#omg im such a yapper
attineilde · 26 days
KEVIN DAY THAT BITCH KNOWS EXACTLY WHAT HES DOING (being all flirty and leaning in close and whispering things like "it could be our secret" and giving false hope)
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choccy-milky · 19 days
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seb vs. clora's Childhood Friend™️ 😇🥰 ((from my new chap! ao3/wattpad))
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uwabbittuwabbit · 4 months
Ummmm mediaeval au??????? A little hint maybe.... ( If you're ok with it ofc!)
WOAUGH ok let me be brief (1/100000)... The gist is Marc is a saint blessed by god with a healing factor far exceeding that of a regular man (sidenote: he does have stigmata and occasionally premonitions). So he's sent away to an Italian monastery for his own good, to prevent his sainthood being exploited by people who do not have his best interests at heart and to become properly god fearing. Well Marc is properly MISERABLE because he's in a foreign country away from his family and UCCIO is the abbot (guess who the main proprietor is. Actually you don't need to) and as is canonical in every conceivable universe, Uccio hates Marc's guts and hates him even more for acting out, which he does often; his favorite activity is sneaking out to the stables and taking horses out for rides. Consequentially Marc is sentenced to the ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPT MINES where he has to do the worst possible thing for Marc Marquez: transcribe holy texts hunched over for hours while trying not to die from the boredom. Marc KNOWS that the monastery life is not for him and will not help him fulfill the mysterious purposes that God bestowed upon him, this is not the suffering he anticipated for but he stays because he desperately wants to be good so much even as its tearing him away from his intended path. The monastery is actually like, the lord of the land Valentino Rossi's little training camp where the monks are supposed to be instilled with loyalty towards him and are trained in arts such as riding and swordplay. It's also where he keeps a majority of his wealth to keep a low profile through bestowing donations to the monastery that is then put into land purchases and the like (so, money laundering) and a majority of his intelligence (confessional is a very valuable resource for information) comes through the illuminated manuscripts. Marc isn't allowed to work on those particular ones unless it's to make maps which Uccio reluctantly allows because he is very good at it. Marc falls immediately in love with Vale when he visits to consult with Uccio or whatever and since he's in a good mood he wants to go racing with the boys :) Everyone immediately runs to the stables to prepare because it's been so long since Vale has had time for them, he's been so busy what with Luca in Rome and all. Marc typically isn't allowed to ride with the boys though, he's so inundated with transcription work and he doesn't even have his own horse-- so he's about to go back to finishing his manuscript in despair when Vale catches him. He asks why Marc isn't going out with the rest of them; this is a contest for all of the boys and offers Marc his OWN horse to ride. Imagine, if you will, Vale handing Marc the reins to his majestic steed, winking at him roguishly to say that he knows that Marc will take good care of her. Marc is absolutely gone. Everyone else is disappointed of course that Vale isn't racing but they're intrigued as to what the relatively anonymous new recruit, who hasn't really been seen outside of the cloisters, will do with Valentino's horse. Vale has allowed the other boys to sit astride upon her of course, but they had never managed to eke out what Valentino managed, the sharp turns and the sheer speed. She is an excellent horse but Valentino is an even better horseman, this is known. Well, Marc completely destroys the competition. He rides like a star shot down from heaven, Vale's face breaking out into this enigmatic smile during the course of the entire event. Afterwards Marc thinks that Valentino congratulating him will be the last he sees of him and he's SICK he has to go back to manuscripts after having a taste of the life he has always wanted. He starts (crazily) to write love letters to Vale in the margins of his manuscripts, letters he knows Valentino will never read. But a couple of months later Uccio tells Marc that he has his own horse now, and a few days after that Valentino comes round inquiring about the best horseman and navigator at the monastery and whether or not he is up to joining him on pilgrimage to Rome...
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neurosses · 2 days
unsure if i should just send in the title or something else along with it but: aluminium cowboy! i would love to see anything about it, im very excited at the prospect of a lynch brothers longfic
THANK YOU FOR INDULGING ME AND PICKING 1 OUT OF 1 OPTIONS 💙💙💙 In my defense, I really do work on one WIP at a time if I can help it . . .
As for AC: HM! Well, something people might find surprising is that it there are a TON of TD3 characters in it and is thematically very twisted up in TD3 concepts and lore. Characters like Carmen Farooq-Lane, Bryde, Liliana, and (OF COURSE) the great Jordan Hennessys all touch the narrative in various ways. I think the TD3 particularly meaningfully delves into the loneliness and confusion of young adulthood whereas TRC is more about the teenage experience (not so coincidentally, AC is rated E). Certain ideas from TRC do permeate into the narrative, but it's very much a Dreamer Trilogy story.
