#omp yes please
princesslocket · 1 year
I can do the same and ask for lore >:3c gimme the power of friendship/relationships lore for Locket and the twst homies!!
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You know... Even after asking the question I kind of have the same reaction sljhgioeshg
While Locket does have a good amount of connections with the students of NRC, I feel like she struggles a bit to maintain those relationships. Not because she doesn't care (sometimes she cares a little too much) but because she can get lost in her own world and forget to communicate with others unless they're right there in front of her.
Ramshackle & Staff
Grim: They're pretty good friends! Or at least Locket thinks so! Really she just enjoys following him along on whatever kind of adventure he wants to do- Honestly, she indulges him a little too much. Whether it be feeding him to his heart content or appeasing his whims.
Ghosts: Every now and then Locket will make the ghosts little ornaments and trinkets just to have. It's mostly her way of thanking them for their hospitality since she really doesn't know what else a ghost might like or have use for kshvjsnv
Sam: Locket finds his endless supply of items extremely fascinating. Like she can get super specific on what she wants and Sam will almost always have it somewhere (hidden) somewhere in his shop. She once spent an entire weekend in the shop reading one of her favorite comic series with him
Riddle: Views Locket as a menace (derogatory). She's always eating all the apple tarts and doesn't even share!!! (She does but it's always coincidentally when he's not around. I promise it's not on purpose). He'd throw her out the dorms if she wasn't so nice- Really it's a pain how well the two get along when they're in club together...
Ace: Her self appointed older brother! Locket just liked his vibes decided he was her unofficial older brother day (unbeknownst to Ace of courses). The two of them get along as well as anyone else would - And they both end up getting into tricky situations more often than not even when they're both being mindful of the other.
Cater: Before meeting Cater, Locket was seriously against having her picture taken/posted online for fear that someone from home might find her you know 'cause if tsum's could appear out of nowhere then surely her family could too, right? But after being shown what differences filters and editing could make to her own photos, she reluctantly started to warm up to magicams and the like. She STILL doesn't really like having her picture taken but Cater is always kind enough to put a sticker on her face, cropping her out, or just not the posting the picture to keep her mind at ease.
Trey: He probably views Locket as a little menace (affectionately). The only times she visits him are when she's hungry for apple tarts, which is quiet often. And while he make the tarts for her, he has to wonder what would become of their relationship if he suddenly stopped making her the tarts- He's considered teaching Locket how to make them herself multiple times but is afraid of what would come next...
Jack: Low-key headcanon he has a crush on Locket and isn't even aware of it yet himself. He's just has some conflicting feelings and chalks them up to strong friendship vibes uwu
Ruggie: Out of everyone here, Ruggie probably knows Locket the most. And totally not because she told him anything but because he found out while snooping through her belongs (during book 2) He's been real good at keeping her past life a secret and all and Locket's real thankful for that but every since he found out, she's kept a subtle distance between them. Very few have noticed this besides Ruggie, Leona, Ace, and Lilia.
Jade: Has her order practically memorized at the Mostro Lounge. I like to think that when business is slow he'll join Locket at whichever booth she's settled at and ask what kinds of foods she enjoys because there's no way the girlie can survive on the same exact meal each and every day.
Kalim: Her partner in parties! These two could dance and sing all day and night if you let them! Locket's waited YEARS for someone to match her lively energy oh boy was she glad to have found Kalim! They plan all kinds of activities to do together when no one else wants to party. It's usually up to Jamil to keep them both in check from overdoing it-
Jamil: Locket is a little wary of him- Even though her time with Kalim has shown her just how smart and reliable Jamil is, she just can't shake the feeling that he probably knows more about her than he's letting on. Of course, since she has no proof of anything she's on much better terms with him than she is with Ruggie.
Vil: In the beginning, Locket exclusively avoided him because he reminded her of her mother (not to mention his massive online presence) but after The National Arcane Academy Culture Fair, Locket quickly warmed up to him. She doesn't go out of her way to make her presence known to him nowadays but every now and then she'll send him some sweets to eat even if she knows he'll throw them away (he doesn't but she doesn't know that).
Rook: They're archery buddies uwu They first met when Locket was trying to reenact that one scene in Brave where Merida was firring off arrows as she rode through the land on Angus's back and Rook found it amusing how awful Locket's aim was so he helped fix her form on ground and then by horseback and they've been friends ever since! And yes, Locket does give Rook some sweets to eat too!
Epel: Locket's always been an apple lover so when she heard about Epel and his history with the fruit she knew they were going to be fast friends! She quickly found out however that apple talk wasn't exactly the best thing to base a friendship on. Luckily for her, the two where able to find other common interests such as their shared love for blastcyles and potion making.
Ortho: For some odd reason Locket's always been good with little kids. Probably because she has a hard time saying no and they take advantage of it but with Ortho, she never has to worry about that. The kid is smart enough to know what limit he should and shouldn't push and makes sure Locket is having just as much fun as he is! The two of them have spent countless hours making up fantasy worlds for fictional characters to live in.
Malleus: He's her literal favorite person to talk to when no one else is around. Partially because Malleus never pries into her life but also because he's got such a comforting aura. She makes it a point to invite him to any and all events, even if it's just to walk around campus, but is rarely ever taken up on the offer. On nights when the two of them are conversing outside, Locket will sometimes fall asleep to the sound of his voice. And when she wakes up, she's almost always tucked back in bed with a few fairy lights lingering by her window...
Silver: It was strange how they became friends- Whenever Locket would wander off looking for somewhere quiet to be (the library, the forest, Sam's shop, etc) Silver was always sleeping right there! Sometimes he'd wake up to her placing a sandwich by him as she was preparing to leave and sometimes he'd awake to no one at all but with her blazer wrapped around him- No matter what happened he'd always seek her out later on to return her jacket/repay her for her kindness.
