#omgosh thank you so much for the KIND THINGS
wellhalesbells · 9 months
i desperately need to know what "troll the respawn jeremy" is and also hi i love you and everything you've written 🤍 (i regularly go reread the classics because they make me Feel Things)
Okay, so, "Troll the Respawn, Jeremy," is 1) a quote from Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt and b) the fic I've been trying to finish in time for Halloween for like.... years now. I cleverly only remember it exists in September, add a few thousand words, subtract about a thousand even, and then inevitably fail to finish in time. It's a great system, like, absolutely no notes on that, obviously. You're killing it, brain!
I'm honestly not sure how the thought originated in my head now but I do know the prompt for it was nothing more than 'zombie!Stiles' essentially. Stiles dies and the gang brings him back and he's... not quite right. The memories are there but his emotions aren't so he's rebuilding relationships, morality, and the everyday in this new framework where the only thing to stop him being awful is essentially if it's more work or not.
When it's not dark humor, it's actively silly. There's a lot of Stiles building bonds with Erica, Boyd, and Isaac, since he wasn't very close to them before he died meaning they have the least expectations for how he should be behaving. It's a lot of Pack, figuring out how his relationship with Scott is going to evolve and Jackson coming back and Peter's curiosity naturally being piqued by this less self-righteous version of Stiles and he and Stiles and Boyd watching soap operas together because of course they would.
It's a fun one and a humorous one, even with Derek pining in the background and Stiles having to decide what his emotional responsibility for this person is and if he should be the one to police his choices or not. Because, well, there has to be twisted psychology in there, right? It's a resurrection fic, dammit!
It's also a lot of making Derek do the work too, which I like - especially when I have a good reason for it, because Stiles is all path of least resistance, so these people want him, care for him, would like him around and so he would like to be around and preferably in a way where no one's commenting on his behavior so everyone's trying to help him build boundaries, want the right things, do the appropriate action, etc. So Derek's figuring out in real time what Stiles' motivations are and learning to work within them and having exchanges like:
D: "We can’t keep fucking if I die.”
S: “Unless I bring you back.  You might be more fun that way.  Less with the frowny face probably.”
D: “Sounds like a lot of work for you.”
Same kind of thing with making monogamy something Stiles might want by framing it in a way that's appealing specifically to him. It's interrogating in a lot of ways what's necessary to make a relationship work. My little ace brain has questions and this is the only way I know to get answers, okay, LOL
“You gonna get all deep and philosophical on me?” The church is a tiny one and Stiles had only ducked inside to avoid, well, everyone.  He hadn’t expected Boyd would follow.  Truthfully, he doesn’t expect a lot of what Boyd does.  He hadn’t thought about him much before he died and even less after. Follow he does though, settles into the pew ahead of and at a diagonal angle to him.  Feet up on the wood next to him, arm stretched out over the back so he’s facing Stiles rather than the front.  Like he’s expecting Stiles to offer the sermon tonight. Stiles blinks at him.  “No, I don’t think so,” he says, when it dawns on him: “Should I?”  He doesn’t know a lot about being dead, having only done it for a short time, but if he’s meant to start spewing revelations, or even Revelations, he’s willing to give it a try. “I’d prefer you didn’t,” Boyd says in his lazy tone of voice that seems indifferent to most everything around him.  Stiles likes that; it sounds like he feels.  “What are you doing here then?” “Isaac was around here.”  It’s close to where he works, this little abandoned site of holy ground.  And Stiles had kind of wanted to see if he’d taken on any vampiric dead-guy traits and couldn’t cross the threshold.  He doesn’t know what the new rules are, and is starting to suspect there aren’t any.  Which is about the most horrible thing he can think of.  “Then his boss called, and he wasn’t, and I was bored.  What are you doing here?” “Keeping an eye out.”  The way Boyd says it, it sounds like, ‘figuring out how many things are wrong with you.’ “Think I’ll start eating brains?”  Stiles is genuinely curious as to what the theories are.  Wants to see if any match up to his own. Boyd shrugs.  “Do you want to?”  He sounds genuinely curious too. Stiles shrugs back.  “I don’t have any moral qualms about it.  But it seems like a lot of work and there’s just pretty much no way they’re as good as Flamin’ Hot Cheetos, right?  It’s a bone-saw and blood and innards versus opening a plastic bag.”  He weighs them in his hands.  “That’s not even a hard decision to make.  If I am a zombie, which I’m not conceding by the way, then I’m a zombie with some serious dietary deficiencies.  I require processed foods, stat.”  Boyd seems to consider this, then decides, “Cheetos would be good.”  After a second, he adds, “I have Runts in my pocket.” Stiles jumps over the back of Boyd’s pew and lands hard near him, says, “Then break ‘em the fuck out, man.”  Stiles steals all the banana pieces spread out on the bench between them, and relinquishes the cherry ones as penance. They don’t talk.  It’s not half-bad.
(Angstier) Snippet #2:
“You’re not you,” Derek says gruffly, not meeting Stiles’ eyes when Stiles lowers his head and looks at him straight on.  Derek and Stiles’ dad, they just can’t ever seem to get there.  Derek says it like he thinks this is why Stiles is here and wants it out of the way.  So Stiles won’t be here any longer.
“Not entirely,” Stiles agrees, tapping his fingers along the counter, the island a buffer between them.  “But the basics are all there, I’m just having a hard time accessing my,” he does a half-assed robot dance, “bleep-blorp-beep morality center.  I kind of think maybe because it just doesn’t exist anymore?”  He grins widely.  “Fucking cool, right?”
Derek stares at Stiles’ adam’s apple, glassy-eyed and blank, says without inflection, “What.”