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Getting re-obsessed over Two Embers cause it was supposed to be out by now.
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getonite · 2 months
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jjk 256:
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us right after this: ( x2 cuz he's def packing 2 )
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keeksandgigz · 5 months
2, 3, 9 and 21 💖💖
hi tori baby i love u <3
2- tell me about your first kiss
the only validation of my queerness is that i had my first kiss with a woman when i was 15 (and she was 18 womp womp), but she made fun of me because i kissed like a fourth grader :|
3- what playlists do you have on your phone?
im on my laptop rn but i don't listen to playlists often, i'd much rather just listen to a full album like a psychopath
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i like to make playlist for whenever i go on vacation, it's a little tradition i started when me and my bf started going abroad for the summer, im originally italian and he's british so we kinda just go there to visit family :))) and my cool girl playlist is actually just songs that make me feel cool (as a deeply uncool person) <3
9- make a confession
oh my god ive been put on the spot, but uhhh for the longest time between season four coming out and like september of last year i remember faking being deeply repulsed by eddie munson because he was deemed 'cringe'
21- a song that evokes a good memory
ooo i think it's 'my favorite part' by mac miller and ariana grande, just because it reminds me of a really happy time in my life and slipping through my fingers but specifically the mamma mia version because it makes me think about my mommy and i miss her a lot sometimes (she's still with us btw i just live far because of school)
be nosy hehe
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heartfullofleeches · 1 month
just imagine the first time they meet is like, darling just moving in and introducing themselves and bringing cookies or something.
reader: hi! im your new neighbor! i just wanted to introduce myself, i hope we can be friends! also i brought you some cookies. they're chocolate chip and sugar cookies- omg wait are you [insert stage name] from [group name]!? im such a big fan of your music! i got all the old albums blah blah yop yap...
catman dilf yan: ....yeah im in love with you already-
idk why but i see golden retrievers as big yappers
In true cat fashion, Dilf Catman is a lil annoyed by Reader at first. It takes like a day or two for Reader to realize who he is/was when he moves in, but they make their love for the grouo known from the very beginning. He finds them cute, but wouldn't want to drag down an energetic spirit like them with how dull his life has become. As the weeks past he yearns for their company more and more-
Golden Retriever Reader: The saddest part is I only got to go to one of their shows before the group separated. It's pretty embarrassing now, but I started crying when I finally met him. I think he felt sorry for me because he gave me his vest to remember him by. It still smells like him.... Actually, it kinda smells like-
[The Catman quickly gathers his mail and rushes back inside his home. He watches Reader from his window as they sulk off back in the direction of their place - rummaging through his storage closet for more of his old clothes once they're gone]
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de4dlyniightshade · 5 months
ilysm and ur writing omg mamas (u have no idea who I am #parasocialrelationshipcore) BUT im like A SUPER FAN ☝️😫 anyway, ma'am, i had a sudden deep and absolutely CARNAL need inside of me- and how better to solve that emptiness with your headcanons?? 😍 OKAY, so the vision was like basically how spencer would act if you like praised something about him a lot like you emphasize it sm, YK? like say u said his lips were pretty or like his style is *chef's kiss* LIKE HOW WOULD HE REACT TO THIS INFORMATION?!! DOES HE THINK ABT IT OR IS HE COCKY OR WHAT? i need this man on a scary level omfg I'm so down baddddd THE D IS FIRE! also UGH i love your headcanons like they're literally my thoughts except like they're BETTER. que yummi (sorry for allat btw I'm a yapper if u couldn't alr tell)
idk who you are but i love you. you seem so fun and sweet pls kiss me on the mouth.
also! HIS LIPS!!! YOURE SO REAL FOR THAT!!!(i have to go with his lips. they're so gorgeous.)
would probably think you're making fun of him at first bcs he doesn't get compliments often or he thinks you're just saying it to be nice so he'd just be like "thanks:]" with his silly white boy smile.
when you continue saying stuff like "i'm so jealous of your lips spencer, they're so pretty, it's not fair" he realises that you're actually serious and actually complimenting him and gets all bashful about it.
studies his lips in the mirror to see what you're seeing but just doesn't understand why you're so obsessed with them, to him they're just his lips that he's always had.
gets teased to death by derek about it, derek mocking your compliments in a high pitched voice and making kissy faces at spencer.
looks forward to your compliments every day for a little confidence boost and when you're not there for whatever reason he doesn't know what to even do with himself.