Sebek: He scares her. Being in the same club and should have helped her come to understand his character a little more, but really, it's just confused her more on who he is as a person. Let's just say the two don't see eye to eye (literally with their height difference and all XD)
Lilia: He helps tutor Locket when she's having a particular hard time understanding a subject. He breaks it down for her in ways she can get without having to do mental gymnastics. And if it's late when they're done, he'll invite her back to the dorms for dinner or walk her back to the Ramshackle dorm. (I feel like he wants to adopt Locket but can't because he isn't sure how Silver would take it XD And yes I'm implying that I can low-key see a ship happening with her and Silver or her and Malleus)
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lvnesart · 1 year
Omp I love your oc Haruki! Do you have any more art of him?
Also, could I make fanart of him (I'd credit and tag you in it and send it to you)
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I was thinking out his vision story so here are some sketches for my baby boy
And YES PLEASE. I'd love you
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eirian · 5 years
august 27th, 2019: dan is still amazed that there’s honest to god p/omp/ous p/ep shippers out there that think that’s just, fine
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stobotnik-forever · 2 years
Stobotnik fanfic
The ending is really fluffy guys<333
"STONE," Robotnik barked.
"Hmph? Omp yes, sir," Stone said, spinning around, his mouth full of chocolate.
"Lunch break ended 10 minutes ago! What have you-"The doctor stopped speaking for a moment, mouth pursed into a thin line as he stared at his agent's chocolate covered fingers-"So this is what you've been up to," he mumbled.
Stone swallowed the remnants of the chocolate as quickly as he could, moving to stand in front of the garbage can, and hurriedly wiping the chocolate off his fingers. "S-sorry doctor, I'll get back to work right away!"
Robotnik's brow furrowed. Why is Stone so nervous? He's only eating chocolate but he looks like he's been caught in the act of...well Robotnik wasn't really sure what but he'd be damned if he didn't find out. "Where'd you get that chocolate, agent," he asked, venom creeping into his voice.
"I don't see why such a simple thing should matter to a genius like you. Now come on, we've already wasted enough work time," the shorter man said.
"Just tell me where you got the chocolate and we can get back to work," the doctor growled, moving closer to him.
Stone took a few steps back, running into the trash can behind him, falling over as the contents of the trash can spilled out all over the floor. And that's when Robotnik saw it. The heart shaped box that used to hold the very same chocolates his agent had been eating.
"So that's how it is," Robotnik muttered darkly.
The agent saw where Robotnik was looking. "No wait, doctor, it's not like that," he cried, hurrying to his feet.
The doctor could feel an explosion of emotions welling up inside him like a volcano but the strongest one was the hurt, the betrayal. Stone had been pretending to love him this whole time to get secrets out him all while having someone else he loved, someone he really loved. All the nights Stone probably laughed with another about how gullible Robotnik was....his fists clenched at his side, "Get. Out."
"You heard me," Robotnik hissed bitterly, turning his back to his former boyfriend and storming out.
"I'm not cheating I swear! If you'd just listen, please," Stone yelled, running after him.
"Leave before I order the badniks to incinerate you," the doctor spat. He knew he couldn't go through with it but Stone didn't have to know that, he decided while locking himself away in his lab.
Stone stopped at the lab door, "Agent Kelly gave the box of chocolates to me this morning. I-"Oh please even if I did believe your pathetic little attempt at a cover up-which I don't-you didn't have to accept the gift," the taller man cut in snidely, from the other side of the lab door.
"She's my friend...it would've been rude not to b-but I assure you I made it explicitly clear that I have no interest in her, romantically or otherwise," the agent explained, quickly.
There was a long strech of silence before Robotnik finally asked, "If you insist on sparing the feelings of that lower lifeform then why bring it here? Why not just throw the box of chocolates out once she's out of sight?"
The agent didn't have to think about that long, "Because it's chocolate. Who wouldn't eat free chocolate?"
More silence followed and Stone started to worry the doctor wasn't going to talk to him when the door to the lab slid open. Robotnik stared down at him, eyes still harboring distrust. "So you're not just pretending to love me to get a piece of my genius? There...there really isn't anyone else you genuinely love?"
"No, I'm not pretending, there isn't anyone else I could even imagine loving the way I love you, Ivo," Stone spoke softly, looking up at him with his usual puppy dog smile.
"That's...sappy but believable. Aaaanyway let's get to work, Stone," Robotnik said, holding a hand out to the other man.
Stone looked down at the outstretched hand and his smile only grew, a deliciously lovely warmth spreading through him as he locked fingers with the gloved hand. "Okay, doctor."
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novelelitist · 5 years
Artoria Pendragon (Alter) Bonds
Writing this was hard because, hello, it’s Artoria and she’s one of the Fate franchise’s poster children. But I finally hit Bond 10 with Saber Alter and here we go, let’s hope I get it right ahhahahahahahahelp send help.
Please please please check out the artist linked for this, because the full art of Black Saber linked below is one of the most breathtaking pieces I’ve ever seen of her.
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Black Saber by Akaku_99 on PIxiv (Source)
Bond 1. “Does my appearance startle you? Do not waste your time looking for the Holy King of Knights. You will not find her here.”
Bond 2. “If you are trying to prevent a dragon from devouring you whole, it is in your best interests to appease it.”
Bond 3. “The other versions of ‘me’ are too many. When did I become Santa Claus? She might stand for something if her legs froze off.”
Bond 4. “To earn the title of Master, you may start by feeding me. Two double-stacked bacon cheeseburgers with a large side of fries and a milkshake... Make sure that shake is shaken, not stirred.”
Bond 5. “So long as you don’t ask me to share, I have no trouble with--hey! What do you think you’re doing? Get your hands off of my pancakes! That stack is the perfect fluffiness, you’re going to ruin the flow of syrup and--omp. Whaff? You’we fweeding me? Stoph it! Curse you! Munch munch munch.”
Bond 6. “Have you finally accepted that I am not your ideal king? ... You would call me your ‘ideal woman,’ huh? Are you interested in having the dragon bite your head off?”