Stiles slides into the stool at the counter enthusiastically and talks as much with his hands as with his mouth.  “I mean, okay, there’s action and consequence, right?  And arguably the biggest action and consequence: life and death, I defied it and now it’s like, I don’t know, I can’t appreciate that there are consequences.”  He rubs a hand over his buzzed hair, back and forth, back and forth, jolting himself back into the present moment with the spiky side, losing himself in his head when he’s not fighting its natural direction and his hand hydroplanes smoothly over it.  “I just don’t feel things the way I used to and that’s my best guess for why.”
It’s better than his second-best guess: that there’s still a part of him that’s dead, that the only part that ever gave a shit about any of these death-prone people/supernatural whoosie-whatsits didn’t come back with him.
Derek stares down into the depths of his cup, asks it, “Why are you hanging around Isaac?”
Stiles shrugs, staring more intently at Derek the longer Derek avoids his gaze.  He can see Derek’s pulse thudding in his throat, fluttering like it’s trying to escape confinement entirely.  There’s a heaviness to him that Stiles doesn’t think has anything to do with the sleep that’s still clinging to him.  He looks like the weight between his hands, cradling his mug, is as draining as holding up a bowling ball with just his pinky fingers.  “I’m fixing him,” Stiles answers succinctly.
Derek raises an eyebrow.  “Why?”
Stiles shrugs some more.  His gaze drifts down to the folds of the tank top over Derek’s stomach, he wants to flatten his palm there, smooth it out.  Derek looks so warm and defenseless, leaning against his counter, barefoot and weary, defeated and just waiting for someone to finish him off.  “Something to do.  Plus,” Stiles adds, sly and low, “I fix him, I know how to break him.”
“You want to… break him.”  It’s not a question, more like a naked declaration that wishes it were uncertain in the least.  Derek’s eyes are downcast and sad.
Stiles sighs, places his elbow on the counter, drops his chin into his hand and stares at the stubble on Derek’s cheeks, can practically feel the rasp of it against his mouth.  “I don’t know.  Something to do.”  He’s really not malicious, he doesn’t think, just easily bored and inherently curious about how other people work.  Since he doesn’t seem to.
Derek drops his chin against his neck and Stiles watches a slow breath move the weight of him.  He doesn’t ask for anything else, has no more comments to make, almost seems to be rejecting Stiles’ presence simply by virtue of ignoring it.
Stiles stares down at the island, lifts up his other hand.  It hasn’t left behind an outline of perspiration.  He rubs his dry fingers against a dry palm.  Stiles’ hands sweat; they’ve always sweat.
They don’t now.  Now.  Now everything is scorching, burning up sweat and tears before they can even make an appearance on his skin.
He lets out a gusty breath and says quietly, but without judgment, “You shouldn’t have done this.”
Derek’s eyes close, rim of the cup against his lip, expression pained.   “It was my turn,” he says softly into the steam.  Stiles watches him and Derek’s head drifts to the side before he wrenches it back, jaw tight, looking in Stiles’ direction but down at his chest now, where the scar tissue is resting under the cotton of his t-shirt.  “To save you.”
“But you didn’t,” Stiles tells him blankly, but not meanly.
Anyone watching would’ve thought it was an upper-cut though, the way Derek’s whole body rocks with the impact.  His eyes are closed again and he doesn’t look inclined to open them, not while Stiles is still there.  His hand slowly curls around the lip of the counter behind him, holds on tightly.  He still answers though, through some weird sense of debt or something else Stiles doesn’t understand, but he answers, says, “I know.”
Wip list is here!
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gorgeouslypink · 1 year
Hello Pink! This isn't a void success story but this is something really exciting that happened. I was in a pretty rough place in my life. I was part of the "popular" group but my friends decided that to ignore me and ditch me basically. I was honestly really upset about it and I cried a lot and I really wanted to (still want to) enter the voif but methods weren't working and I was depressed and I had no friends. I saw your post and I was really excited to see you back and watched that quantum jump video and it was honestly really cool and motivated me a lot. In my recommendations a video for quantum jump meditations by Brian Scott (the 8 hour Remix version) came and it was late so I decided to just listen to it as I slept. I did the first meditation part until it went to the music and I fell asleep sometime then and I woke up without my headphones on so I didn't listen to it the entire night but so many things happened. First, a causal friend I had reached out to me and asked if I wanted to hang out and we had so much fun and she introduced me to her friends and we all have plans to hang out some more. Also I got a message in a group chat with my old friends where one of them apologized to me and said what they did was messed up and then left the group chat and then messaged me and told me that they just decided that I wasn't "cool enough." Basically all of them are super sexual and liked to do things with boys but personally I just feel like I want to have a deep connection with someone first and things like that and I never looked down on them or anything but they would pressure me and finally ig they decided I was just a loser and so she explained all that to me and said she was kind of peer pressured but she felt bad and she apologized so we're friends again. I genuinely feel like I quantum leaped. I went from having no friends and being depressed to having a really fun day and meeting a new friend group and getting an apology and reconciling with an old friend in one night. I'll listen to it again and give you updates. I'm going to set the intention to quantum leap into a reality where I always wake up in the void state. Thank you for reading.
omgosh this is so amazing and im so happy for you love!! im really sorry for what you went through and im so glad you were able to meet a better friend group. keep me updated!! 💗
the video they're talking about:
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claudiyerrr · 1 year
i saw you were taking crp matchups and I JUMPED at the opportunity! your writing is GORJUS!