ofc you don't just compliment his lips, most of the time it is but you also tell him how good his hair looks when he gets a haircut or if you notice a new tie you make sure to mention it, the way he shyly thanks you for noticing making your whole week.
drunkenly telling him how kissable his lips are is inevitable for sure and when you do he doesn't even know how to answer you, just sitting with his mouth agape staring at you with big wide eyes and red cheeks.
when you randomly ask him if your compliments make him uncomfortable he can't answer you fast enough, immediately telling you that they don't and mumbling that he actually likes them which makes you raise your brow at him.
the knowledge that he likes your compliments only makes you do it even more, making it your mission to have him blushing and flustered at every chance you get.
loves your jokey compliments, like telling him he has a nice ass or something bcs it makes him laugh.
in conclusion, spencer is a compliment WHORE.
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sttoru · 1 month
I can't stop thinking about blind reader with satoru. Satoru is someone who has six eyes, and also can sense things from far away, which means, his senses are heightened
For blind reader, it isn't the case. She is someone who met gojo when gojo saw her as a teacher, teaching braille [language for blind people] in a school of disabled people.
He is interested by her and tries to help her walking, trying to flex or show his god complex, trying to get praise from but she Immediately wacks him with her walking stick and says "I am blind, not dumb, I can take care of myself" she walks away, leaving gojo feeling a bit guilty that he sees her as someone who is disabled and not her as a person who has a personality beyond being disabled
He tries to then interact with her, giving her sweets, telling her stories (as the yapper he is) and she listens to everything patiently and forms a connection with him and gojo finds her strong and beautiful.
He then confesses and there is this scene where she says "I may not see you, but I can see your soul, who is ever so kind, playful and beautiful" and with tears they kisss hehehehhehehe
I just was giggling with how fluffy this is
i am literally clutching my chest . I WILL DIEEEEEEEE 😞😞 their love story would be so super adorable oh my god nonnie u need to become a fanfic writer asap helloooooo i would love to read this???
a long one shot or even a series would EAAAAAATTTT im so enabling u to become a writer if you arent already (and if only u have the time and motivation to) bcs im drooling over thisssss . satoru with his oversensitive eyesight and a blind reader…. the trope omg so good 🍽️🍽️
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tinycoffeeroom · 3 months
thank god for bikes | arthurtv
inspired by @mrstelevision 🤍
face claim: steph bohrer ♡
request: here !
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📍 london
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liked by gkbarry, max_balegde, and 98,302 others
y/nsworld about last night ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
view all 3,392 comments
user1 i'm in love with you
gkbarry cant believe i didn't even get photo creds ↳ y/nsworld please forgive my sins oh great gkbarry
user2 y/n!! i think the guys u mentioned on ur twt was george clarke and arthurtv!! arthur posted on twt about george getting hit by a bike on a wall!! ↳ y/nsworld !! let me check his twt <3
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liked by y/nsworld, wroetoshaw and 29,492 others
arthurtv first pic taken moments before disaster (at least this one won't leave a scar)
georgeclarkeey don't know what was worse, the bike ptsd or you dribbling down your shirt ↳ arthurtv your mum doesn't mind my dribbling ↳ y/nsworld the dribbling was funnier to watch tbh ↳ georgeclarkeey take that mr television
gkbarry i didn't even notice it was you guys hiding in the corner ↳ georgeclarkeey just wanted some alone time with my boyfriend x ↳ arthurtv stop telling people i'm your boyfriend!!
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👤 max_balegde liked by max_balegde, arthurtv and 38,028 others
y/nsworld wine in coffee cups and classic literature in a park, my idea of heaven ꕤ
max_balegde got home off my head and now andrews mad i've ruined dinner plans ↳ y/nsworld andrew baby im so sorry :( ↳ andrew_spanndy could never blame you xx ↳ max_balegde god just date her already wooooow
gkbarry regret introducing the two of you, my poor ears will never recover from this ↳ y/nsworld thats your fault for putting two professional yappers together xx
arthurtv pretty sure that's bride you're reading... wouldn't call werewolf smut classic literature ↳ y/nsworld and how do YOU know what's in the book? 🤨
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👤 arthur_tv, max_balegde liked by y/nsworld, arthurnfhill and 30,395 others
georgeclarkeey totally normal photo to promote the newest useless hotline ep x
max_balegde rip my purple crocs... can't believe y/n stole them right off my feet... ↳ user2 !!! y/n at the arthurtv podcast recording?? my y/ntv senses are tingling ↳ user3 i'm pretty sure she was there bc her and max are friends... ♥️ y/nsworld ↳ user2 they've never randomly had their friends at recordings, dw you'll join the y/ntv cult soon
📍 ibiza
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👤 georgeclarkeey, chrismd, arthurnfhill liked by arthurnfhill, y/nsworld and 45,028 others
arthurtv thank you spotify for inviting us out! (photo cred: y/nsworld)
user2 i am going to scream from the rooftops, y/ntv'ers unite!!