Bond 7. “In life, I inherited Excalibur as the Holy Sword of the World, while Morgan LeFay honed the darkness that cursed Great Britain. I gave the blackened sword her name with the intent to cut her down. Poetic justice, don’t you think?”
Bond 8. “To restore peace and prosperity in my homeland is my wish for the Holy Grail. This dream is shared with all of Great Britain. There is nothing I will not do to achieve this. I expect you to fight for that dream at any cost.”
Bond 9. “You’ve kept to your word all this time. Maybe that’s why your journey is one I’ve come to enjoy. When the time comes, will you be prepared to part?”
Bond 10. “You have given yourself to me without hesitation. I now offer you the same. Until our flesh burns and our eyes shut, I will remain by your side. As your Servant, yes. But I’d prefer you see as I see you. Treat me as a woman.”
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King Falls AM - Episode Six: King of King Falls
View on Google Docs
Summary: July 15, 2015 - In an effort to learn more about his new hometown, Sammy books an interview with author and King Falls historian, Howard Ford Beauregard III, however Ben questions Sammy's intentions as well as Beauregard's facts.
[Podcast intro music]
[jazzy church organ music]
Deacon Reggie Back by popula’ deman’ from tha Lawd On High, tha King Falls Stompin’ Out Tha Devil Revival will be extended two extra Sundays. Join us for a fi’th consecutive week as Reverend Xavier “Get Right With God!” Hawthorne leads the King Falls faithful, the most turnt up celebration of tha year! Come raise your haaands to the skyy an’ annoint the son o’ God! Tha Holy Spirit will be so strong, your granny bound to get ratched!
Reverend Hawthorne God is’a Good. God is’a GreaT-a. Satan is on your back because he likes ta haTe-a. Shake ‘im off for Jesus! Just shake him off! Before it is too late! Glory, Glory Hallelujah!
Deacon Reggie Come celebrate with the most highly favored congregation in town! Just outside the city limits, off’a Route 72 and MLK. (That’s Mary-Lou Kilpatrick Drive for those coming out o’ town.) [rushed disclaimer] King Falls Stompin’ Out the Devil Revival is a trademark of Right With God Productions, all use and reproductions must have written consent from Reverend Hawthorne, or the Lord above. To God be the Glory.
[KFAM intro music]
Ben [in bg] I don’t want to do this!
Sammy And we’re back! You’re listening to King Falls AM, that’s 660 on the radio dial, and that was a perturbed Ben Arnold. We got a packed show for you this evening. We have a special guest, in the house—
Ben Sorry, folks!
Sammy What are you so fired up about, Ben?
Ben You know.
Sammy Well, our dear listeners don’t know, and we’ve got a few minutes before—
Ben B-before we talk to your guest.
Sammy Our guest.
Ben Oh, there’s no wa— I would never book that guy in a thousand years. He’s all yours.
Sammy [pleading] Ben.
Ben It’s just ridiculous! If you wanna make fun of me, do it off the air! This, is not cool.
Sammy I’m not making fun! Listen folks, I did a little research—
Ben On his own.
Sammy On my own, about King Falls history- and moreso, its history with the paranormal! So I go out of my way to book a guest that is an expert in this field!
Sammy And now Ben thinks I’m just messing with him when actually I’m just trying to get a better grasp on the supernatural phenomenon that happens in our beautiful town!
Ben [quickly] You never believe it when it happens on air, why would you bring- this guy in. You’re- you’re trying to break him. Which should be easy since he’s a—
Sammy I’m serious! I’m just trying to get a better understanding of what we’ve been dealing with the last few months, Ben. And this guy, our guest, has written a book about just that!
Ben It’s an e-book, Sammy. My mother can publish an e-book. He’s a whack job.
Sammy Why are you acting like he’s not sitting right in front of us?
Ben Oh, you’ll see.
Beauregard [HFB3 has a “High Class-Better Than You” drawl at all times] “Whack job”? You must be speaking of the 1957 3rd Street Massacre— or your journalistic career.
Sammy Uh, good evening sir. Thanks for making it down to the station tonight.
Beauregard [insincerely] Charmed.
Sammy Ladies and gentlemen, we’re being joined by- an author—
Ben [cutting in] E-book.
Sammy —and King Falls paranormal expert—
Ben Self-proclaimed.
Sammy —Mr. Howard Ford Beauregard.
Beauregard The third.
Sammy Of course. Howard Ford Beauregard the Third. How are you doing this evening, Howard?
Beauregard Mr. Beauregard. And as the common folk call it: I’m swell.
Ben *clears throat* So, Mr. Beauretar[sic]—
Beauregard Is your man speaking to me, Mr. Stevens?
Sammy [confused] No— Man?… Ben?
Beauregard You shan’t be too careful these days.
Sammy So, Mr. Beauregard. How did you come to be an expert in the paranormal and supernatural aspects of King Falls?
Ben [sounds like someone whose point is about to be proved] This should be good!
Beauregard As well you know, my family settled this town of King Falls many many moons ago, so its lineage is pure and unfiltered through my veins. My family has witnessed it all and, of course, that has been passed to me and now, through my memoir, passed down to you.
Ben *laughs* Right.
Beauregard May you ask your manservant to please hold his tongue as the adults speak?
Sammy Excuse me?
Ben Sorry! Beauregard. A-also, uh, in this century, where we live, I’m the co-host of this show.
Beauregard [condescendingly] How splendid. Your mother must be co-proud of you. Mm?
Sammy Okay. To make a U-turn back to the original point, you were saying—
Beauregard Yes. We founded this city. We know every minute detail of its hellish existence. Especially when it comes to the oft spoken about ghouls, goblins, and extraordinary happenings we are known for.
Ben [offended] King Falls is a magnificent town. There is nothing “hellish” about it.
Beauregard You’re. Welcome.
Sammy So, it is true that one could say you are a self-proclaimed expert in these matters.