ALRIGHTY THEN!! here’s some stuff about me! sorry if I write too much i have a bad tendency to ramble oopsies..!
im a 4’9 cis girl with golden brown hair, dark blue eyes, freckles, button nose and a septum piercing. my body is mid-size with a bit of tummy— just squishy!! :3
my personality is very outgoing, silly, kind, extroverted, and a bit loud. i have been told I’m very “sunshiney” and cute, and i have a very high pitched voice for someone my age. im extremely extroverted and try to talk to as many people as i can!! i love making friends and being friendly to those around me. i can also be described as “weird” but I really don’t mind cuz everyone’s a bit weird! as i said a bit ago, i ramble a ton and I actually make friends that way just by talking non stop heheheh. i have adhd and suspected autism :P !
my hobbies are: baking, singing, collecting cute things, shopping, drawing, writing songs, gaming, and making jokes!! im very involved in theatre classes cuz im a whimsical little fellow and most of my roles are comedic! my favorite thing to bake is cakes and I make homemade frosting! (secret recipe hehe) i also am a hopeless romantic and enjoy romance mangas with cute fluffy storylines! did I mention i love cute things??
likes: bunnies, DESSERTS, SWEET STUFF, anything cream-filled, parties, cats, jumping spiders, horror movies, forensics, and PINK!!!
dislikes: spicy or bitter foods, hateful people who are just mean to be mean, bigoted folks, my town 😞, caterpillars, things with WAY too many legs, big empty rooms.
EEEEKKK thank u sm for the opportunity to send this in it’s totally long but I hope i added the right information GRAHHH!!! im super excited to see what u come up with :3
i have a male preference as i am heteroflexible! HAVE A TOTALLY GOOD DAY!! <333
Omgosh firstly thank you so much! Also, neurodivergent forensic science besties?! Anyways, I hope you like it!!
Your matchup is. . . Ticci Toby!
While hanging out at a mall one Friday night, security comes over to your friend group and informs you that the mall’s closing up and you need to leave.
Not even realizing the time, you huff in a bit of annoyance because of how much fun you were having there and reluctantly leave with your friends. Once you’re back outside, the friend who drove you all there leads you back to their car.
You guys talk about your favorite purchases and other stores you wish you had the time to hit before getting kicked out for the night, but soon enough you grow a little carsick and decide to watch the horizon outside the car.
Rolling down the window, you rest your cheek in your hand tiredly and stare out into the foggy woods boredly until you spot a flash of orange. A lanky boy with brown hair poking his head out from behind a pine tree waves and you gasp in surprise.
Turning back to look at your friends, you interrupt them frantically, pointing out the window to where you saw the boy, only to see nothing. “You guys seriously didn’t see him?!”
They look at each other in confusion before shaking their heads much to your disappointment. You doze off trying to figure out what the guy was doing out there, after all, he seemed pretty young and didn’t have a hunting rifle or anything in his hands.
“[Y/N], you in or what?” one of your friends snaps you out of your thoughts as you hold your gaze on the dense woods as the car continues driving. “Sure, I’m down,” you answer, not knowing what you were now in on, but not really caring either way.
Pulling up to their house, everyone starts to get out and you take your shopping bags before getting out as well. “So, a sleepover?” you find yourself looking all around into the distant darkness with a small lip bite as your friend group stands beside the car under the streetlamp. After a few “yeahs” you all head inside and decide to sleep in their large living room.
Some of your friends set up snacks for a movie while others get pillows and blankets from unoccupied rooms. You try to help out and pitch in, but everyone seems to have things under control and just asks you to pick out a horror movie.
Slumping down on the couch nonchalantly, you scroll through a few movies before hearing a knock at the living room window and shuddering in response. Looking outside, you see the same brunet boy with orange goggles and do a double take as he points to the TV.
Looking back at the screen, you select the horror movie he was gesturing at as he nods excitedly, you return his excitement by mouthing a “thank you” and smiling, although a bit shaken up that he followed you to your friend’s place. He seems harmless, but you contemplate telling your friend at some point that night even if it annoys them.
As the rest of your friends file into the room, you greet them before looking back at the window and seeing that he’s not there anymore. You didn’t know why, but you almost felt upset that he left. After the movie, everyone starts falling asleep and before you know it, you’re the only one awake.
Deciding to bring some of the dishes to the sink for your friend, seeing as they’re sleeping, you hum to yourself softly before hearing another series of light knocks, this time from the window on the far side of the kitchen
Going over to it skeptically, you open it to be met with bright eyes behind those same orange goggles. “H-Hi, I’m Toby…”
You stick your head out the window and reach to shake his gloved hand, “The name’s [Y/N], nice to meet you Toby.”
He hesitates but shakes your hand with a twitch and from there, you two talk for a while, just getting to know each other until you see the sun start to come up.
He lets you go so you can catch some zs and waves goodbye, saying that he’ll see you around with a little wink. You wink back with a small blush; He seems cute.
Random headcanons:
- He found your house when your friend drove you home the next day, but you didn’t know until a week later when he showed up at your back door with a wave.
- You guys don’t take long before confessing; Maybe a month or two of being friends. You both grab each other’s hands, beaming with blushy faces while talking about how it was love at first sight.
- If you ever have plays for your theater classes, he’ll drag Hoodie along to record it for you so he can watch the whole time. Toby definitely cheers the loudest out of the entire crowd at the end, even throwing a bouquet of flowers that he hand-picked from the forest up onto the stage for you to catch!
- You’d both love gaming together in your free time and I can see him convincing you to play Work at a Pizza Place with him on Roblox. Let’s just say this kleptomaniac likes to burn innocent kids in the pizza ovens 💀
- I feel like you’d both cuddle facing each other and he’d enjoy playing with your hair and connect the dots (your freckles) with his fingertip. He might squish your belly or chubby areas, but it’s not in a teasing way! He just loves every inch of you.
- After the first time you surprise him with a cake, Toby would love it so much that he’d ask to help you out the next time you bake. He tries so hard but 100% screws up in tiny ways, which makes him get all shy and cute. You refuse to tell him the frosting’s secret recipe while the cake’s cooling, so he’ll wait right outside the kitchen against the wall so you guys can still talk as you finish up the cake.
- He’d enjoy reading romance mangas with you and you both squeal and kick your feet over the cutesie moments in them together.