y/nsworld should receive compensation for having to look at george's bare grippers the entire weekend ↳ arthurtv will bring round some wine this weekend ↳ y/nsworld good boy ↳ user2 ... y'all are fucking with me atp
📍 ibiza
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liked by arthurtv, gkbarry and 83,028 others
y/nsworld beach bum 𓇼
gkbarry happiness looks so good on you ↳ y/nsworld i love the bones of you
user2 !! WHO TOOK THE PHOTO I FEEL INSANE ↳ y/nsworld my friend! :)
📍 ibiza
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liked by y/nsworld, georgeclarkeey and 49,204 others
arthurtv decided to stay in the sunshine a few more days :)
user3 user2 i fear you may be onto something ↳ user2 i'm gonna eat glass. like i am actually putting shards in my mouth rn ↳ y/nsworld omg pls don't
y/nsworld looking good mr television ↳ arthurtv why thank you miss world
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liked by arthurtv, max_balegde and 83,028 others
y/nsworld use code ynsworld for 15% off ⋆⭒˚。⋆
max_balegde leaving my bf for you rn. ↳ andrew_spanndy not if i leave you first ↳ y/nsworld i can date both of you at the same time xx
arthurtv djsidjief djg ↳ y/nsworld you ok mr television?
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y/nsworld didn't even think about what i was wearing when i went to go see mr hill sing about cold coffee, sorry guys you got the wrong arthur xx
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👤 y/nsworld liked by y/nsworld, arthurnfhill and 93,294 others
arthurtv someone forgot to change over to their finsta so i guess it's hard launch time... somehow got the most gorgeous girl on earth to agree to date me, must be my fantastic sense of humour
y/nsworld lbr most of them already knew, we weren't exactly subtle ↳ arthurtv speak for yourself xx
theburntchip it's the big ol' hog you got in them trousers ♥️ y/nsworld ↳ arthurtv ah yes forgot about that
max_balegde take care of her or me and andrew are snatching her real quick ↳ y/nsworld ... i may have to do some rethinking
user2 i can't believe i was right... VINDICATION ♥️ arthurtv, y/nsworld
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👤 arthur_tv liked by arthurtv, gkbarry and 104,845 others
y/nsworld told him i forgot to change to finsta but really i just wanted to show that i bagged a hottie ✮⋆˙
georgeclarkeey still can't believe you snatched him from right under my nose ↳ y/nsworld we're still in the honeymoon phase so i may give him back x ↳ arthurtv what the fuck
gkbarry crying into a pint of ice cream thanks xx ↳ y/nsworld you know you're the love of my life xx
y/nsworld also user2 sorry for gaslighting you xx ↳ user2 i have never been so happy to be gaslighted could do a happy lil cry ↳ y/nsworld our fave y/ntv'er we love you ♡
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iris-draws · 6 days
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Aftermath of Full Moon🌑
Sorry for the emotional whiplash but whoo double post! (Pls don't hate me guys)
Also more rants about full moon (sorry yall im a yapper at heart):
Everyone is bashing blitz rn but honestly I'm kinda on his side? Not completely I think they had both good points and obviously it got emotional and blitz was being defensive and self destructive and didn't exactly mean what he was saying but honestly I think he had a point. The way stolas handled it was weird to me. He told blitz to come on the full moon- basically leading him to belive it was their transactional thing when really he wants to have a very serious talk about their relationship. I feel like he could have specified that he wanted him to come over to talk? (Although I will have a counter argument saying knowing blitz that might scare him away into not showing cause feelings are scary to him) I understand an emotional talk can scare people into not thinking logically- I just think it would have been smarter to full on say what he wanted so it wasn't so abrupt and sudden to blitz, causing him to react the way he did. He would have been better prepared and handled it better.
Now about Blitz. I know he has very crazy emotional trauma and refuses to believe anyone loves him and pushes people away bc of that. But he's getting better as we've seen the past few episodes. He wants to atone- he made up with fizz, he wants to make up with Barbie, and I'm pretty sure him and Verosika will make up in Apology Tour. But he definetly had a point. Up until about Ozzies was Stolas actually more upfront about his feelings. Because most of Season 1 was haha horny bird. Remember in S1 episode 6 when Blitz had that bad trip and he had to crawl up to stolas in chains showing how he feels like just an imp serving his master? Yeah. Stolas has referred to him as an "impish little plaything" Really only solidifying his belives. Then at ozzies he doesn't deny any of the allegations that him and Blitz are anything but sleeping with each other.