Beauregard The same one might say that you are a good radio host, but… doubtful.
Ben *exasperated sigh*
Sammy Alright let’s take some callers, shall we?
Beauregard [insincerely] What fun. I love hearing from the lowlies.
Ben [muttered]Jesus— Line 3.
Sammy Good evening, you’re on King Falls AM with Howard Ford—
Ron Yeah yeah, Sammy, let me just get right down to business. First off, am I live right now?
Ben Double live gonzo, Ron!
Sammy Ron Begley, from Begley’s Bait Shop, ladies and gentlemen. What’s goin’ on, sir?
Ron Howdy boys. [angrily] But seriously this message right here is for you so-and-sos that have been comin’ down to the lake, every damn night since this tournament, lookin’ to poach on Kingsie.
Sammy Wait a second. People are attacking Kingsie?
Ron They’re tryin’.
Ben Why?
Ron I assume it’s a bunch of hillbilly heroes tryna come serve up a side of podunk justice on our majestic lake creature for the John Doe. However, it’s a damn fact now that Kingsie, who wouldn’t hurt a damn fly, had f[bleep]kall to do with that body at the Bass Tourney. But these damn perpetrators need to listen and stop comin’ on my land and into the lake with malice in mind. Lake Hatchenhaw is a place of serenity, peace and fishing, you damn fools.
Ben [fiercely] Kingsie is a King Falls treasure.
Beauregard If I believed in lake lizards living in a water puddle I call a lake—
Ron I’m sorry? Just who the f[bleep]k are you, you hoity-toity—
Beauregard Aww, the salty tongue of the smartest man in the trailer park. I do not answer to your kind.
Ron [aggressively] Son, I could get from my lake house to the top of that mountain in about 22 minutes, so you best get your gazelles on and start putting pads to pavement. You pillow bitin’ son of a b[bleep].
[click, dial tone]
Ben Kingsie is a fact, Mr. Beauregard, unlike a great deal of what you have listed in your… “book.”
Beauregard I’ll bite. What is fiction in my memoir?
Ben Sammy? Please. [“let me tear this guy apart”]
Sammy [conceding] We’re all about the facts here on King Falls AM, Ben.
Ben [rapid and eager] Chapter 2, “Smokey and the Banshee.” Hate to break it to you? but there certainly isn’t an apparition driving a “ghostly Trans-Am through town square” late night every third Sunday.
Beauregard Says you.
Sammy Says facts.
Ben Chapter 5, “Bombing Range Road Rage” you mentioned General Abilene here, saying he goes out of his way to spook people on old Bombing Range Road.
Beauregard Your point? If you have one.
Ben Indeed I do! Everyone, and I mean everyone, knows that the general is seen in Sweetzer Forest. Lights emanate from Bombing Range Road. Possible UFO activity. All of that unrelated to Abilene.
Beauregard [laughingly] Sweetzer Forest? Hah! Imbecile.
Ben [getting increasingly worked up again] And furthermore, what’s this baloney about there not being an ancient burial ground under where your family built its textile factory? And you know what? let’s just come out and say it: Why has no one in the town ever seen you in the daylight?
Beauregard We have gone on record! time and time again. There is not now nor has there… ever been an “ancient Indian burial ground.” There have been… no disturbances either. I will not tolerate any more of this tomfoolery. And furthermore! not that it’s any of your business, but as far as my complexion is concerned, I have… an aversion towards the sun! I tend to do my deals and business… in the night-time hours! You might even call me… nocturnal.
Sammy Riiight… Nocturnal. Okay. Moving forw—
Ben It’s a well known fact that your family bought that land at a steal. And it was so “reasonably priced”? because it was on the ancient burial ground of the Hatchenhaw Indians.That said, there are sightings all the time- hell, there are videos of the ghosts trying to scalp your employees during work!
Beauregard Hogwash!
Sammy Y’know, I’ve seen it with my own eyes, I think. Ben pulled up one of the YouTube videos a while back and- I’m usually skeptical but I saw—
Beauregard Graphics and special effects or what-have-you! I’ll have the two of you know I did not come on this show to be mocked. One more retort from you valley-dwellers and I’ll have you expelled from the city limits. Mayor Grisham is a close ally, so tread trepidously.[sic]
Ben Bring it.
Sammy Whoa whoa whoa! everybody, let’s just relax. This is a conversation, Mr. Beauregard. Ben here is our station’s foremost expert on King Falls history, sir. It just seems like maybe the facts and your book’s stories aren’t exactly jiving.
Beauregard Let me be quite clear, this is my last warning. If you speak ill of myself or my family one more time, I will crush you. Your livelihoods depend on this fact.
Sammy Come on.
Ben [sarcastically] Oh I’d never speak badly about your family. They had the good sense to die before you turned into this joke, bringing down their hard earned reputations.
Beauregard Fire this insolent manchild at once. He’s nothing more than Channel 13 leftovers.
Ben I… B-but I—
Beauregard Aww. Did I touch a nerve Benny? Dispute this fact to all five of your listeners. Channel 13- a respectable organization- rejected you not one, not two, but three separate occasions. You working class cretin.
Sammy [awkwardly] I think maybe we should wrap this up.
Ben No wait. Sammy, I’m gonna use a lifeline. Phone a friend?[1] and ruin this douche.
[phone ringing]
Emily [sleepily] Hello?
Ben Hi! Emily.
Emily [suddenly more awake] Ben? Everything okay? It’s pretty late.
Ben It’s- it’s okay now that you’re on the phone. *shy, awkward laugh* You’re live by the way.
Emily *giggles* Ben! Hi Sammy! Hi King Falls.
Ben The lovely and knowledgeable King Falls Librarian, Emily Potter, everyone.
Beauregard The library? They can’t even keep my memoir in stock. What do you think about that?
Sammy [quietly] I don’t think that’s how e-books work.
Ben Hey! Miss Potter is trying to speak, Beauregard? Emily, can you… shed some light on a certain topic for everyone out there listening? All five of them.
