#omegaverse questions
lords-of-mayhem · 5 months
Ultimate Omegaverse Questions/Ask Game
Here's a list of tons of omegaverse centered questions with the aim of letting you further explore the universe and build it your own way. Feel free to use this as an ask game, a reference sheet, etc. Please just do not repost without credit. (I also apologize if any of these are rephrased versions of each other <3)
How similar to wolves are they in your world? Can they shift? If so, how much? Is it voluntary or involuntary?
Do betas exist in your world?
If betas exist, what roles do they play? How are they seen by alphas? Omegas? What is expected of them as a whole?
Do betas date alphas, omegas, and/or other betas? Is there any stigma around a beta dating an alpha or omega?
How long do ruts last? Heats? How often are they? Are they debilitating or manageable? Does it depend on the person?
Are people's presentations known at birth or do they have to present?
If they present, when do most people present? Is it easy to tell what someone will be beforehand?
Is there a stigma around alphas? If so, what does it look like? How are they viewed? What's the role they're expected to play?
Is there a stigma around omegas? If so, what does it look like? How are they viewed? What's the role they're expected to play?
Are alphas and omegas discouraged from spending time together? Are they encouraged to?
Are arranged partnerships a thing in your world? Does everyone have one or just certain people? How is the arrangement decided?
Do alphas court their omegas? If so, give an example of what this might look like. Do omegas court their alphas? If so, give an example of what this might look like.
In a beta x alpha/omega pairing, is courting involved? If so, which way does it go? Does that change based on if they're with an omega or alpha?
Do betas have a scent? If so, how strong is it? Does their scent change based on any factors?
Is the "alpha voice" a thing? If so, does it work? Are the results consistent or do they depend? Is it possible for omegas/betas to ignore it? Is it accepted socially or looked down on?
Conversely, does an omega equivalent of this exist?
What is omega anatomy like in your universe? Do omegas have a penis, a vagina, or something else? Does it depend on the omega?
What is alpha anatomy like in your universe? Do female alphas have a penis? Can alphas knot outside of sex? Can they do it outside of rut?
Can omegas get pregnant outside of heat or do they have to be in it?
Are there physical differences between an alpha and an omega? Height, voice, build, etc.?
Who generally makes up a pack? Family, friends, a mate, etc? Does this change throughout a person's life? What's the dynamic usually like? Is one person more "in charge"?
Is preheat/prerut a thing? How long does it last? What are the usual symptoms?
Is it possible to be trans? (A person born an omega who identifies as an alpha, for example.) If so, is it accepted?
Do heat and rut suppressants exist? If so, are they accessible? Is there a stigma around them? Are there any limits to how long someone can use them? Do they have any negative side effects?
Are male omegas able to get pregnant? Impregnate?
Are female alphas able to get pregnant? Impregnate?
Is a person's presentation random or based on genetics? Do certain families have a higher rate of alphas/omegas/etc?
Are alpha x alpha and omega x omega pairings a thing? How common are they? Is this accepted? Is one accepted more than the other?
What roles are associated with being an omega? An alpha?
Is polyamory a thing in your universe? Is it common? Is it stigmatized?
Are people able to have more than one mate over a lifetime? Can a person get "divorced" for instance? Is the process easy or difficult?
Is it expected that pairings will have pups?
What does the mating process look like?
What kind of scents are typically associated with omegas?
What kind of scents are typically associated with alphas?
If betas have a scent, what kind of scents are typically associated with them?
Do soulmates exist in your universe? If so, how are they identified? Does everyone have one? Is it possible to fall in love with someone who isn't your soulmate? If so, how does it work?
Do alphas tend to be more dominant or submissive? What about omegas? Betas?
Do omegas nest? If so, what's usually included in the nest? How often do they do it?
Do alphas or betas nest as well? If so, what's usually included in theirs and how often do they do it?
Do alphas get aggressive with one another? If so, how common is it? Is it looked down on or just accepted as normal? Are there certain things that cause it?
Is it hard for alphas and omegas to ignore their instincts? What do they usually give into the most?
How do the different presentations usually treat one another? Are they condescending? Kind? Are there certain things they expect from the other presentations?