We as the audience know stolas wants a relationship with Blitz, but Blitz doesn't see those heartbreaking moments of him pouring his heart out when he's alone. No one does. Stolas has been very upfront but he's never had an actual for real talk with Blitz about his feelings. Then when he randomly spills all that out on him he sees him confused and is (understandably, with how Blitz mocked his feelings as a roleplay) hurt. He moves on and just dismisses Blitz thinking that's his answer. Blitz argues back and gets angry and I really think he was right in this argument, Stolas should have talked about this sooner, or handled it differently. Then right as things get heated in the discussion he just sends him away. They didn't get the chance to really talk, one said their feelings, the other got defensive, and then that's it.
I'm not really blaming Stolas or Blitz for this argument. Stolas is my favorite character so trust me this is in no way stolas hate. But I wanted to shed light on this and sees if anyone agrees with me Blitz is not only in the wrong.
Omg I'm sorry for the long yap session if yall read to the end you're a real one fr.
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jamisonrivv · 5 months
hi ive been thirsting over your art for like weeks and just finally found ur tumblr and i wld like you to know you are singlehandedly the reason im kinda into speedingbullet okay thank you i hope you have a good day/night/whatever else
thank u omg!!!
even if i don’t generally like shipping the mercs outside of dumb fandom posts, speeding bullet/sniperscout is definitely one of my fav dynamics, big fan of yappers and their isolated non yap companions
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rubiehart · 2 months
🫂; 𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 - send in a little information about yourself (hobbies, personality type, style etc.) and i’ll tell you which boy or girl you’re most compatible with
OKIE omg soooo my hobbies are knitting and crochet my friends say my personality is like if a bubble could be sharp, (they said it’s cause i’m soft and seem sensitive but i can be a mean bitch sometimes) id say im very yappy, i love to look good and put together it’s literally one of my hobbies. i love to lean to a more coquette style? i’ll add pics
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i feel like you’re most compatible with pope!
pope would be so good with a sweet girl with an attitude, he’s one of the most rational of the boys so he’d talk it out with you instead of going straight to arguing back, but he’s got a bit of a mean streak too so he’s not afraid to stoop to your level if you’re not communicating your feelings properly to him.
pope is also a certified yapper!! laying in bed together at night and you both say goodnight, three seconds later you just hear pope like “did you know an ostrich’s eyes are bigger than it’s brain?” and that goes on all night.
also he would take great pride in having a pretty girl on his arm, pogues like him don’t normally get a chance with girls like you, because you’re the prettiest girl he’s ever seen, so he tries so hard not to fuck it up.
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ohbo-ohno · 4 months
heyyy, i’m back!! i hope u’ve been doing welll🥰
so, i saw a post the other day about dark! ghoap, and now i’m curious as to what UR thoughts abt this couple would be. because it’s vampire! soap and slasher! ghost 🌞, and since you’re basically a walking prodigy when it comes to intense cod content (which i absolutely adore btw💕💕), i figured ur input would rlly help broaden my perspective on it and allat— especially since i kind of wanna make a fic surrounding this particular ship. ignore if this makes uncomfy pls!!
omg hey, tysm babe!!! ily!!! i can't tell if you're asking two questions here or not, but im a yapper so i'll answer both just in case :)
vampire soap and slasher ghost is actually sooooo fascinating to me bc it's kinda like a provider dynamic to the 100th power. pls pls let me know if you write/post this!
i'd love to see maybe baby vampire soap, who's still not used to his power and his hunger and has a very bad habit of mutilating his victims and leaving them for the police, together with experienced serial killer ghost who's pissed another killed has moved into his territory. could do something a little funny with ghost finally finding soap and being like... a cannibal? while soap is losing his mind over this guy finding out he's a vampire
could also do something where ghost kills for soap (bc he doesn't want his boy's hands getting dirty <3) but takes the bodies back for soap to drain and glut himself on. very much like a knight killing for his king dynamic, but it also keeps soap reliant on ghost for his meals
my thoughts about dark ghoap are a lot more broad lmao. i think ghost and soap are intense but in polar opposite ways - ghost is the unmovable object to soap's unstoppable force. in a ghoap/reader, i think that manifests in a really overwhelming way. but in just regular ol' ghoap, it's just two fucked up people both trying to dominate their relationship, and one of them is coming out on top - for me, that'll always be ghost.
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getonite · 2 months
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