Emily Yes. Anything for you and Sammy.
Ben We have… Howard Beauregard on the phone.
Emily Funny enough, I just finished your book, Mr. Beauregard. “King of King Falls”?
Beauregard Alas, finally someone with good sense and better taste.
Ben I’m glad you brought that up, Emily! Can you fill the listeners in on the history of the King Falls Library- which, Mr. Beauregard discusses in chapter 15 of his e-book. Did you- find any… discrepancies?
Emily Sure, Ben. Well, Mr. Beauregard mentioned the library a few times in various stories. However, he stated that during World War Two? the secret apartment was built inside the library. However, it actually—
Beauregard Ahhh! The Hitler Suite! Yes, it was commissioned by Germany, October 7th, 1944 as a possible hiding place for their infamous leader, Theodore Waldorf von Hitler.
Sammy Adolf?
Beauregard Gesundheit.
Emily I’m sorry but the apartment was actually built when the library was, in 1912. I’ve seen the blueprints and everything. Funny story, it was actually used as—
Ben Y’know, Emily, maybe we should hear him out on this one. I can see a connection forming here.
Emily *giggles* Oh Ben, you’re so funny.
Beauregard Miss Potter.
Emily Yes, Mr. Beauregard?
Beauregard You are a simpleton of the highest order, and should not be tasked to watch over a magazine, much less a palace of learning such as the King Falls Library.
Ben You son of a b[bleep]!
Sammy Ben! It’s not worth it, calm down, he’s just an old nutcase!
Beauregard Of course the two of you are thick as thieves. I should have known I was in for an ambush in this rrramshackle radio station. You two lowlifes should be honored by my presence!
Sammy Beauregard, please take yourself and go honor the dust in your mansion. We’re done here.
Beauregard How dare you. Turn this radio broadcast off this instant! I demand it. I will not be treated like this!
Ben Go.
Sammy [aggressively] If you don’t leave, Mr. Beauregard, we’re gonna be forced to call the sheriff’s department
Beauregard Well there’s no need to wake my personal friend, Sheriff Gunderson, from his slumber. He’d only throw the book at you rapscallions anyway.
Ben Your e-book isn’t worth the paper it’s not printed on.
Beauregard [sound of a chair being shoved back] [voice getting quieter as he storms off] You merry fools! I can buy this radio station! Just to fire you! Mark my words!
Sammy We’ll be waiting on those pink slips! but until then, get out of our studio, please and thank you. Well then.
Ben I hate to say “I told you so” but…
Sammy I’m sorry Ben, *sad sigh* [increasingly mumbled] y’know I was just trying to understand this stuff a little bit better.
Ben [sincerely] I appreciate that.
Sammy Folks, we’re just going to take a quick break here to get back on track but let—
Emily [softly] Hey, Ben?
Ben Hello?
Sammy Oh! Line one is still engaged.
Emily Thank you for sticking up for me, Ben.
Ben Ah! I mean, any time! I mean you, uh, you're- you’re… welcome?
Sammy Ladies and gents, Ben has just invented a new shade of red from all this blushing. You know what? tweet me @KingFallsAM right now and I’m gonna post a pic.
Ben [hissed] Shut up, Sammy.
Emily Hey, Ben?
Ben Yeah? I’m here.
Emily I was just wondering… Well, I’ve- I’ve been wondering, um, maybe, uh- And you can- say no! if you want. But, would you, possibly, like to- go out? uh, maybe to Rose’s Diner this weekend?
Ben [voice cracking slightly] Yes. I mean… Sure- maybe- we could do, something, like that! I’ll- I’ll, I mean I do. I need to… *clears throat* check my schedule. But um—
Emily Okay then! I’ll- talk to you later! Goodnight, Ben.
[click, dial tone]
Sammy Well I think—
Ben Don’t. [whispering] Let me savor this.
Sammy *chuckles* We’ll be right back after a word from our sponsors, kids.
[KFAM outro]
[1] Phone a friend- probably well known, but this is a reference to the show “Who Wants To Be a Millionaire”
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raphpanda21 · 6 years
Hestia’s Hecate’s family counseling Session 5
Hecate: Good afternoon fellas. Thanks in no small part to you the trinity of mishaps Hestia has had to seek her own mental health treatment. Congratulations boys, you have moved up to the big leagues.
Hades: Wait...you actually are a therapist?
Hecate smirks leaning back in her seat lacing her fingers behind her head.
Hecate: Of a sort. Consider it a side job but like I said this is the big leagues now so the kid gloves are off. Now than let us begin. First though let’s be clear I will not be referring to you as OMP.
Poseidon: What? Why not! Hestia did!
Hecate: Yes she did and see where that got her?
Zeus: Touché, it will be okay Poseidon. Go ahead Hecate let’s just get this over with as I am sure we all have better things to be doing.
Poseidon pouts muttering that it isn’t fair as Zeus pats his back to comfort him .
Hades could feel himself starting to nervous sweat knowing all to well the temper Hecate possessed. Please don’t let Zeus wake the dragon.
Hecate: Alright lets start with something simple but basic... trust. Zeus since you are so ready to roll you are up first. On a scale of 1 being low and 10 being the highest how much do you trust Hades and Poseidon. Rank them individually.
Zeus: That is easy 10 they are my ride and die crew.
Poseidon smiles cheesily highfiving Zeus .
Hecate: Impressive, so trusting them as much as you do you could easily allow one of them to wear the crown so to speak.
Zeus: Wait What? No of course not?
Hecate: Why ? I thought you trusted them completely?
Zeus stands leaning over Hecate in an unconscious intimidation move as the volume of his voice rises.
Zeus: It is mine to rule, to keep, and I say what happens PERIOD.
A small crack appears in the all at Zeus’s outburst but Hecate is unfazed
Hecate: Oh sit down Zeus before your temper brings the roof down around us. Sharing is obviously an issue for you. I am betting all of those years of being the only child probably didn’t help.