Are mates treated as equals? Is one mate considered more in charge than the other? If so, which one? What does this look like in daily life?
Do omegas have friends who are alphas? Is this normal or looked down on? Does it change once one or both people are in a relationship? Is it more socially accepted for alphas to be friends with omegas or for omegas to be friends with alphas?
Are there drugs to induce heat/ruts? What are they used for? Are they accessible?
Is it common for friends to help out with heats or ruts? If so, in what ways? Just taking care of them or the sexual part as well?
Are alphas, betas, or omegas better with pups? Are they equally good with them?
Is casual sex/one night stands common? Are they looked down on or are they accepted?
Is there any service to hire an alpha/omega for sex? Is it more common to hire alphas or omegas? Is sex work accepted?
Is there any service to match people for heats/ruts? Is it common? Is it accepted?
Do packs have to approve of the alpha/omega that their packmate is seeing?
Is physical affection common between friends? Is it more common with one presentation than another?
Are alphas and omegas raised differently than each other? If so, how are alphas raised? How are omegas? How are betas?
Can an omega's heat trigger an alpha's rut? Another omega's heat? Can an alpha's rut trigger an omega's heat? Another alpha's rut?
What are the symptoms of a rut?
What are the symptoms of a heat?
What traits/instincts do alphas have?
What traits/instincts do omegas have?
What traits/instincts do betas have?
Can an omega produce slick outside of their heat?
Are there more alphas or omegas? Or an even-ish amount? If there are betas in your universe, how many are there?
Are alphas rare? Are female alphas rare? If so, are female alphas seen as more desirable?
Are omegas rare? Are male omegas rare? If so, are male omegas seen as more desirable?
Does mating (claiming someone as your mate) have to be consensual? If not, how does that work?
How much control does a person have over their mate?
Do different emotions change how someone smells? Does sickness? Pregnancy?
Does a person smell different when they're mated versus when they're single?
Do people's scents mix with their partner's? If so, how long does it take? How long does it take to go away once they break up?
What kind of birth control options are available in your world?
Do omegas' heat cycles sync up? Do alphas' ruts?
Can an omega's heat sync up with an alpha's rut? Does this happen only when the pair are dating/together or does it happen to anyone in close proximity?
Are restrooms/locker rooms based off of presentation or gender?
Do dorms allow alphas and omegas to room together? Do they allow alphas and omegas to room with betas?
Is it common for platonic alphas and omegas to live together?
Are there weddings in your universe? Is a wedding different from a mating? (For example, can a couple be married but not mated?)
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lesservillain · 8 months
I know there are like scent blockers but are there like...perfumes or pheromones that make your scent smell different and like someone/something else?
I truly don't know how "canon" the perfumes and things are, but one of my fave omegaverse manhwa's had them in it and from my understanding they either enhance a person's natural scent OR they can make someone smell like a specific second gender. like an alpha wearing an omega pheromone perfume could potentially mask their alpha smell if the perfume was strong enough! definitely could make for some...interesting scenarios ;)
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cl0wn-c0re · 1 year
Hey pals this is going to be a very weird question but how do i describe sfw omegaverse to my friend (we are both asexual and we wanna make an au with it but like she knows absolutely nothing about omegaverse and I don’t want to explain nsfw topics to her since we usually have sfw topics for our aus im not here to scar our friend) please help thank you -Lyla
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rat-hand · 2 years
If lube was used in the Omegaverse would they need a water or oil based one???
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inexplicifics · 1 month
Can I get a snippet from Cats among Wolves #2 if you're still doing the game pls?
Have some Cedric and Axel being extremely worried about each other!
“His name’s Eskel,” Axel murmurs in Cedric’s ear, curling as close as he can without putting any weight on Cedric. “He says we’re welcome at Kaer Morhen.” Cedric nods and flicks his fingers in a quick question. What price? Axel glances over at Eskel, who is apparently focused on his horse’s hooves. “He says the price is helping with chores and not hurting anyone.” Bullshit, Cedric signs. “Yeah, I know, but you’re already doing better, Ced.” Not worth your pain, Cedric insists. Axel scowls down at his mate. “If they can heal you, it’s worth anything,” he hisses.