- He’ll pick you up cute trinkets from any missions he goes on. They’ll probably have blood on them but he tries to remember to wipe it off before giving them to you.
- If you need someone to look over the lyrics of a song you write or listen to you sing it, Toby is not your best bet if you’re looking for brutally honest constructive criticism. It’s not that he’s dishonest, he just thinks the songs are perfect because you wrote them.
- His kisses are really soft and he likes to kiss all over your face especially. He tries to only use the unscarred side of his lips to peck you despite you not being grossed out about it. Toby’s just trying to be polite to his first girl.
- You guys definitely have deep moments and crying sessions after you find out he’s a killer and he relates to your strong dislike of bigots and hostile people in general.
- He may or may not try to show you caterpillars he finds in hopes of getting you over your fears. If it backfires and you freak out though, he’ll gently put it back and hug you while apologizing profusely.
- Toby absolutely adores the height difference between you guys because you’re only up to the middle of his chest when you two hug!!
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lovings4turn · 6 months
Congratulations on 1k , very deserving, your content is *chef's kiss*!
Can I ask for a kiss from a vampire for F1 and marauders please?
I'm bi with no gender preference , pronouns are she/her ( I don't know if its needed info). My big three are Libra sun , Taurus moon and capricorn rising and I'm also a Slytherin entp. My majors are history and archaeology (classics and history of art more specifically) and some of my hobbies include watching and playing sports , especially football (or soccer , depends on how you call it) , reading (like 6 different books at the same time) , parties , stargazing , long car rides and going out or generally spending time with my friends and the people I love. I also find cooking and baking really relaxing , learning new languages , playing chess and obsessing over a different thing every 2 to 3 business days . Personality wise , I'm usually extroverted , talkative and outgoing but sometimes I need time alone to recharge. My friends would also describe me as funny , competitive , chaotic (i have the worst ideas but somehow convince everyone that they are the best) , feisty and loyal to a fault. On the other hand , i can be really stubborn , closed off and a bit mean when pissed off ( I am working on it though).
Thank you in advance!
thank you so much sweetheart !!! you're too kind to me omgosh - thanks sm for joining in the celebration ,, i hope you like this <33
𝐢'𝐝 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐮𝐬 𝐥𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐧 !
something about you just screams remus to me — i think he’d be absolutely ENAMOURED by you to tell the truth nonnie !!! maybe it's the part of me that loves the gryffindor/slytherin dynamic , but i think you'd be a perfect pair !
ᡣ𐭩 remus can heavily relate to the whole 'reading six books at a time' thing , because he does the exact same thing !! it does make keeping up with each other's current read a little more tricky ("yeah, so that character ended up dying:/" "wait... which book are we talking about again??) but neither of you bat an eye when you see the other holding a different book almost every second day
ᡣ𐭩 your personality is something remus falls so hard for !!! he loves how extroverted you are , and the fact that you can talk to anyone and charm them within minutes - he claims it's how you got him !! he's always helpful when you need to recharge , understanding that you need some time away from everyone to enjoy your own company . he makes sure that you're able to get some alone time for as long as you want , making sure the others don't come and bother you in the meantime
ᡣ𐭩 you like parties , star gazing , and long car rides ??? well nonnie , you absolutely lucked out in securing remus as a bf !! you two have had countless stargazing dates together , laying down on the thickest wool blanket remus could find as you both point out the different stars and constellations (remus definitely starts making up names halfway through the night , just to see how long it takes for you to catch on) . parties when you're dating a marauder are an absolute given , and you've had your fair share of road trips together , remus' hand never leaving your knee as you control the music playing for your journey ! if he can , remus makes sure to indulge in all of your hobbies as often as physically possible
𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞 𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 !
ᡣ𐭩 no doubt in my mind that you two would be absolute best friends straight off of the belt ! you're both constantly coming up with awful ideas and convincing the other to join in , and the amount of times remus has had to step in and tell you 'absolutely not' is comical . together , you and sirius are a dangerously chaotic combination
ᡣ𐭩 will play chess with you , and will take it far too seriously . it becomes a matter of life or death to him , and any time he loses , he sits across from you and dramatically pouts , trying to find some sort of obscure reason that would possibly contribute to him losing the game that isn't just the fact you bested him . if he wins though ?? oh boy . you're in for a long day of teasing and gloating
ᡣ𐭩 he understands where you're coming from in sometimes being stubborn , a little mean , and closed off . the fact that you're trying to work on it is something that sirius really praises you for , and so he never really takes it to heart if he's ever on the receiving end . he's been in your position many times , and so he's not going to hold it against you !!!
ᝰ.ᐟ 𝐅𝟏 
𝐢'𝐝 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐨𝐬 𝐬𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐳 !
now , this one was a little harder for me ! i had a couple of different drivers in my mind when i read your lil description ,, but there could only be one , and for me that was carlos !!!
ᡣ𐭩 carlos is so intrigued and impressed by your majors . even though he's not overly knowledgeable on classics and the history of art , he's more than happy for you to tell him any and every interesting fact you know , and often asks questions in the hopes it'll prompt you to tell him more about the subject ! what interests you , interests him , and carlos is determined to give back the energy you reserve for his passion in racing !!!
ᡣ𐭩 he is also super invested in football , and if you support different teams , oh boy can it get animated . it's gotten to the point where the others refuse to watch a football match with you both , knowing they likely won't even be able to hear it over the playful bickering and taunting that goes on between you two for the full game and beyond .
ᡣ𐭩 if you don't already speak it , carlos loves to teach you little bits of spanish whenever he can . normally , it's the odd phrase every time you're together - sometimes helpful , more often than not entirely stupid or for the pure purpose of being able to compliment him . he finds your pronunciations absolutely adorable , and can't help but pull you into a kiss after a successful 'teaching' session
𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞 𝐲𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐨𝐝𝐚 !