Zeus sits but it is obvious by how tightly his hands are gripping his crossed arms he is hardly calmed.
Hecate: Poseidon your turn. I assume you are voting ten.
He nods his head slowly keeping a wary eye on Zeus.
Hecate: Of course, so where does that trust end with you?
Poseidon: Mermaids...Zeus knows they are angels of the sea b...b..but
Hecate laces her fingers beneath her chin her eyes glowing with her interest.
Poseidon: He took away my favorite! He always steals my favorite things It isn’t fair!
Poseidon’’s eyes widen at his loud outburst his fins popping in alarm
Poseidon: Are you a sea witch ?! I didn’t mean that Zeus you are my bro I am so not jealous.
Hecate: Zeus what do you have to say to this? It seems Poseidon seems to think you are pretty self serving and someone worthy of jealousy.
Zeus shrugs looking Poseidon in the eyes
Zeus: You can’t take what doesn’t want to be taken.
Poseidon gasps as if he has been slapped.
Poseidon: Why I ... take that back!
Hecate clears her throat loudly
Hecate: Simmer down you two the party has only just begun. Hades it is your turn.
Hades: Fine ... they are my family I care for them but I do not trust them.
Hades voice begins to rise with his emotions his eyes turning red as he lets down his barriers
Hades: From the start they have only been concerned with their own happiness. How convenient that the brother who loves the spotlight and the one that loves the sea manage to draw the lots they did and I ,ever the pushover ever the last thought, get to lord over the underworld and be the eternal babysitter to our murderous kin. Never do they care to pay a visit and see what I have made of my kingdom. It is always about their kingdoms, their accomplishments their wives and mistresses!
Zeus and Poseidon both are shocked at the raw hurt and resentment of Hades words the only sound in the room being Hades heavy breathing following the tirade and a slow steady clap from Hecate
Hecate:Very good Hades ! Glad to see you are learning to speak up and voice your real feelings. I see progress for you yet ! With that I think we shall call it a day. I prefer to allow my clients to stew on knowledge gained and make their own decisions. It is after all what one would do without a therapist.
Hades is up like a flash ,a blush or shame staining his cheeks from his out of character outburst , and out the door. Poseidon looks torn looking between a stoic Zeus and the retreating Hades but finally jumps up to follow Hades calling after him.
Poseidon: Hades wait up! Let me buy you a beer man! Aww come on stop walking so fast. it isn’t fair your legs are longer!
Alone in the room with Zeus Hecate begins to gather her things while Zeus watches her with rising suspicion
Zeus: What are you up to ? Trying to rip our relationships a part?
Hecate faces Zeus having finished gathering her things in her bag
Hecate: Maybe but not for the paranoid reasons you think. The three of you are like a bone that was broken and healed wrong. Sure it works but there is pain and it doesn’t work as well as it could. The only fix is to break it again and let it heal back right.
She heads to the door stopping to look back at the still seated Zeus.
Hecate: Try to have an open mind for once in your life Zeus. It can’t always be what you want despite what your ego might think.
With that last word she flips the switch to the room off and leaves Zeus sitting in the dark with his own thoughts.
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j1ngi · 7 years
self titled for the top asks!
ah, thank you! the answers will be under the cut since it’s gonna be a bit long hahah
implicit demand for proof- what is your biggest fear?
being abandoned or drowning
fall away- what was the last lie you told to yourself?
“you can tell the nurse about ur self destructive behavior and thoughts,,, you got this” well, i never told her uh
the pantaloon- have you ever been deeply affected by a death?
yes, i witnessed my dad’s death in 2015 and the death was the opposite of peaceful, huh
addict with a pen- have you ever felt like what you wanted most was just out of your reach?
yeah, happiness
friend, please- have you ever had to talk someone out of making a big mistake?
hmmmm,, yes, maybe a couple of times
march to the sea- do you conform or go against standards?
i probably go against them hah
johnny boy- who in your life is a sort of unsung hero?
one of my best friends and my dad
oh ms believer- someone in your life whom you wish was more confident in themselves? 
mea @sparklingphilgon​ and ompe
air catcher- have you ever been afraid to tell someone that you loved them?
hahah, yup
trapdoor- what is something that you hide from everyone, even the people closest to you?
hmmmm,,, there’s a couple thingssss,,, if u wanna know msg me i’m not gonna tell them publicly i’m scared lmao but a couple people maybe know??? i’m not sure
a car, a torch, a death- do you love anyone so much that you would be willing to die for them?
yup, my best friends
taxi cab- what do you believe will happen to you after death?
i hope i’ll finally be at peace
before you start your day- what song helps you feel confident?
^^^this one and maybe, not today
isle of flightless birds- what holds you back from reaching your full potential?
depression and anxiety :….hahah
thank you so much for the ask!!
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stephenlibbyy · 4 years
100+ Hours CCIE Enterprise Infrastructure Training/Bootcamp
100+ hours CCIE Enterprise Infrastructure Training/Bootcamp. Can it happen? Yes, in fact my CCIE Enterprise Instructor Led course is over 100 hours, design , theory and lab content.
  In the CCIE Enterprise training I go through not only traditional technologies such as OSPF, EIGRP , BGP , MPLS, Multicast, QoS, IPv6 etc. but also there are so many SD-WAN , SD-Access and Network Programmability and Automation content.
Probably you have seen some topologies on social media (I use LinkedIn mostly), those topologies consists of many tasks and we cover all of them in the training.
  I have two versions of CCIE Enterprise Training.
       1.Self Paced CCIE Enterprise Infrastructure Training:
  In this training, all the content of CCIE Instructor Led training is covered but as a recorded video format. Participant of Self Paced CCIE Enterprise Training gets not only videos but also Config files/Labs , workbooks, design comparison charts (don’t forget there is 3 hours design module in CCIE Enterprise exam), session materials and so on. Self Paced training students are placed in a study group together with the Instructor Led CCIE Enterprise training/bootcamp students.
