his older siblings when they move away to college (or a group of them depending on where they go), or hand it down to a later one?  Because either one seems like the kind of thing he would do.  Do they make him and the other younger kids new patchwork wolf plushies out of the leftover scraps for Peter’s quilt, and throw in a few pieces from one of Peter’s shirts so everybody’s represented?  Does Malia ever have Peter teach her knitting or crochet so that she can make Kira a wolf fur scarf as a courting gift?  
Absolutely. Ben gives Rabbit to Allison when she goes off to college because he feels like his sister might need him the most. After all, she’s going to Stanford (Like her dad Peter) to study Psychology (or maybe Biochem?) and Lydia is going to MIT to study mathematics. So they’ll be apart for a while. And she definitely needs Rabbit.
Jackson is going to Stanford (or maybe Berkely) to study Criminal law or maybe Economics? (Peter studied business law at Stanford, Jackson seems like he might follow or do a variation of ‘the Hale family business (Law))
Scott would go to Community college I feel and study veterinary medicine. (He doesn’t seem to be the type to get into a top university.)
I feel like Malia could get into a university, but she would probably choose community college and study electrical engineering or mechanical engineering. Idk why but I def see Malia as someone who could open up their own auto repair shop.
Stiles gets into law enforcement like his dad. Either by joining the police or like in canon, he joins the FBI.
Kira gets into nursing school and follows in Melissa’s footsteps to become a nurse, she works in pediatrics.
Isaac goes to community college and studies behavioral or developmental psychology and starts working with abused and troubled youth.
I’m not sure about Erica, Boyd, Liam, Theo, Mason, Corey, or Hayden though.
The older kids do make Ben a new plushie though, as well as plushies for the twins and the youngest sibling. And they scrape together all these pieces of clothing, some of Peter’s shirts and turn them into little wolf plushies for the kids.
And Malia definitely does, she has Peter teaching her how to knit, how to crochet, how to carve wood. She’s very crafty like her dad and takes to it with ease. She makes Kira all sorts of things, scarves, mittens, a beanie, a sweater, a quilt, a blanket. Honestly, Kira never has to run out of things that can keep her warm. And she adores Malia for it.
That video was so precious!  Oh god my heart!  The huge paws and sad eyes and tiny little noises!  I imagine they eventually invest in one of those huge multi-room tents that they can just scatter with blankets and the most durable air mattresses they can find (those claws are sharp.)  They have a bunch of those family size sleeping bags for everybody to share.  Watching Peter cram his huge, fluffy bulk into one between his mates is endlessly entertaining to all, and occasionally borders on peak Moon Moon antics (yeah, he could just shift back, but then he’d have to like, put on pants and shit.)
And I know right! It’s so adorable, I just melted. And they definitely do,  they buy a huge tent and fill it with either durable air mattresses or those sleeping mats you can get for camping. And a lot of sleeping bags and pillows. In enclosed spaces, Peter goes full moon moon. Malia keeps a Tumblr of all the pictures of her dad wolfing out and dorking about. She tells everyone on Tumblr her family runs a wolf rescue and this is just her dads and the Alpha of the pack that bonded. People buy it because it’s Tumblr, why wouldn’t two gay dads run a wolf rescue?
EIther that or people are convinced werewolves are real and moon moon because a new synonym for werewolf. They start sending Malia requests for more moon moon antics.
Also, not to drag everything back down to the gutter (as though I ever truly leave it), but speaking of running through the woods, do Chris and Noah ever combine their survival/nature abilities to plot out the quickest route to the Nemeton, talk Peter into going for “a walk”, then having Chris help provide a distraction while Noah gets some of the nearby tree roots to shift up and around Peter’s feet as stealthily as possible (like an adult version of the handcuffing Stiles to the desk thing), until he’s good and tethered, and then just being kinda like “catch us if you can” and hauling ass towards the Nemeton to see if they can get there before Peter breaks free and chases them down for, uh, “anniversary celebrations”, shall we call it?
These boys live for the chase. And they know just how to get Peter distracted enough. It involves Chris, a make-out session, and some uh, advanced distraction tactics on his knees. Noah absolutely binds Peter to a tree and two haul ass over to the Nemeton where Peter catches Chris and has his way with him while bending him over the stump. That’s actually how he ends up getting pregnant again. (Although it is somewhat planned, they’d been trying for a few months anyway.) But yeah, it’s definitely an anniversary thing.
And a birthday thing. Actually, I think it’s also a roleplay thing. They’d definitely enjoy all of it.
God I love these conversations ^^ <3
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