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umemiyan · 3 months
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this is for anyone who would like to throw themselves and their f/o(s) into the omegaverse for some fun! there are of course no set rules when it comes to the verse, so do whatever you like and don’t worry about it being “correct!” also, given the suggestive and nsfw nature of it all, this is for adults only, so mdni.
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1. what roles do you and your f/o fall into (alpha/beta/omega/etc.)? what’s the dynamic like between you?
2. are there any obstacles when it comes to your roles with each other and/or in society?
3. what scent does your f/o produce, if any?
4. what scent do you produce, if any?
5. if applicable, where are your favorite places to scent one another?
6. what are the telltale signs of one or both of you going into a heat/rut?
7. what are you like during a heat/rut? how long does it last? how offen does it occur?
8. what is your f/o like during a heat/rut? how long does it last? how often does it occur?
9. how do you and your f/o deal with a heat/rut? does one trigger the other?
10. have you or your f/o ever taken any form of suppressant/medication? are you currently taking any?
11. when did you first “present”? did everyone always know what you were, or was it a surprise?
12. when did your f/o first “present”? did everyone always know what they were, or was it a surprise?
13. are you and your f/o considered officially “mated” or “bonded”? if so, how and when did it happen? are there physical marks involved?
14. what was the worst time or strangest place you or your f/o went into a heat/rut? how did you handle it?
15. to what degree are you possessive of one another and/or aggressive towards others?
16. what physical/sex characteristics are involved (things such as knots/reproductive organs/slick/etc.)? how does this affect the experience?
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goddessofroyalty · 5 months
Zoro "I need to fight Sanji to keep from stealing Sanji"
That's exactly the logic of his dumb little hindbrain that keeps taking the wheel every time it gets a sufficient sniff of Sanji's omega scent to wake up and get involved in decision making.
Of course those dumb little hindbrain instincts then get ""rationalized"" by Zoro into two better but still very unhelpful thoughts of:
Sanji is my rival that needs to be Competed against at every opportunity in order to ensure I am never stagnating in my goals of becoming a better swordsman
Goading Sanji is so great because then I get to have his full attention on me :)
At no point does he connect it to those funny little alpha instincts and would argue with anyone who suggests that what he's doing is Alpha Posturing against the most misguided target. Because this has nothing to do with him being an alpha (and Sanji an omega) and everything to do with the dumb cook being so quick to fire up about stupid things and also being one of the few on the crew who Zoro can go all out against without worrying about hurting.
Sanji is not one of the people who are aware of what's actually causing this behaviour in Zoro. So he is 100% responding to the challenges as a Challenge he's not going to let slide because like hell is he going to let This Alpha get away with.
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nuwildcat · 2 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: KinnPorsche: The Series (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Porsche Pachara Kittisawat/Kinn Anakinn Theerapanyakun Characters: Porsche Pachara Kittisawat, Kinn Anakinn Theerapanyakun, Porchay Pichaya Kittisawat, Khun Tankhun Theerapanyakun, Mama Theerapanyakul, Big (KinnPorsche: The Series), Korn Theerapanyakun Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alternate Universe, Alpha Porsche Pachara Kittisawat, Alpha Kinn Anakinn Theerapanyakun, Scenting, Pack Dynamics, Brotherly Love, It’s got both Porsche and Chay in it so of course that’s there, feral Alpha, Feral Behavior, Porsche and Chay start a business, It goes surprisingly well, Dynamic Therapy, Is that a thing, i’m making it a thing, Porsche as an alpha tamer, Mama Theerapanyakul is thinking about keeping Chay, Protective Kinn Anakinn Theerapanyakun, Possessive Kinn Anakinn Theerapanyakun, Explicit Sexual Content, Dirty Talk, Kinn’s canon big dick, Power Dynamics, Frottage, Bad Flirting, Let’s be honest neither Kinn nor Porsche really have moves Summary:
Porsche takes a deep breath and then lets it and his scent out, his pheromones swirling through the unknown alphas, soothing ruffled instincts. This is part of what makes Porsche so good at his job. His scent is like metaphorical catnip to other alphas, a quirk that had not been the most enjoyable in high school.