      2. Instructor Led CCIE Enterprise Infrastructure Training:
  In this training, I am talking live with the students. Webex or In-person based live training. Instructor Led CCIE Enterprise students get Self Paced version of the course for free. Also, all the advantages of the Self Paced training comes for free with it.
  My CCIE Enterprise Bootcamp students get always additional discount when they want to join ay of my trainings. Even if training is already discounted. I call this ‘ Investment Protection‘
  You can have questions, you should ask always questions, send them please to [email protected]
Do your research very well, ask people on the Internet before you join any training, not only CCIE or CCDE but any training. Already 100s of people are in my CCIE Enterprise Study Group and you can just ask anyone on Internet about it!
  Below are some of the topics in this training:
1.1 Layer 2 Protocols 1.2 VLAN Technologies 1.3 EtherChannel 1.4 Spanning-Tree Protocol 1.5 Switch Administration 2.0 Layer 3 Protocols 2.1 IPv6 2.1a IPv6 Basics 2.1b IPv6 Addressing 2.1c IPv6 Address Assingment 2.1d IPv6 Tunneling 2.1e IPv6 Packet Types 2.2 EIGRP / EIGRPv6 2.2a Adjacency 2.2b Best Path Selection 2.2c EIGRP Load Balancing 2.2d EIGRP Optimization & Features 2.3 OSPF / OSPFv3 2.3a Adjacency 2.3b Network Types & Area Types 2.3c Path Preference 2.3d OSPF Opmization & Features 2.3e OSPF Operations 2.4 BGP 2.4a iBGP & eBGP Relationship 2.4b BGP Path Selection 2.4c BGP Path Attributes 2.4d BGP Communities 2.4e BGP Optmizations 2.4f BGP Features 2.5 Layer 3 Features 2.5a VRF 2.5b VRF-LITE 2.5c Policy Based Routing 2.5d Biderectional Forwarding Detection 3.0 Multicast 3.1 Layer 2 Multicast 3.1a IGMPv2 and IGMPv3 3.1b IGMP Snooping, PIM Snooping 3.1c IGMP  Querier 3.1d MLD 3.2 Layer 3 Multicast 3.2a Sparse Mode 3.2b RP Configurations 3.2c Bidirectional PIM 3.2d SSM 3.2e PIMv6 Anycast RP 3.2f MSDP Module 2 – Transport Technologies and Solutions 1.0 MPLS 1.1 MPLS Basics 1.2 MPLS Operations 1.3 MPLS L3 VPN 1.3a PE-CE Routing 1.3b MP-BGP 1.3c VPNv4 / VPNv6 1.3d VRF Route Leaking 2.0 VPN 2.1 GRE VPN 2.2 Introduction to IPSEC Protocol 2.3 GRE Over IPSEC VPN 2.4 MGRE Over IPSEC VPN 2.5 DMVPN 2.5a NHRP 2.5b DMVPN Phase 1 2.5c DMVPN Phase 2 (EIGRP & OSPF) 2.5d DMVPN Phase 3 (EIGRP & OSPF) 2.5e DMVPN Phase 3 with Dual Hub 2.5f Troubleshooting DMVPN 2.6 IKEv2 VPN 2.6a Introduction to IKEv2 2.6b IKEv2 Configuration with Pre-Shared Key 2.7 Flex VPN 2.7a introduction to Flex VPN 2.7b Flex VPN Configuration 2.7c MPLS Over Flex VPN Module 3 – Infrastructure Security and Services 1.0 Device Security on Cisco IOS 1.1 AAA 1.2 Control Plane Policing 1.3 Switch Security 1.4 Router Security 1.5 IPv6 Security 1.6 IEEE 802.1x Port Based Authentication 2.0 Quality of Service 2.1 Layer 3 QoS using MQC 2.1a CoS and DSCP Mapping 2.1b Classification 2.1c Marking 2.1d NBAR 2.1e Policing & Shaping 2.1f Congestion Management and Avoidance 3.0 Network Services 3.1 First Hop Redundancy Protocol 3.1a HSRP 3.1b GLBP 3.1c VRRP 3.1d IPv6 Redundancy 3.2 NTP 3.3 DHCP on Cisco IOS 3.3a DHCP Options 3.3b SLAAC/DHCPv6 3.3c Stateful, Stateless DHCPv6 3.4 IPv4 Network Address Translation 3.4a Static NAT/PAT 3.4b Dynamic NAT 3.4c Policy Based NAT 3.4d VRF-Aware NAT 4.0 Network Services / Operations 4.1 IP SLA 4.2 Netflow 4.3 Traffic Capture 4.4 IOS-XE Troubleshooting Module 4 – Infrastructure Automation and Programmability 1.0 Network Data Encoding Formats, Automation and Scripting 1.1 JSON 1.2 XML 1.3 EEM Applets 1.4 Guest Shell 2.0 Network Programmability 2.1 Interation with vManage API 2.2 Interation with Cisco DNA Center API 2.1 Interation with Cisco IOS XE API 2.1 Deploy and Verify model-driven telemetry Module 5 – Software Defined Infrastructure 1.0 Cisco SD-Access 1.1 Design a Cisco SD-Access 1.1a Introduction to Campus Network Fabric 1.1b Underlay and Overlay Network 1.1c Fabric Domains 1.2 Cisco SD-Access Deployment 1.2a Cisco DNA Center device discovery 1.2b Cisco DNA Center device management 1.2c Host Onboarding (Wired endpoint only) 1.2d Fabric Border Handoff 1.3 Segmentation 1.3a Macro-level Segmentation using VNs 1.3b Introduction to Cisco ISE for SD-Access 1.3c Cisco DNA Center and ISE Integration 1.3d Micro-level Segmentation using Cisco ISE 1.4 Assurance 1.4a Network and Client Health 360 1.4b Monitoring and Troubleshooting 2.0 Cisco SD-WAN 2.1 Design a Cisco SD-WAN 2.1a Introduction to Cisco SD-WAN Solutions 2.2b Control Plane 2.2c Management Plane 2.2d Orchestration Plane 2.2e Data Plane 2.2 WAN Edge Deployment 2.2a Onbording New Edge Router 2.2b Orchestration with zero-touch provisioning 2.2c Plug-and-Play 2.2d OMP 2.2e TLOC 2.3 Configuration Templates 2.4 Localized Policies 2.5 Centralized Policies Labs