ᡣ𐭩 one of the things yuki loves to do most with you is cook together !! i mean , it just makes sense ! you both love to cook and yuki is a major foodie , so it turns out to be a culinary masterpiece every single time . carlos often begs you to save him some leftovers , and depending on how yuki's feeling , there'll be a little tupperware container with a post-it note bearing carlos' name left for him.
ᡣ𐭩 your personalities seem so similar to me that it just seems like a perfect friendship , honestly . you aren't too similar to a fault , but just enough that you two mesh together insanely well !!!!
ᡣ𐭩 yuki is so great for keeping up with your latest obsessions . even you're a bit baffled as to how he can be up to date with your latest interest , but he manages it every single time , and has no qualms in indulging in your interests , asking you about it and seeing if you want to talk to someone about it . he's just the greatest best friend you could ask for , okay
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paperbagsandwich · 6 months
i forget i have ocs sometimes honestly then i look at toyhouse and i question why didn't i upload them then i just forget to do! (I just say i have a small brain, im very forgetful)
the fact that they are both musical people is so heckin lovley and cute!! I adore lil details like that so much it shows how much love and care is put into them!!
ooo!! Time period aesthetics are awesome!! 50s-80s is such a fun range!!! (I'm a fan of 50s pinup art and grease and 50s fashion. I'm also a fan of 70s fashion, i also adore 80s cartoons, strawberry shortcake carebears, mlp and the dnd cartoon. Do you have any fav shows from the time?)
omgosh i adore his centaur form is so cool looking (he looks so fluffy and huggable and that size difference is amazing also I adore the way you draw faces and expressions i also love how you draw monsters so much, the face there with the cute dangit is so lovely detailed and looks so cool!!)
Of course it is!! My werewolf oc, he use to be a preppy rich university guy who was raised p much to see everyone is beneath him and that he owns whatever he wants, he ends up having a crush on a local baker and he doesn't know how to approach her because of how he was raised (in his head he calls her my darling) he is also touch starved. On his 24th birthday, he started transforming (it was a family curse the skipped generations any family member who got it was seen as not pure) his family pushed him out because he was no longer perfect in their eyes. He ended up running in fear too scared for anyone to see him like that. The baker found him in an alleyway near the bakery he was halfway through the transformation and she quickly took him in and tried her best to care for him as he fully trans forms his speech has become very simple not use to how the transformation changed how his body works. He also loves baked good so he goes from twig to teddy bear (Sorry it's a lot).
the harpy is the leader of a huge flock of harpies that protect a forest near a small village, they hate humans, they will scare away and attack any that approach the forest or try cutting down the trees. The leader is very gruff and intimidating. He's the largest out of the harpies and has multiple scars from fights. One of his flock gets injured and is taken care of by a farmer (my love for stardew showing) and comes back and he is told of the kind farmer so he goes to investigate but also warn them to not go near or in the forest (a kindness for a kindness) but as soon as he sees the farmer he falls in love at first sight and tries his best to stay stoic but he cant help staring awkwardly at the farmer. He cant help but keep thinking of her once he leaves and he starts collecting shiny objects to give her.
(Sorry thats probably a lot!! Im sorry if its too much)
Damn, that sounds like an neverending cycle and that's exactly what I'm afraid of!! 😭😭
And yey, I love these two to death!! I mentioned in a server that Darnell wears a little apron whenever he cleans the house and does the waltz with Ros when she gets home!!! 😭😭
Yes, all of those are my JAM!!! From pinups to fashion, it's so pleasing to look at!!!
I loved to watch shows like Tom and Jerry, Wacky Races, and The Perils of Penelope Pitstop. I even enjoy some retro anime because of the aesthetics.
Goodness, I love getting things like this, don't worry, Anon, I'm enjoying these ask so much!!!!!
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imogens-temult · 9 months
just wanting to stop by and say that you're amazing and i love everything you make. i am not worthy to see such beautiful things. okay byeee.
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omgosh???? maria stop this is too kind 🥹🥹🥹 thank you so much, idk if i agree but it’s VERY sweet of you to say and yOU ARE NOT A WORTHLESS WORM !!!!!
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avocadoguru · 1 year
AHHH there’s so much to say with this chapter guys!! harry not understanding human periods was an incredibly sweet and funny moment - fully enjoying the narry friendship. & y/n wearing his rings???? not realizing how she’s teasing her little wolf, playing her human games with him haha. y/n’s connection to nature and her innate ability to do all these things a mate would do is driving me just as crazy as it’s driving harry i think. i appreciate you guys for putting out this delicious content, i’ve shared it with a couple of my friends and we actively freaked out about this update together. especially harry’s late night escapade and little gift he left the MC.
(@fkinavocado here) her little wolf 🥹🥹🥹 only he's not so little is he fdjknfdsflsdjf lol
and omgosh are you for real? that's the best thing i've heard since we started this fic- sharing it with friends fdjsfjdlfjsdljfslf i'm deceaseeeed 😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ UGHH i'm literally so happy over this thank you anon, you're too kind 💋
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tbartss · 1 year
hullo, sending an ask to take the convo out of the replies--feel free to ignore. first, i didn't know about the chicago international policy--that's fantastic to learn, so thank you! second, frankly--im with you. i understand WHY we have to charge for things like out of state, international, etc. cards (legal stuff) but i don't agree with it on a fundamental level. if you have a paypal, ko-fi, etc, im perfectly willing to send you some personal funds to help you get a library card from somewhere that charges. clarify, QPL is actually not the same system as the NYPL, so if you're looking for something specific that NYPL has i would double-check that QPL (or wherever you're looking) has what you need. US library systems are sometimes divided along arbitrary lines so it's always good to double check individual catalogs. no pressure accept of course, just thought i'd reach out. either way, know that those of us "on the ground" (as it were) absolutely DESPISE this policy, too.