The growls and hisses in the room quiet down, and Porsche wonders if the situation is really as bad as he was told.
A loud bang has him jumping back, putting his back to the far wall as his heart thumps wildly. A snarl follows it, making all the hairs on Porsche’s arms stand up. Oh fuck. He fights down the terror that the noise fills him with and forces his legs to move, backing down the hall.
His guide is still there, staring at him with eyes wide with shock.
“Okay, that’s a really bad case,” Porsche admits.
“I can’t tell if you’re a moron or the bravest person I’ve ever met.”
Porsche turns to the other man and smiles, “Bit of both if I’m honest.”
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i-drop-level-one-loot · 3 months
Alright, so I've been drunk since yesterday, and came across a video, now I've got a question for the mpreg community-
How do they give birth?
Is it like, hyenas? Or out their ass holes, like in in that universe the anus is more like a cloaca? Or do they just, do you just have magic explanations? Like Fairly Odd Parents wish it out, or JJBA wake up with an egg?
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the-genius-az · 5 months
hey bestie!
i've been seeing SO much Omega!Azula stuff and im like 🤨 /j
SOOOOOO.... do you have any tyzula head canons for Alpha!Azula and Omega!Ty Lee
Thanks for the question, Amor!
When they had sleepovers, Ty Lee would grab Azula's clothes and make a nest, the little Alpha would just accept it.
They both gave each other kisses when they were children.
Ty Lee thought that the Omegas could also make a mark on the Alphas, so before leaving for the circus she bit Azula on the shoulder.
After meeting again, Azula and Ty Lee filled the other with their pheromones.
They are both very jealous and dependent on each other.
Mai always had to wear earplugs so she wouldn't hear her friends fucking.
Maybe they both accidentally marked each other while in heat/rut, but didn't tell anyone.
Ty Lee is the horniest between the two, she is always rubbing her beloved Alpha.
Azula is turned on when Ty Lee calls her "My Alpha."
After the betrayal, Azula no longer felt the bond between them.
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slicedblackolives · 1 month
do you think in omegaverse cancer is a lot less deadly because everyone can smell it like dogs and it gets detected pretty early 90% of time?
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lesservillain · 8 months
Is your scent a constant thing? Ive seen some people say that you release your scent around, but others it's a constant like a perfume around someone but they can release more?
so I always preface saying that omegaverse is free range rules and everyone's interpretation is different but...
alphas and omegas always have a scent about them, and the scent can mean different things. both second genders can smell the scents of other alphas and omegas. usually if a scent cant be detected it's because that alpha or omega is mated/bonded so only their mate can smell them. this is like a natural deterrent to keep other alphas and omegas away.
when an alpha scents and it tends to either be a way to intimidate another alpha or it can be used to make an omega submissive. when an omega scents, it's usually to attract alphas.
there are also scent glands, typically on the back of the neck, on the inner wrists, and sometimes on the inner thighs that can be rubbed on any of the genders as a temporary marking. this tends to be done by couples who are not bonded yet but want to make it known they are taken.
i dont know how canon it is, but i have seen fics with pheromone perfumes that make it to where an alpha or omega's natural scent is enhanced. these tend to set of a partner or whatever opposite second gender is around making the wearer more appealing.
it's also good to note that beta's cannot smell any of these scents. they walk around completely oblivious to all the smells around them lol
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homoqueerjewhobbit · 4 months
Imagine if like the omegaverse was real, in that secret werewolf society urban fantasy way, in our universe rn. And a cis dude gets pregnant and has to explain to his friends over and over, "Yeah, I'm an omega. Yeah, the thing from the supernatural fanfic is actually real. Yeah, I do know that's not how wolf packs are actually organized in the wild."
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inexplicifics · 1 month
Could you give a snippit from J/W please?
Have some very old Jaskier/Wolves omegaverse!