    Lab-1: Switch Administration Lab-2: Spanning-Tree Protocol Lab-3: EtherChannel Lab-4: IPv6 Addressing Lab-5: IPv6 Tunneling Lab-6: Named EIGRP Configuration Lab-7: EIGRP Load Balancing Lab-8: EIGRP Optmization and Summarization Lab-9: EIGRPv6 Configuration Lab-10: OSPF Configuration Lab Lab-11: OSPF Area Types Lab Lab-12: OSPF Optmization, Features and Summarization Lab-13: OSPFv3 Configuration Lab-14: iBGP and eBGP Peering Lab-15: Weight and Local Prefrence Attribute Lab16: AS-Path and Origin Code Attribute Lab-17: MED Attribute Lab-18: BGP Route Filtering, Conditional Advertisement Lab-19: Standard and Extended Community Lab-20: Local-AS, Allowas-in, remove-private-as Lab-21: BGP Prefix Aggregation Lab-22: VRF, VRF-Lite Configuration Lab-23: BFD and Policy Based Routing Lab-24: IGMP Snooping & PIM Snooping Configuration Lab-25: MLD Configuration Lab-26: RP Confiugration (Static, Auto-RP & BSR) Lab-27: MSDP Configuration Lab-27: SSM Configuration Lab-28 PIMv6 Anycast RP Lab-30: MPLS L3 VPN Configuration Lab-31: MPLS L3 VPN with BGP RR and Allowas-in/Asoveride Lab-32: MPLS L3 VPN using VPNv6 Address Family Lab-33: MPLS L3 VPN with Extranet (VRF Route Leaking) Lab-34: GRE VPN Lab-35: GRE Over IPSEC Lab-36 MGRE Over IPSEC Lab-37 DMVPN Phase I Lab-38: DMVPN Phase II and Phase III (EIGRP) Lab-39: DMVPN Phase II and Phase III (OSPF) Lab-40: DMVPN Phase III with Dual Hub Lab-41: IKEv2 VPN with Pre-Shared Key Lab-42: Flex VPN Configuration Lab-43: MPLS Over Flex VPN Lab-45: Switch Security/Router Security/Control Plane Policing Lab-46: IPv6 ACL Lab-47: 802.1X Authentication using local database Lab-48: QoS Configuration on Cisco Router – Marking/Classifying Lab-49 NBAR Lab-50 Policing & Shaping Lab-51: HSRP Lab-52 VRRP Lab-53: GLBP Lab-54: IPv6 Redundancy Lab-55: Stateful/Stateless DHCPv6 Lab-56: Static NAT/PAT, Dynamic NAT Lab-57: Dynamic NAT, Policy Based NAT Lab-58: VRF Aware NAT Lab-59: IP SLA, Netflow, Traffic Capture Lab-61: SDA LAN Automation with PnP Lab-62: SDA Configuration Template Lab-63: SDA Identity Policy with ISE Lab-64: SDA Application Policy (Easy QoS) Lab-65: SDA Device Admin Lab-66: SDA Monitoring and Troubleshooting Lab-67 SD-WAN Secure Control Plane Bring Up Lab-68 SD-WAN Data Plane Bring Up Lab-69: SD-WAN Overlay Management Protocol (OMP) Lab-70: SD-WAN vManage Template Lab-71: SD-WAN vSmart Policies Lab-72: SD-WAN vAnalaytic Lab-73: Troubleshooting SD-WAN
    The post 100+ Hours CCIE Enterprise Infrastructure Training/Bootcamp appeared first on orhanergun.net.
100+ Hours CCIE Enterprise Infrastructure Training/Bootcamp published first on https://wdmsh.tumblr.com/
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princesslocket · 5 months
❤️🧊🎯 for Ikuto on the OC ask game please >w>
You know how down I am for NosaIchi
Omp yes it's finally Ikuto time ;w;///
I'm not even joking when I tell you I've seriously missed making art and stuff for Nosaichi!!! ((We can thank burn out and lack of time in general for that lol))
❤️ What is one of your OC's best memories?
So there was this one time where Nosaka took the kids to the library to check out some books and while Nosaka was distracted with getting several picture books off one of the higher shelves for Mitsuka, Ikuto wandered off towards one of the children's computers that just so happened to be on the other side of the wall directly behind the one Nosaka and their siblings were at. The computer was normally occupied every time they came to the library but by some miracle, it was open that day! Seeing this as their one and only opportunity to play on it, Ikuto booted it up right away to play whatever games had been pre-installed on it for as long as they pleased! Which would turn out to be a good 15 minutes before Shinzo came rushing over, asking if he could have a chance to play as well, followed by a slightly distressed looking Nosaka and Mitsuka.
((For slightly better context, the computer came with a pair of children sized headphones that pretty much canceled out any noise around them. So while Ikuto was happily playing games with character from popular children shows, Nosaka, Mitsuka, and Shinzo were searching all over for him ksjhuohgsvb)).
🧊 Is their current design their first one?
Yup! Or mostly yes - Here's the first ever sketch of him too!
Tumblr media
((As you can probably tell, Shinzo is the only of the Nosaichi kids who actually changed... Like three times before we got the one we know of today))
🎯 What do they do best?
Ikuto's pretty fond of playing video games - More specifically rhythm based games! They aren't like a master at them, but just give him an hour and you can bet you'll be seeing Ikuto's hitting all kinds of combos without missing a single beat!
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