Hi! omgosh that's so sweet of you to offer, thank you, but I wouldn't feel good about accepting money for something like this. Thank you so much though, it really means a lot. I've been looking at a couple of different libraries and it seems the Las Vegas Clark County Library district also has a vast collection and seemingly free (but limited) card, but their site is down right now so I can't sign up.
Also to clarify, I signed up to the Chicago Library using a random address I found online (pls don't judge me lol), so while the resident card is free and accessible, I don't actually know how it is for international residents. I've tried to do this with a couple other libraries, but most seem to demand a renewal in person (which I get but severely disadvantages me), like for example NYPL, which is only valid for 14 days.
Anyway, my library in my hometown is free, but their English collection is very limited. The local library where I live now not only costs 57 euros a year, as I mentioned, but also is not on Libby and also does not have a large English collection. My hunt is basically for a library that I can sign up for, for free, which is on Libby and has a large English collection. Kind of a lot to ask for, but it's what I need, if I want to read the books I want to read
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formulaonedirection · 2 years
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thank you for being a lovely part of my 2022. for christmas, have some love in your inbox 🥰
🎄❤️ thank you for all the wonderful content you make! the amount of lando and max and dando you‘ve brought to my dash this year has been unparalleled and very much appreciated! ❤️🎄
Omgosh this is the sweetest nicest thing ever thank you so much!!! Sending back the kindness you're spreading tenfold and I hope you the loveliest Christmas too <3333
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As I've learned from watching House M.D. clips, it's never lupus lol
Let her feel it Shaun lol
Ayy yeah Jared and Asher on her side :D
AW she's so cute I love her
And like me fr honestly xD
Nah I bet it's something that shouldn't be there
Hmm gallstone?
OOP o.o
Is that a needle, just not yours?
Wire o.o
Ohh the barbecue :OO
I mean I don't remember but xd
Yeeah those brushes! Wild o.o
Hmm yeah he did get slapped in the head lol
Yeah tell her good job :)
She wants it from Shaun though doesn't she xd
Shaunnn xd
Hmm a magnet?
Also with the other scene good thing the thing they did worked :D (the one before this)
Glassman you do have to be professional though xd
And do work like you're playing pool right now lol
Steve being there too xD
Yeeah I mean Lim can't do all of it lol
Lim insulting him to Steve XDD
Ope? What are we doing again
Oohhh right it's a magnet :O
One stuck up there!!!
Where was it?
Ohh tonsils :F
Ahh and the nerve and stuff :O :D!! That's wild :)
Nice job y'all :DD!!
Yeah it is cool :))
Lol yeah those wire brushes are not it xD
What's this thing with this butcher lol o.o desperate to find out later (when I watch the beginning) xD
Ahh they're like his brothers :'))
LOL this is very pointed at Asher right now xD not on purpose from the guy but yk
Certainly a hmmm 👀👀 ain't that interesting moment though xD
I mean you don't HAVE to do dangerous stuff for the people you love that's not the lesson here lol
But yeah doing what they enjoy sometimes :'))
XD Jared's look at Asher
We knew it was coming lol
Take it to heart Asher!
Meanwhile Dom just standing here: :)
Oop now's the time Jerome's going!!
Asherrrr go to!!
I bet he will :)
AAAHHHHHHH AW KISS 🥰🥰🥰❤️!!! My lovelies <33
Awww slay 🥰🥰
Awww Dom it's okay :'((
You're trying your best dude and you're doing great <33
AWW Park :'))) see this is what makes him a good teacher <3
I mean it's not the only way to do it but with Park it works well :)
AWWWWW 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️ the hug :'))
:'OO Morgan watching!!
Aww :'))
Yeah girl you want that man as the father of your child lol
I'm so excited omgosh
Wait why is this gonna be hilarious lol :D
Ahh so a niece
Is she gonna say Asher too :))
AWW 🥰🥰
:DD Ooh a sports team sweatshirt!! AW :))
This is so cute my gosh
Lol I'm assuming that's the niece's dad, so a brother xD and he seems to support another team slfhdjs
Not gonna lie realistic dad-child banter lol
That was the most adorable thing ever
Like the whole scene, I loved that so much <333
Just thinking about Asher leaving his family behind and not having that for years and finally he's remembering what it's like :')) I am not okay thank you very much <33
Ill :D <3 (ill)
Oop Charlie! Hey girl :D
Aww she's so sweet :)) I'm kind of assuming she's trying to get in his good graces but yk lol
Okay nice we're being chill so far :)
Okay but pushy girl but fair xD
Fair to want rude to ask but yk
Okay listen I'm scared because the more emotional dramatic moments from the promo haven't happened yet so idk if this'll stay going good
Shaun o.o
That's not what she wants is it? She wants to be a surgeon right?
Yup o.o
Stoppp 😭😭😭💔
I don't deserve this <3
Honeyy :((
She just wants to be like you Shaun 😭😭😭
Poor girlie 😭😭
She doesn't deserve this Shaun >:(
It's not your job to decide what she can do, job wise I mean
She's not you!! She's herself!! And she can be a surgeon!!