Eskel almost walks right past the heap of clothing beside the road - it gives him nightmares later, that he almost walks past. It’s cold, and late, and he’s weary as only a long season on the Path can render a witcher, and he’s only thinking of the clearing a furlong ahead, the one all the Wolf witchers use on the way to Kaer Morhen, with the hill that shelters it from the wind and the stream right nearby. He’s not paying attention to anything but the misery of the cold rain and the way Scorpion is maybe starting to limp, which is why he’s walking instead of riding. He only just barely hears the heartbeat. He stops - thank the gods, he stops. He stops, and he looks at the heap of dull fabric - he’d thought a lost cloak, perhaps, nothing more than that - and realizes, with a sort of horrid shock, that it’s a person. A person curled into a tight ball beneath their cloak, as still as death, only that faint heartbeat enough to prove that they still live.
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soaps-mohawk · 3 months
Hi! I'm new to the whole omegaverse thing so I'm sorry about my questions.
1)In packs like reader's where she got introduced to them, are the guys attracted to her simply because of their statuses and because she became a member of the pack? Or does it work with physical attraction and personality traits like in our world?
2) Since Ghost has claimed Soap and John has claimed Gaz, are their bonds stronger than John's and Soap's for example?
Thank you so much for your time! Like I said this is new to me so I am trying to understand it:')
Don't apologize for the questions 🥺 I'm always happy to explain things
I'm going to be explaining things as how they work in my fic, though everyone kind of does things differently.
So 1. It's kind of both?? So, speaking in general here omegas are kind of coveted for the status they give packs for having one. It's seen as a desired addition to packs so alphas can do the "hey look at me, I'm superior because I have an omega in my pack" and that's kind of why there's such a drive for omegas to be claimed so quickly once they reach the legal age to be claimed, and why there's such an emphasis in institutes on obey and be submissive to your alpha and pack.
And of course there's that natural drive for alphas to be attracted to omegas since they're kind of the perfect pairing, and genetically there's that drive to mate. Throw in heats (which only affect alphas) and that kind of adds onto the desire they feel towards omegas.
And third, yes physical attraction and personality do play a role in it. In less decent packs it won't. They care more about having an omega that is submissive that they can show off (think trophy wife). In the case of the 141 pack, and other more decent packs, attraction does play a role in things. As we saw in the fic, things were partially pushed by necessity for the initiative and experiment, but also for those feelings to really develop for all of them, it took time and getting to know one another before they started to feel that attraction and desire.
So yeah, it is kind of all of them at once, though it kind of depends on the situation when it comes to which is the driving force behind the attraction.
And 2, in a way yes, since they have those claiming bonds. Their natural instinct will be to go to their claimed alpha before anyone, but that doesn't mean the relationships with the others isn't strong as well just as a pack in general. Just like with the reader, she's going to seek out John first because he is her alpha, but as we've seen, if Simon is the one there in the immediate vicinity, she will go to him.
Honestly the reader would go to any member in the pack that's closest, but in the case of needing an alpha, she'd be driven to seek out John first, but Simon would meet that need if John is not around.
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i love the rise of intersex male omegas for a/b/o aus now bc although i've always loved the genre i'll be honest the anal birth has squicked me out in the past
but i feel like this version of the au tends to gloss over Presentation as a thing or otherwise make it so that the pussy just like. Appears. which is fine. but i think kind of an untapped potential of a/b/o in general is in the gender fuckery of it, and like the fact that male omegas and female alphas have more or less the same deal down there
so i propose that until puberty, it could be that female alphas and male omegas are entirely the same- treated as their own neutral gender bc no one can tell if they'll end up alpha or omega until puberty hits and the hormones make the relevant changes
like you could do so much there?? like the usual 'well OBVIOUSLY im going to be an alpha wait what im an omega?' but also the potential 'people were so sure i was gonna be an alpha that they used feminine pronouns for me even before i presented and the change to masculine has me feeling Some Sort Of Way (positive or negative)' or 'people aren't treating me neutrally anymore and i don't care for it' or 'yeah im glad im an omega but i was hoping i'd get to be a woman' or 'i've hit puberty but people still can't tell if im an alpha or an omega. What Do'
like a/b/o has so much gender you could be doing with it (literally as a trans guy who wants to be pregnant some day i think it's genuinely helped me to come to terms with that) but i feel like people still end up with a dichotomy of gender when you could be doing So Much More
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