Gosh 😭😭
Hey again y'all xd
Must everyone always be arguing xd like always some pair lol, over several episodes
Especially these two ngl lol
You'll survive it xd
Ope o.o Charlie :(
Ahh they're gonna see and see that neither of their advice worked lol
Ope honey D:
This makes me so sad :(( <3
Honey 😭😭😭
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szif · 8 months
Hi omgosh I saw your tag abt my survey no response is a useless response!! Thank you so much for taking it and sharing it!!!❤️
hi! :) you're welcome, it is obviously a nice survey that can be super useful once so of course i took it, i'm excited to know what the end data will be once it's compiled ... it's actually real interesting how i haven't thought of how that one piece of clothing that's meant to be put on like a very versatile body part that varies shape and size and everything is like, kind of just taken as something that doesn't fit most of the people that wear them?? like that is genuinely so insane to think about, but mostly about how normal it feels that things just don't fit most people and yet they wear them as if it's all fine. so thank you for the survey and thank you for the reassurance, i hope data flows in and we get to know what the most common problems are there :)
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*practically inhales the goods you've brought out because I am a sucker for sweet things* Yess!!! Tea parties are honestly so charming and quaint but also weirdly fun at the same time aaah!! Omgosh same!!! I drink apple juice a lot too (I might have an obsession help-) I'm actually drinking black Nilgiri tea (it reminds me of home since rn I am in the US rn but I've always visited the Nilgiri plantations back in India *sobs*) and ngl, darjeeling tea is AMAZING- tho I don't think I've drank the white one! I am excited to taste it soon!! Thank you, hun!! In three months I have something coming up that may or may not change the course of my future so I am a little stressed TT I am also travelling back home in a few days and flights have never been my forte TT Plus I have an exam day after tomorrow I am not prepared for TT *cries* *sips tea* *burns my tongue* *cries even more* Waaah!!! Really??? Oh no, hun, that's not selfish!!! 🥺 I think it's cute!! o-O Oh! Wow! You ARE cute! WE'VE GOT A NEW MEMBER!! Welcome to the cute club, dearest member!! 💖 And wow!! You've been busy!! I am so proud!! I completely get it tho, with so many things happening, sometimes writing does have to take a backseat. But that's okay!! I think it makes your writing more special!!! Like they say, quality over quantity and at the end of the day if you're proud of what you've done, then that's the biggest reason to smile of all <3 I know, right??? Why is it so cold here??? TT Did it snow over there few days back?? *finishes the last dregs of my tea* *sobs* Wow, this is a big ask, my oh, my o-O! I really enjoy talking to you so much!! (I'm serious, y'all are so nice I am smiling silly rn <3) Hugs!! -🌸
Oooo~ I've never heard of nilgiri tea 😳 What does it taste like? What kind of flavor profile does it have? How do you prepare it? Sorry for the questions; I'm a self-proclaimed tea snob 😅 Wait, you're in the US right now 😱 I live in the US! What part are you in? (You dont have to tell me if it makes you ubcomfortable). Are you here for work or school or fun??? I only ask because I know international travel can be stupid expensive. How do you like it? Also, you're from India??? That's so cool! I've never had a friend from Asia before, so you're the first 🥰 I really hope that whatever happens in three months will go well for you 🙏🏻 I know life changes can be so stressful and make us anxious. Good luck on your exam!!! I know you'll do great with that too 😘 Thank you so much for adding me to the Cute Club 🥺 I'm so honored 😭 Well, it is winter, so I would expect it to be cold. We've actually gotten barely any snow this year, which is super weird. I live in Southern New England, which tend to get at least 3 feet of snow every winter, but we've only gotten maybe 3 inches total... It's super strange. Sorry for the late reply, but I'm on my lunch break now. Oh, I also stopped by this cute little french pastry shop bear where I work and picked up something sweet for my afternoon break 🤤 I can't wait to show you what I got! Hugs to you too!!!! 💚💚💚
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goldensatellite · 2 years
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YOUR TAAAAGS OMGOSH this is so so sweet reading them made me smile a lot 😞😞💌💌 H&L ARE GIVING YOU A BIGGG CUDDLEEEE RN (and if there's still space available im joining yall too on the cuddle pile 😌💖) AND IM SOOOO HAPPY U LOVED THE BUNNIES !!! i loved including them and wanted to do it so badly😣 bunnies were a big motif with harry's love on tour this year so ofc i included them but also because 2023 is the year of the rabbit so it was very fitting for both things !!! so bunnies everywhere hehe <3 (also the bunny slippers were soooo self-indulgent bc im absolutely sure harry has a pair of those in the house so i said why not 😭💌)
so so happy you liked the drawing and as always thank you so much for always showing me love and kindness!!!! HAPPYYYY 2023 ILYSM DEAR and i wish you the best year ahead !!! 💌🌟🌟
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DEL!!!!! 💌✨ me, you, and hl are the sweet lambs and the puppy is all your adorable art ☺️🌟🫶 and we’re having the coziest cuddle pile 🧸<3
i’ve recently been so obsessed with bunnies and that has a lot to do with h but also they’re just so cute and sweet :’) and I just love how it’s the year of the bunny so it makes it all better ✨🐇🤍 the bunnies were a great addition to your drawings and made it so much cuter and ahhhh it just makes me so happy <3 (h definitely has his own pair of bunny slippers i agree)
thank you for sending me such a sweet and kind message love!!! you continue to bring me so much warmth and happiness 🥰💌🌟 wishing you the happiest new year and a safe and joyful 2023 to you!!!! love you lots del!!! 🐇🌟☺️
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gumnut-logic · 2 years
Okay so firstly asdfghjkl thank you for the welcome back it made me go like asdfghjj and second of all, omgosh the adventures of molly and her boys and sally and the whole steampunk AU I just adore it so much idek why - I mean, I do know why. It's how I can hear every tap of Scott's cane and picture John's eye and see Virgil's hands glow and the hurt from Allie not being there is so real I can't even and also the tall hat is just yes please thank you ma'am. You brought that world to life in this blaze of firey golden glowing glory and everything about your writing makes me wanna roll on the floor with happiness. I read it all back today (and yesterday actually and the day before that) and you wrote so much for me like thank you I love you.
AND THEN I JUST READ THE SUPERMAN AU AND I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH MYSELF NOW I WANT TO THROW MYSELF INTO SOL. I love their three letter names and Eldest and Allie being the MOST PRECIOUS HUMAN BBY THEY MUST PROTECT and Jeff being so grey and fancy FAB AND YOU GOT A FOREHEAD BOOP IN THERE TOO AND SCOTT WORRYING and all my favourite things it's like Christmas.
ps I love you
I had to think long and hard how to reply to this amazing ask. Life interrupted me, but slowly a plan brewed.
Thank you ever so much for your kind words ::hugs you tight:: They kept me bouyant through a shitty weekend and I reread them multiple times trying to work out how to thank you for all your support.
Well, I have a beginning, so let's see where it takes us over the next few days ::glares at real life knowing that tomorrow is already a right off:: Wednesday is looking teasingly full of possibilities, so hopefully something will happen then bar any annoying interruptions.
But anyway, let's take a trip to the Fair :D
Scott shifted his shoulders under his long coat and looked up at the sky.
It was a gorgeous blue today and he would have loved nothing more than to be up in it…in any way possible.
Beyond the gates, at the far end of the fair, a great wheel was spinning slowly, its passengers enjoying the brief illusion of being airborne at its peak.
He stared at them for a moment, almost sad that they had little clue as to what they were missing.
But wish as he might, today was not the day for flying. Today was a day for Scott Tracy to represent his father at the latest technology exhibition and fair.
Stepping out of the carriage beside him, Virgil was picking at a smudge of something on his green silk waist coat. Scott had to hold back from rolling his eyes. By all that was merciful, how his brother managed to get grease on everything? If Scott was honest, the exasperation was fond rather than annoyed.
“Tuck it behind your cravat.”
Virgil looked up at him as if he had been startled out of his skin.
Scott sighed and leant on his cane as his brother fiddled further with his clothing. “It is hardly noticeable.”
“What is hardly noticeable?” Gordon appeared beside Virgil and looked his brother up and down. Alan hung behind him, eyes staring out at the fair as if all his Christmases had arrived today.
“Never you mind.” Virgil’s voice was brusque as he straightened up in his charcoal grey suit and adjusted his similarly-coloured top hat.
He made Scott conscious of his own deep blue almost black hat and he instinctively touched it, causing it to tilt just slightly down on one side.
Gordon caught the movement and grinned.
This time Scott did roll his eyes and turned away. “Be on your best behaviour today. We are representing Tracy Industries and our father. No tomfoolery.”
“Aw, ruin it, why don’t you.”
Gordon made a very good imitation of a spoilt child when he so chose to. If it wasn’t for the trust Scott had in his little brother, there would be worry. “Look sharp.”
With his brothers at his back, Scott Tracy strode into the fair.
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eggpuffs · 2 years
Happy birthday Eggie!🎉🎂🎉 I hope you have a pretty day with your friends and family and really tasty food💖 you're such a kind person you deserve all the happiness in the world 💖💖💖
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OMGOSH CUTEST GIF EVER!!!!! thank you so much lis!! 💖 you are always so sweet and kind and you deserve all the good things in life too 💖😭 happy to know you!!! hope you have a lovely day as well!!! 💖💖💖
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stinkiesdraws · 2 years
Idk if this is spoilerly to answer but what kind of magic spells can Nick perform and/or does she use magic to her advantage in the regular people world?
Omgosh!!! Hii Gabby!!! Thank you for such a wonderful question 🥺
I'll do my best to explain my magic system. Since I sort of pulled it all out of my ass fjskkskak
Okay so, Witches and Wizards DO have elements to their magic, but that doesn't stop them from being able to branch out. It's sort of just magic that comes more natural to them. Which their elements are determined by a few things. Moon phases, astrological signs, birthstones and birthflowers help determine their elements.
Nick is a Libra, has a Sapphire birthstone and an Aster flower. Which means Air/Water magic comes easily to her. The color of her magic is determined by the colors of their flowers. (Their birthflower also determines their eye color)
Nowwww element control is considered basic BASIC magic levels. It's just something that comes naturally to then and doesn't waste their stamina all too much especially if they are near a lot of their elements. Like Nick would SUFFER horribly if she was in a desert or volcano. (RIP she lives in Southern California)
But other spells have to be studied and learned. Transformation/alchemy, potions, runes/curses, prediction/fortune telling, and they can learn how to control elements outside their birthright, but normally might need a magical item to help with that or just be VERY determined.
When it comes to the human world, she can't really use magic due to it being one of the Sins in the celestial realm (where all the witches and wizards normally live) that you must not cast magic in Adalas (Add ah less) Is the name witches has given the earth realm, where magic is rare and very scarce. The Celestial Realm is what witch's world is called, and Aether is the name of medieval world where magic is very common. Adalas and the Aether are only connected to each other through The Celestial Realm. 🙄🙄🙄 But that's a whole history lesson and you asked for magic so I'm skip a lot of details there.
Normally Nick is a rebel and still uses magic, making a hidden hideout in her park that she likes to retreat to. Enhancing her items to where they don't break or are just improved in general. Like her backpack that is endless 😭😭😭 and also a portal to her most common go to places. She isn't supposed to be doing these things but lmao she's a dumb teenager who is unsupervised.
Nick doesn't like to use magic that enhances herself, like she won't make herself faster or stronger because that feels wrong? And she doesn't like the idea of magic being the only reason she is good at anything in the human world.
Nick's Aunt is the queen of the Witches and doesn't have any kids herself nor is she married so Nick is the next in line for the throne but everyone hates her 🥰🥰🥰
Anyways what I'm getting at there is, since Nick's Aunt is most powerful, Nick always had the best tutors and is very good at most magic she has studied for (even if her tutor did a horrible horrible half assed job because they don't want Nick to grow in power.)
Her favorite type of magic to casts are silly little goofs. Just some jaffs for laughs. She made a potion that would make sure her hair never tangles, or transform her friends into animals of their choice and have them race or something. If it has a potential to be funny, Nick will absolutely learn it.
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Dankchus for the ask!! I hope it's at least fun to read 😭 I do need to get a whole lot better at writing....
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